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FT reporter Mark Di Stefano accessed confidential Zoom calls at The Independent and Evening Standard where staff were informed of pay cuts and furloughs — Media correspondent eavesdropped on Zoom meetings as staff were told sensitive news of pay cuts and furloughs during pandemic
The Guardian, Press Gazette, Talking Biz News, @janemartinson, @mathewi, @george_osborne, @film_girl, @lalpert1, @film_girl, Boing Boing, @rupertmyers, @samjoshphillips, @josephfcox, @jeffjarvis, @felixsalmon, @film_girl, @emilythornberry, @benrathe, @sulliview, @niemanlab, @gossithedog, @film_girl, @film_girl, @jackdemenezes, New York Post and @lizjarvisuk

The Financial Times has suspended media and technology correspondent Mark Di Stefano — The Financial Times has suspended recently hired Mark Di Stefano as media and technology correspondent. The tenacious reporter joined from Buzzfeed where he covered media and politics.
@jeffjarvis, @marksweney and Talking Biz News

Report: more than four out of five newspapers in the US did not qualify for Paycheck Protection Program loans because of how their companies are structured — More than four out of five newspapers in the U.S. are not eligible for the government's Paycheck Protection Program …
Wall Street Journal, @wsj, @nikkiusher, @mattdpearce, @joshjame, @oliverdarcy, @keachhagey, @darrenfishell, @michikokakutani and @asharma

White House reverses course after initially canceling today's coronavirus press briefing; WH did not hold a briefing over the weekend — White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany tweeted Monday that President Trump will hold a coronavirus press briefing, after announcing earlier …
@presssec, @katebennett_dc, Mediaite,, New York Post, @k8brannen, @seaneldridge, Gizmodo, The Monday Notice, @ddale8, @nycsouthpaw, @joshtpm, @weijia, @quinncy, @jessehawken, @yamiche, @benjaminjs and @karentravers

Fox News cuts ties with Diamond & Silk, who've contributed original content to Fox Nation since 2018, after they pushed conspiracy theories about the pandemic — The MAGA superstars lost their Fox gig after pushing absolutely wild conspiracy theories about the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Wrap, Variety, Mediaite, Hollywood Reporter, Breitbart, The Week, Raw Story, @natemcdermott, @cianaf, @slpng_giants, @helenkennedy, @parkermolloy, @willsommer, @mattklewis, @svdate, @lollardfish, @justinbaragona, @bruce_arthur, @sykescharlie, @green_footballs, @kylegriffin1, @marlownyc and @mattgertz

Pew survey of US adults: while 92% say they are following COVID-19 news, 69% of those over 65 are doing so “very closely” compared to 42% of 18-29-year-olds — An overwhelming majority of all U.S. adults (92%) said in late March that they were fairly or very closely following news …
@pewjournalism, @pewjournalism, @rasmus_kleis, @pewjournalism, @pewjournalism, @gottfriedjeff, @pewjournalism and Мы и …

YouTube to host a free digital film festival from May 29 to June 7, with 20 partners including Cannes, Tribeca, Sundance, Berlin, and Venice film festivals — With COVID-19 shuttering film fests worldwide, YouTube has stepped in to launch a 10-day digital film festival this spring with 20 partners …
Deadline, The Streamable, @lornatee, @madayo, @lucas_shaw and The Wrap

As Condé Nast struggles to find a successful business model amid COVID-19, former editors Graydon Carter and Robert Gottlieb still draw large pension checks — The theatrical flourishes and lavish lifestyles of the great media figures of a generation seem ill suited to the moment.
@janinegibson, @mekosoff, @jonathanvswan, pithy outcomes, @judyberman, @chaykak, @aktalkies, @katebennett_dc, @theferocity, @edmundlee, @yashar, @kerrymflynn, @sarayasin, @bryanboy, @mylesudland, @aliciamcelhaney, @tomgara, @karenattiah, @mccarthyryanj, @dylanbyers, @yashar, Media Spy, @fittsofalexis, @brianbeutler, @davidmackau, @yashar, @sallyshin, @lucieluxury, @lucieluxury, @lisaliebmannyc, @michaelroston, @alexsalvinews, @gettingsome, @shallowbrigade, @tomgara, @rozzy, @marcatracy, @benyt and @benyt

The chairman of NBC News and MSNBC says Trump has put the “bully in bully pulpit” by attacking reporters but “the heart of journalism has never been stronger” — At this dark hour, Americans are scared. They're hungry for accurate information and the unvarnished truth.
@oliverdarcy, @mitchellreports, @mpolymer, @kasie, Deadline, Mediaite, @kendilaniannbc, The Wrap and TVNewser

In his first interview since leaving MSNBC, Chris Matthews admits he made a sexist comment to a guest that led to his early retirement — Biden has to absorb Sanders's ideas “to his heart.” Klobuchar is his ideal V.P. And the article that hastened his exit was “highly justified.”
@lebassett, TVNewser, Breitbart, @yashar, The Hill, The A.V. Club, Mediaite, Hollywood Reporter, Deadline, Variety, The Wrap and New York Post

Hobbyist publications are thriving by dedicating content related to the pandemic and creating a sense of a community among readers under stay-at-home orders — Health, food, and home and garden titles, among others, have seen an abundance of readers and social media engagement in the pandemic
@niemanreports and @weegee

A look at “speculative journalism”, used to give audiences an insight into complex or abstract events and imagined futures, and its potential drawbacks — This narrative technique can help audiences think about the future in more concrete terms.
@leahbecerra, @niemanreports, @niemanreports and @louiegilot