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The LA Times says it has reached a settlement of a lawsuit filed by a group of newsroom employees claiming the paper has discriminatory pay practices — In the latest action by employees critical of the Los Angeles Times' fraught newsroom history of race and gender, the paper has been hit …

Ben Shapiro's The Daily Wire has massive engagement on Facebook, helped by a network of pages that simultaneously post at least 10 Daily Wire links per day — Founder of The Daily Wire, Ben Shapiro. (MARK RALSTON/AFP via Getty Images) — The success of The Daily Wire …
@juddlegum, @beccalew, @jenmercieca, @dkiesow, @wyntermitchell, @journalistslike, @juddlegum, @jjohnsonlaw, @jkarsh, @tyadkisson, @caseynewton, @chronotope, @chronotope, @seanthekelly, @nickconfessore, @kimmasters, @tyadkisson, @nickconfessore, @phidippides26, @slpng_giants, @wyntermitchell, @jason_kint, @profcarroll, @nkulw, @juddlegum, @juddlegum, @juddlegum, @ehananoki and The Media Nut

Facebook says it is globally rolling out a notification screen warning users if they try to share content that's more than 90 days old — Facebook announced Thursday that it would introduce a notification screen warning users if they try to share content that's more than 90 days old.
About Facebook, DailyMax, @janelytv, Boing Boing, @ninzucchi, @ninzucchi, @ninzucchi, MediaNama, @ninzucchi, @allisonlcarter, The Verge, @ninzucchi, The Independent, @luca, @jamestitcomb, @trushar and Fortune, more at Techmeme »

Tencent is launching Trovo, a Twitch-like streaming service, in the US, and plans to entice creators with a $30M partnership program starting in July — - Trovo is a close analog to Twitch and already live online — Preparing official launch with $30 million recruitment budget
@business, @elliottzaagman, @vladsavov and @pingroma, more at Techmeme »

Some top composers are choosing video game soundtracks over Hollywood, as game music is finally receiving the praise and mainstream recognition it deserves — In 1996, while making music for the Fox Family Channel, Inon Zur received a phone call from the man who would later become his agent.

Condé Nast suspended Bon Appétit video editor Matt Hunziker; employees suggest Hunziker's social posts critical of Condé Nast and Bon Appétit led to suspension — - Condé Nast has suspended a Bon Appétit video editor, Matt Hunziker, “pending investigation” by the company.

Jennifer Brandel steps down as CEO of Hearken, which helps newsrooms connect with audiences, as Hearken merges with Switchboard, which helps manage communities — Hi reader. Thanks for seeing this headline and being curious enough to click. — The TL;DR: I'm moving out of the CEO role …
@jenniferbrandel, @coreyhaines, @krismul, @richgor, @bridgetthoreson, @mjenkins, @juliewestfall, @mattderienzo, @ainekerr, @sandhya__k, @loganjaffe, @marazepeda, @coralproject and @jnelz

Senators unveil bipartisan PACT Act, to make social media moderation more transparent and require posts be removed within a day of courts deeming them illegal — Many Republicans and Democrats agree that social networks' prized legal shield is flawed. A new bill is a sign they could also find common ground to change it.
TechCrunch, MIT Technology Review, @digiphile, Mashable and Fortune, more at Techmeme »

An overview of 3 studies on the relationship between consuming rightwing media and believing in pandemic conspiracy theories or failing to try to avoid COVID-19 — The three studies paint a picture of a media ecosystem that entertains conspiracy theories and discourages audiences from taking steps to protect themselves and others
American Press Institute, Nieman Lab, CNN, Poynter, Raw Story, @bruce_arthur, @whitlockjason, @perkovichg, @kimmasters, @ms_riley_guprz, @inactionnever, @soldier_cynic, @dangillmor, @susankentmn, @johnjharwood, @mehrsabaradaran, @jojofromjerz, @_cingraham, @connieschultz, @maxkriegervg, @infantry0300, @uconnmhealth, @mvmarinello, @michaelgrantbks, @rezaaslan, @morganloewcbs5, @peterschorschfl, @dnbornstein, @davidjoachim, @geneweingarten, TVNewser, @oliverdarcy, @walshfreedom, @billprady, @joshtpm, @samseder, @rachelbitecofer, @icecube, NBER and Fast Company

Interview with Bloomberg Media CEO Justin Smith, who says the company is investing in online video channel QuickTake, formerly TicToc, which has about 100 staff — “Bloomberg” is a Rorschach test of a word. — For many, it represents the unique New York City politician whose presidential …

New Yorker union members staged a four-hour work stoppage Thursday to demand that contracts include a just cause clause to prevent arbitrary dismissal — Today, the New Yorker Union is undertaking a half-day work stoppage. From 9 A.M. to 1 P.M., union members will not participate …

Freelancers and contractors are rarely counted in the tabulations of journalism jobs lost amid the pandemic, and they face higher risks, often without insurance — While nearly every industry is facing layoffs due to the coronavirus epidemic, journalism is bearing a particular brunt.
Nieman Lab, @poynter, @aylajean, @spj_tweets, @niemanstory, @karrieurbanist, @ericfish85, @theturkishlife, @jennerowell, @monicaprelle, @cafwu, @lebassett and @justin_ling