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Dozens of journalists and academics pen a rebuttal to the claims in the Harper's letter, whose signatories are criticized for failing to recognize their power — On Tuesday, 153 of the most prominent journalists, authors, and writers, including J. K. Rowling, Malcolm Gladwell, and David Brooks …
MediaPost, Fox News, The Atlantic, @nberlat, The Wrap, @mehdirhasan, @mariayagoda, @davidklion, @wihorne, @sulomeanderson, @sallyt, @moorehn, @eoinhiggins_, @nberlat, @franifio, @diannaeanderson, @willoremus, @katiepark, @hashtaggriswold, @dataeditor, @espiers, @calebwatney, @mathewi, @satansjacuzzi, @ositanwanevu, @lpolgreen, @ggreenwald, Techdirt, @rmac18, Mediaite, Reason, Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Magazine, The Daily Beast and Techdirt
Melynda Fuller / MediaPost: More Than 150 Journalists, Academics Speak Out Against 'Harper's' Letter On ‘Cancel Culture’
Sam Dorman / Fox News: Dozens of academics, journalists blast ‘cancel culture’ critics who signed Harper's open letter
David A. Graham / The Atlantic: What a Direct Attack on Free Speech Looks Like
Noah Berlatsky / @nberlat: “cancel culture” is supposed to be a culture of special intolerance on the left. that's not real. what is real is institutional censorship, very often directed at marginalized people. not super complicated, though obviously bad faith dopes like this guy pretend it is.
J. Clara Chan / The Wrap: 160 Journalists, Academics Rebuke Harper's Letter on Cancel Culture: ‘They Miss the Point’
Mehdi Hasan / @mehdirhasan: A longish response to the Harper's letter. I don't agree with everything in either letter but it's worth reading this one if you read the first one.
Maria Yagoda / @mariayagoda: “In truth, Black, brown, and LGBTQ+ people — particularly Black and trans people — can now critique elites publicly and hold them accountable socially; this seems to be the letter's greatest concern.” ...
David Klion / @davidklion: No one asked me to sign this but I would very much like to, and I can think of dozens of other journalists who would probably like to as well. Anyway it's very good. What I like most about it is that it employs specificity and precision. It does the work. ...
Dr. William Horne / @wihorne: This is how you write a letter, ICYMI. But honestly, the whole “civility debate” is nonsense bc critiques of oppression & abuse signal a massive, grassroots rejection of elite power. In that respect, the Harper's letter is stupid & pointless as well as reactionary.
Sulome / @sulomeanderson: I would have signed this. Some great journos of color on this list. I will point out that many of them were too afraid to include their names, fearing reprisal from their employers. That is what self-censorship, silencing and stifling expression looks like ...
Sally Tamarkin / @sallyt: This letter is absolutely essential and so important. I'm so grateful to the journalists of color who got it started and facilitated its writing, editing, and publication and to everyone who signed
Heidi N. Moore / @moorehn: Concept: Retire all the tired “closed letter” jokes and pay attention to what marginalized writers are telling you about about how this media industry patronizes and shuts them out. Kind of like what's happening right now!
Eoin Higgins / @eoinhiggins_: Response letter does a good job on calling out the hypocrisy of many of the signatories to the original one
Noah Berlatsky / @nberlat: I signed this response to the Harper's Letter. I think it's substantially more thoughtful, in part because more specific. I'm proud to have had the chance to put my name on it. ...
Francesca Quarantini / @franifio: This open letter is like a reading guide for the original one, since the original cites no specifics. I'm glad people more versed on elite fragility have done this work, and put this out.
@diannaeanderson: Really appreciate this letter of response to the Harper's letter: ... Which, you'll notice, was not published in a major national magazine and instead appears on a Substack.
Will Oremus / @willoremus: Setting aside the substance for a sec, what does it say that this grassroots rejoinder to the Harper's letter is significantly better-written and more clearly argued than the original one that was signed by people who are literally world-famous as writers? ...
Katie Park / @katiepark: “The irony of the piece is that nowhere in it do the signatories mention how marginalized voices have been silenced for generations in journalism, academia, and publishing.” ...
Alex Griswold / @hashtaggriswold: A group of journalists have written A Second Letter in response to The First Letter, and yes, it is everyone you think it is ...
Steven Rich / @dataeditor: this gets at one of my many frustrations about the original letter: it's decided lack of specific examples in favor of uninterrogatable straw men ...
Elizabeth Spiers / @espiers: I know everyone is all Lettered out, but this is actually an incredibly thorough critique. (And btw, signed by Kerri Greenidge whose name was put on the original letter without her permission.)
Caleb Watney / @calebwatney: By the year 2023, all political discourse will consist of open letters, responses to open letters, podcasts about the response to open letters, cancellations based on the podcast responses to open letters, and open letters about cancellations in a recursive loop.
Mathew Ingram / @mathewi: I am on record as not wanting another letter responding to the first letter, but I have to agree with @jilliancyork — it's a good letter. I would have signed this one if I had been asked ...
@satansjacuzzi: i signed this letter to express my solidarity w/ everyone else who has to jump through hoops and squeeze into boxes to try and make it. it's a long read, but i think it's an important analysis of what the original letter was really about — namely, power. ...
Osita Nwanevu / @ositanwanevu: I think one of the things people should note about this response letter is the space it takes to actually explain and examine specific examples. Whether you agree or not with their interpretations, that's something the original simply didn't do. ...
Lydia Polgreen / @lpolgreen: This is worth your time. ...
Glenn Greenwald / @ggreenwald: Is it supposed to be incriminating to point out that someone holds this belief?
Ryan Mac / @rmac18: When I was initially asked to sign this, I was skeptical, largely because I didn't want to give more air to the initial dumb letter. But the words in this were clear, powerful, and important. Glad I had the opportunity to add my name. ...
Tommy Christopher / Mediaite: More Than 150 Journalists and Academics Sign Blistering Response to Harper's Cancel Culture Letter
Jesse Singal / Reason: The Reaction to the Harper's Letter on Cancel Culture Proves Why It Was Necessary
Wall Street Journal: Bonfire of the Liberals — A defense of free speech leads to recriminations on the left.
Ian Spiegelman / Los Angeles Magazine: How that Harper's Letter Came to Be
Sources: Facebook is considering imposing a ban on political ads on its network in the days leading up to the US election in November — - Limiting political ads may help curb spread of misinformation — Decision on ban has not yet been made, people familiar say
New York Times, Fast Company, CNN, The Hill, @rashadrobinson, @karaswisher, Business Insider, @sentedcruz, @emmya2, @aaronbastani, @rob_flaherty, @mattcompton, @anupamchander, Engadget, @daveleeft, @profgalloway, @kevinroose, @alexstamos, @daveleeft, @rsg, @tsgiles, @hkreid, @politicswolf, @urbanachievr, @alxthomp, @jeffhauser, @janesports, The Verge, @sarahfrier, @mccarthyryanj, @kylebrussell, @ttagaris, @rvawonk, @sarahfrier, @mhbergen, @markdistef, @ruskin147, @tonyromm, @emmakinery, @just_jenna, @rosenbergerlm, The Week and New York Post, more at Techmeme »
Donie O'Sullivan / CNN: Facebook considers banning political ads in days before US election
Chris Mills Rodrigo / The Hill: Facebook considering ban on political ads: reports
Rashad Robinson / @rashadrobinson: .@Facebook claims to care about free expression but would rather restrict political speech altogether than take responsibility for curbing hate speech, voter suppression and disinformation. We have had clear demands for years. It's time to meet them.
Kara Swisher / @karaswisher: This is akin to using a nuclear bomb to oust rodents and hurts the less well known pols and orgs: Facebook Considers Banning Political Ads Before US 2020 Election - Bloomberg
Rob Price / Business Insider: Facebook is reportedly considering a ‘blackout’ on political ads in the days running up to the US presidential election
Senator Ted Cruz / @sentedcruz: This would be a mistake. Banning political ads would: ✅Silence the free speech of candidates, groups, & Americans ✅Give the corrupt & biased Mainstream Media a monopoly ✅Empower Silicon Valley billionaires & their biased censorship practices
Emmy Bengtson / @emmya2: THE ADS. ARE NOT. THE PROBLEM.
Aaron Bastani / @aaronbastani: Facebook Mulls Political-Ad Blackout Ahead Of U.S. Election. This is good, they shouldn't permit political advertising of any kind, anywhere - end of story.
Rob Flaherty / @rob_flaherty: To put a fine point on this: Under this proposal the President could use organic posts to suppress voting by mail (as he did today), but Democrats could not run ads encouraging people to return their mail ballots.
Matt Compton / @mattcompton: FB has a problem with organic disinformation and hate speech. Paid ads—especially from campaigns—aren't the issue. In fact, banning advertising during GOTV in the middle of a pandemic that will force millions to vote by mail will suppress voter turnout.
@anupamchander: This would be an understandable decision but there is a loss: Having worked on a small local campaign, in my experience there is an order of magnitude difference in price between ads in Facebook and the local paper (which was subscribed to and read by a few, richer people).
Karissa Bell / Engadget: Facebook may pause political ads prior to the 2020 election
Dave Lee / @daveleeft: For those not familiar - political TV ads in the UK aren't allowed. Instead, qualifying parties — those contesting a certain number of seats — follow an agreed formula. No reason this couldn't be replicated by Facebook in some measure.
Kevin Roose / @kevinroose: Hypothetically, if you wanted to be ~ excluded from the narrative ~ about the 2020 election without changing the core mechanics of your platform or wading into thorny politicized issues around organic distribution, this is probably what you'd do!
Alex Stamos / @alexstamos: This might reduce the pushback from the media companies who will benefit, but nobody should fool themselves into thinking pushing advertising back into TV and print is “progressive” in any way.
Dave Lee / @daveleeft: FB should repurpose them, reinventing the British party political broadcast rules for the internet era.
Bobby Goodlatte / @rsg: Makes a world of sense. Let's hope they do it
Tom Giles / @tsgiles: Facebook weighs blackout on political ads in run-up to the election. Nice scoop by @KurtWagner8 Would this help or hinder political discourse? Sure, disinformation and the company doesn't fact-check political ads. What about get-out-the-vote campaigns?
Heather Reid / @hkreid: Just to be clear: This is a cop-out by @Facebook to avoid dealing with the very real problem of disinformation in their organic content. This will hurt legitimate efforts to get out *correct* voting information to the people who need it.
Stephen Wolf / @politicswolf: Facebook enabled the facilitation of genocide in Myanmar, & its algorithms domestically magnify far-right propaganda & hate speech like Ben Shapiro. Banning Trump's deceptive ads doesn't do anything about that, & FB still reaps huge profits selling your data without political ads
Christian Vanderbrouk / @urbanachievr: tHiS iS eLecTioN iNTerFereNcE
Jeff Hauser / @jeffhauser: Tim is of course 100% right. Trump-Russia denialists focused on the modest sums spent on ads (~$125-150,000) rather than how the audience captured by those ads was organically nurtured on disinformation. And God knows what the Saudis/UAE etc also did in 2016 & are planning now!
Jane McManus / @janesports: This is too sensible a measure for the current era. I fully expect a pivot to the pre-election advertising firehouse.
Sarah Frier / @sarahfrier: This would be easier than finding all the misleading ads/voter suppression in time for it to matter
Ryan McCarthy / @mccarthyryanj: Non-partisan organizations, voting groups and even many states themselves are spending many millions of dollars in Facebook ads to get out the vote this year. Facebook banning ads this late in the game could really backfire:
Kyle Russell / @kylebrussell: Imagine the things people will put out to try to make up for it with organic engagement
Tim Tagaris / @ttagaris: The problem is not the ads... it's the disinformation. x1000 This decision would disproportionately impact progressive, inurgent campaigns. But maybe that is the point.
Caroline Orr / @rvawonk: NEW: Facebook is reportedly considering imposing a ban on political ads in the days leading up to the U.S. election in November. This could limit some mis/disinformation, but at this point, it's also just as likely to ruin last-minute GOTV efforts.
Sarah Frier / @sarahfrier: Kurt's full scoop here: Twitter doesn't have political ads, google already sold the YouTube Election Day homepage ads to Trump
Mark Bergen / @mhbergen: Early congrats to the public sector advertising sales team at Google.
Mark Di Stefano / @markdistef: This really shouldn't be controversial considering other countries (UK, Australia) have blackouts in place for TV/radio heading into the election.
Rory Cellan-Jones / @ruskin147: This would be an extraordinary u-turn but sounds quite likely
Tony Romm / @tonyromm: some interesting context, for those curious: Facebook actually considered a similar thing — folks told us it could be akin to a 72-hr pre-election blackout — back in December when FB was under heat for Trump's ads.
Emma Kinery / @emmakinery: Facebook doesn't fact-check ads from politicians or campaigns, a point of contention for many who say the policy means ads on the platform could be used to spread misinformation The potential ban is still only being discussed and hasn't yet been finalized
Jenna Lowenstein / @just_jenna: 1. The ads are not* the problem! 2. This would dramatically hamstring campaigns' ability to communicate and fundraise in the home stretch. *or at least are a tiny crumb of the problem compared with mountains of organic misinfo
Laura Rosenberger / @rosenbergerlm: While I've called for @Facebook to halt political ads until there are effective regulations for online ads, changing its tune this close to the election is also problematic. This is the kind of thing they should have done long ago - doing so now may just create more chaos.
Brendan Morrow / The Week: Facebook reportedly considers banning political ads prior to the election
Steven Nelson / New York Post: Facebook considering banning election ads
Profile of Evan Brandt, a reporter at The Mercury in Pottstown, PA, who once dropped by the home of Alden Global Capital's head to ask about value of local news — His newspaper has withered under a hedge fund. His industry was in turmoil even before a pandemic. But Evan Brandt won't stop chronicling his town.
@tommytomlinson, @scmitchp, @billlindeke, @emmaogreen, @pottstownnews, @wjeffreybrown, @froomkin, @catotato, @opinion_joe, @danrshafer, @anniesciacca, @tonyleys, @srodd_cpr, @ericeyre, @stvburns, @stvburns, @wardreporter, @andrew_chung_, @jonathanec12, @sameera22, @ron_fournier, @lizkimtweets, @mikecouzens, @donnaditota1, @maryellenklas, @lrozen, @vellastrations, @lrozen, @knott_katherine, @jimrutenberg, @danbarrynyt, @pwoodreporter and @jswatz
Tommy Tomlinson / @tommytomlinson: This piece by the great @DanBarryNYT got me choked up at the state of American journalism, pissed off at hedge-fund vultures, and inspired by Evan Brandt — who, while it all collapses around him, just does his damn job.
Mitch Pugh / @scmitchp: Great piece. Must read. Support your local news organization.
William Lindeke / @billlindeke: Alden Global Capital is making money for investors destroying newspapers like the Pioneer Press and this one in Pennsylvania.
Emma Green / @emmaogreen: This is a profoundly important and profoundly depressing story on the way hedge funds have kept gutting local newspapers at a time when they're more needed than ever:
Evan Brandt / @pottstownnews: Makes two of us.
W. Jeffrey Brown / @wjeffreybrown: Feeling a bit sad for @PottstownNews that he's become a bit of a posterchild for the dying newspaper industry.
Cat Coyle / @catotato: I will never forget my summer working with @PottstownNews at @MercuryX. Watching him work taught me what journalism is. Right now he's the only one we can turn to for news about my hometown. Fund local journalism! And don't turn the merc building into a boutique hotel. Please.
Joe Nocera / @opinion_joe: “Dinosaur to dinosaur.” What a great line by @DanBarryNYT
Dan Shafer / @danrshafer: This is that “cancel culture” that media twitter is all freaking out about, right? devastation of local news around the country? no?? why not?!?
Annie Sciacca / @anniesciacca: This is both a beautiful tribute to local journalism and a haunting account of the impacts of Alden's gutting of its newspapers. The hedge fund also owns our own East Bay Times and Mercury News, and papers across the country.
Tony Leys / @tonyleys: “Evan is the voice of the voiceless. He speaks for the little people. If we lose him, we're in trouble.”
Scott Rodd / @srodd_cpr: Another @DanBarryNYT gem: The last reporter left covering Pottstown, PA. A cautionary tale about what happens to newspapers under hedge fund ownership.
Eric Eyre / @ericeyre: One of my favorite newspapermen, @DanBarryNYT, writes about my old stomping rounds @MercuryX. So proud of Evan Brandt @PottstownNews and scores of other reporters just like him who keep their communities informed while hedge fund mgrs swirl like vultures
Steve Burns / @stvburns: “He knew he might get to ask only one question. His choice: “What value do you place on local news?”
Steve Burns / @stvburns: The most haunting aspect of this piece is its lack of a solution or success story. Because there aren't any so far, outside of the handful of papers that lucked out with a local philanthropist.
Steven Ward / @wardreporter: A lament of the death of local journalism. Also, a tribute to local newspaper reporters all over this country.
Andrew Chung / @andrew_chung_: “Forget dashing foreign correspondents and “All the President's Men”: Daily journalism often comes down to local reporters like Mr. Brandt. Overworked, underpaid ... they report the day's events, hold officials accountable”
Jonathan / @jonathanec12: This story is fantastic. The part where the reporter drives to the Hamptons to confront the hedge fund owner who bought his newspaper is fantastic.
Sameera Khan / @sameera22: “Nearly all of his colleagues who didn't quit have been laid off or bought out, effectively making him the last reporter covering Pottstown ... He works in his attic, surrounded by a display of 36 journalism awards, many for public service.”
Ron Fournier / @ron_fournier: A great sentence in a great story about a great survivor of a great and dying cause: local media. God help us. “Pottstown, a town of 23,000 about 40 miles northwest of Philadelphia, is like many American places: between acts.” ~ @DanBarryNYT
Elizabeth Kim / @lizkimtweets: The Times teased this all wrong! A reporter who won't stop chronicling his town but who also one who got so fed up that he drove to the Montauk mansion of the hedge fund owner who ruined his paper and asked him one question.
Mike Couzens / @mikecouzens: As usual, Dan Barry writes things that make you feel something. This is a story I'm sure will resonate with anyone who has been a part of @NewhouseSU.
Donna Ditota / @donnaditota1: This is both gutting and beautiful for a newspaper lifer like me. As always, Dan Barry is impeccable.
Mary Ellen Klas / @maryellenklas: I love these stories because I love these reporters - people who see journalism as a vocation, not a job. But it foreshadows what could happen at @MiamiHerald if a hedge fund wins the auction today and monetizes the newsroom by dismembering it.
Laura Rozen / @lrozen: the hedge funds & private equity firms that own many newspapers often siphon away profits...First, there is the real estate that can be sold off. Then there is the profit realized by shrinking expenses — inc. the new staff—while still collecting the advertising & subscrix revenue
Vinny Vella / @vellastrations: .@PottstownNews is a great guy and hard worker. I've long known about the situation at the Mercury, but seeing it laid out like this is just depressing.
Laura Rozen / @lrozen: vulture hedge funds buying newspapers to sell off the real estates, fire the news staff, and profit from the subscription lists and advertising revenue
Katherine Knott / @knott_katherine: In case you didn't know: local news is important. The death or near death of these outlets harms communities.
@jimrutenberg: The Last Reporter In Pottstown (who could just as easily be the last reporter in Waynesville or Youngstown or Glendale, or....) And The Owner Who Got Rich From his Dedication But Who Couldn't Face A Single Question. By @DanBarryNYT
Dan Barry / @danbarrynyt: He's the last reporter in Pottstown, Pa., where the once-proud newspaper - now owned by a hedge fund - is operating on fumes and his idealism. What's at stake? Only an informed electorate, government accountability, and a sense of community. My story:
@pwoodreporter: I wonder what Randall Smith and Heath Freeman think when they read stories like this? Are they proud of themselves? Do they even care? If Smith, Freeman and Alden Global Capital have their way, what's happened to The Pottstown Mercury will happen to @baltimoresun. No question.
Philippine lawmakers formally shut down ABS-CBN, the country's largest broadcast network, which Duterte accused of bias, and deny it broadcast franchise renewal — By voting not to renew the franchise of ABS-CBN, lawmakers silenced a major network that had come under fire from President Rodrigo Duterte.
Variety, @philosophynook, @nytimes, Reporters Without Borders, @dannyarao, CNN, @janella_angeles, @cwarzel, @reaproy, @benyt, @ethanz and Reuters
Patrick Frater / Variety: Media Freedom Suffers as Philippines' ABS-CBN Loses Bid to Regain Franchise
James Lee Proudfoot / @philosophynook: #Duterte permanently shut down top media broadcaster #ABSCBN Because he feared their honest independent reporting This is a dark day for #PressFreedom and #Democracy in the #Philippines We must #DefendPressFreedom and #OustDuterte! #IbalikAngABSCBN! 🇵🇭
@nytimes: Philippine lawmakers formally shut down the country's largest broadcast network, the latest major blow against the news media as President Rodrigo Duterte cracks down on outlets that have been critical of his leadership
DBastard / Reporters Without Borders: Duterte's congressional supporters seal Philippine network's fate
Danilo Arao / @dannyarao: To quote from the news article: “'But legislators have no business to say how media should operate,' said Danilo Arao, a journalism professor at the Polytechnic University of the Philippines. ABS-CBN, he said, ‘is being singled out.’”
Janella Angeles / @janella_angeles: This is absolutely horrifying. To learn more about this dangerous law, what's happening in the Philippines and how to help, here's a resource to boost ⬇️⬇️ ⬇️
Charlie Warzel / @cwarzel: (whispers: if you care about speech and ~*the discourse*~ you may want to throw more focus at what's going on in the philippines)
Phil Robertson / @reaproy: .@attyharryroque performs the ‘oh, who me?’ game on the @ABSCBNNews shut down, like his boss #Duterte didn't repeatedly & publicly threaten ABS-CBN with loss of their license because he didn't like their coverage. He wins the totally lame excuse award.
Ben Smith / @benyt: The Philippines, @mariaressa says, represents the US's dystopian future; they just shut down their biggest broadcaster for being too critical of the government
CPJ, ICFJ, and Reporters Without Borders launch a campaign called #HoldTheLine to support Rappler's Maria Ressa and other independent media in the Philippines — Sixty press freedom groups and civil society organisations, journalism institutions, filmmakers, and other supporters have formed …
Reporters Without Borders: HoldTheLine: Sign to support Maria Ressa and independent media in the Philippines
Rappler / @rapplerdotcom: Steered by @pressfreedom, @icfj, and @RSF_inter, 60 #pressfreedom groups, civil society organizations and other supporters launched a coalition in support of @mariaressa and independent media in the Philippines, united around the call to #HoldTheLine.
@pressfreedom: Join CPJ and 60 #pressfreedom organizations in our call to #HoldTheLine in support of journalists Maria Ressa and Reynaldo Santos Jr. and independent media in the #Philippines. Sign and share the petition in support:
@iwmf: “We can't stay silent because silence is consent. We need to be outraged, to fight back with journalism.” Together with @pressfreedom, @ICFJ and @RSF_en, we stand with #MariaRessa to #HoldTheLine and demand justice. Join us - sign the petition here:
Maria Ressa / @mariaressa: Thank you, @pressfreedom and @courtneyr for helping us #HoldTheLine. What a thread!! #CourageON #DefendPressFreedom
Sheila Coronel / @sheilacoronel: We @columbiajourn are proud to join the #HoldTheLine coalition in support of @mariaressa @rapplerdotcom & independent media in the #Philippines. #DefendPressFreedom
Q&A with Aleksander Chan, who co-owns Discourse Blog with ex-Splinter colleagues, on finding its identity, shifting to a paid model, joys of a small audience — This week's interview is with Discourse Blog's Aleksander Chan, who talked to us about launching the political blog earlier …
CNN, @kerrymflynn, Business Insider, @oaklandside, @mjenkins, @aleksnotalex, @kerrymflynn, @eramshaw, @mcwm, @raju, @mathewi, @soshnick, @restofworld, @kerrymflynn, @kerrymflynn and @chaykak
Kerry Flynn / CNN: Here's why these media startups chose to launch while so many other outlets are going under
@kerrymflynn: The media business has arguably never been under so much pressure, with many companies forced to cut costs and others unfortunately going under. But despite all of that, some new publications have launched in recent months or are preparing to do so soon
Mark Stenberg / Business Insider: Substack creators are making 6 figures off newsletters. Here's how they built their audiences from scratch.
@oaklandside: We never dreamed we'd launch @oaklandside in the midst of a global pandemic and a powerful national protest movement. Here's a bit about how we tore up our plans, and mobilized faster, when we felt it was important to do so as local journalists.
Mandy Jenkins / @mjenkins: YES to this from @aleksnotalex: “We're not the next Dow Jones or anything or Condé Nast 2.0. But maybe we can be this small sustainable thing that eventually supports just us.” You don't need to build an empire to make an impact.
Aleksander Chan / @aleksnotalex: i did MORE PRESS if you can believe it: honored to be in @delia_cai's very good newsletter deez links today talking about, say it with me now, @discourse_blog ...
@kerrymflynn: I spoke with the leaders of @Sportico, @Oaklandside, @restofworld, @19thnews and @discourse_blog to hear why they chose to launch and how it's going. I was surprised to learn some, like Sportico, actually fast tracked their launch
Emily Ramshaw / @eramshaw: Proud to be launching @19thnews news in this time with the extraordinary @andreamvaldez, and proud to serve on the board of @Oaklandside, featuring the great @tasneemraja.
Mike Murphy / @mcwm: some good news for the media industry in this crazy time
Raju Narisetti / @raju: The “we” here being the goat-eating, peripatetic and uber-talented Mr @AnupKaphle
Mathew Ingram / @mathewi: “We're doing less! And it's good, because now we can exclusively do posts we feel good about. It feels purer. No more bullshit posts we have to do to meet our numbers to stay alive. I think it's a much healthier way to think about publishing” ...
Scott Soshnick / @soshnick: .@Sportico CEO @gloverd gives his thoughts on media startups in this CNN piece: #sportsbiz
@restofworld: Things we did while launching Rest of World in the middle of a pandemic: got coronavirus, shut our office, hired 10+ new people, moved to the US from Nepal, had our first kid
@kerrymflynn: It wasn't surprising to learn many of these new publications aren't relying on ad dollars. Some are nonprofits and supported by donors Discourse Blog launched paid subscriptions for its Substack Monday and already has more than 1,000 paid subscribers
Nandini Jammi, half of Sleeping Giants, says she worked well with Matt Rivitz early on, then Rivitz monopolized media interviews and diminished her work — How my white male co-founder gaslighted me out of the movement we built together. — Nearly four years after I began building Sleeping Giants …
@slpng_giants, Adweek, Mediaite, @blackamazon, Sleeping Giants, AgencySpy, @gilkatgil, @aweary, @moderatemama, @reneeygraham, @bosefina, Matt's Newsletter, @marisakabas, @jazzyloyal, @moorehn, @moorehn, @waywardwinifred, @eanakashima, @vickitardif, @egsophie, @pjux, @peterhimler, @joshsternberg, @shannoncoulter, @scottlucas and @kerrymflynn
Kathryn Lundstrom / Adweek: Sleeping Giants Co-Founders Split Over Unequal Partnership
Charlie Nash / Mediaite: Sleeping Giants Apologizes After Woman of Color Co-Founder Accuses Head of Gaslighting Her Out
@blackamazon: I am so over White folks “ Ive been getting death threats” as a dodge to their accountability to POC who have also been getting death threats Im liable to explode. Also dear White women , stop subsuming thsi into woman hood only to forgive men it is not your place to forgive
Kathleen Gillis / @gilkatgil: @slpng_giants Lose the passive voice - “She deserved to be listened to???” This is the best you can do? I did not listen to her and I took credit for all of our collaborative work. Ironically, I could not model the very behavior we are trying to discourage. I am sorry.
Brandon Dail / @aweary: Even in this apology, Matt frames himself as a victim 🙄
@moderatemama: @slpng_giants Appreciate this. I sent @nandoodles' medium piece to my daughters so they can learn from her experience. If there's one thing I've learned from @momsdemand volunteer work - we're only stronger when we credit others with their contributions & talents.
@reneeygraham: One takeaway for WOC from @nandoodles story about being excluded from @slpng_giants which she co-founded: Never say “Titles don't matter to me.” They matter greatly to white men, and they will use them to claim your work and marginalize you.
Bo Ren / @bosefina: This is sad but not surprising at all: I remember @checkwarner telling me 2 years ago to find an EQUAL partner who truly sees me and my intrinsic value. Thank you for the advice.
Marisa Kabas / @marisakabas: “Everything I do is for the movement. What about you? You're in it for the glory aren't you?” I wonder how many people in “progressive” spaces have had nearly identical conversations with white male bosses. People doing the damn work deserve glory.
Jazzy Danziger / @jazzyloyal: “In June, I saw Matt posting from France on Instagram. ‘Are you in...Europe?’ I asked. He said yes, I'm speaking at Cannes. Days later, he sent me a DM of him accepting a Cannes Gold Lion, the ad industry's biggest award.”
Heidi N. Moore / @moorehn: Every woman in leadership who has been told to reduce her visibility so that a man could have more: Please stand up.
Heidi N. Moore / @moorehn: I really think we need to discuss the paradox female founders face: They're told that they can't get anywhere without a white man as co-founder, but inevitably that white man undermines them. See this and @JuliaAngwin's similar issue last year.
Fred / @waywardwinifred: Solidarity — and I can't say this LOUD enough — with @nandoodles.
Emily Nakashima / @eanakashima: “I loved that. It costs nothing to make space for me. It costs nothing to cc me in. It costs nothing to empower other people to achieve their goals.”
Vicki Tardif / @vickitardif: “The vagueness that once helped us look like a mysterious group bigger than we were was now being claimed solely by him.” Every woman I know in tech (including me) has a story like this. We do the work but are somehow left out of the credit.
@egsophie: Solidarity with @nandoodles, who is courageously refusing to have her labor appropriated, refusing to be relegated to the shadows by the man who runs the @slpng_giants twitter account.
Siri Srinivas / @pjux: This hits close to home. I'm certain I'm not alone. Good on you @nandoodles. Thanks for the transparency.
Peter Himler / @peterhimler: Props to @nandoodles for her courageous recount of the circumstances that led to her resignation as CO-FOUNDER of @slpng_giants: @karaswisher @tanzinavega
Josh Sternberg / @joshsternberg: “Without my knowledge, my story was being defined by someone else — a white man who could use his platform to exclude me, diminish me, or disappear me entirely.” - @nandoodles writing about why she's leaving Sleeping Giants.
Shannon Coulter / @shannoncoulter: Y'know how Sleeping Giants claims it fights sexism & racism? Turns out Matt Rivitz systematically failed to give credit to his hard working WOC co-founder @nandoodles for years and shut her out of opportunities associated w/ the work. Walk > talk. ...
USAGM confirms it is examining whether to extend journalists' J-1 visas on a “case-by-case” basis due to unspecified concerns about possible hiring impropriety — Dozens of foreign nationals working as journalists in the U.S. for the federal government's international broadcasters …
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: It's not just Voice of America - foreign journalists at all U.S. gov't broadcasters could lose visas Agency assessing each “case by case” for security concerns & misuse. Colleagues fear some could face retribution upon return home. My new NPR story:
Source: Authentic Brands, which owns the intellectual property of Sports Illustrated, is re-examining The Maven's license to operate the SI media business — They only took over the iconic sports brand just last year, but The Maven may lose control over their prized acquisition.
Max Tani / @maxwelltani: ABG, the owner of Sports Illustrated, is in a licensing battle with the Maven, the company that has been operating the magazine. Staff at SI were instructed this week to preserve all documents related to SI, Maven, or ABG. ...
Profile of Trump's new campaign spokesperson and ex-WH deputy press secretary, Hogan Gidley, who quit journalism to work in politics and become a TV personality — On the morning of May 19, Larry Kudlow was booked as a guest on the Fox Business channel. This in itself wasn't unusual.
Eric Schultz / @ericschultz: @MarcACaputo Alternatively: “Gidley — who speaks to the president half a dozen times a day and hosts his closest advisers, including his daughter and son-in-law, at his home for cocktails — seems to be genuinely unaware of what's happening around him.”
McClatchy auction is back on for Friday, after a judge rejected Alden's effort to weaken Chatham Asset Management's bid; auction winner to be approved July 24 — A federal bankruptcy judge on Thursday rejected a last-minute attempt by Alden Global Capital to weaken a rival bid for McClatchy Co. …
New York Times, @dicktofel, @kevinghall, @alex_roarty, @darrendcarroll, @kdoctor, Wall Street Journal, @kevinghall, @kdoctor and @dangillmor
Richard Tofel / @dicktofel: “Many media observers believe that the best route to survival for local news companies is to become larger, consolidated organizations that can provide economies of scale.” This may buy time, but no one thinks it's actually a long-term strategy. ...
@kevinghall: Another turn of the screw in looming battle of the hedge funds: McClatchy bankruptcy: Judge allows auction to go forward | McClatchy Washington Bureau ...
Alex Roarty / @alex_roarty: I am deeply thankful for the inimitable @KevinGHall, put in the impossible position of reporting on his own company, for all the timely and accurate information he's provided about McClatchy's impending auction. A pro's pro ...
Darren Carroll / @darrendcarroll: DIgital First Media draws more than half of its revenue from its newspapers throughout California. Acquiring McClatchy would add dailies in Sacramento, Fresno, Modesto, Merced and San Luis Obispo, further increasing Alden Global Capital's footprint in the state. #SaveLocalNews
Ken Doctor / @kdoctor: It's official. McClatchy auction Friday — and it's hedgie vs hedgie, as Alden & Chatham bid for some of America's most important newspapers in Sacramento, North Carolina, Miami, KC+. ...
Jonathan Randles / Wall Street Journal: Hedge Fund Alden Emerges As Potential McClatchy Bidder
@kevinghall: Updated, auction postponed: McClatchy bankruptcy: Alden confirms interest, challenges bid | McClatchy Washington Bureau ...
Mainstream and alternative media's focus on protest violence, alternately used to elicit sympathy for police or protesters, distracts from protest demands — Reversing the protest paradigm in news coverage — We've seen some spot-on critiques of the media's coverage of protests over the past month or so …