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Newsweek stands by an op-ed by a former Kamala Harris opponent that used arcane arguments to question Harris' eligibility for VP — Newsweek magazine faced a blizzard of criticism over a column that questioned Senator Kamala Harris' eligibility for the vice presidency …
Newsweek, @nancycoopernyc, Newsweek, @isaacdovere, @blakehounshell, @craigipedia, National Review, Associated Press, The Wrap, Forbes, @yarotrof, @bungdan, @ischafer, @malcolmnance, @mpinoe, @asharangappa_, @goldietaylor, @kyle_feldscher, @jbkjbk1234, @jessicahuseman, @benyt, @jbenton, @jacobfhsmith, @nc_cyberlaw, @zunguzungu, @jimswiftdc, @markjacob16, @normative, @mmcauliff, @craigipedia, @jbendery, @normative, @normative, @melissaryan, @craigipedia, @marthasjones_, @deniseshearin, Raw Story, @josh_hammer, @mollyjongfast, @connieschultz, @kurteichenwald, @juliettekayyem, @johnwdean, Neeha Curtis, @soledadobrien, @davidfolkenflik, @jemelehill and @jbouie
NancyCooper / @nancycoopernyc: Some of our readers reacted strongly to the oped we published by Dr. John Eastman, assuming it to be an attempt to ignite a racist conspiracy theory around Kamala Harris' candidacy. That is entirely inaccurate. Here:
John C. Eastman / Newsweek: Some Questions for Kamala Harris About Eligibility
Edward-Isaac Dovere / @isaacdovere: one day into Harris's vice presidential campaign and this is where we're at
@blakehounshell: As far as I can tell, this entire freakout was driven by an opinion piece published by a guy nobody has ever heard of in a magazine that barely still exists
Craig Harrington / @craigipedia: Congratulations, @Newsweek. One-quarter of the people who read your stupid column came away misinformed about the rules surrounding birthright citizenship!
John C. Eastman / National Review: Senator Ted Cruz Is Eligible to Be President
Amanda Seitz / Associated Press: Kamala Harris is eligible to serve as president
Lindsey Ellefson / The Wrap: Newsweek Insists Op-Ed on Kamala Harris' Presidential Eligibility Is Not ‘Birtherism’
Andrew Solender / Forbes: Trump Calls Harris ‘Mad Woman’ As Top Campaign Advisor Questions Her VP Eligibility
Yaroslav Trofimov / @yarotrof: Same author: there is absolutely no doubt that Ted Cruz, born in Canada to a Cuban father, is eligible. ...
Dan Murphy / @bungdan: Duder has a 2016 article saying only idiots question the eligibility of Ted Cruz, born in Canada to Cuban parents. It begins “arguments to the contrary are just proof that the silly season is fully upon us.” Amazing. (h/t @yarotrof) m/ ...
Ian Schafer / @ischafer: This is the hill that Newsweek will die (again) on?!
Malcolm Nance / @malcolmnance: Just stop. It was patently racist and your apologizing for it is even worse.
Megan Rapinoe / @mpinoe: Birtherism. Racism. Thank you @jemelehill for calling a ♠️ a ♠️
Asha Rangappa / @asharangappa_: This is settled legal question. The article misstates the case law. You did not disclose the author's personal interest. Your editor, whom you claim is a “published constitutional scholar” literally published his first and only piece in the St. Thomas Law Journal this year. Fail.
Kyle Feldscher / @kyle_feldscher: Assuming it to be or simply reading the op ed itself?
CavsKermit / @jbkjbk1234: The reality that Josh Hammer still serves as an editor for Newsweek is the best evidence that cancel culture is not, in fact, *out of control.*
Jessica Huseman / @jessicahuseman: Then deal with it's implications: are the thousands of Americans born here to parents born overseas simply ... not citizens?
Ben Smith / @benyt: These zombie legacy brands somehow have the power to drive controversies but not to build any kind of business
Joshua Benton / @jbenton: It is rare that an outlet's correction or “editor's note” about a piece makes me feel worse about the publication than the original piece itself — but this @Newsweek dodge is so, so, so, so, so very bad
Jacob Smith / @jacobfhsmith: I was supposed to be interviewed by @Newsweek this afternoon for an upcoming piece related to my research. I just cancelled because of this absolutely trash response by @NancyCooperNYC to yesterday's racist op-ed on Kamala Harris.
Saad Gul / @nc_cyberlaw: Burn in hell Newsweek
Aaron Bady / @zunguzungu: (remember: newsweek isn't really newsweek ... )
Jim Swift / @jimswiftdc: What changed?!
Mark Jacob / @markjacob16: I don't retweet The Hill or Newsweek because they amplify dishonesty. They're hack orgs trolling for clicks.
Julian Sanchez / @normative: This is, to be clear, absolutely a crank argument, notwithstanding Eastman's credentials. If people treat it as racist, it's precisely because no reasonable person reading the history of the 14th Amendment and the relevant case law could believe that this is a serious question.
Michael McAuliff / @mmcauliff: @jbendery PS. It's basically the same argument against birthright citizenship made by the guy who WON the Dred Scott case. (He lost it in the floor debate on the 14th Amendment.)
Craig Harrington / @craigipedia: Great work, @NancyCooperNYC and @josh_hammer. The columnist you're both defending doesn't even understand the facts of Mexican Repatriation, wherein between 300,000 and 1 million American citizens were unconstitutionally rounded up by law enforcement and sent to Mexico.
Jennifer Bendery / @jbendery: Not only does this piece obviously echo the racist birtherism Obama faced for ages, but this guy ran against Kamala Harris for California AG and it's not mentioned anywhere in the piece.
Julian Sanchez / @normative: Are the implications of Eastman's crank views restricted to the presidency? It suggests many thousands of Americans born in the U.S. who grew up (correctly) believing they are citizens are actually not citizens & would need to be “naturalized”.
Julian Sanchez / @normative: Newsweek's defense appears to be that Eastman's resume means we have to treat this dishonest nonsense as a serious legal argument. But it isn't. It's hack work.
Melissa Ryan / @melissaryan: Dear @Newsweek, I have an entire report on disinformation that includes a section on how media often amplifies it. You should probably read it. ...
Craig Harrington / @craigipedia: Here's another necessary disclosure, Dr. Professor John C. Eastman Esq. of Orange, California had his account suspended by Twitter for undisclosed rules violations. And this is the guy prosecuting the case against Kamala Harris' citizenship?
@marthasjones_: I call BS. Academic debates are had in law journals and in seminar rooms. They are made in briefs even. A @Newsweek piece is politics, propaganda, and fear-mongering - nothing more or less.
@deniseshearin: @DrJohnEastman You're a birther. You question if Kamala Harris, a black candidate born in the US, is eligible to be VP but you absolutely knew Ted Cruz could run for president although he was born in Canada. Senator Ted Cruz Is Eligible to Be President ...
Sarah K. Burris / Raw Story: Newsweek slammed after editorial column starts a new birther conspiracy about Kamala Harris
Josh Hammer / @josh_hammer: Some of our readers have reacted strongly to the op-ed we published by Dr. John Eastman, assuming it to be an attempt to ignite a racist conspiracy theory around Kamala Harris' vice presidential candidacy. A response.
Molly Jong-Fast / @mollyjongfast: Telling us your racism isn't racist doesn't make it not racism.
Connie Schultz / @connieschultz: Yes, sooo misunderstood. Eastman wrote: “I have no doubt that this significant challenge to Harris' constitutional eligibility to the second-highest office in the land will be so much antiquated constitutional tripe. But the concerns about divided allegiance...”
Kurt Eichenwald / @kurteichenwald: It is beyond disgusting that @Newsweek has allowed its pages to be used as the opening shot of birtherism 2.0. I have been embarrassed by many things my former employer has done and become, but this is the first time I have seen racism appear in its pages. In the *office*, yes.
Juliette Kayyem / @juliettekayyem: Nice try. Even if column is about an arcane 14th Amendment legal debate, you never explain why the “debate” is in context of Harris. The conclusion about her eligibility is “it depends.” There are a lot of arcane legal debates. Why this one? Why now? Just say you got played.
John Dean / @johnwdean: It's started. Radical conservative legal scholars are suggesting Harris in ineligible to be VP. I debated this fellow about Citizens United, when he claimed (incorrectly) the holding would not result in a flood of corporate money in politics. Wrong again!
Neeha Curtis: Let's talk about systemic racism & the people in power who decide to provide platforms, & validate racism.
Soledad O'Brien / @soledadobrien: This is pathetic and you are pathetic:
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: Even Newsweek Editor's Note defending column arguing Harris may be ineligible for VP is tautological disaster. “The debate... is unlikely to fall quiet soon” writes editor who publishes piece noisily resurrecting question

Sources: Apple to launch “Apple One”, tiered subscription bundles, which will include Music, TV+, News+, and a new virtual fitness service, as early as October — - Company seeks more customer loyalty with twist on Amazon Prime — Bundles to include video, music, news, fitness and more
The Streamable, The Wrap, VentureBeat, Music Business Worldwide, TechCrunch, Gizmodo, Music Industry Blog, Vox, @film_girl, @gartenberg, @benbajarin, @alexhern, @somospostpc, 9to5Mac, @pkafka, @asymco, The Verge, @ballmatthew, @kalltvatten, @markgurman, @arctictony, @northmantrader, @lanceulanoff and Fast Company, more at Techmeme »
Fern Siegel / The Streamable: Report: Apple to Bundle Subscriptions to Apple TV Plus, Music and More
Sean Burch / The Wrap: Apple Stock Hits New High on Report of Possible Music, TV Subscription Bundle
Jeremy Horwitz / VentureBeat: An Apple One services bundle is pointless if consumers only save $2-$5
Murray Stassen / Music Business Worldwide: ‘Apple One’ subscription bundles to launch as early as October - including Music, TV, News and gaming
Darrell Etherington / TechCrunch: Apple said to soon offer subscription bundles combining multiple of its services
Mark Mulligan / Music Industry Blog: Apple to launch subscription bundle - we called it!
Christina Warren / @film_girl: Hope @mgsiegler gets rightful kudos for encouraging and predicting this for like 5 years (or more?)
Michael Gartenberg / @gartenberg: Always bundle the mediocre with the good and charge a bundle fee. Sort of like cable TV.
Ben Bajarin / @benbajarin: We always assumed this was coming and was of interest by Apple customers. In a recent Apple services study we did, 54% of Apple customers indicated their interest in a services bundle.
Alex Hern / @alexhern: this is... almost exactly the wrong way round. iCloud storage is the one Apple service that every user should have; Apple Arcade is a very good example of its form. But Apple Music and Apple TV+ are... let's say, for the Apple completists only
Alex B / @somospostpc: The name should have been ORCHARD and I will literally die if they don't use it
Benjamin Mayo / 9to5Mac: Bloomberg: Apple services bundle to launch in October alongside iPhone 12, called ‘Apple One’
Peter Kafka / @pkafka: The long-awaited/predicted Apple bundles, coming this fall. The problem: Bundles work when they include the thing people love/want/need - sports for cable tv, free delivery for Amazon. These bundles - per Bloomberg, are made up of Apple's side gigs.
Horace Dediu / @asymco: No surprise: Apple service bundles are coming. Surprise: The company is also developing a new subscription for virtual fitness classes that can be used via an app for the iPhone, iPad and Apple TV
James Vincent / The Verge: Apple reportedly launching subscription bundles with new iPhones this October
Matthew Ball / @ballmatthew: An ‘Apple Prime’ service bundle was inevitable and should be very consequential. Everyone benefits from more users having cloud storage, Apple News, annual upgrades, etc. No one benefits from users out of storage space, stuck on ad-supported news, or using cracked iPhones
Maria / @kalltvatten: We live in subscription hell! Subscribe to literally everything: your bike, Netflix, news, music, apps, everything is a subscription and we own nothing at this point
Mark Gurman / @markgurman: Apple is also planning a new hardware bundle to boost Apple Arcade: buy a new Apple TV and get a year of Arcade free (like with the TV+ deal launched last year):
Tony Haile / @arctictony: So the Apple bundle is to be called ‘Apple One’ and thus will have four variations: $: Music+Tv $$: Music+TV+Arcade $$$: Music+TV+Arcade+News $$$$: Music+TV+Arcade+News+extra iCloud
Lance Ulanoff / @lanceulanoff: Very encouraged by this but any Apple Bundle option has to start with iCloud storage as its base. If you buy a bundle you should get 2 TBs of storage.

AMC will reopen more than 100 theaters on August 20 and expects to open two-thirds of its 600+ US theaters by September 3, when Tenet comes out — New York (CNN Business)AMC is finally reopening its theaters, and guests will need to spend just 15 cents to get in.
Variety, /Film, Observer, @nicoleblades, @alexjamesfitz, The A.V. Club, @cnnbusiness, Vanity Fair, The Playlist, @asteadwesley, WBBH-TV, Daily Herald, The Week, @media_marshall, @michael_steel, @adamweinstein and The Verge
Hoai-Tran Bui / /Film: AMC Theaters Plans to Open More Than 100 Locations in U.S. Starting August 20
Eric Vilas-Boas / Observer: AMC Theatres Is Begging Audiences to Return With 15-Cent Tickets
Nicole Blades / @nicoleblades: A bargain! Increase your risk of getting/spreading COVID-19 for mere pennies! Don't miss this deal, folks. Call now! 1-800-YMBOYGM
Alex Fitzpatrick / @alexjamesfitz: Incentivizing people to spend a lot of time indoors during a pandemic with super-cheap prices is...woof.
Sam Barsanti / The A.V. Club: AMC locations are offering 15-cent movie tickets, in case that's how little you value your life
@cnnbusiness: The world's largest movie theater chain will reopen more than 100 US theaters on August 20, the company said. In order to commemorate its centennial, AMC is offering “movies in 2020 at 1920 prices” on opening day. That's 15 cents a ticket.
Yohana Desta / Vanity Fair: AMC's Latest Reopening Strategy? 15-Cent Tickets
Charles Barfield / The Playlist: AMC Offering 15-Cent Tickets In The US To Welcome People Back To The Cinema
Steadman / @asteadwesley: Gonna buy the entire showing for 20 bucks and have a private, rona free screening
Brendan Morrow / The Week: AMC to start reopening its movie theaters next week — and selling tickets for 15 cents
Marshall Shaffer / @media_marshall: I would rather @AMCTheatres take *more* of my money right now so they can invest in a safe, sustainable future for theatrical exhibition. Please make headlines for your safety measures, not your PR stunts.
Michael Steel / @michael_steel: Honestly, I'm not sure ticket prices are the biggest reason people aren't going to movies right now.
Adam Weinstein / @adamweinstein: This is an amazing value! Relatedly, researchers have recently found that 1) infectious coronavirus can live in aerosols that permeate indoor spaces and 2) one-third or more of non-hospitalized Covid-19 sufferers will have lifelong health complications

The trust now in charge of National Amusements is unlikely to be an obstacle to Shari Redstone and her ViacomCBS plans as she, her son, and two allies sit on it — Sumner Redstone's death tests stability of family's media empire — For nearly two decades, Shari Redstone fought to ensure …

Sumner Redstone, the mogul who transformed National Amusements into a media empire that included Viacom, Paramount Pictures, and CBS, has died at 97
@gideonyago, Los Angeles Times, BBC, Talking Biz News, @38godfrey, @brianstelter, @behindyourback, The Week, @econ_marshall, @jamie_elizabeth, @tiffkhsu, @theperezhilton, @alicialutes, @rachelsklar, @totallymorgan, @hexpositive, @epsilontheory, @dynamofire, @markharrisnyc, @mshannabrooks, @sarajbenincasa, @quinncy and Deadline
Gideon Yago / @gideonyago: A couple thoughts on the passing of Sumner Redstone, my old boss and the mogul behind Viacom/MTV Networks. There is a gaping hole in his obituaries right now and it is about a historic exploitation of freelance labor in broadcasting. Not a single obituary mentions it, so ... 1/
Meg James / Los Angeles Times: Media mogul Sumner Redstone, whose empire included Viacom and CBS, dies at 97
Irina Slav / Talking Biz News: Sumner Redstone dies at 97
Steven N. Godfrey Jr / @38godfrey: Having worked on programming at two different Viacom networks in the '00s I can confirm every bit of this. The pay and prospects for “creatives” was brutal. I'd add those nets also bitterly fought YouTube integration because they believed it was “theft.”
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: From Shari Redstone: “My father led an extraordinary life that not only shaped entertainment as we know it today, but created an incredible family legacy...”
Maura Quint / @behindyourback: Not a single person was sad that Sumner Redstone died. Here's a good thread on one of the reasons why.
Harold Maass / The Week: The daily business briefing: August 13, 2020
Marshall Steinbaum / @econ_marshall: To all the people who say labor rights are at odds with antitrust enforcement, or that antitrust is irrelevant to workers, I bring you the career of Sumner Redstone, who made a god-damn killing by steamrolling both.
Grace Lee Pawgs / @jamie_elizabeth: I was permalance at MTV (and many other places) when I was a music and culture writer...pretty much every blogging gig I had until I got a job at Death and Taxes (rip) was a violation of labor laws. Glad the media biz is finally unionizing!
Tiffany Hsu / @tiffkhsu: Father-daughter power duos are rare at the top of corporate America, and they usually get along. But the Redstones operated more like a wolf pack, one expert said: “You can only have so many alphas in one room.” w/ @edmundlee
Perez / @theperezhilton: Media giant Sumer Redstone lived a looooong life! He leaves behind some mega corporations.
Alicia Lutes / @alicialutes: Summer Redstone was a piece of shit. Signed, A former Viacom/MTV employee
Morgan Evans / @totallymorgan: I literally thought he'd never die. Like Guy Pierce in Prometheus. Him and Bob Evans getting “sucked off” on Mars.
Suzy Exposito / @hexpositive: I barely tell anyone I used to work at MTV, but I did, and it was absolutely hellish. Zero ethics, infinite exploitation of young people. Thank you for speaking up, Gideon. ♥️
Ben Hunt / @epsilontheory: Thread. Sumner “content is king” Redstone sure as hell didn't believe in paying for it.
@dynamofire: thinking today about all the folks who gave years of their professional lives to viacom and got not a single benefit. redstone made billions destroying the media industry for everyone else. fuck him and everyone like him.
Hanna Brooks Olsen / @mshannabrooks: 👏 when wealthy white dudes build their empires on the backs of underpaid underlings, that need to be part of the story 👏
Sara Benincasa / @sarajbenincasa: Excellent thread by Gideon, who I think had left MTV News by the time I got there and who did a great job. But whew, the last tweet here. Yup.

Tribune Publishing is permanently closing The Daily News headquarters at 4 New York Plaza in Manhattan and four other Tribune newspaper newsrooms — Tribune Publishing said that it was permanently closing the tabloid's office in Lower Manhattan. As its journalists work remotely during the pandemic …
Poynter, American Press Institute, Morning Call, Talking Biz News, @harrysiegel, The Media Nut, @pwoodreporter, @ebfiii, @jimrutenberg, @6abcannie, @nicdawes, @paulbmoses, @marparnews, @rshields37, @raju, @nydailynews, @createcraig, @dtohl, @nassauexecutive, @ssigafoos, @ckrewson, @dsilverman, @thecitywanderer, @garymyersny, @jonlemire, @mylesmill, @otherwilljames, @sstirling, @eorden, CNN, @zach_murdock, @patkiernan, @editorialiste, @paulschwartzman, @melissaleecnbc, New York Daily News, @derekwillis, @derekwillis, @joefav, @nytmetro, @bradhoylman, @melechristopher, @pwoodreporter, @olivnelson, @zephyrteachout, @dave_brown24, @vmsalama, @noahshachtman, @marcatracy and @forecasterenten
Kristen Hare / Poynter: Tribune Publishing is closing some physical newsrooms, including the Capital Gazette
American Press Institute: Need to Know: August 13, 2020 — Fresh useful insights for people advancing quality, innovative and sustainable journalism
Morning Call: The Morning Call to vacate Allentown office building after 100 years in downtown location
Mariam Ahmed / Talking Biz News: Tribune Publishing to vacate offices at 5 papers
Harry Siegel / @harrysiegel: Just perfect from @MichaelDalynyc, and even more so for running in a broadsheet
Josh Sternberg / The Media Nut: The pandemic is forcing media to transform in subtle and not-so-subtle ways
@pwoodreporter: Remember when I told you @tribpub didn't pay its rent?⬇️ Now we're told that the company is permanently shutting down our @capgaznews office in Annapolis and our @CCTNews office in Westminster.
Pat Furgurson / @ebfiii: Working without an office was necessary in the worst of circumstances. Now its is a matter of Alden's Tribune cost cutting. Shame on you. Rob, Wendi, John, Gerald, Rebecca. Where will YOUR Pulitzer now reside?
@jimrutenberg: I would say the beloved four-faced wooden clock and the giant framed woods should go to the Newseum but...devastating news, as a reader, as an alum, as a New Yorker
Annie McCormick / @6abcannie: I gave my brother a tour when I was a 21 y/o photog intern turned freelancer. “Wow, this is a real paper,” he said ,"It's like where Woodward & Bernstein would work!" I loved being in this newsroom ❤️😥
Nicholas Dawes / @nicdawes: I believe in newsrooms. Collaboration, serendipity, cross-pollination, the rhythm of the publishing cycle (whatever that is) - and a whole lot of bs that is still worth it for the upside
Paul Moses / @paulbmoses: Note to @nytimes: The Daily News may not have a New York City newsroom, but at least it has New York City news.
Marissa Parra / @marparnews: Capital Gazette is among the newspapers told by Tribune today they will no longer have a newsroom. For those who don't remember, Capital Gazette is the Annapolis newspaper where 5 journalists were murdered by a gunman in 2018. This is an absolute shame. ...
Robert Shields / @rshields37: Every vet of the @NYDailyNews (all the way back to 42nd St.) is talking and reminiscing about this today. It's gutting to me. I'd thought I'd made my peace with my previous life but this brings it all back.
Raju Narisetti / @raju: This will/should be the #nextnormal for many news organizations, post-pandemic The @NYDailyNews Is Now a Newspaper Without a Newsroom via @nytimes
@nydailynews: As we work toward our second century of covering our fair city, you'll continue to see our reporters in your neighborhood and our papers at your doorstep or corner bodega. A note to readers from the editor of the New York Daily News. ...
Craig McCarthy / @createcraig: What's amazing is this is just another example of an axe being taken to local journalism in four cities. Yet, nothing will be done.
Danielle Ohl / @dtohl: Wanna expand on what I said in this article. It's not just that it's sad we don't all get to be together. It is. But Tribune spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to harden our newsroom w/ shatterproof glass, a reinforced wall, etc.
Laura Curran / @nassauexecutive: As a former @NYDailyNews reporter, I'm sad to see this. Getting to work in that newsroom is one of my most cherished memories. It's never been more important for us to #SupportLocalJournalism.
Stephanie Sigafoos / @ssigafoos: .@brianstelter asked what the reaction has been like today from remote colleagues. Basically ...this a gut punch.
Chris Krewson / @ckrewson: What has Tribune ownership meant for The Morning Call of Allentown, PA? A payroll that once reached 1,000 is down to around 100. A downtown office it occupied since 1920 has been formally abandoned after missing three months' rent.
Dwight Silverman / @dsilverman: The Daily News Is Now a Newspaper Without a Newsroom Many newsrooms, including the @houstonchron's are empty as reporters, editors, artists, photographers work remotely. Do we really need a newsroom?
Rebecca Baird-Remba / @thecitywanderer: honestly kind of blown away by this as a business choice. if the daily news needs office space again in a year or two (and hopefully it will), it will not be cheaper on a per square foot basis than a lease signed in 2011
Gary Myers / @garymyersny: I used to love going into old newsroom at 42nd and Second to write. Great newspaper days! Hardly went into new office. I hope for the best for the 3 or 4 friends remaining at DN from when I left two years ago. So sad to say but Daily News is The Titanic.
Jonathan Lemire / @jonlemire: This is truly heartbreaking
@mylesmill: I love this paper and the relics stored in that newsroom—the front pages, the typewriter, the plates for archival papers. What to journalism is a newspaper without a newsroom?
Will James / @otherwilljames: Where I once roamed the halls as a forgettable intern Actually, I was at the prior office on 33rd. But one of the main things I took from that internship was the experience of watching the reporters near me work the phones. It was like, “Ah. Okay. That's how you report.”
Stephen Stirling / @sstirling: First daily newsroom I ever worked in. It wasn't pretty. Newsrooms aren't. But as a 22 year-old the energy that coursed through that place was exhilarating and overwhelming.
Erica Orden / @eorden: Especially for young reporters, there's nothing better than working in a great newsroom. You learn so much from observing others. This is such a bummer.
Brian Stelter / CNN: Journalists mourn the loss of newsrooms as publishers give up office space to save money
Zach Murdock / @zach_murdock: Our owners at @tribpub are shutting down several of our sister papers' newsrooms, leaving all of us stunned. We've been told @hartfordcourant will keep our Broad Street newsroom (for now, at least), although most everyone will continue to WFH through the end of the year.
Pat Kiernan / @patkiernan: Can someone still yell “stop the presses” if there is no newsroom? @NYDailyNews is giving up its Manhattan real estate and reporters will all work remotely.
Andrew Nusca / @editorialiste: I'm all for recognizing that you don't need a physical newsroom to conduct journalism. But this seems crazy.
Paul Schwartzman / @paulschwartzman: The 42d Street office — first time I walked in as an employee — felt like Yankee Stadium. Are they replacing this one with a Duane Reade?
Melissa Lee / @melissaleecnbc: I did my first internship in the business section of the Daily News. Being in the newsroom was an important part of my education.
Robert York / New York Daily News: Note from the editor — On Wednesday, the leadership here at the Daily News shared …
Derek Willis / @derekwillis: I guess we have something of an answer to this.
Derek Willis / @derekwillis: Will be curious to see how many more newspaper companies take away the lesson that they no longer need buildings for their employees (or much, much smaller ones).
Joe Favorito / @joefav: At least they waited til the passing of Pete Hammill. The Daily News Is Now a Newspaper Without a Newsroom
@nytmetro: Tribune Publishing said that it was permanently closing the tabloid's office in Lower Manhattan. As its journalists work remotely during the pandemic, plans for a future workplace are uncertain.
Senator Brad Hoylman / @bradhoylman: .@NYGovCuomo signed the Child Victims Act into law in this newsroom less than two years ago. Local news is facing an existential crisis. We are the only ones who can save it. Subscribe to your hometown papers.
Christopher Mele / @melechristopher: This is heart-breaking. I recall touring the old Daily News newsroom as a high schooler when it was on 42nd Street and it was every bit of a newsroom you could imagine. A terrible loss this is.
@pwoodreporter: Thank you to @marcatracy at @nytimes for writing about @tribpub closing the newsroom of our sister paper, @NYDailyNews, and also including @capgaznews.
Nelson Oliveira / @olivnelson: Time to upgrade my bedroom, aka, my newsroom.
Zephyr Teachout / @zephyrteachout: Oh my god. The Daily News Is Now a Newspaper Without a Newsroom
Dave Brown / @dave_brown24: What? “A Tribune Publishing spokesman confirmed that the Annapolis, Md., newsroom of The Capital Gazette — the site two years ago of a tragedy, when a gunman killed five staff members in the newsroom — would also be shutting down.”
Vivian Salama / @vmsalama: Oh dear, this is so disconcerting. “The paper will continue to be published. The company made no promises about a future physical location... Newsroom workers were given until Oct. 30 to collect any belongings they had left in the office.”
Noah Shachtman / @noahshachtman: This is awful. The Daily News was a great, thriving paper, and not all that long ago.
Marc Tracy / @marcatracy: Our story on The Daily News and Capital Gazette, with more tk

The Orlando Sentinel says it is leaving its downtown office building, which it has occupied since 1951, in October as staff continues to work remotely
Associated Press, NBC News, Newser, @derfbackderf, @ethartley, @pwoodreporter, @journomurph, @jenwsheehan, @superjulia, @colleen_wright, @kristenhare, @poynter, @ltr_zh, @davidshepardson, @kerrymflynn, @jason_garcia, @charlesminshew, @monivettec, @pwoodreporter, @mlafferty1 and @jpoe24601
Ahiza García-Hodges / NBC News: Tribune Publishing closes Daily News newsroom in Manhattan
Evann Gastaldo / Newser: Several Big Newsrooms Are Closing
Derf Backderf / @derfbackderf: Tribune Inc. closes newsrooms in five cities. The downsized staff works from home from here on. Until they're laid off. What a sad business. The only paper I worked for during my newspaper career that's still in its building is my college paper!
Eric Hartley / @ethartley: A company with over $80 million in the bank is closing newsrooms. This is a disgrace, though sadly not a surprise. A surprise at this point would be Tribune doing the right thing.
@pwoodreporter: Thank you, @Poynter, for writing about how @tribpub is abandoning physical newsrooms in several of the communities our company covers.
@journomurph: Tribune already did this before - at the Virginian-Pilot. Now, they're doing it nationwide. What are they doing with the money they'll save? IDK. Here's what I know they AREN'T doing: - hiring more reporters -offering raises to those that remain - bettering their products
Jennifer W. Sheehan / @jenwsheehan: Worth noting that in its recent earnings call @tribpub reported that it has zero debt. This is not a debt issue.
Julia Glum / @superjulia: so sad. I get it — media companies need to reduce expenses, maintaining an office doesn't make sense when nobody's there, etc. — but I cannot emphasize how important newsrooms are for journalists
Colleen Wright / @colleen_wright: Sad to see this happen, but it's worth stopping the bleed. I have good memories interning in this windowless newsroom, like watching the lunchtime pick-up games on the rooftop court. And I will always stan the gyro shop on the corner. ...
Kristen Hare / @kristenhare: Also closing physical Tribune newsrooms: - Orlando Sentinel ... - New York Daily News
@poynter: Other newsrooms leaving their physical spaces, at least for now, include: • Seven McClatchy newsrooms • The Staten Island Advance • The Chillicothe (Ohio) Gazette
Lothar / @ltr_zh: Had not seen this tidbit: In a filing w/SEC on June 8, Tribune Publishing withheld April, May & June rent payments for “a majority of its facilities and requested rent relief from the lessors in various forms, including rent abatement, lease restructuring or lease terminations.”
@davidshepardson: Newspapers are not paying their rent: “In June, the Sentinel was sued by its landlord for not paying rent for three months during the coronavirus pandemic. According to an Orange Circuit Court lawsuit, Midtown Opportunities said it was owed about $370,000 for rent”
Kerry Flynn / @kerrymflynn: “Three other company newspapers, the New York Daily News, the Allentown Morning Call in Pennsylvania and the Capital Gazette in Annapolis, Md., will join the Sentinel in permanently leaving their current office space.” ...
Charles Minshew / @charlesminshew: As a former @orlandosentinel staffer, I certainly miss my friends and co-workers, but I will never miss that building. I do hope that when things return to normal, the Sentinel will have a place in Orlando to have a presence in the community ...
Monivette Cordeiro / @monivettec: I'm going to miss this windowless hunk 😭 Orlando Sentinel to leave downtown office building after 69 years ...
@pwoodreporter: Our sister paper in Florida, @orlandosentinel, is losing its newsroom, too: ...

Twitter staffers publicly called out an error by Daily Caller and National Review, which wrongly said Twitter hired an ex-Harris staffer to police POTUS tweets — According to leading conservative columnists, Twitter has hired Nick Pacilio, a former staffer for Sen. Kamala Harris …
@arifleischer, National Review, @bborrman, @bborrman, @dellcam, @dellcam, @dellcam, @dellcam, Poynter, @dellcam, @larakate, @kantrowitz, @jigolden, @oneunderscore__, @andrewcouts, @oneunderscore__, @dellcam, @thekenyeung, @viacristiano, @lizkelley, @willstick, @alexkotch, @seanmczarnecki, @seanmczarnecki, @bgrueskin, @siobhan, @kantrowitz, @bborrman, @kirstinestewart, @byersalex, @alexkotch, @dellcam, @bborrman, @viacristiano, @44, @dellcam, @arifleischer and @oliverdarcy
Ari Fleischer / @arifleischer: “could you imagine what the nightly reaction on CNN and MSNBC would be if Mike Pence's former spokesperson was censoring Joe Biden's tweets during a presidential election? I have no doubt Democrats would be calling for congressional hearings.” ...
David Harsanyi / National Review: Kamala Harris's Former Press Secretary Is the Face of Twitter Censorship
Brandon / @bborrman: Just to make this clear, spokespeople at Twitter don't make enforcement decisions. They aren't involved in the review process. They share the decisions with the public and answer questions.
Brandon / @bborrman: This piece is completely factually inaccurate. He is a spokesperson and plays no role in enforcement decisions. The article is wrong, full stop, and it's deeply disappointing that @NRO never so much as called to fact check it knowing it would put my colleague in the spotlight.
Dell Cameron / @dellcam: This is the update. Newsweek's opinion editor, @josh_hammer, shares a coby w/ @NancyCooperNYC defending the birtherism oped. Neither is apparently taking responsibility for this blatant conflict of interest 👇and the utter failure of Hammer to properly vet Eastman.
Dell Cameron / @dellcam: Newsweek had to update its racist oped to note the author was defeated in an election that Kamala Harris won. The update was added 12 hours after publication. Newsweek's editor 👇 penned a defense of the oped, which doesn't bother to mention this.
Dell Cameron / @dellcam: Newsweek is a very different publication than it was even just a decade ago. It's standards are a joke and its name carries no weight in the industry. ...
Dell Cameron / @dellcam: More than 12 hours after issuing a correction, the @NationalReview is still running a story on its site claiming one person at Twitter, who used to work for Kamala Harris, decides which Trump tweets get fact-checked. That's not his job and no single person at Twitter does that.
Tom Jones / Poynter: These comments are controversial, irresponsible, troubling and over the line — even for Judge Jeanine Pirro
Dell Cameron / @dellcam: Unsurprisingly, Ari, a Fox News contributor trafficking in disinformation, hasn't bothered to delete this tweet or reply w/ a correction. The headline of the NR story is still 100% false (as noted by the correx at the bottom). The tweet has over 7k retweets.
@larakate: @AriFleischer Hey Ari! Nick is actually on our comms team — much like your former job. He does not make policy decisions. I would expect communications professionals to check stories like this before sharing them so broadly.
Alex Kantrowitz / @kantrowitz: This story demonstrates an embarrassing lack of comprehension of the way Twitter works ...
Jenna Golden / @jigolden: “To be clear, Pacilio has worked at Twitter for nearly six years; only his duties have nothing to do with fact-checking the president, or anyone else, according to Twitter, where Pacilio works as a top spokesman.”
Ben Collins / @oneunderscore__: The guy personally overriding policy to remove fake news flags from conservative posts at Facebook was George W. Bush's policy advisor for eight years, so, yes, I can imagine.
Andrew Couts / @andrewcouts: in which @dellcam reports on how the bullshit sausage is made
Ben Collins / @oneunderscore__: Also, this story is fundamentally incorrect. That's not how stuff gets removed at Twitter. There's a team of people doing this. This is the second story I've read in a few of months claiming a single guy at Twitter makes these decisions. Both were wrong. ...
Dell Cameron / @dellcam: I just spoke to Twitter. This tweet is their official statement:
Ken Yeung / @thekenyeung: I mean, how dare Nick Pacilio not have the foresight to know all of this before joining Twitter? The optics! Heavens! via @gizmodo
Cristiano Lima / @viacristiano: This article, which is making the rounds, is incorrect. @NickPacilio is not “in charge of deciding what the president of the United States can and can't say on Twitter to his 85 million followers.” He's a Twitter spox ...
Liz Kelley / @lizkelley: “In fact, Pacilio is a spokesperson. That's literally his job.”
Alex Kotch / @alexkotch: Ok this is hilarious. The evolution of the rightwing media brain: 1. Twitter spox tweets that his company removed a Trump tweet. 2. Federalist co-founder quotes tweet, thinks the spox made this decision. 3. Ex-Federalist editor uses Davis' false tweet as basis for NRO story 😂
Sean Czarnecki / @seanmczarnecki: I'll expand further. Here are my thoughts:
Sean Czarnecki / @seanmczarnecki: Enough has been tweeted about this already but here's my two cents: Twitter spokespeople do not police speech on its platform.
Bill Grueskin / @bgrueskin: @Larakate @mathewi @AriFleischer Fleischer isn't too skilled at checking things (eg pretexts for foreign wars)
Siobhan Murphy / @siobhan: “Lies about Pacilio's fake job responsibilities, which have gone viral online thanks to conservative writers at the Daily Caller and the National Review, are pretty easy to debunk.”
Alex Kantrowitz / @kantrowitz: And it's written off a bad faith tweet that apparently didn't merit an ounce of research. This is the type of shit you retract.
Kirstine Stewart / @kirstinestewart: Both these publications know full well the role of a comms lead. This is no mistake - it's a blatant, personal and unwarranted attack. National Review, Daily Caller Help Publicize Lies About Former Kamala Harris Staffer via @gizmodo
Alex Byers / @byersalex: Unbelievably lazy failure to do basic research, or purposeful bad-faith effort designed to spread falsehood? You decide!
Dell Cameron / @dellcam: The @DailyCaller has now also altered its week-old headline about @NickPacilio, who has been working at Twitter for almost 6 years. The Caller had reported he was just hired (because its reporters apparently can't, or won't, Google)
Brandon / @bborrman: Ari, he's a spokesperson. The article is 100% incorrect. He has nothing to do with enforcement. You're RTing completely fabricated information.
Cristiano Lima / @viacristiano: Update: NRO has rewritten this headline and added quite a footnote correcting the error ...
Menotti Minutillo / @44: @Kantrowitz the correction is as bad
Dell Cameron / @dellcam: Here's the @DailyCaller story by @VAKruta from Saturday. The lede says Nick Pacilio was just hired. Kruta also cites @seanmdav as her source: Again, Twitter says Pacilio has been working at Twitter for OVER FIVE YEARS.
Ari Fleischer / @arifleischer: NR has updated its story. They removed the line below, which I quoted from their story, and added this note: “Twitter says Pacilio isn't involved in the removal decisions himself. I have updated the post to reflect his role...”
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: Good example of how misinfo quickly spreads. While the National Review article now has a (weak) correx attached to it, the misinfo has already reverberated across the right-wing media universe, amassing thousands of retweets as big figures like Ari share.

A look at major publishers' approaches to audio articles, from developing an automated “voice” at the BBC to training reporters to read aloud at the NYT — New York Times reporters get voice-over training; BBC invests in automated readers designed to sound like humans
Katie Deighton / @dollydeighton: Publishers are waking up to the fact that the stack of magazines sitting unread on your coffee table is haunting you

Techdirt says it's stopped using Google AdSense as the frequency of content violation notices rose without explanation about the violations or how to fix them — You probably didn't notice it, but there are currently no third-party ads on Techdirt. We pulled them down late last week …
pacaBLMDtPkeha / @pacanukeha: A key problem of #ModerationAtScale occurs when automated systems make decisions, the errors are horribly obfuscated, there is institutional denial that the tech can make an error, and not enough humans are paid to fix the errors. Looking at you, @AdSense
Casey Newton / @caseynewton: An ongoing, amazing demonstration of Google's market power is just how terrible their customer service is — even for its clients!
Mike Masnick / @mmasnick: I know it won't get the kind of attention that The Federalist got by playing into the nonsense “anti-conservative bias” wars, but we've had to remove *all* 3rd party ads from @techdirt, after Google's @AdSense content moderators went insane on us:

Court dismisses $25M defamation suit brought against Adweek and anonymous Instagram account Diet Madison Avenue by former Martin Agency CCO Joe Alexander — The former Martin Agency chief creative officer had been seeking $25 million — The U.S. District Court for the Eastern District …

Sources: USAGM put 7 senior leaders on leave and pulled their security clearances, in response to a pro-Joe Biden video and a review of foreign worker hiring — President Trump's new leader at the Voice of America and its parent organization made sweeping staff changes this week in response …
Daniel Lippman / Politico: Trump appointee deepens purge of U.S. global media agency
Steven Nelson / @stevennelson10: Scoop: Some major staff changes today at VOA and parent org USAGM: -Digital managing director of VOA Urdu placed on leave over pro-Biden video -7 USAGM execs, including general counsel and CFO, placed on leave with security clearances suspended
David Beard / @dabeard: Former VOA chief: Lame-duck federal government is “driving out honest, skilled, talented long serving professional public servants on trumped up charges & replacing them with people of no qualifications...(Joe) McCarthy couldn't have done it any better.”
Daniel Lippman / @dlippman: Former VOA head Amanda Bennett said the changes at @USAGM were “driving out honest, skilled, talented long serving professional public servants on trumped up charges and replacing them with people of no qualifications whose only attribute is loyalty.”
Rob Crilly / @robcrilly: “There is no other conclusion to draw, except that it is in retaliation for attempting to do my job in an apolitical manner and to speak truth to power,” said Daniel Kligerman after being fired a general counsel at US global media agency
Anne Applebaum / @anneapplebaum: “What is happening at USAGM is a microcosm of what's happening all across the US govt — driving out honest, skilled, professional public servants on trumped up charges and replacing them with people of no qualifications whose only attribute is loyalty”
@miketheidealist: So this is the new VOA. A propaganda outlet for #Trump and his friends. Gross.
Matt Armstrong / @mountainrunner: If you're surprised by this, you haven't been paying attention. Don't forget this situation is the product of John Lansing, the previous USAGM CEO who, through deception and withholding info, helped push leg to remove the board so HE wouldn't have oversight.
Steve Capus / @stevecapus: They have smashed editorial firewalls designed to protect independent news ops from undue political interference - and are now firing journalists when their stories rub the Trump Administration the wrong way. Pack is dictating content that goes on the front pages of VOA websites
Amna / @iamamnanawaz: “The American people are going to be very very sorry when they wake up one day and find that by these individual actions — one at a time that nobody stopped — they've lost the functioning government they once had.” - @abennett , former head of @VOANews
Steve Capus / @stevecapus: The @USAGMgov executives fired today and network officials let go weeks ago are some of the finest professionals I've worried with in my three + decades in journalism. With Trump, it's par for the course: scientists, public health officials, prosecutors all sidelined.
Shashank Joshi / @shashj: Next on @VOANews: the inspiring story of how tractor production is up again!
Richard Stengel / @stengel: Statement of the GC who was fired: “I am a career civil servant who has faithfully supported [our] mission...over these past seven years, supporting Rep. and Dem. leadership through two administrations.” That's what public servants do.
Steve Capus / @stevecapus: They've now retaliated against the general counsel - because he refused to bend to their twisted legal views. They didn't like when people like me & the head of @VOANews Editorial Statndards refused their demand to label an @AP wire story “Chinese propaganda,” so we were fired.
Karen Kornbluh / @karenkornbluh: VOA USGM purge continues. Terrible. Civil servants who demonstrated the highest level of professionalism under Republican- and Democratic- led bipartisan boards. These professionals deserve all our thanks for their service on behalf of the US

Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Snap introduce election-related initiatives to provide information on topics like voter registration and where to vote — Tech giants are going all in on civic engagement efforts ahead of November's election to help protect themselves in case they're charged …
About Facebook, TechCrunch, Reuters, New York Times, Business Insider, @michaelmacleod1, Vox, and The Keyword, more at Techmeme »
Nick Corasaniti / New York Times: Facebook Will Promote Voting by Mail as Trump Attacks Method
Paige Leskin / Business Insider: Facebook and Instagram launch virtual voting center to promote accurate voting information ahead of 2020 election
Michael MacLeod / @michaelmacleod1: Big fan of these schemes in social apps. The goal to help four million people to register to vote is great. But I wonder if their results will be published post-election. Hopefully learnings will be shared.
Shirin Ghaffary / Vox: Facebook's new voter information center gives Americans fact-checked voting information
Leslie Miller / An update on how YouTube supports elections
Amanda Storey / The Keyword: An update on our 2020 U.S. election efforts

Sources: ByteDance's Indonesian news aggregator app BaBe censored content perceived as critical of the Chinese government between 2018 and mid-2020 — SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Chinese tech giant ByteDance censored content it perceived as critical of the Chinese government on its news aggregator app …