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Vague info from Trump's doctors on Saturday was quickly contradicted off the record by Mark Meadows, highlighting the routine chaos of covering this White House — The dispatches began routinely enough for an out-of-the-ordinary day, with Pool Report #2 from Cheryl Bolen, the Bloomberg White House reporter on pool duty Saturday.
@chrismegerian, @michaelkruse, Politico, @sarahellison, @livininnoutusa, @brianstelter, @politico, @blakehounshell, @paleofuture, @emgusk, @jamespmanley, @jonkarl, @kentremendous, @jason_kint, @brooklynmarie, @nprinskeep, @lisatozzi, @sulliview, @dicktofel, @laurie_garrett, @sulliview, @joshuahol, @shiramstein, @dlind, @timodc, @kagrox, @epspin, @numbers_truth, Mother Jones, The Wrap, Deadline and The Daily Beast
Chris Megerian / @chrismegerian: Two tweets from yesterday. Turns out the reporters were correct.
Michael Kruse / @michaelkruse: “I am stunned that the White House put the president's doctor out there and then issued a contradictory statement,” says @ScottJenningsKY. “You can't do that. This just invites questions about what's going on there.”
Sarah Ellison / @sarahellison: How the everyday chaos of reporting on the Trump White House played out for the world to see. My latest ...
@livininnoutusa: @mediagazer I don't know how reporters who cover trump and his administration do their jobs. The lies and gaslighting they have to sift through is appalling and, I would think, exhausting. I'm grateful to those reporters who do their best not to be stenographers or propagandists for trump.
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: When I said this yesterday, I feared I was too cynical, but today the WH *confirmed* that Saturday's presser was for the viewer-in-chief. Farah: “When you're treating a patient, you want to project confidence, you want to lift their spirits & that was the intent”
@politico: Trump's physician today said the president is “doing very well” But minutes later, the White House press pool reporter conveyed a statement from “a source familiar with the president's health” that appeared to directly contradict the rosy portrait
@blakehounshell: What if they lie to you on the record, but tell the truth off the record?
Matt Novak / @paleofuture: The fact that this is a “new” rule for the president of the White House Correspondents' Association tells you everything you need to know about how the Trump regime was able to lie without consequence for so long.
Emily Guskin / @emgusk: “If someone lies to you off the record,” he said, “it is no longer off the record.” - @jonkarl (story by @sarahellison) ...
Jim Manley / @jamespmanley: About damn time
Jonathan Karl / @jonkarl: I explained the reason for the rule in the introduction to “Front Row at the Trump show” -
Ken Tremendous / @kentremendous: Four years into the Trump Administration, and five years after he started outright lying to them, the press begins to use the word “lying” to describe lying.
Jason Kint / @jason_kint: Not that we needed more evidence that @arthurschwartz and @BernardKerik exist to spread disinfo, polarize the public and drive distrust towards the press and people working to inform the public. But here it is. Please don't retweet their toxic garbage. Do screenshots like this.
Brooke Binkowski / @brooklynmarie: @NebraskaBobert @NPRinskeep Everyone is rediscovering journalistic integrity like five years later finally, it is amazing. You can always count on Americans to do the right thing and do it well — after we've tried literally everything else
Steve Inskeep / @nprinskeep: “Karl cited an earlier situation when a White House official, Matt Pottinger, briefed reporters... only to hear Trump later deny Pottinger's account and accuse the reporter of fabricating...Karl's new rule: ‘If someone lies to you off the record, it is no longer off the record.’”
Lisa Tozzi / @lisatozzi: This seems like a good rule for dealing with this administration ...
Margaret Sullivan / @sulliview: The kicker of this fine @sarahellison piece:
Richard Tofel / @dicktofel: Very much worth reading. I would just add that it enormously complicates things for the treating team that the very willful (and likely quite anxious) patient is watching their briefings.
Laurie Garrett / @laurie_garrett: Like I said.....
Margaret Sullivan / @sulliview: It's very bad but what it's not is stunning
Joshua Holland / @joshuahol: Better late than never, I guess.
Shira Stein / @shiramstein: Go @cherylbolen!! Also I need to send this to everyone I know to help them understand my life 🙃
Dara Lind / @dlind: The WH press corps has done a tremendous job in past 72 hours. They are the reason we know about the outbreak (shout-out @JenniferJJacobs); they've asked specific, medically informed, forceful questions of officials; and they've been honest that answers have been unsatisfactory.
Tim Miller / @timodc: It's not really “stunning” for people who don't have reverse tds. It's exactly what you'd expect from a president that has lied and deceived about things big and small since day 1. @ScottJenningsKY
Emre Peker / @epspin: “This is the frustration of covering this White House. You can really take almost nothing that is on the record at face value.” An unenviable beat, for sure.
Daniel / @numbers_truth: The contradictory messaging has all the hallmarks of group of conspirators who haven't had time to get their stories straight.
Kara Voght / Mother Jones: WH Physician's Briefing Leaves Serious Questions About When Trump Tested Positive for COVID-19
Reid Nakamura / The Wrap: Trump Was Administered Supplemental Oxygen Prior to Hospitalization, AP Reports

It's no secret that a culture of lies permeates this White House, so reporters need to press for documentation and statements from credible medical experts — With President Trump apparently struck by covid-19 a month before a critical election and after 200,000 American deaths from the disease …
New York Magazine, Axios, Associated Press, @ichotiner, New Yorker, Washington Post, @jeremymbarr, @maggienyt, @glennkesslerwp, New Republic, The Atlantic, New York Times, @jayrosen_nyu, @jonathanvswan, CNN, @tracyjan, @ninaharrelsontv, @mc_of_a, @faytuks, @emmersbrown, @emptywheel, @stevebenen, @repteddeutch, @froomkin, Mother Jones, @panagis21, Mediaite, @carrasquillo, @dphiffer, @olivianuzzi, @numbersmuncher, @ianbassin, @larrywilliamsti, @jason_kint, @maxwelltani, Raw Story, @nytimes, @vivian, @jonathanvswan, @maddow, @vermontgmg, @maggienyt, @soledadobrien, Letters from an American, @mollyjongfast, @oliverdarcy, @brianstelter, @mrwaltershapiro, @jbenton, @rschooley, @sulliview, @sulliview, @mattdpearce, @laura_nelson, @spj_tweets, @mathewi, Slate, @jeffjarvis, @joshmankiewicz, @emrosenberg, @green_footballs, @politicswolf, @rolandsmartin, @katzonearth, @billcorbett, @keitholbermann, @parkermolloy, @sarahthyre, @alexburnsnyt, @shiramstein, @mollyjongfast, @soledadobrien, @wesleylowery, Vanity Fair, Burns Notice, @jason_kint, @teahcartel, @aaronblake, @lalasoo, @jayrosen_nyu, @sulliview, @pkafka, @joyannreid, @metrouk, @learning2getby, @timobrien, @ppatel, @maccathehack, @clecheap, @alanneff, @faizapatelbcj, @fbajak and @oliverdarcy
Jonathan Swan / Axios: Covering a cover-up in real time
Isaac Chotiner / @ichotiner: Bob Woodward just said on CNN that the media is too focused on getting the story of what's going on with Trump's health, and that the focus should be on wishing him well and treating him medically.
Isaac Chotiner / New Yorker: Maggie Haberman on the Fallout from Trump's Hospitalization
Washington Post: White House gives confusing and incomplete answers about Trump's health as president says he is ‘feeling well’
Jeremy Barr / @jeremymbarr: After Bob Woodward says on CNN that journalists should be patient and not complain about a lack of info, Gloria Borger says: “I want to respectfully disagree, because I think we could be getting more information than we're getting.”
Maggie Haberman / @maggienyt: The Meadows comments to the pool “infuriated the president, according to people close to the situation, and he intervened directly to counter the perception that he was sicker than the White House had admitted.”
Glenn Kessler / @glennkesslerwp: The president's doctors should have a full briefing on the his condition ASAP. The statements issued so far have provided too little information. And reporters need to be able to ask follow-up questions.
Alex Shephard / New Republic: Is Donald Trump Dying?
David A. Graham / The Atlantic: Trump Didn't Even Try to Keep His Own People Safe
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: What is the actual state of Trump's health? @jonathanvswan writes: “It's one of the most high-stakes questions in the world, and I cannot answer it, despite having spent since 5 a.m. on Friday on my phone with sources inside and close to the White House.”
Jonathan Swan / @jonathanvswan: Multiple sources in the White House and on the campaign have reached out since Meadows' statement, and said they're utterly perplexed about what's going on.
Tracy Jan / @tracyjan: .@Sulliview: “Not a single administration statement deserves to be taken at face value. That privilege has been forfeited.” ...
@ninaharrelsontv: It's not a journalist's job to “wish him well.” And the American people have every right to know the condition of the president — especially a month ahead of the election.
Michael Caley / @mc_of_a: one of the bizarre findings doctors saw with Covid from the earliest period is that the way the virus attacks the lungs, you can appear to be breathing normally but have dangerously low O2 saturation and need emergent care this explains what happened! ...
@faytuks: A Trump adviser who spoke on condition of anonymity said the president was not happy to learn of Meadows' initial remarks (Reuters)
Steve Benen / @stevebenen: When a credibility crisis intersects with staggering dysfunction: White House aides say they don't trust other White House aides because of widespread lying.
Rep. Ted Deutch / @repteddeutch: Businesses around the country are shouldering the burden of responding to this virus by keeping track of employees & patrons, closing & cleaning if they have a case, helping with contact tracing. Why isn't the White House?
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: This NYT story wanly reports that conflicting statements ended up “leaving the impression that the president was sick and had begun treatment earlier than officially reported.” That's called a coverup.
Dan Spinelli / Mother Jones: It's Sunday and We Still Know Basically Nothing About the Lead Up to Trump's Diagnosis
@panagis21: I...may have not held back during this interview. @NYMag White House Spreads COVID-19 and Lies About Trump's Health
Sarah Rumpf / Mediaite: Days After Trump Diagnosed With Covid, White House Staff Finally Given Instructions: ‘Do Not Come To Work’ If You Have Symptoms
Adrian Carrasquillo / @carrasquillo: Meadows “called into Fox News on Saturday night, knowing the president was watching, and praised his “unbelievable courage” and “unbelievable improvement.” But he also confirmed that Mr. Trump's condition on Friday was worse than originally described.”
Dan Phiffer / @dphiffer: This is the kind of seriousness and professionalism I've come to expect from this admin.
Olivia Nuzzi / @olivianuzzi: As @Bencjacobs and I reported yesterday @NYMag, a senior White House official was angry that staff had been kept in the dark, that nobody had been told what to do about the virus spreading rapidly in their own workplace.
Josh Jordan / @numbersmuncher: The problem with all of the miscommunication and clarifications is that it opens up a lot of speculation and conspiracy theory kind of stuff. If there's ever a time for the White House to get the messaging and info right the first time, it's right now.
Ian Bassin / @ianbassin: When he insisted on Sean Spicer lying about inauguration crowd size and experts warned that it was a dangerous authoritarian move, some scoffed. But those experts knew this is where those tendencies end up. Incredible report from @jonathanvswan
Larry Williams / @larrywilliamsti: RELAX. Bob Woodward will have the scoop in six months.
Jason Kint / @jason_kint: Note: this was prior to the information chaos today. Without our press persistence we would be up a creek.
Max Tani / @maxwelltani: We know Trump is still in relatively decent health because he is still increasingly isolated, privately fuming and lashing out at aides.
Tom Boggioni / Raw Story: ‘Zero help to us’: White House staff furious with Mark Meadows for revealing Trump's health issues
@nytimes: The White House offered a barrage of conflicting messages and contradictory accounts about President Trump's health on Saturday as he remained hospitalized with the coronavirus and the outbreak spread to a wider swath of his political allies.
Vivian Schiller / @vivian: Woodward is 100% wrong. This is not a pop star or athlete. This is the President of the United States. It's global security issue.
Jonathan Swan / @jonathanvswan: A statement from the White House chief of staff that is completely at odds with the rosy picture the doctors painted of the president's health, just minutes earlier.
Rachel Maddow / @maddow: “There are hundreds and hundreds of people who work [at the White House] complex, some who have families with high-risk family members. Since this whole thing started, not one email has gone out to tell employees what to do or what's going on.”
Garrett M. Graff / @vermontgmg: Spoiler alert: If the truth about the President's health was good and reassuring, we'd know the truth and the story would be easy to keep straight. The fact that we're continuing to get lies and deceptions 48 hours in is a sign it's serious and bad.
Maggie Haberman / @maggienyt: Good breakdown from @jonathanvswan on the confusion over the last 24 hours coming from the White House
Soledad O'Brien / @soledadobrien: Because the administration lies: always, about everything, all the time.
Heather Cox Richardson / Letters from an American: I try to give us all a break on the weekend, but today seems like a day for which we need a record.
Molly Jong-Fast / @mollyjongfast: We are being lied to
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: What a headline on this story from @OliviaNuzzi and @Bencjacobs: “The White House Is Spreading Virus and Lies”
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: The title of Swan's latest: “Covering a cover-up in real time”
Walter Shapiro / @mrwaltershapiro: Reading this perfect-pitch @Sulliview column on White House lies and the need for truth, I remembered that Roy Cohn (Trump's mentor) died insisting that he had liver cancer rather than AIDs. It's a centerpiece of “Angels in America.” ...
Joshua Benton / @jbenton: The number of people who think Trump is faking this is a really dark piece of evidence about how much he's destroyed Americans' trust in even the most basic facts when they come from his mouth
Margaret Sullivan / @sulliview: I guess I'm gonna re-up this in light of ... today
Margaret Sullivan / @sulliview: What the president (or press secretary) says is news, you say? Given the history of Trump White House lies, the default response should be “prove it.” ...
Matt Pearce / @mattdpearce: this take was bad at the time and has only aged even worse since then
Laura J. Nelson / @laura_nelson: Well, I wouldn't exactly say this take has aged like a fine wine
@spj_tweets: “What is the press to do? Obviously, keep up with the kind of aggressive reporting that has revealed what's happening. But be wary—even more wary than before—of taking any Trump or White House statements at face value and transmitting them to the public.” ...
Mathew Ingram / @mathewi: Spectacularly bad and wrong take as usual from Bob
Daniel Politi / Slate: Trump Says He Is “Starting to Feel Good” in Video From Walter Reed
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: Woodward wrong again
Josh Mankiewicz / @joshmankiewicz: “It's no secret that a culture of lies permeates the White House. There has been a parade of press secretaries with a remarkably consistent record of failing to tell the truth to reporters and the general public.” ...
Eli Rosenberg / @emrosenberg: A @Sulliview plea for reporters to be more circumspect about repeating assertions from unnamed or anonymous sources regarding the president's health until they are verified ...
Charles Johnson / @green_footballs: Margaret Sullivan is right again. Journalists, beware: This White House can't be trusted to be truthful about Trump's health ...
Stephen Wolf / @politicswolf: This is an argument for acquiescence to an authoritarian regime, not what journalism is supposed to do. He's the most powerful person in the world leading the least transparent admin in modern history. We can hope he recovers while still demanding accountability to the public
Jonathan Myerson Katz / @katzonearth: Yes the famous journalistic imperative of speaking wishes to power
Bill Corbett / @billcorbett: Wow, seems Bob Woodward is ok with the public waiting significant amounts of time for vital info??? Never woulda guessed
Keith Olbermann / @keitholbermann: Yah it's crap, actually
Parker Molloy / @parkermolloy: Counterpoint: their job is to focus on getting the story and not sending well-wishes
Sarah Thyre / @sarahthyre: Spoken like a man who withheld dire public health info in order to sell books
Shira Stein / @shiramstein: As a health-care reporter who has covered this administration's pandemic response for seven months—He's wrong. Again.
Molly Jong-Fast / @mollyjongfast: We really NEED to know about the presidents health because he's the “leader of our country.”
Soledad O'Brien / @soledadobrien: Whew I feel like we've all learned A LOT about Bob Woodward in the last few weeks.
Wesley / @wesleylowery: Journalists shouldn't be pressing for more timely updates about the health of POTUS after he's been diagnosed with a deadly virus is a remarkable statement for the “associate editor” of The Washington Post to make
Charlotte Klein / Vanity Fair: The White House's Credibility Problem Makes It Impossible to Know How Sick Trump Really Is
Katelyn Burns / Burns Notice: We usually don't know when a president is deathly ill
Jason Kint / @jason_kint: Well said. “Once upon a time, when a president or his press secretary made a statement on an crucially important matter, it was simply considered news. And reported as such.” and then came... @seanspicer @StephGrisham45 @SHSanders45 @PressSec
@teahcartel: Trump lies at the center of most misinformation surrounding COVID-19, according to a study from Cornell University which looked at 38 million articles about the coronavirus pandemic in English-language media internationally.
Aaron Blake / @aaronblake: This is bigger than politics. It's the leader of the free world. And we have a years-long series of un-serious and woefully incomplete reviews of his health.
Soo Youn / @lalasoo: “When it comes to Trump's health, he and his minions have a history of dubious statements... Be wary — even more wary than before — of taking any Trump or White House statements at face value and transmitting them to the public.” ...
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: My plea to the press corps and cable news crews narrating this: the Trump White House has set itself against a common world of fact from its very first day. The “issue” then was crowd size. Now it's a President's health. Do not assume they agree that one set of facts has to rule.
Margaret Sullivan / @sulliview: I'm on TeamGlenn on this one
Peter Kafka / @pkafka: The main thing we have going for us - maybe the only thing, right now - is that even though the Trump White House lies constantly, about everything, they are terrible at it.
Joy Reid / @joyannreid: Important point for those who are skeptical re the Trump diagnosis — a skepticism he has earned, by the way. It's not clear the White House would have disclosed any of this on their own. Journalism dragged this out.
@metrouk: ‘Years of attacking the media as fake news, peddling conspiracy theories and touting misinformation have created an environment whereby people instinctively mistrust Donald Trump.’ @mrjoshz writes for @MetroOpinion. #TrumpHasCovid
@learning2getby: What a statement. I mean, it's true. And we've known this for awhile. But it still shocking to see it put put there like this. How far America has fallen.
Tim O'Brien / @timobrien: “It's no secret that a culture of lies permeates the White House. There has been a parade of press secretaries with a remarkably consistent record of failing to tell the truth to reporters and the general public...It starts at the top with Trump himself.” ...
Pratik Patel / @ppatel: .@Sulliview is right when she cautions journalists to be ware that the Whitehouse lies about everything. Their claims about Trump's health should be subject to verification. In other words, don't let down your guard. ...
JamesMcCarthy / @maccathehack: ‘The cycle of dangerous obfuscation has already begun’ ...
Molly Callahan / @clecheap: @Sulliview Looking at the headlines from various papers, I found it noteworthy that the SF Chronicle's was “Trump says he has virus” while all others I saw treated his diagnosis as fact.
Faiza Patel / @faizapatelbcj: This from @Sulliview is really important, not just for journalists, but for everyone: ...

White House Correspondents' Association says three White House journalists tested positive for COVID-19 on Friday — New York (CNN Business)A widening coronavirus outbreak at the White House has left members of the media scrambling to find out if they, too, are infected.
Washington Post, The Atlantic, @bmkibler, @arthistorynews, @sherylnyt, @kylegriffin1, The Guardian, @georgetakei, @johncusack, @gregolear, Raw Story, @moshik_temkin, @frankrichny, @miafarrow, @jeffreygoldberg, @brianstelter, Slate, @alexgibneyfilm, @hughhewitt, @zeynep, @janemayernyer, @sethabramson, @philiprucker, @nxthompson, @katiephang, @ericcolumbus, @amy_siskind, @kathryndiss, @elienyc, @anniekarni, @oliverdarcy, @nielslesniewski, @seungminkim, @spj_tweets and White House Correspondents …
Washington Post: Invincibility punctured by infection: How the coronavirus spread in Trump's White House
Peter Nicholas / The Atlantic: What I Saw at the White House
Brian Kibler / @bmkibler: Alexa play The Rains of Castemere
Bendor Grosvenor PhD / @arthistorynews: Quite the statistic.
Sheryl Gay Stolberg / @sherylnyt: Journalists take a risk in covering the president. My colleague @shearm — who flew on Air Force One with Trump last week & now has Covid-19 — correctly notes that “there are some things the White House could have done to minimize the risk more.” @farhip ...
Kyle Griffin / @kylegriffin1: Attendees were so confident that COVID would not invade their seemingly safe space that, after guests tested negative at the Barrett ceremony, they were instructed they no longer needed to cover their faces. The no-mask mantra applied indoors as well. ...
Amanda Holpuch / The Guardian: Who in Trump's inner circle has tested positive for coronavirus?
George Takei / @georgetakei: “Attendees were so confident that the contagion would not invade their seemingly safe space at the White House that, according to Jenkins, after guests tested negative that day they were instructed they no longer needed to cover their faces.” 😳😳
John Cusack / @johncusack: The owe more than that - the debt they owe is to face justice @lrozen: such recklessness and arrogance. they owe the nation an apology ..."
Greg Olear / @gregolear: Everyone in the country should read this article, as it perfectly captures the toxic mix of arrogance, ignorance, incompetence, and cruelty that is the Trump Administration. The past week was a microcosm of the last four years. An American tragedy. ...
Moshik Temkin / @moshik_temkin: The only thing future historians will not be able to explain is why so many pundits were convinced that they wouldn't be able to explain things that are very easy to explain
Frank Rich / @frankrichny: Safe to say “mild symptoms” now a GOP talking point. Press should not take at face value. #coverup
Jeffrey Goldberg / @jeffreygoldberg: “On the White House grounds this morning, senior West Wing aides walked around without masks. They spoke with the press without masks. They huddled privately with one another and didn't wear masks.” — @PeterAtlantic: ...
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: One of the journalists who tested positive for Covid-19 on Friday is @shearm of the @nytimes. He told @farhip that the job always has “some element of risk,” but “there are some things the White House could have done to minimize the risk more...” ...
Shannon Palus / Slate: Everything We Know About When Trump Got Sick, His Treatment, and How He Is Now
Alex Gibney / @alexgibneyfilm: Best wishes to @shearm who appears in our film on federal response to covid.
Hugh Hewitt / @hughhewitt: Prayers for them all and their families, and especially the wonderful reporter and frequent radio guest @shearm. We have chatted on air a bit about challenges of high schoolers at home during this and now have the virus...well, praying folk should remember entire families.
Zeynep Tufekci / @zeynep: This pathogen can be surprisingly non-contagious most of the time... But when it strikes, it's often in clusters. So they may well have a cluster on their hands.
Jane Mayer / @janemayernyer: Hoping for the best for my colleagues and their families.
Seth Abramson / @sethabramson: WP: “WHCA president Zeke Miller asked journalists who don't have an enclosed office in the WH workspace and aren't part of the press pool—the rotating group of reporters that follows the president and shares its reporting with other reporters—to stay away from the WH altogether.”
Philip Rucker / @philiprucker: NYT reporter @shearm, who tested positive for coronavirus: “Like people in a lot of other professions, I realize there's some element of risk always” in covering the president. “I feel strongly that reporting for the paper is worth some of that risk.” ...
@nxthompson: Journalists know there are risks in reporting on any pandemic. And they take them because the work matters. But they really shouldn't be penned up and exposed to a whole bunch of other people who refuse to wear masks. ...
Katie Phang / @katiephang: “Three journalists, including New York Times correspondent Michael D. Shear, tested positive for the coronavirus on Friday, as did a White House staffer who works with the press.” ...
Eric Columbus / @ericcolumbus: Why would a reporter require anonymity here? ...
Amy Siskind / @amy_siskind: Three journalists who cover the White House have tested positive. This really pisses me off. They knew, and they hide it for days and now so many people's lives are impacted.
Kathryn Diss / @kathryndiss: Important to remember Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany still held a press briefing and the president still travelled Thursday after becoming aware of Hope Hick's covid diagnosis.
Elie Mystal / @elienyc: The president's irresponsibility got these people sick
Annie Karni / @anniekarni: Remembering when Trump tried to pressure WH reporter Jeff Mason to take off his mask at a news conference, and when he didn't, mocking him by saying, “you want to be politically correct.”
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: WHCA says in email to members this evening that given the three positive cases among press and the evolving situation, “a number of White House journalists are self-isolating pending diagnostic testing.”
Niels Lesniewski / @nielslesniewski: According to the WHCA, there have been three positive COVID-19 tests among the White House press corps so far today. This is part of what we have been worried about. And there certainly have been folks in the press briefing room not heeding the precautions.
Seung Min Kim / @seungminkim: “Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, the (WHCA) has taken a more proactive position than the Trump administration and has encouraged journalists to take common sense precautions while covering the administration.”

WHCA blasted the lack of notice about President Trump's brief motorcade trip out of his hospital quarters on Sunday, criticizing the lack of transparency — © ALEX EDELMAN/AFP via Getty Images — The White House Correspondents' Association (WHCA) on Sunday blasted President Trump's brief foray …
Breitbart, @albamonica, @albamonica, Politico, @brianstelter, Washington Post and New York Post
Charlie Spiering / Breitbart: White House: ‘Appropriate Precautions’ Taken During Trump's COVID Drive-By
Monica Alba / @albamonica: @whca @ZekeJMiller “... Now more than ever, the American public deserves independent coverage of the president so they can be reliably informed about his health.”
Monica Alba / @albamonica: From @WHCA President @ZekeJMiller: “It is outrageous for the president to have left the hospital — even briefly — amid a health crisis without a protective pool present to ensure that the American people know where their president is and how he is doing...”
Nolan D. McCaskill / Politico: Trump team under fire for confusion about president's condition
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: Members of the WH press pool are “eyes and ears of the American people,” @ZekeJMiller says. “At the end of the day, it's important that the press pool be with the president so that we can fulfill that obligation.”

ABC says its news staff who were in direct contact with former NJ Gov. Chris Christie will quarantine for 14 days, after he announced his positive COVID-19 test — New York (CNN)ABC News staffers who were in direct contact with former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie will quarantine for 14 days …
Eric Feigl-Ding / @drericding: Breaking—a number of @ABC News staff w/ direct contact with Chris Christie, who was an ABC News debate pundit, must now go into quarantine. ABC executives are absolutely fuming that Christie's “reckless behavior is risking the lives of ABC News employees.”
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: “The decision for ABC News to include a Trump advisor as a paid analyst on air for the same debate for which he prepped the President was questionable. Now that same advisor's reckless behavior is risking the lives of ABC News employees.”
Brian Steinberg / Variety: ABC News Staffers Who Were in Contact With Governor Christie Will Quarantine
Kevin Roderick / @laobserved: So ABC News paid Trump debate preparer Christie to be an on-air analyst of the debate. AND he was a virus violator.
Ross Garber / @rossgarber: Ya think? ""The decision for ABC News to include a Trump advisor as a paid analyst on air for the same debate for which he prepped the President was questionable," one high-profile ABC News on-air personality told CNN Business"
Salome Strangelove / @salstrange: Bothsidesism peddlers “absolutely fuming” that bothsidesism is now directly affecting them as badly as it's affecting our democracy.
Dan Gillmor / @dangillmor: ABC's decision to do journalistic business as usual — which has been pure, unethical malpractice for a long time now — isn't just dangerous for the future of the republic. It's personally dangerous for the staffers. Only the second of those dangers will matter to the bosses.
Dr. Richard Harambe / @richard_harambe: Is this the same ABC news that squashed a story about Epstein for 3 years?
Karen Yi / @karen_yi: Chris Christie was in the New York offices of ABC News on Tuesday night. Some staffers have to quarantine now
Paul Rosenberg / @paulhrosenberg: The Seinfeld press: No learning!
Eric Klinenberg / @ericklinenberg: It's weird, because those @abc executives had every reason to believe that Chris Christie was a deeply moral, totally honest, completely honorable guy when they hired him to go n air and evaluate the president he works for.
Nesrine Malik / The Guardian: The lesson in Trump catching Covid: all the lies in the world can't hold reality at bay
David Pepper / @davidpepper: Still livid that so many folks were put in danger in Cleveland by these reckless fools...
Adam Green / @adamgreen: Uhhh...yeah. “The decision for ABC News to include a Trump advisor as a paid analyst on air for the same debate for which he prepped the President was questionable,” one high-profile ABC News on-air personality told CNN Business.
Jason Cochran / @jascochran: Journalistically speaking, this was a super problematic thing to do even before the viral outbreak was announced.
David Sirota / @davidsirota: ABC news execs hired Governor Bridgegate and yet are shocked and surprised that he engages in reckless behavior
Rebecca Kavanagh / @drrjkavanagh: Agreed. But, on the question of paid analysts, @CNN had people who were advising Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on air non-stop during the primaries, including for Democratic debate commentary.
William Cummings / USA Today: ‘No one was wearing masks’ during debate prep, Chris Christie says after president contracts coronavirus
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: So true. What were they thinking? The guy is working for the campaign. That makes him a source, not part of your broadcast team. This is so obvious and basic, it's embarrassing to even explain it to @ABC. So I repeat: what were they thinking?
Daniel Politi / Slate: Chris Christie Checks Into Hospital as Precaution While Some Had to Beg to Even Get Tested

Source: Fox News is taking precautions, including testing, after TV hosts, reporters, and staff were potentially exposed to COVID-19, including Lachlan Murdoch
CNN: “In the dark” — The world is watching and waiting and hoping that President Trump will recover from his bout with Covid-19.
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: Lachlan Murdoch and Fox News anchors and staff who have been potentially exposed to coronavirus over past week will be tested, per @grynbaum. @seanhannity disregarded social distancing inside debate hall & @IngrahamAngle attended SCOTUS event without mask.

Years of White House evasions on Trump's health show the US urgently needs a reporting culture better suited to covering the decline of its many older leaders — The president is hospitalized and reporters are fighting for basic facts. What should elderly leaders — many of America's top politicians …
@sorayamcdonald, @benyt, @kirk_bado, @jaketapper, @andrewdesiderio, @carloslozadawp, @glcarlstrom, @jayscottsmith, @mr_berman, @dabeard, @gdebenedetti, @kyledcheney, @amandalitman, @annehelen, @chrisgeidner, @williams_paige, @tednesi, @keitholbermann, @jewelwickershow, @mattdpearce, @jacremes, @pattmlatimes, @bendubose, @nythaikus, @heatherscope, @annemariebridy, @tomcoates, @danrafael1, @tigerbeat, @ncblake, @prashantrao, @jessewegman, @brianjameswalsh, @iskandrah and @joannelipman
@sorayamcdonald: I don't care how spry they are this is crazy
Ben Smith / @benyt: Outlets assigned top reporters to update Mr. Trump's obituary — Peter Baker at The New York Times, Marc Fisher at The Washington Post and Mark Z. Barabak at The Los Angeles Times, people at each paper told me....
Kirk A. Bado / @kirk_bado: “But for the next few years, at least, our leaders' age and health will remain big news. We need a reporting culture that's ready to handle the public decline of this generation of leaders, as long as they insist on declining in public.”
Jake Tapper / @jaketapper: Good @benyt piece on covering politicians who are of advanced years, and @BresPolitico - “a rare reporter with the stomach to print some obvious truths: that some top lawmakers aren't all there.”
Andrew Desiderio / @andrewdesiderio: In all seriousness, @benyt makes a thorough case for aggressively reporting on our leaders' health, despite the obvious sensitivity involved. It's in the urgent public interest — and @BresPolitico has mastered it.
Carlos Lozada / @carloslozadawp: Ben — you know this basically guarantees Trump's campaign speeches (and if he wins, his victory speech) will now say something to the effect of how the mainstream media was literally writing his obituary, but he showed he's plenty alive enough to win, etc, etc...
Gregg Carlstrom / @glcarlstrom: “Physical decline is likely to be a major feature of the next few years of American politics... this concentration of power in the hands of the old is an American phenomenon. Our leaders are getting older as European leaders get younger.”
Jay Scott Smith / @jayscottsmith: This sounds weird and ghoulish but it's a common practice. I once worked at a TV station that had an entire room of pre-produced obit videos for public figures over 50.
Matt Berman / @mr_berman: True in at least a few ways, from @benyt: “Physical decline is likely to be a major feature of the next few years of American politics, at least.”
David Beard / @dabeard: “Journalists must get past the taboos and be frank about the normal process of aging,” writes @benyt. He notes: “This kind of reporting is impolite. It's also totally obvious.”
Gabriel Debenedetti / @gdebenedetti: “A friend recently told me sadly how nice it had been to see a national politician, Kamala Harris, jog down a few stairs.”
Kyle Cheney / @kyledcheney: Can't imagine a better description of @BresPolitico than this from @benyt, or a more deserved compliment — being unafraid to offend powerful people to tell important, impolite uncomfortable truths.
Amanda Litman / @amandalitman: “The easiest solution to this media quandary [on how to cover aging politicians] is for citizens to elect leaders of working age.”
Anne Helen Petersen / @annehelen: “This kind of reporting is impolite. It's also totally obvious, and a natural feature of America's recent slide toward gerontocracy.”
Chris Geidner / @chrisgeidner: “We need a reporting culture that's ready to handle the public decline of this generation of leaders, as long as they insist on declining in public.”
@williams_paige: “We need a reporting culture that's ready to handle the public decline of this generation of leaders, as long as they insist on declining in public. Searching questions about everything from sleep to cognition shouldn't be off limits.”
Ted Nesi / @tednesi: “a Navy veteran with the demeanor of a guy you've dragged out of a dive bar in the eighth inning of the Yankees game” Tough but fair @BresPolitico
Keith Olbermann / @keitholbermann: Having written way too many obits - several have run this year - this is not as routine as it sounds.
Jewel Wicker / @jewelwickershow: (For people who haven't worked in newsrooms: This isn't at all surprising nor is it an uncommon practice.)
Matt Pearce / @mattdpearce: For what it's worth, I prepped Bernie's obit after his heart attack just as a matter of common journalistic precaution, and needless to say he is still with us.
Jacob Remes / @jacremes: Very 1970s Russia vibe (except those gerontocrats were actually younger).
Patt Morrison / @pattmlatimes: Gentle reader — this is not ghoulish. Keeping pre-written obituaries at the ready for famous, especially old ones, guarantees that there will be a full biographical treatment whenever they do die. These obits are updated regularly, and especially with news like this.
Ben DuBose / @bendubose: When I interned with MLB dot com, one of the strangest assignments we had was writing future obits for older Hall of Famers that weren't anywhere near passing at the time. It serves a good purpose, and there's ample reason for media outlets to be prepared. Just so odd to do it.
NYT Haikus / @nythaikus: The chairman of the Appropriations Committee is 86.
Heather Caygle / @heatherscope: Bres has been called *a lot* of names in his reporting career but I bet “Capitol Hill's grim reaper” is a new one
Annemarie Bridy / @annemariebridy: America in decline is a gerontocracy.
Tom Coates / @tomcoates: Just a reminder that obituaries are regularly updated to be ready to go with little editing at short notice.
Dan Rafael / @danrafael1: It's normal business for news outlets to have obituaries of significant people at least partially written to be updated with details at the time of somebody's death. I wrote some #boxing obits that were banked years ago at USA Today and did the same at ESPN.
Steve Rhodes / @tigerbeat: Last month, @BresPolitico & @Marianne_Levine reported fellow Democrats were worried whether Dianne Feinstein was up to leading her side of the Amy Coney Barrett confirmation hearings.. by @benyt
Nicholas Blake / @ncblake: “the most powerful people in the country should learn from Mr. Trump's disastrous example that if you lie consistently about your health, nobody will believe you in a crisis.”
Prashant Rao / @prashantrao: “For the next few years, at least, our leaders' age and health will remain big news. We need a reporting culture that's ready to handle the public decline of this generation of leaders, as long as they insist on declining in public.”
Jesse Wegman / @jessewegman: Such an important piece. Old people are a crucial part of any society — I hope I get to be one someday! — but they shouldn't be running the government. As long as they do, we need clear-eyed and unflinching coverage of their frailties.
Brian Walsh / @brianjameswalsh: In which @benyt perfectly captures the relaxed, smiling and non-intimidating demeanor of the great @BresPolitico. But seriously, one of the best reporters and people. Just tread carefully after a Yankees loss.
Alexandra Halaby / @iskandrah: I have been tasked with writing Mr. Trump's obituary for MAD Libs Weekly
Joanne Lipman / @joannelipman: .@benyt you are way too young to remember this, but old politicians first became front-page news back in 1984, when the @wsj broke the age taboo with a page 1 piece headlined, “Reagan Debate Performance Invites Open Speculation on His Ability to Serve.”

Sidestepping rules on political interference, two Trump appointees at USAGM have compiled a report claiming VOA's White House bureau chief was unfair to Trump — Two political appointees at the federal agency that oversees the Voice of America recently investigated one of its most prominent journalists …
@katzonearth, @suzannenossel, @briankarem, @britinnyc, @kurteichenwald, @millermena, @jaketapper, @adriennelaf, @williampesek, @thewarmonitor, @normornstein, @waltshaub, @adamweinstein, @joshrogin, @aravosis, @adriennelaf, @brooklynmarie, @jamespmanley, @michaelehayden, @michikokakutani, @kathrynw5, @ehananoki, @dlind, @waltshaub, @wonkvj, @whca, @nathanwurtzel, @clearing_fog, @gallovoa and @kazweida
Jonathan Myerson Katz / @katzonearth: Any word from the anti-Cancel Culture crew on this one?
Suzanne Nossel / @suzannenossel: White House witch hunts @VOANews reporter Steve Herman @W7VOA, more vindictive retaliation @PENamerica has documented toward journalists @WhiteHouse deems critical. This violates not just 1st Am but also laws shielding VOA from political interference
@britinnyc: “The investigation of Herman is the latest and perhaps the most blatant in a growing series of episodes pointing to the politicization of the international broadcaster since Trump's pick, Michael Pack, became CEO of its parent agency”
James Miller / @millermena: “The men appear to have violated laws intended to protect the federally funded news outlet from political interference. That has set off alarms within the VOA newsroom, already unnerved by investigations of coverage of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden by VOA”
Jake Tapper / @jaketapper: Your tax dollars funding political appointees looking at what @VOANews corespondent @W7VOA Herman “liked” on social media.
Adrienne LaFrance / @adriennelaf: Crucial background from @anneapplebaum here: ...
William Pesek / @williampesek: Pro tip for @realDonaldTrump: when trying to beat China, it's best not to turn America into China >> Political Aides Investigate @W7VOA White House Reporter For Anti-Trump Bias
WarMonitor / @thewarmonitor: This happens in China, Russia and North Korea. Patriots my ass.
Norman Ornstein / @normornstein: Michael Pack and his extremist thugs at VOA violating the law to tilt international broadcasting in Trump's favor. Simply disgraceful.
Walter Shaub / @waltshaub: Insane! @W7VOA is a real reporter doing real reporting. But the Steve Bannon associate Trump put in charge of @USAGMgov, Michael Pak, is targeting him because the most corrupt administration in our history hates real reporting. Congress, please stop this!
Adam Weinstein / @adamweinstein: This is like McCarthyism and Stalinism had a kid and sold it to the circus
Josh Rogin / @joshrogin: This story about @USAGMgov political appointees “investigating” @VOANews reporter @W7VOA is shocking. He is an objective & skilled professional. VOA journalists' independence must be preserved. This is the kind of crap they do in Russian & China.
@aravosis: Nazis, Soviets, pick your poison. It's un-American, and the Republicans are perfectly fine with it.
Adrienne LaFrance / @adriennelaf: Thank goodness @davidfolkenflik has stayed on this story. Everyone who cares about the First Amendment must read this:
Brooke Binkowski / @brooklynmarie: This is specious bullshit — Steve Herman is a very good reporter.
Jim Manley / @jamespmanley: I know there is lots going on but this is outrageous. Voice Of America White House Bureau Chief Investigated By Political Appointees : NPR
Michael Edison Hayden / @michaelehayden: Voice of America's WH bureau chief is being investigated for anti-Trump bias. Will the people who market themselves around critiquing “cancel culture” notice this story?
Michiko Kakutani / @michikokakutani: 2 political appointees at the federal agency overseeing Voice of America investigated a journalist to make the case he was biased against President Trump. They appear to have violated regulations intended to protect the news outlet from political influence
Kathryn Watson / @kathrynw5: What total B.S. Steve is a great reporter and the only thing politically motivated is this investigation.
Eric Hananoki / @ehananoki: One of the political aides (Frank Wuco) is a bigot ( ...) who should have no business being in a federal government job but this, of course, is the Trump administration.
Dara Lind / @dlind: This is unacceptable. @W7VOA plays it straighter than anybody else, while retaining integrity. Obviously VOA has been showing warning signs before now under new management but this is, if you need it, a bright line.
Walter Shaub / @waltshaub: This is all part of Michael Pack's effort to Breitbartize VOA, Radio Free Europe and other federal news outlets, turning them into parts of a virulent pro-Trump, nationalist, white supremacist international propaganda machine controlled by the deviants at @USAGMgov.
Van Jackson / @wonkvj: Steve covers the news narrowly and straight up, often to my frustration. Like all things Trump admin though, to have no bias is to have an anti-Trump bias. This is outright political corruption, once again
@whca: Political Aides Investigate VOA White House Reporter For Anti-Trump Bias
@nathanwurtzel: He's...not even bad. I follow him. He's almost 100% straight reporting. But even if he was, this is not what Republicans want our government doing. Right guys? We're for limited government.
ClearingTheFog / @clearing_fog: In May, Trump put a Bannon associate, Michael Pack, in charge of VOA, which immediately caused alarm and fears of politicization. Now those concerns are confirmed and further reinforced.

Sources: Cineworld, owner of Regal Cinemas in the US, plans to close all of its theaters across the US and UK as early as this week, with no reopening date set — On Sunday afternoon U.K. time, Cineworld confirmed that it is “considering the temporary closure” of its U.K. and U.S. cinemas …
The Sunday Times, Deadline, The Guardian, NME, The Verge, @cineactiongroup, @jostevenslabour, @tracybrabin, abc7NY, @darren_mooney, Hollywood Reporter, @niallmoran_, @adrianweckler, @petersuderman, Breitbart, @aaronsagers, The Wrap, IndieWire, @brogantatexo, io9, /Film, @syahredzan, @sabahmeddings, The Indian Express, @trengriffin, @alex_segal, Vanity Fair, @gracerandolph, Comic Book Movie, @tomwarren, @variety, @brentalang, @sonnybunch, @mousterpiece, @frankpallotta, Orange County Register, @variety, @hertzbarry, CBS Los Angeles, Daily Mail, Hollywood Reporter, Reuters, Deadline and Mashable
Jake Kanter / Deadline: Cineworld Confirms “Temporary Suspension” Of Theatres In U.S. & UK From Thursday
Sean Hollister / The Verge: Bond was the last straw: Regal and Cineworld will reportedly close all theaters in US and UK next week
@cineactiongroup: We have found out vital information about our jobs from the media throughout the pandemic. Workers have been left out of discussions that should've included our voices. However, in this case it goes beyond belief. To find out you may no longer have a job from the media is awful.
Jo Stevens / @jostevenslabour: 5500 peoples' jobs at risk as @cineworld to close it's 128 cinemas. An illustration of the interdependency of cultural industries ecology
Tracy Brabin MP / @tracybrabin: This adds another 5500 to the already eye watering 8000+ job losses in #creativeindustries Govt must change tack and fast.
Darren Mooney / @darren_mooney: This heartbreaking. They are the first major chain, but they may not be the last. The irony here is that the international market can support cinemas. It's only the state of the U.S. market that makes big releases untenable for now.
Pamela McClintock / Hollywood Reporter: Halloween Classic ‘Hocus Pocus’ Nearly Beats ‘Tenet’ as Box Office Recovery Collapses
Adrian Weckler / @adrianweckler: Sad to see. The economics for many cinemas right now just don't stack up.
Peter Suderman / @petersuderman: Not the most important consequence of 2020, but still devastating for those of us who love movies. When we come out of this, the theatrical experience, whatever's left of it, will look very different.
Simon Kent / Breitbart: Cineworld to Close Regal Movie Theaters in U.S., U.K. as Coronavirus Crushes Industry
@aaronsagers: This is incredibly sad news. Yes, it's a major company, but one which employed a lot of people and got movies in front of eyeballs.
Jeremy Fuster / The Wrap: ‘Tenet’ Crosses $300 Million at Global Box Office as Regal Cinemas Weighs Closures
Chris Lindahl / IndieWire: Cineworld Considering Temporary Closure of All Regal Cinemas in U.S. and UK Locations, Company Confirms
Brogan / @brogantatexo: Absolutely terrible news to hear @cineworld are closing 128 of their U.K. cinemas. I've worked with Cineworld for several years now and both Benji & I have been Unlimited Members for a long time. Thinking of all the staff being let go.
Ethan Anderton / /Film: Cineworld, Owner of Regal Cinemas, May Close All Theaters in United States and United Kingdom This Week
Syahredzan Johan / @syahredzan: Sad. When I was a student in Cardiff, Cineworld was one of two cinemas in town. I cultivated my love for movies in their halls.
Sabah Meddings / @sabahmeddings: Not only is Cineworld to shut all of its screens in the UK and America after the delay of James Bond, but we spoke to smaller picture houses across the country who may be forced to close as well.
Tren Griffin / @trengriffin: 1/ The movie studios could lower “film rental” wholesale transfer price to improve the unit economics of the theaters. But the result for the studios must be better than just moving to streaming only. The studios have alternatives, but the theaters do not.
Alex Segal / @alex_segal: This is depressing news. We need the arts now more than ever.
Jordan Hoffman / Vanity Fair: Cineworld, Owner of Regal Cinemas, Closes Shop
Grace Randolph / @gracerandolph: Thank you to everyone who reached out to me about this, including those of you who work for the company & told me you had to hear about it in social media rather than from management. I will definitely cover this tomorrow on #MovieMath, my thoughts are with all those affected.
Comic Book Movie: Cineworld Closing All Regal Cinemas Across The UK And U.S. Following NO TIME TO DIE DELAY
Tom Warren / @tomwarren: I went to a Cineworld today to see Tenet, and there was literally nobody in the place. We waited for when it would be super quiet, but the place was empty. We're moving rapidly into an era without movie theaters, and it's sad to see
@variety: Cineworld, the largest cinema company in the U.K., is closing all of its locations in the U.K. and Ireland this week. It will also close all 543 Regal Cinema theaters in the U.S. The news comes after #NoTimeToDie abandoned its 2020 release date
Brent Lang / @brentalang: Get the feeling there won't be much of a theatrical movie business until there's a widely available vaccine. I understand and share the hesitancy to return to theaters during #COVID19, but it's impossible not to feel sad about the economic devastation
Sonny Bunch / @sonnybunch: Regal is closing their US screens; can't imagine AMC is far behind. Theaters are screwed.
Josh Spiegel / @mousterpiece: How long before AMC follows suit domestically and closes its theaters? Just awful all around.
Frank Pallotta / @frankpallotta: AMC can't be far behind, so that's that. What a lost year.
Orange County Register: Regal Cinemas reportedly preparing to temporarily close all U.S. theaters this week
@variety: Cineworld is shuttering all 543 of its Regal Cinema venues in the U.S. and 128 of its cinemas across the U.K. and Ireland this coming week, just days after James Bond film “No Time to Die” was pushed to April 2021.
Barry Hertz / @hertzbarry: Exhibitors have gone above and beyond health/safety protocols, leading to (near as anyone can tell) zero reported on-site COVID transmissions. They're rewarded by their most of their studio partners with ... nothing. What theatres will be around to show the new Bond film in 2021?
James Robinson / Daily Mail: Cineworld could shut all of its 128 UK and Ireland cinemas, putting thousands of jobs at risk, according to reports
Trilby Beresford / Hollywood Reporter: Cineworld Closing Theater Venues Following ‘No Time to Die’ Delay
Aakriti Bhalla / Reuters: Cineworld to close all UK, Ireland screens, Sunday Times says

As more TV documentaries are being made now than ever before, a loosening of journalistic traditions is becoming part of the cost of accessing their subjects — Hillary Clinton was ready to bare her soul, or so Hulu subscribers were told in March. After missing her shot at the presidency, Clinton would, at last, let her guard down.
Mr J Says, @spj_tweets, @dannyfunt, @jackmurtha, @filmquarterly, @charlieshack, @carrielozano, @niemanlab, @johnmurphyedit, @vivian, @neverlandfacts, @charliechar, @cjr and @cjr
Devin Jeyathurai / Mr J Says: Have we reached “peak newsletter”?
@spj_tweets: “Desperate for access to celebrities who prefer to promote themselves on social media rather than go through news media, filmmakers are increasingly willing to surrender their editorial independence.”
Danny Funt / @dannyfunt: Documentary filmmakers are gaining access by offering incentives that would be scandalous in any other format. Paying a film's subject, giving them a producing credit — “I think it's reasonable,” a top executive told me. My latest in @CJR:
Jack Murtha / @jackmurtha: Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, Apple, HBO, and Showtime have no restrictions on who can produce a documentary or be compensated to participate, nor do they vet financiers before acquiring a project, @dannyfunt says in @CJR, asking: Can we trust these docs we love?
@filmquarterly: These are the best of times and the worst of times for documentary filmmaking.
Charlie Shackleton / @charlieshack: Some truly noxious revelations in this, which should (but won't) be disqualifying for everyone involved
Carrie Lozano / @carrielozano: Must read. Disagree w/ these sources, though! Wish they were named. “Repeatedly, I heard the claim that audiences only care about watching an entertaining story, not a work of credible journalism.” via @cjr
@niemanlab: “It is common to give subjects incentives that would be scandalous in any other news medium: paying for access, clearing quotes and clips, giving a subject's business partners a producing credit.”
John Murphy / @johnmurphyedit: Good piece this on the current doc marketplace. Television is making more documentaries than ever—but skipping the journalism - Columbia Journalism Review
Vivian Schiller / @vivian: I worked in documentaries for 18 years. Led a highly award winning docu unit at @cnn, and an entire news docu channel that was a JV between @nytimes and @Discovery. Not once in all those years did we pay a subject in any form. Unecessary and unacceptable.
@neverlandfacts: Leaving Neverland only mentioned in passing, but larger point — that documentaries aren't following basic rules of journalism — is highly relevant given Leaving Neverland intentionally avoided speaking to anyone who disagreed with its premise. via @cjr
Charlie Phillips / @charliechar: Loads to say about this. I think this is fair in sum - “Just as print journalists are expected to disclose potential conflicts of interest, documentaries should state up front whether anyone on-screen had a creative role or financial stake.” via @cjr

Q&A with Jiquanda Johnson, executive editor of Flint Beat, on how she started the digital news site in 2017 and the kinds of support Black-owned media need — As part of our continuing conversations with journalism leaders centering communities of color, I recently chatted with Jiquanda Johnson …
Wendi C. Thomas / @wendi_c_thomas: Read this interview with a woman who inspires me - the indomitable @JNicoleNews of @FlintBeat - and then support independent journalism in Michigan today.
@thelocalnewslab: @TMPowell @TheTRiiBE @lmariahtrusty @ylichterman @elise_goldstein @lenfestinst .@JNicoleNews spoke with @lmariahtrusty about how she built @flintbeat and the needs that still are not addressed: “When you look at how many Black and brown people are launching news agencies, so many are women. We're out here trying to save local news.”
Teresa Gorman / @gteresa: “I deserve to be respected, invested in, like anyone else in this industry. They're willing to take risks on people that look like them doing half of the work. What's the difference, other than me being a Black woman?” Fantastic interview with @JNicoleNews
Matt DeRienzo / @mattderienzo: “I wish I'd known the value of my work ... I wish I had a publishing angel on my shoulder saying, “No, ask for $250,000 because that's what you actually need for the next two years.” Lots of great stuff in this Q&A with @FlintBeat's @JNicoleNews.

Q&A with Ken Klippenstein, the DC correspondent for The Nation, on using FOIA requests and building a source network through his pugnacious Twitter presence — Ken Klippenstein is not a meme. Well, he's not just a meme. The DC correspondent for The Nation is probably best known …
@samthielman: just two guys talking about Christian college in the Columbia Journalism Review
Ken Klippenstein / @kenklippenstein: Really impressed by how well @samthielman captured just how fucking weird my background and general approach to journalism is here
@samthielman: I loved doing this Q&A with Ken, one of my favorite working reporters, and a takeaway that surprised and delighted me is that you don't get frozen out of important conversations for being disrespectful to bad people. You just get a different kind of source
Christopher Shay / @chrisburkeshay: “@KenKlippenstein is not a meme. Well, he's not just a meme.”
Irvin McCullough / @mcculloughirvin: Great profile of a great journalist. If you think @kenklippenstein's just a meme, you're missing out. He's built a huge readership and source network by sharing his thoughts and scoops on this site.
@usprojectcjr: In other news, for @CJR, @samthielman talked with @kenklippenstein about—what else?—leaking to Ken Klippenstein
Krystal Ball / @krystalball: Fantastic interview with @kenklippenstein who is truly one of the best national security reporters out there.
@cjr: New: @samthielman talks with @kenklippenstein about the value of talking to rank and file bureaucrats, how he uses FOIA, and being the “Steve King guy”
Caleb Melby / @calebmelby: love this from @kenklippenstein in @CJR if you got the docs, doesn't matter who you are or who you know:
Ana Kasparian / @anakasparian: I love this, and I was so happy when @kenklippenstein spoke to my students about FOIA requests. They loved him!
Ken Klippenstein / @kenklippenstein: Columbia Journalism Review profiled me and used my dumbass Lionel Hutz “Text via signal NOW!” graphic for the feature image lmao

Profile of Anthony Fantano, a music critic whose YouTube channel The Needle Drop attracts a young and predominantly male audience, with 2.26M subscribers — Anthony Fantano reviews albums and songs on his YouTube channel, The Needle Drop, bringing an old art to a new medium — and perhaps ensuring it has a future.
@alex: Shoutout @theneedledrop he's excellent even when I vehemently disagree with him
@nytimesarts: “I don't think there's anyone else like him, who's had that reach,” said Ethan Fields, a college student and musician. “If you told somebody on the street, ‘Name a music critic right now,’ if they're under the age of 25, they'll say, ‘Anthony Fantano.’”