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Over 100 actors, writers, and producers sign a letter to NBCUniversal and Comcast execs protesting the airing of a Trump town hall opposite a Biden event — “You are enabling the president's bad behavior while undercutting the Presidential Debate Commission and doing a disservice to the American public …
@conanobrien, Wall Street Journal, @merrillbro, @jbflint, @brianstelter, @shakeenz, Politico, @feliciasonmez, @greenfield64, New Republic, @vivian, @yashar, Washington Post, The Wrap, @deanluk, @benyt, Los Angeles Times, @adamnagourney, @marcacaputo, The Wrap, @hodgman, TVNewser, @kylepope, Bleeding Cool, @nprinskeep, @bevysmith, @elaheizadi, @helenkennedy, @shakeenz, Washington Free Beacon, @wajahatali, @mrjoncryer, @joshsternberg, @jackischechner, @poniewozik, Breitbart, @ynb, @ericidle, Fortune, Fast Company, @joshsternberg, @owillis, @keitholbermann, @doncheadle, @billyeichner, Associated Press, @w7voa, @moorehn, @vivian, @bradleywhitford, @brithume, @blackamazon, @marmel, @herzogfan, The Hill, @bgrueskin, @ditzkoff, @brianstelter, @ericbalfour, @frances_fisher, @drdave1999, @byronyork, @jayrosen_nyu, @lollardfish, @corb_the_lesser, @warrenleighttv, @jbenton, @dandrezner, @abbydphillip, @bgrueskin, @brianstelter, @jon_allsop, @shawnhatosy, @markos, @danrather, @jenszalai, @b52malmet, @schmittnyc, The A.V. Club, The Week, @heffnera, TVLine, Page Six, The Wrap, Vanity Fair, Mediaite, IndieWire, Variety and Decider
Conan O'Brien / @conanobrien: I can't remember the last time I was this shocked by an NBC programming decision.
Joe Flint / Wall Street Journal: NBC Actors, Producers Protest Decision to Host Trump Town Hall at Same Time as Biden Event
Merrill Brown / @merrillbro: Management at @NBCNews needs to explain ASAP how agreeing at last minute to add a town hall with President Trump opposite an @abcnews Joe Biden Town Hall is in the public interest. Even doing it at 10 ET just after Biden would have been a better decision.
Joe Flint / @jbflint: NBC News head Cesar Conde says, “We share in the frustration that our event will initially air alongside the first half of ABC's broadcast with Vice President Biden. Our decision is motivated only by fairness, not business considerations.” via @WSJ
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: This is how Trump is previewing his town hall: “You know, I'm being set up tonight. I'm doing this town hall with Concast - C O N, right - CON - cuz it's a CON JOB. Concast. C O N. Not C O M. CONcast. So I'm doing it, and it's NBC, the worst...”
Shakina / @shakeenz: Shame on @NBC. Y'all sign my checks as of late but I'm disgusted by my home network giving Trump a platform for fear mongering, bigotry & disinformation. Don't praise yourselves for putting a trans woman on primetime then give a platform to someone who wants to abolish my rights.
Marc Caputo / Politico: Trump town hall sparks behind-the-scenes fury at NBC
Felicia Sonmez / @feliciasonmez: Trump tells the crowd he's doing his NBC town hall tonight. He says NBC is “the worst” and repeatedly insults them and host Savannah Guthrie. “I figured, what the hell, we get a free hour on television,” Trump says.
Jeff Greenfield / @greenfield64: The decision by NBC News to run a Trump town hall directly opposite ABC's Biden town hall is indefensible.
Alex Shephard / New Republic: NBC Did Joe Biden a Big Favor
Vivian Schiller / @vivian: The point of a news organization is to serve the public. This is the opposite. @NBCNews could literally run this any other day, or any other time. Shameful. (Disclosure: I am a former NBC News exec)
@yashar: I've heard from over a dozen NBC, MSNBC, and CNBC sources (talent and staff) and the frustration with and anger toward their employer for scheduling a town hall against Biden is palpable.
Margaret Sullivan / Washington Post: By giving Trump a town hall to rival Biden's, NBC is playing into his ratings obsession — again
Lindsey Ellefson / The Wrap: CNN's Don Lemon Bashes NBC's Trump Town Hall as ‘Outright Embarrassing Ratings Ploy’
Mark Lukasiewicz / @deanluk: This is a bad result for American voters, who should not be forced to choose which to watch. So much is still going wrong with how TV journalism copes, or still fails to cope, with @realDonaldTrump.
Stephen Battaglio / Los Angeles Times: NBC faces backlash over scheduling its Trump town hall against ABC's Biden event
Adam Nagourney / @adamnagourney: Fair point; not sure why Trump/NBC couldn't have gone before or after, or on another day. This should be about voters, give them a chance to see candidates. Instead, feels like this is going to deteriorate into chest-thumping over who gets biggest ratings.
Marc Caputo / @marcacaputo: Maddow enjoyed Savannah Guthrie's questioning of Trump but suggested she had some reservations about how the town hall came to be, potentially reflecting some of the internal NBCUniversal discontent over it background: video of Maddow starting her show👇
J. Clara Chan / The Wrap: Rachel Maddow Distances MSNBC From NBC After Trump Town Hall: ‘Well, That Happened’ (Video)
John Hodgman / @hodgman: Someone in my feed asked if anyone getting paid by NBC was standing up to this. @shakeenz was incredibly brave to leap out among the first. CONNECTING show creators @martingero and Brendan Gall backed up their cast and put their reps and brand new show on the line too.
A.J. Katz / TVNewser: Savannah Guthrie Praised For Her Tough Questioning of Trump at Highly-Controversial NBC Town Hall Event
Kyle Pope / @kylepope: I'm reminded of Chris Wallace bemoaning the fact that Trump's shouting meant the American people didn't get the benefit of hearing from both candidates. @NBCNews apparently has no such view. This is a craven ratings stunt, caving to the Trumpian impulses the network helped hone.
Steve Inskeep / @nprinskeep: Okay that's a good line.
Elahe Izadi / @elaheizadi: .@Sulliview has some words: “In fact, NBC News is doing what so much of mainstream media has done time and again: allowed Trump to steal the spotlight and command attention on his terms.” ...
Shakina / @shakeenz: Honestly shame on @ABC and @NBC, this echo chamber of rhetoric is a root problem in America. These days leading up to the election should be about the exchange and comparison of ideas and policy, not ratings and stoking division. @realDonaldTrump & @JoeBiden should #debate.
Andrew Stiles / Washington Free Beacon: Dueling Town Halls to Be Moderated By Former Clinton Comms Director, Wife of Al Gore's Ex-Chief of Staff
@wajahatali: Congrats NBC. You brought this on yourselves. Was it worth it? Just for ratings. Pathetic.
Jon Cryer / @mrjoncryer: I'm proud to join my colleagues protesting NBC's shameful decision. ... via @thr
Josh Sternberg / @joshsternberg: Would appreciate a look into how much money the networks are making from town halls. We blew past the “informing the public” argument. Media buyers, my DMs are open to hear how much your clients are spending to be a part of this.
@jackischechner: How humiliating for you, @NBCNews. You offer him an hour of free exposure, and he sh*ts all over you and your anchors.
James Poniewozik / @poniewozik: As TV professionals know, NBC executives have no control over their scheduling decisions, which are made by drawing a time slot on a slip of paper using an arcade claw machine, an admittedly frustrating but nonetheless binding process.
Ben Kew / Breitbart: ABC Late Night Host Jimmy Kimmel Hits NBC for Hosting Trump Town Hall During Joe Biden's
Yvette Nicole Brown / @ynb: Alexa, play a reading of the poem “The Snake”.
Eric Idle / @ericidle: This is bollocks. You're losing a lot of friends. Think again.
Christopher Zara / Fast Company: How to watch the Biden and Trump town halls on ABC and NBC live (if you must)
Josh Sternberg / @joshsternberg: @BGrueskin @brianstelter @benyt I will be interested to see if NBC puts its ad sales execs in the front row like previous presidential town halls, like 2016's Commander-in-Chief forum on the Intrepid.
Oliver Willis / @owillis: @benyt youve been at this too long for this naive a take
Keith Olbermann / @keitholbermann: Pro tip: cancel it
Don Cheadle / @doncheadle: yep. fairness. not business. um hm. they're in the fairness business. like all networks are. um hm ...
Billy Eichner / @billyeichner: I love @ConanOBrien.
Steve Herman / @w7voa: “So I'm being set up tonight” with “Concast” and “NBC, the worst,” says @POTUS of this evening's televised town hall event. “We get a free hour on television.”
Heidi N. Moore / @moorehn: my entire timeline is trump. literally no biden at all. members of the media included. y'all are really going to give him those metrics, huh? that's how we got here.
Vivian Schiller / @vivian: @benyt They made their own bed.
Bradley Whitford / @bradleywhitford: Bullshit. “Fairness” would mean doing it the following night, not opposite each other. It also would have given you better ratings. The stupidity of your decision would be hilarious if it didn't exacerbate the divisions in our already traumatized country. Shame on you.
Brit Hume / @brithume: They are like most college faculties: liberal, biased and trying to run the institutions.
@blackamazon: ...... god the social and comms consultant space is bad and bland and boring right now
Steve Marmel / @marmel: This took courage that Savannah Guthrie does not have.
LK Lawson / @herzogfan: @MSNBC Goodbye NBC. You reward Trump's bad behavior by giving him his own special opposite Biden ? Haven't you guys done enough in promoting this conman and pathological liar ? Savannah Guthrie ? What, Toadstool Todd wasn't free ? The NBC-Trump legacy: ...
Celine Castronuovo / The Hill: More than 100 Hollywood stars demand NBC move Trump town hall
Bill Grueskin / @bgrueskin: @brianstelter @benyt Right. But the host still has to feed off the voters' questions
Dave Itzkoff / @ditzkoff: the important thing is that, by offering Trump a competing town hall, NBC was able to maintain its dignity and avoid the wrath of the president
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: @BGrueskin @benyt Holt asked lots of his own Q's last week, so Guthrie will too
Eric Balfour / @ericbalfour: This is such a lame move on the part of @NBCNews. They should have held it on another night!
Frances Fisher / @frances_fisher: @jjabrams @Ava @marhargitay Among 100 Top Hollywood Players: “We are simply asking that #NBC air the President's town hall either before or after Vice President #Biden's so that American voters can have the opportunity to watch both.” ...
Dr. David A. Lustig / @drdave1999: I call it ‘Corporate Cowardice.’ Other users on social media were less kind. NBC deserves to be blasted for giving the Sociopath-in-Chief 90-min. of free airtime after he withdrew from his debate with Biden, as well as for scheduling it opposite Biden.
Byron York / @byronyork: NBC actors, producers protest network's decision to air Trump town hall tonight at same time as Biden's on ABC. They want you to know that, ‘This is not a partisan issue. This is about the political health of our democracy.’ OK. ...
David M. Perry / @lollardfish: Protest is good. But also: strike.
@corb_the_lesser: @benyt If Trump is tossed a few relevant questions, he'll do his own nightmare making.
Warren Leight / @warrenleighttv: How can you “share in the frustration” when you are the ones who scheduled it?
Joshua Benton / @jbenton: Your penance is the release of all Apprentice tapes by Monday morning, NBC
Daniel W. Drezner / @dandrezner: Tweet of the day.
Abby D. Phillip / @abbydphillip: Yeah... so this is going well.
Bill Grueskin / @bgrueskin: @benyt It's a town hall, so NBC's options are more limited than a straight interview or debate.
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: “MSNBC head Phil Griffin strongly disagreed with NBC News President Noah Oppenheim's decision to unilaterally move forward with the town hall during that time slot,” @MarcACaputo reports, citing “three high-ranking sources”
Jon Allsop / @jon_allsop: @BGrueskin @benyt They probably won't, though Trump might make it a nightmare for himself...
Shawn Hatosy / @shawnhatosy: Dude, I remember. That decision caused the first cancellation of Southland.
Markos Moulitsas / @markos: Great job @nbc @NBCNews! You managed to piss everyone off, and for what?
Dan Rather / @danrather: This shade is as warranted as an umbrella on a hot summer day at the beach. And @ConanOBrien, I'm here for it.
Jennifer Szalai / @jenszalai: According to this, the person at NBC who wanted to move ahead “unilaterally” with the Trump town hall was Noah Oppenheim, who featured prominently (and not in a flattering light) in @RonanFarrow's “Catch and Kill”
Barbara Malmet / @b52malmet: Look. The historical predicate of Trump shaking down NBC for what he wants.
Rob Schmitt / @schmittnyc: To shocked NBC staff, your company, like every other corporation, is just pretending to be woke and liberal. Trump town hall will make millions and they need money to pay you. Welcome to capitalism.
Brendan Morrow / The Week: NBC stars slam network over Trump town hall scheduling
Alexander Heffner / @heffnera: Holy Malarkey. After NBC Entertainment elected Donald Trump and decimated democracy, NBC News wants to platform his re-election.
Kimberly Roots / TVLine: Mariska Hargitay, This Is Us Cast Implore NBC to Move Trump Town Hall
Yaron Steinbuch / Page Six: Hollywood figures ask NBC to remove Trump town hall from Biden slot
Margeaux Sippell / The Wrap: Carl Bernstein Bashes NBC for ‘Allowing Itself to Get Conned’ Into Trump Town Hall
Christopher Rosen / Vanity Fair: NBC's Biggest Stars Sign Open Letter Demanding Network Move Trump Town Hall
Zack Sharf / IndieWire: Seth Rogen, J.J. Abrams, and Over 100 Hollywood Stars Protest NBC's Trump Town Hall
Jordan Moreau / Variety: More Than 100 Hollywood Stars Demand NBC Moves Trump Town Hall
Michael M. Grynbaum / New York Times:
NBC sources say scheduling a Trump town hall head to head with ABC's Biden event was intended to match a similar forum Biden had Oct. 5, including the time slot
NBC sources say scheduling a Trump town hall head to head with ABC's Biden event was intended to match a similar forum Biden had Oct. 5, including the time slot
@suehalpernvt, @grynbaum, @brianstelter, @cmclymer, New York Times, The Daily Beast, The Atlantic, @tomwatson, @bettyelavette, @thedailybeast, @eclecticbrotha, @rbreich, @therealkmckidd, @grynbaum, Reason, The Week, Vanity Fair, Mediaite, TVNewser, Katie Couric, CNN, Fox News, @ronaldklain, @dangillmor, @maythaalhassen and @rob_sheridan
Sue Halpern / @suehalpernvt: The cynicism of NBC execs, who gave us The Apprentice and thus this President, is stunning and shameful. ABC should call their bluff and move Biden so he talks after Trump.
Michael M. Grynbaum / @grynbaum: NBC wanted outside (non-Conley) proof of Trump's medical condition. Per the network, the NIH “collected & analyzed” a PCR test on Tuesday and concluded he is “not shedding infectious virus.” NBC did not explicitly say the PCR test was negative.
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: Alright, who's in the mood for a #thread about the DUELING TOWN HALLS problem?
Laura Bradley / The Daily Beast: NBC Stars and Creators Revolt Against Network's Trump Town Hall Plan
David A. Graham / The Atlantic: Americans Saw Trump Unfiltered and Recoiled in Horror
Tom Watson / @tomwatson: My Mom is calling @NBCNews today, so trust me - they're in a world of trouble now. So damaging.
Bettye LaVette / @bettyelavette: Shame on NBC for doing this. There goes any chance of a Trumper hearing Joe's message!
@thedailybeast: “He looks at this the same way he looks at attendance at his rallies versus the [turnout] Biden gets for his events,” one source told The Daily Beast. “He obviously wants to blow Biden out of the water.” ...
Ragnarok Lobster / @eclecticbrotha: The most hilariously pathetic thing about this is the TV ratings will have no effect on Trump's tanking poll numbers.
Robert Reich / @rbreich: Why did NBC schedule Trump's town hall the same day and time as Biden's ABC town hall — when Biden's town hall had already been scheduled, and Biden agreed to it only because Trump refused to debate him?
Kevin McKidd / @therealkmckidd: The ONLY reason Tiny-Trump will get higher ratings than Biden( ALL Mr T cares about it seems) is human nature.. given the choice between watching a train wreck or watching a train running safely and on time- human nature chooses the train wreck.
Michael M. Grynbaum / @grynbaum: The Trump NBC town hall for Thursday is ON - and it will air at exactly the same time as Biden is speaking on ABC
Scott Shackford / Reason: Actually, It's Good That Major Networks Are Covering Both Trump's and Biden's Town Halls
Rudy Takala / Mediaite: Fox's Stuart Varney Throws Down With Trump in Chris Wallace's Defense: ‘You Did Interrupt a Lot’
A.J. Katz / TVNewser: This Is Us, Law & Order: SVU Actors Among 100 Top Hollywood Creatives Speaking Out Against NBC News' Trump Town Hall
Katie Couric: NBC says President Trump will hold a town hall meeting Thursday, competing against Biden …
Ronald Klain / @ronaldklain: With four networks showing Trump (@NBC @MSNBC @Telemundo @CNBC) to one showing Biden (@ABC), Trump may well get higher ratings. But will he get more — or fewer — votes as a result?
Dan Gillmor / @dangillmor: A reward for refusing to participate in the second debate, in a format where there was a possibility of actual conversation.

The Post hack-and-leak may remain in the right-wing conspiracy sphere if mainstream outlets treat it with the same severe skepticism Twitter and Facebook have — In a New York Post report, Facebook and Twitter smell a rat — I. — In the run-up to the 2020 election, platforms have been preparing for all manner of threats.
NBC News, Mother Jones, New York Magazine, Columbia Journalism Review, New York Times, Politico, @janiraplanes, @barrydeutsch, Techdirt, @mathewi, @lisamccray, @jonathanchait, @cjr, @ericnewcomer, @robbysoave, @noahshachtman, @jackshafer, @deaceonline, @crimealytics, @thuyong, Wall Street Journal, CNBC, The Guardian and Breitbart, more at Techmeme »
Ken Dilanian / NBC News: Feds examining whether alleged Hunter Biden emails are linked to a foreign intel operation
David Corn / Mother Jones: Giuliani and the New York Post Are Pushing Russian Disinformation. It's a Big Test for the Media.
Jonathan Chait / New York Magazine: I Have This Crazy Theory Trump's Campaign Is Colluding With Russia Right Now
Mathew Ingram / Columbia Journalism Review: Yes, we're doing it all over again
Steven Overly / Politico: Republicans widen counterattack on Facebook and Twitter
Janira Planes / @janiraplanes: “These dumps, combined with the news media's obsession with campaign trivia and gossip, have resulted in whistle-drowning, rather than whistle-blowing: In a sea of so many whistles (...), we cannot hear a single one.” @zeynep cited in @platformer ...
@barrydeutsch: Robby, does this mean your own policy at Reason is to carry every single story that's submitted or that you come across? And if you decide that some stories aren't worth carrying, does that mean you're suppressing information you don't want the public to read?
Mike Masnick / Techdirt: Facebook & Twitter Try To Limit The Spread Of Sketchy NY Post Story; Leading To Ridiculous Trumpist Meltdown
Mathew Ingram / @mathewi: I regret to inform you that yes, we're doing it all over again: A major TV network is giving Trump a megaphone, and a newspaper is promoting a thinly-sourced story based on hacked emails
Lisa Snowden / @lisamccray: All the good people in journalism got fired yet the people making these trash decisions still collect a paycheck.
Jonathan Chait / @jonathanchait: I realize there is No Collusion but the Giuliani-Derkach relationship does seem a little bit... collusive?
@cjr: New from @mathewi: Since Donald Trump became president, there's been a never-ending series of articles about how the media enabled his victory. A blizzard of news on Wednesday showed that some are failing to heed those warnings.
Eric Newcomer / @ericnewcomer: Really thoughtful post today from @CaseyNewton
Robby Soave / @robbysoave: It's a huge problem that many in the mainstream media and pundit class (i.e. the people attacking Maggie Haberman for daring to share NY Post's Hunter Biden scoop) now think its their job to suppress information they don't want the public to read.
Jack Shafer / @jackshafer: “Sen. Josh Hawley...announced that he would investigate the platforms' [Twitter and Facebook] action as a possibly illegal contribution to the Biden campaign. (Which would make Fox News' prime-time lineup what, exactly?)” @CaseyNewton ...
Jeff Asher / @crimealytics: This is smart and I wonder if the platforms are more than just suspecting a hack and leak.
Thuy Ong / @thuyong: i'm kinda biased but @CaseyNewton's newsletter is the best explainer on that nypost Hunter Biden article and its ramifications: ...
Lauren Feiner / CNBC: Facebook and Twitter CEOs will have to answer to Senate Republicans after Biden NY Post story controversy
Vijaya Gadde / @vijaya:
[Thread] Twitter updates Hacked Materials Policy, says it won't remove content unless shared by hackers themselves and will label tweets instead of block links — Over the last 24 hours, we've received significant feedback (from critical to supportive) about how we enforced our Hacked Materials Policy yesterday. After reflecting on this feedback, we have decided to make changes to the policy and how we enforce it.
Poynter, Axios, Politico, Engadget, @alexstamos, @alexstamos, @0xmatt, @scottnover, @bborrman, @scottnover, @bborrman, @bborrman, @stevenoverly, @lizkelley, @nedsegal, @sdkstl, @asharangappa_, @vijaya, @vijaya, @vijaya, @vijaya, @vijaya, @vijaya, @vijaya, @vijaya, @ericrweinstein and New York Post, more at Techmeme »
Cristina Tardáguila / Poynter: Without methodology or transparency, Facebook and Twitter become the ‘arbiters of the truth’
Cristiano Lima / Politico: Twitter changes policy on hacked materials — but links to N.Y. Post story still blocked
Alex Stamos / @alexstamos: These companies have serious problems with non-consensual imagery for both celebrities and normies, and strong enforcement of those rules (and anything that could lead to physical or electronic brigading) should still be free of political considerations.
Alex Stamos / @alexstamos: This seems like a reasonable change. It's appropriate for social media platforms to prevent themselves from being used as the initial distribution point for a hack-forge-leak, but not once the stories hit the press. Twitter and Facebook can't fix bad journalism.
One Matt among many / @0xmatt: @alexstamos It does seem to me though, like the practical effect of this change is that hacktivists will have their content taken down, but anyone who can afford to launder their hacked data through the New York Post will get a pass.
Scott Nover / @scottnover: @bborrman @TwitterComms Hey Brandon — How does this effect the @nypost article?
Brandon / @bborrman: Yesterday was the highest profile application of the Hacked Materials Policy to date. We want to clarify — the policy isn't meant to chill journalistic efforts or whistleblowers. More to come.
Scott Nover / @scottnover: @bborrman @TwitterComms @nypost Okay, thanks. But the change indicates that, under the new policy, the @nypost article itself doesn't violate the hacked materials policy anymore? Is that correct?
Brandon / @bborrman: @ScottNover @TwitterComms @nypost No change as the materials in the article still violate our rules on sharing personal private information.
Brandon / @bborrman: @ScottNover @TwitterComms @nypost New policy is not in place yet, but we'll share it when it is in the coming days. So as of now nothing changes.
Steven Overly / @stevenoverly: Twitter makes changes to its policies for handling hacked materials following the New York Post controversy.
Liz Kelley / @lizkelley: moving forward, we'll label hacked materials rather than blocking links. here's the latest:
Staci D Kramer / @sdkstl: “We are trying to act responsibly & quickly to prevent harms, but we're still learning along the way.” - Twitter moves quickly to adjust how it enforces the controversial policy that blocked NYP article from being posted or shared.
Asha Rangappa / @asharangappa_: Subject of NY Post story is now being investigated by the FBI a foreign intel operation and Twitter decides to facilitate our adversaries by allowing it to spread like wildfire. Remember, lies spread 6x faster than truth on social media...Russia counts on it 🇷🇺
Vijaya Gadde / @vijaya: We will continue to keep you all updated on our progress and more details as we update our policy pages to reflect these changes in the coming days.
Vijaya Gadde / @vijaya: We've recently added new product capabilities, such as labels to provide people with additional context. We are no longer limited to Tweet removal as an enforcement action.
Vijaya Gadde / @vijaya: All the other Twitter Rules will still apply to the posting of or linking to hacked materials, such as our rules against posting private information, synthetic and manipulated media, and non-consensual nudity.
Vijaya Gadde / @vijaya: I'm grateful for everyone who has provided feedback and insights over the past day. Content moderation is incredibly difficult, especially in the critical context of an election. We are trying to act responsibly & quickly to prevent harms, but we're still learning along the way.
Vijaya Gadde / @vijaya: Why the changes? We want to address the concerns that there could be many unintended consequences to journalists, whistleblowers and others in ways that are contrary to Twitter's purpose of serving the public conversation.
Vijaya Gadde / @vijaya: We put the Hacked Materials Policy in place back in 2018 to discourage and mitigate harms associated with hacks and unauthorized exposure of private information. We tried to find the right balance between people's privacy and the right of free expression, but we can do better.
Vijaya Gadde / @vijaya: We believe that labeling Tweets and empowering people to assess content for themselves better serves the public interest and public conversation. The Hacked Material Policy is being updated to reflect these new enforcement capabilities.
Vijaya Gadde / @vijaya: So, what's changing? 1. We will no longer remove hacked content unless it is directly shared by hackers or those acting in concert with them 2. We will label Tweets to provide context instead of blocking links from being shared on Twitter
Eric Weinstein / @ericrweinstein: You have: a consistency problem a hypocrisy problem a political bias problem an arrogance problem an authoritarian problem an insularity problem and a censorship problem And all are *repeatedly* misportrayed as a single “clarity in communications” problem. #SlipTheDISC
Jorge Fitz-Gibbon / New York Post: Twitter changes guidelines following Post censorship controversy

Facebook limits the distribution of a New York Post story that makes disputed claims about Hunter Biden, pending fact-check, while Twitter blocks sharing — Facebook and Twitter said they will be limiting the distribution of or blocking a New York Post story making unverified claims about former vice president Joe Biden.
@twittersafety, @noupside, Politico, Fast Company, @kyledcheney, Breitbart, @danielsgoldman, @fmanjoo, @natashabertrand, New York Post, @sohrabahmari, @deanobeidallah, @chrismegerian, @tomdreisbach, @conor64, @noahmanskar, @twittersafety, @jonathanvswan, @swin24, @evelyndouek, @timobrien, @davidcorndc, @twittersafety, @twittersafety, @senatorloeffler, @tedcruz and @twittersafety, more at Techmeme »
@twittersafety: The policy, established in 2018, prohibits the use of our service to distribute content obtained without authorization. We don't want to incentivize hacking by allowing Twitter to be used as distribution for possibly illegally obtained materials.
Renee DiResta / @noupside: This is related to today's Biden story: A few months ago the fact-respecting portion of the internet was outraged at social media companies allowing Plandemic to go wildly viral, despite stated policies against health misinfo. The video was taken down after millions of views...
Jack Shafer / Politico: Facebook and Twitter Have Bitten Off Too Much
Joe Berkowitz / Fast Company: The last 36 hours of news prove that “fairness” further poisons politics
Kyle Cheney / @kyledcheney: Again, stipulating that the suspect email is real, there's literally nothing in it that says Joe Biden met with a Burisma adviser. “The opportunity to meet,” may just as easily have meant Hunter promised a meeting in the future that may never have occurred.
Joel B. Pollak / Breitbart: ABC's George Stephanopoulos Fails to Ask Joe Biden About Hunter Biden Emails
Daniel Goldman / @danielsgoldman: Let's try this one more time: the Ukrainian prosecutor was fired because he was NOT prosecuting corruption cases and there was NO Ukrainian investigation into Burisma. In addition to there being no evidence to support the bogus allegations, the basic premise is simply false.
Farhad Manjoo / @fmanjoo: News flash everything on social media is an editorial decision by the company. Every single thing, the UI, the posts you see, the posts you don't, the metrics, the speed with which everything updates, the colors, it's all human decisions all the way down. It's all subjective
Natasha Bertrand / @natashabertrand: New: Biden campaign responds to NY Post story. “The New York Post never asked the Biden campaign about the critical elements of this story...moreover, we have reviewed Joe Biden's official schedules from the time and no meeting, as alleged by the New York Post, ever took place.”
Ben Feuerherd / New York Post: GOP lawmakers ask FBI if it had Hunter Biden laptop during Trump's impeachment
Sohrab Ahmari / @sohrabahmari: This is a Big Tech information coup. This is digital civil war. I, an editor at The New York Post, one of the nation's largest papers by circulation, can't post one of our own stories that details corruption by a major-party presidential candidate, Biden.
@deanobeidallah: Here is the fact checking for the Hunter Biden email myth- the owner of a small computer store has no idea who gave him the mystery computer. Add to that he copied the hard drive and gave it to Rudy Giuliani. Hmmm, is giving a hard drive to Rudy standard? ...
Chris Megerian / @chrismegerian: I asked Rudy Giuliani how long he's had the copy of this hard drive. He responded, “Your interested in the wrong thing. This time the truth will not be defeated by process. I've got a lot more to go. We just started. Print a headline saying Lyin' Joe and we can talk.”
Tom Dreisbach / @tomdreisbach: It's fairly clear that Twitter is making this up as they go along. “Illegally obtained materials” could include records that are widely considered in the public interest - the WikiLeaks release of Iraq War and State Department cables, Snowden's leaks, the Pentagon Papers...
Conor Friedersdorf / @conor64: This would have resulted in censoring the Pentagon Papers
Noah Manskar / @noahmanskar: The Post's primary Twitter account (@nypost) has also been locked because the Hunter Biden stories violate its rules against “distribution of hacked material,” per email we received from Twitter
@twittersafety: As noted this morning, we also currently view materials included in the articles as violations of our Hacked Materials Policy.
Jonathan Swan / @jonathanvswan: “Content obtained without authorization” is a hilarious standard that seemingly nobody at Twitter has spent any time thinking through.
Asawin Suebsaeng / @swin24: “The latest round of Hunter Biden attacks come approximately one year after President Trump found himself embroiled in impeachment investigations for using the levers of government to try and help Giuliani dig up dirt in Ukraine on the Bidens.”
Evelyn Douek / @evelyndouek: Facebook is reducing distribution of a story before it has been fact-checked. I don't know what the rule is that enables that. Not saying it's not the right call, but I can think of many other instances this could be useful too, so would like to know on what basis.
Tim O'Brien / @timobrien: Here's the most detailed and best takedown yet of how the Post mishandled the Biden kompromat that Giuliani and Bannon managed to dump into its pages. Via @DavidCornDC ...
David Corn / @davidcorndc: JUST POSTED: I explain how the NY Post embraced and promoted Russian disinformation with its supposed Biden bombshell. Will the rest of the media do better? Please read, RT, like, and share. ...
@twittersafety: Commentary on or discussion about hacked materials, such as articles that cover them but do not include or link to the materials themselves, aren't a violation of this policy. Our policy only covers links to or images of hacked material themselves.
@twittersafety: The images contained in the articles include personal and private information — like email addresses and phone numbers — which violate our rules.
Senator Kelly Loeffler / @senatorloeffler: This is absurd. Here's yet another real-time example of the glaring need to reform Section 230 and hold Big Tech accountable for censoring conservative political speech. Big Tech must act as a platform, not a censor. #WheresHunter
Ted Cruz / @tedcruz: Facebook official spox (who describes himself as an alum of the DCCC & former Dem Sen. Barbara Boxer) explains Facebook's active censorship of @nypost story alleging corruption by Biden. Who could doubt their impartiality?
[Thread] Twitter clarifies why it blocked the sharing of NY Post's Biden story, saying it contained private info and violated its Hacked Materials Policy
[Thread] Twitter clarifies why it blocked the sharing of NY Post's Biden story, saying it contained private info and violated its Hacked Materials Policy
@jack, BuzzFeed News, Wall Street Journal, @tedcruz, @ridt, @jakesherman, @trumpwarroom, Politico, VICE, @sentomcotton, The Hill, @pt, New York Times, Bloomberg, @justinamash, Social Media Today, @jakesherman, @jamestodaromd, Breitbart, @svdate, Fox News, The Intercept, @jakesherman, Platformer, @christopherjm, networked, Engadget, The Verge, The Atlantic, Fast Company, Reason, @mcfaul, @garycoby, @burgessev, @parkermolloy, @jenniferjjacobs, @brooklynmarie, @presssec and @anthonymkreis, more at Techmeme »
@jack: Our communication around our actions on the @nypost article was not great. And blocking URL sharing via tweet or DM with zero context as to why we're blocking: unacceptable.
Christopher Miller / BuzzFeed News: Facebook Gave A Platform To The Shady Ukrainians Pushing The New York Post Biden Story
Siobhan Hughes / Wall Street Journal: Senate to Subpoena Twitter CEO Over Blocking of Disputed Biden Articles
Ted Cruz / @tedcruz: My letter to @jack regarding @Twitter's censorship of the @nypost.
Thomas Rid / @ridt: Relax. Twitter and Facebook are not the internet, and they're not the government. These are private companies. A little bit like a supermarket asking you to wear a mask. You can just stay out or leave if you don't like it.
Jake Sherman / @jakesherman: I tweeted a link to the NYP story right after it dropped yesterday morning. I immediately reached out to the Biden campaign to see if they had any answer. I wish i had given the story a closer read before tweeting it. @twitter suspended me
Trump War Room / @trumpwarroom: BREAKING: Twitter has locked the personal account of White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany for sharing news Democrats don't like.
Joseph Cox / VICE: Twitter Says It Blocked NY Post Hunter Biden Article Because It Contains Hacked Data
Tom Cotton / @sentomcotton: There will be ... NO QUARTER for censorship by Big Tech Oligarchs.
Parker / @pt: I have read the argument a lot in the last day that social media is the Public Square. No. The internet is the public square, and it is infinite. Twitter is an Arby's on the Square, and you're inside yelling about their lack of vegan options being literal fascism.
Sarah Kopit / Bloomberg: N.Y. Post Biden Story Spreads Despite Censorship Claims
Justin Amash / @justinamash: The First Amendment prohibits government censorship and protects private censorship. In a free society, Twitter and Facebook are allowed to make horrible decisions with respect to content moderation, and you are allowed to tell them off and use another service.
Andrew Hutchinson / Social Media Today: US Senators Call for Increased Social Media Regulation After Blocking of NY Post Article
Jake Sherman / @jakesherman: @Twitter my goal was not to spread informatoin. my goal was to raise questions about the story — as i did in subsequent tweets — and see how the biden campaign was going to respond. They later did respond.
James Todaro / @jamestodaromd: I'm waiting for the day when twitter issues a similar statement about actions taken against a Washington Post or New York Times article. I feel like I'll be waiting a while...
Lucas Nolan / Breitbart: Facebook and Twitter Censor Biden Bombshells Weeks After Execs Join His Transition Team
S.V. Dte / @svdate: It seems like maybe the real story here is the role of Giuliani and Bannon in obtaining and disseminating Russian disinformation to swing the US election.
Marisa Schultz / Fox News: House Republicans call for emergency hearing on Twitter, Facebook censorship
Glenn Greenwald / The Intercept: Facebook and Twitter Cross a Line Far More Dangerous Than What They Censor
Jake Sherman / @jakesherman: @Twitter My account is clearly no longer suspended. I deleted the tweet.
Casey Newton / Platformer: YouTube comes for Q — I. — On Wednesday Facebook and Twitter sniffed out what appeared …
Christopher Miller / @christopherjm: New: Facebook reduced the distribution of the NY Post story with unverified claims about the Bidens. But for a year+ it's given a platform to Ukrainian operatives—including one the US sanctioned & deemed an “active Russian agent”—to spread Biden disinfo. ...
Jay Pinho / networked: But his emails — (Yup, like everyone else, I moved from TinyLetter to Substack.
Kaitlyn Tiffany / The Atlantic: Twitter Goofed It — Yesterday morning, the New York Post published a bombastic and dubious report …
Mark Sullivan / Fast Company: Facebook and Twitter are finally using their most effective tool against disinformation
Elizabeth Nolan Brown / Reason: Twitter Blocking a New York Post Article Was Dumb—but Not Illegal, Censorship, or Election Interference
Michael McFaul / @mcfaul: Has the NY Post responded? These are some very definitive statements from former Biden officials. They either need to be challenged with factual reporting or apologies and retractions need to be issued.
@garycoby: .@jack and @finkd are illegally interfering in the election. @HawleyMO we need leaders who will step up and take real action... deliver actual consequences to these corporations. Thank you for stepping up. USA needs it! 🇺🇸🇺🇸 🇺🇸🇺🇸
Burgess Everett / @burgessev: Cruz and Hawley sent letters to Twitter within minutes of each other
Parker Molloy / @parkermolloy: It's because she tweeted out a screenshot containing an email address. This is a standard Twitter policy that gets regularly enforced across the political spectrum. It's a basic rule that applies to everyone. But ok.
Jennifer Jacobs / @jenniferjjacobs: Twitter locks more White House posts.
Brooke Binkowski / @brooklynmarie: Remember when Ted Cruz used Cambridge Analytica's services to get elected? And now that we know that their whole model was basically disinformation and dirt, it sort of puts this little tantrum into perspective
Mike Masnick / Techdirt:
The FCC has no jurisdiction over Section 230, which was explicitly written to deny the FCC any authority over websites — from the that's-not-how-any-of-this-works dept — For years, FCC Chair Ajit Pai has insisted that the thing that was most important to him was to have a “light touch” regulatory regime regarding the internet.
Ajit Pai / @ajitpaifcc: I intend to move forward with an @FCC rulemaking to clarify the meaning of #Section230. Read my full statement below.
@nxthompson: The Ajit Pai FCC until today: we need a light regulatory touch to keep innovation going. The Ajit Pai FCC today: the president is mad at Twitter and now we're going to dress up some bogus arguments and rewrite section 230
Jerry Lambe / Law & Crime: Lawyers Hit FCC Chairman for Joining Trump Admin Assault on Section 230: ‘The Law Is Pretty F***ing Clear, Ajit’
Todd Shields / Bloomberg:
Ajit Pai says FCC will start a rulemaking to clarify the meaning of Section 230, and social media doesn't have “special immunity denied to other media outlets”
Ajit Pai says FCC will start a rulemaking to clarify the meaning of Section 230, and social media doesn't have “special immunity denied to other media outlets”
@jrosenworcel, @tommjohnsonjr, Engadget, CNBC, @hawleymo, @micsolana, @jaycaruso, @jisraelbalderas, CNET, @brendancarrfcc, WHDH-TV and @jisraelbalderas, more at Techmeme »
Jessica Rosenworcel / @jrosenworcel: The FCC has no business being the President's speech police. #Section230
Tom Johnson / @tommjohnsonjr: I've informed Chairman @AjitPaiFCC that the @FCC has the legal authority to interpret #Section230. We now intend to move forward with a rulemaking to clarify its meaning. Read the Chairman's full statement below:
Karissa Bell / Engadget: FCC's Ajit Pai wants to ‘clarify’ the meaning of Section 230
Lauren Feiner / CNBC: FCC Chairman says he will move to ‘clarify’ Section 230, threatening tech's legal shield
Josh Hawley / @hawleymo: This is a major announcement from FCC on #BigTech. Now Congress must act on #Section230
Mike Solana / @micsolana: welcome to the new republican party. special thanks to all the short-sighted tech execs who made this possible.
Jay Caruso / @jaycaruso: “But they do not have a First Amendment right to a special immunity denied to other media outlets, such as newspapers and broadcasters.” You're right and they do *not* have special immunity, Chairman Pai.
@jisraelbalderas: Looking forward to see how the FCC avoids an arbitrary and capricious ruling when it “clarifies” 230 while simultaneously “clarifying” that in its RIFO final rule, it found 230 to be determinative that regulating broadband as info service means free market deregulation approach
Marguerite Reardon / CNET: FCC's Pai takes aim at Section 230 protections for social media
Brendan Carr / @brendancarrfcc: FCC Chairman Pai announced today that he is moving forward with clarifying Section 230. This is great news, and I applaud his leadership on this important issue. My full statement on the need to reform Section 230 and rein in Big Tech immediately:
Jordan Frias / WHDH-TV: FCC chairman says he'll seek to regulate social media under Trump's executive order

YouTube is now banning conspiracy theory content, such as QAnon or Pizzagate, that targets individuals and groups and is used to “justify real-world violence” — YouTube said Thursday that it would no longer allow content that targets individuals and groups with conspiracy theories …
New York Times,, @asteadwesley,, UPI, USA Today, @jgreenblattadl, @oneunderscore__, Gizmodo Australia, @glinklive, @mathewi, @mvddm, Social Media Today, @gavinsblog, @mollyjongfast, @blackamazon, @samueloakford, @oneunderscore__, @susanwojcicki, CNET, @brandyzadrozny, @banthebbc, @ejdickson, Reuters, @_maargentino, @oneunderscore__, @tvietor08, @ajcglobal, Adweek, Mashable, The Verge, VICE, The Daily Beast, The Hill, CNBC, Business Insider and The Week, more at Techmeme »
Kevin Roose / New York Times: YouTube Cracks Down on QAnon Conspiracy Theory, Citing Offline Violence
Steadman / @asteadwesley: maybe someone has reported this and I've missed it: but why are the tech companies Doing Things now when they have refused to Do Things for forever
Nik DeCosta-Klipa / Watch: Donald Trump refuses to condemn QAnon conspiracy theory during town hall
Daniel Uria / UPI: Experts testify online conspiracies ‘dismantling democracy,’ YouTube bans QAnon content
Dalvin Brown / USA Today: YouTube will remove videos making harmful claims rooted in conspiracy theories
Jonathan Greenblatt / @jgreenblattadl: Good to see @YouTube taking additional action to tackle #antisemitism, conspiracy theories, QAnon and other hateful activity on the platform. We will continue to watch to ensure that these new policies are enforced properly.
Ben Collins / @oneunderscore__: In our reporting, YouTube was QAnon's largest remaining radicalization driver. This enforcement action puts YouTube somewhere in between Twitter (make QAnon accounts harder to find, ban overt harassment) and Facebook (outright ban on QAnon content).
Rhett Jones / Gizmodo Australia: YouTube Bans QAnon, With a Catch
@glinklive: Now watch as all of the big youtubers stay silent and stay in line
Mathew Ingram / @mathewi: Threat of regulation
Michael Vincent / @mvddm: Good! But I can't help but wonder if they're a little late
Andrew Hutchinson / Social Media Today: YouTube Toughens its Rules Around Dangerous Conspiracy Theories, with a Focus on QAnon Content
Gavin Sheridan / @gavinsblog: Of course had YouTube had good policies in place to begin with, Qanon would not have become what it is now, helped in large part by YouTube itself.
Molly Jong-Fast / @mollyjongfast: Yeah I wonder about this too
@blackamazon: It stopped being just marginalized people (mostly Black women) and the media half covered it
Samuel Oakford / @samueloakford: Am I wrong in reading YouTube's release as not explicitly banning QAnon?
Ben Collins / @oneunderscore__: So many people we talked to who said they fell into QAnon during the pandemic claimed they got there through YouTube recommendations, or friends telling them to watch a ten-part YouTube series about the cabal. That recruiting engine is now under threat.
Susan Wojcicki / @susanwojcicki: Today we're taking another step in our efforts to curb hate and harassment by removing more conspiracy theory content used to justify real-world violence. Read more:
Joan E. Solsman / CNET: YouTube bans QAnon conspiracy videos that target a person or group
Brandy Zadrozny / @brandyzadrozny: This matters—QAnon videos are still coming up in recommendations, and they act as the superhighway to red-pilling. BUT, so many folks have already been radicalized by this content. And YouTube acts less like a community than FB or Twitter.
Minitrue / @banthebbc: YouTube DELETES dozens more alternative media channels. Welcome to the west's own version of Communist China.
Ej Dickson / @ejdickson: BREAKING: YouTube, one of the platforms that have arguably done the most to mainstream QAnon, is finally banning the conspiracy theory, removing tens of thousands of videos and hundreds of channels:
Elizabeth Culliford / Reuters: YouTube says it will crack down on QAnon content
Marc-Andr Argentino / @_maargentino: Re-sharing my new piece I updated in light of YouTube's new policy announcement about “managing harmful conspiracy theories” “Facebook, YouTube moves against QAnon are only a first step in the battle against dangerous conspiracy theories” ...
Ben Collins / @oneunderscore__: NEW from @BrandyZadrozny + me: YouTube says it is banning QAnon, other conspiracy content that targets individuals
Tommy Vietor / @tvietor08: Just two and half years after a QAnon-inspired armed standoff on the Hoover dam, technology platforms have finally taken action to keep this death cult content off their platforms. They've got the break things part down. Not so much the move fast part.
American Jewish Committee / @ajcglobal: Good news: @YouTube has announced that it will crack down on QAnon and other dangerous conspiracy theories. We applaud Youtube for taking crucial steps to curb the spread of antisemitism and all form of hate on its platform.
David Cohen / Adweek: YouTube Ramps Up Its Efforts Against QAnon-Related Content
Matt Binder / Mashable: YouTube bans ‘harmful’ QAnon, Pizzagate, and other conspiracy theory content
Julia Alexander / The Verge: YouTube won't ban QAnon content, but will remove videos that could promote violence
Jason Koebler / VICE: YouTube Bans QAnon After Helping Mainstream QAnon
Will Sommer / The Daily Beast: YouTube Launches Major New Crackdown on QAnon
Chris Mills Rodrigo / The Hill: YouTube expands policies to tackle QAnon
Jennifer Elias / CNBC: YouTube tightens rules on conspiracy videos, but stops short of banning QAnon
Rachel E. Greenspan / Business Insider: YouTube announces new action against QAnon conspiracy theory but stops short of ban

Sources: Rupert Murdoch, semi-retired from operations at Fox News and News Corp, has told people he thinks Biden will win, as his NY Post blasts the candidate — The Australian mogul is disgusted by Trump's handling of COVID-19, remarking that the president is his own worst enemy and telling associates …
Washington Post, Politico, @bettemidler, Breitbart, New York Post, Slate, Fox News, @mattgertz,, @kimmasters, @juddapatow, Vanity Fair, @wajahatali, @thedailybeast, @goangelo, @karaswisher, @amy_siskind, @monicalewinsky, @mattgertz, @billkristol, @lachlan, The Wrap, Washington Free Beacon, Mediaite, Top Celebrity News …, The Hill, VICE and The Week
Glenn Kessler / Washington Post: Hunter Biden's alleged laptop: An explainer
@bettemidler: Never, never, EVER listen to anything #RupertMurdoch says, or take a cue from him or #Fox. This is probably a ploy to suppress #Biden voters, #JoeVoters may think, “well, he's got it in the bag” and stay home. Vote as if Joe were 10 points down. These creeps will try anything.
Kyle Olson / Breitbart: Ally Defending Joe Biden over Hunter Biden Allegations Once Lobbied for Russian Energy Company
David Harsanyi / New York Post: Twitter's squelching of The Post makes absolutely no sense
Heather Schwedel / Slate: That New York Post Story Raises One Legitimate Question: Is Hunter Biden Hot?
Bradford Betz / Fox News: Biden campaign ‘glad’ social media cracked down on NY Post, claims it proves ‘allegations are false’
Matthew Gertz / @mattgertz: This was extremely predictable and I know that because I fucking predicted it! All it took was the basic understanding that the president of the United States believes the shit Rupert Murdoch's employees tell him and would act accordingly. ...
Eugene Kiely / Trump Revives False Narrative on Biden and Ukraine
Kim Masters / @kimmasters: Translation: “I am doing all I can for this mentality deficient monster but damn, he's killed a lot of people. Time to back away a step or two.” ...
Judd Apatow / @juddapatow: Lachlan and Rupert Murdoch are super spreaders of life costing bad information and propaganda. Shame on them. They know better. They are just prepping for a Biden administration.
Caleb Ecarma / Vanity Fair: Is Rupert Murdoch Completely Off the Trump Train?
@wajahatali: Vote as if Biden is down 10. Also recognize Murdoch is one of the major villains of the 21st century who has done immense damage to democracy and truth.
@thedailybeast: Murdoch had long prized having unfettered access to the White House, but people familiar with the matter say the two men have not spoken in several weeks after Murdoch grew tired of Trump's endless complaints about so-called negative coverage on Fox News ...
Angelo Carusone / @goangelo: Uhm. Excuse me. Murdoch runs Fox News. Fox News flooded covid misinformation into the landscape. Murdoch has blood on his hands for what Fox News has done these past few months. Lots of blood. Don't anyone let him pretend otherwise.
Kara Swisher / @karaswisher: This is COLD: In response to an email inquiry for this report asking him if he believes Biden will win in a landslide and his thoughts on Trump's handling of coronavirus, Murdoch responded, “No comment except I've never called Trump an idiot.” ...
Amy Siskind / @amy_siskind: Pretty rich for Rupert Murdoch to say he is disgusted with how Trump has handled the pandemic, when studies show his network is responsible for disinformation that causes sickness and death. ...
Monica Lewinsky / @monicalewinsky: i hope he's right but also feel like it's a ploy to make people voting “not trump” complacent.
Matthew Gertz / @mattgertz: “More Americans are going to die from the novel coronavirus COVID-19 because President Donald Trump is watching Fox News and listening when the network's hosts minimize the risks posed by the deadly epidemic.” — Me on March 6. ...
Bill Kristol / @billkristol: Rupert Murdoch tries to exit the sinking Trump ship, hoping everyone will now forget or forgive the role he's played and plays today (who controls the New York Post?) in the degradation of American democracy. ...
Lachlan Markay / @lachlan: A story about a Lachlan, written by a Lachlan, confused for a different Lachlan. We're taking over
Sean Burch / The Wrap: Twitter Locks Trump Campaign's Account: ‘This Is Election Interference, Plain and Simple’
Graham Piro / Washington Free Beacon: Cruz: Twitter CEO Will Be Subpoenaed Over Hunter Biden Censorship
Brent Furdyk / Top Celebrity News, Hollywood Headlines: Celebrities React After Rudy Giuliani's Daughter Publicly Backs Joe Biden
Celine Castronuovo / The Hill: US intelligence analysts predicted stolen Burisma emails would be leaked in October: report
Matthew Walther / The Week: Twitter's election meddling

C-SPAN suspended editor Steve Scully indefinitely after he admitted he lied about his Twitter account being hacked following his tweet to Anthony Scaramucci — NEW YORK (AP) — C-SPAN suspended its political editor Steve Scully indefinitely Thursday after he admitted to lying about his Twitter feed …
CNN, Washingtonian, OutKick, TVNewser, @sullydish, Washington Post, Washington Free Beacon, @davidfolkenflik, @davidmackau, Mediaite, Fox News, TVLine, @brianstelter, Newser, Wall Street Journal, @asteadwesley, @davidfolkenflik, @alxthomp, @scaramucci, @megynkelly, @congressmanhice, Axios, The Daily Beast, Deadline, The Hill, The Wrap and The Week
Brian Stelter / CNN: C-SPAN political editor Steve Scully suspended after admitting he lied about his Twitter feed being hacked
Bobby Burack / OutKick: C-SPAN Suspends Steve Scully For Lying About Twitter Hack
A.J. Katz / TVNewser: C-SPAN Puts Steve Scully on ‘Administrative Leave’ After He Admits to Lying About His Twitter Account Being Hacked
Andrew Sullivan / @sullydish: Compare with MSNBC and Joy Reid.
Elahe Izadi / Washington Post: C-SPAN suspends Steve Scully after he says he lied about his Twitter account being hacked
Andrew Stiles / Washington Free Beacon: Journos Demand ‘Significant Consequences’ for False Hacking Claims. Joy Reid Too Busy Hosting Primetime Show to Comment.
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: New: CSPAN suspends political editor Steve Scully for falsely claiming his Twitter feed was hacked when he inadvertently sent public note to former Trump aide & current Trump critic @Scaramucci Scully was to moderate canceled event tonight with Trump & Biden Full Statements:
David Mack / @davidmackau: 👀
Aidan McLaughlin / Mediaite: BREAKING: C-SPAN Suspends Political Director Steve Scully For Admitting to Lying About Twitter Hack
Joseph Wulfsohn / Fox News: C-SPAN suspends Steve Scully indefinitely after he admits he lied about his Twitter being hacked
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: A true WTF, what-was-he-thinking moment... causing real damage to the national news media's reputation
Benjamin Mullin / Wall Street Journal: C-Span Suspends Anchor Steve Scully for Lying About Twitter Post
Steadman / @asteadwesley: twas always dubious that a hacker would spend their precious time tweeting at anthony scaramucci
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: Sadly, this looked doubtful from the start. Scully's reputation for probity won him some time, but the lie will now be part of the record.
Alex Thompson / @alxthomp: Turns out “I was hacked” was a lie, part 738 C-Span suspends Scully indefinitely after he admitted it.
Anthony Scaramucci / @scaramucci: Brutal outcome for a silly non political tweet. Nothing objectionable. Cancel culture going too far.
Megyn Kelly / @megynkelly: Scully seems like a nice guy but C-SPAN did the right thing. Contrast w/MSNBC & its host who made up a fake hacking to excuse her bigoted blog posts re LGBT+.
Rep. Jody Hice / @congressmanhice: WOW. Debate moderator @SteveScully suspended from @cspan after admitting he lied about being hacked — after we were told how nonpartisan he was for weeks... Folks, the fix is in. The media, the deep state, and big tech are all against @realDonaldTrump.
Blake Montgomery / The Daily Beast: C-SPAN Suspends Editor Steve Scully for Lying About Hacked Twitter
Ted Johnson / Deadline: C-SPAN Places Steve Scully On Indefinite Leave After He Admits To False Claim About His Twitter Hack

The Atlantic launches Planet, a section devoted to climate change, and Weekly Planet, a newsletter — I've been covering climate change for The Atlantic for five years, or nearly a sixth of the time I've been alive. That's long enough to watch the world change around me.
Sarah Scire / Nieman Lab: With Planet, The Atlantic aims to unleash its entire newsroom on climate journalism
Ben Smith / @benyt: Atlantic launching “Atlantic Planet,” covering “climate change in the present tense.” It's nice and healthy to increasingly see a real,grubby media war on to cover a huge story. @climate also doing pretty amazing stuff lately. ...
Bill McKibben / @billmckibben: Very pleased to see @TheAtlantic going all in on climate coverage, with @yayitsrob at the helm! ...
Jon Shieber / @jshieber: Huzzahs to @yayitsrob and the team @TheAtlantic for this: .... The magazine has been a must-read for the past few years and this new effort will only solidify that status.
Robinson Meyer / @yayitsrob: This is a really kind story by @SarahScire about what we're trying to do with climate coverage at The Atlantic.
Costa Samaras / @costasamaras: Things are, well, *gestures toward everything*. But it's an amazing moment, not for climate journalism, but journalism & discourse itself. That we have an abundance of top-shelf writers focusing on how climate is intertwined w/ everything, is a gift. Read everything Rob writes.
Dr. Jacquelyn Gill / @jacquelyngill: Looks like a lot of new climate content will be coming out of The Atlantic!
Paul Bisceglio / @paulbisceglio: I have so many good things to say about this. Welcome to Planet, The Atlantic's new home for climate-change coverage. Start with @yayitsrob's urgent and eloquent introduction: ... Then more incredible stories are already waiting for you.
@emcollective: Climate change isn't going away. This new vertical by @TheAtlantic will be a vehicle to get grounded in the facts of our changing planet, so we all can meet them with bold, imaginative solutions.
Sarah Laskow / @slaskow: And how should we think about climate change now? @yayitsrob has some very stirring thoughts: ...
@theatlantic: 1/ Today, we're introducing a new section devoted to climate change, Atlantic Planet. ...
@kerrymflynn: Definitely great to see more investment in covering the climate crisis. But not sure I like the term “media war” to describe increased investments in important and necessary journalism for all audiences
Emma Marris / @emma_marris: Psyched for this new focus on climate change at The Atlantic. I also ❤️ @yayitsrob's attitude: “You'll see journalists say, 'We're all doomed. Is it time to just admit that we're giving up?'... I just think that climate change doesn't work like that. There's no giving up.”
Ed Yong / @edyong209: I have so much faith in Rob's ability to pull off this exciting project. His skill and values are certainly on display in this intro post, and... (1/2)
Emma Green / @emmaogreen: A privilege of working at the Atlantic is getting to DM @yayitsrob with all my personal questions about climate and the environment and getting back informative, hilarious, poetic treatises. Friends, that opportunity is now available to you, too. ...
Adrienne LaFrance / @adriennelaf: 🌎 Something very big and very important launching at @TheAtlantic today. Introducing Planet, a new approach to covering climate change that @yayitsrob has been dreaming up for years: ...
Ed Yong / @edyong209: also, for example, in this superb piece from last year, which has really stuck with me. Such a vital beat, and it's great that the Atlantic has given it—and Rob—the prominence they need and deserve. (2/2) ...

Interview with Ben Smith on brutal internal politics and the use of Slack at The NYT, working remotely, and the inevitable regulation of social platforms — Plus, why Twitter is a double-edged sword … the Media Equation columnist at the New York Times, Ben Smith is covering an industry going through transformation and turbulence.
@dlberes, Big Technology, @kantrowitz, @chrismegerian, @markbriggs, @niemanlab and @haleaziz
@dlberes: “The Times' Slack is totally weird... Slack can get out of control and can really pick up the tone and vibe of Twitter, like a bunch of strangers yelling at each other.”
Alex Kantrowitz / Big Technology: Facebook and Twitter's Inconsistencies Are Turning the 2020 Election Into a New Nightmare
Alex Kantrowitz / @kantrowitz: Here's the transcript of my interview with Ben Smith on @ozm:
Chris Megerian / @chrismegerian: “Everything is so weird. Is my job weird? I don't know.”
Mark Briggs / @markbriggs: 2,000 people on a Slack channel? Not sure that's improving communication. Regardless, this a great Q&A.
@niemanlab: “The Times' Slack is totally weird. I, in fact, basically tossed myself out of it because I'm not a Times insider, and I want to be able to report on the Times, and I don't want people to feel like I'm lurking around Slacks reporting on them.” @benyt

Nielsen will include ads watched on YouTube apps on CTVs in its YouTube campaign measurements, which already cover mobile and digital screens, from 2021 — First phase, arriving in 2021, comes as viewership has soared — The move will let media buyers and sellers track audiences across …
Andrew Blustein / Adweek: Nielsen Boosts Addressable TV Ambitions With Tru Optik Tie-Up
Wayne Friedman / MediaPost: Nielsen To Measure YouTube, YouTube TV Ad Inventory On Connected TV Sets

YouTube TV is adding NFL Fantasy Football, its first third-party app, allowing viewers to watch a game and pull up player scores on the same screen — Starting today, real football and your fantasy team are one and the same. Tomorrow? We can only guess.