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Glenn Greenwald quits The Intercept, saying its editors refused to publish a post unless he removed parts critical of Biden; he will now publish on Substack — The same trends of repression, censorship and ideological homogeneity plaguing the national press generally have engulfed …
@erikwemple, @ggreenwald, The Intercept, Fox News, CNN, @joeberkowitz, Newser, @benyt, @theintercept, @drjillstein, @ggreenwald, @ggreenwald, @brhodes, @finneyk, Reporting by Matt Taibbi, @ggreenwald, @ggreenwald, Mediaite, New York Post, @espiers, @josephfcox, @gaberivera, @mtaibbi, @mikiebarb, @oliverdarcy, @laralogan, @jimmysecuk, @therealhoarse, @mtaibbi, @dorianlynskey, @mikeisaac, @digiphile, @spiegelpeter, @mollyjongfast, The Daily Beast, @leahmcelrath, Breitbart, @chrislhayes, @adamlehrer, @davidfrum, @ewerickson, @willchamberlain, @oliverdarcy, @benbwieder, Reason, @joannelipman, @arrington, National Review, @ggreenwald, @ashleyfeinberg, @angryblacklady, @tomgara, @ashleyfeinberg, @lebassett, @bdomenech, @davidklion, @onekade, @unburntwitch, @sayssimonson, @kbandersen, @imnotowned, @josephfcox, New York Times, @karengeier, @kerrymflynn, The Daily Caller, @sarahnemerson, @ggreenwald, @neontaster, @noornahas1, TheBlaze, @andrewfeinberg, @willoremus, @jakeswearingen, @tbogg, @andylevy, @robbysoave, @dcseifert, @waywardwinifred, @arguendope, @mmasnick, @mikeelk, @lhfang, The Hill, @medialens, @vermontgmg, @katie_robertson, @glcarlstrom, @alexstamos, @bariweiss, @caugustelliott, The Guardian, @sohrabahmari, @elienyc, Washington Post, @sjgrunewald, @justinbaragona, @arifleischer, The Federalist and The Wrap
Erik Wemple / @erikwemple: Intercept EIC Betsy Reed sent me this statement regarding the departure of @ggreenwald, saying there's a “fundamental disagreement over the role of editors in the production of journalism and the nature of censorship.”
Glenn Greenwald / @ggreenwald: My Resignation From The Intercept The same trends of repression, censorship and ideological homogeneity plaguing the national press generally have engulfed the media outlet I co-founded, culminating in censorship of my own articles. ...
Yael Halon / Fox News: Glenn Greenwald speaks out on leaving The Intercept over censorship: ‘Embarrassed and angered’
Kerry Flynn / CNN: Glenn Greenwald is quitting The Intercept, claiming editors ‘censored’ his article about Joe Biden
Joe Berkowitz / @joeberkowitz: The Intercept: *applies editorial standards* Glenn Greenwald:
Ben Smith / @benyt: Big chunk of the top of Substack is very in sync w where Greenwald is.
@theintercept: Glenn Greenwald's decision to resign from The Intercept stems from a fundamental disagreement over the role of editors in the production of journalism and the nature of censorship.
Dr. Jill Stein / @drjillstein: Assange is in solitary. Snowden's in exile. Corbyn's suspended by his own party. Now Glenn Greenwald's been censored by The Intercept. There's a war on truth-tellers & you could be next. “First they came for Assange and I said nothing...”
Glenn Greenwald / @ggreenwald: “But the pathologies, illiberalism, and repressive mentality that led to the bizarre spectacle of my being censored by my own media outlet are ones that are not unique to The Intercept.” I'll be doing my journalism at Substack for now. Subscribe here: ...
Glenn Greenwald / @ggreenwald: Read @mtaibbi's new article, with lots of new facts, about the Intercept and the repression taking place at unprecedented levels in numerous major newsrooms right now. ... He is absolutely right about this; it's a crisis and a scandal. And dangerous:
Ben Rhodes / @brhodes: One of many things that Tucker Carlson and Glenn Greenwald have in common is a relentless insistence that they are somehow victims, even as they have enormous platforms which they use to dishonestly attack others.
Karen Finney / @finneyk: Having been the subject of baseless biased attacks from greenwald I have to ask @betsyreed2 and @ryangrim are you truly just realizing this now? You provided a platform for him to unfairly attack people.
Matt Taibbi / Reporting: Glenn Greenwald On His Resignation From The Intercept
Glenn Greenwald / @ggreenwald: I won't do a tit-for-tat with The Intercept. I get that need to defend themselves. But just note: 1) Ask Betsy Reed why they won't publish an accounting of what happened with Reality Winner & who that cover-up is protecting. 2) “Great journalism” that nobody reads isn't great.
Glenn Greenwald / @ggreenwald: I should finally add here two things: 1) None of this conflict has anything to do with @TheInterceptBr, whose journalism I continue to have the highest regard for and hope it remains supported 2) @jeremyscahill is in the same position as I: not part of these decisions at all.
Charlie Nash / Mediaite: NEW: Glenn Greenwald Resigns From The Intercept With Scorched Earth Letter Accusing Editors of Censoring His Article on Joe Biden
Elizabeth Spiers / @espiers: I say this as a former editor who had to run things by lawyers: making an ethically and legally sound decision not to publish disinformation is not censorship by your editor.
Joseph Cox / @josephfcox: Greenwald once made $500,000 a year for barely blogging
Gabe Rivera / @gaberivera: Humble suggestion: Substack should distribute a different 1% of Greenwald's unpublished Snowden docs to each of the top 100 Substack writers.
Matt Taibbi / @mtaibbi: I will have more on this on Substack soon. ...
Michael Barbaro / @mikiebarb: “He believes that anyone who disagrees with him is corrupt....and anyone who presumes to edit his words is a censor.”
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: These emails seem to show thoughtful editors trying to responsibly publish this piece and you going nuclear and immediately accusing them of censorship?
Lara Logan / @laralogan: Bravo to Glenn Greenwald for his courage in standing up for what journalism is supposed to be.Without those committed to the standards/principles that protect a free press &shield the first amendment from totalitarian tactics like censorship, we're nothing ...
Jimmy / @jimmysecuk: He absolutely isn't principled. He has no principles. Zero. None. Nada. They do not exist. If he ever had principles, they are no longer there. They've departed. His principles have left the building.
@therealhoarse: My Resignation From The Jelly Of The Month Club. The same trends of repression, censorship and ideological homogeneity plaguing the jelly community generally have engulfed the subscription-based jam cooperative I co-founded, culminating in censorship of my own storied preserves.
Dorian Lynskey / @dorianlynskey: In a year when so many journalists have seen their livelihoods disappear, it is hard to look kindly on the bombastic rage-quitting of another well-paid narcissist.
Rat King / @mikeisaac: im about to “self-lobotomize”
@digiphile: In which the Editor-in-Chief of @theintercept makes an eloquent case for the role of editors:
Peter Spiegel / @spiegelpeter: If the @PulitzerPrizes ever decide to create a “Best Editor's Note” category, this has got to be an early front-runner.
Molly Jong-Fast / @mollyjongfast: The intercept comes off pretty damn good here. Also editors are good.
@leahmcelrath: LOL. And LIRL at, “No one can say he isn't principled.” Yes, yes we can, Bari. I actually never thought about how similar you two are, but this totally tracks now that I am thinking about it.
Joshua Caplan / Breitbart: Glenn Greenwald Resigns from The Intercept, Claims Editors Refused to Publish Biden Criticisms
Chris Hayes / @chrislhayes: If Hitchens had lived he'd be making a $1 million dollars a year on substack writing exclusively about woke mobs and why the US must got to war with China.
@adamlehrer: I'm not going to suggest anyone should leave behind a salary they need, but for the few talented and principled journos left at the Intercept (Lee, Scahill), a mass walk out would be a beautiful show of force against the joke that this company has become
David Frum / @davidfrum: Wanted: smart, non-polemical assessment of emergence of Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan, Glenn Greenwald, Donald Trump Jr., Matt Taibbi, the Federalist group of writers etc. as a coherent and cohesive faction in American politics. They share more than just the same dislikes.
Erick Erickson / @ewerickson: Oliver is right. This looks more like a temper tantrum or a way to get a jump on substack subscriptions.
Will Chamberlain / @willchamberlain: Are you illiterate? The editors' objections were *already accounted for in the draft.* @ggreenwald correctly identified the objections as a facade. This isn't a copy-edit: The Intercept's editors demanded a restructuring of the piece for pretextual reasons.
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: @ggreenwald says he is quitting The Intercept, an outlet he co-founded, because editors “censored” an article he wrote about Joe Biden. Greenwald says he will be publishing now on Substack. ...
Ben Wieder / @benbwieder: “We have the greatest respect for the journalist Glenn Greenwald used to be”
Robby Soave / Reason: Glenn Greenwald Resigns from The Intercept, Citing ‘Pathologies, Illiberalism, Repressive Mentality’ of Pro-Biden Newsroom
Joanne Lipman / @joannelipman: Just as much an indictment of Media Twitter: “online enforcement mobs” of “center left Twitter luminaries” that the Intercept has “a deep fear of offending.” @ggreenwald ...
Michael Arrington / @arrington: Wow. Wow. Wow.
Zachary Evans / National Review: The Intercept Co-Founder Glenn Greenwald Resigns, Alleging ‘Censorship’ of Views ‘Critical’ of Joe Biden
Glenn Greenwald / @ggreenwald: “The final, precipitating cause is that The Intercept's editors censored an article I wrote this week, refusing to publish it unless I remove all sections critical of Joe Biden, the candidate vehemently supported by all Intercept editors involved in this effort at suppression.”
Ashley Feinberg / @ashleyfeinberg: one more and we've got a trend baby let's go
@angryblacklady: Whew. This is a dragging for the ages. “We respect the journalist Glenn Greenwald used to be.”
Tom Gara / @tomgara: Just realized that if he's ever released from prison, Julian Assange is going to have an amazing newsletter
Ashley Feinberg / @ashleyfeinberg: pulling out increasingly larger magnifying glasses trying to find the damning part
Laura Bassett / @lebassett: I think there's an important distinction between being principled and being a contrarian for the sake of attention, and Glenn crossed that line at some point.
Ben Domenech / @bdomenech: In an era of corporate media corruption, the voices of rebellion against the dominant narrative are increasingly striking out on their own. Glenn is the latest and he won't be the last.
David Klion / @davidklion: The real crisis in media is that publications are too tolerant of dissenting viewpoints, forcing staffers who are wrong about everything to resign in a fit of pique in order to achieve their desired martyrdom.
@onekade: this is the funniest sentence wow. everyone who posted “they edited me, which is basically murder” was too right
@unburntwitch: Ah, a hack refuses to be edited so that he can graduate to not being read at all
Joe Gabriel Simonson / @sayssimonson: Agreed. Seems like a totally appropriate series of questions and analysis on blatant media hypocrisy here. Always happy to see bipartisan engagement with matters of high political important. As always, I'll shamelessly plug the work @JerryDunleavy and I have done on this topic.
Kurt Andersen / @kbandersen: Pro tip: if you're a writer, at least use accurate language in your self-dramatizing, self-righteous huff — 𝘨𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘳𝘯𝘮𝘦 𝘯𝘵𝘴 that prevent or interfere with free speech are guilty of “repression and censorship,” but not editors of a news organization when they edit.
Drew / @imnotowned: “Self deports.” Amazing that Glenn and Bari both pulled the same move, they voluntarily quit their cushy jobs and try to cry victim as if they were unjustly fired/cancelled. Voluntarily quitting isn't being cancelled.
Joseph Cox / @josephfcox: i have no idea what the intercept pays, but will say that, generally speaking, a media outlet could hire like 7 or 8 journos who will probably do exponentially more work than greenwald with that. its totally insane.
Katie Robertson / New York Times: Glenn Greenwald Leaves The Intercept, Claiming He Was Censored
@kerrymflynn: “...I will be publishing my journalism here on Substack, where numerous other journalists... have come in order to practice journalism free of the increasingly repressive climate that is engulfing national mainstream media outlets across the country.” ...
Phillip Nieto / The Daily Caller: Glenn Greenwald Resigns From The Intercept After Editors Reportedly Refused To Publish Article Critical Of Joe Biden
Sarah Emerson / @sarahnemerson: Never self-deport or else you won't qualify for the deportation severance package
Glenn Greenwald / @ggreenwald: Here's the article that I wrote about Joe Biden's conduct in Ukraine & China, based on Hunter's emails and other witness testimony, along with a critique of media lies designed to protect the Democratic candidate, which The Intercept refused to publish: ...
Noam Blum / @neontaster: Subo Stack House
Chris Pandolfo / TheBlaze: Journalist Glenn Greenwald resigns from The Intercept claiming censorship of Biden-critical article — Intercept fires back
Andrew Feinberg / @andrewfeinberg: Wow, @theintercept does not hold back re @ggreenwald: “The narrative Glenn presents about his departure is teeming with distortions and inaccuracies — all of them designed to make him appear as a victim, rather than a grown person throwing a tantrum.”
Will Oremus / @willoremus: “We have the greatest respect for the journalist Glenn Greenwald used to be” is a burn for the ages
Jake Swearingen / @jakeswearingen: my 4000-word resignation letter is proof positive i do not require editors anymore
My Pal Andy / @andylevy: lol holy crap
Robby Soave / @robbysoave: UPDATE: I've just read the article @ggreenwald says @theintercept wouldn't publish. Except for the part about the Ukrainian judge (a story I simply haven't followed closely), I can't find virtually any fault with it. I'm shocked they wouldn't allow this. ...
Dan Seifert / @dcseifert: you don't actually have to read the rambling words of the whiny man claiming to be censored and rage quitting over it
Yung Fred / @waywardwinifred: I'll def subscribe to Glenn's substack. I love to read.
Faderian Brrrrrmeule / @arguendope: If I were Glenn Greenwood I would simply allow the person who wrote this work of art to edit my work rather than making her an enemy
Mike Masnick / @mmasnick: This response from the publishers to Glenn quitting The Intercept is straight 🔥🔥🔥
Mike Elk / @mikeelk: Man the photo editor at the New York Times today - just brutal!
Lee Fang / @lhfang: Glenn Greenwald is the most principled person in media today. ...
Joe Concha / The Hill: Glenn Greenwald resigns from The Intercept
@medialens: ‘Glenn demands the absolute right to determine what he will publish.’ As a journalist with his record absolutely should. This is a horrible response from The Intercept. Unfollowing.
Garrett M. Graff / @vermontgmg: Every paragraph of this is brutal in new and creative ways. Holy moly.
Katie Robertson / @katie_robertson: Resigning from The Intercept, @ggreenwald tells me his arrangement with The Intercept “since it began is my opinion pieces are not edited by anyone”
Gregg Carlstrom / @glcarlstrom: Do I even want to try and find out why y'all are subtweeting The Intercept
Alex Stamos / @alexstamos: The coming moderation controversaries around @SubstackInc will be fascinating due to: 1) Their explicit goal of supporting free expression 2) Their function as a direct financial intermediary 3) Tech-critical journalists likely having empathy for the rights of other journos
Bari Weiss / @bariweiss: Wow. @ggreenwald self-deports from publication he founded with a must-read resignation letter that also is an autopsy of @theintercept and so much of American journalism. Say what you want about Glenn's views. No one can say he isn't principled.
C. August Elliott / @caugustelliott: With Greenwald's salary now off the books, @theintercept should be able to hire 6-8 new reporters. That's a substantial boon to American investigative journalism.
Sohrab Ahmari / @sohrabahmari: Glenn: I can't overstate how much I admire your integrity and intellectual independence. We'd be honored to have you contribute op-ed columns to The Post on any theme you wish.
Elie Mystal / @elienyc: God DAMN: “all of them designed to make him appear a victim, rather than a grown person throwing a tantrum.” ... “We have the greatest respect for the journalist Glenn Greenwald used to be.” Ain't this a full read.
@sjgrunewald: I say it every day, Bari. It's super easy. Glenn Greenwald is a fascist chaos agent and has no principles or integrity or ethics. See? Super easy. Also fvck you for just being you.
Justin Baragona / @justinbaragona: DAMN! The Intercept's editor not holding back AT ALL on Greenwald, saying his narrative is “designed to make him appear a victim, rather than a grown person throwing a tantrum.” “We have the greatest respect for the journalist Glenn Greenwald used to be...”
Ari Fleischer / @arifleischer: I disagree with Glenn a lot, but I have always been impressed by his willingness to stand on his principles. The MSM as a fair and impartial news source is collapsing around us. His story is a good example how and why.
Tristan Justice / The Federalist: Intercept Co-Founder Resigns Because Colleagues Wouldn't Let Him Criticize Joe Biden

Glenn Greenwald publishes his email exchange with Intercept editors about his Biden story, which he says precipitated his resignation — Given The Intercept's vehement denials, readers are entitled to see for themselves what the truth is: transparency journalism with integrity requires.
@ggreenwald, Greenwald, @mmasnick, @politifact, @davidklion, @jscros, The Daily Caller, @jscros, Mother Jones, Fox News, Mediaite, New York Post and Politico
Glenn Greenwald / @ggreenwald: Emails With Intercept Editors Showing Censorship of My Joe and Hunter Biden Article There's no reason for anyone to have to decide who to believe. Feel free to see for yourselves what really happened: ...
Mike Masnick / @mmasnick: Um. Those seem to show some pretty decent editing, in that your editors asked you to fix some problems in your piece that you did not support with much evidence, and then you losing it over some good suggestions? Is this really the stand you wanted to take?
Daniel Funke / @politifact: Tony Bobulinski, Hunter Biden and China: an explainer
David Klion / @davidklion: I cannot imagine anyone who has ever worked as an editor reading this exchange and thinking Glenn is the victim here ...
Jack Crosbie / @jscros: for a long time at splinter i had a running bit where @kath_krueger was censoring my ideas by turning down pitches related to the fast and furious series but i never thought i'd see someone commit to it this hard
Shelby Talcott / The Daily Caller: ‘People Are Going To Cancel Their Subscriptions’: If Biden Wins, Greenwald Says, Expect Media To Target Trump Supporters
Jack Crosbie / @jscros: Emails With My Very Patient and Professional Editors That Show They, Not Me, Are Cowardly Propagandists With No Moral Values
Daniel Friedman / Mother Jones: The Crazy Last Days of Rudy Giuliani and Steve Bannon
Brian Flood / Fox News: Glenn Greenwald quits The Intercept, which he co-founded, claims editors censored story critical of Biden
Colby Hall / Mediaite: Jonah Goldberg Tells Fox News' Bret Baier He Isn't Buying Tony Bobulinski Story: It ‘Strains Credulity’

Insider Inc., parent of Business Insider, buys a majority stake in Morning Brew in an all-cash deal; sources say the deal values Morning Brew at around $75M — Insider Inc., the parent company to Business Insider, closed an all-cash deal Thursday to buy a majority stake in Morning Brew …
Henry Blodget / Business Insider: A big welcome to Morning Brew!
Claudius Senst / @c_senst: Welcome, @BUSlNESSBARISTA & @austin_rief and the whole team at @MorningBrew ☕️! Everyone at @InsiderInc is thrilled to say hi! What a spectacular day & only the beginning of an even bigger journey. Thank you for your trust & partnership so far, onwards! ...
Amanda Goetz / @amandamgoetz: This is amazing. Been so fun to watch!!! Congrats to some truly incredible humans! @MorningBrew
Bob Bryan / @robertbryan4: Beside the point of the article, but @hblodget has really nailed the bullet summary format ...
Jack Appleby / @juiceboxca: Good for @MorningBrew - what a story. Congrats to @austin_rief, @BUSlNESSBARISTA & the gang.
@tobydoyhowell: Only been at the @MorningBrew since March but I've been telling ya'll since the beginning this place is a rocket ship
Mario / @mariodgabriele: Massive congratulations to @BUSlNESSBARISTA @austin_rief @Neal_Freyman @KinseyGrant and the rest of the @MorningBrew squad. What an outcome. #Goals for everyone starting out in media. Can't wait to see Brew Act Two!
Pomp / @apompliano: Couldn't be happier for @Austin_rief and @BUSlNESSBARISTA. Build valuable things and you reap the rewards 🔥
Jeremy Goldman / @jeremarketer: Big news about @MorningBrew and Insider Inc. Probably a pretty nice little win-win.
Nik Sharma / @mrsharma: I'm so thrilled for my friends at @MorningBrew on the acquisition into @businessinsider!! No words other than I'm so happy for everyone at MB 😍🤩 You deserve it, @austin_rief & @BUSlNESSBARISTA!!
Alyson Shontell / @ajs: Congrats and welcome to the fam @BUSlNESSBARISTA @austin_rief and all the @MorningBrew crew!
Nicholas Carlson / @nichcarlson: Morning Brew will run independently from Insider, so this won't change my life much - but it is great to be even distant colleagues with such an impressive team of people. Huge congratulations to @c_senst, who labored over this deal for a long time. ...
Zell Lurie Institute / @zelllurie: Congratulations @MorningBrew! “Throughout our journey with Morning Brew we've been supported by the team at Zell Lurie. From our time as students to the investment by the Zell Founders Fund, ZLI has been with us every step of the way,” Alex Lieberman, @MichiganRoss BBA '15
Chris motherfucking Messina / @chrismessina: 📧 @MorningBrew, a daily email newsletter, just sold for $75M That's ⅓ what @JeffBezos paid for the @washingtonpost ($250M) and 1.07x more than the @BostonGlobe sold for ($70M)! Hear that? That's the sound of rushing hordes signing up at @SubstackInc!

CNN contributor and former DHS COS Miles Taylor reveals he is Anonymous, the senior Trump admin official who wrote a NYT column in 2018 and book in 2019 — Mr. Taylor, whose criticisms of President Trump in a New York Times Op-Ed article and subsequent book roiled Washington and infuriated Mr. Trump …
Vanity Fair, @erikwemple, @milestaylorusa, @benyt, @oliverdarcy, Medium, @jacobsoboroff, @rosiegray, @victoriacoates, @rosiegray, @ericuman, @realdonaldtrump, @vanityfair, @jonathanvswan, @markmeadows, Raw Story, The Hill, The Daily Beast, VICE, The Atlantic, National Review, Media Nation, @maggienyt, @waltshaub, @byronyork, @juliancastro, The Wrap, Poynter, @yamiche, The Week, @alexkotch, @jaketapper, @erikaandiola, @lutherlowe, The Federalist, @mantzarlis, @rmac18, @markmeadows, @daveweigel, @slpng_giants, @davidcorndc, @dangillmor, @jacob_brogan, @raicestexas, @richardgrenell, @adamserwer, @nytopinion, @joyannreid, @yashar, @hotlinejosh, @bgrueskin, @erikwemple, @bgrueskin, @ericboehlert, @williamturton, @mikebrestdc, @mattrosoff, @stevekovach, @kylegriffin1, @esaagar, @timmarchman, @jonathanvswan, @haleaziz, @broderick, @kentremendous, @wajahatali, @nowthisnews, @peterhamby, @perlberg, @benyt, @brianstelter, Mediaite, @brianstelter, Slate, Axios, Politico, Fox News, NBC News, Gothamist and Washingtonian
Joe Pompeo / Vanity Fair: “It's a Head Fake”: Anonymous's Big Reveal Calls New York Times' Sourcing Into Question
Erik Wemple / @erikwemple: A CNN spox just told me that Miles Taylor will remain a contributor despite lying to Anderson Cooper. CNN cannot have it both ways — slamming Trump for his lies, yet condoning a very big and blatant one by its own contributor.
Miles Taylor / @milestaylorusa: Donald Trump is a man without character. It's why I wrote “A Warning”...and it's why me & my colleagues have spoken out against him (in our own names) for months. It's time for everyone to step out of the shadows. My statement: ...
Ben Smith / @benyt: OK, it's Miles Taylor, I'm told.
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: @ChrisCuomo to @MilesTaylorUSA: “You lied to us....Why should CNN keep you on the payroll after lying like that?”
Jacob Soboroff / @jacobsoboroff: Miles Taylor was a critical part of the team that decided to separated thousands of migrant kids from their parents, resulting in lifelong psychological trauma. He would like you to believe otherwise.
Rosie Gray / @rosiegray: when Anonymous turns out to be a deputy undersecretary somewhere that no one has ever heard of, I will allow myself a smug smile, then never think of them again
Victoria Coates / @victoriacoates: Are you going to publish a retraction of this embarrassment?
Rosie Gray / @rosiegray: i don't care enough to do this but someone should go back and find all the commentary at the time speculating that it was literally mike pence because of the word lodestar
Eric Umansky / @ericuman: So five months after @MilesTaylorUSA penned his anonymous heroic stand, he took a bunch of foreign dignitaries to a fancy dinner at, you guessed it, the president's hotel. Cost to you and me: $1,678 ... via @Z_Everson
Donald J. Trump / @realdonaldtrump: Who is Miles Taylor? Said he was “anonymous”, but I don't know him - never even heard of him. Just another @nytimes SCAM - he worked in conjunction with them. Also worked for Big Tech's @Google. Now works for Fake News @CNN. They should fire, shame, and punish everybody....
@vanityfair: One Times' Opinion staffer hopes it doesn't give ammo to “people who want to undermine anonymous sourcing” at the paper
Jonathan Swan / @jonathanvswan: Turns out the NYT oped page gave an enormous “Resistance” platform to a staffer whose agency green-lit the Trump administration's most hardline immigration moves, including family separation, during his tenure.
Mark Meadows / @markmeadows: You have got to be kidding me. Miles Taylor? That's who the New York Times granted an anonymous editorial article? I've seen more exciting reveals in Scooby-Doo episodes. What a monumental embarrassment.
Sky Palma / Raw Story: Trump makes unhinged threats against Miles Taylor at Florida rally: ‘Bad things are going to happen to him’
John Bowden / The Hill: Who is ‘Anonymous’ author Miles Taylor?
Justin Baragona / The Daily Beast: ‘The View’ Tears Into Miles Taylor After ‘Anonymous’ Reveal: 'He's Full of It!'
Edward Ongweso Jr / VICE: In A Just World, Miles Taylor Would Be On Trial For Helping Cage Children
Graeme Wood / The Atlantic: The New York Times Owes the Public an Explanation
Mairead McArdle / National Review: Rubio Accuses NYT of Inflating ‘Anonymous’ Op-Ed Author's Stature, Harming National Security
Maggie Haberman / @maggienyt: Reminder that whether it's true or not, if someone convinces Trump that another person is “leaking,” that second person is on borrowed time
Walter Shaub / @waltshaub: Hogwash. If he felt he needed to keep his identity secret until now 2020, he didn't have to take a paying gig on television. He has been everywhere on this career rehabilitation tour and has publicly lied to Americans. How can we believe anything he tells us now?
Byron York / @byronyork: Important to note that Miles Taylor was not DHS chief of staff on September 5, 2018, when he published ‘Anonymous’ op-ed in NYT. He was a DHS policy adviser, which NYT characterized as a ‘senior official in the Trump administration.’
Julin Castro / @juliancastro: Miles Taylor helped spin the Trump administration's policy of separating migrant children from their parents. How many of those parents were offered media contributorships?
Lindsey Ellefson / The Wrap: CNN's Jim Acosta on Trump Supporters Jeering Him and the Media: 'This Isn't Normal'
Tom Jones / Poynter: The anonymous author of The New York Times' op-ed who criticized Trump reveals himself
Yamiche Alcindor / @yamiche: .@PressSec slamming @MilesTaylorUSA: “This low-level, disgruntled former staffer is a liar and a coward who chose anonymity over action and leaking over leading.” @MilesTaylorUSA: “Donald Trump is a man without character.”
Harold Maass / The Week: 10 things you need to know today: October 29, 2020
Alex Kotch / @alexkotch: Kind of like if Adolf Eichmann decided to write an anonymous op-ed and cash in on a blockbuster book. Miles Taylor deserves nothing but scorn and revulsion for the rest of his life.
Jake Tapper / @jaketapper: Former DHS chief of staff @MilesTaylorUSA is the author of the NYT oped and book by “Anonymous” — more on CNN coming up
Erika Andiola / @erikaandiola: I “stepped out of the shadows” 11 year ago. Unfortunately people like you have tried to deport me and my family for doing so. Miles, you can't put all your evil actions behind just like that. You were part of a group who consciously decided to separate kids from their parents.
Luther Lowe / @lutherlowe: So Google employee Miles Taylor is Anonymous. This guy helped cage kids at DHS so Google hired him as a Hail Mary to beef up their Trump World access. But the rank & file in Mountain View balked. So now he's “on leave” getting a 2nd bite of the apple as a resistance grifter. 🙄
Tristan Justice / The Federalist: With CNN Contract, Another ‘Resistance’ Leaker Cashed In On Anti-Trump Vendetta
Alexios / @mantzarlis: “When reached by a reporter via email, the former DHS official directed them instead to contact his agents with United Talent Agency, a Los Angeles-based firm that recently signed Paris Hilton.”
Ryan Mac / @rmac18: We took a deep look at Miles Taylor — his history within Trump's DHS, time at Google, and conflicting past statements. He's a complicated figured who has contradicted himself many times over. Now those contradictions are in the open for all to see. ...
Mark Meadows / @markmeadows: Laughable as the “Miles Taylor Anonymous” episode is, it's every bit as damaging to the media. The New York Times amplified a no-name agency deputy with no access to President Trump and misled Americans into thinking he was an influential senior official. Absolutely ridiculous.
@daveweigel: How long does that contract last? If Trump doesn't win next week, do people want to hear, like, his take on potential Biden nominees for DHS? I bet they don't!
@slpng_giants: Lots of people have gotten angry with us for pointing this out. Just because this person is voting how you'd like doesn't mean he didn't play a key role in separating children as young as infants from their parents. It's despicable no matter what your politics are.
David Corn / @davidcorndc: Instead of Anonymous, should we call him Implicated?
Dan Gillmor / @dangillmor: Every time a TV news program puts a liar back on TV, it is inviting more lies. Exhibit 592,331 in how journalism refuses to learn even from its most catastrophic failures.
Jacob Brogan / @jacob_brogan: I mean...
Raices / @raicestexas: .@MilesTaylorUSA, actively took part in family separation and was involved in the development of MPP aka “Remain in Mexico” and somehow thinks that a couple months of a publicity stunt can clear his name & absolve him? @CNN & @nytimes why are you giving this man a platform?
Richard Grenell / @richardgrenell: lol. I've never heard of this guy. The DC media said he was an insider stopping decisions. They embarrass themselves again.
@adamserwer: Don't worry, the adults (who support torturing children as policy) are in charge and won't let Trump do anything terrible.
@nytopinion: Two years ago, we ran an Op-Ed by an anonymous senior official in the Trump administration. We invited readers to ask us about our vetting process and our thinking behind publishing the essay. These were our responses to key questions.
@joyannreid: Now especially notable that this “anonymous” op-ed made no mention among Trump's abrogations, of the morally depraved policies toward migrant men, women and children, the Muslim ban, or the near-ban on admitting refugees. Family separations began in 2017.
Yashar Ali / @yashar: James Bennet, the editor who made the decision, is no longer at the NYT after resigning this summer.
Josh Kraushaar / @hotlinejosh: He's now rejecting the main thesis of his original WaPo “Anonymous” column
Bill Grueskin / @bgrueskin: After NYT published the “Anonymous” op-ed, the edit page explained when they've done this before. The other examples - a Salvadoran asylum seeker, a Syrian refugee, a man fearing ISIS retribution — are of an entirely different caliber than @MilesTaylorUSA
Erik Wemple / @erikwemple: What really bothers me about this “Anonymous” situation is that this guy is trying to say *it's not about me* — it's about the arguments! But this whole reveal charade undercuts that noble pretension. Again, @CarlosLozadaWP nailed this point: ...
Bill Grueskin / @bgrueskin: Anyway, I have several things I'd like to say anonymously to 3.9 million NYT subscribers.
Eric Boehlert / @ericboehlert: Taylor also cashed in “Anonymous” by writing book that netted him at least $500K. this all seems depressing
William Turton / @williamturton: same energy
Mike Brest / @mikebrestdc: In this clip, @MilesTaylorUSA explicitly says he is not “Anonymous,” but now we know that this was a lie.
Matt Rosoff / @mattrosoff: Miles Taylor, who just came out as the anonymous Trump official who wrote an op-ed for the Times in 2018 claiming insiders were trying to thwart his worst impulses, went to Google, then took leave to work for Biden, as @jenn_elias scooped in August:
Steve Kovach / @stevekovach: Tech angle: Taylor works for Google. Took a leave earlier this year to campaign for Biden. Google employees were upset with Taylor's hire because he worked on DHS's family separation policy.
Kyle Griffin / @kylegriffin1: Miles Taylor, former Chief of Staff to Kirstjen Nielsen and Chad Wolf at DHS, confirms he is ‘anonymous’. ...
Saagar Enjeti / @esaagar: Congratulations to the media for facilitating a giant wealth transfer from MSNBC/Lincoln Project loving Dem Boomers to the never before heard of Miles Taylor's bank account Miles family & mortgage company gives you their sincerest thanks
Tim Marchman / @timmarchman: Wow, imagine Kirstjen Nielsen's chief of staff wanting to heroically distance himself from the things he himself did, you don't say
Jonathan Swan / @jonathanvswan: But #Resistance, ya know
Hamed Aleaziz / @haleaziz: Anonymous is the the former DHS chief of staff who was at the agency in key roles during family separation, the remain in Mexico program, the public charge program and so on.
Ryan Broderick / @broderick: the Anonymous guy is so low-level that his google search results look like a stock image
Ken Tremendous / @kentremendous: Goddamnit. You can't do a bunch of evil shit, write an anonymous book about how you're a secret hero fighting for justice, then expect applause. You had an option: resign and bring it all to light. You get booed out of society just like the rest of them.
@wajahatali: Kids were in cages and over 535 have been separated from their families, but life worked out well for him. Book deal, CNN gig. It's good to be Anonymous. Miles Taylor, a Former Homeland Security Official, Reveals He Was ‘Anonymous’
NowThis / @nowthisnews: BREAKING: Former Dept of Homeland Security Chief of Staff Miles Taylor revealed today that he was the anonymous author of the bombshell New York Times op-ed about working in the Trump administration. Read more:
Peter Hamby / @peterhamby: The public will at least get to find out what “a senior administration official” on background looks like!
Steven Perlberg / @perlberg: lmaoooo appears that @benyt accidentally scooped his own paper, which had agreed to an embargo, and just.... tweeted it out. You do love to see it
Ben Smith / @benyt: Miles Taylor, a Former Homeland Security Official, Reveals He Was ‘Anonymous’ @shearm
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: >> @MilesTaylorUSA became a CNN contributor earlier this fall. But his anonymous authorship was not known to the network, according to @jaketapper: “We did not know this until today”
Reed Richardson / Mediaite: Chris Cuomo Calls Out Miles Taylor for Denying He Was ‘Anonymous’ to Anderson Cooper: ‘Why Should CNN Keep You on the Payroll After Lying?’
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: Remember, the person pledged to identify themselves before Election Day
Ben Mathis-Lilley / Slate: The Anonymous Trump “Resistance” Guy Has Revealed His Name, Which Will Be Useful for Booking Him Into Jail
Orion Rummler / Axios: “Anonymous” senior Trump official revealed as ex-DHS chief of staff Miles Taylor
Joseph Wulfsohn / Fox News: ‘Anonymous’ anti-Trump official revealed as CNN pundit Miles Taylor, who lied about writing NYT op-ed
Ben Yakas / Gothamist: Extra Extra: Falling Through A Sidewalk Sinkhole & Being Swarmed By Rats Is Your New NYC Nightmare
Rosa Cartagena / Washingtonian: Former Trump Official Miles Taylor Comes Out as “Anonymous”

NYT, by overstating Miles Taylor's seniority when it published his op-ed, and CNN, by letting him lie on live TV, disgraced themselves in the Anonymous charade — The New York Times got its traffic bonanza. It touched off a national debate. It owned social media. And now it's getting the payback that it deserves.
Tobias Hoonhout / National Review: The NYT Exaggerated the Stature of ‘Anonymous’ — and the Rest of Media Built Him Up Even Further
Andrew Kerr / The Daily Caller: Former DHS Staffer Was ‘Nowhere Near The Oval Office’ When He Wrote Anonymous NYT Op-Ed
Dominick Mastrangelo / The Hill: CNN's Cuomo asks Miles Taylor why network should ‘keep you on the payroll’ after lying about op-ed
Andrew Prokop / Vox: The unmasking of Anonymous, explained

Netflix increases pricing for standard plan by $1 to $14/month and premium tier by $2 to $18/month; basic plan will remain $9/month — The basic plan will remain $9 a month — Netflix is introducing price hikes for its US subscribers today, increasing its standard plan to $14 a month and its premium tier to $18 a month.
Variety, The Next Web, New York Post, Investor's Business Daily, Gizmodo, Los Angeles Times, CNET, Bloomberg, Hollywood Reporter, Observer, @sherman4949, @campster, Music Business Worldwide, 9to5Mac, GameSpot, Decider, ScreenRant, Ad Age, @richlightshed, Adweek, @backlon, Polygon, Cord Cutters News, Business Insider, TechCrunch, Fast Company and Fortune, more at Techmeme »
Alexandra Steigrad / New York Post: Netflix hikes its monthly plan to $14-a-month
Patrick Seitz / Investor's Business Daily: Netflix Stock Jumps As Video Streamer Hikes U.S. Subscription Prices
Wendy Lee / Los Angeles Times: Netflix raises prices on U.S. subscriptions as content spending grows
Christopher Palmeri / Bloomberg: Netflix Ups U.S. Prices in Sign of Confidence; Stock Jumps
Natalie Jarvey / Hollywood Reporter: Netflix Raises Prices in the U.S.
Brandon Katz / Observer: Netflix Has Upped Its Prices for U.S. Customers
Alex Sherman / @sherman4949: Everyone will get the Netflix price increase over the next two months. All customers will be notified 30 days before the price increase kicks in.
Chris Franklin / @campster: I'm curious how this plays in a market with notably more competition, the loss of staple programming like The Office, and a growing reputation as “that network that cancelled all the shows you like”
Tim Ingham / Music Business Worldwide: Spotify is testing price rises and paying labels billions - but, in alarming news for investors, it appears to have a subscriber problem in emerging markets (update)
Mat Elfring / GameSpot: Netflix Prices Are Going Up Again
Greta Bjornson / Decider: Netflix Raising Prices Yet Again: Price Hike Hits As Economy Rebounds
Daniel Gillespie / ScreenRant: Netflix Raises Prices On Most Popular & Premium Plans
Rich Greenfield / @richlightshed: 🚨 $NFLX Netflix raising price when their relative strength to other streaming services and linear TV is at its widest gap ever, with no Hollywood movies in theaters until at least next summer 💰💰💰
Kelsey Sutton / Adweek: Netflix Hikes US Prices Following Pandemic-Fueled Subscriber Surge
Dieter Bohn / @backlon: Hm Netflix playing itself I'm definitely going to drop from the current $16 premium tier to the new $14 standard tier.
Michael McWhertor / Polygon: Netflix raises subscription prices on standard, premium plans
Graham Rapier / Business Insider: Netflix is raising the price of its standard and premium 4K plans in the US
Greg Kumparak / TechCrunch: Netflix is raising prices on most of its plans in the US

Comcast Q3: NBCU earnings down 38.7% YoY to $1.3B; revenue of $6.7B, down 19% YoY; ~22M Peacock signups; film revenue down 25% YoY to $1.3B, offset by licensing — (Reuters) - Comcast Corp CMCSA.O on Thursday reported better-than-expected third-quarter revenue, as strong sign-ups …
CNBC, The Streamable, The Streamable, Comcast Corporation, Adweek, @gerryfsmith, @variety and The Verge
Lauren Feiner / CNBC: Comcast nets record high-speed internet adds, has nearly 22 million Peacock sign-ups
Stephanie Sengwe / The Streamable: NBCUniversal CEO Jeff Shell: Peacock's Familiar Content, Makes It the Opposite of Quibi
Stephanie Sengwe / The Streamable: Peacock Reaches Nearly 22 Million Sign-ups Since Launch
Kelsey Sutton / Adweek: NBCUniversal CEO Talks ‘Much Smaller’ Upfront, Calls Peacock ‘the Opposite of Quibi’
Gerry Smith / @gerryfsmith: It turns out people like free streaming services. NBC's Peacock has about 22 million sign-ups, more than doubling in 3 months.

BBC issues social media guidelines prohibiting staff from criticizing colleagues, “virtue signaling”, and expressing personal opinions on public policy, more — The BBC has issued new guidance on social media usage, which will force staff to maintain impartiality.
@jimwaterson, @jimwaterson, Variety, BBC, @sdp, @jayrosen_nyu, @jeffjarvis, @mathewi, @jeffjarvis, @pressgazette, @kieran_hurley, @mattnavarra, @markpack, @jeffjarvis, @goodjobliz, @markpack, @russbengtson, @rickburin, @jeffjarvis, @simonblackwell, @rachelcoldicutt, @zevshalev, @jeffjarvis, The Daily Caller, @mattnavarra, @theangelremiel, @mjowen174, The Guardian, Press Gazette and Deadline
Jim Waterson / @jimwaterson: New BBC social media rules explicitly ban their journalists from criticising fellow BBC journalists on Twitter. Which would be an interesting policy to see implemented across the industry.
Jim Waterson / @jimwaterson: Other things explicitly banned: -"Virtue signalling" that indicates a personal view even for “worthy causes” -Bio disclaimers saying “my views not the BBC's” -Revealing how you vote -Putting your “personal brand” on Twitter ahead of the BBC's reputation
Naman Ramachandran / Variety: BBC Bans ‘Controversial’ Personal Opinions by Staff on Social Media as Part of Impartiality Guidelines
Sameer Padania / @sdp: Next edition of @amolrajan's #MediaShow should be a humdinger (+ his @BBCNews coverage of this story). Even producer @HooperRJ has bio disclaimer currently...
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: New rules also explicitly ban disclaimers in your bio saying “my views not the BBC's.” You can't say that any longer. (In other words, your views ARE seen as the BBC's by the Corporation's enemies...)
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: From the BBC: “f) Do not offer judgements beyond your specialism.” Do not show yourself to be a well-rounded human being with many interests.
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: The BBC: “j) Do not break news on a personal account; if you have a story to break, the BBC platforms are your priority, even if it takes slightly longer.” Informing the public is a lower priority than filling the air.
@pressgazette: New BBC social media guidelines published, inc: - Ban on ‘virtue signalling... no matter how apparently worthy the cause’ - Journalists must use all personal accounts as if they are BBC output - No more breaking stories on personal accounts - No criticising colleagues
Kieran Hurley / @kieran_hurley: I know there's other bigger news today but that the BBC has adopted and legitimised the phrase “virtue signalling” by using it in its new social media guideline rules (banning it no less) is extremely grim imo
Matt Navarra / @mattnavarra: BBC issues staff with new social media guidance H/T to @sambrook who led the independent review of how the BBC uses social media
@markpack: The BBC face a similar challenge to the one political parties face. Having all your internal disagreements played out in public and via the anger-raising medium of social media is a path to failure. But the answer isn't to silence all public disagreement on social media.
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: The BBC: “g) Do not support campaigns, (eg. by using hashtags) no matter how apparently worthy the cause or how much their message appears to be accepted or uncontroversial.” How about hashtag campaigns to free imprisoned journalists, for example? #FreeAustinTice
Hubie Hannahween / @goodjobliz: very cool and normal
@markpack: So the next time @TimHarford and the More or Less team spot a mistake in the use of numbers on another BBC show, they're not allowed to highlight that via social media?
Russ Bengtson / @russbengtson: well this thread is disturbing. your entire life should not be subsumed by your employer.
Rick Burin / @rickburin: Journalists for the most part seem habitually unable to criticise one another. Every time some ex-Guido psychopath gets a new job, they get 100 replies from broadsheet blue ticks saying “Well deserved, you'll smash it! x”
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: From the BBC: “l) Do use separate posts on public issues rather than join threads started by others.” I read this as: Do not join the public conversation. Call your own. This cuts off the opportunity to add journalism to that conversation.
Simon Blackwell / @simonblackwell: Shades of the 1948 Green Book about these new BBC social media guidelines.
Rachel Coldicutt / @rachelcoldicutt: Over the years, many organisations have ended up re-using BBC digital guidelines (the BBC digital Ts&Cs are an often under-rated public service in their own right). The ripples of this will be worth watching - and interesting to see emoji use by journalists being flagged.
Zev Shalev / @zevshalev: This is a genuine crisis in journalism. If journalists cannot fully share analysis and opinion, we'll miss the next big story. More troubling, this policy effectively censors some of the better informed (by virtue of their jobs) people around.
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: BBC: “Following social media accounts which reflect only one point of view on matters of public policy, politics or ‘controversial subjects’ may create a similar impression.” Following these accounts is part of *reporting* and *listening.* That is or was a journalist's job.
Heather Edwards / The Daily Caller: BBC Rolls Out New Conduct Guidelines To Curb Bias, Warns Against Emojis And ‘Virtue Signaling’
Matt Navarra / @mattnavarra: BBC warns its celebs about using emojis in tweets ❌🙄 Full list of BBC social media rules:
Ian Rennie / @theangelremiel: BBC social media guidelines now ban “virtue signalling”, a wholesale adoption of right wing talking points. We're two and a half steps from them yelling about “cultural marxism”.
Matt Owen / @mjowen174: In short, the BBC are now a middle aged man who's Twitter account tells us he loves his football club, loves Europe, hates the EU and says Gary Lineker should shut up and stick to football.

Amazon reports Q3 “other” category revenue, which mostly covers its ad business, of $5.4B, up 51% YoY, and subscription services revenue of $6.58B, up 33% YoY — Amazon today reported earnings for its third fiscal quarter of 2020, including revenue up 37% to $96.1 billion …
Annie Palmer / CNBC: Amazon reports sales growth of 37%, topping estimates

Facebook and Google distribute most of their journalism funding via their marketing and PR budgets, not through charitable foundations, making tracking tough — The tech giants compromise media independence with their corporate donations. … You may have heard that Big Tech has damaged journalism.

Entercom Communications and FanDuel have agreed to a six-year deal giving listeners of Entercom's broadcast radio stations and access to FanDuel odds — It's no secret that Entercom Communications has an outsized role as a purveyor of Sports Talk programming …
Tim Baysinger / The Wrap: Craig Carton to Return to WFAN Airwaves 3 Years After His Arrest

Though media coverage of Biden's chances is cautious, recent Trump scandals are getting little coverage likely because outlets think he won't win — You can teach old journalists the occasional new trick, but two? Forget it. — The 2016 election persuaded the press to avoid publicly presuming …
Crooked Media, @brendannyhan, @theplumlinegs, @ericschultz, @parabasis, @yappelbaum, Al Jazeera, UPROXX, The Daily Caller, @benyt, @ericboehlert, Nieman Reports, The Week, NBC 6 South Florida and WHDH-TV
Brian Beutler / Crooked Media: The 2020 Election and the Future of Gatekeepers
Brendan Nyhan / @brendannyhan: See e.g. @GrahamDavidA on how the clogged news cycle is drowning out many potential Trump scandals ... PS I also have an article on how news pressure affects the likelihood and severity of presidential scandal here (BJPS; open access)
Greg Sargent / @theplumlinegs: “What truly made the difference between 2016 and 2020 is that the mainstream press hasn't served as a gleeful validator of right-wing spin and smears and conspiracy theories this time.” Good @brianbeutler assessment of media learning lessons of 2016:
Eric Schultz / @ericschultz: challenge to press corps: reporters not treating the late-breaking Trump scandals with the single-mindedness and velocity they showed towards Hillary and her emails. It was the only thing reporters covered in last week. Trump's offenses far worse, yet coverage is fleeting.
Isaacabod Crane Butler / @parabasis: This is one of those areas where talking about “the media” monolithically is unhelpful. Every story mentioned in this Atlantic piece is something the author knows about *because of the media*
Yoni Appelbaum / @yappelbaum: 1. New Trump scandals are breaking right and left, and they're not getting much coverage. The press is repeating one of its biggest mistakes from 2016, argues @GrahamDavidA—ignoring them in the presumption that he'll lose: ...
Steve Chaggaris / Al Jazeera: Five days until the US elections: What you need to know
Derrick Rossignol / UPROXX: Chelsea Handler Confirms 50 Cent Is ‘Supporting Joe Biden’ After His Donald Trump Controversy
Andrew Trunsky / The Daily Caller: Five Days Out — Here's Where The Election Stands
Ben Smith / @benyt: Some really interesting thoughts (and an argument with me) from @BrianBeutler on gatekeeping, and the flattening of relative importance on social media
Eric Boehlert / @ericboehlert: tbh his scandals have been getting a pass for 4 yrs. pick one at random (2018 presser Trump sides w/ Putin over American intelligence) and imagine if a Dem president had done it
Issac J. Bailey / Nieman Reports: What the “Today” Show Clip of Biden's “George” Remark Really Shows
Noah Millman / The Week: The craziest ways the 2020 election might end