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Fox News memos direct talent not to call Biden “President-elect” when the race is called and instead say he “has enough electoral votes to win the presidency” — New York (CNN Business)Fox News is instructing its anchors not to call Joe Biden the “President-elect” …
@oliverdarcy, Axios, Vanity Fair, Media Matters for America, Variety, Mediaite, @willsommer, @oliverdarcy, @renato_mariotti, Washington Post, Geller Report News, The Atlantic, Business Insider, @davidfolkenflik, @brianstelter, @mikiebarb, @jonathanvswan, @oliverdarcy, @oliverdarcy, @timalberta and The Week

Trump and advisers erupted when Fox News called AZ for Biden; source: Jared Kushner called Rupert Murdoch; Jason Miller asked for a retraction that didn't come
Washington Post, New York Times, The Daily Beast, @nxthompson, Mediaite, @doree, Common Dreams, The Wrap, New Republic, The Wrap, The Dispatch, Truthout, Poynter, Letters from an American, Washington Post, Variety, @gzornick, @dougsaunders, @vanityfair, MEL Magazine, Columbia Journalism Review, Raw Story, Breitbart, @froomkin, @froomkin, The Week, The Federalist, @popehat, Reuters, Vanity Fair, @sivavaid, @willoremus, @willoremus, @willoremus, @nycsouthpaw, @bobcesca_go, @perryvandell, @elaheizadi, The Daily Caller, @murphymike, @wyethwire, @brizzyc, @vanbadham, @mattdpearce, Business Insider, @kibblesmith, @yashar, @sarahellison, @tomgara, The Guardian and New York Times

ABC, CBS, NBC, and MSNBC cut away from Trump's news conference on Thursday to correct his many false claims, while CNN and Fox News carried it live — Fox News and CNN stuck with the White House news conference, but reported afterward that the president offered no evidence for his accusations of vote fraud.
@chanders, @oliverdarcy, @ralphnader, USA Today, Washington Post, CNN, @maustermuhle, @usatoday, @davidpsamson, @notaprovidermd,, The Week, @joshuayjackson, @lazebnic, @katyturnbc, @maxblumenthal, @elonjames, @radiochio, @palsule, Vanity Fair, @emilybell, Business Insider, The Wrap, Associated Press and Fox News

Profile of Decision Desk HQ, the first outlet to call the 2020 and 2016 presidential elections, which makes money by providing data to other media companies — The company was founded in 2012 by a former truck dispatcher — The US presidential election is taking a long time to wrap up.
Vox, Business Insider, @adweek, @scottnover, Poynter, Vox and Bangor Daily News

Twitter permanently bans Steve Bannon's @WarRoomPandemic and YouTube pulls episode of his show after he called for execution of FBI director Wray and Dr. Fauci — Former Presidential advisor and right-wing pundit Steve Bannon had his show suspended from Twitter and an episode removed …
Variety, NPR, CNN, The Guardian, NBC News, Forbes, @fpwellman, Washington Post, @bwjones, @donie, Business Insider, MediaPost, Free Press, CNET, UPROXX, Common Dreams, @ldy_shay, @jbenton, @brian_bessinger, @yoda, @missesdread, @rycady, Newser, The Sun, Newsweek, The Wrap and Talking Points Memo, more at Techmeme »

Netflix is testing Direct, its linear channel with real-time, scheduled programming from its library, which is accessible on its site to subscribers, in France — Netflix has chosen France to test its first channel offering. — Named Direct, the linear channel — which is only available to subscribers …

ViacomCBS to sunset smaller streaming services, among them MTV Hits; NickHits, Comedy Central Now, and Noggin will likely be absorbed into Paramount+ — Amid some skepticism from Wall Street, ViacomCBS executives spent most of its third-quarter earnings call hawking its streaming capabilities …
The Streamable and Cord Cutters News

ViacomCBS says Q3 domestic streaming revenue rose 56% YoY to $636M with 17.9M subscribers, up 72% YoY; Pluto TV MAUs reached 28.4M, up 57% YoY — ViacomCBS Inc. reported strong growth at its three streaming services, a sign it is well-positioned as audiences shift online from its bread-and-butter business of pay TV.
Hollywood Reporter, Reuters, The Streamable and Business Wire

As smart TVs become more popular, advertisers want the advantages of better targeting while avoiding the privacy mistakes made by the online ad industry — Marketers hope to avoid the mistakes made by the broader online ad industry — Advertisers entering the burgeoning medium of streaming TV …

Discovery Q3: net income rises to $300M from $262M on revenue of $2.6B, down 4% YoY; CEO says new streaming service will be unveiled in December — Discovery plans to offer full details on its soon-to-launch streaming service in December, the company's top executive said Thursday …

In a survey, Spotify hints at plans for a subscription podcast service; the survey describes at least four plans, ranging from $3 to $8 per month — No music included — Spotify appears to be interested in launching a subscription podcast service that would offer access to original shows or exclusive episodes for a monthly fee.

Tegna plans to launch OTT ad-supported streaming apps for its TV stations on Amazon Fire TV by the end of 2020; it is already available on Roku — Tegna, a U.S. broadcast television station group, said it is planning to launch OTT streaming apps for its stations on Amazon Fire TV by the end of 2020.
Radio & Television …, TV Technology and TVNewsCheck

Memo: Jonah Peretti says BuzzFeed will be profitable for 2020 despite the pandemic and employees affected by earlier salary cuts will get “restoration payments” — Last month, WSJ reported BuzzFeed was “on target to break even this year for the first time since 2014”: Today, CEO Jonah Peretti told staff BuzzFeed reached profitability + all staffers affected by graduated salary reductions will have salaries restored
MediaPost, @davidmackau, @gilgul, @kerrymflynn, @kerrymflynn and The Media Nut