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Newsmax claims it “has not reported as true certain claims” made by “various guests, attorneys and elected officials” on air about Smartmatic and Dominion — Conservative media outlet Newsmax issued a clarification on Monday about recent claims made by guests …
@existentialfish, Newsmax, @bubbaprog, The Wrap, @svdate, TVNewser, @brhodes, @davidcorndc, @bakari_sellers, @pamkeithfl, @tbridis, @alexanderchee, @benpopper, @johnjharwood, @rcalo, @joshtpm, @kevinmkruse, @hamiltonnolan, @dr_pete, @jimrutenberg, @jproskowglobal, @milesparks, @oliverdarcy, The Daily Beast and @oliverdarcy
John Whitehouse / @existentialfish: Newsmax just aired this note to “clarify” its coverage of Smartmatic and Dominion.
Timothy Burke / @bubbaprog: when u get caught defaming
Lindsey Ellefson / The Wrap: NewsMax Admits No Evidence of Voting Machine Fraud After Smartmatic Threatens Lawsuit
S.V. Dáte / @svdate: Newsmax's Chris Ruddy tells me that the statement that's making the rounds will be aired on ALL Newsmax TV shows. This began over the weekend and will continue today. Here it is:
A.J. Katz / TVNewser: Newsmax Issues On-Air Clarification Concerning Its Own Coverage of Smartmatic and Dominion
Ben Rhodes / @brhodes: “So, we're going to spread massive amounts of total disinformation like cancer metastasizing through American democracy, but we also don't want to get sued so we're offering this clarification.”
David Corn / @davidcorndc: This is hysterical...and sad. It's what happens when you confront a disinformation outfit with two major lawsuits.
Bakari Sellers / @bakari_sellers: This is what happens when you're about to get sued for your entire network.
@pamkeithfl: Now... about the blatantly FALSE reporting from Fox News that convinced people that COVID 19 was a “Democrat hoax...” It was a shameless& indefensible lie that cost us thousands of lives & untold billions in lost economic activity. Few entities are MORE at fault than Fox News.
Ted Bridis / @tbridis: Facts still matter: Under threat of civil lawsuit @newsmax publishes statement it found no evidence supporting claims it broadcast about voting machines and outcome of 2020 presidential election
Alexander Chee / @alexanderchee: The spectacle of watching Newsmax try to forestall this lawsuit with pieces like this is a real pleasure. I hope Smartmatic sues and wipes them out.
Ben Popper / @benpopper: This is what sounds like when disinformation masquerading as news suddenly realizes it might end up in court
John Harwood / @johnjharwood: when suddenly a right-wing extremist network figures out that flagrant lies might cost them a lot of money
Ryan Calo / @rcalo: SNL writers wish they had thought of the name John Tobacco
Josh Marshall / @joshtpm: Someone's suddenly worried about a ruinous defamation suit that could put them out of business.
Kevin M. Kruse / @kevinmkruse: This is like the list of insane corrections that SNL ran at the end of its “Fox and Friends” sketches, but for real.
Hamilton Nolan / @hamiltonnolan: Just an FYI for our viewers, none of the stuff we said that constitutes the entire rationale for our existence is true. Haha. Yeah. So. Stay tuned for the Seb Gorka Christmas Special up next
Dr. Pete Meyers / @dr_pete: Just about everything Newsmax has said about Dominion voting systems is a lie. Source: Newsmax —
@jimrutenberg: Hey, @Newsmax viewers: Facts About Dominion, Smartmatic You Should Know | via @Newsmax
Jackson Proskow / @jproskowglobal: Facing legal action, pro-Trump Newsmax is now devoting airtime and web space to debunking conspiracy theories about voting systems.
Miles Parks / @milesparks: Sort of stunning “article” from Newsmax today...... just casually admitting voting machine conspiracy theories they've been helping promote for weeks are bullshit
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: Missed this over the weekend, but Newsmax also posted this unbylined story online Saturday: “No evidence has been offered that Dominion or Smartmatic used software or reprogrammed software that manipulated votes in the 2020 election...”
Justin Baragona / The Daily Beast: Newsmax Fact-Checks Its Own Smartmatic Lies Following Legal Threats

Voting machine companies including Smartmatic have hired high-powered libel lawyers and, legal experts say, have strong cases if they sue Fox, Newsmax, and OAN — Voting machine companies threaten “highly dangerous” cases against Fox, Newsmax and OAN, says Floyd Abrams.
@llinwood, @justinbaragona, @benyt, Axios, Mediaite, @davidmackau, The Guardian, Washington Post, @bubbaprog, @benyt, @scottshanenyt, Newser, Law & Crime, @bobcesca_go, TVNewser, @file411, @garylegum, The Week, @brianstelter, @ursulaperano, @slpng_giants, @mrkrudd, @leablackmiami, @timobrien, Business Insider, @mikewiseguy, @dandrezner, @froomkin, @badfoxgraphics, @ericowensdc, @mollyjongfast, @taniel, @tomgara, @thephilosotroll, @jfkeeler, @joannelipman, @digiphile, @oneunderscore__, @benyt, @ashkan, @danielchaitin7, @atompkins, @meiselasb, @ansonmount, @loweringthebar, @toddschnitt and @nschneideraz13
Lin Wood / @llinwood: Knowing my background & experience in defamation law, Sidney @SidneyPowell1 asked me to represent her & respond to SmartMatic litigation threat. Since everything Sidney is saying about election fraud is documented TRUTH, my response to SmartMatic was simple & to the point.
Justin Baragona / @justinbaragona: Maria Bartiromo ended her show today with the Smartmatic fact-check that already ran on Lou Dobbs' and Jeanine Pirro's shows. She essentially framed it the same way those shows did and that she has been investigating “election integrity” over the past few weeks.
Ben Smith / @benyt: A detail that didn't make my story today, but which will thrill at least 4 reporters in Albany & fans of a certain era of women's tennis: Among the potential funders of a new Trump TV is Tom Golisano, Paychex founder, former candidate for governor and now husband to Monica Seles.
Aidan McLaughlin / Mediaite: Newsmax TV Airs Extensive Fact-Check of False Claims Made About Voting Companies After Legal Threats
David Mack / @davidmackau: newsmax has put up a page “clarifying” facts around smartmatic and dominion (after the threat of a big lawsuit). watching red-pilled people in the comments grapple with a burst of truth is something
Richard Luscombe / The Guardian: Fox News fact-checks Smartmatic voting machine fraud claim in staged video
Jeremy Barr / Washington Post: Lou Dobbs debunks his own claims of election fraud — after a legal demand from Smartmatic
Timothy Burke / @bubbaprog: I'll just note that as recently as last night OAN was doubling-down on the false claims that Soros, Dominion, & Smartmatic were all in cahoots well after Fox ran its “retractions”
Ben Smith / @benyt: A key point here is that Fox can handle a drawn out, expensive lawsuit. For Newsmax and OAN, burning cash and looking for investors, it would be existential.
Scott Shane / @scottshanenyt: I'm not usually too enthusiastic about libel suits. But I have to say, these hilarious Fox News and Newsmax climbdowns from election disinformation show legal threats can be useful
Adam Klasfeld / Law & Crime: ‘Rolling Over and Showing Your Belly’ May Not Spare Fox News and Newsmax from Smartmatic Lawsuit, Legal Expert Says
Bob Cesca / @bobcesca_go: Good. And just wait until the lawsuits against Trump stack up, too. Let's roll.
A.J. Katz / TVNewser: Voting Software Company Smartmatic Says It Might Sue Fox News, Newsmax and One America News
@file411: Likely the ONLY time I would tweet anything from @newsmax Given this “news outlet” is viewed as a Trump propaganda weapon of disinformation & misinformation Facts About Dominion, Smartmatic You Should Know | via @Newsmax
Tim O'Donnell / The Week: Pro-Trump media outlets apparently scramble to ward off lawsuits after pushing election conspiracies
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: Smartmatic is “still reserving the right to go forward with litigation,” as @oliverdarcy noted on today's show
Ursula Perano / @ursulaperano: pour one out every time you hear “no evidence”
@slpng_giants: Really hope that Smartmatic and Dominion stick with this lawsuit despite the dangerous precedent it will set. Fox's lies have destroyed individuals, families, businesses and even public health. There needs to be a line established that cannot be crossed.
Kevin Rudd / @mrkrudd: The continuing role of Murdoch's Fox News in America in seeking to delegitimise the outcome of the U.S. presidential elections is further evidence of Murdoch as a #CancerOnDemocracy . Murdoch has done great damage to the integrity of democracy period. ...
Lea Black / @leablackmiami: Good. Let's get everyone in a court room under oath and sort it out. Truth
Tim O'Brien / @timobrien: “In an era of brazen political lies, Mr. Mugica has emerged as an unlikely figure with the power to put the genie back in the bottle.” Read @benyt on how Fox, OAN and Newsmax may have put legal nooses around their own necks.
Tom Porter / Business Insider: The CEO of a voting-systems company says politicians around the world are worried that Trump's conspiracy theories will be used to undermine their own elections
Mike Wise / @mikewiseguy: Every time I heard any no-fact, hyper-partisan variation of “These voting machines have been calibrated to rig the election” parroted by “media” outlets, I kept wondering would Dominion or someone other company sue for defamation. Boom. Just like that.
Daniel W. Drezner / @dandrezner: “Newsmax and OAN appear likely to face the same fate as so many of President Trump's sycophants, who have watched him lie with impunity and imitated him — only to find that he's the only one who can really get away with it.”
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: That is a ridiculously loose definition of “news organization”. Are you one just because that's what you call yourself? These are propaganda and entertainment companies masquerading as news orgs.
Bad Fox Graphics / @badfoxgraphics: “And his new lawyer is J. Erik Connolly, who not coincidentally won the largest settlement in the history of American media defamation in 2017, at least $177 million, for a beef producer whose ‘lean finely textured beef’ was described by ABC News as ‘pink slime.’” -@benyt
Eric Owens / @ericowensdc: Trump famously has wanted to make it “easier to sue for libel.” In his last, comical, pitiful act, his crazy advocates are facing destruction under *existing* libel laws for telling crazy lies.
Molly Jong-Fast / @mollyjongfast: lol, this feels like it's going to end in a huge settlement for smartmatic.
@taniel: Omg, PLEASE watch this. 'We have never had any evidence for literally any of this very long list of things we've been lying to you about since Nov. 3, but oh this only a ‘ clarification’ not a correction nor an admission we're just frauds, oh and we're totally legit."
Tom Gara / @tomgara: Today in the simulation: A lengthy, heavily lawyered clarification of some important facts the public needs to know, read out by “John Tabacco”
@thephilosotroll: It turns out that if you spend every waking hour directing false and irresponsible stories at private organizations and people, at some point someone might sue you, and leave you with a lot of exposure. Connolly and Clare are both serious lawyers and have a good case.
Jacqueline Keeler / @jfkeeler: Huh. Who thought capitalism and a lack of journalistic ethics could sink far right media? via @NYTimes
Joanne Lipman / @joannelipman: Really interesting point from @benyt here: “OAN and Newsmax have been avidly hyping Mr. Trump's bogus election claims... But their own roles in propagating that lie could destroy their businesses” if voting machine companies sue.
Alex Howard / @digiphile: “@Newsmax & @OANN appear likely to face the same fate as so many of President Trump's sycophants, who have watched him lie with impunity and imitated him — only to find that he's the only one who can really get away with it.”-@benyt
Ben Collins / @oneunderscore__: This is a big deal.
Ashkan Karbasfrooshan / @ashkan: If you see injustice & feel like you've been wronged, fight back. It's not easy, but stand your ground against arrogance. Strike back, strike hard, and you'll persevere. #FairWarning
Daniel Chaitin / @danielchaitin7: Legal threats from Smartmatic/Dominion jeopardize Newsmax & OAN's dream of becoming a new “Trump TV.” Both are burning money to steal ratings from Fox, executives from both companies have acknowledged, and litigation could scare investors, @benyt writes
Al Tompkins / @atompkins: Fox News airs a fairly stunning video that contradicts all of the “stolen election” claims that their programs have promoted for the last month. The video aired several times Saturday and this morning. ...
Ben Meiselas / @meiselasb: Notice how he says “there are lots of opinions” about the 2020 election. His lawyers advised him an “opinion” is a defense to defamation. So he claims his disinfo are “opinions” then presents the FACTS as if it's a counter-opinion. This is how they will defend defamation cases.
Anson Mount / @ansonmount: Not bizarre. It's the sudden realization of culpability after a legal threat from Smartmatic, & the further realization that FOX/Dobbs would have about as strong a defense as a naked prisoner strapped prostate to the ground &!forced to watch the red hot poker heating over flames.
@loweringthebar: That's what happens when you're facing a defamation suit and don't have the faintest possibility of proving what you said is true or even that you lacked actual malice.
Todd ‘MJ’ Schnitt / @toddschnitt: WATCH: @foxnews and @FoxBusiness mitigation efforts to stave off a potential lawsuit from @smartmatic for wildly unsubstantiated claims made by Fox News personalities and surrogates about election conspiracy trash. Also ran on Judge Pirro's bonkers show.

Profile of ex-Bloomberg reporter Christie Smythe, who quit her job and divorced her husband after she fell in love with the man she was covering, Martin Shkreli — Why did Christie Smythe upend her life and stability for Martin Shkreli, one of the least-liked men in the world?
@ellemagazine, New York Times, CNBC, @nytimes, VICE, New York Magazine, @katie_robertson, @manymanywords, @stephcliff, @mattzeitlin, @skenigsberg, @thedailybeast, New York Post, Law & Crime, @penenberg, @penenberg, @katie_robertson, @jillfilipovic, @migold, @benyt, Fox News, @ohheyjenna, @rmac18, Rolling Stone, The Daily Dot, @liamstack, @christiesmythe, @moorehn, @jillfilipovic, @katierosman, @roywoodjr, @carigervin, @elaheizadi, @soledadobrien, @meandmydogtoo, Mediaite, @ec_schneider, @moorehn, @zeitchikwapo, @alishagrauso, @angryblacklady, @jenashleywright, Business Insider, @offbeatorbit, @drea_carmen, @beijingpalmer, @otraletra, @notcapnamerica, The US Sun, @christiesmythe, @ashleyfeinberg, @maxwelltani, @oneunderscore__, @tomgara, @alexheard, @annamerlan, @robbiese7en, @bgrueskin, @asteadwesley, @galaxiecarol, @socialistdogmom, The A.V. Club, UPROXX, @hels, @taylorlorenz, @nolamama69, @elaheizadi, @christiesmythe, @jordanuhl, @christiesmythe, @bgrueskin, The Wrap, Where's Your Ed At, @hummusandpizza, The Guardian, @carigervin, @maxwelltani, @shwinyo, @kira_lerner, @ashleyrparker, @alexrkonrad, @mathewi, @taylorlorenz, @kellykeegs, @zeddary, @karnythia, @phil_lewis_, @mrsfridaynext, @jerrydunleavy, @jourdynberry, @sawyerhackett, @amber_athey, @majorphilebrity, @dierobinsondie, @austen, @arreglalo, @ftrain, @felixsalmon, @mattikovler, @rebeccadobrien, @christiesmythe, @kaylawebley, @christiesmythe, @modernistwitch, @theferocity, @jillfilipovic, @jessicakroy, @fuggirls, @zunguzungu, @annamerlan, @eekshecried, @dansolomon, @harrysiegel, @bendreyfuss, @bendreyfuss, @bendreyfuss, @tylerdinucci, @jbillinson, @dlippman, @dave_schilling, @caseyjohnston, @jasonpinter, @bykatesmith, @chrissyfarr, @sgurman, @drrramina, @lalasoo, @walterolson, @megan, @benyt, @asteadwesley, @lindseyadler, @bigmeaninternet, @daisandconfused, @joeperticone, @asteadwesley, @brianstelter, @liamstack, @jessicahuseman, @bendreyfuss, @taylorlorenz, @taylorlorenz, Jezebel and Talking Biz News
@ellemagazine: Christie Smythe covered white-collar crime for Bloomberg News and lived “the perfect little Brooklyn life” with her husband. Then she threw it all away for one of her sources: infamous pharma bro Martin Shkreli.
Katie Robertson / New York Times: Ex-Bloomberg Reporter Who Covered Martin Shkreli Reveals Relationship With Him
@nytimes: Christie Smythe helped break the story of Martin Shkreli's arrest in 2015. Then she “started to fall for him,” she said. “In journalism school, they don't really tell you what to do when this comes up,” she told @katie_robertson in an interview.
Irin Carmon / New York Magazine: The Story Behind the Story of Martin Shkreli's Romance With a Reporter
Katie Robertson / @katie_robertson: After @stephcliff story that blew up the internet, @ChristieSmythe told me she didn't hide interactions with Shkreli from her editors & didn't feel she did anything wrong. “In journalism school, they don't really tell you what to do when this comes up.”
Meredith Haggerty / @manymanywords: so you're telling me there's some newly divorced, gainfully employed guy in brooklyn who likes dogs and has a great party story?
Stephanie Clifford / @stephcliff: Meet the journalist who broke the story of Martin Shkreli's arrest—and fell in love with him. Story for @ELLEmagazine:
Matthew Zeitlin / @mattzeitlin: feel bad for @benyt as there's literally no way he can publish the media story of the night
Sara Pearl / @skenigsberg: I remember Martin continually coming after @TaylorLorenz back in 2016. He harassed a lot of female journalists
@thedailybeast: A former Bloomberg News reporter quit her job, divorced her husband, and froze her eggs for imprisoned former CEO Martin Shkreli, known as the “Pharma Bro,” who now refuses to talk to her ...
Maureen Callahan / New York Post: At least you didn't fall in love with Martin Shkreli in 2020
Alberto Luperon / Law & Crime: MLB Pitcher Looked at Pictures of Martin Shkreli as Part of Pre-Game Ritual to Get Angry
Adam L. Penenberg / @penenberg: We don't bother to tell students not to drink and drive, shoplift, commit murder, engage in fraud, or toilet paper someone's house. We figure they already know this.
Adam L. Penenberg / @penenberg: I tell students to avoid writing about friends, lovers or family—anyone you might pull your punches? And always disclose any connections with sources. It's not hard. But what do I know? I just run a master's in journalism program at a major university.
Katie Robertson / @katie_robertson: Writing to a judge in April, Christie said: “It has been a long emotional journey for me from when I first came into your courtroom as a journalist covering Shkreli's case in 2015 to the present moment, as I submit this letter to you as his girlfriend and would-be life partner.”
Jill Filipovic / @jillfilipovic: So uh journalism school for sure teaches you that you need to disclose personal relationships with sources and that you definitely should not sleep with your sources.
Michael Gold / @migold: i mean i didn't go to journalism school but i gather this might have come up
Ben Smith / @benyt: A whole lot more 👀👀👀👀 stuff here from @katie_robertson
Jenna Amatulli / @ohheyjenna: .@irin interviewed @stephcliff about how she got the Christie Smythe interview on her being in love with Shkreli and oof at how matter-of-fact it is to say that, yup, it's a story of someone fully throwing their life away.
@rmac18: The main takeaway from the Shrekli story is that you should run some insane, slightly pervy ad in your pieces so that people have a reason to talk about it for a second day.
Stacey Ritzen / The Daily Dot: This article about a woman who ruined her life for Martin Shkreli has people speechless
Liam Stack / @liamstack: When Martin Shkreli was contacted by Elle Magazine for their story on the Bloomberg reporter who blew up her life to pursue a relationship with him while he is in jail, here is what he said: “Mr. Shkreli wishes Ms. Smythe the best of luck in her future endeavors.”
Christie Smythe / @christiesmythe: I realize it's hard for many people to accept that 1. Martin is not a psychopath, and 2. a woman can choose to do something with her life (which does not affect you) that you in no way approve of. But that's OK.
Heidi N. Moore / @moorehn: A note on the Elle article: The author is on Twitter, she can see your tweets, and also it's not helpful nor does it make you look smarter to shower shame and contempt on someone who's the victim of a narcissist. Try compassion instead of self-aggrandizing flexing? Could work.
Jill Filipovic / @jillfilipovic: @MeAndMyDogToo She's a journalist who violated the ethical obligations of her profession because she had a crush on a narcissist and then told the story to ELLE because she's one, too.
@carigervin: This is not a funny story. It's not “good writing” because there was the smell of chicken wings. (Like omg have you ever worked in a restaurant, chicken wings smell never leaves, ask my old Dominos delivery car.)
Soledad O'Brien / @soledadobrien: @ChristieSmythe @MST3KNKOTB Here are my questions: have you spoken to your ex, was he aware the article was coming out? What is his reaction? And 2. In a perfect world (for you) how does this story end?
@meandmydogtoo: @JillFilipovic Let's not shame her; like many women, she's in shaky mental health and easily victimized by predators like Shkreli ... and ELLE magazine
Leia Idliby / Mediaite: ‘Jaw-Dropping’: Twitter Obsessed With the Bloomberg Reporter Who Upended Her Life for ‘Pharma Bro’ Martin Shkreli
Elena Schneider / @ec_schneider: amen.
Heidi N. Moore / @moorehn: Yes the situation is absolutely wild but it's also pretty deeply wrapped up in mental health, and mocking someone in a pretty hard mental health situation is not the media-cool-girl flex you may think it is.
Steven Zeitchik / @zeitchikwapo: Spoiler alert on the Shkreli story so scroll away if you haven't read but... ...It continues to be insanity amid the insanities that they're not even together anymore. And it's...because of this very article? And this...doesn't give her second thoughts?!
Alisha Grauso / @alishagrauso: Everything about this screams of a woman who was manipulated but also willingly bought into a con to advance her own agenda and now it's all she has after blowing up her life in the messiest way possible. But she so clearly thinks she's in total control when she's so clearly not.
@angryblacklady: How you gonna get ghosted from prison by Martin Shkreli. That shit's embarrassing. It's not like he has plans
Jennifer Wright / @jenashleywright: Did this woman ever consider not dating the worst person on earth who was also clearly not into her?
Jacob Shamsian / Business Insider: A Bloomberg reporter got divorced and froze her eggs to pursue a romance with imprisoned ‘Pharma Bro’ Martin Shkreli
Ashley Reese / @offbeatorbit: She should have taken this to the grave is my take lol.
Sexy Train Lenin Stan / @drea_carmen: martin shkreli trending does mean I get to talk about this again tho
James Palmer / @beijingpalmer: the pharma bro story did not include the bit where she was like ‘my man will save us from the coronavirus’
Adriana Gallardo / @otraletra: This is a wild ride “The minute she left the courtroom, Smythe texted and emailed Shkreli's friends, asking if he had his medications and arranging for someone to retrieve his cat. Then she filed a story from the pressroom.” And it keeps going...
Chris Evans / @notcapnamerica: I'm not joking when I say it's one of my life goals to be asked to comment on something and have my official response be “I wish them the best of luck in their future endeavors.” That said, Martin Shkreli is a POS and I'm glad he's in prison. 🙂
Fionnuala O'Leary / The US Sun: Jailed ‘pharma bro’ Martin Shkreli has ghosted reporter for a YEAR ‘after she froze her eggs & left her husband for him’
Christie Smythe / @christiesmythe: @PubertSchlarff I wasn't in his life when that happened. I don't approve of these kind of price hikes. He is certainly far from the only one who did it, though. It's pervasive throughout the industry. And attacking him for it won't fix the problem.
Ashley Feinberg / @ashleyfeinberg: had to keep taking breaks while reading this due to the physical pain of my face contorting
Max Tani / @maxwelltani: Having read this article, I have come to the conclusion that Christie Smythe may have gotten a little too close to one of her sources
Ben Collins / @oneunderscore__: Imagine a reporter came to you, an editor, and said “I just need to declare something: I fell in love with a source,” then you said, okay, what's the damage, and she said “it's Martin Shkreli.” How many times would she have to say it before you stopped laughing and called HR?
Tom Gara / @tomgara: How many people who read the Elle story are got this bizarre ad for the onesie with a butt flap, over and over again? I know it's not just me
Alex Heard / @alexheard: Does the “option me!” feel of this story remind you of the Caroline Calloway/Natalie Beach thing?
Anna Merlan / @annamerlan: Is now a good time to brag that I snagged one of the Vampire's Wife/H&M collab dresses that cost $30
@robbiese7en: @Zeddary “perfect brooklyn life” is gonna be a phrase that haunts me while i sit here in my williamsburg apartment and watch ep 2
Bill Grueskin / @bgrueskin: In case you just emerged from a cave, here's the story, by @stephcliff. (Smythe is a former Bloomberg colleague of mine, and also a fellow of the Bagehot program, housed at the J School)
Steadman&trade / @asteadwesley: one of the great no context pull quotes. Thank you, Elle
Molly Conger / @socialistdogmom: sometimes you watch somebody post through something and just think, thank god there are people who love me enough to come over to my house and take my phone if it ever came to that.
Dan Caffrey / The A.V. Club: Read this: The journalist who covered Martin Shkreli's arrest ended up falling in love with him
Robby Kalland / UPROXX: Rays Pitcher Tyler Glasnow Looks At Pharma Bro Martin Shkreli's Photo To Get Mad Before Starts
Helen Rosner / @hels: The most insane part of this entire extremely insane story is that the art is a multiple-looks photo shoot with fashion credits???
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: Yup. He harassed me non stop for a while he was fixated on several female journalists it was weird.
Elahe Izadi / @elaheizadi: so now we ALL SEE why this is a terrible idea right?!
Christie Smythe / @christiesmythe: @soledadobrien @MST3KNKOTB Yes, ex was aware of article. It should be up to him, though, whether any focus is on him, so I will move on. 2. I don't know how the story ends, but I knew I couldn't stay hidden. At the very least, I've spoken my piece. I stood up for Martin when no one else would.
Jordan / @jordanuhl: imaging upending your life only to be ghosted by a guy who can't even leave his prison cell
Christie Smythe / @christiesmythe: @HRHPrimaDomina It's a good question. It wasn't an easy decision. I became aware that good people were afraid to stick up for him. They cared about him, but were afraid of what would happen, the tweet storm, etc. I decided I wasn't afraid, and he needed someone to stick their neck out.
Bill Grueskin / @bgrueskin: So @ChristieSmythe, the reporter whose relationship with Martin Shkreli was just revealed via Elle, is taking on all comers on Twitter tonight, and her replies are almost as good as the story....
Lindsey Ellefson / The Wrap: Former Bloomberg Reporter Explains Why She Ditched Husband and Job for Martin Shkreli
Where's Your Ed At: Shkrelimania — I smacked my hand up last week in an embarrassing slip and fall incident …
Bobby Shawarma / @hummusandpizza: this is an extremely normal thing that I say about everybody I date
Martin Pengelly / The Guardian: Journalist says she fell in love with Martin Shkreli while covering his arrest
@carigervin: Everything described in the story is textbook manipulation. Can't rec “Why Is He Like That?” highly enough to make you not feel crazy and begin to break down the gaslighting. And I hope the subject of the story can do that, but it's shitty af the writer put her in that position.
Max Tani / @maxwelltani: congrats to the real winner of the elle/shkreli article: the ad person who did the butt flap pajama ad that ended up getting served to a bunch of people who tweeted about it
Ashwin Rodrigues / @shwinyo: adding a “no journalists of color have ever left their spouse for Martin Shkreli” slide to my diversity training slide deck
Kira Lerner / @kira_lerner: Wowww so many questions but also I worked with this woman when she got engaged to her now ex-husband and she had me photocopy her ring appraisal which I found bold because I was a news assistant and not a personal assistant
Ashley Parker / @ashleyrparker: I don't want to hear people dismissing women's magazines ever again.
Alex Konrad / @alexrkonrad: put the shkreli story in the pantheon of stories media twitter lost their minds over, and when you explain them in great detail to literally anyone else, they're like, “who's that again? oh, k”
Mathew Ingram / @mathewi: I interviewed a psychologist once about why women sometimes fall in love with serial killers, and he said they often talk about how only they know the “real” person, only their love can save them, etc. There are definite overtones of that in this
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: This story is one of those Bad Romance TikToks
Kelly Keegs / @kellykeegs: @JourdynBerry
@karnythia: I note the “He's a Svengali” aka Joker/Harley slant in this article & I counter with “She has consistently chosen to ignore her own instincts about his motives by her own admission, so perhaps the problem here is that she chose to become part of the story.”
Philip Lewis / @phil_lewis_: Christie Smythe quit her job as a reporter & divorced her husband—to pursue the man she covered, Martin Shkreli When contacted by ELLE for this story, Shkreli gave this statement: “Mr. Shkreli wishes Ms. Smythe the best of luck in her future endeavors”
MarGarrote H. / @mrsfridaynext: Deeply grateful to Christine Smythe for stepping up to put all my terrible romantic decisions in STARK PERSPECTIVE. I feel so much better about my mistakes right now.
Jerry Christmas / @jerrydunleavy: Oh no how could Martin Shkreli do something like this.
Jourdyn Berry / @jourdynberry: I am begging @kellykeegs to write bout this. BEGGING
Sawyer Hackett / @sawyerhackett: Come for the disorienting twists of a weird story about a sociopath. Stay for the endless butt-flap pajama ads.
Amber Athey / @amber_athey: This is why it's important to have at least one girlfriend who will honestly tell you when you look fat in that dress
Grinchbilly Elegy / @dierobinsondie: This is literally the origin of Harley Quinn lol
Austen Allred / @austen: I don't even know what to say about this article. You just have to read it.
Arrglalo Msica / @arreglalo: Amazing story about the power of the Dark Triad personality. Many years back he doxxed a guy I follow for presciently calling him out long before law enforcement caught up with him.
Paul Ford / @ftrain: @felixsalmon @stephcliff @ellenjpollock1 @Choire ELLE is fantastic to write for and has wonderful editors!
Felix Salmon / @felixsalmon: Absolutely bonkers story from @stephcliff — but the big question I have is how did @ellenjpollock1 and @Choire let it fall through their fingers
@mattikovler: “Love is a rebellious bird,” sings Bizet's Carmen. Here is an exceptionally well written, nuanced account of a true story of a close family member of mine. @ChristieSmythe —Mikey and I love you and admire your courage. @DMSmythe1
Rebecca Davis O'Brien / @rebeccadobrien: What a story. Credit to @stephcliff and @ChristieSmythe for telling it. (This is the kind of love story that includes the quote: “These are incremental decisions, where you're, like, slowly boiling yourself to death in the bathtub.")
Christie Smythe / @christiesmythe: The last few years have been incredibly difficult for me — no less scary now with COVID raging through the prison system, including in Martin's prison now. @stephcliff did a fantastic job telling this story, warts and all. It's raw and real, the backstory behind everything.
Kayla Webley Adler / @kaylawebley: I don't think I've ever green lit a story so quickly! And trust me, you're going to want to read this til the very end—quite a twist! Thank you @stephcliff for bringing this to us, and to @ChristieSmythe for trusting us to tell your story!
Christie Smythe / @christiesmythe: Did I just get subtweeted by Jack Shafer? I can die happy now.
Jes Skolnik / @modernistwitch: this story is a huge bummer from beginning to end in like forty different ways. bad scene everyone's fault
Saeed Jones / @theferocity: My immediate and selfish thought — aside from finding the glossy photo spread distracting — was that this story made me feel WAY better about some of the men I've dated, including but especially Diplo.
Jill Filipovic / @jillfilipovic: This one goes out to all of you ladies who believe you make bad romantic choices: at least you didn't divorce your husband and torch your career for Martin Shkreli.
Jessica Roy / @jessicakroy: i promise this story is wilder than you could ever imagine!!!
Heather & Jessica / @fuggirls: I shrieked when I got the last two words of this tweet. - J
Aaron Bady / @zunguzungu: this woman makes CHOICES
Anna Merlan / @annamerlan: I am... speechless. This is well-done and resisted the urge to take the many, many cheap shots that were available
Erin Keane / @eekshecried: I have a lot of thoughts about this, but mostly I just feel terrible for her. One day — after some distance and reflection — this is going to be a hell of a book, I think.
Harry Siegel / @harrysiegel: OMG, the turn of the screw at the end of @stephcliff's piece on the journalist who fell hard for Martin Shkreli
Ben Dreyfuss / @bendreyfuss: You really need to read it to the end because you might think you know the craziest part before the end but they saved a real nugget for last
Ben Dreyfuss / @bendreyfuss: The last time a completely unexpected magazine story made me feel this alive was when Sean Penn published that thing about El Chapo.
Ben Dreyfuss / @bendreyfuss: The fact that like half my feed is talking about congress and not this story really makes me think I follow too many DC people.
Tyler Dinucci / @tylerdinucci: I'm sorry. What???
Josh Billinson / @jbillinson: Juror 59 got a much better read on him than she did
Daniel Lippman / @dlippman: Plot twist! “When Shkreli found out about this article, though, he stopped communicating with her. He didn't want her telling her story, she says. Smythe thinks it's because he's worried about fallout for her.”
Dave Schilling / @dave_schilling: If I got cucked by Shkreli, I would use that to get sympathy for the rest of my life.
Jason Pinter / @jasonpinter: This is the most batsh*t article I've read since we learned Dan Mallory liked to pee in cups.
Kate Smith / @bykatesmith: The stylist that dressed the reporter in a Vampire's Wife dress deserves every award.
Christina Farr / @chrissyfarr: It's an excellent read. But I do feel nervous that it fits this narrative I see a lot in TV/ movies that female journalists commonly have romantic relationships with sources. Have never heard of it happening IRL.
Sadie Gurman / @sgurman: When Shkreli found out about this article, he stopped communicating with her. She monitors Google Alerts for his name and—because inmates must place outgoing calls and can't accept incoming ones—hopes one day he will call or reply. Incredible story on the tireless @ChristieSmythe
Soo Youn / @lalasoo: *In the visitors' room, “I told Martin I loved him,” Smythe says. “And he told me he loved me, too.” She asked if she could kiss him, and he said yes. The room smelled of chicken wings, she remembers.*
Walter Olson / @walterolson: “It draws you in,” she says. “I don't know if everything he was saying was true, but maybe like 1 percent is, and that's awesome on its own.” Amazing story, just one twist after another.
Megan McCarthy / @megan: In addition to <waves hands> all of this </waves hands>, can we talk about how the subject is willingly posting for a fashion shoot to illustrate this story?
Steadman&trade / @asteadwesley: the end made me very sad!!
Lindsey Adler / @lindseyadler: Something about this story isn't sitting right with me. It's a good story, but I did not enjoy the experience of reading it and I can't articulate why.
Malcolm Harris / @bigmeaninternet: Damn what if Martin Shkreli stole your wife
Daisy Alioto / @daisandconfused: “These are incremental decisions, where you're, like, slowly boiling yourself to death in the bathtub.”
Steadman&trade / @asteadwesley: “Maybe I was being charmed by a master manipulator,” Smythe tells me uhhhhhhhhhh!!!
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: Tonight's must-read:
Liam Stack / @liamstack: The Bloomberg reporter who covered Martin Shkreli quit her job and divorced her husband to pursue a relationship with him while he is in jail. He has refused to speak to or email her since he found out this article was being written.
Jessica Huseman / @jessicahuseman: I've been reading this for 20 min in an ihop and my waitress just asked me if I was ok because I “look terrified.”
Ben Dreyfuss / @bendreyfuss: speechless
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: Oh no, oh no, oh no no no
Marie Solis / Jezebel: Janet Malcolm Is Shaking

Kansas City Star publishes a review of its 140-year history, finding coverage “disenfranchised, ignored, and scorned generations of Black Kansas Citians” — Today we are telling the story of a powerful local business that has done wrong. For 140 years, it has been one of the …
@kcstar, @mcclatchy, @ian__cummings, INSIDER, @kylegriffin1, Newser, New York Times, @stengel, @richarddeitsch, @kcnewsfan, @connieschultz, @kcstar, @joycewhitevance, @petermaer, @jem2998, @mcclatchy, @donnabrazile, @angeljennings, Washington Post, @lyman_brian, @wesleylowery, @kat__stafford and The Hill
@kcstar: The truth in Black and white: An apology from The Kansas City Star
@mcclatchy: The truth in Black and white: An apology from The Kansas City Star. In a six-part investigation, @KCStar finds it “scorned generations of Black Kansas Citians and...robbed an entire community of opportunity, dignity, justice and recognition.”
Ian Cummings / @ian__cummings: Over the course of The Star's six-part project, reporters were frequently sickened by what they found — decades of coverage that depicted Black Kansas Citians as criminals living in a crime-laden world.
Inyoung Choi / INSIDER: 'Our history doesn't have to own us': The Kansas City Star apologized for a deep history of racism in its news coverage
Kyle Griffin / @kylegriffin1: The Kansas City Star has apologized for decades of racist coverage. The newspaper's top editor says the Star “disenfranchised, ignored and scorned generations of Black Kansas Citians. It reinforced Jim Crow laws and redlining.”
John Johnson / Newser: City's Longtime Newspaper Offers an Apology
Richard Stengel / @stengel: “Decade after early decade, [The Kansas City Star] robbed an entire community of opportunity, dignity, justice and recognition.” Powerful journalism about journalism itself.
Richard Deitsch / @richarddeitsch: The truth in Black and white: An apology from The Kansas City Star
Mike Fannin / @kcnewsfan: A long overdue apology from @KCStar today: For much of its early history — through sins of commission and omission — it disenfranchised, ignored and scorned generations of Black Kansas Citians. A six-part series.
Connie Schultz / @connieschultz: “It is time that we own our history. “It is well past time for an apology, acknowledging, as we do so, that the sins of our past still reverberate today.” A six-part series about the Kansas City Star's racist history. No paywall.
@kcstar: Negative portrayals of Black Kansas Citians in The Star buttressed stereotypes and played a role in keeping the city divided. Editor Mike Fannin apologizes:
Joyce Alene / @joycewhitevance: The Kansas City Star takes a hard look at its history & role in falsely characterizing black citizens as criminals & promoting racists & racism. Saying “We are sorry” is a good place to start. We can all do this same work in our own hearts & lives.
Peter Maer / @petermaer: A bold and honest statement/apology on #racial issues from @KCStar: “It is well past time for an apology, acknowledging, as we do so, that the sins of our past still reverberate today.” The editorial and series are worthy of a #Pulitzer.
Jennifer Moore / @jem2998: How great would it be if this work sparked similar projects among all media? Not likely to happen until corporate-run media (or family owners who behave like corporations) can find a profit in putting its racist past under the microscope.
@mcclatchy: As floodwater upended Black lives in 1977, Kansas City newspapers fixated on Plaza, suburbs and all but ignored how the flood destroyed the homes of Black citizens — part of @KCStar investigation of itself in, “The Truth in Black and White.”
Donna Brazile / @donnabrazile: A must read in every classroom and newsroom. KC Star editor apologizes for poor coverage of Black news | The Kansas City Star
Angel Jennings / @angeljennings: This fall, the Los Angeles Times laid bare its past racist coverage in an effort to not just move on from decades of maligning LA's communities of color but to be transparent as a way to heal and move forward. The Kansas City Star is now reckoning with its past as well.
Timothy Bella / Washington Post: Kansas City Star apologizes for decades of racist coverage of Black people: ‘It is time that we own our history’
Brian Lyman / @lyman_brian: You could apply a lot of this @KCStar apology to the contemporary @MGMAdvertiser, and throw in our paper's repeated “they probably deserved it” attitude toward lynching victims.
Wesley / @wesleylowery: I say this every time one of these critical self examinations happens: every news organization should do this
Kat Stafford / @kat__stafford: The @KCStar investigated itself & found that throughout its history it caused irreparable harm against Black people via their reporting & outlined steps to repair that harm. If newsrooms wants to survive, truth and reconciliation about past & current harms is needed.

The COVID-19 relief bill includes a provision to expand forgivable government loans to additional struggling local news outlets — WASHINGTON (Reuters) -Congressional leaders said on Sunday that lawmakers agreed to expand forgivable government loans to additional struggling local news outlets …

Congress' COVID-19 relief deal includes the Save Our Stages Act to give ~$15B in relief to independent music venues and movie theaters shut due to the pandemic — “We can finally report what our nation has needed to hear for a very long time,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell …
Mediaite, /Film, Reuters, @variety, CNBC, New York Times, Politico, Reason, The Hill, Crain's New York Business, Business Insider, @winston_fisher1, @matthaneysf and New York Post
Ken Meyer / Mediaite: Polio-Surviving McConnell Calls for Members of Congress to Take Covid Vaccine: ‘Important’ for Leaders ‘to Step Up’
Hoai-Tran Bui / /Film: New COVID-19 Relief Bill Designates $15 Billion for Movie Theaters and Live Event Venues
Reuters: What's in the U.S. COVID-19 bill? Unemployment, $600 checks, ‘three martini lunch’ deduction
@variety: Senator @AmyKlobuchar Explains the $15 Billion #SaveOurStages Act, and How It Will Work @NIVAssoc
Jacob Pramuk / CNBC: Congress agrees to $900 billion Covid stimulus deal after months of failed negotiations
Carl Hulse / New York Times: Pandemic Aid Boosts Biden and Shows a Potential Path for His Agenda in Congress
Elizabeth Nolan Brown / Reason: Deal Reached To Tack $900 Billion COVID-19 Relief Package on to Spending Bill
Al Weaver / The Hill: The Hill's Morning Report - At long last, Congress reaches COVID-19 relief deal
Business Insider: Congress is voting on more small business funding. Here's what's different this time.
Winston Fisher / @winston_fisher1: Glad to see Congress dedicated money to live event companies and cultural institutions! The creative economy is critical for middle class success in the 21st century economy.
Matt Haney / @matthaneysf: Money for independent venues was included, and I will work to do whatever I can to get this support to our local venues.
Alexandra Steigrad / New York Post: New COVID-19 relief bill designates $15B for movie theaters, live event venues
Mike Masnick / Techdirt:
The omnibus funding bill Congress is set to vote on contains the controversial CASE Act, which may ratchet up copyright trolling, and the Felony Streaming Bill
The omnibus funding bill Congress is set to vote on contains the controversial CASE Act, which may ratchet up copyright trolling, and the Felony Streaming Bill
Politico, @chrismessina, @zfdigivagrant, The Verge, @sbjohnsrpi, @ovenotter, @mmasnick and @xirzon, more at Techmeme »
Christmas Sina / @chrismessina: Beware: by my read, if you intend to stream #WonderWoman1984 to a group of people on Christmas, you MAY BE COMMITTING A FELONY punishable by up to 10 years in jail according to provisions in the #CASEAct in the new #OmnibusBill!
DigitalVagrant / @zfdigivagrant: A warning to my fellow streamers: the proposed bill that turns copyright streaming into a felony has been snuck into the imminent federal omnibus funding bill. Think the last month has been bad? This is about to get extremely ugly.
Samuel B. Johnson / @sbjohnsrpi: This really is an all-hands-on-deck sort of situation. If you enjoy sharing memes on the internet, or casually use clip art for your small business' social media feed, and you don't have an extra $30k lying around, call your senators and congressperson now.
@ovenotter: Update: There are now 3. And all of them have made it into the stimulus bill to be voted on today. They will all more than likely pass. I'm so fucking tired of this country. This is going to have unprecedented effects on how we use the internet.
Mike Masnick / @mmasnick: A quickly dashed off post about how Congress and its leadership sold the internet out to Hollywood AGAIN by sneaking bad CASE Act and felony streaming into the omnibus bill. Includes the 3,100 page text of the bill. Everyone should be furious at this.

Cyberpunk 2077's developer hamstrung reviewers by forcing NDAs and sending copies just days before launch to prevent players from seeing the buggy mess — Video game companies are increasingly putting restrictions on what reviewers can show, widening the gap between expectations and reality.
New York Times: Cyberpunk 2077 Was Supposed to Be the Biggest Video Game of the Year. What Happened?
Albert Burneko / Defector: At Least Now You Know Which Video Game Reviewers Are Sellout Clowns
Michelle Ballestrasse / ScreenRant: Cyberpunk 2077's CD Projekt May Get Sued By Investors Who Feel Lied To
Cecilia D'Anastasio / @cecianasta: my story on Cyberpunk 2077's marketing grift:
Laura Kate Dale / @laurakbuzz: This piece by Wired is probably the best written critique of Cyberpunk 2077 I have read, with regards to the way the developer built up huge expectations, before trying to use reviews to hide where the final product fell short.
Ted Bonman / @olteddo: There are legitimate, justified reasons to be angry about the release of Cyberpunk 2077—but that anger should be directed at management, not developers.
Peter Kafka / @pkafka: At Least Now You Know Which Video Game Reviewers Are Sellout Clowns Shorter: If you're a journalist, you can't sign an NDA from the company you cover.
@nytimes: Cyberpunk 2077 was the year's most anticipated video game. But nearly a decade of hype led up to a disastrous release. Now players are demanding refunds, and a class-action lawsuit may be in the works. There are also a lot of memes.
Greg Miller / @gameovergreggy: Sigh. #Cyberpunk2077
Yulebert Reindeerko / @albertburneko: hello friends, i wrote about Cyberpunk 2077 and the plague of sellout clowns in the games press
Matt Saincome / @mattsaincome: No one show this to the guy who had a heated gaming moment over Gamespot's 7/10 review.
Will Partin / @william_partin: for me, one lesson from this mess is that attempts to ‘control the narrative’ through NDAs/preferential access can, paradoxically, *increase* rather than *decrease* the risk of communications nightmares
Gene Park / @genepark: I've been thinking about this all week and I'm glad Cecilia wrote on it. The system worked and CDPR has already gotten away with it.
Cecilia D'Anastasio / @cecianasta: CDPR takes a the lion's share of blame for selling a promise, as I said in my article earlier this week. But I hope that one takeaway from the Cyberpunk situation is questioning whether it's in our best interest to sign NDAs for game reviews
Avery Edison / @aedison: there are going to be some great long-form video essays about the deeper issues that make cyberpunk 2077 bad, once a few months have passed and we're past the glut of bug and glitch clip shows
Greg Miller / @gameovergreggy: Finished Cyberpunk's story, and it crashed during the credits.
@nextgenplayer: Cyberpunk 2077 meta has settled on 55% after a couple dozen reviews. I feel genuinely bad for the devs as I know they wanted to create something memorable. Hope the team is doing OK. #PS4 #Xbox

The Washington Post announces expansion plans for 2021: new foreign bureaus in Sydney and Bogotá, breaking news hubs in London and Seoul, and more — The Washington Post will take new steps in 2021 to become a more global newsroom by creating breaking-news hubs in Europe and Asia.
MediaPost, @karlaadam, Press Gazette, @davidmackau, @raju, @annemariebridy, @jamesrbuk, @chaneyj, @jensaltman, @guinnesskebab, @defensebaron, @kwoodsome, @jehld, @ewong and @travislylesnews
Rob Williams / MediaPost: Has ‘Washington Post’ Reached A Virtuous Cycle Of Growth?
Karla Adam / @karlaadam: Exciting news. @washingtonpost is expanding in London (and in Sydney, Bogotá and Seoul). We are looking for a breaking-news editor and reporter based in London. More details here! ...
William Turvill / Press Gazette: Washington Post hiring journalists in London and Seoul as it plans to create new breaking-news hubs
David Mack / @davidmackau: a bureau in oz finally!
Raju Narisetti / @raju: The foreign editor of @washingtonpost also listing various openings outside the US on Twitter today. Apply
Annemarie Bridy / @annemariebridy: Nate Silver, Glenn Greenwald, and Elon Musk stranded together alone on a desert island.
James Ball / @jamesrbuk: Very exciting: some cool new journalism jobs in London for a paper on fantastic form right now.
Jen Chaney / @chaneyj: As someone who is old enough to remember when the Post dialed back on its foreign bureaus, this is great news to see. ...
Jennifer Saltman / @jensaltman: What a lovely change of pace to see a news organization adding jobs, rather than deleting them. @washingtonpost plans to increase overall staffing by 44 journalists in 2021.
Jennifer Hassan / @guinnesskebab: The @washingtonpost will take new steps in 2021 to become a more global newsroom by creating breaking-news hubs in Europe and Asia - plus new bureaus in Sydney and Bogotá ...
Kevin Baron / @defensebaron: Wow, this is so great to hear. I remember vividly working for the Boston Globe when it shut foreign bureaus. To see ANY news outlet expand is wonderful.
Kate Woodsome / @kwoodsome: We're in a very rare and fortunate position to be expanding at a time when local news is disappearing. Check out @washingtonpost 🚨 job opportunities 🚨: ... And subscribe to your local paper! ...
Douglas Jehl / @jehld: A new wave of global expansion by @washingtonpost includes breaking-news hubs in Europe and Asia, plus foreign bureaus in Bogotá and Sydney, for a new total of 26 locations around the world. ...

Despite a few bright spots in local journalism like Charlotte Agenda, bought by Axios, and Daily Memphian, 55 news outlets have closed amid the pandemic — You would think that Adam Ganucheau would be feeling upbeat about the state of local journalism. — After all, Mississippi Today …
@sulliview: Last week, I asked you to point out some outstanding local journalism of 2020. I mention a few of so many great examples here, as I assess the local-news situation ,at the end of a brutal year, in my new column: ...
@columbiagr: Read @Sulliview's latest via @washingtonpost: “There are flickers of hope for local journalism. So far, it's not nearly enough.” Her new book, 𝘎𝘩𝘰𝘴 𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘕𝘦𝘸𝘴, is available here:
Edward Fitzpatrick / @fitzprov: .@Sulliview says signs of hope for journalism include @BostonGlobe investigating how police cover up crimes of brethren, Austin American-Statesman/KVUE digging into Javier Ambler's death, Louisville Courier-Journal never let up on killing of Breonna Taylor ...
Newmark J / @newmarkjschool: New: @washingtonpost cites @CCMNewmarkJ's #NYCAdBoost initiative that brought $10 million in ad revenue from city agencies to local news outlets. If replicated across the U.S., the project “could be a game-changer,” says Dean @sarah__bartlett.
Sarabeth Berman / @sarabethberman: Margaret Sullivan offers the flickers of hope in local news (there are plenty!) and points out that it's not enough. Here's to working towards a 2021 and beyond where there is more than just flickers. I'm bullish on the belief that it can be done.
Justin Hendrix / @justinhendrix: “There is no obvious, single fix; there are only pieces of the puzzle that need to be found and fit together — as quickly as possible.” Good to see @newmarkjschool @sarah__bartlett get a nod here for leadership. So much work to be done.
Mustafa Tameez / @mustafatameez: Journalism remains in a state of emergency. Increasingly under the control of corporate chains backed by private equity firms, far too many American newsrooms are hemorrhaging staff. @Sulliview @washingtonpost ...
@karynregal: Thank you for listening. Please subscribe to your local paper. Complain loudly when your community isn't being covered. All news is local, and journalism requires your participation. My contact info is in my bio.
@sdnewswatch: Thank you, @Sulliview, for the focus on local journalism. A replay of our July conversation with Margaret Sullivan about her book is on our YouTube channel. Perspective | There are flickers of hope for local journalism. So far, it's not nearly enough. ...
Tennessee Lookout / @tnlookout: Proud to be part of @statesnewsroom, recognized in @washingtonpost today. We look forward to growth in the next year and broader coverage. ...
Danielle Jones / @djtweets: “And within the industry itself, there were some hopeful signs: Virginia-based Axios bought a small local news start-up, The Charlotte Agenda, where revenue has soared; there are plans to expand the model into other cities.” ...
Tyler Fisher / @tylrfishr: Very, very cool to see @tinynewsco in today's @sulliview column. I especially appreciate the framing that, while our project has large ambitions, it's nowhere near close to the size of the problems in local news. We alone cannot fix it. ...
Adam Ganucheau / @ganucheauadam: We're working hard @MSTODAYnews (and growing!) to hold our state's most powerful to account at a scary time for local news. We're an answer, but we're not *the* answer. Subscribe to your great local papers, send encouraging notes to reporters, share tips. Mississippi needs it.
Tara McGowan / @taraemcg: “Fifty-five news outlets have closed for good since the pandemic began — and that's on top of more than 2,000 newspapers that have folded since 2004. Thousands of local journalists have been fired or furloughed.” @Sulliview ...
Jason Hancock / @j_hancock: Very cool to see @statesnewsroom — which includes @MO_Independent, @KansasReflector and 17 other state-Capitol based news organizations — among @Sulliview 's flickers of hope for journalism. ... #moleg #ksleg
Andr Natta / @acnatta: Thanks for the @tinynewsco mention, @Sulliview! ...
Amanda Zamora / @amzam: Fifty-five news outlets have closed for good since the pandemic began — and that's on top of more than 2,000 newspapers that have folded since 2004. ...
Francois Heinderyckx / @fheinderyckx: Local journalism is proving its worth over and over again, but it's not yet enough to save it. “There is no obvious, single fix; there are only pieces of the puzzle that need to be found and fitted together — as quickly as possible.” writes @Sulliview ...

Fox Broadcasting and Sinclair strike a multi-year deal to let Sinclair keep broadcasting NFL and other live sports through Fox affiliates across 25 US markets — Fox Broadcasting Company and Sinclair Broadcast Group have struck a multi-year deal to renew Fox network affiliations …

Citizen Lab: iPhones of dozens of Al Jazeera journalists were hacked using software from NSO Group in an attack likely ordered by Saudi Arabia and UAE — Citizen Lab researchers say cyber-attack using NSO Group software likely ordered by Saudia Arabia and UAE
@jsrailton, The Citizen Lab, Techdirt, TechCrunch, Gizmodo, @wenzelmichalski, @malonebarry, The Verge, Business Insider, @film_girl, @andyratto, @iyad_elbaghdadi, The Indian Express, @marietjeschaake, @karenattiah, @evacide, @borzou, @citizenlab, @dangillmor, @elivalley, @dr_ulrichsen, @shashj, @aaschapiro, @anoushasakoui, Committee to Protect …, AppleInsider, ZDNet and, more at Techmeme »
John Scott-Railton / @jsrailton: 🚨MAJOR REPORT: zero-click #0day in #iMessage used to infect 36 ppl @Aljazeera w/ NSO spyware. We attribute to UAE & Saudi Arabia w/medium confidence. THREAD
Bill Marczak / The Citizen Lab: The Great iPwn: Journalists Hacked with Suspected NSO Group iMessage ‘Zero-Click’ Exploit
Tim Cushing / Techdirt: Israel's NSO Group Exploits And Malware Again Being Used To Target Journalists In The Middle East
Zack Whittaker / TechCrunch: Dozens of journalists' iPhones hacked with NSO ‘zero-click’ spyware, says Citizen Lab
Wenzel Michalski / @wenzelmichalski: Dozens of Al Jazeera journalists allegedly hacked using NSO spyware. If the company really is concerned about product misuse by clients they should stop selling it to autocrats. ...
Barry Malone / @malonebarry: The Saudi-UAE campaign against Al Jazeera continues. We're still here, though. And we're going nowhere. ...
Isobel Asher Hamilton / Business Insider: Dozens of Al Jazeera journalists' iPhones were hacked using spyware from Israeli security company NSO Group, report claims
Christina Warren / @film_girl: Well this is terrifying. The fact that an iOS 0-day could allow for this sort of attack is truly terrifying.
Andy Ratto / @andyratto: I have seen some Israel critics who have been discounting the bourgeoning cooperation between Israel and Arab countries. We should be celebrating how Israel, via the NSO Group, providing Saudi Arabia with the technology they used to help kidnap/murder Jamal Khashoggi. Teamwork!
@iyad_elbaghdadi: NEW: UAE & Saudi regimes hacked the phones of upto 36 broadcast journalists using Israeli-provided hacking software. This happened in July/August 2020.
Marietje Schaake / @marietjeschaake: Thread exposing more of the sophisticated and nearly undetectable way in which hackers for hire NSO continue to knowingly sell and service to humanrights abusers. @BradSmi is right to speak out against this dangerous market of proliferating tools ↘️
Karen Attiah / @karenattiah: Important thread re: Saudi Arabia, NSO, and the hacking of @AlJazeera journalists
Eva / @evacide: New @citizenlab report finds a no-click 0-day in iMessage being used by NSO Group to targets Al Jazeera journalists. If you are concerned about being a target, make sure you've upgraded to iOS 14:
Borzou Daragahi / @borzou: 'Given the global reach of NSO Group's customer base and apparent vulnerability of almost all iPhone devices prior to the iOS 14 update, we suspect that the infections that we observed were a miniscule fraction of the total attacks leveraging this exploit'
@citizenlab: NEW REPORT “The Great iPwn: Journalists Hacked with Suspected NSO Group iMessage “Zero-Click Exploit” by @citizenlab @billmarczak @jsrailton @nouraaljizawi @sienaanstis @RonDeibert:
Eli Valley / @elivalley: Peace Process already bearing fruit ...
Kristian Ulrichsen / @dr_ulrichsen: ‘The claims of a hacking campaign against journalists from the two Qatari-funded media outlets underscores the extent to which Saudi Arabia and the UAE continue to see the Doha-based network as a major threat to their interests.’ ...
Shashank Joshi / @shashj: “In one case, the Saudis and the Emirates appear to have spied on the same phone, researchers found, suggesting the attacks may have been coordinated. Journalists, executives, anchors and producers were alleged to have been affected by the hacks.” ...
Avi Asher-Schapiro / @aaschapiro: When Israeli surveillance firm NSO Group was acquired by UK Private Equity Firm Novalpina, in 2019, they made big promises about rolling out a new “human rights” framework. Now, we hear *dozens* of journalists were targeted this summer. ...
Anousha / @anoushasakoui: the apparent malicious code they discovered made “almost all” iPhone devices vulnerable if users were using an operating system that pre-dated Apple's iOS 14 system, which appears to have fixed the vulnerability.
Committee to Protect Journalists: Dozens of journalists newly identified as NSO Group spyware targets
Catalin Cimpanu / ZDNet: Zero-click iOS zero-day found deployed against Al Jazeera employees

Sources: NYT reporters criticized editors over handling of Callimachi's “Caliphate” in a meeting, arguing warning signs had been clear for years with no action — In December 2014, renowned terrorism reporter Rukmini Callimachi unearthed what appeared to be a striking scoop.
@walldo, @amelscript, BBC, And another thing, @paulvieira, @erikwemple, @nycjim, @lizsly, @juliacarriew, @lailalalami, @ggreenwald, @hatr, @maxabrahms, @mlcalderone, @ozkaterji, Fox News and Jezebel
Brandon Wall / @walldo: “You discouraged people from using the fire alarm, and when some of us did use the fire alarm anyhow, we found the alarm was not connected to anything” ...
Amel A. / @amelscript: So the @nytimes pushed through a sensational story on Islamic radicalism and ignored warnings from its Middle East reporters... and no one is asking the deeper questions involving race here? Both in the newsroom and in its storytelling approach? ...
T. Becket Adams / And another thing: A bad year for the New York Times
Paul Vieira / @paulvieira: Via @ErikWemple: “Several NYT journalists who had long ago alerted their superiors to problems with Callimachi's reporting felt the mea culpa contained a gap: Where was the pointed acknowledgment that “Caliphate” was a wreck several years in the making?” ...
Erik Wemple / @erikwemple: The New York Times faces internal reckoning over ‘Caliphate’ fiasco: ...
Jim Roberts / @nycjim: The ‘Caliphate’ retraction won't end the New York Times's woes. (This is labeled OPINION on the WashPost site, but @ErikWemple has done his reporting.) ...
Liz Sly / @lizsly: New York Times staffers raised red flags about @rcallimachi's reporting for years before the Caliphate fiasco & were accused of “professional jealousy.” Now they are furious those flags aren't being acknowledged by the @nytimes non-apology. By @ErikWemple ...
Julia Carrie Wong / @juliacarriew: anyways this is still a much more important media story with much higher stakes ...
Laila Lalami / @lailalalami: Long before Rukmini Callimachi's “Caliphate” was revealed to be based on a hoax, her colleagues raised concerns, but to no avail. “You discouraged people from using the fire alarm, and when some of us did use it, we found it was not connected to anything.” ...
Glenn Greenwald / @ggreenwald: Anyone who works in journalism has heard for years that Rukmini Callimachi's reporting - not just on “Caliphate” but many stories - was shoddy, unreliable, unethical and often false. @ErikWemple examines how and why top NYT editors ignored these concerns: ...
Hakan / @hatr: “One objected that Callimachi's work had embraced stereotypes of Muslims and that if the newspaper had treated African Americans in the same way, the Times would have much bigger problems” ...
Max Abrahms / @maxabrahms: The Caliphate always seemed like pure clickbait to me with a weak handle on terrorist group dynamics, the conflict literature and methods training. I'd even say the Caliphate was hostile to methodological rigor. ...
Michael Calderone / @mlcalderone: Good @ErikWemple look at frustration among NYT journalists who sounded alarms about @rcallimachi's work long before “Caliphate” ...
Oz Katerji / @ozkaterji: Callimachi should be sacked, at this point it's just undermining all the other reporting in the paper. It's a disgrace that my Middle Eastern colleagues were mocked and dismissed for raising their concerns in real time. The NYT owes them all an apology.