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Twitter says it has permanently suspended Trump's @realDonaldTrump account “due to the risk of further incitement of violence” — The president's preferred megaphone is gone — Twitter permanently banned President Donald Trump on Friday, days after a pro-Trump mob stormed the US Capitol leaving five dead.
@twittersafety, Twitter, @emilybell, New York Times, NBC News, @cawthornfornc, @sarahnemerson, @megynkelly, Business Insider, New York Times, @donaldjtrumpjr, Quartz, Axios, @mmasnick, Business Insider, Electronic Frontier Foundation, @karaswisher, Washington Post, Letters from an American, @mathewi, @asankin, @sewellchan, @lindseygrahamsc, The Wrap, @aprilaser, USA Today, Context is King, @wongmjane, Fox News, Ranganaut, @chrislhayes, @caseynewton, @daveweigel, @tejasvi_surya, Gizmodo, The Atlantic, The Guardian, @brandyzadrozny, @dawnerd, @lgsrock101, @karaswisher, @zacksjerryrig, @davesharma, @profgalloway, ScreenRant, @slpng_giants, @karaswisher, MacRumors, Wicked Problems …, @jess_miers, @mattblaze, Mother Jones, @shefvaidya, @senrickscott, @jamesrbuk, @adamserwer, @jamilsmith, @k_m_mccarthy, @sadboybarrett, @martinpakulamp, @matvelloso, Politico, @grogsgamut, @briannawu, @alexisohanian, @thegarance, WV MetroNews, @lmatsakis, @williamturton, @bethanyincbr, @brithume, @judiciarygop, @maxkennerly, @nataliejohnsonn, @dremilyportermd, @mspackyetti, @guybranum, @lukelpearson, @msignorile, @oz_f, @susan_hennessey, @ahiza_garcia, @bendreyfuss, @joshsternberg, @jadande, @davidaxelrod, @kurtwagner8, @robertmaguire_, @markdstrauss, @breenewsome, @lyssaslounge, @stevepasquale, @alexgaskarth, @willmcavoyacn, @kellymakena, @frankfigliuzzi1, @renato_mariotti, @bader_diedrich, @lesliemac, @joyannreid, @benthompson, @benthompson, @feliciasonmez, @shannonrwatts, @liz_wheeler, @joshbbornstein, @kellymakena, @joyannreid, @hayesbrown, @kaitlancollins, @monteiro, @thereelrandom, @shaneharris, @dublinersthe, @mcandrew, @joshsternberg, @eff, Dazed, @karaswisher, Understandably, @popehat, @colmorrisdavis, @maggieserota, @oliviatroye, @kellymakena, @zoecello, @markszaidesq, Hollywood Reporter, Bloomberg and NBC News, more at Techmeme »
@twittersafety: After close review of recent Tweets from the @realDonaldTrump account and the context around them we have permanently suspended the account due to the risk of further incitement of violence.
Emily Bell / @emilybell: Suspension of accounts is step one, step two is implementing a policy which reflects the fact that powerful individuals need more restrictions, and *more* scrutiny from platforms ...rather than less
Madison Cawthorn / @cawthornfornc: Social media is our generation's public forum. It ought to be subject to the same protections provided to all public forums. I am calling for First Amendment protections to be applied to this New Town Square. Censorship of elected officials by unelected elites is UNAMERICAN!
Sarah Emerson / @sarahnemerson: Of course Jack Dorsey is on an island right now
Megyn Kelly / @megynkelly: If you're on the right or not woke or want to raise Q's about the integrity of our electoral system, you're next.
Tyler Sonnemaker / Business Insider: Trump tried tweeting from the official POTUS account despite Twitter's ban, but the tweets were immediately removed
Donald Trump Jr / @donaldjtrumpjr: We are living Orwell's 1984. Free-speech no longer exists in America. It died with big tech and what's left is only there for a chosen few. This is absolute insanity!
David Yanofsky / Quartz: Where to read Donald Trump's tweets now that Twitter has closed his account
Sara Fischer / Axios: Reddit bans subreddit group “r/DonaldTrump”
Mike Masnick / @mmasnick: I had some thoughts about Twitter's decision. I wrote a post.
Katie Canales / Business Insider: About 350 Twitter employees wrote a letter to CEO Jack Dorsey demanding that President Trump be permanently suspended from the platform
Corynne McSherry / Electronic Frontier Foundation: EFF's Response to Social Media Companies' Decisions to Block President Trump's Accounts
Kara Swisher / @karaswisher: This explanation by Twitter is chilling. They concluded that his obvious dog whistling today to supporters was encouraging a second coup attempt on 1/17 in DC: Permanent suspension of @realDonaldTrump
Nitasha Tiku / Washington Post: Hundreds of Twitter employees sign letter asking Jack Dorsey to permanently suspend Trump's account
Heather Cox Richardson / Letters from an American: More information continues to emerge about the events of Wednesday. They point to a broader conspiracy than it first appeared.
Mathew Ingram / @mathewi: Ben Thompson, who has defended Twitter and Facebook's decisions not to remove Trump content, says he is willing to make an exception now: “Preserving democracy is, by definition, even higher on the priority stack. Turn off Trump's account”
Sewell Chan / @sewellchan: Will we be able to find his old tweets? Can we give @USNatArchives control of the account for posterity? And for the truth and reconciliation commission.
Lindsey Graham / @lindseygrahamsc: Twitter may ban me for this but I willingly accept that fate: Your decision to permanently ban President Trump is a serious mistake. The Ayatollah can tweet, but Trump can't. Says a lot about the people who run Twitter.
J. Clara Chan / The Wrap: Twitter Permanently Suspends Trump's Account
April Glaser / @aprilaser: This comes after 100s of employees at Twitter internally petitioned the company today to suspend Trump's account ...
Jessica Guynn / USA Today: President Trump permanently banned from Twitter over risk he could incite violence
Ashkan Karbasfrooshan / Context is King: Success is 80% What You Don't Say or Do — Donald Trump never showed any discipline …
Jane Manchun Wong / @wongmjane: Photo of Jack being on a remote island
Morgan Phillips / Fox News: Trump Twitter ban will be ‘exploited’ by ‘enemies’ of free speech ‘around the world,’: Navalny
Rajesh Kasturirangan / Ranganaut: T2B47: Ziden 3 — What people were hoping for (or worried about) has finally happened …
Casey Newton / @caseynewton: In STILL OTHER news, @Discord says it has banned server The Donald, which was connected to TheDonald dot Win and the Donald subreddit. Made decision “due to its overt connection to an online forum used to incite violence and plan an armed insurrection,” spox says.
Dave Weigel / @daveweigel: The Pearl Harbor of posting
Tejasvi Surya / @tejasvi_surya: This must be wake up call for all who don't yet understand threat to our democracies by unregulated big tech companies. If they can do this to POTUS, they can do this to anyone. Sooner India reviews intermediaries regulations, better for our democracy. @GoI_MeitY
Alyse Stanley / Gizmodo: Mozilla Calls for Sites to Go Beyond Just Deplatforming Bigots
Evelyn Douek / The Atlantic: Trump Is Banned. Who Is Next?
Lauren Aratani / The Guardian: Trump Twitter: Republicans and Democrats split over freedom of speech
Brandy Zadrozny / @brandyzadrozny: People are dead, Megyn.
Troy / @dawnerd: @Tejasvi_Surya @GoI_MeitY No, it should be a wake up call to people trying to subvert a democracy by staging a coup. He had MANY warnings about this. Don't blame big tech for his actions.
Luis Gerardo Salas / @lgsrock101: Power to the people.
Kara Swisher / @karaswisher: It says CONGRESS — that's you now kid! — shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech. Facebook can, Twitter can, they all can, because — and here's the twist — they have First Amendment rights to not host jerks like Trump who break their rules.
JerryRigEverything / @zacksjerryrig: What happens when you take away a child's favorite toy? The world is about to find out.
Dave Sharma / @davesharma: Right decision on the facts. But deeply uncomfortable w precedent of big tech making decisions about whose speech, and which remarks, are censored and suppressed. Such decisions should be taken by a publicly accountable body, on basis of transparent reasoning & principles.
Scott Galloway / @profgalloway: We've had warnings for years about the effects of algorithmic amplification. It's time we prioritize conversations btw historians (experts on autocracy & other abuses of power) + legislators + tech community so we can tackle this tinder box before the next insurgency attempt
Alan Truly / ScreenRant: Twitter Permanently Bans Trump | Screen Rant
@slpng_giants: Oh, buddy. You should have studied the Constitution before running for office.
Kara Swisher / @karaswisher: Son, i know it's hard for you to grok since you obvi missed the Bill of Rights class, but none of the social media sites are public forums for your generation or oldsters like me. The very first one is called the First Amendment (see how easy the founders made it — civics is fun)
Chris Oestereich / Wicked Problems and Circular Systems: Twitter bans Trump
Jess Miers / @jess_miers: I found @mmasnick's post especially insightful and important tonight: “The problem with so much of the content moderation debate is that all sides assume these things. They assume that it's easy to set up rules and easy to enforce them. Neither is true.”
Matt Blaze / @mattblaze: Now that Twitter has booted Trump, the next 24 hours will be devoted exclusively to people who don't understand the First Amendment explaining the First Amendment to people who do. And election Twitter gets a well-needed day off.
Shefali Vaidya / @shefvaidya: WTF, @Twitter suspended @realDonaldTrump account. So much for paying lip service to #FoE! This is not a tech company, it is a fascist dictatorship.
Rick Scott / @senrickscott: Once again, @Twitter showing a blatant bias. @NicolasMaduro is a thug who jails & silences his dissidents, controls the judicial branch & starves his people. Maduro commits genocide, but is allowed to use Twitter to spread propaganda with no repercussion. Shameful.
James Ball / @jamesrbuk: Another tech company independently arrives at the same decision as all the others at the same time. Gee!
@adamserwer: The thing he absolutely wants to do the most right now is tweet angrily about being suspended from twitter and he cannot
Jamil Smith / @jamilsmith: Folks fighting voter suppression have been “raising Q's” about our electoral system since Reconstruction, and that never seemed to trigger an invasion of the Capitol. But please, @megynkelly, keep going.
Barrett Courtney / @sadboybarrett: The one nice thing about this is that he's probably super upset about it and that's funny. But this happened way too late and the damage has been done. Wish these companies weren't so much about damage control and actually did something before it got to this.
Martin Pakula / @martinpakulamp: If I write a letter to the editor, do I have a right to have it published? The right to free speech ≠ the right to have it broadcast on any particular platform
Mat Velloso / @matvelloso: Years too late. Everything he has been doing, he has been doing for several years.
Greg Jericho / @grogsgamut: Parliamentarian saying Govt should decide what gets published on corporate websites.
Brianna Wu / @briannawu: People like me have been calling for this for years, and were treated (almost universally by white men) as extremist. I hope history remembers we were right and they were wrong. I had an oped I wrote for a major publication calling for this, and white male editor killed it.
Garance Franke-Ruta / @thegarance: “Despite our efforts to serve the public conversation, as Trump's megaphone, we helped fuel the deadly events of January 6th,” the employees wrote. ...
Louise Matsakis / @lmatsakis: I think @mmasnick is right: Asking any of these platforms to abide by consistent rules for every case is never, ever going to work. Twitter banned Trump not because he crossed a predetermined line — it was because the context changed
William Turton / @williamturton: Now we know the threshold for a world leader to be permanently banned from Twitter: incite a riot inside the main legislative building that leaves 5 people dead.
Bethany Williams / @bethanyincbr: Total respect for the @Twitter employees who wrote to @jack Dorsey to demand that Trump's Twitter account be permanently removed. I completely agree - dangerous people like him should not be given such a powerful megaphone to incite lies, violence and hate.
Brit Hume / @brithume: These social media companies have a legal right to do this, but they should not then pose as open platforms entitled to legal protections from the legal risks faced by publishers. The justifications below are pure editorial judgments.
House Judiciary Gop / @judiciarygop: Thy Ayatollah of Iran and the Chinese Communist Party are still able to Tweet. What an absolute joke. And a disgrace, @jack.
Max Kennerly / @maxkennerly: Yep. Banning a political figure is a complex, unique decision. Putting aside First Amendment issues—because there are none—I'm not troubled by the larger free speech implications because LOOK WHAT IT TOOK TO GET HERE. He deliberately incited an insurrection! He got people killed!
Natalie Johnson / @nataliejohnsonn: Meanwhile, the Chinese government is still able to use the platform to promote genocide.
Emily Porter / @dremilyportermd: Gee, sometimes I love capitalism. Now to further crush his ego, let's get the economy to record highs and squash the pandemic ASAP. He'll implode!
Brittany Packnett Cunningham / @mspackyetti: It just happened. He tweeted, they deleted.
Gu B'Shevat / @guybranum: This Bolshevik is suggesting a private company should be nationalized from private control and handed to the people for free and equal use by all.
@lukelpearson: Yes, the government should decide who gets to speak on privately owned social platforms... I mean, I wish there was a govt agency responsible for choosing who gets to host IndigenousX or write articles for our website. It would be an Orwellian dream, as the saying goes.
Michelangelo Signorile / @msignorile: Yay, he's outta here for good!
Osman Faruqi / @oz_f: Very strange to see conservatives argue *against* private companies regulating themselves and running their business however they want, and *for* increased government authority to control speech. How does this square with the long term campaign to erode 18C for eg
Susan Hennessey / @susan_hennessey: Let it be remembered that before Facebook or Twitter or Youtube, the American voters deplatformed Donald Trump first.
@ahiza_garcia: Twitter's move follows “years of public pressure and several attempts to limit the reach of his account...Hundreds of employees [urged] CEO Jack Dorsey to ban [Trump] for using the platform to incite violence in the wake of the Capitol siege.” @BrandyZadrozny @oneunderscore__
Ben Dreyfuss / @bendreyfuss: Praying for the Resistance grifters who tweet replies to Trump
Josh Sternberg / @joshsternberg: Even better
J.A. Adande / @jadande: Twitter is taking every precautionary measure it can. Can we say the same for the US government?
David Axelrod / @davidaxelrod: Twitter is an instantaneous form of communication yet somehow it took them five years to recognize that Trump's feed was a cauldron of incitement?
Kurt Wagner / @kurtwagner8: Twitter says that if users are not allowed to circumvent a ban, so if they believe Trump is using @POTUS personally to get around the ban, then they might limit the account's use.
Robert Maguire / @robertmaguire_: Reddit bans r/DonaldTrump
Mark Strauss / @markdstrauss: If it weren't for COVID, I'd call for street parties, like on VE Day.
@breenewsome: It's not a public forum. It's a privately owned software application.
Katharina Borchert / @lyssaslounge: Finally!! Quite late in the game and after leaving a trail of devastation. But yes, it's done. #TrumpOverAndOut
Steven Pasquale / @stevepasquale: A great day for democracy and decency. Bravo, @jack . Bravo.
Alex Gaskarth / @alexgaskarth: This is not how the 1st amendment works and you should know this your papa was the presid— wait he's been banned from that too? Oh. Carry on.
Will McAvoy / @willmcavoyacn: This is like the social media equivalent of the baptism montage of The Godfather.
Makena Kelly / @kellymakena: NEW: It appears as though Trump tweeted from the @POTUS account. These tweets have now since been deleted/removed. Waiting to hear from Twitter:
Frank Figliuzzi / @frankfigliuzzi1: Trump now joins the ranks of terrorist leaders denied social media access:
Renato Mariotti / @renato_mariotti: Remember when conservatives tried to convince us that they were against regulation of private businesses? Turns out that's only if the businesses help the Republican Party.
Diedrich Bader / @bader_diedrich: language weaponized by trumpism is what's Orwellian “alternative facts” &countless other examples of DOUBLESPEAK assailing us daily has so disoriented the average citizen it's difficult to discern reality from fiction Which was the point Twitter is a co. not the public square
Leslie Mac / @lesliemac: I mean. That is what happened. It is only whiteness that allowed him to keep his account after THE FIRST COUP ATTEMPT HE INCITED ON THIS APP. #TechIsNotNeutral
Ben Thompson / @benthompson: I completely agree with everything Mike wrote here.
Ben Thompson / @benthompson: Reposting this as some folks in my mentions appear to have missed it: I agree with Facebook and Twitter's decision and explained why on Thursday.
Felicia Sonmez / @feliciasonmez: “In an internal letter addressed to chief executive Jack Dorsey and his top executives viewed by The Washington Post, roughly 350 Twitter employees asked for a clear account of the company's decision-making process regarding the President's tweets [on Wednesday].”
Shannon Watts / @shannonrwatts: Remember when people chastised Vice President-elect Kamala Harris for calling for this over a year ago? She was exactly right...
Liz Wheeler / @liz_wheeler: Holy sh$t. If they can permanently suspend the President of the United States of America... they sure as hell will ban YOU if you contradict their radical leftist ideology. And they'll pretend it's in the name of “your safety.” Chilling.
Josh Bornstein / @joshbbornstein: Yeah. This is a job for Sky News.
Makena Kelly / @kellymakena: NEW: Twitter tells me that if Trump tried to circumvent this ban by using @POTUS, the platform would remove these new postings. If Trump made a new account, that account would face a permanent suspension “at first detection,” according to Twitter's rules.
Hayes Brown / @hayesbrown: Shoutout to every digital journalist who's just realized how many articles they now have out there full of broken embeds
Kaitlan Collins / @kaitlancollins: President Trump being permanently suspended from Twitter is hard to even imagine.
Mike Monteiro / @monteiro: Sweet baby Jesus, we're gonna ruin @jack's Polynesian vacation.
@thereelrandom: OMG he's gone?!? Really gone?!? Twitter permanently bans Trump #SmartNews
Molly Maggie Bloom / @dublinersthe: Can I say...there are a lot of people who need to be held responsible for everything that transpired these last 4 years. He's but one part of the problem, the mascot. There's a whole team to be rooted out and held accountable.
Andrew McLaughlin / @mcandrew: Yes, freedom demands that government must take over private platforms!
Josh Sternberg / @joshsternberg: How soon before Trump takes over one of his acolytes' accounts with a, “hey it's me your favorite president. I'm using such and such all's account because the bad Twitter company kicked me off. Sad!” message?
@eff: EFF's statement on social media platforms' recent blocking of the president's accounts:
Thom Waite / Dazed: Twitter permanently bans Donald Trump
Kara Swisher / @karaswisher: Junior doesn't know the difference between a public square & a private company that decided to finally refuse service to his grifter crew after they trashed the place, much like the mob his dad & he egged on to attack the Capitol. Well, to be fair, the rioters were better behaved
Bill Murphy Jr / Understandably: Don't you just ... LOVE America? — I'd planned to take the weekend off, but there's too much going on.
BannedHat / @popehat: Waiting for series of Trump thoughts filtered through Eric, which will be like trying to figure out what Pol Pot is saying by hearing the interpretive barks of a labradoodle
Moe Davis / @colmorrisdavis: You know what's Un-American? Inciting an insurrection that led to 5 deaths in the nation's Capitol. And maybe you didn't cover this in your homeschool constitutional law class, but the First Amendment prohibits government restrictions on speech and Twitter isn't the government.
Professor Garbage PhD / @maggieserota: We are living Van Halen's 1984. All sick guitar riffs and Diamond Dave doing backflips in Lycra jumpsuits.
@oliviatroye: Please stop. @megynkelly -You're a major part of the disinformation, conspiracies, & lies. What you're doing is dangerous for our country. You're no different than the people who stormed the Capitol espousing rhetoric you have perpetuated via your platform.
Makena Kelly / @kellymakena: More: Twitter says that it would not permanently suspend a government account unless postings threatened real-world harm.
Zoe Keating / @zoecello: Make Twitter great again
Mark S. Zaid / @markszaidesq: Can you imagine how better our country would have been if this had been done sooner? Still, I applaud the decision. Now do Parlor, 4chan and every other hate-filled social network.
Mike Masnick / Techdirt:
Twitter and Facebook's ban on Trump is not censorship, and demanding clear rules for social media moderation is “stupid” because the context is always changing — When I started writing this post, it was about Facebook's decision to suspend Trump's account indefinitely …
NPR, Stratechery, The Wrap, MIT Technology Review, OneZero, Nieman Lab, Fox News, emptywheel, Washington Post, The Boston Globe, @iainthomson, @kyleorl, @nicholasibekwe, @travelfish, @charlesarthur, @nfergus, @jameeljaffer, @wildeyeq, Los Angeles Times, @sanjiva, @petersuderman, @mdudas, @dangillmor, @caseynewton, @chrismessina, Aus dem Internet-Observatorium, @aditis90, 9to5Mac, @thomas_drake1, @jasonhirschhorn, @antoniofrench, @edbott, @glynmoody and @sfoskett, more at Techmeme »
Bobby Allyn / NPR: Twitter Permanently Suspends Trump, Citing ‘Risk Of Further Incitement Of Violence’
Ben Thompson / Stratechery: Trump and Twitter — In December 2016, when then-President-elect Donald Trump summoned tech leaders …
Eileen Guo / MIT Technology Review: Twitter bans Trump
Will Oremus / OneZero: Facebook Chucked Its Own Rulebook to Ban Trump
Laura Hazard Owen / Nieman Lab: After the Capitol riots, platforms, archivists, conspiracists, and investigators collide
Patrice Lee Onwuka / Fox News: Patrice Onwuka: Twitter, Facebook banning of Trump continues crackdown on conservatives — censorship dangerous
Tony Romm / Washington Post: Facebook, Twitter could face punishing regulation for their role in U.S. Capitol riot, Democrats say
Hiawatha Bray Globe / The Boston Globe: What's next for Donald Trump on social media?
Iain Thomson / @iainthomson: “The real complaint shouldn't be about Twitter or Facebook acting too late, but about Congress failing to do their job and remove the mad man from power.” Excellent piece by @mmasnick on today's ban whack-a-mole. via @Techdirt
Kyle Orland / @kyleorl: Excellent post. For those of us that grew up dealing with moderation issues on small web forums, it's really weird seeing those issues attempting to be applied to the scale and import of national debate.
Nicholas Ibekwe / @nicholasibekwe: For those asking, Trump was not censored. || Not Easy, Not Unreasonable, Not Censorship: The Decision To Ban Trump From Twitter
Stuart MaskDonald / @travelfish: “ And the real complaint shouldn't be about Twitter or Facebook acting too late, but about Congress failing to do their job and remove the mad man from power.”
Charles Arthur / @charlesarthur: Terrific post. Read it.
Niall Ferguson / @nfergus: I have read intelligent defenses of the cancellation of Trump by @mmasnick and @benthompson:
Jameel Jaffer / @jameeljaffer: Excellent. Worth reading.
Edward Israel-Ayide / @wildeyeq: I like how @benthompson the author of @stratechery argues the case for Trump's removal in this article but it is this part of the article that drives it home the most for me:
Michael Hiltzik / Los Angeles Times: Column: Did tech companies go too far in banning President Trump? The answer is no
Sanjiva Weerawarana / @sanjiva: Two really good reads on the issue of banning Trump from social media: By @stratechery: By @mmasnick:
Suderman / @petersuderman: I think this somewhat overstates the difficult of setting clear rules that apply in most ordinary cases. But this is good. Trump's case was inevitably going to be sui generis, and no one size fits all rulebook could have managed it without some contortions.
@mdudas: “Trump is obviously too toxic for Twitter. But he's also too toxic for the White House. And the real complaint shouldn't be about Twitter or Facebook acting too late, but about Congress failing to do their job and remove the mad man from power.”
Dan Gillmor / @dangillmor: Best thing I've seen on this.
Casey Newton / @caseynewton: @DavidSacks Of course they're making it up as they go — every case is different. And inciting an attack on your own government that leaves five people dead is a far graver assault on free speech than anything you're complaining about
Chris Messina / @chrismessina: Both required reading/listening if you care about free speech AND open, social digital media platforms:
Johannes Kuhn / Aus dem Internet-Observatorium: Aus dem Internet-Observatorium #08
Aditi Shrivastava / @aditis90: Trump is, perhaps, the perfect example of why demanding clear rules on social media and how they moderate is stupid, writes @mmasnick 👇
Michael Potuck / 9to5Mac: Twitter permanently suspends Trump's account over ‘risk of further’ violence
Thomas Drake / @thomas_drake1: For those who think Twitter suspending Trump is censorship @mmasnick cuts to chase why it isn't — given how Trump weaponized his tweets as coup-in-chief to incite sedition & insurrection AGAINST US — to steal election & create emergency to stay in power.
Jason Hirschhorn / @jasonhirschhorn: “Trump is obviously too toxic for Twitter. But he's also too toxic for the White House. And the real complaint shouldn't be about Twitter or Facebook acting too late, but about Congress failing to do their job and remove the mad man from power.” @mmasnick
Antonio French / @antoniofrench: Your move, cable news.
Ed Bott / @edbott: This is the single best summary of the issues involved that I have read.
Glyn Moody / @glynmoody: “Trump is, perhaps, the perfect example of why demanding clear rules on social media and how they moderate is stupid.”
Stephen Foskett / @sfoskett: I don't always agree with @mmasnick but I always listen to him. You should too whether you agree or disagree with me on these things. “Trump is, perhaps, the perfect example of why demanding clear rules on social media and how they moderate is stupid”

Three NYT journalists recount the harrowing scenes at the Capitol when it was breached by a mob — Three New York Times journalists were at the Capitol when it was breached. Here's how they experienced it. — WASHINGTON — Something was not right inside the Senate chamber.
@dgisserious, Columbia Journalism Review, Committee to Protect …, CNN, @markberman, Poynter, Slate, @escochrane, @cliffordlevy, NPPA, CNN, Here are some links, @ellievhall, @mathewi, @leoshane, @espiers, @breakingbrown, @cjr, WE'RE ALL FRIENDS HERE, @nickkristof, @reprokhanna, @jerilryan, @maxberger, @susan_hennessey, @kittypurrzog, @erinschaff, @john_hummel, @mollyjongfast, @rebekahlsanders, @scott_maxwell, @mairavz, @davidaxelrod, @npr, just words, writing, @mollymckew, National Geographic, @thomaskaplan, @heathdwilliams and @kharyp
Danny Gold / @dgisserious: This video of AP photographer @johnminchillo at the protest yesterday is insane. He was dragged out and nearly lynched. This should be seen by everyone. @pressfreedom
Katherine Jacobsen / Committee to Protect Journalists: ‘Three people threatened to shoot me.’ Journalists describe covering mob violence at the US Capitol
Brian Stelter / CNN: Now it's sinking in: Wednesday's Capitol Hill riot was even more violent than it first appeared
Mark Berman / @markberman: On the left is a NYT photographer recounting how police pointed their guns at her after she identified herself as a journalist On the right is a member of the mob saying a police officer tried to help them find Schumer's office
Al Tompkins / Poynter: Should journalists play a role in identifying rioters?
Emily Cochrane / @escochrane: the fact that @erinschaff experienced THIS and still filed photos and wrote about makes me want to cry all over again because she is such a pro and was just doing her damn job in THE NATION'S CAPITOL.
Cliff Levy / @cliffordlevy: “They saw that my ID said NYT and became really angry. They threw me to the floor, trying to take my cameras...I thought I could be killed.” — @erinschaff In awe of the courageous journalists who covered the assault on the Capitol.
Allison Gordon / CNN: Here's what reporting on the Capitol rioting was like for journalists who were there
Katherine Miller / Here are some links: Links for January 9th
Ellie Hall / @ellievhall: When I was on the Capitol lawn, a man near me yelled that he'd give $1 million to anyone who killed Nancy Pelosi. Somebody said they'd do it for free. A woman collecting trash in the crowd joked, “We can't get Pelosi in a body bag, but we can get other garbage in this bag.”
Mathew Ingram / @mathewi: Great stuff from our CJR fellows on the Capitol insurrection: 1) Shinhee Kang (@shinheeeee) talks to photographers who shot some of the iconic images we all saw, like the one member of the mob sitting in Nancy Pelosi's chair with his foot on the desk:
Leo Shane III / @leoshane: So more than three times as many police officers were hurt than individuals arrested for storming the Capitol yesterday.
Elizabeth Spiers / @espiers: This is what happens when the president repeatedly calls journalists enemies of the people in an attempt to avoid accountability for his malfeasance.
@breakingbrown: Right wingers have been warning for years that they're going to “take their country back”. What y'all thought that meant?
@cjr: New from @shinheeeee: The chilling visuals of right-wing extremism, and the photographers who captured them
Lauren Maxwell / WE'RE ALL FRIENDS HERE: The Stories We Carry Forward
Nicholas Kristof / @nickkristof: News photographers and video journalists are the bravest people, for their cameras turn them into targets as they cover conflicts. It's disgusting that they must display this courage not only in Iraq but also in the U.S. Capitol.
Rep. Ro Khanna / @reprokhanna: Journalists risked their lives to show the rest of us what transpired on Wednesday. Any investigation must include a complete overhaul of the safety and protection of the Capitol Hill press corps. They work here, same as us, and need answers for being locked out of safe rooms.
Jeri Ryan / @jerilryan: Animals. Thank you to the one sane man at the end who got him out. #trumpsamerica
Max Berger / @maxberger: This wasn't a spontaneous riot. It was a planned fascist uprising that was part of a larger plot to overturn the results of the election. Republicans who objected to the results and fascists in the streets might not have been in coordination, but they were part of the effort.
Susan Hennessey / @susan_hennessey: Often the job of the press and Congress is to give the public an understanding of what has happened to other people. Just incredible to see the press and Congress trying to explain the trauma of what they themselves experienced to the public.
Katie Herzog / @kittypurrzog: Am I crazy? This video is obviously disturbing but I don't see someone being dragged out and nearly lynched. I see him being assaulted and then a MAGA dude seems to help him and he leaves on his own.
Erin Schaff / @erinschaff: Thank you to everyone who's reached out, if I haven't written you back - I am ok and taking time off social media with my family.
John Hummel / @john_hummel: Thank you to the journalist photographers who risked their lives to document the attempted coup in our capitol. The photos are chilling and are worth a thousand words. @drewangerer
Molly Jong-Fast / @mollyjongfast: This seems like an important data point
Rebekah Sanders / @rebekahlsanders: If this photographer worked for @Gannett and left the scene, they might have to forfeit their pay. At least that's the message the company sent last month by refusing the common sense safety protocols we've asked for in our @azrepublicguild union contract.
Scott Maxwell / @scott_maxwell: Try to count all the assaults against this AP photographer that took place in just this clip of less than 90 seconds. The mob, pushing and dragging him, kept screaming: “He's antifa! Are you antifa?!” One man helps, seemingly aware of what his peers in the crowd will do to him.
David Axelrod / @davidaxelrod: A headline I never, ever thought I would read.
@npr: Last night in D.C. saw relatively few arrests — despite clear video evidence of hundreds of rioters breaching the Capitol and damaging government property. There were about 52 arrests as of 9:30 p.m. ET, most related to curfew violations, authorities say.
Doug Messel / just words, writing: Joy? No Joy. Only Grief. — I originally planned on writing a different essay this week …
Molly McKew / @mollymckew: These radicalized *sshats think a photographer is antifa and throw him OVER A WALL. So many instances of violence against journalists, everyone on the hands of Donald Trump
Susan Goldberg / National Geographic: Inside the Capitol: ‘It was the ugliest moment I have ever seen in America’
Thomas Kaplan / @thomaskaplan: Grateful for the courage and poise of @erinschaff @ESCochrane @npfandos and the rest of the congressional press corps in bringing us the first draft of history on Wednesday
@heathdwilliams: moments earlier, the president said to this mob: “Our media is not free. It's not fair. It suppresses thought. It suppresses speech, and it's become the enemy of the people. It's become the enemy of the people. It's the biggest problem we have in this country.”
Khary Penebaker / @kharyp: Here's the longer video of @johnminchillo being thrown around by Trump's domestic terrorists. Here's the IG link: this could've been way worse. They hate antifa, but these are the same people who wrote “'murder the media” on one of the Capitol doors.

Toledo Blade staff are on byline strike after management said to avoid calling rioters Trump supporters and changed wording to signal other groups were involved — As Toledo Blade staffers, like journalists everywhere, scrambled Wednesday to document the attack on the Capitol …
@bladeguild, @nyguild, The Wrap, WTOL-TV, @halsparks, @reedkat_, @rob_rogers, @dmastrull, @brucebartlett, @reedkat_, @reedfrich, @connieschultz, @jimrutenberg, @timesupnow, @nckevns, @gabrieljr, @reedalbergotti, @marybeth_sb, @zacktanner, @koronet, @chactivist, @ashley__murray, @jonscollins, @jennyvrentas, @ohioaflcio, @joeyerardi, @kerrymflynn and Poynter
@bladeguild: We've heard from Blade readers concerned about the editorial decisions and online comments made by newspaper management and ownership regarding the riots at the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday. We're taking a stand. Toledo deserves better.
@nyguild: When publishers change content to reflect their political beliefs it undermines the jobs of journalists and breaks the community's trust in the paper. This is unacceptable. Shame on the Block family.
Lindsey Ellefson / The Wrap: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Toledo Blade Reporters Say Pro-Trump Owners ‘Manipulate’ Riot Coverage
Emma Henderson / WTOL-TV: The Blade journalists forego reporter bylines following ethics concerns; Block family member resigns arts commission post after social media backlash
Amanda Reed / @reedkat_: ✨Would just like to point to this (from @NolanRosenkrans) that sums up BCI's view of journalism: They don't care about it as long as they get to keep their private jet✨ If I'm correct, BCI brings in $500 mil a year and the workers at the PG&Blade haven't had a raise in 10+yrs
Rob Rogers / @rob_rogers: The Blocks continue their assault on journalism: ...
Diane Mastrull / @dmastrull: Standing with my Guild colleagues in Ohio. And so grateful I work at a newspaper with journalistic integrity.
@brucebartlett: The once-respected Toledo Blade gets caught tilting its news coverage in favor of Trump. ... But it's the liberal media that we should be concerned about. Right?
Amanda Reed / @reedkat_: I would say “The Blocks are toads” but I like toads. I, however, do not like the Blocks and their racism that's destroying the credibility of the hardworking journalists who are just trying to do their jobs. I wish nothing but the worst for the Blocks 💖
Reed F. Richardson / @reedfrich: There is a clear propaganda effort underway among the conservative media—from Fox News to reactionary corporate media owners—to deny the reality what all of American clearly watched on Wednesday: a violent, right-wing assault on democracy. ...
Connie Schultz / @connieschultz: “Susan Block, wife of the chairman of Block Communications, a family-owned company that owns the [Toledo] Blade, posted an all-caps Facebook rant in support of the mob and calling Vice President-elect Kamala D. Harris a ‘w—.’” #GuildStrong ...
@jimrutenberg: Historical note: In early 1970's Pittsburgh Tribune-Review owner Richard Mellon Scaife ordered his reporters to tread lightly on Watergate, at one point leading to staff rebellion. He turned on Nixon, hard, when he learned some of his donation money to Nixon went to slush fund.
@timesupnow: Susan Allan Block's sexist and demeaning language about VP-elect Kamala Harris is appalling and reprehensible — and influencing coverage at @PittsburghPG and @toledonews. Their readers deserve better. #WeHaveHerBack
Nick Evans / @nckevns: That Susan Allan Block post is gross, but that's not all the family is up to:
Gabe Rosenberg / @gabrieljr: More despicable behavior from the Blocks, who are doing their best to destroy the Toledo Blade and the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette by inserting their own white supremacist views at every turn. A byline strike is not enough. ...
Reed Albergotti / @reedalbergotti: Toledo Blade writers say managers ‘manipulated’ stories on pro-Trump mob's attack at the behest of conservative owners ...
Marybeth Seitz-Brown / @marybeth_sb: .@bladeguild & @PGHGuild are coming together to protest the Blocks manipulating coverage to support the attempted coup. local union reporters are the only line of defense between right wing news owners and the community's interest:
@zacktanner: John Block has long pushed coverage of niche, personal topics, but his long-simmering right-wing agenda is destroying the credibility of the Post-Gazette and Blade. Strong union contracts for the workers is the best defense against this behavior.
Ryan Koronowski / @koronet: One way we stop people from believing dangerous delusional garbage that prompts them to engage in violent insurrection is to fix local news.
Chris Brooks / @chactivist: A strong union contract provides a firewall between the political agenda of newspaper owners and the journalists who do the reporting. Shame on the owners of the @PittsburghPG & @toledonews for pushing their pro-Trump agenda & attacking the union
Ashley Murray / @ashley__murray: Solidarity with fellow journalists in Toledo. Journalists are the eyes and ears for the community. We can't stand by while management tries to downplay what numerous journalists witnessed. (Deleted previous post. Susan Block is no longer on the BCI board.)
Jon Collins / @jonscollins: Ownership and upper management should stay out of editorial decisions completely, from newspapers to public media. They erode the public's trust in our reporting. Glad to see rank and file reporters standing up to this.
Jenny Vrentas / @jennyvrentas: The journalists at the Toledo Blade are taking a courageous stand. They deserve better from management, on so many fronts.
Ohio Afl-Cio / @ohioaflcio: This is why every worker needs the ability to form an @AFLCIO #Union: protections and a voice in the workplace. Great work, @bladeguild and we stand in full solidarity! If you support a strong, local free press, please R/T and post your support. @OHDems @PolicyMattersOH
Joe Yerardi / @joeyerardi: Solidarity with the staff of @toledonews who are fighting to preserve the Blade's journalistic integrity and reputation despite the best efforts of the paper's owners.

Dlive, which attracts far-right video streamers and takes a cut of viewer donations, had a near-record 150K concurrent viewers Wednesday, according to estimates — A site called Dlive, where rioters broadcast from the Capitol, is benefiting from the growing exodus of right-wing users from Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.
Wired, Columbia Journalism Review, Southern Poverty Law Center, @fabiochiusi, @mitchprothero, @slpng_giants, @kattenbarge, Matt's Newsletter, @taylorlorenz, @smenor, @richardgarriott, @samstrake, @travisshreffler, @taylorlorenz, @megansquire0, @caitlin__kelly, @mollyjongfast, @taylorlorenz, @franklinleonard, @nytmedia, @lyssaslounge, Los Angeles Times, @nytimesbusiness, @shawngorlando, @nytimes, @varunvira_, @kaibrach, @michaelsderby, @hollyblomberg and DLive Community
Cecilia D'Anastasio / Wired: A Game Livestreaming Site Has Become an Extremist Haven
Michael Edison Hayden / Southern Poverty Law Center: Meet DLive: The Livestreaming Platform Used by Trump's Capitol Insurrectionists
Fabio Chiusi / @fabiochiusi: Dlive, which attracts far-right video streamers and takes a cut of viewer donations, had a near-record 150K concurrent viewers Wednesday, according to estimates (ht @mediagazer)
Mitchell Prothero / @mitchprothero: I suspect making money from live streaming yourself doing crime becomes extra crime in court
@slpng_giants: It is high time for app stores like @AppStore and @GooglePlay to take a hard look at the apps that they're distributing and comparing them against their Terms of Service. Parler is just one of many apps that have been overrun by extremists and racists. DLive is yet another.
Kat Tenbarge / @kattenbarge: Great piece by @TaylorLorenz and @Kellen_Browning about Dlive, the platform white nationalist Baked Alaska used to livestream and monetize himself from inside the Capitol
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: Baked Alaska made more than $2,000 while streaming himself breaking into lawmaker's offices at the Capitol on Dlive, the far right's favorite livestreaming platform
@smenor: I'm not saying money and the pursuit of profit above all else and without regard for right and wrong is the root of all evil... but I'm not saying it's not
Richard Garriott / @richardgarriott: Money made during illegal behavior should be seized!
Sam Strake / @samstrake: Wait you mean the exclusive home to PewDiePie's streaming presence ISN'T a wholesome inclusive community tolerant of other people's views???
Travis / @travisshreffler: Dlive out lived Mixer and all it had to do was house white supremacists
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: Far-right-affiliated Dlive channels streamed to tens of thousands on Wedss, as did “Murder the Media” a Dlive account affiliated w/ the Proud Boys, a far-right, neofascist organization. The words “Murder the Media” were scrawled on a Capitol doorway
Megan Squire / @megansquire0: You can find a more careful data-driven analysis (no backs of envelopes - how about actual software!) in this article from @MichaelEHayden for @splcenter
Caitlin Kelly / @caitlin__kelly: This week also shines a light on lesser known platforms like DLive, where some extremists freely built up their audiences and raised money—and on Wednesday streamed as they breached the Capitol. @cecianasta has more. 5/
Molly Jong-Fast / @mollyjongfast: Wow, I've never even heard of this...
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: Dlive was founded in 2017 as a video game streaming site, but soon discovered they got most of their traffic from far-right figures who flocked to the site b/c of its lax content moderation and loose enforcement of hate speech rules.
Franklin Leonard / @franklinleonard: These guys monetizing their streams of storming the Capitol in an attempt to steal a President election for Donald Trump is just exceptional writing. Multiple layers of theme and character development all working together in ways that emphasize the core of the story.
@nytmedia: Dlive's increasing popularity shows how an online exodus of far-right figures on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube since the November election has now moved beyond alternative social-networking, news and video sites like Rumble, Gab and Parler.
Katharina Borchert / @lyssaslounge: This is an important read if you want to better understand the network and infrastructure that extremists have developed over the past few years.
Brian Contreras / Los Angeles Times: Trump without Twitter: Will he move to the ‘Trumpnet’?
@nytimesbusiness: A site called Dlive, where rioters broadcast from the Capitol, is benefiting from the growing exodus of right-wing users from Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.
Shawn Rosell / @shawngorlando: They livestreamed a coup and got superchat money from doing it? That checks out.
@nytimes: One white nationalist used a livestreaming site called Dlive to broadcast his actions during the riot at the Capitol on Wednesday — and made more than $2,000 doing it, according to some estimates.
Varun Vira / @varunvira_: The leading far right live-streaming platform is beneficially owned by a Chinese investor
Kai Brach / @kaibrach: Tired: monetising your newsletter Wired: monetising your coup
Michael S. Derby / @michaelsderby: Late stage capitalism: Monetizing your attack on the seat of democracy.

Matt Thompson, previously EIC of the Center for Investigative Reporting's Reveal, is joining NYT as editor of Headway, to investigate global and national issues — Matt was previously the editor in chief of Reveal from the Center for Investigative Reporting. — Matt Thompson is joining The New York Times as editor of Headway.
@alexanderrusso, @cliffordlevy, @vivian, @susanchira, @damiencave, @charohenriquez, @grahamdavida, @hari, @webjournalist, @samdolnick, @mathewi, @monicadrake, @burtherman, @cgreensit, @carolynryan, @robinsloan, @amzam, @froomkin, @mallarytenore, @s_m_i, @sree and @ckrewson
Alexander / @alexanderrusso: Philanthropy-funded journalism comes to the New York Times, and the person tapped to head the effort helped launch NPR's philanthropy-funded education team.
Cliff Levy / @cliffordlevy: Big deal: @mthomps is joining NYT as editor of Headway, a new initiative to investigate global and national challenges. He will work with the great @kimmelman. Their team will cover economic, social, health, infrastructural and environmental challenges.
Vivian Schiller / @vivian: Oh man, the @nytimes is getting the best people! Matt Thompson is a rock star. This is huge.
Susan Chira / @susanchira: @NYTimesPR @mthomps @nytimes Congrats, @mthomps. A great job for a visionary editor, and you get to work with another visionary: @kimmelman. Can't wait to see what ensues.
Damien Cave / @damiencave: Fantastic hire for a very exciting project. Looking forward to seeing where @mthomps @monicadrake and @kimmelman take it - should be bold and new and interesting
Charo Henrquez / @charohenriquez: I am so thrilled! This is fantastic news. Welcome, @mthomps!
David A. Graham / @grahamdavida: .@mthomps is the man and this is great
Hari Sreenivasan / @hari: .@mthomps Joins The Times as Editor of Headway Congratulations Matt. Great get for the nyt.
Robert Hernandez / @webjournalist: This is big news.... the @NYTimes is extremely lucky to get @mthomps. Congratulations!
Sam Dolnick / @samdolnick: So excited about @mthomps joining NYT. This will be great.
Mathew Ingram / @mathewi: Very big deal. Congrats @mthomps
Monica Drake / @monicadrake: Looking forward to working with @RevealerInChief!
Burt Herman / @burtherman: Congrats @mthomps! (although admit to mixed feelings about so many journalism leaders going to the @nytimes and what this means for the broader industry)
Charlotte Greensit / @cgreensit: Best news of the year, probably a year! Congrats @mthomps! See you in the office in TK
Robin Sloan / @robinsloan: 🥳🥳🥳
Amanda Zamora / @amzam: Congrats, @mthomps — what an exciting role for you!
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: This sounds amazing; @mthomps is a total superstar — and I hope, since this initiative is supported by philanthropy, that what it produces will be available without firewallls and for republishing by others.
Mallary Tenore / @mallarytenore: .@mthomps will lead Headway, a new @nytimes journalism initiative to investigate global and national challenges. He will hire a team of journalists to cover a range of economic, social, health, infrastructural and environmental challenges: Congrats, Matt!
Stacy-Marie Ishmael / @s_m_i: Oh I cannot wait. Congratulations to @mthomps. Raise hell.
Sree Sreenivasan / @sree: Great hire for NYT Headway, “a new journalism initiative to investigate global and national challenges. He will hire a team of journalists to cover a range of economic, social, health, infrastructural and environmental challenges.” @mthomps is amazing!
Chris Krewson / @ckrewson: Whoa congrats @mthomps!!!

UK's competition watchdog says it is investigating Google's proposals to remove third-party cookies from Chrome over concerns it could curb rival advertising — (Reuters) - UK's competition watchdog said on Friday it has launched an investigation into Google's proposals to remove third-party cookies …
@cmagovuk, GOV.UK, @chrisduncania, @carnage4life, @benedictevans, @jason_kint, Forbes, @geradinlaw, @greg_asquith, @simonjharris, @1br0wn, Gizmodo and @geradinlaw
@cmagovuk: We're investigating complaints of anti-competitive behaviour regarding Google's ‘Privacy Sandbox’ browser changes. This is just the initial stage of our investigation and we have yet to reach any conclusions. Read more:
Chris Duncan / @chrisduncania: Good to see intervention before the changes have been made, full time ex ante regulation is the only way to protect competitiveness with such dominant market power involved..
Dare Obasanjo / @carnage4life: UK government says it's anti-competitive for Google to make browser privacy changes similar to what Apple has done in Safari because it'll harm online advertising companies. This is an interesting argument given similar discussions about privacy in apps.
Jason Kint / @jason_kint: Very skeptical here. If this just preserves status quo or delays improved tracking prevention from deprecating 3p cookies in Chrome then that's a bad outcome. Antitrust scrutiny and GDPR enforcement of purpose limitations for Google's roadmap and privacy policies is welcomed.
Carly Page / Forbes: The UK Is Investigating Google's Controversial Plan To Kill Third-Party Cookies
Damien Geradin / @geradinlaw: See our latest blog post on the CMA's decision to investigate Google's Privacy Sandbox. ...
Greg Asquith / @greg_asquith: As usual, everyone in digital marketing pursuing their own agenda at the expense of the user and their privacy. @Google/@Apple are using privacy as a cover for gaining control over the ecosystem, while tech like 3P cookies definitely need to die /cont
@simonjharris: Looks like @CMAgovUK might have twigged that the Privacy Sandbox will not only build a moat around Google's GAM business but also their ability to collect data all whilst disadvantaging their competitors cc @pbannist @Myles_Younger & @wayneblodwell
Ian Brown / @1br0wn: At a minimum, I hope @cmagovuk will impose a similar constraint on @Google as @Kartellamt has on @Facebook — that users should have a genuine choice whether information about them can be gathered from all over the Web. Well done @TC_4KBW for getting the complaint this far...
Shoshana Wodinsky / Gizmodo: Google's Plan To Quash Cookies Draws Scrutiny From Regulators

Interview with FCC chairman Ajit Pai, who will leave the agency on Jan. 20, as he backs away from his stated plans to clarify the meaning of Section 230 — For the bulk of his tenure, FCC Chairman Ajit Pai has avoided wading into the relentless controversies that defined President Trump's presidency.
Emily Birnbaum / @birnbaum_e: Ajit Pai told me he will not move forward with a Section 230 rulemaking, ignoring the president's request in the final days of his presidency.
CBS Philly: Pennsylvania Sen. Pat Toomey Says He Believes President Donald Trump ‘Committed Impeachable Offenses’
Rachael Larimore / The Dispatch Weekly: Our Best Stuff From an Unbelievable Week
Gary Shapiro / @garyshapiro: CTA commends FCC Chairman @AjitPaiFCC for his decision to forego a #Section230 rulemaking. Doing what's right isn't always easy. We appreciate Pai's commitment to free speech and thoughtful approach throughout this process.
GAI / @gai_gmu: Even with FCC Chairman Pai announcing he will not move forward with Section 230 rulemaking, the debate over S. 230 does not seem to be going anywhere. See what @BerinSzoka and Ashkhen Kazaryan had to say about S. 230 in our Report on the Digital Economy:
Zach Graves / @zacharygraves: I don't think this is an accurate framing. It's been clear for a while @AjitPaiFCC was running the clock out on this and didn't want to move forward. Given the difficult political circumstances on the right, it was a savvy way to play it.
Blake E. Reid / @blakereid: This should be big news but will slip through the cracks this week. I try to be even-handed in critiquing the Chairman, but I don't think he takes enough responsibility here for his role in enabling Trump's dangerous jawboning and its relationship to the assault on the Capitol.

Survey of media leaders: 73% are confident about their outlet's future; 36% say policy intervention might help; 48% say some issues don't need neutral coverage — 2. Platforms, publishers and regulation | 3. Impartiality versus the search for moral clarity | 4. Strategies for engagement: enduring formats find new favour |
Nieman Lab, @benwhitelaw, @niemanreports, @rasmus_kleis, @fedecherubini, @nadjascholz, @froomkin, @corinne_podger, @marklittlenews, @ilparone and @tchopit
Sarah Scire / Nieman Lab: Publishers expect to pick up the pace of innovation and rely on readers more than advertisers in 2021
Ben Whitelaw / @benwhitelaw: 'Willingness to pay for news does not exist I'd argue, but willingness to pay for convenience, news explained by people I like and feel a connection to, and a sense of belonging does exist' @LeaKorsgaard speaking my language in this #risj report .uk/ ...
@niemanreports: What's ahead for the media industry in the year ahead? In a new report, @risj_oxford offers journalism, media, and technology trends and predictions for 2021 .uk/ ...
Rasmus Kleis Nielsen / @rasmus_kleis: What are some of the things we can expect for journalism, media, and technology in 2021? Read @nicnewman's annual trends and predictions @risj_oxford report here, including responses from a survey of 234 media leaders in 43 countries .uk/ ...
Federica Cherubini / @fedecherubini: Every year @nicnewman's Journalism, media, and technology trends and predictions report is a must read and this year, in the midst of the profound and rapid digital change following the shock delivered by Covid-19, even more so. .uk/ ...
Nadja Scholz / @nadjascholz: What trends will be shaping #journalism in 2021? AI is predicted as a way of delivering more personalised experiences + improving production efficiency in the next years. And: The concept of impartiality matters more than ever. @DeutscheWelle is on track! .uk/ ...
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: Survey finds 48% of international news executives feel there are some issues ("democracy, racism") where it makes no sense for news outlets to be neutral. AND THERE ARE 48% WHO THINK THEY SHOULD BE NEUTRAL ABOUT ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING. That's NUTS. .uk/ ...
Corinne Podger / @corinne_podger: This plus @risj_oxford Digital News Report are two of the most important reads of the year. #journalism
Mark Little / @marklittlenews: Some really positive signs here for the news business.
Jarno M. Koponen / @ilparone: How to innovate? My journalism+data science+design mantra holds true according to @risj_oxford's new trends and predictions report: “Audience and data insights, multi-disciplinary teams... are considered the best ways to generate new ideas” .uk/ ... #ai #journalism

YouTube terminated Steve Bannon's War Room podcast channel and one associated channel on Friday, after receiving three strikes for violating YouTube's rules — The ban comes as social platforms have cracked down on misinformation and content that could incite violence following the storming of the Capitol.
@danielchaitin7, The Independent, The Verge, @loudmouthjulia, @honors_zombie, TechCrunch, @xiuchns, @nullspeak, @markszaidesq, @rocza, @independent, The Wrap, New York Post, @slpng_giants, Webworm with David Farrier, @wh_woolhat, Daily Mail, @authorkimberley, @andreicherny, @cnet, The Week, Media Matters for America and Mercury News, more at Techmeme »
Daniel Chaitin / @danielchaitin7: NEW: The YouTube account for Steve Bannon's “War Room” podcast “has been terminated for a violation of YouTube's Terms of Service.” It was live earlier today
Graeme Massie / The Independent: Steve Bannon's podcast removed from YouTube hours after Giuliani interview
Sean Hollister / The Verge: Twitter is deleting Trump's attempts to circumvent ban
Julia Alexander / @loudmouthjulia: Whack-A-Mole.
Scout Tafoya / @honors_zombie: Parler taken off the App Store, Trump kicked off twitter & Facebook. This is all good but I guess we're gonna be a hair more blindsided by the next coup attempt, not that the FBI did anything with the vast wealth of incriminating evidence presented to them on all these platforms
Danny Crichton / TechCrunch: The deplatforming of President Trump
@xiuchns: all these platforms getting rid of lunatics now that the harm is already done
Jordan Thomas / @nullspeak: Wait. This is someone at Twitter's full time occupation, now. He finally created jobs.
Mark S. Zaid / @markszaidesq: Today seems to have been a good day for society and democracy.
Kelly Hills / @rocza: Kind of amazing what happens when one service shows courage. Guess tech companies really are herd animals.
@independent: Steve Bannon's War Room podcast removed from YouTube hours after Giuliani interview blamed Democratic ‘fascists’ for Capitol violence ...
Lindsey Ellefson / The Wrap: Steve Bannon's ‘War Room’ Channel Pulled From YouTube
Jesse O'Neill / New York Post: Steve Bannon's podcast shuttered by YouTube over false 2020 election claims
@slpng_giants: CONFIRMED: @youtube has FINALLY banned Steve Bannon's War Room podcast after multiple violations of their Terms of Service.
David Farrier / Webworm with David Farrier: Donald Trump's biggest defeat: no tweeting
Derek Faraci / @wh_woolhat: All the internets are running away from the white supremacists they happily gave platforms to for years.
Rachel Sharp / Daily Mail: Steve Bannon's podcast is REMOVED from YouTube hours after Rudy Giuliani's appearance where he blamed deadly MAGA riot at Congress on the DEMOCRATS …
Kimberley Johnson / @authorkimberley: Ha! I called it. Trump tried to evade his ban with @POTUS, but those tweets were instantly deleted
Andrei Cherny / @andreicherny: Tonight, the social media platforms settle all family business
@cnet: YouTube said it banned the channel of Steve Bannon's popular War Room podcast, after it repeatedly violated the Google-owned platform's rules.
Joel Mathis / The Week: Twitter silences a dangerous president
Madeline Peltz / Media Matters for America: YouTube terminated Steve Bannon's account. He had blood on his hands after months of calling for revolution and violence.
Joshua Franklin / Reuters:
Source: Bustle Digital Group is exploring a merger with a SPAC to go public, aiming for a valuation of at least $600M — (Reuters) -Bustle Digital Group (BDG), the U.S. media platform whose publications include fashion magazine W and Bustle, is exploring a potential merger …
The Information, @kerrymflynn, TechCrunch, @reutersjf, @jessicalessin, @amir, @ryanvailbrown, @keithrhernandez and @tomgara
@kerrymflynn: So is everyone just doing this SPAC thing now? Group Nine: BuzzFeed: ... Bustle:
Alex Wilhelm / TechCrunch: Bootstrapping to $80M ARR
Joshua Franklin / @reutersjf: SCOOP: Bustle Digital Group, the media platform which owns @wmag, @mic & @bustle, has hired a bank to help explore a #SPAC merger. Aiming for valuation of at least $600M. Deal would take it public & give it $$$ to purchase more media properties
Jessica Lessin / @jessicalessin: .@rossmatican and @jtoonkel track down a SPAC @buzzfeed is talking to w/ financial details from letter Peretti sent. Two years ago, would not have predicted a solid BuzzFeed public offering, but increasingly feel like they will pull off. ...
Amir Efrati / @amir: New-> BuzzFeed looks to SPAC after $30M Ebitda on $320M revenue last yr. Tasty affiliate commerce revenue helped. (The affiliate revenue is tasty, of course, but Tasty is BuzzFeed's cooking brand.) ... via @rossmatican @jtoonkel
Rvb / @ryanvailbrown: congrats to all my industry friends that raised gobs of cash on ridiculous valuations and slim margins (at best), only to to be forced into a liquidity event at the urging of their VC backers! you finally made it!
Keith Hernandez / @keithrhernandez: So Predictably A Con

Sources: AT&T couldn't get an HBO Max distribution deal for Amazon's Fire TV devices before WarnerMedia agreed to extend its contract for AWS services — For six months after WarnerMedia launched HBO Max, the growth of the high-profile new streaming service suffered because the company …
@jtoonkel, @matthewkeyslive, @whatsonhbomax,, @ser_jon_arryn, @amir, @mediamomentuk, @readdanwrite, @sknaos, @benyt, @richlightshed, The Desk and The Streamable
Jessica Toonkel / @jtoonkel: This is a sign of how distribution deals are encompassing other businesses. Another reason why scale is important. WarnerMedia Extended AWS Deal to Win Key HBO Max Concession via @theinformation
Matthew Keys / @matthewkeyslive: This is a terrific scoop by Jessica. My write-up on it tries to put it into context with some history of the negotiations & the deal (as well as a similar episode involving Roku)... ... ...still, read her story and subscribe to @theinformation. It's worth it.
@whatsonhbomax: Amazing scoop by @jtoonkel on how @WarnerMedia won the Amazon deal to make HBO Max getting it's own app on Fire devices by extending the deal with Amazon's Web Services (AWS), A win for HBO Max and a huge loss for Amazon Prime store initiative. ...
Daniel Frankel / AT&T and WarnerMedia Extended AWS Deal to Get HBO Max onto Amazon Fire TV: (Report)
@mediamomentuk: Really interesting, this, from @theinformation and the importance of AWS not just for Amazon but also for otherwise rival streamers like @hbomax (and @netflix too as it happens) ...
Daniel Roberts / @readdanwrite: WarnerMedia extended its contract with AWS to get HBO Max onto Amazon Fire TV, via @theinformation; now I want to know what Warner did to get on Roku ...
Suhail Khalid / @sknaos: Yet another reason why @awscloud needs to be spun off. Unfortunately, all of Big Tech plays this game. #Monopoly #Antitrust #Competition ...
Ben Smith / @benyt: Remarkable little story on how these giant companies negotiate, and how much scale you need to have any leverage at all ...
Rich Greenfield / @richlightshed: Great scoop from @theinformation @jtoonkel on how @warnermedia was able to get @hbomax out of the prime channel store - a major blow to the prime channel initiative - but a win for AWS $T
Matthew Keys / The Desk: Amazon leveraged cloud business for HBO Max deal