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Politico announces new members of its Playbook team, expanding from two writers to four: Rachael Bade, Eugene Daniels, Ryan Lizza, and Tara Palmeri — Facing stiffer competition, a new crew of writers—Ben Shapiro not included—is promising more scoops and scene as the O.G. political tip sheet reboots …
@oliverdarcy, The Wrap, @politicopress, Washingtonian, @justinbaragona, @froomkin, @tarapalmeri, @rachaelmbade and The Federalist
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: Politico's leadership officially announces new Playbook team in internal memo: @rachaelmbade, @EugeneDaniels2, @RyanLizza, and @tarapalmeri. They start January 19th.
Lindsey Ellefson / The Wrap: Politico Announces 4 New Writers for Playbook Newsletter
Politico Press / @politicopress: 🚨 We are thrilled to announce that @rachaelmbade, @EugeneDaniels2, @RyanLizza & @tarapalmeri will take the reins of POLITICO Playbook starting Jan. 19! 🚨 Check out their exclusive interview with @VanityFair's @joepompeo below.
Andrew Beaujon / Washingtonian: Politico Announces Its New Playbook Team
Justin Baragona / @justinbaragona: .@maxwelltani reported two weeks ago that this was going to be the team that Politico put in place to replace the old Playbook group.
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: The same @RyanLizza who equated @chrislhayes and @benshapiro only yesterday. (fixed)
Tara Palmeri / @tarapalmeri: It's true! I'm coming back to @politico to write Playbook! excited about the new team @rachaelmbade @RyanLizza @EugeneDaniels2 & bringing some of the old-stye @POLITICO sauce back
Rachael Bade / @rachaelmbade: Some personal news I'm FINALLY able to say out loud: I'm super jazzed to be taking the helm of @playbookplus w/@RyanLizza @EugeneDaniels2 @tarapalmeri More in @joepompeo's @VanityFair

Some Politico staffers raised concerns internally about the decision to allow Ben Shapiro to guest-write Playbook; editor Matt Kaminski defended the move — Several staffers expressed dismay over handing the keys to the outlet's influential newsletter product to a pundit with a “long history of bigoted and incendiary commentary.”
@erikwemple, @erikwemple, @erikwemple, Washington Post, @benyt, PRESS RUN, New York Times, @maxwelltani, @jayrosen_nyu, The Media Nut, @paulkrugman, @jeff_jacoby, HuffPost, @jrubinblogger, @abdallah_fayyad, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, @elaheizadi, The Federalist, @glcarlstrom, @piersmorgan, @jayrosen_nyu, @marlownyc, @caitleg, @benyt, @erikwemple, @samthielman, @arifleischer, @maxkennerly, @wexler, @nycweboy, @tonydleonardi, @andizeisler, @wajahatali, @davidsirota, @sorayamcdonald, @futterish, @elienyc, @corb_the_lesser, @jeremypgordon, @megynkelly, @soledadobrien, @holmesjosh, @willmcavoyacn, @danpfeiffer, @eugene_scott, @katiehill4ca, @imleor, @clarajeffery, @maxwelltani, @bernybelvedere, @gina_goldberg, @adotsad, @justin_higgins2, @zac_petkanas, @senhorraposa, @jamisonfoser, @karlitaliliana, @gabby_hoffman, @sarahw, @nberlat, @jon_allsop, @emorwee, @tpcarney, @casmudde, @maxwelltani, @grace_segers, @susanbordson, @onlxn, @russcanread, @alqabadai, @blackamazon, @wagatwe, @kimcrayton1, @elienyc, @sethfriederman, @espiers, @libbycwatson, @erikwemple, Mediaite, The Hill, The Right Scoop and Daily Truth Report
Erik Wemple / @erikwemple: Politico has released a statement on the backlash against using @benshapiro as a guest-writer for Playbook. It says, “we rise above partisanship and ideological warfare.”
Erik Wemple / @erikwemple: Just chatted with a pair of @politico staffers who dissent from the prevailing outrage over the @benshapiro guest-hosting gig. They say they didn't speak up on the call because the sentiment is so heated and one-sided.
Erik Wemple / @erikwemple: There are now upwards of 225 people on the @politico Zoom call convened to hash out the decision to invite @benshapiro to guest-write an edition of Playbook. People are very mad, I am hearing.
Elahe Izadi / Washington Post: Politico brought Ben Shapiro on as a ‘Playbook’ guest author to bring balance. It brought a backlash instead.
Ben Smith / @benyt: Politico editor-in-chief Matt Kaminski told staff they're not going to apologize for having Ben Shapiro guest edit Playbook, then listened to staff complaints (esp from Congress team) on an internal call.
Katie Robertson / New York Times: Politico Staff Objects After Right-Wing Star Ben Shapiro Writes Newsletter
Max Tani / @maxwelltani: In response to staff concerns, Kaminski reiterated his perspective about the need for ideological diversity, and has rebuffed suggestions for Politico to apologize: “We're not going to back away from having published something because some people think it was a mistake to do so.”
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: Politico brought Ben Shapiro on as a ‘Playbook’ guest author to bring balance. It brought a backlash instead. ... Backlash from their own people, I should add. The editors' view: We're not ideological. We asked Chris Hayes too. What's your problem?
Josh Sternberg / The Media Nut: Time for media's ‘coalition of conscience’
Paul Krugman / @paulkrugman: Lots of depressing thing out there, but this one is special. A media org looks at a violent attack on Congress and thinks, “Hey, let's be counterintuitive and give a platform to a prominent apologist for extremism.” We may be doomed ...
Jeff Jacoby / @jeff_jacoby: Krugman admitted a decade ago that he doesn't read any conservative writers. His idea of a robust political debate is one in which only his side is heard from, and the other side is sneered at as “apologists for extremism.”
Nick Robins-Early / HuffPost: Politico Newsroom In Uproar Over Ben Shapiro's Guest Playbook Column
@jrubinblogger: Employees are well justified in anger. It's not that he is on the right but that he lies and fans bigotry. Politico giving him a platform is no different than Fox putting Laura Ingraham on air. Shameful. ...
Abdallah Fayyad / @abdallah_fayyad: This is who Politico gave their platform to today. And the editor in chief refuses to apologize.
Mary Chastain / Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion: Politico Employees, Leftists Whine Because Ben Shapiro Guest Edited the Politico Newsletter
Elahe Izadi / @elaheizadi: In a tense afternoon meeting attended by over 240 Politico employees, dozens voiced their concerns. “Everyone noted it wasn't that he's a conservative but has a history of bigoted comments,” said one reporter. Some demanded apologies. ...
Emily Jashinsky / The Federalist: Politico's Ben Shapiro Freakout Is A Perfect Illustration Of A Much Bigger Problem
Gregg Carlstrom / @glcarlstrom: What everyone needs to register is that the operative distinction in American politics right now isn't between left and right. It's been people who engage in good faith and people who are bad-faith charlatans and grifters happy to poison the well ...
Piers Morgan / @piersmorgan: How pathetic. I hope @benshapiro sticks it to these illiberal ‘liberal’ twerps.
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: Pushing off from left and right to clear editorial space for yourself doesn't make you independent. It makes you a difference splitter, a triangulator. Independent is when you hold to your own standard. It's not Chris Hayes + Ben Shapiro = we rise above.
Marlow Stern / @marlownyc: strange that politico ceded its newsletter to ben shapiro on the same day his/the daily wire's big movie is premiering? that seems like pretty clear promo to me. anyway, here's more on this mess ...
@caitleg: The analogue to Ben Shapiro is not Chris Hayes. It is someone like Cenk Uygur, whom Politico would never deign to give a platform. And the fact they can't make that distinction is a big part of the problem.
Ben Smith / @benyt: Specifically, two of the people who spoke were front that team; many others also upset. Others apparently not.
Erik Wemple / @erikwemple: One staffer in today's meeting @politico over the @benshapiro guest-written Playbook argued that the decision to publish his thoughts complicates frequent conversations with Republicans and conservatives:
@samthielman: It's amazing how people don't realize that if you hire and promote white nationalists, you will lose the far more valuable voices of thoughtful nonwhite people who won't want to be associated with you
Ari Fleischer / @arifleischer: Good statement. But what does it say about the left that they became unglued because Ben Shapiro wrote something, which, if the critics read it, was quite thoughtful. It's stunning the only news rooms some reporters want are news rooms where everyone is just like them.
Max Kennerly / @maxkennerly: TFW u “rise above partisanship and ideological warfare”
Nu Wexler / @wexler: Politico can turn Playbook over to anyone they want, but amplifying Shapiro makes it harder for their reporters to criticize politicians and social platforms for spreading racist and anti-Muslim crap.
NYC Weboy / @nycweboy: I get that there's a lot of negative feeling about Shapiro. I think it might be more productive to focus on the content - the Playbook wasn't especially well written, contained little that was news, and didn't seem especially accurate.
Anthony Leonardi / @tonydleonardi: New: @benshapiro explains to @dcexaminer that this reaction proves the point in his article. “The staff at Politico actually proved my point: that the goal for much of the Left is complete ostracization of the Right from cultural and political life” ...
Andi Zeisler / @andizeisler: Look just because Ben Shapiro is a tiny leprechaun doesn't mean you can dismiss his bigotry, racism, obtuseness, and commitment to intellectual dishonesty as “mischief making” ...
Wajahat Ali / @wajahatali: 👇 I feel bad for the journalists of color who work there.
David Sirota / @davidsirota: The newsletter bankrolled by the fossil fuel industry will not apologize for letting a right-wing zealot guest post mere days after a violent insurrection. Got it.
@sorayamcdonald: If a Black person trafficked in as many lies and bad faith characterizations as Shapiro, they wouldn't be allowed to guest edit a neighborhood newsletter, ffs
Mike Futter / @futterish: This minimizes the misogyny and racism that Ben Shapiro spews. It is Both Sidesism's ultimate form, and we should never forget this.
Elie Mystal / @elienyc: MOREOVER, the fact that they think Chris Hayes is the “both sides” of Ben freaking Shapiro is, again, how white supremacists win. I look forward to the day @politico lets Louis Farrakhan and Mitt Romney edit dueling playbooks.
@corb_the_lesser: @HolmesJosh Why not ask how conservatism got to the point of believing Ben Shapiro should speak for it?
Jeremy Gordon / @jeremypgordon: “The backlash is a little strange to observe since we're supposed to represent all respectable voices on the ideological spectrum.” Pretty damning indictment of a lot of things if Shapiro, who is 1000000% full of shit, is a “respectable voice” on the right ...
Megyn Kelly / @megynkelly: Grow up, people.
Soledad O'Brien / @soledadobrien: ‘We are happy to platform racists and bigots and those who spew disinformation, if we think it will go viral but also not hurt our brand’ Anyway—as I keep telling you guys—Politico is mostly trash.
Josh Holmes / @holmesjosh: It blows my mind how journos insist on validating conservative criticism at every turn.
Will McAvoy / @willmcavoyacn: “Which is why we gave our most visible column to a partisan, racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic zealot.”
Dan Pfeiffer / @danpfeiffer: This is a bizarre and non-sensical statement — saying that Politico's brand is being non-partisan is not a great explanation/defense for handing over your flagship product to a discredited partisan on one of the biggest news days in recent memory
Eugene Scott / @eugene_scott: Given this, really interested in who they have lined up as future guest writers ...
Katie Hill / @katiehill4ca: Perhaps if a publication wants to “rise above partisanship and ideological warfare” it shouldn't feature one of the worst perpetrators of said warfare. Just a thought.
Clara Jeffery / @clarajeffery: not sure how you can rise above those things while handing your audience to a person who celebrates those things
Max Tani / @maxwelltani: On the editorial call, staff reaction to Shapiro's Playbook authorship was overwhelmingly negative. Some compared Shapiro to Alex Jones, and said Kaminski was dismissive of concerns. But a few staffers reached out to me to defend the decision (anonymously) ...
Berny Belvedere / @bernybelvedere: The most preposterous thing about this reply is it requires flattening conservatism into the person and work of Ben Shapiro. “Oh, you have a problem with Ben? You must want to cancel all of conservatism!” As if Shapiro is basically interchangeable with Ramesh Ponnuru or whoever
@gina_goldberg: if this is considered mainstream conservatism count me out
@adotsad: One of the things conservatives do really well is take criticism of one of their millionaires/celebrities/politicians etc and pretending its a literal attack on the livelihood of every random conservative in the country. Same shit Trump does, but Shapiro et al do the same thing.
Justin Higgins / @justin_higgins2: @benyt They picked the worst time to do this with the recent launch of @PunchbowlNews. This will hurt them financially.
Zac Petkanas / @zac_petkanas: There are just conservative voices who aren't openly pro-coup, homophobic, anti-trans and White supremacist.
Drew Savicki / @senhorraposa: They should not have published Ben Shapiro. It does a disservice to Politico by publishing him. Shapiro is deeply Islamophobic and homophobic. He has a long history of racist statements.
Jamison Foser / @jamisonfoser: Saying “we rise above partisanship and ideological warfare” the same day you made Ben Shapiro your guest editor is like claiming to be a law and order president while the mob you incited seizes the Capitol.
Karla Monterroso / @karlitaliliana: If they rise above ideological warfare so much, I wanna see the last 5 op-eds by Black progressive women.
Gabriella Hoffman / @gabby_hoffman: Kudos, @politico . Wish more news outlets would give consideration to other views. Discourse is healthy, debate is necessary, and we all benefit when we can freely read different views in major publications.
Sarah Weinman / @sarahw: what a hill to die on
Noah Berlatsky / @nberlat: why does everyone think that platforming a rabid racist is “rising above” partisanship? maybe it's sinking below partisanship?
Jon Allsop / @jon_allsop: This criticism-proof logic is a big problem in media: if you criticize our conception of political evenhandedness, you are trying to politicize us, thus proving the merit of our conception
Emily Atkin / @emorwee: Love when a news outlet with half its content sponsored by Chevron brags about its “independent journalism”
@casmudde: There is nothing admirable about being “non-partisan” or “neutral” when one party is anti-democratic. @politico
Max Tani / @maxwelltani: Politico just said on this call that the plan is to announce the new Playbook team tomorrow
Grace Segers / @grace_segers: @maxwelltani “mischief making” ?
Susan Bordson / @susanbordson: @maxwelltani Exactly. Politico was recently receiving some praise for its maturing as a publication in positive ways. To then have the poor judgment to provide amplification to THAT guy can't be rationalized as mere pot-stirring.
Owen Ellickson / @onlxn: btw: the safest assumption here is Shapiro got Politico some oil money and they grabbed some other opeds to launder his byline in through “ideological diversity.” might not be what happened, but would love to hear that from Politico!
Russ Read / @russcanread: @brianstelter I sincerely believe that there is a huge portion of Playbook readers who wouldn't even have realized Ben guest edited today if certain folks on Twitter hadn't made such a big deal about it.
Travis Owen / @alqabadai: @RussCanRead @brianstelter That's not really a good thing. It just allows him to launder bullshit claims through the Politico brand with less pushback because people will assume it's reliable.
@blackamazon: I would like coins for the years I spent watching these chuckle muppets do this and be told to calm down . Then I would like to fight some folks
Wagatwe Wanjuki / @wagatwe: This is why Black folks didn't trust any of these white led organizations statements about doing better. Because it's just about not looking bad vs an actual, consistent commitment to not being active tools of white supremacy that'd require true overhaul.
@kimcrayton1: “Mischief making has always been a part of @politico's secret sauce” @KaminskiMK this decision isn't mischief, it's harmful & ur dismissive response is an ex of the role u play in maintaining the systems, institutions & policies of white supremacy ...
Elie Mystal / @elienyc: Can't make this up. @politico's official defense for promoting white supremacy is “mischief making.” This is how too many white people think. That allowing white supremacists to tout their views is just... impish. ...
Seth Friedermann / @sethfriederman: @ElieNYC @politico I checked twice to make sure there wasn't some other Ben Shapiro. Feels like a cash grab by @politico to me.
Elizabeth Spiers / @espiers: @ElieNYC @politico Feel like I have some authority on the topic of journalistic mischief making and I don't think giving a pint sized squeaky racist the keys to the car qualifies.
Erik Wemple / @erikwemple: Good piece by @maxwelltani on Politico erupting over @benshapiro guest-hosting Playbook. You know, if you want to hear Shapiro's opinions, there's a place to go for that. ...
Marisa Sarnoff / Mediaite: Politico Editors Stand By Ben Shapiro as Playbook Guest Author
Jordan Williams / The Hill: Ben Shapiro stirs controversy by guest writing Politico newsletter
Leia Idliby / Mediaite:
Politico draws criticism for having Ben Shapiro serve as a guest writer of Playbook; he wrote about “the real reasons” most Republicans opposed impeachment
Politico draws criticism for having Ben Shapiro serve as a guest writer of Playbook; he wrote about “the real reasons” most Republicans opposed impeachment
@olivianuzzi, @maxwelltani, @mattnegrin, @lpdonovan, @juddlegum, @sabrinasiddiqui, @benshapiro, Politico, @seungminkim, @jakesherman, @tarapalmeri, Poynter, @dfriedman33, @alexkotch, @wajahatali, Media Matters for America, @charlesppierce, @taradublinrocks, @johniadarola, @jbouie, @pwthornton, @lollardfish, @lollardfish, @gothamgirlblue, @stevedeaceshow, @joshsternberg, @mehdirhasan, @juddlegum, @juddlegum, @danahoule, @sabrinasiddiqui, @green_footballs, @lollardfish, @meredithshiner, @slpng_giants, @froomkin, @jeffsharlet, @green_footballs, @justkelly_ok, @jonfavs, @jbouie, @katearonoff, @barry, @zachwritesstuff, @marcformarc, @theplumlinegs, @breenewsome, @soledadobrien, @mattzeitlin, @jeffhauser, @timodc, @jbarro, @mattzeitlin, @mattnegrin, @abrowngaywrites, @mattnegrin, @mattnegrin, @jonathanchait, @bridgeinit, @jbouie, @zackbeauchamp, @chrisgeidner, @shotpooter, @ryanlcooper, @zackbeauchamp, @jbouie, @tomscocca, @zackbeauchamp, @brianbeutler, @jbouie, @ravmabay, @scottnover, @froomkin, New York Magazine and The Wrap
Olivia Nuzzi / @olivianuzzi: Personally I only want to hear from people I agree with so that I am completely caught off guard when my bubble is punctured by the reality of what others care about. I find it keeps life exciting to always be at risk of not knowing what the fuck is happening around me.
Max Tani / @maxwelltani: Politico EIC Matt Kaminski briefly addressed the concerns today, saying the decision to have Shapiro guest author Playbook was part of the publication's commitment to reflecting a range of views ...
@mattnegrin: I got my start in news at @politico. I would quit on the spot today. Handing their newsletter to a proudly bad-faith Republican to spread this pure shit is the grossest thing I've seen happen there This isn't even part of the “is this journalism” debate. This is just sickening
Liam Donovan / @lpdonovan: Tomorrow's Playbook guest editor—wrong answers only
Judd Legum / @juddlegum: 1. Here is some information you won't read about in Politico Playbook today. On Jan 5, @benshapiro turned over his “Daily Shapiro Action” email to Ted Cruz. Cruz used the opportunity to push his bogus allegations that the election was invalid.
Sabrina Siddiqui / @sabrinasiddiqui: I would appreciate if someone from @politico would read all the racist things Ben Shapiro has said about Arabs and Muslims here and then explain why they chose to give him a platform ...
Ben Shapiro / @benshapiro: People losing their s*** over me writing @politico Playbook this morning are pretty much proving my point. So keep at it guys, you're doing great!
Seung Min Kim / @seungminkim: The Playbook crew is so darn lucky to have @mikezapler leading them. Forever will be one of my favorite editors
Jake Sherman / @jakesherman: Congrats to the new Playbook crew!!! very exciting for Politico!
Tara Palmeri / @tarapalmeri: Some NEWS! I'm heading home to @POLITICO and plan to “Bring Some of the Old Playbook Back” w/ @RyanLizza @EugeneDaniels2 @rachaelmbade — @Politico's Juicing Up Its Morning Mainstay as Team Biden Comes to Town | @VanityFair
Tom Jones / Poynter: What a week it was. Will it get worse? — We close another tumultuous week with relative calm …
Dan Friedman / @dfriedman33: A problem with this take is that Shapiro is dishonest. So he's not an especially helpful interpreter of the far right. “Everyone owns zip ties” is not an earnest explanation of values; it's a dumb troll of mainstream media, schtick performed for his audience's enjoyment.
Alex Kotch / @alexkotch: This is brain rot. If you simply want to reflect the views that are out there, you would let a Nazi guest write for you if Nazis were just slightly more prominent than they are today. Utter denial of newsmakers' responsibility to their readers.
Wajahat Ali / @wajahatali: “He was never cancelled,” said the Narrator rolling his eyes upon hearing the whining lament and battle cry of “Cancel Culture.”
Jason Campbell / Media Matters for America: What Politico Playbook didn't tell its readers about Ben Shapiro
Charles P. Pierce / @charlesppierce: Please tell me this is a prank gone terribly wrong.
@taradublinrocks: Why are you giving that traitorous little shitbag any oxygen? There's a whole great big Internet where he can do that without your help, thanks (I'm available FYI) #DoBetter
John Iadarola / @johniadarola: Letting him use your platform to spread obvious lies is a choice.
B-Boy Bouiebaisse / @jbouie: @SabrinaSiddiqui @politico Here's hoping they didn't know versus they did know and just didn't care.
Patrick Thornton / @pwthornton: @jbouie @SabrinaSiddiqui @politico To not know that Ben Shapiro is racist is to not know who Ben Shapiro is. They knew. Just didn't care.
David M. Perry / @lollardfish: This tweet is enough evidence to end Shapiro's access to respectable publications. @politico published a vile bigot as if this kind of thing is just a matter of debate. Which I guess for that outlet's leaders it is.
David M. Perry / @lollardfish: you can either be an outlet whose reporters we respect, take seriously, share ... or you can publish Ben Shapiro. you can't do both.
@gothamgirlblue: Not even a white supremacist insurrection will keep white journalists from insisting that we should give white nationalists and their enablers a “fair” hearing. Surprised but not shocked.
Josh Sternberg / @joshsternberg: I don't recall; did Chris Hayes turn his tv show over to Bernie Sanders or AOC to push their bogus allegations that people deserve a living wage and health care?
Mehdi Hasan / @mehdirhasan: Politico handed over its Playbook today to Ben Shapiro, who used it to (falsely) accuse Bernie Sanders of inciting the shooting of Steve Scalise and to equate Bernie's rhetoric with Trump's. I kid you not. (h/t @MattNegrin)
Judd Legum / @juddlegum: @benshapiro 2. @benshapiro guest-edited Politico Playbook today, which was a coup for him because he likes to posture himself as an “intellectual” who rejects conspiracy theories and misinformation. But that's not what happens behind the scenes. And I have receipts.
Judd Legum / @juddlegum: 3. In July, I reported how there was “an undisclosed financial relationship between The Daily Wire, the website founded by Ben Shapiro, and Mad World News, a notorious outlet that exploits fear and bigotry for profit.”
Dana Houle / @danahoule: I like hearing from people I don't agree with about ideas, opinions, why some facts are more important or relevant than other facts, & such. But if they don't respect facts I don't respect them & I assume just about everything they say is bullshit.
Sabrina Siddiqui / @sabrinasiddiqui: This is not about a range of views. It's about downplaying and normalizing bigotry toward black, brown, Muslim and LGBTQ people. Understanding that is fundamental to how we got here. And to dismiss it as “mischief making” is as offensive as it is absurd.
Charles Johnson / @green_footballs: And they'll do it again, because they want those sweet, sweet right wing clicks.
David M. Perry / @lollardfish: @politico There's plenty more to be said about Shapiro, but it's not necessary. That tweet does it. And you're damn right @politico that it undermines the work your reporters are doing. It's a choice.
Meredith Shiner / @meredithshiner: this is honestly a worse and more deranged justification—and in a more chef's kiss context—than I imagined it would be. ...
@slpng_giants: There are plenty of great thinkers across the political spectrum. Ben Shapiro is a podcaster who raised money from fracking tycoons to do their bidding by starting a network of other podcasters to push racial grievance, xenophobia and transphobia to make ad dollars off of anger.
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: How as a journalist do you defend giving equal time to people who are making bad-faith arguments and inciting people with misinformation? At Politico, you pat yourself on the back for not taking sides and mischief-making.
Jeff Sharlet / @jeffsharlet: Politico giving space to Shapiro — who among many, many attacks on Muslims has said “Arabs”—he conflates them with Mulsims—"like to bomb crap and live in open sewage."—is a deeply disturbing sign of its willingness to normalize the now explicitly fascist wing of the GOP.
Charles Johnson / @green_footballs: If I didn't already think Politico was hot garbage, this would make it appallingly clear.
Kelly Ellis / @justkelly_ok: Politico just lost all credibility by publishing Ben Shapiro.
Jon Favreau / @jonfavs: One thing about Ben's analysis for the last four years is how boringly predictable it always is. Oh, you think Republicans defended Trump because the mean Democrats made them do it? Tell me more!
B-Boy Bouiebaisse / @jbouie: @jonathanchait “if you criticize my bad takes you are hysterical” is typical for this guy
Kate Aronoff / @katearonoff: The American Petroleum Institute sponsoring Ben Shapiro's edition of Politico Playbook is about as strong an indictment of the media establishment as I can imagine
Barry Petchesky / @barry: Giving a platform to dishonest arguments from dishonest people makes readers less informed, not more
Zachary Siegel / @zachwritesstuff: Definitely think the guy who said “normal people” walk around everyday with zip ties in the shape of handcuffs contributes meaningful ideas to the discourse.
@marcformarc: Ben Shapiro has 3.3M followers on Twitter before you get to his other media platforms. Your point about echo chambers isn't bad but using Ben Shapiro to make it is intellectually dishonest and a boring analysis of what it would mean to seriously engage with alternative views
Greg Sargent / @theplumlinegs: Some performative cursing here but no conceptual work. The point is not to suppress all differing points of view. It's that sometimes particular arguments are rendered in such naked bad faith that there's no *actual* value in platforming them. If you think it has value, say why.
@breenewsome: This is how the vast majority of white society operates on a daily basis tho & giving Ben Shapiro a platform is not an exception
Soledad O'Brien / @soledadobrien: I think she's saying “let's hear from Ben, darn it” but framing it as somehow there's a bubble around the misinformation he's been spewing forever. Which is bs. I always enjoy the doubling down on errors and as i've long said: a lot about Politico has long been bad.
Matthew Zeitlin / @mattzeitlin: @LPDonovan Tiffany
Jeff Hauser / @jeffhauser: @MattZeitlin @LPDonovan Liam specified “wrong.”
Josh Barro / @jbarro: The more I think about it, the more I want Politico to invite James Comey to guest-edit Playbook. 1) He'd totally do it (he loves a soapbox) 2) Everyone would hate it 3) The reactions would be really funny
Matthew Zeitlin / @mattzeitlin: @jeffhauser @LPDonovan Oh, ok, Barron
@mattnegrin: There's no doubt they defend this by saying they're letting Democrats write Playbook some days and Republicans on other days to get Both Sides. This is a fundamental misunderstanding—or willing buy-in of the lie—of the way the parties approach the truth (big thing in journalism)
Depressed & Incredulous / @abrowngaywrites: POLITICO publishing a Ben Shapiro piece is a pitch-perfect example of “treating white supremacy as an idea to debate rather than a movement to be defeated.” (Quote attributable to @RottenInDenmark)
@mattnegrin: When we say the news industry is broken beyond repair we mean that decisions like this are made by people once thought of as titanic geniuses but have somehow been poisoned by a desire to so blindly trust a party of strategic liars that they give them full editorial control
@mattnegrin: Ben Shapiro lying about Republicans' role in the terrorist attack as the author of Playbook is an extreme result of that false belief. Platforming Republicans is already a huge issue but this is something else entirely. And if I worked there now I would have quit immediately
Jonathan Chait / @jonathanchait: I'm fine with Ben Shapiro guest-writing Playbook and providing this absurd specimen of anti-anti-Trump illogic
@bridgeinit: In June 2007, Shapiro wrote that the “Palestinian Arab population is rotten to the core” and that “Palestinian Arabs have demonstrated their preference for suicide bombing over working toilets.” ...
B-Boy Bouiebaisse / @jbouie: @Olivianuzzi Yes Olivia, this is about ideological bubbles and cancel culture.
Zack Beauchamp / @zackbeauchamp: 15. Coda: there is an argument that Playbook is helping its more left-leaning readers understand the right better by publishing this. That's false, for reasons @AsteadWesley, @AdamSerwer, and @cjane87 explain here:
Chris Geidner / @chrisgeidner: @Olivianuzzi It's almost impossible to more intentionally misread Ben Shapiro's history in order to be able to imagine that this is the issue presented by this.
@shotpooter: @tomscocca @jbouie @Olivianuzzi We're at most 5 or 6 years from Shapiro getting Bret Stephens' job, aren't we?
Ryan Cooper / @ryanlcooper: Ben Shapiro is a racist liar, but he also arranged for an oil company to give Politico a massive bribe, so, it;s impossible to say if hes bad or not,
Zack Beauchamp / @zackbeauchamp: 14. So the real problem with today's Playbook isn't Ben Shapiro's identity. It's that the piece itself is poorly reasoned and outright dishonesty in a way that was predictable given his past work — and that no editor fixed the piece. It's just below decent journalistic standards.
B-Boy Bouiebaisse / @jbouie: @Olivianuzzi Shapiro is a liar and a bigot who is simply not a reliable source of information and does not even provide an especially interesting or penetrating look into what Republican politicians think or believe. So I am interested to know what you think is his value in the discourse.
Tom Scocca / @tomscocca: @jbouie @Olivianuzzi There is some real value in creating the chance for other people to tell the world they consider a gutter racist a worthy part of their discourse community though
Zack Beauchamp / @zackbeauchamp: 1. The problem with the Ben Shapiro Playbook isn't primarily the author. It's that the *content* of the piece is bad, in a way that was eminently predictable given the author. I'm going to go through the entire piece and explain why.
Brian Beutler / @brianbeutler: Real reporting was that many Republicans voted no because they're scared of being murdered. Politico responded by lending a huge platform to a propagandist to claim the real reason is they were triggered by Dems, and now influential journos are amplifying that b.s. uncritically.
B-Boy Bouiebaisse / @jbouie: my favorite part of this is how shapiro speaks as if this is simply something happening in the air and not a sense of siege that he's dedicated his life to stoking and cultivating
Scott Nover / @scottnover: What in the world were they thinking? Complete own goal.
Jonathan Chait / New York Magazine: Republicans Oppose Impeachment Because It Makes Them Look Pro-Riot
Lindsey Ellefson / The Wrap: Politico Under Fire for Letting Ben Shapiro Guest Edit Newsletter

As Snapchat starts competing with TikTok via its Spotlight program, some creators begin earning small fortunes and look for ways to expand — Top performers are raking in cash, as the company seeks to compete against TikTok and similar platforms. — In late November, Cam Casey …
The Information, Variety, @taylorlorenz, @oscarwgrut, Business Insider, @taylorlorenz, @carnage4life, @kattenbarge,, @benschwerin, @timmaughan, @nathanblawrence, @taylorlorenz, @taylorlorenz, @kevinbparry, @mtzler, @richlightshed, @nmcalone, @sub8u, @cheriehu42, @taylorlorenz, @taylorlorenz, @taylorlorenz, @mattnavarra, @yashar, @kerrymflynn, @taylorlorenz, @richlightshed, @sofiargross and Taylor Lorenz's Newsletter, more at Techmeme »
Todd Spangler / Variety: Snap Promotes Ben Schwerin to Head of Content and Partnerships
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: Snapchat is paying out $1M a day to ppl who post viral videos to it's new TikTok-like feature, Spotlight. I spoke to some of the users who have won big, making millions of dollars in just a couple weeks.
Oscar Williams-Grut / @oscarwgrut: Why would anyone play the lottery when you have Snapchat spotlight?
Katie Canales / Business Insider: Snapchat is shelling out millions to young users to create viral content in an effort to compete against TikTok
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: Imagine if Twitter started paying millions of $ to people who did the most viral tweets
Dare Obasanjo / @carnage4life: Snapchat paying whoever has the viral videos each day thousands of dollars reminds me of the replies under each viral tweet hawking night lights. This is another place where Twitter should formalize emergent behavior on its platform and reward creators.
Kat Tenbarge / @kattenbarge: My new retirement plan is going to be very Snapchat focused
Ashkan Karbasfrooshan / What Snap Got Right in the Video Wars
Ben Schwerin / @benschwerin: “I now have the opportunity to go to the school of my choice. For a lot of people Spotlight is going to change their life and it's unbelievable.”
Nathan Lawrence / @nathanblawrence: The question in the background with any big creator compensation scheme, especially one as explosive as this for a new feature, where a company easily eats up half a billion a year sustaining it, is...what happens if this gambit doesn't take off? Where do creators go?
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: Here's some key background and news from the biz side of Snap from @alexeheath to read alongside my story 👇🏻
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: Almost every story I write makes me feel depressed about living in a wild dystopia but sometimes it really hits hard
Kevin Parry / @kevinbparry: I wrote off Snapchat for years - but they seriously are handing out cash. Don't even need an audience. Got $5k from a recent video. Friends have received massive payments ($100k+).
Mike Metzler / @mtzler: I spoke with @TaylorLorenz about Snapchat Spotlight for the @nytimes! It's crazy, Snapchat has momentum in the creator community that they haven't had since 2015. Everyone and their mom will be talking about Spotlight a week from now.
Rich Greenfield / @richlightshed: 🚨 19-year old has made nearly $3 million from @snapchat's #spotlight 🔥 the creator momentum to snapchat is a very big deal for platform engagement and ultimately monetization $SNAP great piece from @TaylorLorenz @nytimes
Nathan McAlone / @nmcalone: Was struck by how this Snapchat feature feels like a slot machine. Pay a small amount (time/energy) and hope for unpredictable gigantic payout.
Subrahmanyam Kvj / @sub8u: Universal Basic Income is already here. It's just called user acquisition cost 😉
Cherie Hu / @cheriehu42: Music is so behind the “creator economy” Snap pays $1M a DAY to creators of viral videos. Some smaller creators have made 5-6 figures in a few weeks. But if your song goes viral tonight, you prob won't see any royalties from it for minimum 2-6 months 🤷🏻♀ ️
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: Cam Casey, a 19 year old TikTok star, made $3M on Snapchat in under 5 weeks. His roommate, Joey Rogoff, 21, also a TikTok star, made over $1M in the same time. They're just a couple of many raking in massive amounts of cash
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: Unlike the TikTok creator fund, you don't have to opt into Snapchat's Spotlight program. One woman who works as an associate at Lowe's for $12.50/hr made half a million dollars for posting a viral video of her sister deep frying a turkey on Thanksgiving
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: The amount of money people are earning overnight is insane. Anyone 16+ is eligible, but if you're under 18 your parents have to approve the payment from Snapchat
Matt Navarra / @mattnavarra: Snapchat is making a lot young creators very rich, very fast.
Yashar Ali / @yashar: NEWS Snap has promoted @BenSchwerin to be its new senior vice president of content and partnerships, a move that signals the company's ambitions to compete more aggressively with TikTok and to cut more deals with media companies and app developers ...
@kerrymflynn: Great read by @TaylorLorenz on Snapchat Spotlight: “I now have the opportunity to go to the school of my choice. For a lot of people Spotlight is going to change their life and it's unbelievable.” - Katie Feeney, 18, a high school senior in Olney, Md
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: Five years later, it's a total 180, payment from a platform is expected. As @josephpalbanese said, TikTok “put all other platforms on notice.”
Rich Greenfield / @richlightshed: So excited for @BenSchwerin — great move @evanspiegel — this is great news for @Snapchat $SNAP 🔥🔥🔥 Scoop via @alexeheath @theinformation ...
Sofia Gross / @sofiargross: Beyond thrilled for my mentor, friend and former boss @BenSchwerin. He is a brilliant, strategic and thoughtful leader. Ben has long believed in the importance of civic engagement for Snap since our early days. So much good to come. Congratulations, Ben! ...

Sources: Apple is discussing launching a new subscription service that would charge people to listen to podcasts — Apple—long considered the sleeping giant in the podcast space—is waking up. The company, which runs the most widely used podcasting app in the industry …
Will Daniel / Business Insider: Spotify sinks 7% after Apple announces plans for podcasting subscription service
Matthew Keys / The Desk: Apple said to be planning premium podcast service
Brandon Russell / XDA Developers: Apple reportedly eyeing subscription podcast service
Mike Peterson / AppleInsider: Apple considering premium podcast service to compete with Amazon, Spotify
Juli Clover / MacRumors: Apple Developing Podcast Subscription Service to Better Compete With Spotify
M.G. Siegler / @mgsiegler: Last week, Twitter banning Trump caused Libertarians to call for private enterprise to be regulated. This week, Apple putting podcasts behind paywalls will cause podcast OGs (most of whom are also Apple fans) to say now this is a good thing. Same energy.
Alex Kantrowitz / @kantrowitz: Ah yes, that moment once every five years when Apple remembers it has a podcast app
Obi-Wan Pirillo / @chrispirillo: how about a podcast service that listens to all the podcasts that get podcasted and then pumps out a podcast digestcast pod
@theinformation: Exclusive: @Apple is in talks to launch a subscription podcast offering that would compete with startup Luminary and potentially threaten the podcasting ambitions of big companies like @Spotify and @amazon ...
Chance Miller / 9to5Mac: Report: Apple in talks with production companies to launch ‘podcasting subscription service’
Rich Greenfield / @richlightshed: Apple launching podcast subscription service was #11 on LightShed's #Top21for21 $AAPL @theinformation reporting it is happening today 👇🔥
Jessica Lessin / @jessicalessin: Smart. Inevitable. Great scoop from @jtoonkel ...
Bill Bishop / @niubi: Apple Plans Podcasting Subscription Service in Threat to Spotify ... via @theinformation why not a newsletter subscription service too?

Axios publishes a new Bill of Rights: no opinion section ever, most content free for all people, staff pledge to not take public political positions, more — Axios is expanding into local news this month, and broadening our mission to help restore trust in fact-based news with an audience Bill of Rights.
@jimvandehei, Nieman Lab, @juliewestfall, @jayrosen_nyu, @mikeallen, @matt_pressman, @heidilegg, @mlcalderone, @charlesforelle and @bensherwood
Jim VandeHei / @jimvandehei: 🗽 Here are the 10 amendments to the new Axios Bill of Rights, all in one place: help save local news, no opinion section ever, most content free for all people, staff pledge to not take political positions, more 🗽
Sarah Scire / Nieman Lab: Axios promises it will never have an opinion section, and more, in an “audience Bill of Rights”
Julie Westfall / @juliewestfall: What's a political position? It doesn't say. Is supporting mask wearing? Is pointing out anti-democratic behavior? Who decides what a political position is?
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: Hmmm. This week Axios introduced an “audience bill of rights.” An interesting document. It commits to never having an opinion section, and supporting local news, among other promises. “Please hold us accountable for living up to our obligations to you.”
Mike Allen / @mikeallen: 🗽 As @Axios expands into local news, we're broadening our mission to help restore trust in fact-based news with an audience Bill of Rights, unveiled here by @Axios CEO @JimVandeHei
Matthew Pressman / @matt_pressman: The best part about @axios's “bill of rights” is the link to the page explaining “how we make money.” Every publication (and social media platform!) should have this.
Heidi Legg / @heidilegg: WOW. @JimVandeHei this is formidable. Journalism is about context. Great news. Our promises to you: Axios Bill of Rights
Michael Calderone / @mlcalderone: Axios vows to “never have an opinion section” among its pledges in new audience Bill of Rights
Charles Forelle / @charlesforelle: Disagree with the “no-AI” piece. We are experimenting with AI/NLP for some financial-markets text. Humans are great at analysis and talking to people to figure out why a thing is happening. But there are routine tasks a computer can do more efficiently—and better for readers.

Gannett CEO says the company, which passed 1M paid digital subscriptions in Q3 2020, is aiming for 10M subscribers within five years — Gannett, the owner of USA TODAY and more than 260 other daily publications, is aiming for 10 million paid digital subscriptions within five years, CEO Mike Reed said Thursday.

On Wikipedia's 20th anniversary, the need for nuance in reporting about the project is crucial as sites like Breitbart and Russian media try to discredit it — Last year, as the election approached, we heard that the founder of 8chan had become an active Wikipedia editor.
The Guardian, @steviebenton, Fast Company, Fast Company, The Ringer and Stephen Harrison's newsletter
Alex Hern / The Guardian: Wikipedia at 20: last gasp of an internet vision, or a beacon to a better future?
Stevie Benton / @steviebenton: Happy 20th birthday to @Wikipedia - quite possibly the greatest achievement of the 21st century, and one of the biggest and boldest collaborations in human history. It shouldn't work. It does. Cherish it. Thank you to @jimmy_wales for getting us going, and to all Wikipedians
Katherine Maher / Fast Company: In a fragmented reality, Wikipedia isn't just a refuge. It's a roadmap
Alex Pasternack / Fast Company: How Wikipedia, where neutrality is prized above all, struggled to chronicle the Capitol insurrection in real time
Ben Lindbergh / The Ringer: The Fight to Win the Pettiest Edit Wars on Wikipedia

Smaller services like Substack, Spotify, and Clubhouse are coming under scrutiny now that the big platforms have warmed to aggressive moderation — Smaller services are coming under scrutiny now that the big platforms have warmed to aggressive moderation — Glenn Greenwald was pissed.
@kantrowitz, @kantrowitz, @abbyatwork, @dlberes, @smorgasboredom, Boing Boing, @markstenberg3 and Big Technology, more at Techmeme »
Alex Kantrowitz / @kantrowitz: Interesting little nugget about why Rogan had Alex Jones on as soon as he joined Spotify:
Alex Kantrowitz / @kantrowitz: Excited to share a new feature I wrote for @ozm: Where the content moderation war goes now that Facebook, Twitter, YouTube have warmed to moderation. Next up: A battle over content on smaller, mainstream networks like Substack, Spotify, Clubhouse.
Abby Reutzel / @abbyatwork: It'll be interesting to watch the debate around platform moderation now that there is explicit proof what a lack of moderation can lead to.
Damon Beres / @dlberes: New feature from @Kantrowitz on @ozm: How are Spotify, Substack, and Clubhouse going to handle moderation challenges that are only becoming more numerous and intense? So far, there's room for improvement.
Evan DeSimone / @smorgasboredom: The defining feature of our era is people doing bad and useless things purely to stick it to someone else.
Rob Beschizza / Boing Boing: Why free-speech platforms all end up moderating content
Mark Stenberg / @markstenberg3: how will small startups afford the cost of content moderation? the answer to that question could have far-reaching implications on the tech world great read from @Kantrowitz for @ozm

BBC's next chairman Richard Sharp says he is not in favor of decriminalization of UK's license fee, describing it as the “least worst” option to fund the BBC — The BBC's next chairman, ex-banker Richard Sharp, has said its coverage of Brexit was “incredibly balanced” …

California public radio station KCRW drops The Daily, over concerns about NYT's handling of issues surrounding Caliphate — We have concerns about how the Times has handled the aftermath of the erroneous reporting in its audio series Caliphate, which was featured on The Daily …
@kcrw, KUT Radio …, @sorayanelson, @kausmickey, @thebenbergman, @nwquah, @mollydacious, @awalkerinla, @akmcglinchy and @reblavoie
@kcrw: KCRW joined with 26 fellow public media organizations in co-signing a letter to The New York Times, concerning issues surrounding its audio productions, including Caliphate and The Daily. Ultimately, KCRW has decided to cease airing The Daily:
Erin Geisler / KUT Radio, Austin's NPR Station: KUT Statement on “The Daily”
SorayaSarhaddiNelson / @sorayanelson: Good call by @kcrw, deciding to cease airing The Daily from The New York Times.
Mickey Kaus / @kausmickey: “In order to maintain our journalistic standards KCRW has decided to discontinue the program ...”
Ben Bergman / @thebenbergman: KCRW becomes the second station to drop The Daily, after Houston Public Media.
Nick Quah / @nwquah: KCRW is dropping The Daily from its broadcast schedule i believe this is the second station to do so
Molly Peterson / @mollydacious: “We have concerns about how the Times has handled the aftermath of the erroneous reporting in its audio series Caliphate, which was featured on The Daily, and what this revealed about practices in their audio team.”
Alissa Walker / @awalkerinla: This was the move to make. Thanks to KCRW for doing the right thing.

Sources: Rupert and Lachlan Murdoch are “disenchanted” with Fox News CEO Suzanne Scott and President Jay Wallace; total viewership is down 15% YoY since Dec. 28 — OUTFOXED — Amid sagging ratings, Rupert Murdoch has taken a more hands-on role at Fox, perhaps portending the end …

Group Nine, owner of Thrillist, NowThis, the Dodo and more, goes public via a SPAC to raise $200M to fund acquisitions — The special purpose acquisition company set up by Group Nine Media announced that it priced its initial public offering of 20 million shares at $10 per unit, for total gross proceeds of $200 million.
Anthony Ha / TechCrunch: Group Nine's SPAC goes public
Rob Williams / MediaPost: Group Nine's SPAC Kicks Off Public Trading
Lucinda Southern / Adweek: Group Nine's Blank-Check Company Goes Public, Seeks to Raise $200 Million
@kerrymflynn: “The special purpose acquisition company set up by Group Nine Media announced pricing of its initial public offering of 20 million units at $10 apiece, for total gross proceeds of $200 million.” - @xpangler
Felix Salmon / Axios: The complex new landscape of going public