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Forbes will launch a newsletter service, initially hiring 20-30 journalists to start paid newsletters, splitting revenue 50/50 and giving salaries and benefits — Forbes is launching a newsletter platform that will allow journalists to launch their own paid newsletters and split the revenue …
@levinejonathan, @axios, @jarroddicker, @randalllane, @randalllane, @tchebotarev, Talking Biz News, @jackmarshall, @nickbrackney, @carolinelhoward, @logandobson, @sethbannon, Simon Owens's Media Newsletter, @daveleeft, @randalllane, @randalllane, @randalllane, @_alastair, @benedictevans, @randalllane, @hanaatameez, @alexrkonrad, @rahulsanghi1, @markstenberg3, @backlon, @jny, @davidadorsey, @samdebrule, @jarroddicker, @taylorlorenz, @simonowens and @mccarthyryanj, more at Techmeme »

ViacomCBS says it will launch Paramount+, its expanded rebrand of CBS All Access, on March 4 in the US and Latin America — ViacomCBS has set March 4 as the launch date for Paramount Plus, the company's effort to join the direct-to-consumer streaming revolution alongside its larger rivals.
/Film, TechCrunch, Adweek, MediaPost, The Wrap, The Streamable, The A.V. Club, @richlightshed, @pkafka, The Verge and GameSpot

Turkey bans ads on Twitter and Pinterest for not appointing local representatives as mandated by social media law, says their bandwidth will be cut 50% in April — ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Ankara has imposed advertising bans on Twitter, Periscope and Pinterest after they failed …
@rasmus_kleis, @chey_cobb, Al Jazeera and The Indian Express, more at Techmeme »

Shareholders in advertising giant Omnicom and Home Depot have filed resolutions asking to investigate whether company ads contribute to hate speech and disinfo — Companies have struggled to keep their ad dollars from going to online outlets that promoted fraudulent theories about the 2020 election.
Ad Age and @johnbattelle

Association of American Publishers: from January to October 2020, ebook sales were up 16.5% YoY to $956M and audiobook downloads rose 17.3% YoY to $554M — The pandemic has been a boon for the book industry, but specifically, it's helped to revive the ebook industry, and push the audiobook industry to new heights.

Study of 46,218 US national TV news program transcripts from 2005 to 2013 shows the most time was given to members of Congress with the most extreme views — Major network and cable TV news outlets have given the most airtime to members of Congress with the most extreme views …
@joshuadarr, @journoresource and Journal of Communication

Apple Podcasts launches Apple Podcasts Spotlight, wherein editors choose a specific show to feature for the entire month — Apple has launched a new initiative to promote worthy podcasts, with Apple Podcasts Spotlight seeing editors select one podcast to feature for the entire month.
Stitcher Blog and 9to5Mac

Cinedigm buys and plans to relaunch Fandor, an indie film SVOD service that shuttered in 2018, after buying streaming channel company The Film Detective in Dec. — Cinedigm continues its rollup of niche streaming brands: The company has acquired the assets of Fandor, a subscription-streaming service …
The Streamable, Forbes, Hollywood Reporter, Cord Cutters News, IndieWire and WORLD SCREEN

Less than a year after Bauer Media's abrupt closure, New Zealand's magazine industry is being reborn under new ownership and new titles sparked by the pandemic — After the withdrawal of Bauer Media last year, the industry appeared to be on its death bed - but not for long
@blackamazon, @mrsclosemedia, @elle_hunt and @cristianbonetto

Twitter has partnered with Dailyhunt to bring Moments to the Indian news app to showcase curated tweets pertaining to news and other events in India — Five years after its launch, Twitter Moments is growing beyond the American social networking platform. — On Monday, Twitter …
@realdarkromance, @techcrunch, @mattnavarra, @dailyhunt_india, MediaNama and United News of India, more at Techmeme »

Fox News launches a new 7PM opinion show tonight with six hosts in rotation: Bartiromo, Kilmeade, Trey Gowdy, Katie Pavlich, Rachel Campos-Duffy, and Mark Steyn — Fox News has lined up six rotating hosts for its new 7 p.m. opinion program aimed at feeding the appetite of conservative viewers in the hour.
Media Matters for America, Washington Post, Mediaite, TVNewser, @jeremymbarr, @jeremymbarr, @stevebattaglio, @jbenton, @ischafer, @pbump, Poynter, @pastpunditry, @alexkoppelman, @yashar, @maxwelltani, @pattmlatimes, @declanpgarvey, @jkelly3rd, @mattklewis, @tvietor08, @atrupar, @walshfreedom, @erickleefeld, @timodc, @gabby_hoffman, @charliespiering, Variety and The Right Scoop
Ben Smith / New York Times:
Fox stipulated that its settlement for hyping rumors about Seth Rich be kept secret until Nov. 3, showing how Fox is entwined with Trump-camp disinfo efforts
Fox stipulated that its settlement for hyping rumors about Seth Rich be kept secret until Nov. 3, showing how Fox is entwined with Trump-camp disinfo efforts
Washington Post, @maxboot, Mediaite, @senwhitehouse, @nycsouthpaw, Wild West, Politico, Breitbart, @maxboot, @cathyndavidson, @daviddpearce, @maxboot, @tim_matheson, @brithume, @maxboot, @maxboot, @darrigomelanie, @normative, @arusbridger, @naterockquarry, @taradublinrocks, @audreyhasnews, Letter from a Region, @mattxs, @joelockhart, @john_sipher, @benyt, @johnnyddavidson, @arusbridger, @lionelbarber, @slpng_giants, @brhodes, @tburages, Business Insider, @jonfavs, The Wrap, @oliverdarcy, @jamesrbuk, @caseynewton, Nuzzel, @jodyavirgan, @billkristol, @obsoletedogma, @yesnicksearcy, @davidmackau, @davidbegnaud, @jaketapper, @sonnybunch, @elongreen, @nytimes, @wesleylowery, @jmartnyt, @jaketapper and @benyt

To counter Trump's lingering lies, reporters should stop using shorthand like “baseless claims”, study the science of how people absorb truths, and more — His administration is down to its last hours, but you can bet that the false belief held by millions of Americans …

Newsrooms are distributing protective equipment, like body armor and gas masks, and holding safety trainings to prepare reporters for Inauguration Day — New York (CNN Business)At the end of December, Los Angeles Times Washington Bureau Chief Kimbriell Kelly was looking at getting Moleskine notebooks as gifts for her staff.
@alexanderbolton, Axios, @daveweigel, @christopherjm, @kerrymflynn, @bobonmarkets, @gwenfaviles, @nbj914, @repdeanphillips, @cnnbusiness, @apbenven, @mcwm, @kerrymflynn and @kemettler