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Twitter buys newsletter platform Revue, plans to lower its cut of paid newsletter revenue to 5% and let writers host conversations with subscribers on Twitter — Twitter on Tuesday said it has acquired Revue, a newsletter platform for writers and publishers.
Twitter, @sarafischer, New York Times, Adweek, MediaPost, The Wrap, @om, Simon Owens's Media Newsletter, Variety, The Verge, @film_girl, @emilybell, @robpegoraro, @gavinsblog, @richlightshed, @benedictevans, @mathewi, @jarroddicker, @ibjiyongi, Engadget, @nycjim, @rafat, @modestproposal1, Protocol, @perlberg, @bluechoochoo, @jackmarshall, @justinhendrix, @martinsfp, @kimfox, @allahliker, @ivanthek, @niemanlab, @ourielohayon, @nongaap, @raju, @pkafka, TechCrunch and Bloomberg, more at Techmeme »
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: Breaking: @Twitter acquiring newsletter publishing company @Revue — Deal marks Twitter's first step into long-form — Also is Twitter's first foray into subscription revenue — Revue to remain standalone company Full story on @axios:
Kate Conger / New York Times: Twitter Acquires Revue, a Newsletter Company
David Cohen / Adweek: Twitter Acquires Newsletter Publishing Platform Revue and Will Keep It Running
Ray Schultz / MediaPost: Twitter 's Revue Purchase Will Fuel Email Newsletters
Todd Spangler / Variety: Twitter Springs Into Paid Newsletter Biz With Acquisition of Dutch Startup Revue
Christina Warren / @film_girl: I haven't even used my Substack beyond squatting on the domain for like 4+ years and have subs b/c of the Twitter acquisition. The Revue acquisition is very interesting.
Emily Bell / @emilybell: Broadcast => pay
Rob Pegoraro / @robpegoraro: Half the cut that Substack takes. Competition is a good thing.
Gavin Sheridan / @gavinsblog: Because substack said no?
Rich Greenfield / @richlightshed: Twitter $TWTR interesting - not the newsletter company everyone expected - but obvious strategic fit nonetheless👇
Benedict Evans / @benedictevans: Step 1: “Substack is a paywall for twitter”. Step 2: Twitter buys a newsletter company
Mathew Ingram / @mathewi: Re: Twitter and newsletters, subscriptions, etc. it's worth noting — as Ben Thompson does here: — that Twitter has had lots of other great opportunities, and somehow always manages to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory
@jarroddicker: In it's mission to democratize newsletters, Substack has since managed to carve itself out as an elite class with Twitter & Revue promising to develop a platform for all; democratizing writers.
@ibjiyongi: I really hope @SubstackInc sticks it out and remains independent. Consolidation of platforms sucks.
Nick Summers / Engadget: Twitter jumps into newsletters with Revue acquisition
Jim Roberts / @nycjim: Big. But how many of Twitter's acquisitions have died on the vine, so to speak?
@rafat: Twitter buys Substack competitor @revue, lowers cut to 5%, make Pro features free & built in distribution everyone was asking SS for. Such smart, predatory-ish move. P.S.: newsletter services will become generic, low margin, so much for SS valuations.
Modest Proposal / @modestproposal1: can think of no incumbent tech co historically less scary to enter your space than twitter. but can also think of few products as natural to introduce on top of a platform as newsletters on top of twitter. cutting the fee in half and building customer acq tools will also help.
David Pierce / Protocol: Twitter's future is newsletters and podcasts, not tweets
Steven Perlberg / @perlberg: oh look, Twitter is betting that it's easier to leverage your Twitter following for your newsletter through Twitter than through Substack
Andréa López / @bluechoochoo: (Not technically Twitter's first step into long-form, it earlier bought and shut down a post-Tumblr blogging platform, Posterous, that had followers and a feed.)
Jack Marshall / @jackmarshall: shall we skip straight to the hand wringing about why creators shouldn't trust platforms, why they should “own” their audiences, gripes about algorithms, etc etc.
Justin Hendrix / @justinhendrix: Twitter announces acquisition of @revue and that it will undercut @SubstackInc by 5% on revenue cut for paid newsletters.
Martin Sfp Bryant / @martinsfp: “Twitter says writers can expect some sort of paid compensation based on how many Twitter users they convert to subscribers.”
Kim Fox / @kimfox: This is an interesting move, particularly because it adds a new revenue stream that could become quite meaningful, and it has the ad infrastructure and network to support it.
@ivanthek: Twitter is diversifying into long-form content, even when their short-form content product still needs a lot of work. $TWTR
@niemanlab: New jobs openings TK (potentially): “Twitter says it hopes to expand the Revue team. Over time, that team will be responsible for building out more ‘discovery, reading, and conversational experiences’ centered around long-form content on Twitter.”
Ouriel Ohayon / @ourielohayon: Alternative version: Substack was too expensive to buy (like Clubhouse)
Mike / @nongaap: Substack will need to get competitive with that 5% commission at some point Definitely some interesting distribution levers Twitter can integrate in order to promote the Revue platform and content Can see content creators switching to Revue for that
Raju Narisetti / @raju: Cross-pollination @Twitter acquiring newsletter publishing company @revue
Peter Kafka / @pkafka: Substack uses its authors' Twitter follower list to jumpstart new subscriptions. So...
Anthony Ha / TechCrunch: Twitter acquires newsletter platform Revue

Washington Post Executive Editor Marty Baron is retiring on February 28 after eight years at the paper and nearly 45 years in journalism — Washington Post Publisher and CEO Fred Ryan today shared the following note with Post employees. — Dear Washington Post colleagues,
CNN, Washington Post, @farhip, New York Times, Media Nation, Politico, Business Insider, @genepark, @benyt, Wall Street Journal, @mikebarnicle, WTOP, @brianstelter, Axios, The Wrap, @jrubinblogger,, The Hill, @allenststephens, @leonkrauze, @kenburns, @johnavlon, @gumby4christ, @michaelkruse, @ktumulty, @mviser,, @pgammo, @philiprucker, Bloomberg, @chiquiesteban, @pbump, @jennyschuessler, @carolynryan, @papscun, @lpolgreen, @chriscillizza, @charlesppierce, Poynter, @rasmus_kleis, @markdistef, @gabemschneider, @wblau, @mattyglesias, @sebastianepayne, @jakesherman, @dabeard, @greenhousenyt, @ziadramley, @gabriel_pogrund, @arturo_sarukhan, Washingtonian, @travismandrews, @dskok, @brianstelter, @emilybell, Deadline, @emmacarew, @ceciliakang, @michaelluo, @perlberg, @freedomofpress, @jayrosen_nyu, @jamesrbuk, @tomjackmanwp, @davidfolkenflik, @laura_nelson, @rickklein, @b_fung and @davidalim
Brian Stelter / CNN: Washington Post editor Marty Baron announces his retirement
Paul Farhi / Washington Post: Washington Post executive editor Martin Baron announces his retirement
Paul Farhi / @farhip: Breaking: @washingtonpost editor Marty Baron announces his retirement. Note to staff:
Katie Robertson / New York Times: Marty Baron Will Retire From The Washington Post
Avery Hartmans / Business Insider: Jeff Bezos posted a heartfelt Instagram thanking retiring Washington Post executive editor Marty Baron: ‘You are both swashbuckling and careful’
@genepark: Boy what to say. Marty really turned this place around. He empowered digital journalists in ways that is still rare in this industry. Thanks for believing in me 6 years ago Marty. Changed my life too.
Ben Smith / @benyt: The revival of the @washingtonpost over the last decade is one of the really great stories in US journalism.
Jeffrey A. Trachtenberg / Wall Street Journal: Washington Post's Marty Baron to Retire as Executive Editor
Mike Barnicle / @mikebarnicle: All true...especially changing Boston and the world.
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: Marty Baron, the editor who transformed the Washington Post into an international powerhouse and led the news organization to win 10 Pulitzer Prizes, is retiring next month.
Orion Rummler / Axios: Pulitzer Prize-winning Washington Post editor Marty Baron retires
Lindsey Ellefson / The Wrap: Washington Post Executive Editor Marty Baron to Retire Next Month
@jrubinblogger: Devastated by @PostBaron news. When other publications lost their way, fell into false balance and shied from unflinching reporting of a congenital liar in the White House, the Post did not. That is what made us different during the Trump years.
Dan Kennedy / Marty Baron Leaves Huge Shoes To Fill As He Retires From The Washington Post
Dominick Mastrangelo / The Hill: Marty Baron announces retirement from Washington Post
@allenststephens: @JohnAvlon ...and not many members in that Hall of Fame can match my pals character. Ethics never for sale or barter or at risk of compromise.
Len Krauze / @leonkrauze: A courageous man and great role model. #ThankYouMarty
Ken Burns / @kenburns: History will remember our time as one when journalism was on the frontline of protecting democracy. Marty Baron will be remembered for leading the way and for a career that is an inspiration for all who value what a free press means.
John Avlon / @johnavlon: Hall of Fame.
@gumby4christ: When faced with a petition requesting that the Washington Post regularly disclose its sole owner's massive ties to the CIA ($600M Amazon contract) in all stories it publishes about the Agency, Marty Baron refused on the grounds that doing so wasn't normal. ...
Michael Kruse / @michaelkruse: “Baron did great work wherever he went, notably at the Miami Herald and the Boston Globe, where he was the top editor before arriving at the Post, but nobody figured out how the taciturn wizard performed his magic,” says @jackshafer.
Karen Tumulty / @ktumulty: We knew this day was coming, but it doesn't make it any easier. Thank you @PostBaron for all you have done.
Matt Viser / @mviser: I'll always be grateful for Marty's fearlessness as an editor and attention to details large and small. And for him taking a chance on a recent college grad wanting to freelance in the Boston suburbs. Here's hoping he uses retirement to steal a few roles from Liev Schreiber.
Peter Gammons / @pgammo: Washington Post executive editor Martin Baron announces his retirement. from Tom Winship to Martin Baron, we for whom The Globe meant so much- and still do—realize how remarkable those two editors meant to the journalism world ...
Philip Rucker / @philiprucker: Crushing news. @PostBaron, a monumental force in American journalism who led the Post's renaissance, is retiring. Marty made us all smarter journalists and pushed us collectively to exciting new heights. ...
Nick Turner / Bloomberg: Washington Post Starts ‘Broad’ Search for New Editor
Chiqui Esteban / @chiquiesteban: I first came to the U.S. to join Marty's Boston Globe. I'll always remember the years I've worked with Marty leading the newsroom and all I've learned from him. Thanks for believing in me.
Philip Bump / @pbump: Legitimately bummed.
Jennifer Schuessler / @jennyschuessler: Seriously underrated moment in Marty Baron's career, strangely left out of “Spotlight,” was when he walked up to my desk at the Globe and said “No more stories about semiotics” 👍🏼
@carolynryan: I was at @BostonGlobe when Marty Baron arrived. First “outsider” to be editor. We had no idea what was coming. He was driven, demanding, brilliant and an amazing role model. He changed Boston and the world. Congratulations Marty on amazing run. 👏 ...
Dan Papscun / @papscun: I very clearly remember meeting him at the restaurant I worked at in Mass. I was the only person who knew who he was and went over (absolutely terrified) to quietly introduce myself and thank him. The first thing he said? “I'm not as handsome as Liev Schreiber, am I?”
Lydia Polgreen / @lpolgreen: One of the most legendary newspaper careers in history.
Chris Cillizza / @chriscillizza: The epitome of a great journalist
Charles P. Pierce / @charlesppierce: Well done, boss.
Rasmus Kleis Nielsen / @rasmus_kleis: “Working at The Washington Post allows each of us to serve a purpose bigger than ourselves” @PostBaron says on stepping down as EiC. “Such is the honor of being a journalist, perhaps nowhere more so than in a newsroom like ours.” Thanks for your work Marty ...
Mark Di Stefano / @markdistef: Owner of the Washington Post Jeff Bezos gives a send-off to Marty Baron on his personal Instagram: “You are both swashbuckling and careful. You are disciplined and empathetic...”
Gabe Schneider / @gabemschneider: It's such a disconnect to read this after watching what happened at The Post over the last few years.
Wolfgang Blau / @wblau: Marty Baron has just announced his resignation as editor of the Washington Post. What an incredible, genre-defining career and achievement. Thank you for everything, @PostBaron. And, as always.... can NOT wait what he will do next.
Matthew Yglesias / @mattyglesias: A real end of an era here. Also: As his former downstairs neighbor, I can tell you Liev Schreiber's performance in Spotlight is stunningly accurate. ...
Sebastian Payne / @sebastianepayne: .@PostBaron was kind enough to allow me into his newsroom in 2014 for one of the happiest periods of my life. He was a brilliant editor and will be sorely missed
Jake Sherman / @jakesherman: Who will be the next editor of the @washingtonpost? ...
David Beard / @dabeard: Me, soccer coach dad, ex-foreign correspondent, given additional job of running a hip, super-local weekly city edition for the @BostonGlobe, to my editor: “Are you sure?” .@PostBaron to me: “Stretch.” It worked out. Congrats, Marty, on your next phase. ...
Steven Greenhouse / @greenhousenyt: @brianstelter Marty Baron rocks. He did an outstanding and fearless job at the Washington Post. Not just the WashPo's readers, but the nation should be thankful for that.
Ziad Ramley / @ziadramley: With Marty Baron AND Stephen Adler announcing their retirements, 2021 is shaping up to be quite a changing of the guards for journalism
Gabriel Pogrund / @gabriel_pogrund: One of the greats of modern journalism. Shortly after arriving in DC for the @sternfellowship I got a text from Marty asking if I wanted to go for an impromptu curry/dinner. He had the time and curiosity to get to know his reporters, even the most junior. Thank you @PostBaron
Arturo Sarukhan / @arturo_sarukhan: Kudos on a stellar run, @PostBaron, and all the best with whatever may come next!
Andrew Beaujon / Washingtonian: Martin Baron Announces He'll Retire as Washington Post's Top Editor in February
Travis M Andrews / @travismandrews: I'll be forever grateful to Marty for welcoming me to the Post five years ago. The end of an era. Just wish we could all be together to celebrate his time at The Post.
David Skok / @dskok: Marty's contributions to journalism and democracy are well-documented and profound. On a personal note, I would not be where I am today were it not for @PostBaron who saw something in me that I barely saw in myself. Thank you for mentoring a generation of editors. 🙏
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: Baron's retirement has been expected for a while; Bezos and Ryan have had time to deliberate. Ryan says the EIC search “will be a broad and inclusive one, considering both outstanding internal candidates as well as journalists at other publications.”
Ted Johnson / Deadline: Marty Baron Announces Plans To Retire As Executive Editor Of The Washington Post
Emma Carew Grovum / @emmacarew: Some BIG work needs to be done to ensure his successor is a man or woman of color.
Michael Luo / @michaelluo: Hats off to a legend. The resurgence of @washingtonpost has been exhilarating to watch and American democracy is stronger for it.
Steven Perlberg / @perlberg: Marty Baron will retire from the Washington Post on February 28, per memo to staff. Read more about potential successors here: ...
@freedomofpress: Washington Post editor Marty Baron will retire next month. Under his leadership, WaPo was an early adopter of @SecureDrop and a strong advocate for press freedom
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: During the Trump era, he turned the Post into a more essential read than the much larger New York Times.
James Ball / @jamesrbuk: The end of an era - Marty Baron is very much one of the editors of his generation.
Tom Jackman / @tomjackmanwp: Super sad. We knew it was coming, but still. There's no overstating Marty Baron's role in turning around The Post (with Bezos's checkbook). We were on a long, steady decline for many years. Marty reversed that, and made The Post an important player in journalism worldwide.
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: NEWS: Marty Baron announces he's stepping down as executive editor of Washington Post after more than 8 years. Effective 2/28 Under Baron, paper surged journalistically & financially footing. With Bezos as owner, met the Trump moment. Incredible legacy at Post & Boston Globe.
Laura J. Nelson / @laura_nelson: Rebuilding the car while it's running is probably harder than building a new publication from scratch. I've been so impressed by what everyone at the @washingtonpost has done together under Marty's leadership. ...
Rick Klein / @rickklein: Huge journalism news - one of my first (and best) bosses, and a true legend of the industry
Brian Fung / @b_fung: The end of an era. I still remember the day I had a job interview in Marty's office. Terrifying experience. But I'm so grateful he took a chance on me.
David Lim / @davidalim: From Marty Baron's retirement announcement: “The practice of quality journalism requires a sustainable business. And the reverse is equally true: There can be no business without journalism of the highest caliber that the public values and will support.” ...

Idaho Statesman Editor Christina Lords confirms she was fired for violating McClatchy's social media policy and doesn't regret her tweet advocating for staff — Before she was appointed the top editor at the Idaho Statesman, Christina Lords was known for going to bat for her staff.
@idahonewsguild: 🧵 Today, the journalists of the Idaho News Guild sent a letter to @mcclatchy management to formally protest the abrupt and inappropriate firing of editor Christina Lords.
Julie K. Brown / @jkbjournalist: “Without a newsroom address to receive and distribute personal protective equipment, Lords recently drove around Boise, hand-delivering N95 masks to the paper's staff.” ...
Tess / @tess_townsend: How are major media organizations so bad at optics? Seriously, what is the payoff for a firing like this? Aside from just being wrong, it's obvious fodder for bad press. ...
Lilly Ana Fowler / @lillyafowler: Managers who go to bat for employees & aren't afraid to speak up on their behalf are rare. News orgs should value them rather than, as often happens, punish them, leaving behind a trail of “leaders” too scared to act. Hire @ChristinaLords ✊🏻@IdahoNewsGuild ...
Dan Nguyen / @dancow: I know newsrooms are forced to make horrendous and difficult cuts. But cutting Excel to save money/eke out extra efficiency is about as counterproductive as it gets...almost as ass-backwards as firing an editor frustrated about it
Dan Nguyen / @dancow: The corporate reluctance against reporters installing their own software (e.g. LibreOffice) makes sense...But yeah, that's why you buy Excel and save on bespoke IT training - nevermind hours wasted by reporters googling for how to hack Google Sheets to do what's easy in Excel
Audrey Dutton / @audreydutton: @dancow Lords has been so supportive of her staff. We couldn't have done the past year without her. She also has been supportive of McClatchy and its goal of increasing digital subscriptions (and we've been super successful at that!) which made this even more shocking.
Kerry Flynn / @kerrymflynn: “We always knew she had our back. We always knew she was going to fight for us if we needed anything. When that's what gets her fired, it's a pretty chilling message to send to your employees.” - @michaellycklama ...
Nathan L. Walls / @base10: Y i k e s
Kristen Hare / @kristenhare: Why do companies that champion local journalism keep firing local journalists for...championing local journalism? ...
Matthew T. Hall / @sduncovered: Area editor advocates for staff on social media, gets fired for it, says she will “never give up her Idaho Statesman subscription, and when the paper embarks on a fundraising campaign later this year, she will donate, too.” Godspeed, @ChristinaLords. ...
Lisa Tozzi / @lisatozzi: How dare she want someone to have the tools to do their job?!
Ed Fletcher / @newsfletch: Unfortunately this is new @mcclatchy. The once proud chain that swallowed a rotting whale now rescued from death (bankruptcy) by hedge fund. Now to discover whether hedge fund had a soul and heart. #media #newspapers
Derek Willis / @derekwillis: “If we deny them Excel, maybe they won't be able to add up the amount of bonuses executives get while cutting staff at our papers!”
Lizzie O'Leary / @lizzieohreally: She wanted her reporter to have *Excel,* and she was fired. ...
Dan Nguyen / @dancow: @audreydutton Even in the golden days of newspapers, an editor this dedicated to her staff and community was a rare treasure. Dumping her because she tweeted how her investigative reporter needs Excel is...certainly a modern media industry decision🤯 ...
Margaret Carmel / BoiseDev:
Idaho News Guild says Idaho Statesman's top editor was fired over her tweet advocating for staff resources in a protest letter sent to McClatchy management
Idaho News Guild says Idaho Statesman's top editor was fired over her tweet advocating for staff resources in a protest letter sent to McClatchy management
@coreyhutchins, @k_talerico, @zebpalmer, @ktvbdevin, @donlday, @kateconger, @bhnewsguild, @zebpalmer, @annehelen, @mattdpearce, @thekaitmonster, @intensenerd, @dataeditor, @emilyrpape, @kevinrichert, @frankeljulia, @idahonewsguild, @mlcarmel, @donlday, @leszaitz, @jenwsheehan, @nicknehamas, @nicknehamas, @emmaiannacone, @melissasantos1, @hayley__harding, @ribunchreports and @veenadubal
Corey Hutchins / @coreyhutchins: “To fire an editor for advocating for resources and encouraging people to subscribe is a remarkably disappointing decision by McClatchy management,” the union's letter to McClatchy said. “This is a devastating blow to the morale of our newsroom.”
Kate Talerico / @k_talerico: Christina always encouraged me to apply for journalism grants, take on big stories + is vocal about her love for the Statesman's staff. She was fired after speaking up about newsroom resources. My former job has not been filled since I left. That was 3 months ago.
Zeb Palmer / @zebpalmer: Guessing the company got embarrassed by her tweet. They could have fixed the issue & no one would have noticed. Or... Well, people are noticing now eh @mcclatchy?
Devin Ramey / @ktvbdevin: She was asking for Microsoft Excel. McClatchy then got it for the reporter who needed it after firing her? I get resources in local news are scarce but I cannot do the mental gymnastics that it takes to make this call.
@donlday: .@mcclatchy gave a statement to @mlcarmel over the firing of Christina Lords. It's short - and they didn't answer Margaret's questions:
O...K / @kateconger: imagine firing an editor who was just trying to get Microsoft Excel for one of their reporters
@bhnewsguild: We are very disheartened to learn that an essential editor at one of our fellow @mcclatchy papers, @IdahoStatesman, was abruptly fired after trying to enable journalists to do their best work. Also disturbing, executives refused to be transparent about the decision.
Zeb Palmer / @zebpalmer: Hey look @mcclatchy even wapo noticed... Along with excel for reporters, you should procure different leadership, HR & PR people. This lack of business intelligence not to mention compassion & decency explains why you are struggling. @IdahoStatesman ...
Anne Helen Petersen / @annehelen: .@mcclatchy fired Christina Lords, an investigative editor at the @IdahoStatesman, after tweeting about her frustration that she couldn't get Excel access for a new investigative journalist. She also asked her followers to subscribe & support the paper.
Matt Pearce / @mattdpearce: This is maybe the stupidest tweet-firing yet. The real cancel culture is at-will employment.
@thekaitmonster: I know Christina Lords personally and am friends with many Idaho journalists who have had the honor of working with and under her. She is the best at what she does. For her to be fired for a reason as petty and inappropriate as this is not only wrong, it is irresponsible.
@intensenerd: Christina Lords is a genuine asset to local journalism and a valued contributor to the Treasure Valley. This termination is ridiculous. @mcclatchy do the right thing.
Steven Rich / @dataeditor: folks think i joke when i say that most of the tools i recommend for data journalism are free because most newsrooms are cheap but it's not a joke
Emily Pape / @emilyrpape: Local news is what ensures communities can thrive, and @ChristinaLords is one of the best leaders in the business. I emailed @mcclatchy staff demanding they rehire her and urge you to do the same (emails in thread below).
Kevin Richert / @kevinrichert: I have known many @IdahoStatesman editors in my day, and @ChristinaLords is a star. An advocate for journalists and journalism, for collaboration and community. A huge loss for readers.
Julia Frankel / @frankeljulia: @ChristinaLords was my fierce, extraordinary editor last summer at the @IdahoStatesman. She was just fired after advocating for a basic investigative resource — Excel. Please, if you care about local news, read the thread below and & call on @mcclatchy to reinstate Christina.
@idahonewsguild: If McClatchy is grateful to Christina, they can show that by reversing their untenable decision to fire her for a tweet that illustrated only how tough the local news environment is
Margaret Carmel / @mlcarmel: .@ChristinaLords is no longer leading the Idaho Statesman newsroom. The Idaho News Guild says she was fired after a tweet last week about cuts to resources at the media company.
@donlday: According to the @IdahoNewsGuild, @McClatchy fired @IdahoStatesman editor @ChristinaLords over a tweet sent Friday. The union is publicly demanding her reinstatement. @mlcarmel with the story:
Les Zaitz / @leszaitz: An abrupt departure in the top editor rank at the daily in Boise - over a spreadsheet tweet? Chains like to tell us all how they are really about saving journalism. Really?
Jennifer W. Sheehan / @jenwsheehan: I guess they think it's easier to hide the lack of resources their journalists face and fire her, than to just make sure the staff has what it needed in the first place. Classic major media company twisted logic for you
Nicholas Nehamas / @nicknehamas: The Idaho Statesman's top editor, Christina Lords, tweeted her frustration about not being able to get a reporter Excel (I use it everyday) and was fired. This is not okay.
Nicholas Nehamas / @nicknehamas: This should not be happening. Please RT and spread the word.
Emma Iannacone / @emmaiannacone: This is outrageous! Newsrooms are so underfunded — how dare they fire her for being transparent about that??
Melissa Santos / @melissasantos1: Every reporter needs Excel on their computer — I use it constantly even when covering politics. An investigative reporter should have even more advanced tools. It is more then reasonable for an editor to point to this as a major issue, in urging people to subscribe. #journalism
Hayley Harding / @hayley__harding: Imagine thinking journalism needs fewer people like Christina Lords rather than so many more.
Riley Bunch / @ribunchreports: When I was in between jobs in Idaho, @ChristinaLords took time to have coffee with me and brainstorm story ideas I could freelance for the @IdahoStatesman. She always lifts other journalists up — in her newsroom and outside of it. So disappointing @mcclatchy.

Larry Kudlow, the former CNBC star and Trump's economic adviser, will host a new show on Fox Business and also appear as an analyst on Fox Business and Fox News — Larry Kudlow, the former CNBC star who served as director of President Donald J. Trump's National Economic Council, is returning to broadcasting.
Variety, Mediaite, Talking Biz News, The Hill, The Wrap, Hollywood Reporter, Axios and Deadline
Brian Steinberg / Variety: Larry Kudlow, CNBC Host Turned Trump Advisor, Will Launch Fox Business Program
Marisa Sarnoff / Mediaite: Larry Kudlow, Trump Economic Adviser, Joins Fox Business to Host Daily Show
Chris Roush / Talking Biz News: Kudlow signs with Fox Business for daily show
Joseph Choi / The Hill: Larry Kudlow to host Fox Business show
Lindsey Ellefson / The Wrap: Larry Kudlow Signs on to Host Fox Business Network Show
Ursula Perano / Axios: Larry Kudlow joining Fox Business as new program host
Ken Meyer / Mediaite:
Source: Fox News talked with Kayleigh McEnany after the election about a job but paused discussions; network says she is not a current employee or contributor
Source: Fox News talked with Kayleigh McEnany after the election about a job but paused discussions; network says she is not a current employee or contributor
CREW, TVNewser, The Guardian, Variety, Vanity Fair, @yoda, Deadline, The Daily Beast and @ericbolling
CREW: Kayleigh McEnany's termination financial disclosure report reveals she reached an agreement with Fox News to start working there this month
A.J. Katz / TVNewser: Larry Kudlow Is Joining Fox Business
Martin Pengelly / The Guardian: Fox News denies hiring ex-Trump press secretary Kayleigh McEnany
Brian Steinberg / Variety: Fox News Held Talks With Former White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany
Bess Levin / Vanity Fair: Kayleigh McEnany Is Looking to Parlay Her White House Lies Into Fox News Lies
Drew Olanoff / @yoda: nobody will hire @kayleighmcenany.
Ted Johnson / Deadline: Fox News Says Kayleigh McEnany Is Not An Employee, But They've Talked About A Gig
Justin Baragona / The Daily Beast: Kayleigh McEnany Likely to Join Fox News—Because of Course

Washington Post's Zeus ad tech platform adds video to the range of formats publishers can sell; video ads are especially important for local broadcast companies — The Washington Post will expand its performance software on Tuesday to add video to Zeus, its suite of ad placement and optimization tools.
@jarroddicker, @rameeztase, @sprakash007, @seyitaylor, @sarafischer and @craigsilverman
@jarroddicker: big @zeus news: - 150+ publisher & buy-side tool marketplace launches in Q2 - Infrastructure expands to video - YouTube/Google grant to build new formats in network - all cookieless targeting this is the next media business of the open web. details 👇
Rameez / @rameeztase: One of the rare instances where you don't bet against media companies building tech (for obvious reasons).
Shailesh Prakash / @sprakash007: The next great offering from Zeus Technology is here: Video Monetization. We have seen awesome results from this technology at The Post and it is now available to all publishers. Real. Revenue. Realized. Go! Go! Go! #ZeusIsLoose
@seyitaylor: This is so good. I think that Zeus is still an under-covered. Meanwhile, it's quickly becoming one of the most important businesses in the media space.

CBS Television Stations President Peter Dunn and SVP of News David Friend have been placed on leave, after an LAT report alleging racism and misogyny at work — Peter Dunn, president of the CBS Television Stations, and David Friend, senior vice president of news for the stations were placed on the leave …
Los Angeles Times, Mediaite, TVSpy, Newser, Radio & Television …, New York Times, NABJ, The Hill, @jemelehill, @megjameslat, @phil_rosenthal, @megjameslat, @rolandsmartin and The Wrap
Meg James / Los Angeles Times: CBS suspends top TV station executives after L.A. Times investigation
Marisa Sarnoff / Mediaite: CBS Suspends Station Execs After LA Times Investigation Into Allegations of Racism, Sexism
Stephanie Tsoflias Siegel / TVSpy: Two CBS Executives Accused of Creating Hostile Work Environment Put on Administrative Leave
Bob Cronin / Newser: 2 CBS Execs on Leave After Newspaper Exposé
Adam Jacobson / Radio & Television Business Report: CBS Stations Head, O&O News Leader Suspended On Misconduct Claims
Derrick Bryson Taylor / New York Times: CBS Suspends Two Executives Accused of Racist and Sexist Conduct
John Bowden / The Hill: Top CBS executives suspended as company looks into reports of racist, sexist behavior
Jemele Hill / @jemelehill: I commend NABJ for taking this action. Sadly, many black journalists have had to endure some version of what happened at CBS. We need to remember the damage racism does. On top of damaging coverage, it kills and alters careers.
Meg James / @megjameslat: NEWS: CBS suspends top two TV station executives — Peter Dunn and David Friend — following LA Times investigation into racism and misogyny at TV station group. CBS plans to investigate the allegations raised here:
Phil Rosenthal / @phil_rosenthal: Those @MegJamesLAT stories about CBS Stations execs got results.
Meg James / @megjameslat: .@CBSNews steps up with a detailed report examining the allegations rocking sister division, CBS TV Stations group.

Roku and Amazon make a deal to bring the ad-supported IMDb TV to the Roku Channel, expanding the reach of Amazon-owned IMDb TV, which is also on Fire TV devices — In a classic case of co-opetition, Roku inked a deal with Amazon to bring the IMDb TV free, ad-supported streaming service to the Roku platform in the U.S.
Erik Gruenwedel / Media Play News: Amazon's IMDb TV Joining Roku Platform

NYT will never be able to uniformly enforce its social media behavior policy and should remove the language of journalists being “perceived as biased” from it — Lauren Wolfe made no ripples last May when she started as a freelance editor at the New York Times.
Today in Tabs, @moorehn, @asymmetricinfo, The Hill, Newser, The Nation and New York Times
Rusty Foster / Today in Tabs: All Things in Moderation — Last year Facebook, in an effort to distract everyone who noticed …
Heidi N. Moore / @moorehn: Very good piece by @ErikWemple on the Lauren Wolfe contretemps at the New York Times, and the very accurate calling out of “a dreadful statement” by the NYT. ...
Megan McArdle / @asymmetricinfo: But I think major institutions should also strive for viewpoint neutrality by telling everyone to get off Twitter, rather than taking on the impossible job of “retroactive social media editor” where people are disciplined or fired after the fact for crossing a dim and wavy line.
Justine Coleman / The Hill: New York Times cuts ties with editor conservatives criticized over Biden tweet
Rob Quinn / Newser: NYT Drops Editor Criticized for Biden Tweet
Jeet Heer / The Nation: The High Cost of Quieting Down Trump
Joe Pompeo / Vanity Fair:
Sources: NYT told Lauren Wolfe, who had a temporary position, that her name and NYT's name were in headlines after her “chills” tweet, and “we can't have that”
Sources: NYT told Lauren Wolfe, who had a temporary position, that her name and NYT's name were in headlines after her “chills” tweet, and “we can't have that”
Media Matters for America, @wolfe321, @miriamelder, Deez Links, @asymmetricinfo, @kendrawrites, @jerrydunleavy, @moorehn, @mattyglesias, Poynter, @jbarro, @binarybits, @astroehlein, Media Nation, @wesleylowery, @davidklion, @laurarbelin, @weareyourfek, @wajahatali, @themarysue, @aaschapiro, @sethabramson, @feliciasonmez, @b52malmet, @fawfulfan, @arusbridger, @meredthsalenger, @joepompeo, Raw Story, @froomkin, @mikeloukides, @miriamelder, @markhalperin, @jayrosen_nyu, @froomkin, @brianstelter, @joshgerstein, @mlcalderone, @tvietor08, @jeremyhobson, The Guardian and Today in Tabs
Parker Molloy / Media Matters for America: Right-wing media helped usher in the age of “cancel culture,” but now pretend it's an invention of the left
Lauren Wolfe / @wolfe321: Hi all. I truly appreciate everyone's support but I need to ask you a favor: PLEASE don't unsubscribe from @nytimes. I have loved this paper and its mission my whole life. Their journalism is some of the most important & best in the world, & they need to be read widely. Thank you
Miriam Elder / @miriamelder: @joepompeo “According to someone with knowledge of the phone call in which Wolfe was let go, she was told that her name and the Times' name were in headlines all over the place, and 'we can't have that.'”
Megan McArdle / @asymmetricinfo: ... which is why the Times, like other major newsrooms, should tell their employees to get off Twitter entirely: ...
@kendrawrites: Doesn't talk about 1. who gets in trouble for tweets is directly correlated with who you are and who you made uncomfortable. Factual tweets at NYT can be considered “political.” 2. The right wing media campaign that went after Lauren over the tweet in the first place
Jerry Dunleavy / @jerrydunleavy: I don't think we knew about this specific element of the saga. ...
Heidi N. Moore / @moorehn: One really great reason to not work at the New York Times under Dean Baquet is that he is consistently throwing his staff under the bus.
Matthew Yglesias / @mattyglesias: So the problem here is that when you try to squeeze what your people are allowed to say and do on Twitter, they may decide they want to go work somewhere else (or start a Substack).
Josh Barro / @jbarro: Why would this be impossible for the Times? The Wall Street Journal seems to manage.
Timothy B. Lee / @binarybits: This would shift the balance of power from journalists to their employers. So yes it would be good for the employers if they could make it stick. But I doubt they have the leverage to do it. I'd look for a new job if my employer told me I had to stop tweeting.
Andrew Stroehlein / @astroehlein: The NY Times fired @Wolfe321 for this tweet? That's it? Expressing some sense of relief that a violent attempt to overthrow the democratic process failed and that a normal transfer of power was happening after all... That's a fireable offense now? ...
Dan Kennedy / Media Nation: Lauren Wolfe, The New York Times and the never-ending dilemma over social media
Wesley / @wesleylowery: This account, if true, speaks to the issue here. Being told a prior tweet is “borderline” - in an HR sense - is not a “warning” - meaning functionally the non-renewal/removal was due to the chills tweet (more innocuous than many posted by many staffers) ...
David Klion / @davidklion: Is anyone at NYT going to publicly defend this firing? In addition to unjustly terminating Wolfe in the middle of a pandemic, they've put their entire staff at risk of similar bad faith campaigns by rewarding this one.
Bleeding Heartland / @laurarbelin: Weak for @nytimes to claim “we didn't end someone's employment over a single tweet.” When you fire someone right after Glenn Greenwald & many others attacked her tweet, everyone will assume that's why she was fired. The paper has incentivized bad-faith attacks on other staff.
Foster Kamer / @weareyourfek: One more thing on Lauren Wolfe: Last year, Don McNeil, one of the finest reporters in all the land — and the NYT's king Covid correspondent — called Pence a sycophant and said the director of the CDC should resign. McNeil (who, of course, was right) got a slap on the wrist.
Wajahat Ali / @wajahatali: All l'll say is Rukmini Callimachi, Bret Stephens and Glenn Thrush still have jobs at the NYT and that tells you everything you need to know about the industry. ...
@themarysue: Meanwhile, men accused of sexual misconduct continue to be employed.
Avi Asher-Schapiro / @aaschapiro: “Many of Wolfe's defenders noted that the Times did not fire reporter Glenn Thrush after multiple women accused him of sexually inappropriate behavior..Dean Baquet said the journalist had ‘behaved in ways that we do not condone,’ but Thrush kept his job.” ...
Seth Abramson / @sethabramson: WP: “'We [the NYT] didn't end someone's employment over a single tweet.' The newspaper also clarified that Wolfe was not a full-time employee and did not have a contract with the publication, contrary to widespread reports, and instead worked on a more informal freelance basis.”
Felicia Sonmez / @feliciasonmez: NYT should not have fired Lauren @Wolfe321, especially when other journos at the paper have done far worse recently and kept their jobs. Knee-jerk firings in response to online harassment campaigns only further embolden harassers — and put ALL journalists at risk.
Barbara Malmet / @b52malmet: As one Times journalist put it, “You'd think under all this added scrutiny, the company would be more transparent about how they go about these things. A lot of people inside were scratching their heads about how they handled this one.”
Matthew Chapman / @fawfulfan: Speaking as a reporter who has seen first hand the struggle of newsrooms to remain profitable in the Internet age, I reject this premise. The NYT does do great work, but it's not a charity, it's a business. And it's on businesses to behave in a way that maintains consumer trust.
Alan Rusbridger / @arusbridger: Whatever the complete truth of the apparent firing of @Wolfe321 by @nytimes this is a classy response ...
Meredith Salenger / @meredthsalenger: I won't unsubscribe. However, they need to reinstate you in your job. This was a travesty that needs to be remedied. So, @nytimes get it together and rehire @Wolfe321. She clearly is a class act and didn't throw you under the bus the way you did her.
Joe Pompeo / @joepompeo: NYT statement on the chills tweet: “There's a lot of inaccurate information circulating on Twitter. For privacy reasons we don't get into the details of personnel matters but we can say that we didn't end someone's employment over a single tweet..We don't plan to comment further”
David Edwards / Raw Story: ‘Unfairly vilified’: Glenn Greenwald cries ‘censorship’ after getting NYT reporter ‘fired’ for Biden tweet
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: OK but how about if we demand that the chain of command that fired you be publicly identified and reassigned/demoted/fired? And if they refuse, we create a pool of free gift subscriptions for those who don't want to pay their salaries anymore?
Mike Loukides / @mikeloukides: It's been a problem with the NYT for a long time. Afraid of being called “eastern liberal media elite.” So they play the “report the controversy” game.
Miriam Elder / @miriamelder: .@joepompeo has new details on the Times vs Lauren Wolfe
Mark Halperin / @markhalperin: “Single” is not the same as “two.”
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: “Major news outlets like the Times are relieved to no longer have a president who constantly calls them ‘fake news’ and ‘the enemy of the people,’ but they also don't want to be seen as overly friendly to the norm-abiding Biden administration.”
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: Sounds like Buckingham Palace.
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: “If nothing else, the episode shows how quickly a single, seemingly innocuous tweet can rapidly spiral into the type of viral media scandal that no one wants to find themselves in the middle of...”
Josh Gerstein / @joshgerstein: May not have fired someone over a single tweet....but don't rule it out in the future!
Michael Calderone / @mlcalderone: Going inside the NYT's firing of Lauren Wolfe, @joepompeo reports that “she was told that her name and the Times' name were in headlines all over the place, and 'we can't have that.'”
Tommy Vietor / @tvietor08: The New York Times demands transparency from powerful institutions not named The New York Times
Jeremy Hobson / @jeremyhobson: There are really no standards for this. I have seen journalists tweet things that would be seen as far more political with no consequence.

Verizon Media hit $2.3B in Q4 revenue, up 11.4% YoY, its first YoY revenue gain since buying Yahoo in 2017, and reported a net loss of $119M from HuffPost sale — In announcing Q4 earnings Tuesday, Verizon said the results included a net loss of $119 million “primarily related to the disposition of the HuffPost business.”
@alex: VZ owns VMG, which I work for - here's how we did in revenue terms in Q4
Verizon: Verizon ends 2020 with strong earnings and cash flow, and increased wireless service revenue growth
@kerrymflynn: ^ Reminder: Verizon Media Group includes Yahoo, TechCrunch, Engadget, AOL. $VZ sold HuffPost to BuzzFeed: VZ said Q4'20 it had “a net loss of $119 million primarily related to the disposition of the HuffPost business.”
@kerrymflynn: Wow, $VZ reported: “Verizon Media revenues were $2.3 billion in Q4 2020, up 11.4% yoy, the first quarter of yoy growth since the Yahoo acquisition in 2017. Growth in the quarter was fueled by strong advertising trends with revenue from the demand side platform growing 41% yoy”

In letter to creators, CEO Susan Wojcicki says YouTube has paid $30B+ to creators, artists, and media organizations over the last three years — The company still has work to do with creator transparency — YouTube has paid out more than $30 billion to creators, artists …
Discussion:, Bloomberg, @kellymakena, @sandeep9sarma and @simonowens, more at Techmeme »
Ashkan Karbasfrooshan / Rise of the MCN 3.0s: Different Approaches, Same Objective
Makena Kelly / @kellymakena: New from @loudmouthjulia, YouTube CEO @SusanWojcicki writes a letter to creators. Here's what she had to say about regulation and Section 230 ⤵️
Sandeep Sarma / @sandeep9sarma: And 30$ out of that for Indian YouTubers as a whole

White House press briefings will now include an American Sign Language interpreter; Trump administration was sued over accessibility of its briefings — The White House on Monday announced that its regular press briefings will now include an American Sign Language interpreter.
Evelyn Prez-Verda / @evelynpr: My sister mentions the following about this amazing step: “Those of us who serve and advocate for the deaf people find this announcement a huge step forward in making sure the Deaf get equal access to information. My hope is that other countries will soon follow by example.”

Sources: 100+ Politico staffers sent a letter to Allbritton criticizing the decision to publish Ben Shapiro and calling out EIC Kaminski's internal response — More than 100 Politico staffers signed onto a letter sent to publisher Robert Allbritton, expressing disgust with allowing right …
The Daily Beast, @guypbenson, @meghanmccain, @benshapiro, @drewholden360, @meghanmccain, @jrubinblogger, @bmarchetich, Yahoo News, Townhall, Raw Story and Mediaite
Maxwell Tani / The Daily Beast: 100+ Politico Staffers Send Letter to Publisher Railing Against Publishing Ben Shapiro
Guy Benson / @guypbenson: Tantrum from Politico ‘journalists’ over @benshapiro's *one day* guest writing gig. Newsrooms are turning into some of the most insular, illiberal places in America, and that's a very serious problem. ...
Meghan McCain / @meghanmccain: ONE conservative guest edits ONE newsletter and all hell breaks loose @politico?! What a bunch of absolute baby snowflakes, my god. I am SO sick of this type of thing. GROW UP, this is an industry full of different people and perspectives and @benshapiro is a powerhouse.
Ben Shapiro / @benshapiro: Once again, my point in Politico: conservatives feel that media attacks on anyone right of center are nearly always designed as a broader attack on conservatives writ large. Politico staffers just keep proving my point, over and over again.
Drew Holden / @drewholden360: It takes a journalistic culture both remarkably decadent and fundamentally broken to be capable of this much outrage over a conservative guest writer in a world filled with circumstances infinitely more deserving of anger and attention.
Meghan McCain / @meghanmccain: Also I don't understand how people in this industry, who literally exist and make our livelihoods off of free speech are the first people triggered by it and who want to suppress it the most. It's insanity - and that my friends is what actually leads to fascism.
@jrubinblogger: good for them - the journalistic standards need to be raised, the click bait nonsense should stop ... via @thedailybeast
Branko Marcetic / @bmarchetich: Shapiro is a nasty little bigot, of course, but more constructive would be if staffers pushed to expand the range of voices platformed. One newsletter guest-written by Shapiro won't do much damage, but more left voices would be genuinely counteractive.
Dylan Stableford / Yahoo News: New video shows Trump rally crowd cheering call to ‘storm the Capitol’