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In 2019, participants on a NYT trip with reporter Donald McNeil Jr. complained he used racist and sexist language; a probe was conducted and he was reprimanded — The paper's top COVID reporter joined a group of students on a trip to Peru in 2019. Participants alleged he repeatedly made racist comments.
New York Times, @elaheizadi, Washington Post, Mediaite, The Wrap, New York Post, @bananapeele, @sorayamcdonald, @angryblacklady, @marika_writes_, @sulliview, @webster, @jljacobson, @erikwemple, @laikaspacedog, @kendrawrites, @lisang, @imillhiser, @blackamazon, @maxwelltani, @rgay, @feliciasonmez and @jakebackpack

NYT promotes Cliff Levy to deputy managing editor, where he will develop procedures to vet stories from the audio unit, following the Caliphate controversy — Cliff Levy is promoted to deputy managing editor, will develop procedures for vetting audio content in interim role
@erikwemple, @cliffordlevy, New York Times, MediaPost, @jaketapper, @cliffordlevy, @marclacey, @niemanlab, @nyttypos, Poynter and

WaPo, LAT, Reuters, Wired, Vox, and HuffPost are seeking new leadership as the pipeline from regional papers has slowed and promising stars have left the field — When Martin Baron announced his upcoming retirement from The Washington Post on Tuesday, it made clear what is either a crisis …
Columbia Journalism Review, New York Times, Vanity Fair, @nikkiusher, The Interpreter, @rasmus_kleis, @tball, @sarahkaplan48, @jaredbkeller, @jayrosen_nyu, @jayrosen_nyu, Washingtonian, @sarahellison, @hankstuever, @sulliview, @mlcalderone, @jayrosen_nyu, @jeffjarvis, @rosental, @ckristofic, @enrique_acevedo, @alexanderrusso and Axios

When journalists parachute in to report on an unfamiliar topic like video games, stereotypes and broad generalizations often obscure important issues — Reporters need to understand what video games are before they write stories about video games. That's because video games are more than just a medium.
@genepark, @whatthebit, @magmalemur, @dickymclaughlin, @jvenook, @genepark and @genepark

Pakistan's Supreme Court orders release of the man convicted in the beheading of Daniel Pearl and dismisses the appeal of his acquittal — ISLAMABAD (AP) — Pakistan's Supreme Court ordered the release Thursday of a Pakistani-British man convicted and later acquitted in the beheading of American journalist Daniel Pearl in 2002.

YouTube is testing the ability to make short clips, from 5 to 60 seconds, of livestreams or videos, starting today on desktop and Android devices — Another standard live-streaming feature makes its way over to the online video giant — YouTube is introducing clipping …
ScreenRant,, XDA Developers, @baekdal and Polygon, more at Techmeme »

A TV news crew was ejected from a town hall meeting with new US Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene in Dalton, GA, and threatened with arrest after asking a question — A Channel 3 reporter and photojournalist were threatened with arrest after asking U.S. Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene a question during a town hall meeting in Dalton.
Washington Post, @calliestarnes, U.S. Representative …, @kylegriffin1, SPJ News, New York Magazine, Between Rock and a Hard Place, @marybschneider, @evan_greer, @digiphile, @washtimes, @rickfolbaum, @politicalinsidr, @briantylercohen, @meredithawrcb, @feliciasonmez, @bencjacobs, @johnmone, Mediaite, @mkraju, @jonssonville, @malbertnews, @bluestein, Politico, @calliestarnes, @murrownyc, Business Insider and Axios

Comcast Q4: Peacock has 33M sign-ups; cable revenue up 6.3% YoY to $15.B; NBCU revenue hit $7.5B, down from $9.15B a year ago, Sky revenue up 3.3% YoY to $5.2B — Comcast said fourth-quarter profit increased thanks to customer interest in broadband and wireless services …
Wall Street Journal, Forbes, The Wrap, The Streamable, The Streamable, Deadline and The Wrap

ABC News President James Goldston is stepping down on March 31 after 17 years with the network — ABC News president James Goldston is stepping down after 17 years with the network. Of those 17 years, he spent seven as president. — In a memo to staff sent Thursday, he said his last day with the company will be March 31.

UK court rules that News UK can't claim back VAT paid on digital news services through 2016; digital news services have been exempt from VAT since May — A News Corp. unit won't be able to claw back six years of taxes on its digital news operations, a London court ruled on Thursday.

A look at the female Wikipedia editors working to make the site more equitable in terms of gender as ~90% of editors are men and ~20% of bios are about women — About 90% of the people who write Wikipedia are men. A brilliant team of women is making sure that we have a place in greatest collection of knowledge in human history.
@glamourmag, @timesupnow, @justnanaama and @wikimedia

The UK phone-hacking scandal, which resulted in the closure of the News of the World tabloid, will be turned into a TV drama titled Thank You & Goodbye — Series titled Thank You & Goodbye will detail fall of Rupert Murdoch-owned News of the World — The News International phone-hacking scandal …
@mediaguy19 and The Wrap

Facebook says it expects to face “more significant advertising headwinds” in 2021, due to changes in iOS 14 and “the evolving regulatory landscape” — While Facebook's fourth quarter earnings report included solid user and revenue numbers, the company sounded a note of caution for 2021.
New York Times, CNBC, Facebook, @benedictevans, Fast Company, The Verge and Engadget
Elena Schneider / Politico:
US political campaigns say that bans by Facebook and Google on political ads have hamstrung them during a crucial fundraising window ahead of the 2022 midterms
US political campaigns say that bans by Facebook and Google on political ads have hamstrung them during a crucial fundraising window ahead of the 2022 midterms
Variety, @shiakapos, @kegan_r, @anotheracronym, @cbudoffbrown, @ec_schneider, @opensecretsdc, @k8thegr8est, @thestefansmith and @jigolden