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Lawsuits from two election tech companies are now reining in right-wing media misinformation, after years of ad boycotts, public pressure campaigns, and outrage — Defamation cases have made waves across an uneasy right-wing media landscape, from Fox to Newsmax.
CNN, New York Times, The Week, @kenplume, @jeremymbarr, @wajahatali, @se4realhinton, @nycjim, @denverpost, @gerryconway, @jillwinebanks, @dailymail, @sarbetter, @fionasnp, @karnythia, @walterolson, @nycjim, @matthewstoller, @gerryconway, @jeremymbarr, @jkfecke, @halsinger, @johnmanly, @tonyserrata, @peterelkind, @murray_nyc, @ejeancarroll, @vegalteno, @anniekarni, @adamgoldmannyt, @kannoyoungs, @bruceanderson, @nytimesbusiness and The Wrap
Brian Stelter / CNN: Analysis: The end of the road for Lou Dobbs
Peter Weber / The Week: Dominion spokesman: ‘Mike Lindell is begging to be sued, and at some point, we may well oblige him’
Ken Plume / @kenplume: “Well, I only started this channel so we could platform lies. Having to tell the truth would set a dangerous precedent for us.”
Jeremy Barr / @jeremymbarr: Talking to Fox employees, there's still a ton of uncertainty about why Lou Dobbs was canceled and what, if anything, will happen next. One said that Fox is a “land of confusion” right now. There was speculation that Jeanine Pirro could be in trouble, but her show aired as normal
Wajahat Ali / @wajahatali: Sue them. Go after the money. Always go after the money and hit them where it hurts. The right wing media swamp is stuck. They have radicalized their base that is addicted to conspiracies and lies. They'll need their daily hit.
S. E. Hinton / @se4realhinton: omg! The horror! The horror!
Jim Roberts / @nycjim: Fox News statement the day before it canceled Lou Dobbs' show: “We are proud of our 2020 election coverage and will vigorously defend this meritless lawsuit in court.”
@denverpost: Lawsuits from Smartmatic and Colorado's Dominion Voting have achieved what years of advertising boycotts, public pressure campaigns and liberal outrage could not: curbing the flow of misinformation in right-wing media
@gerryconway: “Christopher Ruddy, the owner of Newsmax and a Trump confidant, said in an interview on Saturday. ‘You have to fact-check everything public figures say, and you could be held libelous for what they say.’” Yeah. It's called journalism, dipsh*t.
@jillwinebanks: Finally a way to fight Republican, Trump and Fox lies. Defamation lawsuits Take the Lead in Fight Against Disinformation
@dailymail: ‘Fox News is in a race with itself to the bottom’: Lou Dobbs retweets fans attacks after show was canceled ...
Susan Arbetter / @sarbetter: “This is the first set of lawsuits that's actually going to force (media outlets like NewsMax) to internalize the cost of the damages they're inflicting on democracy.” Lawsuits Take the Lead in Fight Against Disinformation
Fiona Robertson / @fionasnp: I've seen way too many people start calling themselves journalists in the last year just because they repeat things other people tell them. Journalism is a skill with a set of ethics and processes. It's not ‘unquestioningly regurgitating extremists’.
Openly Black Mikki Kendall / @karnythia: It's like they don't even know what journalism is...
Walter Olson / @walterolson: Opening a new front against the “scourge” of misinformation: prevailing party in New York Times v. Sullivan discovers the brighter side to defamation litigation
Jim Roberts / @nycjim: Right-wing media doesn't give in easily, but when it comes to facing multi-billion-dollar lawsuits, they cave pretty quickly.
Matt Stoller / @matthewstoller: The ‘answer to bad speech is more speech’ has always been kind of stupid. No one says ‘the answer to fraud is more fraud’ even though fraud is at least in part a form of speech.
@gerryconway: Heh. Heh heh. Hit the ring-wing where it lives: its bank vaults.
Jeremy Barr / @jeremymbarr: I think only the Murdochs and Fox News CEO Suzanne Scott know why Dobbs was canceled but others mentioned in the Smartmatic lawsuit were not. A good analysis from @brianstelter:
Jeff Fecke / @jkfecke: You mean the news...will be responsible...for the news they present?
Hal Singer / @halsinger: “This is the first set of lawsuits that's actually going to force [right-wing media] to internalize the cost of the damages they're inflicting on democracy.” — Yochai Benkler, Harvard Law professor
John Manly / @johnmanly: Clearly Fox's lawyers have explained the legal doctrine of “ratification” to Fox executives. This firing is all about minimizing Fox's liability which could be billions from the defamation lawsuit by Dominion voting systems.
Antonio Serrata / @tonyserrata: I can think of a 2.7 billion dollar reason
Peter Elkind / @peterelkind: For vast majority of mainstream media, facts genuinely matter. But as this story shows, for @FoxNews and @newsmax, money matters far more. They spread election lies freely for weeks; it took billion-dollar lawsuits to get their attention.
Murray / @murray_nyc: “In just a few weeks, lawsuits & legal threats from a pair of election technology companies have achieved what years of advertising boycotts, public pressure campaigns & liberal outrage could not: curbing the flow of misinformation in right-wing media.”
E. Jean Carroll / @ejeancarroll: The best way to stop lying scoundrels from destroying democracy turns out to be—weirdly!—DEFAMATION SUITS. Leading the charge are lawyers for Dominion, Smartmatic and my dazzling attorney, @kaplanrobbie
Luis A. Miranda, Jr / @vegalteno: Our precious First Amendment should not be giving license to flood the airwaves and the digital space with lies w/out the carrier clarifying that there is a “truth” to explain the issue.
Annie Karni / @anniekarni: “Litigation represents a new front in the war against misinformation, a scourge that has reshaped American politics.” Via @grynbaum
Adam Goldman / @adamgoldmannyt: Fox News, which seldom bows to critics, has run fact-checking segments to debunk its own anchors' false claims about electoral fraud.
Zolan Kanno-Youngs / @kannoyoungs: He “was watched by a soon-to-be-very influential fan: Mr. Trump, who shared Mr. Dobbs's right-wing values, particularly the anchor's hard-line stance against unchecked immigration.”
Bruce Anderson / @bruceanderson: “Dobbs's program so packed with falsehoods about Trump's defeat that Fox was forced to run a fact-checking segment debunking its anchor's assertions”
@nytimesbusiness: Smartmatic filed a lawsuit for over $2.7 billion against Fox News, accusing the network of promoting a false narrative about its role in the 2020 election. @bennyt speaks to the C.E.O. of Smartmatic and the lawyer behind the case. Listen to The Daily.

Fox News cancels Lou Dobbs Tonight on the Fox Business network and is expected to part ways with the pro-Trump host; Dobbs is still under contract for now — Fox News has canceled “Lou Dobbs Tonight,” the program hosted by television's staunchest supporter of Donald Trump and of his assertions …
@rolandsmartin, @urbanachievr, The Daily Beast, Washington Post, @mollyjongfast, The Wrap, CNN, @brianstelter, Politico, @petethorn, @helenkennedy, @alt_localgov, @cnn, @nprweekend, @redcladloon, @michaelcohen212, @iamjulesward, @realcliffholmes, @moopersists, @davekeating, @dannagal, @brianstelter, @sifill_ldf, @rolandsmartin, @hunterw, @madisonsiriusxm, @mollyjongfast, @joshtpm, @senwhitehouse, Media Matters for America, New York Times, @dburghart, @xochitlhinojosa, @harthanson, @chrisdjackson, Mediaite, @timobrien, @adamgoldmannyt, @sruhle, @jeremymbarr, @rawstory, @eugene_scott, @sacca, @michaeldweiss, @johncardillo, NPR,, @georgehahn, @katiephang, @drdenagrayson, @glcarlstrom, @helenkennedy, @kurtbardella, @senatorjen, @ynb, Forbes, TheGrio, @tedlieu, @ztpetrizzo, National Review, Slate, Mother Jones, @erikwemple, @erikwemple, The Week, @timobrien, The Full Belmonte, @marcosbreton, @film_girl, @richmintz, @toddstarnes, @matchity, @russbengtson, @oliverdarcy, @jamessurowiecki, @ritholtz, @jeffjarvis, Newser, @bgrueskin, @bernybelvedere, @authorkimberley, @kitten0409, @aaronblake, @brownandbella, @gregpinelo, @green_footballs, @parkermolloy, @johniadarola, @azi, @yashar, HuffPost, Friendly Atheist, The A.V. Club, Insider, Rolling Stone, UPI, Axios, TVNewser, Variety, The Daily Beast, TVLine, Raw Story and Boing Boing
@rolandsmartin: If any reporters do a story on the downfall of @LouDobbs and how a once respected business voice turned into a conspiracy nutcase, you can trace it all back to him getting his syndicated radio show. I told folks at @CNN that was gonna be a bad mix. I saw it in his eyes. 1/
Christian Vanderbrouk / @urbanachievr: Lou Dobbs retweets attacks on Fox News. “Fox is Finished.” “Fox is in a race with itself to the bottom.”
Justin Baragona / The Daily Beast: How Fox News Primetime Jacked Up Trump's ‘Big Lie’
Washington Post: Fox News has dropped ‘Lou Dobbs Tonight,’ promoter of Trump's false election fraud claims
Molly Jong-Fast / @mollyjongfast: Fascinating @brianstelter on the demise of Lou Dobbs
Jeremy Fuster / The Wrap: Fox News' Howard Kurtz: Lou Dobbs ‘Sometimes Went Too Far’ in Support of Trump (Video)
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: Lou Dobbs, by far the highest-rated host on Fox Business, has just been canned by the network. I can't underscore how rare this is. Ratings are normally a shield. Fox Biz viewership is low overall, but Dobbs was the most popular guy. Yet he's cancelled.
Eugene Daniels / Politico: POLITICO Playbook: The media does its own Friday news dump
Peter Thorn / @petethorn: Because it was always all about the money. Sued for a couple billion, funny how the priorities change
Helen Kennedy / @helenkennedy: When you hear people talk about Lou Dobbs being “the highest rated host on Fox Business” bear in mind:
@alt_localgov: Yeah, and I was once an embryo but it's been a while. I like how they pretend this snuck up on them ... across their entire evening and weekend lineup.
@cnn: “Lou Dobbs Tonight” is off the air, effective immediately, a Fox spokesperson confirmed. An interim show will take Dobbs' place at 5 and 7 p.m. Eastern starting Monday. It was a head-scratching change by Fox Business.
Weekend Edition / @nprweekend: On Fox News, they talk a lot about so- called ‘cancel culture’, when someone is ostracized for a transgression. Well, now it is one of former President Trump's greatest boosters who has gotten cancelled from his Fox Business Network show:
Michael Cohen / @michaelcohen212: This ass clown @LouDobbs doesn't lash out when #Trump incites an #insurrection against our democracy. But, when he gets hit in his pocket book, he declares injustice!
Jules / @iamjulesward: Well this is satisfying. I'm old enough to remember when @LouDobbs was spouting his garbage on CNN. Then Fox. He'll find a happy home at OAN or Newsmax. He just keeps falling further down the crazy rabbit hole.
Cliff Holmes / @realcliffholmes: Fox News' hosts became so accustomed to lying that there was no alarm bell that registered for them when speaking on a subject w/ significant $$ consequences for a private company.
@moopersists: This is fantastic news! It feels so good to FINALLY see someone put the squeeze on some really bad people —and Smartmatic should win (hopefully). The @TheLastWord is reporting that a $2.7 billion judgment would effectively wipe out a year of Fox profits! #mariabartiromo #LouDobbs
Dave Keating / @davekeating: Lou Dobbs, the man who desperately wanted to be Howard Beale but ended up being just a second-rate Rush Limbaugh. ...
@dannagal: This is a fascinating thread from @rolandsmartin. It is also illustrative of @brianros1's work on the central role of conservative talk radio in radicalizing the larger rw media ecosystem.
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: Lou Dobbs was on TV yesterday; he was off today; and he hasn't commented on this news yet. But a Dobbs pal confirmed that he's been “benched” by Fox Business
Sherrilyn Ifill / @sifill_ldf: From one day to the next, Fox dropped Lou Dobbs. YouTube removed Steve Bannon. FB & Twitter removed Trump. What this tell us is that these actions could have been taken yrs ago when there was still time to save this country from the worst of the abyss. ...
@rolandsmartin: No sweat. After @LouDobbs get his money from Suzanne Scott and @FoxNews - he was fired at @CNN and got $8 million to leave - they may require him to do a no-compete, then he'll show up on @OANN or @newsmax.
Hunter Walker / @hunterw: Lou Dobbs pushed the immigration debate to the fore in 2006 and was a leading driver of birther conspiracies. It wouldn't be a stretch to call him a key shaper of Trump's ideology.
Joe Madison / @madisonsiriusxm: Now it's time to cancel Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham. Anybody else? ...
Molly Jong-Fast / @mollyjongfast: Never go full Lou dobbs
Josh Marshall / @joshtpm: As the Dominion/Smartmatic litigation moves forward one of the most fascinating veins of reporting will be on the culture of impunity at Fox. With Rudy, Lindell, Powell these are degenerate liars and sociopaths. Evil, crazy people do evil crazy things.
Sheldon Whitehouse / @senwhitehouse: The guy can lie with impunity for years, but a lawsuit, and the prospect of having to answer questions under oath, suddenly changes everything. Our failsafe is independent courts. That's why captured courts are such a wrong. ...
Media Matters for America: Fox News guest Peter Navarro accuses Biden executive orders of being part of “deep state coup”
Michael M. Grynbaum / New York Times: Lou Dobbs's Show Is Canceled by Fox Business
Devin Burghart / @dburghart: In a big blow to the anti-immigrant movement gearing up for a fight over Biden's immigration proposals, their biggest nativist megaphone, Lou Dobbs, has been canceled by Fox Business.
Xochitl Hinojosa / @xochitlhinojosa: Second time's a charm. Started my career in dc working at @mmfa holding Lou Dobbs accountable. He was canceled then. Canceled now. Let's not go there again, folks.
Hart Hanson / @harthanson: Holy moly! Today is one of those days where the world turns slowly toward better. Wow.
Chris D. Jackson / @chrisdjackson: He will be be on Newsmax by March.
Zachary Petrizzo / Mediaite: Lou Dobbs Retweets Daily Beast Reporter Trolling Him In Donald Trump's Voice
Tim O'Brien / @timobrien: Smartmatic cited several examples of Dobbs promoting baseless claims of voter fraud, including an episode in which Trump's attorney, Giuliani, claimed Smartmatic was founded by Venezuelans close to Hugo Chávez “in order to fix elections.” ...
Adam Goldman / @adamgoldmannyt: Dobbs was an early proponent of the “birther” conspiracy theory, which falsely held that President Barack Obama had not been born in the United States and was thus ineligible for the role. ...
Stephanie Ruhle / @sruhle: Where does Lou Dobbs getting LITERALLY CANCELED Fit into the @FoxNews “END CANCEL CULTURE” daily narrative?
Jeremy Barr / @jeremymbarr: Lou Dobbs told me over text message (first to @oliverdarcy) that “I have no comment at this time.” But he seems to be sending a message through his retweets...
Raw Story / @rawstory: Lou Dobbs lashes out at Fox after his show is canceled
Eugene Scott / @eugene_scott: Lou Dobbs left CNN in 2009 as hard-line views on immigration became a bigger part of his personality. He was an early proponent of “birtherism” against Barack Obama. And he landed at Fox Business in 2010, where he became must-watch TV for Trump. ...
Chris Sacca / @sacca: Parents, to save our democracy, please raise your children to be proud and patriotic... <checks notes>... plaintiffs' attorneys?
Michael Weiss / @michaeldweiss: I cannot believe libel lawyers are changing the country for the better. This is like a Darin Morgan episode of The X-Files.
John Cardillo / @johncardillo: Fox News cancels longtime host Lou Dobbs' show @LouDobbs is one of the best anchors in the business. Fox is in a race with itself to the bottom.
David Folkenflik / NPR: Amid Lawsuit From Election Tech Company, Fox News Media Cancels ‘Lou Dobbs Tonight’
Ashkan Karbasfrooshan / The Paradox of Hollywood's Piracy Roots
George Hahn / @georgehahn: Good. Next?
Katie Phang / @katiephang: Fox News cancels longtime host Lou Dobbs' show. “The cancellation comes a day after voting software company Smartmatic filed a $2.7 billion defamation suit against Fox News and three of its hosts — Dobbs, Maria Bartiromo and Jeanine Pirro.”
@drdenagrayson: Good riddance to Lou Dobbs, whose show should have been cancelled long ago. Looks like multi-BILLION dollar lawsuits made Fox News suddenly realize that #sedition isn't good for profits.🙄 #ByeFelicia #GOPSedition #TrumpInsurrection #loudobbs #ByeLou
Gregg Carlstrom / @glcarlstrom: When your lawyers finally make you understand the meaning of the phrase “catastrophic defamation lawsuit”
Yvette Nicole Brown / @ynb: 😂😂😂😂 😂😂 Good. Now do the rest of those clowns. That 2+ billion defamation suit is gonna clean house.
Andrew Solender / Forbes: Canceled Fox Host Lou Dobbs Tweets Report About His ‘False Election Fraud Claims’
Matthew Allen / TheGrio: Fox Business cancels pro-Trump ‘Lou Dobbs Tonight’ amid lawsuit
Ted Lieu / @tedlieu: Fascinating that Lou Dobbs' show was a “loss leader” for Fox Business Network. And he only averaged around 300,000 viewers a night.
Zachary Petrizzo / @ztpetrizzo: Seb Gorka isn't pleased with Lou Dobbs being canceled by Fox News. So Gorka called Fox News tonight, where he once a contributor and produced fake business cards, “cowards” and “cretins.”
Zachary Evans / National Review: Fox Business Cancels Lou Dobbs Tonight following Lawsuit
Russ Choma / Mother Jones: Fox News Canceled Lou Dobbs Just One Day After a Voting Machine Company Sued for $2.7 Billion
Erik Wemple / @erikwemple: First reaction: Good on Fox News for getting rid of a programming liability. Second reaction: Nah, the network took this step after getting hammered in a 285-page complaint that lays bare Dobbs' promotion of the lie that the election was stolen from former President Trump.
Erik Wemple / @erikwemple: In one of the craziest media-news Fridays ever, Lou Dobbs' show on Fox Business has been canceled by the network one day after Smartmatic's lawsuit citing his mendacious coverage of the November election:
Tim O'Donnell / The Week: 10 things you need to know today: February 6, 2021
Tim O'Brien / @timobrien: Fox News' cancellation of Lou Dobbs' show “comes a day after voting software company Smartmatic filed a $2.7 billion defamation suit against Fox News and three of its hosts — Dobbs, Maria Bartiromo and Jeanine Pirro.”
Laura Belmonte / The Full Belmonte: The Full Belmonte, 2/6/21 — President Biden delivers remarks to State Department staff Thursday in Washington.
Marcos Breton / @marcosbreton: You know what kills me about Lou Dobbs? When he was with @CNN he was treated as a legitimate journalist when he was promoting overblown narratives about a false immigration peril. He helped create the culture that makes immigration reform impossible
Christina Warren / @film_girl: This is what happens when your lawyers tell you the guy is a liability that could cost you billions.
Rich Mintz / @richmintz: A decade of Dobbs yelling out of the living room for hours a day turned my father from a fairly typical late-middle-aged liberal into a paranoid old man with disturbing economic and political opinions. And that was when he was on CNN! Good riddance to a bad man.
@toddstarnes: It's a first for me - but @brianstelter is absolutely correct. This makes no sense at all — unless a major culture shift is about to happen.
@matchity: “Your show costing the network more money (because of lawsuits) than the ads bring in” is *old-school* cancellation.
Russ Bengtson / @russbengtson: they are getting sued for over a billion dollars for shit he said over and over
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: Reached via text, @LouDobbs tells me he has “no comment at this time.”
James Surowiecki / @jamessurowiecki: It was a show on a business network, and it never had anything interesting to say about business.
Barry Ritholtz / @ritholtz: As it turns out, actions have consequences and slander turns out to be expensive.
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: No honor among thieves and libelers, apparently, when lawyers threaten. We have found Rupert's weak underbelly.
Jenn Gidman / Newser: Fox Business Just Dumped Its Highest-Rated Show: Dobbs
Berny Belvedere / @bernybelvedere: On a network where crazy is normal, Lou Dobbs, who just last year said Trump set a bar “most mortals will never be able to meet,” was terrifyingly nutty. Made Sean Hannity look like Walter Cronkite in comparison.
Kimberley Johnson / @authorkimberley: Last year @LouDobbs tweeted that Americans were going to stand up to if we could fight it with might and guns. Thrilled to see this fossil is canceled. :) Buh-bye.
Aaron Blake / @aaronblake: Today I detailed what the 3 Fox hosts sued by Smartmatic said about voting machines. Dobbs def seemed to be the least cautious about claiming things vs. raising suggestive questions. ...
Bath & Bella Works / @brownandbella: Whoa. These lawsuits doing WORK.
Greg Pinelo / @gregpinelo: Guessing Fox will use the lawsuits to get out of his contract citing cause. Also, if Dobbs is out, how is Tucker Carlson still in?
Charles Johnson / @green_footballs: Fox News cancel culture claims another victim!
Parker Molloy / @parkermolloy: But who will scream unhinged conspiracy theories without him around? [taps earpiece] what's that? The other half dozen shows on Fox that do the same thing?
John Iadarola / @johniadarola: It couldn't have happened to a worse person. Well, except for a couple still with shows on Fox.
@azi: “The cancellation comes a day after voting software company Smartmatic filed a $2.7 billion defamation suit against Fox News and three of its hosts — Dobbs, Maria Bartiromo and Jeanine Pirro.”
Yashar Ali / @yashar: BREAKING Fox News Media has canceled Lou Dobbs show. Dobbs will remain under contract with Fox News Media but it's highly unlikely he will ever appear on the networks again. @SteveBattaglio reports
Mary Papenfuss / HuffPost: Twitter Critics Positively Giddy After Fox Drops ‘Lou Dobbs Tonight’
William Hughes / The A.V. Club: Fox Business abruptly shitcans Lou Dobbs
Azmi Haroun / Insider: ‘Lou Dobbs Tonight’ canceled by Fox News
Danielle Haynes / UPI: Fox Business cancels Lou Dobbs' show
Jacob Knutson / Axios: Fox News cancels Lou Dobbs' show
A.J. Katz / TVNewser: Lou Dobbs Tonight Has Been Canceled
Brian Steinberg / Variety: Fox News Cancels Lou Dobbs' Fox Business Program
Blake Montgomery / The Daily Beast: Fox News Cancels ‘Lou Dobbs Tonight’ Following Multibillion-Dollar Lawsuit
Dave Nemetz / TVLine: Fox News Cancels Lou Dobbs Tonight
Bob Brigham / Raw Story: George Takei and George Conway send off canceled Lou Dobbs — hilarious with poetry
Mark Frauenfelder / Boing Boing: Fox News dumps Lou Dobbs in wake of huge lawsuit

Interview with Marty Baron on some of the controversies during his tenure at WaPo, how the paper covered Bezos, and what he wanted to achieve in Washington DC — The soon-to-retire executive editor defends the idea of journalistic objectivity. “It's not neutrality, it's not both-sides-ism, it's not so-called balance,” he says.
@philiprucker, Insider, @ichotiner, @johnwoodrowcox, @wesleylowery, @ichotiner, @wesleylowery, @ralstonreports, @loriamontgomery, @rizzotk, @froomkin, @irin, @irin, @newyorker, @leonkrauze, @kendrawrites, @ashleyrparker, Gav's Newsletter, @svdate, @vivian, @michaelluo, @pvdmeersch and @newyorker
Philip Rucker / @philiprucker: “The idea of objectivity—I should make clear—it's not neutrality, it's not both-sides-ism, it's not so-called balance. It's never been that....It's to tell people in an unflinching way what we have learned, what we have discovered.” — @PostBaron
Steven Perlberg / Insider: Washington Post staffers are speculating about what Jeff Bezos' leaving Amazon means for them
Isaac Chotiner / @ichotiner: New Interview: I talked to Marty Baron about his time at the Washington Post, the role of Jeff Bezos, and the ways to think about objectivity in journalism.
John Woodrow Cox / @johnwoodrowcox: .@PostBaron with the definitive explanation of objectivity — and why it matters.
Wesley / @wesleylowery: On the one hand, potential legal liability. On the other hand, hard to trust journalists who are unwilling to admit when they are wrong and refuse to correct the record
Isaac Chotiner / @ichotiner: New Interview: I talked to Marty Baron about his time running the Washington Post, his dealings with Jeff Bezos, and the meaning of objectivity in journalism.
Wesley / @wesleylowery: Good interview though. On issues of “objectivity” and “social media” and a lot of this the tension lies in the space between theory and practice
Jon Ralston / @ralstonreports: “...local journalism has to find its own model—and I believe pretty firmly that that model means requiring people to pay for it.” Another fantastic @IChotiner interview, w/@PostBaron. Yes, people will pay (donate or subscribe) if the journalism is worthy.
Lori Montgomery / @loriamontgomery: “I'm certainly proud of how we covered the Trump Administration when we were under incessant attack. We stood firm against that attack, and, at a broader level, we stood firm against an assault on objective fact.” — @PostBaron
Sal Rizzo / @rizzotk: Marty took interest in The Fact Checker, championed and defended our work, got us a book deal, and has stood for the truth in countless other ways. I'll miss him and the next editor has enormous shoes to fill.
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: Missed opportunity to question @PostBaron about his biggest mistake: choosing not to go to war after 2016. He should have gone to war—not against Trump but for truth and against racism. Instead WaPo normalized Trump for a very long time.
Irin Carmon / @irin: 2. I've already said my piece, but since I see the excellent @ichotiner asked Baron about it and Baron called it a “misportrayal of what actually transpired,” I just want to quickly review the undisputed facts.
Irin Carmon / @irin: 1. A couple of years ago, I asked Marty Baron to talk on the record for this piece on how, at the eleventh hour, he killed reporting on a hostile work environment at 60 Minutes and allegations against Jeff Fager. He said no.
@newyorker: “The idea of objectivity—I should make clear—it's not neutrality, it's not both-sides-ism, it's not so-called balance,” Marty Baron said, of his journalistic standards. “We're supposed to tell people what we've actually found.”
@kendrawrites: “if allegiance to objectivity and detachment blinds us to other values, it produces neither humane behavior nor sound s̶c̶i̶e̶n̶ c̶e̶” journalism.
Ashley Parker / @ashleyrparker: “People without power often have very powerful things to say.”
Gavin Sheridan / Gav's Newsletter: Newsletter 21 — Welcome to the new people who signed up firstly - and thank you to the subscribers …
S.V. Dte / @svdate: Important: Being objective does not mean being ignorant. Nor does it mean forgetting what you learned yesterday to come at the same topic with a blank slate today.
Vivian Schiller / @vivian: “I think there are a lot of managers... who manage with the intention of being liked. I manage with the intention of being respected” - @PostBaron to @IChotiner.
Michael Luo / @michaelluo: Nice to see Marty Baron summon Walter Lippman's original conception of “objectivity.” I wrote more about it in this piece about the press's obligation in democracy.

Louisiana AG Jeff Landry sues a reporter for The Advocate and The Times-Picayune over a public-records request she filed — Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry on Friday sued a reporter for The Advocate and The Times-Picayune over a public-records request she filed …
Media Nation, @aegallo, Washington Post, @bgrueskin, @drewharwell, @dmihalopoulos, @theageofags, @sarahglehr, @anitacreamer, @jazzshaw, @patrickcfile, @facoalition, @aegallo, @amyebensenhaver, @aegallo, @jonathanwpeters, @webster, @institute_trust, @politicsreid, @terryboutonhist, @skylerswisher, @bgrueskin, @davidhammerwwl, @gordonrussell1, @marisa_iati, @mikebalsamo1, @tbridis, @dilloncollier, @brynstole, @davidmcswane, @davidbegnaud, @rebekahallen, @kyle_whitfield, @ericeyre, @davidfolkenflik, Law & Crime, KATC-TV and The Hill
Dan Kennedy / Media Nation: A Louisiana reporter files a public-records request — and gets sued for her efforts
Andrea Gallo / @aegallo: So, it's been raining news today and here is more of it. @JeffLandry has filed a lawsuit against yours truly because I filed a public records request about his top deputy's sexual harassment investigation. He wants to proceedings sealed from the public ...
Hannah Knowles / Washington Post: ‘Intimidation measure’: Louisiana AG criticized for suing reporter over records request
Bill Grueskin / @bgrueskin: A @theadvocatebr reporter in Louisiana files a public-records request to learn more about a sexual-harassment case. So how does the attorney general respond? He sues the reporter. Her editor, @PKovacs7: “We're not intimidated. We're more determined.” ...
Drew Harwell / @drewharwell: Thanks, @JeffLandry, for shining a spotlight on this important story! Can't wait to read and share @aegallo's reporting when these public records are inevitably revealed
Dan Mihalopoulos / @dmihalopoulos: Suing a reporter to hide public records about #MeToo allegations vs a public employee #FOIA @mvtopic ...
@theageofags: AG Jeff Landry's suit against his local newspaper is “dangerous”—threatens freedom of speech and press. Hopefully the court will react appropriately to his brief—that is, with extreme prejudice.
Sarah Lehr / @sarahglehr: Suing someone for filing a FOIA didn't work out well when MSU did it. (A judge dismissed). But I worry that the plaintiff's intention oftentimes isn't to win a case but rather to create a chilling effect asp against student journos and freelancers.
Anita Creamer / @anitacreamer: Well, that doesn't sound like a coverup at all. You go, @aegallo!
Jazz Shaw / @jazzshaw: Wait, wait, wait... they *sued* you for requesting a public record? WTAF is going on in that office?
Patrick File / @patrickcfile: Really important thread on why it's “democratically dangerous” for govt to sue public records requesters. (And thanks for the nod, @jonathanwpeters)
First Amendment Coalition / @facoalition: A thread on the harmful trend of the “reverse” public-records lawsuit. 👇
Andrea Gallo / @aegallo: Really, really interesting background on reverse FOIA suits, thanks for the expertise, @jonathanwpeters!
Amye Bensenhaver / @amyebensenhaver: “The Louisiana Attorney General is using taxpayer dollars & the power of his office to punish a citizen for demanding public records about public employees. His office's actions are a perversion of the law and the system.” An important thread for advocates of open government.
Andrea Gallo / @aegallo: Just wanted to thank everyone who has reached out about this! I'm overwhelmed by the support. I worry about reverse FOIA suits against those who do not have my level of resources to fight back. Another reason to support local journalism! ...
Jonathan Peters / @jonathanwpeters: Louisiana's @AGJeffLandry is suing journalist @aegallo for requesting public records re: a sexual harassment complaint against AG's top deputy. ... I've written about these types of legal actions before. They're democratically dangerous. 1/
Tony Webster / @webster: The government suing reporters over FOIA requests they don't want to comply with is just such a bad look—and it's becoming increasingly common. ...
@institute_trust: Many public officials don't like to reveal public records, especially if if has to do with misconduct in their own offices. Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry on Friday sued a reporter over a public-records request she filed. ... @FACoalition @CNPAservices
Reid Wilson / @politicsreid: Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry is suing a reporter who requested public records of an investigation into alleged sexual harassment by one of Landry's senior managers - ...
Terry Bouton / @terryboutonhist: Founding Fathers: A free press is the foundation of democracy Louisiana' Republican Attorney General: Except when the press is trying to uncover damaging information about my administration.
Skyler Swisher / @skylerswisher: So where does press freedom stand in the United States in 2021? Louisiana's attorney general is suing a reporter for filing a public records request. ... via @theadvocatebr
Bill Grueskin / @bgrueskin: Last month, 50 attorneys general signed a letter decrying the Capitol riot. One wouldn't sign — Jeff Landry, of Louisiana
David Hammer / @davidhammerwwl: Louisiana's @AGJeffLandry is using your tax dollars to sue a newspaper reporter because she asked for public records his office had already promised to give her. You can't make this stuff up. @WWLTV
Gordon Russell / @gordonrussell1: This is new one on me. @AGJeffLandry has sued @aegallo for requesting public records (of the investigation into a sexual harassment complaint filed against a top Landry deputy). He's seeking a declaratory judgment, sealed proceedings: ...
Marisa Iati / @marisa_iati: One of Louisiana's top officials casually sued a reporter over a request for records regarding sexual harassment complaints. Must be something good in those documents!
Mike Balsamo / @mikebalsamo1: “In my 40 years as an editor, I've never seen a journalist get sued for requesting a public record,” said Peter Kovacs, the newspaper's editor. “We're not intimidated. In fact, we're more determined.”
Ted Bridis / @tbridis: Florida Senate Bill 400, by @isayray, would prohibit government agencies from seeking declaratory relief against requesters of public records @FLFAF ...
Dillon Collier / @dilloncollier: Streisand Effect. Tried to keep it hidden and now a lot more people know about it.
Bryn Stole / @brynstole: “We're not intimidated. In fact, we're more determined.” -@PKovacs7.
J. David McSwane / @davidmcswane: Ha. Good luck!
David Begnaud / @davidbegnaud: “Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry on Friday sued a reporter for The Advocate and The Times-Picayune over a public-records request she filed, asking a judge to issue a declaratory judgment denying the request and seal the proceedings.” ...
Rebekah Allen / @rebekahallen: The Attorney General of Louisiana is suing a reporter for filing a public records request seeking records about one of his deputies.
Kyle Whitfield / @kyle_whitfield: So for those scoring at home, Andrea has sued folks for access to public records (LSU) AND been sued herself over public records.
Eric Eyre / @ericeyre: Reporter files FOIA request with Louisiana Attorney General's Office. Attorney General responds by filing lawsuit against reporter.
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: What's the opposite of lagniappe? “Mr. Landry is using taxpayer dollars and the power of his office to punish a citizen for demanding public records about public employees”
Jerry Lambe / Law & Crime: State Attorney General Sues Journalist For Requesting Copies of Harassment Complaints Against Top Deputy
Jordan Williams / The Hill: Louisiana AG sues reporter over FOIA request

Hachette Book Group last month fired Kate Hartson, one of the few mainstream editors who published Trump die-hards like Trump Jr., Lewandowski, and Pirro — Top editors at Hachette have told employees that they've learned the lessons of the Capitol siege of Jan. 6: no hate speech, no incitement to violence, no false narratives.
Washington Post, @davecullen, @changinghands, @markszaidesq, Letters from an American, @espiers and @paulwiggins
Kathleen Parker / Washington Post: Josh Hawley made his choice and cast his lot. He deserves his fall from grace.
Dave Cullen / @davecullen: Really interesting. I'm skittish about any form of censorship, but like their plan to publish actual thinkers on the right, and cut off right-wing bullshitter artists. No one needs that.
@changinghands: Apparently some top editors “have learned the lesson of January 6.” Let's see which Big Five houses publish Conway, Pence, and Pompeo. And which pays millions to acquire and disseminate Trump's lies.
Mark S. Zaid / @markszaidesq: This is called America, capitalism and reflects at-will employment. Companies & consumers don't need to employ or reward enablers whose message is generally one of hate & divisiveness. But if someone else wants to, go right ahead. Open market.
Heather Cox Richardson / Letters from an American: February 7, 2021 — Pundits are saying that the Senate will vote to acquit former president Donald Trump …

Twitter permanently suspends the account of Jim Hoft, founder and EIC of far-right news website Gateway Pundit, for violations of its “civic integrity policy” — Twitter on Saturday issued a permanent suspension for the account run by Jim Hoft, founder and editor-in-chief …
Forbes, PRESS RUN, CNN, The Wrap,, @keithbaldrey, @bostonjoan, Insider, @antisillypirate, RT, Fox News and Mediaite
AJ Dellinger / Forbes: Twitter suspends ‘Gateway Pundit’ Jim Hoft
Alexis Benveniste / CNN: Twitter banned Gateway Pundit founder Jim Hoft
Jeremy Fuster / The Wrap: Twitter Suspends Gateway Pundit Founder Jim Hoft
Keith Baldrey / @keithbaldrey: Good to see Twitter taking action against extremists.
Joan Donovan, PhD / @bostonjoan: Still real. Wow. This is on par with removing Trump. If they also remove Law Enforcement Today, it'll break up the major hubs of the fake news ecosystem.
Yelena Dzhanova / Insider: Twitter suspended far-right website Gateway Pundit's founder account
RT: ‘Euphemism for censorship’? Twitter permanently bans Gateway Pundit founder Jim Hoft for violations of ‘civic integrity policy’

Research: journalists who see the rise in misinfo as a threat to democracy are more likely to report using practices embracing transparency than accountability — Adapting to the misinformation era, journalists emphasize transparency in their daily practices — “Fake news” is an unfortunate phrase.
@spj_tweets: “Regardless, it's noteworthy that journalists who saw the rise in fake news as a threat to democracy were more likely to report using transparency-oriented practices — perhaps because they saw transparency as a solution to the misinformation problem.”
Alex Ptachick / @alexptachick: I am very much in favor of the transparency-oriented practice of “opening up the journalistic process to audience view.”
Jane Singer / @janebsinger: Real journalists respond to fake news rhetoric: New @jmcquarterly study indicates more frequent source cross-checks and greater clarity about info provenance. Many journalists also are adopting or intensifying practices to promote transparency. @NiemanLab
Andy Mills:
Audio producer Andy Mills, a creator and co-star of the NYT podcast Caliphate whose behavior has come under sustained scrutiny, has resigned — Today I'm resigning from The New York Times. Those are not words I ever wanted to write. — Growing up, I never even imagined that I would get the chance …
New York Times, Poynter, Washington Post, @sullydish, Reason, @celesteheadlee, The Startup, @megreenwell, the e. roohi weekly, @achangeoftune, @marcatracy, NPR, @saletan, New York Post, @sonipaul, @shomarq, @lauraolin, CNN, @msmelchen, Wall Street Journal, Insider, @fmcapper, @moorehn, @moorehn, @joshuagchris, @wagatwe, @jolentag, @chick_in_kiev, @moorehn, @jolentag, @jolentag, @jolentag, @jolentag, @jolentag, @jbenton, @joshuagchris, @thrasherxy, @meganphelps, @oberandout, @reblavoie, @longdrivesouth, @thecut, @tuckwoodstock, @tuckwoodstock, @jbarro, @jbarro, @jbarro, @wertwhile, @jbarro, @jbarro, @jbarro, @stevekrak, @shomarq, @shomarq, @kmele, @kmele, @bariweiss, @dylanmatt, @kmele, @juliacarriew, @genepark, @jondanziger, @bariweiss, @davidfolkenflik, Bloomberg, Washington Post, Fox News and Make More Pie
Ren LaForme / Poynter: Why did Fox News dump Lou Dobbs?
Jeremy Barr / Washington Post: New York Times promises ‘results’ to staff angry about allegations of a reporter's racist slur
Andrew Sullivan / @sullydish: No one should ever have to write a letter like this.
Celeste Headlee / @celesteheadlee: Or to face real consequences??
A. Khaled / The Startup: Andy Mills' Late Resignation Was Long-Overdue
Megan Greenwell / @megreenwell: The takeaway here is that companies dole out punishment based not on the severity of the offense, but on the amount of outcry — not a great message to send to people who feel victimized but marginalized and/or poorly networked.
Joni Deutsch / @achangeoftune: “We owe each other a culture of collaboration, collegiality and respect...”
Marc Tracy / @marcatracy: Per note from Dean Baquet and Joe Kahn, Andy Mills has resigned from The Times. Have not immediately been able to reach Mills. Story tk.
David Folkenflik / NPR: 2 Prominent ‘New York Times’ Journalists Depart Over Past Behavior
Will Saletan / @saletan: Mills, like McNeil, says his own behavior was wrong but gives mitigating details. Here's his account: His story might be incomplete or inaccurate. And we can argue about what standard to apply in judging it. I'm asking whether the standard has changed. /5
Michael Goodwin / New York Post: New York Times ties itself in woke knots
Ely / @shomarq: everyone join me in lying down on the ground and staring at the ceiling (if you aren't aware: the fact that he got to resign/quit himself instead of being fired is again, a privilege afforded more to white men than anyone else) (also that resignation letter... jesus.)
Laura Olin / @lauraolin: excited to see how he fails up. Politico's head of audio perhaps
Melissa Chen / @msmelchen: With whatever credibility I have, I too attest to Andy's integrity as a professional and as a human being. By the time I met him, he was already at the Times, trail blazing through the frontier of podcast world. He's competent, talented and thoughtful. It's the NYT's loss.
Jeffrey A. Trachtenberg / Wall Street Journal: High-Profile New York Times Staffers Depart Amid Newsroom Controversy
Connor Perrett / Insider: 2 journalists at The New York Times left the company following separate controversies
Mickey Capper / @fmcapper: I don't believe that anyone is above redemption & improvement, but the Andy Mills resignation letter doesn't even attempt to express any kind of reflection on the harm he caused—the only room for growth he points to is talking over people!
Heidi N. Moore / @moorehn: I think this tweet also captures something important. None of this is about wanting anyone destroyed. It is about having equitable working conditions and agreed-upon rules of behavior and respect at work. Like, we must agree women cannot be treated like Andy Mills treated women.
Heidi N. Moore / @moorehn: I don't know Andy Mills but for days, women in media wrote threads about his behavior and how the usual advice was not to be in a room with him. That's more than “being a flirt” and feels like something that was worth addressing.
Joshua Christensen / @joshuagchris: People that look like me (myself included) in the audio industry need to do more of the emotional labor like was done in response to Andy Mills in our work places and communities. Huge debt of gratitude owed to some real leaders. You know who you are
Wagatwe Wanjuki / @wagatwe: DARVO. Classic gaslighting response where he plays the victim.
Jolenta Greenberg / @jolentag: Do yourself a favor and read this Andy Mills resignation post. It's truly a mind fuck.
Heidi N. Moore / @moorehn: Andy Mills, producer of Caliphate resigns from the NYT, blaming a “public smear campaign” and downplaying concerns about his conduct that many women allege occurred long after he admits here.
Jolenta Greenberg / @jolentag: Correction @AndyMillsNYT the word is predator, not flirt.
Jolenta Greenberg / @jolentag: He's a victim. Andy Mills is a victim of us noticing he failed up. Andy Mills is a victim of the consequences of his actions, no matter how late they came. Victim of his own hubris, not a political climate for sure.
Jolenta Greenberg / @jolentag: HE WAS ABOUT TO BE THE TIMES AUDIO DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT WHEN THIS ALL BLEW UP. imagine all the women who would have felt unable to pitch there or work under a guy known for aggressive sexual harassment from the moment he was on the scene as a low level producer
Jolenta Greenberg / @jolentag: This is the part that scares me the most about our industry. As Andy Mills was publicly giving back a Peabody for journalistic fraud, the @nytimes promoted him to the Director of Development for audio. He'd been handed a PRIME GATEKEEPING role.
Jolenta Greenberg / @jolentag: Also don't do shameful things when you're in the public sphere then they won't get pointed out! You're not being shamed, you being held accountable publicly for misdeeds done in you public-facing work life. And you're ashamed of those misdeeds.
Joshua Benton / @jbenton: If you ever have to resign from something and write a public letter about it, make it better than this one
Joshua Christensen / @joshuagchris: @reblavoie Coming to Cumulous media next fall..."Woke Mob" with Andy Mills and Ben Shapiro
Dr. Steven W. Thrasher / @thrasherxy: For some reason, when a person brands a url on their website to end in .work/resign, I think they're going to land on their feet just fine. For YEARS I've heard from women/of color at WNYC who were impacted by Mills & others. I hope they get the kinds of chances he squandered.
Megan Phelps-Roper / @meganphelps: This is a sad day for my friend Andy, but a worse one for the New York Times. Thread:
Lauren Ober / @oberandout: Seems like Andy Mills could have saved a lot of ink being spilled and just written “I'm sorry I've been a huge dirtbag.” This resignation letter is ripped from the pages of “Fancy Men Who Do Bad Things, But Don't Want To Actually Say 'I'm Sorry.'”
Rebecca Lavoie / @reblavoie: Read the tweet. The statement is optional.
Daniel Hernandez / @longdrivesouth: The Andy Mills resignation, ladies and gentlemen. I've been reading for five minutes and haven't gotten to the contrition part yet but have learned a lot (a lot) about how he grew up and the great things he's done. 🤨
@thecut: “Caliphate” producer and reporter Andy Mills has resigned from the New York Times. Revisit our 2018 report on sexual harassment at WNYC, including complaints against Mills from his time at the station's “Radiolab” podcast
Tuck Woodstock / @tuckwoodstock: One more thing about this paragraph (although I could go on) — multiple women left jobs that they loved dearly because of Andy Mills! Like, several women! I cannot emphasize this enough!
Tuck Woodstock / @tuckwoodstock: If I did not want to be publicly shamed for being a serial predator towards women in my industry, I would simply not be a serial predator towards women in my industry.
Josh Barro / @jbarro: But when the podcast was wrong, he says he's not to blame, because his bosses told him that. What?
Josh Barro / @jbarro: He says in this letter that he “helped create and produce” Caliphate. The show's credits give him standalone credit as “producer.” When it won a Peabody, he posed holding it with Rukmini Callimachi. ...
Josh Barro / @jbarro: The manner in which Mills brushes past the central error in Caliphate — a very big error that he presided over! — makes me quite distrustful of whatever else he has to say.
Joel Wertheimer / @wertwhile: @jbarro Does he dispute, e.g., that this happened? Because it would a) contradict the central thing you note above and also contradict the thing about his mistakes being old and that he was reformed.
Josh Barro / @jbarro: It's obviously in Mills' interest for the argument to be about whether he was unfairly punished for old behavior when he was at WNYC rather than about whether he was unfairly punished for a journalistic failure.
Josh Barro / @jbarro: But it's actually worse that his conception of the job was apparently that it was someone else's job to make sure the podcast was accurate. That's not what it means to have fact-checkers!
Josh Barro / @jbarro: @sullydish I dunno, this feels like leaning into the culture war-related aspect of the dispute to draw attention away from the issue of presiding over a serious journalistic mistake.
Steve Krakauer / @stevekrak: What's happening to Andy Mills MAY bring us to the closest thing we have to an a-ha moment about the overreach of cancel culture.
Ely / @shomarq: For people who want to read Andy Mills' resignation letter and not drive traffic to his website, here are screenshots with alt text (1/2) bring alcohol if you drink it
@kmele: Mills leaving is a huge loss for NYT. He was serially underappreciated. Serially underpaid. And unflinchingly loyal to the paper (frustrating as it's become for me, that last bit remains true). Mills gave me cause to hope the NYT would get its act together. So much for that.
@kmele: For as long as I've known him, I can only remember him telling me one lie (but he's done so repeatedly): 'I'm not more talented than anyone else; I just work harder.' Bogus. He's one of the most talented storytellers I've ever met — and I know a lot of phenomenal storytellers.
Bari Weiss / @bariweiss: Great thread by @kmele about our friend Andy Mills and the despicable ideological Puritans who tried to shame him.
Dylan Matthews / @dylanmatt: I'd be interested to know which, if any, of the many stories about Andy Mills to come out over the last couple of months he disputes
@kmele: Bit of a lousy day. Thoughts are w/ my friend @AndyMillsNYT. Hope you'll read his moving + instructive resignation letter in full. Andy didn't want to leave @nytimes. Candidly, if NYT had half the integrity it purports to have, they wouldn't let him go...
Julia Carrie Wong / @juliacarriew: Is it literally physically impossible for anyone involved in the making of Caliphate to feel or express actual responsibility and remorse for perpetrating a massive lie ??? ?? ???????????
Gene Park / @genepark: “The allegations on Twitter quickly escalated to the point where my actual shortcomings and past mistakes were replaced with gross exaggerations and baseless claims.” Oh boy.
Jon Danziger / @jondanziger: This statement is amazing. “I fucked up beyond belief, but it is Twitter that is to blame.”
Bari Weiss / @bariweiss: “Ride or die baby! I'm thrilled about this. You are a treasured colleague and an insane talent,” wrote Andy Mills's boss upon Andy's promotion in December. But today my dear friend is out @nytimes. Why? Read his letter. Andy: Ride or die. But actually.
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: In resigning, Andy Mills says he regrets his past behavior at WNYC, for which he says he was justly rebuked But he writes: “My actual shortcomings and past mistakes were replaced with gross exaggerations and baseless claims.”
Erik Wemple / Washington Post: Andy Mills resigns from the New York Times
Joseph Wulfsohn / Fox News: NY Times journalist resigns following ‘Caliphate’ debacle, cites ‘online campaign’ of ‘public shaming’
Nancy Rommelmann / Make More Pie: Bloodbath at the New York Times

VerSe Innovation, parent of news aggregator Dailyhunt and short video app Josh, raises $100M+ Series H led by Qatar Investment Authority — VerSe Innovation, the parent company of news aggregator Dailyhunt and short-video platform Josh, has raised more than $100 million in a Series H funding round led …

NYT's new disclosures about Neil Sheehan's deception of Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg, and its framing, raise concerns about journalistic ethics — Let our journalists help you make sense of the noise: Subscribe to the Mother Jones Daily newsletter and get a recap of news that matters.
@travelfish, @jamesfallows, @goanand, @jnaureckas, @jeffjarvis, @robertellsberg, @sulliview, @benyt, @propublica, @jayrosen_nyu, @clarajeffery, @edwardwasserman, @ucbsoj, Between Rock and a Hard Place, @jeffjarvis, @bendreyfuss, @madeleinebaran, @jeffjarvis, @myeviltwinmn, @motherjones, @cherylrofer, @sulliview and @sulliview
Stuart MaskDonald / @travelfish: “ The idea that lying to a trusting and truthful source is among the options in a newsroom's ethical playbook is ridiculous, and it cannot help but discourage whistleblowers with vital secrets from coming forward.”
James Fallows / @jamesfallows: Good piece by Edward Wasserman in @MotherJones on the complex ethics of (the great) Neil Sheehan's final account: ...
Geeta Anand / @goanand: Should journalists ever lie to their sources? I agree with ProPublica's editor-in-chief whose column looks at how the NYT treated the brave source of the Pentagon Papers Daniel Ellsberg.
Jim Naureckas / @jnaureckas: Interesting look at @NYTimes' Pentagon Papers “scoop,” by @SteveEngelberg of @ProPublica. I did not appreciate how much of that now-it-can-be-told story had already been told.
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: Excellent from @SteveEngelberg. My journo spidey sense, too, prickled as I read the Sheehan obit and Steve raises the right questions here. Seeing the Pentagon Papers in a New Light
@robertellsberg: More about the @nytimes misleading story on Neil Sheehan and my father's role in the Pentagon Papers. Doesn't address the Times' 2nd article, or why they declined my 3 efforts to post a comment. Seeing the Pentagon Papers in a New Light
Ben Smith / @benyt: “ there are very strong procedural, moral and ethical rules that have to be re-examined and in some circumstances violated”
@propublica: We know the government lied about Vietnam. But should the reporter who published the Pentagon Papers have lied to his source?
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: Pretty amazing. Read to the end. “Consider the Source: How the New York Times deceived Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg.” ...
Clara Jeffery / @clarajeffery: Why did NYT superstar Neil Sheehan deceive his source Daniel Ellsberg about the Times' plans to publish the Pentagon Papers? Important journo ethics and history lesson from @edwardwasserman, former dean of Berkeley J-School: ...
Edward Wasserman / @edwardwasserman: We need people to take the brave step of coming forward when they have publicly significant information that is being wrongly kept secret, but they won't if the media don't treat them with honesty and respect. That didn't happen with the Pentagon Papers. ...
Berkeley Journalism / @ucbsoj: Ethics Prof. @edwardwasserman reports about the ethics of recent disclosures in @nytimes about one of the most consequential journalism coups of the past half-century: the 1971 publication of the Pentagon Papers, in @MotherJones. ...
Greg Mitchell / Between Rock and a Hard Place: If You're NOT Ready for Some Football.... Let's get right to it, as revered/dreaded Super Bowl Sunday nears.
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: Here is my thread about the Sheehan story when it was published in The Times, raising questions about lying to a source. The other question raised is why The Times did not call Ellsberg to comment; this, too, is beyond me.
Ben Dreyfuss / @bendreyfuss: This is a really interesting story about the Pentagon Papers deception thing, but I still don't understand how Ellsberg realized Sheehan had secretly copied the files ...
Madeleine Baran / @madeleinebaran: Journalists need to be held accountable, too. Reporters have power and we must take care w/it. What apparently happened with the NYT's handling of the Pentagon Papers - deceiving a source, lying about it, and then essentially bragging about it - is not ok. ...
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: Another excellent analysis of the journalistic issues raised in Sheehan lying to his source, Ellsberg. ...
@myeviltwinmn: This is powerful stuff, especially given the newfound ability by many in the public to see how the press influences crucial events like elections. While the NYT was basking in it's supposed “scoop” and Pulitzer, the source faced 115 years in prison!
@motherjones: The implications of how the Times' lead reporter on the case, Neil Sheehan, says he treated Daniel Ellsberg in that watershed moment—compounded by the Times' own framing of Sheehan's recollections—deserve careful scrutiny. ...
Cheryl Rofer / @cherylrofer: I'm glad someone with more knowledge of the subject has the same questions I have about that @nytimes piece about how Neil Sheehan treated Daniel Ellsberg. ...

Study finds debunking misinformation after exposure is more effective at improving an individual's truth discernment a week later than “prebunking” or labeling — Debunking > prebunking. If you want someone to not believe that false or misleading headline they just read, when's the best time to correct it?

CinemaScore, which has conducted opening-night movie surveys using poll workers in the US for studios, is hoping to expand to serving streamers like Netflix — - CinemaScore president Harold Mintz talked with Insider about how the company has adapted to the pandemic.