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Ahead of proposed media law, Facebook says it's banning Australians from sharing/viewing news and all users from sharing from and viewing Australian news Pages — In response to Australia's proposed new Media Bargaining law, Facebook will restrict publishers and people in Australia from sharing …
@joshfrydenberg, Mediaite, @matthewstoller, Mumbrella, Reuters, @dylanbyers, The Independent, The Guardian, TechCrunch, Insider, Gizmodo, BBC, Sydney Morning Herald, @mattburgess1, @jakefmooney, @timmarchman, @juhasaarinen, @katecrawford, @jeffreyatucker, @erratarob, ABC, Variety, Herald Sun, 9News, Raw Story, The Daily Dot, @stuntech, The Kākā, The Week, @mikeisaac, @gaberivera, @deniseshrivell, @timmarchman, @caitoz, @caitoz, @jordanlperkins, @a_d_morgan, @mariabustillos, @amyremeikis, @shannonpareil, CNBC, Associated Press, Protocol, @kantrowitz, @bdsams, @mikeisaac, @w7voa, @profgalloway, Engadget, @karaswisher, @markdistef, @mathewi, @mathewi, @sarafischer, @froomkin, @jonkeegan, @andrewlawton, @emilybell, @caseynewton, bend, @walthickey, New York Times, @stevekopack, The Verge and @emilybell, more at Techmeme »
Josh Frydenberg / @joshfrydenberg: This morning, I had a constructive discussion with Mark Zuckerberg from #Facebook. He raised a few remaining issues with the Government's news media bargaining code and we agreed to continue our conversation to try to find a pathway forward.
Marisa Sarnoff / Mediaite: Facebook Blocks News Posting, Sharing in Australia Ahead of Media Bargaining Law
Matt Stoller / @matthewstoller: Facebook has also banned the ENTIRE WORLD from getting Australian news content. Holy shit.
Brittney Rigby / Mumbrella: News Corp joins Google News Showcase, will receive ‘significant payments’
Dylan Byers / @dylanbyers: Facebook breaks from Google in Australia policy: “In response to Australia's proposed new Media Bargaining law, Facebook will restrict publishers and people in Australia from sharing or viewing Australian and international news content.”
Andrew Griffin / The Independent: Facebook says it will stop people viewing or sharing news in Australia
Josh Taylor / The Guardian: Facebook blocks Australian users and publishers from viewing or sharing news
Ben Gilbert / Insider: Facebook is banning Australian users from sharing news after the country proposed a law forcing tech companies to pay news outlets
Rhett Jones / Gizmodo: Facebook Bans News in Australia and I Feel Fine
Sydney Morning Herald: ‘Unreasonable behaviour’: Media companies slam Facebook's Australian news restrictions
Matt Burgess / @mattburgess1: Wow. Facebook is blocking news publishers in Australia over plans to make tech firms pay for news content. Publishers: can't share or post on their Pages People in Australia: cannot view or share Australian or international news content on Facebook
Jake Mooney / @jakefmooney: @timmarchman Also has the phrase “with a heavy heart” ever been used in a way that felt sincere?
Tim Marchman / @timmarchman: It literally has the tone of the UN regretfully announcing it's cut off oxygen shipments to the Martian colonies and it's like ... you realize you're just an app old people use not a world-bestriding power, don't you
Twenty Twenty One / @juhasaarinen: @ErrataRob No... it's a bill. Law not passed yet. Facebook is blocking Australian news for everyone, and international news for Australians. Not sure yet how far the block goes, but sharing links is certainly gone.
Kate Crawford / @katecrawford: It happened: Facebook just went off the deep end in Australia. They are blocking *all* news content to Australians, and *no* Australian media can post news. This is what showdowns between states and platforms look like. It's deplatforming at scale.
Jeffrey A Tucker / @jeffreyatucker: This is just incredible. It could really hurt traffic for Australian media sources. The upside is that people who turn to other aggregators — as they should have long ago.
@erratarob: Uh, no. Australia passed a law that charged Facebook to link to news sites. So Facebook didn't want to pay, so stopped linking to news sites.
ABC: Facebook news ban stops Australians from sharing or viewing Australian and international news content
Todd Spangler / Variety: Facebook Blocks Sharing of News Content in Australia
Natalie Oliveri / 9News: Facebook bans Australian publishers and people from sharing or viewing news content
José Garza / @stuntech: Twitter lanza Voice Notes, Bitcoin a 50K, Bridgefy la App (mexicana) ideal para estas ocasiones y más
Bernard Hickey / The Kākā: Dawn chorus: ASB backs down
Ryan Cooper / The Week: Facebook's Australia power play
Rat King / @mikeisaac: Facebook putting thumbscrews to Australian pubs, which i imagine will be immediately felt in audience/revenue measurement
Gabe Rivera / @gaberivera: “You call that a knife? *This* is a knife!” - Facebook
@deniseshrivell: Well - this is big 😳 & what happens when people who've little expertise - & a lot of agenda - make major decisions. Awful for all the smaller & indie publishers who will be negatively impacted by this #auspol
Tim Marchman / @timmarchman: I think my favorite thing about this is the imperious tone, like people in one of the richest and most powerful countries in the world not being able to get links to certain kinds of stuff on an archaic app will isolate them from the rest of humanity
@caitoz: Apparently this includes links to Substack articles from crowdfunded bloggers.
@caitoz: @matthewstoller @ggreenwald This is the notification I get when I try to share one of my own Substack articles in Australia. #auspol
Jordan L. Perkins / @jordanlperkins: Quants I found u a natural experiment Go nuts
A D Morgan / @a_d_morgan: This is weird to say out loud: “For Facebook, the business gain from news is minimal. News makes up less than 4% of the content people see in their News Feed. Journalism is important to a democratic society,” FB newsfeed is less than 4% news. Explains a lot
Maria Bustillos / @mariabustillos: quit Facebook
Amy Remeikis / @amyremeikis: Facebook has banned THE WORLD from seeing/sharing Australian news
Shannon Bond / @shannonpareil: Facebook is blocking Australian users & publishers from posting links to news stories and viewing any news stories on FB ... AND blocking users *anywhere in the world* from sharing news stories from Australian publishers
Salvador Rodriguez / CNBC: Facebook will ban Australian users from sharing or viewing news
Issie Lapowsky / Protocol: Facebook blocks all news in and from Australia
Alex Kantrowitz / @kantrowitz: “Facebook will restrict publishers and people in Australia from sharing or viewing Australian and international news content.” Who hurts more from this, Facebook or news orgs? It's going to be one hell of an experiment —>
Rat King / @mikeisaac: Big news: Hours after Google cut a deal with News Corp, Facebook pulls the trigger and restricts publishers and people from sharing news links in Australia
Steve Herman / @w7voa: Announcement from @Facebook that it'll restrict publishers and people in #Australia “from sharing or viewing Australian and international news content” in response to new legislation there.
Scott Galloway / @profgalloway: Imagine America w/testicles 🇳🇿
Mark Di Stefano / @markdistef: !Holy moly! — Facebook has seen enough and will block people from sharing and viewing news articles in Australia.
Mathew Ingram / @mathewi: Facebook unleashes the nuclear option in Australia: The company just announced it will block Australian news publishers and Australian users of Facebook from posting, viewing or sharing any news content whatsoever
Mathew Ingram / @mathewi: This is indisputably true — news is a tiny, tiny fraction of Facebook's business. A rounding error. Likely to hurt news orgs much more than it does Zuckerberg
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: 🚨🚨🚨 Facebook will restrict publishers and people in Australia from sharing or viewing Australian and international news content in response to Aussie news media code.
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: “Unfortunately, this means people and news organisations in Australia are now restricted from posting news links and sharing or viewing Australian and international news content on Facebook.”
Jon Keegan / @jonkeegan: Wow. This means: - No news from Australian news publishers on Facebook - No news views or shares from international publishers for Australians on Facebook
Andrew Lawton / @andrewlawton: News publishers need Facebook more than Facebook needs news publishers.
Emily Bell / @emilybell: Here is where the rubber hits the road for @facebook and it's civic intentions. (Forget the Oversight Board for one minute). It won't comply with a democratic government law which it doesn't agree with which costs it money - and removes all accredited publishers including PSBs
Casey Newton / @caseynewton: Whoa. So Google caved to Rupert Murdoch, and Facebook didn't. Stakes were higher for Google, though: it would have had to shut down in Australia. FB can just switch off link sharing.
Ben Dreyfuss / bend: Facebook should ban news everywhere
Walter Hickey / @walthickey: news publishers need facebook because they actively chose a business model that requires facebook, there are other business models
Katie Robertson / New York Times: RoaringKitty Will Tell Congress He Was a True Believer in GameStop: Live Updates
Steve Kopack / @stevekopack: Facebook announces it will “restrict publishers and people in Australia from sharing or viewing Australian and international news content” in response to the law that would require Facebook to pay for such content
Nick Statt / The Verge: Facebook will block Australian users and publishers from sharing news links in response to new bill

Facebook News Partnerships VP: Australia's planned law “fails to recognize ... the fundamental nature of the relationship between our platform and publishers” — Today we made an incredibly difficult decision to restrict the availability of news on Facebook in Australia.
@campbell_brown, CNN, NBC News, Mumbrella, @campbell_brown, @peterbale, @bobbyallyn, NPR, @campbell_brown, Facebook Australia, @ryanvailbrown, @pilhofer, @campbell_brown, @jason_kint and @rasmus_kleis
Campbell Brown / @campbell_brown: We've reluctantly made the decision to restrict the availability of news on Facebook in Australia. Our goal was to find resolution that strengthened collaboration with publishers, but the legislation fails to recognize fundamental relationship between us & news organizations
Kerry Flynn / CNN: Facebook won't let users in Australia share news
Damian Francis / Mumbrella: Facebook to restrict news sharing in Australia, will prioritise investments in other countries
Campbell Brown / @campbell_brown: I hope in the future, we can include news for people in Australia once again. For now, we continue to be focused on bringing Facebook News and other new products to more countries. We will continue to invest heavily in news around the world. More here:
@peterbale: @rasmus_kleis It's regrettable that there'll be no journalistic counterweight to misinformation. Publishers deliberately rejected FB news tab, hoping they'd get more from ACC. Just tried to post an SMH story on misinformation. Can't.
Bobby Allyn / @bobbyallyn: Useful context in light of FB's decision to restrict news articles in Australia: The evidence gathered by House investigators outlining how FB has many major news publishers by the scruff of their neck:
Bobby Allyn / NPR: Facebook Blocks News In Australia Over Government Plan To Force Payment To Publishers
Campbell Brown / @campbell_brown: We were prepared to launch Facebook News in Australia and significantly increase our investments with local publishers, however, we were only prepared to do this with the right rules in place. We will now prioritize investments to other countries.
Rvb / @ryanvailbrown: if news is only 4% of the content that populates newsfeed, why take all your toys and go home?
Aron Pilhofer / @pilhofer: Wow. Here we go...
Campbell Brown / @campbell_brown: Publishers choose to share their stories on Facebook because they get value from doing so, from finding new readers to getting new subscribers. We provide free tools, products and programs to support their goals.
Jason Kint / @jason_kint: old enough to remember when Brown threatened me for trying to (nicely) get Facebook to do a call to explain its policy to treat political news reporting the same as PACs and political advertising because Sheryl Sandberg wouldn't budge. This is all spin to protect profits.
Rasmus Kleis Nielsen / @rasmus_kleis: Wow. Let's see what happens next.

Rush Limbaugh has died at the age of 70 after a battle with lung cancer — Limbaugh's death, following Stage IV lung cancer diagnosis, announced by family — Fox News Flash top headlines for February 17 — Rush Limbaugh, the monumentally influential media icon who transformed talk radio …
@pastpunditry, New York Times, The Wrap, HuffPost, @jessbravin, CNN, NPR, The Wrap, Insider, Slate, Mediaite, @ichotiner, Axios, @drjeffreypjones, The Daily Beast, The Hill, CNN, MediaPost, @brianros1, Los Angeles Times, The Corsair, @johnjcook, @adamgoldmannyt, Breitbart, New York Times, The Week, Ad Age, @froomkin, @titonka, Power Daily, @melaniatrump, @christnnitemare, New York Post, @ichotiner, @austin_walker, @jessicavalenti, @kayleighmcenany, @glennbeck, @jbouie, Reuters, @mattoswaltva, @maragay, Washington Post, @sentomcotton, @joelpollak, @govkristinoem, @bessbell, Financial Times, Al Jazeera, @atrupar, Daily Herald, BBC, @nowthisnews, 6abc, @brithume, @jeffjarvis, @dylanmatt, @franklin_graham, @greenfield64, @byyourlogic, Newser, @froomkin, @rhetoricpj, @judgejeanine, @brianstelter, @maureenjohnson, @mattwalshblog, CITIZEN FREE PRESS, @ashleyfeinberg, @diamondandsilk, The National Pulse, @jackmirkinson, @akilahobviously, @janecoaston, Insider, @bug_gwen, @maxwelltani, @johnastoehr, @randpaul, @dylanbyers, @juddlegum, @rothschildmd, @tomnamako, @letsgomathias, @froomkin, @the_law_boy, @brianstelter, @grynbaum, @nigel_farage, @davidklion, @williamturton, @brianstelter, @heerjeet, @oliverdarcy, @brianstelter, @sharpe222, @allison_burnett, @cwarzel, @drpaulgosar, @mehdirhasan, @bro_pair, Deadspin, @janicedean, @mehdirhasan, @atrupar, @jessicavalenti, @cameron_kasky, @pastpunditry, @scrowder, @oliverdarcy, @froomkin, @goldengateblond, @senrickscott, @jparkabc, @yamiche, @the_law_boy, @pastpunditry, Charlie Kirk and @60minutes
Nicole Hemmer / @pastpunditry: Rush Limbaugh radically transformed the Republican Party. He elevated conservative media into a coequal branch of party politics, and pioneered a style of rhetoric, argument, and entertainment that would come to define conservative politics.
Robert D. McFadden / New York Times: Rush Limbaugh, Talk Radio's Conservative Provocateur, Dies at 70
Lindsey Ellefson / The Wrap: Rush Limbaugh, Conservative Radio Host, Dies at 70
Jess Bravin / @jessbravin: “Mr. Limbaugh's break came shortly after the repeal of the Fairness Doctrine in 1987, which had required radio and television stations to devote airtime to matters of public interest and to broadcast contrasting views on controversial issues.” Obituary by @AnneMarieSteele
David Folkenflik / NPR: Talk Show Host Rush Limbaugh, A Conservative Lodestar, Dies At 70
Jake Lahut / Insider: Rush Limbaugh was one of the most consequential figures in American politics, paving the way for the GOP's hard-right turn
Michael J. Socolow / Slate: Rush Limbaugh Was Trapped in the '80s
Tommy Christopher / Mediaite: CNN's Brian Stelter Praises Rush Limbaugh's ‘Connection’ with Audience at Length Following Brutal Film Package
Isaac Chotiner / @ichotiner:
Kadia Goba / Axios: Rush Limbaugh dies at 70 after battle with lung cancer
Jeffrey P Jones / @drjeffreypjones: @davidfolkenflik What Rush Limbaugh did to us: 1. Made opponents into true enemies 2. Revived overt and dog whistle racism 3. Stifled attempts to revive the Fairness Doctrine 4. Showed Roger Ailes the formula for right-wing broadcast success 5. Offered ignorance as “common sense” thinking
Dominick Mastrangelo / The Hill: Limbaugh critics resurface incendiary comments after his death
Joe Mandese / MediaPost: Obit: Big Fat Idiot, Dead At 70
Brian Rosenwald / @brianros1: Obviously I will have much more to say as the day and week moves on, but Rush Limbaugh just might be the most important figure in late 20th and early 21st century politics. He reshaped the media and the Republican Party.
Christie D'Zurilla / Los Angeles Times: Even in death, Rush Limbaugh is both reviled and revered as a lightning rod
Ron Mwangaguhunga / The Corsair: Should Rush Limbaugh Rest in Peace?
John Cook / @johnjcook: a) everybody used to consume media through publicly owned airwaves. b) those airwaves were regulated for content. c) the shift from regulated media over publicly owned channels to unregulated media over privately owned channels coincided with the decline of basically everything
Adam Goldman / @adamgoldmannyt: His conspiracy theories ranged from baldfaced lies about Barack Obama's birthplace to claims that Mr. Obama's 2009 health care bill would empower “death panels” and “euthanize” elderly Americans.
David Ng / Breitbart: Hollywood Celebrities Celebrate Rush Limbaugh Death: ‘Cancer Killed the Cancer’
Katie Robertson / New York Times: Fox News devotes hours to Rush Limbaugh tributes.
Kathryn Krawczyk / The Week: Rush Limbaugh's complicated legacy, in 5 tweets from across the political spectrum
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: Dramatic rewrite of NYT Limbaugh obit by @grynbaum. Improved but STILL not enough. No more “darling”; now he's “the right-wing radio megastar whose slashing, divisive style of mockery and grievance reshaped American conservatism... while presaging the rise of Donald J. Trump.”
Danielle Kurtzleben / @titonka: TIL from this excellent @davidfolkenflik obituary that Rush Limbaugh...briefly did football commentary? (And then was fired after being racist toward a black QB.)
Fernando Espuelas / Power Daily: Trump murdered the Truth
Melania Trump / @melaniatrump: Rush was a fearless American patriot. He made countless contributions to society & leaves behind an unforgettable legacy. Praying for Kathryn & the entire Limbaugh family.
Christian Nightmares / @christnnitemare: “He was a conservative voice of reason for so many years and will be greatly missed.” This tells you everything you need to know about Franklin Graham...
Steven Nelson / New York Post: Rush Limbaugh, conservative radio host, dead at 70
Isaac Chotiner / @ichotiner: Jesus Christ, do these people have any dignity? How much money would you have to be paid before being willing to type out that Rush Limbaugh was “a humble man?” Limbaugh, if he could see this, would laugh at it. Lowry edits an actual magazine, and has no self respect.
Austin Walker / @austin_walker: I get why we're reminding people how cruel Rush Limbaugh was to particular people, but dude wasn't just like, mean. His reach was vast, his effect structural. He spent his career spreading an ideology that normalized his cruelty and served as basis for modern cultural chauvinism.
Jessica Valenti / @jessicavalenti: Rush Limbaugh had a segment called “AIDS update” set to music where he mocked dying gay people so I don't really want hear about ‘speaking ill of the dead’ today
Kayleigh McEnany / @kayleighmcenany: 1/3 Rush Limbaugh had unrelenting boldness to proclaim the truth. Watching his wit, passion, and willingness to hold the media accountable informed my entire career. Growing up in Plant City, Florida, my dad would always play the Rush Limbaugh program in his pick-up truck...
Glenn Beck / @glennbeck: No words ... I just got news the Rush Limbaugh has passed away. thanks Rush for all you taught, gave and were. A hero to many. An icon. A patriot. A revolutionary that saved radio. Heavens gain, our loss.
B-Boy Bouiebaisse / @jbouie: the most i'll say about rush limbaugh is that he used his talents to make the world a worse place
Matt Oswalt / @mattoswaltva: RIP Rush Limbaugh. Born in 1951 and remained there the rest of his life
Mara Gay / @maragay: Like so many others before him, Rush Limbaugh sold the cheap thrills of hatred in exchange for my humanity and yours. He is gone, but the hustle lives on.
Philip Bump / Washington Post: Rush Limbaugh created the politics that Trump used to win the White House
Tom Cotton / @sentomcotton: Rush Limbaugh was a giant. With his straightforward, simple articulation of conservatism, he inspired millions. He was one-of-a-kind and he will be missed.
Joel Pollak / @joelpollak: Farewell to Rush Limbaugh. A giant of American broadcasting, a man who inspired millions, and infuriated millions (and then inspired some of those, too). He saw through the media lies to bring out the greatness of this country. He fought to the end like the American that he was.
Governor Kristi Noem / @govkristinoem: Rush Limbaugh often said “I have talent on loan from God.” He understood that our gifts on this earth are not our own — they're a blessing. He shared his gifts with all of us. And we'll miss him dearly.
Bess Kalb / @bessbell: I know it's tempting to lash out, but try to treat Rush Limbaugh with the same dignity, respect, and humanity as he showed to rape victims, Michael J. Fox, Sandra Fluke, Iraq War veterans, refugees, and the victims of mosque shootings.
Anna Nicolaou / Financial Times: Conservative US radio host Rush Limbaugh dies aged 70
Aaron Rupar / @atrupar: “Rush thought we won, and so do I. I think we won substantially” — Trump is using Rush Limbaugh's death to push long-debunked lies about the election
Matt Sedensky / Daily Herald: Rush Limbaugh, ‘voice of American conservatism,’ has died
NowThis / @nowthisnews: BREAKING: Conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh has died at the age of 70 from complications related to lung cancer. During his decades-long media career, he used his platform to promote racism, Islamophobia, misogyny, and conspiracy theories.
Oliver Darcy / 6abc: Conservative radio personality Rush Limbaugh dies at 70
Brit Hume / @brithume: RIP. More than any single person, Rush Limbaugh helped break the left's monopoly in the media. The left is still dominant, but not to the extent it was before he came along. He waged a brave struggle against deafness and later, the cancer that killed him. He was a giant.
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: It is the tradition in the US to not speak ill of the dead, especially in obits. But please, news organizations, keep perspective. Rush Limbaugh killed democracy before cancer killed him. He and Murdoch are the devils responsible for the state of our state. ...
Dylan Matthews / @dylanmatt: I obviously disagreed with the political project of Rush Limbaugh's life and career but he and I were able, together, to introduce his listeners to Frankfurt counterexamples, hard determinism, and luck egalitarianism, and for that I am eternally grateful ...
Franklin Graham / @franklin_graham: My heartfelt condolences and prayers for the family of Rush Limbaugh, who passed away today after a battle with lung cancer. He was a conservative voice of reason for so many years and will be greatly missed.
Jeff Greenfield / @greenfield64: Years ago I, interviewed Rush at the 92st Y. What struck me was how tentative he was when faced with questions; (not “gotchas"). He was (malevolently) brilliant with monologues delivered to worshipful audiences...but it is unimaginable he'd ever do a show like “Firing LIne.”
@byyourlogic: I guess you could call Rush a moderately talented broadcaster if that even means anything (it doesn't, fake skill like writing). but as a speaker, Louis Farrakhan is 10000 times more gifted, and also soundly outliving him
Kate Seamons / Newser: Rush Limbaugh Is Dead at 70
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: Limbaugh's death will be a good test of whether mainstream news orgs that are finally calling out Trump still normalize the rest of the right's overt racism and lying. It's not like they didn't know this was coming. So far.. signs are not so good.
Paul Elliott Johnson / @rhetoricpj: Rush Limbaugh had a regular radio segment where he would read off the names of gay people who died of AIDS and celebrate it and play horns and bells and stuff.
Jeanine Pirro / @judgejeanine: An icon of conservative thinking and a master of communication. We have lost a great American. Rest in peace, Rush Limbaugh. 🙏🏼
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter:
Maureen Johnson / @maureenjohnson: Every day, when Rush Limbaugh got out of bed, he had pretty much one job: make the world a worse place. He made himself into a vortex. He caused tremendous amounts of suffering and poisoned people against their fellow humans. His life story is a cautionary tale.
Matt Walsh / @mattwalshblog: Rest in peace to Rush Limbaugh. Prayers for his family. A true legend. Irreplaceable.
Ashley Feinberg / @ashleyfeinberg: don't bother tweeting you can't top this
@diamondandsilk: A true American Legend and Patriot who will be greatly missed. Rest In Heaven Rush Limbaugh.
Jack Mirkinson / @jackmirkinson: someone check on henry kissinger please
Akilah Hughes / @akilahobviously: No one is dumber than white people expecting Black people to be kind about Rush Limbaugh's racist drug addled piece of fucking shit ass rotting in hell.
Jane Coaston / @janecoaston: Rush Limbaugh was the first person I ever recognized existed largely as a Rorschach test.
Kelly McLaughlin / Insider: Conservative talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh has died at age 70
Gwen Pearson / @bug_gwen: As a new teacher in Texas, I routinely had “Feminazi” written on my classroom chalkboards, plus encountering it in student evaluations as an adjective modifying **** or *****.
Max Tani / @maxwelltani: i imagine many people did not find the bombast to be comical
Senator Rand Paul / @randpaul: RIP to a legend and a patriot, Rush Limbaugh. Not many people can say they revolutionized and stayed at the top of an industry the way he did. My condolences to his family.
Dylan Byers / @dylanbyers: Donald Trump is on Fox News now remembering Rush Limbaugh: “He was a fantastic man, a fantastic talent. ... People really respected him.”
Judd Legum / @juddlegum: Rush Limbaugh has died.
Mike Rothschild / @rothschildmd: Rush Limbaugh is dead. Remember his legacy: conspiracy theories, broken families, poisoned minds, unhinged racism, a million hateful imitators, unchecked grift, and finally, the Capitol insurrection.
Tom Namako / @tomnamako: This is how you write this obit. The news outlets calling him “bombastic,” a “provocateur,” “provocative,” “scathing” in push alerts are committing journalistic malfeasance.
Christopher Mathias / @letsgomathias: Every marginalized group bore the brunt of Limbaugh's bigotry. Once, while speaking abt the genocide of America's indigenous peoples, Limbaugh said, “Holocaust 90 million Indians? Only 4 million left? They all have casinos, what's to complain about?”
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: How about something like this: He singlehandedly pushed the national political discourse far to the right, giving voice to racism, misogyny and conspiracy theories that became central to the rise of Trump and the radicalization of the Republican Party.
@the_law_boy: Rush Limbaugh standing anxiously at the pearly gates, waiting to find out where God stands on the “dedicating your life to fostering human suffering” issue
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: Hannity: “There is no talk radio as we know it without Rush Limbaugh. It just doesn't exist. I would even make the argument in many ways there is no Fox News or even some of these other opinionated cable networks.”
Michael M. Grynbaum / @grynbaum: That was quick. Trump now back to falsely claiming that he won the election and complaining he got a raw deal: “Rush thought we won, and so did I, by the way. I thought we won substantially.”
Nigel Farage / @nigel_farage: So sad to see the death of Rush Limbaugh, he was a conservative radio phenomenon for decades and gave the silent majority a voice.
David Klion / @davidklion: The virgin New York Times vs the chad HuffPost
William Turton / @williamturton: My introduction to Rush Limbaugh was in middle school, whenever the school bus driver would play Rush over the bus PA system. I was never sure if the driver's goal was to indoctrinate the youth or if it was just easier for him to hear
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: Former President Trump has called into Fox News to pay tribute to Rush. He says they last spoke three or four days ago. “His fight was very very courageous... He was fighting til the very end.”
Jeet Heer / @heerjeet: Hemmer is the author of a very fine book on right-wing media, so particularly worth attending to about this. Someone should ask her to write an article on Limbaugh's legacy.
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: Using his sizable platform, Limbaugh advanced conservative ideas, though he often waded into conspiratorial waters and generated controversy for hateful commentary on gender and race.
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: “A caller once confronted him on a TV show, saying, 'You're a manipulator, you're devious and you're evil.' 'I'm a harmless little fuzzball,' Mr. Limbaugh replied. ‘Nobody makes you listen to me... The show is about having fun.’”
Richard Sharpe / @sharpe222: Confederate flags are being lowered to half staff throughout the fruited plain.
Allison Burnett / @allison_burnett: Not to play the race card or anything, but do you really believe a famous drug addict of color could die and be arrested for prescription fraud (or even a white lefty, come to think of it), and it would never be mentioned in the entire article?
Charlie Warzel / @cwarzel: this website is gonna be sooo bad today!
Paul Gosar / @drpaulgosar: My prayers are to the family of Rush Limbaugh today. Rush was a giant and pioneer in talk radio. He will be greatly missed.
Mehdi Hasan / @mehdirhasan: It still amazes me that a U.S. conservative movement that claims to be about Christian values, moral values, family values, character, has deified the likes of Donald Trump and Rush Limbaugh.
Dan O'Sullivan / @bro_pair: Interesting to note that we are all alive and Rush Limbaugh is dead. That's gotta get in his craw.
Jesse Spector / Deadspin: Rush Limbaugh, dead at 70, spewed racist filth from every pulpit including ESPN's
Janice Dean / @janicedean: Sending love strength and prayers to his family. 💔🙏🏻
Mehdi Hasan / @mehdirhasan: Rush Limbaugh died. Rightwingers on Twitter are heaping praise on him. I challenge you to read the things he said about minorities, black people, gay people, women, sexual consent, torture, climate, even the Jan 6th attack, and find things to praise in there. I challenge you.
Aaron Rupar / @atrupar: “He liked my rather controversial speech” — Trump called in to Fox News and is eulogizing Rush Limbaugh by commending him for supporting him early during the 2016 campaign
Jessica Valenti / @jessicavalenti: “Feminism was established so as to allow unattractive women easier access to the mainstream society.” - Rush Limbaugh
Cam / @cameron_kasky: Just read what Rush Limbaugh had to say about consent. Genuinely terrifying that people listened to this.
Nicole Hemmer / @pastpunditry: He often bent the GOP to his will: his immense popularity when he arrived on the national scene in 1988 confounded GOP politicians, who chose to court him for fear of crossing him.
Steven Crowder / @scrowder: No conservative would have a voice on ANY platform today if not for Rush Limbaugh. The world is a sadder place with him not in it.
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: Rush Limbaugh, the conservative media icon who for decades used his perch as the king of talk-radio to shape the politics of both the Republican Party and nation, died Wednesday after a battle with cancer.
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: Someone at the NYT decided that “divisive darling of the right” needed a teeny tiny bit more context. Hint: It's still not enough.
Shauna / @goldengateblond: karma will not allow me to say anything about Rush Limbaugh's death other than this: may he get the afterlife he earned
Rick Scott / @senrickscott: Rest In Peace, Rush Limbaugh. His legacy as a monumental figure in radio, iconic voice for conservatives and devoted advocate for the First Amendment will live on. My prayers are with his family during this difficult time.
John R Parkinson / @jparkabc: Breaking: American radio personality Rush Limbaugh, 70, died this morning at his home in Palm Beach, Florida - his wife Kathryn Adams Limbaugh announces on his show.
Yamiche Alcindor / @yamiche: Former Pres Trump on Fox News now talking about the death of Rush Limbaugh. Anchor just asked him about Limbaugh looking very surprised when he was awarded the presidential medal of honor. Trump says Limbaugh, despite acting very surprised, knew ahead of time of the award.
@the_law_boy: if you're under ~30 you probably don't know a lot about Rush Limbaugh, but you have to understand that in the 90s, instead of the massive conservative media ecosystem you see now, there was basically just one extremely racist dude on the radio with tens of millions of listeners
Nicole Hemmer / @pastpunditry: He infused his show with racism and misogyny, wrapping both in jokes and satire so he could claim that critics were taking him too seriously. But it was a consistent feature of his show for decades.
@60minutes: “I'm trying to attract the largest audience I can & hold it for as long as I can so that I can charge advertisers confiscatory advertising rates,” Rush Limbaugh said in 1991 about his show. Limbaugh has died at 70, after a diagnosis of Stage IV lung cancer
News Corp:
News Corp announces a multi-year, global partnership with Google to provide content from its news sites “in return for significant payments by Google” — Long-term Deal Involves Payment For Premium Content For Google News Showcase; — Will Yield Substantial Benefits For Journalism And Society
@jeffjarvis,, MediaPost, Reuters, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Press Gazette, Garbage Day, Financial Times, Bloomberg, Sydney Morning Herald, @mathewi, NBC News,, Financial Times, @b_fung, @kerrymflynn, @jeffjarvis, @cp24, @deadline, @jerusalem_post, Politico, @kylieedo, @damiencave, @deniseshrivell, @lee__drake, @sammonford, Axios, Adweek, @ilpomodoro2, @jeffjarvis, @jeffjarvis, @maxboot, @aubreybelford, @mmasnick, @jayrosen_nyu, @sub8u, @presseschauer, @laukaya, @gcberg, @hillbrad, @davidmackau, The Hill, @senficon, @jeffjarvis, @jeffjarvis, @slpng_giants, @noahshachtman, @mohamed, @sarafischer, Insider, @rasmus_kleis, @kateo, @kerrymflynn, @tiffanydcross, @clarajeffery, @jeffjarvis, @kimbere640, @kerrymflynn, @davidmwessel, @joshsternberg, @nandoodles, @kerrymflynn, @davidcayj, @markhughesfilms, @jeffjarvis, @jason_kint, @djjasong, @devrelcallum, @jason_kint, @mcclure111, @bryson_m, @brianstelter, @jeffjarvis, @jason_kint, @swiftonsecurity, @jswartz and @jeffjarvis, more at Techmeme »
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: Google just announced a deal with News Corp. I hate this. It means that media blackmail works. It sets a terrible precedent for the net. It gives Google yet more power over news. It is a win for the devil, Murdoch. I really hate that.
Joe Mandese / MediaPost: News Corp. Strikes Global News Payment Deal With Google, Emphasizes Australia
Helen Coster / Reuters: News Corp signs news partnership deal with Google
William Turvill / Press Gazette: Facebook blocks news content in Australia to dodge News Media Bargaining Code
Ryan Broderick / Garbage Day: STOP exploring the Ocean
Elizabeth Knight / Sydney Morning Herald: Payday: How Australia tamed the Google gorilla
Mathew Ingram / @mathewi: If you're interested in the question of whether Google should pay publishers for using their news content, tune in while I play devil's advocate with @benedictevans on this question, re Australia etc.
Dylan Byers / NBC News: Google and News Corp. strike a deal
Daniel Frankel / Google Agrees to Pay Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. for Content
Financial Times: Sources: News Corp and Google are in talks for a potential global content deal, as Google and Facebook rush to agree deals with Australian publishers
Brian Fung / @b_fung: Bet Google will hold this up as evidence Australia doesn't need a new law forcing it to share revenues with publishers.
@kerrymflynn: INBOX: News Corp announced today that it has agreed to an historic multi-year partnership with Google to provide trusted journalism from its news sites around the world in return for significant payments by Google.
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: Google & FB won't change; they will maintain unread news features as loss makers to pay off the publishers. The publishers won't change because they got a little more money. Startups will suffer. News will suffer. Society will suffer. Well done, everyone.
@cp24: Google is striking deals in Australia to pay for journalism but Facebook is vowing to restrict news sharing.
Deadline Hollywood / @deadline: Facebook will restrict publishers and users in Australia from sharing or viewing Australian and international news content as the Parliament there debates a law that would force tech and social media platforms to pay more for journalism on their sites
@jerusalem_post: #Facebook Inc will block news content from being read and shared in its news feed in #Australia, drawing a line in the sand against a proposed Australian law that would require it and Alphabet Inc's Google to pay the country's news publishers for content.
Mark Scott / Politico: Australia reruns Europe's Big Tech copyright battle
Kylie Edmondson / @kylieedo: @mjrowland68 Check out @jeffjarvis work in this area Michael. He explains it really well & why this will be a good thing with FB & why Google paying Newscorp is not right!
@lee__drake: How to disable Google as the default search engine on iPhones
@sammonford: I cant believe @Google gave I to @rupertmurdoch bullying! At least @Facebook hasnt caved!
Rachel Winicov / Adweek: Google Provides ‘Significant Payments’ to News Corp in New Deal
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: I will bet you that Google News Showcase traffic will be minimal. That's not the point. It's just an envelope stuffed with cash. Politicians were the bagmen.
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: And Australia? You're fucked. Murdoch is more powerful than ever and your politicians are more in his pocket than ever. And now he has brought a Fox News in the form of Sky News to your shores; it's just as bad. Buy fences around Parliament now.
Max Boot / @maxboot: Fox “News” is peddling vicious lies that threaten our democracy. But @Google is entering into a partnership with its parent company. 🤯
Aubrey Belford / @aubreybelford: The absolute worst of both worlds
Mike Masnick / @mmasnick: Murdoch has spent the last decade trying to force Google to just give him money, and has (ridiculously) convinced a bunch of politicians to agree with him (and some useful idiots elsewhere). Seems like it worked.
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: News Corp said today that it has agreed to a multi-year deal with Google to provide what it called its “trusted journalism” in return for significant payments by Google. Jeff Jarvis is not thrilled with this development. His thread:
Subrahmanyam Kvj / @sub8u: And so it begins... “News Corp and Google Agree To Global Partnership On News...Long-term Deal Involves Payment For Premium Content For Google News Showcase”
Daniel Schultz / @presseschauer: This is the most awful point!
Laura Kayali / @laukaya: Incredible, yet true: Google and Rupert Murdoch have made peace (at least for three years).
Brad Hill / @hillbrad: Does this partnership give any editorial control to Google? Is this just a self-aggrandizing exaggeration by News Corp? If Google can push Fox et al. (or at least its online audience) in a less toxic direction, great. If not...
David Mack / @davidmackau: sooooo Google threatening to pull out of Oz was crap?
Rebecca Klar / The Hill: Google to pay News Corp to distribute content in global deal
Julia Reda / @senficon: Australia (competition approach, not #copyright), France (competition & copyright) & Germany (neither copyright nor competition) all had the same outcome for Google & big publishers. Great, can we stop wrecking the Internet for everyone else, now? #linktax
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: Also, good luck trying to convince Google and Facebook not to include disinformation from Fox News in its feeds when they are paying for said disinformation.
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: And by the way, Australia is not dropping its awful Code. And other countries are threatening to copy it. This was in no way a victory for the net. It was a capitulation because journalism doesn't much matter to any of the parties involved. ...
@slpng_giants: Horrible. Years of complaints that @google and @facebook refusing to pay news organizations for their content and the first (and likely the only) deal they strike is with the Murdochs of Fox News, allowing them further reach and more money to spread disinformation and racism.
Noah Shachtman / @noahshachtman: Apple, too. Sources described to me the big Apple News / WSJ deal from a few years back as a “payoff to Rupert,” plain and simple.
Mohamed Nanabhay / @mohamed: Jeff's take is absolutely right. This deal is bad for the open web and bad for new media entrants.
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: Reminder, the Murdoch's own roughly 70% of newspaper print circulation in Australia. The fact that this deal was brokered in the very final days leading up to the Australia media code passing says a lot about how the power pendulum has swung in the past few weeks/months.
Martin Coulter / Insider: Google has bowed to pressure and will make ‘significant’ payments to Rupert Murdoch's News Corp
Rasmus Kleis Nielsen / @rasmus_kleis: 2009: “We are in the midst of an epochal debate over the value of content” (R. Murdoch) 2021: “News Corp [has] signed a three-year partnership with Alphabet Inc's Google to sell its news products for Google's curated news platform, Google News Showcase.”
Kate O'Neill / @kateo: The word “trusted” is performing a whole lot of unpaid emotional labor in that announcement.
@kerrymflynn: News Corp publications participating in Google's News Showcase product: - WSJ, Barron's, MarketWatch, New York Post - UK: The Times and The Sunday Times, The Sun - Australia: The Australian,, Sky News and more
@tiffanydcross: “Media companies have complained for years that they are not fairly compensated for articles & other content that generate ad revenue...Google's rush to pay up in Australia shows how regulation...can dramatically alter the behavior...”
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: England? You're fucked, too. Murdoch is bringing his Fox News to you and Ofcom is about to be taken over by the worst of the news industry.
@kimbere640: @mediagazer OKAY help me out here. I REFUSE to do business with News Corp. period. What are my options? Guess I will check out Bing right now.
@kerrymflynn: Statement from Don Harrison, president of global partnerships at Google, re deal with News Corp
David Wessel / @davidmwessel: News Corp signs deal with Google to provide content from @WSJ and other publications for three years — and get paid for it.
Josh Sternberg / @joshsternberg: Sorry, couldn't hear you over concerns that the platforms and media are drowning out conservative voices.
Nandini Jammi / @nandoodles: Important to remember that when Google “partners” with journalism, it's always a hostage situation.
@kerrymflynn: “News Corp launched a site called last year... It was meant to help publishers get back some of the ad dollars lost to Google and Facebook. But some social media users mocked its name and complained about its popping yellow design”
David Cay Johnston / @davidcayj: Smart thread that goes well beyond what's below
Mark Hughes / @markhughesfilms: .@Google is teaming w/FOX to provide rightwing racist sedition content. After a cult commits a terrorist attack & coup attempt incited by FOX & the GOP, #Google teams w/them?? Time to deinstall @GoogleChrome & use other search engines.
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: What angers me most is that *journalism* organizations had *no* shame and *no* transparency about their conflict of interest, cashing in their political capital to buy political favor and conspiracy to blackmail the tech companies. Journalism *never* reported its conflict.
Jason Kint / @jason_kint: tip. If you think Sean Hannity works at News Corp or haven't read ACCC's multi year antitrust report, I suggest holding off on your hot take on Australia's new law making news. Probably better to just link your users to great local reporting like this.
Phew / @djjasong: @mediagazer I don't believe this for a minute, since Google censored Fox. Otherwise this is great news for America!
Callum Uwunderwood / @devrelcallum: Google really trying to be the bad guys on every front 🙃
Jason Kint / @jason_kint: and there it is - the global News Corp - Google deal as expected. Now...the AU law that drove this needs to pass next week and every nation (ahem EU, United States) where Google has abused competition needs to recognize what finally brought them to table.
Mcc / @mcclure111: When I woke up this morning and looked at Google News the Texas power outages were the top story and this was the top article, and I was just looking at this and thinking maybe Google should stop classifying news corp as “News”
Bryson / @bryson_m: can't wait till Canada makes its deal for american tech companies to directly fund Bell and Rogers Media
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: Google paying $$$ >>>
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: The net was supposed to be our means to break the hold of mass media. Mass media & old pols—the white men still in charge—beat down the net's current proprietors. But there'll be new ones. I take a very long view. In Gutenberg years, it's 1475. The Reformation is yet to begin.
Jason Kint / @jason_kint: Wow - here. A really, really great report on Google and Australia. Even corrects much of Google's misleading lobbying. These are the benefits of having a bureau in Australia. AU is just ahead of US. as it rightly notes multi-year antitrust investigation.
@swiftonsecurity: You did it Australia. You won. You funded *looks in tabloid* Rupert Murdoch.
Jon Swartz / @jswartz: Earlier this morning, News Corp and Google announced an historic multi-year partnership to provide trusted news from News Corp publications in exchange for significant payments by Google.

Australia's concentrated media industry, dominated by News Corp, is aligned with the prime minister and has sought compensation from tech companies for years — Pathbreaking legislation showed that even a small nation can get the tech giant to bend. But the United States seems unlikely to follow.
Press Gazette, Reuters and Associated Press, Bloomberg, Politico, Los Angeles Times, CNBC and @alfonslopeztena
Dominic Ponsford / Press Gazette: News Corp strikes global cash-for-content deal with Google as tech giant fights regulation in Australia
Reuters and Associated Press: Facebook says it generated ~5.1B free referrals to Australian publishers worth ~AU$407M last year, as Australia's Media Bargaining law passes the House
Laura Kayali / Politico: Google and News Corp sign global multiyear licensing deal
Meg James / Los Angeles Times: Rupert Murdoch's News Corp., Google reach deal on payments for journalism
Alfons Lpez Tena / @alfonslopeztena: Google bends to government and is paying for news in Australia. What about everywhere else? A few weeks after Google threatened to leave Australia if forced to pay for news, it is striking deals with media companies worth tens of millions of dollars a year
Zoe Samios / Sydney Morning Herald:
Sources: Google has agreed to pay Nine Entertainment, owner of The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, more than $30M/year for news content in a 5-year deal
Sources: Google has agreed to pay Nine Entertainment, owner of The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, more than $30M/year for news content in a 5-year deal
Rasmus Kleis Nielsen / @rasmus_kleis: As 🇦🇺 news code about to reach parliament, “Greens senator Sarah Hanson-Young said she would push for amendments to ensure that money earned by media companies through the code was invested in journalism, and not handed out as profits to shareholders” ...
Phil Lutton / @phillutton78: This should just cover the wage bill for @ChrisBarrett_ and his new luxury penthouse in Singapore
Martin Coulter / Insider: Google is reportedly close to a $30 million annual deal with Australian media titan Nine Entertainment
ShiannonCorcoran / @shiannonc: This is bad news. This is not legislation made specifically for Google to ‘toe the line’ This is a code that will essentially make Google pay 4 content that they r merely supplying links to It's a profit-making mechanism 4 Murdoch 2 control more media ...

Alden's audacious lie that it ensures “sustainability of robust local journalism” is evidence of its unsuitability as a newspaper owner — When Alden Global Capital announced Tuesday that it was positioned to buy the Chicago Tribune and several other major newspapers, its statement might have sounded promising.
@sulliview: Metro newspapers, weakened as they are, are still at the heart of local journalism in many regions. Alden Global's purchase of Tribune's papers is tragic & their pretty words about their intentions are infuriating. My column: ...
Melissa Jo Peltier / @melissajpeltier: This is horrifying. This is the opposite direction in which we need to go. Dear @SenWarren - whatever happened to anti-trust - which if not applicable anywhere else, MUST be used too save independent media.

Tribune Publishing has agreed to be acquired by Alden Global Capital in a $630M deal; Tribune will become a privately held company; Alden to sell Baltimore Sun
Vanity Fair, Washington Post, New York Times, The Guardian, Wall Street Journal, @amlwhere, @crepeau, Los Angeles Times, @davidaxelrod, Chicago, IL Patch, Nieman Reports, CNN, @eliseschmelzer, @jasonleopold, @elyssacherney, @dennisdoddcbs, MediaPost, @asteadwesley, @mlcalderone and @royalpratt
Joe Pompeo / Vanity Fair: “Someone Who Does Not Care About the Journalism”: Gloomy Tribune Newsrooms Brace for the Hedge Fund Squeeze
Washington Post: Tribune Publishing, owner of major U.S. newspapers, to be acquired by hedge fund known for slashing newsroom jobs
Adam Gabbatt / The Guardian: Hedge fund reaches $630m deal to buy remaining Tribune Publishing newspapers
Lukas I. Alpert / Wall Street Journal: Alden Global Capital Agrees to Buy Rest of Tribune Publishing
Ann Marie Lipinski / @amlwhere: Many are mourning the inevitable losses for journalists, and I do too. But the greatest price will be paid by the communities that are home to these Tribune Publishing newspapers. That cost is incalculable. ...
Megan Crepeau / @crepeau: This is, without question, bad for Chicago. ...
Meg James / Los Angeles Times: Tribune Publishing proposes $630-million sale to hedge fund Alden Global Capital
David Axelrod / @davidaxelrod: I was lucky enough to spend the first decade of my career in the newsroom of the @chicagotribune, mentored by wonderful journalists when the Trib was a truly great newspaper. I owe so much to them and that experience. Sad to see if fall into the hands of these scavengers. RIP.
Elise Schmelzer / @eliseschmelzer: How does Alden have $431 million to buy up Tribune shares but not enough money to avoid furloughing/laying off its employees?
Jason Leopold / @jasonleopold: “The deal's success hinges on securing the votes of California biotech billionaire and Los Angeles Times owner Patrick Soon-Shiong, who owns about 24% of Tribune Publishing, and shareholder Mason Slaine, a former media executive who owns roughly 8%.”
Elyssa Cherney / @elyssacherney: I mean, you could use your influence and power to help the journalists who remain. We continue to be a “truly great newspaper” with far fewer resources and far more challenges.
Dennis Dodd / @dennisdoddcbs: This is not good news when “hedge fund” “purchase” and “major metro newspaper” appear in the same sentence. ...
Michael Calderone / @mlcalderone: “Alden is the worst in the news business,” says Chicago city hall reporter @royalpratt after Tribune deal, adding: “But we are going to continue to fight for our newsroom and our journalism.”
Gregory Pratt / @royalpratt: RIP? Seriously, David? This is not the time for self-serving, nostalgic “back in the day” nonsense. The Chicago Tribune is still a great newspaper where journalists do outstanding work under tremendous pressure and we will continue to fight for our newsroom.
Christopher Dinsmore / Baltimore Sun:
A nonprofit formed by Stewart Bainum Jr., Sunlight for All Institute, is set to acquire The Baltimore Sun, The Capital Gazette, and several other area outlets
A nonprofit formed by Stewart Bainum Jr., Sunlight for All Institute, is set to acquire The Baltimore Sun, The Capital Gazette, and several other area outlets
Columbia Journalism Review, Axios, @chicagotribune, The NewsGuild - CWA, @jbenton, @aodespair, @ericalg, Poynter, @ellierushing and @jayrosen_nyu
Jon Allsop / Columbia Journalism Review: The vultures come for Tribune, as the Baltimore Sun looks to escape
Sara Fischer / Axios: Hedge funds gobble local news
@chicagotribune: As part of the deal, Alden signed a non-binding term sheet to sell the Baltimore Sun to Sunlight for All Institute, a public charity formed by Stewart Bainum Jr. ...
Joshua Benton / @jbenton: This is true, but allow me to be gloomy that only Baltimore pulled this off, not Chicago, Orlando, Hartford, etc.
David Simon / @aodespair: So grand. I had ceased to believe the alma mater could ever be free from rapacious out-of-town ownership, or that the sonsabitches would ever stop snatching short money or eroding product. Hallelujah. ...
Erica L. Green / @ericalg: Scene from one of me and Liz's convos a few years ago: Me: Ugh, I'm trying to write this story Liz: I'm trying to save the paper. Me:
Ellie Rushing / @ellierushing: This is such great news!! Any other nonprofits out there??? We still need to save all the other great papers like @SunSentinel @orlandosentinel @chicagotribune @mcall from Alden's death grip.
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: While we await details on the Sun's conversion to non-profit, keep in mind: There is no funding model for local journalism without risk. Advertisers can throw their weight around. Foundations can be too cautious. Billionaries think they know it all. Boosters want “positive” news.

ProPublica says Richard Tofel, its founding general manager and president since 2013, will retire from the company when a successor is found — ProPublica announced today that Richard Tofel, its founding general manager and president since 2013, will retire from the company when a successor is in place …
@dicktofel, @celrae, @pressgazette, @sulliview, @davidfolkenflik, @agolis, @craignewmark, @emmacarew, @ericuman, @jonathanalter and @nsbarsky
Richard Tofel / @dicktofel: Some news: After 14 years, I will retire as president of ProPublica once a successor is in place. It has been an amazing experience, by far the best of my working life, and a profound honor to work with such talented and committed colleagues.
Celeste LeCompte / @celrae: Dick's leadership has been so important, not only to ProPublica, but also to many of us personally (incl. me!) and to our industry as a whole. I'm esp. grateful for the clarity of purpose, frank communication, and love of great stories that he's brought to our work each day.
@pressgazette: Richard Tofel to retire as ProPublica president. Read our recent interview with him here: ...
@sulliview: Dick (@dicktofel) has been an exemplary leader who has had tremendous impact at @propublica and beyond. Take a a bow.
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: An extraordinary second act from former top WSJ executive turned ProPublica president @DickTofel — congrats! American journalism & the public are the better for it.
Andrew Golis / @agolis: ProPublica is one of the most important success stories in journalism of the last 20 years. Dick Tofel is a huge reason it turned out that way. What a run!
Craig Newmark / @craignewmark: Sad to see you go!
Emma Carew Grovum / @emmacarew: Add ProPublica to the list of prestige news orgs with a top job to fill. Like @nytimes, @latimes, @washingtonpost and others, this is a great opportunity to diversify what top leadership looks like.
Eric Umansky / @ericuman: ProPublica's *amazing* president, @dicktofel is gonna be stepping down — 14 years after being Employee # 1. Dick has been a helluva leader not just for us, but for the cause of investigative journalism and the critical role it plays in our world. 🙏🏼
Jonathan Alter / @jonathanalter: .@dicktofel is the first true visionary of non-profit investigative journalism—and a great guy. PS: Happy Birthday, Dick!
Neil Barsky / @nsbarsky: Dick Tofel built Pro Publica into a sustainable journalism behemoth. He singlehandedly created the argument for philanthropic engagement in our industry. And he generously helped others, like @MarshallProj, when we got started. One of journalism's true giants.

YouTube says it will expand Shorts, its TikTok rival in beta in India, to the US in coming weeks, announces plans for 2021 including expanding in-video shopping — YouTube has a host of big product updates coming this year, and it just detailed a lot of them in a blog post from Chief Product Officer Neal Mohan.
MediaPost, YouTube Official Blog, /Film, The Streamable, Android Police, Mashable, @mattnavarra, @fwiz, @vidiq, @reneritchie, The Verge and Engadget, more at Techmeme »
Laurie Sullivan / MediaPost: YouTube Reveals Product Roadmap For 2021, From Commerce To TV
Hoai-Tran Bui / /Film: YouTube TV is Adding Offline Downloads and 4K Streaming
Jason Gurwin / The Streamable: YouTube TV to Add 4K Streaming, Offline Downloads, and Unlimited Streams in New Add-on
Prasham Parikh / Android Police: YouTube TV set to offer new package with 4K streaming, offline downloads, and unlimited streams
Matt Binder / Mashable: YouTube announces new ‘applause’ feature that allows users to pay creators directly
Matt Navarra / @mattnavarra: THREAD YouTube announce NEW features launching in 2021 COMING SOON - YouTube Shorts launching in beta in the U.S in March - YouTube will auto-add chapters feature - Redesign of YouTube for tablets - Redesign of the YouTube VR app homepage Full details:
Ryan Wyatt / @fwiz: Our Chief Product Officer at @YouTube, @nealmohan, announced a variety of product updates coming. 🛍 Shopping on YouTube directly from a video 💵 Expansion of Applause tipping features 🎬 YouTube Shorts launching in the U.S. And more!
@vidiq: FINALLY! Full Story: Have you made a ‘Short’ yet?
Rene Ritchie / @reneritchie: “Investing to empower the YouTube experience for the next generation of video” by @nealmohan “We're kicking off a new series that takes you inside our ongoing efforts to redefine how the world experiences video.” (Via @MrBeastYT)
Julia Alexander / The Verge: YouTube Shorts beta will launch in the United States in March

CNN nullified its rule that prevented Chris Cuomo from covering Andrew Cuomo when the Gov. was flying high, only to invoke it during the nursing home scandal — On his Monday night CNN program, host Chris Cuomo provided an update on the biggest story of the past year.
CNN: Cuomo said ‘he can destroy me’: NY assemblyman alleges governor threatened him over nursing homes scandal
Jesse McKinley / New York Times: Cuomo Attacks a Fellow Democrat Over Nursing Home Criticism
Chris Field / TheBlaze: CNN let Chris Cuomo give Andrew Cuomo a propaganda platform early on during pandemic. WaPo writer points out Chris' silence now as nursing home scandal grows.
Unfettered Conversation-haver / @jgrantaddison: Wait are they just now realizing this

iHeartMedia to acquire Triton Digital, which provides audio advertising analytics and measurement services, from Scripps for $230M — Deal for audio advertising analytics and measurement services bolsters radio giant's bet on podcasting — iHeartMedia Inc. has agreed …
Variety, Insider, The Hill, Radio & Television …, RAIN News, Los Angeles Times, AdExchanger, @wsj, @tzm_tmt, The Verge, @kerrymflynn and @richlightshed, more at Techmeme »
Todd Spangler / Variety: iHeartMedia to Acquire Audio Ad-Tech Firm Triton Digital From Scripps for $230 Million
Lauren Johnson / Insider: Private equity is backing big e-commerce deals
Rbr-Tvbr / Radio & Television Business Report: Triton Acquired By iHeart In Multimillion-Dollar Deal
Allison Schiff / AdExchanger: iHeart Acquires Programmatic Audio Marketplace Triton Digital For $230 Million
@wsj: iHeartMedia has agreed to acquire Triton Digital from E.W. Scripps for $230 million, giving the largest U.S. radio broadcaster a full slate of audio advertising technology and measurement capabilities as it builds out its podcast business
Tavish ZM / @tzm_tmt: iHeartMedia following in the footsteps of $SPOT and $SIRI, making acquisitions to build out their tech stack for podcast advertising. $IHRT
@kerrymflynn: “iHeartMedia has agreed to acquire E.W. Scripps Co.'s Triton Digital for $230 million in a deal that will give the radio giant a full slate of audio advertising technology and measurement capabilities as it builds out its podcast business.”
Rich Greenfield / @richlightshed: “People have run out of time for their eyeballs. In audio it's clear people still have time for their ears—cooking, working in the yard, driving to work.” ❤️ @PittmanRadio quote Music, Podcasting, Clubhouse, Spaces — time spent with audio is exploding

Tucker Carlson will develop two new projects for Fox Nation streaming service, including a video podcast and “in-depth specials” called Tucker Carlson Originals — The anchor will host a video podcast for Fox Nation, and will host a series of “in-depth specials” called Tucker Carlson Originals.
Fox News Channel Press, The Wrap, @alexweprin, Variety, @mathewi, Mediaite, Fox News, @jonlovett, @alexweprin and @alexweprin
Alex Weprin / @alexweprin: Fox News is adding more Tucker Carlson programming. Carlson will host “Tucker Carlson Originals” and a video podcast for the Fox Nation streaming service.
Brian Steinberg / Variety: Tucker Carlson Expands Streaming-Video Duties for Fox News Media
Mathew Ingram / @mathewi: We heard you love to hate Tucker Carlson, so here's way more of him to hate! You're welcome! ... via @thr
Marisa Sarnoff / Mediaite: Fox Nation Announces New Tucker Carlson Podcast, Documentary Series
Jon Lovett / @jonlovett: Literally adding a VP of Tucker Carlson's bullshit!

WarnerMedia, known for Cartoon Network and Adult Swim, plans a preschool brand, Cartoonito, and will work to attract more young girls and families as viewers — WarnerMedia wants to open its kids-content playground to bigger crowds. — Known best for Cartoon Network and Adult Swim …
Jeff Kotuby / The Streamable: Cartoon Network & HBO Max to Bring 300 Hours of New Content for Kids This Year
Ethan Jakob Craft / Ad Age: WarnerMedia expands kids offerings under Cartoon Network, HBO Max hubs