Top News:

Australian Treasurer Josh Frydenberg says he will hold talks with Zuckerberg to “see if there's a pathway forward”, but says news legislation will go ahead — - ‘The world is watching us very closely,’ says Treasurer — News content law expected to pass through parliament next week
@sarafischer, New York Times, Insider, @kenroth, @firstdraftnews, @maximillian_alv, @pomeranian99, @baekdal, @baekdal, @baekdal, @baekdal, @larakiara, BBC and Wall Street Journal, more at Techmeme »
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: NEW: @Chartbeat says outside traffic to Australian news sites has fallen day-over-day by over 20% — “And looks like it's fallen a bit more in recent hours.” — Also large drop in traffic from readers within Australia. 10 percentage pt drop of visits from within Australia since ban
Damien Cave / New York Times: Facebook's New Look in Australia: News and Hospitals Out, Aliens Still In
Insider: Facebook's news ban has crushed traffic for Australian publishers, and news execs elsewhere are bracing for wider global fallout
Kenneth Roth / @kenroth: Facebook wanted to make a point by depriving Australians of access to news on its site if the government was going to make it pay for offering news, but it acted irresponsibly, billing itself as a community bulletin board but removing key community notices
First Draft / @firstdraftnews: Other countries are commenting on Facebook's decision as well: On Thursday, Canada's Heritage Minister called the restrictions “highly irresponsible,” indicating Canada will push forward with its own legislation to make social media platforms pay for news ...
Maximillian Alvarez / @maximillian_alv: This story is fucking nuts. Corporate domination of the internet is a disaster
Clive Thompson / @pomeranian99: A good synthesis of the three main ways Australians have responded to Facebook turning off news (and many other types of info):
Thomas Baekdal / @baekdal: I should add, in the above tweet, I meant “20% of the onsite **advertising** revenue” ... not the total revenue that a publisher has from all revenue sources.
Thomas Baekdal / @baekdal: So media companies in Australia say that they have lost 20% of their traffic after Facebook blocked them ... this also means that this is the value of Facebook to publishers. They generate 20% of their on-site revenue + an unknown percentage of conversions to subscribers.
Thomas Baekdal / @baekdal: BTW: The 20% is from @larakiara's article: ...
Thomas Baekdal / @baekdal: This is what is called ‘check mate’ ... Because the next time a newspaper says that Facebook needs to pay them, they can just point to this number and say: “but we are already generating 20% of your traffic/revenue” ... while news is only 4% of our platform
Lara O'Reilly / @larakiara: .@perlberg and I spoke to publishers about how they're watching Facebook's Australia news ban with some unease. The sense is that this won't be the last of these legal tussles globally ...
Mike Cherney / Wall Street Journal: Facebook Surprises Australians With News Blackout

Facebook's refusal to pay a misguided media tax, pushed by Rupert Murdoch, is a defense of the open web and criticizing it for rejecting a link tax is bizarre — None of this should have been a surprise. Back in September we wrote about Facebook publicly saying that if Australia went forward …
@mmasnick, Axios, Reason, @mattbruenig, @b_fung, @zenjournalist, @saramorrison, @theophite, @hughhewitt, @mmasnick, @mmasnick, @mmasnick, @robpegoraro, @emilybell, @emilybell, @foofdawg, @likpiara, @hkanji, @benthompson, @emilybell, @lachlan, @evan_greer, @bobbyallyn, @randyebarnett, @wexler, @mathewi, TechCrunch, New York Post and @katecrawford, more at Techmeme »
Mike Masnick / @mmasnick: I got tired of responding to every bad take regarding the Facebook Australia news on Twitter, and have now written a longer post about it. Just don't try to share it on FB in Australia.
Sara Fischer / Axios: News traffic in Australia drops after Facebook link-sharing ban
Elizabeth Nolan Brown / Reason: Ted Cruz's Jaunt to Cancun Validates Everyone's Priors
Matt Bruenig / @mattbruenig: The FB Australia thing has been very strange. I finally had it cleared up a couple of days ago when someone told me that the argument that social media companies make their money by being a middle man between news links and readers is a fake argument nobody believes.
Brian Fung / @b_fung: Everyone please read this. I've been talking to misinformation experts, including those in Australia, and the common theme I keep hearing is that there is no clear hero or villain in this saga. Stop trying to create them! The world is messy and complicated.
Andrew MacGregor Marshall / @zenjournalist: Another good post on why the Australian government and Murdoch empire brought the Facebook debacle on themselves
Sara Morrison / @saramorrison: @emilybell @mmasnick @foofdawg @robpegoraro Facebook has already said that they used a “broad definition” of what pages should be banned because they thought the law didn't “provide clear guidance.” This was intentional.
One Wag / @theophite: the tech industry has built infrastructure for every country on earth, and unlike every other product but like things like roads, virtually everyone uses it for free, but unlike every other member of that category, no individual country can regulate it
Hugh Hewitt / @hughhewitt: I hadn't been following the @FB clash Down Under until this AM, and am glad @KateOHareWrites sent this along before I reacted. The #BigTech wars always have multiple sides to them.
Mike Masnick / @mmasnick: @robpegoraro Right, but they put those back up, and part of the reason they went down in the first place was the very broad/vague description of news in the bill.
Mike Masnick / @mmasnick: I just had to ring the bell hanging over my desk, as for the first time in my life, I've convinced someone to change their opinion on this here internet.
Mike Masnick / @mmasnick: @emilybell @foofdawg @robpegoraro The health pages were still available. I don't get this line of argument at all.
Rob Pegoraro / @robpegoraro: @mmasnick I would have respected Facebook more in this case if they had outright exited Australia. Or if they had at least implemented this ban without taking out a bunch of state and local government pages in the process.
Emily Bell / @emilybell: @mmasnick @robpegoraro But the bill isn't law. They didn't have to take anything down at all yet. There is time built in for clarification and exit even after it has passed into law.....
Emily Bell / @emilybell: @mmasnick @foofdawg @robpegoraro Not last night they weren't - owner of Queensland public health page posted about it. So did the First Nations media network who lost half their sites. Everyone knows it was a disorderly mess - Facebook deleted their *own page*
@foofdawg: @emilybell @mmasnick @robpegoraro If something is about to become costly or illegal, you generally don't want to wait until the last moment to make sure you aren't being charged or doing something illegal. They got out ahead of the problem like most business are encouraged to do when there's regulations changes?
Malik Piara / @likpiara: This article is enlightening and changed the opinion I had of Facebook in the Facebook/Australia matter.
Hussein Kanji / @hkanji: We can argue about whether or not Facebook is “compatible with democracy” but the simple facts of the situation are that Australia - pushed heavily by Rupert Murdoch - has decided to put in place a plan to tax Google and Facebook for any links to news
Ben Thompson / @benthompson: I think what is illuminating about this story is the breathtaking dishonesty of many Facebook critics. It's probably worth keeping in mind to what extent the “whatever side Facebook is on is the wrong one” heuristic applies to other more difficult to understand stories as well.
Emily Bell / @emilybell: @foofdawg @mmasnick @robpegoraro That's just nonsense. There are clear guidelines and a timetable for compliance. The bill hasn't yet passed, Facebook pulled a stunt which had unintended consequences of knocking out public health pages in a pandemic (!). It's not defensible
Lachlan Markay / @lachlan: “But here, a bunch of lazy newspaper execs who failed to adapt and to figure out better internet business models not only want the traffic, they also want to get paid for it.”
Evan Greer / @evan_greer: I agree that Facebook's business model is incompatible with democracy and basic human rights. But imposing a tax on linking to news articles is incompatible with an open Internet. Facebook has too much power. The Australian law is stupid. Pretty simple..
Bobby Allyn / @bobbyallyn: “This fight was not ‘Facebook v. Australia.’ Or ‘Facebook v. journalism’ even though some ignorant or dishonest people are making it out to be the case. This was always ‘Rupert Murdoch v. the open web.’
Randy Barnett / @randyebarnett: “Australia is saying it wants to tax links to news on Facebook, and Facebook responds in the exact way any reasonable economist would predict: it says that's just not worth it and bans links. That's not incompatible with democracy....”
Nu Wexler / @wexler: “We may not like Facebook in the role of the defender of the open web ... But Facebook saying that it won't pay a link tax is a defense of the open web and against Rupert Murdoch. It's the right move ...”
Mathew Ingram / @mathewi: I agree with @mmasnick on the law, but Facebook is the worst possible defender of the open web. It's like saying foxes are the best defenders of the chicken coop. FB has done everything possible to bury links, keep people inside their walled garden, and block interoperability

In a media diversity hearing, ex-PM Kevin Rudd said that Australian politicians are afraid of Murdoch media; a News Corp exec dismissed Rudd's claims — Former PM says his fear of the Murdoch empire persisted during his time in office and only subsided after he left
@acgrayling: The vaccine against Murdoch virus: Ban foreign ownership of press. Ban cross-media ownership: either print or broadcast, not both. “Kevin Rudd says Australian politicians ‘frightened’ of ‘Murdoch media beast’ in Senate inquiry” ...
Tim Walker / @thattimwalker: Politicians in this country are too craven, corrupt and compromised to even admit we have a serious problem with Murdoch. ...
Cam Wilson / Gizmodo Australia: Kevin Rudd Says Australia Will Become The US In 10 Years Due To Rupert Murdoch Media diversity inquiry: News Corp executives Michael Miller and Campbell Reid give evidence
Aidan Wondracz / Associated Press: Secrets of Rupert Murdoch: Bitter dumped PM Kevin Rudd reveals what Australia's most powerful media tycoon is REALLY like ... and claims there's only THREE things he cares about in life
Paul Osborne / Blue Mountains Gazette: Ex-PM Rudd set sights on media diversity
David Thorpe / The Fifth Estate: We need a vaccine for the climate misinformation pandemic - and we need to defeat Murdoch
Marion RaeAAP / The West Australian: Media code entrenches Murdoch empire: Rudd

Three fact-checking organizations, including two members of Facebook's fact-checking program, haven't been able to operate their Facebook pages in Australia
Alex Mahadevan / Poynter:
An early analysis of Birdwatch, Twitter's crowdsourced fact-checking pilot with about 1,000 users, shows partisan rhetoric and a lack of source citations
An early analysis of Birdwatch, Twitter's crowdsourced fact-checking pilot with about 1,000 users, shows partisan rhetoric and a lack of source citations
@joshuahol, @jimhenleymusic, @blackamazon, @fideljefe, @timcast, @alexmahadevan, @chris_buckley, @alexmahadevan, @timcast, @janebsinger and @poynter, more at Techmeme »
Joshua Holland / @joshuahol: What a predictable mess
@jimhenleymusic: The jape has always been that Twitter leadership has never used their own service. But it looks like they've never used the *Internet*
El Jefe Fidel / @fideljefe: i bet @DemopJ could do a better job.
Alex Mahadevan / @alexmahadevan: The solution, @Twitter said, is BWers can register under a secondary, “pseudonym” account. This opens up way more questions about the vetting/onboarding process.
Chris Buckley / @chris_buckley: So, Birdwatch's crowd-sourced “fact-checking” is basically a middle school student body election - shaping consensus around popular, bad ideas #misinformation #feedly
Alex Mahadevan / @alexmahadevan: One @birdwatch issue that didn't make it into this piece: Usernames are public, leaving BWers open to the same harassment and brigading that fact-checkers endure.
Tim Pool / @timcast: Absolutely Incredible Cultural moment Twitter's Birdwatch correctly noted that my tweet about TIME Magazine's article on “fortifying” the election was CORRECT Poynter is furious that fact checking worked and is calling it a problem
Jane Singer / @janebsinger: Twitter's experiment in crowd-sourced fact-checking, @birdwatch, poses significant questions. Can an algorithm fed by a seemingly random group of people accurately ‘rate’ the truth? And will users really be keen to do the platform's job for it? @Poynter
William Easton / About Facebook:
Ahead of proposed media law, Facebook says it's banning Australians from sharing/viewing news and all users from sharing from and viewing Australian news Pages
Ahead of proposed media law, Facebook says it's banning Australians from sharing/viewing news and all users from sharing from and viewing Australian news Pages
Nieman Lab, Splice, ScreenRant, ABC, @campbell_brown, Wired, The Unraveling, Praise & Slander, Nieman Lab, Washington Post, Poynter, Bloomberg, @dylanbyers, @stephanlivera, Hollywood Reporter, CNBC, The Guardian, @nickfeik, CityAM, Futuro Lento, @brokep, What's New in Publishing, The Lightbulb, 9News, Beyond Search, @troyhunt, Just Security, Sydney Morning Herald, OneZero, @joshfrydenberg, @juliacarriew, @histoftech, CNN, @benedictevans, Mumbrella, The Wrap,, @caseynewton, Slate, @matthewstoller, AdNews News, New York Post, BBC, Insider,, @mikeisaac,, @aaschapiro, New Republic, @withmeaa, Reuters, Webworm with David Farrier, @mja_editor, Reason, @davidleyonhjelm, @damiancollins, @martynmcl, @mmasnick, @tomtaylormade, @karaswisher, @zaidjilani, @campbell_brown, @jeffjarvis, @daphnehk, @_claireconnelly, @jayrosen_nyu, @mrkrudd, TechCrunch, The Status Kuo, @jonahstein, The Verge, @rasmus_kleis, @mattburgess1, Vox, @dailypostdan, Fast Forward, National Review, @belindajones68, Marketing Land, @normative, @oliviasolon, @matt_hopcraft, @dgisserious, @kmbaussie, @emilybell, @mikarv, @pt, @kashhill, @emilybell, Media Nation, Fortune and @itsbouquet, more at Techmeme »
Joshua Benton / Nieman Lab: In Australia, Facebook's ban on sharing news stories has sent publishers' traffic tumbling
Nassim Khadem / ABC: Facebook news ban could backfire as media publishers draw communities and advertisers away
Campbell Brown / @campbell_brown: We've reluctantly made the decision to restrict the availability of news on Facebook in Australia. Our goal was to find resolution that strengthened collaboration with publishers, but the legislation fails to recognize fundamental relationship between us & news organizations
Jeremy Littau / The Unraveling: Facebook flexes its muscle
Dustin Parkes / Praise & Slander: The one where Facebook ‘unfriends’ Australia
Gerrit De Vynck / Washington Post: Australia is demanding tech giants pay for news. Google relented, Facebook didn't
Tom Jones / Poynter: What was Ted Cruz thinking? It's a bad look for the Texas senator, especially when his wife's texts became the subject of news reports
Natalia Drozdiak / Bloomberg: Europe Publishers Turn Up Heat on Facebook After Australia Spat
Dylan Byers / @dylanbyers: Facebook breaks from Google in Australia policy: “In response to Australia's proposed new Media Bargaining law, Facebook will restrict publishers and people in Australia from sharing or viewing Australian and international news content.”
Stephan Livera / @stephanlivera: Seems to me like Australian corporate media are the real rentseekers here, trying to push the AU govt to force Facebook to pay. Who needs who now?
Abid Rahman / Hollywood Reporter: Australia's Leader Vows to Press Ahead With Content Law Despite Facebook Block on News
Saheli Roy Choudhury / CNBC: Facebook's move to restrict Australian publishers was a ‘nuclear option,’ expert says
The Guardian: Misinformation runs rampant as Facebook says it may take a week before it unblocks some pages
Nick Feik / @nickfeik: This was posted around an hour before FB blocked most major Australian sites:
James Warrington / CityAM: Screenshot: Will Facebook regret going nuclear over Australian news?
Edoardo Maggio / Futuro Lento: Futuro Lento 🎲 #6 … La frase qua sopra è di Jim Barksdale, ex amministratore delegato e presidente di Netscape.
Peter Sunde Kolmisoppi / @brokep: Facebook got trump elected. Then they got Biden elected. They have proven they decide our politics, not the other way around. This is not a showdown, this is a showoff.
Adam Haworth / The Lightbulb: Facebook is battling Australia and everything's stupid
Sarah Swain / 9News: Emergency and health Facebook pages starting to return after ‘inadvertent’ bans
Stephen E. Arnold / Beyond Search: Facebook Decision Sparks Colorful Language
Troy Hunt / @troyhunt: From what I understand of the proposed legislation, it's a bit batty and seems to be driven by big media seeking to capitalise on something we take for granted as part of social media - sharing news. Gutsy of FB to pull the pin like this. More form them:
Rebecca Hamilton / Just Security: Facebook's Unconscionable Action in Australia - and What It Means for the Rest of the World
Will Oremus / OneZero: Facebook Just Banned News in Australia. Like, All of It.
Josh Frydenberg / @joshfrydenberg: This morning, I had a constructive discussion with Mark Zuckerberg from #Facebook. He raised a few remaining issues with the Government's news media bargaining code and we agreed to continue our conversation to try to find a pathway forward.
Julia Carrie Wong / @juliacarriew: Whatever you think of the proposed bill, Facebook's behavior in Australia should be a clarion call to publishers, government agencies, and any organizations with a public interest purpose that it's time to divest from Facebook as a communication platform ...
Mar Hicks / @histoftech: “that's a nice communications system you have there... be a shame if something happened to it.” —fb, probably ...
Benedict Evans / @benedictevans: The Australian newspapers are proposing that that Google and Facebook pay them 10% of revenue.
Marcela Kunova / Facebook ban on news in Australia: “It caught us completely off guard”
Casey Newton / @caseynewton: Australia's dumb and bad ‘bargaining code’ with platforms is coming soon to a country near you. So we should probably talk about how dumb and bad it is ...
Matt Stoller / @matthewstoller: Facebook has also banned the ENTIRE WORLD from getting Australian news content. Holy shit.
Mariam Cheik-Hussein / AdNews News: What the Facebook news ban means for Australian publishers
Rachel Bovard / New York Post: Australia took a stand against Facebook — and got silenced
Lauren Johnson / Insider: Publishers brace for a potential Facebook traffic crash after Australia ban
Bethania Palma / Did Facebook Ban Its Own Page in Australia?
Rat King / @mikeisaac: Big news: Hours after Google cut a deal with News Corp, Facebook pulls the trigger and restricts publishers and people from sharing news links in Australia
Elizabeth Shilpa / Facebook restricts users in Australia from sharing or viewing newslinks
Avi Asher-Schapiro / @aaschapiro: Though FB is getting much of the attention in the Australia story, this move by Google is notable: Google “buried” Australian news in search results, as part of its lobbying campaign against the social media/news law. Google called it an “experiment.”
Jacob Silverman / New Republic: Facebook Is a Global Mafia
Meaa / @withmeaa: Credible journalism is a check on the spread of misinformation. This irresponsible move by Facebook will encourage the dissemination of fake news, which is particularly dangerous during the COVID pandemic and is a betrayal of its Australian audiences. ...
Byron Kaye / Reuters: Facebook ‘unfriends’ Australia: news pages go dark in test for global publishing
David Farrier / Webworm with David Farrier: Why Facebook decided to kill the news
@mja_editor: MJA, the country's leading peer-reviewed general medical journal, has been blocked by Facebook. Our Facebook page provides vital information - not just to doctors, academics and researchers, but also to the general public who follow our page. Dangerous precedent. Unconscionable.
Scott Shackford / Reason: Everybody's Wrong About the Facebook/Murdoch Standoff in Australia
David Leyonhjelm / @davidleyonhjelm: Media: You are stealing our content and must pay. Facebook: We'll stop stealing it then. Media: That's unreasonable. You must pay.
Damian Collins / @damiancollins: The spreaders of hate speech & disinformation can do their worst in Australia, it's the real news Mark Zuckerberg is stopping you from sharing. Facebook is protecting profits at the expense of democracy, so we need to stand up for each other in this fight
Martyn McLaughlin / @martynmcl: Facebook's contempt for journalism has always been hidden in plain sight, but this shows just how far it'll go to protect its profits at the expense of established democracies. Australia may call its bluff, but checking Big Tech's power requires a focused, multilateral effort.
Mike Masnick / @mmasnick: This is literally not an admission of monopoly power. This is such a bad take. Facebook is not “threatening to bring an entire country to its knees” it's a country saying “you need to pay to link” and Facebook responding by saying “okay, that's a bad deal, so we're out.”
Tom Taylor / @tomtaylormade: All because Murdoch wants Facebook to pay him. This government has done so much damage for their overlord.
Kara Swisher / @karaswisher: As @mmasnick says, this is a lot more complex than the first react. That said: Cloddish execution of negotiations by Facebook makes them look real evil. Which is amazing given News Corp. is run by Rupert “Uncle Satan” Murdoch .
Zaid Jilani / @zaidjilani: Why is a capital strike by Facebook being treated as like a florist blog banning a commenter or something? Facebook has a dominating presence over the Internet and is a major component of economics and governance. Its Standard Oil or the railroads in 2021...
Campbell Brown / @campbell_brown: I hope in the future, we can include news for people in Australia once again. For now, we continue to be focused on bringing Facebook News and other new products to more countries. We will continue to invest heavily in news around the world. More here:
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: Hey, @guardian, be careful what you lobby for — especially when you do it along the devil Murdoch. Australia politics live: ‘Facebook was wrong’ to block pages in news ban, Josh Frydenberg says ...
Daphne Keller / @daphnehk: I would like to see a wealth transfer from platforms to news organizations. I don't see how this system gets us to the right math for that. Not sure how this deals with the definition of worthy news orgs, either. Definitely everyone's mad though. So it has that in its favor.
Claire Connelly / @_claireconnelly: 'Missing from almost every article I have read about the code is how it will actually benefit journalism. Based on my reading of the code, there's no requirement that any subsidy given from the platforms to the publishers be spent on news gathering at all' ...
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: “For journalism to become more sustainable in the long run, it can't rely on handouts from the biggest tech companies of the moment to the biggest publishers of the moment.” ... @CaseyNewton's smart read on the Australian law that targets the plarforms.
Kevin Rudd / @mrkrudd: Morrison's shambolic handling of Facebook demonstrates the perils of enlisting Murdoch to co-design media policy. If we want strong diverse media we need comprehensive policy guided by best evidence. Senate Inquiry on #MurdochRoyalCommission starts Friday. ...
Natasha Lomas / TechCrunch: Facebook applies overly broad content block in flex against Australia's planned news reuse law
Jay / The Status Kuo: Facebook Just Unfriended All of Australia. Is this a Sign of Trouble Ahead for the Company?
Jonah Stein / @jonahstein: @profgalloway All Australia is doing is forcing Facebook and Google to pay Rupert Murdock. I like the precedent here but there are no winners I can champion.
Casey Newton / The Verge: Why Google caved to Australia, and Facebook didn't
Rasmus Kleis Nielsen / @rasmus_kleis: Wow. Let's see what happens next.
Matt Burgess / @mattburgess1: Wow. Facebook is blocking news publishers in Australia over plans to make tech firms pay for news content. Publishers: can't share or post on their Pages People in Australia: cannot view or share Australian or international news content on Facebook
Sara Morrison / Vox: Why Facebook banned news in Australia
Dan McGarry / @dailypostdan: You didn't ‘restrict the availability of news in Australia’. You blocked Australian news globally. You also blocked govt public health and safety, and weather sites. You blocked literary sites. You blocked Pacific islands news. But you left the anti-vax stuff. Stay classy.
Zachary Evans / National Review: Facebook Bans Australians from Sharing News in Response to Law Forcing Payment for Journalism
@belindajones68: Well, that went well 'eh @JoshFrydenberg? Your ‘constructive’ discussions are about as successful as your mathematics. 🐝 #auspol #qt
Kim Davis / Marketing Land: The effects of Google's search choice screen, Facebook's Aussie decision: Thursday's daily brief
Julian Sanchez / @normative: The government decided to impose a cost on X; a company decided X wasn't worth that cost, so they've stopped doing it. This is not necessarily extortion; maybe the product just isn't that valuable to them.
Olivia Solon / @oliviasolon: From now on, Australians will only get news via status updates from their uncle Carl who is ‘just asking questions’ about MSM
@matt_hopcraft: Strange decision to say that the Bureau of Meteorology is a publisher?
Danny Gold / @dgisserious: Australia is the *perfect* place for Facebook to go back to its real roots as a site where people go to post vacation bathing suit photos and other people go to look at those photos
@kmbaussie: Don't believe this BS. Australian media companies tried to shake Facebook down by using the govt to force social media to party for content that they never asked to be posted on their platforms. Google compromised. Facebook wants the smoke. Instead of caving, they blocked it.
Emily Bell / @emilybell: @evelyndouek Given literally anything on Facebook can self-certify as ‘news media’ - everything that has done so in Australia is now blocked ...that we can find ...good news! No more Epoch Times!! Bad news, your college paper, your health website, your parish magazine ....also gone!!
Michael Veale / @mikarv: try market based regulatory solutions in monopolies and, weird thing! the market (let's call him mark for short) can choose not to buy anything!
Parker / @pt: Are we really using “deplatforming” to describe businesses reacting to bad legislation by adjusting their business to discontinue now-unprofitable lines of business? Can we please just continue calling that Capitalism?
Emily Bell / @emilybell: Just a note my colleague reminded me of. The law Facebook is ‘reacting to’ by wiping all news-like links off its platform, including weather and health services, college papers, community news- has not been enacted yet.....
Dan Kennedy / Media Nation: The standoff in Australia shows why Google needs news more than Facebook does
Danielle Abril / Fortune: The news Down Under — In the face of proposed regulation in Australia that would require tech giants …
Coalition Tea Lady / @itsbouquet: That worked well ...
Casey Newton / Platformer:
Banning Australian news makes sense for Facebook and may prompt people to visit news sites directly; Google's payoffs, though, will invite global shakedowns
Banning Australian news makes sense for Facebook and may prompt people to visit news sites directly; Google's payoffs, though, will invite global shakedowns
The Guardian, @jayrosen_nyu, New York Times, @adamkovac, Washington Post, @nxthompson, Bloomberg, Institutional Economics, What's New in Publishing, @alecstapp, Quartz, @hunterwalk, @sarthakgh, @gadyepstein, @caseynewton, The Information, @s8mb, @journalismfest, @caseynewton, @emilybell, @emilybell, @emilybell, @emilybell, @emilybell, @karaswisher, @waxy, @beneltham, @evadienel, @_claireconnelly, @evanspw, @joshelman, @swesterman, @gaberivera, @laurenweinstein, @adamnash, American Press Institute and Breitbart
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: ... @jeffjarvis isn't having any.
Kara Swisher / New York Times: A New-Media Showdown in Australia
Adam Kovacevich / @adamkovac: Heck, @newscorp's Robert Thomson explicitly *thanked* the Australian politicians who did News Corp's bidding: ...
Cat Zakrzewski / Washington Post: The Technology 202: Facebook's ban on Australian news triggers greater scrutiny of its vast power
@nxthompson: “I think Facebook basically did the right thing, and Google basically did the wrong thing.” @CaseyNewton on the Australian social media news (and the misguided apoplexy it has caused) today. ...
Stephen Kirchner / Institutional Economics: The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism
Alec Stapp / @alecstapp: This line in @CaseyNewton's piece 👀👀👀 “Australia's treasurer was also ‘the best man at the wedding of Ryan Stokes, who is a son of Kerry Stokes, the billionaire owner of Seven West Media, one of the companies that have reached a deal with Google.’” ...
Sar Haribhakti / @sarthakgh: “I think Facebook basically did the right thing, and Google basically did the wrong thing...” Clear-eyed take! Exchange of value doesn't always have to mean getting paid directly! That traffic publishers are desperate for comes from FB's loyal userbase ...
Gady Epstein / @gadyepstein: This is such backwards logic. Jeff is of course right that most newspapers acted like dinosaurs (that may be an insult to dinosaurs). But a meteor was coming. And if you think starting a Next Door in one metro area was a viable biz strategy, you're misreading platform economics
Casey Newton / @caseynewton: By request, I've also taken yesterday's members-only piece about Australia's bargaining code and made it free for all to read: ...
Martin Peers / The Information: Australia Kerfuffle Wins Facebook Friends: The Information's Tech Briefing
Sam Bowman / @s8mb: I mean, look at this. “Bringing an entire country to its knees” by, uh, not linking to news articles it was being forced to pay for. This is the kind of feverish nonsense that some sections of the anti-Big Tech world have embraced. It's bananas.
Journalism Festival / @journalismfest: “I don't know a single journalist who feels comfortable with social networks being anyone's primary source of news ... Strange to see so many people insisting that Facebook is obligated to share publishers' content, on whatever terms” writes @CaseyNewton ...
Casey Newton / @caseynewton: The thing about Australia's deal with Google — and one it might still reach with Facebook — is that it's bad for *journalism*. ...
Emily Bell / @emilybell: Final thought ordering on the FB/Aus issue. 1. Facebook is entirely within its rights to remove any /all links and pages from its platform so it doesn't have to pay a link tax on news.(Even though it already does exactly this for news tab, which is ad hoc and discretionary)
Emily Bell / @emilybell: 2. But the manner and timing of the removal was potentially damaging, and reckless. It removed many items that were not news (like healthcare sites, community pages) and news that is a long way outside the corporate media - eg half all pages in First Nation media network
Emily Bell / @emilybell: 7. The interaction of news services with platforms, the distribution of news services, the support for journalism needs regulation. The Aus act might not be the right law, but, arguably it is better than no law. More enforceable civic obligations are needed not fewer //
Emily Bell / @emilybell: 5. Facebook is not civically minded. It is commercially minded. It does not care about harm that flows from its actions, it cares about the commercial liability that accompanies it. And, Facebook does not care about news or misinformation. It cares about perception.
Emily Bell / @emilybell: 4. If Facebook were a civically minded company it could still legitimately withdraw news links from Australia. However in order to fulfill a basic duty of care to its users and all citizens it would have done it in an *entirely* different way. With notice, and care.
Kara Swisher / @karaswisher: This is exactly right. Murdoch, as always, is the satanic villain here, though FB looks bad due to its execution of this and also the distrust it has engendered over the years.
@waxy: Facebook calls Australia's bluff, bans external links to Australian news media: I can't believe I'm siding with Facebook on any issue, but forcing platforms to pay publishers for links to their sites... ...
Ben Eltham / @beneltham: Good analysis here by Casey Newton ...
Eva Dienel / @evadienel: Ok, so this deeper dive is interesting and gets into political cronyism that's happening behind the scenes in Oz. Also offers some good alternatives on how to ensure money from any regulation would actually go into journalism: ....
Claire Connelly / @_claireconnelly: 'I wish Australia would take Facebook's rejection as a sign to rethink its approach to media regulation entirely. It could just tax companies based on their revenues, for example. And earmark those revenues to support journalism — nonprofit public media.' ...
Peter Evans / @evanspw: Part 3 of the Casey Newton piece pretty on the money.
@joshelman: Gosh I remember in 2009 when I first met @AndreaBreannaNY and we dreamed of what HuffingtonPost could do with Facebook to share more news and content. There was almost no news then. It has come a long way.... and now this whoa ...
Scott Westerman / @swesterman: @CaseyNewton on how Facebook and Google are taking very different approaches as Australia tries to make them pay publishers for the right to share links to news content. Feels a lot like my Cable days when the sports networks held us hostage. ...
Lauren Weinstein / @laurenweinstein: @gaberivera This is the key point. Once you start down the road of pay-to-link, the entire underpinning of the Web collapses. Competition reduces vastly, and small players are frozen out. Users by and large don't have a clue of how much they have to lose in this battle.
Benedict Evans:
Australia's proposal for media compensation, which covers raw link sharing, is presented as a competition case when it's actually a tech tax and media subsidy
Australia's proposal for media compensation, which covers raw link sharing, is presented as a competition case when it's actually a tech tax and media subsidy
Simon Betschel / Quration: Quration 25: The Pursuit of Truth
Subrahmanyam Kvj / @sub8u: Very cogent and spot-on read from @benedictevans on the new Australian law on asking Google/FB to pay for links! Our dislike for Facebook doesn't mean we develop a liking for utterly stupid regulation. Dumb can't replace evil!
Dare Obasanjo / @carnage4life: This post captures the biggest problem with GDPR and various platform privacy changes. Making personalized ads less relevant for privacy reasons hurts media sites more than big tech. This makes them more reliant on government lobbying and subscriptions
Mr Denmore / @mrdenmore: Journos saying Google & Facebook should ‘pay for news’ should read this from tech guru @benedictevans “If all links have value, why should only newspapers be paid?” If PI journalism is important then the answer is a public subsidy not competition law.
Noam Bardin / @noam: @benedictevans is spot on in the Australia debate. Publishers have tremendous traffic due to Google/FB and their own content. They need to figure out how to monetize it, like any other business and not tax those who have.
@techreview: This is a thread about how Australia has become the battleground for a power struggle between governments and Big Tech, as explained in today's Download newsletter.
@globalnews: The outcome could be similar if Canada joins Australia and other countries in pushing Google, Facebook and other internet giants to pay publishers for news content.
Eric Seufert / @eric_seufert: 2/ @benthompson's daily update is the best starting point for background on the topic. @benedictevans also provides trenchant analysis. Essentially: Google capitulated & cut a deal with News Corp, FB simply called the Australian govt's bluff
Journalism Festival / @journalismfest: “If all links have value, why should only newspapers be paid? ...newspapers are worth more to society! They deserve it! Well, perhaps they do - but ‘we like them more’ is not a competition law argument. It's an argument for a subsidy from public funds”
Benedict Evans / @benedictevans: No-one pays to link. No-one has ever paid to link. This was nothing to do with market power. The honest argument would be ‘we could never charge for links because the intent was too decentralised, but now there is someone big enough that we can try to make them pay’
Adam Nash / @adamnash: This post by @benedictevans eviscerates the new Australia 🇦🇺 law on paying for news links, and puts the flaws in its logic in sharp relief.
Jack Shafer / @jackshafer: “Google and Facebook created huge new ad businesses on the internet, that advertisers prefer, and some newspaper companies think that somehow or other they should get some of that money.” —@BenedictEvans
@katebevan: This is also an interesting read (hat tip to @ruskin147 for this). I tend to agree with the view that Facebook can block links if it wants to and that forcing anyone to pay for links is insane, but the way FB has done this is outrageous.
Kay Jebelli / @kayjebelli: The reason no one pays to link news content isn't market power, it's because there are hundreds of other sources of content that can be linked to. You're competing with 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦 𝘳𝘯𝘦𝘵, a world of content suppliers who would gladly take that free traffic off your hands.
Modest Proposal / @modestproposal1: “Meanwhile, very little of the traffic on Google or Facebook comes from news, and very little advertising appears next to news search results. Google didn't take their money, any more than Boeing took money from the ocean liners. The internet destroyed the model.”
Mike Cannon-Brookes / @mcannonbrookes: “If you do accept the novel theory that links being free for 25y is market failure... a further breach of basic logic: if links have value, why should only newspapers be paid? If links were paid, newspapers' share would be a pittance.” @benedictevans 👏🏻
Benedict Evans / @benedictevans: Paying for news. If you want new taxes on the internet, and to subsidise news, do that. But you should be honest and debate it on that basis, instead of basing it on entirely imaginary, Alice-in-Wonderland theories of internet economics."
Stanley Pignal / @spignal: Newspapers are hopelessly conflicted when it comes to analysing their relationship to Big Tech/paying for links. Luckily @benedictevans is there to spell out what their most lucid editorials might look like. Getting Google or FB to subsidise news is mad.
Richard Tofel / @dicktofel: Here's the big question coming out of the Australia Divergence: will Google pay only publishers of which they are afraid? Certainly looks that way. And there are too few of those for such deals to change the trajectory of the news business.
Raju Narisetti / @raju: Would be particularly good today if university profs, who are also media critics on either side of @Facebook @Google Australia pay-for-news debate, actively disclose if/what $ they, their projects, depts and schools have/continue to receive, from said tech/social media platforms.
Nicholas McElroy / ABC:
Australian authorities in public health, weather, and other areas say Facebook has removed posts from their feeds following Facebook's news ban
Australian authorities in public health, weather, and other areas say Facebook has removed posts from their feeds following Facebook's news ban
@mikarv, CNBC, @sallymcmanus, CNN, @eamonnoneill, @yathinkn, @jennymcallister, @joshgnosis, @senator_patrick, @juliacarriew, @raecooper1, @emilygorcenski, @leesawatego, @abcnews, @nat_whiting, @anetmcc, @emilygorcenski, @andrewbeatty, @andrewbeatty, @sussanley, @sarah_collard_ and @kantrowitz, more at Techmeme »
Michael Veale / @mikarv: A lot of people are posting examples of sites and links that Facebook is blocking in Australia. I haven't seen someone actually paste the legal text from the Bill at third reading yet defining ‘news’: here it is. And FB is not wrong — *extremely* broad and vague.
Sam Shead / CNBC: It will ‘annoy a huge group of the population’: How Australians have responded to Facebook's news ban
Sally McManus / @sallymcmanus: So @Facebook has blocked access to our website. We are not a news organisation. Australian workers can not now find out about their rights at work via @Facebook. This is disgraceful & needs to be reversed immediately
CNN: ‘Sort this out’: Facebook's chaotic news ban in Australia blocks pages for fire services, charities and politicians
Eamonn O'Neill / @eamonnoneill: This is what happens when a largely unaccountable social media company becomes a global behemoth with the economic resources of a small country and the swagger of a bully. It's not a virtual media war when it's having real consequences for real people. ...
@yathinkn: Doubt it was botched at all. FB might be saying some ‘inadvertently’ caught up, but I reckon they did on purpose in relation to the badly worded & over-reaching definition of ‘news’ in the actual legislation to prove a point.
Senator Jenny McAllister / @jennymcallister: Women fleeing domestic violence need more information not less. The Government needs to explain why this has happened on their watch & what they're doing to ensure essential DV services are up & running on Facebook again. #auspol ...
Josh Taylor / @joshgnosis: Facebook's news ban hammer having a lot of collateral damage.
Rex Patrick / @senator_patrick: .@Facebook has done a rare thing this morning - they have united the Federal Parliament. #auspol
Julia Carrie Wong / @juliacarriew: you can't check the weather in australia but you can still spread racist propaganda based on a white nationalist conspiracy theory bc that's the facebook we know and love
Rae Cooper / @raecooper1: From what I can see here today #facebook has blocked access not only to Oz news sites but to domestic and family violence organisations, bushfire information, trade unions, weather reports. All critical services protecting the community. Facebook 🗑, Yours #australia
Leesa Watego / @leesawatego: Looking at First Nations media pages on Facebook. Can't see any NITV posts this morning. Alot of Indigenous communities rely on Facebook for information & news. Let's see how this plays out. 🤔
@abcnews: Facebook is restricting access to news content in Australia - but don't worry, we're still bringing you the latest. Download our news app here:
Natalie Whiting / @nat_whiting: #PNG and pacific news watchers, Australian news currently can't be shared on Facebook, including on ABC's @radioaustralia page. With how popular Facebook is for sharing news here, please spread the word that the stories are still available on news websites
Anet McClintock / @anetmcc: Well clearly #Facebook hasn't banned all Australian news media... Pretty nervous about the fact that disinformation pages are now truly the only source of ‘news’ left on the website & the effect on growing right-wing populism in Australia
Emily G / @emilygorcenski: Just absolutely incredible. I never want to hear about how good these people are at algorithms ever again.
Andrew Beatty / @andrewbeatty: Facebook confirms they didn't mean to knock out homepages of Australia emergency response services (in the middle of a pandemic, bushfire and flood warnings) per @robertsonholly
Andrew Beatty / @andrewbeatty: #UPDATE @AFP (Brisbane) Several Australian emergency services have been hit by Facebook's ban on sharing news content Down Under Thursday, with official pages that carry public warnings about Covid outbreaks, bushfires and hurricanes rendered blank.
Sussan Ley / @sussanley: The Bureau of Meteorology's Facebook page has been impacted by the sudden Facebook news content restrictions. Weather info is always available at and on the #BOM Weather app. @bom_au, @bom_qld, @bom_nsw, @bom_vic, @bom_tas, @bom_sa, @bom_wa @bom_nt
Sarah Collard / @sarah_collard_: It's not just big news orgs bearing the brunt of the News ban by @Facebook. Smaller Indigenous and community media orgs are too. Vital for getting info out about COVID, telecommunications outages and emergencies to communities.

Amid a gold rush in the music library space, a look at Hipgnosis, which has spent $1.75B on 129 catalogs, accumulating 60,836 songs, as of the end of January — A former music manager's company has acquired more than 100 publishing catalogs, including a 50 percent stake in Neil Young's …
Jem Aswad / Variety: Beach Boys Sell Controlling Interest in Intellectual Property to Irving Azoff's Iconic Artists Group
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik:
[Thread] In audio obtained by NPR, Chicago Tribune EIC Colin McMahon told staffers that Trib papers make 10-13% profit now and new owner Alden will seek 20%+ — NEWS: Chicago Tribune editor Colin McMahon told staffers - audio obtained by NPR > praises staffers' journalism > calls fears of Alden “valid” > says “space” for mission will be “smaller than it is today” > says Trib papers make 10-13% profits - says Alden will seek 20%+
@nancycbarnes, @mattdpearce, @mikemullen_, @elienyc, @mattdpearce, @mattstephens, @katieperalta, @mattdpearce, @brendenmoore13, @davidfolkenflik, @pattmlatimes, @samuelaadams, @samaugustdean, @davidfolkenflik, @maxwellstrachan, @mattstephens, @mattdpearce, @hshaban, @davidfolkenflik, @mattdpearce, @nancycbarnes, @mattdpearce, @mattdpearce and Chicago Tribune
Nancy Barnes / @nancycbarnes: @davidfolkenflik They are interested in harvesting cash, and those margins are still better than a lot of other business
@mattdpearce: Even if you're an uptight fiscal conservative who thinks ruthless hedge fund management is just what can whip your local newspaper into its tightest shape so the profits can be sunk into needed growth, I have news for you about where that cash is going.
Mike Mullen / @mikemullen_: that last point is lost on almost everyone, even some people in the industry: often it's not the case that newspapers lose money, it's that they don't make *enough* for the people that own them
Elie Mystal / @elienyc: What I'm hearing is that a paper that turns a profit is about to be ruined in search of additional profit to the point where it no longer turns any profit... then some asshile will say “news isn't profitable” on CNBC
@mattdpearce: Creative innovation from private industry will always be an option in revolutionizing the business of local news. But last I saw, the hottest new thing in media is an app where executives go to hear themselves talk.
Matt L. Stephens / @mattstephens: People have no idea how crazy profitable some newspapers are. Critics point to downsizing as a sign an outlet is struggling financially. That's often not the case. It's turning a good profit, but its hedge fund owner wants to build its 7th mansion.
Katie Peralta Soloff / @katieperalta: This is so damn depressing.
@mattdpearce: Anyway, yes, this is ultimately a public policy problem. The current policy is capitalist, to encourage newspaper owners to siphon cash out of local newspapers to invest in other more promising industries. The current public policy is *not* to ensure people have good local news.
Brenden Moore / @brendenmoore13: I always tell anyone outside our industry who will listen that it's not that newspapers aren't still profitable. They are. But they're not profitable *enough* ... it's very frustrating. I feel for all the hardworking folks at the @chicagotribune @CTGuild.
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: McMahon, con't “With Alden given Alden's track record of how it handles news group, of the digital first media and the titles that belong to those groups, completely aware of that, understand it and would say it's these are all valid concerns.”
Patt Morrison / @pattmlatimes: 20%. This is vampirism, not corporate leadership — going from one victim-company to the next and draining them of blood.
Sam Adams / @samuelaadams: that last bullet point is the killer. It's not that newspapers can't be profitable; it's that new owners jack the margins up to the point it's unsustainable
Sam Dean / @samaugustdean: I've had a lot of conversations with people in tech that eventually circle around to questions about journalism's business model vs the industry's trajectory. Imagine how many companies would be destroyed if new investors regularly demanded 2x margins overnight.
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: McMahon Simply hoping a wealthy benefactor steps in is just “dreams and hope” - things Jimenez says he and they cannot control. Says he does not expect federal anti-trust issues.
Maxwell / @maxwellstrachan: way past time to start questioning whether the market is capable of solving such a core democratic problem as the one facing this country's free press
Matt L. Stephens / @mattstephens: It should also be noted that Digital First outlets in the Bay Area and The Denver Post were reportedly operating around a 20% profit margin. That didn't stop Alden from cutting 30% of the newsroom at 5990 Washington in Denver in 2018.
Matt Pearce / @mattdpearce: When journalists talk about Wall Street harvesting newspapers for organs, this is what we're talking about. The Chicago Tribune already has layoffs to hit a 10% profit margin. Now a hedge fund comes in and wants immediate 20% profit margins. And all the rest of us are the losers.
Hamza Shaban / @hshaban: This is like that scene in Mad Men when the British people buy Sterling Cooper and Duck Phillips talks about “financial maturity” and getting rid of the creative people. Bert Cooper says: “I don't think I heard the word client once”
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: McMahon: “I acutely feel the stress that people are under the frustration with the way the company has been handling things, the concern and even fear of what is to come.”
Nancy Barnes / @nancycbarnes: @davidfolkenflik You need only look to Denver
@mattdpearce: The tax code could be made more favorable for local publishers or journalist cooperatives; the nation could directly invest in public options, like a stronger local PBS or BBC; advertising monopolies could be regulated to give publishers a fairer shake. These are policy choices.

Nielsen debuts Gracenote Inclusion Analytics, to measure onscreen diversity in terms of gender, race, and sexual orientation and how much it reflects audiences — Ratings titan Nielsen has begun tracking inclusion in television to accelerate diversity and equity in media.
Nielsen / PR Newswire: Nielsen Launches Gracenote Inclusion Analytics to Accelerate Diversity Transformation in Hollywood
Marcus Ryder Mbe / @marcusryder: Nielsen, as well as doing standard audience TV ratings, will start reporting on-screen & audience diversity figs, & “will expand coverage to include... behind-the-camera talent such as directors,producers, writers & others holding key roles.” #gamechanging
Annenberg Inclusion Initiative / @inclusionists: This is great news and the direction research needs to go. Great work @nielsen

Sweden-based podcast host and ad network Acast says it is acquiring RadioPublic; RadioPublic's podcast app will remain live and its team will stay in the US — It already claims to be the biggest everywhere else — Acast, a podcast host and ad network, is looking to improve its tech and broaden its reach.
Sara Fischer / Axios: Acast acquires podcast tech startup RadioPublic

Roku beats with Q4 revenue of $650M vs $615M expected, up 58% YoY, net profit of $65.2M vs an expected loss; 14.3M active accounts were added for FY2020 — Roku grew revenue in the fourth quarter 58%, to a record $649.9 million — and posted a $65.2 million net profit for the quarter, whereas Wall Street had expected a loss.
MediaPost, The Wrap, Roku, @loudmouthjulia, AdExchanger, Light Reading, Ad Age and Deadline, more at Techmeme »
Karlene Lukovitz / MediaPost: Roku Q4 Ad Revenue +81%, But Company Says Buyers' Linear Habit Remains Obstacle
Julia Alexander / @loudmouthjulia: Quibi: What is dead is never truly dead...or something along those lines. “We [Roku] will begin launching Quibi content later this year”
Tony Rifilato / AdExchanger: Roku Has Strongest Quarter Ever As Viewers Flock To Streaming
Jeff Baumgartner / Light Reading: Roku ARPU flies past $28

Hong Kong replaces head of public broadcaster with civil servant, accuses it of a lack of objectivity, calls for supervision by government-appointed advisers — The broadcaster, Radio Television Hong Kong, is known for independent reporting often critical of the government.
Li Yuan / @liyuan6: Unbelievable how fast Hong Kong's media landscape is changing. Reminded me of the fall of Southern Weekend in early 2013. Then everything else followed.

In a court brief, Quibi attorneys say Elliott Management founder Paul Singer appears to have personal ties that prompted it to finance a patent suit by Eko — Hedge fund says defunct streaming service is focusing on ‘personal matters in order to put forward a false narrative’

Malaysian court finds news portal Malaysiakini fully responsible for publishing readers' comments that were critical of the judiciary and fines it about $124K — KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Malaysia's highest court on Friday found news portal Malaysiakini in contempt over comments …
@behlihyi, Reuters, The Indian Express, Reuters, International Press Institute, New York Times and Committee to Protect …
Beh Lih Yi / @behlihyi: “I would think it is safe to say that you could similarly take issue with postings or comments on Facebook or Twitter” - lawyer @malikimtiaz The ruling on @malaysiakini for contempt over readers comment may have broader implications, via @rozlatiff
Richard C. Paddock / New York Times: 5 Reader Comments Just Cost a News Website $124,000

Insider, formerly BI, Mark Wahlberg's Unrealistic Ideas, and Assemble Media are producing a docuseries about the rise and fall of MoviePass — EXCLUSIVE: Mark Wahlberg's Unrealistic Ideas, the company behind HBO's Emmy-nominated McMillions, is taking another deep dive into the absurdities …
/Film, @jasonguerrasio, @joimariewrites, @nmcalone, UPROXX, IndieWire, Engadget and Cord Cutters News
Jason Guerrasio / @jasonguerrasio: It's been an insane year working on this but so excited with what @assemblemedia and @markwahlberg's Unrealistic Ideas has cooked up. Get ready #MoviePass fans!!!
Joi-Marie / @joimariewrites: Very proud of Jason, whose reporting for @thisisinsider is now being turned into a docuseries. 📺✨
Nathan McAlone / @nmcalone: Big news! Insider's MoviePass reporting, particularly @JasonGuerrasio's award-winning feature, will be the basis for a documentary series by Mark Wahlberg's company: