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Twitter announces Super Follow feature to let users charge for tweets, and a Communities feature to let users create and join groups based on specific interests — It's also planning a groups feature — Twitter announced a pair of big upcoming features today: the ability for users to charge …
@twitterir, @wongmjane, @mshannahmurphy, Axios, New York Times, Nieman Lab, @emilydreyfuss, @samleecole, @taylorlorenz, @edmundlee, 9to5Mac, @jayrosen_nyu, WCDC-TV, @killermartinis, @caseynewton, @matthewstoller, @derekjgz, @film_girl, Vox, Gizmodo, @timodc, TechCrunch, @profmusgrave, @profgalloway, @kathiepham, @lifewinning, @lizkelley, @doriantaylor, @inafried, @ed_solomon, @kateconger, @stacey_conti, @joshspero, @joshsternberg, @stevenspohn, @eliothiggins, NBC News, @allenmcduffee, @fmanjoo, @randball, CNBC, @scottbelsky, @ryangrim, @megturney, @janinegibson, @welshgasdoc, @timherrera, @umairh, @jonworth, @twittercomms, @wroetoshaw, @emilydreyfuss, @greg_jenner, @cameronwilson, @stpaulsaints, @ruskin147, The Daily Caller, @jericho, @lifewinning, @petersterne, @ddayen, Mediaite, @petersterne, @dsquareddigest, @mjmckean, @shiraovide, @emilydreyfuss, Insider and The Week, more at Techmeme »
@twitterir: Tune in to Twitter's 2021 Virtual Analyst Day. Watch it here: ... or @TwitterIR #TWTRAnalystDay
Jane Manchun Wong / @wongmjane: Twitter announces “Super Follow”, like Patreon but on Twitter
Hannah Murphy / @mshannahmurphy: NEW: Twitter announces it's exploring tipping and “Super Follows” - where users can super follow accounts, paying them a subscription for exclusive content, like Patreon Curious whether newsrooms will allow reporters to generate extra revenues for themselves in this way or not?
Laura Hazard Owen / Nieman Lab: Twitter's new “Super Follow” will let you charge for tweets, and journalists are drooling
Emily Dreyfuss / @emilydreyfuss: I want content creators to get paid and I want journalists to get paid, but I don't want every high-quality piece of information to be behind a paywall especially when misinformation is free the question of how to square that circle is going to be a big one for our industry
Samantha Cole / @samleecole: I asked Twitter if sexual content will be allowed as part of the new Super Follows feature ( and this was their response. tl;dr: they haven't decided—or won't say—yet.
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: Will be interesting to see how media figures and journalists use this. FWIW I think this development is a far overdue, creators deserve to be paid for their content and value they drive for the platform!
Edmund Lee / @edmundlee: News organizations could create a paywalled Twitter account where they'd tweet exclusive news a few mins ahead of their own website ... would be lapped up by HFT traders and hedge funds
Michael Potuck / 9to5Mac: Twitter reveals Super Follow, a feature that will let users get exclusive content, deals, and community access to creators for $4.99/month, and a groups feature
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: Twitter announced today a new payment tool called “Super Follows,” which would allow Twitter users to charge for premium content, like a newsletter subscription, badges showing support, or bonus tweets. Hmmm. I would have to consider making use of that.
Linda Tirado / @killermartinis: this is why most anything I publish is available for zero dollars but anyone can pay me if they find my stuff to have value It wouldn't work for someone just starting out but in my position, where I already have a wide audience, the Radiohead model works fine
Casey Newton / @caseynewton: Whether reporters are allowed to enable Super Follows, and how they can use them, feels like it could cause a lot of controversy within newsrooms when it arrives. Could also raise conflict of interest concerns with reporters who, uh, cover Twitter 😬
Matt Stoller / @matthewstoller: People paying money for things. I like this business model.
Derek Johnson / @derekjgz: When I was a kindergartener, I would walk to the neighbors with my dad's old high school trumpet, some sheet music I couldn't read, and a little portable stand, offering paid performances on their doorsteps. More than once I was given money not to play. What if we tried that?
Christina Warren / @film_girl: Lol. As if any media org would allow employees to use this to get extra revenue for their own work product. Substack is often a fine line as it is.
Rebecca Heilweil / Vox: Coming soon to Twitter: Tweets you have to pay for
Tim Miller / @timodc: My onlytweets are gonna be 🔥 y'all. A risqué wordsmithing extravaganza.
Lucas Matney / TechCrunch: Twitter's ‘Super Follow’ creator subscription takes shots at Substack and Patreon
Paul Musgrave / @profmusgrave: Now you have to pay for the content that gets bluechecks canceled
Scott Galloway / @profgalloway: Sounds familiar
Kathie Pham / @kathiepham: you don't have to wait for Super Follows. please pay me five dollars to receive more tweets
Ingrid Burrington / @lifewinning: and with all due respect watching blue-checked six-figure income staffers at legacy print see this as a good development is stomach flipping
Liz Kelley / @lizkelley: we've been busy, & here's the latest: “[twitter] has signaled an itch for change,” w/ plans for: - @TwitterSpaces - platform for newsletter writers - ephemeral content - new moderation tools - plans for new subscription options - communities for specific interests
Dorian Taylor / @doriantaylor: “tech companies making us beg each other for pennies” is gonna be the theme of the next 30 years
Ina Fried / @inafried: Thanks to @sarafischer for covering the news for us so I can stick to my core competency: A flurry of mocking tweets.
Ed Solomon / @ed_solomon: This just makes me wanna tweet more “exclusive” stuff (whatever the fuck that means) for free. I can't believe people even *read* this shit - I would never have the hubris to think they should pay for it. Plus: who wants that stress?
O...K / @kateconger: I'll be on Spaces talking to @kayvz and @esthercrawford on Friday about this story and all the new things happening at Twitter. Join the conversation here at 2 p.m. PT.
Stacey Fix Conti / @stacey_conti: Proud of our acquired teams “We've bought almost 20 companies for hundreds of millions of dollars over the past few years, I think our pace of M&A is consistent with the pace of innovation inside the company. We are moving faster.” - Ned Segal Twitter CFO
Josh Spero / @joshspero: And here I am giving it away for free! Also my tweets
Josh Sternberg / @joshsternberg: Very curious to see how this “creator economy” continues to drive a wedge between the haves and the have-nots. (You can pay to read my 37 tweeter thread on this for the low, low price of $.99/tweet)
Steven Spohn / @stevenspohn: I see a few people dunking on Twitter for the idea of letting people financially support their favorite Tweeter. This is anger stemming from fear people wouldn't pay for your content. Perhaps focus that negative energy into upping your content game and then people might pay you.
Eliot Higgins / @eliothiggins: Pay to follow me for access to unnecessarily long arguments with accounts with 12 followers.
Allen McDuffee / @allenmcduffee: I think we're encouraging the wrong behavior on this here platform
Farhad Manjoo / @fmanjoo: will news organizations allow their employees to collect superfollow millions? or is this like taking money for speaking gigs??
Salvador Rodriguez / CNBC: Twitter shows possible updates, including Super Follow subscriptions
Scott Belsky / @scottbelsky: the hidden killer feature here: ability to share ideas/content more liberally with an opt-in group of people that are so interested they're willing to pay for it. this “safer engaged audience,” will encourage content creators to share more and take more risk = better content.
Ryan Grim / @ryangrim: There will be no refunds for any of my bad tweets. Buyer beware.
Meg Turney / @megturney: Everyone: It'd really nice if you did something about the unchecked harassment creators face on your app. Twitter: ... Everyone: Maybe do something about misinformation? Twitter: ... Everyone: How about a simple edit button? Twitter: ....super follows.
Janine Gibson / @janinegibson: This promises to escalate straight to what we like to call DEFCON FACEBOOK AUSTRALIA at new world record speed
@welshgasdoc: I will be posting all of my “post-nights and the worse off after a bottle and half of wine Tweets” behind this paywall.
@timherrera: everyone is dunking on the super follow thing but imo it's very good because twitter is work and people should be paid for their work!! i don't think it'll be very widespread or successful cuz we are ofc paying for *tweets* but i think it could make a difference for some people
@umairh: Honestly tho instead of tech companies making us beg each other for pennies we just need a basic income
Jon Worth / @jonworth: We'll follow him for the Brexit stuff and pay him for the diagrams* * - said no one, ever For creative industries this might work. For politics rather less I'd wager...
@twittercomms: “That's the shift Twitter is in right now: There are a lot of different things that Twitter is willing to try...People are actually in this moment of excitement around the experimentation that we're doing.” - @esthercrawford via @nytimes
Harry / @wroetoshaw: I'll be posting all my old offensive tweets here for a bargain price!
Emily Dreyfuss / @emilydreyfuss: Of course that's not the biggest problem. The biggest problem is the sites like, say, GNews, which peddles disinformation from paid operatives like Steve Bannon, are free.
Greg Jenner / @greg_jenner: Might be a nice way for people to reward funny/talented people for going viral, but not sure anyone will want to pay for my deluge of waffle and Spurs misery
@cameronwilson: wake me up when I can wildly speculate on twitter users' worth. i want people to be able to buy buy, short, sell deriatives of @cameronwilson tweets
St. Paul Saints / @stpaulsaints: Does answering questions when it's raining at 9 a.m. on whether we'll be playing 10 hours later count as “more content?” Asking for a couple hundred friends.
Rory Cellan-Jones / @ruskin147: Ok folks, it's £1 for a sourdough loaf, £2 for the dog - I don't make the rules
Mecca Fowler / The Daily Caller: Twitter Announces Paid ‘Super Follows’ Allowing Users To Charge For Content
Tucker / @jericho: Finally people will stop posting “HOW IS THIS APP FREE LMAOOOO” tweets
Ingrid Burrington / @lifewinning: As a person whose income is majority Patreon at this point and deeply grateful for the generosity of internet strangers: monetizing individual tweets as a “creator” sounds like a great way to make being on this web page even worse
@petersterne: Twitter is introducing a feature called “Super Followers,” which will let users pay the people they follow for exclusive content. People joke about charging for tweets, but all this really means is that people will no longer have to put Patreon links in their Twitter bio.
David Dayen / @ddayen: Enjoy my new pay-per-emoji feature where I add more of them unless you pay
Marisa Sarnoff / Mediaite: Twitter Will Add Direct Payment Option, Communities Feature to Platform: Report
@petersterne: Lots of Twitter users already charge their followers for exclusive content! They just do so on Patreon.
Dan Davies / @dsquareddigest: yeah “newsrooms” and “reporters” that's the use case they're thinking of, absolutely fer sure
Michael McKean / @mjmckean: Related: everybody's instantly blocking ALL promoted stuff on their timeline, right?
Shira Ovide / @shiraovide: It's easy to make fun of internet companies for just ripping each other off or making trivial things. (I do it, too.) But there are genuinely fresh ideas coming from old and new internet players and it's good.
Emily Dreyfuss / @emilydreyfuss: Readers need consistency. If I'm not sure I'm going to be able to access information on a website, I'm not going to check it regularly. I imagine many readers didn't know they could have been reading certain magazines amazing COVID stories, because they assumed the were paywalled
Mary Meisenzahl / Insider: You could soon earn money from your tweets through Twitter's new ‘Super Follow’ feature
Brendan Morrow / The Week: Twitter is exploring a ‘super follows’ subscription system

AT&T and PE firm TPG reach a deal to make DirecTV a standalone company with TPG owning 30%; the deal is valued at $16.25B, includes DirecTV, AT&T TV, U-verse — The sides have been in talks for months as AT&T has sought to find a solution to the problem of DirecTV's subscriber losses dragging …
CNN, Business Wire, The Wrap, CNBC, @sherman4949, Awful Announcing, New York Times, Yahoo Finance, Ad Age,, MediaPost, Gizmodo, Light Reading, @gerryfsmith, @sherman4949, @tvmojoe, @karlbode, @pkafka, @franklinavenue, @pkafka, @pkafka, The Streamable, @sherman4949, FierceVideo, WORLD SCREEN and Cord Cutters News, more at Techmeme »
Frank Pallotta / CNN: AT&T is selling a stake in DirecTV, ending an infamous saga
Tim Baysinger / The Wrap: AT&T to Spin Off DirecTV in $7.8 Billion Deal With TPG Capital
Alex Sherman / @sherman4949: “We certainly didn't expect this outcome when we closed the DirecTV acquisition in 2015,” John Stankey, AT&T CEO, on TPG sale.
Andrew Bucholtz / Awful Announcing: AT&T has sold 30 percent of DirecTV to TPG, will make DirecTV a standalone company that also includes U-verse and AT&T TV
New York Times: AT&T, loaded with debt from its DirecTV deal, sells part of its TV business to a private equity firm.
Jon Lafayette / AT&T to Spin Off DirecTV, Pay-TV Units with TPG
Jeff Baumgartner / Light Reading: AT&T, TPG to spin DirecTV into a separate company
Gerry Smith / @gerryfsmith: Another way to measure cord-cutting: DirecTV is worth 1/3 what it was when AT&T bought it in 2014. ...
Alex Sherman / @sherman4949: A lot of subtext around merging DirecTV with Dish going on in the AT&T call right now. “We will be diligent about exploring second options” after this deal, AT&T CEO John Stankey says. “We can explore what those second options might be.” Dish's name not mentioned.
@tvmojoe: Does this mean that, after forcing DirecTV customers to migrate and integrate their accounts to AT&T's awful platform...they'll have to decouple them, and set new logins? If so: Oy.
Karl Bode / @karlbode: I too like to neglect my core business infrastructure, spend $200 billion on mergers to try and dominate the TV ad market, only to then turn around and lose millions of TV customers and offload my purchases for a song
Peter Kafka / @pkafka: Notes: As @sherman4949 and others note, DirecTV is actually worth less than $16b, since this total now includes the rest of AT&T's (non-WarnerMedia) TV biz. As @MattBelloni and others note, John Stankey, the AT&T exec who made the deal happen, is now AT&T CEO.
Michael Schneider / @franklinavenue: Time to dust off the old DirecTV iconic “D” logo!
Peter Kafka / @pkafka: And, as AT&T notes, the reason TPG is putting money into this is that DirecTV is an actual business, still: “Since AT&T closed the DIRECTV acquisition in 2015, the business has generated cash flows of more than $4 billion per year... the company expects this to continue in 2021.”
Peter Kafka / @pkafka: AT&T paid $67 billion for DirecTV in 2015. Now it's worth $16 billion.
Jason Gurwin / The Streamable: OFFICIAL: AT&T Sells 30% Stake in DirecTV to Private Equity Firm, Values Company at $16.25 Billion
Alex Sherman / @sherman4949: It's actually worth less than $16 billion, because this new business accounts for AT&T U-verse and AT&T TV too.
Mansha Daswani / WORLD SCREEN: AT&T, TPG Capital in DIRECTV Deal

WaPo national editor denounces “racist, sexist, and ill-informed attacks” on reporter Seung Min Kim after she showed a Neera Tanden tweet to Sen. Lisa Murkowski — The Washington Post on Thursday denounced online abuse that targeted one of its reporters after a photo of her speaking …
@kriscoratti, @grace_panetta, @stevenjay, @maggienyt, @anniekarni, Mediaite, @emzanotti, @dlind, @ryangrim, @williams_paige, @mspicuzzamjs, The Wrap, @vilkviktorya, @emilyctamkin, @tedhesson, @lawoftd, @philiprucker, @asteadwesley, @asteadwesley, @maggienyt, @seungminkim, @mattyglesias, @ecgreaves, @gtconway3d, @myhlee, Breitbart, @seungminkim, The Daily Beast, @tedlieu, @nancook and TheBlaze
Kristine Coratti Kelly / @kriscoratti: Latest statement from Washington Post National Editor @stevenjay on the harassment of reporter Seung Min Kim
Grace Panetta / @grace_panetta: .@seungminkim is an incredible journalist and I've learned so much about Congress from her feed alone over the past few years — people taking their stanning of an OMB nominee to the point where they're harassing a reporter over it need to log off & reevaluate their priorities
Steven Ginsberg / @stevenjay: .@seungminkim has been subjected to hateful attacks simply for doing her job—a job she does with integrity, upholding the highest journalistic standards. No one should have to endure the racist, sexist, ill-informed comments that have flooded her inbox.
Maggie Haberman / @maggienyt: We all get harassed on Twitter and in email. What's noteworthy is how the supporters of an extremely online Cabinet appointee who often attacked reporters - not just senators - feel a certain freedom here to just let it fly.
Annie Karni / @anniekarni: The attacks on Seung Min illustrate both the bad faith of many users of this website and a deep and fundamental misunderstanding of how journalism actually works.
Marisa Sarnoff / Mediaite: Washington Post Strongly Defends Its Reporter Enduring ‘Racist, Sexist’ Attacks for Showing GOP Senator Tweet from Neera Tanden
Emily Zanotti / @emzanotti: Any reporter would have been prepared with that Tweet. It's not the reporters fault it exists.
Ryan Grim / @ryangrim: Key point here is you can't just turn these mobs on an off. Fateful irony that her own supporters are doing so much damage to her in the closing moments. Live by the swarm, die by the swarm.
Mary Spicuzza / @mspicuzzamjs: I have been lucky to meet @seungminkim while working as a reporter during presidential visits to Wisconsin. I have always been impressed by her professionalism & her reporting. Nobody should be subjected to sexist or racist attacks. Please stop.
J. Clara Chan / The Wrap: Washington Post Defends Reporter Seung Min Kim After ‘Racist and Sexist Attacks’ by ‘Vicious’ Online Trolls
Viktorya Vilk / @vilkviktorya: When reporters are bombarded with racist and sexist abuse, their editors and newsrooms should stand behind them. That's exactly what WaPo did here and it was the right thing to do.
@emilyctamkin: The response to that photo was both wild and shameful and good for the Post for defending their reporter
Ted Hesson / @tedhesson: .@seungminkim is one of the most professional, fair and accurate reporters in the business. As the statement says, no one should have to deal with racist and sexist attacks
Matt T.M. Kim / @lawoftd: Jesus, I've been so head down I hadn't seen this. Insane to attack a reporter for literally doing their job.
Philip Rucker / @philiprucker: “She and other minority women endure vile, baseless attacks on a daily basis, no matter what story they are working on or tweeting about. The attacks on her journalistic integrity were wildly misguided and a bad faith effort at intimidation.”
Steadman&trade / @asteadwesley: @DavKat43 @Haleaziz What she did was normal journalism
Steadman&trade / @asteadwesley: I can't believe “I'm going to engage in online abuse in the name of my preferred OMB director” is a real thought u ppl have
Maggie Haberman / @maggienyt: This just isn't complicated. When basic acts of reporting were widely stigmatized for four years, the racism and harassment of @seungminkim is at least partly an outgrowth of that.
Seung Min Kim / @seungminkim: Let's check in on my email inbox
Matthew Yglesias / @mattyglesias: @seungminkim Fair enough, I will delete.
Dr. Ellen Greaves / @ecgreaves: @seungminkim Hang in there @seungminkim Please keep doing your good work.
George Conway / @gtconway3d: Exactly. It's perfectly reasonable to simultaneously believe that particular statements shouldn't sink a nomination, and that reporters are obliged to ask about those statements because the statements may in fact do precisely that.
Michelle Ye Hee Lee / @myhlee: Grateful for @stevenjay's leadership and statement forcefully defending @seungminkim's journalistic integrity, and acknowledging that minority women are particularly susceptible to racist, sexist and vile hate online just for doing our jobs.
Wendell Husebo / Breitbart: Lisa Murkowski to Neera Tanden: 'High on My Own Supply? That's Interesting'
Seung Min Kim / @seungminkim: When you have to add a “but” after saying you don't approve of harassment on someone, just take a moment and think about that.
Lloyd Grove / The Daily Beast: Liberal Twitter Mob Heaps Racist, Sexist Abuse on WaPo Reporter for Doing Her Job
Ted Lieu / @tedlieu: I support Neera Tanden. She would be a great OMB Director and would never illegally hold up critical aid to Ukraine. Also, reporters routinely show information to legislators and ask for comment. Many of the attacks against @seungminkim are racist, sexist and just plain stupid.

Insider increases the minimum salary for full-time employees to $60K, increases minimum severance to two months and converts bonus compensation to salary — Insider is increasing the minimum salary of its full-time employees to $60,000 and improving other benefits, according to an internal memo distributed Thursday.
Press Gazette, @mekosoff, @khaulasaad, @jim_edwards, @aleksnotalex, @jim_edwards, @nichcarlson, @kerrymflynn, Axios, @e_vb_ and @stevekovach
William Turvill / Press Gazette: Henry Blodget interview: Why is Insider still thriving? Because we didn't try to be Disney
Maya Kosoff / @mekosoff: my starting salary at BI was $40k (+ $5k bonus) in 2014 so this is quite an improvement! feels like important context to note that BI/Insider is one of a dwindling number of non-unionized major media orgs in nyc
Syeda Khaula Saad / @khaulasaad: So so so very grateful to be part of a company that listens to its employees and genuinely cares about them! This is so amazing
Jim Edwards / @jim_edwards: There are lots of reasons I am proud to work at Insider, and this is a big one. There are lots of reasons people underestimate Insider, and this is a big one.
Aleksander Chan / @aleksnotalex: this is great but clearly an effort to stave off a future union drive
Jim Edwards / @jim_edwards: Context and data here. [We are the blue column.] ...
Nicholas Carlson / @nichcarlson: Hell yes we did
Kerry Flynn / @kerrymflynn: 👀 Some nice improvements in benefits over at @thisisinsider First thought went to @newyorkerunion fight for a $65K salary floor — management recently countered with $50K:

In a two-minute message, Reply All co-founder and host Alex Goldman says the Test Kitchen series about Bon Appetit is cancelled and the show is on pause — A co-host and a senior reporter also left the podcast, after accusations that they worked against union efforts that many employees of color saw as necessary to increase diversity.
Gimlet, @norakali, Hollywood Reporter, @beccamford, @bridgetmarie, The A.V. Club, @zaidjilani, @jamilarobinson, The Supercreator, @avanidias, @mcastimovies, @bradfordpearson, @noahreservation, @agoldmund, @elenawonders, @conor64, @da7e, @miamiabel, @thejimmalo, @manishakrishnan, @agoldmund, @replyall, @cassjosephs, @amandabeiner and The Wrap
Nora Ali / @norakali: This is sad but could not be more emblematic of the actual issue. Too many organizations think it's enough to loudly decry racism and systemic inequality, and create content about it... but they resist any public reckoning of their own shortcomings. Ugh, I loved this series.
Natalie Jarvey / Hollywood Reporter: Gimlet's ‘Reply All’ Halts Production on Bon Appetit Miniseries
Rebecca Ford / @beccamford: I just wonder if there was a way to finish the series, perhaps with a different host. It was giving POCs a platform to tell their stories and showing how these very common toxic cultures develop at magazines.
Bridget Todd / @bridgetmarie: Reply All is pausing. As someone who produces a tech podcast, I have a lot of thoughts. RA shaped my own podcast tremendously and I actually used to pitch it as “Reply All but if every story centered underrepresented voices.” (THREAD)
William Hughes / The A.V. Club: Reply All cancels Test Kitchen miniseries, issues apology
Zaid Jilani / @zaidjilani: Reply All went from reporting about another workplace's culture war disputes to reporting out their own in the span of one episode
Jamila Robinson / @jamilarobinson: I wonder how the people who gave up the most - in trauma and vulnerability - feel about their stories remaining untold. Perhaps posting the remaining episodes would have sparked some necessary conversations about all media.
Michael Jones / The Supercreator: Ask Michael: How do I know what my “brand” is?
Avani Dias / @avanidias: Cancelling the Bon Appetit investigation is a ridiculous decision. We've lost a valuable piece of journalism interrogating how racism manifests in the media. AND this move and the staff resignations won't fix any of the failures at Gimlet either !
Monica Castillo / @mcastimovies: Really feeling for the Bon Appétit folks who shared their painful stories only to never have them told.
Bradford Pearson / @bradfordpearson: All I could think about when listening to this was the professional bravery of the Bon Appetit staffers who spoke to Reply All, and how that bravery was completely disregarded.
@noahreservation: kinda don't know how to feel about them just canning the rest of the Test Kitchen series. I know it wasn't done, and I also agree with the notion that the people doing that specific reporting maybe shouldn't have been on it.
Alex Goldman / @agoldmund: Fourth, this isn't the end of reply all. We're just figuring out what's next. Lastly, reply all is not and never has been just Alex and PJ. There is an insanely talented group of people who make this show.
Elena Nicolaou / @elenawonders: I feel for all the BA employees who went on the record (a scary thing to do) and now won't get to share their full stories
Conor Friedersdorf / @conor64: I cannot tell if they think the Bon Appetit episodes were bad due to bygone failures of the people who made them or bad because of the content of the journalism itself. And I sure would like to listen to Part 3 so I could make up my own mind.
@da7e: This is what should have happened, but not publishing the rest of the accounts from Bon App and taking a hiatus to retool means an unsubscribe from me dawg.
Abel Iraola / @miamiabel: RIP Reply All. Another warning for well-liked media properties that a toxic workplace is your biggest liability. Still, I think it would have been worth releasing the final 2 episodes of the BA series and highlighting those who went on the record about their experiences.
Jim Malo / @thejimmalo: a groundbreaking piece of work which highlights the media's whiteness and inability to reckon with it getting cancelled halfway through is very on-brand, actually
@manishakrishnan: must be incredibly frustrating for the sources within BA who shared their stories
Alex Goldman / @agoldmund: Second, this isn't a situation where there are two finished episodes sitting unreleased. They are incomplete and the reporter and editor have left the show. We also want to be respectful of the subjects of the story.
Cassie Josephs / @cassjosephs: Boy, I sure wish I could have an opinion on this, but I'm unable to because Gimlet made the choice to not provide a transcript. Gimlet has decided that only hearing people get to know their statement. You're a major company. You can have transcripts. Do better.

Open letter signed by more than 100 Al Jazeera staff says Rightly, its new rightwing digital channel, betrays the outlet's journalism and tarnishes the brand — Open letter says the launch of online outlet ‘Rightly’ is ‘an affront’ to the network's journalistic vision
Ashley Carnahan / The Daily Caller: ‘Shock, Confusion And Criticism’: Al Jazeera Staff Upset Over New Right-Wing Outlet, Write Letter Saying It Tarnishes The Brand
Michael Safi / @safimichael: Here's Al Jazeera's response to this story. “Rightly is the next chapter”
Jared Keller / @jaredbkeller: I still can't believe Al Jazeera sank all that money into AJAM and now wants to go after American conservatives. What a giant joke ...
Francesca Fiorentini / @franifio: As a now-freelancer who does Newsbroke for AJ+, and who cares about the staff there, this move cheapens all of our work. Not to mention that we've had budget cuts. Sigh, another media outlet tries to find the ‘soul of the Republican Party’: ...
Daniel Adamson / @danielsilas: Well worth reading this thread from Barry, one of the many fine journos at @AJEnglish who are rightly proud of the outstanding work they done and dismayed by the prospect of a new channel that doesn't seem to fit with AJ's commitment to amplify unheard voices
Sakhr Al-Makhadhi / @sakhr: This is the letter that has just been sent to Al Jazeera management. Many of us are concerned that a right wing opinion platform does not fit with our mission to give a voice to marginalised communities: ...
Liz Wolfe / @lizzywol: This Al Jazeera outcry is insane—my friend @Stephen_Kent89 is no right-wing reactionary, not one bit, nor will his work be “an affront to the ethical, journalistic and editorial vision and guidelines of Al Jazeera.” Honestly, it's a laughable concept! ...
Zab Mustefa / @zabmustefa: I just want to give a shoutout to my amazing colleagues across Al Jazeera and AJ+ for their brilliant journalism and unique stories about marginalised communities. This new rightwing channel is seen as “an affront” to our journalism. ...
@hahellyer: “Al Jazeera staff say rightwing platform will ‘irreparably tarnish’ brand”-@safimichael for the @Guardian (includes my thoughts) ... “...the introduction of ‘Rightly’ is not a solution but rather a deepening of the problem,” (from the letter).
Tarek Abu-Esber / @tarek: Finally some coverage that accurately describes what the vast majority of staff are feeling at Al Jazeera. ...
Chuck Ross / @chuckrossdc: They work for Qatar. The “irreparably tarnish” ship sailed a long time ago ...
Barry Malone / @malonebarry: So the letter was written from a place of pride. Because we want to protect a legacy and ensure it is carried into the future.
Asma Khalid / @asmamk: “Media in the US is already polarised and the introduction of ‘Rightly’ is not a solution but rather a deepening of the problem,” the letter said.
Tarek Abu-Esber / @tarek: Another excellent thread on the Rightly debacle:
Barry Malone / @malonebarry: “This isn't about politics, left or right, or diversity of perspectives ... This is about journalism and continuing the network's moral mission of uplifting marginalised voices, communities and stories. ‘Rightly’ is a betrayal of that mission.” ...
@khalidalbaih: Media in the US is already polarised and the introduction of ‘Rightly’ is not a solution but rather a deepening of the problem," ...
Wajahat Ali / @wajahatali: Qatar won't care. It's just trying to play all sides of power. Al Jazeera staff say rightwing platform will ‘irreparably tarnish’ brand ...
Barry Malone / @malonebarry: We're proud of the representation you see on our platforms: a diversity of opinions from countries right across the world, ethnic diversity, political diversity. At The Stream, our channel gave us the space to do the below.
Barry Malone / @malonebarry: I'm proud that I work in a place where, when I suggested the below editorial change, management took it seriously and enacted it.
Barry Malone / @malonebarry: Al Jazeera is important to us. We are proud to work here and we are proud of the work we produce. Many of us, most of us, work here for the privilege of telling the underreported stories the network encourages us to, for the privilege of amplifying truly underrepresented voices.
Laurin-Whitney Gottbrath / @elledubg: “Those of us who work in the U.S. already face tremendous challenges, and our jobs will only be made more difficult now that we will be associated with promoting a political ideology.” Mad respect for & solidarity w/ all my former Al Jazeera colleagues ...
Joshua Benton / @jbenton: The thing is, building a successful network that's conservative but not conspiratorial/fact-free/built on hatred of the other is legit one of the best things that could happen. Why AJ thinks the *Qataris* are well-positioned to do it, well, I can't say. ...

Netflix to invest $500M on movies and TV shows in 2021 in South Korea, where it has 3.5M subscribers, after spending $700M in the country between 2015 and 2020 — Streaming giant to spend $500 million on South Korean films and television shows, as competition for global viewers heats up
Rich Greenfield / @richlightshed: Missed this yesterday from @Lucas_Shaw @shirleyZhaoXY on @netflix $NFLX Netflix has sub 20% penetration in South Korea and is dramatically ramping content spend with 3.8 mm subs in a market with over 20 million households (virtually all with high speed broadband)
@ms: “Over the last two years, we've seen the world falling in love with the incredible Korean content,” Sarandos said. “Made in Korea and watched by the world on Netflix.”
Lucas Shaw / @lucas_shaw: Netflix has 3.8M customers in Korea, and plans to spend $500M this year on shows there. It's become one of the most important markets for the company as it tries to crack Asia. W/ @shirleyZhaoXY
Saheli Roy Choudhury / CNBC: Netflix to spend $500 million in South Korea this year to develop new content
Alex Kantrowitz / Big Technology:
Without news, Facebook can be friendlier and less toxic, and without Facebook, publishers can form relationships with users who trust and want to hear from them — An amazing thing happened last week when Facebook banned links to news articles in Australia.
@kantrowitz, @venkatananth, @robertalai, @filip_struharik, @andreachalupa and @slpng_giants
Alex Kantrowitz / @kantrowitz: Why news publishers keep going back to Facebook is beside me. It commodities their audiences, flattens their work, disconnects their relationship with readers. It incentivizes reporters to write for the Share, harming trust. Traffic is valuable, but Facebook monetizes it better.
Venkat Ananth / @venkatananth: The case for news organisations to pivot away from Facebook. “A break from Facebook would likely improve the quality of news stories as well, since the prospect of Facebook virality has warped journalists' incentives.” @Kantrowitz ...
Robert Alai / @robertalai: If you do content marketing independent of Facebook and Twitter, you'll still succeed. Stuff magazine did it and succeeded. News site Stuff left Facebook. Seven months later, traffic is just fine and trust is higher .uk/ ...
Filip Struhárik / @filip_struharik: “Without Facebook, news companies can form relationships with people who trust and want to hear from them — not amorphous ‘visitors’ who arrive at their sites via algorithm. And without news, Facebook can be friendlier and less toxic.” (2/2)
Christopher Warren / Crikey:
Amendments to Australia's media bargaining code will strengthen big tech and old media, with ~90% of Google money going to News Corp, Seven West Media, and Nine
Amendments to Australia's media bargaining code will strengthen big tech and old media, with ~90% of Google money going to News Corp, Seven West Media, and Nine
New York Times, @evelyndouek, @mailonline, Insider, @jeffjarvis, @filip_struharik, @kantrowitz, @kantrowitz, @_llebrun, @jpmarthoz, Twelve Thirty Six, The Drum, @kantrowitz, @nytopinion, @lizzie_oshea, @tomclarketweets, @lalpert1, BBC, @slpng_giants_oz, Variety, Talking Biz News, @benyt, @jeffjarvis, @bernardkeane, CNBC, Treasury Ministers and 9News
Lizzie O'Shea / New York Times: Australia's Social Media Law Won't Save Journalism
Evelyn Douek / @evelyndouek: So, I asked my Australian friends what they thought of the News-free News Feed and, uh....
@mailonline: In a letter to the Financial Times, Lord Rothermere, Executive Chairman of DMGT, has called for politicians to hold Google and Facebook to account for trying to blackmail democracies and called into question an ‘unholy alliance’ between Google and News Corp.
Lucia Moses / Insider: Waze veers off course for advertisers
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: Excellent from Crikey. As I said on ABC: Everybody loses in this sad saga, except the man who wrote it, Murdoch. Diversity hit between the eyes as old media pockets about 90% of big tech cash
Filip Struhárik / @filip_struharik: “As more data comes in about how the news-free Facebook experiment played out, it's becoming difficult to argue that the news industry and Facebook belong together at all,” argues @Kantrowitz. (1/2) ...
Alex Kantrowitz / @kantrowitz: Thank you @emilybell and @swan_legend for speaking with me about the news ~situation~ in Australia ...
Alex Kantrowitz / @kantrowitz: New on @BigTechnology: News publishers and Facebook should get a divorce. Their marriage of convenience hasn't paid off for either party. In Australia this past week, people downloaded news apps, journalists felt liberated, and News Feeds got friendlier. ...
Luke LeBrun / @_llebrun: Huh. Canada's Heritage Minister is seeking to replicate Australia's media bailout plan which redistributed 90% of the money to old media barons like Rupert Murdoch. This scheme has been pushed aggressively in Canada by Postmedia and The Star. #cdnmedia
Jean-Paul Marthoz / @jpmarthoz: If you believe that Google and Facebook retreated and journalism won in Australia, you are wrong. @Lizzie_OShea @aidanpwhite @EJNetwork @davanac @MarieVancutsem @AlainGerlache
John McCarthy / The Drum: Future of Media: Facebook's news truce, should you fake a billboard? New innovation column
Alex Kantrowitz / @kantrowitz: @BigTechnology After the Facebook news ban, the Australian Broadcasting Company's news app shot to the top spot in the iOS and Google Play app stores. It was building a direct relationship with its audience. That counts for something. ...
@nytopinion: A new Australian law aims to protect the news industry by making tech companies pay for content. “But news outlets are not obligated to direct this money toward quality journalism,” writes @Lizzie_OShea. “They are free to spend it however they choose.”
Lizzie O'Shea / @lizzie_oshea: Grateful that the @nytopinion gave me the opportunity to explain the problems with Australia's brand new media code:
Tom Clarke / @tomclarketweets: We cannot trust that someone like Rupert Murdoch will spend his newly gotten gains on quality public interest journalism. Great piece from @Lizzie_OShea re the missed opportunity that is the Australian news media code.
Lukas I. Alpert / @lalpert1: Daily Mail owner Lord Rothermere accuses Aussie pols of surrendering to blackmail by Google and Facebook, calls News Corp's deal w/Google an unholy alliance. “Who make the rules? Do the platforms decide what news the public can read, in secret deals with publishers they favour?”
@slpng_giants_oz: Its a hard YES from us on this article, the Australian government acted as corporate strong arm on behalf of media barons lead by Rupert Murdoch. Money - power- media will win every time - UNLESS - we keep fighting. #Auspol
Patrick Frater / Variety: Australia Passes Law Making Google and Facebook Pay for News
Irina Slav / Talking Biz News: Australia passes paid news content law
Ben Smith / @benyt: I'm told the Times of London declined to run this letter, which denounces an “unholy alliance” between Google and ... Rupert Murdoch
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: This is SO right. “This free money will undermine media diversity by subsidising old media and by prioritising their content on the web, making almost uncrossable the gap between their resources and the resources of start-ups.”
Bernard Keane / @bernardkeane: Australia's dying media diversity: how Frydenberg's bargaining code means a windfall for big media companies and foreign corporations while their small competitors get scraps
Saheli Roy Choudhury / CNBC: Australia passes new media law that will require Google, Facebook to pay for news

Exit interview with retiring WaPo Executive Editor Marty Barton, on Trump, diversity in newsrooms, the Snowden leaks, and the future of newspapers — Stars from Hollywood (Spielberg, Schreiber) and the news biz (Baquet, Blitzer) toasted the legendary editor, who recalls angry calls from Trump …
@thewillhobson, @danlamothe, @benyt, @haleaziz, @wesleylowery, @fenitn, @klcpegher, @wesleylowery, @alexmahadevan, @joepompeo, @fenitn, @philiprucker, @marisa_iati, @eugene_scott, @scottnover, @michaelluo and @wesleylowery
Will Hobson / @thewillhobson: Working for @postbaron was an honor and a privilege. If you do journalism that often involves threatening letters and emails from lawyers, you slept well at night knowing Marty was in charge. The shoes that need filling are, as they say, rather sizeable.
Dan Lamothe / @danlamothe: Marty Baron on Trump calling: “You know, he did all the talking. The so-called conversations went on for a long period of time, but he did all the talking, and at the end, I thanked him for calling and for offering his perspective, and it ended there.”
Ben Smith / @benyt: A good point from @PostBaron
Hamed Aleaziz / @haleaziz: “I mean, we should just understand that, you know, we need to find out what's happening in government. Government has enormous power and influence over the lives of ordinary people.”
Wesley / @wesleylowery: Noteworthy to see these comments not long after the NYT internal report — which frames such issues in much more systemic and sweeping ways (not just “we need another black manager or two")
Fenit Nirappil / @fenitn: Nicely put by our departing editor Marty Baron: “Just because somebody is being nicer to us doesn't mean that we don't need to do our job of holding power to account”
Kelcie Pegher / @klcpegher: “I feel optimistic about the news. Whether I feel optimistic about newspapers is a different matter.”
Wesley / @wesleylowery: The Post is pretty diverse newsroom (with some notable enclaves that are blindingly white) but “the” issue is not just diversity in leadership - as any number of current and former staffers have said, it's about internal culture
Alex Mahadevan / @alexmahadevan: “I think the biggest challenge that our democracy faces, certainly the biggest challenge that the press faces, is the inability on the part of a large segment of the population to distinguish fact from fiction.”
Joe Pompeo / @joepompeo: Baron was feted this afternoon in a farewell video tribute with A-list cameos from Bezos, Spielberg, Schreiber, DVF, Stahl, Baquet, Blitzer and others:
Fenit Nirappil / @fenitn: Another good point on journalism business models: “I think there can be a tendency, when you're having success, to think that you've found the answer. And the truth is that we have to continue searching for the answer because the answer will change as technology changes”
Philip Rucker / @philiprucker: “There was a persistent effort to subvert the role of the press in this democracy. And we did not waver in our work at all. We set out to get the facts about what was happening in this administration.” @PostBaron to @joepompeo
Marisa Iati / @marisa_iati: “How do we operate a democracy when we can't agree on a common set of facts? How does the press operate in an environment where we can't agree on what happened yesterday?”
Eugene Scott / @eugene_scott: “It's a work in progress. Did we move fast enough? No. Should we have done more? Yes, obviously. How are we doing now? I think we've taken good, concrete steps,” @PostBaron on newsroom diversity at the @washingtonpost
Scott Nover / @scottnover: “I am concerned about hedge funds that are buying news organizations and who seem to have as their intention stripping them of the available cash and then watching them die and treating them as an annuity.” - @PostBaron to @joepompeo

TheSkimm launches SkimmU, a set of free virtual finance courses for women, joining WWD and Axios in creating online courses for readers — TheSkimm, a digital media company catering to millennial women, plans to launch SkimmU, a set of free virtual courses designed to help women take control of their finances.

Sources: Biden administration will release an intelligence report that concludes Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman approved the killing of Jamal Khashoggi — The Biden administration will release an intelligence report Thursday that concludes that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman approved …
Julian Borger / The Guardian: Joe Biden speaks to Saudi Arabia's King Salman before release of Khashoggi murder report
John Haltiwanger / Insider: Biden spoke with Saudi King Salman for the first time, but didn't say if they discussed Khashoggi's murder
@thereidout: @RichardEngel “To see it come out in this way .. one of the very first foreign policy moves by Joe Biden, is very significant.”
Spencer Kimball / CNBC: Biden stresses human rights in call with Saudi king before report on Khashoggi killing released
Adam Klasfeld / @klasfeldreports: This is an interesting readout to come out today of President Biden's call with Saudi Arabia's King Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud, amid reports of the imminent release of a DNI report concluding that Crown Prince MBS approved Jamal Khashoggi's 2018 killing.
Eric Lutz / Vanity Fair: New Damning Khashoggi Report Could Blow Up Biden's Relationship With Saudi Arabia
Louis Charbonneau / @loucharbon: The #Trump admin sat on it but now it's coming out. Long-awaited US report on #JamalKhashoggi's gruesome murder is expected to say #Saudi crown prince approved of the assassination.
Molly O'Toole / @mollymotoole: Least surprising conclusion, but still shocking: Biden admin expected to release Thursday* declassified US intel report finding that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman approved the 2018 killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi @Reuters citing 4 officials
Brian J. Karem / @briankarem: The murder of Jamal Khashoggi cannot be ignored. Biden must rebuild trust by taking decisive action against Saudi Arabia. Please read and share
Chris Thomas / Today In US Politics: Today In US Politics - February 25, 2021
@thereidout: “The new fact is that it is being released at all.” @RichardEngel on a new public report to blame Saudi crown prince for 2018 killing of Jamal Khashoggi. #TheReidOut
Richard Grenell / @richardgrenell: DC types talk a lot about politicizing intelligence.....there is no other conclusion to come to other than the Biden Administration's political appointees overruled career intel officials on this one. Real journalists have a responsibility to step up and play fair.
Kenneth Roth / @kenroth: The Saudi crown prince's claim that the complex operation to murder Jamal Khashoggi was “rogue” doesn't pass the laugh test. As Biden releases a report that reportedly punctures that cover story, will the prince own up to the crime?
Yaron Steinbuch / New York Post: US report on Jamal Khashoggi's death expected to single out Saudi crown prince
Kathryn Krawczyk / The Week: Biden set to declassify report blaming Saudi Crown Prince for Khashoggi killing

A deep look at the effects of the Penguin Random House bid for Simon & Schuster on the book industry, particularly for authors seeking book deals — The merger of Penguin Random House and Simon & Schuster has the potential to touch every part of the industry, including how much authors get paid and how bookstores are run.
@marc_laidlaw, @kimberlyburnspr, @ourobororoboruo, @nytimesbooks, @andrewlavallee and @alex_shephard
Marc Laidlaw / @marc_laidlaw: New word: Moblisher.
Kimberly Burns / @kimberlyburnspr: Does this % sound right to you? “Penguin Random House says that the two companies combined would generate less than 20 percent of the general interest publishing revenue in the United States.”
Frankie Huang / @ourobororoboruo: Let's just call it House Simon, its sigil is an emperor penguin and its motto is “We are random”.
@nytimesbooks: Perhaps the publishing industry's biggest concern about the Penguin Random House/Simon & Schuster merger, especially among agents and authors, is what it will mean for book deals.
Andrew LaVallee / @andrewlavallee: If and when the Penguin Random House + Simon & Schuster merger goes through, what will it look like for the new company, and the rest of the publishing ecosystem? @Liz_A_Harris reports:
Alex Shephard / @alex_shephard: Lots to unpack in this quote from PRH's COO but 1. the idea that the publishing industry is “healthier than it's ever been” is absurd and 2. I think this is a pretty rosy picture of what the Penguin-Random House merger did to the publishing ecosystem!