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Teen Vogue's new EIC Alexi McCammond, who was meant to start in the coming days, will no longer be joining the publication — The Condé-owned outlet's new editor has exited the job just days before she was set to take on the gig. … Just days before she was set to begin the job …
@alexi, New York Times, @ryangrim, CNN, The Guardian, Washington Post, @asteadwesley, The Hill, Insider, Variety, E! Online, Los Angeles Times, The Wrap, @thewayoftheid, @abbydphillip, MediaPost, @amandacarpenter, @dansaltzstein, @dansaltzstein, @ronmwangaguhung, Newser, @jeremymbarr, @jeremymbarr, @espiers, @ebruenig, Jezebel, @radiofreetom, @nelliebowles, @timmarchman, @davidafrench, @ike_saul, @slate, @hashtaggriswold, @timmarchman, @stevekrak, @michaelbd, @jonathanchait, @jonathanvswan, @offbeatorbit, @mtracey, @legsfrank, @mattyglesias, @vexedinthecity, @thrasherxy, @heminator, @emzanotti, @juliacarriew, @charlescwcooke, @ktbenner, @l0g1c9uy, @stevekrak, @maxwelltani, @mehdirhasan, @sethamandel, @thewayoftheid, @rolandsmartin, @thrasherxy, @davidafrench, The A.V. Club, @iamsophianelson, @hillelneuer, @maxboot, @matthewamiller, @nickgillespie, @eiffeltyler, @eoinhiggins_, @lukerosiak, @travisakers, @mattwelch, @samthielman, @wajahatali and @bymeg
Alexi McCammond / @alexi: Hey there: I've decided to part ways with Condé Nast. Here is my statement about why -
Katie Robertson / New York Times: Teen Vogue Editor Resigns After Fury Over Racist Tweets
Ryan Grim / @ryangrim: The staff of Teen Vogue successfully blocked an extremely well qualified Black woman from becoming its next editor in chief over tweets from when she was a teen that she apologized for years ago.
Priya Elan / The Guardian: Teen Vogue's new editor resigns over past anti-Asian and homophobic tweets
Jeremy Barr / Washington Post: Alexi McCammond won't take Teen Vogue job after criticism of old anti-Asian tweets
Astead / @asteadwesley: conde nast/wintour could've sought full staff buy in in advance of the EIC announcement. that carelessness makes me feel bad for Teen Vogue staff, and for Alexi. both deserved an institution that treated them better
Allana Akhtar / Insider: Teen Vogue's incoming editor-in-chief has resigned after old anti-Asian tweets sparked a staff backlash
Todd Spangler / Variety: Teen Vogue Editor Alexi McCammond Quits Over Past Racist Tweets
Lindsay Weinberg / E! Online: Teen Vogue Editor in Chief Alexi McCammond Resigns After Offensive Tweets Resurface
Christie D'Zurilla / Los Angeles Times: Teen Vogue's incoming editor, Alexi McCammond, resigns over racist-tweet fallout
J. Clara Chan / The Wrap: Teen Vogue Editor Alexi McCammond Resigns After Backlash Over Racist Tweets
Openly Black Studs Twerkel / @thewayoftheid: Do I believe she's still catching wreck over what happened with her boyfriend, the WH and Politico? Absolutely. But she gave folks ammo with those silly ass tweets. The game is the game.
Abby D. Phillip / @abbydphillip: I know @alexi and she's obviously not who she was when she wrote those tweets. I'm sorry to see that she won't be moving forward in this position. It's beyond fair to demand true remorse and accountability, but Alexi demonstrated those things and I wish she'd been given a chance.
Amanda Carpenter / @amandacarpenter: This reflects much more poorly on Teen Vogue than @alexi
Dan Saltzstein / @dansaltzstein: @ryangrim All else aside, how is someone without editing experience “extremely qualified” to be an EIC?
Dan Saltzstein / @dansaltzstein: @ryangrim In fairness, @benyt has noted that David Remnick (NYer), Jeffrey Goldberg (Atlantic) and Ben himself (Buzzfeed) didn't have significant editing experience before taking over their EIC roles. Still not sure she was “extremely well qualified” but point taken.
@ronmwangaguhung: @mediagazer A very substantive conversation could have been had in the pages of Teen Vogue over racism, over what can and should not be said on social media, on taking responsibility for ones actions, on “doing the work” — but, alas
Bob Cronin / Newser: Outcry Over Tweets Ends Hiring at Teen Vogue
Jeremy Barr / @jeremymbarr: Update: An MSNBC source says that Alexi McCammond asked to end her contributor contract with MSNBC in February, before the news broke that she was joining Teen Vogue.
Jeremy Barr / @jeremymbarr: Another recent change: Alexi McCammond is no longer an MSNBC contributor ...
Elizabeth Spiers / @espiers: Aside from the tweets, I think it's pretty unusual to hire someone who's never edited anything before as the EIC of a large national magazine. She had political reporting chops but generally you have to have *some* editing experience to be “well qualified”.
Elizabeth Bruenig / @ebruenig: seems somewhat strange that we have developed this (accurate) reading of racism, misogyny, etc as structural phenomena — and we know that teenagers aren't fully formed moral agents — but we punish adults for teenage mistakes reflecting a sick culture.
Joan Summers / Jezebel: Teen Vogue Editor Resigns Before First Day of Work Over Past Racist and Homophobic Tweets
Tom Nichols / @radiofreetom: Yet another day I am grateful that social media didn't exist until I was already in middle age.
Nellie Bowles / @nelliebowles: An industry now largely run by a movement of moralizing scolds who've (magic! it's true!) never been teenagers. As someone who was an idiot teenager, I can only look in awe at these perfect beings, sprung into the world fully formed like Athena herself.
Tim Marchman / @timmarchman: I'd also question the assumption that the Teen Vogue staff is so unsophisticated as to be incapable of contextualizing old tweets and more concerned with them than with having someone who'd never edited running their newsroom.
David French / @davidafrench: The level of intolerance is unsustainable. This trend will come to an end. It's too unjust. It's too absurd. The only question is how many careers and reputations must be wrongly trashed and destroyed before this trend fades into shameful oblivion.
Isaac Saul / @ike_saul: This is so sad. Alexi is a great journalist who tweeted shitty things when *she was 17 years old* — and has spent the decade since building a body of work that shows who she really is. Reporters and progressives alike need to start thinking about how to let ppl grow.
@slate: This was a questionable hire, even before the offensive old tweets resurfaced.
Alex Griswold / @hashtaggriswold: Alexi McCammond is out at Teen Vogue, over tweets that were publicly available and she had already apologized for, and that she was asked about again during the interview process, and for which she apologized, again, upon being publicly named ...
Tim Marchman / @timmarchman: She was not “extremely well qualified” unless you're using a standard that holds the editorship of Teen Vogue to be so insignificant that one wouldn't need to have had prior experience as an editor to hold the position, which would be telling.
Steve Krakauer / @stevekrak: Really solid work by The Daily Beast and the children that make up the Teen Vogue staff to block a young, Black, female journalist from ascending to an editor position...
Michael Brendan Dougherty / @michaelbd: I like the subtle Doublespeak nature of believing a brand called Vogue is about the marginalized.
Jonathan Chait / @jonathanchait: I continue to believe that “anti-racist” norms are being enforced in elite spaces in ways that do not actually advance the cause of opposing racism.
Jonathan Swan / @jonathanvswan: I've worked with @alexi for four years. I know her well and can say this unequivocally: The idea she is racist is absurd. Where the hell are we as an industry if we cannot accept a person's sincere and repeated apologies for tweets when they were a teenager?
Ashley Reese / @offbeatorbit: Why does her being Black matter in this scenario? As if TV has never had a black EIC before dhdkdhdkdkdjz
Michael Tracey / @mtracey: Suggestion: do not pursue employment in any conventional sectors of the online media industry unless you are willing to tolerate enormous amounts of psychic dread
Allegra Frank / @legsfrank: i wrote about, among other issues, the exhausting illegitimacy of “i was young and stupid” as an excuse for your prejudiced social media history
Matthew Yglesias / @mattyglesias: Hail the glorious victory of antiracism.
Corey Richardson / @vexedinthecity: This is bullshit. Losing a job as an adult over some shit you tweeted as a kid isn't how people learn their lessons nor is is fair atonement for her past wrongs. Best of luck out there, but this shit didn't help anyone, really.
Dr. Thrasher / @thrasherxy: This is incorrect, and there is a kind of race making happening when someone who has never been an editor is called “extremely well qualified.” & as much as I love worker power, she didn't quit over the staff uprising, but after advertisers pulled out.
Mark Hemingway / @heminator: Totally agree, but worth noting had she taken the job at Teen Vogue she would have been editing a bunch of articles endorsing said puritan panics.
Emily Zanotti / @emzanotti: But how do you square a publication that (ostensibly) treats 17 year olds as developed enough to engage on complex political topics (and in eclectic sex practices) with saying a 17 year old isn't fully developed on the subject of racial equity?
Julia Carrie Wong / @juliacarriew: they gonna do anything about the editor who commissioned this or just stay focused on a teenager's tweets?
Charles C. W. Cooke / @charlescwcooke: Absolutely preposterous. There's no reason whatsoever why silly things a person said ten years ago—when she was seventeen—should prompt this reaction or this outcome. This isn't “accountability”; it's a puritan panic that leaves no space for growth.
Katie Benner / @ktbenner: While homophobic and racist social media pats have gotten all the attention, more than anything this is a @CondeNast Anna Wintour management debacle that set someone up to fail
@l0g1c9uy: This is an article from slate today, it's about the EIC at Teen Vogue who's under fire for 10yo tweets from when she was a teenager. It doesnt come out and say there's no path to forgiveness, it just rejects all available options and offers no alternatives
Steve Krakauer / @stevekrak: Outrageous. What a shitty time to be a young journalist.
Max Tani / @maxwelltani: NEW: Alexi McCammond is out at Teen Vogue, will not be joining as EIC. Story w/@LachCartwright ...
Mehdi Hasan / @mehdirhasan: This made me sad and frustrated. Surely we can see the difference between active, current racists and bigots and people who said things long ago that they already sincerely apologized for? Have we lost all sense of proportion? And which of us hasn't said or done things we regret?
Seth Mandel / @sethamandel: Pre-firing her for teen tweets she apologized for several times is garbage, but doing it now as reporters are connecting it to a racist murder spree in Atlanta is beyond tactless. Infuriating to watch coward employers reinforce twitter's ‘people are disposable’ attitude.
Openly Black Studs Twerkel / @thewayoftheid: On behalf of Black women, “Nah.” This ain't it.
Dr. Thrasher / @thrasherxy: WELP. ~EVERYTHING~ abt this hire was wrong. Teen Vogue had become a space for deep work critical of capitalism, race & gender. McCammond: —Was WAY too close to the WH/DNC —Had never been an editor?! —Had a poor racial *analysis* + anti-Asian writing —Staff didn't want her
Tatiana Tenreyro / The A.V. Club: Alexi McCammond steps down as Teen Vogue editor-in-chief after backlash for anti-Asian tweets
Sophia A. Nelson / @iamsophianelson: This is NOT RIGHT. We have got to STOP doing this to good people because of old blog posts, old tweets, old Facebook posts, old college drunken videos, etc. We are fallible human beings. We get it wrong—who is able to throw stones? @CondeNast @TeenVogue this is not good.
Hillel Neuer / @hillelneuer: When the revolution devours its own: March 5: Condé Nast names Alexi McCammond, a 27-year-old African-American journalist, as editor-in-chief of Teen Vogue. March 18: Condé Nast fires her over racist & homophobic tweets she posted a decade ago as a teen.
Max Boot / @maxboot: I just wrote in @PostOpinions that the rightist obsession with “cancel culture” is overblown and over the top ( ...), but there is no question, as I also noted, that there are some leftist excesses too. This looks like one of those.
Matthew Miller / @matthewamiller: There is a legitimate debate to be had about how to judge people for actions in the past, to what extent they grow, etc. But I would hope we could all agree that judging adults in professional settings for what they did as a teenager is ridiculous.
Nick Gillespie / @nickgillespie: More proof that woke #cancelculture is simply fire-and-brimstone Christianity minus any concept of forgiveness or salvation. Just eternal damnation. What a horrible theology. Conde Nast must be a horrible place to work from any perpsective. ...
Tyler McCall / @eiffeltyler: This is so rough. I maintain none of this had to be this way if Condé had any sense whatsoever.
Eoin Higgins / @eoinhiggins_: Unsurprising, not sure how she was going to be able to manage that newsroom
Luke Rosiak / @lukerosiak: Psst... they don't *really* believe in “restorative justice.”
Travis Akers / @travisakers: #BREAKING: Alexi McCammond is out as editor-in-chief of Teen Vogue after backlash over racist tweets about Asians ...
Matt Welch / @mattwelch: Whose lives were improved by this episode? Whose journalism?

NFL finalizes an 11-year media rights deal, with Amazon Prime Video as exclusive partner for Thursday Night Football; sources: Amazon is paying about $1B/year — - The new agreement runs through 2033 and will feature two Super Bowls returning to Disney's ABC network channel.
Adweek, Wall Street Journal, Sportico, The Wrap, Financial Times, ViacomCBS Press Express, @sherman4949, Awful Announcing, NBC Sports Pressbox, MediaPost, Ad Age, Sports Business Journal,, Insider, @jbflint, Decider, Hollywood Reporter, @walsha, @chadgraff, @buccigross, @janecoaston, @carlquintanilla, @stevekovach, @mattbelloni, @sherman4949, @caroljsroth, @sherman4949, @ccoleman, @richlightshed, @ourand_sbj and @jbflint, more at Techmeme », Thanks:@mattrosoff
Jason Lynch / Adweek: NFL Sets Huge New TV Deals With CBS, Fox, NBC, ESPN/ABC and Amazon Prime Video
Joe Flint / Wall Street Journal: NFL's Media Deals Bring Thursday Football to Amazon, Super Bowl to ABC
Tim Baysinger / The Wrap: NFL TV Rights Shakeup: ABC Gets Super Bowls, ‘Thursday Night Football’ Moves to Amazon Exclusively
Alex Sherman / @sherman4949: The NFL has a deal! Scoops here: *Amazon gets full exclusivity for $1b per year (as CNBC had reported) *NBCU paying about $2b for Sunday Night Football *ViacomCBS paying $2.1b for AFC *Fox paying $2.2b for NFC *Disney paying abt $2.7b for ESPN/ABC
Andrew Bucholtz / Awful Announcing: NFL completes network/Amazon rights deals through 2033, bringing in $10 billion per year along the way
Wayne Friedman / MediaPost: NFL Strikes 11-Year, $100B Deal With TV Networks, Amazon Gets ‘Thursday Night Football’
Jon Lafayette / NFL Signs 11-Year TV Deals With Current Networks and Amazon
Lauren Johnson / Insider: Project Worldwide's bet on gaming
Joe Flint / @jbflint: New Amazon deal for Thursday Night Football is for 15 games per-season and valued at around $1 billion, per-sources. That's four more games than Fox had. Amazon could get package as early as next season and in 2023 for sure. via @WSJ
Greta Bjornson / Decider: ‘Thursday Night Football’ Heads to Amazon in Exclusive Deal
Alex Weprin / Hollywood Reporter: NFL Inks Rich New TV Deals With Disney, Fox, NBCUniversal, ViacomCBS and Amazon
Allan Walsh / @walsha: Quite amazing really where NFL owners are celebrating $100 billion in media deals, NFL player salaries were cut and contracts are not guaranteed.
Chad Graff / @chadgraff: This is why teams are comfortable backloading contracts this year. (Or in the Vikings' case, take on dead money via voidable years.)The salary cap is expected to go way up in the coming years.
Bucci Mane / @buccigross: 10 BILLION A YEAR. TEN. 312 Million a team per year.
Jane Coaston / @janecoaston: Every year there's some “the NFL is falling apart!” narrative and the league just brings in more cash.
Carl Quintanilla / @carlquintanilla: “Combined, the 11-year deals are valued at more than $100 billion, according to people familiar with the agreements. The league secured a combined average increase of 75% to 80% in fees from its media partners, one of the people said.” @WSJ
Steve Kovach / @stevekovach: Gonna be so many “buy now!” buttons on commercials during the Amazon NFL streams.
Matthew Belloni / @mattbelloni: Truly the last hurrah for linear TV....
Alex Sherman / @sherman4949: I'm told Disney is getting a boatload of new stuff for its $ — 6 new games, 3 ABC Monday Night Football games, an exclusive ESPN+ international game (which starts in 2022, a year before the rest of the deal kicks in), the right to simulcast ESPN and ABC games on ESPN+....
Carol Roth / @caroljsroth: NFL's new media rights deal could be worth more than $100 billion— content, especially live sports— is king...
Alex Sherman / @sherman4949: For Amazon, it gets a sure thing in the NFL that it can't replicate by throwing $ at scripts and hoping they succeed. Then again, Amazon is paying $1 billion per year for its package. Double then again, $1b isn't much to Amazon. Story with @JabariJYoung
Christopher Coleman / @ccoleman: Prepare for an ADDITIONAL charge for Amazon Prime Video. This + the Middle Earth series just about guarantees it.
John Ourand / @ourand_sbj: The NFL will pull in $10 billion per year - a stunning number - from the media deals it that it makes official today. Here's SBJ's story: ...
Joe Flint / @jbflint: New NFL deals are valued at more than $100 billion over 11 years and include Amazon landing Thursday Night Footbal. ESPN and ABC score big as well with Super Bowls, more MNF games and another playoff game.

Substack's decision to pay some to write on the platform is an editorial one as it chooses what writing to support; its secrecy is a breach of journalism ethics — I think of myself as having decent critical faculties, but somehow I got suckered again by a bog-standard publishing venture masquerading as a useful communications tool.
TechCrunch, @annaleen, @_cvd, Stone Soup, @imgarysuarez, @oliverburkeman, @digifiend, @davewiner, @kantrowitz, @arctictony, Felicitations!, @benedictevans, @jamessurowiecki, @kottke, @jefferson1simon, légumes all day, @blackamazon, @themadstone, @mnnicefc, @lyssaslounge, @carnage4life, we, the citizens, Columbia Journalism Review, @bradydale, Cup of Coffee, Glenn Greenwald, @can, Not A Travel Writer, @karaswisher, @dangillmor, Grace on Football, Where's Your Ed At, Jen the Libertarian, Good Question and You've Escaped, more at Techmeme »
@annaleen: Here's why Substack's scam worked so well. They paid a secret group of writers to make newsletters seem lucrative. In my newsletter this week, I talk about how it all happened, and why I'm out. ...
Conor Davidsen / @_cvd: @kottke That this is a Substack post is possibly the most meta thing I've ever seen.
Sarah Gailey / Stone Soup: We Are A Snail — I would say it's time for us to go, but we aren't really going anywhere.
@imgarysuarez: Worth a read if you're following the Substack scandal. ...
Oliver Burkeman / @oliverburkeman: The logic here strikes me as tortured. I think Substack just saw a gap in the market, created by rapid recent ideological narrowing in existing media leaving large audiences underserved, and decided to capitalize on it. ...
Darrin Hawe / @digifiend: @karaswisher @Annaleen So @analeen uses substack as a mass mailer (which it seems to do well), states that income stream isn't the goal of use, then isn't happy that potential readership growth isn't likely due to lack of transparency. If fulfilling it's intended use, I'm not seeing the problem.
@davewiner: Substack's scam is common tech industry practice. ...
Alex Kantrowitz / @kantrowitz: Fwiw, I think the “Substack is a scam” discourse is a bit overblown, They do not pay me, never offered, but I decided to set up a business there because I liked the economics and opportunity. So far, so good.
Tony Haile / @arctictony: Whatever your position on this, feels like Twitter acquired @revue at the right time. They have a viable competitor to Substack with better distribution and none of the moral quandary.
Felicia Day / Felicitations!: Felicitations Newsletter #5 — Someone called me a “boomer” last week on Twitch. — a) I am NOT A BOOMER.
Benedict Evans / @benedictevans: I don't understand the criticism that Substack can only make you money if you already spent a long time building a big audience that will pay for your stuff. Isn't that just ‘media’? You need a lot of work and a lot of Luck and no publisher/platform/tool can do that for you
James Surowiecki / @jamessurowiecki: If a publishing house gives a writer an advance, that does not make the writer an employee of the publisher. So it makes no sense to call people to whom Substack is fronting money “staff writers,” particularly given that it exercises no editorial control. ...
@kottke: “Substack's business is a scam. They claim to offer writers a level playing field for making a living, and instead they pay an elite, secret group of writers to be on the platform and make newsletter writing appear to be more lucrative than it is.” ...
Jefferson Simon / @jefferson1simon: @karaswisher @Annaleen Disagree with this article. And Substack had been pretty open about paying some of the writers.
Ria Elciario / légumes all day: On Substack — Substack pays some writers a salary through an exclusive program called Substack Pro.
@blackamazon: THIS and Substack did this while openly antagonizing populations It decided to defend “not having censorship” while it did It started mentor ship programs on “building audience ” While these folks were paid other wise to be comfortable
Maddie Stone / @themadstone: Why hand selecting paid writers for your platform and refusing to divulge their identities is absolutely making editorial decisions, and pretty shitty ones at that. Read the entire thing 👇🏼
Wes Burdine / @mnnicefc: I mean, could also just do a blogspot and throw a venmo link at the bottom.
Katharina Borchert / @lyssaslounge: It never ends well when platforms want to play #publisher but don't want to be treated like publishers. Maybe chat with the wonderful @GabrielBerlin and try @joinsteadyEN instead? #substack #newsletter #publishing
Dare Obasanjo / @carnage4life: A challenge for Substack over the next year is proving that writers can make money on the platform who aren't subsidized by the company. YouTube, Patreon & OnlyFans pulled this off while Medium did not. Is a journalism based creator class a mirage? ...
Kirsten Han / we, the citizens: We, The Citizens is moving house!
Mathew Ingram / Columbia Journalism Review: Facebook goes after Substack
Brady Dale / @bradydale: @benedictevans @jjaron If you're a writer and you saw Taibbi and Yglesias go on Substack and thought: “Yeah I'll probably get the same results” you have larger problems Which is another way of saying: yeah it's a tough slog but those of us in the biz also get that
Craig Calcaterra / Cup of Coffee: Cup of Coffee: March 18, 2021
Glenn Greenwald: VIDEO: With Katie Herzog on the Expansion of LGBTQ Identity and How it is Wielded in Political Discourse
@can: every reasonably popular substack should claim to be getting paid and thus force the company's hand to actually disclose the full list ...
Kara Swisher / @karaswisher: It'd be nice to see all those who are paid in broad daylight, so those strivers on the platform can see it all. Pretending you are not a paid edit operation when you are seems shabby at the very least. I thought @Annaleen kind of nailed it here: ...
Dan Gillmor / @dangillmor: I'm not for or against Substack (though I don't intend to use it), but this piece from @annaleenewitz is harsh about, among other things, the platform's lack of transparency. ...
Grace Robertson / Grace on Football: Barcelona, and football, vote for nostalgia
Ed Z / Where's Your Ed At: The Platform-Company Problem — Substack is currently entering another news cycle of problems …
Jen Monroe / Jen the Libertarian: Lying On The Internet For Fun And Clout
Nicole Antoinette / Good Question: Link Love: vol 2

Substack has lost several writers who say they are concerned about editorial impartiality and whether the service is paying transphobic writers
GEN, @markstenberg3, The Supercreator, @hamishmckenzie, @gabemschneider, @mathewi, @caseynewton, @knowtheory, @jason, @emorwee, @xlorentzen, @espiers, @s_m_i, @s_m_i, @kittypurrzog, @kittypurrzog, @themadstone, @amywestervelt, @bafeldman, @kittypurrzog, @anildash, @tante, @sadydoyle, @mathewi, @kerrymflynn, @adweek, @sadydoyle, @aliciakennedy, @mathewi, BNet and Substack Blog
Jude Ellison Sady Doyle / GEN: Substack Is Not a Neutral Platform
Mark Stenberg / @markstenberg3: The unveiling of Substack Pro has led to several high-profile departures from the platform. “Once you start deciding which writers deserve advances and which of them don't, what you have is a publisher that makes editorial choices,” @sadydoyle said.
Michael Jones / The Supercreator: This one's for the girls — I give Facebook a hard time because their growth …
Hamish McKenzie / @hamishmckenzie: Here's Substack's statement about recent questions and misconceptions around the Substack Pro program:
Gabe Schneider / @gabemschneider: “Substack's laissez-faire approach to bigoted speech is not uncommon for tech startups ... but we have seen it play out too many times not to know where it leads.”
Mathew Ingram / @mathewi: Substack founders: “The small number of writers who have chosen to share their deals has created a distorted perception of the overall makeup of the group, leading to incorrect inferences about Substack's business strategy”
Casey Newton / @caseynewton: Substack's new post on its Pros program articulates the company's values much better than previous efforts, I think. Worth a read
Ted Han / @knowtheory: It's super weird to run an Op-Ed platform & then be like “oh but we're not going to tell you who we're supporting.” You're literally subsidizing specific content/writers. You may justify it as a growth play to capture certain audiences, but it's still a subsidy.
@jason: It's impossible to run a platform on the internet anymore! Apparently, @SubstackInc's admission they pay advances to writers, including on the right (like @bariweiss @ggreenwald @sullydish), has lead the left to flee the platform! & the right can't write for the @nytimes!
Emily Atkin / @emorwee: Update: Substack says writers fees are *not* actually funding the pro program. Still plan to have a convo, but this seems like an important clarification.
Christian Lorentzen / @xlorentzen: @espiers @felixsalmon I have no idea who that is. I don't really see the obsession with Substack advances. A writer I think is a hack with bad politics is getting paid a lot and being read by shithead dumbasses = COMPLETELY NORMAL STATE OF AFFAIRS THROUGHOUT THE HISTORY OF WRITERS BEING PAID.
Elizabeth Spiers / @espiers: @xlorentzen @felixsalmon Because they're making editorial decisions and they claim they're not. And when they're only doing thirty deals and a lot of them are for $250k that's significant
Stacy-Marie Ishmael / @s_m_i: among the several reasons I am switching newsletter providers is because I am super sick of people who operate from positions of power and privilege in media and technology making marginalized people out to be “unreasonable” while building their ecosystems on their work
Stacy-Marie Ishmael / @s_m_i: it is a wild thing* to watch folks repeatedly ignore folks from underrepresented groups painstakingly laying out the risks of certain product and editorial decisions. And then wait for how they will handwave away the inevitable harms that follow. *it is a day ending in y
Katie Herzog / @kittypurrzog: I would never try to get someone fired or deplatformed (unlike Jude Doyle) but the fact that Doyle spreads misinformation and actively smears journalists and hasn't been run out of the media yet really tells you something
Katie Herzog / @kittypurrzog: Two things. One, I don't spread transphobia through my work and Jude Doyle offers absolutely no evidence that I do. And two, my Substack is about dog testicles.
Maddie Stone / @themadstone: I'm super bummed with the recent Substack developments! If you need a catch-up...
Amy Westervelt / @amywestervelt: Here's one of the Substack founders in response to people saying “hey, maybe don't use my labor to fund people who don't think I deserve human rights.” Really says it all (h/t @themadstone)
Brian Feldman / @bafeldman: unfortunately i have written about s*bsta*k but NOT before writing about #thecumpipe
Katie Herzog / @kittypurrzog: Someone needs to tell Jude Doyle that Jesse Singal is also on Medium
Anil Dash / @anildash: @mathewi @fka_tabs @mathowie Also worth noting Medium has quietly done a really good job of reducing the amount of dangerous content & misinformation on the platform. Far better than Twitter, and of course better than Facebook.
@tante: Substack is turning out to be an ideological shit show of racists, TERFs and other shitbags.
Jude Ellison S. Doyle / @sadydoyle: Here's me, on the growing network of Substack TERFs, the people who stand to be harmed or killed by them, and the long, depressing history of tech companies allowing hate groups to flourish and obtain power under cover of “free speech:”
Mathew Ingram / @mathewi: @fka_tabs @mathowie A friend said anyone who is thinking about leaving Substack because of who they give a platform to might want to take a close look at who Facebook gives a platform to 😬
@kerrymflynn: “Substack disclaims all responsibility for shaping the discourse around trans people, saying it does not make ‘editorial decisions.’ ... Determining which writers deserve advances is an editorial decision.” - @sadydoyle
@adweek: Substack lost several high-profile writers in recent days after announcing Substack Pro, which offers financial incentives to lure writers to the platform, including some whose politics have been condemned by marginalized communities.
Jude Ellison S. Doyle / @sadydoyle: Spoke a little with AdWeek for this article on leaving the platform.
Alicia Kennedy / @aliciakennedy: I talked to @MarkStenberg3 for this piece. Doing further research is deterring me from moving, because the podcast function in Substack is one my subscribers rely on—but I'm looking. Hoping collective action can push them toward accountability.
Mathew Ingram / @mathewi:

BBC unveils a six-year, £700M plan to expand operations outside of London including relocation of 400 positions and creation of 200-300 local journalism roles — The BBC has unveiled a six-year plan that will see the corporation expand key services outside of London and further afield …
BBC, @ruskin147, @annacollinson, Realscreen, Hollywood Reporter, @risj_oxford, @lynnieyankee, The Guardian, Press Gazette, @sammyandrews, The Independent, @jimwaterson, @graemethedean, @manori_r, @kimnicoll3, @sooraj_shah, @rogermosey, @jtemperton, @bbclondonnews, @katharines93, @gregjmchugh, @daveleeft, @no1_nicola, @wblau, @tvrav and HoldtheFrontPage
Rory Cellan-Jones / @ruskin147: Bit of a tricky day for us on the @BBCTech team, having been told we have to move to Glasgow. It's a great city, but many of us not at the stage in life where we can uproot our families
Anna Collinson / @annacollinson: Thinking of all my BBC colleagues who have had their worlds turned upside down following the restructuring announcement. After a really challenging year, this brings even more uncertainty and that's hard. Be kind to yourselves - we've just ordered pizza.
Jillian Morgan / Realscreen: BBC to shift spend, power outside London as part of major transformation
Alex Ritman / Hollywood Reporter: BBC Unveils Major Push Outside London, Moving Almost $1 Billion of Spend
@risj_oxford: “The BBC is to move some of its key departments and staff outside London to make the corporation more reflective of the UK as a whole. Entire departments and news divisions will be moved to Birmingham, Cardiff, Leeds and Salford”
Hamish / @lynnieyankee: Feel for these bbc staff..... it's just plain daft tokenism and how does it benefit anyone anywhere on these islands that Rory and his colleagues have their lives turned upside down?
Jim Waterson / The Guardian: BBC to relocate 400 jobs outside London
Charlotte Tobitt / Press Gazette: BBC's ‘journalistic centre’ to move from London in bid to connect with audiences
Sammy Andrews / @sammyandrews: I know this is awful news for my BBC friends 😔 but it's also a amazing news for the next generation that don't want to move to London. As a northerner who felt I had no option, this fills me with hope. “BBC to move key jobs and programmes out of London”
Ella Glover / The Independent: BBC to move 400 jobs out of London
Jim Waterson / @jimwaterson: Confirmed: BBC plans to move 400 jobs outside London. *Lots of reporters heading to Leeds/Cardiff/Glasgow/Salford (many expect to quit rather than move) *A new primetime regular northern television drama (??) *Radio 3 and 6Music > Salford *And more... ...
Graeme Thompson / @graemethedean: The proposed moves will undoubtedly unsettle staff who have established their roots in London. But these plans offer real opportunities for the North East and other areas across the north of England.
Manori / @manori_r: Some figures from the BBC Annual Report to illustrate network supply and staffing as it stands below. Story on changes ahead here:
Kim Nicoll / @kimnicoll3: I'd be very happy not to ‘uproot’ you either Rory. We don't need more British state broadcasters. We need our own.
Sooraj Shah / @sooraj_shah: I feel for the many people who are losing their jobs or having to contemplate moving elsewhere to stay in a job. This sucks. BBC to move key jobs and programmes out of London
Roger Mosey / @rogermosey: The BBC needs to reflect the UK better. There are plenty of steps in the right direction here. Questions: how many *final* commissioning & editorial decisions will still be made in London? How often will Salford & Glasgow overrule executives in W1A?
James Temperton / @jtemperton: The BBC is moving its entire climate, science and technology news teams out of London. As someone who had to move to London to get a break in technology journalism, this is so good to see
BBC London / @bbclondonnews: Entire departments and news divisions will be moved to Birmingham, Cardiff, Leeds, Glasgow and Salford.
Katharine Sharpe / @katharines93: BBC director general just explained to hundreds of us that we would have to move out of London or risk our jobs, and then in a handbrake turn worthy of either Alan Partridge or at least the One Show, told us to sit back relax and enjoy the new Line of Duty trailer
Greg McHugh / @gregjmchugh: This is healthy. Upheaval for many- transition will take a while but the UK as a whole needs better catered for. BBC to move key jobs and programmes out of London - BBC News
Dave Lee / @daveleeft: The BBC isn't moving its tech team, it's losing it. A slap in the face to a brilliant team, people who were told they would be supported with a number of challenges and circumstances — but have been abandoned today. Furious.
@no1_nicola: Hard to believe that this decision was taken at their own behest, No doubt an order from Bojo's union unit. Will it make a difference? Not bloody likely. It will still be the same bias union propaganda machine spouting Tory soundbytes & unionist pish.
Wolfgang Blau / @wblau: The BBC about to become a tiny bit more like ARD, as far as geographic decentralisation goes. This also to be seen in light of demands for greater devolution or full-on independence in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales.

The price for Quartz' story-as-an-NFT reaches ~$1,800, with time left for more bids; the stunt also shows how journalism's value is divorced from market price — This is one of the eternal truisms of journalism: The value of news as a product only rarely lines up with what the market will pay for it.

Quartz has turned one of its articles into an NFT, or nonfungible token, with bids ending at 8PM ET on March 21; proceeds go to IWMF's Lauren Brown Fellowship
@yan0, UPROXX, Quartz, @heatherlandy, @jbenton, @amyalex63, @katherineabell, @katie_roof, @sam_l_shead, @zseward, @samanth_s, @sdkstl, @janinegibson, @kerrymflynn and Quartz
David Yanofsky / @yan0: This article is for sale as an NFT Read it here: Bid on it here:
Daneriveralpc / UPROXX: What The Heck Is An NFT And Why Is Everybody Talking About Them?
Heather Landy / @heatherlandy: A @qz article by @samanth_s and @YAN0 is on sale as an NFT. The winner of our @opensea auction will be part of journalism history—and supporting the Lauren Brown Fellowship for women journalists of underrepresented backgrounds👏
Joshua Benton / @jbenton: This post has *everything*: — Monet's “Le déjeuner sur l'herbe” — “Turn that Veblen bad into a Veblen good?” — capitalist decadence at a fall-of-Rome scale — n00bmind, jarzod, and zonted
Amy Alexander / @amyalex63: If this is how the news biz plans to remake its revenue model, we are Doomed.
Katherine Bell / @katherineabell: Quartz's @samanth_s and @YAN0 turned this article into an NFT and put it up for sale. If you're not sure what an NFT even is, their step-by-step account of how they did it is one of the clearest explanations I've seen. 1/2
Zach Seward / @zseward: This article is for sale as an NFT (proceeds to charity).
Samanth Subramanian / @samanth_s: Let it never be said @qz is behind the curve: @YAN0 and I have just created the first journalistic article-as-NFT. It's on auction at OpenSea. We wrote about how we did it — and, to make things more meta, turned _that_ article into the NFT... [1]
Staci D Kramer / @sdkstl: Clever way to explain how something complicated works and make money for a good cause.
Janine Gibson / @janinegibson: Congrats to @qz for being the first news org to get their legal department to agree to this

Media must stop taking official pronouncements at face value, using phrases like “police said” as shorthand for truth, and train staff to show less credulity — It's inevitable that reporters will have to rely heavily on law enforcement sources in the first hours after a horrific crime.
Insider, SPJ News, Poynter, Poynter, The Nation, Yahoo Lifestyle, @chriscuomo, @eugene_scott, @annecw, @will_bunch, @s_m_i, @doristruong, @ibishblog, @kylepope, Los Angeles Times, @lfung, @menendezrand, @myhlee, @sarahkaplan48, @myhlee, @sulliview, @aaja, @kwameopam, @s_m_i and Slate
Anoa Changa / Insider: Police ignored the role of race and gender in the Georgia shootings. Here's what Asian advocates in Atlanta are saying about it
Doris Truong / Poynter: The rush to report on Atlanta-area shootings amplified bias in news coverage
Christopher C. Cuomo / @chriscuomo: This sheriff said something stupid and may have an animus. Anyone who covers crime (as I have for 20+ years) knows with cops it is always report but verify. (Remember Duke Lacrosse case) but is a blanket bias vs cops the right solution?
Eugene Scott / @eugene_scott: Part of doing better is remembering a core tenet of good journalism: Don't take everything from official sources at face value. “Treat the police like any other source, with the same degree of skepticism,” Susan Chira, the editor in chief of the Marshall Project.
Anne Ward / @annecw: @Sulliview His empathy for the man who slaughtered eight people and his lack of empathy for the slaughtered victims were truly stunning. And worse, news media dutifully reported that “police said” it was not racially motivated.
@will_bunch: @Sulliview Great column. Last June, I wrote that “police said” are “the two most insidious words in modern journalism”
Stacy-Marie Ishmael / @s_m_i: there are some things white media people prefer to hear from other white media people. something about who gets to be seen as “objective”, etc.
Doris N. Truong / @doristruong: Thank you for this, @Sulliview. If I scripted bungle after bungle in news coverage, people would think it was far-fetched. But we saw many mistakes amplified over and over Wed. Are journalists stepping up their skepticism and taking time to do more complete reporting today?
Hussein Ibish / @ibishblog: Insofar as they do, it must
Kyle Pope / @kylepope: Great piece. Here's @alexandrianeas from @CJR on a similar theme
Christi Carras / Los Angeles Times: Trevor Noah on Atlanta shootings: 'If that's not racism ... the word has no meaning'
Lisa Fung / @lfung: 'Don't take everything from official sources at face value. Interrogate the information before credulously retailing it to your audience. Verify. Corroborate. Include context.' Seems obvious but doesn't always happen. Important insight from @Sulliview ...
@menendezrand: 'It's inevitable that reporters rely heavily on law-enforcement in the first hours after a horrific crime. Amid chaos, the police may be the only ones with any hard information. But sometimes their information is flawed reflects a damaging bias.' ...
Michelle Ye Hee Lee / @myhlee: How to improve coverage of police statements, per @sulliview: “Don't take everything from official sources at face value. Interrogate the information before credulously retailing it to your audience. Verify. Corroborate. Include context.” ...
Sarah Kaplan / @sarahkaplan48: “Sometimes their information is flawed. And sometimes the way they tell it reflects a damaging bias.” Essential reading from @Sulliview on why journalists must report police accounts critically and with context ...
Michelle Ye Hee Lee / @myhlee: “That's been an overdue necessity in covering recent Black Lives Matter protests, and is just as important in covering the Asian American Pacific Islander community. It's happening in many newsrooms, and none too soon.” Always read @Sulliview: ...
@aaja: “Part of it is stepping up training for journalists before the crisis happens so that they are better equipped to cover fast-breaking news without credulously relying on police sources.” by Margaret Sullivan @Sulliview, ft #AAJAFamily @DorisTruong Read: ...
Kwame Opam / @kwameopam: “The @aaja put out a helpful guide on Wednesday for those covering the shootings: Use careful language, provide context, understand anti-Asian racism, diversify your sources, empower and support the journalists who are part of the Asian and Pacific Islander communities.”

NBCU says it will seek primetime TV rates for ads that run on Peacock as viewers can now stream primetime shows at the times of their choosing — The priciest stuff on TV for advertisers always runs in primetime. When viewers can stream “This Is Us” or “Young Rock” at moments of their own choosing, however, primetime is anytime.
Karlene Lukovitz / MediaPost: NBCU Confirms It Will Seek Primetime Rates For Peacock Ads
Ethan Anderton / /Film: Every Episode of ‘The Office’ is Streaming on Peacock for Free Starting Today (for One Week Only)
Brian Steinberg / @bristei: New: NBCUniversal will press for primetime TV ad rates for streaming ads on Peacock, a new ripple in Hollywood's massive streaming wars.... via @variety
Dylan Byers / @dylanbyers: This could get interesting —>

Spotify launches a site to show how much it pays artists: $5B in 2020, up from $3.3B in 2017, and 13K artists made $50K+ in royalties, up 80% from 2017 — The company's making an effort to be more transparent — Musicians aren't thrilled with Spotify — they say the streaming platform undervalues …
Daniel Ek / @eldsjal: Since its 2014 low, the music industry has grown by 44%, driven primarily by streaming revenues which increased 500% over this same period. In 2020 alone, Spotify paid $5B+ and makes up about 20% of global recorded music industry revenue, more than any other streaming service. ⬇️
Eric Randolph / Yahoo Finance: Spotify launches site explaining how it pays artists
Divya Kala Bhavani / The Hindu: Spotify launches Loud & Clear to shed light on artistes' revenues and streaming stats
Micah Singleton / Billboard: Spotify Has Paid Over $23B to Rights Holders, Launches Website on Artist Payouts
Insanul Ahmed / Genius: 870 Artists' Catalogs Generated Over $1 Million In Revenue Through Spotify Streams In 2020
Calum Slingerland / Exclaim! Media: Spotify Aims to Increase Transparency with “Loud & Clear” Initiative
Axl Rosenberg / MetalSucks: Spotify Aims To Provide Payout Transparency (Kinda) With New Website Loud & Clear
Daniel Ek / @eldsjal: We'll continue to empower the most talented artists in the world to turn their passion into a profession, grow the money paid to rights holders, diversify and expand the number of professional artists succeeding, and propel the music industry forward.
Vivienne Kelly / The Music Network: Spotify launches Loud & Clear platform to clear up frustration & confusion around artist payments
Daniel Ek / @eldsjal: Today, 57K artists now represent 90% of monthly streams on Spotify — a number that has quadrupled in just six years. This means that the number of the most listened to artists in the world is growing and more diverse.
Bent Stamnes / @gloom303: If you want to see a corporate CEO try to wash their hands of their negative impact on direct artist earnings, look no further than to this thread in which the lying by omission and cherry picking is so heavy it hurts. It's like watching Exxon trying to come off as eco-friendly.
Jem Aswad / Variety: Spotify Unveils ‘Loud and Clear,’ a Detailed Guide to Its Royalty Payment System
Jonathan Shecter / @sheckygreen: There are 870 artists who generated over $1MM/year in royalties on @Spotify, and close to 8000 at $100k. Both bigger numbers than one might expect, especially for that top tier. Very interesting slide from Ek's announcement re: transparency around streaming payments. 👀
Lucas Shaw / @lucas_shaw: Constantly criticized for not paying artists, Spotify creates a new website to show that it is paying artists quite a lot.
Rich Greenfield / @richlightshed: Worth noting US music industry revenues are STILL below their peak in 1999 of $14.6 billion — however, growth rates illustrate that could be exceeded in the not too distant future WOULD never have happened without the industry leadership and vision of @spotify's @eldsjal $SPOT
Daniel Ek / @eldsjal: And it's happening. From streaming on Spotify alone, we're seeing growth from artists at all stages of their career: since 2017, the number of artists generating more than $50K/yr is up 80%; more than $100K/yr is up 85%; and more than $1M/year is up 90%.
Ethan Millman / Rolling Stone: Spotify Has Heard Artists' Complaints ‘Loud and Clear’

Sources: entertainment group Endeavor, which owns UFC and talent agency IMG, and which pulled its IPO plans in late 2019, has confidentially filed for a new IPO — Endeavor Group Holdings, the entertainment conglomerate that owns Ultimate Fighting Championship, talent agencies IMG and William Morris …
Dade Hayes / Deadline: Endeavor IPO Plans Are Back On Track - Report
@fightoracle: It will be interesting what the new S1 says regarding Silver Lake &KKR's ability to trigger a UFC spin off IPO despite being minority partners in UFC. previous S1 said Endeavor didn't control its own destiny in regards to UFC & that Priorities amongst shareholders may not align

MPAA: global video subscriptions grew to 1.1B, up 26% YoY; global spending on home entertainment grew 23% YoY to $68.8B with digital entertainment making up 76% — The number of streaming service subscriptions passed 1 billion worldwide for the first time in 2020, highlighting massive growth …
Rebecca Rubin / Variety: Streaming Service Subscriptions Surpass 1 Billion as Global Box Office Craters
Jeremy Fuster / The Wrap: Pandemic Pushes Global Streaming Subscriptions Past 1 Billion, MPA Reports
Rick Stevenson / ScreenRant: Global Streaming Subscriptions Pass 1 Billion | Screen Rant
@thewrap: In 2019, streaming and home platforms made up 65% of the film industry's global revenue. The pandemic boosted that to 85%
Ryan Faughnder / @rfaughnder: Despite streaming's surge, the combined theatrical and home entertainment market shrank 18% to $80.8 billion in 2020

District court judge dismisses suit by Sharyl Attkisson claiming former Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein and others illegally surveilled her during Obama administration — TV reporter Sharyl Attkisson has spent a decade seeking legal recourse for alleged wiretapping.

Westwood One fills Rush Limbaugh's former slot with the Dan Bongino Show in major markets like NYC, DC, LA, SF, Chicago, and Dallas — Update 7:30pm: As we first reported this morning (see below), Cumulus Media and Westwood One have announced that Dan Bongino will move to a live 12-3pm eastern timeslot.
Joseph Wulfsohn / Fox News: Dan Bongino to take over Rush Limbaugh's radio time slot
Westwood One / PR Newswire: Dan Bongino To Helm New Radio Program For Westwood One
Lexi Lonas / The Hill: Dan Bongino to fill Limbaugh's radio slot
Jenna Ellis / @jennaellisesq: LOVE THIS! Dan Bongino is the perfect pick for this. He, like Rush, is a conservative trailblazer and not afraid to speak the truth. He's also one of the truly nicest people and I'm proud to know him!