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NYT's Choire Sicha is stepping down as Styles editor to become a senior editor working on expanding the paper's newsletter portfolio — After a great run leading the Styles section, Choire is taking on a new challenge to help expand our newsletter portfolio. Read more in this note from Dean Baquet, Joe Kahn and Sam Sifton.

Reuters is introducing a paywall: after registration and a free preview period, subscriptions will cost $34.99/month; it also plans to launch newsletters — Reuters will begin charging for access to its website as it tries to capture a slice of the digital subscription business.
@nytimes, Nieman Lab, Reuters, Talking Biz News, @josephfcox, Reuters News Agency, @mathewi, The Wrap, @rasmus_kleis, @cenkuygur, @gilmerhealthlaw, @justiceputnam, @fbihop, @janecoaston, @birdyword, @dlind, @jessebenn, @inteldoge, @vinncent, @_will_brown, @gitagovinda, @wagatwe, @pwnallthethings, @ryanatrbm, @joannachiu, @jackmurphyrgr, @esotericcd, @esotericcd, @film_girl, @dnvolz, @alex, @film_girl, @karlbode, @rafat, @kitoconnell, @doubleeph, @genepark, @jamesrbuk, @fawfulfan, @mmasnick, @samir_madani, @stephennellis, @ourobororoboruo, @selenalarson, @mradamtaylor, @owillis, @jenwunder, @jeffjarvis, @alexweprin, @realbengilbert, The Verge, New York Post, MediaPost, Mediaite, Variety and The Hill
@nytimes: Reuters, one of the largest news organizations in the world, will put its website behind a paywall after a redesign, it announced on Thursday. A subscription will cost $34.99 a month after a free preview period.
Laura Hazard Owen / Nieman Lab: Would you pay $34.99 a month to get news from That's their hope
Chris Roush / Talking Biz News: With paid site, Reuters faces stiff competition
Joseph Cox / @josephfcox: Reuters to introduce a $34.99 a month paywall, putting it out of reach for a lot of individuals
Mathew Ingram / @mathewi: I mean, okay, but $35 a month? That's probably an order of magnitude too high IMO
Lindsey Ellefson / The Wrap: Reuters to Move Articles Behind $35 Monthly Paywall
Rasmus Kleis Nielsen / @rasmus_kleis: I'm glad that, meanwhile, in the UK, BBC News (45% weekly reach), the Guardian (18%), Sky News (10%) and many other news sites remain free to access.
Cenk Uygur / @cenkuygur: This is a disastrous decision. We'll pay for the subscription because we're a news organization & they generally do good work (except for them not crediting us on stories we broke) but what average news consumer is going to pay $35 a month for generalized news? Answer: Not many.
Erin / @gilmerhealthlaw: All paywalls are problematic. I know we need to pay for good journalism, the work doesn't happen for free. But people like me who live under the poverty limit can't afford paywalls. It's a complicated access issue that we need to address.
Radio Justice / @justiceputnam: Damn. It didn't cost that much to belong to the Huntington Library back in the day.
Matthew Reichbach / @fbihop: $35 a month is a LOT.
Jane Coaston / @janecoaston: @EsotericCD Reuters' international reporting is tremendous.
Mike Bird / @birdyword: I've often thought to myself that Reuters is one of the few remaining news sources with both a very broad coverage base and reliable coverage available for free online. There are still national-level options but for international news, vanishingly few left now. AP, what else?
Dara Lind / @dlind: @EsotericCD Their immigration team has been doing the best work on the beat for the last 2 years. So, me and everyone else in that issue space, for one.
Jesse Benn / @jessebenn: this is bad. like really bad. the only news available to people free anymore is increasingly entertainment news and conservative batshit like breitbart, daily caller, et al.
Doge / @inteldoge: Shame.. I'll always be iffy on paywalls, especially when they run you roughly $419.88 per year.
Vincent Bevins / @vinncent: OK this is alarming. Reuters is kind of the work horse of the free hard news search, and that is a lot of money.
Will Brown / @_will_brown: I really don't understand why people don't get this — if you want a good news source, you need to pay for it. Journalism costs money
Patricia Sauthoff / @gitagovinda: Goodbye Reuters. It was nice reading you. $35 a month is waaaay too much.
Wagatwe Wanjuki / @wagatwe: makes me nervous how getting informed is increasingly a luxury.
@pwnallthethings: Well this is sad news. The headline story is Reuters moving to charge $400/yr for access to their news, but the implication is there's going to be some restructuring / refocusing to come because individual viewership will evaporate at that price point.
Joanna Chiu / @joannachiu: For people wishing there was one service that groups together a bunch of newspaper and magazine subscriptions, those do exist. @PressReader is one and it includes access to my newspaper @TorontoStar and many other US & Canadian outlets. catalog
Jack Murphy / @jackmurphyrgr: The irony of being a journalist is that you cannot afford to subscribe to any of the news websites much less the 12+ you should probably be reading. Confession: I'm using my old editor's NYT log in information pls don't tell @avmassimi
@esotericcd: What's the market for the generic and undistinguished news reporting that they offer at such a high price point? I don't mean to sound cruel, but who on earth would miss Reuters if they vanished tomorrow except the people employed there?
@esotericcd: So from people in a position to have an informed opinion, I'm told that Reuters has excellent foreign and immigration reporting. Very good. Not sure how the financial model works for those niche specialties, but then again, I'm not the guy doing the reorg.
Christina Warren / @film_girl: Reuters thinks it can be Bloomberg. Girl, no.
Dustin Volz / @dnvolz: A big part of what Reuters has done so admirably well for decades is deliver vital news about and to the developing world, like exposing atrocities in war-torn countries. What's going to happen to that coverage w/ this new paywall system for professionals?
@alex: soon all pubs will be behind paywalls and basically since there's no incentive to provide bundled access across pubs, the internet is going to be a weird place for a while *also pls buy extra crunch
Christina Warren / @film_girl: @matthewmspace I mean, I get it. They need to pay salaries and overhead. But Reuters is akin to a wire service that has traditionally sold (syndicated) its news to others. To now try to pivot to a premium news product on its own is something consumers won't get.
Karl Bode / @karlbode: fortunately disinformation dogshit from a steady parade of supplement-selling nazi grifters will remain free
@rafat: is also going behind a paywall. I am a big fan of its global reporting prowess, and no nonsense, no throat-clearing coverage of the world. Personally $35/month is a bit steep, but in line with Bloomberg/WSJ.
Kit O'Connell / @kitoconnell: How do people think this is going to turn out for society? No one can afford to read the news, ZeroHedge and other misinfo superspreaders are completely free.
Tyro / @doubleeph: What's the long term effect of all this paywalling? Because it surely means that fewer people get to read what you might call ‘quality journalism’
Gene Park / @genepark: journalism: our work serves the public's interests! also you will spend more money on us per month than you would for your water bill, never mind competing against Netflix or Xbox game pass
James Ball / @jamesrbuk: Feels like an era of quality news being available to anyone who wants it is turning back to one where it's for elites only. Not sure that story ends well.
Matthew Chapman / @fawfulfan: I understand well the financial pressures that traditional news organizations are under. But it's a really bad trend that high-quality news and wire services are now locked under a paywall while crackpot conspiracy websites like Breitbart and InfoWars are free to access.
Mike Masnick / @mmasnick: This seems... ridiculous. Reuters is the bland vanilla of news. No one has an emotional connection to Reuters, which is necessary to make a paywall work. Also the price is incredibly high.
Sam / @samir_madani: GREAT! Now we can retweet their headlines without reading anything and just misinterpret the entire story, just like they did yesterday with the nuclear reactor water in Japan. Tweet didn't mention that the water is being treated. People demonstrated.
Stephen Nellis / @stephennellis: Today, Reuters shifts to a paywall strategy. As NYT reports, we are one of the last business news orgs to make this shift. I am a believer in this model and look forward to a focus on breaking important news and delivering original reporting that creates value for subscribers.
@ourobororoboruo: I must say I'd kill to be a fly in the wall during that strategy meeting that proposed going from free to $35/month and the meeting that sealed the deal 🤔
Selena / @selenalarson: Wow this stinks, Reuters is one of the absolute best news sources out there and $35 monthly price tag just made great news inaccessible to a massive audience.
Adam Taylor / @mradamtaylor: Reuters will charge $34.99 a month for access to its website, which could equate to roughly around 3 or 4 Substack subscriptions (depending on their cost).
Oliver Willis / @owillis: all this paywall stuff is bad for the flow of information, imo
Dr. Jennifer Wunder / @jenwunder: Just your regular reminder that your local library system very likely has digital subscriptions to major news outlets. If you have a library card, you can access them online through your library system portals. Not sure how? Visit your library's website and happy reading!
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: First, disinformation will be all that's free online soon. Second, business news, albeit expense-account-ready, is highly competitive. $35/month is a high price.
Alex Weprin / @alexweprin: @mathewi Pricing seems almost identical to Bloomberg, no? They clearly view them as their main competitor
Ben Gilbert / @realbengilbert: The incredible irony of not being able to read this because I hit my limit on free stories for the month:
Kim Lyons / The Verge: Reuters finally decides to charge you for its online news stories with a paywall
Keith J. Kelly / New York Post: Reuters is adding a paywall to its website
Marisa Sarnoff / Mediaite: Reuters Announces $35 Monthly Paywall
Todd Spangler / Variety: Reuters Shifts to Paid-Content Model, Will Charge $35 per Month
Thomas Moore / The Hill: Reuters to adopt paywall

ViacomCBS combines CBS News and local stations in a single unit to be led by former ABC stations chief Wendy McMahon and former Hearst exec Neeraj Khemlani — Neeraj Khemlani and Wendy McMahon have been named to lead a new unit that combines CBS News and CBS local stations …
Business Wire: Neeraj Khemlani and Wendy McMahon Named President and Co-Heads of CBS News and CBS Television Stations
Karlene Lukovitz / MediaPost: CBS Merges News, TV Stations, Names Khemlani, McMahon As Co-Presidents
Michael M. Grynbaum / @grynbaum: CBS News gets a pair of new presidents - including a Hearst Newspapers exec who's been out of traditional broadcast news for the last 15 years.
@nytimesbusiness: To replace Susan Zirinsky as the president of its news division, CBS turns to Neeraj Khemlani, a Hearst Newspapers executive, and Wendy McMahon, a former ABC executive.
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: NEWS: CBS Names Hearst executive & former 60M producer Neeraj Khemlani & ex ABC local station exec Wendy McMahon as head of new combined CBS News & TV division. I'll talk about new leaders at ABC News, CBS News and what it all means - coming up at 4.34/6.34p ET on NPR @npratc
Brian Steinberg / @bristei: Everyone was expecting a story about the new president of a news division. But CBS CEO George Cheeks was actually recalibrating a good chunk of the company
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: The pitch for this new structure: “It speaks to our ability to scale newsgathering, production, technical and operational resources to serve both national and local, linear and digital, with the agility to deliver trusted information to every platform.” ...
Matt Pieper / @mattpieper: The head of CBS has just announced the new leaders of @CBSNews. They are Neeraj Khemlani & Wendy McMahon who have been named presidents and co-heads of the newly formed division of of CBS News and the CBS Television Stations into one divisional and leadership structure. Welcome!
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: How much difference is there in the product made by NBC News, CBS News and ABC News? Why is this?
Thomas Moore / The Hill: CBS merges news division with local TV stations
Mollie Cahillane / Adweek: Wendy McMahon, Neeraj Khemlani Named Co-Chiefs of CBS News and CBS TV Studios
Michael Malone / Broadcasting Cable: CBS Combines News and Stations Divisions, Names Neeraj Khemlani and Wendy McMahon Co-Heads
Mollie Cahillane / TVSpy: Wendy McMahon, Neeraj Khemlani Named Co-Chiefs of CBS TV Studios and CBS News in Major Restructuring
Alex Weprin / Hollywood Reporter: Neeraj Khemlani and Wendy McMahon Named Co-Heads of CBS News and CBS TV Stations
The Daily Beast: CBS News Taps Neeraj Khemlani and Wendy McMahon as Co-Presidents After Zirinsky Exit
Mollie Cahillane / TVNewser: Wendy McMahon Out at ABC Owned TV Stations

Substack announces Substack Local, a $1M initiative to help up to 30 independent writers build local subscription news outlets via a cash advance, advice, more — A panel of independent judges will work with Substack to select up to 30 local news writers to participate in the program.
Nieman Lab, @wongmjane, Vox, @azirulnick, Columbia Journalism Review, @graphicmatt, SWAN of the Week, @film_girl, @sineadboucher, @sarahscire, Transistori, @tessaduvall, @ericaperel, @ruthservensmith, @voxdotcom, @klcpegher, @mkramer, @mattdpearce, @amywestervelt, @nick_garber, @mediaevan, One Man & His Blog, @mayakauf, @mathewi, @niemanlab, @kateyrich, @annehelen, @gordonrussell1, @brianmrosenthal, @joshi, @sethabramson, @pkafka, @markstenberg3, @aaronhuertas, @travelinganna, @bmorrissey, @dicktofel, @ubiquity75, @craigsilverman, @craigsilverman, @mattyglesias, Media Nation, The Hill and TechCrunch
Jane Manchun Wong / @wongmjane: Substack Local does not provide legal defense for non-US writers at the moment If you plan to keep your governments accountable outside of the US and you encounter legal pressures from them, you're on your own
Peter Kafka / Vox: Substack wants to pay you to write about local news
Ariel Zirulnick / @azirulnick: What if @SubstackInc gave that $1m to boost @tinynewsco, which is already doing all the things Substack is pledging to do?
Anya Schiffrin / Columbia Journalism Review: Weighing different paths to funding local news
Matt Elliott / @graphicmatt: Talked to @pkafka a bit about doing local news on Substack. @cityhallwatcher isn't my full-time job, but it's a really great gig. Here's hoping more local newsletters find success.
Christina Warren / @film_girl: I'm skeptical about this. That said @jseattle plz apply and try to get some of that money b/c Capitol Hill Seattle is the best Seattle news source.
Sinead Boucher / @sineadboucher: Local news has been our backbone for 160 years so we are really excited @nzstuff is one of the first news companies to partner with @SubstackInc to explore new ways of serving our communities.
Sarah Scire / @sarahscire: still not sure about the math here: @substackinc says they'll give cash advances “up to $100,000” to “up to 30” writers. but only spend $1M total? i suppose chosen writers will get *very* different offers, but no info on how they'll make those decisions.
Tessa Duvall / @tessaduvall: There is no problem recruiting people to work in local news. The problem is keeping them in local news when newsrooms across America are being ransacked for corporate profit, and journalists are barely paid a living wage with decent benefits and a manageable workload.
Servenitup / @ruthservensmith: That's about $33k per writer, which is the going salary for a lot of local news journalists already in communities....
@voxdotcom: Substack doesn't say that it can single-handedly save local news, but it thinks there is an audience that will pay to read it and journalists who can make a living selling it. Except that's very much an untested thesis.
Kelcie Pegher / @klcpegher: For the reporters young enough not to know about it, beware of Patch 2.0
Melody Joy Kramer / @mkramer: The three local news substack writers profiled in this piece are all white men. I'm curious about the breakdown of who gets these funds.
Matt Pearce / @mattdpearce: that's $33,333 per writer, not including benefits, for a number of people roughly equivalent to a destitute local newsroom in your city
Amy Westervelt / @amywestervelt: honestly can't think of a *less* helpful way to “support” local media. oh you need to know what's going on in your town? how about your very own localized hot take machine?
Nick Garber / @nick_garber: “once-ambitious” and “still exists in a scaled-down form” are technically correct but odd ways to describe Patch, a local news company that's profitable, expanding and hiring lots of local reporters each year
Evan DeSimone / @mediaevan: What if Substack ends up being a Moviepass-style passthrough that just transfers some VC cash to writers and local journalists for a couple of years.
Adam Tinworth / One Man & His Blog: Six thoughts about the Substack Local initiative
Maya Kaufman / @mayakauf: This piece about Substack's local journalism push — which calls @PatchTweet a “once-ambitious plan” to address the local news crisis — misses that the heart of Patch's model is free newsletters with hyper-local journalism. (Also that the company is growing.)
Mathew Ingram / @mathewi: I confess I am torn. This is a valiant effort and I support any attempt to help local journalism survive, and yet I think it is fundamentally doomed — in other words, the same thing I've thought about literally every “save local journalism” effort for the past two decades
@niemanlab: Substack has announced it will spend $1 million to support a new group of local news writers on the platform. “This is not a grants program, nor is it inspired by philanthropic intent.”
@kateyrich: I would really, REALLY love to see someone in Durham get this— a great city with a vibrant culture (and home to more than a few national journalists!) that still lacks a central, in-depth local news source.
Anne Helen Petersen / @annehelen: Please spread the word about Substack Local — which is offering $1 million in grants for local news. Applications close at the end of April. I'm helping judge applications w/@zeynep @dicktofel @RachaelBL & happy to answer any questions that I can!
Gordon Russell / @gordonrussell1: Yes, let's fix the crisis in local journalism by paying people $15 an hour to create solo, unedited news operations
Brian M. Rosenthal / @brianmrosenthal: This is $33,333 per reporter
Joshi Herrmann / @joshi: Substack has just announced an exciting effort to support local news - grants to help people get their own versions of The Mill off the ground. Well done to @hamishmckenzie for trying this, and thanks to @pkafka for featuring us in his piece.
Seth Abramson / @sethabramson: I'm *certain* that you're not confused about this, Brian. That's a $33,333 *advance* for each reporter. That is *not* the amount of money each reporter would make. I mean Jesus Christ, man. Substack has been around long enough for major media to understand these things better.
Peter Kafka / @pkafka: Open question whether paid email newsletters can keep local journalists afloat. Some local news Substackers I talked to described what they do as a side gig, not a full-time job.
Mark Stenberg / @markstenberg3: between Substack Local, City Cast, the Tiny News Collective, Axios Local, and 6AM City, i think the message is pretty clear: local newsletters are the next wave
Aaron Huertas / @aaronhuertas: Offering $1M for local news is fine and dandy, but given the scale of the problem, it also feels like these efforts are the tech industry equivalent of greenwashing.
Annemarie Dooling / @travelinganna: Not a single local news expert on this “panel.” @SubstackInc is a platform, not an effective measure of providing consistent information to news deserts
Brian Morrissey / @bmorrissey: I'll never understand Substack's business model dogmatism that the only possible way to make money in media is subs.
Richard Tofel / @dicktofel: Delighted to be judging $1 million in awards from @SubstackInc to local news, and to be joining @zeynep @annehelen and @RachaelBL in doing it. More funding for local always helpful, especially when aimed at sustainability.
Dr. Sarah T. Roberts / @ubiquity75: A Substack newsletter is the news. YouTube is a library.
Craig Silverman / @craigsilverman: Oh yikes so even though they cite two Canadians as examples in the announcement, Substack Local doesn't offer full support to non-US journalists.
Craig Silverman / @craigsilverman: Interesting that the announcement of Substack Local cites two Canadian newsletters (from @titocurtis and @GraphicMatt) as examples of successful local offerings on the platform.

Simon & Schuster says it won't distribute the book written by one of the police officers who shot Breonna Taylor last year, to be published by Post Hill Press — Publishing giant Simon & Schuster has announced it will not distribute the book written by one of the police officers …
Courier-Journal, Publishers Weekly, New York Times, The Wrap, NPR, The Sun, @tessaduvall, The Week, Hollywood Reporter, TheGrio, @joyannreid, @shannoncoulter, @leablackmiami and New York Post
Tessa Duvall / Courier-Journal: Louisville cop writing a book to reveal the ‘truth’ behind the Breonna Taylor shooting
Neil Vigdor / New York Times: Simon & Schuster Says It Won't Distribute Book by Officer Who Shot Breonna Taylor
Rachel Treisman / NPR: Simon & Schuster Reverses, Won't Distribute Book By Officer In Breonna Taylor Raid
Tessa Duvall / @tessaduvall: “When news broke Thursday...” As journalists, we're taught to write in active voice as much as possible. It would have been *so easy* to write this as “When The Courier Journal broke news Thursday...” This story didn't break itself. The local newspaper did.
Brendan Morrow / The Week: Simon & Schuster cancels plans to distribute book by officer who shot Breonna Taylor
Hollywood Reporter: Simon & Schuster Pulls Out of Distributing Book by Officer Involved in Breonna Taylor's Killing
@joyannreid: I just watched the @michaelstrahan interview with that cop who helped kill Breonna Taylor and now I'm sick to my stomach. This man is as cool with offing a 26-year-old woman and lying about George Floyd's death as a deer hunter is about killing deer. That book is pure vampirism.
Shannon Coulter / @shannoncoulter: .@simonschuster: I notice one of the publishers you distribute, @PostHillPress, has given a book deal to one of the guys who fired shots in Breonna Taylor's apartment. Same guy who sued her boyfriend for “emotional distress.” Will you be distributing this? ...

Study: of the five values espoused by journalists, including oversight, transparency, and factuality, only factuality has the support of a majority of Americans — Ask almost any group of journalists to name the core values of their profession, and they'll probably deliver a list like this:
American Press Institute, @jayrosen_nyu, @tedcruz, @mollyjongfast, @craignewmark, @ampress, @gpaddymanning, @soljourno, @ampress, @eileen_mcclory, @mzhemingway, @markamesexiled, @eddiepereztx, @jonathanstray, @tednesi, @jayrosen_nyu, @jayrosen_nyu, @janebsinger, @spj_tweets, The Daily Caller, @mkramer, @sulliview, @sulliview, @sulliview, @kevinloker, @tomrosenstiel, @rohanv, @jenmercieca, @jayrosen_nyu, @sulliview, @mehdirhasan, @deneenlbrown, News Media Alliance, Columbia Journalism Review and PRIMER
American Press Institute: A new way of looking at trust in media: Do Americans share journalism's core values?
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: @annamasera @Sulliview Thanks, Anna. This is an imaginative study that tries to get us “unstuck” from a depressing and counter-productive cycle by focusing not on a hyper-polarized political climate, but the deeper value systems that journalists and publics have, asking where they match up or don't. 1/
Ted Cruz / @tedcruz: This must be parody. Author laments public mistrust of press & identifies four “core values” of journalists: Transparency Factuality Spotlighting wrongdoing Giving a voice to the voiceless Ignores that the press ONLY FOLLOWS THEM WHEN IT HELPS DEMOCRATS ...
Molly Jong-Fast / @mollyjongfast: Always always always read @Sulliview
Craig Newmark / @craignewmark: (this is a really big deal /Craig) A new way of looking at trust in media: Do Americans share journalism's core values? ... via @AmPress @KevinLoker @TomRosenstiel
American Press Institute / @ampress: 🚨New major research🚨 The argument over media trust often has the feel of people talking past each other. We found the trust crisis may be better understood through people's moral values than their politics. ...
Paddy Manning / @gpaddymanning: Profound. If I had to pick one thing non-journos want it'd be more good news -> ...
@soljourno: .@Sulliview swoops in with this jewel based on the shouldn't-be-controversial @AmPress /@APNORC study: “They would like to see more stories about what works, not just what is going wrong.... There is an appetite for more solutions-oriented journalism.” ...
American Press Institute / @ampress: This experiment came out of our research with @APNORC that examines how well Americans share journalism's core values. We found that people's moral values — not their politics — may be key to understanding the trust crisis facing the news industry. ...
Eileen McClory / @eileen_mcclory: “Journalists may be able to win the trust of skeptical audiences by reexamining some basic notions of what is important, the story mix, what themes stories touch on, by broadening how those stories are framed, and what values are emphasized in headlines.” ...
Mollie / @mzhemingway: One of Bezos' mouthpieces has identified why media aren't trusted — it's not that they're corrupt propagandists— no, no... it's you not recognizing their “core journalistic values” of accountability, transparency, etc. (if they're core values, why are they never present?)
Mark Ames / @markamesexiled: Journalists are just too darn virtuous for this sinful, ungrateful world.
Eddie Perez / @eddiepereztx: Welp. This was thoroughly depressing. “Do a majority of Americans share journalism's core values?” Spoiler: There is no spoiler. It's as bad as you think. ...
@jonathanstray: Journalists have been puzzling for years why they are becoming less trusted. Turns out, most Americans don't actually support core journalism values. “They would like to see more stories about what works, not just what is going wrong.” ...
Ted Nesi / @tednesi: “Bad news for journalists: The public doesn't share our values” ...
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: @annamasera @Sulliview One example: journalists believe they have a right to 1.) grab your attention (via “breaking news!” clickbait headlines, etc...) 2.) commodify it, and 3.) sell it to others, a practice fundamental to their business. The audience knows that, so it's also a huge factor in trust. 4/
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: @annamasera @Sulliview I think the study is smartly designed. To find a way out of a kind of doomsday view of trust in the media is an imperative well chosen. There probably is a way of framing and presenting journalistic work that alienates fewer people and speaks to more categories of moral sense. 2/
Jane Singer / @janebsinger: Journalists take as givens their own occupational values, such as benefit of holding the powerful to account or spotlighting problems in order to fix them. One reason for trust crisis, @Ampress study suggests, is that few Americans embrace those values. ...
@spj_tweets: A “study finds that not all Americans universally embrace many of the core values that guide journalistic inquiry...When journalists say they are just doing their jobs, in other words, the problem is many people harbor doubts about what the job should be.” ...
Melanie Wilcox / The Daily Caller: 'You've Spent 60 Years Being A Professional Liar': Ted Cruz Comes At Dan Rather For His ‘Sensitive Soul’ Getting ‘Triggered’
Melody Joy Kramer / @mkramer: But support for these journalism values does not break cleanly around party or ideology. Instead, there is a link to differences in moral instincts, which cut across demographics and ideology.
@sulliview: But there are ways to present and frame our work to appeal to a broader audience, says the research from @AmPress and @APNORC
@sulliview: ‘Media trust’ is a Mobius strip with ‘the feel of people talking past each other.’ Journalists hotly deny that they slant the news while critics on the right scoff at them, and some on the left question the entire point of objectivity:
@sulliview: ‘Journalists are a tribe, and we think everybody shares our values’ says @TomRosenstiel. Not so, says this study ...
Kevin Loker / @kevinloker: Conversation about trust in news often feels flattened, and stuck. I'm grateful to have been a part of this @AmPress-@APNORC effort. We found understanding values (both moral and journalistic) may help illuminate the trust crisis. ...
Tom Rosenstiel / @tomrosenstiel: Some of the most important research I have ever been involved in during 25 years of doing media research.
Rohan Venkat / @rohanv: Very interesting piece. Lots to think about. “The value drawing the least support is the idea that a good way to make society better is to spotlight its problems. Only about 3 in 10 agree.” ...
Jennifer Mercieca / @jenmercieca: Authoritarian personalities do not support journalistic fundamental core values >>
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: “Bad news for journalists: The public doesn't share our values. But there's hope.” @sulliview column I urge you to read. It's about new research on trust. ... I agree with a lot of it. Don't agree with some of it. And much of what I think isn't touched by it.
@sulliview: You forgot the 5th one I listed: oversight. Let me remind you.
Mehdi Hasan / @mehdirhasan: Actually, the author - she has a name, @Sulliview - mentions five core values - Cruz curiously missed out “oversight”. Also, in terms of media criticism - any comment on your pal Tucker Carlson's white nationalist-style rants @tedcruz?
DeNeen Brown / @deneenlbrown: “The first mission of a newspaper is to tell the truth as nearly as the truth may be ascertained. The newspaper shall tell ALL the truth so far as it can learn it.” ... Via @Sulliview
Rebecca Frank / News Media Alliance: Study: Reframing Article Headlines, Messages Around Reader Values Can Help Build Trust
Mathew Ingram / Columbia Journalism Review: Many Americans don't support journalistic values, study says
Jeffrey Billman / PRIMER: Exclusive: Despite Pandemic, NC Didn't See More Teen Suicides

In a letter to artists, Apple says it pays a penny per stream, roughly double Spotify, which pays an average of about one-third to half a penny per stream — Music-streaming services, seeking to win credibility and subscribers, open up about artist payouts
Katie Canales / Insider: Apple Music reportedly said it will pay artists a penny per stream - double what Spotify pays
William Gallagher / AppleInsider: Apple Music pays artists a penny per stream, double that of Spotify
Nilay Patel / The Verge: Apple Music pays a penny per stream
Joe Rossignol / MacRumors: Apple Music Tops Spotify With One Cent Paid Per Stream
Megan Greenwell / @megreenwell:
[Thread] Megan Greenwell, editor of and former EIC of Deadspin, announces she is leaving Wired next week, saying she's drained and needs a break — Hi, some news: I'm leaving @WIRED next week. Several journalists I admire, most recently @millie and @s_m_i, have been open about leaving their jobs because of burnout. Like them, I am totally drained, and I've realized I cannot do my best work without a break.
New York Post, @michellelegro, @averyholton, @megreenwell, @mcastimovies, @leahmcelrath, @millie, @katenocera, @tball, @sirenabergman, @fedecherubini, @aklingus, @ash_detroit, @megreenwell, @aleksnotalex, @knibbs, @jewelwickershow, @kimfox, @walldo, @megreenwell, @lyzl, @megreenwell, @brfreed, @saba_h, @rattoindy, @madbair, @marincogan, @sarahspain, @jshahryar, @vermontgmg, @megreenwell, @mitrakalita, @mckinneykelsey, @cecianasta, @halophoenix, @laurengoode and @seywarddarby
Keith J. Kelly / New York Post: Two top staffers resign, citing ‘burnout’ and ‘exhaustion’
Michelle Legro / @michellelegro: Much love to @megreenwell who is the master at everything she does and deserves a freaking break.
Avery Holton / @averyholton: The reminders of journalism's very real burnout problem, especially among women journalists, continues to swell. When will news orgs face this and start offering resources, flexibility, time away, etc.? @journoscholar @dianabossio @loganex
Megan Greenwell / @megreenwell: I was very lucky to be part of this incredible team, and to help bring the great @sidneyfussell @knibbs @halophoenix @karaplatoni @lapiaenrose @cecianasta @taniaglezAZ @kharijohnson on board. Subscribe and read @WIRED's fantastic journalism:
Monica Castillo / @mcastimovies: I hope more newsrooms take the conversation around burnout and mental health seriously before more talented people have to leave this industry to recover from its toll. Sending good thoughts to @megreenwell @millie @s_m_i. Thank you for sharing your experiences. 💕
@leahmcelrath: Best wishes in your future endeavors, @megreenwell, and thank you for choosing to further awareness by talking about your experience.
Millie Tran / @millie: Megan and I met in 2017 at a women's leadership program and became quick pals and she's been one of my best friends & confidants ever since. I'm so inspired by and proud of her 🤍
Kate Nocera / @katenocera: @megreenwell @ScottRosenfield i took a lotta mid day naps on my break. Congrats to you!! enjoy it and don't rush.
Tim Ball / @tball: Pandemic exhaustion claims two more newsroom leaders today. Far from the last.
Sirena Bergman / @sirenabergman: sad to see so many journalists being forced to leave jobs they clearly love due to what seems to be a lack of support and empathy from employers who think it's ok to burn workers to the ground in the name of “paying your dues” in a “tough industry” or some such nonsense
Federica Cherubini / @fedecherubini: There is a new generation of newsroom leaders who are not afraid to be honest and transparent. They lead by example. You can only take care of your team if you start with yourself.
@aklingus: Here's hoping Megan has a well-deserved rest and reappears at a website whose name rhymes with Prefector
Ashley Woods Branch / @ash_detroit: A reckoning lies ahead. My lens is trained on startup entrepreneurs and journalism founders and the burnout wave is REAL and frightening. I have had this convo with exhausted founders every week since January. I don't know how much longer we can all hold on.
Megan Greenwell / @megreenwell: It's an honor to be leaving with @scottrosenfield, who has taught me so much and become such an important part of my life, and with whom I want to work on the big issues facing journalism for the rest of my career.
Aleksander Chan / @aleksnotalex: megan is an icon, she's a legend, and she *is* the moment
Jewel Wicker / @jewelwickershow: I'm so glad we're talking about this more. Leaving my staff job to prioritize my health and wellbeing was one of the best decisions I've made. I was so scared but it's also pushed me to do some of my best work.
Kim Fox / @kimfox: Also, give them the same work-to-salary ratio as their male peers. Recognize them equally for their ‘potential’ and experience. Stop making them work twice are hard as their male colleagues in the hopes that maybe - one day - they'll be good enough and treated equally.
Brandon Wall / @walldo: We are only just starting to recognize the depth of burnout the last year+ has taken on journalists We're going to see more talented people understandably calling it quits for their well-being if they are able. Thank you for the honesty
Megan Greenwell / @megreenwell: I am so proud of @WIRED's work: cybersecurity scoops, world-class Covid-19 coverage and features, unparalleled service journalism, gear reviews, and cultural essays, deep Silicon Valley analysis, etc. Watching great journalism convert to subscriber growth has been a privilege.
Lyz Lenz / @lyzl: Meg is an incredible human and editor and I admire her so much. This year has been hell on so many people and I hope we all get the rest we need.
Megan Greenwell / @megreenwell: For now, I'm going to rest and recharge, go outside on weekdays, and work on some personal projects. I don't want to rush into anything, but I always want to talk possibilities. And @scottrosenfield and I would love to pick up consulting work, whether editing, strategy, etc.
Benjamin Freed / @brfreed: The last 13 months have been more exhausting and personally trying than anything most journalists would've ever expected in our careers. Megan's shepherded incredible work at Wired and I really admire her openness about the burnout.
Saba Hamedy / @saba_h: As someone who has struggled with burnout (especially in last year), I have been wondering how we — as an industry — can help each other. Just throwing it out there: Would any journalists be interested in a group where we could provide support to one another across newsrooms?
Madeleine Bair / @madbair: And as an entrepreneur, I'd only add that for funders & investors, your support for a start-up can be the diff b/w thriving & burning out. If you appreciate what a person, an org is doing, now is the time to show up.
Marin Cogan / @marincogan: Megan is the absolute best, and has supported SO MANY OF US, and I am genuinely excited for her to finally get the time off that she needs.
Sarah Spain / @sarahspain: I've been trying to put into words why a career that was wholly fulfilling/energizing hasn't been easy 4 me the last few mos. I'm constantly drained & stressed even in the moments I have free (am I relaxing HARD enuf?) Pass along any research/insight on this trend if u see any.
@jshahryar: I am actually on health leave from my PhD program because I just got entirely and completely burned out and had a mental breakdown. You are human. Your body is made of flesh and bone. You are not Arnold from Terminator.
Garrett M. Graff / @vermontgmg: .@megreenwell you've been an amazing leader and thanks for all you've done to make @WIRED excellent.
Megan Greenwell / @megreenwell: I'm a little terrified! I don't know who I am without working 10-plus hours a day. I'm a woman who wants to run a newsroom again, and I know admitting weakness could hurt my career. But this conversation is important, and I can't preach transparency without practicing it myself.
S. Mitra Kalita / @mitrakalita: Industry, we are losing the good ones. Hold all the emergency meetings to retain the ones left. Maybe it's deputies, admin assts, leaves, columns, podcasts, fellowships, sabbaticals, job swaps, coaching, special projects. Try. Give them the same things white men get paid for.
Kelsey Mckinney / @mckinneykelsey: Megan...i must admit....Is very good
Cecilia D'Anastasio / @cecianasta: Megan will be DEARLY missed💕💕 We were so lucky to have her as our good and wise boss and our advocate
Alan Henry / @halophoenix: It's always so hard when someone you look up to and someone you love working with moves on, but make no mistake, Megan is one of the greatest, and whatever she winds up doing next will be amazing, and whatever I'm doing, I'll be jealous and want to be part of it.

A look at the rise of independent media in Afghanistan, mostly owned and led by young people, under the threat of constant violence and a return to darker times — Under the threat of constant violence and a return to darker times, young editors and reporters refuse to give up, Raksha Kumar reports
Rasmus Kleis Nielsen / @rasmus_kleis: “Most of the modern independent journalism platforms are owned and led by young people,” @ali_adili says, indicating the passion with which they approach their work makes a real difference." New @Raksha_Kumar piece on fight for media freedom in Afghanistan .uk/ ...

Ziff Davis union is staging a 24-hour walkout after failing to reach a contract establishing a $65K salary floor with Ziff Davis, owner of PC Mag and others — The union represents the editorial staffs of Mashable, PC Mag, Ask Men, and Geek
@zdcreatorsguild: Today, the Ziff Davis Creators Guild is walking out in protest of management's egregious and insulting wage proposals. After over two years of bargaining, management has not worked with us in good faith to secure a fair contract for our members. #WereWorthMore
Julia Alexander / @loudmouthjulia: Retweeting in solidarity for writers and creators at Ziff Davis who are asking for a fair contract. Unionization is key in media — and many other industries — and their contract should be recognized.
Chris Taylor / @futureboy: Here's the news from @Mashable today: There will be no news from @Mashable today. ✊
Christina Warren / @film_girl: I support my former colleagues and friends @mashable and all those that came after me. People deserve a living wage. Snacks in the kitchen shouldn't be meals. Do better Ziff Davis. Do better.
Vicky Leta / @vickyleetuh: I stand with all my former colleagues in their efforts for a proper substantial wage. There was no option for many of us to get a significant raise (w/ award-winning writers 5+ years at the company) & the pause on raises in 2020 (even for those who were promoted) was detrimental.
Tricia Gilbride / @tricia_gilbride: Solidarity with my former colleagues and pals who deserve so much more.
@bfnewsunion: Solidarity with @zdcreatorsguild, who are fighting for fair pay they deserve ✊
Emma Hinchliffe / @_emmahinchliffe: Mashable should nurture and support the people who start their careers there as interns and grow with the company—not penalize them for sticking around with permanently below-market salaries 5+ years later.
Andrew Cunningham / @andrewwrites: Here's @zdcreatorsguild on wages in media: “In 2020, promotions and salaries froze due to the pandemic. Our parent company, however, was profitable through it all. We, the workers, are expected to share in the hard times—but we don't get a share in the success.” #WereWorthMore
Rachel Kraus / @realkrauswife: i'm walking out today to demand fair wages and clear paths for advancement. we can't plan for our futures on annual raises that are just cost of living increases. fair contract NOW.
Mark Hachman / @markhachman: ZD laid me off under some pretty awful circumstances, but that's past. Many (all?) of my stories there, besides slideshows (?!) have been replaced by a staff byline. That allows ZD to keep generating revenue from my work without the credit. I'd ask management to address that.
Morgan Sung / @morgan_sung: zdcg members live in the most expensive cities in the country, and we're asking for a living wage from a company that made *squints* $1.4 billion last year from @MarkStenberg3
Chris Taylor / @futureboy: And here's @Adweek to explain how bad things have become around the bargaining table:

As news outlets grapple with whether to show the video of Adam Toledo's shooting, Block Club Chicago chose to run one version of the story with and one without — Body camera footage showing a Chicago police officer fatally shooting 13-year-old Adam Toledo was released on Thursday.
@rhodes_dawn, @awalkerinla, Block Club Chicago, @niemanlab, Chicago Tribune and Reason
@rhodes_dawn: For any of you who want to know about what the video of Adam Toledo shows but do not want to see the video or any images of it, we've created that version of the story for you. @BlockClubCHI ...
Alissa Walker / @awalkerinla: @rhodes_dawn @BlockClubCHI This is such an important editorial decision. Thank you for making it. More publications should follow your lead 🙏🏼
Block Club Chicago: Adam Toledo Video Shows Chicago Police Shooting 13-Year-Old As He Raised His Hands (GRAPHIC VIDEO)
@niemanlab: As a journalist, @BlockClubCHI's @jensabella felt that she had to watch footage showing a Chicago police officer fatally shooting 13-year-old Adam Toledo. But did the public need to see the video in order to be properly informed? She didn't think so.

Interview with journalism professor Nikki Usher on the return of partisan news outlets, how big news organizations are increasingly by and for elites, and more — In this episode of our podcast, we look at challenges around equity, diversity and sustainability with the help of Nikki Usher
@sharmasupriya, @nikkiusher, reutersinstitute …, @fedecherubini, @averyholton, @rasmus_kleis and American Press Institute
Supriya Sharma / @sharmasupriya: One of the most honest and insightful conversations on journalism I've heard in a long time
Nikki Usher / @nikkiusher: I was delighted to talk about the book's core arguments, develop my platform for future of journalism czar-elect, and talk equity, justice, and um, financial aid reform. Also, listen to find out who will never try to hire me :) - Thanks @MeeraSelva1 and @risj_oxford
Federica Cherubini / @fedecherubini: How can we create a journalism that reaches out beyond elites? In the latest episode of @risj_oxford ‘Future of Journalism’ podcast, @MeeraSelva1 and @nikkiusher discuss the challenges around equity, diversity and sustainability .uk/ ...
Avery Holton / @averyholton: How can journalism be more accessible, even in a time of paywalls and subscriptions and the necessity of digital devices to access the news? @MeeraSelva1 and @nikkiusher consider “a journalism that reaches out beyond elites.”
Rasmus Kleis Nielsen / @rasmus_kleis: If we want to talk about the future of media, about trust, minimizing misinformation & more, @nikkiusher tells @MeeraSelva1, if the news is “produced by and directed to a small class of elites, I just wonder how you can meaningfully have that conversation” .uk/ ...