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Trump's Justice Department secretly obtained phone records for three WaPo reporters over reporting they did in mid-2017 on Russia's role in the 2016 election — The Trump Justice Department secretly obtained Washington Post journalists' phone records and tried to obtain their email records …
emptywheel, The Reporters Committee …, @tbridis, Newser, @emptywheel, @emptywheel, Vanity Fair, @snowden, @frankfigliuzzi1, NBC News, @emptywheel, Gizmodo, @rcfp, @jeremyscahill, @alextarquinio, @thomas_peele, @jeremyscahill, @johnwdean, @brianstelter, @mcfaul, Reclaim The Net, Politico, Common Dreams, @jimlaporta, @froomkin, @rcfp, @cherijacobus, The Wrap, The Guardian, The Week, Slate, @jasonleopold, @jasonleopold, @mepfuller, @gabrielsnyder, @jasonleopold, @jasonleopold, @jsrailton, @nickochsnerwbtv, @kenklippenstein, @kenklippenstein, @maggienyt, @harrisonjaime, @justinamash, The Full Belmonte, @mehdirhasan, @seungminkim, @alexandrachalup, @jason_kint, @kenklippenstein, @isaacdovere, @elaineshannondc, @chrisgeidner, @chrisgeidner, @chrisgeidner, @brianstelter, @women4biden, @bradmossesq, @chrisgeidner, @chadlivengood, @levifishman, @mattyglesias, @dillonreedrose, New York Times, The Independent, Mediaite and Insider
Chris Young / The Reporters Committee …: Reporters Committee statement on report that Trump Justice Department secretly obtained journalists' phone records
Ted Bridis / @tbridis: Another good argument why news organizations should own, operate their email infrastructures - feds would have to come to them directly with subpoenas. But almost everyone in news industry now outsources email service to Google or Microsoft, putting confidential sources at risk.
Jenn Gidman / Newser: WaPo Reporters Get Surprise Letter From DOJ
Charlotte Klein / Vanity Fair: Trump DOJ's Seizure of Washington Post Reporters' Records Sounds Alarm on Press Freedom
Edward Snowden / @snowden: A story of the government spying on journalists should not be buried on a Friday: ...
Frank Figliuzzi / @frankfigliuzzi1: We need answers, but won't likely get them: Trump Justice Department seized Post reporters' phone records - The Washington Post @washingtonpost ...
Pete Williams / NBC News: Trump Justice Department sought phone records of Washington Post reporters
@emptywheel: Trump seized the phone records of 3 WaPo reporters. The seizure STARTED 3 days after they reported on Carter Page's FISA. ... ...
Alyse Stanley / Gizmodo: Justice Department Quietly Seized Washington Post Reporters' Phone Records During Trump Era
@rcfp: It's imperative that the new DOJ leadership explain “exactly when prosecutors seized these records, why it is only now notifying the Post, and on what basis the [DOJ] decided to forgo the presumption of advance notification under its own guidelines.”
Jeremy Scahill / @jeremyscahill: These are all things journalists should ASSUME the government does. Obama's admin also spied on journalists and used the Espionage Act repeatedly against whistleblowers. Obama's DNI Clapper lied to Congress about surveillance and his CIA spied on the Senate torture investigators.
@alextarquinio: An attack on the First Amendment, plain and simple. The Trump administration's Justice Department secretly obtained Washington Post reporters' phone records. ...
Thomas Peele / @thomas_peele: Burner phones people. Pay cash. Best Buy never seems to question the name John Smith when activating one.
Jeremy Scahill / @jeremyscahill: Also, and this is key, the **BIDEN** Justice Department “defended [the Trump Justice Department's] decision to subpoena Post reporters' records” ...
John W. Dean / @johnwdean: Way beyond Nixon at his worst: Trump Justice Department secretly obtained Post reporters' phone records! ...
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: The revelation about Trump's DOJ seizing WaPo reporter phone records is on the front pages of both WaPo and the NYT today
Michael McFaul / @mcfaul: What? This is very scary.
Kenny Stancil / Common Dreams: ‘Direct Attack on the First Amendment’: Trump DOJ Secretly Obtained Washington Post Journalists' Phone Records
James LaPorta / @jimlaporta: WTF!!!! This is like what happened in 2013 when DoJ secretly obtained @AP phone records.
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: DOJ must say “when prosecutors seized these records, why it is only now notifying the Post, and on what basis [it] decided to forgo the presumption of advance notification under its own guidelines,” says @rcfp
@rcfp: .@rcfp Executive Director Bruce Brown said, “Whenever the government seeks to obtain records of journalists' communications, it raises serious First Amendment concerns because it interferes with the free flow of information to the public.” Full statement:
Cheri Jacobus / @cherijacobus: Trump had my email hacked in 2016 after I filed a defamation lawsuit against him. He'd had me “catfished” in 2015 to get personal info. Had one of his law firms investigate/spy on me. It's no secret Trump does this. So why are we suddenly shocked to learn he spied on reporters?
Jennifer Maas / The Wrap: 3 Washington Post Reporters' Phone Records Were Obtained by Trump Justice Department
Edward Helmore / The Guardian: Trump DoJ seized Washington Post reporters' phone records, paper says
Tim O'Donnell / The Week: 10 things you need to know today: May 8, 2021
Jason Leopold / @jasonleopold: AND here's Flores in an email describing the Kislyak/Sessions meeting as debunked! So if not true how could it be a leak?
Jason Leopold / @jasonleopold: “there was no private meeting, ” Sarah Flores said Again, if that is the case this can't be considered a leak?
Matt Fuller / @mepfuller: This whole thing is gross and a good question is why the Biden Justice Department is defending it. ...
Gabriel Snyder / @gabrielsnyder: the fragility of democratic norms seems to be the underlying theme of these kinds of reports ...
Jason Leopold / @jasonleopold: Sarah Flores responded to at least two dozen reporters by saying the Sessions/Kislyak meeting during 2016 campaign never happened and I have every single email. So if this is one of the stories that served as the basis for seizing WaPo phone records does it mean it's true?
Jason Leopold / @jasonleopold: Via my #FOIA: Here's former DOJ spox Sarah Flores providing a reporter a comment on deep background about whether Jeff Sessions met with Russian ambassador to the US Sergey Kislyak. WaPo said today their 2017 story on this mtg may have lead DOJ to seize reporters' phone records
John Scott-Railton / @jsrailton: This does not make it better. Despite this statement, I'd like to believe that current Justice Department leadership is taking a step back to consider how much our democracy can be damaged by obsessive leak chasing... ...and how they would like to be remembered by history.
Nick Ochsner / @nickochsnerwbtv: Feds seizing reporters' phone records was wrong when the Obama DOJ did it and equally wrong when the Trump DOJ did it. What's most troubling is a judge authorized seizing the WaPo reporters' records.
Ken Klippenstein / @kenklippenstein: The prosecution of media leaks is a bipartisan scandal. Leaks referred to DOJ for criminal investigation (by fiscal year): 2009: 44 2010: 33 2011: 41 2012: 46 2013: 55 2014: 41 2015: 18 2016: 38 2017: 120 2018: 88 2019: 71 2020: 55
Ken Klippenstein / @kenklippenstein: Anyway use Signal. When it gets subpoenaed, this is all the data they have to disclose. (Source:
Maggie Haberman / @maggienyt: The seized records - a process that must be approved by the AG - were from 2017. They were sought last year, when Barr was AG. ...
@harrisonjaime: .@GOPChairwoman I know you love talking about integrity... thoughts?
Justin Amash / @justinamash: Trump & Co. feigned outrage over FISA while engaging in the same abuses and reauthorizing every aspect of the police state that landed on Donald Trump's desk for a signature.
Laura Belmonte / The Full Belmonte: The Full Belmonte, 5/8/21 — “WASHINGTON — A stunningly disappointing jobs report Friday demonstrates …
Mehdi Hasan / @mehdirhasan: So, what you're saying is that Trump and the ‘Deep State’ worked *together* to undermine the First Amendment? Wonder how rightwingers feel about that...
Seung Min Kim / @seungminkim: “The Department of Justice should immediately make clear its reasons for this intrusion into the activities of reporters doing their jobs, an activity protected under the First Amendment.” ...
Alexandra Chalupa / @alexandrachalup: We were “way beyond Nixon” when the Republican Party conspired with the Kremlin to install a criminal regime with the help of Russian intelligence operatives and threatened to destroy the United States. Mass deaths and devastation were the result.
Jason Kint / @jason_kint: Well said. This is deeply disturbing from an administration made clear before they were even in charge that they were hostile to a free and plural press.
Ken Klippenstein / @kenklippenstein: Trump admin referred a record number of leaks for criminal investigation, per DOJ documents I obtained under FOIA:
Edward-Isaac Dovere / @isaacdovere: “It is rare for the Justice Department to use subpoenas to get records of reporters in leak investigations, and such moves must be approved by the attorney general.” ...
Elaine Shannon / @elaineshannondc: Both parties hate leaks and snoop on reporters. Good there's now strong encryption and burner phones. ...
Chris Geidner / @chrisgeidner: * The story addresses “toll records ... from April 15, 2017 to July 31, 2017” * ... “obtained” by the “Trump Justice Department.” * Reporters informed of this in a May 3 letter signed by current DOJ officials (ie, Biden DOJ). When were they sought? When obtained? Unclear:
Chris Geidner / @chrisgeidner: Does “it” mean they were sought in 2020? Obtained in 2020? Both? The story also leaves unclear whether whichever of those it was (were?) happened under Barr, or after, under Rosen?
Chris Geidner / @chrisgeidner: Also, regardless of the answers to those questions, it's very weird how the Post leans in hard to this being a Trump-era happening — both in the headline and the lede — when the story itself quotes Biden DOJ folks defending the move. And not good that Garland's DOJ is doing so.
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: WaPo: “We are deeply troubled by this use of government power to seek access to the communications of journalists. The Department of Justice should immediately make clear its reasons for this intrusion into the activities of reporters doing their jobs...” ...
WomenForBidenHarris / @women4biden: This sounds very legal and very cool, as the former guy used to say.
Bradley P. Moss / @bradmossesq: Here we go again
Chris Geidner / @chrisgeidner: So, unless I read this wrong, some timing elements here are left out or left intentionally vague:
Chad Livengood / @chadlivengood: WaPo: “The Trump Justice Department secretly obtained Washington Post journalists' phone records and tried to obtain their email records over reporting they did in the early months of the Trump administration on Russia's role in the 2016 election.” ...
Levi Fishman / @levifishman: The Trump Justice Department secretly obtained reporters' phone records and the Biden Justice Department defended the activities? Cool. ...
Matthew Yglesias / @mattyglesias: Huh. And I'd been led to understand the Trump team was a bunch of civil libertarians crusading against the Deep State. ...
Dillon Rosenblatt / @dillonreedrose: This is such a gross overreach of a government entity.
Adam Goldman / New York Times: Justice Dept. Seized Washington Post's Phone Records
Nathan Place / The Independent: Trump Justice Department monitored Washington Post reporters' phone calls in 2017

Washingtonian editorial staff won't publish today after their CEO implied in a WaPo op-ed that management should categorize remote staff as contractors — As members of the Washingtonian editorial staff, we want our CEO to understand the risks of not valuing our labor. We are dismayed by Cathy Merrill's public threat to our livelihoods. We will not be publishing today.
Washington Post, Washington Post, Galaxy Brain, @benjaminja, Nieman Lab, @khanoisseur, @bob_mondello, @laurahazardowen, @sopandeb, @jamieson, @wendi_c_thomas, @jhweissmann, @swiftonsecurity, @lukeoneil47, @neontaster, @abeaujon, @seungminkim, @nishachittal, @jessgrose, @mollypriddy, @cwarzel, @roslyntalusan, @elaheizadi, @adriana_lacy, @yoshisquared, @brfreed, @soren_ltd, @nlanard, @laurahazardowen, @jamisonfoser, @thepacketrat, @jeffjarvis, @brosandprose, @profciara, @espiers, @tjhogglestock, @courtneymilan, @scottbix, @kevinroose, @thejessgoodwin, @sorayamcdonald, @j_zimms, @jamieson, @m_delamerced, @jeffjarvis, @kendrawrites, @mtmarch, Bloomberg, @mattgertz, @mattgertz, @cwarzel, HuffPost, Los Angeles Times, The Connector, New York Times and The Wrap
Cathy Merrill / Washington Post: As a CEO, I worry about the erosion of office culture with more remote work
Erik Wemple / Washington Post: Washingtonian staffers orchestrate work stoppage over CEO's ‘public threat to our livelihoods’
Charlie Warzel / Galaxy Brain: The future of work is not threatening your employees
Benjamin Armbruster / @benjaminja: .@washingtonian editorial staff respond in unison to CEO Cathy Merrill's WaPo op-ed (via @MarisaKashino) ...
Laura Hazard Owen / Nieman Lab: It's not their job to buy you cake
@khanoisseur: I didn't see the Washingtonian CEO's piece on remote work culture as “harping” or “threatening” but a necessary contribution to the dialog on how to make remote/hybrid workplaces work for all — while improving the workplace culture. There are dangers and risks we must consider.
Bob Mondello / @bob_mondello: Sorry you're dealing with this. Hugely insulting to you as workers and as people. Also discounts the obvious benefits to her of your working at home: you contribute your wi-fi, electricity, heat, office supplies, etc, and are available on short notice. Short sighted x 12.
Laura Hazard Owen / @laurahazardowen: I have now written an OP-ED: It's Not Their Job To Buy You Cake
Sopan Deb / @sopandeb: I am *floored* by this op-ed by a media CEO. But the particularly awful part is the second screenshot here. ...
Dave Jamieson / @jamieson: The CEO of @washingtonian media has taken to the op-ed page of the Washington Post to threaten her own employees. This is a stunning essay from the boss. ...
Wendi C. Thomas / @wendi_c_thomas: It needed to be said and @laurahazardowen said it: It's not their job to buy you cake via @NiemanLab @washingtonian
@jhweissmann: Lol, WaPo gave the owner of Washingtonian a platform to just threaten her staff with completely transparent labor law violations gtfo lady ...
Noam Blum / @neontaster: Tweeting in unison is creepy even if the reason for it is positive. The lack of individualism in this kind of uniform collective action never sits right with me. Also I can't imagine having a job where you wake up to an op-ed by your boss basically shitting on you in public.
Andrew Beaujon / @abeaujon: I really appreciated this @laurahazardowen piece, which notes how women tend to end up with “non-promotable tasks
Seung Min Kim / @seungminkim: For too long, informal mentoring, “inclusion” responsibilities + requests or requirements to provide diverse job candidate lists or check articles for racism have been foisted off on journalists of color, who are never paid/recognized for their extra work.
Nisha Chittal / @nishachittal: “Much of the “office culture” that eroded during the pandemic was not built intentionally or thoughtfully. It hasn't benefited everyone equally... Once we acknowledge that, we can think about building the kinds of places where people really want to work.”
Jessica Grose / @jessgrose: Co-sign everything in this piece by @laurahazardowen
Molly Priddy / @mollypriddy: “20 percent of this job is being my friend at the office and if you don't do it i will take your healthcare”
Charlie Warzel / @cwarzel: New from me: I spoke to some staffers at the Washingtonian about that threatening sounding op-ed about working from home. Spoiler: many of them *want* to go back to the office in some form. They just want some say in the process. And some respect. ...
Roslyn Talusan / @roslyntalusan: threatening to reclassify an employee as a contractor because remote workers don't “drive office culture” (🥴🥴🥴) publicly and in writing is a fascinating tactic
Elahe Izadi / @elaheizadi: “I feel really humiliated,” said one Washingtonian staffer about their CEO's op-ed. “People I respect in the media industry and beyond came to me and were really shocked that this is where I'm working.” ...
Adriana Lacy / @adriana_lacy: “Working remotely for the last year has revealed just how much of office culture is accidental, arbitrary, and sexist. yep. I'd also add in racist, too.
Yoshi Yoshitani / @yoshisquared: This is so funny (not) because the argument for hiring someone full time is that then you don't have to pay them x1.5 for overtime. 🙄 Anyway, just another reminder that companies are always looking out for themselves so it's important you look out for yourself too
Benjamin Freed / @brfreed: For a time the magazine prided itself on the fact that it was one of the first in D.C. to pay its interns...local minimum wage with no benefits or time off. Interns in both editorial and sales/marketing were also required to work company events, and there are stories.
Soren Bowie / @soren_ltd: Rad to see the curtain pulled back and finally know that your health insurance is dependent on singing happy birthday to Deb.
Noah Lanard / @nlanard: Washingtonian's CEO harps on workplace culture and threatens employees who don't want to go back to the office. In 2017, she paid me and other interns minimum wage, offered no healthcare for full-time work, and gave zero paid time off. ...
Laura Hazard Owen / @laurahazardowen: journalists of color, particularly, have been expected, over and over & across companies, to mentor/"help" find “diverse candidates"/give feedback on content without being paid extra for it
Jamison Foser / @jamisonfoser: if you can't write a simple op-ed without causing a full staff revolt, perhaps you should not be the CEO of a magazine
@thepacketrat: This is some Condé Nast level plutocratic evil right here. Whoops did I say that out loud.
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: I predict that by the time the staff does reappear in the @washingtonian office, they'll be wearing the union label.
Ella Dawson / @brosandprose: Cathy Merrill, CEO of Washingtonian Media, needs to resign. Publicly threatening in an op-ed to downgrade your full-time employees to contractors, cutting their health insurance in the process, if they don't come back to the office displays staggering cruelty and bad judgment.
Ciara Torres-Spelliscy / @profciara: “It's not a coincidence that these nice little office “extras” — the things you'll rarely see listed in a journalism job description because historically nobody has considered them worth paying for — disproportionately fall to women.”
Elizabeth Spiers / @espiers: This reminds me of my first week or two as the editor of the NY Observer: Jared Kushner, who visited the office once in a blue moon, & never went downstairs to the bullpen, demanded to know why half the reporters were missing at 10AM on a weekday. Answer: they were out reporting.
Thomas Hogglestock / @tjhogglestock: Seems like Cathy Merrill had nothing to worry about. Her staff have the camaraderie thing nailed down, even while working from home.
Courtney Milan / @courtneymilan: Just saying the quiet part in a loud enough format that can be easily attached to a labor lawsuit about being miss classified as a non-employee.
Scott Bixby / @scottbix: Merrill's op-ed is a barely-veiled threat against healthcare coverage, 401k benefits and PTO for remote workers. Good on @washingtonian staff for taking those threats seriously.
Kevin Roose / @kevinroose: @cwarzel I also disagree with the conclusions, but I think it's valuable for workers to know these sentiments are out there. A lot of bosses feel this way!
Jess Goodwin / @thejessgoodwin: I mean I would think that if an employer is saving money on things like office space and parking fees they wouldn't need to also take away their employees' benefits 🤨
@sorayamcdonald: This is not “office culture;” it's one woman holding benefits hostage under the guise of “who will teach the children how to be good obsequious little workers” FOH. The woman who wrote this sounds like a nightmare
Jess Zimmerman / @j_zimms: Let it never be said that op-eds don't create change
Dave Jamieson / @jamieson: Having representatives and lawyers helps, but this is a good reminder that employees do not need a union to act as one
Michael de la Merced / @m_delamerced: This is probably not the reaction that Merrill wanted to get from this ...
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: And good for them. That first day back at the office is going to be mighty awk.
@kendrawrites: The office environments that are most militaristic about employees returning to in office employment have IME toxic work cultures that are hard to maintain at a distance
Mary Tyler March / @mtmarch: lol so the inability to curate an office birthday celebration should be grounds for converting full-time employees — who are probably doing work well beyond their compensation — to contractors without benefits? incredible
Matthew Gertz / @mattgertz: “We have a healthy office culture right now which is why I am publicly threatening the jobs of my employees.”
Matthew Gertz / @mattgertz: Great take on why the staff of Washingtonian should unionize from **checks notes** the CEO of Washingtonian. ...
Charlie Warzel / @cwarzel: Boy do I disagree with this op-ed about the risks of not returning to the office (one of which is just...i, the ceo, just might make you a contractor instead of an employee!) ...
Dave Jamieson / HuffPost: Washingtonian CEO's Ominous Op-Ed Leads To Staff Revolt
Michael Hiltzik / Los Angeles Times: Column: Employers, governors push myth that unemployment checks keep lazy workers home
Micah L. Sifry / The Connector: The Hybrid Workplace is Here to Stay: Work Has to Evolve
Gillian Friedman / New York Times: Washingtonian staff protests C.E.O.'s article on remote work by refusing to publish.

In an email, Washingtonian CEO apologized to magazine staff for her WaPo op-ed, assuring them there would be no changes to benefits or employee status
@marisakashino, @brfreed, @sunrisemvmtdc, @yashar, @emily_ladau, @mkonnikova, @jillgeisler, @textfiles, @peterclines, @jessicataylor, @thetomzone, @hillarykelly, @parkermolloy, @asmith83, @reddusfoximus, @morganjerkins, @moorehn, @phbehnken, @kailaphilo, @phbehnken, @jaredlholt, @soledadobrien, @davidalim, @yashar, @anuradhasays, Garbage Day, Washington Post, Nieman Lab and Mediaite
Marisa M. Kashino / @marisakashino: As members of the Washingtonian editorial staff, we want our CEO to understand the risks of not valuing our labor. We are dismayed by Cathy Merrill's public threat to our livelihoods. We will not be publishing today.
Benjamin Freed / @brfreed: I'm so proud of my former Washingtonian colleagues today for taking a stand against Cathy Merrill's brazen threats against them.
Sunrise Movement DC / @sunrisemvmtdc: Solidarity with the @washingtonian editorial staff! No one deserves to have their pay or benefits threatened because they work from home. Cathy Merrill's statement was an attack on families, caregivers, people with disabilities, and workers everywhere.
Yashar Ali / @yashar: Her piece wouldn't have been saved by an editor unless they deleted it.
Emily Ladau / @emily_ladau: The disingenuous backpedaling in the @washingtonian's CEO is just as appalling as her op-ed. So much wrong with this, not the least of which is the blatant ableism and lack of caring about putting in effort to foster an inclusive, accommodating workplace. ...
Maria Konnikova / @mkonnikova: The phrase “workplace culture” is one of the main reasons I've chosen to be self-employed for the last 10+ years. The other is “face time” (of the non-iPhone variety). So much toxicity in outdated ways of looking at what it means to be productive and valuable.
Jill Geisler / @jillgeisler: “I am sorry IF” is an apology eraser. The op-ed lacked evidence that she solicited input her from own staff about their remote work & culture. These are important conversations everywhere today and the best leaders are listening to learn, rather than lecturing to alarm.
Jason Scott / @textfiles: And no doubt there's a bloodbath that's going to come As she takes remote workers and says “yeah you're done” And she wants to be known as a smart CEO ...
Peter Clines / @peterclines: ...claiming her column's intent was simply to convey how worried she and other CEOs were about “preserving the cultures we built up in our offices.” As someone who used to regularly pull 70+ hour weeks, I have many thoughts on “workplace culture”... ...
Jessica Taylor / @jessicataylor: If anything, this past year has proven so many jobs absolutely can be done remotely
@thetomzone: great argument for why this is the perfect time for Washingtonian staff to begin a union drive
Hillary Kelly / @hillarykelly: Weird, because when I went to the CFO, seven months pregnant and asking for a more appropriate maternity leave policy on par with the industry, I was called “silly” right in front of HR and nobody did anything about it. (I quit.)
Adam Smith / @asmith83: just absolutely baffled by the strategy of publishing a weird oped about your HR theories in place of holding a staff meeting ...
Pam Chvotkin / @reddusfoximus: I can't stand PR statements like these. The wording in the op-Ed was pretty clear. The fact that her words needed a follow up with a, “I didn't mean to offend you, but...sorry that you were” statement is forced and inauthentic. Only responding because of the backlash.
Morgan Jerkins / @morganjerkins: There are going to be many upheavals and reconsiderations towards what we consider “workplace culture” to be and that's a good thing. It's a brand new day out here. ...
Heidi N. Moore / @moorehn: Remember that executives should always have to live under the threat of overthrow. There is no other way to make them remember the humanity of workers. ...
@phbehnken: What a fool she is! As a retired long-time freelancer, I can tell you I devoted much more time to my work from home than I ever did in any office setting. No birthday parties, long lunches, watercooler chats, gossip, backstabbing, etc. ... via @thedailybeast
Kaila Philo / @kailaphilo: Fun fact: Since Cathy Merrill only offered minimum wage to editorial fellows in 2018, I had to commute for 3 hours a day to and from Baltimore, including on days we had to work events, because I couldn't afford DC rent.
@phbehnken: @mediagazer @beyerstein @maxwelltani What a fool! She could lose her best writers over this, for good reason. Writers don't need daily, 8-hour face time. As retired long-time freelance, I can tell you I did my best work from home, w/o office distractions/politics or a commute. Plus, I cld work at night, if I wanted.
Jared Holt / @jaredlholt: I am also sorry if the words I write in major national newspapers give the impression I mean those words
Soledad O'Brien / @soledadobrien: I love an 'I'm sorry if you were offended' non-apology apology. Whew. I feel badly for those who work there.
David Lim / @davidalim: “I am sorry if the op-ed made it appear like anything else.” 🤔🤔🤔
Yashar Ali / @yashar: “I'm sorry if the op-Ed made it appear like anything else.” Good god.
Anuradha SenGupta / @anuradhasays: That's after they told her they won't publish:
Ryan Broderick / Garbage Day: Finally.... a weapon to surpass Groverhaus
Elahe Izadi / Washington Post: Washingtonian staff goes on publishing strike after CEO's op-ed about remote work
Laura Hazard Owen / Nieman Lab: It's not their job to buy your cake

Saturday's SNL episode with host Elon Musk was livestreamed internationally on YouTube for the first time ever — “Saturday Night Live” will be available to live-stream internationally for the first time ever Saturday, when Elon Musk hosts. — Musk shared the link for the livestream hours …
@elonmusk, @alexweprin, Wall Street Journal, Politico, Variety, The Verge, Reuters, The Full Belmonte, Quartz, Protocol, @gavinpurcell, @frankpallotta, @jbflint, Mediaite, Android Central, TechRadar, 9to5Google, Collider, Page Six,, Deadline and Billboard, more at Techmeme »
Alex Weprin / @alexweprin: NBC statement: “'SNL' is a global phenomenon and this livestream marks the first time audiences around the world will experience the show simultaneously along with the US,” —Frances Berwick, Chairman, Entertainment Networks, NBCU TV and Streaming.
Eleanore Park / Wall Street Journal: What Time Elon Musk Is Hosting ‘SNL’ and How to Watch
Derek Robertson / Politico: How the Internet Turned on Elon Musk
Brian Steinberg / Variety: Elon Musk's ‘SNL’ Debut Will Get Global YouTube Live Stream
Kim Lyons / The Verge: Saturday Night Live with Elon Musk will be live-streamed internationally for the first time
Laura Belmonte / The Full Belmonte: The Full Belmonte, 5/9/21 — The Republican Party's efforts to limit voting rights are making inroads.
Adam Epstein / Quartz: SNL used Elon Musk as a desperate attempt to stay relevant
Gavin Purcell / @gavinpurcell: this is pretty great. the sooner we get to global events like this, the better the tv biz is gonna be
Frank Pallotta / @frankpallotta: JUST IN: Tonight's SNL, which is hosted by Elon Musk, will be the first time the show has ever been live-streamed internationally. It will be streamed via YouTube in over 100 countries, per NBC.
Joe Flint / @jbflint: This is what we've been waiting all afternoon for? I thought maybe Elizabeth Holmes had been added as co-host.
Caleb Howe / Mediaite: CNN Guest to Acosta: 'There's a Genius of Incredible Talent on SNL Tonight, And They Also Have Elon Musk'
Alex Smith / Android Central: How to watch Elon Musk on Saturday Night Live
Aatif Sulleyman / TechRadar: How to watch SNL with Elon Musk: stream Saturday Night Live online from anywhere today
Rafael Motamayor / Collider: SNL Will Stream Elon Musk Episode Internationally on YouTube
Jessica Bennett / Page Six: Elon Musk announces ‘SNL’ international livestream

eMarketer: US advertisers will spend $11.36B on streaming TV commercials on services like Hulu, Pluto TV, and Peacock in 2021, up from $8.11B in 2020 — Ben Chappell was binge-watching The X-Files on Hulu recently when he kept seeing the same ads for sports betting apps again and again.
Lucas Shaw / @lucas_shaw: If you're seeing the same ads on streaming services over and over again, you're not alone. @gerryfsmith explains why
Lauren Johnson / Insider: Big advertisers are threatening to yank TV dollars

Q&A with Vox's new EIC Swati Sharma on making sure the outlet produces distinctive content, her day-to-day, and creating a truly inclusive newsroom — In 2014, Melissa Bell, Ezra Klein, and Matt Yglesias started, a news outlet that pioneered explanatory journalism.
@melissabell, @colbyitkowitz, @swatigauri, @niemanreports, @dmitryshishkin, @scottnover, @rasmus_kleis, @sarahscire and @nishachittal
Melissa Bell / @melissabell: Someone recently mentioned how we need empathy to be a qualification for leadership. One amazing example is @SwatiGauri; read all about it as her leadership at Vox takes shape:
Colby Itkowitz / @colbyitkowitz: Wow, @SwatiGauri! So amazed and impressed and proud of you. It's been incredible to watch you soar.
Swati G. Sharma / @swatigauri: It was such a pleasure to talk to @HanaaTameez about @voxdotcom, this industry, and my belief that we can't sustain great journalism without an inclusive and generous newsroom culture:
@niemanreports: Sharma joined @voxdotcom as its editor-in-chief in March 2021, the third one in the site's history and the second woman of color to take on the role. via @NiemanLab
Dmitry Shishkin / @dmitryshishkin: I always knew Vox was very good at embracing/executing a news user needs model: Give me perspective, Educate me, Inspire me being the core needs. Lovely to hear the new EiC @SwatiGauri talking about its distinctiveness and their own North Star search.
Scott Nover / @scottnover: “Management is important, and often an undervalued trait in journalism. A newsroom's work is only as strong as a newsroom's culture.” - @SwatiGauri to @HanaaTameez
Rasmus Kleis Nielsen / @rasmus_kleis: “Great journalism, for me, means having an inclusive and generous culture and a diverse workforce” @SwatiGauri says, adds her ambiton at Vox is coverage that “pushes people to have the conversations that lead to real change.”
Sarah Scire / @sarahscire: “One thing I'm thinking about a lot is: How do you sharpen Vox's explanatory approach, given that so many of our competitors have widely imitated it?” @SwatiGauri, new EIC of @voxdotcom, in convo with @HanaaTameez. The word “distinctive” comes up a lot.
Nisha Chittal / @nishachittal: “How do you have a culture where people of different backgrounds can thrive? I want Vox to be a place where, no matter what, you still feel seen and you don't have to conform to other people.” love this interview with @SwatiGauri, who GETS IT

Sources: Vice, Bustle are no longer exploring IPO via SPAC and BuzzFeed may be the only big digital media company to go public this year, as SPAC market cools — - Buzzfeed may be the only significant digital media company to go public via SPAC this year, sources said.
@sherman4949, @sherman4949, @mediaevan, @julianklymochko, @sherman4949, @sherman4949 and @jessicalessin
Alex Sherman / @sherman4949: Update to my digital media story: Vice hopes it can convince PIPE investors its business is more like ViacomCBS in nature and not other digital media companies — and plans to have a road show for PIPE investment in the coming months (w/ 7CG as its SPAC).
Alex Sherman / @sherman4949: This was supposed to be the Summer of Digital Media.
Evan DeSimone / @mediaevan: Most of these digital media companies have been around for ten years and have only been intermittently profitable for one or two. Taking them public doesn't make that much sense.
@julianklymochko: Vice was in advanced talks to do a deal with 7GC & Co Holdings, but those talks stalled Vice is no longer exploring a SPAC on its own
Alex Sherman / @sherman4949: The SPAC slowdown has pushed back the timeline of digital media companies entering the publicly traded company arena

Clubhouse launches in beta on Android in the US, after more than a year of iOS exclusivity, but will remain invite-only — It's now available in the US and will roll out to other countries soon — After more than a year of iOS exclusivity, social audio platform Clubhouse is releasing its Android app.
The Wrap, Clubhouse, Gizmodo, TNW, CNET, Protocol, TechCrunch, @lanceulanoff, ScreenRant, 9to5Google, @clubhouse, Android Central, @pierce, Engadget, Android Police, Bloomberg, Variety and Hollywood Reporter, more at Techmeme »
Sean Burch / The Wrap: Clubhouse Launches Android App as Twitter, Facebook Roll Out Copycat Features
Alyse Stanley / Gizmodo: Clubhouse Launches Android Beta as iOS Downloads Nosedive
Steven Musil / CNET: Clubhouse launches Android beta after year on iOS
David Pierce / Protocol: Clubhouse is finally launching an Android app
Manish Singh / TechCrunch: Clubhouse finally launches its Android app
Damien Wilde / 9to5Google: Clubhouse officially arrives on Android in US-only beta ahead of wider rollout
@clubhouse: Android is finally here! You can download the Clubhouse beta right now in the US, & around the world in the coming days/weeks. Before you ask...yes, still invite-only. We're managing growth so we can build more sustainable infrastructure before the floodgates open. Soon(ish)!
Michael Allison / Android Central: Clubhouse is finally available on Android
David Pierce / @pierce: Clubhouse for Android is either going to change the social-audio game, or be six months too late to matter
Mariella Moon / Engadget: Clubhouse starts beta testing its Android app in the US
Ellise Shafer / Variety: Clubhouse Expands to Android Users
Sharareh Drury / Hollywood Reporter: Clubhouse Now Available for Android Users

Flurry analysis: just 4% of iPhone users in the US and 12% worldwide have so far actively chosen to opt into app tracking after the rollout of iOS 14.5 — An early look at an ongoing analysis of Apple's App Tracking Transparency suggests that the vast majority of iPhone users …
Stephen Diehl / @smdiehl: Ok, I'm calling it. Tim Cook is going to drive Facebook stock into freefall once we see the actual numbers on how Request Not To Not Track impacted their advertising earnings. It's going to be biblical.
Shailendra Singh Bisht / So, What's the Big News ?: Selling is an art! — I was overwhelmed by your love and care following my last post.
Joshua Benton / Nieman Lab: It turns out no one wants to be tracked all across their iPhones by Facebook (or anyone else)
Edanilo / Flurry Blog: Daily iOS 14.5 Opt-in Rate
Insider: Apple's privacy changes are already causing chaos in mobile advertising, with developers reporting tiny user opt-in rates and falling ad prices
90 Second News: ⏱A goodbye for now — Good morning everyone, and welcome to the last edition of 90 Second News!
Wolfie Christl / @wolfiechristl: Verizon's Flurry, who claims to harvest data from thousands of apps across 2 billion mobile devices, also found a 4% opt-in rate, at least in the US #apple #att Put differently, 96% don't want to be tracked. The ‘worldwide’ opt-in rate is 11%, though (?)
Barry Schwartz / @rustybrick: How can this not impact Facebook and Google ads?
Robin Berjon / @robinberjon: One thing that's particularly interesting here is that it provides a statistical baseline: if you are getting opt-ins significantly higher than this, you're probably using a dark pattern.
Daniel P. Shannon / @phyllisstein: “The challenge for the personalized ads market will be significant if the first two weeks [of iOS 14 app tracking opt-outs] end up reflecting a long-term trend.”
Mike Rundle / @flyosity: lol facebook
Yang / @yangcliu: Opt out ratio high. Game companies with large loyal following and community (non reliant on UA) will have a huge advantage, such as supercell, in this new era
Loren Stephens / My Hangout: 96% of US users Opt-Out of iOS 14.5 App Tracking
Jason Kint / @jason_kint: For those who understand the power of defaults, Flurry also includes data on the % of users who take the time to go into their settings and turn off tracking so that apps can't ask for permission - a tiny 2%. Here is their report:

Post-pandemic, China has activated an international network of journalists and outlets that push its state-backed content, countering US and UK media influence — The government has been using its money and power to create an alternative to a global news media dominated by outlets like the BBC and CNN.
Carlos Tejada / @crtejada: “As the pandemic started to spread, Beijing used its media infrastructure globally to seed positive narratives about China in national media, as well as mobilizing more novel tactics such as disinformation.”

The Baltimore State's Attorney's Office has asked the FCC to investigate the Sinclair-owned local TV station WBFF, claiming a pattern of misleading coverage — The Baltimore State's Attorney's Office says it filed a complaint with the Federal Communications Commission on Wednesday requesting …
@markhyman: Baltimore city state's attorney attempts to use @FCC to silence TV news operation for its investigations into her office. It should take FCC only two seconds to dismiss this blatant First Amendment violation. ...
Marilyn J. Mosby / @marilynmosbyesq: @FOXBaltimore's blatantly slanted,dishonest,misleading, racist, and extremely dangerous coverage must come to end. Last year, they ran 248 stories about me and and my office, while WJZ ran 46, WBAL ran 26 and WMAR ran 10 during that year. ...

Google adds YouTube TV to the main YouTube app on Roku devices and says it is securing “free streaming devices” for customers in case talks with Roku fail — It's also securing ‘free streaming devices’ for customers in case talks with Roku completely fall apart
Bloomberg, @chriswelch, YouTube Official Blog, @jaduino, Android Police, ScreenRant, @jason_a_w, @thestreamable, @nealmohan, @killedbygoogle, @jerrycap, @shiraovide, @davezatz, @reckless, @stevekovach, @xpangler, @tomwarren, @reckless, @loudmouthjulia, @pcmag, Gizmodo, Light Reading, Insider, The Streamable, XDA Developers and AppleInsider
Chris Welch / @chriswelch: NEW: Roku calls Google “an unchecked monopolist” after Google said it would integrate YouTube TV into the main YouTube app on Roku's platform. I'm in the process of updating our story. Roku's full statement:
Justin Duino / @jaduino: Losing the YouTube TV app probably doesn't hurt Roku. But losing the YouTube app could mean serious losses.
Jason Wilson / @jason_a_w: I am done with YouTube TV! I may even just get cable again at this point
@thestreamable: In a statement on Google adding YouTube TV to the YouTube App, Roku calls Google an “unchecked monopolist bent on crushing fair competition and harming consumer choice.” They have not yet removed the app however. $GOOG $ROKU
Neal Mohan / @nealmohan: We're introducing a new feature that lets you access @YouTubeTV from the @YouTube app. This feature will be available to all @YouTubeTV members on Roku over the next few days, making it easier to enjoy the content you love...
Shira Ovide / @shiraovide: Streaming TV distribution is all very, very broken. It's like we decided to take the worst of the gatekeeper-controlled smartphone app system AND the worst of the cable TV system.
Dave Zatz / @davezatz: Roku's ‘juggernaut as victim’ airing of the grievances is as tired as it is amusing. “UNECHECKED MONOPOLIST [HELL] BENT ON CRUSHING [OUR POOR LITTLE PURPLE STREAMER]” (Also, is it Attorneys General or Attorney Generals? Hm.)
Nilay Patel / @reckless: Short version: we are not dumb enough to disable the entire YouTube app
Steve Kovach / @stevekovach: Ugh: They wrote “Attorney Generals” not “Attorneys General”
Todd Spangler / @xpangler: Roku spox regarding the latest move by Google: “Google has continued its practice of blatantly leveraging its YouTube monopoly to force an independent company into an agreement that is both bad for consumers and bad for fair competition”
Tom Warren / @tomwarren: I'm old enough to remember Google getting rather upset with Microsoft when it went rogue and made its own YouTube app for Windows Phone 🥴
Nilay Patel / @reckless: A hotfix to circumvent a platform restriction you say
Julia Alexander / @loudmouthjulia: This is absolutely hilarious.
@pcmag: In a blog post about the YouTube TV fight, Google mentions that a Roku deal to carry the free YouTube app expires in December. Current tensions between the two parties may make renegotiations tough.
Shoshana Wodinsky / Gizmodo: YouTube Found the Pettiest Loophole in Its Battle Against Roku
Jeff Baumgartner / Light Reading: YouTube TV creates new workaround as Roku standoff continues
Katie Canales / Insider: Roku called Google an ‘unchecked monopolist’ after the company added YouTube TV into its main YouTube app on the streaming platform's channel store
Jason Gurwin / The Streamable: Roku Calls Google an ‘Unchecked Monopolist’ in Move to Circumvent Roku Channel Store with YouTube TV

In a letter, Ted Sarandos says Netflix is “stopping any activities” with HFPA until more meaningful reforms are made, after HFPA members approved an overhaul — EXCLUSIVE: As the beleaguered Hollywood Foreign Press Association pledges to reform itself, Netflix has declared …
ScreenRant, The Wrap,, The Guardian, Diversidad …, Vanity Fair, @kerrywashington, Screen,, @reesew, ScreenRant, @scottdmenzel, Variety, Deadline, Variety, The Wrap, @812filmreviews, @cadlymack, @deadlinedominic, IndieWire, @bad_robot, @deadlinedominic, @piyasroy, @erickweber, @timesupnow, @ava, @shondarhimes, Hollywood Reporter, Hollywood Reporter, Comic Book, Insider, The A.V. Club, The Wrap and Los Angeles Times
Sharon Waxman / The Wrap: As Netflix, Amazon Boycott HFPA Over Reforms, Could the Golden Globes Get Canceled?
Tyler Aquilina / Scarlett Johansson, Mark Ruffalo, and more slam HFPA amid Golden Globes' reform process
Edward Helmore / The Guardian: Scarlett Johansson joins criticism of Golden Globes body amid accusations of racism and sexism
José Antonio Gallego / Diversidad …: ¿Quién defiende la cultura corporativa?
Jordan Hoffman / Vanity Fair: Scarlett Johansson Joins Growing Chorus of Criticism Against the Golden Globes
Kerry Washington / @kerrywashington: This is so important. Thank you @netflix for taking a stand 🙌🏾
Nicholas Rice / Netflix ‘Stopping Any Activities’ with HFPA Over Diversity Reform Issues as Amazon, GLAAD Join Callout
Reese Witherspoon / @reesew: Glad to see @netflix dedication to creating a more equitable and inclusive entertainment industry .
Brittney Bailey / ScreenRant: Netflix and Amazon Boycott Golden Globes Due to Lack of Diversity
Scott Menzel / @scottdmenzel: Why doesn't Hollywood just cut ties with the HFPA already? Anything they do now is only being done to salvage their reputation and keep money in their pockets. If they actually cared about having black members they would have had them in their organization long before now.
Marc Malkin / Variety: HFPA Members Approve Sweeping Overhaul for Embattled Golden Globes Group (EXCLUSIVE)
Robert Daniels / @812filmreviews: Woah!! Absolutely seismic.
Carina Adly Mackenzie / @cadlymack: I just love Netflix a whole lot. (Except still mad about ODAAT but other than that)
Dominic Patten / @deadlinedominic: UPDATE: #HFPA responds to @netflix halting relationship with Golden Globes group unless real reform is enacted “We hear your concerns about the changes our association needs to make & want to assure you that we are working diligently on all of them”
Anne Thompson / IndieWire: As the Golden Globes Promise to Do Better, Hollywood Responds with Side Eye: 'We Don't Believe'
Bad Robot / @bad_robot: “Netflix and many of the talent and creators we work with cannot ignore the HFPA's collective failure to address these crucial issues with urgency and rigor.” - Ted Sarandos Huge kudos to @Netflix for leading the way!
Dominic Patten / @deadlinedominic: EXCLU: #GoldenGlobes organizers see @netflix cut ties unless real reform of #HFPA occurs. There are currently ZERO Black members of influential Hollywood group
Piya Sinha-Roy / @piyasroy: We've always known that the HFPA would never change unless studios and networks stop giving them money and access. This is a huge move from Netflix to force the organization to do better... question remains, is it enough? 🤷🏽♀ ️
@erickweber: HFPA is legit on the ropes, not certain of their contract situation with NBC but there's a very real opportunity for another organization to take their primetime spot away
Ava DuVernay / @ava: “Netflix and many of the talent and creators we work with cannot ignore the HFPA's collective failure to address these crucial issues with urgency and rigor.” - Ted Sarandos Damn. This is a big deal. Props to @Netflix for being first to take a stand.
Shonda Rhimes / @shondarhimes: Once again, Netflix shows how it can and should be done. This is how to be the change.
Scott Feinberg / Hollywood Reporter: Golden Globes: Time's Up, PR Firms Say HFPA Has Not Gone Far Enough With Proposed Reforms
Scott Feinberg / Hollywood Reporter: Golden Globes: Netflix “Stopping Any Activities” with HFPA Unless and Until Further Reforms Are Made