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Tribune shareholders vote to approve Alden's $633M purchase of the chain; Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong, who owns a 24% stake in Tribune, abstained from voting — The bid by Alden, which already owns about 200 local newspapers, had faced resistance from Tribune staff and a last-ditch rival offer.
@davidfolkenflik, Washington Post, NPR, Poynter, MediaPost, New York Daily News, Robert Feder, @elaheizadi, @katie_robertson, @sulliview, @wbur, @spytalker, @brooklynmarie, @em_brindley, @tylerrdavis, @rexhuppke, @mgafni, @lenfestinst, @davidfolkenflik, @sulliview, @davidfolkenflik, @danielleiat, @jessbravin, Los Angeles Times, @rhodes_dawn, @sarasatullo, @amykpoulter, @juliebosman, @felipedlh, @daveweigel, @dicktofel, @davidfolkenflik, @brianstelter, @bencjacobs, @kateconger and @royalpratt
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: Alden will win Tribune: LAT owner Patrick Soon-Shiong, who holds 24 percent stake in Tribune, says he has abstained from voting as it has been a passive investment. Full statement from Soon-Shiong spokesoman Hillary Manning👇🏼
David Folkenflik / NPR: ‘Vulture’ Fund Alden Global, Known For Slashing Newsrooms, Buys Tribune Papers
Rick Edmonds / Poynter: Alden Global Capital closes in on Tribune Publishing acquisition. Shareholders vote Friday.
Ray Schultz / MediaPost: Tribune Shareholders Approve Alden Purchase Bid
Robert Channick / New York Daily News: Hedge fund Alden's bid to buy Tribune Publishing newspaper chain approved by shareholders
Elahe Izadi / @elaheizadi: Joint statement from employee unions representing Tribune newspapers/outlets on Alden takeover
Katie Robertson / @katie_robertson: Another update: Dr. Soon-Shiong did not check any box on the ballot, so his vote was counted as in favor of the Tribune/Alden deal, I'm told by a source familiar with the matter, which confirms reporting from @chicagotribune
@sulliview: The grim news: Tribune shareholders vote to sell legendary chain of newspapers to a hedge fund. By @sarahellison and @ElaheIzadi who've been on the story for months. ...
@wbur: Alden's reputation had set off a frantic effort by union members in Tribune Publishing newsrooms. Their organizer, Baltimore Sun education reporter Liz Bowie, dubbed the effort “Project Mayhem.”
Jeff Stein / @spytalker: Added shame: ‘The Chicago region is home to...Boeing, Walgreens, Archer Daniels Midland and United Airlines - as well as renowned philanthropies, including the MacArthur and McCormick foundations. Despite plenty of wealth, no one stepped forward.’—@davidfolkenflik @NPRNewsNow
Brooke Binkowski / @brooklynmarie: And that's why you should never trust the “benevolent billionaire” model. @DrPatSoonShiong hasn't just let down everyone who put their faith in him. He has let down democracy.
Emily Brindley / @em_brindley: Absolutely mind boggling that the fate of our newspapers is decided by people thousands of miles away from the communities that rely on us. #SaveLocalNews
Tyler R. Davis / @tylerrdavis: The difference between a journalist and a billionaire is that a journalist is proud to put their name on their work.
Rex Huppke / @rexhuppke: Dammit. A real profile in courage, here. Democracy dies in darkness, or by feckless abstention.
Matthias Gafni / @mgafni: I remember when Alden sold the East Bay Times building in Walnut Creek. There was all-staff mtg in Lindsay Wildlife Museum room w giant stuffed bear. I asked publisher if any proceeds of sale would be reinvested in the newsroom. You can guess the answer.
Lenfest Institute / @lenfestinst: “Alden's playbook is pretty straightforward: Buy low, cut deeper.” That's not the way forward for local journalism. We must support journalists and newsrooms who are serving their communities with essential news and information.
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: One wrinkle in the Tribune sale: SEC filing says “Patrick Soon-Shiong's vote in favor of the transaction is required, based on his current ownership of the common stock.” It also said abstentions would be counted as a vote against the Alden bid - so PSS abstention would doom it
@sulliview: As noted in this story, it's possible that @DrPatSoonShiong's abstention will keep the deal from completion despite the vote
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: Ex Chicago Trib metro editor @MarkJacob16 - sounding a theme I found in reporting my story:
Danielle Tcholakian / @danielleiat: this is so sad.
Jess Bravin / @jessbravin: “Too many people exhibit an astonishing lack of memory about how [the @chicagotribune ] has forced accountability on government, put bad folks in jail, changed laws, and provided pleasure and utility to generations,” said former managing editor @JimWarren55.
Meg James / Los Angeles Times: Controversial hedge fund Alden Global wins bidding for Chicago Tribune, N.Y. Daily News
Dawn Rhodes / @rhodes_dawn: Gee thanks for your “passive investment” in this company. Glad to see you're having fun playing with this part of your fortune. Good to know it doesn't really make a difference to you one way or another while the fate of a major institution hangs in the balance.
Sara K. Satullo / @sarasatullo: A sad, sad day for local news. Thinking of the amazing journalists at @mcallguild today. Competing against @mcall reporters makes me a better journalist. Local news competition makes the Lehigh Valley a better place to live.
Amy Poulter / @amykpoulter: Why would you own 24 percent of anything if you don't care enough about it to participate in decision making? Especially when it's this important. What a HUGE disappointment, @DrPatSoonShiong.
Julie Bosman / @juliebosman: Dark day in Chicago for Tribune journalists and a city that relies on their work.
Felipe De La Hoz / @felipedlh: This is very, very bad news for an already battered news landscape
Dave Weigel / @daveweigel: Hopefully no news needs to be covered in San Diego!
Richard Tofel / @dicktofel: I presume Soon-Shiong will keep the cash proceeds of his abstention.
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: This possible twist in Tribune sale is crazy. Seeking clarity - were rules of vote changed somehow that we have not been able to find? Did he sell off shares before the sale, diluting his stake?
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: Alden Global Capital president Heath Freeman says “the purchase of Tribune reaffirms our commitment to the newspaper industry and our focus on getting publications to a place where they can operate sustainably over the long term.” We'll see...
Ben Jacobs / @bencjacobs: In other words, Patrick Soon-Shiong made the active and knowing decision to let a number of major newspapers be destroyed but is too cowardly to own up to it
Gregory Pratt / @royalpratt: I will never be able to fully express my disappointment in @drpatsoonshiong for betraying journalism with his cowardly abstention. As owner of one of America's great newspapers @latimes, your responsibility to society extends beyond the bottom line. The right thing here was clear

While a spokeswoman for Patrick Soon-Shiong said he abstained, Tribune officials said his ballots lacked a check in the “abstain” box and were tallied as “yes” — Shareholders of the parent company of the Orlando Sentinel, Tribune Publishing, voted Friday for the company …
CNN, @newsynick, Bloomberg, The Wrap, Wall Street Journal, Daily Herald, @journo_christal, @lalpert1, @lalpert1, @lalpert1, @lalpert1, @lalpert1, @mikehalston, @gerryfsmith, @rogersimmons, @craigtimes and @royalpratt
Nick Turner / @newsynick: The takeover of Tribune Publishing all came down to the definition of “abstain.” via @gerryfsmith
Lindsey Ellefson / The Wrap: Tribune Acquired by Alden Global Capital
Christal Hayes / @journo_christal: This is awful news for journalism. How can we honestly encourage young people to join this industry with people like this running newspaper chains? Thinking of my friends in Orlando and at papers across the country today.
Lukas I. Alpert / @lalpert1: A generous interpretation is that @DrPatSoonShiong made a mistake and miscast his vote somehow. Doesn't matter really as under Delaware law there is no do over once the polls are closed
Lukas I. Alpert / @lalpert1: Either way, Tribune now belongs to Alden
Lukas I. Alpert / @lalpert1: If he had actually clicked the “abstain” box, it would have been counted the same as a “no” and the merger would have been rejected
Lukas I. Alpert / @lalpert1: It should come as no surprise that the Tribune vote ended in some turmoil. Let's dissect:
Lukas I. Alpert / @lalpert1: First off, @DrPatSoonShiong's statement that he abstained is not really true. He cast a blank ballot, according to people familiar with the matter. That, under the rules, is counted as a yes vote
Michael Halston / @mikehalston: @RogerSimmons He couldn't even be bothered to abstain officially. SMH indeed.
Gerry Smith / @gerryfsmith: A strange, confusing ending to the Tribune-Alden saga
Roger Simmons / @rogersimmons: SMH. LAT owner Patrick Soon-Shiong said he “abstained” from Alden vote. Tribune Publishing confirmed that proxy ballots registered to Soon-Shiong were submitted without the “abstain” box being checked; those were tallied “yes” votes. ...

A look at big Tribune shareholder Patrick Soon-Shiong's early days as owner of The LA Times, ahead of the vote on Tribune's sale to Alden
American Press Institute: Need to Know: May 21, 2021 — OFF THE TOP — You might have heard: Ad initiative aims …
Raju Narisetti / @raju: Who reporters choose to talk to as the (male) experts, about attempts to save a local newspaper, in an area that is nearly 50% non-white, is part of the problem ailing American journalism Patrick Soon-Shiong is still trying to save the @latimes ...
Jean Marbella / @jean_marbella: (*gasp*) But no worries, @DrPatSoonShiong, it's the same issue you faced when you bought the @latimes: 'All I knew in my heart of hearts was we need to protect the newsroom. . . . I came in there with an inner belief it's all or nothing.'
Mary Schmich / @maryschmich: Patrick Soon-Shiong “professed this week that he only recently realized that the shareholder vote to determine the future of (Tribune Publishing) is Friday.” But it is. We hope he'll vote to save us from a hedge fund known for decimating papers. ...
Alexa Philippou / @alexaphilippou: Patrick Soon-Shiong says he felt compelled to buy the LA Times because “All I knew in my heart of hearts was we need to protect the newsroom.” @DrPatSoonShiong, the only way to protect Tribune newsrooms is to block the sale of the company to Alden. Our communities depend on it.
Hayley Tsukayama / @htsuka: As a CA news consumer and former Postie, I'm delighted to find myself in a market with @meridak at the @latimes and @garciaruize at the @sfchronicle.
Jon Funabiki / @funabiki: I'm rooting for Patrick Soon-Shiong as he tries to turn around the @latimes, but the odds are long. On the other hand, he did invent a cure for cancer. ...
Jennifer W. Sheehan / @jenwsheehan: No matter what happens tomorrow, I am so proud of the work our unions did. I have absolutely no regrets. ...
John Thornton / @thorntonaustin: Spoiler alert: “I think he's been surprised by how tough the newspaper business is,” Greif added. “It's not susceptible to any easy solutions.” Or, perhaps, any solutions. ...
DFM Workers / @dfmworkers: This is a CRITICAL moment for local news in the US. Please step up and do the right thing for democracy's future, @DrPatSoonShiong! #SaveLocalNews ...
@latimesfreshink: @DrPatSoonShiong spoke w/ @sarahellison about becoming a newspaper owner 3 years ago & what's ahead for @latimes & @sdut. We won't spoil the kicker but, yes, the doc is still be asked to compare saving local news and curing cancer. More in @washingtonpost ...
@ctguild: Until local Chicagoans step up, the most direct path to fending off Alden ownership right now is through the LA Times owner voting ‘no.’ We urge him to do the right thing. For more, see below...
Josh Noel / @hopnotes: “We understand that not every fight is your fight. We're not asking you to buy the company, though that would be great. But we are asking you to use your power to stop Alden from consolidating its own.”
Sara Gregory / @saragregory: WaPo says Patrick Soon-Shiong is undecided ahead of tomorrow's vote on the future of Tribune. So here's my plea, as a Tribune employee: Please vote no, @DrPatSoonShiong. Help folks like @stewbainum do for the rest of Tribune's papers what you've done in LA.
Sarah Ellison / @sarahellison: Patrick Soon-Shiong is still trying to save the Los Angeles Times. Some hope he'll do more than that. My latest ...

AP has fired reporter Emily Wilder after conservative media wrote about her prior pro-Palestinian activism; AP told Wilder she violated social media policy — The Associated Press' Phoenix bureau fired former Arizona Republic writer Emily Wilder this week following negative articles …
@suhaunah, @glennkesslerwp, @washingtonpost, @dataeditor, @islamphobiacow, @ryanlcooper, The Wrap, @ggreenwald, @juliancastro, @mattdpearce, @normornstein, @markberman, @bellwak, @gabehoff, @jmshumway, @rmc031, @joejsaltarelli, @chick_in_kiev, @markberman, @mckinneykelsey, @danriffle, @robpegoraro, @mattdpearce, @mattdpearce, @tpcarney, @ghazalairshad, @jeremymbarr, @coreywrites, @bendreyfuss, @adriana_lacy, @stanford_gop, @barry, @abbymartin, @wajahatali, @mzhemingway, @tempehlover, @brooklynmarie, @athertonkd, @mkramer, @danielleiat, @kenklippenstein, @mkramer, @mkramer, @mkramer, @phoenixnewtimes, @arifleischer, @gabehoff, @stanford_gop, @ericboehlert, @jayrosen_nyu, @petersterne, @adamjohnsonnyc, @davidsirota, @sarahkendzior, @adamserwer and @marisakabas
Suhauna Hussain / @suhaunah: Associated Press staff received a memo this morning that @vv1lder is no longer with the company, after conservatives rallied to get her fired because she was part of Students for Justice in Palestine in college
Glenn Kessler / @glennkesslerwp: Amazing how quickly a talented young reporter's career can be snuffed out by a Twitter mob that decided to feign outrage over some college tweets. And if @vv1lder somehow violated @AP's social-media rules, the solution is to offer guidance, not termination, to a new reporter.
@washingtonpost: Emily Wilder started a new job at the Associated Press on May 3. Just 16 days later, she was called and told that she had been terminated for violating the company's social media policy. ...
Steven Rich / @dataeditor: the punishment disparities between Chris Cuomo and Emily Wilder is a good example of how this industry often works
Keyvan / @islamphobiacow: this is just an absolutely unhinged thing to tweet
Ryan Cooper / @ryanlcooper: always wild to me how conservatives can *instantly* pivot from a shrieking panic over “cancel culture” to getting people fired for thinking Palestinians are human beings
Lindsey Ellefson / The Wrap: ‘Canceled’ Journalist Fired for Social Posts Blasts AP for Caving to Republican ‘Witch Hunt’
Glenn Greenwald / @ggreenwald: Wolf Blitzer used to work for AIPAC decades ago. Should he be fired by CNN or barred from reporting on Israeli issues? This is gross.
Julin Castro / @juliancastro: This is terrible from @AP. This is a media organization sacrificing their own journalist to a misinformed, right-wing media mob. She should be reinstated and formally apologized to.
@mattdpearce: I don't know what this accomplishes other than signaling that it's open season for troll campaigns on AP journalists. AP must acknowledge it made a mistake and rehire @vv1lder.
Norman Ornstein / @normornstein: This is a huge stain on AP. What a cowardly move.
Mark Berman / @markberman: Embarrassing actions from the AP here ...
Kim Bellware / @bellwak: Newsroom leaders have to get a lot savvier a lot faster when it comes to how they deal with bad-faith attacks against their reporters
Gabe Hoffman / @gabehoff: Your attempt to make a false equivalence is pathetic. Emily Wilder is a documented CURRENT radical anti-Israel activist who posted cartoons that were “largely indistinguishable from classic Nazi Jew hatred”
Julia Shumway / @jmshumway: In 2018, the Iowa AP bureau hired and then parted ways with a legislative relief reporter after the state GOP found her posts/articles about being a Democrat. I get the need for objectivity, especially at AP, but it sucks that AP let both reporters go through online firestorms.
Rachel Cohen / @rmc031: “I asked them, ‘Please tell me what violated the policy,’ and they said, ‘No.’”
Joseph Saltarelli / @joejsaltarelli: Make no mistake. This happens in a lot of different contexts if you express opinions in support of Palestinians. This is deeply, deeply disturbing. Shame on @AP
Mark Berman / @markberman: Two media stories published today, just a few hours apart 1. ... 2. ...
Kelsey Mckinney / @mckinneykelsey: The message here seems to be that the only political view at any time that is acceptable is one that props up a powerful country and adopts the United States government's stance???? Which is literally the opposite of what journalism is supposed to do.
Dan Riffle / @danriffle: A thousand people have already said this, but if the people who purport to be concerned about cancel culture actually wanted to do anything about it they'd be pushing to end at-will employment.
Rob Pegoraro / @robpegoraro: What my old colleague said. Plus this: @AP, this is chickenshit behavior. You will never convince ideologues like the Fox News commentariat of your objectivity until you hire mostly from their staffs, so giving them a heckler's veto only signals that you can be rolled.
@mattdpearce: This is completely unjust and outrageous and unaccountable behavior from AP management. If you can't explain to someone what policy they've violated, you have no business firing them. And if there was a violation, give them a written warning or something! Totally out of control.
@mattdpearce: I think I am missing the clause in the Associated Press' ethics policy that says editors can travel back in time to punish low-level assistants for opinions they expressed in college. It must be in an appendix. ...
Ghazala Irshad / @ghazalairshad: @mattdpearce There's also this:
Jeremy Barr / @jeremymbarr: Emily Wilder spent only 16 days as a news associate before the AP terminated her for violating the company's social media policy. “It was really devastating,” she said. “They told me I showed clear bias,” she said, but the AP wouldn't specify the tweets. ...
Corey Friedman / @coreywrites: This is shameful. If you really believe in free speech and oppose cancel culture, you're gonna have to be consistent. Politically motivated firings are bad, full stop. The particular politics at issue are immaterial
Ben Dreyfuss / @bendreyfuss: Cancel culture on college campuses has indeed gotten out of control
Adriana Lacy / @adriana_lacy: We're doing this again? “The agency had “done a thorough review of my social media and said I had violated company policy” after her hiring date of May 3, she said.” ...
@stanford_gop: .@vv1lder has been terminated from the @AP. Emily Wilder is not a journalist, she is an unhinged, Marxist, anti-Israel agitator. We are proud that our efforts directly led to this outcome - the leftist media must be held accountable, and that happened in this case.
Barry Petchesky / @barry: People shrieking about cancel culture have never, ever done so in good faith. It's long past time to stop engaging with them as if they were.
Abby Martin / @abbymartin: Days after Israel intentionally blows up their office, @AP capitulates to pro-Israel smear campaign to fire a reporter. Breathtaking cowardice
@wajahatali: If you're cool with the firing of @vv1lder and believe in both sides, then are you also cool firing US journalists who did birthright trips, took part in pro Israel groups and rallies as students, have children in the IDF, have served in the IDF, and so forth? This is terrible.
Mollie / @mzhemingway: Maybe newspaper that routinely attempts to destroy lives of Republicans for things they *didn't do* in high school (Covington boys, Kavanaugh, etc.) shouldn't pretend to be upset about firing of a fellow activist from a purported journalism position
Brooke Binkowski / @brooklynmarie: @tempehlover @suhaunah @vv1lder Seconding this, that's a terrible decision by @AP that gives me no faith in their ability to effectively cover disinformation and smear campaigns — considering they were unable to recognize this for what it was
Kelsey D. Atherton / @athertonkd: Took what, less than a week between the IDF destroying AP offices to AP deciding to fire a staffer because of invented outrage over her past activism?
Melody Joy Kramer / @mkramer: For employers: - It may make them less likely to hire certain people - Assign certain stories - Devote money to a type of beat That's also by design.
Danielle Tcholakian / @danielleiat: can't fathom how embarrassing it is for America's foremost news outlet to allow their hiring practices to be dictated by a group of college students who took time away from supporting the fraudulent Arizona “audit” to harass a former classmate.
Ken Klippenstein / @kenklippenstein: Watching Israel bomb your Gaza bureau into dust and then firing one of your reporters for not being sufficiently pro-Israel *in college* is some of the most cucked shit I've ever seen
Melody Joy Kramer / @mkramer: This is an attack on the press. It's coordinated, calculated, and it will happen again and again.
Melody Joy Kramer / @mkramer: I see a lot of people talking about journalism employers atm. I can't help think what this does to *potential journalists* as well: - It may make them not touch certain story topics - It may make them less likely to include certain viewpoints That's by design.
Melody Joy Kramer / @mkramer: It would be smart for employers to come together with funders and other organizations, identify these bad faith attacks, and dismiss them publicly. @petersterne
@phoenixnewtimes: Wilder confirmed to New Times that she's been terminated and said that the AP had “done a thorough review of my social media and said I had violated company policy.” ...
Ari Fleischer / @arifleischer: But when a Senator goes after a nominee's high school yearbook, that's ok.
Gabe Hoffman / @gabehoff: Emily Wilder engaged in constant radical anti-Israel activism She once posted cartoons on flyers that were “largely indistinguishable from classic Nazi Jew hatred” AP expressly “requires employees to abstain from political activity” She can go work at MSNBC or Al Jazeera
@stanford_gop: Yes. She also referred to Sheldon Adelson as a “naked mole rat” and defended people who physically threatened supporters of Israel.
Eric Boehlert / @ericboehlert: @jayrosen_nyu bombing AP building paid dividends
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: If bad faith critics can edit your staff based on the appearance of bias, then you have surrendered power to people who want you dead. Forget appearances. Was her work biased? Did she introduce bias into the AP's report? If so, her firing may be justified. If not, you got played.
@petersterne: UPDATE: The AP has reportedly fired news associate @vv1lder. This follows social media criticism of Wilder by the Stanford College Republicans, which was later amplified by conservative media and GOP politicians.
Adam H. Johnson / @adamjohnsonnyc: Aside from all the horrific racist and anti-labor implications of this decision, it's worth noting that this is exactly how you create a generation of timid careerists who take zero risks, totally disengage from politics, and become dead-eyed Politico and WaPo stenographers
David Sirota / @davidsirota: this is a feature, not a bug
Sarah Kendzior / @sarahkendzior: People drone on and on about “cancel culture” but the two stances I've seen journalists and academics punished for most in the US are supporting Black rights and supporting Palestinian rights. On top of that, the people screeching about “cancel culture” often oppose both causes.
Adam Serwer / @adamserwer: Hard to find an issue where people are more consistently fired or blacklisted than over advocacy for Palestinian rights.

Emily Wilder, fired by AP after harassment from conservatives prompted a review of her social media, says her firing was “selective enforcement” of AP's policy — Emily Wilder, a journalist and 2020 graduate of Stanford University, started a new job as an Associated Press news associate based …
New York Magazine, @mattdpearce, @newsmediaguild, The Wrap, @sara__pequeno, The Objective, The Madison Leader Gazette, Editor and Publisher, Washington Post, Press Watch, New York Post, @mattzeitlin, Columbia Journalism Review, @zakirspeaks, @janinezacharia, The Daily Beast, @fmanjoo, @nickconfessore, @newsmediaguild, @paulszoldra, @benjaminwittes, @sethabramson, @newsmediaguild, @tvietor08, @agoodcuppa, @megankstack, @wesleylowery, @sareemakdisi, @diannaeanderson, @nataliesurely, @amandabecker, @jayrosen_nyu, @mallikavsen, The Guardian, @markjacob16, @newsmediaguild, @mattzeitlin, @whstancil, @petersterne, @danielleiat, Fox News and Mediaite
Sarah Jones / New York Magazine: Who Is the Media Really For? — Emily Wilder is a promising young journalist.
@mattdpearce: “They told me that I violated their social media policy and would be terminated immediately, but they never said which tweet or post violated the policy,” she said. “I asked them, ‘Please tell me what violated the policy,’ and they said, ‘No.’”
@newsmediaguild: The News Media Guild, which represents the rank-and-file members of The Associated Press' editorial and technology units, was notified today by The Associated Press of the firing of Emily Wilder. Here is our statement (1/4)
Lindsey Ellefson / The Wrap: Associated Press Defends Firing of New Reporter, Says Social Media Rules ‘Keep Our Journalists Safe’
@sara__pequeno: The firing of Emily Wilder, as another young female journalist, makes me really sad. I kept my mouth shut in college on a lot of things that the publication I work at now is vocal about. And I worry if I tried to move to a daily I'd be penalized for that.
Raymond Hicks / The Madison Leader Gazette: AP's Emily Wilder fired over ‘biased’ pro-Palestinian tweets
Jeremy Barr / Editor and Publisher: The Associated Press Terminates New Staffer Amid Uproar Over Tweets About Israel and Palestinians, Sparking Backlash
Washington Post: As fragile cease-fire holds, eyes turn to suffering in Gaza and Netanyahu's political future
Joshua Rhett Miller / New York Post: AP rookie staffer Emily Wilder fired over ‘biased’ pro-Palestinian tweets
Matthew Zeitlin / @mattzeitlin: not that it should matter but it just magnifies the absurdity of this that she was reporting *local arizona news* and graduated from college in 2020, this isn't exactly the beirut bureau chief sounding off after getting loose with a militia chief
Feven Merid / Columbia Journalism Review: Remote Possibilities — Recently, Cathy Merrill, the chief executive of The Washingtonian …
Zakir Khan / @zakirspeaks: AP looking real bad.
@janinezacharia: “I love journalism and part of what I think makes me such a capable, powerful journalist is how much I care about the people I write about, particularly the marginalized. That's why I joined the Associated Press, and they saw me as capable.”
McCaffrey Blauner / The Daily Beast: New Hire Fired by AP After Conservatives Unearth Pro-Palestinian Activism, Posts
Farhad Manjoo / @fmanjoo: two big stories this week of cancellations by the right.
Nick Confessore / @nickconfessore: It's always hard to know from the outside why someone really got canned, but as a general rule it's dumb to fire people for high school or college tweets, and it will only get dumber as the social public record gets deeper and longer.
@newsmediaguild: The union investigates every termination to ensure employee rights are protected. It has contacted Wilder for details. The union should be in a better position to respond tomorrow. (4/4)
Paul Szoldra / @paulszoldra: Journalists have opinions and they're allowed to have them in college and after. This was the wrong decision, @AP. Bowing to a partisan smear campaign against @vv1lder instead of standing up for a member of your team is disappointing, to say the least
Benjamin Wittes / @benjaminwittes: This is indefensible. In no sane world should one's views of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict in college disqualify you from covering local matters in Arizona. The @AP should explain its behavior toward @vv1lder.
Seth Abramson / @sethabramson: Most news organizations will fold under literally any pressure whatsoever if the person they are throwing under the bus means less than nothing to them
@newsmediaguild: The company told the Guild that Wilder had violated the Social Media Policy that was negotiated with the union and by which all employees are required to comply. (2/4)
Tommy Vietor / @tvietor08: Explain a world where this gets you fired but doing PR for your governor brother does not.
Anna Lekas Miller / @agoodcuppa: Just pointing out that @JeffreyGoldberg has written publicly about serving in the IDF and has a thriving journalism career while @vv1lder was fired from @AP when Republican student groups dug up “pro-Palestine” social media posts to essentially blackmail her.
Megan K. Stack / @megankstack: Hang on. You can be a former Israeli soldier/parent of a current Israeli soldier+still write/edit stories about the conflict itself but you can't work in the Arizona AP bureau if you were a Palestinian rights activist in college? I hope there's some explanation/context missing.
Wesley / @wesleylowery: What role did the incoming editor of the Washington Post play in this disastrous decision?
@sareemakdisi: Two of Israel's recent @nytimes correspondents (Kershner and Bonner) had sons in the Israeli army while they were uncritically covering that army. Wolf Blitzer of CNN actually worked for the main Zionist lobby in DC. This aspiring journalist was in SJP *in college.*
Mx. Dianna E. Anderson / @diannaeanderson: She was fired not because of tweets she made while at the job - which she was at only two weeks! - but for things she said in public prior to any relationship with the AP. Unless AP's social media policy is retroactive, this is the AP bowing to a harassment campaign.
Natalie Shure / @nataliesurely: Many people have already made the point that this would never happen to a Zionist reporter, but it's also crazy that things like protest participation are seen as political conflicts of interest in journalism, whereas having worked in finance for years is not
Amanda Becker / @amandabecker: “They told me that I violated their social media policy and would be terminated immediately, but they never said which tweet or post violated the policy,” she said. “I asked them, ‘Please tell me what violated the policy,’ and they said, ‘No.’” via @SFGate
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: Due process at @AP. “Wilder was not told which of her social media posts had violated company policy, she said, just that ‘I had showed clear bias.’” ...
Mallika Sen / @mallikavsen: Our @AP guild statement on the termination of Emily Wilder. Two things we need to see: transparency and solidarity, forever.
Maanvi Singh / The Guardian: Outcry after Associated Press journalist fired amid row over pro-Palestinian views
Mark Jacob / @markjacob16: The young journalist fired by the Associated Press as demanded by a right-wing media mob says her AP bosses wouldn't tell her which of her social media posts violated their policy. AP is looking really bad here.
@newsmediaguild: AP noted that the policy was specifically brought to her attention after her hiring but did not specify which comments caused her termination. The Guild asked if the comments that caused her termination were posted before or after her hiring and awaits a response. (3/4)
Matthew Zeitlin / @mattzeitlin: also the idea that the AP should be on its back foot for perceived pro-palestinian bias *after it got its bureau destroyed by the idf* is too ridiculous to even comprehend
Will Stancil / @whstancil: Wilder's firing points to a longstanding issue in news organizations - one that impacts their coverage as well as episodes like this - which is how they've all somehow come to believe that attempting to ascertain whether a partisan is speaking in good faith is a kind of bias.
@petersterne: @MattZeitlin It's incredible, but the Right is using the fact that the AP's bureau was destroyed as evidence that the AP is anti-Israel. This was how Fox News framed it:
Danielle Tcholakian / @danielleiat: This is shameful, @peterprengaman. This isn't how you manage people, and it isn't how you train a new generation of journalists. You couldn't tell her what she did wrong?

Sources: Axios is in talks to be acquired by Axel Springer, which owns Insider and is an investor in Group Nine Media — German media conglomerate Axel Springer is in talks to acquire Axios, according to people familiar with the matter, continuing a consolidation of the digital media sector.
Wall Street Journal, The Hill, @davewiner, @martinsfp, @travisbernard, @mathewi, @rafat and @fosadam
Benjamin Mullin / Wall Street Journal: Axel Springer in Talks to Buy Axios
Thomas Moore / The Hill: Report: Axel Springer negotiating to buy Axios
Dave Winer / @davewiner: @mathewi @MediagazerChat axios is uniquely useful. hope they don't screw it up. ;-)
Martin Sfp Bryant / @martinsfp: Interesting to buy Axios alongside already having Insider 🤔
Travis Bernard / @travisbernard: The hollowing of media's “middle class” continues
Mathew Ingram / @mathewi: This seems like something so obvious that it will probably happen — but will Axel Springer overpay for Axios as much as it did for Business Insider? ...
@rafat: Makes total sense, smart: Axel Springer Is in Talks to Buy Axios via @theinformation
Adam White / @fosadam: Interesting, but makes sense considering their other acquisitions. Essentially building a funnel to own a business-centric audience from college onward. Morning Brew ⤵️ Business Insider ⤵️ Axios Would imagine a sub-bundle too at some point for BI and Axios.

Sources: Netflix is looking to hire an executive to oversee an expansion into video games, as it considers options including an Apple Arcade-like games bundle — Netflix is looking to hire an executive to oversee an expansion into videogames, a sign it is stepping up its efforts …
Desmond Brown / ScreenRant: Netflix Reportedly Expanding Into Video Games | Screen Rant
Grace Kay / Insider: Netflix is reportedly looking to hire an executive to expand its gaming content
Oleg Nesterenko / Game World Observer: Netflix reportedly looking to expand into video games
Sean Burch / The Wrap: Netflix Eyes Big Expansion Into Video Games (Report)
Philip Palermo / Cord Cutters News: (Update: Netflix Responds) New Rumors Suggest Netflix Could Be Eyeing Expansion into Gaming
Daniel Ahmad / @zhugeex: Netflix is looking to hire an executive to oversee an expansion into video games. Reminds me of how iQiyi has been doing this in China for a while. ...
Julia Alexander / @loudmouthjulia: This week in news: AT&T is a phone company again Netflix is now a games company Disney is back to being a parks company And ViacomCBS is just honored to be considered
Julia Alexander / @loudmouthjulia: I love the beautiful irony of Epic and Apple lawyers spending nearly four weeks using Netflix as an example when debating whether something is a game or not, only to end with Netflix going, “Actually, we're gonna be a games company, too.” ...
Julia Alexander / @loudmouthjulia: Reed Hastings, June 2020: “Video games, a great and interesting area...But Ted's got big plans to spend future billions in our movies, in series, in animation. And so we've got lots of places to put the money. Netflix, today: ...
Rameez / @rameeztase: Media bundles of the future will be multi-media & audience-focused rather than multi-audience & medium-focused. It's a folly to assume video-only will prevail in a world where technology means distribution of video, audio, text, interactive can happen on the same surface.

UK justice secretary says the government has to investigate “whether the governance of the BBC does need reform” after report on Bashir interview with Diana — PM says he is ‘obviously very concerned’ after inquiry condemns Martin Bashir's 1995 broadcast
Mark Landler / New York Times: 25 Years Later, BBC Apologizes for Diana Interview
Yaron Steinbuch / New York Post: Boris Johnson ‘very concerned’ over BBC tactics to land Diana interview
Joe Sommerlad / The Independent: Martin Bashir's most contentious documentaries, from Diana to Michael Jackson
Pippa Crerar / @pippacrerar: I'm not sure journalistic ethics are Boris Johnson's strong point 🤨
@mafevema: All sadly predictable: the government will bring the BBC editorial board - already practicing self- censorship massively- under its total control., perhaps nominally though a supposedly “independent ” board packed with Brexiters. ...
Tony O'Shaughnessy / @tonyonthephone: I'm guessing a lot of BBC journalists who have never used fake bank statements to get interviews will now have to do an online course on how not to use fake bank statements to get interviews. ...
Michael Holden / Reuters: BBC under pressure over Diana interview after princes launch scathing attack
@guardiannews: Government considers BBC shake-up after damning Diana report ...
Justin Madders MP / @justinmadders: The Prime Minister now believes using deceit to achieve your goals isn't acceptable ...

Fleet Street's condemnation of the BBC over the Bashir interview is hypocritical given UK tabloids' own terrible behavior around Diana and her family
The Week, @alexvtunzelmann, @aljwhite, @marklittlenews, @nickboles, @marinahyde, @anstey_harris, @barthsnotes and NPR
Alex von Tunzelmann / @alexvtunzelmann: This piece doesn't pull its punches and says exactly what I'd been thinking about the hypocrisy pouring out of some reactions to this Diana story.
Alan White / @aljwhite: What a superb piece. “From Diana to Harry, damaged people do damaged and sometimes very damaging things. But it's important to remember, as far as the royal family is concerned, that the public likes it so much better that way.” ...
Mark Little / @marklittlenews: “Royal pain sells far more than royal happiness. Panorama may have lied - but the sales tallies and the traffic figures and the ratings never do.” ...
Nick Boles / @nickboles: The most honest bit of writing you'll read today. It should make all of us squirm.
Marina Hyde / @marinahyde: My bit on Prince Harry, the Panorama's deceit of Diana, and getting moral lectures from the tabloids ...
Anstey Harris / @anstey_harris: '"Defund the BBC," was last night's pontification from former Sun editor Kelvin Mackenzie, who once put Diana's covertly recorded private phone calls on a premium-rate line so readers could ring in and have a listen.'

Open letter expresses concern that the UK government is being advised on the BBC by a panel that meets in secret with no public record of its agenda or advice
Tony Ageh Obe / British Broadcasting Challenge: Open Letter — An open letter to the Rt Hon Oliver Dowden CBE MP, Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport
@financialtimes: More than 120 public figures including actor Steve Coogan have warned that the BBC is facing a ‘severe threat’ from Boris Johnson's government
Rasmus Kleis Nielsen / @rasmus_kleis: “The BBC is facing a “severe threat” from Boris Johnson's Conservative government, according to a group of high-profile authors, academics and film producers who claim that ministers are reviewing the future of the UK's national broadcaster in secret.”

BBC apologizes after a report finds Martin Bashir used “deceitful” methods to get his interview with Princess Diana and that BBC covered up Bashir's behavior
Variety, The Guardian,, @royal_suitor, Business Recorder, @variety, @adetolaov, @oliverdowden, @bbcdaniels, ABC7, The Madison Leader Gazette, Page Six, Reuters and The Week
Manori Ravindran / Variety: Princes Harry and William Respond to Bombshell Investigation Into BBC Diana Interview: ‘Unethical Practices Took Her Life’
Matthew Weaver / The Guardian: Diana interview whistleblower demands face-to-face apology from BBC boss
Tim Davie / BBC publishes Lord Dyson's report
Royal Suitor / @royal_suitor: Bashir resigned as the BBC's Religion Editor last week citing health reasons. He apologized calling mocking up bank statements a “stupid thing to do” but maintains “the bank statements had no bearing whatsoever on the personal choice by Princess Diana.”
@variety: Prince William on the investigation into the BBC's Princess Diana interview: “The deceitful way that the interview was obtained substantially influenced what my mother said. The interview was a major contribution to making my parents' relationship worse”
Oliver Dowden / @oliverdowden: I welcome the fact that the new leadership launched this independent inquiry and expect them to ensure that this can never happen again. (2/2)
Daniel Sandford / @bbcdaniels: BBC Director-General, Tim Davie: “Although the report states that Diana, Princess of Wales, was keen on the idea of an interview with the BBC, it is clear that the process for securing the interview fell far short of what audiences have a right to expect.”
Shawn Utley / The Madison Leader Gazette: Prince William and Prince Harry react to ‘failings’ behind Princess Diana's infamous 1995 BBC interview

In 2020, the Trump administration secretly sought and obtained two months of phone and email records from 2017 of CNN Pentagon correspondent Barbara Starr — Washington (CNN)The Trump administration secretly sought and obtained the 2017 phone and email records of a CNN correspondent …
Washington Post, Politico, @barbarastarrcnn, The Guardian, Vanity Fair, TVNewser, Slate, The Reporters Committee …, Reason, @jason_kint, @hugolowell, @alexhortontx, @williams_paige, @clarajeffery, @walshfreedom, The Week, Newser, @christinelu, @dcherring, @olganyc1211, @jeffreyguterman, @kaitlancollins, @hilaryluros, @nwpinpdx, @craigmwhitlock, @fromcarl, @andrewdesiderio, @dandrezner, @mkraju, @timobrien, New York Times, The Madison Leader Gazette, The Wrap, The Hill and Mediaite
Matt Zapotosky / Washington Post: Trump Justice Dept. secretly obtained CNN correspondent's phone, email records
Ben Leonard / Politico: Trump Justice Department seized CNN records tied to correspondent's phone and email
Barbara Starr / @barbarastarrcnn: These were my records.
Gloria Oladipo / The Guardian: Trump justice department secretly seized CNN journalist's phone records
Bess Levin / Vanity Fair: Report: Trump's Justice Department Spied on at Least Five Reporters From Outlets Trump Despised
A.J. Katz / TVNewser: Trump Administration Secretly Obtained 2017 Phone, Email Records of CNN Pentagon Correspondent Barbara Starr
Elliot Hannon / Slate: Trump Justice Department Secretly Obtained CNN Pentagon Correspondent's Phone and Email Records
Chris Young / The Reporters Committee …: Reporters Committee statement on Trump Justice Department obtaining CNN journalist's phone, email records
Elizabeth Nolan Brown / Reason: Biden Wants To Spy on American Bank Accounts
Jason Kint / @jason_kint: Another one? Incredible abuse of power which serves to chill a free and plural press as they protect sources and hold that power in check. US needs to recognize this prior abuse and work to regain leadership in press freedoms.
Hugo Lowell / @hugolowell: Wow — Trump admin secretly sought and obtained the 2017 phone and email records of CNN's Pentagon correspondent Barbara Starr, the latest instance of federal prosecutors targeting reporters in leak probes.
Alex Horton / @alexhortontx: It didn't start and end there; my colleagues were also targeted, along with other outlets. It's revealing how many guardrails within DOJ needed to fail for officials to go along with this ...
Paige Williams / @williams_paige: pay attn
Clara Jeffery / @clarajeffery: The absolute fire from the Garland DOJ spox in here 👀👀
Joe Walsh / @walshfreedom: Hey Republicans, isn't this the “deep state” stuff you always screamed about?
Harold Maass / The Week: 10 things you need to know today: May 21, 2021
Rob Quinn / Newser: DOJ Secretly Obtained CNN Reporter's Records
Christine / @christinelu: This is what they do in authoritarian countries with paranoid dictators.
Olga Lautman / @olganyc1211: Trump's regime secretly obtaining reporters records was predictable and such an authoritarian move. This should be a much bigger story and everyone involved needs to be investigated.
Dr. Jeffrey Guterman / @jeffreyguterman: Trump administration secretly sought and obtained the 2017 phone and email records of CNN correspondent @barbarastarrcnn. Nixon did this kind of thing (e.g., @DanielEllsberg), but I think most of us are convinced Trump was more corrupt.
Kaitlan Collins / @kaitlancollins: The Trump admin secretly obtained @barbarastarrcnn's phone & email records, another instance where federal prosecutors took aggressive steps targeting reporters in leak investigations. It included the CNN Pentagon office number, her home & cell. Shameful. / @hilaryluros: Remember “tapp-gate”? If the former guy is accusing someone of doing something, he's doing that thing.
Nick Walden Poublon / @nwpinpdx: The Trump admin got the phone and email records of a CNN reporter in 2017. Riddle me this: If CNN is fake news why were Trump and cronies so keen on spying on them? Who is fake now?
Craig Whitlock / @craigmwhitlock: This is nuts. @barbarastarrcnn is a terrific, unimpeachable bulldog of a reporter.
Carl Lavin / @fromcarl: The free press powers democracy. Protect journalism.
Andrew Desiderio / @andrewdesiderio: Chilling and deeply troubling. And it comes after we learned that the Trump DOJ similarly went after Washington Post reporters.
Daniel W. Drezner / @dandrezner: “The seizure of Starr's records is the third disclosure in as many weeks where the Trump administration used its Justice Department to secretly obtain communications of journalists or to expose the identity of critics of former President Donald Trump's allies.”
Manu Raju / @mkraju: “CNN strongly condemns the secret collection of any aspect of a journalist's correspondence, which is clearly protected by the First Amendment,” said CNN President Jeff Zucker. “We are asking for an immediate meeting with the Justice Department”
Tim O'Brien / @timobrien: Trump's administration secretly sought and obtained the 2017 phone and email records of a CNN correspondent, Barbara Starr. She was reporting about a number of issues at the time, including North Korea, Syria and Afghanistan.
Shawn Utley / The Madison Leader Gazette: Trump DOJ secretly obtained CNN Pentagon correspondent Barbara Starr's phone and email records
Alex Noble / The Wrap: CNN's Barbara Starr Targeted by Trump Administration in Secret Seizure of Email and Phone Records

NYT uses “dark patterns” to make it harder for readers to cancel subscriptions, even as a member of its editorial board derided such tactics in a recent op-ed — ‘Dark patterns’ aren't always malicious mind control. They're often a symptom of disjointed company culture.
Brian Morrissey / The Rebooting: Bait and switch — This week, I explore the underbelly of the pivot to subscriptions …
David Skok / @dskok: One of the riskiest decisions we made @the_logic was making it easy for our subscribers to cancel. No customer service wait times, no labyrinth. It's terrifying, but it builds trust with our customers. Kudos to @amandaannroth for pushing me in this direction when I was reticent.
Vivek Srinivasan / Learning by Proxy: Learning by Proxy | Dark Patterns

Twitter will soon let US users with 1,000+ followers who've hosted three Spaces in the past 30 days apply to host Ticketed Spaces, with Twitter taking a 20% cut — After Apple and Google's cut — Twitter's getting ready for the launch of its Ticketed Spaces feature, and today …
ScreenRant, Engadget,, @benthompson, @johngary, @mikeysmith and 9to5Mac, more at Techmeme »
Stu Robarts / ScreenRant: What Are Twitter's Ticketed Spaces & How Do They Work?
Aria Bracci / Insider (May 21, 2021): Welcome to the new Hot Pod, Apple adds podcasts to its affiliate program, New studio launch
Ben Thompson / @benthompson: A creator sells a Ticketed Space for $5. The creator, who people are willing to pay for, gets $2.80. Twitter, who facilitated the connection and created the product, gets $0.70. Apple/Google, who leverage OS API control into a tax on all activity, do nothing and get $1.50.
John Gary / @johngary: The replies to this tweet are mostly “So what, Apple and Google don't deserve *anything* for creating these devices and operating systems?????” Say it with me: brands are not your friends.
Mikey Smith / @mikeysmith: See, I don't buy this argument at all. Part of “the product” users and devs having a humane, relatively-safe, non-wild-west environment in which to do business - and usable devices and OS on which to run software. It might not be 20%, but it's not “nothing.”

Sources: Sinclair's RSN unit, Diamond Sports, has entered talks with creditors about addressing its ~$8.1B debt; Sinclair bought Diamond for $9.6B in 2019 — - Diamond Sports asks creditors to sign NDAs for negotiations — Broadcaster received proposals from secured, unsecured groups
Jeff Kotuby / The Streamable: Sinclair Sports Networks Seeking Better Debt Terms

Glenn Greenwald and The Intercept accuse each other of endangering journalists, and Intercept staff say he's cynically creating controversy for more subscribers — It all ended badly last October when Glenn Greenwald, the pugnacious, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, quit the investigative news site …
@sonnybunch, @karlbode, @karlbode, @antinewdems, @bgrueskin, @silvermanjacob, @ehananoki, @maxboot, @oliverdarcy, @sonnybunch, @farhip and Glenn Greenwald
Sonny Bunch / @sonnybunch: (I assume this tweet will get me on a list of some sort, but it's worth it; his jihad against ZERO DARK THIRTY remains one of the more aggravating spectacles I've seen.)
Karl Bode / @karlbode: fact-averse millionaire egomaniac trolls entire internet for newsletter revenue, gets rewarded with massive spread in WAPO ...
Karl Bode / @karlbode: I love how they even make sure to include a link to his newsletter so it's as easy as possible for rubes taken in by his fascist apologist trolling dogshit to subscribe
Sam / @antinewdems: I think the key insight @wapo's Paul Farni's missing is that we, the randos, have despised the media's tactics for the past 4 year. He is speaking for us. here's the critical piece about @ggreenwald: response: ...
Jacob Silverman / @silvermanjacob: This is a very tired explanation for why GG goes on Fox News, especially in his recent incarnation as someone obsessed with accusing journalists of being the real spreaders of disinformation. ...
Eric Hananoki / @ehananoki: “Greenwald offers no apologies, though he does allow that he may have come on a bit strong regarding Lee. 'I admit there's a personal element there,' he said, noting that Lee had criticized him and unfollowed him on Twitter.” ...
Max Boot / @maxboot: “I feel like @ggreenwald has lost his moral compass and his grip on reality,” Betsy Reed, @theintercept editor in chief, said in an interview. “He's done a good job of torching his journalistic reputation. He's a huge bully.” ...
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: Intercept editor @betsyreed2: “I feel like Glenn has lost his moral compass and his grip on reality. He's done a good job of torching his journalistic reputation. He's a huge bully.” ...
Sonny Bunch / @sonnybunch: I'm old enough to remember Greenwald writing like seventy eight thousand words a day about ZERO DARK THIRTY and attacking film critics for liking it before he had seen it, so the idea that he's an obsessive who bears weird grudges is not new to me. ...