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Staff at The Atlantic announce an intent to unionize; EIC appears to agree to voluntarily recognize the union, announcing intention to work with its organizers — New York (CNN Business)In a 1916 issue of The Atlantic Monthly, John D. Rockefeller Jr. wrote about workers' right to organize.
@theatlunion, Insider, @kerrymflynn, @edyong209, @qjurecic, @haleysweiss, @anastasiakeeley, @sarahljaffe, @davidfolkenflik, @jabogen, @yayitsrob, @_natalieescobar, @apantazi, @biblioracle, @hollyanderson, @celebrityhottub, @wesleylowery, @runwithskizzers, @jackmirkinson, @maxwelltani, @froomkin, @jayshams, @shiramstein, @grahamdavida, @kait_tiffany, @amandamull, @tomgara, @walldo, @kerrymflynn, @kerrymflynn, @kerrymflynn and
@theatlunion: 1/ We, the writers, editors, producers, and editorial staff of @TheAtlantic, have formed a union with @nyguild. Today, we're asking management to voluntarily recognize The Atlantic Union. See our mission statement below:
Steven Perlberg / Insider: Editorial staffers at The Atlantic are forming a union
@kerrymflynn: The Atlantic management agrees to voluntarily recognize the union Email from The Atlantic editor in chief Jeffrey Goldberg
Ed Yong / @edyong209: Today, the workers of The Atlantic are unionizing. The Atlantic has treated and compensated me extremely well, and I'm joining @theatlunion in solidarity, to ensure that ALL of my amazing colleagues can say the same. We are stronger together.
Quinta Jurecic / @qjurecic: contributing writing to @TheAtlantic has been one of my great pleasures of the last few years—I'm continually in awe of the incredible work that the staff produces on a regular basis. solidarity with @theatlunion!
Haley Weiss / @haleysweiss: I am so proud of my amazing friends and mentors working to unionize the Atlantic, and I'm so thankful I was able to participate in the start of such an important movement for equity, diversity, and openness. Follow @theatlunion!
Annie Shields / @anastasiakeeley: We're gonna need a bigger conference room 👏🙌
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: The Atlantic's newsroom asked ownership to recognize its nascent union. The Atlantic's ownership has replied: Welcome aboard! A mark (among many) of the growing union movement within US journalism.
Julie Bogen / @jabogen: Really proud of everything about where I work today.
Robinson Meyer / @yayitsrob: It's been an honor to organize with @theatlunion over the past year. I support the union because I support @TheAtlantic, and I believe that, by gaining a formal way to work with management, we can help our beloved magazine thrive for another 163 years.
Natalie Escobar / @_natalieescobar: I quite literally burst into tears lol!!!!! I am so happy!!!!! great work @theatlunion!!! now here's to a fair contract 💖💖💖
Andrew Pantazi / @apantazi: It should always be this easy and this quick — an hour after going public — for bosses to recognize their workers' unions. Solidarity with @theatlunion.
John Warner / @biblioracle: I dunno, this reads more like agreeing to talk about voluntary recognition, rather than recognition itself. Lots of wiggle room in that statement.
Holly Anderson / @hollyanderson: can't spell Atlantic without ATL, we do love to see it
Ryan Nanni / @celebrityhottub: (screaming indoors) LET THEM TRY TO GO TOE-TO-TOE WITH MIDGE AT THE BARGAINING TABLE
Preeti Chhibber / @runwithskizzers: wow, the speed of this response is incredible?
Jack Mirkinson / @jackmirkinson: see, that wasn't so hard!!! cc david remnick
Max Tani / @maxwelltani: Responding to this morning's unionization announcement, Atlantic EIC Jeffrey Goldberg tells editorial staff the magazine has “decided to work with the organizers of this effort on an agreement to voluntarily recognize the Atlantic editorial bargaining unit.”
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: They will “work.. on an agreement.” That is not the same as agreeing.
Jacob Shamsian / @jayshams: if I were laurene powell jobs i would simply voluntarily recognize the Atlantic Union
Shira Stein / @shiramstein: I hope this means they'll push for higher wages for their fellows. The Atlantic doesn't pay their fellows enough to live on in DC and I know many people who have had to work second jobs during their Atlantic fellowship.
David A. Graham / @grahamdavida: Home news:
Kaitlyn Tiffany / @kait_tiffany: during a horrible year it was a joy to talk about the future of the Atlantic with my brilliant colleagues... today we have a union!!
Amanda Mull / @amandamull: It has been an enormous honor to organize with @theatlunion over the past year. Workers are far stronger together than they are apart, and every single one deserves a union. Today, my colleagues and I take a step toward that goal together.
Tom Gara / @tomgara: I had no idea The Atlantic was such a lean operation even in its most cashed up era. 85 editorial employees?
Brandon Wall / @walldo: “The [Atlantic's] unit would consist of about 85 people and covers editorial employees, including writers, editors, the art team, copy desk, audience, fact-checking, podcasts and experimental storytelling”
@kerrymflynn: The mission statement said the union wants to address issues around pay inequity and diversity. “Ideological diversity has always been one of our strengths as a publication. We want to make sure that's something that remains defended.” - @GrahamDavidA
@kerrymflynn: While unionization has become the norm across media and talks have been going on at The Atlantic for a while, the organizing effort gained more momentum after the company laid off 17% of its staff last May.

Choire Sicha, most recently the editor of the NYT Styles section, is joining New York Magazine as an editor-at-large — New York Magazine editor-in-chief David Haskell announced today that Choire Sicha is joining as an editor-at-large. He will regularly write short-form pieces for Intelligencer …
@nymagpr, @sarafischer, @cliffordlevy, @caityweaver, @samdolnick, @choire, @samsifton, @mikeisaac, @karaswisher, @bradfordpearson, @lauraolin, @_alastair, @taylorlorenz and @froomkin
@nymagpr: .@Choire Sicha is joining @NYMag as an editor-at-large, where he'll be a roving observer, critic and reporter.
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: Choire Sicha, most recently the editor of the NYT Styles section, is joining New York Magazine as an editor-at-large
Cliff Levy / @cliffordlevy: Bittersweet congrats to the super talented @Choire, a terrific colleague and a superb journalist. Very sad that he is leaving the NYT.
Caity Weaver / @caityweaver: Hoping @Choire will sell a picture for me before his new job begins — DM him for info about the subject, size, price, etc. THANK YOU!
Sam Dolnick / @samdolnick: I worked with @Choire on many things while he was here but my favorite was when he sent me to Ohio to write a weird story and then made fun of me in the edits and made the story much sharper. Can't wait to devour everything he does at @NYMag
Choire Sicha / @choire: I had a blast working at The New York Times. I'm particularly thankful for all the Times colleagues whose work doesn't get credit. Like Crystal Arroyo and the news technology team who fix it all live, whether it's print pagination run amok or humans ruining the CMS.
Sam Sifton / @samsifton: Great news for @choire here. Thrilled for him and bummed for us. Also, excited to read him ALL THE TIME.
Rat King / @mikeisaac: writing for choire was a joy, and he and the whole styles team made the section an essential read. also I just like him. Alas, RIP
Kara Swisher / @karaswisher: As an editor-at-large @NYMag too, (but obvi, um, larger), welcome back to @voxmedia @Choire. They kept your room as it was when you left, though @PreetBharara and @profgalloway are in a bunk bed there now too.
Bradford Pearson / @bradfordpearson: Holy smokes this is gonna rule
Laura Olin / @lauraolin: Bring back the early morning short stream-of-consciousness Soundclouds pls
Alastair Coote / @_alastair: Really sad to see @Choire leave NYT but IMO he's already had one of the most fascinating career trajectories in the industry so of course I'm interested to see what comes next.

France's competition authority says Google agreed to pay a fine of nearly $270M and promised to make it easier for competitors to use its ad tools — Deal with competition authority resolves complaint over the firm's digital advertising tactics — PARIS— Alphabet Inc.'s Google agreed …
Maria Gomri / The Keyword: Some changes to our ad technology
Natasha Lomas / TechCrunch: France fines Google $268M for adtech abuses and gets interoperability commitments
Karlene Lukovitz / MediaPost: Google To Pay $270M, Change Ad Practices, To Settle French Antitrust Charges
Mathieu Rosemain / Insider: Google agrees to change its ad practices after France's antitrust watchdog fined the tech giant $267 million
John Battelle / @johnbattelle: Every so often, BigCos have to write a check for the cost of doing business.
@aaronwall: “Ms. de Silva said the fine—less than 2% of Google's 2020 profit—was calculated based on the amount of revenue for companies in the ad-tech sector that were impacted by Google's practices.” if the competitors could not raise funds or went bankrupt - oops!
Haris Alisic / @harisalisic: Justice system in US is so weird. Companies break the law knowingly calculating the profits will be higher than the fees. They do this systemically. Once in a while, government fines them peanuts, no one goes to jail, there is no criminal record and the consumers keep suffering
Adam Satariano / New York Times: Business Updates: Google to Settle France Antitrust Charges
Sam Shead / CNBC: Google agrees to change global advertising practices as France imposes unprecedented $268 million fine
Mathieu Rosemain / Reuters: Google to test changes to ad practices over coming months

Ad tech execs say Google's rules for fingerprinting restrictions are confusing, which could impact ad tech partners depending on how Google enforces its rules
Kate Kaye / @katekayereports: Tech firm Flashtalking argues its identity tech — which uses a fingerprinting-style method gathering several datapoint from someone's device — satisfies Google's fingerprinting ban because it provides an opt-out. Does it? The answer is as clear as mud.

Zuckerberg says Facebook will keep paid online events, fan subscriptions, and upcoming independent news products free for creators until 2023 — To help more creators make a living on our platforms, we're going to keep paid online events, fan subscriptions, badges, and our upcoming independent …
@sarafischer, Variety, The Verge, SlashGear, @jayrosen_nyu, @mikeisaac and @kerrymflynn, more at Techmeme »
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: NEW: Zuckerberg comes out swinging against Apple on #WWDC day: “We're going to keep paid online events, fan subscriptions, badges, upcoming inpd news products free for creators until 2023. When we do introduce a rev share, it will be less than the 30% that Apple & others take”
Todd Spangler / Variety: Zuckerberg Says Facebook Won't Take Cut of Creator Revenue Until 2023, Takes Swipe at Apple's Fees
Chris Davies / SlashGear: Zuckerberg blasts Apple in creators pitch for Facebook's new Patreon rival
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: Yeah, but from day one Facebook will also be doing a “legitimacy share” with writers and creators. That's a problem.
Rat King / @mikeisaac: mark stickin it to apple re: 30 percent cut as the epic trial winds down (Also Facebook trying to lure creators with 0% revenue cut for the next year and a half)

How some watchdog blogs blur the line between PR and journalism: Checks and Balances Project shares a founder with a PR firm and received a grant from Airbnb — At first glance, Checks and Balances Project looks like a traditional if scrappy news site — an “investigative watchdog blog,” …
Dan Kennedy / Media Nation: The Washington Post blows the whistle on a dubious investigative website
Emma Court / @emmarcourt: “As traditional local newsrooms have shrunk or shuttered, a sprawling new landscape of online news outlets has emerged... Some can also depart from journalistic practices and ethics in ways not always clear to readers.” ...
Sheila Krumholz / @skrmhlz: “The public needs to be able to trust what they're reading, and for them to be able to trust it, they need to know who is paying for it,” @ddfonline #transparency ...
Andria Krewson / @underoak: Deleted an earlier tweet because a wise friend noted I had things backwards. Trying again: If you care about the now-canceled Sentara-Cone Health merger, (see: / ... ) then you'll care about a Virginia PR firm's ties to a watchdog blog. #ncpol
Alan C. Miller / @alanmillernlp: Many groups are creating the “illusion that they are traditional news organizations to pursue their own agendas,” said @BillAdairDuke. “Consumers usually aren't always savvy enough to discern the difference between these sites” & real news outlets. ...
Chris Roush / Talking Biz News: The Checks and Balances Project's investigations draw ethical scrutiny
Heidi Legg / @heidilegg: “A proliferation of unconventional news sites and watchdog outfits that may be blurring the lines between PR and journalism.” Please, please read. The new journalism — and the PR firms behind it - The Washington Post by @ElaheIzadi ...
@consumersos: So it is 5 to 1: I love a challenge. I still have the advantage.
Deborah Johnson / @deborah91473: Another reason why media literacy is so important. cc: @MLynchOnAir
Ed Lavandera / @edlavacnn: I wouldn't confuse this with journalism or even suggest that's it's close.
@azs_politics: Kudos to @utilityreporter for shoutout in today's WaPo article. Uncovering secretly-paid-for journalism in the APS vs Solar City shootout (as part of WaPo's re-uncovering of the same outfit.) 2015 @azcentral: Today's @ElaheIzadi : ...
Sahil Kapur / @sahilkapur: “In this new age, many groups have seized the opportunity to give the illusion that they are traditional news organizations to pursue their own agendas.” ...
Bob Pickard / @bobpickard: “The PR industry has been booming. PR specialists now outnumber journalists more than 5 to 1...the relationship between PR and news has grown hazier.” I don't know any PR pro who celebrates this concerning trend which emphasizes our ethics imperative. ...
Paul Farhi / @farhip: Journalism, if you can call it that. @ElaheIzadi with the latest in line blurring. ...
Maggie Haberman / @maggienyt: The new journalism — and the PR firms behind it - The Washington Post ...
Corey Hutchins / @coreyhutchins: “As traditional local newsrooms have shrunk or shuttered, a sprawling new landscape of online news outlets has emerged. Some of these sites ... can also depart from journalistic practices and ethics in ways not always clear to readers” ...

The FBI has dropped a subpoena for USA Today records identifying readers of a story on a Florida shooting, after investigators found the suspect via other means — WASHINGTON - The FBI has withdrawn a subpoena demanding records from USA TODAY that would identify readers of a February story …
New York Times, @pgeddington, BBC, @usatoday, @froomkin, Washington Post, @allisonlcarter, @usatoday, @brettmmurphy, @mwadsworth, The Desk and Politico
Patrick Eddington / @pgeddington: The NYT has broken many of the biggest surveillance stories in history. So why does Sulzberger not comprehend that to protect the email communications of his reporters he needs to mandate the use of services like @ProtonMail or other non-US providers?
@usatoday: UPDATE: The Justice Department has withdrawn a subpoena by the FBI demanding records from USA TODAY that would identify readers of a February story about a southern Florida shootout that killed two agents and wounded three others.
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: You can't .... argh!!!!!!
Matt Zapotosky / Washington Post: USA Today resists FBI subpoena seeking data of those who read story about agents' killing
Allison Carter / @allisonlcarter: This is absolutely insane. A request like this will net hundreds, possibly thousands, of people who were trying to read an article on what was a huge news event. It's the definition of a needle in a haystack.
@usatoday: In a motion filed in federal district court in Washington, D.C., Gannett, USA TODAY's parent company, said the effort is not only unconstitutional but also violates the Justice Department's own rules.
Brett Murphy / @brettmmurphy: This is a new one: We are fighting an FBI subpoena demanding records that would identify readers of a Florida shooting story
Maribel Wadsworth / @mwadsworth: “Being forced to tell the government who reads what on our websites is a clear violation of the First Amendment." ...
Matthew Keys / The Desk: Trump administration snooped for anonymous news sources

Analysis of Trump's social media engagement before and after bans shows a significant drop but some posts still receive equal engagement due to amplification — When Facebook and Twitter barred Donald J. Trump from their platforms after the Capitol riot in January, he lost direct access to his most powerful megaphones.
@nytimes: Since Donald Trump was barred from Facebook and Twitter, he has posted statements online far less often. But despite the removal of his most powerful megaphones, some statements have still traveled far and wide, a New York Times analysis found.
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: “Before the ban, the social media post with the median engagement generated 272,000 likes and shares. After the ban, that dropped to 36,000 likes and shares.”
Justin Baragona / The Daily Beast: Fox Host Offers Absolutely Zero Pushback When Trump Spews Election Bullshit
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: NYT story based on (presumably) well-intentioned NGO's false equivalence calling @bbcnews and @Acosta “left-leaning” and alt-right lunatics “right-leaning”.
Pui-Wing Tam / @puiwingtam: The question @daveyalba started with was: how do we measure Trump's absence on social media? Turns out Trump wasn't quite as absent as it might have appeared.
Jacob Silver / @datajacob: New from me, @daveyalba and @ellawinthrop: Donald Trump was banned from social media on Jan 8. Since then, though lower in frequency, his statements have sometimes achieved pre-ban levels of virality. Our analysis shows in fine detail how that's possible
Southpaw / @nycsouthpaw: In which the NYT labels BBC News and CNN's Jim Acosta “left-leaning accounts.”
@jilliancyork: Deplatforming obviously works when it comes to dampening the speaker's reach. Whether it's *right* and whether it drives conversations elsewhere are other questions entirely.
Glenn Greenwald / @ggreenwald: This @nytimes today explicitly classifies @Acosta as a liberal journalist and part of the Democratic/liberal camp. That's obviously true, though he would deny it. One way journalists could restore trust is abandoning the “neutrality” fraud & be honest.
Tim O'Brien / @timobrien: “Trump's most ardent supporters continue to spread his message — doing the work that he had been unable to do himself.”
Jonathan Lemire / @jonlemire: Before the ban, Trump's social media post with the median engagement generated 272,000 likes and shares. Post-ban, that dropped to 36,000 Yet 11 of his 89 statements after the ban attracted as many or more likes or shares as the median post before the ban
Justin Hendrix / @justinhendrix: Journalists at the New York Times analyzed Donald Trump's social engagement before and after he was deplatforned and find some (not all) of his statements still achieve similar reach, shared by a supporter network. False election claims have been dampened.
Philip M. Napoli / Wired: Trump's Failed Blog Proves He Was Just Howling Into the Void
Sheera Frenkel / @sheeraf: Strong argument for why deplatforming matters, and why Facebook's decision yesterday, to ban Trump for two years, is important. Read my story with @MikeIsaac
Philip Gourevitch / @pgourevitch: not a good look for GOP senate when Facebook acts more responsible

DOJ says it will no longer “seek compulsory legal process in leak investigations to obtain source information from members of the news media doing their jobs” — WASHINGTON (AP) — The Justice Department said Saturday that it no longer will secretly obtain reporters' records …
American Press Institute, Columbia Journalism Review, @reliablesources, Washington Post, CBS News, @byrontau, Wall Street Journal, @alfonslopeztena, @wsjpolitics, @rcfp, CNN, @indayevarona, @cnn, Freedom of the Press …, @boutrousted, @aricohn, @nytpolitics, @sm_rose, @iamstevenpotter, @ronwyden, @joelcpj, @jadler1969, @joncoopertweets, @timinhonolulu, @itsjina, @keegan_hamilton, @jayrosen_nyu, @patrickmcgee_, @craigcaplan, @digiphile, @brianstelter, Slate, Axios, Newser, Associated Press and
American Press Institute: Need to Know: June 7, 2021 — Fresh useful insights for people advancing quality, innovative and sustainable journalism
Lauren Harris / Columbia Journalism Review: Joe Biden's mixed signals on press freedom
Reliable Sources / @reliablesources: The New York Times reported a top lawyer for the paper had revealed that the DOJ had sought to obtain the email logs of four of its reporters. NYT reporter Adam Goldman: “The US Attorney's office in DC has a history of trampling on the First Amendment.”
Matt Zapotosky / Washington Post: Amid controversy, Justice Dept. says it won't seek to compel journalists to give up source information
CBS News: New York Times reporter whose phone records were secretly obtained by Justice Department says freedom of press is under threat
Byron Tau / @byrontau: Matt Apuzzo—one of the NYT reporters who had his records seized —says the D.C. federal prosecutor's office has “a history of just steamrolling the First Amendment and then the government saying 'did that go too far? Well, we won't do that again.'”
Aruna Viswanatha / Wall Street Journal: Justice Department to End Pursuit of Reporters' Contact Records Over Leaks
@alfonslopeztena: US Justice Department will no longer use subpoenas or other legal methods to compel journalists to disclose information about their sources ...
@wsjpolitics: The Justice Department said it would no longer seek records of reporters' contacts when investigating government leaks of sensitive information—a change that reverses a longstanding practice after President Biden said he believed it was wrong.
@rcfp: “To ensure it does not happen again, we look forward to pursuing additional policy reforms with the Biden administration to further safeguard these essential rights,” @rcfp Executive Director Bruce D. Brown said.
Inday Espina Varona / @indayevarona: Following US President Biden's May 21 statement, Justice Dept follows thorough. That's a clear display of policy change and action shifts that happen due to change in executive power. Food for thought. ...
@cnn: The Justice Department said it will no longer seize reporters' records in leak investigations, a notable policy shift on the heels of disclosures that federal prosecutors aggressively pursued communication data from reporters to identify their sources.
Freedom of the Press Foundation: In a sea change for press freedom, Biden administration vows not to spy on reporters doing their job
Ted Boutrous / @boutrousted: Key documents, including the orders and our letters on behalf of @nytimes demanding that the Justice Department withdraw the gag order and order compelling @Google to turn over email data of four reporters, can be found here.
Ari Cohn / @aricohn: I'm sure we're all comforted by the DOJ promising that it won't do that thing that it did secretly ever again 🙄🙄🙄
@nytpolitics: The Biden administration disavowed any knowledge of a Justice Dept. gag order on New York Times leaders or its attempt to seize reporters' email data in 2020.
@sm_rose: @farhip @nytimes It's a bad look, but is it really on Biden? Psaki: “As appropriate given the independence of the Justice Department in specific criminal cases, no one at the White House was aware of the gag order until Friday [4 June] night,”
Steven Potter / @iamstevenpotter: Is plausible deniability still a thing? Asking for a president ...or two.
Ron Wyden / @ronwyden: I've been pressing the Biden administration to end this invasive practice abused by William Barr. Glad to see DOJ following through on @POTUS Biden's promise to stop trolling through reporters' private information.
Joel Simon / @joelcpj: The seizure of journalists' records in leak investigations is an odious practice that preceded Trump. It's encouraging that the Biden administration plans to end it.
Jonathan H. Adler / @jadler1969: Long overdue change from longstanding practice
Jon Cooper / @joncoopertweets: “Going forward, consistent with the President's direction, the DOJ — in a change to its longstanding practice — will not seek compulsory legal process in leak investigations to obtain source information from members of the news media doing their jobs.”
Tim Hogan / @timinhonolulu: If we impair mole hunts we're finished. Perhaps policy should be no “secret subpoenas.” Work privately with voluntary secrecy through the news orgs general counsel's offices.
Jina Moore / @itsjina: “not consistent with the President's policy direction.” Not, “not consistent with the Constitution.”
Keegan Hamilton / @keegan_hamilton: “The statement did not say whether the Justice Department would still conduct aggressive leak investigations without obtaining reporters' records. It also did not define who exactly would be counted as a member of the media”
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: DOJ says it will no longer seize reporters' records. Jen Psaki today: “The issuing of subpoenas for the records of reporters in leak investigations is not consistent with the President's policy direction to the Department.” AP: “A startling turnabout.”
Patrick McGee / @patrickmcgee_: How comforting!
Craig Caplan / @craigcaplan: .@PressSec:"While the WH does not intervene in criminal investigations, the issuing of subpoenas for the records of reporters in leak investigations is not consistent w/the President's policy direction to the Dept,& Dept of Justice has reconfirmed it will not be used moving fwd."
Alex Howard / @digiphile: If @TheJusticeDept implements this policy across all of its offices, it would be the most positive shift on press freedom in decades. Thank you to @POTUS @JoeBiden for decrying seizures. Is there a memo on this by USAG Garland that Americans can read online, @AnthonyColeyDOJ?
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: Affirming Biden's pledge:
Daniel Politi / Slate: Justice Department Vows to No Longer Seize Reporters' Records in Leak Investigations
Mike Allen / Axios: Justice Department to stop seizing reporter records

DOJ obtained a gag order, under Trump and continuing under Biden, preventing NYT execs from disclosing efforts to seize reporters' records even to Dean Baquet
Washington Post, Fox News, Mediaite, @porter_anderson, Reason, @peterbakernyt, @alexstamos, @oliverdarcy, @brianstelter, The Hill, @jesselynradack, Reuters, Politico, USA Today, Insider, @senblumenthal, The Reporters Committee …, @joshgerstein, @joshgerstein, @joshgerstein, @snowden, @maggienyt, @alexstamos, @jayrosen_nyu, @scottgreenfield, CNN, National Review, Gizmodo, @alexplitsas, @jerylbier, @david_boaz, @benhoniker, @jdawsey1, @bradmossesq, @magicfreak81, @solarcycle_25, @craigmwhitlock, @trevortimm, @fordm, @scottmstedman, @brianstelter, @nycsouthpaw, @helenkennedy, @yodaberg, @jason_kint, @brianstelter, @oliverdarcy, Rolling Stone, @freedomofpress and The White House
Fred Ryan / Washington Post: Something appears to be ‘simply, simply wrong’ at the Biden Justice Department
Brian Flood / Fox News: Washington Post publisher scolds Biden's Justice Deartment for ‘unprecedented assault’ on free press
Josh Feldman / Mediaite: ‘Trampling on the First Amendment’: NY Times Reporter Speaks Out on DOJ Seizing His Phone Records
Porter Anderson / @porter_anderson: Media: @brianstelter on @ReliableSources: “Is anyone at the @washingtonpost still under a gag order? Is anybody at @CNN still under a gag order? These are questions that demand answers.” See @charlie_savage & @ktbenner at @nytimes:
Elizabeth Nolan Brown / Reason: FBI Backs Off Attempt To Subpoena Info on USA Today Readers
Peter Baker / @peterbakernyt: “Trump's actions, and the expansion upon them during the Biden administration, pose a grave threat to our ability as a nation to keep powerful officials in check,” writes @washingtonpost publisher @FredRyan about targeting journalist records. ...
Alex Stamos / @alexstamos: An important lesson from the DOJ attempts to go after communications records of reporters at the Times and the Post: tech companies will fight for your rights in court, telcos will comply, even for journalists, immediately.
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: “To date, no answers have been provided and the meeting has yet to take place. This delay is troubling.” ...
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: WaPo publisher Fred Ryan: “This escalation, on Biden's watch, represents an unprecedented assault on American news organizations and their efforts to inform the public about government wrongdoing.” ...
@jesselynradack: But then the govt said, “Abracadabra parallel construction!” and magically got the info.🪄
Josh Gerstein / Politico: Justice Dept. vows to end court orders seeking journalists' data in leak probes
Kristine Phillips / USA Today: USA TODAY fights FBI subpoena demanding records that would identify readers of Florida shooting story
Sinéad Baker / Insider: Washington Post publisher accuses the Biden Justice Department of ‘unprecedented assault on American news organizations’
Richard Blumenthal / @senblumenthal: This gag order unconscionably concealing DOJ's legally dubious probe of reporters under Trump requires full public disclosure. DOJ now must come clean. Tell the public why prosecutors perpetuated these secret abuses & forced silence.
Chris Young / The Reporters Committee …: RCFP statement on Justice Department policy change barring seizure of source information from reporters in leak hunts
Josh Gerstein / @joshgerstein: UPDATE: DC based magistrate who signed off on Jan. 5 order to demand NYT email metadata in leak probe—and gag Google about the order—is Zia Faruqui, who took post in Sept. 2020. He previously worked as a nat sec prosecutor in US Attorney's Office in DC
Josh Gerstein / @joshgerstein: At a DOJ presser back in April I asked National Security Division head John Demers—a rare Trump holdover in Biden admin—if he planned to stay on. He smiled wryly and ignored my Q. Of course now we know he knew about the coming storm over this
Josh Gerstein / @joshgerstein: @MarkSZaidEsq Did they? Or did they put it in neutral until they had Senate confirmed appointees in place?
Edward Snowden / @snowden: Trump and Biden both demanded Google turn over the private emails of reporters in a bid to hunt down their sources. The new administration went so far as to seek a gag order on the Times to keep the public from learning about it. It didn't work:
Maggie Haberman / @maggienyt: “There was no precedent, Mr. McCraw said, for the government to impose a gag order on New York Times personnel as part of a leak investigation.” Again, this gag was imposed by the Biden DOJ
Alex Stamos / @alexstamos: Two significant differences between the telcos and tech: 1) The telcos are heavily regulated and capturing the FCC is a key part of their competition strategy. 2) The largest single customer of any given US telco is the USG.
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: A gag order on a newspaper's executives — such that they can't even tell the editor of that newspaper about the government's attempt to learn who its reporters sources were — is extreme, and invasive. As Charlie says: began with Comey fever under Trump, but continued under Biden.
Scott Greenfield / @scottgreenfield: DoJ going after emails to ID leakers is nothing new. Gag orders are nothing new. What's new is that it was the NYT this time, and suddenly it's an outrage. It always matters more when it touches your world.
Veronica Stracqualursi / CNN: Justice Department says it will no longer seize reporters' records for leak investigations
Caroline Downey / National Review: Biden DOJ Received Gag Order Preventing NYT from Notifying Journalists of Government Phone, Email Surveillance
Alyse Stanley / Gizmodo: Justice Department Says It'll No Longer Quietly Seize Reporters' Records in Leak Investigations
Alex Plitsas / @alexplitsas: If you took an oath to “support and defend the constitution of the United States” that includes freedom of the press. These actions by administrations of both parties are egregious and need to stop.
Ben Honiker / @benhoniker: This is absolutely fucking bonkers. Fascinating that it breaks at 11 PM on a Friday. The Justice Dept pulled 3+ year old phone records on journalists who wronged Trump. The investigation was sustained under Biden. We can't claim to have a free press in light of this shit.
Josh Dawsey / @jdawsey1: Holy cow. Pay attention.
Bradley P. Moss / @bradmossesq: There was no part of the First Amendment DOJ wasn't willing to eviscerate to satisfy Trump's futile effort to go after Comey.
@magicfreak81: BOTH SIDES ARE NOT THE FUCKING SAME. Also, Trump is a narcissist asshole who never believed in democracy and actively fought against it.
Ilsa / @solarcycle_25: “The Justice Department relentlessly pursued the identity of sources for coverage that was clearly in the public interest in the final 15 days of the Trump administration. And the Biden administration continued to pursue it.”
Craig Whitlock / @craigmwhitlock: Really outrageous and an abuse of power by the Justice Department
Trevor Timm / @trevortimm: There are like five levels to this story that are outrageous. When are the House and Senate going to start holding hearings? If the DOJ isn't going to stop spying on reporters, Congress needs to do it for them.
Matt Ford / @fordm: “There was no precedent, Mr. McCraw said, for the government to impose a gag order on New York Times personnel as part of a leak investigation.”
Scott Stedman / @scottmstedman: Absolutely maddening. Trampling on the freedom of the press.
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: The @NYTimes is running this story on Page One on Saturday. Headline: “U.S. Placed Gag Order on Times In Going After Reporters' Emails.” BTW, @adamgoldmanNYT is set to join me live on @CNN Sunday morning
Helen Kennedy / @helenkennedy: How many DOJ personnel were involved in this?
Isy Oderberg / @yodaberg: This might be one of the most terrifying things I've ever read.
Jason Kint / @jason_kint: “The Justice Dept relentlessly pursued the identity of sources for coverage that was clearly in the public interest in the final 15 days of the Trump administration. And the Biden administration continued to pursue it. As I said before, it profoundly undermines press freedom.”
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: Breaking news about a gag order: “In the last weeks of the Trump administration and continuing under President Biden, the Justice Department fought a secret legal battle to obtain the email logs of four New York Times reporters in a hunt for their sources”
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: “The gag order prevented the executives from disclosing the government's efforts to seize the records even to the executive editor, Dean Baquet, and other newsroom leaders...”
Peter Wade / Rolling Stone: DOJ Says It Will No Longer Use Court Orders to Seize Journalists' Records, Identify Sources

Researcher: Twitter Super Follow to be limited to users over 18, with 25+ tweets posted in the last 30 days and 10K+ followers; categories include adult content — The company teased the Patreon-like subscription service earlier this year — Twitter announced earlier this year it was working …
@wongmjane, ScreenRant, @scalzi, SlashGear, Mashable, @sm, @hatoktalk, @chrismessina, @moorehn, @kieranmch, @quirkofartxd and Engadget, more at Techmeme »
Jane Manchun Wong / @wongmjane: Twitter is working on Super Follows application Requirements: - Have at least 10000 followers - Have posted at least 25 Tweets in past 30 days - Be at least 18 years old notably, “Adult content” and “OnlyFans” are mentioned in the category and platform sections
John Scalzi / @scalzi: Finally I can ditch this lousy novel writing gig and make being snarky on Twitter a full-time occupation
Ewdison Then / SlashGear: Twitter Super Follows might be around the corner
Adam Rosenberg / Mashable: Twitter's Patreon alternative reportedly comes with one hefty requirement
Sara Mauskopf / @sm: Tweeting this to get my tweet count up so I can get access (OnlyFans content coming soon)
Hatok / @hatoktalk: 10k followers thing is eh but kinda expected, but did twitter just become the first major platform to explicitly support adult content
@chrismessina: SuperFollows is far more compelling than @TwitterBlue ... though not sure what content I'd pay for on Twitter... It's this a Zoolander test, though? Are these just two opposite monetization experiments, and only one will survive? #NewTwitter #SocialTipping
Heidi N. Moore / @moorehn: “exclusive tweets for Super Followers”
Kieran McHugh / @kieranmch: Can't wait for most of the Silicon Valley thought leaders to put all of their content behind a paywall.

Psaki won't commit to Biden increasing frequency of formal news conferences, after holding just one since Jan., saying “he takes questions several times a week” — New York (CNN Business)The White House press briefing room will return to 100% capacity on Monday after 15 months …
Thomas Colson / Insider: Jen Psaki says she wants to stop reporters turning the White House briefing room into ‘a forum for propaganda’
Maggie Haberman / @maggienyt: This argument sounds familiar!

75 artists, including Rolling Stones, urge UK government to amend 1988 Copyright Act so that streaming services pay artists roughly as much as radio stations — - The Rolling Stones and Tom Jones are among 75 artists who have added their names to a letter to Prime Minister Boris Johnson …

Local news apps remain a niche product but outlets are pushing to improve them, touting them as a better customer experience that boosts engagement and loyalty — Local news organizations are working hard to improve their news apps and get readers to download them, touting …
@pilhofer, @michellemanafy, @michellemanafy, @ckrewson, @timafranklin, @scmitchp, @timothyorourke and @dmitryshishkin
Aron Pilhofer / @pilhofer: So lets talk about news apps for a second here. The @LocalNewsIni wrote an interesting piece yesterday that includes a few key points I agree with, and some I think need more scrutiny — and data. https://localnewsinitiative.northwester ... It is well, well worth a read.
Michelle Manafy / @michellemanafy: A thread worth reading on apps, loyalty, and your most engaged audience members.
Michelle Manafy / @michellemanafy: Local news organizations are working hard to improve their news apps and get readers to download them, touting them as a superior customer experience that boosts engagement and loyalty. However, only a small minority of visitors consuming news via apps. https://localnewsinitiative.northwester ...
Chris Krewson / @ckrewson: This summarizes all the issues I had with the Medill piece.
Tim Franklin / @timafranklin: Key metrics show that apps spark higher reader engagement, stickiness and loyalty. So why the “app-rehension” among local news orgs to push them? The @LocalNewsIni @MedillSchool explores. https://localnewsinitiative.northwester ...
Mitch Pugh / @scmitchp: Gotta say I'm 💯 on this thread from @pilhofer on apps. Read the article but also read this thread. 👇
@timothyorourke: Thanks to @MarkJacob16 and the @LocalNewsIni team for featuring us in their smart piece on #LocalNews apps 📲 Our take: Get readers local news, fast ... and get out of the way. Read >>> https://localnewsinitiative.northwester ... Download the @sfchronicle app >>> ...

Fox News and CNN decided not to broadcast Trump's recent speech live, his first major speech since February, with Fox News airing a pre-taped Watters World show — Former President Donald Trump made a return to the political arena Saturday night with a speech at the North Carolina Republican Party State Convention in Greenville.
Davone Morales / ABC News: Facebook executive defends 2-year ban for Trump
Meridith McGraw / Politico: Trump reemerges on the trail and plays the hits of yore

The NewsGuild of New York has revised a plan to increase dues, making the move temporary for three years, after opposition from some NYT and Reuters members — A contingent of Times journos, including many Pulitzer winners, has stood in opposition to the NewsGuild's proposed dues hike.
Discussion:, @dtohl, @kevinmdraper, @travis_waldron, @niemanlab, @noahmf, @thedailybeast, @hamiltonnolan, @decunningham2, @shaneferro, @coreyrobin, @rtraister, @daveyalba, @elivalley, @fakebenjay, @hannahgais, @mesklaroff, @missanabeem, @pt, @libbycwatson, @jordanuhl, @evanchill, @hamiltonnolan, @robbysoave, @bridgetgillard, @jordanuhl, @tatejamesdotcom, @alex_shephard, @brfreed, @daveyalba, @blumnessmonster, @jblock49, @ungarino, @pykea, @schwarz, @allmattnyt, @karlitaliliana, @grimkim, @bigblackjacobin, @danielmarans, @aidachavez, @caleweissman, @jordanzakarin, @saramorrison and @hamiltonnolan
Danielle Ohl / @dtohl: Evan is right. Be more like Evan. 🙂
Kevin Draper / @kevinmdraper: What's curious about Alex's comment in here is not only is it extremely insulting to people he ostensibly represents whose dues paid for the organizing campaign at his shop, also tactically they harm the chance of passing the very dues raise he supports! ...
Travis Waldron / @travis_waldron: Pretty much! ...
@niemanlab: “The battle pits Times reporters and editors skeptical of the NewsGuild's spending against other Guild members frustrated by the unwillingness of largely well-paid journalists to sacrifice a small amount for their colleagues in the industry.” ...
Noah / @noahmf: Just of the subset of people on this list who have Wikipedia pages, and just from the face of those pages, red means they grew up in a rich neighborhood, blue means they have famous parents/grandparents and green means prep school.
@thedailybeast: The proposal, which would require an increase of dues from 1.3846 percent to 1.75 percent, and end the cap on dues for those making more than $140,000 per year, sparked dissension from dozens of top members from the Times ...
Hamilton Nolan / @hamiltonnolan: And FYI, this is now a bit of a moot point—the union has switched their proposal from a permanent dues increase to a temporary one, with a removal of the earnings cap on dues.
Eric Cunningham / @decunningham2: If New York was a right to work state, these journalists would be able to hold the union to account by threatening to resign from the union and withhold any payments to them. Instead, they will likely have no say and be forced to pay these insane hikes. ...
Shane / @shaneferro: Look, it seems like there's some communication issues at the NewsGuild, but I'm in the legal nonprofit version of this wildly growing union situation and these arguments are a bunch of crap ...
Corey Robin / @coreyrobin: Anybody know why Arthur Schwartz is helping the Times staffers who are opposing a dues increase for the union? Last I remember he was helping the transit workers fight a Giuliani injunction to stop them from striking. ...
Rebecca Traister / @rtraister: Thinking about the economic stability provided by a union that's been in place for decades, and how few contemporary journalists can fathom what that must be like, and how hard my colleagues are fighting for our contracts. I can't wait to pay dues. ...
Davey Alba / @daveyalba: Here is the @nyguild Executive Committee response to the Daily Beast story. ...
Eli Valley / @elivalley: Some of the richest and most privileged journalists on the planet refuse to chip in more to help less secure colleagues facing one of the most cataclysmic convulsions in the history of the industry:
Ben Jay / @fakebenjay: Of fucking course the NYTers retained Arthur Schwartz—the “progressive” attorney whose bona fides include years of stonewalling the 14th street busway—to oppose the Newsguild dues increase. ...
Hannah Gais / @hannahgais: considering that media unions are one of the few things keeping journalism afloat, it's very interesting to see that some people aren't willing to pay $400-500 a year to keep the industry alive.
M. Edith Sklaroff / @mesklaroff: Can't stop thinking of the Phil Ochs stage banter on liberals: “an outspoken group on any subject, 10 degrees to the left of center usually, 10 degrees to the right of center if it effects them personally.”
Annalisa Merelli / @missanabeem: I think some of these points are valid but they would read a lot stronger if it wasn't for the objection to removing a cap on dues. That there *is* a cap is entirely unfair!
Parker / @pt: Media is tough, but there will always be a good market for the highest-quality journalism. Journalists get this. So it probably shouldn't be surprising that set isn't interested in subsidizing unions sinking other ships knowing that theirs will continue to sail regardless.
Libby Watson / @libbycwatson: and $500 is the range of what they're talking about in terms of increases. they all make a shitload of money and work at the fucking new york times. get a grip
Jordan / @jordanuhl: Saw the list of names of people who signed this. It's exactly who you think.
Evan Hill / @evanchill: Raising union dues and ending the dues cap on salaries over $140,000 to help the Guild continue unionizing shops in an industry where they are desperately needed seems sensible, and I'm happy to pay more to that end. Hope everyone has a nice weekend. 😃 ...
Hamilton Nolan / @hamiltonnolan: There are two reasons to organize enthusiastic industries like media *as fast as possible.* 1) The moral imperative to help people. 2) Having tons of workers ready willing and able to unionize is not the norm and unions need to take advantage of it. “Slowing down” is not savvy.
Robby Soave / @robbysoave: What a den of vipers. I can't imagine ever wanting to work for a media company where employees who took their jobs as union activists more seriously than their actual jobs felt this entitled to rail against their colleagues. ...
Bridget Read / @bridgetgillard: Those of us who don't yet pay @nyguild dues are in fact begging to pay them. We're desperate to finish our contracts. The timing & tenor of this “revolt” directly undermines our years-long fight to contribute. Stand with us so we can stand with you. ...
Tate James / @tatejamesdotcom: twitter 100% causes brain worms yes guild members pushed back and gave some good feedback on a difficult issue, which was why the vote was delayed and amended to move toward common ground this article and the discourse around it encourages the opposite ...
Alex Shephard / @alex_shephard: The NewsGuild has done so much to make this industry fairer and more equitable. It's really sad to watch people who have so much—job security, high salaries, book deals—work so hard to undermine efforts that help people who don't ...
Benjamin Freed / @brfreed: It's truly disappointing to see so many Times journalists who I've long admired take a position that'll weaken their union, and could chill unionization efforts by journalists who aren't compensated as handsomely as Times employees. ...
Davey Alba / @daveyalba: as i've been saying, the newsguild dues situation is not as black and white as it is being portrayed in some news stories, including this one. i read this statement out loud at the last guild town hall on dues, and it seemed to resonate then ...
Sam Blum / @blumnessmonster: It'd be cool if the NY Guild could just remove all the people making $140,000 annually from the Times' bargaining unit, as they clearly don't want it to perform at its necessary level. ...
Rebecca Ungarino / @ungarino: This is not the most absurd thing in a story about an uproar over a proposal to hike Guild dues to 1.75% from 1.3846%, the first such hike in more than a decade, but surely this is not a real word ...
Alan Pyke / @pykea: striking to see these selfish, shortsighted jackwagons crib directly from “taxing the rich is unfair” and “only taxpayers should be allowed to vote” arguments here ...
Jon Schwarz / @schwarz: This cap should be ended, the NYT union shouldn't have a dues structure that's regressive, just like rich people shouldn't have lower tax rates. Their contact gives members annual 2% raises on their entire salaries, not their salaries up to $140,000. ...
Matthew Rosenberg / @allmattnyt: For the folks throwing around words like “scab,” can I suggest you take a quick glance at the wise words coming from @daveyalba. We're all in this together even if we don't always agree on the best way forward.
Karla Monterroso / @karlitaliliana: Wild to me, WILD how little solidarity these people feel with other people in their field. To have gotten so much prestige in your field and to not get what is happening around you. To your whole damn industry. ...
Kim Kelly / @grimkim: How much money does it take to completely erase a person's ability to empathize with their fellow workers (or to feel any sense of shame)? Whatever these bougie jags are making, I guess! ...
Edward Ongweso Jr / @bigblackjacobin: “You can pay [dues] and it helps your future colleagues. Especially at a time our industry is fucking calamitous. It seems to be lost on these people as they live in this gilded palace. These people don't have any sense of solidarity with their colleagues” ...
Daniel Marans / @danielmarans: There is a self-interest argument as well: An industry where every worker is unionized increases the bargaining power of every shop ...
@aidachavez: imagine caring more about 0.4% of your massive salary than you do about other workers ...
Cale G Weissman / @caleweissman: extremely good @alex_shephard quotes in here ...
Jordan Zakarin / @jordanzakarin: Also, it's not as if the NY Times is immune to layoffs or other market pressures that have obliterated much of the news industry. Reporters may need to go work somewhere else one day. A media landscape filled with low-wage jobs is not good!
Sara Morrison / @saramorrison: Thanks to @vox_union, I will be getting a raise for the first time since my days as a Subway sandwich artist. A previous job punished me for asking for one. Unions rule, union dues are worth it, and I guess some people forgot how much they benefited from their own.

NYT tech workers, who are organizing a union, say management is using proven union-busting techniques contrary to NYT's long-held positions on union recognition
Discussion: NewsGuild of New York to Host In-Person May Day Rally for Media Workers on 5/1; Will Picket Condé Nast and Call Out The New York Times
Gabriela / @spacirelei: We'll be the largest tech worker union! Read about our organizing and the ways management is trying to prevent our recognition, despite NYT publishing that voluntary recognition is the right thing to do:
Annie Shields / @anastasiakeeley: “The group of nearly 700 tech and digital employees at the Times would, if recognized, be the largest tech union so far.” The entire @NYguild is going to come together and do whatever it takes to win this fight because we are a union that WINS