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Ozy investor LifeLine sues the outlet, claiming it failed to disclose pertinent information in February, prior to LifeLine's $2M+ investment — A fund manager that invested more than $2 million in Ozy Media filed a lawsuit on Monday, claiming that the company “engaged in fraudulent, deceptive and illegal conduct.”
Insider, New York Magazine, @katie_robertson, Gawker, New York Times, Deadline, Axios, Newser, The Daily Beast, The Wrap, @pomeranian99, @benyt, @jbenton, @sruhle, @jbenton, @jacq_thomsen, @jpmanga, @benyt, @patrickcoffee, @danprimack, @danprimack, The Daily Beast, Bloomberg, Poynter, Variety and @craigsilverman
Insider: Ozy CEO Carlos Watson says the company isn't ‘some house of cards.’ Sources say it still faces big challenges with advertisers, staffers.
Ankush Khardori / New York Magazine: Carlos Watson and Ozy Might Be in Real Legal Jeopardy
Katie Robertson / @katie_robertson: NEW: Ozy Media faces its first lawsuit from an investor — LifeLine Legacy Holdings, which put in more than $2 million from @benyt and me
Jenny G. Zhang / Gawker: Charlamagne tha God to Ozy: As an Investor, I Forgive You
Jill Goldsmith / Deadline: Embattled Ozy Media Hit With First Investor Lawsuit Over Faked Fundraising Call
Dan Primack / Axios: Ozy Media investor sues the company for fraud
Kate Seamons / Newser: Ozy Media Is Hit With Its First Investor Lawsuit
Justin Rohrlich / The Daily Beast: Feds Say Flashy Cannabis Execs Used a Phony CEO, Blew Investors' Cash
Lindsey Ellefson / The Wrap: Ozy Media Slapped With Fraud Lawsuit by Investor LifeLine Legacy Holdings
Clive Thompson / @pomeranian99: Final paragraph in the @nytimes piece on Ozy Media collapsing and shutting down:
Ben Smith / @benyt: The lawsuit also claims that Ozy represented that Google was about to invest in Ozy
Joshua Benton / @jbenton: OH MY GOD Marshon Lattimore's money was invested in @Ozy, the streams are crossing, the streams are crossing, keep my @Saints news and my media-disaster news separate pls
Stephanie Ruhle / @sruhle: I guess Ozy isn't BACK
Joshua Benton / @jbenton: Still, Issa Rae should just be grateful @Ozy discovered her, she'd be nothing without their keen eye for the new and the next
Jacqueline Thomsen / @jacq_thomsen: Here's a copy of the complaint, filed in the Northern District of California: Lawyers with the firm Blank Rome are representing the investor.
JP Mangalindan / @jpmanga: Ozy's Carlos Watson insists to Insider the company was “not some house of cards.” But some advertisers and staffers just aren't convinced. Another team effort by @PatrickCoffee , @kitten_mouse , @perlberg , @lmoses , and myself. ...
Ben Smith / @benyt: News: An investor just filed a securities fraud lawsuit against Ozy
Patrick Coffee / @patrickcoffee: Ozy CEO Carlos Watson contacted multiple media agencies over the weekend to tell them his business wasn't shutting down. They're unconvinced. He admits using incorrect numbers but said Ozy isn't a “house of cards” and will restart talks with advertisers. ...
Dan Primack / @danprimack: The Ozy lawsuit claims that the co said “Alphabet or one of its Google affiliates” was committed to invest $30m in mid-2021. My understanding is Google Ventures did have exploratory talks, but not this year. And it never invested.
Dan Primack / @danprimack: OZY Media investor sues the company for fraud. Read the complaint.
Kana Ruhalter / The Daily Beast: Ozy Media Hit With Hefty Lawsuit Alleging ‘Fraudulent, Deceptive, and Illegal Conduct’
Austin Carr / Bloomberg: Ozy's Saga Spotlights Risk of Celebrity Directors
Tom Jones / Poynter: So is Ozy Media dead or what?
Brian Steinberg / Variety: Ozy Media May Have Worn Out Its Welcome With Media Buyers
Craig Silverman / @craigsilverman: It was vicious cycle Ozy could not pull out of. My view: Ozy simply refused to change its vision and strategy to produce something people actually wanted in large enough numbers to build an audience. Interestingly, however, Ozy did manage to pull in millions from... paid content.

Carlos Watson says Ozy Media is not shutting down after having “good conversations” with investors and advertisers and Friday's announcement was “premature”
@todayshow, @benyt, @sarafischer, The Hill, Nieman Lab, New York Times, Axios, @sarafischer, @brianstelter, MarketWatch, @mccarthyryanj, @digidave, @laurenwilliams, @geedee215, Los Angeles Times, @ezraklein, MediaPost, Poynter, @alexweprin, @jason_kint, @craigsilverman, @film_girl, @jbarro, @noahshachtman, @mathewi, @andrewpauljoyce, @maxwelltani, @_cingraham, @sarafischer, @brianstelter, @chrislhayes, @kaidiekmann, @jeremymbarr, @neontaster, @benyt, @brianstelter, @joefav, @brianstelter, @sarafischer, @digitalshields, Axios, CNN, @sarafischer, @chronotope, @kerrymflynn, @marisakabas, @bmorrissey, @digitalshields, @craigsilverman, @sarafischer, @sarafischer, @jayrosen_nyu, @nycjim, @sherman4949, @phkeane, @alexweprin, @juddlegum, @danprimack, @sherman4949, @alexweprin, @alexyoung, @squawkcnbc, @tomgara, @goldietaylor, @cnbc, @millie, Defector, @sarafischer, @brianstelter, Ad Age, Associated Press, Substack, Quartz, Vanity Fair, The Wrap, TVNewser,, The Daily Beast, Insider and Variety
@todayshow: Has the company shut down or are you still open for business? -@craigmelvin We're going to open for business ... this is our Lazarus moment. -Carlos Watson, CEO of Ozy Media
Ben Smith / @benyt: News: Ozy has called off Paul Weiss's investigation of Ozy
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: NEW: Just got off the phone with Carlos Watson on his plans to relaunch OZY — He offered a grand vision in an interview with @Axios, but couldn't give many details about execution, leaving serious doubt about what's real and his ability to pull it off
Joseph Choi / The Hill: Lawsuit accuses Ozy Media of ‘fraudulent conduct’
Joshua Benton / Nieman Lab: This is why you always wait for the post-credits scene: Ozy changes its mind and claims it's still alive
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: NEW with @danprimack OZY saga continues —A few employees say they were blindsided by today's announcement that the company coming back —Some got calls over weekend but chose to not engage —Several telling Axios they think the idea is delusional
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: Getting phone calls from folks who are astonished by this Hail Mary pass (if that's what it is?) by Watson. Which employees are going to operate the new Ozy? Where's the evidence of consumer demand? And who's going to oversee it? The “board” is down to 2 people
Nicole Lyn Pesce / MarketWatch: Carlos Watson says Ozy Media isn't done yet: ‘This is our Lazarus moment’
Ryan McCarthy / @mccarthyryanj: Carlos Watson just said on CNBC that BuzzFeed offered $250 million for Ozy in 2019.
David Cohn / @digidave: Ozy raised (and then wasted) a ton of money. That's an opportunity cost. So who paid it?
Lauren Williams / @laurenwilliams: Couldn't stop thinking about Ozy, Black media, and the business model for news that actually matters. So I wrote about it:
Vaxton P. Hartnabrig / @geedee215: There's so much here from @laurenwilliams. “Ozy was the white whale — the perfect, brand-safe opportunity for folks to say they were supporting a Black media company, even if the only Black person being supported in the process was Mr. Watson.”
Ryan Faughnder / Los Angeles Times: Netflix's ‘Squid Game’ validates its global streaming strategy. Just ask Jeff Bezos
Ezra Klein / @ezraklein: “Advertisers want to reach the masses with their ads but do not want their ads connected to anything with even a whiff of controversy. This is very apparent when it comes to stories about race and racism.” So much real talk here from @laurenwilliams:
Tom Jones / Poynter: Facebook goes from bad to worse
Alex Weprin / @alexweprin: Ozy Media is back!!
Jason Kint / @jason_kint: Oh dear heavens: you can't announce, “this is our Tylenol moment”... go away, you're done. Facebook is the most important story by far this week. Response due today to FTC lawsuit to break it up. Whistleblower: 60M last night, Senate testimony tomorrow.
Craig Silverman / @craigsilverman: Goddamn this story is never going to end. Ozy had its first taste of relevance and will never let it go
Christina Warren / @film_girl: My Ozy merch purchase may have been temporarily premature but I have faith it'll still be a worthwhile fucked company investment.
Josh Barro / @jbarro: I mean, what's the point of paying a bunch of expensive lawyers to tell you you're a fake publication?
Noah Shachtman / @noahshachtman: well, i'm convinced. nothing to see here, folks! this place is 100% on the up-and-up!
Mathew Ingram / @mathewi: So the board all quits because they think the company is a sinking ship, and hey presto — no more investigation!
Andrew Joyce / @andrewpauljoyce: Your daily reminder that Ozy literally got its name from Shelley's “Ozymandias” — a poem that's literally about an empire crumbling because of the hubris of its leader
Max Tani / @maxwelltani: One group of people he didn't talk to though are his own staffers who as far as I can tell didn't know this was coming
Christopher Ingraham / @_cingraham: “Let's give the grifter a platform on our popular show to lie to our audience and use as a jumping-off point for his next grift” man the media is just fundamentally broken
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: We have been able to confirm at least one employee returning to Ozy, Claire Rudy, formerly Claire Lightfoot, who works in accounting.
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: “...because the Ozy board members who commissioned the law firm are no longer with the company.”
Chris Hayes / @chrislhayes: Just incredible stuff!
Kai Diekmann / @kaidiekmann: This is why you always wait for the post-credits scene: Ozy changes its mind and claims it's still alive » Nieman Journalism Lab
Jeremy Barr / @jeremymbarr: A spokesperson for Ozy Media says that “it has been a challenging couple of weeks but we are coming out of it stronger than before ...”
@neontaster: Yeah my first thought when Watson was like “no no, we're still staying open lol” wasn't that he was going to take care of the rank and file people. It was that they still saw some money to be wrung out of this before they actually shutter abruptly.
Ben Smith / @benyt: Ron Conway, early Ozy investor, says the company should pay its employees first
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: 🤯 @CarlosWatson says conversations “over the weekend” with advertisers, “readers,” investors have prompted him to keep the company going
Joe Favorito / @joefav: .@carloswatson running master class in getting out his side of story, starting @TODAYshow. Whether or not it works, whether @ozy is reinvented, or many of facts spelled out are true or not, his leaning forward strategy has gotten him a wide voice. #storytelling #crisismanagement
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: An executive who has known @CarlosWatson for decades reacted to today's interviews with a mixture of anger and astonishment: “Carlos is doing what Carlos has always done — he's rolling out new ideas in the media without addressing any of the old questions”
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: Among some of his plans, Watson says Ozy newsletters coming back this week (we've written that Ozy's email list built using dubious practices), says TV show coming back (unclear how after revelations about lying to guests about distribution), says looking for new board members
Mike Shields / @digitalshields: Watson told Axios that the partnerships with ad agencies like WPP and Dentsu still stand. Axios has not been able to independently confirm that this is true.
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: Watson said that the company hired a third party firm “to validate our data and begin sharing that data monthly going forward on our audience.” Watson wouldn't say who the company hired.
Aram Zucker-Scharff / @chronotope: For better or worse these days media companies are valued by the size and demographics of their audience and now it's out there that as much as 95% of that audience is fake. How do you raise funds or get advertisers after that?
@kerrymflynn: Ozy employees lost access to their company emails and other digital communication tools Friday... So they found out about the news that Ozy was supposedly still in business Monday the same way the rest of the world did Story with @brianstelter
Marisa Kabas / @marisakabas: Buzzfeed laid off 43 of their journalists in 2019.
Brian Morrissey / @bmorrissey: This is like “Into the Void” where the dude decides there's no way to craw back out so he just keeps going deeper
Mike Shields / @digitalshields: I don't know how a single advertiser could spend with Ozy, comeback or not
Craig Silverman / @craigsilverman: I expect the vision for the rebirth of Ozy involves Carlos Watson hosting more Carlos Watson video shows and podcasts. Meanwhile, the Today show and CNBC let this guy come on and pump his own tires. He's not sorry and won't take responsibility. What a joke
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: Staffers that were employees as of Friday confirm to @axios that this is the first time they're hearing of any plans to bring Ozy back. They don't have access to Ozy email anymore.
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: Former employee to @axios: “I think [Watson] is delusional enough to believe what he was doing was a part of the path to greatness, and that the idea of OZY can still win. And that's why it still seems he won't apologize any time soon, and will go down all guns blazing.”
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: Founder of Ozy, Carlos Watson, now says he is going to keep the company going. No one has any idea what that means.
Jim Roberts / @nycjim: Ozy CEO Carlos Watson says shutdown was “premature” and that the scandal-ridden media media company would reopen. “I very genuinely feel like we have a meaningful, transformational voice. At our best, this will be our Lazarus moment.” Um...
Alex Sherman / @sherman4949: “Just because something is sloppy or stupid doesn't make it illegal.” - Carlos Watson just now on @cnbc. ...Does that count impersonating a YouTube executive to investors?
Patrick Keane / @phkeane: I run a successful media company that @benyt has never heard of.
Alex Weprin / @alexweprin: Carlos Watson says Ozy Media will stay open, comparing the company to the biblical figure Lazarus, who Jesus brought back to life a few days after his death: ...
Judd Legum / @juddlegum: Made a mistake by bootstrapping a media business focused on attracting an actual audience in making an impact. Should have focused on scamming venture capitalists and producing content no one read and I could have gotten featured on the Today Show!
Dan Primack / @danprimack: Shorter Carlos Watson: “It's just a flesh wound.”
Alex Sherman / @sherman4949: “That's a good question,” - Carlos Watson on whether his team will stick with him on @CNBC now. So he seems to be resurrecting his company while having no idea who will work for him.
Alex Weprin / @alexweprin: There was some heavy spinning here. Watson said they bought traffic because they didn't want to leave things in the hands of the social media algorithms, and said that Goldman Sachs bought a big ad campaign on Ozy a few months after the YouTube impersonation incident
Aléx Young / @alexyoung: .@carloswatson is a scam artist and should be arrested for securities fraud. Anyone in digital media knows exactly what he is doing and how full of bullshit he is.
Squawk Box / @squawkcnbc: “I hope and I believe that that was a one-off event. It's a tragic event. It's a horrific event. It's a wrong event. I hope and trust that was a one-off,” says @carloswatson on Ozy's COO Samir Rao impersonating a YouTube executive in a call with Goldman Sachs.
Tom Gara / @tomgara: We're entering a new phase of this incredible story: Carlos Watson Goes Rogue
@goldietaylor: TMFRHT. If you walked in a Black barbershop and asked, “What's up with Carlos Watson?” The answer would be: “Carlos who?” He was selling relevance he never had.
@cnbc: “We were premature.” Ozy CEO Carlos Watson says that his media company will reopen, after informing employees Friday that the board had voted to shut down the company.
Millie Tran / @millie: This is a great thread not just about paid vs. earned media but also about the dubious online advertising and native content biz and the realities of running a media company. Some ppl like to make this stuff seem inaccessible but it's not. The more we demystify it, the better.
Dan McQuade / Defector: Ozy Media Is A Monumental Bummer
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: Watson is defending the Sharon Osborne “investor” comments on @SquawkCNBC right now. He says Ron Conway only put in $50k dollars, so him relinquishing shares not a “subsequent, big” thing.
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: Here's the full @CarlosWatson interview from “Today.” He says calling Ozy a “house of cards” is “slanderous.” He's spinning this moment as a growth opportunity: “If people now know the name Ozy, I hope they'll sign up for our newsletters...”
Associated Press: After a week of scandal, the CEO of Ozy Media says he now hopes to stay in business
Courtney Vinopal / Quartz: Ozy Media's CEO says the company isn't shutting down after all
Charlotte Klein / Vanity Fair: Ozy CEO Insists Nothing Is Awry at His Still-Imploding Company
Lindsey Ellefson / The Wrap: Carlos Watson Claims Ozy Is Still ‘Open for Business’ (Video)
A.J. Katz / TVNewser: Carlos Watson Goes on Today Show and Squawk Box to Claim Ozy Media Isn't Actually Shutting Down After All
Allana Akhtar / Insider: Ozy's CEO said the company isn't dead yet after its board of directors voted to shutter the scandal-ridden media startup
Todd Spangler / Variety: Ozy Media Is Not Shutting Down After All, CEO Carlos Watson Says
Ben Smith / New York Times:
How the charm of Ozy's chief, Carlos Watson, helped persuade investors into putting millions toward a media dream before conducting sufficient due diligence
How the charm of Ozy's chief, Carlos Watson, helped persuade investors into putting millions toward a media dream before conducting sufficient due diligence
New York Times, Washington Post, Gawker, @justinjm1, @craigsilverman, Eduwonk, Columbia Journalism Review, Mediaite, @byjoelanderson, @youngsinick, @craigsilverman, @heerjeet, The Wrap, @benyt, @talkopan, @ketanj0, @lyssaslounge, @rameeztase, @trungtphan, @jamesrbuk, @nkulw, @craigsilverman, @benyt, The Commercial Experience,, @benyt, Today in Tabs, @rolandsmartin,, @craigsilverman, @reckless, @mattwelch, @jduffyrice, @jdesmondharris, @chrisecrowley, @jeremymbarr, @craigsilverman, @craigsilverman, @craigsilverman, @craigsilverman, @craigsilverman, @craigsilverman, @craigsilverman, @jodyavirgan, @geedee215, @amlwhere, @gentlemanstimes, @lpolgreen, @daveweigel, @jeremymbarr, @felixsalmon, @jessicalessin, @donlday, @akbarth3great, @jswatz, @annehelen, @jswatz, @bendwalsh, @escarry, @sharonwaxman, @aymanm, @oliverdarcy, YouTube, American Press Institute, @sonnybunch, @davepell, @ccadelago, @vivian, New York Magazine, @benyt, Newser, Boing Boing, @craigsilverman, Look What You Made Me Do and @sarafischer
Lauren Williams / New York Times: Ozy Shows That Serious Black Media Needs a New Business Model
Washington Post: Ozy Media's audience was mostly a mirage. Even in scandal, founder Carlos Watson is looking for opportunity.
Justin Miller / @justinjm1: The big legal question is whether Ozy's prolific deceit was used to hook investors who were subsequently harmed with the company going bust. If so, it's fraud.
Craig Silverman / @craigsilverman: I worry that other people of color building media businesses are going to face even more scrutiny and skepticism because of Ozy's deceptions. And after years of covering ad fraud, I'm incensed that big brands still can't or won't take control of their digital spending.
Andrew Rotherham / Eduwonk: Today In Targets...Letters...And Ozy's Edu Audience. Plus Learning Loss Pragmatism...
Jon Allsop / Columbia Journalism Review: The colossal wreck of Ozy
Jackson Richman / Mediaite: Who the Hell is Still Doing Business With Ozy?
Joel D. Anderson / @byjoelanderson: it's true that black media companies must fight for a relatively tiny percentage of funding directed to their businesses. meanwhile mainstream/white-led media startups can tap into millions and millions of dollars for basically the same three media properties over and over again
Michael Arceneaux / @youngsinick: I could tell Ozy was a crock based on a goofy bus ad, but the reasons why someone like Carlos Watson was able to get access to capital and even media coverage as opposed to other Black media companies that have long proven themselves will likely go unaddressed per usual.
Craig Silverman / @craigsilverman: Definitions: PAID media is advertising. Spend money to get an audience. In today's world that could be display ads, FB ads ppl click on, YouTube ads for your video. EARNED media is when people choose to watch/read/listen to your content or the media chooses to cover you.
Jeet Heer / @heerjeet: I think the reporting of both @benyt & @CraigSilverman point in the same direction: that Oxy “worked” as a fake media company because it suited what advertisers wanted (safe, non-threatening diversity) rather than what audiences wanted. That's a wider problem than just Oxy
Lawrence Yee / The Wrap: Ozy CEO Carlos Watson Decries ‘Brutal’ Media Coverage, Vows to Build ‘Ozy Back Stronger’
Ben Smith / @benyt: There is a core point here that many advertisers want totally safe content that also brings in a passionate, diverse young audience and would literally prefer to buy fake content than sponsor anything interesting or risky.
Tal Kopan / @talkopan: Imagine if all the gobs of money that went into this apparent house of cards could have bolstered an established local news industry that's been undercut by ... stuff like this
Ketan Joshi / @ketanj0: As @mollytaft pointed out a few days ago, this story of a slowly self-reinforcing bubble of fakery and fraud rings some extremely similar bells for the markets for dodgy offsets in the climate world. Except in the climate case, the crash is very real and physical and terrible.
Katharina Borchert / @lyssaslounge: If you've been following the crazy #OzyMedia story, this is an excellent thread about early warning signs and how big companies ignored them.
Rameez / @rameeztase: i've never understood the “they buy audience” criticism. This is quite literally just called advertising. The fact that it didn't work is a strategic failure, not a moral one. There were plenty of those in this situation, to be clear.
Trung Phan / @trungtphan: FYI: This thread is a great breakdown of Ozy's “business model” (and why corporate sponsors kept spending with the media startup)
James Ball / @jamesrbuk: “The whole Ozy episode seemed to confirm the widely held suspicion that venture capital and advertising may be the world's least rigorous industries”
Noah Kulwin / @nkulw: Hahaha
Craig Silverman / @craigsilverman: Brands paid millions to sponsor content on Ozy. This reveals a lot about advertisers imho, and their inability to to accurately judge real from fake in the digital media ecosystem. Or their propensity to simply not care about the difference...
Ben Smith / @benyt: I also spoke to Carlos Watson, who concedes nothing, and argues that paid/preroll views are superior to people who choose to watch your content: “We did not want to simply be subject to the vagaries of the algorithms...”
Ben Shepherd / The Commercial Experience: The Commercial Experience 21.09: Kester Black shows the real value of a strong brand, Ozy Media crashes and burns dramatically, can FB and GOOG make regression modelling mainstream? Ozy Media Co-Founder Carlos Watson Resigns From NPR Board; Fate Of Company Podcasts Unknown.
Ben Smith / @benyt: @sarafischer The content they produced was real, but the audience wasn't, and the the lies to advertisers, investors, to Axios — that's not mismanagement, it's just deception. I think they were doing what they intended to do? Horrible for the staff, who worked hard and didn't deserve it.
Rusty Foster / Today in Tabs: The Crane Wives — Yes yes, Ozy, but listen, this went viral this morning:
@rolandsmartin: Doubling down on a damn lie. Advertisers gave millions to @ozy and their fraudulent numbers and totally ignore those of who have grown our business organically by not buying a penny of marketing. THAT is real audience growth
Scott Stump / Ozy Media CEO Carlos Watson says company is still in business: ‘This is our Lazarus moment’
Craig Silverman / @craigsilverman: Ozy's strategy has been to buy audience, influence and the trappings of success. It appears to have worked until money from investors started to dry up. Ozy's problem is that all its paid media never turned into earned media aka real audience success. So they had to keep buying.
Nilay Patel / @reckless: This is so funny - Tesla famously spends $0 on marketing and does not even have a comms person
Matt Welch / @mattwelch: The implications & patterns of this story present all kinds of avenues for consideration & exploration.
Josie Duffy Rice / @jduffyrice: i'm glad to see other black media heads interviewed in this article, including the inimitable @laurenwilliams. but i wish it covered what this means for media going forward. it's near impossible to build a thriving media outlet, and it'll only get harder.
@jdesmondharris: “[S]ome advertisers and venture capitalists are much more comfortable attaching themselves to media with lower stakes that is attached to lofty ideas, but not news that's going to move the needle or challenge the status quo,” said Lauren Williams
Chris Crowley / @chrisecrowley: thinking about how Ozy investor Laurene Powell Jobs's Emerson Collective pulled funding for California Sunday Magazine, leading to its shut down last year... there was also the matter of the Atlantic laying off 20 percent of its staff...
Jeremy Barr / @jeremymbarr: A great thread from someone who was very early on this story
Craig Silverman / @craigsilverman: This matters because the money invested in Ozy and spent on campaigns with it could have been deployed elsewhere. It could have helped support mission-driven media that does the hard work of connecting with and serving a *real* audience.
Craig Silverman / @craigsilverman: Also, brands do completely bonkers shit with their money. In 2017 I gave JPMorgan a LOT of data and details to show how its sponson on Ozy was getting junk paid traffic. Yet here we are four years later and JPMorgan was still spending with Ozy.
Craig Silverman / @craigsilverman: BUT in spite of all these obvious signs that the company was not connecting with an audience, Brands continued to spend money with Ozy. The one thing Ozy was good at was at selling itself and a vision. From the NYT tonight:
Craig Silverman / @craigsilverman: So: it paid to place sponsored Ozy content in the LA Times and then quoted its own sponcon to create the impression it was getting good press. This thread has so many more examples like this
Craig Silverman / @craigsilverman: Let's move on. What has Ozy done since? It continued to pay for audience in a variety of formats. This pattern suggests Ozy's strategy of covering “the new and the next” wasn't building the kind of audience it was promising investors and advertisers.
Craig Silverman / @craigsilverman: But in this case Ozy was sourcing traffic from multiple extremely dubious sources, and the brands didn't know. It later told the brands that this traffic/content wasn't part of their deal. OK!
Craig Silverman / @craigsilverman: Backgorund: In 2017 I revealed Ozy bought a bunch of junk web traffic and had sent it to sponsored content pages on its website. They PAID for an audience to view this stuff. ...
Jody Avirgan / @jodyavirgan: I was turned off by Ozy from the moment I first heard about it, not because I sniffed a scam but because of this — it just seemed so aggressively safe.
Vaxton P. Hartnabrig / @geedee215: This dude talks in press release copy — why didn't that automatically trip any alarm bells for Ozy's rich investors? Everything that he's saying, even now, lands as affable dissembling.
Ann Marie Lipinski / @amlwhere: Two key reasons Ozy can happen again: 1. Investors who perform little analysis and “rely on gut instinct and herd-like validation from their peers” 2. Advertisers “who are ever in search of news without, well, news”
Chris Chafin / @gentlemanstimes: everyone loves the ozy story because they're just **slightly** over the line that every other media company dances on every day
Lydia Polgreen / @lpolgreen: I have spent a lot of time in the past week thinking about all the Black and brown owned media companies Ozy leapfrogged.
Dave Weigel / @daveweigel: “After our conversation on Sunday, in which [Carlos Watson] was joined by a new public relations adviser, the former Clinton aide Phil Singer...”
Jeremy Barr / @jeremymbarr: “A strange feature of Ozy Media was that the content was all real, its journalism was real (albeit light) and the ad revenue appears to have been real, too. Nobody loves this stuff more than advertisers, who are ever in search of news without, well, news.”
Felix Salmon / @felixsalmon: “The low-conflict, low-news journalism that Ozy offered appears to have been a hard sell to readers and viewers. Ozy's content, however, was catnip to #brand managers in the consumer packaged goods market.”
Jessica Lessin / @jessicalessin: Has not a more true phrase been uttered... “The whole Ozy episode seemed to confirm the widely held suspicion that venture capital and advertising may be the world's least rigorous industries.”
@donlday: Gosh why am I working so hard to get people to read our content when apparently just paying for eyeballs is superior. 🙄
John Schwartz / @jswatz: “I look at the demands they made on me — my metrics, numbers,” he said of the advertising agencies. “Now I'm sitting there going, 'Y'all made me jump through all these hoops? It was that easy just to lie and make up this stuff?'”
Anne Helen Petersen / @annehelen: everyone should name their newsletter that does valuable reporting something that sounds amazing when mentioned in a serious NYT article
Ben Walsh / @bendwalsh: if true, this is yet more gross mismanagement by Carlos Watson!
Eddie Scarry / @escarry: ," wrote Ben Smith, the former editor in chief of BuzzFeed.
Sharon Waxman / @sharonwaxman: “The classic demographic for Ozy was a retired female white teacher who used Ozy to stay young and stay woke and loved learning about the world from it,” the former employee said.
Ayman / @aymanm: This is perhaps my favorite story of the week. And likely we have the perfect guest to talk about it... @benyt joins me to discuss his bombshell reporting and how that literally led to Ozy Media shutting down.
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: “I am sympathetic to people like Mr. Watson and Ms. Holmes — strivers whose dreams apparently led them into deception,” @benyt writes. “If you've ever worked for and loved a new institution, you can imagine how hard it would be to let it fail.”
American Press Institute: Need to Know: October 4, 2021 — Fresh useful insights for people advancing quality, innovative and sustainable journalism
Sonny Bunch / @sonnybunch: Some personal news: I've been promoted to “Twitter wag.”
Dave Pell / @davepell: If you're a sexual harasser, the last words you want to hear are: Roman Farrow is on the phone. If you're a phony media company, the last words you want to hear are: Ben Smith is on the phone.
Christopher Cadelago / @ccadelago: Carlos Watson, zooming with Ben Smith on Sunday to defend Ozy after its implosion, was joined by a new public relations adviser, the former Clinton aide Phil Singer.
Vivian Schiller / @vivian: Ozy's promise was “diversity without the conflict.” Is such thing even possible? @benyt
Chas Danner / New York Magazine: Ozy Is Undead, CEO Dubiously Claims
Ben Smith / @benyt: Here are some slides from a deck, from this summer when Ozy was trying to raise money at a $450 million valuation
Kate Seamons / Newser: ‘This Is Our Lazarus Moment’: Ozy Reverses Closure Decision
Rob Beschizza / Boing Boing: Ozy Media soap opera ends in its demise
Craig Silverman / @craigsilverman: [Thread] A look at why Ozy failed as a paid media company and has become a perfect, cautionary illustration of paid versus earned media
Eugene S. Robinson / Look What You Made Me Do: Ozy's former editor-at-large recalls Carlos Watson's abusive management style and says there was a white Ozy and a Black Ozy, where employees were treated worse
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: Flagging again that ~75 people worked at Ozy. I've been on the phone w lots of them. They're reading all of the stories & tweets. This is very hard for them. A lot of them did great work. It's unfair to say Ozy was a “sham.” The correct framing is that it was woefully mismanaged.
Chaim Gartenberg / The Verge:
Twitter is shutting down Scroll in about 30 days, will roll the ad-free subscription web service into its Twitter Blue subscription as Ad-Free Articles — Scroll won't be available as an independent service anymore — Scroll's ad-free subscription web service is shutting down as an independent entity in …
Aisha Malik / TechCrunch: Distraction-free reading service Scroll is shutting down and becoming a feature of Twitter Blue

Daily Mail Online ran a lawyer's full tweet thread as a sidebar to another story, then after he complained, put the tweets into the main story and paid him — On Tuesday Adam Wagner, a British human rights lawyer and law professor, wrote a tweet thread in response to a BBC article …
Daily Mail, BBC, @estherbeadle, @b_judah, @willperrin, @quinnypig, @twlldun, @peterkgeoghegan, @emilybell, @eaton, @laurahazardowen, @michaelroston, @abeaujon, @lisataljard, @rasmus_kleis and @rasmus_kleis
Mark Duell / Daily Mail: Insulate Britain: Timeline of chaos across London
Esther Beadle / @estherbeadle: Woah ho ho. Note kiddiewinks, this would *not* come under fair dealing...
William Perrin / @willperrin: some journalistic form-factor innovation here..... one for @rasmus_kleis @georgeprof @CharlieBeckett @daveharte @emilybell
Corey Quinn / @quinnypig: Yikes. The way I write threads and the way I draft long form content are very different. Please don't mistake one for the other.
@twlldun: And yet they won't publish my 125 tweet thread “why Boris is a knob”. Looks like it's who you know eh Adam
Peter Geoghegan / @peterkgeoghegan: Imagine laying out this page and thinking 'yeah it's grand to present someone's tweet thread as an opEd'?
Emily Bell / @emilybell: Invoice - or sue for defamation - suggesting you are an oped writer for the Mail is definitely reputationally damaging in some circles
Laura Hazard Owen / @laurahazardowen: “They offered £100 but I suggested they take into account that what they did was probably illegal, and they agreed immediately.”
Michael Roston / @michaelroston: Can someone explain to me how this is anywhere close to legal!?
Andrew Beaujon / @abeaujon: one time a British newspaper took quotes from a Q&A I did with Robbie Williams and ran it as their interview with him.
Lisa MacLeod / @lisataljard: A slippery slope, this. @AdamWagner1 was unwittingly unrolled as a columnist for the @MailOnline 🤔🙄😒
Rasmus Kleis Nielsen / @rasmus_kleis: When will we see Twitter lobby for a code to force news media to pay each time they use a tweet - let alone republish a whole thread as a piece without consulting the person tweeting?
Rasmus Kleis Nielsen / @rasmus_kleis: ⬆️ snark, not proposal.

In annual report, Defector says 80%+ of subscribers are on annual plans, of which ~85% renewed subscriptions, and advertising on Twitter was “very unpleasant” — Purpose of this report — Annual reports are usually created to provide insight into a company's business operations …
@_claireconnelly, @olgakhazan, @scottbrodbeck, @saksappeal, @saahil_desai, @jeremylittau, @novy_williams, @drewmagary, @jameslfredrick, @choire and Boing Boing
Claire Connelly / @_claireconnelly: ‘Many digital media companies & content marketing consultants swear Facebook ads are the most effective, scalable ad channel for converting readers to paid subscribers. This may be true, but much of our staff are adamantly opposed to using Facebook...’
Olga Khazan / @olgakhazan: Seems like a functional media company to me, also lol
Scott Brodbeck / @scottbrodbeck: Twitter's advertising experience, at least that last time I tried it, is indeed miserable. One would think it would be a higher priority for the company.
Jim Saksa / @saksappeal: Big kudos to @DefectorMedia for posting this report. I don't know how replicable their model is, but I commend them for making it easier for others to try.
Saahil Desai / @saahil_desai: “We do not anticipate ever spending any money with Facebook, and in fact have abandoned publishing even simple posts to our company Facebook page.”
Jeremy Littau / @jeremylittau: Oh this is interesting. @DefectorMedia wasn't required to publish an annual report but made it available to its members anyhow. Written in the site's familiar style, it's littered with a lot of insights about how the business of digital media goes.
Eben Novy-Williams / @novy_williams: I missed this yesterday, but a really thorough and transparent financial breakdown from @Defector about its first year with a novel (and admirable!) worker-owned media business. If you're curious about this industry, this is a must-read:
Drew Magary / @drewmagary: If you'd like to see how Defector works, and I really do mean it, here's the full breakdown of our finances over the first year of our existence.
James Fredrick / @jameslfredrick: The @DefectorMedia annual report is well-timed because it's such a stark contrast to Ozy: transparent, cooperatively owned, worker focused...and actually producing good journalism! Can't remember ever being inspired reading an annual financial report

In a deposition, Rudy Giuliani says OANN reporter Christina Bobb, who also volunteered for the Trump legal team, had to run any stories she had by the campaign — The ex-New York City mayor said in a deposition that Christina Bobb, who volunteered for the Trump legal team after the election, had to run her stories by the campaign.
Dan Gillmor / @dangillmor: If this is true (Giuliani is talking, after all), it's totally unsurprising.
Ken Meyer / Mediaite: Giuliani Admits Trump Campaign Had Complete Editorial Control Over OAN Reporter

Instagram ditches the IGTV brand and combines IGTV's long-form videos and Instagram Feed videos into a new Instagram Video format; Reels is unaffected — Instagram head Adam Mosseri recently said was “no longer a photo-sharing app,” noting the company was prioritizing a shift …
Andrew Gebhart / CNET: Instagram brings IGTV vids back to the main app with new Video tab
M.G. Siegler / @mgsiegler: I get that Instagram's strategy is now to try to become more convoluted as a product than Facebook, but this is next-level...
Jacob Kastrenakes / The Verge: Instagram is getting rid of IGTV, sort of

The disruption of global supply chains has reached the publishing industry, causing shipping delays and printer backups, exacerbated by worker shortages — Shipping delays, printer backups and worker shortages are forcing publishers to postpone new titles and leaving booksellers in a lurch for some old ones.
@princetonupress, @nytimesbooks, @petersgoodman, @studiojjk,, @vermontgmg, @benjysarlin, @nicolesjchung, @johnghendy and @likaluca
@princetonupress: If articles like this are catching your eye, it might be time to read Marc Levinson's The Box, which explores how the shipping container made the world smaller and the world economy bigger: ... #Shipping #SupplyChains
@nytimesbooks: “No one is getting any sleep, and people have been at this for 18 months,” said Sue Malone-Barber, director of publishing operations for Penguin Random House. “It's brutal. But the industry is managing to supply a big surge in demand.”
Peter S. Goodman / @petersgoodman: The Great Supply Chain Disruption, the publishing version @Liz_A_Harris
Jarrett J. Krosoczka / @studiojjk: I am SO excited for your kids to see the full-color relaunch of the Lunch Lady graphic novels—AND for them to listen to the full-cast audiobooks. But instead of publishing in a few weeks, I'll need to be a bit more patient until the end of February... National Book Award finalists announced; Talia Lavin's new newsletter on the Far Right and sandwiches
Garrett M. Graff / @vermontgmg: In case you're wondering why my WATERGATE book is coming out in February instead of November, I give you this wild article:
Benjy Sarlin / @benjysarlin: Getting an involuntary eye twitch every time I see “supply chain” in a headline at this point
@nicolesjchung: get your holiday book orders in now if you haven't already!

News Revenue Hub, with Google News Initiative support, will release News Revenue Engine as open source software in 2022, with Stripe and Mailchimp integrations — News Revenue Hub and Google News Initiative will release News Revenue Engine early next year — The newsroom part of building …
Daniel Craigmile / The Keyword: A new way publishers can stay financially sustainable
Laurie Sullivan / MediaPost: Google Builds Support For High-Tech Next-Gen Digital Newsrooms
[Thread] The Appeal starts a weekly newsletter and says it will relaunch its news site about the criminal legal system as a worker-led nonprofit in November — The Appeal is back! Thanks to our generous supporters and the hard work of our transition team, the workers have officially taken over The Appeal. Read our public statement below. Donate to support our relaunch here:
Nick Wing / @nickpwing: Unionize your workplace. And if that doesn't work, just take over your workplace.
Spencer Ackerman / @attackerman: Worker-owned journalism will produce the best possible journalism.
Jonathan M. Katz / @katzonearth: True to its name, they won in the end
Tina Vasquez / @thetinavasquez: This is a truly astounding development. Like, unprecedented in the media. Take a look at what The Appeal has been up to!
Derek Moore / @deadlinederek: We are inspired by your never-say-die-attitude! As for the indefatigable @mapplegate1, thank you for again leading fearlessly from the front. @newsguild
@taniel: Yes! 😍 So looking forward to reading all these amazing writers/editors' work again — & congrats for getting here!
Scott Morris / @oakmorr: Excited to see more worker-led media getting off the ground.
@macarthrjustice: Stories of injustice and inequality need to be told. The U.S. legal system needs to be held accountable. That's just one of the reasons why we need @theappeal. Please support the new worker-led effort anyway you can.
Elizabeth Weill-Greenberg / @elizabethweill: Huge huge huge thanks to @truthout @MayaSchenwar and Ziggy West Jeffery for offering so much guidance and solidarity as we worked to relaunch.
NewsGuild-CWA / @newsguild: “The workers have taken over!” Please support this effort if you can. Donate here:
Anna Simonton / @annafsimonton: Collective action is powerful. A few months ago we were being laid off as @theappeal prepared to shut down. Now we run it. It's going to take a lot more work and resources to relaunch, but solidarity has shown we can do it.
Kate Chatfield / @chatfieldkate: If you have complained at all in the last year about media reporting on policing, crime, punishment, structural racism, faux moral panics, economic inequality, lack of housing and resources for all to thrive, media consolidation, etc., etc..., support @theappeal however you can.
Jerry Iannelli / @jerryiannelli: Folks we literally seized the means of production and The Appeal is now a fully worker-led legal-system news outlet, it rules so hard and I'd love it if you all followed us and our work!
@theappeal: We wouldn't be here today without the power of collective organizing and action. So many thanks to @PacMediaGuild for guiding @theappealunion and encouraging us all to dream bigger.
@theappeal: One thing you can expect from us immediately: We're launching our new weekly newsletter today. Sign up here to get perspectives on the issues shaping the criminal legal system, along with a roundup of our favorite content from across the justice space.

Profile of Matt Swider, US EIC of TechRadar, who went from 8,000 Twitter followers in January 2020 to over 950K by sharing tips on how to buy a PlayStation 5 — A year ago, Matt Swider was a journeyman consumer tech reporter. Now he's a celebrity. — Copy
@dancow, @buzzfeednews, @saschasegan, @choire, @bernstein, @anildash, @darrenhayes, @dancow, @jorgex, @mattswider, @jonlovett and @bernstein
Dan Booyen / @dancow: Genuinely one of the best stories about the power of helpful journalism
@buzzfeednews: What do journalist Ronan Farrow, actor Chris Williams, and singer Darren Hayes all have in common? In their struggles to get a PS5 they turned to @mattswider. ...
Sascha Segan / @saschasegan: The writer's amazement that Matt is not a self-aggrandizing asshole trying to claw his way into celebrity is funny, on one level, and sad, on another. As it also says: Matt is “just” a good journalist (and person) trying to do what good journalists (and ppl) do.
@choire: For about a month, the only notifications I allowed on my phone were from @mattswider. Here's why. ...
Joe Bernstein / @bernstein: ICYMI! I profiled @mattswider, who has pioneered a new kind of multiplatform, always-available service journalism, and in the process turned himself into a very unlikely star ...
@anildash: This is a sweet and warm-hearted story about @mattswider helping everybody get a PS5, but also about a new-ish kind of service journalism. It's great in its lane for the same reason that @kissane & @alexismadrigal & @yayitsrob's work on @COVID19Tracking was — clarity of purpose.
Darren Hayes / @darrenhayes: This is true. Matt helped me when I was trying to buy one (legitimately) for my husband for his birthday! He's a sweet man and hates scams! ... via @bernstein
Dan Booyen / @dancow: Anyway Ronan Farrow DMs you for help, you're probably good at your beat ... Q
Horror-Hay / @jorgex: *correction* Matt was always a star, y'all were just late to the party.
Matt Swider / @mattswider: 🔥Wow, this Buzzfeed profile on me is 🔥. Thank you to @Bernstein for shadowing me at Best Buy's PS5 + Xbox Series X restock. ❤️Most of all, thank you ALL for following + getting me this far. I'll keep helping you until you all have what you need!❤️ ⬇️⬇️ ...

Report for the World launches in Brazil and partners with two more newsrooms in India and Nigeria, bringing the total corps size to 15 journalists — BOSTON — Report for the World announced today that it has more than doubled the size of its program, less than a year since launching in February …
@report4theworld: Report for the World expands to Brazil, grows in Nigeria and India. Now accepting applications for corps members: ... 🌎 🌍 🌏
@report4theworld: HELLO 🌎🌏🌍! We have BIG NEWS: Thanks to the generous support of @MacFound, we're doubling the size of our program, expanding into #Brazil and adding new partners in #India and #Nigeria. Now accepting applications for corps members: ... THREAD ⤵️

Major networks' coverage of the reconciliation bill has focused on the “showdown” between progressives and moderates, rather than on the bill's contents — The public is left with vague reporting about a “$3.5 trillion” “price tag” that should be “slimmed down,” …
New York Daily News, @adamjohnsonnyc, Media Matters for America, @spencerdcole and Mediaite
Todd Gitlin / New York Daily News: Look what's inside the bill, please: The details of the $3.5 trillion package
Adam H. Johnson / @adamjohnsonnyc: I wrote about how the real human stakes of the Reconciliation Bill—from universal pre-K to dental and hearing for seniors to free community college—are being glossed over in favor of fatuous “progressive vs moderate” horse race coverage. ...
Media Matters for America: Mainstream media put price before substance in coverage of Democratic negotiations over budget bills