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Review of court records details AT&T's role in creating and funding OANN; 90% of OANN's revenue comes from contracts with DirecTV and other AT&T services — As it lauded former President Donald Trump and spread his unfounded claims of election fraud, One America News Network saw its viewership jump.
Techdirt, @bradheath, Media Matters for America, Insider, @bradheath,, @jayrosen_nyu, The Hill, @chuckmodi1, @nycsouthpaw, @existentialfish, @karlbode, @mmasnick, Mediaite, @trekonomics, @zaleskiluke, Deadline, @ph_holland, Gizmodo, @mollyjongfast, TVNewser, @clairecmc, @nahmias, @ziggy_daddy, Talking Points Memo, @jayrosen_nyu, @jeremymbarr, @justinhendrix, @ryanlcooper, @lispower1, @davelack, @bradheath, @daviddark, @j_a_goodwin, @jessadler8, @karlbode, @paulbradleycarr, @shannoncurtis, @stevejohnsontfp, @chadstanton, @jeremymbarr, @tracytran, @loudmouthjulia, @bubbaprog, @lachlan, @jesseltaylor, @darth, @jannwolfe, The Verge, @karlbode, Rolling Stone, The Wrap, @andymoney69, @jeremymbarr, @tonyromm, @drewharwell, @josepopinion, @danielschuman, @keitholbermann, @ryanlcooper, @cenkuygur, @bradheath, @brooklynmarie, @meidastouch, @jordanchariton, @ericgarland, @earth_media_ and The New Civil Rights Movement
Karl Bode / Techdirt: AT&T Set Up And Paid For OAN Propaganda Network; Yet Everyone Wants To Scream About Facebook
Brad Heath / @bradheath: So this happened. (OANN is a Reuters customer.)
Madeline Peltz / Media Matters for America: Fact-checking AT&T's defense of single-handedly funding OAN
Insider: AT&T has reportedly funneled tens of millions of dollars into the far-right TV network that Trump loyalists flock to
Brad Heath / @bradheath: New from @reuters: One America News, the right-wing cable network that peddled 2020 election conspiracies, gets nearly all of its revenue from AT&T.
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: “Ninety percent of OAN's revenue came from a contract with AT&T-owned television platforms, including satellite broadcaster DirecTV, according to 2020 sworn testimony by an OAN accountant.” Wait til you hear why. (Next slide...) 1/
Dominick Mastrangelo / The Hill: 90 percent of OAN revenue in 2020 came from AT&T contract: report
ChuckModi / @chuckmodi1: “OAN founder Robert Herring Sr testified that inspiration to launch OAN came from AT&T execs. 'They told us they wanted a conservative network. They only had one—Fox. When they said that—I jumped to it & built one” “90% OAN's revenue came from contract w/AT&T-owned TV platforms”
John Whitehouse / @existentialfish: Incredible Reuters investigation on how AT&T propped up disinformation network OAN every step of the way
Karl Bode / @karlbode: anyhoo I wrote about how if you're going to have a weeklong conniption fit about the stuff Facebook does, you should be equally outraged by AT&T, which is, in many ways, even worse:
Mike Masnick / @mmasnick: Still trying to wrap my head around this news. After years of everyone fretting about FB, because some people on their spread conspiracy theories, we find out that AT&T literally suggested & paid for a full propagandist cable news network...
@trekonomics: You people are aware that AT&T owns Warner aka HBO etc etc - they're all about making sure that the peons stay entertained and don't make too many political demands.
Tom McKay / Gizmodo: Far-Right Network One America News Was Almost Entirely Funded by AT&T, According to Court Records
Molly Jong-Fast / @mollyjongfast: Oh @ATT this is a bad bad bad look
Claire McCaskill / @clairecmc: Read this. AT&T is funding outright lies. And dangerous ones at that. Special Report: How AT&T helped build far-right One America News
Laura Nahmias / @nahmias: Does this mean my monthly payments to AT&T for my cell phone are going to support OANN?
@ziggy_daddy: Hey @jayrosen_nyu, am I right to think the problem with this is not so much the fact that OAN is a right leaning org but the fact that a media conglomerate can single-handedly prop up a news org?
Josh Marshall / Talking Points Memo: AT&T and the Demon Spawn of OAN
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: The inspiration to launch OAN came from AT&T executives. “They told us they wanted a conservative network,” OAN founder and chief executive Robert Herring said during a deposition. “They only had one, which was Fox News, and they had seven others on the other [leftwing] side.” 2/
Jeremy Barr / @jeremymbarr: For-profit media companies obviously exist to make money, but hearing Robert Herring say that he founded One America explicitly to do so is an important reminder and really puts things into the proper perspective. Link:
Justin Hendrix / @justinhendrix: If you work at AT&T, how do you feel about this? Your company is supporting COVID-19 misinformation, election lies and a variety of other ills in the production of a channel that is well to the right of even Fox News.
Ryan Cooper / @ryanlcooper: turns out AT&T virtually created OAN and provides it with nearly all its revenue
Lis Power / @lispower1: Amazing reporting from Reuters on how AT&T is not only to blame for the creation of OAN (the far-right conspiracy network), but has been the main funding behind the network every step of the way
Dave Lack / @davelack: So hypothetically, if one just found out AT&T is a huge reason for so much disinformation in the US, are there other cell carriers without equal blood on their hands one could switch to?
Brad Heath / @bradheath: OAN's chief executive, Robert Herring, helped AT&T lobby the government to approve its merger with DirecTV. Herring's lawyers said he “invited AT&T to utilize OAN's news programs to cast a positive light on the acquisition.”
James Goodwin / @j_a_goodwin: Their “death star” logo makes a ton more sense now
Jess / @jessadler8: Important to know: HBO, CNN, and Warner Bros. are all owned by AT&T. Warner Media, which owns the Harry Potter and and Batman franchises, is said to merge with Discovery's home, cooking, nature and science shows— a proposal originated by AT&T.
Karl Bode / @karlbode: AT&T didn't just provide the majority of funding for the batshit OAN propaganda network, they were the inspiration for its very creation
Paul Bradley Carr / @paulbradleycarr: OANN is almost entirely funded by CNN's parent company, just in case you were wondering how the media works.
Shannon Curtis / @shannoncurtis: Good lord! Well then ... it's 100% time for me to switch carriers. Who do y'all suggest?
@stevejohnsontfp: One thing to note: OAN has few reporters, covers little news, brings in guests from home most of the time, so their expenses are very low compared to CNN, Fox or MSNBC (which uses NBC News staffers). So monthly cable/web fees cover costs, ratings & ad revenue don't matter.
@chadstanton: “The records include a reported offer by AT&T to acquire a 5% equity stake in OAN and AWE, though the two sides ultimately signed a different deal. The court filings also cite a promise by OAN to “cast a positive light” on AT&T during newscasts.”
Jeremy Barr / @jeremymbarr: “The Herrings were keen to leverage their existing production facilities in San Diego to launch a second network, either a boxing channel or news outlet.” this is the best sentence in the One America story
@tracytran: It's funny AT&T will part ways with TimeWarner and wasted their resources on building a right-wing network. Lily Adams: go to Verizon.
Julia Alexander / @loudmouthjulia: Ah well, if the guy who helped lobby for AT&T's acquisition of DirecTV, a company that was divested just a few years later, wants his dangerous propaganda network to really take off, what's a giant telecom to do!! 🤔
Timothy Burke / @bubbaprog: OAN is an openly white supremacist television network nearly fully funded by AT&T:
Lachlan Markay / @lachlan: Pretty bold of OAN to syndicate this piece!
Messy Scarelord / @jesseltaylor: Big Tech, yet again silencing conservative voices
Jan Wolfe / @jannwolfe: AT&T played a key role in creating One America News. OAN's founder testified that the inspiration to launch OAN in 2013 came from AT&T executives. Since then, AT&T has been a crucial source of funding for the right-wing network (by @johnshiffman)
Adi Robertson / The Verge: AT&T is allegedly One America News Network's biggest backer
Karl Bode / @karlbode: I look forward to the government hearing, since AT&T is every bit as terrible as Facebook is
Ryan Bort / Rolling Stone: Trump Propaganda, Covid Conspiracy Theories, and White Supremacy: Brought to You by AT&T
Lindsey Ellefson / The Wrap: Far-Right One America News Network Gets 90% of Revenue From CNN Owner AT&T
John Wicca / @andymoney69: i think over the next couple of years we're going to find out some incredibly uncomfortable realities about the corporate genesis of a lot of these completely unprofitable right wing outlets and im not sure anyone is prepared for it
Jeremy Barr / @jeremymbarr: So he started it to make money (fair) and this is where it's at now:
Tony Romm / @tonyromm: “The court filings also cite a promise by OAN to ‘cast a positive light’ on AT&T during newscasts.” wowowow this Reuters story is so superbly reported
Drew Harwell / @drewharwell: Human decisionmakers can push conspiracy theories and misinformation to giant targeted audiences, too. No algorithms required.
Josep Parera Jorba / @josepopinion: So AT&T, which owns HBO Max and Warner Bros as of right now, is the main financial supporter of a white supremacist news channel. Well played, John Stankey and Jason Kilar, well played.
Daniel Schuman / @danielschuman: And here I thought AT&T was terrible merely because of its role in mass domestic surveillance.
Keith Olbermann / @keitholbermann: The driving force behind the Goebbels Volksempfanger of the Trump Coup Against Democracy, @OANN? Funded, promoted, and brought to you by...@ATT. Fascism: Sponsored by AT&T. Time to boycott them across the board
Ryan Cooper / @ryanlcooper: “Ninety percent of OAN's revenue came from a contract with AT&T-owned television platforms, including satellite broadcaster DirecTV”
Cenk Uygur / @cenkuygur: This is absolutely outrageous. And what seven left-wing networks are they talking about? The only one nominally on the left on television is corporate-Democrat supporting MSNBC and half their hosts are Republicans. Every other network is deeply conservative on economic issues.
Brad Heath / @bradheath: Encourage you to read this, by @johnshiffman ->
Brooke Binkowski / @brooklynmarie: This is hilarious and frightening. I keep laughing because my private conspiracy theory has been that it was propped up by fossil fuel companies but it's another dying industry
Jordan / @jordanchariton: AT&T also owns @cnn who has pushed misinformation on war, the Russian boogeyman, @BernieSanders, the “economic comeback,” @amazon and @jeffbezos and an avalanche of other stories
Eric Garland / @ericgarland: Hey, didn't AT&T get caught trying to bribe Trump through his now-convicted fixer Michael Cohen?
Michael Strauss / @earth_media_: So AT&T considered all actual news networks as left. ‘OAN founder testified the inspiration to launch OAN in 2013 came from AT&T executives.’ “They told us they wanted a conservative network. They only had one, which was Fox, & they had seven others on the other [leftwing] side.”

Bustle relaunches Mic for a young, “extremely online” audience, with more pop culture coverage and less politics — Under new ownership, the online publication aimed at younger readers unveiled a revamped version of itself on Wednesday. — Mic, an online magazine that was known …
Boo-ryant Francis / @rbryant2012: didn't we just learn last week about how investors want to latch themselves to sites that are “good vibes only” and no real intensive writing anyway
Tom McKay / @thetomzone: so.. it'll be like every other news site
Ashe Short / @asheschow: Thread: Mic, the company you forgot existed (or never heard of!) is reminding you it exists - a week after Ozy, another millennial outlet you never heard of, folded.
@shantecosme: The New Mic is finally here and I've never been happier! It's even better than I envisioned it would be. I'm so grateful to my brilliant team for the smarts, humor, heart, and hustle they've put in. The site is truly the labor of our love.
Jason Diamond / @imjasondiamond: It's always easy to make snarky lil comments about sites relaunching (which is often silly to me because it's nice to see journalists get jobs), but I've said a few times on here that Michelle is one of the best editors in the game. This is all very good and I'm psyched for it.
Tonya Riley / @tonyajoriley: Since it's BDG...would live to know how many of the jobs are going to be part-time contracts that barely pay a living wage!
Rae / @raewitte: wooooo @ShanteCosme and @mic in the @nytimes!!!!!!!!!! so happy for the team there and thrilled to continue working with them <3
Chris Riotta / @chrisriotta: Mic has consistently gutted its staff, reduced its wages + moved further away from the originally stated mission of the newsroom with each “relaunch.” Most staff writers barely made a livable wage when I was hired in 2015. Since then, I've heard of reporters making $15 per story.
Jonathan Smith / @jonathan_smth: We got a new website
Brianna Provenzano / @bri_provenzano: when Mic 1.0 shut down all the laid off staffers got trapped in a Lost-style purgatory where we have to hear about the company rebooting itself every six months for the rest of our lives
Michelle Legro / @michellelegro: Hi all! For the past three months, I've been editing features for the relaunch of @mic and it's finally here!
Katie Robertson / @katie_robertson: NEW: Mic — the millennial political news website you may remember from the 2010s — is relaunching with a new focus
Jeremy Barr / @jeremymbarr: speaking of millennial-focused digital media sites that laid off their entire staff and then tried to come back...
Dylan Byers / @dylanbyers: Everyone's coming back.
Joshua Topolsky / @joshuatopolsky: Extremely excited to bring you the new, led by @ShanteCosme and a brilliant team of editors and writers. You can read more about it on a small blog here — then go and see the many fascinating new stories we have for you!

Inside Disney's CEO transition, as Bob Iger lingers while successor Bob Chapek provokes anxiety due to his lack of creative background and data-driven approach — Eighteen months into media's most consequential transition, Disney's respected ex-CEO lingers while successor Bob Chapek provokes creative anxiety …
@mhawk9955: Sigh...I know I'm gonna get crap for this but are we ready to have the conversation that Iger was not in fact a savior to the Disney company, and that he and Chapek are two sides of the same coin, one just has way more charisma and people skills? From this article I'd say no.
@mr_masonthe2nd: If this tells me anything, it's that Chapek won't last very long at Disney.
Mia Galuppo / @miagaluppo: Great story from @kimmasters on the state of Disney's resident Bobs ...
Morgan Lee Richardson / @mrichardsonart: There was once a time when I never would have questioned working for TWDC. Things change.
Rich Greenfield / @richlightshed: “Disney investors are pushing Chapek to lean harder into streaming even if it frustrates talent,” says Lightshed Partners analyst Rich Greenfield. “He has to balance that with managing talent and relationships.” $DIS Thanks @kimmasters @THR ...
@orangegrove55: And after the record-breaking 2019 opening of Avengers: Endgame, Chapek celebrated the Marvel team by installing a Dole Whip machine — a theme park favorite — in their offices. “I thought that was pretty cool,” Feige says. “I thought that was great.” ...
Natalie Jarvey / @natjarv: Lots has been said about Bob Iger's long goodbye at Disney but @kimmasters has the goods (including interviews with Iger and Feige). I even learned that Bob Chapek is a fan of contemporary music, Key West and Dole Whip ...
@thr: Eighteen months into a tense transition, Disney's ex-CEO lingers even as successor Bob Chapek makes aggressive moves to signal the company is firmly under his control. Insiders and Bob Iger himself offer a look into the leadership change at the company
Alex Weprin / @alexweprin: Bob Iger says plans for him step down as Disney CEO began around Thanksgiving 2019 “The whole thing was sort of my construct with ultimate buy-in and full support of the board.” ...
Ben Smith / @benyt: The great @kimmasters on Bob Iger's last days at Disney ...
@faris: “In a world and business that is awash with data, it is tempting to use data to answer all of our questions, including creative questions. I urge all of you not to do that.” Bob Iger ...
Josh Spiegel / @mousterpiece: I feel like a lot more needs to be emphasized here regarding how long Bob Iger tried to find someone to replace him as Disney's CEO, and how that probably added to the problems happening now. ...
Carl Quintanilla / @carlquintanilla: “In a world and business that is awash with data, it is tempting to use data to answer all of our questions, including creative questions,” Iger said. “I urge all of you not to do that.” Great piece from @kimmasters on $DIS, via @THR ...
Aaron Wallace / @aaronwallace: “Iger's talk soon began to seep through Hollywood. His words were interpreted as a shot at Chapek.” This article reads like a new chapter in DisneyWar

Twitch acknowledges a “breach” after a 4chan user leaks its source code, creator payouts from 2019-2021, proprietary SDKs, internal AWS services, and more — SOURCE CODES AND USER PAYOUTS AMONG THE DATA RELEASED IN A 128GB TORRENT — An anonymous hacker claims to have leaked …
@twitch, New York Times, ScreenRant, The Guardian, Insider, @knows0mething, VICE, The Verge, Mediaite, Variety, CNET, BBC, Tubefilter, @aliceavizandum, @bigjon06, @sinoc229, @adrianachechik, @cahlaflour, UPI, NPR, PC Gamer, Protocol, @mikko, @toadsanime, Rock, Paper, Shotgun, @vgc_news, @jamesliamcook, New York Post, @tomwarren, Garbage Day,, Metacurity, Wired, TechCrunch, @sinoc229, @knows0mething, The Record, @tolariancollege, @vgc_news,, @rimmy_downunder, @campuscodi, @tehmorag, 9to5Mac, NME, @sinoc229, The Register, @scully1888, @protocol, Hit Points, Ad Age, AppleInsider, Game World Observer and Fast Company, more at Techmeme »
@twitch: We can confirm a breach has taken place. Our teams are working with urgency to understand the extent of this. We will update the community as soon as additional information is available. Thank you for bearing with us.
Kellen Browning / New York Times: A ‘potentially disastrous’ data breach hits Twitch, the livestreaming site.
Ben Gilbert / Insider: The multimillion dollar payouts of Twitch's top 100 streamers leaked: Here's how much your favorite creator is reportedly making
KnowSomething / @knows0mething: The gross payouts of the top 100 highest-paid Twitch streamers from August 2019 until October 2021:
Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai / VICE: Twitch Hack of 135 GB of Data Includes How Much Its Biggest Streamers Make
Rudy Takala / Mediaite: Encrypted User Passwords, Source Code Lost in Massive Breach of Amazon's Twitch
Todd Spangler / Variety: Twitch Confirms Major Data Breach
Carrie Mihalcik / CNET: Twitch confirms breach that allegedly contains source code, creator payouts
Donna Respirator / @aliceavizandum: I'm afraid it's now public knowledge that we receive dozens of US dollars from people playing sound effects for us
@bigjon06: i looked at one revenue file to validate if this is legit... literally 100% match to my analytics.. ad revenue, etc...
Sinoc / @sinoc229: got leaked. Like, the entire website; Source code with comments for the website and various console/phone versions, refrences to an unreleased steam competitor, payouts, encrypted passwords that kinda thing. Might wana change your passwords.
Adriana Chechik / @adrianachechik: This is a huge deal for users. I recommend changing passwords, 2fa, as well as changing any passwords connected to twitch. They stole source code but there's not much info yet.
@cahlaflour: If for some reason you didn't have 2FA, make sure you do now. Come on Twitch. 🙃
Jonna Lorenz / UPI: Hacker breaches Twitch data, exposes sensitive information online
Deepa Shivaram / NPR: Twitch, the popular game streaming service, confirms that its data has been hacked
Nick Statt / Protocol: Twitch confirms data breach reportedly containing streamer payouts and source code
@mikko: Twitch (owned by Amazon) has allegedly been hacked and data leaked, including their internal red teaming tools. ...
Ryan Brown / @toadsanime: The entirety of Twitch has reportedly leaked online - including everything from the full source code, encrypted passwords, creator payouts, prop SDKs, and more: ...
Imogen Beckhelling / Rock, Paper, Shotgun: Twitch source code and data reportedly leaked in hack
VGC / @vgc_news: An anonymous hacker has reportedly leaked the entirety of Twitch, including source code and creator payouts.
James Cook / @jamesliamcook: Interesting side effect of the (alleged) Twitch hack: Twitch streamers finally feeling able to discuss how much they earn from Twitch
Theo Wayt / New York Post: Twitch reportedly hit with hack as creator payments and source code leaked
Tom Warren / @tomwarren: it looks like Twitch has been hacked in a massive breach. A 125GB file reportedly includes Twitch source code, details on creator $$$ payouts, and even a Steam competitor. Full details here:
Ryan Broderick / Garbage Day: $8000 non-fungible fetish art
Danielle Partis / Twitch hacked, source code and creator payout information leaked online
Cynthia Brumfield / Metacurity: Hacker Leaks the Entirety of Video Gaming Giant Twitch, Including Platform Source Code
Matt Burgess / Wired: A Devastating Twitch Hack Sends Streamers Reeling
Zack Whittaker / TechCrunch: Twitch confirms hack after source code and creator payout data leaks online
Sinoc / @sinoc229: Grabbed Vapor, the codename for Amazon's Steam competitor. Seems to intigrate most of Twitch's features as well as a bunch of game specific support like fortnite and pubg. Also includes some Unity code for a game called Vapeworld, which I assume is some sort of VR chat thing.
KnowSomething / @knows0mething: Here's a more comprehensive list of leaked Twitch payouts (I will keep updating this thread as more things come out).
Catalin Cimpanu / The Record: Anonymous leaks Twitch source code and business data on 4chan
Tolarian Community / @tolariancollege: On the odd chance you only follow me on social media and don't read any news updates, RESET YOUR TWITCH PASSWORD NOW and tell your friends to do the same.
VGC / @vgc_news: UPDATE: One anonymous company source told VGC that the leaked Twitch data is legitimate, including the source code. Internally, Twitch is aware of the breach, the source said, and it's believed that the data was obtained as recently as Monday.
Ed Nightingale / Twitch source code leaked by anonymous hacker
Rimmy / @rimmy_downunder: @maDEMOman @troyhunt nah, leak is real, the math in that one was wrong. They did a fixed version and it's correct.
Catalin Cimpanu / @campuscodi: The group claimed to have leaked the data, which appears to have been extracted from a Git repository, in response to the recent “hate raids” that have been plaguing popular Twitch streamers
Scott Hellyer / @tehmorag: I confirmed info from the leak with the help of our community All data in there on me is 100% true in terms of payout value info This is real and will impact people for years Please don't downplay this for people that worry about it Everyone's saturation and values are different
Sinoc / @sinoc229: Some Vapeworld assets, including some 3d emotes with specular and albedo maps I don't have whatever version of unity installed that they used, so I'm limited in what assets i can get caps of with stuff like blener and renderdoc. There's custom unity plugins in here for devs too.
Richard Speed / The Register: Things that are not PogChamp: Twitch has its source code, streamer payout data leaked
Chris Scullion / @scully1888: Update: a source has confirmed to VGC that the leaked data is legit, that Twitch is aware of it and that it could have been stolen as early as Monday. ...
@protocol: Twitch streamers are debating the site's 50% revenue cut after a massive hack revealed that some users earn tens of millions of dollars in revenue from subscriptions.
Nathan Brown / Hit Points: #58: Down time — Gosh, that Facebook outage the other day was funny, wasn't it.
Erika Wheless / Ad Age: What brands need to know about the Twitch hack
William Gallagher / AppleInsider: Amazon's Twitch hacked, source code & financial details published
Evgeny Obedkov / Game World Observer: Amazon's unreleased Steam competitor Vapor unveiled in massive leak

Case study: the collapse of one Iowa newspaper, replaced by community Facebook groups full of rumors and angry takes on national political news — The grain elevator exploded on a cool April morning in 1987, six years before I was born. My father was testing a clay sample in a lab two miles away when suddenly the dial jumped.
@elainejgodfrey, @nikkiusher, @danlamothe, @hannahwinston, Substack, @ryanlcooper, @jtlinder, @nikkiusher, @sarahbeckman3, @stormlakemovie, @pomeranian99, @apocalypticanow, @nikkiusher, @mikejaytrackxc, @sarabethberman, @elainejgodfrey, @dorrine, @skooks, @kylemunson, @hawkeyekirk, @rushthewriter, @pykea, @citizenmurphy, @whet, @noelmu, @ericschmoldt, @harrytaylr, @realcpaz, @reidepstein, @gteresa, @mrwagner25, @larrypeterson, @andydowning33, @suhm_ting_wong, @nikkiusher, @hilzoy, @scottdochterman, @nikkiusher, @andysternberg, @kerrymflynn,, @dangillmor, @joeyneverjoe, @brooklynmarie, @justinjm1, @obrien_kat, @joshhochschild, @emmaogreen, @kemc, @jabogen, @chevytothe_levy, @laurarbelin, @bruce_arthur, @nickbaumann, @prashantrao and @mep
Elaine Godfrey / @elainejgodfrey: Today, we published my story on the decline of my hometown newspaper, The Hawk Eye, in Burlington, Iowa. This one is really close to my heart, and I hope you'll give it a read. It might ring true for you and your town, too. ...
Nikki Usher / @nikkiusher: I appreciate this piece BUT actually, we talk about this all the time, and I have been taking about this constantly since News for the Rich, White, and Blue came out and also, well, there are so many people who study this ...
Dan Lamothe / @danlamothe: Another sad Gannett story. Citizens and communities take the hit when things like this happen. ...
Hannah Winston / @hannahwinston: “At the time, Gannett owned more than 100 daily papers, and after the merger, the company owned one out of every six newspapers in the country. The Hawk Eye, which started 2016 with 100 people on the payroll, today has about a dozen.” ...
Dave Pell / Substack: You Had Me at Hell No — Three or four times a day, my kids hear me on the phone saying things like, “Oh, I'm so glad you called.
Ryan Cooper / @ryanlcooper: thriving local Iowa paper got virtually killed in four years so a bunch of Wall Street pirates could make a quick buck ...
Jeff Linder / @jtlinder: Hawk Eye alum here (1993-95). Sports staff was a solid, young, hungry core of four after transitioning to a morning paper. We worked our tails off. It was a good place to work. In a former life, it was the state's best midmajor paper (news AND sports). Those days are long gone.
Nikki Usher / @nikkiusher: I also think and know that community belonging facilitated through journalism does not include everyone in the community but a narrow version of white America as ideal and anyone else as deviant. How was the coverage of migrant workers in the meat plants and how their kids did?
Sarah Beckman / @sarahbeckman3: This is such an important piece about the demise of a local paper in rural Iowa. It's happening everywhere, and it impacts every single one of us. Please support your local reporters. Share their stories. Send them tips. Local journalism connects us. ...
Storm Lake / @stormlakemovie: This piece is extraordinary and in its intimate detail takes us from the coverage of an explosion to the implosion of a community with the decline of its newspaper. It's a must read, personal and powerful, and a cautionary tale.
Clive Thompson / @pomeranian99: What happens to a town that loses its newspaper? A superb piece by @elainejgodfrey investigates how the decline of her hometown paper, The Hawk Eye of Burglinton, Iowa, affected the community: ... Nuanced, amazing reporting here — read the whole thing 1/4
Apocalyptica / @apocalypticanow: I repeat: there's a market for local news but it's not big enough to sustain reporting AND a bunch of Wall Street vultures
Nikki Usher / @nikkiusher: It is ok to mourn the loss of local news. It's ok to be angry about profit (though legally that's what Wall Street owes to people, for profits aren't charities though maybe B corps should have been a thing). But don't have false nostalgia and cry democracy and culture as over
Mike JayTrackXC / @mikejaytrackxc: Great article Elaine. So sad and true. I am a long time fan and reader of the Hawkeye and many other “local” newspapers in our fine state. It is heartbreaking to see the numbers and or quality continue to dwindle. Keep up the good work.
Sarabeth Berman / @sarabethberman: “We don't often stop to ponder the way that a newspaper's collapse makes people feel: less connected, more alone. As local news crumbles, so does our tether to one another.” A beautiful and heart wrenching piece by @elainejgodfrey
Elaine Godfrey / @elainejgodfrey: One thing that shocked me in reporting this piece, but probably shouldn't have: A local Facebook page called “Burlington Breaking News Reports and MORE” now has 3x as many followers as The Hawk Eye has subscribers (digital or print). ...
Dorrine Mendoza / @dorrine: Really good. Especially if you think you already understand what losing the local paper means
@skooks: It's almost as if local journalism is an essential public service. Imagine if it was actually organized as such
Kyle Munson / @kylemunson: Social media vs. news reporting: “The pages can be a useful resource, & a good source of community jokes & gossip. But speculation & rumor run rampant. A member might ask about a new building going up in town, & someone will guess that it will be an Olive Garden. It never is.”
@hawkeyekirk: We can lament the loss of local papers but at the same time lament losing local butchers, bakers, furniture, hardware, appliance stores etc. If we want to know who killed the middle class we only need to find the nearest mirror. Truth may be painful but doesn't make it less true.
Ty Rushing / @rushthewriter: Two years ago, I was in a leadership class with the aforementioned photographer with a ponytail and he told me all about what was happening in Burlington. Glad Elaine captured the decline of Iowa's oldest newspaper and the void it leaves in its wake
Alan Pyke / @pykea: really good piece about how media consolidation & monopolization is tearing apart the local social fabric of communities nationwide, breeding disillusionment and misery: ...
Justin Murphy / @citizenmurphy: This whole thing is just very true and very painful. ...
Whet Moser / @whet: this was an underrated part of the defector saga, they were pretty sure they could run a decently profitable business, and VC dudes were fucking furious about it
Noel Murray / @noelmu: This a great piece and a reminder that “the media” didn't used to be some monolithic boogeyman but also used to include local reporters in nearly every small town, logging softball games and school board meetings. (These still exist of course, but in fewer and fewer numbers.)
Eric Schmoldt / @ericschmoldt: Change out Burlington for just about any city name and (if necessary) Gannett for the national corporate owner of that city's newspaper and ... Well, it's all pretty much the same story. And it's all real sad.
Harry Taylor / @harrytaylr: Another account of the devastation of local papers by big media firms - but there's also a lovely description at the end of what local newspapers are and should be.
Christian Paz / @realcpaz: A piece that has stuck with me for a second day, by @elainejgodfrey: “He's noticed a growing negative self-image among residents...Fewer people see Burlington as a nice place to live; they seem to like their neighbors less.” ...
Reid J. Epstein / @reidepstein: “In the absence of local coverage, all news becomes national news. ... Instead of learning about their own local candidates, they consume angry takes about Marjorie Taylor Greene.” @elainejgodfrey with a sad tale of what Hedge Fund Journalism has wrought ...
Teresa Gorman / @gteresa: Conversations about the loss of local news + accountability journalism often miss the points made here about how other things like obits, kids sports coverage, local food columnists, an editor to talk to in a grocery store, etc, connect communities.
Joey Wagner / @mrwagner25: Man, the first paper I ever grew up with before moving to Illinois. Hate all of this.
Larry Peterson / @larrypeterson: Coverage of local events and issues, the accomplishments of young people, what's happening to your local tax dollars, etc. It can all vanish quickly without real support - advertising and subscriptions. Sorry, you may find some photos on Facebook, but not the type of work we do.
Andy Downing / @andydowning33: “In the absence of local coverage, all news becomes national news: Instead of reading about local policy decisions, people read about the blacklisting of Dr. Seuss books. Instead of learning about their own local candidates, they consume angry takes about Marjorie Taylor Greene.”
@suhm_ting_wong: What happens when a community loses its newspaper? Less participation in local elections, & they are less competitive. Corruption increases; costs go up for local governments. Disinformation becomes the norm, as people get their facts from social media ...
@hilzoy: When local news withers, so does our tether to one another, @elainejgodfrey writes: ...
Scott Dochterman / @scottdochterman: This hurts my soul. My hometown newspaper. Once a great newspaper serving a great community that I still love and always will. Those left behind are trying their best. Not their fault. But this is rough.
Nikki Usher / @nikkiusher: I appreciate a good yarn about a newspaper. I would also like to know how many newspapers locally owned in the area never challenged local sun down town statues or let sodomy laws continue to live on the books OR never questions say, a Catholic priest (though Iowa?)
Andy Sternberg / @andysternberg: High quality neighborhood/community Facebook Groups really are diamonds in the rough.
@kerrymflynn: “We don't often stop to ponder the way that a newspaper's collapse makes people feel: less connected, more alone. As local news crumbles, so does our tether to one another.” Must-read story by @elainejgodfrey ... Predictions for the Nobel Prize in Literature; the “Paris Review Podcast” will return this month
Dan Gillmor / @dangillmor: If you care about local journalism, please read this.
@joeyneverjoe: Capitalism is killing our access to the news and the ability to make a living in the media world. The repercussions are huge and its consequences are already playing out in small communities.
Brooke Binkowski / @brooklynmarie: This has gone on all over for years. This the biggest underlying reason for the United States' vulnerability to weaponized disinformation campaigns, and of course Wall Street pirates know that and benefit from the lack of oversight. That's where my industry went.
Justin Miller / @justinjm1: When local news dies, people don't stop reading the news, they start reading what's left: national news. The average American probably doesn't know who represents them in Congress, but they're fed a constant stream of updates about AOC and MTG ...
Kat O'Brien / @obrien_kat: This is a marvelous piece by @elainejgodfrey on what we lose with the collapse of local newspapers. It's not just the coverage of breaking news and investigative journalism, but the stories of the bake sale & the high school play & the couple opening a furniture shop. 1/2
Josh Hochschild / @joshhochschild: Turns out local papers should be locally owned. Skin in the game = better for business, and better for journalism.
Emma Green / @emmaogreen: Love this @elainejgodfrey read on the decline of local journalism in her hometown—unnecessary, tragic, and the result of immense corporate greed: ...
Kathleen McLaughlin / @kemc: A story from Iowa that gets to the heart of what happens with the death of local news in much of America. “We don't often stop to ponder the way that a newspaper's collapse makes people feel: less connected, more alone. As local news crumbles, so does our tether to one another.”
Julie Bogen / @jabogen: I think most people think they've heard the stories about what happens when local news crumbles, but @elainejgodfrey's is truly, deeply moving. Worth your time, I promise.
Izzi Levy / @chevytothe_levy: I can't stop thinking about this: “These stories are the connective tissue of a community; they introduce people to their neighbors, and they encourage readers to listen to and empathize with one another... As local news crumbles, so does our tether to one another.”
Bleeding Heartland / @laurarbelin: “The Hawk Eye, which started 2016 with 100 people on the payroll, today has about a dozen.” A huge loss for #Iowa #journalism and especially for those living in SE Iowa.
Bruce Arthur / @bruce_arthur: This should somehow be illegal!
Nick Baumann / @nickbaumann: One of the important things about this story is that it doesn't fall for the usual narrative about how every local paper is doomed. The Hawk Eye was consistently profitable before it was acquired. Its precipitous decline followed Gatehouse buying it. ...

Snap expands Snapchat creator monetization programs, including Spotlight Challenges, which pays $25K+ to creators using specific sounds, topics, or AR lenses — Snap is rolling out new ways for Snapchat creators to make money on the app — part of the company's efforts to keep …
Snap Inc., Snap Newsroom, Billboard, ScreenRant, Adweek, The Verge, TechCrunch, Ad Age, Tubefilter and Hollywood Reporter, more at Techmeme »
J. Clara Chan / Billboard: Snapchat to Offer $25K ‘Prizes’ for Top Videos From Creators
David Cohen / Adweek: Snap Gives Creators Another Monetization Opportunity With Spotlight Challenges
Jacob Kastrenakes / The Verge: Snapchat adds ‘challenges’ with cash prizes to its TikTok competitor
Sarah Perez / TechCrunch: Snapchat revamps creator payouts by offering chance to win prizes with Spotlight Challenges
Erika Wheless / Ad Age: Pinterest and Snapchat roll out new products focusing on commerce and creators

NBCUniversal names Kelly Campbell as president of Peacock, two days after she quit her job as Hulu president — It's official: Kelly Campbell is the new president of Peacock, NBCUniversal announced. … Campbell will join the Peacock leadership team starting in November and will be based in the Los Angeles area.
MediaPost, The Streamable, Ad Age, Adweek, The Wrap, Los Angeles Times, @sherman4949, Deadline, WORLD SCREEN and Hollywood Reporter
Wayne Friedman / MediaPost: Former Hulu Executive Kelly Campbell Named Peacock President
Ethan Jakob Craft / Ad Age: Kelly Campbell joins NBCU as president of Peacock
Tim Baysinger / The Wrap: Ex-Hulu Chief Kelly Campbell Named Peacock President
Alex Sherman / @sherman4949: Kelly Campbell, former Hulu chief, is the new president of NBCU's Peacock. She'll report to Matt Strauss. According to an NBCU statement, “Campbell will be responsible for Peacock's streaming business.”
Peter White / Deadline: Kelly Campbell Officially Joins Peacock As President
Kristin Brzoznowski / WORLD SCREEN: Hulu Alum Kelly Campbell Named President of Peacock

Brandon Silverman, the founder and CEO of the Facebook-owned analytics tool CrowdTangle, is leaving the company; team members were reassigned several months ago — CrowdTangle has been caught up in an internal transparency battle at Facebook — Brandon Silverman, the founder and CEO …
Kevin Roose / @kevinroose: Can confirm that CrowdTangle CEO Brandon Silverman is leaving Facebook. He was seen as a pro-transparency voice inside the company, and his departure was widely expected after the CT team was disbanded earlier this year.
Jane Lytvynenko / @janelytv: Graph search was a key tool for online investigators and Facebook turned it off. CrowdTangle has been indispensable to understanding the flow of info and FB resigned the team. CT's creator now gone. It's devastating, but.
Jane Lytvynenko / @janelytv: But if there's one thing online investigations teaches it's different approaches to the same problem. So the main thing all of this accomplishes is not deterring research, that will go on. Instead it clearly and loudly shows Facebook's intention to avoid scrutiny at any cost.
Donie O'Sullivan / @donie: 🚨 The founder of CrowdTangle, a tool that Facebook acquired and now points to when it talks about transparency, is leaving Facebook, @alexeheath reports. CrowdTangle has been caught up in an internal transparency battle at Facebook
Davey Alba / @daveyalba: this is really sad. Brandon led the CrowdTangle team and seriously helped a community of disinfo journalists report on Facebook in the past 18 months. end of an era.

Spotify says it will let Anchor podcast creators in the US apply to join its programmatic ad marketplace Spotify Audience Network — Earlier this year, Spotify introduced its new audio advertising marketplace, the Spotify Audience Network, which allows advertisers to reach audiences across …
Naomi / Spotify: The Latest Spotify Audience Network Innovations for Advertisers and Anchor Creators
David Cohen / Adweek: Anchor Podcasts Can Take Part in Spotify Audience Network
Ashley Carman / @ashleyrcarman: big news in spotify's quest for owning podcast ads. anchor creators can now apply to be part of its programmatic ad marketplace. there's a lot more to this one that ill be writing about in tomorrow's hot pod insider! stay tuned~ ...

How the ICIJ coordinated 150 different media outlets in 117 countries to process 2.94TB of leaked data and report on The Pandora Papers — The Pandora Papers leak includes a colossal 2.94 terabytes of data. Unravelling the contents was no easy task — The Pandora Papers have rocked the world.
Chris Stokel-Walker / @stokel: How did the #PandoraPapers end up being made public? For @WiredUK, I looked at the logistics of handling so much data - and how @ICIJorg has headed off DDoS attacks in its wake
Sydney P. Freedberg / ICIJ: Lawmakers and regulators around the world take action in the wake of Pandora Papers
Arms Watch: The Pandora Papers — Journalists have started to publish stories about the Pandora Papers …
Ramishah Maruf / CNN: Here are 5 takeaways from the Pandora Papers

Twitter is selling mobile ad subsidiary MoPub to AppLovin for $1.05B, after acquiring it for nearly $350M in 2013 — Twitter Inc (TWTR.N) said on Wednesday it has agreed to sell mobile ads company MoPub to AppLovin Corp (APP.O) for $1.05 billion in cash. — MoPub, which generated …
Salvador Rodriguez / CNBC: Twitter sells MoPub mobile ad network to AppLovin for $1.05 billion
Charlotte Tobitt / Press Gazette:
FOI: four BBC journalists were formally disciplined over their social media use during Tim Davie's first year as DG, when he introduced the new guidelines — Four BBC journalists were formally disciplined over their social media use during Tim Davie's first year as director-general in which he introduced new guidelines.