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Sources: Netflix suspended three employees, including a trans employee who criticized Dave Chappelle in a viral tweet, for crashing a top executive meeting — Terra Field, a senior software engineer for the streamer based in San Francisco, was among those suspended late last week for attending the …
@rainofterra, Variety, The Verge, Mediaite, Insider,, The Wrap, Los Angeles Times, Bloomberg, Gizmodo, New York Post, @sorayamcdonald, @mrernestowens, @lucas_shaw, @lucas_shaw, @lucas_shaw, @rgay, @daviddtss, @bcmorrow, @theferocity, @briannawu, @wcruz73, @iff_or,, Rolling Stone, @franklinleonard, @kvanaren, TVLine, Decider, @adambvary, @prestonmaxallen, @chris_notcapn, @imarajones, @zoeschiffer and IndieWire
@rainofterra: I work at @netflix. Yesterday we launched another Chappelle special where he attacks the trans community, and the very validity of transness - all while trying to pit us against other marginalized groups. You're going to hear a lot of talk about “offense”. We are not offended 🧵
Matt Donnelly / Variety: Netflix's Ted Sarandos Defends Dave Chappelle Special in Staff Memo: ‘Artistic Freedom’ Is Different for Stand-Up (EXCLUSIVE)
Jackson Richman / Mediaite: ‘We Are Not Going’ to Remove Special: Netflix CEO Defends Dave Chappelle Stand-Up Amid Accusations of Transphobia
Travis Clark / Insider: Netflix has suspended 3 employees but says it wasn't for criticism of its Dave Chappelle special
Daniel Frankel / Netflix Suspends Outspoken Trans Staffer for Crashing Zoom Meeting About Chappelle ‘Closer’ Controversy
Brian Welk / The Wrap: Trans Netflix Employee Who Criticized Dave Chappelle Is Suspended for Crashing Executive Meeting
Christi Carras / Los Angeles Times: Netflix suspends transgender staffer who criticized Dave Chappelle special
Brianna Provenzano / Gizmodo: Netflix Suspends Three Employees Who Criticized Dave Chappelle's Transphobic Standup Special
Samantha Ibrahim / New York Post: Netflix CEO won't cancel Chappelle: Controversial stand-up is ‘artistic freedom’
@sorayamcdonald: Here is the very good thread written by the trans employee @Netflix fired for speaking up about Dave Chappelle's bigotry
Ernest Owens / @mrernestowens: Looks like the only ones being “cancelled” at Netflix are its trans staff who are speaking out against the Dave Chappelle special — not him.
Lucas Shaw / @lucas_shaw: This is a very thorny issue for Netflix, which is stuck between its public commitment to artists and its public commitment to civil rights/progressive causes.
Lucas Shaw / @lucas_shaw: Netflix will say it is honoring its commitment to Chappelle and his freedom to say controversial things. But since those statements are hurtful to employees and users, there is no great solution here.
Lucas Shaw / @lucas_shaw: Netflix co-CEO Ted Sarandos says the service won't take down a Dave Chappelle stand-up that has been criticized as transphobic.
Roxane Gay / @rgay: This is just lousy @netflix. If Chapelle gets free speech to air his noxious ideas, certainly an employee who is directly affected gets that same right.
David Dennis Jr / @daviddtss: I want y'all to note who *actually* gets canceled
Bethany C. Morrow / @bcmorrow: It is exactly what it looks like.
Brianna Wu / @briannawu: Never forget who gets to have free speech and who doesn't. The powerful do, the vulnerable just asking for a bit more dignity don't.
@iff_or: Netflix suspended her after she tweeted this, along with two other employees, “for trying to attend a director-level meeting they weren't invited to.”
Jon Blistein / Rolling Stone: Three Netflix Employees, Including Trans Person, Suspended Amid Uproar Over Dave Chappelle's ‘The Closer’
Franklin Leonard / @franklinleonard: A fascinating dynamic that recalls the Hachette walkout last year and continues to invite BIG questions over corporate cultural production and distribution.
Kathryn VanArendonk / @kvanaren: variety has the text of the memo ted sarandos sent to the company about The Closer, and I have questions
Ryan Schwartz / TVLine: Netflix Boss Defends Dave Chappelle's ‘Artistic Freedom’ After Latest Special Is Deemed ‘Dangerously Transphobic’
Abby Monteil / Decider: Netflix Reportedly Suspends Trans Employee Who Spoke Out Against Dave Chappelle's ‘The Closer’
Adam B. Vary / @adambvary: • Netflix trans employee tweets criticism of company for Dave Chappelle special. • Days later, the same employee and two others crash virtual meeting of top execs, but never speak. • Netflix suspends all three employees. MORE from @MattDonnelly:
Preston Max / @prestonmaxallen: Giving stand-up a pass for hate speech is a fucked up tradition upheld by people I must assume are in at least some agreement with the views expressed. If you believe this is acceptable to say onstage, but not the workplace, you believe it's acceptable to say at all. Disgusting.
Chris Evans / @chris_notcapn: So you didn't censor @hasanminhaj's show because it was offensive to Saudi Arabia? 🤔 Just say Dave is too valuable to Netflix for you to give a shit and keep it 💯.
Imara Jones / @imarajones: Just wondering if anyone senior @netflix saw the Dave Chappelle special and what they had to say about the trans “jokes” within it. Because the reality is that the loss of life in our community caused by cultural insensitivity is no laughing matter. @translashmedia
Zoë Schiffer / @zoeschiffer: NEW: Netflix has suspended a trans employee who posted a high profile tweet thread about Dave Chappelle's comedy special. Internally, the special has sparked significant controversy, with scores of employees asking execs where the company draws a line btw commentary & hate:

Despite going all in on streaming with Disney+, Disney plans to keep ESPN tied to cable bundles, its biggest revenue driver — - Disney's strategic move into streaming conflicts with ESPN's business, which profits handsomely from linear TV. — ESPN probably won't consider a direct …
Alex Sherman / @sherman4949: Good morning sports fans — been working on this one for a little while. Disney's plan for ESPN in a streaming-first wold, and what it may mean for the future value of sports rights. Hope you enjoy.
Andrew A. Rosen / @aagave: Good must-read. I think there *is* an outcome where 40MM-50MM households pay for a sports-focused or refined bundle (20-30 channels) H/T @sd_so. But burden isn't on DIS to figure that out, and w/ ESPN as cash cow no incentives either
Modest Proposal / @modestproposal1: @sherman4949 The funny thing is this debate is at least a decade old and there is no new thinking or strategy or anything. It's still “if we can get 25-30M sports fans to pay $30-35, and churn stays low, it kind of works, even tho our reach will be lower but we'll make up for it in targeting”
Jason Gurwin / @jasongurwin: @sherman4949 I never got the argument that Disney could get $30 from 30 million subs for ESPN. Sling has 2.5 million at $35 (was $20-25 for 5 years) which includes ESPN & Disney and more.
Lauren Saks / @laurensaks: Two things are still on my mind after reading about Disney's plans for ESPN in a post-cable world
Alex Sherman / @sherman4949: @jasongurwin This is a good point. I think the argument is that millions aren't switching to Sling because they've already got cable baked in with their Internet, and the price of Sling is bound to go up in the next few years.
@mediumbuying: Disney has a huge financial incentive to keep the linear cable bundle around in the short term — The company earns roughly *$9 billion* annually in domestic carriage fees from ESPN and its associated networks
Alan Wolk / @awolk: Great piece that touches on all of the major themes facing TV today, from “what to do about all those people who won't give up cable” to “is the solution just a streaming bundle” to the main topic, the place for linear sports broadcasts in a streaming world.
John Kosner / @jkosner: A lot here @sherman4949 ... New products (AR, NFTs, Betting) factor into the streaming future but piracy is a growing risk
Alex Sherman / @sherman4949: Does ESPN still make sense for Disney as the world moves to streaming? Depends what you think about the future of sports and linear TV.
Alex Sherman / @sherman4949: ICYMI from yesterday: ESPN has been Disney's crown jewel for decades. But as the world moves to streaming, does ESPN make sense for Disney anymore? Or is ESPN strategically misaligned with the rest of the company?
Lauren Saks / @laurensaks: And “Americans age 13 to 23 are half as likely as millennials to watch live sports regularly and twice as likely to never watch, according to a 2020 Morning Consult survey.” Whoa.
Ari Levy / @levynews: Great sunday read from @sherman4949 on how Disney's shift to streaming has put ESPN in awkward position of clinging to the past
Lauren Saks / @laurensaks: $30 a month for streaming ESPN, or more than double that of a Netflix subscription - is that low? High? Would my family of huge sports fan happily pay?
Micah Gelman / @mbgelman: This is a really smart assessment of how ESPN fits into Disney's DTC strategy amidst declining subs for pay TV and it has me thinking about how cable news will or won't adapt (1/
Alex Sherman / @sherman4949: @modestproposal1 The innovator's dilemma perhaps
Alex Morris / @tsoh_investing: “Should the number of pay-TV bundle subscribers drop to a level well under 50 million households, Disney would likely take ESPN to consumers in a more complete streaming package, said two people with knowledge of the company's plans.” h/t @FrancoOlivera
Alex Sherman / @sherman4949: @jasongurwin Well, the opposite, I think — the 25m who leave would likely be non sports fans. The ones who stay would be the ones ESPN could nab with a streaming offer after the 25m leave.

Sources: The Atlantic is recruiting writers with paid newsletters for a newsletter product, offering a base payment while letting them stay semi-independent — Heads up, Substack. But also Twitter. And Facebook. And the New York Times ... Here's a media trend: Journalists setting …
@pkafka, @alex, @biblioracle, @blgtylr, @emilyrnunn, @timherrera, @craigcalcaterra, @_megconley, @adamwren, @bigmeaninternet, @tomgara, @pkafka, @niemanlab, @nbj914, @blakehounshell, @ericacbarnett, @matt_kiser and @bmorrissey
Peter Kafka / @pkafka: From me, this weekend. Have since heard this described as 2006-era blog rollup, or e-mail list-sharing, or simply overly complicated. I'd say it's... a sign that publishers are interested in newsletters.
@alex: Big name paywall boosting newsletters that grant semi-independence seems like the future of columnists?
John Warner / @biblioracle: I think this is a good idea from @TheAtlantic and one that will be attractive to writers that want a steady income, but aren't money motivated and don't want to have to lean-in to some of the dynamic that draws subscriptions on Substack.
Emily Nunn / @emilyrnunn: 1. This is really shrewd, but probably not ideal for your average, say, salad newlettreist. “The Atlantic wants to hire newsletter writers — and it wants their subscribers, too via @voxdotcom
@timherrera: Oh my gosh this point is SO cool and tbh super important for writers to maintain and own the things they build
Craig Calcaterra / @craigcalcaterra: Whenever people ask me about the business of newsletters, I kinda half-jokingly say “it's just blogs.” But also: it's just blogs. Right down to media companies trying to hoover up the indies and put 'em under their banner.
Meg Conley / @_megconley: As my newsletter expands, I've wondered what next steps should be. Bundling - like this from @TheAtlantic - is interesting. I'd want to be able to make some essays paywall free. Sometimes people who like my work can't support it with cash. They support in lots of other ways💚
Adam Wren / @adamwren: Newsletters all the way down.
Malcolm Harris / @bigmeaninternet: How on earth does this make any sense? I'm missing something here
Tom Gara / @tomgara: Another data point for newsletters as the new blogs will be The Atlantic rolling up the the prestigey ones like it's the late 2000s
Peter Kafka / @pkafka: The idea: Atlantic gets a new crop of writers, and converts their subscribers into Atlantic subscribers. And writers get a steady check instead of worrying about churn, finding new subs etc.
@niemanlab: “One difference between the Atlantic's plan and other distributors is that, in some cases, the Atlantic is recruiting writers who are already in the paid newsletter business. And it wants to convert those writers' subscribers into Atlantic subscribers.”
Nicholas Jackson / @nbj914: The latest in the newsletter wars: @TheAtlantic is pursuing partnership deals that could be more attractive to writers who don't want to be FTEs at any one company.
Blake Hounshell / @blakehounshell: Newsletters are where it's at.
Erica C. Barnett / @ericacbarnett: The common denominator here is “writers who think they're too good to be edited.” The loss (and devaluation) of experienced editors is one of the major uncovered stories of the modern media landscape.
Matt Kiser / @matt_kiser: I mean I love this idea if the independents also get access to company benefits and perks, like health care, retirement match, PTO, as well as the boring stuff, like accounting and a customer service backstop... perhaps even some economies of scale on the infrastructure side too?

A look at the rise of “ampliganda”, where the public participates in shaping perception via amplification, as trust shifts away from legacy media to influencers — One Sunday morning in July of last year, a message from an anonymous account appeared on “Bernie or Vest,” …
@noupside, @noupside, @noupside, @noupside, @mastersonmv, @leighalexander, @alexstamos, @theatlantic and @noupside, more at Techmeme »
Renee DiResta / @noupside: New essay in The Atlantic exploring some dynamics I've been thinking about as the mis/disinformation (and related “solutions” debates) swirl: how much of what people are concerned about is more accurately characterized as, simply, propaganda, and what does that imply?
Renee DiResta / @noupside: Mis and disinfo are real phenomena, but there's been scope creep as the terms are used to describe non-falsifiable and authentically-produced narratives as well ("propaganda" is a loaded term). So in the essay I explore what that means - and what it means for us as participants.
Renee DiResta / @noupside: The public holds a power it never really had in prior ecosystems; influencers, a relatively new figure in distribution dynamics, crystallize public opinion. “Propaganda” originally simply referenced the idea of *propagation* - the process of evangelizing.
Renee DiResta / @noupside: One key difference now is that the affordances we all have for content creation, for narrative amplification - and the aggregation of people into highly activist online factions - mean that bottom-up dynamics are increasingly powerful and have massive reach.
Matthew Masterson / @mastersonmv: “Today there is simply a rhetorical war of all against all:a maelstrom of viral hashtags competing for attention...amplified by crowds of true believers for whom sharing and retweeting is akin to a religious calling"Incredible insights from @stanfordio's @noUpside in @TheAtlantic
@leighalexander: materially the amount of (e.g.) gamergate-related harassment I personally fielded in its time was probably down to ~1000 people. but social media propagandizing made it feel like a “huge thing”, other parties leveraged it, and that's the playbook now ...
Alex Stamos / @alexstamos: This is probably my favorite recent piece from my colleague @noUpside and I think it will help reset some of the language issues our nascent field keeps running into.
@theatlantic: “The public has become an active participant in creating and selectively amplifying narratives that shape realities. Perhaps the best word for this emergent bottom-up dynamic is one that doesn't exist quite yet: ampliganda,” @noUpside writes.

A look at a decades-old argument between two journalists who worked at The Boston Globe, and how its core question on the role of objectivity remains relevant — A writer for an alt-weekly called out a Boston Globe editor for his “fealty” to the idea of objectivity in a column that reads as if it were written yesterday.
@revkin, @lyman_brian, @coreyhutchins, @ron_fournier, Media Nation, @dankennedy_nu, @dabeard, @frederickmelo, @lanceulanoff, @tomgara, @nicdawes and @matthaber
@revkin: Great @benyt look at decades of alt/mainstream media sparring over “objectivity,” with the '79 Three Mile Island nuclear crisis at the core. Fascinating coda, as Alan Berger acknowledges that the liberal “win” over nuclear power looms as a big mistake now.
Brian Lyman / @lyman_brian: Few topics in journalism history are messier than the origins of objectivity. That concept got mixed up with older ideals of journalistic neutrality in the 1920s and 30s, and what we call objectivity often diverges from how Walter Lippmann envisioned it.
Corey Hutchins / @coreyhutchins: “The church is gone, and there's no orthodoxy left,” he said. “There's many journalisms, and that's kind of liberating.”
Ron Fournier / @ron_fournier: “Nuclear power, whatever its dangers, doesn't emit carbon.” “And journalists, whichever sect we belong to, should keep in mind our potential to get it wrong.” ~ @benyt on objectivity
Dan Kennedy / Media Nation: 42 years later, two Boston Globe stalwarts are still debating objectivity
Dan Kennedy / @dankennedy_nu: Fun piece by @benyt on two retired @BostonGlobe stalwarts who've been debating the meaning and value of objectivity since 1979.
David Beard / @dabeard: “One of the easiest ways to know whether you can trust a journalist, I've always found, is to check whether the person is capable of admitting they've been wrong.” @benyt on a 42-year-old, utterly contemporary dispute
Frederick Melo / @frederickmelo: Calm, deferential, seemingly rationale reporting on Vietnam War, Three Mile Island and other epic fails didn't age well. Two Boston-based reporters have debated “objectivity” in journalism since 1979. What they said then could've been written yesterday:
Lance Ulanoff / @lanceulanoff: When I was young, my father explained told me unbiased press was a myth; every paper had an angle. Even so, I've always believed deeply in an objective, impartial press. But if all press doesn't believe that, the traditional system of journalism collapses

Canadian authorities drop charges against a man featured in NYT's “Caliphate” podcast series, after he said in court his tales of fighting for ISIS were made up — In exchange for the admission of the man, Shehroze Chaudhry, Canada dropped criminal charges against him.
@andysz, @aaronjmate, @nycsouthpaw, @bgrueskin, @mazmhussain, @theshineline, @fawfulfan, @lailaalarian and Newser
@aaronjmate: “The statement of facts presented in court on Friday said a Times journalist, Rukmini Callimachi, pushed Mr. Chaudhry to spin his false narrative.”
Southpaw / @nycsouthpaw: “You're charged with perpetrating a criminal hoax.” “Well, I did it. I'm guilty of that offense.” “Oh thank you so much for saying so! We'll drop the charges, in gratitude.”
Bill Grueskin / @bgrueskin: According to court papers, NYT reporter Rukmini Callimachi “pushed Chaudhry to spin his false narrative. “When Chaudhry expressed reluctance, she responded, ‘You need to talk about the killings.’ “Callimachi denies making that comment.”
Murtaza Hussain / @mazmhussain: “Chaudhry, spread fabricated stories on social media beginning in 2016, according to a statement of facts between prosecutors and the defense. He then repeated them to several news outlets, including The New York Times, which amplified his tales.”
Tyson Shine / @theshineline: Sheesh. If you listened to the harrowing ‘Caliphate’ podcast, you'll want to read this.
Matthew Chapman / @fawfulfan: That's insane. What if this guy's stories led people to actually join ISIS and commit terrorist acts for real? This guy should have to do a lot more than just apologize.
Laila Al-Arian / @lailaalarian: NYT still hasn't retracted Caliphate & Harper's reported in May “Callimachi still thinks there's a chance he's telling the truth, believing that the hoax charge could be a complicated play by the Canadian authorities to force him to admit to his crimes.”
Rob Quinn / Newser: ‘ISIS Executioner’ Admits He Made It All Up

Rappler CEO Maria Ressa and Dmitry Muratov, EIC of Russia's Novaya Gazeta, awarded the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize for efforts to safeguard freedom of expression — (CNN)The Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to journalists Maria Ressa and Dmitry Muratov for their efforts to safeguard freedom of expression in the Philippines and Russia.
Washington Post, The Philadelphia Inquirer, Columbia Journalism Review, @nobelprize, @will_bunch, American Press Institute, @barbrastreisand, @nobelprize, @nobelprize, @nobelprize, @rexhuppke, @bgrueskin, @inquirerdotnet, @drtedros, @kenroth, @marietjeschaake, @nobelprize, @robertkennedyjr, @miafarrow, National Review, @teri_atthepaper, UPI, @ccaryl, @drpanmd, @wiczipedia, @digiphile, @indiohistorian, @cafreeland, @ap, @laurie_garrett, @rapplerdotcom, @jonvicremulla, @usembassyph, @consumersos, @kapur_ritu, @slakster, @photospice, @anarina, @donmoyn, @anjpessumal, @manuelasaragosa, @markmackinnon, @yongchavezla, @zebaism, @vrsrini, @originalspin, @rapplerdotcom, @marklittlenews, @octavianasr, @kenroth, @pakhead, @bostonjoan, @dianeparagas, @katestarbird, @gideonlasco, @rapplerdotcom, @indianexpress, @carolecadwalla, @barackobama, @secblinken, @lianbuan, @piaranada, @mathewi, @karaswisher, @rashadrobinson, @wikileaks, @acgrayling, @mitrakalita, @wikileaks, @mariashriver, @gmanews, @kristina, @time, @fboversight, @carolecadwalla, @kevinghall, @glaad, @tomperriello, @nytimes, @nickkristof, @kenroth, @nytimes, @wired, @karaswisher, @mehdirhasan,, @marietjeschaake, @andrewsweiss, @benyt, @kimseverson, @mollymckew, @kmartynov, @catherinebelton, @kylieatwood, @fisheri, @meifongwriter, @maximeristavi, @emilyrauhala, @reedfrich, @pakhead, @kimmasters, @klustout, @mitrakalita, @amlwhere, @novaya_gazeta, @carolecadwalla, @eucopresident, @acaruanagalizia, @verajourova, New York Times, The Independent,, Reporters Without Borders, Poynter and The Guardian
Nina Jankowicz / Washington Post: Why the Nobel Peace Prize award is a huge blow to Facebook
Will Bunch / The Philadelphia Inquirer: Nobel Peace Prize for Maria Ressa, Dmitry Muratov also a warning to U.S. journalists: Do better
Jon Allsop / Columbia Journalism Review: Celebration and impunity as journalists win the Nobel Peace Prize
@nobelprize: BREAKING NEWS: The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided to award the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize to Maria Ressa and Dmitry Muratov for their efforts to safeguard freedom of expression, which is a precondition for democracy and lasting peace. #NobelPrize #NobelPeacePrize
Will Bunch / @will_bunch: “Journalism is activism,” says Maria Ressa, one of Friday's 2 winners of the Nobel Peace Prize Most U.S. journalists don't seem to get it. Does this mean our democracy doomed? My new column
American Press Institute: Need to Know: October 11, 2021 — Fresh useful insights for people advancing quality, innovative and sustainable journalism
Barbra Streisand / @barbrastreisand: The flood of disinformation coming from Facebook is causing chaos and violence around the world. ...
@nobelprize: WORLD EXCLUSIVE: The call from Oslo. Hear Maria Ressa's reaction when she hears the news from Olav Njølstad, Secretary of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, on being awarded the 2021 #NobelPeacePrize just before the public announcement. “I'm speechless!” #NobelPrize @mariaressa
@nobelprize: 2021 peace laureates Maria Ressa, @mariaressa, and Dmitry Muratov are receiving the #NobelPeacePrize for their courageous fight for freedom of expression in the Philippines and Russia. #NobelPrize
@nobelprize: #NobelPrize laureate Maria Ressa uses freedom of expression to expose abuse of power, use of violence and growing authoritarianism in her native country, the Philippines. In 2012, she co-founded Rappler, @rapplerdotcom, a digital media company for investigative journalism.
Rex Huppke / @rexhuppke: Was thinking about our truth crisis all morning, then read @Will_Bunch writing about it. Amen to all this: “In a battle for facts, in a battle for truth, journalism is activism.” ... Those last three words should be tattooed on every journalist's forearm.
Bill Grueskin / @bgrueskin: Nobel winner Maria Ressa “reminded the journalism world that the moral value of reporting comes neither from chasing clicks nor from some quiet self-satisfaction of imagining one's self as an impartial umpire in a world going mad” via @Will_Bunch
@inquirerdotnet: Irish rock band U2 has commended Rappler CEO Maria Ressa for winning the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize for 2021 alongside Russian journalist Dmitry Muratov. | @DCruzINQ ...
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus / @drtedros: Freedom of expression and access to factual information have never been more important as the world fights the #COVID19 pandemic and infodemic, climate crisis & other global threats. Congratulations, @mariaressa and Dmitry Muratov, on such a well-deserved 2021 #NobelPeacePrize!
Kenneth Roth / @kenroth: Facebook has been widely used to attack Nobel Peace Prize winner Maria Ressa. “She was called a ‘presstitute.’ Users called for her rape and beheading. Facebook did little to stop the onslaught” despite links to Philippine Pres Duterte's government. ...
Marietje Schaake / @marietjeschaake: Giving @mariaressa the prize for peace makes a statement we should all keep in mind: Disinformation threatens peace. Maria Ressa's Nobel Prize is a huge blow to Facebook by @wiczipedia ↘️ ...
@nobelprize: “A world without facts means a world without truth and trust.” - Maria Ressa awarded the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize. Learn more:
Robert F. Kennedy Jr / @robertkennedyjr: Yes! In announcing journalists Maria Ressa + Dmitri A. Muratov will get Nobel Peace Prize for their ongoing work in the face of those who would end freedom of expression, Nobel Committee said free press is “a precondition for democracy and lasting peace.” ...
Mia Farrow / @miafarrow: Huge respect for #MariaRessa and her invaluable work. Congratulations to the people of the Philippines - Ms Ressa is their first Nobel Laureate . #PressFreedom
Jay Nordlinger / National Review: If China attacks Taiwan, &c.
Teri Carter / @teri_atthepaper: Every journalist, columnist, and editor in the US should read this @Will_Bunch piece. He's right,"Journalism is activism," but most are still doing the both sides-ism of days gone by. Things must change, fast, or what is the 4th estate even for?
Valleri Robinson / UPI: Even in exile, Belarus' Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya fights authoritarianism
Christian Caryl / @ccaryl: Facebook has been having a terrible week. @wiczipedia describes how the Nobel Peace Prize award topped it off ...
Dr. Richard Pan / @drpanmd: “Ressa uncovered a group of Facebook pages that were spreading disinformation to 3 million people. She forwarded her evidence to Facebook — but the company did nothing.” #NobelPrize #StopHateForProfit #Resist #AlternativeFacts @rapplerdotcom
Nina Jankowicz / @wiczipedia: I have always admired @mariaressa not just for her courage in standing up to the Duterte regime, but in standing up another regime that is larger, more influential and perhaps more dangerous: Facebook. ...
Alex Howard / @digiphile: This Nobel is not just a recognition of @MariaRessa's courage in standing up to an autocrat, but an “appreciation for all she has taught the world about the ways social media...can be used to harm public safety & democracy”-@wiczipedia ... Lies threaten peace.
Kristoffer Pasion / @indiohistorian: She is the first FILIPINO Nobel laureate. And the deafening silence of Duterte's Malacañang only confirms what she is fighting against. Congratulations from all our hearts, .@mariaressa! Mabuhay! 🇵🇭🇵🇭 🇵🇭 #DefendPressFreedom
Chrystia Freeland / @cafreeland: A well-deserved recognition of the bravery, perseverance, and hard work of Maria Ressa & Dmitry Muratov. Your example inspires us all.
@ap: Russian independent newspaper editor Dmitry Muratov has downplayed his prominence in the Nobel Peace Prize he received. Muratov insists that the whole paper earned the award, as a tribute to its six reporters or contributors who have been killed.
Laurie Garrett / @laurie_garrett: For journalists the world over this is spectacular. The courage shown by Ressa & Muratov in standing up to #Duterte & #Putin is amazing. Thousands more reporters & photographers have exposed oligarchs & dictators, but paid for it with their lives. #NobelPeacePrize2021
Rappler / @rapplerdotcom: Irish band U2 congratulates Rappler CEO Maria Ressa and Russian journalist Dmitry Muratov for winning the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize, expressing their respect to journalists who “in hostile times are standing firm” to guard democracies everywhere. #DefendPressFreedom #CourageON
Jonvic Remulla / @jonvicremulla: Well-deserved @mariaressa and all the best to your team 🥰 @chayhofilena
U.S. Embassy / @usembassyph: We congratulate journalist @MariaRessa for being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, recognizing her efforts to safeguard freedom of expression. Read the @POTUS statement here:
@consumersos: Holy sh..e! What a phone call. Beats the duct cleaners' pitches all right.:) I had the honour to say hi to @mariaressa when she was honoured by @cjffjc and @natalieturvey in Toronto a couple of years ago. Such a deserved Nobel Peace Prize. #journalism #NobelPeacePrize
Ritu Kapur / @kapur_ritu: Congratulations @mariaressa ... you truly deserve this recognition!
Sriram Lakshman / @slakster: “Free, independent and fact-based journalism serves to protect against abuse of power, lies and war propaganda. The Norwegian Nobel Committee is convinced that freedom of expression and freedom of information help to ensure an informed public.”
Barbaradavidson / @photospice: I'm late to the party but THIS is brilliant news: The Nobel Peace Prize 2021 ##NobelPeacePrize
Carolina Moreno / @anarina: “The battle is worth it.”
Don Moynihan / @donmoyn: As much as anything, this is a grim indictment of authoritarian control and the state of free expression in Putin's Russia.
@anjpessumal: Come to think of it, tama naman ang radio silence. a congratulatory note would be an outright lie; mocking the prize would be validating Maria's fight; radio silence would be an admission of the truth. Maria still wins.
Manuela Saragosa / @manuelasaragosa: Many, many congratulations @mariaressa! Proud to say I shared a reporting stomping ground - Jakarta - with Maria back in the 1990s
Mark MacKinnon / @markmackinnon: “I think this [Nobel Prize] just shows you that the battle is worth it. The personal sacrifices are worth it.”
Yong Chavez / @yongchavezla: Bravo, Maria Ressa! Couple of years ago on a Robert De Niro interview, he immediately brought up @mariaressa's bravery when I ID'd as Filipino. The courage of women like her is how the world becomes informed of what dictators try to silence.
Srinivasan Ramani / @vrsrini: If one looks at the reasons for the awards to @mariaressa & #DmitryMuratov from the Nobel committee -, the award is as much theirs as it is for publications, journalists and outlets that are speaking truth to power everywhere including India.
Jeff Yang / @originalspin: Congratulations to Maria Ressa—a powerful voice for justice in a toxic and dangerous time for journalists, and a reminder that brutal, violent crackdown, not mean tweets, are the biggest threat to global free expression
Rappler / @rapplerdotcom: WATCH: Rappler CEO @mariaressa gets emotional as she finds out she is Nobel Peace Prize laureate for 2021. While in a forum on independent press, she says the Nobel Prize is a recognition of how hard it is for journalists to do what they do. Full story:
Mark Little / @marklittlenews: Think of the bravest person in your profession. The one who persuades you things can be better. With resilience. Persistence. Principle. And infectious enthusiasm.
@octavianasr: Proud moment for journalism.. @mariaressa is the mere definition of courage. 🇵🇭 Maria and her @rapplerdotcom are the pride of the Philippines and my heroes #NobelPeacePrize #NobelPeacePrize2021
Kenneth Roth / @kenroth: Six journalists have been killed who had worked for Nobel Peace Prize winner Dmitri Muratov's Novaya Gazeta, including Anna Politkovskaya. We marked the 15th anniversary of her murder yesterday.
Jonathan Head / @pakhead: There has been surprisingly little reporting of @mariaressa Nobel prize and nothing from the Duterte government. She is the first Filipino to win this honour. It's going to look very odd if Duterte and his people completely ignore it, however uncomfortable it may make them feel.
Joan Donovan / @bostonjoan: Maria is a fellow @ShorensteinCtr this semester. We all felt like we won!!!!
Diane Paragas / @dianeparagas: Big congrats to @mariaressa for being the first Filipino to win #NobelPeacePrize
Kate Starbird / @katestarbird: Maria Ressa is an inspiration. There are many days when I've felt overwhelmed as a disinformation researcher, and reflecting on her strength, courage, and conviction has kept me going.
Gideon Lasco / @gideonlasco: Congratulations @mariaressa! This is a well-deserved recognition of your brilliance and courage amid Duterte's persecution. And it is a historic victory for our people - especially those who are holding the line against tyranny.
Rappler / @rapplerdotcom: A win for press freedom. A win for journalism. Together, we will #HoldTheLine. #CourageON #NobelPrize #NobelPeacePrize #DefendPressFreedom @mariaressa @NobelPrize
@indianexpress: Then Maria Ressa, one of the news outlet's founders, heard she and Russian journalist Dmitri Muratov had been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for their “courageous fight for freedom of expression.”
Carole Cadwalladr / @carolecadwalla: And this was the other side of the conversation...!
Barack Obama / @barackobama: Congratulations to Maria Ressa and Dmitry Muratov. This award is a tribute to their extraordinary courage and the enduring value of fact-based journalism and freedom of expression, which is under threat in far too many places today.
Secretary Antony Blinken / @secblinken: Congratulations to @mariaressa on winning the #NobelPeacePrize! I had the pleasure of sitting down with Maria in 2015 while serving as Deputy Secretary of State. On behalf of the @StateDept, we commend her for her efforts to safeguard freedom of expression.
Lian Buan / @lianbuan: A win for Filipinos, for journalists, and for the global fight to uphold press freedom. There are no words to express the pride and joy, and other emotions that come from being besieged for the past years. Salute, @mariaressa.
Pia Ranada / @piaranada: In the meantime, radio silence from President Duterte and his spokesman. :)
Mathew Ingram / @mathewi: This was the thing that struck me the most when I got to know @mariaressa — if anyone was justified in being bitter or seeing the dark side of things, it would be Maria, but she is so unfailingly positive and frankly just nice that it makes her even more inspiring
Kara Swisher / @karaswisher: Btw this should be a wake up call for Facebook execs. @mariaressa was the canary on the toxic coal mine of social media and she warned Mark Zuckerberg himself early and often about the dangers of their platform.
Rashad Robinson / @rashadrobinson: Congratulations to @mariaressa, who has been announced as a Nobel Prize winner. I'm grateful to serve on the Real @FBoversight with Maria and witness her invaluable contributions to the fight against mis- & disinfo, even as those in power have targeted her for telling the truth.
@wikileaks: Congratulations to Maria Ressa & Dmitry Muratov: “their efforts to safeguard freedom of expression, which is a precondition for democracy and lasting peace” #NobelPrize Meanwhile Julian #Assange remains in detention in the UK facing a 175 year sentence for revealing war crimes
@acgrayling: A lesson to British journalists staying silent on the mess of Brexit & giving a free pass to a ‘government’ wrecking our country: the Nobel Peace Prize goes to journalists who courageously seek the truth. “MARIA RESSA AND DMITRY MURATOV WIN 2021 NOBEL PEACE PRIZE” AP/REUTERS
S. Mitra Kalita / @mitrakalita: Watch this. @mariaressa is really that humble. So generous at sharing the skills that help her and her team do their work, whether showing the trail of Facebook posts or how to respond to threats and stay safe. I am not surprised she was on this particular panel.
@wikileaks: Congratulations to Maria Ressa & Dmitry Muratov winners of the #nobelprize Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the press has never been so under threat. Kudos to the Nobel Prize for highlighting this grave issue. Ensuring Julian #Assange is freed will remain our priority
Maria Shriver / @mariashriver: So true. Congratulations to @mariaressa. Fair, balanced journalism has never been more important. I talk to people all the time who long for less opinionated journalism and more right down the middle reporting. Facts without political leaning.
@gmanews: THE FIRST EVER FILIPINO TO WIN A NOBEL PRIZE This year's Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to journalists Maria Ressa of the Philippines and Dmitry Muratov of Russia for their fight for freedom of expression. Read the whole story:
@kristina: It's a grand day for Filipino women. 💖
@time: “Free, independent and fact-based journalism serves to protect against abuse of power, lies and war propaganda,” said Berit Reiss-Andersen, chair of the Norwegian Nobel Committee
@fboversight: #NobelPeacePrize2021 winner and Real @FBoversight Board @mariaressa is a staunch critic of #Facebook and the role of social media in destroying democracy: “If nothing significant is done to protect facts and truth-tellers, we could lose our democracy”
Carole Cadwalladr / @carolecadwalla: And I hope it's okay to share this. This was Maria's message to our group yesterday. The situation in the Philippines is going from bad to worse. This could not have come at a better time.
@kevinghall: big round of applause, brave reporters putting their lives on the line!
@glaad: Huge congratulations to our GLAAD Social Media Safety program advisory committee member, Maria Ressa for this recognition of her important work.
Tom Perriello / @tomperriello: Let freedom ring!!!
@nytimes: Maria Ressa, a Philippine journalist who co-founded the news site Rappler, is only the 18th woman to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in its 126-year history.
Nicholas Kristof / @nickkristof: Terrific Nobel Peace Prize award to journalists @mariaressa and Dmitri Muratov, for risking their lives to provide journalistic scrutiny over governments that don't want it. Maria and Dmitri mark the intersection of great journalism and raw courage.
Kenneth Roth / @kenroth: Nobel Peace Prize winner Maria Ressa's Rappler has bravely been at the forefront of documenting the summary executions of Philippine President Duterte's “drug war.” Even the government admits to 6,000 killings. The real number is probably closer to 30,000.
@nytimes: Dmitri Muratov, who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his work defending freedom of expression, co-founded the Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta in 1993. During the tenure of President Vladimir Putin, six reporters for the paper have been killed.
@wired: Congratulations to @MariaRessa for winning a Nobel Peace Prize! More about her and her work here:
Kara Swisher / @karaswisher: And my interview with her in 2018 in which she laid it all out. Maria is my hero:
Mehdi Hasan / @mehdirhasan: Wouldn't you have loved to have been a fly on the wall when Putin and Duterte heard this news?
Marietje Schaake / @marietjeschaake: I am overjoyed. Congratulations to the most courageous, wonderful, kind @mariaressa you are a light in dark times ❤️☀️ ❤️☀️↘ ️
Andrew S. Weiss / @andrewsweiss: Russian independent investigative journalists like Nobel Peace Prize laureate Dmitri Muratov of @novaya_gazeta are a special breed. Richly deserved. cc @marcbennetts1
Kim Severson / @kimseverson: This thread lays out the significance of today's @NobelPrize in journalism.
Molly McKew / @mollymckew: Nobel committee specifically mentions Ressa's work showing how Facebook is used to manipulate the public in explaining why informed societies are necessary for peace Which is a pretty big statement
Kirill Martynov / @kmartynov: Novaya Gazeta was founded in 1993, our first investor was Mikhail Gorbachev, who donated part of his Nobel Peace Prize. Today Nobel Committee gave us incredible support to keep fighting for freedom of speech in Russia. It would be hard to destroy this newspaper.
Catherine Belton / @catherinebelton: Dmitry Muratov dedicates his Nobel Prize to the brave journalists of Novaya Gazeta, killed for doing their job: “Igor Domnikov, Yury Schekochikin, Anna Politkovskaya, Stas Markelov, Anastasia Baburova, Natasha Estemirova — these are the people who received the Nobel Prize today”
Kylie Atwood / @kylieatwood: In an era of increasing authoritarianism, crackdowns on journalism & misinformation, two journalists are awarded the noble peace prize: Maria Ressa and Dmitri A. Muratov, who work in the Philippines and Russia.
Ian Fisher / @fisheri: I'd say this interview with Ressa is required reading for all journalists.
Mei Fong / @meifongwriter: Journalists everywhere heartened that Nobel Peace nod this year goes to reporters @mariaressa #DmitryMuratov. Remembering the many who've been killed, jailed, persecuted in search of truthtelling #FreePress
@maximeristavi: say their names: anna politkovskaya anastasia baburova natalia estemirova igor domnikov yuriy schekochikhin stas markelov — @novaya_gazeta journalists murdered in the last 30 years. novaya's muratov reminds that they are true #NobelPeacePrize2021 winners today
Emily Rauhala / @emilyrauhala: Timely. @mariaressa has fought so hard for free expression, including pushing for accountability from Facebook for *years*
Reed F. Richardson / @reedfrich: This year in particular, it's heartening to see the power and necessity of investigative journalism being recognized.
Jonathan Head / @pakhead: This is amazing recognition for @mariaressa 's struggle to maintain the independence & integrity of the media in a hostile environment, where she has been subjected to a campaign of judicial attrition. Should be seen as recognition for all journalists standing up to intimidation.
Kim Masters / @kimmasters: Very good thread.
Kristie Lu Stout / @klustout: 🙌🏽 @mariaressa is a friend, a champion of #pressfreedom, and a CNN veteran who has been incredibly generous with advice to journalists including myself. The world is a better, more informed & more courageous place thanks to journalists and leaders like Maria. 🙌🏽
S. Mitra Kalita / @mitrakalita: Congrats to the amazing @mariaressa who is one of us but truly stands above in so many ways.
Ann Marie Lipinski / @amlwhere: My friend @mariaressa has suffered much bad news in recent years. I am elated for her, Dmitri Muratov and “all journalists who stand up for this ideal in a world in which democracy and freedom of the press face increasingly adverse conditions.”
@novaya_gazeta: We're thankful for so much love coming our way after #NobelPeacePrize2021 co-win 😍 Many ask what would be the best way to support our journalism from abroad. Subscribing to our English newsletter #RussiaExplained would definitely make a difference. ...
Carole Cadwalladr / @carolecadwalla: I'm so incredibly DELIGHTED for @mariaressa but I also want to explain why this decision by @NobelPrize is so important at this moment (& why it's more very bad news for Facebook)
Charles Michel / @eucopresident: Congratulations to @mariaressa and Dmitry Muratov @novaya_gazeta on receiving the @NobelPrize for your courageous fight for justice and freedom of expression in the Philippines and Russia. An important signal for press freedom - a core European value and condition for democracy.
Andrew Caruana Galizia / @acaruanagalizia: An inspired choice.
@verajourova: Congratulations to @mariaressa and D. Muratov #NobelPeacePrize. It is the recognition of their immense courage and relentless fight for media freedom at the risk of their lives. With them, the Prize recognises the crucial role of journalists for democracy, today more than ever.
New York Times: Novaya Gazeta, founded in 1993 and jointly owned by Gorbachev, a banker, and the newspaper's staff, has seen six of its reporters killed under Putin
Mei Fong / The Independent: Nobel laureates Maria Ressa and Dmitry Muratov are not only journalists - they are champions of democracy
Reporters Without Borders: 2021 Nobel Peace Prize - “an extraordinary tribute to journalism,” says RSF
Kristen Hare / Poynter: Two journalists were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize

A look at efforts at Nexstar, Sinclair, and Scripps to create news programming for a national audience and gain a foothold in the national ad market — Nexstar, Scripps and Sinclair, which have extensive reach across the U.S., are readying efforts to peel off enough viewers to become viable alternatives to national sources.
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: Good one from @alexweprin: Local TV Giants Are Coming for CNN's Ad Dollars ... via @thr
Alex Weprin / @alexweprin: Local TV station owners are launching or rebooting national TV news offerings, looking to carve out viewership niches that they think aren't being served by CNN, MSNBC or Fox News, and maybe taking some national ad dollars in the process: ...

Facebook adds an Audio hub to its app in the US, featuring podcasts, Live Audio Rooms, and short-form audio, and rolls out Live Audio Rooms globally — Facebook is expanding its investment in audio initiatives with the launch of a new “Audio” destination in its mobile app in the U.S. …
Adweek, Gizmodo, Pocket-lint, Engadget, @chrismessina, XDA Developers and @alexvoica, more at Techmeme »
David Cohen / Adweek: Facebook Cranks Up Its Audio Efforts
Brianna Provenzano / Gizmodo: Facebook Is Launching Another New Product You'll Never Use
Maggie Tillman / Pocket-lint: Where is Facebook's new Audio hub? Easily find podcasts and soundbites
@chrismessina: That's some prime billing for a #SocialAudio entrant...! Who wouldn't kill to be immediately below the Facebook app composer to launch their app to the world? #antitrust #NewFacebook
Adam Conway / XDA Developers: Facebook rolls out Live Audio Rooms to creators, public figures, and groups globally

Leaked contract shows Hits magazine offers positive coverage for $150K per year; sources: major talent agencies and labels routinely pay — I'm no Pollyanna when it comes to the trade press. But I've never seen a quid pro quo as explicit as this proposed contract sent to a major talent agency.

Survey of 324 US papers with <50K circulation: 49% say the number of stories they produce has risen since 2016; 62% say social media has become more important — EXECUTIVE SUMMARY — The observations in this report are based on an online survey conducted between Tuesday, August 4, 2020 and Tuesday, September 8, 2020.
@niemanlab, @damianradcliffe, @damianradcliffe, @rodmickleburgh, @towfdn, @niemanlab, @niemanlab, @thenewsan, @froomkin, @risj_oxford, @cjr, @emilybell and @nick_mathews
@niemanlab: The employees of small newspapers see a bleak future, according to this survey: 😦 61% feel “slightly” or “very” negative about prospects for small papers 😦 37% work 50-60 hrs/wk 😦 43% don't think their paper is doing a good job with racial diversity
Damian Radcliffe / @damianradcliffe: Thanks for the s/o @brianstelter + @kerrymflynn in @ReliableSources last night. Much appreciated. ICYMI here's the links: 1) @TowCenter study from @utwallace and me 2) The excellent summary from @laurahazardowen in @NiemanLab
Damian Radcliffe / @damianradcliffe: What is it like to work at a small-market local newspaper in the USA? 🇺🇸 More than 300 newsroom employees from across the States shared their experiences for this new @Tow report by @RyanWallace and me. 📲 Read on @cjr 🧶 Key findings in thread 👇
Rod Mickleburgh / @rodmickleburgh: When I was a kid, i read the local paper every week....i learned about the town...what a that is slowly dying a great cost to community RT
@towfdn: As local #journalists try to balance print and digital #journalism, 49% say the number of stories they personally produce in a week has increased. For more, check out the latest from @damianradcliffe and @utwallace of @TowCenter: (via @CJR)
@niemanlab: “So much gloom and doom has circulated about small towns and about newspapers that no one is willing to work for them,” one respondent said.
@niemanlab: “Our readers are old, older, and oldest, and usually there's a 40- to 50-year age difference between our reporters and our readers.”
Susan Gonzalez / @thenewsan: One respondent: “My paper is owned by Alden Capital. The only diversity it is interested in is mixing up the models of BMWs the executives drive to work on any given day.”
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: The @TowCenter report is out! Life at Local Newspapers in a Turbulent Era: Findings from a survey of more than 300 newsroom employees in the United States
@risj_oxford: 324 US local journalists responded to a survey from @damianradcliffe and Ryan Wallace. 74% reported they had covered coronavirus-related stories. Only 44% felt that they had access to the equipment and protection they needed. Full report here
@cjr: The breadth of the local newspaper landscape, and the range of experiences within it, are both an opportunity―and a challenge―for anyone interested in helping to preserve, strengthen, and enhance local journalism in 2021 and beyond.

Real-time TV ad measurement service acquires DRMetrix, which specializes in products for DTC and direct-response TV advertisers — Real-time TV ad measurement platform has acquired DRMetrix, which specializes in products for direct-to-consumer and direct-response TV advertisers.