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ESPN's Adam Schefter says he was wrong to send a full story draft about an NFL labor lockout in 2011 to Bruce Allen, a top executive of Washington Football Team — The latest big story out of the Washington Football Team emails the NFL obtained via investigation (but still has not fully released) …
Josh Eberley / @josheberley: The rare but always confusing halfway admission of guilt, doused in a dirty lie
Katelyn Burns / @transscribe: “You see what ha-happened was I meant to call him ‘Mr. Not-Editor,’ hyphenated names are in vogue but I'm still getting used to them!”
@gifdsports: I like how Schefter released this from the ESPN PR account but didn't post or RT it from his main account with 8 million followers lol .
Southpaw / @nycsouthpaw: Schefter is unable to say that this was the only time he did it.
@awfulannouncing: ESPN's Adam Schefter on sending entire CBA story to Bruce Allen for “edits”: “Looking back, I shouldn't have done it.” ...
Talia Bracha Lavin / @chick_in_kiev: homie you called your source “mr editor”
Mike Florio / ProFootballTalk: Adam Schefter: “I shouldn't have” sent unpublished story to Bruce Allen
Jenna Lemoncelli / New York Post: Adam Schefter responds to Bruce Allen email controversy: ‘A step too far’
David Rutz / Fox News: ESPN writer Adam Schefter criticized for sending draft of story to Redskins GM in 2011
Danny O'Neil / DannyO, Yo: Why Jon Gruden's emails become public
Michael McCann / Sportico: Gruden Fallout Turns NFLPA Focus to 650K Remaining Emails

Court docs: in 2011, ESPN's Adam Schefter referred to Washington Football Team exec Bruce Allen as “Mr. Editor” and sought feedback on an unpublished story — Several inflammatory emails by Jon Gruden were filed as exhibits in federal court by attorneys for Washington Football …
@espnpr, The Wrap, @kevinmdraper, @kevinmdraper, ProFootballTalk, CNN, New York Post, DannyO, Yo, Fox News, Insider, Poynter, The Federalist, @chiefincarolina, @johnjcook, @tonyromm, @bubbaprog, @drewmagary, Cup of Coffee, @sarahspain, @osinttechnical, @marc_bertrand, @lukeplunkett, @brianefallon, @annkillion, The Comeback, @edmundlee, @nielslesniewski, @erikwemple, @markberman, @johnjcook, @osinttechnical, @nrarmour, @kerrymflynn, The Daily Beast, @xoxogossipgita, @markberman, @tonyromm, @genepark, @not_carlisle, @johnjcook, Front Office Sports, @davidmcswane, @kevinmdraper, @kevinmdraper, @robertlusetich, @kevinmdraper, Barrett Media, Wall Street Journal, @darrenrovell, Yahoo Sports, @sethdavishoops, @dvnjr, @jclarknbcs, @dvnjr, @craigcalcaterra, Sports Illustrated, @ba_turner, @aaronnagler, @nflosophy, @danwoikesports, @kennyking_jr, @gwiss, @mr_jasonjones, Mediaite, Defector, UPROXX, Barstool Sports, NPR, Hollywood Reporter, Awful Announcing and The Hill
Tony Maglio / The Wrap: EA Sports to Scrub Jon Gruden From ‘Madden NFL 22’
Kevin Draper / @kevinmdraper: . @AdamSchefter sent Bruce Allen an unpublished draft of a story and called him “Mr. Editor” according to court filings the LA Times uncovered.
Kevin Draper / @kevinmdraper: I am not exactly sure what this statement from ESPN is doing, but it's certainly not a condemnation of a blatantly unethical journalistic practice.
Kerry Flynn / CNN: ESPN reporter sought approval from former Washington Football Team exec Bruce Allen on unpublished story
Jeremy Layton / New York Post: Derek Carr thinks NFL should expose everyone's private emails, not just Jon Gruden's
Danny O'Neil / DannyO, Yo: The ethics of the scoop: There are none
Barnaby Lane / Insider: One of ESPN's most prominent NFL reporters is facing backlash after asking Washington's GM to review an unpublished story
Tom Jones / Poynter: ESPN's Adam Schefter crosses a journalistic line
Matt Lane / @chiefincarolina: Honestly don't understand why folks be mad. He has a high profile source giving him high profile info, he allowed them to check it and redact/add information that was *from* them. 🤷♂️
John Cook / @johnjcook: not really! @KenDilanianNBC routinely submitted story drafts for review to the CIA press office. The AP, his employer at the time he got caught, stood by him.
Tony Romm / @tonyromm: @nielslesniewski i have received a few, um, alarming messages since tweeting this lol
Timothy Burke / @bubbaprog: “In no way did I, or would I, cede editorial control or hand over final say about a story to someone I called ‘Mr. Editor’”
Craig Calcaterra / Cup of Coffee: Cup of Coffee: October 14, 2021
Sarah Spain / @sarahspain: Lots of ?s after reading this: Gruden/Schefter emails were part of a June court filing b/w Snyder & Allen. Did someone leak just Gruden/Schefter stuff? Same person? Same reason? And some emails weren't part of filing, so was filing source of leaks or no?
Marc Bertrand / @marc_bertrand: Schefter hasn't posted or retweeted his own statement. 🤔
Luke Plunkett / @lukeplunkett: (you have no idea how many people you interview in video games ask to see the full story in advance)
Brian Fallon / @brianefallon: @TonyRomm [Whispers] yes, people do it
Sean Keeley / The Comeback: Media world reacts to latest Adam Schefter news
Edmund Lee / @edmundlee: ALL reporters know this is simply not done. There's never been a gray area here and it's never a “judgment call.” You. Do. Not. Do. That. Ever. Now imagine knowing that and sending an email to a source asking if “anything that should be added, changed, tweaked...”
Niels Lesniewski / @nielslesniewski: @TonyRomm I actually think I have witnessed someone doing this, but it was not a credible media outlet.
@erikwemple: @johnjcook @KenDilanianNBC And Frank Foer sent at least a partial draft of his Alfa Bank story to Fusion GPS.
John Cook / @johnjcook: The NYT's @MarkMazzettiNYT also submitted a story draft to the CIA press office for review, though not his own—he passed along a Maureen Dowd column pre-publication to a CIA flack.
Nancy Armour / @nrarmour: This doesn't make it better
@kerrymflynn: “It was a step too far and, looking back, I shouldn't have done it.” - @AdamSchefter
Robert Silverman / The Daily Beast: Star ESPN Reporter Adam Schefter Has History of Sketchy, Unethical Behavior
Gita Jackson / @xoxogossipgita: It's not “common practice” tho that's why you even have to make this statement aaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Mark Berman / @markberman: also all jokes aside (and Mr. Editor confirms, there are many jokes!) it goes without saying that lots of people report on lots of complex stuff every day without sending our stories to sources or subjects of stories first. Anyway sorry to Media Discourse
Tony Romm / @tonyromm: literally no one does this, this shit gets you fired anywhere else
Gene Park / @genepark: this is a firable offense. Once again, media companies shows how much they don't give a shit about the rules or ethics if one of their faves is in trouble. This is journalism 101 shit. I knew this was wrong at age 16. Gtfo with this statement
Toni Vaxton / @not_carlisle: did bruce allen write this
John Cook / @johnjcook: @MarkMazzettiNYT Here's a WikiLeaks email showing that the NYT's @kenvogel (then at Politico) shared a story draft about fundraising with a DNC flack
Michael McCarthy / Front Office Sports: Caesars Sportsbook Might Pursue ESPN's Adam Schefter
J. David McSwane / @davidmcswane: I don't even request additions, changes, tweaks from my actual editor.
Kevin Draper / @kevinmdraper: Nobody is, or should be, under any illusions that Adam Schefter is Ida Tarbell over here. But ESPN says it is a journalism organization (and genuinely has some of the industry's finest journalists) and that means defining what is acceptable journalism. Apparently this is.
Kevin Draper / @kevinmdraper: (Providing fans “the most accurate, fair and complete story” quite explicitly means remaining independent and retaining full control of it, not sending a draft to a source as a heads up or allowing them to edit any part of it)
Robert Lusetich / @robertlusetich: @kevinmdraper Kevin, NFL GMs/agents/Players leak to Adam Schefter because they can control the narrative and he gets scoops. That's the way insiders work in sports. The journalistic question here is, is there a quid pro quo, and if so, what is it?
Kevin Draper / @kevinmdraper: This morning I keep thinking about this story I wrote about Jimmy Pitaro and the NFL three years ago. I asked lots of people about ESPN's committment to journalism, and wrote a little bit of it.
Darren Rovell / @darrenrovell: This is my tweet from this morning. It could have been written better. Do I think most journalists check with the sources, sometimes even show them pieces of stories? Yes. Do I think journalists show sources full unedited pieces & offer them to edit it as they see fit? No.
Jack Baer / Yahoo Sports: ESPN's Adam Schefter admits taking ‘a step too far’ in emails with ex-WFT president
Don Van Natta Jr / @dvnjr: The only documents from the NFL's inquiry of a toxic workplace inside the Washington Football Team are the offensive Jon Gruden emails, leaked days after being found. No report, no findings, no emails were released/leaked by the NFL about its inquiry of Dan Snyder and the WFT.
John Clark / @jclarknbcs: Jon Gruden was sending these emails to the GM/President of the Washington football team. Bruce Allen was there from 2009-2019. These emails only came up because of the NFL's investigation into Washington's workplace. And none of Bruce's and WFT's emails have been released 🤔
Don Van Natta Jr / @dvnjr: Jon Gruden's offensive emails were selectively leaked from a trove of 650,000 emails collected by the NFL as part of its workplace misconduct inquiry of the Washington Football Team. Where are the rest of the toxic emails, including any that were sent or received by Dan Snyder?
Craig Calcaterra / @craigcalcaterra: Jesus Christ, Rovell. The only reason you think “we've all done this” is because you're a goddamn press agent for brands and the most terrifying thing you can imagine is displeasing the people you shill for.
Madeline Coleman / Sports Illustrated: Report: Former WFT Employees Say Team Offered Money for Public Silence About Workplace
Brad Turner / @ba_turner: Great work by the HOF @LATimesfarmer and outstanding reporter @nathanfenno on: Jon Gruden emails were part of June court filing by WFT owner Dan Snyder
Aaron Nagler / @aaronnagler: This is such a bad look for @ESPN
NFL Philosophy / @nflosophy: This looks worse than it was. To me, this is Adam asking Bruce to confirm details he's been told and he gets a little too chummy. But it's also not *not* a concern in that it might indicate there's likely other emails like this.
Dan Woike / @danwoikesports: ESPN's Adam Schefter sought feedback from former Washington Redskins president Bruce Allen a soon-to-be posted story, addressing him as “Mr. Editor” as part of a legal filing that ended up exposing Jon Gruden @nathanfenno and @LATimesfarmer report
Kenny King Jr / @kennyking_jr: Wait, Schefter is involved too? ESPN is about to implode.
Greg / @gwiss: Oh. Schefter was blatantly protecting nfl owners?
Michael Luciano / Mediaite: Adam Schefter Responds to Criticism Over Sharing Unpublished Story with Washington GM: It Was ‘A Step Too Far’
Barry Petchesky / Defector: Adam Schefter Is Pathetic And ESPN Is Gutless
Bill DiFilippo / UPROXX: Adam Schefter Is Getting Dragged For Running A Story By Bruce Allen About The NFL's 2011 Lockout And Calling Him ‘Mr. Editor’
Jerry Thornton / Barstool Sports: Let's Hope Darren Rovell's Beef with Keith Olbermann is Our Next ‘Forever War’
Bill Chappell / NPR: With Jon Gruden gone, cheerleaders and players want the NFL to release more data
Alex Weprin / Hollywood Reporter: ESPN's Adam Schefter Says Resurfaced Email to Source Went a “Step Too Far”
Jay Rigdon / Awful Announcing: Emails reveal Adam Schefter gave an entire story to Bruce Allen for approval
Dominick Mastrangelo / The Hill: ESPN's Schefter faces criticism over sending story to NFL exec

Ted Sarandos' memo to all Netflix staff on Chappelle's show: “We have a strong belief that content on screen doesn't directly translate to real-world harm” — Netflix Co-CEO Ted Sarandos sent a lengthy missive to the entire company following the mounting controversy around a new original special from comic Dave Chappelle.
The Playlist, Input, @oglakyn, IndieWire, Decider, @sorayamcdonald, @kimcrayton1, @theelizaclark, @nikostratis, @mohanadelshieky, @variety, @kendalljamaal, @imarajones, @deirdres, @sadydoyle, @kimmasters, @davidpoland, @variety, Axios, @oni_blackstock, @iamgmjohnson, The Wrap, Insider and Mediaite
Charles Barfield / The Playlist: Netflix CEO Continues To Defend Dave Chappelle And Says ‘The Closer’ Jokes Won't “Directly Translate To Real-World Harm”
@oglakyn: Disclosure, available on Netflix literally right now, it's a documentary about depictions of trans people in media and it comes to the exact opposite conclusion except with actual research and facts. Ted should check it out.
Ryan Lattanzio / IndieWire: Netflix Chief Again Defends Chappelle Special: 'Content Doesn't Directly Translate to Real-World Harm'
Abby Monteil / Decider: Netflix's Ted Sarandos Stands by Dave Chappelle's ‘The Closer’ as Employees Plan Walkout
@sorayamcdonald: “Content” made by D.W. Griffith resurrected a whole domestic terrorist organization called the KKK. This argument from Sarandos is complete bunk.
@kimcrayton1: And this how mediocre, unremarkable, white dudes in tech create UNNECESSARY crisis management issue for their organizations Very few expect that the special will be removed BUT to insist that HARM is not being inflicted is disgusting given the reality
Eliza Clark / @theelizaclark: Ted should watch “Disclosure,” a deeply moving and well-made Netflix documentary that clearly illustrates how content has real world ramifications.
Niko Stratis / @nikostratis: They literally talk about this in Disclosure, a documentary streaming on Netflix
Mohanad Elshieky / @mohanadelshieky: Then why did Netflix remove Hasan Minhaj's Patriot act episode about Saudi Arabia since you believe it's ok for content to expose issues that are uncomfortable?
@variety: “GLAAD was founded 36 years ago because media representation has consequences for LGBTQ people,” GLAAD said in a statement.
Imara Jones / @imarajones: I'm now beginning to feel sorry for the comms team @netflix. “Adults can watch violence, assault and abuse - or enjoy shocking stand-up comedy - without it causing them to harm others.” #Netflix Co-CEO Ted Sarandos. @translashmedia
@deirdres: The flaw in his logic is that a violent movie is a fantasy and most people recognize it as such. Comedy, however, is expected and understood to be commenting on the real world. 'Content Doesn't Directly Translate to Real-World Harm' via @variety
@sadydoyle: Dave Chappelle literally quit his own TV show because he thought his content was directly translating to real-world harm
David Poland / @davidpoland: When you are in a hole, stop digging, Theodore. I agree with your argument. But what are you doing?!?! Ted Sarandos Doubles Down on Dave Chappelle Defense: 'Content Doesn't Directly Translate to Real-World Harm' (EXCLUSIVE) via @variety
@variety: After addressing top leadership, Sarandos sent a lengthy missive on Monday to the entire company — some of whom have increasingly expressed outrage over jokes about the trans community in “The Closer,” and have scheduled a walkout protest in response.
@oni_blackstock: This is getting even more ridiculous. Netflix's Ted Sarandos is now saying that anti-trans content doesn't actually lead to real world harm. How would he know what it's like to be a trans woman especially a Black trans woman in this country?
George M Johnson / @iamgmjohnson: F*** you & Dave Chappelle. All this over a comedian 16 years past his prime.
Ross A. Lincoln / The Wrap: GLAAD Disputes Netflix Claims of No ‘Real-World Harm’ From Dave Chappelle's Anti-Trans Jokes

Netflix reinstates a trans employee and two others suspended for crashing a top executive meeting; trans staffers still plan to walk out on October 20 — The trans employee resource group at Netflix is planning a company-wide walkout on October 20th to protest statements …
Bloomberg, @rainofterra, @lucas_shaw, Los Angeles Times, @latimes, UPROXX, @java_jigga, Mediaite, @nicolearbour, @igzrap, @brienneofsnark_, @drkarlynb, @theferocity, @briannawu, @variety, @lindaholmes, @rzgreenfield, @blackamazon, @allisonlcarter, @zyoritv, @loudmouthjulia, @lucas_shaw, @lucas_shaw, @lucas_shaw, @lucas_shaw, Wall Street Journal, The Wrap, The A.V. Club, Collider, Variety, Discourse Blog, Insider, @martinsfp, CNET, SlashFilm, Washington Post, @oliviamesser, @sadydoyle, Input, @woot_master, @sorayamcdonald, @q_aurelius, @maureenjohnson, @histoftech, @suzicurran, @jasperkintsugi, Vanity Fair, @glaad, @zoeschiffer, New York Post, Gizmodo, Hollywood Reporter, Decider, The Atlantic, @femfreq and Hollywood Reporter
Terra Field / @rainofterra: Netflix has reinstated me after finding that there was no ill-intent in my attending the QBR meeting. I've included the statement I requested below. I'm going to take a few days off to decompress and try to figure out where I'm at. At the very least, I feel vindicated.
Lucas Shaw / @lucas_shaw: I have obtained internal documents disclosing the cost and financial performance of several Netflix shows. The Dave Chappelle special cost $24.1M. “Sticks & Stones” cost $23.6M. Both of those specials cost more than an entire season of Squid Game.
Christi Carras / Los Angeles Times: Trans Netflix employees will stage walkout to protest controversial Chappelle special
@latimes: Trans Netflix employees and allies will take “a day of rest” on Oct. 20 in protest of their company's decision to release Dave Chappelle's “The Closer.”
Matthewprigge / UPROXX: Netflix Top Brass Is Still Trying To Defend Dave Chappelle's New Special As Its Employees Revolt
@java_jigga: Between this and seeing Disney do that puff piece on how fauci has depression from doing AIDS it's been an awful funny post pride
Josh Feldman / Mediaite: Netflix CEO Stands by Defense of Dave Chappelle Special; Employees Plan Walkout Next Week in Protest
Nicole Arbour / @nicolearbour: We can make jokes about everybody or nobody. Those are the rules of comedy, and freedom.
IGZ / @igzrap: SCOOP: No one gives AF. Stop trying to police comedians smfh. Here's a great idea if you don't like something, don't watch it
@brienneofsnark_: The jokes were deeply unfunny long before they were offensive. So he failed at his one job.
@drkarlynb: Fire them. They are disrupting business operations. Fire them now.
Saeed Jones / @theferocity: Odd setup. Seems stressful.
Brianna Wu / @briannawu: My favorite part is how two cis dudes heard the outcry from trans employees, watched the special and were like, “This is fine!” Maybe other people might have a more informed perspective. Just saying!
@variety: That Sarandos would wade into a debate about the potential harmful effects of content is notable, given that those who condemn Chappelle's jokes have specifically cited the physical danger that anti-trans ideology poses to that community.
@lindaholmes: Another great example of “a better thing to say than this is nothing.”
Rebecca Greenfield / @rzgreenfield: Companies need diverse workforces for EXACTLY this reason — people with differing viewpoints can spot potential problems. And yet, as is often the case, companies decide to ignore their “diverse” staffs — to their peril.
Allison Carter / @allisonlcarter: Netflix wants to be seen — internally and externally — as progressive, including on LGBTQ issues. It programs and hires with diversity in mind. Then they're surprised when they air a transphobic special and their staff revolts.
Andrew Campbell / @zyoritv: Ironically, I think the net result of this will be driving more people to watch Chappelle's special
Julia Alexander / @loudmouthjulia: Great, detailed report on the issues inside Netflix. Also looks at the numerous data points Netflix uses, including impact, to determine whether a title is successful or not. Netflix title pages contain tons of valuable metrics used to look at key, specific success indicators.
Lucas Shaw / @lucas_shaw: The special generated about $19M in value. It is less efficient (0.8x) than Bo Burnham. Both figures would suggest it lost money. But that is not how Netflix calculates. (Netflix says Chappelle's specials are its most watched specials.)
Lucas Shaw / @lucas_shaw: Members of Netflix's black and trans employee groups met with Netflix leadership after Chappelle's previous special (Sticks & Stones) to discuss the transphobic remarks. They agreed they would be more careful in the future. So this special has employees *Very upset*
Lucas Shaw / @lucas_shaw: Netflix trans employees plan to stage a walkout next week, as first reported by @ZoeSchiffer. The company will also host activist Alok Vaid-Menon next week.
Lucas Shaw / @lucas_shaw: This Dave Chappelle special has caused the greatest worker uproar inside Netflix I can remember. Here is a story about the tension between the streaming giant and its workers.
Madeline Roth / The Wrap: Netflix Employees to Stage Walkout Over Dave Chappelle Special
William Hughes / The A.V. Club: Ted Sarandos' Chappelle response prompts plans for trans employee walkout at Netflix
Ryan O'Rourke / Collider: Squid Game Budget Reportedly Only Cost Netflix $21.4 Million
Ellise Shafer / Variety: Netflix Trans Employees and Allies Plan Walkout in Protest of Dave Chappelle Special
Samantha Grasso / Discourse Blog: Netflix's Commitment to Trans People Is a Joke
Travis Clark / Insider: Netflix reportedly spent $21 million on ‘Squid Game,’ its all-time biggest hit. Here's how that compares to other show budgets.
Martin Sfp Bryant / @martinsfp: There are few statements as tone-deaf, out-of-touch, and missing-the-point as “This will not be the last title that causes some of you to wonder if you can still love Netflix. I sincerely hope that you can.”
Joan E. Solsman / CNET: Netflix trans-worker group plans walkout Oct. 20 over Chappelle special, report says
Danielle Ryan / SlashFilm: Transgender Netflix Employees Plan Walkout Over Dave Chappelle Special — Why This Matters
Julian Mark / Washington Post: Netflix CEO argues that Chappelle's new special, criticized as transphobic, is too popular to cancel
Olivia Messer / @oliviamesser: A director literally sending a link to a meeting certainly seems like an invitation to that meeting—and that seems like it would have been obvious *before* a suspension
@sadydoyle: This is a really good first step toward repairing the harm, but I want to know what leadership has actually learned from all this going forward.
Wootmaster / @woot_master: If you're trans and want basic dignity you're deemed an “activist” lmao
T.C. Aurelius / @q_aurelius: Wait. Someone gave her the link to the meeting that she was suspended for “trying to attend...” I don't work at Netflix, but in my world that's being invited to the meeting. If someone sends me a link to a meeting it's because they want me to be there...
Maureen Johnson / @maureenjohnson: Good on you, Terra!
NightMar on Elm St / @histoftech: You better believe all the bad press and worker solidarity is motivating Netflix's decision to start doing the right thing (or rather undoing the wrong thing). Glad to see this.
@suzicurran: “Additionally when a director shared the link, it further supported that this was a meeting you could attend...” No kidding.
@jasperkintsugi: @gawdiemuva @verge Plot twist: She was, by the company's own admission, invited.
Savannah Walsh / Vanity Fair: Netflix Reinstates Terra Field, a Trans Employee Who Condemned Dave Chappelle's Special
@glaad: We stand with the trans employees, Black LGBTQ employees, and everyone at @Netflix supporting them, speaking out, and calling for change.
@zoeschiffer: Breaking: Netflix has reinstated sr. software engineer Terra Field. The trans ERG has also planned a company-wide walkout on October 20th to protest statements made by Netflix co-CEO Ted Sarandos. Organizers say Field's reinstatement doesn't solve the larger issues at play.
Alex Mitchell / New York Post: Transgender Netflix workers plan walkout over Dave Chappelle controversy
Brianna Provenzano / Gizmodo: Netflix's Trans Employees Plan Walk Out to Protest New Dave Chappelle Special
J. Clara Chan / Hollywood Reporter: Netflix Says Employees Can “Disagree Openly” as Trans Staffers Plan Walkout Over Chappelle Special
Abby Monteil / Decider: Netflix Reinstates Trans Employee Who Spoke Out Against Dave Chappelle's ‘The Closer’
Helen Lewis / The Atlantic: Dave Chappelle's Rorschach Test

Nicholas Kristof is leaving the NYT after 37 years, according to an email to staff, and has formed a PAC ahead of a potential run for Oregon governor — Mr. Kristof, a two-time Pulitzer Prize winner, is weighing a run for governor of Oregon, the state where he grew up.
Axios, The Wrap, Gawker, CNN, @jocelynbenson, @econ_marshall, @mlcalderone, @cliffordlevy, Politico, @cliffordlevy, @nytimes, @marcatracy, @jswatz, @joshsternberg, @sarafischer, Boing Boing and The Hill
Lindsey Ellefson / The Wrap: Nicholas Kristof Leaves NY Times to Weigh Run for Governor in Oregon
Oliver Darcy / CNN: Nicholas Kristof leaves The New York Times as he explores run for governor of Oregon
Jocelyn Benson / @jocelynbenson: This is really extraordinary news, a testament to how leaders from all walks of life are stepping up to enter the arena and play a role in protecting our democracy, advancing the truth and serving the public during this critical moment in history.
Marshall Steinbaum / @econ_marshall: By god we've been living under the tyranny of bad columnists and the whole time there was this easy way out??
Michael Calderone / @mlcalderone: As Nick Kristof exits the Times, re-upping @charlottetklein last month on how the columnist was “looking more and more like he's running for Oregon governor”
Cliff Levy / @cliffordlevy: .@NickKristof, one of the finest journalists of our era, is leaving the NYT to explore a run for Oregon governor. Nick is known for his “incisive reporting, profound empathy and a determination to bear witness,” NYT opinion editor @katiekings says.
Christopher Cadelago / Politico: Kristof leaves the Times in prep for governor run
Cliff Levy / @cliffordlevy: @NickKristof @katiekings On a personal note: Nick was always kind and helpful to younger journalists — at the NYT (including me) and across the industry. He believed that journalism has the power to make society better, and wanted to nurture the next generation of journalists.
@nytimes: Nicholas Kristof, after 37 years at The New York Times as a reporter, editor and opinion columnist, is leaving the newspaper as he considers running for governor of Oregon, the state where he grew up.
Marc Tracy / @marcatracy: After nearly 40 years at the Times, 20 as opinion columnist, Nick Kristof is resigning as he considers Oregon gubernatorial run
John Schwartz / @jswatz: “I have a great job, outstanding editors and the best readers, I may be an idiot to leave. But you all know how much I love Oregon.... I've reluctantly concluded that I should try not only to expose problems but also see if I can fix them directly.”
Josh Screamberg / @joshsternberg: If he doesn't win, does he get to go back to the NYT?
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: Quote from @NickKristof in the memo just sent to staff: “This has been my dream job, even with malaria, a plane crash in Congo and periodic arrests abroad for committing journalism. Yet here I am, resigning — very reluctantly.”

Facebook says it now counts activists and journalists as “involuntary” public figures, increasing protections for them against targeted harassment and bullying — Facebook Inc(FB.O) will now count activists and journalists as “involuntary” public figures and so increase protections …
About Facebook, @julieposetti, @alexwarofka, @vishwanathsarng, @wiczipedia, The Hill, CNET, MediaNama, @profcarroll, @madmikeofficial, @slpng_giants, @katestarbird, @moira, @markamesexiled, @camillefrancois, @elizableu, @lanceulanoff, @froomkin, @noupside, @alexvoica, @alexwarofka, Newser, @maasalan, @jilliancyork, @alexthomp, @adamiss, Fox News, The Wrap,, Engadget and Variety, more at Techmeme »
Dr. Julie Posetti / @julieposetti: Finally, after years of petitioning from journalists like @mariaressa, press freedom organisations & #onlineviolence experts like me, Facebook agrees that it should not be permissible for users to threaten journalists with death on the platform... 1/2
Alex Warofka / @alexwarofka: Excited to share some very important updates to our Community Standards today that will better protect human rights defenders, journalists, and other public figures on @Facebook: (thread)
Vishwanath Sarang / @vishwanathsarng: One of the things I'm quite proud of that Facebook does, is every time major policy changes are made it also publishes the meeting research of how those decisions were made. They are a good window into the thoughtfulness of people working on this stuff.
Nina Jankowicz / @wiczipedia: Happy to see these changes being announced at Facebook. Of course, the proof will be in the enforcement pudding. Here's hoping.
Monique Beals / The Hill: Facebook increasing protections for activists, journalists against harassment
Dashia Starr / CNET: Facebook updates policies to protect against mass harassment, attacks on public figures
Nishant Kauntia / MediaNama: Facebook will now remove coordinated efforts to harass or silence public figures
David Carroll / @profcarroll: It only took a Nobel to somewhat shame Facebook into addressing one of its many malignancies.
@madmikeofficial: I can't wait to get banned from Facebook for calling Xi Winnie the Pooh
@slpng_giants: Imagine having to get petitioned to not allow death threats on your platform.
Kate Starbird / @katestarbird: A good step forward to healthier online spaces, but I can't help but think that @mariaressa (and others) have been pleading with Facebook to put policies like these in place for ~6 years. So much damage done in the interim.
Moira Whelan / @moira: Progress! Today @Facebook announced changes to address the challenges politically engaged women face on the platform. Violence against women on-line is a solvable problem. @NDItech and @NDIWomen look forward to the global application of this move.
Mark Ames / @markamesexiled: Zuck just created another big reason for everyone to loathe journalists and “activists” even more. Offering hacks protection from the Facebook peasantry is a crude PR move to win over corporate media critics, and it'll work on these corrupt vain fools.
@camillefrancois: This has been much needed for years. I'm glad to see FB rolling this out to protect human rights defenders, journalists and other public figures on their services. It's a step towards taking patriotic trolling threats more seriously and addresses real gaps in previous frameworks.
Eliza / @elizableu: But removing human trafficking on Facebook is asking too much?
Lance Ulanoff / @lanceulanoff: I'm fascinated by this concept of “involuntary public figures” since it's very much a phenomenon generated or amplified by social media.
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: Online harassment of journalists, particularly women, is a real problem. So as long as this applies to things like death threats and sexualized content, I'm OK with it. But it shouldn't apply to critiques of their work. Criticism is an essential check on journalistic misconduct.
Renee DiResta / @noupside: Another update to FB's coordinated brigading policy - gets at the real nuance around limited purpose public figures & those who become public involuntarily. One interesting thing about this policy update is the transparency docs at the bottom.
Alexandru Voica / @alexvoica: Today, we are announcing updates to our bullying and harassment policy that will increase protections for all public figures (including journalists and human rights defenders) and expand our actions against mass brigading and attacks on public figures:
Alex Warofka / @alexwarofka: @jilliancyork Another important piece of this (not touched on in the Reuters piece) is new policies against coordinated mass harassment, brigading, and reporting, including from state actors and adversarial networks. More details in our update here:
@maasalan: This is a good move to help alleviate issues of online harassment disproportionately faced by activists and journalists, especially women.
Chillian J. Yikes / @jilliancyork: Finally, Facebook actually proposes a GOOD policy change.
Alex Thompson / @alexthomp: Determining who is and who isn't a public figure is hard when everyone can go viral, post, etc.
Adam Isserlis / @adamiss: An important update as we work to protect journalists and other public figures on Facebook:
Brian Flood / Fox News: Facebook will treat journalists, activists as public figures to limit harassment and bullying
J.D. Smith / Facebook says it will ban content that sexually harasses celebrities
Igor Bonifacic / Engadget: Facebook introduces new policies to protect public figures from targeted harassment

Facebook names Nicola Mendelsohn as VP of its global ad business, succeeding Carolyn Everson, who departed earlier this year; Mendelsohn was VP for EMEA — Ms. Mendelsohn succeeds Carolyn Everson, who maintained tight relationships with marketing executives
Meg Graham / @megancgraham: Facebook Inc. has named Nicola Mendelsohn VP of its global business group, succeeding Carolyn Everson. She assumes the role as Facebook confronts new scrutiny on subjects including its pursuit of younger users and how it responds to misuse of its products.
David Hellier / Bloomberg: Facebook Elevates Nicola Mendelsohn to Key Advertising Job

In a new deal, Redbox will license content from Lionsgate's library to its streaming service and Lionsgate will distribute Redbox Entertainment titles — EXCLUSIVE: Redbox has set a multi-year distribution deal with Lionsgate for the release of Redbox Entertainment titles …

Twitter begins testing ads in replies on Android and iOS globally, placed after the first, third, or eighth reply to a tweet — Just kidding, it's a bad place — I don't know about you, but I sometimes feel like Twitter is overloaded with ads in my feed.
Jon Fingas / Engadget: Twitter tests ads in the replies to tweets

LeBron James' SpringHill sells a minority stake to a consortium of investors, including Nike and Epic Games, bringing its valuation to $725M — As Variety reported last month, the investors include RedBird Capital Partners, Fenway Sports Group and Nike. Also included in a Thursday announcement …

AdImpact: 2022 midterm elections CTV ad spend is forecast to hit $1.5B vs. $1.3B for digital ads, as CTV ads are highly unregulated and offer narrow targeting — The phaseout of internet tracking cookies is fundamentally changing political campaigns, which have for years relied …
@bpmehlman, @sarafischer, @digitalshields, @mediumbuying, @carnage4life, @bpimedia, @danpino and @eric_seufert
Bruce Mehlman / @bpmehlman: Over $12,000,000,000 in political ads coming our way next year.
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: The phaseout of internet tracking cookies is causing chaos for political campaigns that need to pivot quickly before next year's midterms — New estimates suggest that campaigns will spend more on highly-unregulated digital TV ads than ads on mobile/desktop
Mike Shields / @digitalshields: Will be really interesting to see if the “cookie dollars” to “Ctv dollars” shift in political is a harbinger of things to come for all of digital @sarafischer
Dare Obasanjo / @carnage4life: The impact of platform privacy changes like Apple's ATT & various browsers more aggressively blocking cookies on the retail economy is a side effect I've touched on in the past. There will be similar impact to political ads as ROI drops favoring better funded campaigns.
@bpimedia: BPI Partner @another_schneid offers insight into a cookieless future: “Some of the proxy metrics for success — reach, frequency — will actually become harder to measure.” More via @sarafischer @axios.
Dan Pino / @danpino: It only causes chaos if you're unprepared. Good Dem strategists have seen the shift towards CTV & away from cookie-targeting for years. But campaigns are slow to adapt & are still relying on old-school tactics of pumping huge %s of their paid media budgets into broadcast TV.

Some recent college journalism graduates seem more aware of industry pitfalls and risks than older journalists, and they're willing to switch careers — From “grateful to be here” to “no thanks.” … It's just his senior year at Cal Poly, but Omar Rashad has already burnt out twice.
@wudanyan, @hafsaquraishi_, @gwendolynawu, @laurakrantz, @nickimayonews, @alejandrareval_, @sofiadmateus, @bonhialee, @hafsaquraishi_, @nickimayonews, @alexlaughs, @kimlisagor, @kat__stafford, @esmcintyre, @gabemschneider, @gabrieljr, @lauragrb, @emmacarew, @omarsrashad, @tasharaparker, @lenapringle_, @inthebleachers, @alexlaughs and @rainesford
Wudan Yan / @wudanyan: What's kept me in the game: Freelancing. Having control over my income and projects that matter to me. Having the ability to walk away from bad clients.
Hafsa / @hafsaquraishi_: this resonated. what's worse is I've had countless journalists tell me to just accept that this industry expects a limb from you, and when I'm not willing to give it, they consider me less committed or serious about journalism. we can absolutely do better.
Gwendolyn Wu / @gwendolynawu: hard truths I learned this year: - don't break yourself in pursuit of the “noble profession” of journalism - don't rely on your job as the sole source of your self-worth - there's always more money, you should ask for it excellent piece from @alexlaughs
Laura Krantz / @laurakrantz: “She doesn't believe the conventional wisdom that your first journalism job is supposed to be a nightmare.” Once again Gen Z is speaking clearly and I hope newsroom leaders are listening. Good one by @alexlaughs
Nicki Mayo / @nickimayonews: #RealTalk young and mid career journos are not even making up excuses anymore about “leaving to raise a family” and “pursuing a graduate degree.” Folks are just like, “Nah I'll pass.” #JournoLife
@alejandrareval_: Thanks @alexlaughs for featuring my story on why I declined two full-time journalism jobs in favor of a career in podcasting. I also talked about the non-journo career possibilities you can aspire to with a journo background. Give it a read!
Sofia Diogo Mateus / @sofiadmateus: “I realized that this magical journalism job where I enjoyed the work, was respected, was properly compensated, and had good work-life balance probably didn't exist.” It's heartbreaking to hear so many (former) colleagues say some many iterations of this.
BoNhia Lee / @bonhialee: “Countless journalists have left the industry over the past year, many of them women and people of color... it became harder to justify low salaries, job instability and vicarious trauma for the noble myth of a journalistic calling.”
Hafsa / @hafsaquraishi_: that doesn't mean we don't want to, or shouldn't, pursue this career. it means that the industry and the big organizations that lead it need to improve with better pay, more career stability, and more supportive work cultures that respect and encourage work-life balance.
Nicki Mayo / @nickimayonews: IDK about the next generation of journos, but I can speak many of my #JournoLife peers. If y'all only knew the number of “grateful to be here, but no thanks” convos I've had in the last 2yrs w/ journos UNDER 40. These newsrooms are getting the wake-up call
Alex Sujong Laughlin / @alexlaughs: For the next issue, I'd love to hear from more of you: Early career folks: What lines will you not cross when it comes to jobs? Why? More established journalists: What has kept you from leaving media altogether?
Kim Lisagor Bisheff / @kimlisagor: This breaks my heart, but it's an important conversation. How can we fix the industry to keep the Omars from leaving news?
Kat Stafford / @kat__stafford: This subhead is 🔥: “From ‘grateful to be here’ to ‘no thanks.’” Every newsroom manager should read this. Do the work to change your toxic newsrooms.
Erin Siegal McIntyre / @esmcintyre: This is how I'm training my young journo Army (heyyyy MEJO 459 & 553) here at @UNCHussman: to raise that damn broken bar. To identify the necessary changes. To take brave & unprecedented steps. To destroy the toxic parts of the status quo. To BE the change. JUST WATCH!
Gabe Schneider / @gabemschneider: Alex's newsletter is a must read if you care about journalism not being terrible.
Gabe Rosenberg / @gabrieljr: Amen @alexlaughs. “When the day-to-day distractions fell away and they were confronted with the high stakes of this moment we're living in, it became harder to justify low salaries, job instability and vicarious trauma for the noble myth of a journalistic calling.”
Laura Garcia / @lauragrb: Journalism outlets need to think about becoming an attractive place to work to attract AND RETAIN new talent. Traditional media is no longer the only place to publish - so we've got to learn to be better.
Emma Carew Grovum / @emmacarew: Once again, “it was shit for me, so I'm cool with it being shit for you” is not a leadership strategy for 2021. It's time for managers and execs to get smart about what employees want/need from their jobs and employers.
@omarsrashad: Thank you to @alexlaughs for including me in this story. I'm not sure what my post-grad life will look like but I can't help but feel like I'm never doing enough and I've got plenty of friends and colleagues who feel the same.
TasharaTakesTexas / @tasharaparker: I've heard a line similar to this one MANY times from journalists and it's not okay. “The muscles in my neck and shoulders locked up from anxiety.” h/t @lenapringle_
Lena Pringle / @lenapringle_: “I kept trying to find ways to be in this industry without feeling chronically depleted,” said Phoebe Gavin in her exit interview. This is a phenomenal read! Idk what the future of journalism is...but this article puts A LOT into perspective.
Michael Felder / @inthebleachers: Good read and good for them on wanting and expecting more from the job, not just buying the “i'm lucky to be here” or “ppl would kill for this job” ideal