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Docs show Axel Springer faced claims that Bild's workplace culture mixed sex, journalism, and company cash; Axios' Jim VandeHei says merger talks were “sneaky” — A high-flying German media giant is ahead on digital media but seems stuck in the past when it comes to the workplace and deal-making.
@benyt, The Guardian, The Hill, @benyt, @wnglucroft, @benyt, New York Post, @elephantjournal, @janinegibson, @mehdirhasan, @rumpelwicht23, @akm0803, @digiphile, Poynter, @claremalone, Insider, @nytimes, @melissakchan, @jimwaterson, @nicdawes, @lisang, @tom_nuttall, @olafstorbeck, @ryanlcooper, @edmundlee, @robgeorge, @katiedrumm, @matthewamiller, @drericding, @cliffordlevy, @bmorrissey, @emilyctamkin, @mathewi, Today in Tabs, @jon_allsop, @krstorevic, @benyt, @jeffjarvis, @mirjam_fischer, @mila_sek, @ianbremmer, @amberinzaman, @adamserwer, @nycsouthpaw, @lyssaslounge, @carriemelago, @rumpelwicht23, @tom_nuttall, @rumpelwicht23, The Time of Monsters, @pgourevitch, @rumpelwicht23, @baddestmamajama, @annettedittert, @petersagal, @adriana_lacy, @markdistef, @hunterw, @benyt, The Wrap and Wall Street Journal
Ben Smith / @benyt: News: Axel Springer has relieved Julian Reichelt of his duties ...
Philip Oltermann / The Guardian: Editor of German tabloid Bild sacked after sexual misconduct claims
Dominick Mastrangelo / The Hill: Top editor at German tabloid Bild relieved of duties after NYT story
Ben Smith / @benyt: @NiranjanAjit ... I think there's something to be said for the German practice of having an interview subject sign off on a transcript, both so they can explain further and not deny later. Not sure that applies to leaked documents, though of course you ask for comment...
William Noah Glucroft / @wnglucroft: Almost everything you read in a German newspaper has been checked and approved by the source ahead of publication. Just a hunch that @benyt didn't have that obstacle.
Ben Smith / @benyt: .@laloeffelstiel, the extraordinary investigative reporter whose story Springer tried to kill, just published it in Der Spiegel
Alexandra Steigrad / New York Post: Axel Springer ousts Bild editor Julian Reichelt after sexual misconduct probe
@elephantjournal: A Washington correspondent for #Bild complained of a slant toward Donald Trump in the coverage of the 2020 U.S. presidential debates. The paper has also attacked the German government's Covid restrictions and its main public health expert.
Janine Gibson / @janinegibson: Not sure about ‘stuck in the past’ but this is a fascinating read about some extremely contemporary issues at Axel Springer by @benyt
@rumpelwicht23: „In the course of reporting, Ms. Löffler and her colleagues gained access to some of the same documents that I reviewed in recent weeks, as the Ippen article was nearing its publication date. Then, on Friday, Ippen told its investigative unit that it was killing the story. ..."
Ann-Katrin Müller / @akm0803: „The last and only". „Courageously". Alrighty. #Reichelt
Alex Howard / @digiphile: Original media reporting: Then, impact at @axelspringer_EN. Repeats parallel pattern at @ozy. @benyt has using the platform of @nytimes to shine a light on dark patterns, policies, & practices in media, holding power to account. I bet @carr2n would dig.
Clare Malone / @claremalone: “He also owns one of Germany's leading collections of female nude paintings.” That is like...70 percent of art. So he owns art?
Insider: A top editor at German tabloid BILD has been fired after he reportedly promoted a junior employee to a high-profile role while having an affair with her
@nytimes: The powerful German media company Axel Springer is ahead on digital media but seems stuck in the past when it comes to workplace conditions. “Those who sleep with the boss get a better job,” a woman told investigators.
Melissa Chan / @melissakchan: What does it say about German confidence that it took American judgment to bring down Julian Reichelt, and not German media's own outrage that's been going on for quite some time. The stuff about Reichelt is mostly not new.
Jim Waterson / @jimwaterson: Aside from Ben Smith taking out media executives every week... sympathy with @laloeffelstiel and the former BuzzFeed Deutschland team who apparently had much of the material but were seemingly blocked from publishing by their bosses due to inter-German-media omerta.
Nicholas Dawes / @nicdawes: “The job of the investigative team is to inform the public of wrongdoing, and thereby the contribute to social and political opinion formation. Obviously that goes not just for business and political abuses, but also for wrongdoing in the media”.
Lisa Goldman / @lisang: What Isaac Chotiner does to an interview subject, Ben Smith does in a media figure profile. Kaboom.
Olaf Storbeck / @olafstorbeck: I wonder how what Axel Springer investor @KKR_Co is thinking about the @benyt revelations about “a workplace culture that mixed sex, journalism and company cash” at Springer's flagship BILD tabloid?
Ryan Cooper / @ryanlcooper: so Politico just got bought by the German equivalent of Rupert Murdoch, is that about right?
Edmund Lee / @edmundlee: here's why you should care about Axel Springer: CEO Mathias Dopfner wants to take on national news giants like @washingtonpost @nytimes. He envisions a combined newsroom Axios+Politico+Insider+? to make a play for mainstream audiences.
Robert A George / @robgeorge: Time to Bild Back Better?
Katie Drummond / @katiedrumm: How many of media's problems would be solved if entitled men were put in charge of less of it.
Matthew Miller / @matthewamiller: Damn. “Ben Smith is on line one” is the new “Mike Wallace is outside with a camera crew.”
Eric Feigl-Ding / @drericding: Whoa—@politico is now owned by a new German parent company BILD that is: 📌"bitterly “anti-immigration 📌Pro-Trump in leaked memos 📌anti-COVID safety measures? Ummmm, why is a right wing foreign media corporation now controlling a DC political outlet?
Cliff Levy / @cliffordlevy: “If they find out that I'm having an affair with a trainee, I'll lose my job.” “Those who sleep with the boss get a better job.” Inside allegations of sex, lies and a secret payment at the German media giant that is Politico's new owner. By @benyt
Brian Morrissey / @bmorrissey: Getting The Call from Ben is gonna be the media equivalent of hearing “Ronan Farrow is on the line for you.”
@emilyctamkin: If these are your workplace conditions, you are not ahead on digital media.
Mathew Ingram / @mathewi: Less than 24 hours after Ben's column about allegations of misconduct
Rusty Foster / Today in Tabs: At Age 98, Henry Kissinger Still Alive
Jon Allsop / @jon_allsop: According to a press release (in German) on Axel Springer's website, Julian Reichelt is out as editor in chief of Bild. The company cites recent press reports bringing new info to light on his conduct. Follows @benyt story yday and reporting in Germany: ...
@krstorevic: Mr. Döpfner wrote that “we have to be especially careful” in the investigation, because Mr. Reichelt “is really the last and only journalist in Germany who is still courageously rebelling against the new GDR authoritarian state,”
Ben Smith / @benyt: This is the resignation letter from the journalists whose story on Axel Springer was spiked Friday, tweeted by (roughly speaking) the German John Oliver...
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: I've been warning about Politico's new owner. Another angle here is the departure of @tanit. At Axel Springer, Politico's New Owner, Allegations of Sex, Lies and a Secret Payment
Mirjam Fischer / @mirjam_fischer: Same as everywhere, no, @nytimes?
Mila Walasek / @mila_sek: The shit has just hit the fan #Bild
Amberin Zaman / @amberinzaman: Excellent reporting reminding us how Western media can be super sleazy: At Axel Springer, Politico's New Owner, Allegations of Sex, Lies and a Secret Payment
Adam Serwer / @adamserwer: the staff of politico should unionize, quickly
Katharina Borchert / @lyssaslounge: I don't think @axelspringer or Matthias Döpfner had really anticipated the level of scrutiny that would go along with the @politico acquisition. Though I'm not holding my breath for any real change.
Carrie Melago / @carriemelago: 😬 “ His third wife had previously been married to his next-door neighbor. His fourth wife was the next-door neighbor's second wife. His fifth wife, Friede Springer, had been the family's nanny.”
@rumpelwicht23: „In April 2018, the business newspaper @Handelsblatt was prepared to report on alleged conflicts of interest in Mr. Reichelt's relationship with a woman at a public relations agency, Der Spiegel reported this year. The article was killed after a call from @jreichelt"
Tom Nuttall / @tom_nuttall: Bloody hell. Remember: AS had already investigated Reichelt's activities at Bild, and essentially declared all to be fine.
@rumpelwicht23: „The directive came from Ippen's largest shareholder, Dirk Ippen, according to correspondence from a company official that I obtained."
Jeet Heer / The Time of Monsters: Politico's Toxic New Owners
Philip Gourevitch / @pgourevitch: What a mess - and the headline does t even have room for the fact that Politico is now under the heell of ruthless Maga-friendly covid-vax deniers.
@rumpelwicht23: „This year, @laloeffelstie, a reporter at the German publisher Ippen, along with three other members of Ippen's investigative team, worked on an investigation of Mr. Reichelt's conduct in the hope of publishing an article with more details on what had taken place at Bild. ..."
Jessica Ellis / @baddestmamajama: “When neighbors start talking, good things happen!”
Annette Dittert / @annettedittert: How can Julian Reichelt possibly still be working at @BILD ? Honestly. This is grotesque and won't go down well in the Anglosphere. 👇👇
Peter Sagal / @petersagal: Adding to my list of bedtime prayers: Please Lord, don't let @IChotiner interview me... @Olivianuzzi profile me, and now @benyt ever find out I exist.
Mark Di Stefano / @markdistef: .@benyt sprinkling lines in this piece about Axel Springer like salt bae
Hunter Walker / @hunterw: There is so much happening in @benyt's latest about a little known German company that's getting a big footprint in the media landscape.
Ben Smith / @benyt: At Axel Springer, Politico's New Owner, Allegations of Sex, Lies and a Secret Payment
Jeremy Fuster / The Wrap: Secret Plan to Merge Axios and Politico Failed After CEO Jim VandeHei Found Axel Springer ‘Sneaky’ (Report)

Axel Springer removes Bild editor Julian Reichelt after an NYT report detailed allegations that he behaved inappropriately with women at the publication — The German media giant Axel Springer said on Monday that the editor of Bild, its powerful tabloid, had been removed from his duties …
Financial Times, @adriennelaw, @cliffordlevy, @edmundlee, @picardonhealth, @valeriein140, @ceciliakang, @heerjeet and @olafstorbeck
Adrienne Lawrence / @adriennelaw: An investigation conducted by a law firm in March said it found no evidence that a top editor at Bild sexually harassed. Yet he was just fired for reportedly summoning a trainee to a hotel near the office for sex and asking her to keep a payment secret.
Cliff Levy / @cliffordlevy: ➡️More impact from deep reporting by @benyt: The German media giant Axel Springer fired a top editor after The Times revealed allegations that he'd behaved inappropriately with women employees.
Edmund Lee / @edmundlee: took ~20 hours from the moment Ben's column hit the internets
@picardonhealth: German media giant sacks editor of powerful tabloid Bild from his duties after The New York Times reported allegations that he had behaved inappropriately with women at the publication, by @benyt via @nytimes #journalism #MeToo
Valerie Hopkins / @valeriein140: Axel Springer announced Monday that the editor of the influential Bild tabloid had been removed from his duties after @benyt reported on allegations that he had behaved inappropriately with women at the publication. Congrats to new editor @johannesboie.

Facebook posts an odd thread attacking 30+ unnamed journalists “finishing up a coordinated series of articles based on thousands of pages of leaked documents” — The company decried the use of embargoes to coordinate a coming series of reporting on thousands of pages of leaks, despite regularly using embargoes itself.
@fbnewsroom, Observer, @ashtonpittman, @byrontau, @kieranmch, @espiers, @jessicahuseman, @leahmcelrath, @gwensnyderphl, @caseyjohnston, @alibreland, @simonneville, @anildash, @atrachelgilmore, @paulbradleycarr, @chafkin, @trulytuttle, @motherboard, @bigblackjacobin, @therealhoarse, @tomwarren, @nick_pettigrew, @jproskowglobal, @maggienyt, @justinhendrix, @therickwilson, @brhodes, The Independent, @jbomb11, @ungarino, @sheeraf, @mekosoff, @jeremymbarr, @kurtwagner8, @ekp and @danpfeiffer, more at Techmeme »
@fbnewsroom: Right now 30+ journalists are finishing up a coordinated series of articles based on thousands of pages of leaked documents. We hear that to get the docs, outlets had to agree to the conditions and a schedule laid down by the PR team that worked on earlier leaked docs.
Isabella Simonetti / Observer: Facebook Calls Out Journalists for Unfair Reporting, More Internal Documents To Be Leaked
Ashton Pittman / @ashtonpittman: Dealing with embargos is a normal part of daily journalism work, not evidence of a conspiracy. lol
Kieran McHugh / @kieranmch: The 10k jobs “metaverse” story was 100% to try to distract from whatever is coming.
Elizabeth Spiers / @espiers: Anyone who thinks 30 newsrooms could meaningfully coordinate coverage has never been in a newsroom.
Jessica Huseman / @jessicahuseman: Facebook this is called an embargo and they are routine I know your media team knows about them because they embargo things
@leahmcelrath: Facebook is out here trying to make team reporting on embargoed materials sound like a conspiracy, lol. One can only begin to guess how many staff, consultants, and attorneys Facebook has under NDAs hiding countless documents from the public.
@gwensnyderphl: “Some very embarrassing information about us is about to come out, but you should know that the fiendish press behind it engaged in such demonic rites as... cooperating with their sources per accepted standard journalistic practice”
Casey Johnston / @caseyjohnston: @fbnewsroom this tweet appears to contain words but all i hear are little baby crying sounds? can you explain
Ali Breland / @alibreland: almost every public statement and comment facebook makes is coordinated, and provided with conditions, scheduled and put out by its own PR team or with their counseling...
Simon Neville / @simonneville: The tech sector is one of the most overbearing, demanding and controlling business sectors I've ever had the misfortune to report on. Shrieking “yes we might be bad but THEY'VE BEEN FORCED TO STICK TO AN EMBARGO!"is, um, a bit rich for a sector that is obsessed with media control
Anil Dash / @anildash: I was gonna say “this will make it tough for FB to ask for an embargo on any stories in the future!” but that would require their comms team to give a shit about being blatantly dishonest or hypocritical, soooo... nevermind.
Rachel Gilmore / @atrachelgilmore: Facebook seems to be painting a standard embargo agreement as something sneaky or scandalous in this tweet. Based on this level of preemptive defensiveness, I am ITCHING to read about these leaked documents!
Paul Bradley Carr / @paulbradleycarr: Andreessen, Thiel, Zuck: We believe in unfettered free speech except when it is done to us.
Max Chafkin / @chafkin: this is sorta hilarious since FB (and every other tech company) uses embargos when it talks to the press about stories it is trying to promote.
Greg Tuttle / @trulytuttle: Who is the audience for this? Combative and whiney is a choice I guess.
@motherboard: Facebook's newest PR strategy is suggesting that malicious journalists are out to get the company.
Edward Ongweso Jr / @bigblackjacobin: It's actually very simple. When Facebook does embargoes, that's because they're necessary. Those embargoes are meant to help maximize impact. When journalists do embargoes, that's because they're duplicitous. Those embargoes are meant to misinform.
@therealhoarse: Facebook is currently shitting its pants over a series of stories that are about to come out
Tom Warren / @tomwarren: what is this absolute nonsense from Facebook. This is a standard PR practice, to share documents and information under embargo. They make it sound like something sinister. Not a good look @nickclegg
Nick Pettigrew / @nick_pettigrew: I don't know why, but this reminds me of the pub joke punchline “Whatever that sheep told you, it's a f cking liar.”
Jackson Proskow / @jproskowglobal: Embargos are standard practice, not a vast conspiracy - especially when it comes to collaborative journalism or a deep complex subject. Ask anyone who has ever covered a federal budget release in Canada...
Maggie Haberman / @maggienyt: “We hear” = “many people are saying”
Justin Hendrix / @justinhendrix: It's possible a constellation of newsrooms has come together a la Panama Papers- but what of it? That's fine and normal particularly if they are working through thousands of docs. Unlike Facebook, the news media doesn't have unlimited resources. Embargoes are normal too.
Rick Wilson / @therickwilson: You mean, only one of the most basic protocols of reporting? And one that Facebook uses with journalists all the time? Heaven forfend!
Ben Rhodes / @brhodes: If only “Facebook Newsroom” cared as much about the poison destroying democracy and lives on its platform as waging PR battles against fact-based information that reveals how that poison works.
Andrew Griffin / The Independent: Facebook posts strange thread suggesting major revelations about to come out
Jenna Quigley / @jbomb11: That is an embargo
Rebecca Ungarino / @ungarino: a media literacy moment!! fb is trying to make this sound exceptional or malicious to the average reader because they're betting people don't know that PRs and us reporters make good-faith agreements all the time to publish information at certain times + they are called embargoes
She-Ra Frenkel / @sheeraf: Facebook is trying to front run reporting they know is coming out soon:
Kurt Wagner / @kurtwagner8: For those outside the industry: This is called a news embargo — you agree to hold information until a set time in exchange for early access to that info FB asks journalists to do this every single day. This is standard practice.
Ellen K. Pao / @ekp: Yikes. Someone at Facebook thought this thread was a good idea, someone else agreed, and then someone probably approved it, and someone hit “tweet.” And apparently none of them thought about how it might trigger the Streisand effect

In an SEC filing, Sinclair confirms a ransomware attack is disrupting its TV channels; Sinclair initially blamed technical issues — Sinclair formally confirmed the ransomware attack a day after this initial report in SEC documents. Original reporting below.
Business Wire,, CNN, New York Daily News, @newschannelnine, @brianstelter, TVSpy, @sarafischer, Fast Company, @campuscodi, @brianstelter, Awful Announcing, @kevincollier, BleepingComputer, Wall Street Journal, Radio & Television …, @clay_masters, @trenicebtv, The Independent, @sarasmalltv, Reuters, MarketWatch, @campuscodi, Hollywood Reporter, @dinodaizovi, @erinthomaswx, @juliettekayyem, @kevincollier, @suzspencertv, Metacurity and Axios, more at Techmeme »
Brian Niemietz / New York Daily News: Sinclair Broadcasting targeted by ransomware attack
@newschannelnine: More details now from @WeAreSinclair about the cyberattack that left us without phones, email. It has been a busy day of improvisation here at the NewsChannel, folks! We do plan to go on the air with newscasts at their regularly-scheduled times.
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: The ransomware incident at Sinclair is upending dozens of TV stations. Local newscast production is impeded. “They expect us to keep broadcasting as if we aren't down,” a reporter says. Full story here with @snlyngaas
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: Two sources confirm to @axios that Sinclair's systems are down following @TheRecord_Media scoop about ransomware attack. Comes days after Cox Media Group acknowledged a that cyberattack this past summer was ransomware.
Steven Melendez / Fast Company: Controversial TV station owner Sinclair Broadcast Group struck by ransomware
Catalin Cimpanu / @campuscodi: Sinclair has just confirmed the ransomware attack in SEC filings
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: Sinclair confirms its TV stations have been disrupted by a “cybersecurity incident” — the press release points to a ransomware attack and says “data also was taken from the company's network.” ...
Andrew Bucholtz / Awful Announcing: Many Sinclair local broadcast affiliates were affected by a reported ransomware attack, impacting NFL broadcasts
Kevin Collier / @kevincollier: Props to Sinclair for publishing a fairly comprehensive statement this morning about being hit with ransomware. But internally, they're putting on the clamps, telling TV news folks today that they cannot speak to outside media, several have told me today.
Lillian Rizzo / Wall Street Journal: Sinclair Broadcast Group Says It Was Hit by a Ransomware Attack
Adam Jacobson / Radio & Television Business Report: Avoid A Ransomware Scare With These Forecast Facts
Clay Masters / @clay_masters: Sinclair has stations in Des Moines, Cedar Rapids and Sioux City.
Trenice / @trenicebtv: Sinclair Broadcast Group targeted by cyber attack over the weekend. “the Company identified that certain servers and workstations in its environment were encrypted with ransomware, and that certain office and operational networks were disrupted.” ...
@sarasmalltv: What a morning...5 hours of news to fill and we made it work. Thanks for being with us as we navigate through it! ...
Uday Sampath / Reuters: U.S. TV station operator Sinclair hit by ransomware attack
Ciara Linnane / MarketWatch: Sinclair Broadcast says it is investigating ransomware attack that took data from its networks, shares down 1.5% premarket
Catalin Cimpanu / @campuscodi: Per the SEC filing, files were stolen from the company's systems before encrypting them, which is kind of normal these days
Alex Weprin / Hollywood Reporter: Local TV Programming Disrupted as Sinclair Hit by Ransomware Attack
Dino A. Dai Zovi / @dinodaizovi: “The attack could have been isolated, but many sections of the Sinclair IT network were interconnected through the same Active Directory domain, allowing the attackers to reach broadcasting systems for local TV stations.”
Erin Thomas / @erinthomaswx: Sinclair stations coast to coast off air due to ransomware attack ...
Juliette Kayyem / @juliettekayyem: There are no “good” ransomware attacks. These must be met with strong response. Sinclair today. Could be AP, still the gold standard for election results, tomorrow.
Kevin Collier / @kevincollier: Can anybody in WV Twitter put me in touch with someone they know at WCHS? (Or anybody in any Twitter who has a contact at a Sinclair station.) Much appreciated. Please do it as a DM, email, or signal message, not a reply to this tweet. Tysm! Re: ...
Suzanne Spencer / @suzspencertv: Happening across the country- a security breach at Sinclair Broadcast Group disrupted various television stations and their operations. Data was compromised and newsrooms have been impacted. ...
Cynthia Brumfield / Metacurity: Sinclair TV Stations Taken Down in Ransomware Attack
Sara Fischer / Axios: Sinclair Broadcast Group says systems impacted by cyberattack

Internal document: Netflix estimates Squid Game will create almost $900M in value for the company; 87M viewers finished the series in the first 23 days — More than 130 million people have watched the Korean show — Netflix estimates that its latest megahit, “Squid Game,” …
Gizmodo, Cord Cutters News, Too Much TV Newsletter, CapGainz 🚀, @bengcotton, The Streamable, NME, The Why Axis, @mikeisaac, Tubefilter, @anthony, @jscotttn, C21Media, Columbia Journalism Review, UPROXX, Forbes, Fortune, CNBC, @christinapushaw, Digital TV Europe, Menagerie, the Newsletter, The Verge, Deadline, @carnage4life, handle with care, Variety, The Wrap, @rover829, @kellybourdet, ScreenRant, Decider, @phil_lewis_, @lucas_shaw, @ericnewcomer, @pkafka, Insider, @koblin, @brendengallager, @nataliegroman and The Verge
Whitney Kimball / Gizmodo: Netflix Employees Protesting Transphobia Present Their Demands Ahead of Walkout
Lauren Forristal / The Streamable: ‘Squid Game’ Worth $900 Million, Sets a Precedent for Future of Global Streaming
Daniel Peters / NME: ‘Squid Game’ could generate nearly US$900million in value for Netflix
Christopher Ingraham / The Why Axis: Man, Squid Game is freaking huge
Rat King / @mikeisaac: another fascinating leak on user numbers picked up by Lucas Netflix is big mad and now threatening Bloomberg over it
James Hale / Tubefilter: Netflix Thinks ‘Squid Game’ Will Generate Nearly $1 Billion In “Impact Value”
Anthony DeRosa / @anthony: Netflix on “light members” as key demo: “Current and former employees say that new customers and people who don't watch a lot are considered more valuable viewers. If those people watch a program, it suggests that show is a reason they remain customers.”
Jeremy Scott / @jscotttn: The eye-popping $900M figure here ultimately derives from a “metric the company uses to assess the performance from individual shows”. So... it's another “Netflix said so & we believed them.” But good clickbait, Bloomberg.
Jordan Pinto / C21Media: Netflix fires employee over information leak amid Dave Chappelle controversy
Jon Allsop / Columbia Journalism Review: What we should hope for if Baltimore gets a ‘newspaper war’
Josh Kurp / UPROXX: Netflix's Biggest-Ever Hit, ‘Squid Game,’ Is Estimated To Be Worth Nearly $1 Billion
Bernhard Warner / Fortune: Global stocks and U.S. futures wobble on China growth fears
Samantha Subin / CNBC: Netflix's ‘Squid Game’ is reportedly worth almost $900 million
Christina Pushaw / @christinapushaw: “Only cancel the cancellers” - Netflix employee tries to get Chapelle cancelled - Netflix cancels employee instead - Progressives cancel their Netflix subscriptions - For once I'm ahead of the trend... I cancelled Netflix last year when they put out “Cuties.” 🤷🏼♀ ️
Jonathan Easton / Digital TV Europe: Netflix fires trans employee walkout organiser
Vincent Lee / Menagerie, the Newsletter: Menagerie, Oct 17-18 — By the time you read this China's Q3 GDP figures will have hit.
Zoe Schiffer / The Verge: Netflix trans employees and allies release a list of demands ahead of the walkout
Dare Obasanjo / @carnage4life: Netflix finally gets the full big tech experience where disgruntled employees leak internal data to their favorite journalists. I'm just halfway through Squid Game but I can clearly see the $1B in value to Netflix given it's quality and meme factor.
Chelsea Quezada / handle with care: Betrayal: British Crime Story
Todd Spangler / Variety: Netflix Projects ‘Squid Game’ Will Generate $891 Million in Value, According to Leaked Data
Jeremy Fuster / The Wrap: ‘Squid Game’ Will Generate $891 Million in Value According to Leaked Netflix Data
Vincent Lee / @rover829: “The South Korean show, about indebted people in a deadly contest for a cash prize, generated $891.1 million in impact value, a metric the company uses to assess the performance from individual shows. The show cost just $21.4 million to produce — about $2.4 million an episode.”
Kelly Bourdet / @kellybourdet: netflix metrics are incredibly closely held. very rare to get a picture into how shows actually perform. fascinating timing to get such specific insight leaked
Brennan Klein / ScreenRant: Squid Game Will Reportedly Earn Netflix $891 Million
Michael Haskoor / Decider: ‘Squid Game’ Might End Up Being Worth $900 Million To Netflix
Philip Lewis / @phil_lewis_: Netflix estimates that “Squid Game” will create almost $900 million in value for the company by itself
Lucas Shaw / @lucas_shaw: Some Saturday night news: Real Netflix viewership data. How many people have started Squid Game, how many people have finished it and how much Netflix thinks it will make from the Korean smash.
Eric Newcomer / @ericnewcomer: @Lucas_Shaw doesn't take that many employees to leak things to the media. what percentage are actually angry. NYT portrayed this as bigger than squid game + emmys etc. will that be true in a month? these things burn hot
Peter Kafka / @pkafka: @EricNewcomer @Lucas_Shaw It means something more than nothing that a company that *never* leaks even though the information has been widely distributed forever has now leaked.
Harry Robertson / Insider: ‘Squid Game’ will generate nearly $900 million for Netflix - despite costing only $21 million to make, reports say
John Koblin / @koblin: Hannah Gadsby calls Netflix an “amoral algorithm cult.” Ted Sarandos fielded several tough questions at an emotional virtual town hall. A staffer is fired for leaking to the press. Friday at Netflix:
Brenden Gallagher / @brendengallager: Another of the many great arguments why “internal metrics” (we used to call them ratings) should be transparent.
@nataliegroman: Wait, so Inside only cost $3.9 Million? Like ostensibly the most important piece of art to come out of COVID, had 1/5 of the talent budget with so much more to say and so much more production value? What the hell is goin on over there?

Netflix's success with Squid Game is prompting other streaming services to explore international productions, which are typically cheaper than US equivalents
Variety, New York Times, @sherman4949, @yinkawrites, Gizmodo, Los Angeles Times and Insider
Christopher Vourlias / Variety: In the Hunt for the Next ‘Squid Game,’ Industry Execs See ‘Unlimited Potential’
Jennifer Vineyard / New York Times: Lee Jung-jae Thinks ‘Squid Game’ Critics Should Watch It Again
Alex Sherman / @sherman4949: Squid Game's legacy may be opening the floodgates on international foreign language TV series production for global audiences.
Yinka Adegoke / @yinkawrites: When Hollywood outsources...
Jody Serrano / Gizmodo: Netflix's Squid Game, Which Cost $21.4 Million to Make, Will Reportedly Generate $900 Million in Value

Analysis: Apple Search Ads now account for 58% of iOS app installs from an ad click, up from 17% a year ago; Apple to earn $5B from its ads business in FY 2021 — iPhone maker's share of mobile app advertising market has tripled in six months — Apple's advertising business has more than tripled …
Patrick McGee / @patrickmcgee_: Chart of the Day: @Apple's advertising business has more than tripled its market share in the six months after it introduced privacy changes to iPhones that obstructed rivals, including @Facebook and @Google, from targeting ads at consumers. *A Thread*
Joshua Benton / Nieman Lab: Apple is becoming a bigger player in digital advertising, risking antitrust action and its image
Gerrit De Vynck / Washington Post: The days of U.S. tech companies fighting back against authoritarian regimes are long gone
Matt Stoller / @matthewstoller: Yes what Apple did was anti-competitive but the app promotion ad market is much smaller than the mobile ad market.
Michael J. Miraflor / @michaelmiraflor: Well well well. That “Privacy” marketing campaign showing its true colors.
Ben Lovejoy / 9to5Mac: Apple's ad business sees windfall; is accused of breaking its own privacy rules
Eric Benjamin Seufert / Mobile Dev Memo: How has ATT impacted mobile advertising?
@msuiche: And some people really thought that Apple genuinely cared about Privacy & Security.
Rep. Ken Buck / @repkenbuck: It appears Apple's privacy changes might be a front for growing their advertising business, and hurting their competitors.
Didi Rankovic / Reclaim The Net: Apple's “privacy” crackdown on Facebook, tripled Apple's ad revenue
@antoniogm: As we've talked about more than once over here at Pull Request, Apple's hard stance on privacy is principled and disruptive...and also utterly in line with its advertising ambitions.
Ben Thompson / @benthompson: Remembering every so-called competition expert who praised Apple's ATT changes, while accusing people like me raising the red flag about how blatantly anticompetitive it was of being paid shills for Facebook. Fun times.
Derek Thompson / @dkthomp: Amazing chart. Part of the appeal of the *metaverse* is that Facebook etc want to build proprietary hardware that delivers their software, bc Apple is demonstrating how relying on other firms for distribution creates the potential for chokepoints.
Sebastian Siemiatkowski / @klarnaseb: I wonder, how many senior execs of major companies are nervous about retweeting this? The potential repercussions it might have for our businesses? Rationally I don't believe Apple would ever care what I tweet. But the massive dependencies will make people nervous @PatrickMcGee_
Dare Obasanjo / @carnage4life: Apple's “privacy” changes have tripled the market share of their advertising business as they've made ads on iOS less relevant thus forcing advertisers to flock to App Store search ads. They stand to make $5B this year and now own 58% of app install ads.
Patrick McGee / @patrickmcgee_: Full story: Apple's privacy changes create windfall for its own advertising business
Jason Kint / @jason_kint: Pretty insane how this report is being shared and mobilized by the facebook and adtech influencer networks across twitter. I do also fortunately see hints of people questioning it, too - the savvy that understand why it threatens facebook are much stronger these days.

IATSE and AMPTP reach a deal, avoiding a strike that would have shut film and TV production; new contract needs to be ratified by IATSE members — EXCLUSIVE: With Hollywood on edge and picket signs at the ready, IATSE and the AMPTP have reached an agreement on a new film and TV contract, averting a threatened nationwide strike.
Variety, Los Angeles Times, SlashFilm, REPORT DOOR, Digital TV Europe, The Clayton Crescent, The Wrap, The Wrap, Variety, @scalzi, IATSE, The Week, The A.V. Club, Gizmodo, UPI, @pattonoswalt, @ghostpanther, The Verge, CNN, @thejonlindstrom, @uptotask, @jonahfurman, @moreperfectus, @heatherfink, @arlanwashere, @sarayublue, @deadlinedominic, @grimkim, @alexnpress, Protocol, Los Angeles Times, Insider, Chicago Sun-Times, NBC News, IndieWire, TVLine and Page Six
Danielle Ryan / SlashFilm: IATSE Deal May Be Rejected By Union Members Unhappy With Terms
Erin Clark / REPORT DOOR: IATSE and AMPTP reach a deal, avoiding a strike that would have shut film and TV production; new contract needs to be ratified by IATSE members
Claytoncrescent / The Clayton Crescent: IATSE strike on hold for now
Gene Maddaus / Variety: IATSE and AMPTP Have Reached a Deal to Avert a Strike
IATSE: Landmark tentative agreement reached for IATSE West Coast Film and Television Workers before Strike Deadline
Brendan Morrow / The Week: Deal reached to avert major Hollywood strike
Sam Barsanti / The A.V. Club: The IATSE has averted a strike (and a Hollywood shutdown), but the fight's not over yet
Karen Butler / UPI: Tentative deal reached to prevent TV, film worker strike
Patton Oswalt / @pattonoswalt: Good for @IATSE for standing your ground. And don't forget we got your back anytime you need us #IASolidarity
Adam McKay / @ghostpanther: 3% annual wage increases, guaranteed safe turn around times, diversity requirements and more money for pension & healthcare funds? That's a big win. Way to go IATSE.
Kim Lyons / The Verge: Hollywood union reaches contract agreement over streaming pay to avoid strike
CNN: Union calls deal to avert strike ‘a Hollywood ending’ as negotiations continue for workers in other parts of country
Jon Lindstrom / @thejonlindstrom: The power of face-to-face talk. Strike averted! Way to go! #IATSE #AMPTP
Jonah Furman / @jonahfurman: If the John Deere strike taught us anything — wait for the ratification vote...
@moreperfectus: The deal now needs to be approved by IATSE members, who won major concessions from Netflix, Amazon, and other studios after threatening to strike.
Heather Fink / @heatherfink: Joint statement from the 13 Hollywood IATSE locals:
Arlan / @arlanwashere: Fantastic news and only fair! “The union's chief goals were livable wages for the lowest paid crafts; more turnaround time between workdays; actual meal breaks; a rescue of the union's ailing pension and health plan, and a bigger share of the revenue from streaming shows.”
Sarayu Blue / @sarayublue: This happened because of the extraordinary efforts of @IATSE and their union members mobilizing in the fight for #IAReasonableRest and more. This is so long overdue. I hope it's truly a fair deal & one that gives our crews the humane work conditions they so deserve. #IASolidarity
Dominic Patten / @deadlinedominic: BREAKING - #IASolidarity - Hollywood strike adverted with just over 24 hrs before deadline
Kim Kelly / @grimkim: With #Striketober going strong and the threat of a historic strike looming in the background, IATSE has reached a deal with Hollywood studio bosses. Now it's up to the members to vote on whether they want to take it. 👀
Alex Press / @alexnpress: lol people keep noting how these stories have been sourced from the producer side and oof does it show with the “Time to break out the cigars” quote in here
Janko Roettgers / Protocol: Hollywood averted its first streaming strike with an 11th-hour deal
IndieWire: IATSE Strike Averted: Hollywood Shutdown Halted as New AMPTP Film and TV Contract Reached

Apple launches a new $5/month “Voice Plan” for accessing Apple Music exclusively with Siri, available in 17 countries — During the “Unleashed” Apple event, the company announced a new more accessible plan for Apple Music exclusively with Siri.
Variety, Apple, Forbes, TechCrunch, @om, @bridgetcarey, @xpangler, @sippingaugust and @om, more at Techmeme »
John Koetsier / Forbes: 90M Songs For $5: Apple Music's New ‘Voice Plan’
Sarah Perez / TechCrunch: Apple debuts a $4.99 per month Apple Music Voice plan, designed mainly for HomePod or AirPods use
@om: They are likely targeting those buying or getting a HomePod mini (or AirPods) gifted and don't yet have a music service. Spotify student subscription costs the same.
Bridget Carey / @bridgetcarey: Thank you everyone, seems Twitter is better at explaining this than Apple's press release:
Todd Spangler / @xpangler: the Apple Music Voice plan won't let you create your own playlists (and it lacks other features in the standard plans) via @variety
Hannah Left Her / @sippingaugust: Voice Plan is a new music service from Apple that is cheaper than Apple Music but you have to “ask Siri” to play a playlist or album or song for you. so you can't use the actual app but you can still skip songs

Profile of Iole Lucchese, a Scholastic exec given control of the company after the sudden death of CEO Dick Robinson; sources say they were romantic partners — The powerhouse children's publisher, known for Harry Potter, had been passed from father to son until Iole Lucchese, a top executive, was given control.
@brooke, @dpd_, @rachsyme, @staceynycdc, @katierosman, @patkiernan, @nickconfessore, @nytimesbooks, @katierosman, @heyitsfranklin2, @liz_a_harris and @bmorrissey
Brooke Hammerling / @brooke: A fascinating story. A real life Succession if you will. I also will never understand PR people who try to dictate to media what questions they can't ask when that question is one thousand percent relating to the story. Smh.
Daniel D'Addario / @dpd_: this article is great, but the headline's suggestion that it's surprising that succession dramas can happen in “real life” and not just on TV is extremely funny to me
Rachel Syme / @rachsyme: “In the interview, Ms. Lucchese did seem to have thought quite a bit about how the big red dog would find life in the big city, and how he would adapt.”
Stacey E. Singleton / @staceynycdc: “Being handed control of the company, which is valued at $1.2B, has made Ms. Lucchese, 55, one of the most powerful women in book publishing...The gift also shifts the business, which had been passed from father to son, to a person outside the family.”
Katie Rosman / @katierosman: “He would tell me, ‘When I die, there is a safe, and there is an envelope in the safe, and the board of directors will open the safe and see what my wishes were,’” said David Wallack, an institutional investor. “I thought it was hyperbole.”
Pat Kiernan / @patkiernan: He told the board that upon his death “the board of directors will open the safe and see what my wishes were.”
Nick Confessore / @nickconfessore: “Mr. Gorsky said that as ‘a ground rule for giving an interview,’ the Times reporter could not ask Ms. Lucchese about a personal relationship with Mr. Robinson. When the reporter declined to agree...Mr. Gorsky responded: 'Then we're done.'”
@nytimesbooks: Iole Lucchese, a senior executive at the publishing company, said she was just as surprised as everyone else to learn she had been handed control of the business.
Katie Rosman / @katierosman: Dick Robinson, the longtime CEO/chairman of Scholastic died at 84, without telling anyone his succession plan. His will shocked everyone. Meet Iole Lucchese, Robinson's former romantic partner and Scholastic's new chairwoman. By me + @Liz_A_Harris.
MJ Franklin / @heyitsfranklin2: *the Nicholas Britell Succession theme song begins playing dramatically in the background* If you love Succession, wait until you read about.......... Scholastic
Elizabeth A. Harris / @liz_a_harris: “He would tell me, 'When I die, there is a safe, and there is an envelope in the safe, & the board of directors will open the safe and see what my wishes were,'"a big investor said of the longtime Scholastic CEO. “I thought it was hyperbole."w/@katierosman

Sources: China is considering asking Tencent, ByteDance, and other media companies to let rivals access and display their content in search results — - MIIT may ask Tencent to allow Baidu, others to search WeChat — If implemented, it could shake up the online advertising arena
Michael Norris / @briefnorris: Last month, I received a media inquiry about interoperability's underappreciated impacts. One of the examples I gave: “Users searching on Baidu may see links from full-length articles posted within WeChat's ecosystem as part of their search results. ”
Graham Webster / @gwbstr: It would be huge, from a research perspective, to search easily across platforms of Chinese user-generated content. So much is tied up in WeChat public accounts. I bet a lot of people would get in trouble for previously unnoticed stuff, too.
Harsh Madhusudan / @harshmadhusudan: China Weighs Opening Tencent, ByteDance Content to Search, Sources Say This is on expected lines. Anything not on the frontier should evolve into a utility model, goes the thinking. India leapfrogged this partially w/ our digital public goods. More to do.
Zheping Huang / @pingroma: China considers rules to make content from media firms like Tencent accessible on search engines, in a move to break barriers among internet giants first scoop with the great @teamlipei
Alex Wilhelm / TechCrunch: Equity Monday: Welcome to bigtech hardware week

Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences CEO Dawn Hudson says she will not renew her contract after her three-year term ends in 2023 — Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences chief executive officer Dawn Hudson will not renew her contract after her three-year term ends.
Angelique Jackson / Variety: Academy CEO Dawn Hudson to Step Down When Contract Ends in 2023

How Rolling Stone, which started turning a profit in 2019 and reaches 60M readers/month online, is trying to reestablish itself as “the Bible for young people” — Correction: A previous version of this article called Jeffrey Epstein a sex trafficker.
@noahshachtman, Media Nation, @marlownyc, @sulliview, @swin24, @anthony, @joshsternberg and @janebsinger
Noah Shachtman / @noahshachtman: .@Sulliview came by the @RollingStone offices during a fun week, with K-Pop fans crowding outside, Eric Clapton getting a hard look, and our Musicians on Musicians series rolling out. ...
Dan Kennedy / Media Nation: The ugly truth about Eric Clapton — and the line between the art and the artist
Marlow Stern / @marlownyc: needless to say but @noahshachtman and rolling stone are a great pairing
@sulliview: ‘More immediate, more visceral’ and tougher on music icons like Eric Clapton: Gus Wenner and @NoahShachtman want @RollingStone to have ‘a real place in the zeitgeist’. My new column on the reinvention in progress ...
Asawin Suebsaeng / @swin24: Weird how “@daveweigel” become “fans crowding outside” once the story gets edited by Dave's employer
Anthony DeRosa / @anthony: Magazines haven't always been so forthright in flagging the best parts of a story; typically, @NoahShachtman said, “that news would have been left to readers to unearth by themselves.” (I don't think it's just magazines with this problem) ...
Josh Screamberg / @joshsternberg: Wonder if the new Rolling Stone will continue the practice of rescinding job offers after reporters try to negotiate salary and having a pro-union stance. This was not discussed in this article. ...
Jane Singer / @janebsinger: ‘Journalism with teeth’: The young readers who made Rolling Stone their rock bible are now old. So the iconic publication is looking to reinvent itself for a new generation, with tougher stories and ‘more immediate, more visceral’ presentation. ... @Sulliview