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Sources say Facebook Papers have no sharing restrictions, so media outlets should model transparency and make them publicly accessible — OK, STRAP IN, NERDS: — Charlie Warzel @cwarzel — legitimately don't know how to consume this much facebook news — October 25th 2021 — 32 Retweets397 Likes
Nieman Lab, @kantrowitz, Protocol, New York Times, @annia, @katiedrumm, @digiphile, @kantrowitz, @dellcam, @mat, @blackamazon, @kimzetter, @niemanlab, @karissabe, @scottnover, @joshelman, @attorneynora, @ezranbc, @seyitaylor, @cwarzel, The Wrap, The Triad, Vanity Fair,, New York Magazine, Platformer, GOOD INTERNET, CNN, Rolling Stone and Fast Company, more at Techmeme »
Alex Kantrowitz / Nieman Lab: I'm in the consortium possessing the leaked Facebook documents. Let's dissolve it.
Alex Kantrowitz / @kantrowitz: New from me: I just joined the consortium with the leaked Facebook documents. Now I believe it should be dissolved. We need to make getting these documents out to the public the top priority. The people deserve to see them. via @NiemanLab
David Pierce / Protocol: Here are all the Facebook Papers stories
@annia: The Facebook Papers consortium does not contain a single non-Western news outlet. Not one.
Katie Drummond / @katiedrumm: I'm with @Kantrowitz — Release the documents!
Alex Howard / @digiphile: A year later, I'd say my “highly questionable set of assertions” holds up. What's missing is news outlets reporting out the #FacebookPapers to publish them, after scrubbing PII. @cwarzel is right about that bit: ... Outlets are holding back for self-interest.
Alex Kantrowitz / @kantrowitz: @mat Sort of has to be a collective effort because of poor redacting and liability issues. I'll publish what I can but it's gonna take everyone.
Dell Cameron / @dellcam: This fucking sucks.
Bats Honan / @mat: “what I do have is a view into a trove of documents that I'm sure belong in the public's hands” So publish them, Alex?
@blackamazon: It's so very telling how much of this is centered around perspectives of people who have the option of choosing this rhetoric .. not the ones endangered by it .
Kim Zetter / @kimzetter: “they're available to us in a Google Drive...and we are able to download them. But instead of a consortium of reporters sorting through them and writing stories...we should expand our efforts to focus on the responsible redaction and wide release of these documents.”
@niemanlab: New from @Kantrowitz: “The more broadly available we can make them, the closer we can get to solving the problems they uncover. It's time for us to figure out a way to get these documents out.”
Karissa Bell / @karissabe: Props to @Kantrowitz for this. Let's let everyone see all the docs (especiallythe researchers who have been trying to access internal research for years!) and end elitist media gatekeeping
Scott Nover / @scottnover: “Journalists do themselves a disservice by not just saying that... we are way more attuned to how information is presented + delivered than most people and that it can feel pretty damn personal when the ecosystem we work in is polluted by blatant garbage.” ...
Josh Elman / @joshelman: Really interesting thread and probably my favorite post on this current news cycle
Nora Benavidez / @attorneynora: Judicious redaction & wide dissemination for public access. Most of the world is largely unaware of the Facebook Papers. Access for a handful of bespoke reporters does nothing other than provide experts like me a firehouse in which a lot gets lost trickling out to a wider public.
Ezra Kaplan / @ezranbc: As a member of this consortium, I agree, these documents belong in the hands of the public.
@seyitaylor: Alex makes the case that no news organizations in the countries that use FB's products the most have access to the documents. I'm going to keep my thoughts to myself on this one but... yeah...
Charlie Warzel / @cwarzel: the facebook papers are so clearly important but i also can't stop wondering what they're building toward and what comes next ...
Antoinette Siu / The Wrap: The Facebook Papers: What We Know So Far — And What Else Is Coming
Jonathan V. Last / The Triad: Everything Facebook: It's Worse Than You Thought
Charlotte Klein / Vanity Fair: Mark Zuckerberg: Why Isn't Anyone Talking About Facebook's Many Achievements? Charlie Warzel on the future after the Facebook Papers; Jocelyn Nicole Johnson will discuss her new book tonight
Jacob Silverman / New York Magazine: No Amount of Whistleblowing Can Fix Facebook
René Walter / GOOD INTERNET: [Links] The Facebook Papers / Propagandamaschine Social Media / Entertainment-Value of Conspiracies

Biden names Jessica Rosenworcel to officially lead the FCC, nominates Gigi Sohn as third Democratic commissioner, but it's unclear if Senate will confirm soon — And progressive Gigi Sohn as a third Democratic commissioner — President Joe Biden named acting Federal Communications …
Politico, The White House, Washington Post, Variety, The Wrap, NPR, Protocol, @nicolewong, @nprpolitics, @bobbybigwheel, Substack, @techcrunch, @peterwelch, @amac, @senatorhassan, @repmaloney, @chrisj_lewis, @reckless, @dpatil, @wgawest, @mweinberg2d, @freepress, @jake_k, @grynbaum, @karlbode, @cendemtech, @bergmayer, @bowl_of_worcel, @backlon, @ronwyden, @senatorshaheen, @senmarkey, CNET, PCMag India, Wall Street Journal and The Daily Dot, more at Techmeme »
Todd Spangler / Variety: Biden Names Jessica Rosenworcel Permanent FCC Chair, First Woman to Hold Role
Lindsey Ellefson / The Wrap: Biden to Name Jessica Rosenworcel FCC Chairwoman
Brian Naylor / NPR: Biden makes 2 key, boundary-breaking FCC nominations
@nicolewong: Our path to the future demands that we ensure EVERYONE can access and afford modern communications technology. I'm thrilled that @JRosenworcel @gigibsohn and @abdavidson will be leading us into that future.
@nprpolitics: President Biden is nominating Jessica Rosenworcel as the chair of the FCC and former FCC staffer Gigi Sohn to a second vacant seat on the commission. Both are expected to push for a return of Obama-era net neutrality rules.
@bobbybigwheel: There's one family in my hometown that produced the FCC Chair and the drummer from Guster and all my mom can say at the grocery store is “yeah my son posts on Twitter a lot”
Dave Pell / Substack: I've Got the Power — I couldn't publish Monday's edition of NextDraft because I was in the midst …
@techcrunch: Jessica Rosenworcel becomes the first woman to chair the FCC, and Gigi Sohn is nominated for 5th spot | by Devin Coldewey
Rep. Peter Welch / @peterwelch: Congratulations to my friend and partner in the fight for broadband access @JRosenworcel. Jessica is a progressive leader working to close the digital divide. I'm thrilled she'll be the first woman to serve as a permanent FCC chair. Let's get to work! ...
Alexander Macgillivray / @amac: Power trio of telecom and internet policy, law and just plain old advocacy on behalf of people nominated today by @POTUS: @JRosenworcel @gigibsohn & @abdavidson. Congratulations to the USA! And thank you to each of you.
Sen. Maggie Hassan / @senatorhassan: This is great news — @JRosenworcelFCC has been a steadfast partner in the push to expand high-speed internet access in New Hampshire and across the country. I look forward to working swiftly to advance her nomination in the Senate. ...
Carolyn B. Maloney / @repmaloney: Congrats @JRosenworcelFCC on your nomination! Acting Chair Rosenworcel has been a champion for net neutrality, reducing the “homework gap,” and expanded telehealth. She will be the first woman to be permanent chair in @FCC's history. #InspiredByHer
Christopher J. Lewis / @chrisj_lewis: The list is long on folks who can say this!
Nilay Patel / @reckless: Huge news. But such a late appointment and so much to do.
DJ Patil / @dpatil: This is an absolute excellent choice for @JRosenworcelFCC as Chair for the FCC. She's stellar.
@wgawest: WGAW applauds the naming of @JRosenworcel to chair the @FCC and the nomination of longtime consumer & competition advocate @gigibsohn to serve as FCC Commissioner. We urge the Senate to swiftly confirm these two exceptional nominees before the year's end.
Michael Weinberg / @mweinberg2d: Great day for an open internet! @gigibsohn nominated to be FCC commissioner!
Free Press / @freepress: BREAKING: President Biden will reportedly nominate Jessica Rosenworcel as FCC chair, Gigi Sohn as the fifth FCC commissioner and Alan Davidson to the NTIA. This is a dream team for anyone who cares about the future of media and tech. Our statement:
Jake Kastrenakes / @jake_k: gigi's been a leading voice on net neutrality and internet privacy for a long time — huge move adding her to the commission
Michael M. Grynbaum / @grynbaum: I always enjoy a good West Hartford media story: @JRosenworcel, Hall High grad, will be the first female chair of the FCC. Trivia: her brother Brian is the drummer of Guster.
Karl Bode / @karlbode: “Not having Sohn as chair is probably a bit of a relief for the big telecom providers who oppose virtually every plan to regulate the broadband and cable TV industries.”
@cendemtech: 👏👏👏 @CenDemTech applauds the @WhiteHouse's moves today to restore the @FCC to its full strength & appoint a distinguished leader to @NTIAgov: * @GigiBSohnFCC * @JRosenworcelFCC * @abdavidson More info from the Administration:
John Bergmayer / @bergmayer: You can blame Gigi Sohn for getting me into tech policy, but other than that, she will be an excellent Commissioner
Brian Rosenworcel / @bowl_of_worcel: This is well deserved! Congratulations Jessica.
Dieter Bohn / @backlon: This appointment moved at the average speed of Amercian Broadband internet :/
Ron Wyden / @ronwyden: .@POTUS Biden is nominating two champions for consumers and smart tech policy in @JRosenworcel and @GigiBSohnFCC. They know what it takes to get all americans connected, and stop Big Cable from gouging American families.
Sen. Jeanne Shaheen / @senatorshaheen: .@JRosenworcelFCC has worked to close the digital divide, preserve net neutrality & leverage the power of broadband to increase access to opportunity in our communities. She's well-qualified to serve as permanent FCC Chair & I look forward to seeing her nom advance in the Senate.
Ed Markey / @senmarkey: Great to see the FCC will soon have a Democratic majority. The first order of business: revive net neutrality and reclassify broadband under Title II.
Marguerite Reardon / CNET: Biden nominates FCC's acting chair Rosenworcel for permanent post
Rob Pegoraro / PCMag India: Biden Nominates Rosenworcel as FCC Chair

Good Information Inc., funded by Reid Hoffman and others, launches to invest in media companies that tackle misinformation — A new public benefit corporation backed by billionaires Reid Hoffman, George Soros, and others is launching Tuesday to fund new media companies and efforts that tackle disinformation.
@sarafischer, @dgritzer, @mathewi, @chuckrossdc, @jerrydunleavy, @taraemcg, @tomscocca, @pwthornton, @mekosoff, @jeffjarvis, @kylewilsontharp, @davidplouffe, @timmarchman, @swodinsky, @caseynewton, @brandyzadrozny, @billy_k_ball, @bigmeaninternet, @jameshamblin, @nicolelgill, @tombevanrcp, @rvawonk, @arrington, @taraemcg, @pwthornton, @digiphile, @meghanmccarthy_, @maggieseverns, @shanegoldmacher, @froomkin, @mathewi, @nandoodles, @nickknudsenus, @keyavakil, @moonbeamvotes, @cardinalandpine, @stphnfwlr, @marisakabas, @briannawu, Fox News and The Hill
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: Exclusive: Billionaires Reid Hoffman, George Soros and others back new media firm led by @taraemcg to combat disinformation — As part of its launch, “Good Information” will acquire @CourierNewsroom, a local news group with a progressive perspective.
Daniel Gritzer / @dgritzer: @mathewi Wow, I'm amazed you don't see the difference. It's not because “we are the good guys.” There's literally one side committed to disinformation and another that's trying to keep us grounded in some basis of fact. How in the world do you think that's the same?
Mathew Ingram / @mathewi: If right-wing billionaires did this, I'm sure there would be a hue and cry. Why is it different because these are supposedly “progressive” news outlets?
Chuck Ross / @chuckrossdc: When Reid Hoffman points a finger at online disinformation, 3 are pointing back at him
Scary Dunleavy / @jerrydunleavy: it would be kind of funny if Reid Hoffman was backing an outlet to combat “disinformation” simply in order to change his Google search results (because this is still the top result when you search Reid Hoffman + disinformation). ...
Tara McGowan / @taraemcg: Also live today: @CourierNewsroom's new website💥 My favorite page? Our mission + values statement - we understand that in order to build trust- esp in these mistrusting times, we need to be transparent about who we are, what we stand for + why: Democracy. ...
Tom Scocca / @tomscocca: Every tweet I've seen in my feed about this has been castigating the project
Patrick Thornton / @pwthornton: @jameshamblin The general answer is a freemium model like The New York Times. The ads could be done away with as subs take on more and more of the revenue pie. People who don't want to pay can do with there free number of articles per month. The general answer is that news needs paywalls.
Maya Kosoff / @mekosoff: getting a billionaire to invest in your initiative for “fact-based information” seems like a good grift if you can make it happen!
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: Interesting. @reidhoffman, Soros, others invest in news. News wasn't investable, except by hedgies buying up debt of dying dinos. Here we have investment in new entities that don't buy the old ethos of objectivity. I'll be eager to hear more.
Kyle Tharp / @kylewilsontharp: So much money is invested in navel-gazing in the disinformation space. It's time to counter the trash fueled by Facebook and inject a little good information into the mix. There's no one better than @taraemcg to do that.
David Plouffe / @davidplouffe: Combatting destructive disinformation with factual and compelling information is the major front in the battle to save our Democracy. And across so many issues, as we are reminded daily. Good for @taraemcg and team for getting in the trenches.
Tim Marchman / @timmarchman: Last year @annamerlan and I reported on documents laying out the extensive disinformation-creating plans of the person heading this anti-disinformation venture:
Shoshana Wodinsky / @swodinsky: @jameshamblin in all seriousness (and speaking as someone who writes about The Economics of Online for a living), what you're describing is literally impossible under capitalism. sure, you could have nonprofits, but that kind of falls under the behest of some millionaires thumb sooner or later
Casey Newton / @caseynewton: @jameshamblin i mean you just ruled out all of the available business models james
Brandy Zadrozny / @brandyzadrozny: “The information crisis we're in is so much bigger than politics.” I haven't reported on this group, but this obviously political org shrouded in the cloak of “fighting disinformation” is something. Fund local newsrooms for god's sake.
Billy Ball / @billy_k_ball: It won't be perfect. We'll nail some things. We'll miss the mark on others. We're not perfect. But we're real people, real North Carolinians, real journos who won't silently abide the lying. Thanks for listening. Monologue over. Support @CardinalAndPine, @GoodInfoInc. ❤️ #ncpol
Malcolm Harris / @bigmeaninternet: Billionaires investing in TRUTH seems so silly. Just buy your local paper and pay the union like Patrick Soon-Shiong
James Hamblin / @jameshamblin: Imagine people really do want journalism, from experienced writers and editors, and they want it to be free and available to all, and widely representative, and without ads or weird data tracking, and without the potential bias of any billionaire stakeholder. How would that work?
Nicole Gill / @nicolelgill: Fighting our disinformation crisis takes innovation, creativity, and grit. @taraemcg and @GoodInfoInc have that and more, and I'm excited to see what comes next after today's launch!
Tom Bevan / @tombevanrcp: Not a Babylon Bee story, unfortunately.
Caroline Orr Bueno, Ph.D / @rvawonk: I want to be supportive, but a new initiative to combat disinformation that is made up of media insiders, politicos, and ad/tech experts — but not a single scientist who studies disinformation — seems to be a symptom of the problem, not a solution to it.
@arrington: Billionaires back new company that will absolutely spread disinformation and suppress reality.
Tara McGowan / @taraemcg: The broken, divisive information ecosystem in which we find ourselves today is an all-hands-on-deck challenge for American democracy. Excited to finally share what we've been building over the past few months to address it👇🧵
Patrick Thornton / @pwthornton: @CaseyNewton @jameshamblin If you don't have a business model, what are your favorite ways of supporting your business? It's an odd question.
Alex Howard / @digiphile: Details are a bit sparse here: “invest in new businesses & solutions that tackle the disinformation crisis. That could mean funding new or existing companies that boost news from existing news outlets.” Like...public media? Or @propublica & @publicintegrity? Or marketing them?
Meghan McCarthy / @meghanmccarthy_: @ShaneGoldmacher What is not getting high ad revenue now? Reaching people who don't care about politics day to day with accurate political info. @taraemcg is trying out a new model. She gave up her former career to do it. I'm proud to be helping build it. Our democracy truly is at stake. 5/5
Maggie Severns / @maggieseverns: McGowan's new venture is buying Courier Newsroom, a network of progressive websites started by McGowan that aimed to boost Dem candidates in battleground states
Shane Goldmacher / @shanegoldmacher: The news here is that Soros and Hoffman are behind this @teddyschleifer got the docs outlining the group back in February
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: Right-wing billionaires already DO this. And these guys are saying they are anti-disinformation, for which there is a crying need, and by which standard they can be held to account.
Mathew Ingram / @mathewi: Some interesting replies to this, many of which amount to “but it's okay because we are the good guys”
NanBOOdles / @nandoodles: The accusations are finally true: I'm part of a George Soros-backed initiative! I'm joining the advisory board of @GoodInfoInc, an org with a systematic plan to counter disinformation — starting with boosting local journalism. 👇🏼
Keya Vakil / @keyavakil: There's been a lot written about our mission and model. Some of that has been fair criticism, but some of it hasn't and it's contributed to an atmosphere that has been used to discredit our reporting, so I want to take a few minutes to talk about the work we do at Courier. 🧵
@moonbeamvotes: Right wing billionaires already do this, you hack. You never heard of Rupert Murdoch?
@cardinalandpine: A 🧵 from our managing editor, @Billy_K_Ball. 👇We'll do our best every day to seek out the truth in #NorthCarolina, and not just for the cities. We're coming to rural NC too. Thanks for reading and following. Stay in touch, North Carolina. #ncpol
Stephen Fowler / @stphnfwlr: What if - and hear me out here - we invested money into addressing a root cause (struggling local media outlets that people are more likely to trust to produce stories about issues and things that actually matter) instead of what is thinly-disguised progressive advocacy?
Marisa Kabas / @marisakabas: how times are we gonna do this

Stewart Bainum's Baltimore Banner will be led by LAT's Kimi Yoshino, with a $15M budget for its first year and plans to hire roughly 50 reporters — The Maryland hotel magnate tried but failed to buy the Baltimore Sun. Now he's trying to demonstrate a new business model for local news.
@kyoshino, @sewellchan, @elaheizadi, @alicedreger, @washingtonpost, @seamushughes, @mattdpearce, @danielnmiller, @ckrewson, @kyoshino, @serps, @lenfestinst, @jbweinz, @emilyasullivan, @ted_williams, @imtiazbaltnews, @scottshanenyt, @niemanlab, @mollymotoole, @ron_cassie, @helaineolen, @ckrewson, @benmathislilley, @davidlauter, @skamidi, @risabheller, @blakehounshell, @brynstole, @dlboardman, @ron_cassie, @jbflint, @davetroy, @amancalledsrao, @jimfriedlich, @notrivia, @kyoshino, @samanthamvb, @lpolgreen and Los Angeles Times
Kimi Yoshino / @kyoshino: Some news from me! I'm leaving the @latimes and taking on a new challenge in Baltimore. I'm excited to join Stewart Bainum as editor-in-chief of The Baltimore Banner, a digital, nonprofit news start-up.
Sewell Chan / @sewellchan: In my 3 years at @latimes, one of my favorite colleagues was @kyoshino. A fellow @aaja member and a fantastic leader, Kimi will run the new Baltimore Bulletin. This is great news for Charm City and the growing world of nonprofit journalism.
@elaheizadi: EXCLUSIVE via @sarahellison: Stewart Bainum unveils plans for new ‘Baltimore Banner’ news site — and hires Kimi Yoshino, a top L.A. Times editor, to run it ...
Alice Dreger, Ph.D. / @alicedreger: This is certainly going to be interesting to watch. Plan is for a nonprofit news operation, but the budget is big. Doesn't feel realistic to me, frankly, as a successful local news nonprofit publisher of 7+ years. ...
@washingtonpost: The Maryland hotel magnate tried but failed to buy the Baltimore Sun. Now he's trying to demonstrate a new business model for local news. ...
Seamus Hughes / @seamushughes: “David Simon, a former Baltimore Sun reporter who created the HBO hit “The Wire.” Simon has committed to write a monthly column for the Banner.” ...
Matt Pearce / @mattdpearce: Local journalism needs digital projects Baltimore Banner under @kyoshino to succeed so that we can find the model that will work in more communities and help us climb out of this Wall Street hell.
Daniel Miller / @danielnmiller: Congratulations to @kyoshino, who after 21 years at the Los Angeles Times is taking on a big new job. Kimi is a wonderful journalist — Baltimore is lucky to get her. ...
Chris Krewson / @ckrewson: The organization has focused first on building its business operation — earliest hires were in marketing, subscriptions and technology. Many other media start-ups are “a bunch of journalists trying to figure out what to do with subscriptions.” ...
Kimi Yoshino / @kyoshino: I'm starting in Baltimore next month. Stealing this idea from @sewellchan: Tell me what I should read, who I should follow, what I can't miss in Maryland.
Evan Serpick / @serps: We're starting a Baltimore-based news outlet and dropping a million names but zero Black people. 🚩🚩🚩🚩 🚩🚩🚩🚩 🚩🚩🚩🚩 🚩🚩🚩🚩
Lenfest Institute / @lenfestinst: We're proud to support and advise @VenetoulisInst and The Baltimore Banner as they launch an ambitious plan to reinvent local journalism in Baltimore. ...
Jillian Weinberger / @jbweinz: I just really, really want this work and be a model for other cities, please and thank you. ...
Emily Sullivan / @emilyasullivan: Stewart Bainum says he's committed $50 million toward the Baltimore Banner, his planned news site that will allegedly hire roughly 50 reporters. His first hire: Kimi Yoshino, a top L.A. Times editor. She'll help launch the nonprofit digital site ...
Ted Williams / @ted_williams: I respect how BIG Bainum is thinking. 50 reporters. $15M annual budget. $50M personal commitment. Love that the team is clear eyed about the challenge and not too romantic. It's doable. Very cool to see this. ...
Imtiaz Patel / @imtiazbaltnews: Exciting news. I'm thrilled to lead @VenetoulisInst as CEO and welcome @kyoshino as Editor in Chief. Together we will work on creating a sustainable local news operation ...
Scott Shane / @scottshanenyt: The announcement of The Baltimore Banner is the best news for Baltimoreans and for local journalism in a while. Stewart Bainum has gone about building this venture with patience and care. I especially like his shoutout to The Sun's stalwart journalists. ...
@niemanlab: The plan isn't to compete with The Baltimore Sun, according to Bainum, who also believes there is room for more than one outlet in the Maryland city. “There's a lot of damn talent there. And we just want to add to it.” ...
Molly O'Toole / @mollymotoole: Wow! Congrats @kyoshino !
Ron Cassie / @ron_cassie: Rather than “The Banner”—referencing “The Star-Spangled Banner,” penned by slave-owning lawyer Francis Scott Key—"The Baltimore Star"—an homage to the anti-slavery newspaper “The North Star” published by Maryland & Baltimore's Frederick Douglass would've been helluva lot better.
Helaine Olen / @helaineolen: Congratulations to Baltimore .. and to @kyoshino!
Chris Krewson / @ckrewson: Also the second high-profile LA Times departure to run a big nonprofit newsroom... Sewell being the first. :)
Ben Mathis-Lilley / @benmathislilley: Nonprofit model ...
David Lauter / @davidlauter: I've watched @kyoshino for more than 2 decades as her career has blossomed & she's developed into a smart, dedicated & tenacious editor. Bainum's decision to hire her is really good news for his new Baltimore venture. ...
Sanya Kamidi / @skamidi: (personally I think a membership model would go a long way vs subscriptions/paywall if you're trying to build up name recognition + trust in a city) ...
Risa Heller / @risabheller: This is awesome - hope it works- and hope it can be replicated.
Blake Hounshell / @blakehounshell: Rooting for these guys — so important that local news startups find new models that can work
Bryn Stole / @brynstole: “The Banner is targeting a goal of 100,000 subscribers to break even” ...
David Boardman / @dlboardman: Hugely excited about this initiative, about @kyoshino as its journalism leader, and about the @lenfestinst's role as an advisory partner.
Ron Cassie / @ron_cassie: Stewart Bainum and deputy @WSJ Imtiaz Patel unveil plans for “Baltimore Banner” news site—hire Kimi Yoshino, top @latimes editor, to run it. David Simon to do a monthly column. Billionaire publisher, ex-NYC mayor Mike Bloomberg has been consulting... ...
Joe Flint / @jbflint: Congrats Kimi. If this guy hands you a resume steer clear.
Dave Troy / @davetroy: Glad to see this moving forward. I'm always nervous about how to set culture in an effort like this; journalists don't get product, product people don't get journalism. Hoping they strike a good balance here and create something special. ...
Sameer K Rao / @amancalledsrao: Looks like whatever happens with The Baltimore Banner, a chunk of its leaders are APIA, which is currently more than can be said for a lot of publications, local and otherwise
Jim Friedlich / @jimfriedlich: Long may it wave! Welcome to the world to new digital local news non-profit Baltimore Banner and Ventoulis Institute for Local Journalism @ventoulisinst Congratulations to new Banner EIC @PulitzerPrizes winner @kyoshino and CEO, @wsj alum @ImtiazBaltNews
Brandon Soderberg / @notrivia: Takoma Park, MD-born rich guy with non-local high-level hires (so far) and taking advice from Michael “Stop and Frisk” Bloomberg, why is Baltimore in the name of this news site exactly
Kimi Yoshino / @kyoshino: Every city deserves better than what ‘vulture’ hedge fun Alden Capital is doing to its newspapers across the country. From this @mckaycoppins piece: “A vulture doesn't hold a wounded animal's head underwater. This is predatory.” https://www.theatlantic .com/ ...
Samantha Melbourneweaver / @samanthamvb: This is an incredible gain for the city of Baltimore. I can't say enough good things about @kyoshino as a manager, strategist and as a human. She's the best. She really is. I cannot wait to see her take on this amazing role. Meanwhile I'm...😭😭😭 😭 ...
Lydia Polgreen / @lpolgreen: Great news for the citizens of Baltimore!

Sources: images in thousands of BuzzFeed posts were taken down in 2020 to ward off copyright claims; staffers can restore images if they're credited or licensed — In 2013, BuzzFeed ran a story about Bradley Cooper wearing a knit beanie so large it hid his entire hairline and fell down his neck …
Sarah Holder / @sarahsholder: i noticed this when i pulled up “Trypophobia Is A Real, Terrifying Thing, And You Definitely Have It” as i have for the past ~6 years to show people images of tiny holes and all the holes had disappeared
Anne Helen Petersen / @annehelen: This has been really frustrating when it comes to my old BuzzFeed features, and it's not fair that the replacement labor falls on already under-resourced photo/design team:
Adam B. Vary / @adambvary: I've been agitating about this behind-the-scenes and on Twitter for about a year. And now it seems that the images on almost all my pre-2015 BuzzFeed stories have been restored. Thank you, Gawker! (Now plz help restore all my vanished EW dot com stories!)
Jenna Guillaume / @jennaguillaume: Lol yep so many of my old posts are broken
Tarpley / @tarpleyhitt: tried to find out why so many photos are missing in buzzfeed posts, turns out they deleted thousands of them last year without telling anyone
Tara Mulholland / @tara_mulholland: Look on my posts, ye mighty, and despair
Thomas Baekdal / @baekdal: I agree that communication needs to be better, but publishers should not use pictures that they don't have the copyright too, licensed, or have permission to use. So... if this has been such a widespread problem, then yes. Delete all of them.
Evan DeSimone / @mediaevan: Last minute housekeeping before they SPAC. It's actually surprising that so many copyrighted images were still on the site for this long.
Ahmed Ali Akbar / @radbrowndads: The idea seems to be avoiding copyright infringement - but they also deleted original artwork made by BuzzFeed staff like on the cover art by @MaritsaPatrinos on one of my personal essays from 2016. Deleting with a fire hose!
@aaronpcalvin: Tried to share the “which Friday night lights character are you?” quiz I made in 2014 with my current coworkers and all the copyrighted images I used for it had disappeared 🙁
Jacob Shamsian / @jayshams: kind of surprised those copyrighted images remained on the site for so long
Aylin Zafar / @azafar: i could understand why *some* of the images from my old posts might have been missing, but all the original photos/art from our brilliant in-house team? and photos i shot myself? honestly been rly heartbroken over that. salt in the wound after everything.
Stacey Grant / @stacey_grant91: Yep. All my work for them (hundreds of articles) now doesn't have photos. 🙃
Kate Aurthur / @kateaurthur: are my Top 3 stories I'm sad are still missing images (very grateful for the ones that have been restored!). This story about Lisa Kudrow and “The Comeback,” for which we shot original art.
Benjamin Goggin / @benjamingoggin: Gawker returning to one of its fundamental beats — deleted BuzzFeed posts

Q&A with Samantha Melbourneweaver, head of LAT's audience team, on the growing importance of such teams within newsrooms, plans for a “meme team”, and more — The Los Angeles Times announced a major expansion of its audience team earlier this month, saying they'll add …
What's New in Publishing, @samanthamvb, @sammy_roth, @charliemagne, @meridak, @brizzyc, @adjoro, @simonowens and After School
Samantha Melbourneweaver / @samanthamvb: If you want to know more about the meme team and the @latimes audience team expansion, read this Q&A @SarahScire put together for @NiemanLab In it, I explain what I actually mean by “get weird” I also explain my last name. Spoiler: It's not Austrailian
Sammy Roth / @sammy_roth: “A big mistake that a lot of organizations make is thinking, ‘Oh, young people only want ~snackable~ content...’ As if there aren't young people marching in the streets for social justice and climate change action.” Heck yeah, @SamanthaMVB.
Charlie J. Johnson / @charliemagne: A wry, somewhat deviant but never irresponsible voice for legacy media on social? Wish I'd thought of that.
Kevin Merida / @meridak: Sam dropping gems. “Everything is audience.” And? “I always want to get weird.” @SamanthaMVB @latimes @NiemanLab #MEMES
Carrie Brown / @brizzyc: “I think a big mistake that a lot of organizations make is thinking, “Oh, young people only want ~snackable~ content. They only want video.” As if there aren't young people marching in the streets for social justice and climate change action.”
Adam Rose / @adjoro: Great perspective on how a modern newsroom thinks about audience. Timeless mindset, happens to embrace new tools. Not just views/clicks/blah. There's nuance, sophistication, respect. Rock on @SamanthaMVB!
Simon Owens / @simonowens: The LA Times is building a 15-person engagement team and looking to hire non-journalists: “One of the things I'd really love to experiment with is someone who's a different type of writer: a comedy writer, a novelist, a cartoonist, or something like that”
Casey Lewis / After School: Ghost Stores and Meme Teams

YouTube names Kai Chuk “Podcast Lead”, a new role that will involve managing “the large volume of existing podcasts and relationships” — Following a report earlier this month that YouTube was looking to add a podcast-focused executive, it seems the company has found that person.
Ashley Carman / The Verge: YouTube gets serious about podcasting
@watchmojo: RT @ashkan: Kai Chuk is one of the many @youtube soldiers who have helped me stay sane while building @WatchMojo. If you are a podcaster & on the fence about betting on @google's podcast initiative, I assure you he will be a strong ally & fair partner! Well deserved!
Ashkan Karbasfrooshan / @ashkan: Kai Chuk is one of the many @youtube soldiers who have helped me stay sane while building @WatchMojo. If you are a podcaster & on the fence about betting on @google's podcast initiative, I assure you he will be a strong ally & fair partner! Well deserved!

YouTube Q3 ad revenue rose to $7.2B, up 43% YoY and up from $7B in Q2; music and Premium subscribers surpassed 50M — YouTube kept raking in huge ad bucks in the third quarter of 2021 and now counts more than 50 million subscribers worldwide for its music and YouTube Premium services.
Hollywood Reporter, MediaPost,, Music Ally, Bloomberg, @lucas_shaw and @markrrobertson, more at Techmeme »
Laurie Sullivan / MediaPost: Google Nearly Doubles Profit, Capitalizing On Omnichannel Advertising
Roy Trakin / YouTube Q3 Revenue Up 43% To $7.2 Billion With 50 Million Music, Premium Subscribers
Lucas Shaw / @lucas_shaw: YouTube ad sales grew more than 40%. That was considered a disappointment!

Internal presentation details Amazon's “Project Mic”, a live audio app that lets users host radio shows, complete with music, focused on the US initially — A new app is in the works — Amazon is next on the list of companies getting into the live audio game.
Music Ally, @chandrarsrikant, @tomwarren, @jasuja, @matt, ScreenRant, @chrismessina, @ashleyrcarman, RAIN News, TechCrunch and Protocol, more at Techmeme »
Chandra R. Srikanth / @chandrarsrikant: Clubhouse competitor when Clubhouse only lost relevance 🤔
Monica Jasuja / @jasuja: Isn't this a very old idea that came to life and died in 2021 sometime? Clubhouse's a16z investment got it the head start audio social networking needed but hasn't lived up to the promise, now has it?
Matt Deegan / @matt: The problem with all this stuff isn't the tech or even the idea, it's that it ends up being lots of poor quality hosts, bad production and a lack of understanding about listener behaviour. The participants do shows for themselves, not the audience.
@chrismessina: Finally, a use case for Echo devices besides asking @Alexa99 what time it is, how's the weather, and setting kitchen timers! Also, I assume “reinventing radio” is really about audio advertising. #SocialAudio #VoiceComputing
Ashley Carman / @ashleyrcarman: SCOOP: amazon is building a live audio app, codenamed project mic. listeners can interact with what they're hearing through alexa, and the key feature is mixing music and talk — so everyone can host a radio show. the idea is to reinvent radio.
Brad Hill / RAIN News: Rumor Fact(ory): Amazon building a live audio app to compete with ... everyone else
Nick Statt / Protocol: Even Amazon is building its own Clubhouse clone

Netflix will bid for a 289-acre chunk of former US Army post Fort Monmouth in NJ, to create its second-largest production complex, behind ABQ Studios in NM — The streaming service said it would bid for a nearly 300-acre chunk of Fort Monmouth and it has the support of Gov. Phil Murphy.
@caro, @richlightshed, @thedavidrindexp, Bloomberg, @senatorlorettaw, @ghelmy, @mariskreizman, The Hill and The Wrap
@caro: The only thing I care about in this news story is that there is allegedly an upcoming Apple TV+ production called “The Greatest Beer Run Ever” and Bill Murray is in it.
Rich Greenfield / @richlightshed: ⚡️ Jerseywood doesnt have the same ring to it as Hollywood BUT 300-acres is 3x-4x the size of the major Hollywood studio lots @Netflix is playing to WIN $NFLX
David Rind / @thedavidrindexp: you can't just slip this in here and not expect me to have many questions
Loretta Weinberg / @senatorlorettaw: So happy to see this bill which I prime sponsored and became law creating jobs in New Jersey. Big film shoot right here in Teaneck
George Helmy / @ghelmy: . “@GovMurphy and the state's legislative leaders have created a business environment that's welcomed film and television production back to the state, and we're excited to submit our bid,"@netflix
Maris Kreizman / @mariskreizman: Fort Monmouth has been vacant for a long time and the land should be put to use but I'm still not sure I'm ready to see my hometown turn into a Netflix company town.
Jordan Williams / The Hill: Netflix looking to make New Jersey Army base new production facility

A look at IMDb TV, as Amazon hopes attracting Judge Judy and other stars, alongside a possible name change, will boost the free, ad-supported service — The company hopes a new court show starring the straight-talking judge will help turbocharge its free, ad-supported streaming platform, IMDb TV.
@nytimesbusiness: Amazon has more than one streaming service, and hopes Judge Judy will help more people discover IMDb TV, its free, ad-supported platform

Facebook says Q3 ad revenue grew 33% YoY to $28.28B but warns of “continued headwinds” in Q4 due to Apple's ATT changes in iOS — The social media giant also expects its “metaverse” investments will reduce operating profits by $10B for FY 2021, as it begins breaking out Facebook Reality Labs as its own business segment
Axios, Facebook, Protocol, CNBC, Reuters, ScreenRant, @balajis, Wall Street Journal, The Verge, @edbott, @amy_siskind, @megancgraham, @anthony, @jason_kint and Facebook, more at Techmeme »
Sara Fischer / Axios: Apple's privacy changes eat rivals' businesses
Janko Roettgers / Protocol: Facebook wants to be a metaverse company. What does that mean for
Salvador Rodriguez / CNBC: Facebook shares rise as investors focus on earnings beat and look past whistleblower document dump
Balaji Srinivasan / @balajis: Tech starting to show real spine. Zuck says he doesn't report to legacy media corporations. He serves his constituents, namely billions of users. And they don't want the increased surveillance and censorship that these “whistleblowers” are calling for.
Sarah E. Needleman / Wall Street Journal: Facebook Posts Slower Sales Growth With Apple Privacy Policy
Jacob Kastrenakes / The Verge: Facebook says it's refocusing company on ‘serving young adults’
Ed Bott / @edbott: A financial analyst quoted in this story actually said, “This is fine,” UNIRONICALLY. (Free @WSJ link)
@amy_siskind: Thank you to CEO @tim_cook and @Apple for taking measures to protect our privacy.
Meg Graham / @megancgraham: In Q3, the average price per ad on Facebook increased 22%, CFO Dave Wehner says. Total ad impressions served across its services increased 9%. More from @saraheneedleman
Anthony DeRosa / @anthony: Facebook's ad sales, its primary revenue source, saw slower growth in the first full quarter since Apple in April started requiring apps to ask users whether they want to be tracked $FB
Jason Kint / @jason_kint: This should infuriate investors considering in July Facebook soft-warned yet knew but didn't share their iOS tracking opt-out's a critical metric since a majority of FB's data comes from third parties rather than its own apps and sites.