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UK Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries says the BBC's license fee will be abolished in 2027 and the broadcaster's funding will be frozen for the next two years — Government announcement will force broadcaster to close services and make further redundancies — The BBC licence fee will be abolished …
@nadinedorries, Daily Mail, The Guardian, Variety, Press Gazette, The Sunday Times, Digital TV Europe, Bulletin, Complete Music Update, @aiannucci, @niabbot, @leejbbc, @lucympowell, @acgrayling, @mrjamesob, @aiannucci, @jimalkhalili, @cstross, @shippersunbound, Financial Times, @charlesarthur, @blairmowat, @aiannucci, @mazzucatom, Broadband TV News, @mjrowland68, @davidschneider, @uk_domain_names, @davidheniguk, @georgeeaton, @jeffjarvis, @leninology, @joehullait, @jimwaterson, @ruskin147, @halcruttenden, @chrchristensen, @damian_barr, @davidheniguk, @deniseshrivell, @nicholaspegg, @nickfeik, @nazirafzal, @jm_devine, @brianmoore666, @paulmasonnews, @damian_barr, @davidheniguk, @eddierobson, @nycjim, @queenchristina_, @scottygb, @hendopolis, @rubberbandits, @tomhulme79, @queenchristina_, @scottygb, The Guardian, @lynneguist, @mrnishkumar, @rhysjamesy, @ashindestad, @jayrosen_nyu, @alanfisher, @patrickharvie, @raaleh, @dmiliband, Guido Fawkes, The i Paper, Daily Express and The Sun
Nadine Dorries / @nadinedorries: This licence fee announcement will be the last. The days of the elderly being threatened with prison sentences and bailiffs knocking on doors, are over. Time now to discuss and debate new ways of funding, supporting and selling great British content. ...
Glen Owen / Daily Mail: ‘The days of state-run TV are over’: Nadine Dorries clobbers the BBC with a £2billion funding cut as she freezes the licence fee for two years …
K.J. Yossman / Variety: Hugh Grant, ‘The Thick of It’ Creator Armando Iannucci and Sports Host Gary Lineker Among Stars Supporting BBC Over Licence Fee Threats
Press Gazette: Warning of ‘end of the BBC as we know it’ after Culture Secretary indicates licence fee will be axed
Chris Cooke / Complete Music Update: Future of the BBC back in the spotlight as licence fee set to be frozen and then abolished
Armando Iannucci / @aiannucci: I think it's more likely to be your last rather than the BBC's.
Nick Abbot / @niabbot: A government source said “the days of state-run TV are over” and praised the growth of US-run private sector companies such as Netflix and YouTube." As for the BBC, so for the NHS. ...
Lee Johnson / @leejbbc: Perhaps worth remembering what we all get from the BBC licence fee, which costs around 43p a day.
Lucy Powell MP / @lucympowell: Funny that you yourself said in Parliament a few days ago “The BBC confirmed recently that no enforcement action has been taken against anyone over 75 years of age” You'll need to come up with some better reasons ... when is the statement to parliament (not the Mail) btw?
@acgrayling: Has Murdoch agreed to back off Johnson for a while in exchange for a chance to by the BBC and turn it into Fox News?
James Oh Brien / @mrjamesob: Literally *all* they can do is break things to applause from very right-wing media owners who profit from picking up the pieces. The calculation is that enough voters can be persuaded to cheer the removal of their own valuable privileges. As ever, Brexit is the blueprint.
Armando Iannucci / @aiannucci: First you come for @channel4 because you don't like its reporting of events. Now you come for the BBC because you don't like its reporting of events. Have you ever considered whether it's the events themselves that are the problem?
Jim Al-Khalili / @jimalkhalili: But BBC already not funding science tv docs on BBC4. I'm making a new BBC4 two-parter (out in the summer) but none of the funding comes from the licence fee. All externally funded by #KavliFoundation ...
Charlie Stross / @cstross: Just noting here that the BBC is one of the institutional foundations of modern British national identity. If the Tories can abolish the BBC, they can abolish the others, too—such as the NHS. ...
Tim Shipman / @shippersunbound: Forget ‘Operation save big dog’, which has baffled most people in No 10, where Johnson is known as ‘Boss’ or ‘PM’, the real plan is Operation Red Meat - first item? Freezing the BBC licence fee for two years:
Charles Arthur / @charlesarthur: Imagine a BBC that was funded by the Netflix model: how would you fund the radio that it does? Nobody else does radio drama or comedy, for example. You also get this problem: TV subscribers aren't price inelastic, ie won't tolerate constantly rising prices even as costs go up.
Blair Mowat / @blairmowat: There's a special place in hell for Nadine Dorris. The BBC is one of our greatest British institutions. Its framework sets us apart from many other countries without such an esteemed public broadcaster. Its erosion by the Tories can never be forgiven 😭 ...
Armando Iannucci / @aiannucci: If you really think your Government can win back the public by tossing out a panicky weekend threat to the BBC, then you under-estimate the level of support, admiration and respect the public has for it.
Mariana Mazzucato / @mazzucatom: When will self-destruction of UK economy and society end? Was Brexit not enough? Now this folly: “BBC licence fee to be abolished in 2027 and funding frozen”. Read our @IIPP_UCL report on public value created by BBC. ...
Julian Clover / Broadband TV News: End of the road for the BBC Licence Fee in 2027
Michael Rowland / @mjrowland68: Big move here by the British government.
David Schneider / @davidschneider: A reminder that it was the Tories who stopped offering free TV licences for over-75s as part of their austerity cuts.
Edwin Hayward / @uk_domain_names: “BBC licence fee to be abolished in 2027 and funding frozen Government announcement will force broadcaster to close services and make further redundancies” This somehow feels both incredibly serious AND a dead cat to distract from Infinite Partygate. 🤔 ...
David Henig / @davidheniguk: When culture war meets voters, the BBC may not be much liked by rival media groups or politicians, but I suspect it is rather more popular outside London and the south-east. Easy pickings for a brave Labour Party (but we may not have this) ...
George Eaton / @georgeeaton: The BBC is where millions of voters have been following the No 10 parties story, which means this will look like revenge to them. ...
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: To my fellow Americans who naively think the BBC model is an answer to our media woes.... What government giveth, government can yank away.
Richard Seymour / @leninology: This is not an attack on what's wrong with the BBC, but on exactly what isn't wrong with it. We should oppose this and fight, not for the tame BBC, but for the principle of public service broadcasting.
Joe / @joehullait: Not long until a minister calls for it to be a commercially funded public broadcaster like C4, in spite of their own arguments against a commercially funded public broadcaster like C4
Jim Waterson / @jimwaterson: Short term: BBC programmes going to be cut, more job losses, public will start to notice less content. Long term more challenging: Licence fee on watching TV looks doomed, BBC has a few years to find an entire new funding model and convince government and public to accept it.
Rory Cellan-Jones / @ruskin147: “Boris Johnson prepares mass clearout to save own skin” Plan apparently includes shafting the BBC by freezing the licence fee for two years
Hal Cruttenden / @halcruttenden: And so the Tory dream is finally happening. While standing in front of the union flag at every opportunity, they begin the dismantling of an institution that made us the envy of the world. Their sites are now set on the NHS. ...
Christian Christensen / @chrchristensen: 1) Horrible decision. Cutting back or eliminating public service broadcasting opens the door to total control of national media by private actors. Take it from someone from the US where that private control exists: it's a recipe for democratic decline. ...
Damian Barr / @damian_barr: Once again.... #SaveOurBBC
David Henig / @davidheniguk: Just reading of how the BBC is the most trusted news brand in the US. Credibility you can't buy. But that a ideological government defending a narcissistic Prime Minister can seek to destroy.
@deniseshrivell: If LNP are re-elected watch similar happen to the ABC too... BBC licence fee to be abolished in 2027 and funding frozen | BBC licence fee | The Guardian #auspol ...
Nicholas Pegg / @nicholaspegg: Imagine wanting to go down in history as the rotten sod who destroyed the institution which gave the world David Attenborough, I Claudius, Doctor Who, Match of the Day, The Ascent of Man, EastEnders, Talking Heads, Top of the Pops, Blackadder, Desert Island Discs, and Bagpuss.
Nick Feik / @nickfeik: Has the Johnson/Tory govt done some kind of deal with the devil (Murdoch) to shore up its support? Can't think of many other reasons for this bastardry. ...
Nazir Afzal / @nazirafzal: The Govt of Nadine Dorries stopped funding Free TV licences for over 75s in 2015 so the “threat of prison sentences etc” only comes because of that I smell deception & hypocrisy The BBC is seen worldwide (every poll) as preferred choice of those wanting truth We must protect it
Joe Devine / @jm_devine: This is what you get when ordinarily considerate people start accusing the BBC of “political bias”. You make it easy for real agendas to destroy decades old institutions. ...
Brian Moore / @brianmoore666: My final comment on Dorries' BBC announcement - if, as everyone says, it is funded by the licence fee, it should be for licence fee payers to decide its future - not the party who happen to be in Government.
Paul Mason / @paulmasonnews: A decade of toadying to the Tories, and putting handpicked Tories into management positions gets you what, BBC?
Damian Barr / @damian_barr: I *love* Netflix - I really do. I'm happy to pay for it. I'm even happier to pay for BBC because: Netflix doesn't do News Netflix doesn't do Schools programs Netflix doesn't do radio Netflix doesn't do podcasts Netflix doesn't do National Events Netflix is not the BBC.
David Henig / @davidheniguk: License fee cut also likely to mean reduced exports and a reduced UK place in the world. Unfortunately and short-sightedly the government's global Britain doesn't include the BBC. So we undermine the UK to defend a dishonest PM. and wonder why the country is angry?
Eddie Robson / @eddierobson: My prediction is that this won't happen and it's just some sabre-rattling in the hope of keeping BBC News quiet on the PM's conduct etc. I could be wrong. But what Dorries wants will not be relevant in five years.
Jim Roberts / @nycjim: The UK Gov't will abolish the license fee that has provided £3.2bn a year in funding for the BBC. This is big. ...
Christina Patterson / @queenchristina_: This story broke while I was doing #skypapers last night and I have woken up feeling so angry and sad. The BBC is the most respected broadcaster in the world. And the PM is essentially planning to kill it to save his skin.
Scott Bryan / @scottygb: The moment the BBC becomes a subscription service, it also loses its universality of being there for all of us. It would only serve subscribers.
Neil Henderson / @hendopolis: MAIL PAGE 2: ‘The days of state-run television are over’ #TomorrowsPapersToday
@rubberbandits: Really disappointing. I've worked with BBC for years, and have received lots of support and creative freedom there. Privatising media impinges creativity and discourages risk-taking.
Tom / @tomhulme79: Great, another step towards the US model of 900 channels of unadulterated shite🙃
Christina Patterson / @queenchristina_: How to wreck a country and its institutions. We have to make damn sure that the Tories are not around to destroy the most respected broadcaster in the world. BBC licence fee to be abolished in 2027 and funding frozen ...
Scott Bryan / @scottygb: A reminder as there's a lot of talk about the BBC scrapping the licence fee should become a subscription service. Netflix, as a streaming service, has never made a penny of profit.
Lynne Murphy / @lynneguist: Think of British institutions that are respected worldwide. BBC comes out near the top. It is treasonous that this government is so intent on making the UK irrelevant to the world and harmful to itself
Nish Kumar / @mrnishkumar: This government is a pack of pissed up cultural vandals ...
@ashindestad: Looooooooool Tories invent problems then pretend like they've invented the wheel when they fix the very mess they've created 😭
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: The forces of reaction are coming for the BBC— and they are winning. “The government has repeatedly criticised the corporation's news output, claiming it is biased against the government and linking negative coverage to [the] licence fee negotiations.”
Alan Fisher / @alanfisher: The BBC has it's faults. It's not perfect - but why would the British government seek to destroy something that is truly world class.
Patrick Harvie / @patrickharvie: The BBC is far from perfect, but the UK Government has zero intention of improving it. Subscription, advertising, privatisation, direct government grants... every “alternative funding model” would make it much, much worse and end what's left of public service broadcasting.
David Miliband / @dmiliband: It's the casual, brazen vandalism - no plan for an alternative, let's just smash things up - that gets me. It's the opposite of “conservative”. It just pulls the country apart for nothing except the thrills (and some profits). ...
Guido Fawkes: Bloated on the Telly Tax the BBC Blew their Biggest Opportunity for Independence and Growth
Adam Sherwin / The i Paper: BBC licence fee set to be axed, Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries indicates as she imposes freeze
Patrick O'Donnell / Daily Express: TV licence fee frozen for two years - how much will you need to pay?

DirecTV plans to drop One America News Network after its current agreement expires, which a source says is in early April; DirecTV is OANN's largest distributor — DirecTV, one of the largest U.S. pay-TV providers, plans to drop One America News Network, dealing a major blow …
Reuters, @evan_rosenfeld, NPR, New York Times, @brianstelter, @joshrogin, Media Matters for America, @dangillmor, @chrispalmeri, @mmfa, Mediaite, Washington Post, Axios, @oliverdarcy, @oliverdarcy, @oliverdarcy, @oliverdarcy, CNET, CNN, @lispower1, @bubbaprog, @juddlegum, @noliewithbtc, UPROXX, @novelsci, @ritholtz, Newser, @mmfa, Raw Story, @mmfa, @mmfa, @rolandsmartin, @justinhendrix, @schotthappens, @jennaellisesq, CBS News, @exavierpope, @charlie_white, @hongpong, @karlbode, @rvawonk, @oneunderscore__, @popehat, @secnav75, @jenniferjjacobs, @jeremylittau, @jeffjarvis, @sree, @ideagov, @emilykrebs6, @jbflint, @atrupar, @lucas_shaw, @projectlincoln, @gerryfsmith, HuffPost, Salon, RFI, Newsweek, Insider, Free Press, Variety, Wall Street Journal, The Daily Beast, The Hill, The Streamable, Raw Story, Mediaite and The Wrap
John Shiffman / Reuters: DirecTV loss could cripple rightwing One America News
Evan Rosenfeld / @evan_rosenfeld: JUST IN: DirecTV plans to drop @OANN, dealing a major blow to the conservative channel that's been criticized for spreading misinformation and had a loyal fan in former President Donald Trump.
Matthew S. Schwartz / NPR: DirecTV to drop One America News Network
Michael M. Grynbaum / New York Times: One America News Will Be Dropped by DirecTV, a Major Distributor
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: A source confirms One America News is losing carriage on DirecTV later this year
Josh Rogin / @joshrogin: So @DIRECTV is dropping @OANN but keeping Russian government propaganda network @rt_Com? What's the supposed logic of that?
Dan Gillmor / @dangillmor: A reminder that “conservative” — as routinely deployed by Big Journalism at this point — is a word that means “right-wing extremist”. It would be great to see journalists explain that in some detail, also routinely. Because today's “conservative” truly is a different beast.
@chrispalmeri: DirecTV is planning to drop One America News Network, the conservative cable channel favored by former President Trump that's been criticized for spreading misinformation via @technology
@mmfa: 1/ DirecTV is dropping OAN. MMFA president @GoAngelo released the following statement: More here: ...
Joe DePaolo / Mediaite: WATCH: Trump Fumes at ‘Woke Executives’ Pulling OAN from DirecTV, Floats Call of a Boycott Against DirecTV Parent Co. AT&T
Timothy Bella / Washington Post: DirecTV says it will sever ties with far-right network One America News
Sara Fischer / Axios: DirecTV to remove conservative news network OANN
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: Hard to place much blame on the average news consumer for falling under the impression conservative views are being unfairly censored by liberal forces, given how some reputable news orgs are framing stories like this. If the press can't call OAN for what it is, we're in trouble.
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: WSJ somehow did an entire story without mentioning OAN is a hotbed of misinfo / conspiracies. The outlet just describes OAN as a “conservative news channel” known for being pro-Trump and its “advocacy of conservative causes.” Again, this type of timid reporting misleads readers.
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: The phrasing that goes something like, “OAN has been criticized for spreading conspiracy theories” is also weak. OAN spreads conspiracy theories. You don't need to hedge on this one! It's well-documented. Readers deserve clarity on the subject, not a dance around the obvious.
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: Remarkable how some news outlets just can't get themselves to accurately describe OAN as a right-wing conspiracy channel. Reuters even describes the channel in the outlet's story as a “popular news network.” This misleads readers and does a disservice to them.
@lispower1: Honestly, the best news for democracy we've had this week, maybe this year
Timothy Burke / @bubbaprog: Folks, it worked.
Judd Legum / @juddlegum: @ATT ... “We informed Herring Networks that, following a routine internal review, we do not plan to enter into a new contract [with @OANN] when our current agreement expires,” DirectTV said in an emailed statement to Bloomberg News.
@noliewithbtc: MORE: The propaganda channel is still carried by Verizon FiOS and smaller pay-TV providers.
Matthewprigge / UPROXX: The Pro-Trump Network OAN Is Getting Booted From DirecTV In What May Be A Major Blow To The Station
E. Rosalie / @novelsci: DirecTV made the responsible decision to drop OAN...a cauldron of misinformation and extremism. DirecTV made a negligent mistake in 2021 when they renewed...contract...even after OAN spent weeks stoking the embers that helped fuel the January 6 insurrection. ...
Barry Ritholtz / @ritholtz: Now do Fox News
Jenn Gidman / Newser: OAN Gets the Boot From DirecTV
@mmfa: 4/ Now with DirecTV's decision to drop OAN, it does also make you wonder how much longer cable companies will continue to let Fox News get away with being as uniquely destructive as they are without even the slightest adjustment to their terms. Thread:
@mmfa: @GoAngelo 2/"Just as DirecTV's decision to renew in 2021 mattered, their decision to drop OAN in 2022 matters too. DirecTV has been functionally propping up OAN for years. W/out DirecTV, OAN would certainly not exist in its current form - possibly not at all" More:
@mmfa: @GoAngelo 3/ “Now that OAN's anchor distributor has dropped them, Verizon FiOS (OAN's second major distributor) should follow suit. And certainly no other cable provider should pick them up.” ...
Justin Hendrix / @justinhendrix: Good news for a change:
Bryan Schott / @schotthappens: Before any of my conservative friends get agitated, this is not a First Amendment issue. Don't even start with me.
Jenna Ellis / @jennaellisesq: Cancel culture is now trying to silence OANN — entire networks. I think Maddow is a pompous windbag and Stelter is a potato. So I just don't watch. Leftists' ratings are dropping and that's good. But I would not support DirectTV canceling them just because I don't like them.
Sophie Reardon / CBS News: DirecTV says it will not enter a new contract with OANN
@exavierpope: “OAN depends heavily on DirecTV, its largest distributor, to reach its audience. The channel is still carried on Verizon FiOS and smaller pay-TV providers...OAN has never been carried by Comcast Corp., Charter Communications Inc. or Dish Network Corp., three other major providers”
Charles T. White / @charlie_white: This represent progress! Now, other satellite and cable systems, follow suit.
@hongpong: Reuters exposed OAN was really pumped radically full of money by AT&T / DirecTV way out of line with market norms. surely this story affected the balance of ludicrous sweetheart deal OAN got from Ma Bell
Karl Bode / @karlbode: maybe Verizon will grow a backbone next and kick the conspiracy and propaganda-spewing dumpster fire that is OAN off of FioS TV as well
Caroline Orr Bueno, Ph.D / @rvawonk: This is a major, important move: DirecTV has just announced that they are going to drop One America News (OAN), the pro-Trump network that is best known for spreading misinformation, including the Big Lie, which they continue to promote to this day.
Ben Collins / @oneunderscore__: This is a big deal. The only other major cable company left carrying OAN is Verizon FIOS.
@popehat: I assume the OANists are going to sue DirectTV for violation of their First Amendment rights
Jennifer Jacobs / @jenniferjjacobs: One America News Network depends heavily on DirecTV, its largest distributor, to reach its audience. DirecTV notified OAN's owner that it plans to stop carrying the company's two channels when their contract expires in early April, @gerryfsmith scoops.
Jeremy Littau / @jeremylittau: So that's interesting. DirectTV was under the AT&T umbrella until last summer (AT&T spun off its video companies), and AT&T's execs had a big role in financing and building OAN (story here covers that
Sree Sreenivasan / @sree: Because, of course. #becauseofcourse
Alan W. Silberberg / @ideagov: Good. DirecTV to Drop One America News in Blow to Conservative Channel
Emily Krebs / @emilykrebs6: Good. Too bad we already dropped them @directtv Yay @YouTubeTV
Joe Flint / @jbflint: I get it! Mic drop!
Aaron Rupar / @atrupar: This is a blow to Trump. OAN positioned itself as the most Trump-loving of the three major Trump-loving propaganda channels.
Lucas Shaw / @lucas_shaw: DirecTV is droping OAN. DTV has been its biggest distributor. Scoop from @gerryfsmith
@projectlincoln: Well done, @DIRECTV. 👏 This is a major win for democracy.
Gerry Smith / @gerryfsmith: Scoop: DirecTV plans to drop One America News Network, dealing a major blow to the conservative channel.
Mary Papenfuss / HuffPost: DirecTV Dumping OAN In Major Blow To Right-Wing News Operation
Brett Bachman / Salon: DirecTV is dropping OANN, the conspiratorial far-right network favored by TrumpWorld
Daniel Villarreal / Newsweek: Mystery Surrounds Decision By DirecTV to Drop One America News Network From Its Lineup
Taiyler Simone Mitchell / Insider: Conservative news channel One America News Network is losing its biggest TV provider
Tim Karr / Free Press: After Months of Outrage from Free Press and Allies, DirecTV Drops One America News Network Tim Karr Fri, 01/14/2022 - 21:45
Brian Steinberg / Variety: DirecTV Plans to Drop Right-Wing Cable's One America News
Blake Montgomery / The Daily Beast: DirecTV Drops Truth-Defying One America News Network
Lexi Lonas / The Hill: DirecTV declines to renew OAN contract
Jason Gurwin / The Streamable: DIRECTV and DIRECTV STREAM to Drop OAN (One America News Network) in April
Tim Baysinger / The Wrap: DirecTV to Drop Right-Wing News Network OANN

State AGs' lawsuit alleges Google misled publishers and advertisers for years about ad pricing by deflating sales for some while increasing prices for buyers — Details show Google employees fretting its ad tech auctions were ‘untruthful’ and based in ‘insider information’
@sarahmillerdc, @matthewstoller, @caseynewton, @jstrauss, @dominiccampbell, @morganricks1, Transistori, @wsj, @timsweeneyepic, @matthewstoller, Reclaim The Net, @zephyrteachout, @deardara, @riptari, Wired, @blackamazon, @moonalice, @profcarroll, @carnage4life, @lpolgreen, @justinhendrix, @froomkin, @cbedforddc, @cdixon, @alistairmbarr, @markdistef, @jason_kint, @benedictevans, @alex, @alex, @epsilontheory, @djtgallagher, @natematias, @trippmickle, @hoofnagle, @mattrosoff, @asharma, @keachhagey, @keachhagey, @keachhagey, @keachhagey, @keachhagey, The Guardian and MediaPost
Sarah Miller / @sarahmillerdc: Google makes a big deal out of donating money to publishers. Turns out Google is LITERALLY stealing their money while running a PR campaign around “donating” what's essentially stolen funds back to them. How generous. And by generous I mean criminal.
Matt Stoller / @matthewstoller: So a different way to characterize what Google was doing to publishers is ‘stealing.’ Sorry to get all technical about it.
Casey Newton / @caseynewton: Some of the shadiest stuff Google ever pulled, at the expense of journalism and democracy
@jstrauss: It turns out that writing “Don't be evil” on a whiteboard is just as ineffective as every other “self-regulation” pitch we've ever been fed.
Dominic Campbell / @dominiccampbell: We really are in an era of monopolies and kleptocracies. Whether in business or government, hyper-concentrated power and wealth is truly screwing everyone else.
Morgan Ricks / @morganricks1: We don't teach the elements of fraud enough in law school.
@wsj: Google allegedly misled publishers and advertisers for years about the pricing and processes of its ad auctions, creating secret programs that deflated sales for some companies while increasing prices for buyers, a newly unredacted complaint says
Tim Sweeney / @timsweeneyepic: This is another facet of the abuse of tech monopolies: they call their thing a “marketplace” and disclaim responsibility for all the bad things happening there - “it's not us, it's ‘the marketplace’” - all while secretly rigging the marketplace against the participants.
Matt Stoller / @matthewstoller: “Google pocketed the difference between what it told publishers and advertisers that an ad cost and used the pool of money to manipulate future auctions to expand its digital monopoly.” Or, you know, stealing.
Zephyr Teachout / @zephyrteachout: In which Google purposefully profits off the destruction of local news and the stickup of local businesses.
Dara Moskowitz Grumdahl / @deardara: In the end we will see that everything that killed journalism in this era was simply: Fraud. Of course it was!! It's all a black box of proprietary nonsense peddled to willingly gullible.
Gilad Edelman / Wired: Google's Alleged Scheme to Corner the Online Ad Market
@blackamazon: And they were trying to sneak it past with the “PLEASE REGULATE US” even as the daughter regulation
Roger McNamee / @moonalice: New unredacted complaint in TX AG antitrust case against Google is explosive. Alleges G misled both publishers & advertisers, and pocketed the difference. Also alleges G & FB colluded. If DOJ pursues case and wins, execs may be a risk of prison time.
David Carroll / @profcarroll: Unsealed evidence in lawsuit points to Google being worse than even its most ardent critics could even imagine. Mind-bending schemes to extract and destroy come from a company that thinks it is above the law.
@carnage4life: I'm continually impressed by the timing of people who sow a bunch of seeds and then call in rich & retire before the chickens come home to roost. Tech billionaires like Larry, Sergey & Chamath are the true black belts of this lifestyle.
Lydia Polgreen / @lpolgreen: The @WSJ is out here doing the Lord's work on shady big tech company practices:
Justin Hendrix / @justinhendrix: Google Misled Publishers and Advertisers, Unredacted Lawsuit Alleges: Details show Google employees fretting its ad tech auctions were ‘untruthful’ and based in 'insider information' ...
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: BREAK IT UP
Christopher Bedford / @cbedforddc: 1) Google built an ad empire based on dishonest and corrupt practices; 2) Used it to destroy the in-house advertising of newspapers and other media; And 3) Turned the spigot off to those sites that ran afoul of its liberalism. Google is an evil company.
Alistair Barr / @alistairmbarr: This company has locked down any employee written mention of antitrust-related issues for years. Imagine what is actually happening there. “Google employees said some of these practices amounted to growing its business through “insider information." ...
Mark Di Stefano / @markdistef: thinking about all those flashy journalism programs Google has funded over the years and hanging my head at this
Jason Kint / @jason_kint: I'll wait until the mostly unsealed third complaint is public so I can screenshot it but WSJ is out in the meantime. The kicker juxtaposes a Google employee quote next to an anonymous Google spokesperson. ps why does a Google get deception anonymity? 1/2
Benedict Evans / @benedictevans: It is probably much easier to build an anti-trust case on the mechanics of search and advertising than on the product design trade-offs in app stores, Amazon shopping cart flows or social networking features.
@alex: Tech: Trust us we are good, also we have no comment to anything and you can't talk to that person you want to Also Tech:
Ben Hunt / @epsilontheory: “Meanwhile, Google pocketed the difference between what it told publishers and advertisers that an ad cost and used the pool of money to manipulate future auctions to expand its digital monopoly, the newly unredacted complaint alleges.” Don't Be Evil. LOL
Dan Gallagher / @djtgallagher: Who thinks Google straddles too many lines in the ad biz? Apparently, some of its own employees. @trippmickle and @keachhagey with the latest:
J. Nathan Matias / @natematias: Algorithmic transparency & accountability will often happen through classic investigation methods (like accessing internal reports). Also, another example of a company trying to use the complexity of market mechanism algorithms as a distraction/shield.
Tripp Mickle / @trippmickle: The digital ad market is murky; Google owns the dominant tools at every link of the chain; rivals complain it tilts the market in its own favor. Newly unredacted material in Texas' complaint aims to show how Google does exactly that w/ @keachhagey
Chris Hoofnagle / @hoofnagle: I am shocked, shocked to find market manipulation where one actor can see/shape all sides of a transaction!
Matt Rosoff / @mattrosoff: The difference between what Google employees said internally according to unredacted docs, and what spokespeople are now saying, is, how shall we say it...stark.
Amol Sharma / @asharma: WSJ continues to deliver the goods on the state AG lawsuit against Google — here, with unredacted details that are very revealing. From @trippmickle & @keachhagey
@keachhagey: One version did something my ad tech sources have suspected for years: told advertisers that an ad impression sold for one price (the 2nd-highest), then told publishers it sold for another (the 3rd-highest) and pocketed the difference—wholly apart from their fee, per complaint
@keachhagey: In another version, it used this pool of money to reward publishers who agreed to give Google what the complaint calls “preferential access” to their ad inventory (via Dynamic Allocation, etc), effectively punishing those who didn't
@keachhagey: Google then pocketed the money and used it to help boost bids from Google Ads advertisers to improve their win rate, foreclosing competition, newly unredacted sections allege
@keachhagey: Google employees fretted that its ad auctions were “untruthful” and based on “insider information,” according to newly unredacted sections of the AGs' lawsuit. w/ @trippmickle via @WSJ
Leah Nylen / Politico:
In court docs, state AGs allege that Mark Zuckerberg and Sundar Pichai personally approved a secret 2018 deal giving Facebook advantages in Google's ad auctions
In court docs, state AGs allege that Mark Zuckerberg and Sundar Pichai personally approved a secret 2018 deal giving Facebook advantages in Google's ad auctions
@mikeelgan, @justinhendrix, Associated Press, @mmasnick, @josh_bersin, Protocol, @profcarroll, @dcnorg, @leah_nylen, @_jack_poulson, @sachalouise, AdExchanger, CNET, New York Post, The Verge and The Guardian
@mikeelgan: Pointless redaction of the moment: “Facebook CEO [REDACTED] wanted to meet with COO [REDACTED] and his other executives before making a decision”
Justin Hendrix / @justinhendrix: If you care about tech platforms and their role in the world and in markets, this story (and the others written about it) are must read. This is criminal behavior, a house of cards.
Mike Masnick / @mmasnick: If what's alleged in this thread is what actually happened, then... that's bad. Can't see how it's not deceptive. Will be very curious to see the reply...
Josh Bersin / @josh_bersin: Zuckerberg and Google CEO approved a deal to carve up ad market, states allege in court via @politico . You have to wonder what happened to the “dont be evil” stuff.
David Carroll / @profcarroll: ...the inside story of how Google rigged adtech auctions while the adtech industry found itself robbed blind...until the criminal concentration of market power in the dicey dirty world of digital advertising simply became too much to bear...
@dcnorg: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Google chief executive Sundar Pichai personally approved a secret deal that gave the social network a leg up in Google's ad auctions, attorneys for Texas and other states alleged in newly unsealed court filings.
@leah_nylen: A 🧵on Google's Project Bernanke, one of the way the states allege that Google manipulated online ad auctions to its benefit
Jack Poulson / @_jack_poulson: “Previous versions...revealed the existence of...Jedi Blue. But the newest details show that the pact between Google and Facebook...was...approved at the highest levels of both companies. Before joining Facebook, Sandberg was a top Google [exec] in charge of online sales”
Sacha Haworth / @sachalouise: 🤔hmmmmmm a secret agreement to divide up the ad tech market between google & facebook? feels remarkably like .. oh what's the phrase... something a cartel would do via @politico
Allison Schiff / AdExchanger: More Details Revealed On Project Bernanke And Jedi Blue In Newly Unsealed Google Suit
Carrie Mihalcik / CNET: Google, Facebook CEOs signed off on allegedly illegal ad deal, lawsuit says

A look at Politics For All, a UK news Twitter account started by a teenager in August 2019 and that amassed nearly half a million followers before it was banned — Teen admins, shady ads and an origin story that begins with Alex from Glasto - how exactly did PFA get so big, only to disappear so dramatically?
The Guardian, @viceuk, @alzandaqa, @alzandaqa, @mediavoicespod, @hendopolis, @respectisvital, @eddierobson, @benallenwf, @jemstone and @misszing
Jim Waterson / The Guardian: TechScape: Inside the rise and fall of Politics For All
Vice Uk / @viceuk: What you may not know is that it all started in July 2019, when 15-year-old Alex Mann jumped on stage at Glastonbury to rap with Dave.
Abu Isa al-Warraq Jr / @alzandaqa: Teen admins, shady ads and an origin story that begins with Alex from Glasto - how exactly did PFA get so big, only to disappear so dramatically?
Abu Isa al-Warraq Jr / @alzandaqa: The most shocking part of this whole story to me is how I was deceived by a capitalised i to seem like an L, it was was ‘politics for ali’ all this time 😭
@mediavoicespod: 3/ is a long-read from @youngvulgarian for Vice about the rise and fall of Politics for All, a social media brand started by a teenager which grew to half a million followers before being suspended. Terrifying, and maybe just a little bit inspiring.
Neil Henderson / @hendopolis: Delighted to find, in @youngvulgarian 's excellent piece about the disappearance of Politics for All, that #TomorrowsPapersToday is the kind of thing you can fall back on if you're going to the pub!
Alex Tiffin / @respectisvital: “Totally impartial” Politics For All was helped to set up by Dan Hodges and boosted by Tory commentators lol. Oh and he paid staff £25 per day on the smaller For All amounts or £75 on the main. @HMRCgovuk may want to look at that.
Eddie Robson / @eddierobson: This is a great piece by @youngvulgarian. News For All was paying interns £25 a month?! That would be pisspoor if it was a day rate, bloody hell
Ben Allen / @benallenwf: Incredible. The Twitter account that had you all in a headlock for the past 12 months was run by teenagers getting paid £75 a month

Netflix raises its monthly subscription prices by $1 to $2 in the US and Canada; the standard US plan has increased from $13.99 to $15.49 per month — Netflix Inc has raised its monthly subscription price by $1 to $2 per month in the United States depending on the plan, the company said on Friday …
Music Ally, Digital TV Europe, Waivly, @sub8u, SlashFilm, Variety, CNBC, The Verge, @trengriffin, Supercreator, Jefferson Graham's newsletter, TVLine, The Week, Hollywood Reporter, The A.V. Club, UPROXX, Collider, Ars Technica, MediaPost, WAVY-TV, Cord Cutters News, TechCrunch, New York Post, The Streamable, Deadline, 9to5Mac, The Wrap, Ad Age,, Insider and Protocol
Jonathan Easton / Digital TV Europe: Netflix increases subscription prices in North America
Subrahmanyam Kvj / @sub8u: Netflix's #1 competitor might be sleep. Its #2 competitor likely is user lethargy and lack of viable replacements 😂 “Netflix Inc has raised its monthly subscription price by $1 to $2 per month in the United States”
Jeremy Mathai / SlashFilm: Netflix Is Set To Raise Subscription Prices For The First Time Since October 2020
Todd Spangler / Variety: Netflix Hikes Prices in U.S., Canada for Most Subscription Plans
Jacob Kastrenakes / The Verge: Netflix raises prices on all plans in US
Tren Griffin / @trengriffin: “If you've got the power to raise prices without losing business to a competitor, you've got a very good business. And if you have to have a prayer session before raising the price by 10 percent, then you've got a terrible business.” Warren Buffett
Michael Jones / Supercreator: Get ready to see construction everywhere you go
Jeffersongraham / Jefferson Graham's newsletter: Underwater Photography with iPhone
Keisha Hatchett / TVLine: Netflix Is Raising Its Prices (Again), Will Now Be the Most Expensive Streamer
Brigid Kennedy / The Week: Every U.S. Netflix plan just got more expensive
William Hughes / The A.V. Club: Netflix is raising prices by $1-$2 a month
Sam Machkovech / Ars Technica: Netflix cites “more entertainment choices than ever,” raises prices again
Jess Barnes / Cord Cutters News: Netflix Plans Are Getting a Price Hike Today
Devin Coldewey / TechCrunch: Netflix raised its prices again
Alexandra Steigrad / New York Post: Netflix hikes subscription prices in US and Canada by $1-$2 a month
Michael Potuck / 9to5Mac: Netflix now costs up to 4x Apple TV+ per month
Tim Baysinger / The Wrap: Netflix Hikes Prices, Most Expensive Plan to Cost $20 Per Month
Daniel Frankel / Netflix Hoist First North American Price Hike Since October 2020
Dominick Reuter / Insider: Netflix raised the prices on its streaming plans to help pay for its new movies and shows
Nat Rubio-Licht / Protocol: Netflix is raising its prices in the U.S. and Canada

A guessing game arises over who will land the NYT's Media Equation column, as anonymous insiders float names including Wesley Lowery and Katie Rosman — Ben Smith's abrupt exit has sparked a newsroom guessing game for his successor—Katie Rosman? Wesley Lowery?—though, as one insider put it …
@ldtestino: Whoever this becomes will do an extreme disservice to the role if the American news landscape is not reported about more critically than in “5 new media ideas” and “scoops”
James Oliphant / @jamesoliphant: And even Vanity Fair apparently has no issue with Smith using his post to scout the media landscape for his new venture.
Wesley / @wesleylowery: for the 7 people who care - i've had more conversations with media reporters (several) about this job than I have with the NYT (none), so as flattering as it is that you all keep floating my name i hope none of you have made any monetary wagers
Mathew Ingram / @mathewi: Not that I didn't love Ben, and David for that matter, but how about a little diversity maybe? Would love to see a woman and/or person from the BIPOC community give us a different perspective on the media industry
David Clinch / @davidclinchnews: On a serious note, what I have always enjoyed about the Media Equation column is that it is about the business and future of news media with some tea on the side and not the other way around. I hope that is maintained. Also, why is the @TheMediaEquation Twitter handle available?
Mario Sundar / @mariosundar: The harshest critics call the press-media a “closed circuit world of spectacle that has no goal other than its spectacular self.” - Toni Morrison
Anna Merlan / @annamerlan: Laura Wagner and Hamilton Nolan are obviously two of the best choices for this despite (because of?) the fact that they'd both be hilariously miserable
Josh Dawsey / @jdawsey1: @WesleyLowery am i one of the 7?
Ben Jacobs / @bencjacobs: @WesleyLowery So you're saying there's a chance?
Garance Franke-Ruta / @thegarance: To me the answer seems obvious, @TaylorLorenz, who has illuminated the creator economy for generalists like none other:
Melody Joy Kramer / @mkramer:
David Clinch / @davidclinchnews: I'll do it, as long as it is part time and I can use a pseudonym.
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: Re: the NYT's media column: “A Times spokesperson told me they ‘plan to keep the column and are in discussions with candidates,’ but ‘there is no set timeline.’”
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: Oh, OK, if you insist.
Kyle Chayka / @chaykak: “We're totally missing the story on how tech is media and media is tech.”
Christopher Cadelago / @ccadelago: Godspeed to whoever gets this gig.

Use of “officer-involved” and “police-involved” phrases fell in US newspaper stories after George Floyd's murder in May 2020 but started rising again in 2021 — Following the murder of George Floyd, The Associated Press issued guidance that reporters should not describe instances …
@ethanbrown72, @notrivia, @adjoro, @notrivia, @notrivia, @steffdaz, @notrivia and @jamesstout
Ethan Brown / @ethanbrown72: After George Floyd's murder, the AP instructed reporters to “avoid the vague ‘officer-involved’ for shootings and other cases involving police.” But an analysis by @notrivia finds that usage of the phrase declined post Floyd but crept back up in 2021. 1/7
Brandon Soderberg / @notrivia: At the same time, as noted in the study, usage of active phrases such as “police shoot” or “police killed” do not come close to the number of uses of “officer-involved.” Active phrases surpass 100 uses a month only THREE times in 20+ years
Adam Rose / @adjoro: Words matter. It's literally why journalists are journalists. This euphemism was likely invented in Los Angeles in the 1970s and certainly perpetuated here for 50 years. LA journos should lead the way in ending it.
Brandon Soderberg / @notrivia: Another important takeaway here: More news coverage does not mean better coverage but more poor coverage. Newspapers, ill-equipped to cover police violence, but feeling the need to cover it, end up laundering more police language into the news.
Brandon Soderberg / @notrivia: This illustrates how, as we wrote, “the media, like many institutions, often does not remain vigilant when it comes to holding police accountable.” Even after 2020 AP Stylebook guidance to avoid the phrase, usage increased.
Stefanie Dazio / @steffdaz: .@APStylebook: “avoid this vague jargon for shootings &other cases involving police. Be specific about what happened. If police use the term, ask: How was the officer or officers involved? Who did the shooting? If the information is not available or not provided, spell that out.”
Brandon Soderberg / @notrivia: ICYMI: @HuffPost x @Garrisonproj published me & @steadynappin_'s study of newspapers' usage of “officer-involved” to describe police violence. The exonerative phrase, created by police and institutionalized by the media has overall, increased since 2000

Sources: Amazon, Condé Nast, DraftKings, and TPG were interested in The Athletic, and the NYT bumped its initial offer by 10% to secure the deal — - The Athletic's $550 million sale to The New York Times is seen as a major success by some close to the company but disappointing to others.
Brian Morrissey / The Rebooting: How Protocol applies the Politico model to tech
Ashkan Karbasfrooshan / @ashkan: 1/ Accounting 101 @TheAthletic made no sense for @tpg @amazon. @CondeNast maybe. But only @nytimes has existing org infrastructure to be able to leverage asset & over time eliminate cost redundancy: can cut R&D, S&GA costs & make asset Ca$h Flow+
TV Grim Reaper / @tvgrimreaper: #TheAthletic founders wanted to sell, their equity was ~zero basis, and the next (desperately needed) capital raise would have crazy diluted them. Some investors wanted to hold out. Their last raise was at a $530m valuation and they sold for $550m.
John Ourand / @ourand_sbj: “The Athletic has never been profitable.” Good reporting and analysis here from @sherman4949.
Tom Dotan / @cityofthetown: Nice reporting/rundown on The Athletic's sales process. But the part that's most interesting to me (and why I think this deal is such a bummer) gets only one paragraph!
Tom Dotan / @cityofthetown: @sherman4949
Roben Farzad / @robenfarzad: “The Athletic burned through about $100 million between 2019 and 2020, while only bringing in $73 million in revenue over the same time period..It has never been profitable. ~@sherman4949 @cnbc #media #digitalmedia #journalism
Bryan Curtis / @bryancurtis: Some rejected Athletic merger ideas, via @sherman4949: 538 and America's Test Kitchen.
Chris Krewson / @ckrewson: Lots of good backstory in this CNBC look under the hood of the NYT buying the Athletic. - Combining with 538, or America's Test Kitchen (wut) - On the Axios talks, which collapsed - Others - Conde Nast - interested, so NYT upped price 10% via @Maghielse
Alex Sherman / @sherman4949: News includes: *Amazon among interested parties in The Athletic *TPG came closest to buying it if not for NYT *NYT bumped its offer by $50m but felt The Athletic had also put $25m of investment into the biz from the first bid *Athletic first wanted to go public via SPAC w/ Axios
Neil Cybart / @neilcybart: CNBC has some behind the scenes details for the NYT's acquisition of The Athletic. Takeaway: The NYT was the only serious buyer and The Athletic was running out of cash because they were subsidizing subscriptions.
Alex Sherman / @sherman4949: Inside The Athletic's decision to sell to the New York Times:

Patrick Soon-Shiong outlines the future of the LA Times, aiming to print while “economically possible” and to reach 1M digital subscribers by the end of 2022 — Next month marks four years since Dr Patrick Soon-Shiong agreed a $500m deal to buy his local newspaper, the Los Angeles Times.
@jackshafer, @wturvill, @margotroosevelt, What's New in Publishing and @charlottetobitt
Jack Shafer / @jackshafer: Largest digital-only subscriber papers in the U.S.
William Turvill / @wturvill: New @pressgazette interview: pharma billionaire/LA Times owner @DrPatSoonShiong. He admits that reviving a news giant may be harder than curing cancer (he would know) but says - after sale rumours - “I've not lost any enthusiasm. Not lost any commitment.”
Margot Roosevelt / @margotroosevelt: What's happening at the LA Times, nation's 5th largest newspaper by circulation. Owner Patrick Soon-Shiong speaks frankly.
Monojoy Bhattacharjee / What's New in Publishing: Gannett to stop Saturday print editions at 136 newspapers: The Media Roundup

How Netflix succeeded in South Korea, including by developing ideas considered too risky for broadcasters and licensing local content overseas — It took “Squid Game” just four weeks this past fall to become the most-watched Netflix Inc. show ever released in any language.
Aly-Khan Satchu / @alykhansatchu: Netflix began harvesting ideas considered too edgy for the broadcasters and building a slate of programming that leaned into sex and violence, as well as prickly themes, such as social inequality and politics. SEP-2019 $NFLX
Aly-Khan Satchu / @alykhansatchu: Once Investors appreciate that the Story is an international one and not a US one anymore, we will see the price ramp to fresh all-time highs. SEP-2019 $NFLX “We do believe there is a global audience,” for those programs, said Kim.
Aly-Khan Satchu / @alykhansatchu: All told, over past six months, South Korea has contributed more popular Netflix programs than any country other than U.S., according to company's weekly top 10 lists. $NFLX SEP-2019 Analysts have an international ‘blind spot’

Marc Benioff says Time projects 30% revenue growth to $200M+ in 2022; EIC says about one-quarter of the revenue will come from a two-year-old studio unit — When founder Marc Benioff and his wife Lynne bought Time magazine from Meredith Corp. in 2018, it read to many as a vanity purchase.
@mikemongo: TIME has evolved into more than a mere business or brand identity: TIME has stepped to the front as an ally for Web 3.0 artists and creators. Props to @Benioff and @KeithGrossman for crafting a model of integrity and partnership. This is how relevance looks. This is the way.
Steven Sinofsky / @stevesi: How Marc Benioff is transforming Time magazine // comment that caught my mind is the reorg from function to product—always a pendulum
Marc Benioff / @benioff: I am so grateful to the tremendous work by the team @Time. They have transformed a 100 year old media brand into an amazing growth company! They once again proved how business can be the greatest platform for change. Thank you for supporting our journey. ❤️ ...

Seven The A.V. Club staffers in Chicago face a deadline in deciding on a move to LA; WGA, East reps say G/O Media made the offer as a ploy to replace them — Katie Rife, a senior writer for entertainment site the A.V. Club, was working past midnight on a review last week when her friend sent her a text.
@gwenemarie: Solidarity with my coworkers, the greatest colleagues anyone could ask for ✊
@saloni_g: 🚨 an important thread & update on what's going on at The A.V. Club; it's infuriating & disheartening. standing in solidarity with my talented colleagues, who made me want to join the staff in the first place.
@onionincunion: It's shameful that G/O Media is refusing to negotiate with the A.V. Club workers they're forcing to relocate without COLAs or lose their jobs. The Onion Union, the @WGAEast, and AVC staff members commented for this L.A. Times story.
Scott Tobias / @scott_tobias: Simplest explanation to all this nonsense: 1. G/O Media had no expectation that a single Chicago employee would “follow” their jobs to L.A. 2. They actively despise The A.V. Club and its mission. 3. They want cheap labor to wring profit out of the brand.