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Warner Bros. Discovery reports Q2 revenue of $9.8B, vs. $11.9B est., a $3.4B net loss, and 92.1M subscribers, counting HBO Max and Discovery+; stock falls 10%+ — The company is on a mission to find billions of dollars in cost savings.
Warner Bros. Discovery, New York Times, @billkuchman, SlashFilm, The Streamable, TechCrunch, Forbes, Variety, Gizmodo, @aagave, @masasoncap, @sherman4949, CNBC, @natjarv, @loudmouthjulia, @natjarv, @natjarv, @natjarv, @azalben, @natjarv, @aagave and @tvmojoe
Bill Kuchman / @billkuchman: Huh.
BJ Colangelo / SlashFilm: Warner Bros. Discovery Blames Lower Box Office On Badly Timed Movie Releases
Ben Bowman / The Streamable: Combined HBO Max-Discovery+ Coming Summer 2023, Direct-to-Streaming Movies Ending, Prime Video Return Hinted
Lauren Forristal / TechCrunch: HBO, HBO Max and Discovery+ report a combined total of 92.1M subscribers, plans for major restructuring
Marisa Dellatto / Forbes: HBO Max And Discovery+ Will Combine Into One Streaming Service
Todd Spangler / Variety: Warner Bros. Discovery Tops 92 Million Streaming Subscribers, Doesn't Break Out HBO Max Numbers
Andrew A. Rosen / @aagave: Quick $WBD post-call thoughts: 1. I think they're going to crush it on linear despite cord-cutting 2. I don't buy the DTC story, think they'll be too late to the market by next summer 3. They're overcorrecting w/ theatrical for “Project Popcorn”, perhaps to expense of DC fans
@masasoncap: WBD's head of streaming totally repudiates the $NFLX model of putting all content on the same place at the same time. We will see who is right soon...
Alex Sherman / @sherman4949: David Zaslav: HBO Max “is an extraordinary asset.” Says the majority of the people on Casey Bloys' team have been locked up. He's directly rejecting idea of HBO Max being gutted. Instead, the streaming service will be broader. Home of CNN non-live, Discovery, & Current HBO Max.
Sarah Whitten / CNBC: Investors are looking to Warner Bros Discovery for a streaming strategy — it already gave us a big hint
Julia Alexander / @loudmouthjulia: WBD calls out studio performance as “unfavorably impacted by the timing of releases.” This comes just hours after Paramount Global CEO Bob Bakish spoke about the studio's notable performance, especially on the heels of TOP GUN: MAVERICK. Revenues of $2.8B on costs of $2.5B.
Natalie Jarvey / @natjarv: David Zaslav wants WBD content to be good, broadly distributed and developed by a fully consolidated company
Natalie Jarvey / @natjarv: Not included in that total subscriber number: certain Discovery+ international subscribers, Cinemax subscribers, international basic HBO subscribers, free trials
Natalie Jarvey / @natjarv: Warner Bros. Discovery lost about 300,000 subscribers in the US. Unclear if those losses came primarily from HBO Max, Discovery+ or a combo
Alex Zalben / @azalben: Combined HBO Max/discovery+ subscriber numbers are 92.1 million. That's down from the non-combined numbers last quarter (76.8 million for HBO/HBO Max, 24 million for Discovery). More at Variety: ...
Natalie Jarvey / @natjarv: Warner Bros. Discovery is exploring introducing a free ad-supported streaming service for people who don't want to pay for streaming access to the company's library of movies and shows
Andrew A. Rosen / @aagave: Interesting contrast: Kilar's “for the fans” focused on serving inelastic demand. $WBD focuses on lumping consumers into pricing buckets instead.

On its Q2 2022 earnings call, Warner Bros. Discovery announced plans to launch a combined HBO Max and Discovery+ streaming service in the US in summer 2023 — HBO Max and Discovery+ will launch in the U.S. as a single service in the summer of 2023, JB Perrette, CEO and president …
The Wrap, Variety, ScreenRant, Adweek, The Streamable, The Wrap, SlashFilm, The Hollywood Reporter, UPI, @its_willyu, @thedailybeast, The Daily Beast, Collider, @slangdini, @kirkwrites79, @marcellacomedy, @its_willyu, @scriptsbyjames, @variety, Los Angeles Times, @cheo_coker, Looper, TV Insider, @freeblackgirl, @dylanbyers, @xpangler, @natjarv, @zaackhunt and Deadline
Adam Chitwood / The Wrap: Warner Bros. to Enact a 10-Year Plan for DC Films: ‘We Think We Could Make It Better’
Adam B. Vary / Variety: Warner Bros. Discovery CEO Defends Axing ‘Batgirl’: 'We're Not Going to Put a Movie Out Unless We Believe In It'
Mollie Cahillane / Adweek: HBO Max and Discovery+ Will Merge Into a Single Streaming Service by Summer 2023
Ben Bowman / The Streamable: DC Superheroes to Get 10-Year MCU-Style Plan, No Direct-to-Streaming Films
Brian Welk / The Wrap: Warner Bros. Discovery CEO Explains Why He Killed ‘Batgirl’: ‘Our Job Is to Protect the DC Brand’
Ryan Scott / SlashFilm: HBO Max And Discovery+ Will Officially Merge Into One Streaming Service In 2023
Richard Newby / The Hollywood Reporter: ‘Batgirl’ Debacle Pushes DC Back Once Again
Daniel Uria / UPI: HBO Max, Discovery+ to merge into one service in summer 2023
@thedailybeast: It's been a hell of a week for HBO Max and fans of the beloved streaming service. There were a lot of rumors swirling, but execs have finally clarified WTF is happening. It's not as dire as people thought. But it's not good... The latest from @LegsFrank: ...
Allegra Frank / The Daily Beast: This HBO Max Drama Is a Big, Depressing Mess
Madalyn Watson / Collider: HBO Max and Discovery+ to Merge By 2023
Antoine Hardy / @slangdini: The data lies when ppl don't know how to interpret it . This is so reductive & wrong
@kirkwrites79: So a bunch of men have been watching Hacks, Secret Lives of College Girls, Gossip Girl, Julia, Flight Attendant, Love Life, It's Like That? Outside of a few dramas and DC stuff the programming appears to skew largely female.
Marcella Arguello / @marcellacomedy: Wait was I a man this whole time
William Yu / @its_willyu: apparently, according to #WarnerBrosDiscovery execs
James Alexander / @scriptsbyjames: This is the dumbest shit I've ever seen
@variety: During #WarnerBrosDiscovery's earnings call, HBO Max was identified as “male skew” while Discovery+ was considered “female skew.”
Ryan Faughnder / Los Angeles Times: Combined HBO Max and Discovery+ to launch in 2023 as Warner Bros. Discovery rejects AT&T strategy
Cheo Hodari Coker / @cheo_coker: This is why executives need to fly commercial every once and a while. They'll see a hell of a lot more phones and tablets running HBO Max than they will Discovery Plus. via @variety
Shane O'Neill / Looper: Here's When You Can Expect HBO Max And Discovery+ To Combine
Meaghan Darwish / TV Insider: HBO Max & Discovery+ to Merge Into One Platform by 2023
Evette Dionne / @freeblackgirl: In other words, they just invented cable, where I can watch reality TV and scripted TV in a single night.
Dylan Byers / @dylanbyers: + Zaslav: “The HBO brand is one of the great crown jewels of the company.” J.B. Perrette adds that HBO brand will live on, even if it's not the name of streaming service. (Name is TBD).
Todd Spangler / @xpangler: “At the end of the day, putting all the content together was the only way we saw to make this a viable business,” JB Perrette, CEO of streaming and interactive for Warner Bros Discovery, said about combining @hbomax and @discoveryplus
Natalie Jarvey / @natjarv: David Zaslav addresses questions about the future of HBO & HBO Max by noting that Casey Bloys and most of his team are locked into contracts: “Our strategy is to embrace and support and drive the incredible success that HBO Max is having.”

Gannett executives expect economic uncertainty for the rest of 2022, will speed up real estate sales to pay down debt, and will cut staff “in the coming days” — Digital subscriptions are up, but, as expenses rise, other revenue streams are in a freefall
MediaPost, New Jersey Globe, @danrshafer, The NewsGuild, @giambusso, @newsguild, @gaufre, @bymikedavis, @poynter and @jeremylittau
Ray Schultz / MediaPost: Gannett Hit By Soft Print, Digital Ad Revenue In Q2
David Wildstein / New Jersey Globe: Facing serious financial problems, Gannett preparing for layoffs, budget cuts
Dan Shafer / @danrshafer: Devastating news for journalism in the state of Wisconsin, where Gannett owns 11 newspapers.
David Giambusso / @giambusso: Every year for the last 20 it seems Gannett announces it's cutting more from its newsrooms and every year they claim their revenues suck. Not an expert, but maybe you'd get more readers if you invested IN the newsroom.
@newsguild: Gannett has spent millions on stock buybacks, executive pay and anti-journalist lawyers to fight its own newsrooms. But at the same time it's asking for special powers. Why would any sane person think it will invest new money into its journalists?
Jon Schleuss / @gaufre: Gannett's executives don't know how to run a business. They spend millions on all the wrong things. ***The solution is to invest in journalists.***
@bymikedavis: Every Gannett newsroom should be unionized so these corporate executives can stop making unilateral decisions that affect employees' livelihood. All while collecting millions in bonuses.
@poynter: “In the coming days,” Media division head Maribel Perez Wadsworth wrote in a note to staff, “we will ... be making necessary but painful reductions to staffing, eliminating some open positions and roles that will impact valued colleagues.”
USA Today:
Gannett reports Q2 revenue down 6.9% YoY to $748.7M, a $53.7M net loss, revises guidance down, and plans real-estate sales and cost cutting; stock down ~28%
Gannett reports Q2 revenue down 6.9% YoY to $748.7M, a $53.7M net loss, revises guidance down, and plans real-estate sales and cost cutting; stock down ~28%
@npenzenstadler, @sulliview, Gannett, @verano305, @mattdpearce, @dinfontay, @hilton_annmarie, @mattlaslo, @elaheizadi, @tednesi, @marshallramsey, @jeffplatsky, @jonchesto, @nikkiusher, @jgrzelewski, @matttraub, @larryryckman, @freedom22bb, @joshua_newman, @gaufre, @rickedmonds, @svenaurich and @coreyhutchins
Nick Penzenstadler / @npenzenstadler: Our boss, Gannett's CEO, says to expect “urgent choices” in coming weeks that “will impact our valued colleagues” ... I've heard those ominous words before. UGH.
Margaret Sullivan / @sulliview: Dismal stuff here. Well reported and analyzed by @RickEdmonds in @Poynter. .... Gannett reports disastrous financial results; layoffs are coming.
@verano305: Gannett CEO: $7.74 million Average employee: $48,000 someone who is good at the economy please help @Gannett budget this. my industry is dying.
@mattdpearce: Gannett couldn't find room in its budget to continue employing local journalists after announcing a $100 million stock buyback in February. Why should Congress give Gannett an anti-trust exemption under the federal JCPA when *this* is how they use the cash they already have?
Dave Infante / @dinfontay: the kicker of this @Poynter story about looming gannett layoffs bears spelling out for non-industry folks. incentives for good journalism & for-profit ownership (ad-based rev model for sure, but also sub-based in most cases) do not align, will not align:
AnnMarie Hilton / @hilton_annmarie: Not included in this story is a quote from another email @Gannett employees received this morning: “We will also be making necessary but painful reductions to staffing, eliminating some open positions and roles that will impact valued colleagues.”
Matt Laslo / @mattlaslo: Please don't cancel subscriptions to local publications - we need you dear readers!!!
Elahe Izadi / @elaheizadi: Gannett warns of layoffs: “In the coming days,” she wrote, “we will ... be making necessary but painful reductions to staffing, eliminating some open positions and roles that will impact valued colleagues.”
Ted Nesi / @tednesi: Gannett says it is planning a “significant cost reduction program” after bad 2Q The company is now the owner of a bunch of important local newspapers in our region, including @Projo @southcoasttoday @HNNow @TauntonToGo and @TheNewportDaily Not good
Marshall Ramsey / @marshallramsey: Every time I read about another round of layoffs at Gannett, my scars burn. So heartbreaking for my friends who remain.
Jeffrey Platsky / @jeffplatsky: After reporting poor 2Q results, Gannett emails employees that more staff cuts are coming in the next few days.
Jon Chesto / @jonchesto: Hard to believe there could be more cuts coming to Gannett/GateHouse papers, but there are... via @usatoday
Nikki Usher / @nikkiusher: So so many mistakes are made by this company that controls 1/6th of American daily newspaper.
Jordyn Grzelewski / @jgrzelewski: Citing weak Q2 results & rising inflation's “clear toll on our business,” Gannett says it's cutting staff:
Matt Traub / @matttraub: While all the focus has been on Digital First and others, remember that they all studied Gannett's playbook on how to enrich execs while destroying the news industry. When they say ‘support local journalism’ ... it's never what they want you to support.
Larry Ryckman / @larryryckman: Awful news. Fingers crossed for colleagues in Fort Collins, Pueblo and elsewhere. And just to say again, it's the communities that will suffer most when news goes away. .... Gannett reports disastrous financial results; layoffs are coming
@freedom22bb: @JGrzelewski ... Total revenue fell 6.9% to $748.7M in the 2nd ¼. In 2021, revenue was $3.21B. CEO Michael E Reed earned $7.74M in 2021. Gannett conducted $100M in stock buyback this past February. Gannett isn't suffering. You can give us back our reporters now.
Josh Newman / @joshua_newman: SOP over there, never changes despite all the buzzwords from executives and “innovative” ideas.
Jon Schleuss / @gaufre: It's clear @Gannett cannot be trusted to invest in journalism. They are actively BEGGING Congress to pass the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act with @newsalliance @mwadsworth @NewsCEO — why would any sane person think they're going to invest that money into newsrooms?
Rick Edmonds / @rickedmonds: Gannett's financial results nosedive in the second quarter. Layoffs and other cuts are on the way, the company says.
Sven Aurich / @svenaurich: @npenzenstadler @Gannett And still the New York Times and Lee Enterprises both delivered a revenue beat. So maybe, just maybe Gannett has an execution problem caused by the upper management and therefore the cuts should be made there.
Corey Hutchins / @coreyhutchins: “Gannett, owner of USA TODAY and local news operations in 45 states, would undertake a ‘significant cost reduction program’ amid a challenging economic backdrop marred by soaring inflation rates, labor shortages and price-sensitive consumers”

A jury finds that Alex Jones should pay $4M+ in compensatory damages to two Sandy Hook parents; a separate trial is expected to settle punitive damages — New York (CNN Business)Right-wing talk show host Alex Jones will have to pay the parents of a Sandy Hook shooting victim a little …
Bloomberg, WOOD-TV, National Review, @popehat, New York Post, NPR, UPROXX, Newser, @chrisvanhollen, CBS News, @melissadderosa, @popehat, @oneunderscore__, @popehat, @popehat, @hesherman, Jezebel, @themichaelmoran, The Daily Beast, @oliverdarcy and Vox
Janet Miranda / Bloomberg: InfoWars' Alex Jones Ordered to Pay More Than $4 Million to Sandy Hook Parents
Diana Glebova / National Review: Jury Finds Alex Jones Guilty of Defamation in Sandy Hook Shooting Case, Orders Him to Pay $4 Million
@popehat: So, the compensatory verdict in the Alex Jones case is a few million dollars (I was told there would be no math), not the $150M that was requested. That's probably appropriate. The function of compensatory damages is to compensate, not punish. /1
Patrick Reilly / New York Post: Alex Jones ordered to pay Sandy Hook parents more than $4M
John Burnett / NPR: A jury says InfoWars' Alex Jones must pay 2 Sandy Hook parents more than $4 million
Kimberly Ricci / UPROXX: Alex Jones Will Have To Sell A Lot Of ‘Instahard’ Supplements To Pay The Verdict (So Far) To Sandy Hook Families
Bob Cronin / Newser: Jury Tells Alex Jones to Pay Parents $4M
Senator Chris Van Hollen / @chrisvanhollen: Finally, Alex Jones pays for some of the pain and suffering he caused the parents of Sandy Hook families. No dollar figure will cover the harm he did - on top of the enormous pain these parents were already experiencing - but the truth still matters.
Emily Mae Czachor / CBS News: Texas jury orders Alex Jones to pay parents of Sandy Hook victim more than $4 million in defamation suit
Melissa DeRosa / @melissadderosa: More people should hold people like this accountable
@popehat: /4 As to assets, the punitive award can't an excessive percentage of the defendants' net worth. What percentage? Ask a Texas lawyer. In California it's generally not supposed to exceed 10%.
@popehat: /2 So, millions of dollars in compensatory damages for harm that is primarily emotional distress is actually pretty high and likely appropriate. Now on to the punitive phase. Notes on that:
@popehat: /3 Punitive damages, like it says on the can, ARE to punish. But there are constitutional limits to punitive damages. Two factors control: the defendant's assets and the multiplier of punitive damages to compensatory damages.
Howard Sherman / @hesherman: It's not enough. But waiting to hear about punitive damages, still to come.
Nora Biette-Timmons / Jezebel: Alex Jones Must Pay Sandy Hook Parents Over $4 Million, Jury Decides
Justin Rohrlich / The Daily Beast: Alex Jones Ordered to Cough Up $4M in Disastrous Sandy Hook Battle
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: The $4 million in compensatory damages is far less than the $150 million the plaintiffs had asked for at the start of the trial. It should be noted, however, that this is only the first of three Sandy Hook trials Jones is expected face in next few months.
Aja Romano / Vox: Will Alex Jones finally lose the info war?
Natalie Musumeci / Insider:
Alex Jones' trial reveals that Infowars made as much as $800K per day in 2018, and that the fake news site made $70M in revenue in its most recent fiscal year
Alex Jones' trial reveals that Infowars made as much as $800K per day in 2018, and that the fake news site made $70M in revenue in its most recent fiscal year
@oneunderscore__, Observer, The Wrap, VICE, Associated Press, Mediaite, @willsommer, NBC News, The Verge, Forbes, @bgrueskin, New York Times, @bestforbritain, @jonallendc, @_secondthought, @atrachelgilmore, @dansolomon, @dansolomon, @elise_jordan, @reallorraine, @jeffjarvis, @egavactip, @cameronwilson, @gideonrachman, @froomkin, @maitlis, @zeynep, @janusrose, @nandoodles, @oneunderscore__, @annamerlan, @darbyscastle, @stevesilberman, @randfish, @maxapotter, @jenmercieca, @hasanthehun, @oneunderscore__, @emptywheel, @emptywheel, @realkellyjones, @popehat, @insidernews, @thetweetofjohn, Associated Press, VICE, Deadline and Law & Crime
Ben Collins / @oneunderscore__: These texts and emails are FINALLY revealing financials behind Infowars. Some days in 2018, InfoWars was making $800,000 a day. “Well after your deplatforming, your numbers keep getting better,” Sandy Hook parents' lawyer says. If they keep that up, that's ~$300 mill. a year.
Alexandra Tremayne-Pengelly / Observer: Jury Finds Alex Jones Caused $4 Million in Damages to Sandy Hook Parents
Loree Seitz / The Wrap: Alex Jones Ordered to Pay $4.1 Million to 6-Year-Old Sandy Hook Victim's Family
Anna Merlan / VICE: Jury Orders Alex Jones, Infowars to Pay $4.1 Million to Parents of Child Killed at Sandy Hook
Aidan McLaughlin / Mediaite: Alex Jones Ordered to Pay Sandy Hook Parents $4.1 Million in Defamation Trial
Will Sommer / @willsommer: Alex Jones tells the Sandy Hook jury any judgments above $2 million “will sink us.” Evidence introduced earlier in the trial showed that InfoWars makes as much as $800,000 a day.
NBC News: After Alex Jones' lawyers accidentally leak years of emails, Infowars financial documents are revealed in court
Adi Robertson / The Verge: Alex Jones must pay $4.1 million for spreading Sandy Hook conspiracy theory
Dani Di Placido / Forbes: Reality Finally Crashes Into Alex Jones' Twisted Fantasy World
Bill Grueskin / @bgrueskin: Alex Jones, seconds after being told that his lawyer mistakenly send a huge cache of texts to Sandy Hook families' attorney: “This is your Perry Mason moment”
Elizabeth Williamson / New York Times: Alex Jones, Under Questioning, Is Confronted With Evidence of Deception
@bestforbritain: Genuinely, a clip for our times. “This is not your show. You believe everything you say is true, but it isn't. Your beliefs do not make something true. Just because you claim to think something is true does not make it true. It does not protect you. It is not allowed.” ~AA
Jonathan Allen / @jonallendc: @oneunderscore__ story here just gets more compelling by the sentence.
JT Chapman / @_secondthought: When we talk about a funding gap between right-wing and left-wing content, this is what we're talking about. It's ridiculous how much money far-right commentators rake in. Socialists will never bring in that kind of money, which makes it more difficult to compete.
Rachel Gilmore / @atrachelgilmore: Infowars, seemingly more than once, raked in $800,000 in a day. In one day!! Probably worth keeping in mind, if you still think mainstream reporters making five figures are the ones grifting for their paycheque.
Dan Solomon / @dansolomon: This trial is bifurcated, so the question of Jones's net worth is not a consideration for the jury when determining appropriate compensation. Once the jury returns that verdict, a second (much shorter) trial begins with testimony on the matter of Jones's net worth
Dan Solomon / @dansolomon: That testimony will involve two witnesses: Jones again, and then a forensic economist hired by the plaintiffs as an expert. After that, jury deliberates on punitive damages and makes its award. Then this case is closed.
Elise Jordan / @elise_jordan: Sandy Hook parents Neil Heslin and Scarlett Lewis are so brave to take on Alex Jones and his profiteering off their pain. When Jones monetized Michael Hastings's death, I was petrified of even more harassment if I tried to stop him in court. Neil and Scarlett, you are heroes.
Lorraine / @reallorraine: Following this case and astounded that anyone could be as shamefully vile and cruel as Alex Jones. Pure evil.
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: This, Kansas, and the stock market is up. What a wonderful day.
Mark Pitcavage / @egavactip: I believe this is what is referred to as a bonus track.
@cameronwilson: you ever wonder why the big name conspiracy theorists do it? because there is a /lot/ of money in it. emails accidentally leaked by Alex Jones' lawyers reveal that his company Infowars was pulling in $800k a day in 2018.
Gideon Rachman / @gideonrachman: Tricky conversation Alex Jones will be having with his lawyers. Could he sue them for negligence? It would be nice to think that this was not an accident, but a deliberate act of sabotage by lawyers revolted by their client. But I somehow doubt it.
@froomkin: This is not even the best part, but he insulted the jury on his radio show, which was then played in court. Tears of laughter!
Emily M / @maitlis: This thread is both stomach churning in the extreme and so so obvious once you understand that trolling parents of dead children was a business model for this man.
Zeynep Tufekci / @zeynep: $800,000 *per day*?? For peddling the most unhinged, harmful conspiracies? Yeah, incentives matter. (Yes, retweeted to fix a typo).
@janusrose: no wonder greenwald likes this guy. both imagine themselves scrappy truth-telling cancel culture victims who just happen to be making upwards of 8-9 figures lol
@nandoodles: I wonder if we can get a revenue breakdown. In 2018, Infowars was still being served ads from brands like Mozilla, Nike, ClassPass and Grammarly via @GoogleAds. In March 2018, Google was still refusing to comment.
Ben Collins / @oneunderscore__: New from me: After Alex Jones' lawyers accidentally leak years of emails, Infowars' financial documents revealed in court
Anna Merlan / @annamerlan: Lot of discussion in plaintiffs' closing arguments about Alex Jones lying in the service of “selling more pills.” Here's a story I reported years ago about the supplement side of his business.
Darby Abbott / @darbyscastle: This is hysterical... The judge can allow the jury to view all the information now that the Plaintiffs attorney has it.. wonder who the defense attorney is going to work for next..
Steve Silberman / @stevesilberman: In this glorious, shining, historical moment, Judge Maya Guerra Gamble is speaking for all of America.
Rand Fishkin / @randfish: $300 MILLION/YEAR 🤬 That's the revenue Alex Jones was on track to make via a website peddling the most hateful, disgusting conspiracy theories imaginable. The Sandy Hook parents deserve every dime, just as Jones deserves decades in prison for his heinous crimes. Thread 👇
@maxapotter: Why do people like Alex Jones and Fox's Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham savagely lie and scramble the brains of Americans? Because it makes them insanely wealthy.
Jennifer Mercieca / @jenmercieca: Get rich with conspiracy scams: 1. Build huge audience by pretending that you're the only one who tells the truth about the scary world. 2. Sell emergency preparedness & snake oil items designed to appeal to your conspiracy addled audience. 3. Make $800k/day from audience dupes.
@hasanthehun: dumb mfs on the internet love talking about how lucrative it is to be a “socialist grifter” meanwhile this is what right wing psychos are making.
Ben Collins / @oneunderscore__: (Alex Jones says $800k a day was a really good week during CPAC, where they were doing better business.)
@emptywheel: InfoWars has 80 employees and contractors. What was the annual revenue in most recent fiscal years. He had $60-70M gross in recent years.
@emptywheel: Plaintiffs' lawyers say they got Alex Jones' complete phone 12 days ago, so July 22. That might merit more scrutiny on the drama going on with his legal representation for the CT case.
Kelly Jones / @realkellyjones: @oneunderscore__ Alex Jones' ex-wife here, and I'm going to subpoena this data! Won a jury, lost my kids for blowing the whistle on infowars. Subpoena request will go out t o d a y.
@popehat: The obscenity is not that Alex Jones is like this. The obscenity is that millions of Americans love and admire and support Alex Jones being like this, and make him filthy rich for being like this. We have met the enemy and he is us.
@insidernews: Alex Jones' lawyer accidentally sent the contents of Jones' phone, revealing InfoWars' financials and texts he claimed didn't exist, Sandy Hook parents' attorney says
John FitzGerald / @thetweetofjohn: “Mr. Jones, you may not say to this jury that you complied with discovery,” Judge Gamble said. “You may not say that again.” She also emphasized that he may not say he's bankrupt, even if he filed for bankruptcy. “This is not your show,” she said.
Anna Merlan / VICE: Alex Jones Found Out in Court That Sandy Hook Parents' Attorneys Have a Copy of His Cellphone

Paramount reports Q2 revenue rose 19% YoY to $7.7B, while operating income fell 33% YoY to $819M, and says Pluto TV has nearly 70M MAUs — Paramount Global on Thursday beat analyst revenue expectations for its 2022 second quarter earnings, thanks largely in part to the humongous, $1 billion+ performance of “Top Gun: Maverick.”
Jill Goldsmith / Deadline: Paramount Global Predicts Streaming Loss Of $1.8 Billion In 2022, Defends Content Spending
Tony Maglio / IndieWire: Paramount Q2 Earnings: ‘Top Gun: Maverick’ in Dogfight with Streaming Costs
Wayne Friedman / MediaPost: Paramount Global's D2C Business Soars 56%, Streaming Expands To 43M Subscribers
@tvgrimreaper: Maybe nobody's 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 going to make money in SVOD.
@kirbyslastsnack: Love this quote from Paramount: “On contend spend,... we are always looking at it in term of the growth and the return it unlocks.” “Our content investment is working,” he said. “We don't want to sacrifice a long-term opportunity.”
Aura / @aurahack: literally any streaming service be good challenge (impossible)
Brian Steinberg / Variety: Streaming Investment Spurs Profit Drop in Paramount Global Q2
Georg Szalai / The Hollywood Reporter:
Paramount reports nearly 64M global streaming subscribers in Q2 2022, up from 62M+ in Q1 2022, and 43M+ Paramount+ subscribers in Q2, up from ~39.6M in Q1
Paramount reports nearly 64M global streaming subscribers in Q2 2022, up from 62M+ in Q1 2022, and 43M+ Paramount+ subscribers in Q2, up from ~39.6M in Q1
Variety, @tvgrimreaper, The Streamable, @adrianweckler, @thr, TechCrunch, UPROXX, @xpangler, @thr, @kimmasters, @xpangler, The Streamable and Deadline
Todd Spangler / Variety: Paramount+ Tops 43 Million Subscribers in Q2, Adding 3.7 Million in Quarter
@tvgrimreaper: Was the profitability of Paramount+ mentioned in this extended press release disguised as a @THR story? It was not.
Trevion Anglin / The Streamable: CEO: Paramount+'s International Content, Expansion Will Continue to Be Focus in Future
Adrian Weckler / @adrianweckler: Paramount+ added 5m subscribers in last 3 months, driven mainly by launch in UK, Ireland, Korea. Streaming is still growing. (May not suit all narratives.) ...
@thr: Paramount's streaming unit loss widened to $445 million in the second quarter, “reflecting increased investment in our direct-to-consumer services”
Lauren Forristal / TechCrunch: Paramount+ grows to 43 million subscribers as other streaming services fall short
Mike Redmond / UPROXX: Paramount Is Having One Heck Of An Upswing Thanks To ‘Top Gun Maverick’ And A Jump In Streaming Subscribers
Todd Spangler / @xpangler: Paramount Global's overall direct-to-consumer revenue rose 56%, to $1.19 billion. But operating losses for the DTC segment more than tripled, to $445 million in the June quarter, cutting into Paramount's bottom-line profits
@thr: Paramount touts ‘Top Gun: Maverick’ in second-quarter earnings report, saying it “powered 126 percent growth in filmed entertainment revenue”
Kim Masters / @kimmasters: The power of Tom.
Todd Spangler / @xpangler: On Paramount's Q2 call, CFO Naveen Chopra reiterated the company's 100 million-plus target for total streaming subscribers by 2024 and Paramount's expectation that DTC losses would peak in 2023.
FuboTV reports Q2 revenue up 65% YoY to $216.1M, a $116.3M net loss compared to $94.9M YoY, and paid subscribers up 41% YoY to 946,735; the stock jumps 20%+ — NEW YORK—(BUSINESS WIRE)— FuboTV Inc. (NYSE: FUBO), the leading sports-first live TV streaming platform, today announced …
Daniel Frankel / Next TV: fuboTV Loses Another 110,000 Subscribers in Q2, Pulls Back From Sports Betting
Abigail Gentrup / Front Office Sports: Sports Fuel FuboTV's $221.9M Quarter

Seven sources close to The New Yorker say Erin Overbey's public version of events leading up to her firing excludes critical context about her job performance — Two weeks ago, The New Yorker fired its archivist, Erin Overbey, after the longstanding staffer wrote an extensive thread blasting the magazine and top editor David Remnick.
@jessesingal, @brandonetc, @thatjenmonroe, @benjamingoggin, @noahyoo, @ericdharvey and Today in Tabs
Jesse Singal / @jessesingal: Tarpley Hitt has proven, repeatedly, that you can't trust anything she writes without independently verifying it, but someone I know and trust at The New Yorker says she has this right. The folks who mindlessly amplified Overbey should rethink stuff.
Brandon Carter / @brandonetc: if i were a union member (which i am!) i would simply not take any opportunity to trash my fellow members on background
Jen Monroe / @thatjenmonroe: A) I'm stealing whistleposturing and nobody can stop me B) Why am I not suprised that the self appointed DEI cop at the New Yorker was a legacy worker who's job was in jepordary
Benjamin Goggin / @benjamingoggin: Just learned what “whistleposturing” is
Rusty Foster / Today in Tabs: Season Six Finale

Survey: 16% of US journalists are in a union and 41% say they would join if one were available; 57% of those aged 18-29 would join vs. 33% of those aged 50-64 — At a time when newsrooms in the United States are seeing a wave of unionization, around one-in-six U.S. journalists …
Hamilton Nolan / @hamiltonnolan: Five years deep in a really well publicized union wave in this industry got us to... 16%. We gotta organize harder. ...
Noted Kansan Sarah Kelly / @thesarahkelly: It would be basically impossible to recruit me to a non-union position right now.
Joshua Erlich / @joshuaerlich: there's a line in the new Harley Quinn season that's something like, “i'm a journalist. the only things i care about are facts and getting laid off.” it's not really delivered as a joke.
John Gramlich / @johngramlich: NEW: With US-based Reuters journalists on strike today for the first time in decades, survey data from @pewjournalism finds that 16% of US journalists (excluding freelancers) are part of a union. Another 41% say they would join one if they could. ...
@pewjournalism: 🚨NEW🚨 At a time when newsrooms in the United States are seeing a wave of unionization, around one-in-six U.S. journalists at news organizations report being in a union and many more say they would join one if it were available to them. ...

A Michigan town votes to defund its library because its employees declined to remove LGBTQ-themed books; the library will likely run out of money in late 2023 — - A west Michigan public library may close after residents voted to defund it Tuesday — Voters are upset about LGBT-themed graphic novels in the library
Literary Hub, @phil_lewis_, @jemartisby, @gadyepstein, @zackford, Insider, @bracknerrichard, @ncshusterman, @lebatardshowfan, @lebatardshowfan, @ryanbeckwith, @lebatardshowfan, @mariskreizman, @purplechrain, @ohiohag, @ord_red, @lebatardshowfan, @mimzway, @amescg, @mariskreizman, @mikebutcher, @blakepater, @xtheexiled, @lebatardshowfan and @stevesilberman
Corinne Segal / Literary Hub: Residents of a Michigan town defunded their library after it refused to remove LGBTQ books.
Philip Lewis / @phil_lewis_: A public library in West Michigan may close after residents voted to defund it. Why? Voters are upset about LGBTQ-themed graphic novels in the library. “I wasn't expecting anything like this. The library is the center of the community.”
Jemar Tisby, PhD / @jemartisby: “Library Director Amber McLain resigned this spring, telling Bridge she had been harassed online and accused of indoctrinating children. Interim director Matthew Lawrence resigned later.”
Gady Epstein / @gadyepstein: Police aren't being defunded. But libraries are. “It's hard to look at being threatened with the closure of your library because they won't remove LGBT materials.”
Zack Ford / @zackford: We can't underestimate the impact of anti-LGBTQ “groomer” fear-mongering. This conservative town would rather shut down its library, including its community rooms and wifi service, than let it offer LGBTQ-inclusive books.
Jake Epstein / Insider: A Michigan town voted to defund its library because it contained books that featured LGBTQ themes
@bracknerrichard: Upset over LGBTQ books, a Michigan town defunds its library in tax vote via @BridgeMichigan I was talking with a conservative about how Republicans, once the party of ‘small government’ are banning rights, certain topics from schools, and books. 1/
Noah Shusterman / @ncshusterman: US cities used to have beautiful public pools, but only let white people swim there. When the courts ruled against segregated pools, some cities filled their pools with dirt.
@lebatardshowfan: This is what happens when they start banning books. The entire library is next. Then your public schools. Thanks for reading. Sorry it isn't about the show.
@lebatardshowfan: “Ten years earlier, a library millage at a slightly lower rate was approved by 37 percentage points.” What changed? The latest boogie man. Steve Wiltz said he voted no because of “some of the materials that are in here I don't agree with.”
Ryan Teague Beckwith / @ryanbeckwith: “A wake-up call to what? To take LGBTQ books off the shelf and then they will give us money? What do you call that? Ransom?”
@lebatardshowfan: A lot has been made of late about book banning at school and public libraries, specifically books that deal with LGBTQ+ characters or themes. Here is the result of this hysteria in my local community: the library has been defunded and will close. (1/?)
Alexander / @purplechrain: “The library has 67,000 books, videos and other items in its collection, of which about 90 have an LGBTQ theme, library officials said.” Conservatives successfully campaigned to defund their entire town library because 90 out of 67,000 books have LGBTQ themes.
Ham / @ohiohag: bunch of people calling others snowflakes but will shut a library down because they won't remove 10 books
@ord_red: “I love my country, and I believe what is happening is going against the First Amendment,” said Lawrence, the former director. “The people who need the library the most can't vote because they are children.”
@lebatardshowfan: 'Amanda Ensing, one of the organizers of the Jamestown Conservatives group— “They are trying to groom our children to believe that it's OK to have these sinful desires,” Ensing said of library officials. “It's not a political issue, it's a Biblical issue.”
@mimzway: Conservatives would rather have no library, rather than have a few graphic novels about coming of age and being gay. Just like when racists cemented in their town pools rather than allow black kids swim with their kids. Same energy.
@amescg: Weaponizing culture war issues against public goods: the Chris Rufo-ing of America continues apace.
Maris Kreizman / @mariskreizman: This is catastrophic. We cannot let them defund libraries.
Blake Paterson / @blakepater: “So many kids are struggling in silence, especially in areas like this,” one supporter of the library said. “Having access to resources and materials of people who are sharing your experiences is literally life-saving.”
@xtheexiled: Remember how we learned bout how white people would rather drain & close public pools than let black people swim in them. We're now living thru those same times again

Mandiant researchers find a network of at least 72 fake news sites pushing Chinese propaganda in North America, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia — A network of at least 72 bogus news sites in North America, Europe, the Middle East and Asia are part of a sprawling information operation …

Unionized Thomson Reuters journalists in the US launch a 24-hour strike, over pay raises, starting at 6am ET on August 4, the first walkout in decades — Thomson Reuters Corp. journalists in the US are preparing to launch a daylong strike Thursday, the first walkout in decades among the media company's long-unionized staff.
@reutersguild, @laurenkgurley, @rmc031, @rweingarten, @reutersguild, @drixander, @josheidelson, @randewich, @sineadcarew, @fedcourtjunkie, @juliocesrchavez, @dlind, @mattmillsphoto, @katielpaul, @sarahnlynch, @nicholagroom, Observer, @nyguild, @six6jiang, @peard33, @josheidelson, @sarahnlynch, @nylahuda, @newyorkerunion, @reuterszengerle, @nickpbrown, Poynter, @felixsalmon, @rover829, @josheidelson, @josheidelson and Press Gazette
@reutersguild: More than 300 @Reuters journalists across the United States are stopping work today for a 24-hour walkout. We do not take this decision lightly, but we're prepared to avail ourselves of all our legal rights to secure the contract we deserve.
Lauren Kaori Gurley / @laurenkgurley: Inbox: Reuters journalists are striking today for the 1st time in three decades. They are protesting management's offer of a 1% annual wage increase that they say would “effectively mean a pay cut given the soaring cost of living.”
Rachel Cohen / @rmc031: solidarity with @ReutersGuild / the nearly 300 @Reuters journalists on strike today
Randi Weingarten / @rweingarten: #Solidarity with Reuters writers as they strike for a fair contract.
@reutersguild: That stinginess is especially galling considering @ThomsonReuters announced it's financially comfortable enough to spend $2 billion buying back its own stock and another $2 billion on dividends, to the benefit of shareholders and executives. ...
Dri / @drixander: Good morning & solidarity to @Reuters journalists in the US who are on a daylong strike, the first walkout in decades among the media company's long-unionized staff. ✊🏾 #1u
Josh Eidelson / @josheidelson: A 1% annual increase in pay would amount to an 8% decline in purchasing power, says @EconomicPolicy's @hshierholz. “It is no surprise that workers are not OK with that... In order to fully offset inflation, right now a big increase will be required.”
Noel Randewich / @randewich: I'm among hundreds of @reutersguild journalists walking out for 24 hours, demanding a reasonable wage increase. It's like practice for a real strike. Reuters has dragged its heels for over a year. Please retweet to support us! #NoContractNoNews @reuters @aagalloni
Sinead Carew / @sineadcarew: I am with hundreds of @reutersguild journalists walking out today demanding a fair contract, reasonable wage increases. @thomsonreuters @sjhasker are not sharing in rising profits from our work, not bargaining in good faith Retweet to support #NoContractNoNews @reuters @aagalloni
Dan Levine / @fedcourtjunkie: I am one of these journalists. Would rather be reporting the news today, but management's proposals (effectively a pay cut), combined with their negotiating strategy (extreme slow-walking), is what landed us here. I hope serious talks can commence and we'll get a deal.
@juliocesrchavez: Today I am walking out of work along with hundreds of @reutersguild journalists We demand a fair contract with reasonable wage increases @thomsonreuters @sjhasker are blocking us from sharing in rising profits our work generates 1% is insulting. #NoContractNoNews
Dara Lind / @dlind: Solidarity to my friends and peers at Reuters. Everyone I've ever interacted with from that org has been incredibly professional and generous, even in the face of tough assignments and demanding expectations. I hope they get a good deal.
Matt M. McKnight / @mattmillsphoto: Standing in solidarity alongside my @ReutersGuild colleagues across the U.S. today for a walkout, as nearly two years of negotiations has stalled and we're seeking nothing more than a fair contract. ✊🏼 🧵 ⬇️
Katie Paul / @katielpaul: I'm one of these @Reuters journalists. I'm saddened we have to do this, but immensely proud to stand beside my colleagues today. There's simply no justification for an effective pay cut when the company is doing so well.
Sarah N. Lynch / @sarahnlynch: Thank you for covering this. If you want to update, you can add that I recently learned non-guild Reuters workers get more than double the fertility benefits we get, and that most media companies I canvassed get way more than Reuters as a whole. IVF costs thousands. They cover 5k
Nichola Groom / @nicholagroom: Today I am proud to be walking out and picketing alongside hundreds of my @ReutersGuild @nyguild colleagues to demand a fair contract. We are tired of @thomsonreuters slow walking negotiations and blocking us from sharing in profits our work generates. 🚶♀️ ✊ #NoContractNoNews
Rachyl Jones / Observer: Reuters Workers Make the News by Walking Out for a Day
@six6jiang: “[The guild] said about 90% of the 300 or so Reuters employees it represents agreed to participate.”
Paresh Dave / @peard33: I am among hundreds of @reutersguild journalists walking out today demanding a fair contract with reasonable wage increases. @thomsonreuters @sjhasker are blocking us from sharing in rising profits our work generates and isn't bargaining in good faith. #NoContractNoNews
Josh Eidelson / @josheidelson: “In 2020 we were all asked to step up... Everyone just rose to the occasion, and we thought - wrongly as it turns out - that we would get something in return.”
Sarah N. Lynch / @sarahnlynch: I am walking out today to support my guild colleagues. @Reuters does not want to give us wage increases, despite sky high inflation, a crackdown on overtime pay, and fertility benefits that are so poor, people are forced to spend thousands out of pocket to try to have a family
Nailah Huda / @nylahuda: “The news organization proposed a three-year contract with guaranteed annual pay increases of 1%, according to the union, which would erode employee spending power against a backdrop of 9% inflation.”
@newyorkerunion: We stand in solidarity with @ReutersGuild. @thomsonreuters and @reuters must come to the table and bargain toward a fair contract! #ReutersGuildWalksOut #NoContractNoNews
Patricia Zengerle / @reuterszengerle: THomsonReuters did so well in the second quarter that it raised its company-wide revenue estimates to 6% this morning. Reuters News' revenues specifically rose 12% during the quarter.
Nick Brown / @nickpbrown: I & hundreds of @reutersguild journalists are walking out today. Months of demands for reasonable raises have fallen on deaf ears, even as @thomsonreuters rakes in cash. RT to tell @sjhasker & @reuters mgmt to come to the table. Journos should share in profits they help generate
Felix Salmon / @felixsalmon: Has anyone been covering this? Normally such things are very vocal on Twitter but I've seen nothing
Vincent Lee / @rover829: Bloomberg: The news organization proposed a three-year contract with guaranteed annual pay increases of 1%, according to the union, which would erode employee spending power against a backdrop of 9% inflation.
Josh Eidelson / @josheidelson: Latest: Reuters says it is “fully committed to constructive negotiations with the NewsGuild” and “We have extensive contingency plans in place that will minimize this brief disruption”

A look at Netflix scrambling to build an ad business and revive its subscriber growth; sources: Reed Hastings expects Netflix could charge ~$80 per 1,000 views — Reed Hastings insisted on focusing on subscriptions until competitors started nibbling away at his business model
@valuetom84, Newslit Daily, @astaniscia86, @asharma, @benmullin, @bysarahkrouse, @carlquintanilla, @mediainsider and Insider, more at Techmeme »
Happy / @valuetom84: Hastings said privately that $NFLX can eventually charge advertisers ~$80 per 1,000 views of an ad by targeting specific audience segments. Would put Netflix among the most expensive destinations for ads, alongside top NFL television programming.
Jose Montes de Oca / Newslit Daily: ☕️ Starbucks to unveil its web3-based rewards program next month
Giulio S. / @astaniscia86: Netflix hasn't said publicly what formats its ads will take. Internally, it has discussed ideas including running video ads from major brands before programming, plus some static ads within the app.
Amol Sharma / @asharma: Netflix is making a major U-turn by offering a plan that includes ads. Here's the inside stuff on the terms it sought from vendors, the ad-pricing strategy and projects named “Crickle” and “Calamari” — by @bysarahkrouse @VranicaWSJ @jtoonkel
Ben Mullin / @benmullin: “The company approached at least two top Comcast executives for a senior role while the partnership negotiations were continuing with their employer, angering the top brass at the cable giant, some of the people said.”
Sarah Krouse / @bysarahkrouse: Netflix swore it wouldn't allow advertising. Now it is playing catch-up. Here's our look at Netflix's efforts to quickly get into the ad business w/ @VranicaWSJ and @jtoonkel
Carl Quintanilla / @carlquintanilla: “They're shifting gears and fast,” said Raman Gambhir, an associate portfolio manager at money manager Neuberger Berman .. “This is the first time they've really pivoted from a position of weakness.” @WSJ @knowledge_vital $NFLX $MSFT
@mediainsider: Netflix insiders describe a culture shift to ‘fear-based’ decision making, execs stretched thin, and belt tightening amid layoffs and subscriber losses ...