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A look at The New York Times' relationship with The Athletic; some NYT sportswriters objected to Athletic reporters introducing themselves as NYT journalists — Not long after the New York Times bought the Athletic earlier this year, the founders of the popular sports website held an all-staff call.
@sarahscire, @joeviraynba, @benjstrauss, @clairevtran, @bendreyfuss, @caseyjohnston, @natemonroetu, @bgrueskin, @lesbowen, @nycsouthpaw, @ashleyfeinberg, @brianmfloyd, @cmclymer, @cd_hooks, @chold, @kellymakena, @andrewmarchand, @kalhanr, @tomwatson, @emilybell, @espiers, @evaholland, @helaineolen, @nickstatt, @hunterwalk, @sethabramson, @dancow, @genepark, @dcsportsbog, @stevekovach, @chriscillizza, @lisatozzi, @oneunderscore__, @joshkraushaar, @williamsbob75, @semaforben, @realrickpaulas, @saracivian, @andrewsharp, @sarthakgh, @erikmal, @502eire, @nbashaw, @mattzeitlin, @taylorlorenz and Awful Announcing
Sarah Scire / @sarahscire: NYT writers are complaining about Athletic reporters “introducing themselves as Times journalists.” “One Athletic staffer, who had snapped a photo in front of the Times building in Manhattan and called it his new office, was asked to take it down.”👀https://www.washingtonpo ...
Joe Viray / @joeviraynba: Man. Didn't know the life of an Athletic NBA beat writer was that hard. I mean, given the choice, I'd still take a job from there, but still. That's tough. This is excellent reporting.
Ben Strauss / @benjstrauss: New @PostSports: I wrote about the marriage of the New York Times and the Athletic and the promise (ad sales!) and intrigue (Shams!) of the last 10 months ...
@clairevtran: if we all change our bio to “nyt journalist” there's nothing they can do to stop us
Ben Dreyfuss / @bendreyfuss: I understand sportswriters at the Times not wanting Athletic reporters identifying themselves as NYT reporters but, like, don't they actually work in that building now? Making someone delete the photo seems very weird.
Casey Johnston / @caseyjohnston: NYT lost this battle so hard with Wirecutter, and to this day I still think about it when I need a little cheering up
Nate Monroe / @natemonroetu: There's some stuff in here about NYT policies being applied to Athletic staffers, and one thing I do know from having worked at a local newspaper once owned by the NYT - some of their rules were loopy. We had to adhere to a *ridiculously* draconian anti-jeans policy.
Bill Grueskin / @bgrueskin: @BruceBartlett ... We are not thin skinned and here's a 451-tweet thread to explain why you're wrong and should apologize profusely
Les Bowen / @lesbowen: My biggest surprise here is that The Times has a sports staff of 40-50 people. To what end? Good lord u sure can't tell that by reading their sports coverage these days. Where have u gone, @georgevecsey? ...
@nycsouthpaw: “You didn't get hired by the Times, serf. You just got bought by the Times.”
Ashley Feinberg / @ashleyfeinberg: Lmao this is so embarrassing
Brian Floyd / @brianmfloyd: that last sentence ... the money is gone and not coming back
Charlotte Clymer / @cmclymer: Ugh, this is so cringey. Shame on any writer at NYT who raised a fuss over this. What a bunch of babies.
Christopher Hooks / @cd_hooks: This is learned behavior acquired from going to Columbia and sneering at Barnard Girls and with time and a little bit of stick it can be untrained from even the most stubborn patients
Casey Holdahl / @chold: Pretty much the same thing when I worked at OregonLive back when it still had separate offices from The Oregonian. They always wanted to make sure everyone knew we didn't work together (though the pay disparity made it obvious anyway).
Makena Kelly / @kellymakena: grow up!!!!!!!!
Andrew Marchand / @andrewmarchand: If I see any Athletic writers saying they work for the Times, I'm reporting you! 😀😂 ("Dazzling" story here from Ithaca College grad Ben Strauss)
Kalhan / @kalhanr: this reeks of older journalists feeling intimidated and irrelevant by younger, super talented journalists entering the industry.
Tom Watson / @tomwatson: Ha! This so reminds me of the CyberTimes launch back in 1996. #culture
Elizabeth Spiers / @espiers: I think it's weird that this is an issue. If an Athletic staffer says something that embarrasses the NYT they will be told in no uncertain terms that they represent the Times. Either they do or they don't.
Eva Holland / @evaholland: This one bit is getting dunked on but the story is detailed, interesting, and not gossipy beyond the lede. Also: Hot take, apparently, but you *shouldn't* be telling sources that you write for one outlet when you actually write for another.
Helaine Olen / @helaineolen: I think the problem here is that the NYT is enforcing its social media and conflict of interest policies on The Athletic, without offering them the compensating benefits of the NYT name.
Nick Statt / @nickstatt: Deeply petty and embarrassing for The Times. I'm struggling to imagine the profile of reporter that actually gives a shit about something like this.
@hunterwalk: @oneunderscore__ @SarahScire Only one way to solve this: Wordle Thunderdome. Each sends their own warrior.
Seth Abramson / @sethabramson: Sometimes major media writes a navel-gazing story about a game of baseball being played inside a game of baseball. But sometimes it's a game of baseball being played inside a game of baseball being played inside a game of baseball. And *sometimes* it's a game of baseball being pl
Gene Park / @genepark: I think it's fair to be concerned about the first part. Anyone you interview must have a clear idea with no ambiguity where their name would be printed. If it's not the NYT masthead you can't say you're writing for the NYT. 2nd thing is petty tho
Dan Steinberg / @dcsportsbog: The Athletic has a policy for staffers: “Always identify yourself specifically as a representative of The Athletic (and not the New York Times).” But the marriage remains extremely complicated. (via @benjstrauss) ...
Steve Kovach / @stevekovach: Why is it so hard for some people to treat their colleagues like colleagues? You're on the same team! This isn't Game of Thrones.
Chris Cillizza / @chriscillizza: Same. Digital people treated as second class citizens. So dumb.
Lisa Tozzi / @lisatozzi: A bunch of this petty cha cha reminds me of how “the web people” were treated when I first started working at NYT. We weren't even working in the same building.
Ben Collins / @oneunderscore__: The Times would be so lucky to be associated with people like Tim Cato and Lindsay Adler. Weird stuff!
Josh Kraushaar / @joshkraushaar: The NYT “doesn't have anyone traveling or attending games full-time for the Mets, Yankees, Knicks, Jets or Giants, though it does offer wall-to-wall coverage of tennis, the Olympics and the playoffs of major American sports.” ...
Bob Williams / @williamsbob75: .@itsmeglinehan's NWSL story last year delivered 3,200 subscriptions for @TheAthletic, which is incredible. ...
Ben Smith / @semaforben: At the heart of this very fun story is the reality that the Times wouldn't have bought the the Athletic if the model of a general-interest newspaper sports section was a smashing success, or something you could build on ...
Rick Paulas / @realrickpaulas: This kinda reminds me how I told people I wrote for Bloomberg because CityLab and its archive was purchased by BB and so my old pieces have that header now lmao. Anyway, any NYT writers complaining should go jump in the river!
Sara Civ / @saracivian: My six year old daughter just saw an athletic staffer taking a picture outside the New York Times and called me sobbing
Andrew Sharp / @andrewsharp: Huge respect to the Post for mocking the NYT headline style anytime they write about them. ...
Sar Haribhakti / @sarthakgh: “But the Times isn't (just) a newspaper anymore, and it's certainly not a local one. It's a games company and a recipes app, a consumer advice site and a podcast producer, all with a side of news.” Love the copium and rivalry sprinkled in reporting
Erik Malinowski / @erikmal: lol this is ridiculous ...
@502eire: this is extremely funny because I have considered canceling my Athletic subscription on several occasions *because* it's owned by NYT
Nathan Baschez / @nbashaw: The final clause in the merger agreement was actually:
Matthew Zeitlin / @mattzeitlin: you have to understand, this is simply sportswriter culture, they are obsessed with taking pictures of buildings (typically stadiums), posting them on twitter and IG, and calling it their office even though it isn't ...

An investigation finds a network of 51+ locally branded news sites across 10 midterm battleground states, tied to a progressive news outfit and a Democratic PAC — Writers for a D.C.-based media operation run by prominent Democratic operatives are behind a sprawling network …
@mandhf, @mandhf, @stevanzetti, @mandhf, Carrie's Gazebo, @mandhf, @stevanzetti, @stevanzetti, @mandhf, @stevanzetti, @anndosshelms, @stevenwaldman, @emma_hurt, @nicolefcarr, @stevanzetti, New York Post, @silvermanjacob, @ewerickson, @tomcottonar, @jdanbishop, @alanmillernlp, @stphnfwlr, @bynickewoot and Fox News
@mandhf: @stevanzetti @evan7257 Yup! Don't get me wrong, I'm a firm believer in the importance of thorough and well-supported journalism (including from Rolling Stone!) but this stuff is basically equivalent to campaign advertising. It's a different field, and I can admire it from a tactical perspective.
Steven Monacelli / @stevanzetti: @MandHF @evan7257 Well at least you're being honest about why you disagree
@mandhf: @stevanzetti @evan7257 I would argue that the trust people have in local news isn't necessarily good for democracy, or for civic engagement.
Leslie Heubeck / Carrie's Gazebo: THE 8TH DAY OF THE MONTH.
Steven Monacelli / @stevanzetti: If you want to save democracy, consider what's going on in places in Texas, and then give me enough money to hire more people to do what I do.
Steven Monacelli / @stevanzetti: @MandHF @evan7257 Have you considered part of why such “slime” sites are pernicious and destructive is that they abuse the trust that people have for local news
@mandhf: @stevanzetti @evan7257 It's a valid criticism. I don't feel that this sort of publication is the ANSWER to the failings of local news outlets, but rather that it's useful to counteract the potential impact of right-leaning media narratives on groups with relatively low levels of news engagement.
Steven Monacelli / @stevanzetti: @MandHF @evan7257 Perhaps in its current form, sure, but forgive me if I don't agree that the answer is to dress up campaign ads in the form of journalism
Ann Doss Helms / @anndosshelms: This is interesting. I haven't encountered the Meck Herald, but if you do, be warned: It's Dem operatives, not independent local news.
Steven Waldman / @stevenwaldman: A TERRIBLE trend. Liberal & conservative political operatives create shady local news sites mimicking traditional news but actually promoting one party, exploiting the vacuum from local news' collapse. Need urgent action to strengthen real local news.
Emma Hurt / @emma_hurt: A network of at least 51 locally branded “news” sites run by Dem operatives has popped up in swing states since last year. Remember the Columbus News—that misrepresented @ByNickEWoot's reporting? This is the back story. From @thomaswheatley and @lachlan. #gapol
Nicole Carr / @nicolefcarr: I've warned students and colleagues about this type of stuff as we saw a rise in the number of conservative & far-right “news” outlets. Now look at this Dem operative network. Media literacy is critical:
Steven Monacelli / @stevanzetti: For the love of God, the answer to “pink slime journalism” isn't blue slime. It's to create new funding mechanisms for truly independent journalism.
Zach Williams / New York Post: Bail reform supporters launch six-figure ad blitz to boost NY Dem senators ahead of election
Erick Erickson / @ewerickson: Someone please tell the Democrats that in addition to funding “election denier” Republicans, they're also funding fake news disinformation sites.
Tom Cotton / @tomcottonar: For all their whining about “disinformation,” it's Democrats—not Republicans—who set up 51 fake news sites, centrally run by Dem operatives. Looking forward to the media's hyperventilating about this “threat to democracy.”
Dan Bishop / @jdanbishop: Shady Democrat operatives are running dozens of literal Fake News websites. What's that now about misinformation?
Alan C. Miller / @alanmillernlp: This practice is insidious. It misleads the public and undermines trust in #journalism. “Behind the patina of independent local news, these sites are pumping out content designed to put a sheen of original reporting on partisan messaging.”
Stephen Fowler / @stphnfwlr: Huh, turns out that bogus “Columbus News” site that did a ripoff of @ByNickEWoot's abortion story that added in slanted language looks like it's part of a Democratic-aligned pink slime operation pretending to be local news... #gapol
Nick Wooten / @bynickewoot: I'm mentioned in this story after a Local Report Inc. outlet ripped off my story on local law enforcement and abortions cases in Columbus. I stopped short of blaming anyone. @thomaswheatley and @lachlan followed the trail and found connections to prominent Dem operatives.

Gimlet's and Parcast's unions say Spotify blindsided them with 38+ layoffs, each bargaining unit lost ~30% of members, and Spotify can still help laid-off staff — .@GimletUnion & our joint statement on yesterday's layoffs @ParcastNetwork @Gimletmedia @Spotify
@benbencaro, @parcastunion, @parcastunion, @parcastunion, @parcastunion, @parcastunion, @parcastunion, @parcastunion, @parcastunion, @parcastunion, @parcastunion, @parcastunion, @an_inside_joke, @cradley__booper, @parcastunion, @parcastunion, @mikeduncan, Billboard, Variety, Bloomberg, Deadline and The Hollywood Reporter
Ben Caro / @benbencaro: Nearly half of my coworkers were laid off yesterday, and I have survivor's confusion. As one friend said, it feels like they put names on a dartboard and blindfolded themselves. Reach out if you want access to a talented pool of writers, editors, and researchers.
@parcastunion: @GimletUnion ... Yesterday, Spotify blindsided both Gimlet Union and Parcast Union with at least 38 layoffs across their studios. Spotify has said in the press that these layoffs constitute less than 5% of people working on original podcasts. That number is misleading.
@parcastunion: @GimletUnion ... Yesterday, @Spotify chose to create chaos instead of treating employees with the dignity and respect they deserve.
@parcastunion: @GimletUnion ... These employees left other jobs, other cities - other countries - to work at a company that told them repeatedly that their jobs would be secure.
@parcastunion: @GimletUnion ... It didn't have to be this way. And @Spotify can still take steps to help laid-off employees. It can start by allowing them to take their contacts, sources, and unfinished work with them.
@parcastunion: @GimletUnion ... Their decision to make most of Gimlet's and Parcast's shows Spotify exclusive caused a steep drop in listeners - as high as three-quarters of the audience for some shows. Yet the company did little or nothing to staunch the bleeding.
@parcastunion: @GimletUnion ... .@Spotify gave employees as little as an hour to close out their work, even though they needed to collect sources, tell guests that episodes weren't airing, file expenses, download personal paperwork including paystubs, and finish putting out episodes.
@parcastunion: @GimletUnion ... To contribute to the confusion, some of the employees who were laid off were working on popular shows, suggesting the cuts weren't solely due to the reach and success of those programs. And yet, Spotify has failed to give any explanation for how they evaluated who would be let go
@parcastunion: @GimletUnion ... Most egregious is that in Parcast's case, these layoffs directly impacted the majority of members in the union's Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility Committee, as well as the majority of the former organizing and bargaining committees.
@parcastunion: @GimletUnion ... Yesterday Spotify told show teams that their podcasts were being canceled because of low numbers. But decisions Spotify leadership made directly contributed to those low numbers.
@parcastunion: @GimletUnion ... .@Spotify subscribers expecting to hear their favorite shows have been left in the lurch, with no explanation. The fact that Spotify chose to handle these cuts in this way shows their disregard for both their employees and their audience.
@parcastunion: @GimletUnion ... Shows languished without marketing support, and teams were not given clear audience goals to meet. The strongest indication these employees received that their shows were not meeting @Spotify goals was when they were laid off yesterday.
Angela Jorgensen / @an_inside_joke: So frustrating to see so many people repeating this 5% figure when almost a third of my colleagues lost their jobs yesterday. :(
Molly Quinlan / @cradley__booper: 3/5 of our DEIA committee were laid off, including me. After months of planning, I met earlier this week with accessibility leaders across Spotify. I was SO excited. One of the hardest blows is not knowing whether our improved transcription project will ever come to fruition
@parcastunion: @GimletUnion ... Each shop has lost seasoned producers, writers, and editors. Many of those laid off were longtime employees - people who helped build our studios from the ground up, and who saw them through a global pandemic. Some were on parental leave. Others were in the middle of relocating.
@parcastunion: @GimletUnion ... The reality is that each bargaining unit, organized with the Writers Guild of America, East (@WGAEast), has lost about 30% of its members. These aren't small cuts, they are massive restructurings.
Mike Duncan / @mikeduncan: Please read this statement thread by @ParcastUnion and @GimletUnion
Chris Eggertsen / Billboard: ‘Spotify Chose to Create Chaos’: Gimlet and Parcast Unions Decry Podcast Cancellations
Todd Spangler / Variety: Spotify Laid Off At Least 38 Podcast Employees, Unions Say
David Robb / Deadline: WGA East-Represented Gimlet & Parcast Employees Blast Parent Company Spotify In Wake Of Layoffs

Spotify names Nicole Beemsterboer as Gimlet's head of news, after Lydia Polgreen left to join The New York Times, and Liliana Kim as Parcast's managing director
Jill Goldsmith / Deadline: Spotify Names New Heads Of Gimlet, Parcast Podcast Studios Amid Cancellations
Jon Fingas / Engadget: Spotify is reportedly dropping 11 original podcasts
J. Clara Chan / The Hollywood Reporter: Spotify Finds New Managing Director for Gimlet Following Lydia Polgreen's Exit
Ariel Shapiro / The Verge: Spotify is axing 11 original podcasts
Ashley Carman / Bloomberg: Spotify Ends Production on 10 Original Podcasts, Lays Off Staff
Lauren Forristal / TechCrunch: Spotify cancels 11 original podcasts, lays off under 5% of podcast staff

Sources: ESPN is nearing a large new partnership with DraftKings, the sports-betting firm in which Disney acquired a stake when buying Fox's assets in 2019 — Walt Disney Co.'s ESPN is nearing a large new partnership with sports-betting firm DraftKings Inc., according to people familiar with the matter.
CNBC, @opreport, The Wrap, Next TV, Sportico, Digital TV Europe, Front Office Sports, Awful Announcing and New York Post
Samantha Subin / CNBC: S&P 500 futures are flat ahead of September's jobs report
Chris Grove / @opreport: 1/ It will be interesting to see how this deal gets structured. Direct revenue share probably not on the table due to licensure hurdles. Probably a large guarantee with additional incentives for generating new depositing players and deactivating dormant ones.
Sharon Knolle / The Wrap: ESPN and DraftKings Potential Online Betting Partnership Could Be Worth $3 Billion (Report)
Jon Lafayette / Next TV: ESPN's Reported DraftKings Deal Could Shuffle Gambling Market
Jonathan Easton / Digital TV Europe: Disney close to DraftKings-ESPN tie-up

A look at BookScan, a subscription service for book sales data, exclusive to publishing executives, and its open-access alternative Post45 Data Collective — Culture industries increasingly use our data to sell us their products. It's time to use their data to study them.
Paula Forbes / @paulaforbes: can you (i) imagine how reporting on book sales data could influence which cookbooks get published
Emily Leibert / @by_emilyleibert: the lack of data—or lack of access to it—is a problem that plagues the dance industry, too. we don't have an accurate count of how many young people are participating in dance & cheer on a high school or collegiate level, despite largely agreeing the sport is ubiquitous for girls
Dan Sinykin / @dan_sinykin: Publishing is opaque—often purposefully. Here's a bombshell essay by @mellymeldubs that explains why scholars can't access NPD BookScan, among other insights; & she introduces a new series on culture & data from me & @LBMcGrath — RT, spread the word widely ...
Deborah Thurman / @nevernotyet: This🔥essay also somehow contains a library mystery solved by secrets encoded into an art installation (?!) Stellar work from @mellymeldubs
S. Eek Smith / @sesmith: I think people outside of publishing do not fully understand the completely bewildering and wild set of uh ‘business practices’ that hold sway in the industry.
Anne Helen Petersen / @annehelen: People often ask how many books I've sold and as this great piece underlines: I have no idea ...
Andrew Piper / @_akpiper: Time for some public shaming of the book industry. Open up folks. “our license terms preclude sharing of any data publicly, which conflicts with academic research. That is why we do not license data for the purposes of academic research.” ...
Minerva Zimmerman / @grumpymartian: This is important. If you have anything to do with publishing you should know this sort information about the numbers that run the business and how they have been used and how they could be better and more transparent. It is absolutely boggling on so many levels
Kelsey Mckinney / @mckinneykelsey: it is truly so funny whenever I have to explain to anyone in media or hollywood that we have no idea how many copies of books sell. one of my favorite convos
Ed Burmila / @edburmila: Never ask an author how many copies their book sold. Not because it's a rude question, but because they literally have no idea and if they try to find out nobody tells them.
Simon Owens / @simonowens: “BookScan is used to determine the size of an advance, to dictate the scale of a marketing campaign or book tour, and to help sell subsidiary rights like translation rights or book club rights.” This is despite the fact the data isn't super accurate. ...
Ruth Skilbeck / @ruthskilbeck: Publishing is increasingly all about sales figures, an author's previous sales & sales of comp titles. Boys: “There's less opportunity to acquire or promote a book based on things like gut instinct, quality of the writing, uniqueness of an idea, or literary or societal merit...”
Maris Kreizman / @mariskreizman: This absolutely rules. ...

Now that 100K new music tracks get uploaded to streaming platforms each day, UMG's CEO says record companies are more important to help musicians find audiences — MBW's Stat Of The Week is a series in which we highlight a single data point that deserves the attention of the global music industry.
Jaime Brooks / @elite_gz: when radio started getting overwhelmed by the amount of new releases coming in, major labels started paying “independent radio promoters” to give their records an edge. they deliberately offered more money than indie labels could afford to freeze them out ...
@brianzisook: This data is staggering. Nobody — not music fans, not recording artists, not the services hosting all of these tracks — is benefitting from the volume of “songs” being delivered or uploaded daily. ...

Report: if Canada passes its Online News Act, Google and Meta could be forced to pay ~CA$329.2M per year to news publishers, covering ~30% of editorial costs — Google and Facebook could be forced to pay out CA$329.2m a year to Canada's news publishers after the country passes its Online News Act …
Howard Law / Catching Up on “Vile” tweets from Heritage's Anti-Racism Consultant - Google campaigns against C11 - Algorithms and Public Policy
Christina Maas / Reclaim The Net: Proposed Canadian law would force Facebook and Google to pay mainstream media outlets $329.2M per year
Bill Grueskin / @bgrueskin: That could cover around 30% of these Canadian companies' editorial costs. That seems ... a little high? Or maybe it's just a reflection of how many expenses news orgs carry beyond paying for reporters, photographers, editors, et al. via @wturvill
Benedict Evans / @benedictevans: The deliberate dishonesty of proposals like this is rather depressing.
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: An American hedge fund applauds. This is the result of shameless lobbying by a failing legacy industry cashing in its political capital for the sake of protectionism.
Jason Kint / @jason_kint: Suffice it to say, $329 million per year of additional funding to the news, their newsrooms and journalists would be a GAME CHANGER. #C18 ht @DCNorg /9
Andrew Martonik / @andrewmartonik: But why? Has this “watchdog” not realized that being beholden to these companies for your business model is a disaster waiting to happen?
Aaron Wudrick / @awudrick: They also “could fund” 30% of a lot of things. That doesn't mean they should.
William Turvill / @wturvill: It will be interesting to find out what the Truss government plans do about legislation forcing Google and Facebook to pay for news. @NadineDorries promised “Australia plus plus plus”. Similar legislation is coming in Canada and is making progress in the US.
Paul Vieira / @paulvieira: Canada budget watchdog: Google, Facebook could end up underwriting 30% of Canadian newsgathering budget with Liberal Govt bill to compel digital companies to compensate media outlets. “Sounds like a figure that is fair to both platforms and publishers”
Joey Coleman / @joeycoleman: The money will go to media company profits. Good deal for owners. As a bonus for them, the legislation will stifle locally owned and operated news sites.
@friendscb: “If Google and Facebook want to continue to make billions in ad revenues off the backs of Canadian made news content, it's time they start paying for it.” — Marla Boltman, FRIENDS Executive Director #cdnpoli
@awudrick: ""If Google and Facebook want to continue to make billions in ad revenues off the backs of Canadian made news content, it's time they start paying for it," Boltman said. Or they could just stop sharing links. Then there's no “off the backs of”. How would the papers like that?
Heidi Legg / @heidilegg: This is why Bill C-18 in Canada matters. As Google, Facebook, Apple and Microsoft fight for the ad billions, newsrooms will be able to collectively bargain against ANY platforms who publish their news and ensure journalism is paid for its product.
Rolande Kpekou Tossou / Office of the Parliamentary …: Cost Estimate for Bill C-18: Online News Act

Critics should quit dragging Maggie Haberman for holding Trump stories for her book; Haberman says she helped editors post scoops like the paper-clogged toilet — A traitor is defined as someone who “betrays another's trust or is false to an obligation or duty,” according to Merriam-Webster.
@brucebartlett, @andrewsolender, @larry_author, @speechboy71, @katierogers, @nickconfessore, Mediaite, @ianbassin, @goldietaylor, @tweetsintheme, @georgehahn, @dancow, @parkermolloy, @blackamazon, @tweetsintheme, @williams_paige, @dandrezner, @emptywheel, @champnella, @champnella, @emptywheel, @emptywheel, @jeffjarvis, @aaronhuertas, @tweetsintheme, @emptywheel, @jswatz, @jswatz, @soledadobrien, @froomkin and New York Magazine
Bruce Bartlett / @brucebartlett: @larry_author ... As a class, journalists have very thin skins. They can dish it, but they can't take it.
Andrew Solender / @andrewsolender: TL;DR: not every book scoop was known or confirmable contemporaneously, and some may never have been uncovered but for the unique reporting environment afforded by book leave.
@larry_author: @jeffjarvis The assumption that much of the criticism is “shrill” is symptomatic of the bubble Haberman's defenders reside in. Just maybe there is so much criticism because it's mostly valid. For a profession that critiques, journalists can't handle the truth. @froomkin
Michael Cohen / @speechboy71: When I see fellow journalists dump on Maggie and other journalists who are doing their job it makes me incredibly sad. They should all know better. You expect these “reply guys” to act like tools
Katie Rogers / @katierogers: “People are entitled to say what they want. I'm going to keep doing my job,” says @maggieNYT, who was breaking Trump news during her book party last night.
Nick Confessore / @nickconfessore: It won't settle any arguments on here, but this @ErikWemple column, which provides some critical facts & context, may give non-journalists a sense of why competitors & colleagues of @maggieNYT find attacks on her book spurious or mystifying (or both). ...
Tommy Christopher / Mediaite: NEW HABERMAN SCOOP: Trump Told Aides He Would Trade Documents He Took To Mar-a-Lago For FBI's Russia Files
Ian Bassin / @ianbassin: I'm hardly soft on Trump, and I can't understand the obsessive attacks on @maggieNYT. She's one of the best reporters out there whose work has crucially exposed who Trump really is. I agree w @ErikWemple: Quit dragging Maggie Haberman. ...
@goldietaylor: There are a great many serious voices including other journalists—who neither suffer spasms of hysteria nor are they partisan ideologues—who have condemned this brand of journalism.
Andrew Lebovich / @tweetsintheme: So does this coverage change at all how they will be covered in the future? Almost certainly not. And then political journalists clutch pearls over the idea that they may not, in fact, have the trust of their readers.
George Hahn / @georgehahn: Great piece on “ignorance about journalism and an extravagant view of how scooplets can galvanize America. (They can't.)” ...
@dancow: Okay I'm honestly confused at Woodward & Wemple's argument here: So it's silly to think that earlier reporting of Trump's privately confessed fears about Covid would've made a difference ...Because Trump blurts stupid horseshit out loud all the time?
Parker Molloy / @parkermolloy: Would you look at that! ... Yeah, why can't more media critics do the tough work of, uh, sneering at readers.
@blackamazon: please do not characterize the criticism as “shrill” especially when folks have been criticizing her for YEARS and not just been ignored ? But mocked and ostracized Because unless we have an answer for what they can do to be heard? That's a cruelty
Andrew Lebovich / @tweetsintheme: There is also a question that as far as I know, no journalist or media personally has dealt with publicly: these stories, not just in Haberman's book, reveal a number of things about how Republican pols function in Washington. Many of these pols are sources, or their staffs are.
Paige Williams / @williams_paige: Complaints about MH are “based on an ignorance about journalism and an extravagant view of how scooplets can galvanize America. (They can't.) They're also just plain anti-book. And books are good.” How reporting works, how books work:
Daniel W. Drezner / @dandrezner: It was very civil! I'm obviously sympathetic with @ErikWemple but @emptywheel made some good points. You can read my response to her here: ...
@emptywheel: @ErikWemple When a country is fighting fascism, it'd be nice if the press critics stopped attacking readers for wanting a press that doesn't foster fascism.
Eric Champnella / @champnella: 2 of 2 She's not a public official like John Bolton or Bill Barr who had an obligation to speak up ASAP And the info is out there now. Just in time for the midterms & all the voters backing candidates who support/endorsed by Trump. Will it matter? We already know the answer
Eric Champnella / @champnella: I'm genuinely baffled by the Twitter rage at journalist Maggie Haberman for “saving” info for her book So mocking a disabled reporter, bragging about sexual assault, kissing Putin's a**, etc., etc. didn't bring Trump down, but THIS would've? Sure 1 of 2 ...
@emptywheel: @ErikWemple I wrote about Maggie here, in a very civil debate with @dandrezner.
@emptywheel: Unlike @ErikWemple, I won't assume why other people find Maggie a toxin. I don't pine for perfect scandal to bring Trump down. I pine for perfect enough journalism that people don't get distracted by Maggie's never-ending scooplets in lieu of reporting that makes him impossible.
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: Yes, much of the criticism of Haberman is shrill. But this defense would have been stronger had it acknowledged some of the causes of it (e.g., the faults of access journalism). In the end it is journalistic wagon-circling. ...
Aaron Huertas / @aaronhuertas: This is a solid mechanical, process-based defense of books about authoritarians, but it elides a a steelman version of the criticism, which is a desire for the press to have a much more adversarial relationship to elected officials. ...
Andrew Lebovich / @tweetsintheme: The journalistic wagon circling around Haberman is fascinating. I wonder how much of it is because if Haberman isn't safe from criticism, no political journalist is.
@emptywheel: Erik Wemple, rather than scolding the press (including the WaPo) whose reporting on Igor Danchenko was as shitty as any reporting on the dossier, has decided the people who criticize Maggie are ignorant and anti-book. ...
John Schwartz / @jswatz: This excellent column from @ErikWemple also points out that Haberman shared her scoops with editors along the way as she nailed them down, and NYT stories emerged from her reporting in a timely way. No hiding the truth until publication. ...
John Schwartz / @jswatz: The jabs are “the latest spasm of hysteria from resistance types targeting the New York Times generally and Haberman in particular,” and “based on an ignorance about journalism and an extravagant view of how scooplets can galvanize America. (They can't.)” ...
Soledad O'Brien / @soledadobrien: I think access journalists can be good reporters and ALSO want to give favorable coverage to people who are essential to their upcoming book's success.

Pluribus News, founded by longtime DC journalist Reid Wilson, debuts with six newsroom employees aiming to report on policy trends at statehouses across the US — Numerous news start-ups have raced to fill a void of statehouse coverage. Pluribus News is planning to report on the policy trends making …
@jmartnyt, @politicsreid, @cfidd, @cfidd, @jfkucinich, @chrismegerian, @danvock, @brianjameswalsh, @chriscillizza, @katie_robertson, @cfidd, @austinj_reports and @politicsreid
Jonathan Martin / @jmartnyt: So jazzed for my pal @PoliticsReid - this is gonna be an essential publication >
Reid Wilson / @politicsreid: “What happens in Sacramento or Albany or Austin today happens in 25 states next year and then federally after that,” Mr. Wilson said. Subscribe to @PluribusNews today ->
@cfidd: To be clear, I have nothing against boutique newsrooms; I'm just a bit baffled by the current glut of them. More news is generally good, but they're not targeting folks most in need of quality journalism; rather, they seem aimed at the DC/NY bubble they're already a part of.
@cfidd: Anyway, the world needs another boutique newsroom like it needs another collision with a killer meteorite. The good stuff lives here: And here: And here: ...
Jackie Kucinich / @jfkucinich: Congrats to .@PoliticsReid on his new very smart new site @PluribusNews - tracking tomorrow's national policy trends through the states!
Chris Megerian / @chrismegerian: Good luck to @PoliticsReid and the @PluribusNews team!
Dan Vock / @danvock: I'm glad @PluribusNews is joining the game. We need more coverage of states, and not just in statehouses. But let's not pretend like this is a new idea. 👋 @routefifty @GOVERNING @PewStates @boltsmag
Brian Walsh / @brianjameswalsh: Good read in the NYT about the important new work @PoliticsReid & the @PluribusNews team is doing to cover state legislative activity. Congrats on the launch! And subscribe if you haven't already.
Chris Cillizza / @chriscillizza: A great idea by a great guy. Give @PoliticsReid a follow!
Katie Robertson / @katie_robertson: New: @PoliticsReid spoke with me about Pluribus News, which covers policy across the states. “What happens in Sacramento or Albany or Austin today happens in 25 states next year and then federally after that”
@cfidd: SO WEIRD that this piece isn't about the work I've been doing in this space for literally a decade

Over 100 rights holders and media groups ask the European Union to take action against piracy, especially illegal streaming sites for sports and similar events — In a coordinated call to action, more than 100 rightsholders and organizations spanning sports and other live entertainment …

A look at Courier Newsroom, eight progressive US state news sites aiming to prove the journalism network for the left is not just a political outfit — Former Democratic operative Tara McGowan is sinking millions into Meta's ad network to build Courier Newsroom, a media powerhouse for the left.
@kylewilsontharp, @nancyscola, @wiredscience, @nkulw, @ryanlcooper, @taraemcg, @couriernewsroom, @peterhimler, @apublictrust, @margaretomara, @logandobson and @nancyscola
Kyle Tharp / @kylewilsontharp: Has been incredible watching @taraemcg grow Courier from a little idea years ago into “a media powerhouse for the Left.” Good read from @nancyscola in this month's @WIRED. ⤵️⤵️⤵️
Nancy Scola / @nancyscola: In case you missed it yesterday, and good on you for having an life, but now it's time —>
@wiredscience: Former Democratic operative Tara McGowan is sinking millions into Meta's ad network to build Courier Newsroom, a media powerhouse for the left.
Noah Kulwin / @nkulw: There are few people in US Democratic Party politics who are less deserving of media blowjobs than Tara McGowan
Ryan Cooper / @ryanlcooper: “almost immediately after she failed to win the most important election she had ever worked on, McGowan managed to convince some of the wealthiest liberals in the country to shower her with money to produce ineffective trash.”
Tara McGowan / @taraemcg: Correction: I know we can ✊🏼☄️🇺🇸
@couriernewsroom: There's an information war being waged in America today and for too long the right-wing media machine has been winning. At COURIER, we're building a news network to compete — and win. Read all about it in @WIRED —>
Peter Himler / @peterhimler: Props to @taraemcg and @couriernewsroom for their efforts to disinfect how much of America gets its news. (@nancyscola/@wired) #JournalismMatters
@apublictrust: McGowan's @CourierNewsroom is still nothing but a political operation masquerading as a newsroom to target and mobilize liberal voters. As we told @WIRED, that's “just not something newsrooms do.” ⬇️
Margaret O'Mara / @margaretomara: Great deep dive by @nancyscola on 2022's million$ question: “whether it's still possible to combat the noise ceaselessly filling Americans' heads and hammering the message that apathy is a reasonable response to the state of the world.”

Analysis: mentions of crime on Fox News surged after Biden's inauguration, with twice as many mentions on average as competitors CNN and MSNBC in 2021 and 2022 — Fox News contributor Gianno Caldwell caught up with Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) outside an elevator in the Capitol.
The Hill, @jbenmenachem, @ewerickson, @simonowens, @pbump, @janicedean, @pbump, @pbump, @giannocaldwell and Fox News
Jon Ben-Menachem / @jbenmenachem: Pretty interesting. Lines up with Gallup polling on partisan split in perceptions of crime — Fox News boosting crime fearmongering during (D) presidencies could explain why GOP concerns over crime also increase during those periods
Erick Erickson / @ewerickson: Guys, don't believe your lying eyes or your neighbors and community. The rise in crime isn't real, its manufactured by Fox News. At least, that's what the Washington Post claims because if a crime isn't documented by the government, it didn't happen. ...
Simon Owens / @simonowens: This is why your boomer parents think the city you live in is a Mad Max hellscape of escaped convicts running around with severed heads propped on sticks.
Philip Bump / @pbump: National crime data is murky, but there is not a demonstrated surge that would comport with Fox News's ramped-up coverage of it. Murder is bad and tragic! Fear-mongering to solidify political power is also bad, though obviously incomparably! ...
Janice Dean / @janicedean: Ignore them. Keep going. You're making a difference, @GiannoCaldwell
Philip Bump / @pbump: Are there incidents of violent crime? Yes. Too many? Yes. Is crime up significantly since last year? It's hard to say but the available data don't suggest it. Is there clear political utility for the right to suggest that crime is spiking? 🫤 ...
Philip Bump / @pbump: We don't have good data on crime in the U.S., but that hasn't stopped Fox News from ramping up their coverage as the midterms approach. ...
Gianno Caldwell / @giannocaldwell: The @washingtonpost @pbump wrote about my segment — Dem leaders refused to answer my question on the Crime Crisis & he pretends it's not legitimate. My brother, & many others, were murdered in Chicago & the US this year. Don't tell me there's not a crisis. ...