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Elon Musk says Apple mostly stopped advertising on Twitter, asking “do they hate free speech in America?” — Apple has cut back on its Twitter advertising, according to Twitter CEO Elon Musk. In a tweet, Musk said that Apple has “mostly stopped” its Twitter ads, asking if Apple hates “free speech.”
@elonmusk, @elonmusk, TechCrunch, HuffPost, The Hill, The Wrap, MediaPost, @ggreenwald, Insider, Ad Age, Variety, The Verge, Financial Times, AppleInsider, Breitbart, Daring Fireball, @benedictevans, @steinkobbe, @ashtonpittman, @lib_crusher, @vaushv, @nickstatt, @internethippo, @divestech, @patrickw, @gorskon, @gruber, @therickwilson, @parler_app, @mariachong, @sarafischer, Axios, VICE, @pkafka, @benedictevans, @reckless, @lawfulspice, @junlper, @kevinmkruse, 9to5Mac, @carnage4life, @steve_vladeck, @walshfreedom, @lpackard and @owillis, more at Techmeme »
Elon Musk / @elonmusk: Apple has mostly stopped advertising on Twitter. Do they hate free speech in America?
Elon Musk / @elonmusk: Apple has also threatened to withhold Twitter from its App Store, but won't tell us why
Taylor Hatmaker / TechCrunch: Elon Musk's next trick? Picking a fight with Apple
David Moye / HuffPost: Twitter Users Brutally Mock Elon Musk For Trying To Shame Apple Into Advertising
Chloe Folmar / The Hill: Musk asks if Apple hates ‘free speech in America’ after Twitter advertising drop-off
Colin Kirkland / MediaPost: Apple Was One Of Twitter's Top Advertisers In 2022, Analysis Finds
Glenn Greenwald / @ggreenwald: This is exactly how Parler was destroyed for its refusal to obey the censorship orders of DC Democrats: Apple and Google removed the app from their stores, crippling Parler. Threats of doing the same to Twitter have clearly been raised. It's an insane abuse of monopoly power.
Samantha Delouya / Insider: Elon Musk is going to war with Apple, taking aim at its App Store fees and claiming it's against free speech
Todd Spangler / Variety: Apple Has Threatened to Pull Twitter From App Store, Musk Claims
Adi Robertson / The Verge: Elon Musk says Apple has ‘threatened to withhold Twitter’ from the App Store
Malcolm Owen / AppleInsider: Apple cutting ad spend on Twitter sends Musk to war
Allum Bokhari / Breitbart: Elon Musk: Apple Threatened to Boot Twitter from App Store
John Gruber / Daring Fireball: Today, in Twitter-Apple Drama
Benedict Evans / @benedictevans: Elon is like the Rip van Winkle of tech, asleep since 2000 and just woken up, and amazed by everyday things. “What's content moderation?!” “Have you heard of this thing called ‘WeChat’?!” “What's brand safety?!!” “Did you know about the App Store?!!!”
@steinkobbe: The current state of the Twitter finances is the CEO is trying to publicly shame companies into buying ads
Ashton Pittman / @ashtonpittman: Apple: *spends less advertising money on Twitter* Elon Musk: “APPLE HAS CENSORED ME!!!111”
@lib_crusher: The funniest part of that FT expose is while Elon is zooted out on research chemicals calling CEOS and screaming at them, there literally isn't anyone left at twitter to make big ad deals with
@vaushv: Hey guys just started a business, new to business here. How do I make advertisers come back? I'm yelling at them but they won't come back
Nick Statt / @nickstatt: And there it is. Elon now waging some PR war against Apple in the event it bans Twitter from the App Store, labeling it a free speech issue when it is, actually, about child exploitation consent, terrorism vids, and all the other stuff that can run rampant without moderation.
@internethippo: it's against the constitution for you to stop giving me money
Dan Ives / @divestech: The Musk vs Apple new battle is not what investors want to see. The Street wants less drama, not more as this Twitter situation remains the gift that keeps on giving for the Tesla bears with every day a new chapter.
Patrick W. Watson / @patrickw: Elon's recent rampage against Apple combined with Phil Schiller deleting his Twitter account suggests the two companies are in a serious behind-the-scenes clash. That Elon is the one now making it public suggests he is losing.
@gorskon: Nah. If this is true, Apple has probably just concluded that Twitter no longer gives them sufficient bang for their buck and/or that the risk to their brand safety is now too high given all the racists, antivaxxers, and fascists Mr. Musk has let back on the platform.🤦🏻♂️
Rick Wilson / @therickwilson: It's almost like they're exercising their free-speech rights.
Maria Chong / @mariachong: Person sharing conspiracy theories and porn memes directly asks why a reputable firm hesitates to subsidize public erratic leadership and careless safety changes—somehow believing that targeting the CEO with scapegoat disgust via unhinged fanboys will woo advertisers back.
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: As of now, Google has yet to contact Twitter about any potential violations or issues, a source told Axios. — But it's monitoring developments around content moderation changes at the company.
Sara Fischer / Axios: Musk threatens war with Apple
Jason Koebler / VICE: Elon Musk Wonders: Does the Company that Fought the FBI in Court to Prevent Giving it the Text Messages of Terrorists Hate Free Speech Because It Stopped Giving Me Money?
Peter Kafka / @pkafka: Will Tim Cook tax Elon's digital subscription business? Absolutely. Will Tim Cook kick out a service used by ~ 200mm of his customers, barring an intentional, Epic Games-style provocation? Next to no chance.
Benedict Evans / @benedictevans: If Elon goes to Washington on this, Apple will meet him there with 500 pages of death threats and racist abuse they found on Twitter and asked be removed - and probably a bunch of CSAM too. Not the best fight to pick
Nilay Patel / @reckless: I told you so
@lawfulspice: Woke Apple *has* to deplatform Twitter because free speech is an existential threat to Marxism
@junlper: pretty funny how elon just lashes out like this, he is indistinguishable from a child. at least this is entertaining
Kevin M. Kruse / @kevinmkruse: “Elon Musk taking on Apple” has a real “Joe McCarthy taking on the Army” vibe to it. They're a whole lot bigger than he is and not likely to scare easily.
Michael Potuck / 9to5Mac: Elon Musk implies Apple hates free speech after ‘mostly stopped’ advertising on Twitter
@carnage4life: Everyone who works in social media knows why because the same thing happened to Parler & Tumblr. Apple doesn't want 4chan style “free speech” apps in their App Store.
Steve Vladeck / @steve_vladeck: I realize this is a difficult concept, but there's literally *nothing* about “free speech” that *requires* a private corporation to advertise on platforms amplifying messages with which they disagree. If free speech is anything, it's the right of that corporation to *not* do so.
Joe Walsh / @walshfreedom: .@elonmusk, you continue to show your ignorance about free speech. Twitter has nothing to do with free speech. Study up man. And btw, Apple's decision is all about freedom. You're free to do what you want with Twitter, and Apple is free to no longer advertise. Freedom, rite Elon?
Laura Packard / @lpackard: Well.. that's certainly a strategy.

Elon Musk tweets a fake CNN headline image with Don Lemon saying “Elon Musk could threaten free speech on Twitter by literally allowing people to speak freely” — Elon Musk, the mega-billionaire who is the new owner of Twitter, on Monday posted a meme with a fake headline attributed …
Elon Musk / @elonmusk:
Nesrine Malik / The Guardian: Elon Musk's Twitter is fast proving that free speech at all costs is a dangerous fantasy
Ken Meyer / Mediaite: ‘Be Better’: CNN Hits Back at Elon Musk Sharing Fake Headline and Screenshot of Don Lemon
Dominick Mastrangelo / The Hill: CNN to Elon Musk after sharing fake headline: ‘Be Better’
Jake Epstein / Insider: CNN tells Elon Musk to ‘be better’ after the billionaire shared a fake headline on Twitter to criticize the network
Tom Tapp / Deadline: Elon Musk's Pepe The Frog Tweet Decried By ADL As His Overnight Tweetstorm Also Highlights Guns, Revolutionary War Imagery & Fabricated CNN Headline
Nikolas Lanum / Fox News: Twitter erupts after Elon Musk mocks CNN with satirical chyron about threats to free speech
Ben Collins / @oneunderscore__: He's just red pilled. It's not that complicated.
Ronald Brownstein / @ronbrownstein: And as w/Trump since 2015, mainstream GOP & conservative media/pundits, almost w/out exception, will defend him empowering extremists b/c they think he energizes their base-or b/c they believe “owning the libs” is worth the cost of mainstreaming far right extremism. Same playbook
Ronald Brownstein / @ronbrownstein: Simple equation: Musk repackages hate speech racism anti-semitism homophobia and far right intimidation as “free speech” & any effort to hold him accountable for injecting it into US society as the “woke mob.” On both ends, same goal: amplifying & empowering far right extremists
Kent M. Harrington / First and Second Thoughts: Twitter's Free Speech Absolutist: Just What Does Elon Musk Believe?
Bradley P. Moss / @bradmossesq: I reported the tweet for presenting a fabrication of a media chyron. I am sure @elonmusk will allow proper adjudication of that report.
Benny Johnson / @bennyjohnson: CNN got so Triggered by Elon posting a Meme that they're now posting an image Falsely accusing him of breaking Twitter's rules.

Sources: Twitter's ads team has shrunk so much after layoffs that ad agencies complain its ads systems are now buggy and that they lack a point of contact there — Top brands abandon social media platform as billionaire owner berates chief executives who have curbed spending
@elonmusk, New York Times, PRWeek, @mshannahmurphy, @ryanlcooper, TechCrunch, @elonmusk, AppleInsider, Insider, @jdan, Quartz, Wall Street Journal, @maxkriegervg, @justicar, @davecoion, @rjcc, @jessehawken, @iansherr, @jbenton, @scott_tobias, @melissajpeltier, @mattnavarra, @bgrueskin, @scottnover, @snowmanomics, @steinkobbe, @nsardi, @authorkimberley, @sewellchan, @flockofwords, The Register, @fmanjoo, @pkafka, @alexeheath, @iansherr, @revhowardarson, @mehdirhasan, @matthews_p, @harrymccracken, @golikehellmachi, @what_eats_owls, @crampell, @pointlesslettrs, @gergelyorosz, @marypcbuk and CNN, more at Techmeme »
Elon Musk / @elonmusk: What's going on here @tim_cook?
Arvind Hickman / PRWeek: Twitter advertisers exit as brand safety concerns escalate
Hannah Murphy / @mshannahmurphy: ICYMI: Musk has personally called CEOs of brands that have curbed advertising in order to berate them, according to a senior ads exec This has lead some to reduce their spend to the bare minimum required so as to avoid further confrontation with him
Ryan Cooper / @ryanlcooper: a business genius at work
Sarah Perez / TechCrunch: Twitter says crowdsourced fact-checking system updated to better address ‘low quality’ contributions
Mike Wuerthele / AppleInsider: Apple's ad agency recommends a stop to Twitter campaigns
Jyoti Mann / Insider: Elon Musk personally called CEOs of companies that stopped advertising on Twitter to complain, report says
@jdan: I run social media advertising for Apple and we slowed down our Q4 ad spend because (a) lack of engagement, mostly bot impressions (b) lack of trust in twitter ldrship
Scott Nover / Quartz: Elon Musk can't afford to pick a fight with Apple
Sarah E. Needleman / Wall Street Journal: Elon Musk Claims Apple Is Threatening to Remove Twitter From App Store
@maxkriegervg: oh to be a fly on the wall to hear this guy screaming at nbc, home depot, whoever the hell, his eyes bloodshot, his blood boiling. keep burning the wick man, hope it runs out soon
Glenn White / @justicar: So, they're paying protection money? Let's see how that affects their media strategy and performance. Protip: Do not pay protection, extortion, or payola. It never, ever pencils out.
@davecoion: Imagen what if Mad Men on TV today? Elon Musk yell at Dom Draeper
Richard Lawler / @rjcc: Sounds to me like reports of bugs in ads have dropped by over 80 percent, a win is a win
Joshua Benton / @jbenton: Musk “has sought to personally call chief executives of some brands that have curbed advertising in order to berate them...leading others to instead reduce their spend to the bare minimum required so as to avoid further confrontation with the billionaire”
Scott Tobias / @scott_tobias: You hate to see it:
Matt Navarra / @mattnavarra: Multiple top ad agencies and media buyers told the FT nearly all of the big brands they represent have paused spending on Twitter Elon Musk, meanwhile, has been calling chief execs of some brands that have curbed advertising in order to berate them
Bill Grueskin / @bgrueskin: But wait, there's even more General Motors Volkswagen Carlsberg General Mills
Scott Nover / @scottnover: At the midyear mark, 92% of Twitter revenue came from ads. Say what you will about the old guard, but the savviest business minds are not running Twitter right now.
@snowmanomics: Musk is calling up CEOs and berating them because they're not advertising on Twitter anymore. He really is like Trump.
@steinkobbe: Watching @elonmusk take over Twitter is like watching a business school case study on how to make money on the internet. Lesson one: Alienate the advertisers you rely on. Lesson two: Make it clear to potential advertisers you will publicly attack them if they ever stop buying ads
Nerissa Sardi / @nsardi: @mediagazer I've spoken to a few CMOS who confirm this. They aren't able to advertise even if they want to & no longer have an account rep to reach out to.
Kimberley Johnson / @authorkimberley: Americans put billionaires on pedestals and keep their heads in the sand until it's too late. It's a thing.
Sewell Chan / @sewellchan: So Twitter's business is in meltdown, but surely the psychic satisfaction of owning the libs is worth $44bn
Fly / @flockofwords: Ah yes, phoning up your advertisers & berating them for taking their adverts elsewhere after you've rendered your own platform toxic sure is some genius 4D chess strategy. Yep. That'll get them bringing that sweet sweet money back to you any minute now.
Farhad Manjoo / @fmanjoo: so many companies hate America
Peter Kafka / @pkafka: Worth noting that blue-chip advertisers still on the platform as of last week include Walmart and Activision.
Alex Heath / @alexeheath: Musk tells a colleague of mine that Apple is threatening Twitter's standing in the App Store. Explains his string of tweets just now critiquing Apple.
@revhowardarson: i wonder how much money elon's penchant for replying to every neo-nazi on twitter has cost him
Patrick Matthews / @matthews_p: The management secrets of Elon Musk, super genius
Harry McCracken / @harrymccracken: “Musk's best chance of bringing advertisers back to Twitter is to appoint a new CEO...Particularly, one who understands what Twitter is, has the credibility with advertisers, and users — and is then left alone to do their job.”
@golikehellmachi: the thing about this is that even if they're still committing to minimums right now, it's budget planning time for FY23
Spirit Margaret Hall-Owen / @what_eats_owls: does he understand that these are his customers, not his girlfriends
Catherine Rampell / @crampell: “Musk, meanwhile, has sought to personally call chief executives of some brands that have curbed advertising in order to berate them, according to one senior industry figure”
@pointlesslettrs: Nothing gets wavering customers back on-side faster than a bit of berating. Truly a privilege to watch a top business mind like this at work, it really is.
Gergely Orosz / @gergelyorosz: Screenshot from the first tweet from The Financial Times: Another engineer said staff shortages are so bad that large ads (over $1M) aren't reviewed, and are on hold. Twitter's main customers used to be advertisers. Odd to push them to churn right now.
Mary Branscombe / @marypcbuk: One thing about this is that in sane companies it's not the CEO making the decision about where to advertise because they have delegated decisions to people who are experts in their area

Researchers: China seems to be flooding Twitter with porn tweets mentioning places where people are protesting, overwhelming Twitter's reduced moderation team — For hours, links to adult content overwhelmed other posts from cities where dramatic rallies escalated
TechCrunch, @josephmenn, @alexstamos, Breitbart, The Verge, @anthony, Fox News, @rchoongwilkins, Vanity Fair, @congressmanraja, Gizmodo, @emilyrauhala, @w7voa, @anthony, Mediaite, @dansabbagh, @clancynewyork, @evacide, The Guardian, Insider, @jsrailton, @cwarzel, New York Post, @kimzetter, The Hollywood Reporter, @mattyglesias, @venkatananth, @brianstelter, @digiphile, @ronfilipkowski and @donmoyn, more at Techmeme »
Joseph Menn / @josephmenn: Just wrote about Chinese accounts spamming city names in a suspected attempt to keep citizens from learning about the historic protests. An outgunned Twitter staff fought back. ...
Alex Stamos / @alexstamos: Last week, I discussed the risks @elonmusk was taking running with a skeleton crew with @ReedAlbergotti, including no threat intel team: Looks like we might have the first major failure to stop gov interference in the Musk era:
Lucas Nolan / Breitbart: Chinese Bots Are Filling Twitter with Porn Spam to Hide Mass Protests in Major Cities
Emma Roth / The Verge: Chinese police are searching phones for Instagram, Twitter, and Telegram as protests mount
Anthony DeRosa / @anthony: Search any major Chinese city on Twitter, and you will see a cascade of spam tweets showing porn, escort services, and gambling content that are published every few seconds, making it impossible to get any legitimate results
Rebecca Choong Wilkins / @rchoongwilkins: Twitter is being flooded with spam posts that make it harder to discover content about the protests breaking out across China. The posts, many of which are sexually explicit, use hashtags referring to Shanghai and other Chinese cities. A slightly more SFW selection 👇🏽
Charlotte Klein / Vanity Fair: Elon Musk Slashed Twitter's Safety Team. Then a Chinese Spam Campaign Ran Rampant
Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi / @congressmanraja: Twitter lacks the capacity to counter China's propaganda and misinformation during the ongoing protests that have emerged in the country. This sets up a potentially dangerous opportunity for other autocratic regimes to take advantage of this weakness. ...
Emily Rauhala / @emilyrauhala: There's an effort to bury posts about the protests in China with escort adds: “Chinese-language accounts, some dormant for months or years, came to life early Sunday and started spamming the service with links to escort services and other adult offerings alongside city names.”
Steve Herman / @w7voa: “Search any major Chinese city on Twitter, and you will see a cascade of spam tweets showing porn, escort services, and gambling content that are published every few seconds, making it impossible to get any legitimate results.”
Anthony DeRosa / @anthony: Under Elon Musk, Twitter has slashed its anti-propaganda team, allowing a “flood of nuisance content in China” to blot out the “flow of news about stunning widespread protests.” ...
Zachary Leeman / Mediaite: Chinese Spam Accounts Flood Twitter with Porn, Burying News of Massive Protests
Dan Sabbagh / @dansabbagh: Why wasn't Elon Musk's takeover of Twitter subject to a national security review, when it is already clear that it is *far more vulnerable* to China and other autocratic state influence. Dictators will quickly cotton on: ...
Eileen Clancy / @clancynewyork: “Fifty percent porn, 50 percent protests,” said one U.S. government contractor and China expert, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence issues. “Once I got 3 to 4 scrolls into the feed” to see posts from earlier in the day, it was “all porn.”
Eva / @evacide: When you fire most of your content moderation teams, it becomes quite difficult to fight bots or for Twitter to be a truthful source of news about an important protest movement.
Sawdah Bhaimiya / Insider: Chinese bots spammed Twitter with porn, which buried news about COVID-19 protests in China, report says
John Scott-Railton / @jsrailton: Twitter's experts on #Chinese info ops are *all* gone. Now, as #chineseprotests grow, a sudden coordinated surge of porn posts seems designed to bury the story. Welcome to the new wild west for info ops 1/ By @josephmenn ...
@cwarzel: As many predicted, a stripped down Twitter team that's lost a lot of the people with institutional knowledge will face *actual* pressure on non-trivial, international speech and information suppression issues ...
Kim Zetter / @kimzetter: “Chinese-language accounts, some dormant for months or years...started spamming [Twitter] with links to escort services and other adult offerings alongside city names...anyone searching for posts from those cities...would see pages...of useless tweets instead of info about...protests”
Matthew Yglesias / @mattyglesias: China is swarming twitter with spam to try to drown out coverage of the protests happening there — a big free speech issue that I hope @elonmusk will address. ...
Venkat Ananth / @venkatananth: elon's first big test is coming from china, which, needless to say, will drown out any protest video with a deluge of its own content.
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: “Twitter's radically reduced anti-propaganda team grappled on Sunday with a flood of nuisance content in China that researchers said was aimed at reducing the flow of news about stunning widespread protests against coronavirus restrictions.” ...
Alex Howard / @digiphile: Protests by Chinese people calling for human rights & democracy will be obscured today by clouds of porn, ads, & chaff generated by troll farms & state-sponsored bots. Sunlight cannot disinfect them; @Twitter's capacity to neutralize smog appears gutted:
Ron Filipkowski / @ronfilipkowski: Throughout the day yesterday, people searching for news on protests in China were bombarded with pages linking to porn and escort sites: “All the China influence ops & analysts at Twitter have all resigned." m/ ...
Don Moynihan / @donmoyn: The authoritarian government in China is trying to hide extraordinary protests by spamming social media. Twitter is struggling to meet this big test of its commitment to free speech because “all the China influence operations and analysts...resigned.” ...

The BBC says journalist Ed Lawrence, who was covering protests in Shanghai, was detained for several hours and beaten by police, without a credible explanation — Journalist Ed Lawrence was beaten after being arrested at a protest against China's strict Covid restrictions, broadcaster says
@bbcnewspr, @ep_lawrence, Bloomberg, CNN, Reuters, BBC, The Wrap, Breitbart, The Daily Beast, @pressgazette, @fannyfacsar, Insider, The Hill, @vivekagnihotri, @tomphillipsin, @christinapushaw, Al Jazeera, Committee to Protect …, @paulomacro, Deadline, BBC, @kevin_maguire, @matpvi, @michaellcrick, Fox News, @joshchin, @mollymckew, @juwonreports, @tomtugendhat, @brianstelter, @ezralevant, @pressgazette, @meifongwriter, @eileenguo, New York Post, Variety, @mrharrycole and Agence France-Presse
Edward Lawrence / @ep_lawrence: A statement from the BBC on what happened to me in Shanghai last night while doing my job. I understand at least one local national was arrested after trying to stop the police from beating me. Thanks very much for the kind words and messages of concern.
Kitty Donaldson / Bloomberg: UK's Sunak Rejects ‘Simplistic’ Cold War Rhetoric on China
David Milliken / Reuters: BBC says Chinese police assaulted one of its journalists at Shanghai protest
Loree Seitz / The Wrap: BBC Reporter Attacked by Police Officers in China While Covering Protests Over COVID Protocol
Simon Kent / Breitbart: Police in China Arrest, Beat BBC Journalist Covering Mass Coronavirus Protests
Dan Ladden-Hall / The Daily Beast: China Claims BBC's Account of Reporter Being Beaten During Arrest Is ‘Not True’
@pressgazette: Swiss journalist Michael Peuker was also briefly detained after a live broadcast from the scene of a zero Covid protest
Fanny Facsar / @fannyfacsar: Journalists worldwide risk their lives to keep you informed. Relieved my colleague @EP_Lawrence can continue reporting from China - despite the very difficult circumstances. #China
Katherine Tangalakis-Lippert / Insider: BBC journalist was ‘beaten and kicked by police’ in Shanghai while covering zero-COVID protests
Olafimihan Oshin / The Hill: BBC says reporter arrested, beaten at Shanghai COVID protest
Vivek Ranjan Agnihotri / @vivekagnihotri: Hey @BBC, What's the point of being one of the world's oldest, largest and most powerful media house if you can't do anything for your ‘beaten & kicked’ journalist by the Chinese, except for releasing a wishy-washy, spineless statement. Had it happened in India...
Tom Phillips / @tomphillipsin: “During his arrest, he was beaten and kicked by the police.”
Christina Pushaw / @christinapushaw: Ah, now they admit that arresting people for “public health” to “stop the spread of Covid” is bad. Well of course it's bad when the CCP does it, but it was FOLLOWING SCIENCE when Western governments did it? Nobody — journalist or otherwise — should be treated like this!!
Erik Crouch / Committee to Protect Journalists: Shanghai police detain foreign journalists covering anti-lockdown protests, beat BBC correspondent Edward Lawrence
Paulo Macro / @paulomacro: Yea they'll let him off with a warning this time Sigh. Never seen this before, totally historic, no clue where this one goes 🤷♂️
Max Goldbart / Deadline: BBC Journalist “Beaten & Kicked By Police” In China As Lockdown Protests Grow; Accusations Of World Cup Censorship
Kevin Maguire / @kevin_maguire: Protests in authoritarian China are folk wanting democracy and very different to Covidiots in Britain. The arrest and beating of a BBC journalist is disturbing but I recall cops here unlawfully detained hacks covering a Just Stop Oil demo. ...
Michael Crick / @michaellcrick: This thuggish behaviour by the Chinese authorities deserves the greatest possible publicity worldwide.
Fox News: BBC says journalist assaulted by Chinese police during Shanghai protest, detained for ‘several hours’
Josh Chin / @joshchin: “They had arrested him for his own good in he case he caught Covid from the crowd.”
Juwon Park / @juwonreports: “During his arrest, he was beaten and kicked by the police. This happened while he was working as an accredited journalist.”
Tom Tugendhat / @tomtugendhat: The detention of Ed Lawrence is an echo of the repression the CCP is attempting elsewhere. China's attempts at state repression here in the UK remind us of the urgent need to defend our own freedoms.
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: BBC journalist who was arrested and beaten by Chinese police. He's back on the streets reporting today:
Ezra Levant / @ezralevant: This is terrible. It's also what happened to our reporters David Menzies, Alexa Lavoie and others, at the hands of Justin Trudeau in Canada:
@pressgazette: According to the European Broadcasting Union @EBU_HQ numerous other journalists were threatened while covering the protests in China and even prevented from going on-air or filming
@meifongwriter: Chinese authorities arrested @bbc reporter because, they said, they didn't want him catching Covid from the crowd.. ‘We do not consider this a credible explanation.’ #BritishUnderstatement
Eileen Guo / @eileenguo: BBC reporter in China “arrested...for his own good in case he caught covid from the crowd.”
South China Morning Post:
As protests against COVID-19 restrictions spread, China's state broadcaster CCTV Sports censors images of maskless crowds at the 2022 Qatar World Cup
As protests against COVID-19 restrictions spread, China's state broadcaster CCTV Sports censors images of maskless crowds at the 2022 Qatar World Cup
The Guardian, The Week, Bloomberg, New York Post, ChinaTalk, Fortune, Munching Rhinoceros Sausage and The Hollywood Reporter
Oliver Holmes / The Guardian: China censors maskless crowd footage in World Cup broadcasts
Peter Weber / The Week: How the World Cup is fueling China's big protests against Beijing's ‘zero COVID’ lockdowns
Jordan Schneider / ChinaTalk: China's Protests: Harbinger or Passing Storm?

The Guardian, NYT, Le Monde, Der Spiegel, and El País, which were the first to publish WikiLeaks material, urge the US to end its prosecution of Julian Assange — First outlets to publish WikiLeaks material, including the Guardian, come together to oppose prosecution
New York Times, The New York Times Company, @charlie_savage, Reuters, Mediaite, The Wrap, The Truth Barrier, Newser, @drjillstein, @justinamash, Al Jazeera, @tomwatson, @wikileaks, @charlie_savage, @_cingraham, The Hill, @kenvogel, @fool_nelson, @ggreenwald, @jameeljaffer, @checkmatestate, @wikileaks, @sulliview, @andreasharsono, @snowden, @kenvogel, @maxkennerly, @georgemonbiot and @jamesrbuk
Charlie Savage / @charlie_savage: Leaders of NYT & 4 European news outlets have called on the US govt to drop charges against Julian Assange for soliciting/publishing classified information. (Case is about the 2010 @xymanning-leaked DOD/State files, not the 2016 Russia-hacked Dem emails).
Kanishka Singh / Reuters: Leading media outlets urge U.S. to end prosecution of Julian Assange
Zachary Leeman / Mediaite: NY Times, Euro Outlets Call for U.S. to Drop Julian Assange Charges in Scathing Letter: ‘Publishing Is Not a Crime’
Loree Seitz / The Wrap: NY Times, Other News Organizations Urge US to Drop Charges Against Julian Assange
Celia Farber / The Truth Barrier: Waltz Of The Sugarplum Gatekeepers: The New York Times, The Guardian, Le Monde, El Pais, Der Spiegel Call For JULIAN ASSANGE to be Released
Mike L. Ford / Newser: News Outlets Ask US to Drop Assange Charges
Dr. Jill Stein / @drjillstein: You're not kidding it's a dangerous precedent. If Assange is indicted, the NYT, Guardian etc. would be next in line for publishing the same secrets. They should fight for his freedom as if it's their own.
Justin Amash / @justinamash: What the U.S. government is doing to Julian Assange puts all journalists at risk and undermines press freedom. He faces prosecution for journalism—for publishing materials exposing war crimes and other horrors in Afghanistan and Iraq. Uphold the First Amendment. Free/pardon him.
Tom Watson / @tomwatson: So basically, Arthur Sulzberger will go to the mat for Assange - but not for American democracy against Trump. Tells you what you need to know, folks.
@wikileaks: New: Editors and publishers of The New York Times, The Guardian, Le Monde, Der Spiegel, El País: “Twelve years after the publication of #Cablegate, it is time for the US government to end its prosecution of Julian Assange for publishing secrets” ...
Charlie Savage / @charlie_savage: Here is the joint open letter: NYT company spokesperson says the institutional decision to participate was made by the publisher (@AGSNYT) in consultation with the legal department (@davidmccraw). The newsroom (@nycscribe) was not involved.
Christopher Ingraham / @_cingraham: A little weird that this story says there was no NYT newsroom involvement, but the letter itself is signed by the “editors and publishers” of the NYT and four other outlets
Dominick Mastrangelo / The Hill: New York Times, European news outlets call on US to drop charges against Assange
Kenneth P. Vogel / @kenvogel: In an open letter, @nytimes, @Guardian, @LeMondefr, @derspiegel & @el_pais call on the U.S. to drop its prosecution of JULIAN ASSANGE under the Espionage Act. It “sets a dangerous precedent” that threatens to undermine the First Amendment & press freedom.
Fool Nelson / @fool_nelson: Too little, too late
Glenn Greenwald / @ggreenwald: The now 3+ year imprisonment with no trial of Julian Assange - easily one of the most consequential Western journalists of his generation - makes US/UK lectures about press freedom a total farce. Good to see the media outlets who profited from his scoops finally defending him:
Jameel Jaffer / @jameeljaffer: Glad to see this. These news outlets are absolutely right that the Espionage Act charges are a frontal assault on press freedom. The debate about whether Assange himself is properly described as a journalist is ultimately just a distraction.
Curt / @checkmatestate: I know the idea of giving praise to the New York Times feels odd, but they deserve it sometimes. This takes courage. Please give them some positive feedback so they'll don't more stuff like this!
@wikileaks: PEN America: “The Biden Administration must return to its stated principles and drop these charges (against #Assange), in the interest of press freedom and the United States' global standing with respect to human rights” @PENamerica
Margaret Sullivan / @sulliview: It's good to see @nytimes taking this stand
Andreas Harsono / @andreasharsono: The New York Times and four European news organizations called on the U.S. government on Monday to drop its charges against Julian Assange, the @wikileaks founder, for obtaining and publishing classified diplomatic and military secrets
Edward Snowden / @snowden: Julian Assange is a prisoner of conscience. Free the man, and free the press. ...
Kenneth P. Vogel / @kenvogel: From the letter calling on the US to drop charges against ASSANGE stemming from the publication of the 2010 @DeptofDefense @StateDept files leaked by @xymanning: “Holding governments accountable is part of the core mission of a free press in a democracy.”
Max Kennerly / @maxkennerly: They're right. Interpreting the Espionage Act this broadly has effects far beyond Assange. Consider Count 1. The same could be alleged against any journalist who gets their hands on secret documents. The crime is the leak by the gov't source, not the publication to the world.

The Washington Post grows its climate and environment team from six in 2018 to 30+ in 2022, aiming to attract younger readers who are passionate about the topic — The Washington Post has grown its climate and environment team from six in 2018 to now more than 30 people.
Dominick Mastrangelo / The Hill: Washington Post hires writer to launch climate advice column
Michael J. Coren / Washington Post: Why The Washington Post is starting a climate advice column

Time President Keith Grossman, a staunch advocate of crypto and NFTs at Time, is leaving to be the president of enterprise at crypto trading service MoonPay — - Time president Keith Grossman is leaving the legacy publisher to take on a new role as the president of enterprise at crypto trading platform MoonPay, effective December 31.
@rileycnbc, @arrington, CoinDesk, @punk6529, @keithgrossman, Digital Content Next, @keithgrossman and @anthony
@rileycnbc: Scoop: TIME President @KeithGrossman is stepping away to pursue a new role — president of enterprise @MoonPay. He's spent the past year “operationalizing” @TIMEPieces, which will now be led by TIME's chief brand officer Maya Draisin.
@arrington: Keith has been a champion of crypto at Time. Happy to see him move 100% into the industry. Bullish.
@keithgrossman: After 3.5+ yrs at @TIME, I wanted to inform you that I have accepted the role of President, Enterprise at @MoonPay. I would like to thank @benioff, Lynne Benioff & the great team @TIME for the opportunity to be a steward of this phenomenal brand's storied evolution.🙏❤️ (1/17)
Jacob Salamon / Digital Content Next: The top three NFT trends for publishers in 2023

Yahoo takes a ~25% stake in Taboola and plans to use Taboola's ad tech as part of a 30-year exclusive deal expected to generate $1B+ in annual revenue — Yahoo's chief executive sees the deal as a long-term bet on digital advertising. The companies estimate that their ad partnership will generate $1 billion annually.
VideoWeek, Press Gazette, Axios, GlobeNewswire News Room, @rsingel, MarTech, MediaPost, TechCrunch, Taboola Blog, @jlanzone, @riskreversal, @alex, @astaniscia86 and Bloomberg, more at Techmeme »
Tim Cross / VideoWeek: Yahoo Buys 25 Percent Stake in Taboola
Charlotte Tobitt / Press Gazette: Yahoo takes 25% stake in Taboola in 30-year partnership deal
GlobeNewswire News Room: Yahoo and Taboola Enter 30-Year Commercial Agreement, Developing a Leading Offering for Advertisers, Publishers and Merchants on the Open Web …
Ryan Singel / @rsingel: Not sure how you write up the Yahoo/Taboola deal without mentioning how Yahoo has — to put it nicely — juiced its search ad business by buying traffic from Taboola in some pretty weird ways
Constantine von Hoffman / MarTech: Yahoo and Taboola sign “30-year” exclusive ad agreement
Laurie Sullivan / MediaPost: Yahoo Becomes Taboola's Largest Shareholder, Enters Exclusive 30-Year Commercial Agreement
Adam Singolda / Taboola Blog: Yahoo and Taboola Partner for the Next 30 years. Partnership to Generate ~$1B Annual Revenue to Taboola and Reach Nearly 900M Monthly Yahoo Users
Jim Lanzone / @jlanzone: Not often you get to announce a partnership this strategic and long-term. Amazing work by both teams on this one. Already calendaring board meetings for 2052.
Dan Nathan / @riskreversal: Well done and congrats to my good friend @AdamSingolda and his team @taboola via @NYTimes
@alex: news from the mothership: - we invested in taboola? - @jlanzone says that we might spin off some yahoo sites as pub cos

A survey of 136 news leaders from 39 countries: 61% say their organization has largely embraced hybrid and flexible work, 20% want a pre-pandemic working model — The COVID-19 pandemic showed us that some of the assumptions we had about work were wrong. Across many industries, work had a dedicated place: the office.
Mitali Mukherjee / @mitalilive: So many great takeaways in this report by @fedecherubini - glad to see movement towards more flexible work structures and consciously working on gender and diversity. It may not be an ideal outcome but it is heartening to see we're moving ahead. #journalism #newsroomchanges
Ben Welsh / @palewire: The first broad survey I've seen of how newsrooms are adapting to the work-from-home movement.
Rasmus Kleis Nielsen / @rasmus_kleis: “Beyond implementing specific initiatives, often focused on broadening the talent pipeline, the road to transforming newsrooms into a diverse and inclusive place is still long” @fedecherubini writes in her latest “Changing Newsrooms” @risj_oxford report - key findings ⬇️
@risj_oxford: 3️⃣ But do people want to go back to their newsroom? Asked whether they felt their organisations were struggling to get people back to the office, 39% of the managers surveyed agreed (or strongly agreed) that their organisations were struggling to persuade people to return
@risj_oxford: 2️⃣ How are newsrooms embracing hybrid work? 49% of our respondents work at organisations where staff are required to be in the office for a minimum number of days. 29% said they follow a more voluntary approach. Only 5% require most people to work from home most of the time
@risj_oxford: The report is based on a survey of a strategic sample of 136 senior media managers from 39 countries. Here are the key findings: 1️⃣ 61% of the leaders surveyed said that their organisations have implemented hybrid work. An additional 17% are still working out how to do it well
Federica Cherubini / @fedecherubini: This new @risj_oxford report is based on a survey of a strategic sample of 136 senior media managers from 39 countries, plus 7 in-depth interviews. Here are the key findings
@risj_oxford: Our survey is complemented with in-depth interviews with managers from: 🇸🇪 @sverigesradio 🇿🇦 @News24 🇮🇳 @scroll_in 🇨🇭 @ringier_ag 🇨🇦 @globeandmail 🇦🇷 @LANACION 🇬🇧 @DC_Thomson Here's a quote from our own @fedecherubini, author of this year's report .uk/ ...
Federica Cherubini / @fedecherubini: Are newsrooms really embracing hybrid work? For Changing Newsrooms 2022 I looked at whether newsrooms have really transformed as a result of the shift initiated during the pandemic, how they are thinking about talent & what they are doing about diversity. .uk/ ...
Jane Singer / @janebsinger: As growing numbers of newsrooms embrace hybrid working, managers are finding that clear expectations and careful planning are vital, @risj_oxford study. Bringing people back together requires articulating the purpose of an office and a communal work space. .uk/ ...
Charlie Beckett / @charliebeckett: Good report on how newsrooms have changed their working arrangements post-pandemic and whether they've made progress on diversity. Lots of generally positive trends, although it's a survey of newsroom leaders. I'd like to hear from the news workers, too. Is it working for staff?
@risj_oxford: Are newsrooms really embracing hybrid work? This is the question at the heart of ‘Changing Newsrooms’, our annual report by @fedecherubini on the many challenges facing news leaders worldwide 📱 Read full report here .uk/ ... 🧵 Highlights in the thread below

CNN names Phil Mattingly as its Chief White House Correspondent and MJ Lee as Senior White House Correspondent — CNN has announced new assignments for its White House team, effective immediately. — Phil Mattingly has been promoted to Chief White House Correspondent.
Adweek, @phil_mattingly, @mj_lee, The Wrap, @kristin__wilson, @katebennett_dc, @betsy_klein, @danabashcnn, @cnnpr, Mediaite, The Hill and Deadline
Phil Mattingly / @phil_mattingly: Long line of big shoes to fill - and an absolute privilege to attack that challenge head on alongside the best White House team in the game. Back to work.
MJ Lee / @mj_lee: So incredibly grateful and excited for my next chapter at CNN. It's a dream to work with the most amazing team in the business. And huge congrats to @Phil_Mattingly, a great colleague and friend, and so excited that @priscialva is officially joining us! ...
Benjamin Lindsay / The Wrap: CNN Promotes Phil Mattingly to Chief White House Correspondent
Kristin Wilson / @kristin__wilson: I knew you when... Very well-earned and well-deserved, pal. Proud of you.
Kate Bennett / @katebennett_dc: Big moves for some incredible and deserving colleagues!
Betsy Klein / @betsy_klein: Very proud to work with @Phil_Mattingly and @mj_lee, who are great and smart colleagues but also just really wonderful humans. And big welcome to the talented @priscialva! Great things ahead for this team. ...
Dana Bash / @danabashcnn: Congrats to my friends and kick ass reporters @Phil_Mattingly @mj_lee @priscialva
@cnnpr: Congratulations to @philmattingly who has been promoted to Chief White House Correspondent, @mj_lee who has been promoted to Senior White House Correspondent, and @priscialva who is moving to the White House team. ...
Jackson Richman / Mediaite: JUST IN: CNN Has a New Chief White House Correspondent After Morning Show Shakeup
Dominick Mastrangelo / The Hill: CNN announces changes to White House team

In the first town hall after returning to Disney, Bob Iger says he won't stop a hiring freeze, will assess cost structure, and aims to make streaming profitable — Disney Chief Executive Officer Bob Iger said he won't remove the company's hiring freeze and that he will reassess …
Variety, Ad Age, Insider, Wall Street Journal, The Wrap, CNN, Deadline, New York Post, The Hollywood Reporter, 9to5Mac, @sherman4949, @sherman4949, @scottgustin, Poynter, @sherman4949, @brianstelter and @sherman4949
Matt Donnelly / Variety: Bob Iger Talks Disney Hiring Freeze, Streaming Spending and 'Don't Say Gay' in First Town Hall Back as CEO
Grace Kay / Insider: New Disney CEO reportedly joked to employees that his wife wanted him to return to keep him from running for US president
Lucas Manfredi / The Wrap: Bob Iger Sets Creativity as ‘Number One Priority’ for Disney
Frank Pallotta / CNN: Bob Iger holds town hall with Disney employees for the first time since returning as CEO
Deadline: Bob Iger Tells Disney Town Hall Hiring Freeze Still In Effect, No New Acquisitions Planned & Not Merging With Apple
Alexandra Steigrad / New York Post: Disney CEO Bob Iger says hiring freeze to remain, addresses Apple rumors
Alex Weprin / The Hollywood Reporter: Bob Iger Dismisses Megadeal Talk, Says Apple Sale Is “Pure Speculation” and Will Keep Disney Hiring Freeze
Zac Hall / 9to5Mac: Disney CEO Bob Iger nopes Apple merger rumors that you probably didn't even hear
Alex Sherman / @sherman4949: Pretty striking difference between Disney and Twitter employee reactions to new CEOs. Disney employees lining up to thank Iger for returning. Twitter employees frantically hammering out lines of code in desperate attempts to keep jobs.
Alex Sherman / @sherman4949: All the details from Bob Iger's first town hall back at Disney here:
Scott Gustin / @scottgustin: Here's some more details from the meeting via @sherman4949, including some updates about the status of DMED restructuring
Tom Jones / Poynter: What's next as Bob Iger returns to Disney?
Alex Sherman / @sherman4949: The Disney town hall just wrapped up, and we've got more details. *Iger says no M&A for the near future - happy with the collection of assets he has. *No timing on DMED reorg *Iger joked his wife told him to run Disney again so he wouldnt run for prez