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Longtime sportswriter Grant Wahl dies at 48, after collapsing while covering the Argentina-Netherlands quarterfinal at the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Doha, Qatar — Longtime soccer sportswriter Grant Wahl died on Friday while covering the Argentina-Netherlands quarterfinal at the 2022 World Cup in Doha, Qatar.
@ussoccer, @rdlewis, @celinegounder, Fútbol with Grant Wahl, New York Times, The Athletic, @jacksettleman, @jadelreda, @beckysauerbrunn, Wall Street Journal, @statedeptspox, @grantwahl, @bubbaprog, Associated Press, @emilybell, @jrezaian, CBS News, CNN, @mattggonza, @chrishsport, @wbur, @nickdevlin, @britnidwrites, @kaus_pandey17, @s_m_i, @emswami, @farenet, @kashifmd, @colbyhall, @brianmannadk, @dmihalopoulos, @sethwemerson, @espnsutcliffe, @moreaugabarain, @paranoiacs, @gerberkawasaki, Newsday, @_shireenahmed_, @greggdoyelstar, @jessemarsch, @andrewdasnyt, Flashlight & A Biscuit, New York Post, Vanity Fair, @rorysmith, @tyler_adams14, The Week, @megreenwell, @ankaman616, @jacobsben, @iandarke, @ghazalairshad, @honigstein, @floydtweet, @guillembalague, @bysamdigiovanni, @willoremus, @davidwearing, @sydneyleroux, @stadio, @ccupo, @okwonga, @jameshorncastle, @markogden_, @fotmob, @alex_brotherton, @tariqpanja, @nikkimcr, @graceonfootball, @okwonga, @adamcrafton_, @mattdoyle76, New York Post, @fulhamfc, The Atlantic, Fox News, @thesoccerdon, @johncrossmirror, It's Called Soccer, @edsbs, @laurelwamsley, @dickiev, @alexwgoldenberg, @yashar, @jamespindell, @henrywinter, @thegoalkeeper, @samstein, @abbywambach, @soccerinsider, Awful Announcing, Axios, @brianphillips, @mcten, @dvnjr, @edsbs, @edsbs, @sinow, @darcangel21, @bytimlayden, @mls, @carigervin, @franklinleonard, @eacrunden, @julietmacur, @aymanm, Los Angeles Times, @lookner, Awful Announcing, @brianstelter, @rachel__nichols, The Sunday Times, @oliverdarcy, @weareangelcity, @w7voa, @bachscore, @eamonjavers, @fbajak, @michelledbeadle, @jowens510, @garyparrishcbs, @johnkrysinsky, @insipidghost, @johnpboyle, @arielhelwani, @miahamm, @darrenrovell, @kvanvalkenburg, @thesoccerdon, @sportswithjohn, Newser, @maggiehendricks, @ourand_sbj, @bubbaprog, Sports Illustrated, @williamfleitch, BroBible, Al Jazeera, ESPN, The Boston Globe, Mediaite, Washington Post, Defector, Politico, The Wrap, Variety, NewsNation, Staten Island Advance, Deadline, The Hollywood Reporter, ABC13, Rolling Stone, Mediaite,, mlssoccer, Yahoo Sports, Insider and Reuters
Russell Lewis / @rdlewis: NPR can confirm the death of longtime soccer sportswriter Grant Wahl (@GrantWahl). He died today in Doha, Qatar while covering the Argentina-Netherlands World Cup quarterfinal. Story to come.
@celinegounder: I am so thankful for the support of my husband @GrantWahl's soccer family & of so many friends who've reached out tonight. I'm in complete shock.
Grant Wahl / Fútbol with Grant Wahl: World Cup Daily, Day 25
Alexander Abnos / The Athletic: Grant Wahl was my idol and my friend. A selfless, wonderful man
Jack Settleman / @jacksettleman: Absolutely bone chilling stuff Soccer journalist Grant Wahl who was kicked out of a stadium in QATAR for this shirt has reportedly collapsed and passed away during the Argentina game today His brother says on Instagram that Grant was fully healthy & believes there's foul play
Jad El Reda / @jadelreda: This is where #GrantWahl was supposed to be. Doing what he loved the most. My heart goes to his family, friends & soccer lovers around the world. These past hours haven't been easy. I shared the same area with Grant & wish that what I witnessed yesterday was just a nightmare.
Becky Sauerbrunn / @beckysauerbrunn: The soccer community lost a real one today. And for women's soccer, one of the originals who helped drive our game forward. Grant Wahl never shied away from asking the tough questions, the right questions, the ones that got to the heart of the matter. He will be greatly missed.
Wall Street Journal: Prominent Soccer Journalist Grant Wahl, 48, Dies While Covering World Cup in Qatar
Ned Price / @statedeptspox: We were deeply saddened to learn of the death of Grant Wahl and send our condolences to his family, with whom we have been in close communication. We are engaged with senior Qatari officials to see to it that his family's wishes are fulfilled as expeditiously as possible.
@grantwahl: NEW: World Cup Daily, Day 25. They just don't care. Qatari World Cup organizers don't even hide their apathy over migrant worker deaths, including the most recent one. ...
Timothy Burke / @bubbaprog: Grant Wahl was incredibly kind to me long before anyone knew who I was. His dedication to equity & fairness in the sport he loved was matched only by his adoration & support for the often thankless mission of his wife @celinegounder. I am absolutely shaken to learn of his death.
Emily Bell / @emilybell: So shocking reading about Grant Wahl's death. A story of a dedicated professional writer who changed the field - and an insight into the extreme demands placed on journalists, even those at the top of their profession
Jason Rezaian / @jrezaian: I've met a lot of journalists over the years. Grant Wahl was among the nicest and most gracious of them all. He also told stories others wouldn't like this one published yesterday. I admired him and was very fond of him. The US government must investigate the cause of his death.
@mattggonza: Has been hard to process this news. Grant Wahl for so long was a guiding light for soccer in the US. So many tried to dumb down ‘soccer’, distort it so that it would be palpable for American audiences. He never did. He loved it for the global game it is.
@chrishsport: Second this. Not only incredibly kind but he just always made time for everyone. Even a nobody like me
@wbur: Grant Wahl was influential in the soccer world. He was able to break down the most intricate of plays and relate to hardcore and casual fans alike.
Nick Devlin / @nickdevlin: I care about soccer because of Grant. He was the first person I read after every national team game. His advocacy for the women's game is what made me want to travel to France for the Women's World Cup. And now, an avalanche of stories like this. Just an unfathomable loss.
Britni Danielle / @britnidwrites: Yesterday, Grant Wahl filed a story about the death of migrant workers in Qatar and the government's seeming lack of care. Now, he's dead. He reportedly collapsed at a soccer match in Qatar (where he was detained 2 weeks ago for wearing a 🌈 shirt) ...
Kaustubh Pandey / @kaus_pandey17: I could never interact with Grant Wahl but the number of tributes for the person he was says so much about him. For me, his style of writing and coverage of the sport is an absolute inspiration. Very few could do it like he did. Icon.
Stacy-Marie Ishmael / @s_m_i: This is the story Grant Wahl published before he died. Wahl shunned the path of PR for the powerful.
@emswami: Shocking + heartbreaking news. Your friends are with you Grant's advocacy for LGBTQ+ community + for Women's soccer should inspire us to seek change. He will be missed
@farenet: RIP Grant Wahl. A pioneer of 🇺🇸 football journalism. Our condolences and respect to his family. Many in the Fare network counted him as a friend.
Kashif N Chaudhry / @kashifmd: Tragic beyond words. RIP @GrantWahl. Sincere condolences to you & other members of the family @celinegounder. His legacy promoting soccer and human rights will live on. ✊🏼 #GrantWahl
Colby Hall / @colbyhall: Fox Sports has done a lovely job honoring Grant.
Brian Mann / @brianmannadk: Remarkably sad. A powerful reminder to do what you love doing, be with good people and be kind. Best to Grant Grahl's family.💔
Dan Mihalopoulos / @dmihalopoulos: Horrible news from Doha. Grant was the gold standard of soccer writers. May his memory be eternal
Seth Emerson / @sethwemerson: I didn't know Grant Wahl and am not a huge soccer fan but he was my go-to American soccer news and analysis, as he was for many. Wahl showed you can be a passionate advocate for the sport you cover while retaining objectivity and credibility. A huge loss for our business.
John Sutcliffe / @espnsutcliffe: 🪦 one of the best reporters and a better person
@moreaugabarain: Working too hard, no sleep, no rest, sick away from home in hostile and unfamiliar environment. 2 weeks ill and still covering the Qatari soccer cup. Sorry for his death. Journalist @grantwahl
@paranoiacs: I didn't know Grant Wahl, but I have been lucky enough to read him for many, many years and this is beyond tragic.
Ross Gerber / @gerberkawasaki: The last article before #GrantWahl drops dead in Qatar during #WorldCup2022
Shireen Ahmed / @_shireenahmed_: There are so many stories about Grant's kindness and professional generosity. In December 2019 there was a Soccer Conference at Princeton University. A few of us were invited to go and speak. Grant joined us at the table and we sat around an iPad to watch the Manchester derby.
Gregg Doyel / @greggdoyelstar: Do yourself a favor, if you don't know much about U.S. soccer journalist Grant Wahl, and search his name here. See the response to his death yesterday at the World Cup in Qatar, at 48. It is overwhelming. His death is overwhelming. His life was overwhelming. A thread on that: 1/
Jesse Marsch / @jessemarsch: Rest in Peace, Grant.
Andrew Das / @andrewdasnyt: Choosing to focus on Grant's life's work rather than his sudden death. The former says so much more about what he shared with all of us.
Jay Busbee / Flashlight & A Biscuit: The joy of the perfect college bar
Mark W. Sanchez / New York Post: Grant Wahl receives tributes at England-France World Cup game
Emily Kirkpatrick / Vanity Fair: American Journalist Grant Wahl Dies While Reporting On World Cup Match In Qatar
Rory Smith / @rorysmith: It's hard to underestimate just how significant Grant was in football's growth in the US. That will be his lasting legacy, but the thing that I most associated with him was his pure, genuine, deep-seated enthusiasm for it. He'll be missed.
Tyler Adams / @tyler_adams14: On behalf of myself and the @USMNT, we offer our deepest sympathy to @celinegounder & all those who mourn the loss of Grant Wahl. As players we have a tremendous amount of respect for the work of journalists, & Grant's was a giant voice in soccer that has tragically fallen silent
Justin Klawans / The Week: Sports journalist Grant Wahl dies during World Cup match
Megan Greenwell / @megreenwell: Grant Wahl wasn't kind only to colleagues. Years ago, I watched a teen ask him a mildly impertinent question about his responsibility to grow women's soccer, and his answer was unforgettably gracious and thoughtful. And then he told the kid to email him so they could talk more.
Carl Anka / @ankaman616: RIP to Grant Wahl. An enterprising, creative and caring man. He will be missed.
Ben Jacobs / @jacobsben: Heartbroken and shocked to hear about Grant Wahl. An outstanding writer and broadcaster with an immense passion for football and humanity. A giant of journalism with a wonderful sense of humour. All my love to his wife Celine, brother Eric, family and friends. RIP Grant.💔
Ian Darke / @iandarke: Have just woken in Doha to hear the shocking news that Grant Wahl has passed. The game in America was lucky to be served by such a brilliant journalist and , in my time covering the US men's and women's teams , a kind and helpful companion. I can't quite believe this. RIP Grant.
Ghazala Irshad / @ghazalairshad: It's horrifying to log on here to see my friend's name trending bc he died. I just wished him happy birthday 2 days ago! I'm so heartbroken. Grant Wahl was the *world's* best soccer journalist bc he saw it for more than a game—he saw the politics of it, & its impact on people.
Raphael Honigstein💙 / @honigstein: Grant Wahl was an incredible journalist and an even more incredible guy. We will miss him dearly.
Flo Lloyd-Hughes / @floydtweet: One of my favourite pieces of work from Grant Wahl was this special podcast series American Prodigy on Freddie Adu. The audio storytelling has been an inspiration to me for future projects and ideas. An amazing journalist and person
Guillem Balague / @guillembalague: Godspeed my friend @GrantWahl If I get asked what journalism is, I'll say your name Your loyalty, sense of humour, affection, your dress code! will never be forgotten You have been taken from us far too early. There was still so much to write, live and discuss 😥
Sam DiGiovanni / @bysamdigiovanni: LeBron James was asked postgame about the death of Grant Wahl. His response:
Will Oremus / @willoremus: This is chilling. We don't know yet why US sportswriter Grant Wahl, 48, died suddenly in his seat while covering the Argentina match today. But he had just written this story blasting Qatari officials' apathy toward the many migrant workers who died to make this World Cup happen.
David Wearing / @davidwearing: There have been many cynical or just misguided attempts to delegitimise scrutiny and criticism of the Qatari regime in recent weeks. But Grant Wahl never wavered. One way to honour his memory (and that of the many who died to make this World Cup happen) is to continue his work.
Sydney Leroux / @sydneyleroux: Heartbroken by the news of Grant Wahl. He cared so deeply about women's soccer and our soccer community. I'm in shock.
@stadio: We would like to send love and warmth to Grant Wahl's family and close friends; the same love and warmth that he showed to the football community that he did so much to build. He leaves a beautiful legacy of fearlessness in his work and passion for our game. May he rest in peace.
Christine Cupo / @ccupo: I hope Grant knew what an impact he's had on so many of us, on journalism, on the US Soccer landscape and beyond. I am eternally grateful to him for that. Hug your people. Take the pictures. Save the important dates. Always show up for each other.
Musa Okwonga / @okwonga: One devastating thing about the loss of Grant Wahl is that there's a very, very small number of people at any time who have the guts to keep highlighting the most grim parts of the world they love. What a heartbreaking day for sports journalism, and for football in particular.
James Horncastle / @jameshorncastle: Grant was so kind, so dedicated. The respect, admiration and love he inspired is immense. My thoughts and prayers are with his friends and family.
Mark Ogden / @markogden_: So sad and shocking. Thoughts with his family, friends and colleagues, many of whom are here in Qatar. And thoughts to the young paramedic who was so quick to get to Grant and tried everything she could to help him last night.
@fotmob: Like so many, we are saddened to learn of the untimely passing of Grant Wahl, one of the great voices in US soccer. We are thankful for all the times he has supported FotMob on this platform and others. He will be missed.
Alex Brotherton / @alex_brotherton: Desperately sad news. A pioneer of soccer journalism in the US, an inspiration to so many and by all accounts a genuinely lovely human being. Rest in peace Grant Wahl.
Tariq Panja / @tariqpanja: Condolences to Grant's family, friends and colleagues. He had been working his socks off just like he does at every World Cup. Such a shocking thing. What a loss.
Nikki Mccann Ramírez / @nikkimcr: Sports illustrated fired him for challenging their pay cuts during the pandemic. He ran to unseat FIFA's president. He challenged human rights abuses in Qatar. RIP Grant Wahl, who's career was as much about great reporting as it was about speaking truth to abusive power.
@graceonfootball: Just feels absolutely messed up that the United States will host the World Cup in four years' time and Grant Wahl won't be there to see it.
Musa Okwonga / @okwonga: The countless tributes to Grant Wahl following his death say it all. One of the very best sports journalists who will ever do it. You can read his work here, where he was reporting from the World Cup: ... Wishing strength to his family and close friends.
Adam Crafton / @adamcrafton_: Thoughts with all of Grant's family and friends today. He was publicly a brave ally, as well as a courageous and sensitive journalist, but also privately such a kind and supportive person.
Matthew Doyle / @mattdoyle76: Can't go anywhere in US soccer circles without bumping into someone Grant Wahl was good to — anything from a quick hello & some kind words to some meaningful career advice. Just a truly good guy. Heartbroken tonight.
Jared Schwartz / New York Post: Longtime soccer sportswriter Grant Wahl dies in Doha, Qatar, while covering the Argentina-Netherlands World Cup quarterfinal
@fulhamfc: All our thoughts are with Grant's family, friends and colleagues at this awful time. 🖤
Franklin Foer / The Atlantic: Remembering Grant Wahl, a Champion of American Soccer
Don Garber / @thesoccerdon: We are shocked, saddened and heartbroken over the tragic passing of Grant Wahl. He was a kind and caring person whose passion for soccer and dedication to journalism were immeasurable.
John Cross / @johncrossmirror: What devastating news. The loss of a brilliant journalist and wonderful person. An example and inspiration to so many. On behalf of the @theofficialfwa, sincere condolences. RIP.
Jake Landau / It's Called Soccer: Hug Your Loved Ones
@edsbs: Grant Wahl was the first soccer writer I can remember reading on the internet, and pushed harder to make Americans love the sport like he did. It worked. I hope he knows that. A horrendous loss.
Laurel Wamsley / @laurelwamsley: “In recent days, Wahl wrote about struggles with his health during a run of coverage that ... left room for about five hours of sleep a night. What had seemed to be a common cold for more than a week, he said, had ‘turned into something more severe’”
Dick Vitale / @dickiev: OMG I am heartbroken to read this about the fantastic journalist GRANT WAHL . Before he became the best covering soccer he did hoops & was so kind to me .I'm crushed as I Loved his passion for soccer .May he RIP & 🙏🙏🙏 to his wife- family & friends.
Alex Goldenberg / @alexwgoldenberg: Qatar has been praising their first responder preparedness efforts ahead of the World Cup but a renowned sports journalist collapsed at the World Cup match and was rushed to the hospital in an Uber. This World Cup is a travesty and my heart breaks for Grant Wahl and his family.
@yashar: Do I think the Qatari government assassinated Grant Wahl? No. They're authoritarian but not reckless. But that doesn't make his death any less suspicious. Grant pissed off a lot of people and there are many nefarious actors in Qatar right now.
James Pindell / @jamespindell: Grant Wahl collapsed and was given CPR before being taken by Uber to a hospital, where he died >American soccer journalist Grant Wahl dies while covering World Cup in Qatar ... via @BostonGlobe
Henry Winter / @henrywinter: Devastated by the terrible news about Grant Wahl. Absolutely heartbroken. I had 3-4 long chats with Grant out here. Brilliant journalist, fine man, giant of the press box. Absolutely heartbroken. All love and throughts to Celine. RIP Grant. We'll miss you so much, Grant.
Jonathan Tannenwald / @thegoalkeeper: To speak for myself for a moment: I have fears about all this, as other people do. But I work in the truth-finding business. There is zero damn chance I will speculate/conspiracy theorize on here about why someone died. With all I can muster, I ask that you don't either.
Sam Stein / @samstein: The State Dept says it is engaging with Qatari officials over Grant Wahl's sudden death.
Abby Wambach / @abbywambach: This is heartbreaking for me for so many reasons. Grant Wahl and soccer are inextricably linked. I have looked to Grant and his work for decades. The soccer story here in the US has Grant's name all over it. We will miss you Grant and we can't stop thinking about your family.
Steven Goff / @soccerinsider: Sunrise in Qatar. A very hard night for the US soccer community and the journalism world. Please keep Grant's family in your thoughts.
Phillip Bupp / Awful Announcing: Fox leads Saturday World Cup coverage with statement on Grant Wahl's death
Herb Scribner / Axios: Journalist Grant Wahl dies while covering World Cup in Qatar
Brian Phillips / @brianphillips: Grant Wahl was my friend and was one of the most generous, kind, and encouraging people I knew in or out of sports media. He was such a bright presence; I never talked to him without feeling a little better about the world afterward. This is crushing.
Dave McMenamin / @mcten: LeBron James offered his remembrance of journalist Grant Wahl tonight in Philadelphia. Wahl, who died at the age of 48 while covering the World Cup in Qatar, wrote the first Sports Illustrated cover story on James - “The Chosen One” - when LeBron was still a teenager.
Don Van Natta Jr / @dvnjr: I'm devastated by the loss of Grant Wahl. He was a peerless journalist and kind man whose coverage of soccer was fair an fearless. The best way all of us can honor him is do what he did throughout his distinguished career: Pursue the truth, without fear or favor, always.
@edsbs: One more thing, I see a lot of people talking about how his kindness, his principles, and his willingness to help others are irreplaceable, which they are but That has to be you now You have to be that person for someone
@edsbs: Grant went everywhere to cover the game. I couldn't name a place I'd been without him going “oh yeah, they've got a great concession stand in [PLACE THAT TAKES EIGHT WEEKS TO HIKE TO AND PLAYS ONLY ONE GAME A YEAR UNDER THE BLOOD MOON]” He would go anywhere for the game and did
@sinow: We are heartbroken that former Sports Illustrated senior writer Grant Wahl died while covering the World Cup in Qatar. Our thoughts are with his family and loved ones at this tragic time.
Lyndsey D'Arcangelo / @darcangel21: What Grant Wahl did for women's soccer as far as storytelling and increasing visibility — he set the bar. He was also an incredible human being. So shocked and saddened by this news.
Tim Layden / @bytimlayden: Grant Wahl was my colleague and my friend in the SI family. He was young enough to have fact-checked me (superbly) right out of Princeton and then grew into one of best of us. I don't know how else to say this: He cared about things. About everything.
Cari Wade Gervin / @carigervin: It's probably not the best thing he ever did, in a career full of so many highlights, but Grant Wahl's podcast on Freddy Adu, American Prodigy (s1), is really good. Such an important look at both MLS and the cost of young superstardom.
Franklin Leonard / @franklinleonard: If you're not both an American AND a fan of the beautiful game, it might be extremely hard to understand Grant Wahl's meaning to the community of folks who are, and honestly I'm sort of at a loss to articulate it. This is utterly shattering.
@eacrunden: Grant Wahl was such an advocate for women's soccer and an all star ally for queer and trans people, using his elevated position for good. Just devastated, all my love to his family. This feels unreal.
Juliet Macur / @julietmacur: Grant Wahl was the nicest guy you'd ever meet, and I'm absolutely crushed that he is gone now. This was his last story. He made a difference in this world.
Ayman / @aymanm: Celine I'm so sorry for your loss. Your husband, Grant was every thing we loved about this beautiful game. 💔
Kevin Baxter / Los Angeles Times: Grant Wahl, prominent soccer writer, dies after collapsing in World Cup press box
Steve Lookner / @lookner: Grant Wahl's agent said Wahl had not been feeling well during the tournament. Wahl himself had written on Monday that he had been feeling sick and gone to the medical clinic. But no confirmed cause of death yet.
Michael Dixon / Awful Announcing: Soccer journalist Grant Wahl has died while covering the World Cup in Qatar
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: “U.S. media seated near him said Wahl fell back in his seat in the media tribune at Lusail Iconic Stadium during extra time and reporters adjacent to him called for assistance. Emergency services workers responded very quickly, the reporters said...”
Rachel Nichols / @rachel__nichols: This is awful. Grant was a phenomenal, brilliant journalist; my heart goes out to his family. 💔
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: “They just don't care. Qatari World Cup organizers don't even hide their apathy over migrant worker deaths, including the most recent one.” ...
@weareangelcity: We are devasted by this news. Grant Wahl's contribution to the soccer community, especially women's soccer, cannot be measured. The beautiful game is better because of him. Grant will be incredibly missed.
Steve Herman / @w7voa: Medics at the scene said @GrantWahl suffered cardiac arrest, reports @WSJ.
Rachel Bachman / @bachscore: Grant Wahl was an outstanding journalist, an early and prominent advocate for women's soccer and a kind, wonderful human being. Devastating news.
Eamon Javers / @eamonjavers: This article yesterday by Grant Wahl - who died under unclear circumstances in Qatar tonight - is in the highest journalistic traditions of holding power to account. Given the country he was reporting in, writing it was an act of bravery.
Frank Bajak / @fbajak: Respected soccer journalist Grant Wahl died today while covering the World Cup. This is his blistering final post. ...
Michelle Beadle / @michelledbeadle: This was Grant Wahl's last story.
Jeremy C. Owens / @jowens510: The journalist on the ground who has been most openly, repeatedly critical of Qatar's human-rights record is dead? RIP to Grant, a fantastic and principled journalist who would want us asking all the questions he would be unafraid to ask in this moment.
Gary Parrish / @garyparrishcbs: Obviously, there are a lot of questions here. For now, I'll just say I'm absolutely sick. Grant was the best and somebody who treated me so kindly when I first entered this profession. Heartbroken.
John Krysinsky / @johnkrysinsky: Shocking news from Qatar. Didn't want to believe it when I first saw reports. Grant Wahl was an inspiration to me. His book “The Beckham Experiment” was a great influence I had a chance to connect w/him when writing my book & he gave me great advice to follow my passion.
@insipidghost: Grant Wahl was one of the kindest, most amazing journalists. He gave me a shot long ago, taught me how to interview, and was super supportive of a kid with a blog. Rest in peace my friend.
John Boyle / @johnpboyle: If you covered soccer in this country, Grant Wahl was THE soccer journalist, and yet if you ever had the good fortune to share a press box with him, he never acted like it. A tremendous reporter and person. Just devastating news. Much love to his family and friends.
Ariel Helwani / @arielhelwani: I am in a state of shock. I truly can't believe this. Grant Wahl was an incredible journalist and a better human being. A kinder soul you'll never meet. This is shocking. Sincerely hope foul play is not involved stemming from his incredible reporting on Qatar. This is a nightmare
Mia Hamm / @miahamm: Heartbreaking news. Grant was one of the best. Prayers to his family and friends.
Darren Rovell / @darrenrovell: This is horrifying. If this smells as we think it does, all the members of FIFA who took bribes to send the World Cup there have blood on their hands.
Kevin Van Valkenburg / @kvanvalkenburg: I know this about Grant Wahl: He was a person of passion, conviction, integrity and courage. He was the kind of journalist and writer everyone admired. He was so kind to me when I was a nobody and we happened to share a city. Honor him by being fearless in the pursuit of truth.
Don Garber / @thesoccerdon: Grant was an important member of the soccer community for more than two decades, and he will be deeply missed. Our heartfelt condolences are with his wife Celine, his family and loved ones.
John Green / @sportswithjohn: Grant Wahl's reporting from Qatar has been essential, including taking the government to task for its homophobia and horrific working conditions. Now he is dead, suddenly, in Qatar at the age of 48. Read his recent work here: ...
Jenn Gidman / Newser: Renowned Sports Writer Collapses, Dies at World Cup
Maggie Hendricks / @maggiehendricks: @bubbaprog I am absolutely one of those people. He made the complex, layered world of international soccer more comprehensible for me.
John Ourand / @ourand_sbj: Reporters are saying the same things about Grant Wahl tonight. What a legacy. He was incredibly kind and patient with me, too, every time we interacted. This is a gut punch.
Timothy Burke / @bubbaprog: To say that thousands of people were introduced to the sport of soccer through Grant is an understatement. It is without question that many of us owe our very comprehension of how soccer works in culture to his efforts to help us understand.
Will Leitch / @williamfleitch: Grant Wahl was my friend, one of the nicest, most truly decent people I have ever had the opportunity to work with. I am flattened.
Garrett Carr / BroBible: New Details Are Emerging On The Death Of Grant Wahl In Qatar
Dorian Geiger / Al Jazeera: US football writer Wahl dies covering World Cup quarter-final
Jon Couture / The Boston Globe: American soccer journalist Grant Wahl dies while covering World Cup in Qatar
Kipp Jones / Mediaite: ‘Absolutely Gutted’: Colleagues and Fans Demand Answers After Journalist Grant Wahl Dies Suddenly at World Cup in Qatar
Ben Strauss / Washington Post: U.S. soccer journalist Grant Wahl dies after collapsing at World Cup match
Kierra Frazier / Politico: Prominent U.S. soccer journalist dies while covering World Cup
Ross A. Lincoln / The Wrap: Grant Wahl, Journalist Who Criticized Qatar's Anti-Gay Policies, Dies Suddenly While Covering World Cup in Doha
Tom Tapp / Deadline: Grant Wahl Dies While Covering World Cup: CBS Soccer Analyst, 48, Was Previously Detained For Wearing Rainbow Shirt In Qatar
Alex Weprin / The Hollywood Reporter: Grant Wahl, American Journalist Covering World Cup in Qatar, Dies at 48
Cnnwire / ABC13: American journalist Grant Wahl dies at Qatar World Cup during Netherlands v. Argentina
Charisma Madarang / Rolling Stone: U.S. Soccer Journalist Grant Wahl Dies While Covering World Cup in Qatar
Kipp Jones / Mediaite: Sports Journalist Grant Wahl - Who Was Detained at World Cup for Wearing a Rainbow Shirt - Dies in Qatar

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Zach Schonfeld / The Hill: Twitter relaunching revamped subscription service, prices higher for Apple users
@twitter: we'll begin replacing that “official” label with a gold checkmark for businesses, and later in the week a grey checkmark for government and multilateral accounts
@twitter: when you subscribe you'll get Edit Tweet, 1080p video uploads, reader mode, and a blue checkmark (after your account has been reviewed)
Mike Masnick / @mmasnick: A virtual rainbow of checkmarks.
Jeremy Littau / @jeremylittau: Red checkmark if you think they should bring Firefly back. Yellow if you are the dentist who DOES NOT recommend Trident. Purple if you know what the fox says. Green if you think “Tonight thank God it's them instead of youuuuuuu!” is a cringey Christmas lyric.
Rachel Charlton-Dailey / @rachelcdailey: Grey really won't work with the different view modes. But this is something he'd know if he hadn't fired the whole accessibility team
Tom Coates / @tomcoates: If you want to pay $8 a month to have everyone think you love Elon Musk, you will be able to do so from Monday. I will not be paying for it.
Kat O'Brien / @obrien_kat: This is going to be terrible for accessibility. Color-blind and low-sighted people will not be able to distinguish between colors to know what means what. ...
@ooccouchgags: Apple: Threatens to pull Twitter off their app store Twitter: Any iOS users got to pay 11$ a month than 8$! That will show them!
Dan Arrows / @dan_arrows: For a hundred bucks per year you get HALF the ads!?!? lmao
Jack Appleby / @jappleby: Elon thinks the $8 web or $11 mobile pay structure is attacking Apple when it's actually attacking consumers. A huge portion of Twitter users only use the app, not the web.
Emma Roth / The Verge: Elon Musk's $8 Twitter Blue subscription is coming back with phone number verification and a higher price on iOS
@kynsofficial: Make the blue check optional, I just wanna be able to edit tweet and upload 10minutes HD video for my programming students. Idc the fuck you do with blue check or if it's white or gold
Todd Spangler / Variety: Twitter Sets Relaunch of Twitter Blue With Safeguards to Prevent Blue Check-Mark Imposters
Cara / @caraesten: we're dealing with, at minimum, four checkmarks in play right now lmao
@eckhartsladder: 😂 I love that the net-effect of the verification democratization is that independent journalists and the like are now fucked over, while they give the big brands a way to stand out even more. Really intelligent move.
@biggsintweets: imagine fixing a problem that didn't exist by creating three new problems
@hellocullen: instead of paying for this im gonna post monthly videos of me burning 10 dollars in 720p
Althea Legaspi / Rolling Stone: Twitter Keeps Trying to Make Paid Verification Happen
Joe Rossignol / MacRumors: Twitter Blue Relaunching on Monday With Higher Price on iPhone and Account Review Process
Steve Mollman / Fortune: Twitter is relaunching its Twitter Blue subscription service Monday after a disastrous debut last month
Matthew Sedacca / New York Post: Twitter relaunches ‘Twitter Blue’ after bungled November rollout
Edward Moyer / CNET: Twitter Blue to Relaunch Monday, With Blue Check Mark, Higher iOS Price, Company Says
Jason Rabinowitz / @airlineflyer: $11/month for a meaningless blue checkmark 😅😂🤣😅😂🤣😅😂🤣
Kelsey Vlamis / Insider: Twitter Blue is set to relaunch Monday at $3 more for iPhone app users after Elon Musk complained about Apple's App Store fee
Susanne Barton / Bloomberg: Twitter Relaunches Twitter Blue Monday With Two-Tiered Pricing

Vox Media plans to stop licensing its Chorus content management system to publishers; the current six clients will have 18 months to migrate off the platform — Publishers using the platform will have 18 months to migrate their content — The digital media company Vox Media …
Brian Morrissey / The Rebooting: RIP platisher — Publishers spinning off tech product has a checkered history
Arik Hesseldahl / @ahess247: Chorus is trash. When @voxmedia acquired @recode we ran a brilliant customized version of @WordPress that was the best CMS I've ever encountered. Shifting to Chorus was felt like an insult.
Vinny Green / @vinnysgreen: They should hit up @humanmadeltd and see what @WordPress is capable of these days. It's not the blogging software you remember.
Evan DeSimone / @mediaevan: Pretty different trajectories for Vox's SaaS play, Chorus, and WashPo's Arc XP which is contemplating a sale or spin-off.
Mark Stenberg / @markstenberg3: SCOOP: Vox Media will no longer license the use of its CMS, Chorus. Its existing clients now have 18 months to migrate their content. The publisher began licensing Chorus in 2018, eyeing the margins and recurring revenue of a SaaS product. For @Adweek

Matt Taibbi and Bari Weiss have performed revelatory journalism about themselves as they promote lies and conservative misinformation through “Twitter Files” — But it is actually a tool of progressive power. While you were hypnotized by viral memes, a cabal …
Matt Binder / @mattbinder: this is an interesting way to thank your source: Bari Weiss' new media organization appears to have just started advertising on Twitter
Radley Balko / @radleybalko: Weiss's new publication is buying ads on Twitter while she acts as one of Musk's hand-picked reviewers of internal communications from the ex-Twitter execs Musk is now accusing of abetting child trafficking/pedophelia. No conflicts here! Just the “bedrock of great journalism!”
Mo Elleithee / @moelleithee: The “Twitter Files” were meant to expose the alleged bias of the old Twitter leadership. This piece raises a lot of good questions about how they instead may have exposed the bias of the new leadership. Worth a read.
Scott Jennings / @lum_: A good recap of Musk's efforts to turn Twitter into QAnon News
Wilfred Reilly / @wil_da_beast630: “Exposing political/business scandals on the left is bad and partisan, actually, because it could help out the right.” Interesting piece: tend to disagree.
Justin Miller / @justinjm1: “The Constitution does not give you an inalienable right to retweet Hunter Biden's genitals.”
Daniel W. Drezner / @dandrezner: “The Twitter Files are best understood as an egregious example of the very phenomenon it purports to condemn — that of social media managers leveraging their platforms for partisan ends.”
Lincoln Michel / @thelincoln: Seems the answer is no. This is a good summary of how weak the twitter files have been.
Matthew Yglesias / @mattyglesias: Obviously Twitter wasn't trying to help the Trump campaign by blocking the New York Post article for 24 hours and then reversing course with its tail between its legs, but in practice wasn't that the outcome?
Robert Wright / @robertwrighter: Good piece on the Twitter Files by @EricLevitz. (He catches @bariweiss in an act of either dishonesty or extreme sloppiness—and he favors the dishonesty interpretation.)
Fox News: Free speech advocate speaks out after 2020 emails included in Twitter Files warned of Big Tech ‘bloodbath’
@intelligencer: The purported exposé “offers overwhelming evidence that Twitter's current management is using the platform to promote tendentious, partisan narratives and conservative misinformation,” argues @EricLevitz
@ijbailey: “The project offers overwhelming evidence that Twitter's current management is using the platform to promote tendentious, partisan narratives and conservative misinformation. In that sense, Taibbi and Weiss have performed revelatory journalism.”
Dave Levitan / @davelevitan: Again: if Twitter was really a Democratic party mouthpiece hellbent on silencing major conservative voices, it *sucked* at it. From @EricLevitz:
Sam Adler-Bell / @samadlerbell: @DamonLinker Did you read Eric Levitz's take? Best thing I've read on it by a mile
Jeremy Littau / @jeremylittau:
[Thread] The “bombshell” Twitter Files show the value of skeptical editors who strengthen stories by poking holes in reporting that uses cherry-picked examples
[Thread] The “bombshell” Twitter Files show the value of skeptical editors who strengthen stories by poking holes in reporting that uses cherry-picked examples
Axios, New York Post, @lucydaiseyellie, All that has been hidden …, Fox News, @garossino, @bcmerchant, @dvnjr, @blackamazon, @charlesarthur, @passengersnail, @karaswisher, @williams_paige, @bgrueskin, @jeremylittau, @jeremylittau, @jeremylittau, @jeremylittau, @jeremylittau, @jeremylittau, @jeremylittau, @jeremylittau, @jeremylittau and @jeremylittau
Dan Primack / Axios: The #TwitterFiles Rorschach test
Charles Gasparino / New York Post: Twitter's dumb business failure put politics over profit
Shirley Clark / @lucydaiseyellie: Really good thread on how internet personalties who claim to be journalists always need a “bombshell” to hoodwink their rubes.
Fox News: Latest ‘Twitter Files’ bombshell leaves liberals in denial as they dismiss revelations: ‘Conspiracy kooks’
Sandy Garossino / @garossino: What stands out in this whole fiasco is how rushed it all is. How long do you think it would take a rational arbiter, starting cold, to examine 1000s of emails, tweets, prior history, & context, in order to draw solid conclusions about a moderation process? Weeks at minimum.
Brian Merchant / @bcmerchant: Been seeing this take a lot and I really think it misreads what's happening here — this is willfully cynical writing for an audience that is primed to eat it up, it doesn't even aspire to standards of basic reportage in the first place
Don Van Natta Jr / @dvnjr: Of course editors are indispensable. Always. Anyone who thinks otherwise is an egomaniac or stupid.
@blackamazon: This is just comedy because all this discernment and threads and yammering leaves out that these folks were open and often bullies and sarcastic incurious assholes about the actual content engines of social : Marginalized people
Charles Arthur / @charlesarthur: Great thread. It's so easily overlooked that the best first reader is an editor, because they'll know the difficult questions to ask, and probably also know what shortcuts or gaps you've tried to edge around, and make you go back and fill in.
Matthew Pecot / @passengersnail: Full-throated agreement. Even just writing in the arts and entertainment section, I had my ass saved by editors asking questions. Didn't appreciate it at the time, deeply thankful now.
Kara Swisher / @karaswisher: This by @JeremyLittau is so smart and fair, even though the people who ride on the grievance media economy hardly deserve such thoughtfulness. As he says, it is sad, much sadder than you might think, including being co-opted by the very rich and thinking that is now great.
Paige Williams / @williams_paige: Yep. Thread:
Bill Grueskin / @bgrueskin: This @JeremyLittau thread is the best thing I've seen yet on how the indie, poorly edited business model — gin up outrage to gin up subscriptions — so often* leads to outcomes like @bariweiss's dreadful PR display. (*Not always, but often.)
Jeremy Littau / @jeremylittau: And a good editor would ask what the story is here. OK, so moderation is messy. Why is that a scandal? Spell it out. What principle or duty is violated here? Ask skeptical questions of your assumption that it's a violation (i.e. what is the good-faith rationale for it to exist?)
Jeremy Littau / @jeremylittau: Literally everything has to be a bombshell that exposes the status quo. Free Thought(TM) is their brand. Everything against them is against Free Thought. Editors are censorship. Their whole reason for existing is to be contrarian. But after a while, that's a box of its own.
Jeremy Littau / @jeremylittau: There's a rhetorical game being played here. They cry for balance when they believe conservative views are suppressed, and they call it suppression when progressive voices are amplified to balance the very real fact that conservative voices tend to dominate social platforms.
Jeremy Littau / @jeremylittau: Normally I try to hear people out, but these folks have a track record of using data to fit a predetermined narrative that they have not earned the benefit of the doubt.
Jeremy Littau / @jeremylittau: So that, to my editor eye, is where this whole thing falls apart. There is no internal consistency to the rationale. There are data and screenshots, but they're being twisted to make a point they want to make in the moment while ignoring opposite hot takes *they* have made.
Jeremy Littau / @jeremylittau: B+T are part of a larger collective of people who fled to Substack because they could no longer work within the checks-and-balances system of a newsroom. Sometimes editors are wrong. But the behind-the-scenes process of talking it out, defending it is critical to good journalism.
Jeremy Littau / @jeremylittau: Consider their constant claims of “bombshell” as a necessary side effect of going it alone. They have to overhype everything to keep their paid subs, spin banal data into conspiracy. Otherwise there is no rationale to pay for paid propaganda you can get for free anywhere.
Jeremy Littau / @jeremylittau: Something that doesn't turn these deciders into supervillains. They often are just as worried about tech's power and overreach as detractors are. I know because I've met many of them. It's easy to turn these folks into The Joker for clicks - T Files is taking the easy way out.
Jeremy Littau / @jeremylittau: You know what would be some really interesting journalism that is in the public interest from these files? Use the docs (ethically, mind you) to show how damn messy content moderation is. Help the public gain some empathy while showing us how fraught big tech power is.
Jeremy Littau / @jeremylittau: But back to my original point: a good editor would not let you come back with a bunch of selectively read docs and cherry-picked examples and let you get go unrestrained. And that's before the huge legal/ethical problems @moorehn was talking about earlier.

Sources: Alameda secretly loaned $43M to LLCs tied to The Block CEO Michael McCaffrey, used in part to buy and run the crypto news site; McCaffrey resigns — The Block, a media company that says it covers crypto news independently, has been secretly funded for over a year with money funneled …
@sarafischer, The Information, @fintechfrank, @fintechfrank, @fintechfrank, @trengriffin, @mccaffrmike, @mashinsky, @adamscochran, @mccaffrmike, @mccaffrmike, @mccaffrmike, @joelkatz, @_joerodgers, @jessicalessin, @bitboy_crypto, @ddiamond, @joshconstine, @stacyherbert, @saylor, @girlbossintech, @mccaffrmike, @mccaffrmike, @1markmoss, @stephenjudkins, @iohk_charles, @lawmaster, @lawmaster, @lawmaster, @lynaldencontact, @tonyajoriley, @silvermanjacob, @rohangrey, @theblock__, @adamscochran, @rohangrey, @arawnsley, @samro, @alex_valaitis, @domschiener, The Block, @edzitron, @jason_kint, @sarafischer, @mdudas and CoinDesk
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: 1/2🚨Exclusive: Crypto news site @TheBlock__ has been secretly funded for over a year w money funneled to its CEO LLCs from #SBF's @AlamedaResearch —3 loans total: —$12M & $15M loans went to The Block —$16M used by CEO to buy real estate in Bahamas @axios
Jon Steinberg / The Information: Where Sleep Is Religion, These Are Our Idols
Frank Chaparro / @fintechfrank: We need to ACTUALLY make this an employee owned company and give McCaffrey's equity to journalists If our new CEO doesn't seriously consider this immediately I will leave the company
Frank Chaparro / @fintechfrank: Based on new information that's come to light I plan to speak with my colleagues about ensuring that Mike McCaffrey no longer controls a majority stake in the company or leaving
Frank Chaparro / @fintechfrank: The Block has the caliber to serve the crypto space as the most important source of information, research and news but Mike McCaffrey needs to surrender control in addition to stepping down as CEO and from the board.
Tren Griffin / @trengriffin: McCaffrey used the first $12 million loan to fund the buyout of the Block. The second loan for $15 million provided capital for the Block. The loan for $16 million McCaffrey used, in part, to buy a Bahamas apartment. Not just messy bookkeeping.
Mike McCaffrey / @mccaffrmike: 4/ I didn't disclose the loan to anyone. Absolutely no one at The Block knew about the financial arrangement between my holding company and SBF, including the editorial and the research teams.
Alex Mashinsky / @mashinsky: As long suspected, major Crypto media was publishing false and misleading stories about Celsius and almost never covered any positive news Now we know why SBF/FTX saw Celsius as a critical competitor and wanted all these users for himself at all costs
Adam Cochran / @adamscochran: Lmao FTX did not view Celsius as a competitor and Celsius had their own issues that led to its own meltdown. Can all the conmen stop trying to have a redemption arc when the next domino falls? It's exhausting remind you that they are sketchbags.
Mike McCaffrey / @mccaffrmike: 2/ In early 2021, The Block was in a precarious place, and I was evaluating whether to sell, merge or restructure. The only option that materialized was to restructure when I was able to obtain a $12 million loan for my holding company from SBF in Feb of 2021.
Mike McCaffrey / @mccaffrmike: 7/ I apologize to my teammates at The Block. I am truly sorry for the lack of judgment. I have full confidence in the team to continue what they do best - delivering clear-eyed research and news in a space that now needs it more than ever.
Mike McCaffrey / @mccaffrmike: 1/ I have difficult news to share. I'm stepping down as The Block's CEO. While it's personally painful, it's the right thing for The Block and the team.
@_joerodgers: This is not an isolated incident. Journalists and pols are getting paid by frauds on the regular. The only difference here is he got caught and the scale. 🤌 This is absolutely happening in the military, pharmaceutical, tech, and food industrial complex.
Jessica Lessin / @jessicalessin: Ick. Total ick. And a hell of a scoop @sarafischer
Ben Armstrong / @bitboy_crypto: You can't understate how important this is. I've been telling you Alameda had an entire propaganda arm that disseminated misinformation at will regarding projects, individuals, & exchanges. Time to pull the thread and see how deep it goes.
Dan Diamond / @ddiamond: Former POLITICO revenue chief Bobby Moran stepping in as The Block's new CEO.
Josh Constine / @joshconstine: This is nuts and underscores why editorial independence from ownership is critical. If you let someone tell you what or how to write, you can't be sure of their motives. Good to hear The Block's team didn't know, and has been fiercely critical of SBF
Stacy Herbert / @stacyherbert: Bitcoiners are very different to those in crypto If you are at the crypto token printing poker game and you don't know who the bagholder is, it is you
Michael Saylor / @saylor: Sam used stolen & counterfeit money to corrupt the establishment & undermine #bitcoin. This is just the tip of the iceberg. How many other journalists, academics, money managers, politicians, charities, influencers, & lobbyists did he corrupt or co-opt?
@girlbossintech: Now that we're doing this - CoinMarketCap is owned by Binance - Coindesk is owned by the guys behind Genesis and Grayscale - Cointelegraph is newly owned by a PR and marketing firm that aims to promote crypto (for cash) - Forbes/BI will let anyone say anything for money
Mike McCaffrey / @mccaffrmike: 3/ The loan was to an entity I own and the funds were used to effect the restructuring. In early 2022, there was an additional $15m loan to strengthen the business's position.
Mike McCaffrey / @mccaffrmike: 6/ I never attempted to influence coverage of FTX, Alameda or SBF. Nevertheless, my decisions undermine the credibility of The Block - and the talented people who work non-stop to cover this complicated and evolving industry.
Mark Moss / @1markmoss: The entire “crypto” industry is so insidious, all a big tangled web of corruption It's a good thing Coindesk didn't list any Bitcoiners in their ranking, it's not the same ecosystem or movement
Stephen Judkins / @stephenjudkins: Lots of cryptocurrency people are acting all shocked and betrayed here, but.... this is what the entire industry IS, fundamentally. There is no value there. Money is only made by building a social ecosystem that hypes up valueless things. Everyone involved is complicit!
Charles Hoskinson / @iohk_charles: Remember all that anti-cardano coverage...
@lawmaster: I am proud of the 30+ person research team I built and will keep going with the new The Block leadership. It all really fucking sucks and I'm completely exhausted. Will be doing what truly matters and that's less Twitter and more time with my 4 month old daughter and my wife.
@lawmaster: Needless to say I didn't benefit from Mike's personal loans in any way. In fact, I lost roughly the same amount on FTX as I made from The Block's compensation and bonuses since joining 4 years ago. I never borrowed money from anyone either.
@lawmaster: Last few months really can't get much worse. Got fucked by FTX (after naively trusting them like a complete idiot) and now also got fucked by the CEO. Just like everyone else at The Block, I just found out about this.
Lyn Alden / @lynaldencontact: Another week, another revelation for how deep SBF's monetary tentacles extended throughout the industry.
Tonya Riley / @tonyajoriley: Feel really bad for all the editorial staff here who have done some honest and solid work
Jacob Silverman / @silvermanjacob: Sounds like SBF loaned tens of millions of dollars, including $16m to buy real estate in the Bahamas, to the CEO of a popular industry publication. I really need someone to make that “I'm not the guy you kill, I'm the guy you buy off” Michael Clayton gif.
Rohan Grey / @rohangrey: I don't mind some of the reporting coming out of the Block, but talk about a “don't trust, verify” situation. My god. And ofc the Q remains: how independent can a media company dependent on ponzi money to operate truly be even if the employees aren't aware that's what it is?
Adam Cochran / @adamscochran: The important tagline here is “without the newsroom's knowledge” so we should want the execs out and newsroom keeping on. Some BS on the part of leadership there.
Rohan Grey / @rohangrey: A lot of crypto media have spent the last few weeks gnashing teeth about how SBF made the industry look bad. Looking forward to the next round of rationalizing
Adam Rawnsley / @arawnsley: The entire crypto ecosystem is a gigantic scam, episode eleventy billion
Alex Valaitis / @alex_valaitis: @TheBlock__ Tbh this just makes me sad. There's some good people at The Block and I've given them a lot of business. Link to full article here...
Dominik Schiener / @domschiener: This is why Crypto can be so frustrating. You don't know who pays who, and what their (hidden) incentives are. Some people are only interested in protecting and pumping their own bags. They're not here to decentralize, they are here purely for selfish gains. Good riddance.
Bobby Moran / The Block: CEO Transition — Today, Mike McCaffrey is stepping down as CEO of The Block, and I am stepping into that role immediately.
Ed Zitron / @edzitron: exCUSE ME!!!!!!!!!!!??? The BLOCK was funded by SBF??? and he PAID for the CEO's APARTMENT??
Jason Kint / @jason_kint: Dominoes. Wow.
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: @TheBlock__ ... 2/2 The site has never disclosed any connections to SBF or Alameda —Employees had no idea, found out today —CEO resigning and stepping off Board —Company will look to restructure to buy out CEO's stake (He's currently majority shareholder) Read on @Axios:

Oscar-oriented films flatline at the box office because people have grown comfortable watching them at home, but studios still seem to be grasping for answers — The kind of critically praised dramas that often dominate the awards season are falling flat at the box office, failing to justify the money it takes to make them.
@tvgrimreaper, @valuestockgeek, @nytimesbusiness, @irenestellar, @sickboyved, The Hot Button, @bfishbfish, @sidhubaba, @ubakaogbogu, FranchiseRe movie …, @conordougherty, @conordougherty, @conordougherty, @conordougherty, @clarajeffery, @kennethturan, @benryanwriter, @tedhope, @wildbillwellman, @davidpoland, @r3windxyz, @gmcalpin and @tanaganeva
@tvgrimreaper: Movie studio #PRJedi learning from TV networks & SVOD services! When the traditional third party public metrics of success are bleak, insist that new private metrics, that you entirely control, are looking great!
@valuestockgeek: I like these movies when I'm in the mood but there isn't a reason to sit in a movie theater to see them, anymore. I'll stream them at home. I will sit in a theater for a big special visual/audio spectacle like Top Gun 2. I'll pay $20 for that. I'm not paying $20 to see Parasite.
@nytimesbusiness: The kind of critically praised dramas that often dominate the awards season are falling flat at the box office, failing to justify the money it takes to make them.
@irenestellar: You sound like kpop fans arguing which album is better based on sales alone i thought the oscars is about celebrating cinema
Shiv / @sickboyved: why is this being talked about like it's happening for the first time? take 1984 for example, the highest grossing film was beverly hills cop but the best picture winner was amadeus... the oscars have never been about box office?
David Poland / The Hot Button: THB #274: How NYT's Brooks Barnes Spins Opinion Instead Of Doing Journalism
Rebecca Fishbein / @bfishbfish: my controversial take is that some of these movies are not actually that good
Siddhartha Mahanta / @sidhubaba: I don't know that it should be taken as a given that all these movies are necessarily all that memorable, or that they inspire audiences to recommend them to their friends and family
Ubaka Ogbogu / @ubakaogbogu: Maybe it's because things “aimed at winning awards” are more obvious and uninteresting than those who aimed them think they are.
David A. Gross / FranchiseRe movie industry newsletter: THE YEAR-END AWARDS CONTENDERS | December 9 to 11, 2022 weekend
Conor Dougherty / @conordougherty: Great story by @brooksbarnesNYT on the box office carnage of highbrow movies. I think I've read like 30 think pieces on Tár yet have not met a single person who has seen it. It seems good! 'm super curious! I just can't make myself get in the car.
Conor Dougherty / @conordougherty: Because I think every story is a housing story, my theory on the box office is that it's suffering from an urban planning problem. Let's be real, unless you're a real mall person, going to the movies SUCKS. Parking, traffic. It's worse than the doctor.
Conor Dougherty / @conordougherty: Damn, this paragraph.
Conor Dougherty / @conordougherty: Movies are in a weird place. Last year I was watching the Oscars and had never even heard of, let alone seen, several the best picture contenders.
Kenneth Turan / @kennethturan: Why are the most serious movies having serious problems at the box office? It's a real problem and @brooksbarnesNYT takes us through all the likely answers. Scary times for movie theaters, very scary.
Benjamin Ryan / @benryanwriter: This is such bad news for the future of my having a slate of movies made just for me every November and December.
Ted Hope / @tedhope: Although @brooksbarnesNYT has a good take on this same issue, what we need to discuss is the lack of secondary support mechanisms to lift any film up in to the cultural conversation. We all are in private silos or worse: cohort echo chambers.
Wild Bill Wellman / @wildbillwellman: Something me & my mutual talk about all the time, and something I agree with. But this article suggest it's just natural changing taste or studios making too pretentious of product, instead of bringing up how Hollywood itself disrupted its own model.
David Poland / @davidpoland: I wish I couldn't count on Brooks Barnes shooting from the hip and getting it wrong every time. Highbrow Films Aimed at Winning Oscars Are Losing Audiences
@r3windxyz: Interesting (some would say sad) news. What the headline doesn't say: people are still watching these movies, just at home.
Gordon McAlpin / @gmcalpin: I say this with the utmost of love and respect for film, but maybe... just maybe... if a movie about an orchestra conductor didn't cost $35 million dollars to make, it could be more profitable? — Highbrow Films Aimed at Winning Oscars Are Losing Audiences

More questions for ProPublica about its COVID-19 lab leak report and its Editor's Note following criticism, after ProPublica declines to comment on its process — Its officials say they will ‘have no further comment’ on their gravely flawed Lab Leak article. Here is what I would ask them, if I could.
@bgrueskin, @past_is_future, @jamesfallows, @drvolts, @drvolts, @jayrosen_nyu, @jackshafer, @jamesfallows and @jamesfallows
Bill Grueskin / @bgrueskin: .@JamesFallows to @propublica: “How can a journalistic organization dedicated to transparency and accountability refuse to answer any questions about its handling of what it presented as a hugely consequential story?” ...
@past_is_future: “ProPublica could wrap up this controversy in half-an-hour by saying: we made a mistake, we doubled-down, we recognize the error and will try to understand what went wrong.” @JamesFallows also has some questions about process I doubt will ever get answered ...
James Fallows / @jamesfallows: If anyone is able to get a response from @ProPublica officials, it would be worth asking about the hypothesis @drvolts lays out. (They have declined to talk with me.)
David Roberts / @drvolts: ... the story came to ProPublica from Senate Republican staffers. I mean, that's it, really. That's all you need to know. ProPublica got rolled by conservatives into hyping bullshit — a story as old as time, practically the defining story of media for the last several decades.
David Roberts / @drvolts: The great @JamesFallows has two important pieces you should read on the garbage @propublica story on the lab-leak theory. I just want to highlight one aspect. 1. ... 2. ...
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: “ProPublica has a great reputation, which it is eroding with its handling of this article.” @JamesFallows thinks it's a “huge mistake” for ProPublica to have stopped commenting on its lab leak story. Here he shares the questions he would ask. ...
Jack Shafer / @jackshafer: @JamesFallows has a few questions for ProPublic about its virus article. ...
James Fallows / @jamesfallows: Re-upping: - @ProPublica's bread-and-butter is having its (excellent) reporters ask people inconvenient questions. This is a huge public service. - ProPublica's leaders will not answer inconvenient questions about an (atypically) bad article. ... By me.

Asian American Journalists Association report for July to September 2021: in the top 20 TV markets, 24% of local US stations did not have AAPI reporters on air — The Asian American Journalists Association found that in the top 20 markets, 24% of stations do not have any AAPI reporters on air.
Amaris Castillo / @amariscastillo: In our final #LocalEdition newsletter takeover of the year, @angelanfu and I wrote about new research conducted by @aaja on AAPI on-air representation. Full story:
Kristen Hare / @kristenhare: More important work from @aaja, with reporting on what they found from @AmarisCastillo and @angelanfu
@spj_tweets: “It is critical to not only hire Asian Americans but to LISTEN to them and give them the resources to do the work that they are best positioned to do. Diversity cannot be wallpaper,” said @nydia_han.
@blackamazon: So can we talk about how almost no “initiatives” have completed reporting Nd any of those numbers

A Hong Kong court sentences Apple Daily founder Jimmy Lai to five years and nine months in prison over two fraud charges linked to lease violations — A Hong Kong court sentenced a pro-democracy media tycoon to five years and nine months in prison on Saturday over two fraud charges linked …
Committee to Protect …, @jmzbeijing, @kanis_leung, UPI, Axios, Reuters, Fox News, Wall Street Journal, Al Jazeera, The Guardian and Bloomberg
Committee to Protect Journalists: CPJ condemns ‘harsh’ Jimmy Lai jail sentence in Hong Kong fraud case
James M Zimmerman / @jmzbeijing: Looks more like revenge and retribution — as well as an egregious silencing of the press — than a breach of a commercial lease case. Further erosion of confidence in Hong Kong. Godspeed Jimmy Lai! Excellent piece @kanis_leung
Kanis Leung / @kanis_leung: Pro-democracy media tycoon Jimmy Lai jailed for five years and nine months over fraud in Hong Kong. He was fined HK$2 million. His former colleague Wong Wai-keung, despite suffering from multiple health problems, has to serve 21 months in jail too.
Matt Bernardini / UPI: Hong Kong court sentences media tycoon Jimmy Lai to long prison term
Austin Ramzy / Wall Street Journal: Hong Kong Media Tycoon Jimmy Lai Gets Another Jail Term After Fraud Conviction
Kari Soo Lindberg / Bloomberg: Jimmy Lai Sentenced Five Years in Jail, HK01 Reports

Twitter Trust and Safety VP Ella Irwin says she took the screenshots of internal systems that Bari Weiss shared and that “reporters were not accessing user DMs” — Elon Musk is giving outside writers unprecedented access to internal Twitter Inc. information …
Abraham Gutman / @abgutman: .@elonmusk, yes or no — do Weiss and Taibbi have access to users' DMs? It would be good to get clear explanation about this screen and yes/no answer to this straightforward question.
Ella Irwin / @ellagirwin: @thetomzone Correct. For security purposes, the screenshots requested came from me so we could ensure no PII was exposed. We did not give this access to reporters and no, reporters were not accessing user DMs.
Heidi N. Moore / @moorehn: So it seems that B//ri We//ss specifically requested to see the backend views of right-wing accounts and Twitter's new head of trust and safety handed that over. Does anyone else see a major privacy problem as well as a violation of the FTC consent order @FTC @linakhanFTC
@spdustin: @44 @emptywheel eirwin4903ZWlyd21u863, repeated over and over on all the screenshots from that internal tool.
Charlie Warzel / The Atlantic: Elon Musk's Twitter Files Are Bait
Parker Molloy / @parkermolloy: It's honestly kind of funny that Bari Weiss accidentally tweeted proof that the Libs of Tik Tok account was/is receiving *preferential* treatment while trying to illustrate the opposite.
Paris Marx / @parismarx: Here's Elon Musk promising Libs of TikTok that he'll ensure the account's posts — which explicitly target queer and trans folks with violence — won't be suppressed on the platform.
Steve Weis / @sweis: It is bizarre that the head of Trust & Safety would manually screenshot an internal access tool's view of a real account and share it with reporters. I say this as someone who works in Trust & Safety, has secured internal access tools, and worked for a large social network.
Sarah Frier / @sarahfrier: If you zoom in on the images shared by Bari Weiss yesterday, you'll see they carry a watermark that shows they were taken via the account of Ella Irwin, Twitter's head of trust and safety:
Justin Hendrix / @justinhendrix: @evan_greer Current Twitter head of T&S says no. But who knows- hard to trust anyone involved given the way this went down.
Tom Scocca / @tomscocca: But the questions still apply to the workflow described here: how were internal DMs screened from the reporters to protect personally identifying information, while still giving reporters access to the DMs?
Fred / @waywardwinifred: Ella, quit your job, babe. It's simply not worth getting into FTC crosshairs!
Davey Alba / @daveyalba: 3) The T&S head handed everything over, making this little more than PR. People pointed out last night that Bari's screenshots included new Twitter T&S head Ella Irwin's LDAP in the background, and she admitted to handing everything over in her own tweet
Quinta Jurecic / @qjurecic: my takeaway so far is that the folks involved in this mini-episode may not fully understand a) the SCA and b) journalism
Barbara Malmet / @b52malmet: It's Elon's now, so he is doing whatever he wants- until the government says otherwise.
@decodingfoxnews: If you want to read an entertaining thread filled with actual journalists asking questions that pertain to the legality of dumping personal information from Twitter check this out.👇🏻
Matt Binder / @mattbinder: this is a great catch. Bari Weiss' Twitter Files pics all have the same watermark on them. either she was provided a login to a specific employees account or she is physically standing over the Twitter employee told to give her this access snapping pics
Bari Weiss / @bariweiss: 16. One of the accounts that rose to this level of scrutiny was @libsoftiktok—an account that was on the “Trends Blacklist” and was designated as “Do Not Take Action on User Without Consulting With SIP-PES.”
Alex Stamos / @alexstamos: The new head of T&S denies that Weiss and team have access to DMs, which has to be squared with claims that their access was extensive and unfiltered.
Alejandra Caraballo / @esqueer_: Did Elon just give Bari Weiss and Abigail Shrier access to everyone's DM's? This would be a clear violation of the Stored Communications Act by sharing with them. Not to mention, potentially handing the most transphobic “journalists” access to trans people is dangerous.

[Thread] Bloomberg, The New York Times, Dow Jones, and The Financial Times intervene in FTX's bankruptcy case, requesting to unseal customer and creditor lists — A group of media outlets—Bloomberg, the NYT, Dow Jones & Co, and the Financial Times—just filed a motion to intervene in the FTX case, requesting that FTX be required to unseal customer and creditor lists.
The Block, @jwverret, @molly0xfff, @molly0xfff, Bloomberg and The Block, more at Techmeme »
Benjamin Robertson / The Block: FTX's stranded customer funds draw attention from distressed asset investors
@jwverret: TradFi newspapers looking to expose retail investors. Like they haven't been harmed enough? This can be used by bad actors to trace transaction history. Shame on @DowJones @nytimes @FinancialTimes @business They should be held liable for the result of this irresponsible action.
Molly White / @molly0xfff: “...a document which, with very few exceptions, has historically been open to the public. Intervenors object to continued sealing.”

IFJ: 67 journalists and media workers were killed on the job globally in 2022, driven by Russia's war in Ukraine, chaos in Haiti, and criminal groups in Mexico — Russia's war in Ukraine, chaos in Haiti and rising violence by criminal groups in Mexico contributed to a 30% spike in the number …

Source: Twitter is pitching last-minute heavily discounted ad packages for World Cup content, which may signal ad revenue trouble for the Super Bowl and Oscars — The platform's World Cup troubles with brands could create worries about other real-time marketing events like the Super Bowl
Sheila Dang / Reuters:
Twitter emails advertisers about plans to launch controls to prevent their ads from showing up next to tweets with certain keywords, as soon as next week
Twitter emails advertisers about plans to launch controls to prevent their ads from showing up next to tweets with certain keywords, as soon as next week
New York Post, Insider, @patrickcoffee, @ashnaguliani, @caseynewton, @esreif and @blackamazon
Jon Levine / New York Post: Google Gmail servers experiencing outages
Sam Tabahriti / Insider: Elon Musk sent an email threatening to sue Twitter staff who leak confidential information, report says
Patrick Coffee / @patrickcoffee: “In a call on Thursday with an advertising industry group, a Twitter representative said the platform was considering bringing its content moderators, many of whom are contracted through third-party vendors, in-house”🤦♂ ️ Scoop by @Sheila_Dang
Ashna / @ashnaguliani: this already existed lmao we fucking worked on it!!!!