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Twitter Trust and Safety VP Ella Irwin says she took the screenshots of internal systems that Bari Weiss shared and that “reporters were not accessing user DMs” — Elon Musk is giving outside writers unprecedented access to internal Twitter Inc. information …
@justinbaragona, @spdustin, @parkermolloy, @abgutman, @ellagirwin, Breitbart, @justinhendrix, @tomscocca, @waywardwinifred, @daveyalba, @qjurecic, @alexstamos, @bariweiss, @esqueer_, @mattbinder, @alexstamos, @b52malmet, @decodingfoxnews, @davidrlurie, @donmoyn and @parismarx, more at Techmeme »
Justin Baragona / @justinbaragona: “Now, Weiss has been given access to Twitter's employee systems, added to its Slack, and given a company laptop, two people familiar with her presence said. The level of access to Twitter systems given to Weiss is typically given only to employees...” ...
@spdustin: @44 @emptywheel eirwin4903ZWlyd21u863, repeated over and over on all the screenshots from that internal tool.
Parker Molloy / @parkermolloy: It's honestly kind of funny that Bari Weiss accidentally tweeted proof that the Libs of Tik Tok account was/is receiving *preferential* treatment while trying to illustrate the opposite.
Abraham Gutman / @abgutman: .@elonmusk, yes or no — do Weiss and Taibbi have access to users' DMs? It would be good to get clear explanation about this screen and yes/no answer to this straightforward question.
Ella Irwin / @ellagirwin: @thetomzone Correct. For security purposes, the screenshots requested came from me so we could ensure no PII was exposed. We did not give this access to reporters and no, reporters were not accessing user DMs.
Alana Mastrangelo / Breitbart: Twitter Files Reveals Troubling Details of How Company Blacklisted Libs of TikTok
Justin Hendrix / @justinhendrix: @evan_greer Current Twitter head of T&S says no. But who knows- hard to trust anyone involved given the way this went down.
Tom Scocca / @tomscocca: But the questions still apply to the workflow described here: how were internal DMs screened from the reporters to protect personally identifying information, while still giving reporters access to the DMs?
Fred / @waywardwinifred: Ella, quit your job, babe. It's simply not worth getting into FTC crosshairs!
Davey Alba / @daveyalba: 3) The T&S head handed everything over, making this little more than PR. People pointed out last night that Bari's screenshots included new Twitter T&S head Ella Irwin's LDAP in the background, and she admitted to handing everything over in her own tweet
Quinta Jurecic / @qjurecic: my takeaway so far is that the folks involved in this mini-episode may not fully understand a) the SCA and b) journalism
Alex Stamos / @alexstamos: Feels like Weiss' thread should be enough for the FTC to open an investigation into a violation of the consent decree and perhaps get a subpoena for Twitter's internal access logs.
Bari Weiss / @bariweiss: 16. One of the accounts that rose to this level of scrutiny was @libsoftiktok—an account that was on the “Trends Blacklist” and was designated as “Do Not Take Action on User Without Consulting With SIP-PES.”
Alejandra Caraballo / @esqueer_: Did Elon just give Bari Weiss and Abigail Shrier access to everyone's DM's? This would be a clear violation of the Stored Communications Act by sharing with them. Not to mention, potentially handing the most transphobic “journalists” access to trans people is dangerous.
Matt Binder / @mattbinder: this is a great catch. Bari Weiss' Twitter Files pics all have the same watermark on them. either she was provided a login to a specific employees account or she is physically standing over the Twitter employee told to give her this access snapping pics
Alex Stamos / @alexstamos: The new head of T&S denies that Weiss and team have access to DMs, which has to be squared with claims that their access was extensive and unfiltered.
Barbara Malmet / @b52malmet: It's Elon's now, so he is doing whatever he wants- until the government says otherwise.
@decodingfoxnews: If you want to read an entertaining thread filled with actual journalists asking questions that pertain to the legality of dumping personal information from Twitter check this out.👇🏻
@davidrlurie: Weiss is, presumably, getting in-kind benefits, in the form of additional subscription and other income from her own enterprises.
Don Moynihan / @donmoyn: Weiss is an opinion writer/activist, not an investigative journalist. Her whole MO is to look for stories that might be generally unrepresentative, but reflect her worldview, and not do any additional digging that challenges that worldview. View the scoops that follow accordingly

Sources: Twitter added Bari Weiss to its Slack and gave her a company laptop and access to employee systems, which a source says is typically just for staff — - CEO Elon Musk has made some dramatic changes to Twitter since taking over five weeks ago. — Amid layoffs, firings …
@emptywheel, CNBC, Forbes, Fox News, @brianstelter, @prettybadlefty, @manicpixiehack, @mattortega, @carnage4life, @beccalew, @cameronwilson, @orinkerr, @sarahposner, @jaredlholt, @jeffbercovici, @zjemptv, @lolgop, @asmith83, @pbump, @taylorlorenz, @parkermolloy, @jonbernhardt, @freedaaron, @david_j_roth, @tyschalter, @karlbode, @edzitron, @ryanlcooper, @thejewishdream, Al Jazeera, @bgrueskin, @adamweinstein, @stevemullis, @ted_scheinman, @johndevore, @sdkstl, @dceiver, @eclecticbrotha, @timfullerton, @wilson__valdez, Rolling Stone, New York Post, Twitter is Going Great! and Defector, more at Techmeme »
@emptywheel: So Twitter replaced a department full of communications professionals whom journalists could call with two pundits with a grievance and flimsy grasp of basic logic?
Lora Kolodny / CNBC: SpaceX, Tesla, and Boring Company execs are helping Elon Musk at Twitter, records reveal
Robert Hart / Forbes: Twitter Files 2: Elon Musk's Hyped Up Exposé Unveils ‘Secret Blacklists’ And ‘Shadow Banning’ —Which Seem Very Similar To His Own Policies
Fox News: Liberals fume as Elon Musk gives independent journalist Bari Weiss unprecedented access for Twitter Files 2
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: Common Sense, the publication led by @BariWeiss and founded on Substack, has a new name: The Free Press, or @thefp for short
@manicpixiehack: gotta say that the idea of journalists being given unfettered access to internal private communications for tech companies unsettles me quite a bit
Matt Ortega / @mattortega: It is fair to ask if she and Taibbi received money for this, not that they wouldn't flat out lie about it.
@carnage4life: No wonder every C-level executive responsible for privacy and compliance resigned. When under an FTC consent decree, it's not even appropriate for all employees to have access to such screens let alone random outsiders who're given access for clout.
Becca Lewis / @beccalew: It's fascinating, in a perverse sort of way, to see Elon slowly transforming Twitter into a right-wing publishing business
Cameron Wilson / @cameronwilson: probably the most telling about the Twitter Files is how they've revealed nothing damning — and that's with full access to the company's files — and must be completely twisted and presented without context to be interesting.
Orin Kerr / @orinkerr: <Looks at his mentions, sees people wondering if Bari Weiss violated the Stored Communications Act by looking through private DM's with Twitter's permission but not that of sender/receivers.> Nope, no violation, see the 18 U.S.C. 2701(c)(1) exception. ...
Sarah Posner / @sarahposner: Has Musk brought on Bari to deflect attention from the fact that he's bringing actual Nazis back to the platform, using her (a purported arbiter of what is antisemitic) as a shield against that criticism ...
Jared Holt / @jaredlholt: If Bari isn't taking money from Elon already she might as well just do it since that seems to be the only tangible thing separating her from other Twitter employees in this charade. If you're gonna be a billionaire's minion might as well get in on the take
Jeff Bercovici / @jeffbercovici: Some of us know a source greaser when we see one
@zjemptv: She's published arch-transphobe Abigail Shrier, so I'm excited to see what Bari Weiss and friends do with access to internal Twitter systems
@lolgop: Awesome that the author of “How to Fight Anti-Semitism” has decided to be the chief propagandist for a guy who keeps sharing Pepe memes for the pleasure of the Nazis he invited back to Twitter.
Adam Smith / @asmith83: “And 15 times someone wrote in Slack, ‘cookies in the big conference room’ which is clearly code for we must ban right-wing accounts.”
Philip Bump / @pbump: As if DeSantis hired Giuliani to lead his election police.
@taylorlorenz: This is all normal stuff if you're onboarding a new hire to your comms team
Parker Molloy / @parkermolloy: How funny was it the other day when a bunch of right-wingers were like, “How DARE you suggest that Taibbi was doing PR for the richest man on earth! This is journalism!” and now Weiss is just straight up being plugged into Twitter's system. It's PR. For the richest man on Earth.
Nathan Bernhardt / @jonbernhardt: he's gonna let her start firing H1B guys who need this job to stay in the country just to get a taste for what that power feels like
Aaron Freedman / @freedaaron: lmao Bari Weiss sitting in one of those nursing home-looking bedrooms in Twitter HQ deleting the account of everyone with a Palestinian flag emoji in their bio
David Roth / @david_j_roth: Savvy move by Musk here. Giving Bari Slack access has been proven to be one of the best ways to motivate employees to think about quitting.
Ty Schalter / @tyschalter: Bari Weiss's whole deal is framing the mutual contempt of herself and all smart journalists as a battle for the future of civil discourse in America. No wonder she and Elon get along so well.
Karl Bode / @karlbode: it seems inevitable that these clowns start covertly leaking a decade+ of cherry picked journalist DMs
Ryan Cooper / @ryanlcooper: extremely smart!!
Rafi Schwartz / @thejewishdream: In retrospect, weiss' trajectory from slobbering on jordan peterson and ben shapiro's loafers at the times to being given wholly undue access to act as a pr snoop for the richest man in the history of the world isn't all that shocking, really
Bill Grueskin / @bgrueskin: Ah yes, very typical journalist behavior here. Happens all the time. Via @HaysKali ...
Adam Weinstein / @adamweinstein: Rehabilitating “access journalism” to own the libs
Steve Mullis / @stevemullis: Hope media folks don't get duped by this and refer to anything Weiss or Taibbi are doing as journalism or that they are acting in a capacity as journalists. It's extra ironic considering EM rails against “unethical journalism” and yet this is as unethical as it comes.
Ted Scheinman / @ted_scheinman: so bari weiss is doing: a.) an internal witch-hunt for a private company and b.) external PR for said company no real journalist would agree to this unholy amalgamation. the basest hackery.
Staci D Kramer / @sdkstl: I had unusual access on some corporate stories - for instance, a space to work from over several days to make interview/event logistics easier, use of a landline, a guest login for internet. This is a whole 'nother level - far closer to an in-house gig than journalism.
Jason Linkins / @dceiver: probably great to have one of America's best-known censorious scolds lurking in the chat
Tim Fullerton / @timfullerton: If they were serious about transparency, why would they turn to right-wing “journalists” to do your investigating.
@wilson__valdez: Bari Weiss, anti-cancel culture warrior, combing through people's private communications in order to find something to ‘cancel’ them with, is just too too on point.
Tim Dickinson / Rolling Stone: Latest ‘Twitter Files’ Allege Blacklisting of Conservatives

A look at the differences between newspaper strikes before the internet and nowadays, NYT Guild member factions, and what management has and hasn't offered — As they have been threatening to do for months now, the New York Times newsroom went on a one-day strike today. — As a reader, you might not have noticed.
Shawn McCreesh / @shawnmccreesh: Stop the Presses: Here's my report from today's strike at the New York Times.
Eli Yokley / @eyokley: “And according to a source familiar with audience numbers, Wordle use did not dip, despite calls from the unionized staff for Wordlers to lay off it for a day in solidarity with the stoppage.”
Josh Kraushaar / @joshkraushaar: Despite the writers' strike, “the [NYT] got its Brittney Griner-is-free scoop out on a push notification before the Washington Post did.”

With 1,100+ staff on strike, NYT editors are publishing long-held stories and flexing dormant reporting muscles, but won't likely match the usual volume of copy
Semafor, @nytimesguild, @abarnardnyt, @elonmusk, @jayrosen_nyu, @pkafka, @amandahess, @tasneemn, Nieman Lab, @nytimesguild, Poynter, The Indian Express, @abarnardnyt, Pittsburgh Union Progress, @abarnardnyt, @abarnardnyt, @nytguildtech, @johncusack, @eoinhiggins_, @julianbarnes, @mattyglesias, @sahiltner, @repjerrynadler, @paulkrugman, @anniekarni, @juliamoserrrr, @keitholbermann, @samadlerbell, @lindsayballant, @andrewmleber, @whstancil, @samthielman, @kantrowitz, @laura_nelson, @nhannahjones, @drmistercody, @soledadobrien, @jayrosen_nyu, @froomkin, @pblest, @jayrosen_nyu, @grimkim, @jessicaschulb, @athertonkd, @atrios, @elivalley, @dlind, @hearstunion, @alex_zee, @asteadwesley, @conordougherty, @elaheizadi, @rikkaaltland, @davidcorndc, @lourdesgnavarro, @scott_tobias, @wgaeast, @hugogye, @hjosephinegiles, @nyt_first_said, @billbaker830, @nytimesguild, @ceciliakang, @joshkraushaar, @davidfolkenflik, @jimtankersley, Los Angeles Times, Observer, Crain's New York Business, Press Gazette, Axios, Insider, The Desk, Al Jazeera, The Wrap, New York Post and HuffPost
@nytimesguild: To our readers: We did not make this decision lightly. We are deeply committed to the success of the @nytimes. We also know that we produce our best work when we feel valued and are treated equitably. Thank you for standing by us today.
Anne Barnard / @abarnardnyt: NYT union has insisted thru 20 mos of talks that wages & economic issues are by far our top priority. 1-day walkout by 80% of our @nyguild, incl most of DC buro, specifically over bread-and-butter economics, so this story's emphasis is puzzling.
Elon Musk / @elonmusk: Woke v Woke
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: One solution to the puzzle is that a faction in the Times DC bureau is reactionary toward social change — in the newsroom and nation — and they are taking the opportunity to convey that to a media reporter. Under the conflict makes news test, it then becomes part of the story.
Peter Kafka / @pkafka: NYT management is trying to ride out the walkout using a mix of pre-written stories from guild staff (it has a lot of those) and a skeleton crew + editors to handle breaking news. Here's the un-bylined story for Griner's release:
Amanda Hess / @amandahess: This is a sad day for @nytimes. This company pledged $150 million in stock buybacks this year, but it's offering staff what amounts to a pay cut, during record inflation in the most expensive city in the world. I love the Times and wish it loved me back.
Tasneem Nashrulla / @tasneemn: NYT's Peter Baker and Michael Shear told their colleagues that they would not be participating in the one-day walkout, three people told Semafor. via @maxwelltani
Laura Hazard Owen / Nieman Lab: “Break your Wordle streak”: New York Times journalists are on a 24-hour strike
@nytimesguild: This contract is more than an investment in us. This is an investment in the future of the @nytimes. This is an investment in the public that we all serve. Here's why our members are walking out today:
Tom Jones / Poynter: “This is an absolutely necessary shot across the bow”: Times union members stage 24-hour strike
Anne Barnard / @abarnardnyt: This pretty much sums it up. Shared w/permission. From a former colleague now working at another news outlet. (Tag yourself if you want!)
Joshua Axelrod / Pittsburgh Union Progress: 'Pay us what we're worth': New York Times staffers follow through on one-day walkout
Anne Barnard / @abarnardnyt: Not aware of any broader social and cultural issues on the table. Return to office? That's a health and work conditions issue. Racial equity in job evaluations? That's a fairness issue. In any case those have never been the main thrust of bargaining.
Anne Barnard / @abarnardnyt: And this
@nytguildtech: Our union is proud to support our newsroom colleagues today. But there are so many Times Guild workers who aren't journalists and do vital work to keep our workplace running — from security guards to IT to ad sales reps. They deserve better pay too!
John Cusack / @johncusack: Solidarity with all striking workers is connected to Medicare for all - is connected to every other decent policy that brings justice - this is the leverage point with big buisness -
@eoinhiggins_: Makes you wonder who at Semafor—say, maybe someone who once worked at the NYT—would have wanted this angle included in the story
Julian E. Barnes / @julianbarnes: The majority of reporters in the Washington Bureau know that the focus by the Guild's Bargaining Committee is on the core economic issues and the deeply flawed evaluation system. Anne is correct. I have confidence in the BC.
Matthew Yglesias / @mattyglesias: A true fact about American politics is that the excesses of left-wing cultural politics can undermine left-wing class politics. Some of my friends mistake this for the belief that right-wing cultural politics is good class politics, but Musk is here with a clarifying tweet.
Stephen Hiltner / @sahiltner: Meredith Kopit Levien, the CEO of the @nytimes, was paid $5.8 million in 2021, up from $4.4 million in 2020. Meanwhile, management has offered @NYTimesGuild employees a paltry raise (which, in light of inflation, amounts to a pay cut) and fought against a $65,000 minimum salary.
Rep. Nadler / @repjerrynadler: All workers deserve fair pay and fair benefits. I stand with New York Times staff as they exercise their right to strike.
Paul Krugman / @paulkrugman: FYI: I'm honoring the virtual picket line and not filing for the Times today
Annie Karni / @anniekarni: A news alert with my name on it just went out. It was a pre- written story ahead of an expected vote. I stand with the guild!
Julia Moser / @juliamoserrrr: one of the most interesting things about being part of an organizing effort was seeing who was willing to stick their necks out to support their colleagues with less power and who wasn't
Keith Olbermann / @keitholbermann: Don't worry. @peterbakernyt will write a book about the strike, to be published early in 2024 by Greedy-Selfish Press
Sam Adler-Bell / @samadlerbell: White House correspondents... literally the most duplicative job in journalism. I think your readers can bear to find out the same news from the Post today.
Lindsay Ballant / @lindsayballant: You mean to tell me some of the employees who enjoy the most prestige, job security, job opportunity, and highest pay—who are in some of the best positions to exert pressure on management—won't extend solidarity to their less well-known, less paid colleagues?
Andrew Leber / @andrewmleber: A shame that senior reporters @peterbakernyt and @shearm have no sense of solidarity with their colleagues.
Will Stancil / @whstancil: Weirdly relieved to not see Haberman's name among the scabs, allowing her to retain her place as the True Neutral of the Times
@samthielman: Peter Baker continuing to distinguish himself in the worst possible way
Alex Kantrowitz / @kantrowitz: Nytimes is unleashing the pre writes to circumvent its staffer walkout
Laura J. Nelson / @laura_nelson: This piece misses the point of a walkout, which is neither “relatively paltry” nor “play-acting” at a strike. It is designed to show management that things could get far worse if workers don't get a fair deal. Solidarity with @NYTimesGuild.
Ida Bae Wells / @nhannahjones: There's something about this form that makes people act so ugly, but the NYT is not just journalists. We're striking for our lower paid colleagues, those who put out the paper, our security guards, our news assistants. That is the point of COLLECTIVE actions. We fight together.
Cody Johnston / @drmistercody: It's true, no words mean anything.
Soledad O'Brien / @soledadobrien: Name them: Peter Baker and Michael Shear
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: “Some staff in the D.C bureau believe the union should focus more on compensation and other concrete worker protections, and less on broader cultural and social issues that have also been part of the union's bargaining proposals.”
@froomkin: “Most” of @nytimes D.C. bureau is out, but not @peterbakernyt and @shearm, who evidently think the walkout is too woke. Their contempt for their younger, less overpaid colleagues, is astronomical.
Paul Blest / @pblest: Lmao I knew before I even opened this link Peter Baker was one of them
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: “Chief White House reporter Peter Baker and Pulitzer Prize-winning White House correspondent Michael Shear told colleagues before the walkout that they would not be participating in the one day work stoppage, three people told Semafor.”
Kim Kelly / @grimkim: Of course the “objectivity” obsessives are scabbing, but we got some bad news for you boys: crossing a picket line is absolutely a political act (and a slap in the face to your coworkers). 🐀
Jessica Schulberg / @jessicaschulb: this is incredibly dumb — @NYTimesGuild doing a walkout vs a full-on strike isn't a sign of a weak union but a strategic one that understands the importance of gradual escalation
Kelsey D. Atherton / @athertonkd: Peter Baker: if I vote even once that will violate my integrity as a neutral observer of politics Also Peter Baker: scabbing isn't politics, I'm being apolitical by telling the rest of my colleagues that worker power is bad and the bosses are good
@atrios: the presumably highestish paid NYT reporters are making the very political decision to not support their lower paid colleagues by scabbing, but I'm sure in baker's mind this is the nonpolitical choice
@elivalley: Scabbing is entirely consistent with Peter Baker's “politics”
Dara Lind / @dlind: I'm not crossing the NYT digital picket line today and I encourage you to do the same. Not just for the sake of the NYT union, but for the health of the media ecosystem. If you discover you're entirely reliant on a single property, maybe you should try to fix that.
@hearstunion: We stand in solidarity with the @NYTimesGuild today. Don't read, watch, or play any NYT content today. RIP Wordle streak. It's beyond time that corporations like the @nytimes (and uh, another one we could name 👀) pay their workers what they're worth. They can afford it. #1u
Alex Zielinski / @alex_zee: It takes guts to be the story. Standing with the @NYTimesGuild today.
@asteadwesley: NYT almost had me with that Griner news alert!! But nevertheless he persisted. Ditch the Times today and stand by the workers who make the place great
Conor Dougherty / @conordougherty: I agree with NYT management that a company has to be profitable to be successful, but at the same time management is saying it can't meet the union's salary demands it is planning a huge stock buyback.
@elaheizadi: As the 24-hour work stoppage at the NYT continues, the employee union emphasizes that people may see stories published today and tomorrow written in advance by Times reporters who walked off the job.
@rikkaaltland: The best part about the NYT being on strike today is that hopefully we all win. The writers and staff can make strides towards their union efforts and trans folk don't have to worry about another fear-mongering piece trying to erode what little rights and safety we have left
David Corn / @davidcorndc: Tweeted like a true plutocrat. Given how much NY Times content ends up on Twitter, you'd think @elonmusk might care about the people who create it. But you'd be wrong. It's just a joke for him.
Lulu / @lourdesgnavarro: Of many dumb things tweeted by him this might be the most self-serving. Workers have the right to strike to demand better conditions. I support a fair contract for NYT guild (and all workers) and believe in unions to help achieve that.
Scott Tobias / @scott_tobias: It's honestly incredibly difficult not to visit the NYT and its apps today. I am an addict, thanks to the hard-working and brilliant people who are on strike today. Subscribers should want their dollars to go towards supporting them more equitably.
@wgaeast: Solidarity with the @NYTimesGuild! To stand with workers at the @NYTimes, don't engage with any NYT content (including reading/sharing stories, using their apps, or playing the crossword, Wordle, etc.), until their walkout ends at midnight tonight. #UnionStrong #NYTStrike #1u
Hugo Gye / @hugogye: New York Times on strike today over refusal of the company to offer a proper wage increase. 🇬🇧 journalists may be interested to know that the median salary at the NYT is $133,500, just over £109,000.
Josie Giles / @hjosephinegiles: seeing people post total scab nonsense about the nytstrike. yes i find the paper's editorial position loathsome, but worker solidarity isn't conditional. we support striking workers whatever their industry, across disagreements, and build solidarity from there.
William ‘Bill’ Baker / @billbaker830: BITTER-For 20 months the @nytimes has devalued us at the bargaining table, pushing us to this point. SWEET- Today, I stand in solidarity, alongside my colleagues to make management understand that we know our worth.
Cecilia Kang / @ceciliakang: If you see someone's name on a story on Thursday or Friday, it does not necessarily mean they crossed the picket line to write it. Newspapers often have reporters write portions of stories ahead of time when possible.
Josh Kraushaar / @joshkraushaar: “Some staff in the [NYT] D.C bureau believe the union should focus more on compensation and other concrete worker protections, and less on broader cultural and social issues that have also been part of the union's bargaining proposals.”
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: A stroll around the NYT website finds many foreign stories and clearly planned deep-dives. Its own post on the day-long work action - the guild calls it a walk-out, the NYT Co. calls it a strike - does not bear a byline
Jim Tankersley / @jimtankersley: I stand with my colleagues in support of a fair contract that reverses the sharp drop in real wages that has hit our lowest-paid members particularly hard.
Los Angeles Times: New York Times journalists stage historic strike as labor tensions mount across media
Rachyl Jones / Observer: The Wall Street Journal Exploits the New York Times Strike by Offering its Site for Free Today
Charlotte Tobitt / Press Gazette: Media strikes: 1,100 New York Times employees walk out over pay
Sawdah Bhaimiya / Insider: Elon Musk joked the New York Times union strike is ‘Woke v Woke’ after baselessly calling the paper an ‘unregistered lobbying firm for far left politicians’
Matthew Keys / The Desk: New York Times reporters, editors hold one-day strike
Ross A. Lincoln / The Wrap: New York Times Staff Begin 24-Hour Strike in First Work Stoppage Since the 1970s
Oliver Darcy / CNN:
After stalled talks, about 1,100 New York Times staff walked out on a 24-hour strike at midnight on December 8; the last union contract expired in March 2021
After stalled talks, about 1,100 New York Times staff walked out on a 24-hour strike at midnight on December 8; the last union contract expired in March 2021
The City, @amandahess, @nytimesguild, American Press Institute, @maxwelltani, Vanity Fair, Discourse Blog, @bencasselman, New York Times, @davidfolkenflik, @nickconfessore, @harrysiegel, @richardkimnyc, @clauirizarry, @danagoldstein, @davidcayj, @maggieastor, Wall Street Journal, @alex_kirshner, @kenjennings, @jamaalbowmanny, @greenhousenyt, @thepupnews, @corbinbolies, @corbinbolies, @nytguildtech, @jswatz, @timcast, @sheeraf, @scalzi, @ryanlcooper, @greenhousenyt, @nickconfessore, @natalieweiner, @pkafka, @oliverdarcy, @igorbobic, Magic + Loss, HuffPost, MediaPost, @kashhill, @nyguild, The Wrap, Slate, @sdkstl, @elaheizadi, @mikeisaac, @nazaninnour, @latguild, @nyguild, @ogleconnie, @nytguildtech, @froomkin, @ekp, @jaxelburgh, @micahinatl, @lauramlippman, @lauramlippman, @lauramlippman, @mtdukes, @mickimaynard, @froomkin, @francesrobles, @beyerstein, @passantino, @azi, @cnn, @davidgura, @lydiadepillis, Mediaite, Poynter, @edzitron, @oliverdarcy, @rebeccacokley, @markdavis, Observer, @gaufre, New Republic, Wall Street Journal, Newser, @flyingwithsara, @jeffsharlet, Rehak/Stuebing Mostly Media, Insider, Washington Post, Breitbart, New York Daily News, Deadline, ABC13, Common Dreams, Fox News and The Wrap
Claudia Irizarry Aponte / The City: The Other New York Times Workers On Strike
Amanda Hess / @amandahess: We're asking readers to not engage in any @nytimes platforms tomorrow and stand with us on the digital picket line! Read local news. Listen to public radio. Make something from a cookbook. Break your Wordle streak.
@nytimesguild: Today we were ready to work for as long as it took to reach a fair deal, but management walked away from the table with five hours to go. It's official: @NYTimesGuild members are walking out for 24 hours on Thursday. We know what we're worth.
Max Tani / @maxwelltani: Chief White House correspondent Peter Baker and White House reporter Michael Shear are not participating in the walkout. Coincidentally, the main item on Biden's agenda today is a labor union event
Charlotte Klein / Vanity Fair: “The Sulzbergers Must Hate This”: Scenes From The New York Times Picket Line
Jack Mirkinson / Discourse Blog: The Traitors at the New York Times
Ben Casselman / @bencasselman: Working for @nytimes is the honor of my life and the best job I've ever had. Which is why it pains me so much to walk off the job today. But I am proud to stand with more than 1,100 of my @NYTimesGuild colleagues.
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: NYT's newsroom union stages walkout today - editors hustle to post today & publish tomorrow My piece for NPR lays out what's happening - and why
Nick Confessore / @nickconfessore: Today, I'm joining nearly 1200 of my @nytimes colleagues in walking off the job. It is one of the saddest days of my years working at this wonderful place. But in 20 *months* of contract bargaining, our friends in management simply refuse to get serious about wages.
Harry Siegel / @harrysiegel: “We need more money, we need job security,” said security guard John Garafalo, gesturing at the scores of Times workers picketing on 40th Street. “These are my people.” New @clauirizarry @THECITYNY
Richard Kim / @richardkimnyc: It's not just NYT reporters and well known bylines on strike. It's also security guards, IT and sales, some who are the lowest paid workers, per @clauirizarry
Claudia Irizarry Aponte / @clauirizarry: Much of the public's attention on the @NYTimesGuild strike has focused on its journalists. I spent today talking to low-wage concierges, security guards & IT workers on strike - fellow Guild members - who stand to gain the most from the union's demands.
Dana Goldstein / @danagoldstein: “When a man wielding a sword and an axe entered the New York Times was security workers, among them Karen Letellier, who confronted him.”
David Cay Johnston / @davidcayj: Laura is exactly right while the often insightful press critic @jackshafer, in this @politico piece doesn't know what he's writing about.
Maggie Astor / @maggieastor: .@NYTimesGuild includes not only big-name reporters, “but also lower-wage workers like security guards, IT specialists, ushers and sales coordinators who earn as little as $52,000” to live and support families in one of the most expensive cities in the US
Alexandra Bruell / Wall Street Journal: New York Times Staffers Go on One-Day Strike Amid Stalled Contract Talks
Alex Kirshner / @alex_kirshner: People who make fun one one-day walkouts, or even one-hour walkouts, by labor have no idea what they are talking about
Ken Jennings / @kenjennings: The word “hero” gets thrown around a lot nowadays, but I did the new Spelling Bee right at midnight last night to avoid crossing the picket line.
Jamaal Bowman Ed.D / @jamaalbowmanny: Tonight at midnight, 1,100 workers at @nytimes are going on a 24 hour strike. Here's what you can do... Do not engage with any of the New York Times platforms. DO NOT CROSS THE DIGITAL PICKET LINE. Get your news from other sources and tell your friends to do the same. @nyguild
Steven Greenhouse / @greenhousenyt: Breaking: The NewsGuild confirms that more than 1,000 New York Times employees will walk out on Thursday for 24 hours. The union said NYT management walked away from the negotiating table. The union's contract expired 21 months ago. ' @nyguild @newsguild
@thepupnews: Striking news workers? There's a lot of that going around. For the latest on Pittsburgh's, read the “Strike daily” by our @alexrmccann, who is on strike: ...
Corbin Bolies / @corbinbolies: Nikole Hannah-Jones is up. She notes she isn't in the office often and isn't on the bargaining committee — “I just show up and make a nice speech” — but she said she's here “because we love The New York Times, and workers are the heart of The New York Times.”
Corbin Bolies / @corbinbolies: The New York Times' walkout outside its building includes a giant, inflatable rat — and hundreds of Times employees and union backers. Follow along here for coverage of the rally, which is set to begin.
@nytguildtech: From the @NYTimesGuild rally: “This fight is not easy. A work stoppage is not easy... One of the beautiful parts of our union is that we are standing up for both workers and journalism. We do our best work when we are treated equitably.”
John Schwartz / @jswatz: “We have devoted so much of our time, energy, work and love to this paper, which seems unwilling to recognize or to reward that contribution,” said @aoscott ...
Tim Pool / @timcast: Everyone should quit the NYT Its clear they dont care about their employees. Show them they cant treat you this way and quit.
Sheera Frenkel / @sheeraf: If you want to understand why NYT reporters are on strike today, read Nick's thread. There's a reason over 90% of reporters on news desks joined this strike. We love what we do. It came to this because we believe we deserve a fair contract.
John Scalzi / @scalzi: Good morning to all but especially to everyone who broke their Wordle streak today because you don't cross a picket line ...
Ryan Cooper / @ryanlcooper: Baker is one of those guys who boasts about not voting to prove he's politically unbiased, here's what that means
Steven Greenhouse / @greenhousenyt: Solidarity with NYT employees I fear that NYT publisher AG Sulzberger is getting very bad advice from the NYT's high-priced lawyers at Proskauer. It's hurting his image, the Times' image & worker morale It's wrong & insulting for the Times to offer raises so far below inflation
Nick Confessore / @nickconfessore: Today, you may read blind quotes from my company, as in this @CNN story, about how the *real* problem is that bargaining sessions have too many members in them, so frank conversations can't be had between the two sides. Nope. This is about who gets paid.
Natalie Weiner / @natalieweiner: the new york times union is walking out today, yes; also down here in texas, a huge state with a major dearth of local coverage, the fort worth newsguild is on day 11 of a strike against mcclatchy which has revoked their health insurance and posted their jobs
Peter Kafka / @pkafka: Good explainer. Tldr: Unlike many news publishers, NYT has been flourishing and guild members argue that they should benefit alongside management and owners.
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: NYT employees are staging a historic 24-hour strike right now. The work stoppage started at midnight and has depleted major desks of staffers. Exec Editor Joe Kahn acknowledged it will be “harder than usual” to “produce a robust report.” Latest here:
Igor Bobic / @igorbobic: In solidarity with NYT workers, I will not be posting my Wordle score now or ever. Because I respect my followers
Virginia Heffernan / Magic + Loss: NYT Walkout: The problem with being a part of an ‘elite’ institution
Sara Boboltz / HuffPost: New York Times Guild Staffers Walk Out
Ray Schultz / MediaPost: ‘New York Times’ Staff Stages One-Day Strike
@kashhill: Journalists at @nytimes are unionized. Our contract expired in March 2021. I'm walking out for 24 hours today with 1,100 of my @NYTimesGuild colleagues for a fair and complete contract, which we see as an investment in the future of The Times & in great, impactful journalism.
@nyguild: The Times blames our culture of open bargaining — where all members of a union are welcome to observe bargaining sessions — for why negotiations have been stalled. Everyone who will be affected by the decisions made at the bargaining table should be privy to those discussions.
Loree Seitz / The Wrap: New York Times Staffers Seek to Boost ‘Future of Journalism’ as 1,100 Guild Members Go on One-Day Strike
Ben Mathis-Lilley / Slate: At, Questions About the New York Times Strike Are Answered
Staci D Kramer / @sdkstl: Our all-access sub @nytimes household is honoring the @NYTimesGuild strike. I'll miss you 🐝. You, too, @wirecutter, @TheAthletic. Notifications off.
@elaheizadi: Participating employees are sacrificing a day of pay. They are also asking readers to express solidarity with their cause by boycotting Times products for the day — including the addictive Wordle game. ...
Rat King / @mikeisaac: solidarity and support to all of my colleagues, especially on the bargaining and contract action teams the only tweets you're gonna see from me tomorrow will involve unions or esoteric grunge references
Nazanin Nour / @nazaninnour: Iranians are way ahead of you...
@latguild: When we were first unionizing the @latimes newsroom, we felt a huge wave of support and solidarity from the @nytimes newsroom. We are proud to stand with these excellent journalists now. Fair contract now, @nytimes management. It's long overdue.
@nyguild: Over 1,100 New York Times workers are now officially on work stoppage, the first of this scale at the company in 4 decades. It's never an easy decision to refuse to do work you love, but our members are willing to do what it takes to win a better newsroom for all. #GuildStrong!
Connie Ogle / @ogleconnie: Don't forget: NYT staff not the only ones striking. Support journalists everywhere trying for decent working conditions to bring you the news.
@nytguildtech: Notifications off for the next 24 hours 🫡
@froomkin: What a surprise. @nytimes management is opposed to transparency. (And @NYTimesGuild insists upon it.) via @oliverdarcy
Ellen K. Pao / @ekp: Looking forward to tomorrow's digital picket line. Always happy for an excuse to avoid misinformation and biased coverage, even if I have to break my Wordle streak to do it. Let's go
Joshua Axelrod / @jaxelburgh: Been talking to a few @NYTimesGuild folks ahead of their planned 1-day walkout tomorrow for an upcoming @ThePUPNews story. It's amazing how similar the experiences of journalists at outlets as big as the NYT & small as the Post-Gazette are. We just want to feel valued, dammit!!!
Micah / @micahinatl: letting my wordle streak die tomorrow
@lauramlippman: As of midnight, there is a virtual picket line. Virtual picket lines are interesting.
@lauramlippman: A union is like a carbon monoxide alarm. If you are very lucky, you have one and it never goes off.
Tyler Dukes / @mtdukes: Very much looking forward to consuming 24 hours of high-quality national newspaper journalism tomorrow from @USATODAY, @washingtonpost, @WSJ, @latimes and no one else.
Micheline Maynard / @mickimaynard: A shame that talks between @nytimes and @nyguild fell apart. No one wants to walk out, but a fair contract is paramount. Times people and readers deserve it.
@froomkin: I will honor the digital picket line by posting no linked critiques of pusillanimous @nytimes political stories on Thursday.
Frances Robles / @francesrobles: I'm sorry to share that negotiations with the Times collapsed tonight when the company walked off the table. I along with more than 1,000 of my colleagues will be on a 24-hour walk-out starting tonight at midnight.
Lindsay Beyerstein / @beyerstein: I wish someone would write a blocker app that you can publicly sign up for, and that won't release the NYT on your devices until the strike's over.
Jon Passantino / @passantino: 1,100 journalists at the @nytimes are going on strike at midnight, with some staffers going as far as to urge readers not to consume the paper's content during the walkout
@azi: 👀 “'Negotiations are essentially public,' the executive continued. 'And that changes the whole dynamic of negotiations.”
@cnn: A 24-hour strike at The New York Times will take effect Thursday at midnight after management and the union representing staffers failed to reach an agreement for a new contract after more than a year and a half of negotiating
Lydia DePillis / @lydiadepillis: The rare NYT story you'll see without a byline:
Jackson Richman / Mediaite: STRIKE: 1100-Plus New York Times Staff Walk Out After Talks Break Down
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: A 24-hour strike at The New York Times, a historic demonstration in which more than 1,100 employees are expected to participate, will take effect Thursday at midnight. Here's my full story:
Rebecca Cokley / @rebeccacokley: Will be honoring the picket line, and also submitting a note via the link Maggie includes further down in her thread.
Mark Davis / @markdavis: I know the easy line— “America will be a better place Thursday”— but honestly, this is rare stuff, with ripples that could reach media workplaces of every ideological stripe.
Courtney Vinopal / Observer: Is Worker Solidarity Worth Breaking a Wordle Streak? Striking Journalists Are Asking For Sacrifice
@gaufre: Tomorrow we hold power to account at the New York Times. Don't use the app. Don't click on the site. Read local news. Support public radio. Pull out a cookbook. Break your Wordle streak. Don't touch the crossword. Support every worker fighting for a better world.
Prem Thakker / New Republic: Don't Do Today's Wordle — Over one thousand New York Times employees have embarked …
Alexandra Bruell / Wall Street Journal: New York Times Staffers to Stage First Strike in Over 40 Years Thursday
Arden Dier / Newser: New York Times Hit With First Mass Walkout in Decades
Sara Nelson / @flyingwithsara: Dec. 8, STRIKE ALERT at @nytimes. Specific asks from the workers on simple actions to support the strike and encourage management to negotiate a contract workers can ratify. @NYTimesGuild
Jeff Sharlet / @jeffsharlet: “Contingency plans.” I've got one: Treat workers with respect.
Steven Perlberg / Insider: Unionized New York Times staffers are staging their first full-day walkout since the 1970s amid a heated contract fight
Jordan Dixon-Hamilton / Breitbart: 1,100 New York Times Employees to Go on 24-Hour Strike
Joseph Wilkinson / New York Daily News: New York Times union members to hold huge walkout Thursday
Ted Johnson / Deadline: New York Times Journalists Stage 24-Hour Strike As Union And Management Fail To Reach Agreement
Alexandra Olson / ABC13: New York Times braces for 24-hour newsroom walkout by hundreds of journalists, other employees
The Nation:
Over 150 members of the Freelance Solidarity Project pledge not to cross the NYT Guild's picket line, noting that the devaluation of media jobs affects them too
Over 150 members of the Freelance Solidarity Project pledge not to cross the NYT Guild's picket line, noting that the devaluation of media jobs affects them too
@harucoryne, @shellykittleson, @katzonearth, @abbyhiggins, @shannonmstirone, @cliomiso, @brycecovert and Freelance Solidarity Project
Haru Coryne / @harucoryne: I'm inspired by some of our industry's most precarious workers — freelancers — striking in solidarity with @NYTimesGuild. “It's crucial, now more than ever, that freelancers refuse to be used as scab labor.”
Shelly Kittleson / @shellykittleson: “The pitifully low rates offered to freelancers exist in part because media work overall has been so devalued. This also goes for the work of staffers at publications like the Times, which is among the few financially stable and profitable media companies”
Jonathan M. Katz / @katzonearth: This is good, and I hope NYT employees remember this solidarity and push the paper to increase freelancer rates and give priority to regular freelancers when they go for staff jobs.
Abigail Higgins / @abbyhiggins: Proud of my union's work to support the NYT strike. “It's crucial, now more than ever, that freelancers refuse to be used as scab labor, serving as replacements when staff employees go on strike.” @FSP_NWU members @brycecovert @jilnotjill @robinsreport
Shannon Stirone / @shannonmstirone: As a New York Times contributor, I stand in solidarity with my colleagues who are walking out today. @nyguild
Clio / @cliomiso: “It is impossible to separate the concerns of staff, who commission freelance assignments, from those of the freelancers themselves.” i'm ~both~ a @newsguild and @FSP_NWU member and respecting the @NYTimesGuild picket line today

Sources: Brad Pitt sells a 60% stake in Plan B Entertainment to French conglomerate Mediawan, valuing his production company in the low hundreds of millions — - Brad Pitt has sold a 60% stake in his production company, Plan B, to French company Mediawan. — Plan B helped make …
Eileen AJ Connelly / The Wrap: Brad Pitt Sells 60% Stake in Plan B Production Company to Mediawan
Elsa Keslassy / Variety: Brad Pitt's Plan B, Mediawan Closing Deal for Majority Stake Sale
Daniel Alter / @dalter007: Um... people who actually work in legacy media would tell you this deal is the kind of vanity play conglomerates have zero appetite for these days as they rally behind their IP.

Sources: Rebekah Mercer is looking to sell her Breitbart News stake, in which her family invests in the mid-seven figures each year; Breitbart denies the story — After defining the alt-right and MAGA in 2016, the culture seemed to move on from Breitbart. Now the Mercers have, too.

Memo: Nancy Daniels, who oversees Turner's networks and several Discovery channels, and Jane Latman, who leads Food Network, are leaving Warner Bros. Discovery — EXCLUSIVE: Nancy Daniels, who oversees the Turner networks and a number of Discovery channels, and Jane Latman …
Lucas Manfredi / The Wrap: Warner Bros. Discovery Shakeup Continues: Top Networks Group Execs Nancy Daniels, Jane Latman Are Out

After prominent Pakistani TV journalist Arshad Sharif was shot dead in Nairobi, a fact-finding team sent by Pakistan concluded the killing was a targeted murder — A team set up by the Pakistani government to probe the killing of a well-known Pakistani journalist in Nairobi …
Hereward Holland / @herewardholland: A team set up by the Pakistani government to probe the killing of a well-known Pakistani journalist in Nairobi said it found several contradictions in the version given by Kenyan authorities, and believes it was a case of pre-meditated murder.

In an email to advertisers, Twitter says it will launch controls to prevent ads from showing up next to tweets containing certain keywords as soon as next week — Twitter Inc will roll out new controls as soon as next week to let companies prevent their ads from appearing above …
Ad Age, MediaPost, New York Post, Street Fight, @ashnaguliani, @caseynewton, @blackamazon and Bloomberg, more at Techmeme »
Garett Sloane / Ad Age: Source: Twitter is pitching last-minute discounted ad packages for World Cup content, which could signal ad revenue trouble for the Super Bowl and Oscars
Karlene Lukovitz / MediaPost: Twitter To Add Advertising Controls Based On Keywords
Thomas Barrabi / New York Post: Michael Burry deletes Twitter account despite declaring Elon Musk has his ‘trust’
Rachel McGann / Street Fight: Marketing on Twitter amid Platform Uncertainty
Ashna / @ashnaguliani: this already existed lmao we fucking worked on it!!!!
Ville Heiskanen / Bloomberg: Twitter to Give Companies More Control Over Ads, Reuters Says

Penguin Random House CEO Markus Dohle resigns after a judge blocked the Simon & Schuster deal; US COO Nihar Malaviya will serve as interim CEO — Markus Dohle will be succeeded by Nihar Malaviya on an interim basis — Markus Dohle has resigned as chief executive of Penguin Random House weeks …
Eileen AJ Connelly / The Wrap: Penguin Random House CEO Markus Dohle Exits Following Collapse of Simon & Schuster Buyout
Rebecca Picciotto / CNBC: Penguin Random House CEO steps down weeks after judge blocked Simon & Schuster merger
Andrew Albanese / Publishers Weekly: Markus Dohle Steps Down as Penguin Random House CEO
Alexandra Tremayne-Pengelly / Observer: Penguin Random House CEO Markus Dohle Resigns After Failed Simon & Schuster Merger
Hillel Italie / Associated Press: Penguin Random House CEO Markus Dohle is stepping down
Jill Goldsmith / Deadline: Penguin Random House CEO Markus Dohle Resigns After Failed Simon & Schuster Deal
Alex Barker / Financial Times: Penguin Random House chief quits after Simon & Schuster deal collapses
Bertelsmann SE & Co. KGaA: Markus Dohle Steps Down as CEO of Penguin Random House - Nihar Malaviya Appointed as Successor
Michael Cader / Publishers Lunch: Dohle Steps Down As CEO of Penguin Random House; Malaviya Is “Interim Successor”
Jeffrey Trachtenberg / @jeffreyt1: Markus Dohle has resigned as chief executive of Penguin Random House weeks after a federal judge blocked the world's largest consumer-book publisher from acquiring rival Simon & Schuster via @WSJ
Thomas Rabe / @thomasrabe: Markus Dohle steps down as CEO of Penguin Random House - I would like to thank him for our successful collaboration, which I have always greatly appreciated.
Thomas Rabe / @thomasrabe: Nihar Malaviya to take over leadership of Penguin Random House as interim CEO - he is an outstanding leader and an entrepreneurial publishing professional who knows Penguin Random House inside out. I look forward to working even more closely with him.

The hype around esports is fading, as teams and organizations shrink due to a weak sponsorship and ad market, falling VC investment, and the crypto meltdown — The once-thriving esports industry has fallen on hard times as funding sources dwindle and signs abound that athletic competition via video games …
@cecianasta, @sergi_m, @_erome, @crypto, @arnoldwh and @stephentotilo, more at Techmeme »
Cecilia D'Anastasio / @cecianasta: New: Venture capital and sponsorship funds are leaking out of esports. Funding sources dwindle amid a broad economic downturn, disappointed VC and crypto meltdown—particularly as many question esports orgs' ability to turn a profit.
@sergi_m: A folk once said something around the lines of “millions will made and lost around understanding the similarities and differences between #esports and sport”. (Esports can't be a sport. Sports in themselves are not subject to IP rights).
Jerome Joel Josy / @_erome: this could be said about a lot of industries rn but esports is particularly having to face some truths. which is the spend levels in esports blew way out of proportion to the revenue potential for yrs now. rev potential not just for orgs but also for sponsors. viewership was (..)
@crypto: The ad market is shrinking, crypto is in freefall and venture capitalists want to see profits
Gen.G Arnold / @arnoldwh: A really great read talking about some of the big business challenges facing the esports industry. Know a lot of our fans have a lot of questions about this so will figure out a way to do some Q&A type streams with y'all.

A look at theories about the process behind NYT's bestseller list and how publishers and authors game the list, including by focusing on pre-orders — Publishing insiders tell Esquire why they find “the list” so frustrating—turns out, it's a data project full of contradictions.

A look at the benefits and limits of newsrooms integrating open-source investigations, and how journalists and open-source researchers can learn from each other — Spurred by Russia's invasion of Ukraine, open-source investigations are being integrated into standard newsroom practice
Maxim Edwards / @maximedwards: I've an essay out in @NiemanReports considering what Russia's invasion of Ukraine has shown about the role of open source research in journalism. tl;dr: OSINT in newsrooms is gaining traction, but it's no silver bullet and has to be handled judiciously.