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Rupert Murdoch withdraws his News Corp and Fox Corp merger plan after significant investor pushback; James Murdoch questioned the deal in letters to both boards — News Corp, one of his companies, said Rupert Murdoch had determined that a merger was “not optimal for shareholders of News Corp and Fox at this time.”
News Corp, @davidfolkenflik, Washington Post, CNBC, Australian Financial Review, Wall Street Journal, The Daily Beast, @benmullin, Crain's New York Business, Los Angeles Times, Variety, Mumbrella, The Wrap, The Hill, @jeremymbarr, Reuters, The Guardian, @loudmouthjulia, Fortune, @bristei, @richlightshed, Deadline, Sydney Morning Herald, The Hollywood Reporter and Talking Biz News
Gewillis / News Corp: Rupert Murdoch withdraws his proposal to combine News Corp and Fox Corp, saying that “a combination is not optimal for shareholders” of both companies
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: News: Rupert Murdoch pulls proposal to combine the publishing & TV arms of his holdings - News Corp and Fox Corp. The move had sparked criticism from investors and skepticisms from other parts of the Murdoch family - was considered a way for Lachlan to consolidate control.
Lillian Rizzo / CNBC: Rupert Murdoch calls off proposed Fox-News Corp merger
Jeffrey A. Trachtenberg / Wall Street Journal: Rupert Murdoch Withdraws Proposal to Merge Fox Corp. and News Corp
Ben Mullin / @benmullin: A surprise offer to acquire a big chunk of News Corp in recent weeks scrambled its merger with Fox Corp, sources say. W/ @LaurenSHirsch, @katie_robertson, @JamesStewartNYT and @jwpetersNYT:
Meg James / Los Angeles Times: Rupert Murdoch abandons News Corp.-Fox merger after investors push back
Brian Steinberg / Variety: Murdochs Withdraw Proposal to Combine News Corp., Fox
Calum Jaspan / Mumbrella: Murdochs scrap potential News Corp and Fox combination; ‘not optimal for shareholders’
Lucas Manfredi / The Wrap: Fox, News Corp Merger Proposal Withdrawn by Murdochs: ‘Combination Is Not Optimal for Shareholders’
Dominick Mastrangelo / The Hill: Murdochs pull bid to combine News Corp and Fox Corp
Jeremy Barr / @jeremymbarr: “In withdrawing the proposal, Mr. Murdoch indicated that he and Lachlan K. Murdoch have determined that a combination is not optimal for shareholders of News Corp and FOX at this time.” The special committee considering the proposal has been dissolved.
Deborah Sophia / Reuters: Rupert Murdoch scraps proposal to combine Fox, News Corp
Julia Alexander / @loudmouthjulia: Live look at the Murdoch family.
Azure Gilman / Fortune: Rupert Murdoch's Fox and News Corp. merger falls apart after the Australian billionaire withdraws his proposal to combine them
Brian Steinberg / @bristei: Just in: Rupert Murdoch withdraws proposal to combine News Corp. and Fox Corp, saying that ‘a combination is not optimal for shareholders of News Corp and Fox at this time.’ Idea has met resistance from investors in the two media companies
@richlightshed: Trying to wrap our brains around the reported $3 bn valuation of News Corp's Move/@realtordotcom unsolicited bid from @CoStarGroup $NWSA If true...
Dade Hayes / Deadline: Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. And Fox Abandon Potential Merger After Special Committee Found “A Combination Is Not Optimal For Shareholders”
Zoe Samios / Sydney Morning Herald: ‘Not optimal for shareholders’: Murdoch cans proposed Fox-News Corp merger
Alex Weprin / The Hollywood Reporter: Fox-News Corp. Merger Dead as Rupert Murdoch Says Deal “Not Optimal” For Shareholders
Chris Roush / Talking Biz News: WSJ parent calls off proposed merger with Fox

The Washington Post lays off 20 newsroom employees and shuts down its gaming vertical Launcher; Executive Editor Sally Buzbee says 30 open roles won't be filled — The Washington Post on Tuesday became the latest media company to conduct layoffs, people familiar with the matter said …
Vanity Fair, @sarafischer, New York Times, Kotaku, @kemettler, @shannon_liao, Axios, @mikehumepost, The Jacob Wolf Report, @austen, @austen, @futterish, @_cingraham, @josephseering, @kalhanr, @postguild, @postguild, @corbinbolies, @benjamingoggin, @kyleorl, @mikehumepost, @genepark, @firstadopter, @ethangach, @mattgertz, @chrisbratt, @postguild, @vahn16, @niemanlab, @sulliview, @mikehumepost, @skrishna, @zachbussey, The Daily Beast, @mikeisaac, @tylrfishr, @samitsarkar, @dellcam, The Information, @cecianasta, @halophoenix, @walldo, @genepark, @erikkain and
Charlotte Klein / Vanity Fair: The Washington Post Lays Off 20 Staffers
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: More details on @washingtonpost layoffs, per memo from Executive Editor Sally Buzbee: — 20 newsroom positions eliminated — 30 open positions will not be filled — WaPo is sunsetting Launcher, its online gaming vertical, and KidsPost, per two sources familiar Memo below:
Katie Mettler / @kemettler: The Washington Post has started laying off my friends and colleagues. It's wrong and unnecessary and did not need to happen. I'm sad and mad and so disappointed in this institution that I care about so deeply. We're better than this.
Shannon Liao / @shannon_liao: welp, it's official! I've been laid off from @washingtonpost @LauncherWP, alongside some of my talented and hard-working colleagues. I'll be looking for work and trying to figure out next steps from here. thank you so much for following along until now
Mike Hume / @mikehumepost: Today The Washington Post decided to lay off five members of the Launcher team and sunset the site. I'm heartbroken to lose @LeaderGrev, @JhaanElker, @pithyalyse, @Shannon_Liao and @Vahn16 to The Post's layoffs. 🧵
Austen Allred / @austen: Google literally laid off 600 times as many people
Austen Allred / @austen: Reading endless tweets about how evil the new Washington Post is all day and only now do I realize it was only 20 people. It was a <2% layoff.
Mike Futter / @futterish: Launcher was amazing, and @Shannon_Liao and @Vahn16 especially were doing top tier work. This breaks my heart.
Christopher Ingraham / @_cingraham: Solidarity to my former colleagues. Sounds like a more forward-thinking news organization is going to be able to make some great hires soon.
Joseph Seering / @josephseering: There are more people in the US who regularly play digital games than there are people who have jobs. The games industry is significantly bigger business than traditional sports. All of the biggest tech companies have stakes in gaming. Why is it so hard to get coverage of this?
Kalhan / @kalhanr: We are in the midst of one of the most successful, lucrative video game adaptations ever with HBO's The Last of Us, proving the voracious appetite for games coverage in the mainstream. WaPo sunsetting Launcher is a massive loss for games journalism and journalism as a whole.
@postguild: We have received no clear explanation for why these layoffs had to happen. As far as we can tell, they are not financially necessary or rooted in any coherent business plan from our publisher, who has said that he expects the company to be larger a year from now.
@postguild: Today, The Washington Post laid off 20 of our colleagues. While 20 is much smaller than 200 — “a single digit percentage of the workforce,” as Publisher Fred Ryan indicated, that's little consolation to those who lost their jobs today. That number should be zero.
Corbin Bolies / @corbinbolies: A Washington Post journalist told me today's layoffs—and the month that led to it—seemed unnecessary. “I don't think today's news inspires any additional confidence in management and how they have handled this.” My story on the layoffs: ...
Benjamin Goggin / @benjamingoggin: Media layoffs across the industry have targeted tech/internet/gaming reporting even after these publishers all seemed to agree that investment in those spaces is crucial. Watch the disconnect between MSM and what's actually relevant in culture, power, and tech grow wider.
@kyleorl: If Launcher can't make it there is simply no hope for quality gaming coverage anywhere in legacy newspaper business. Sympathy to all those affected
Mike Hume / @mikehumepost: The site and our coverage will not be disappearing immediately, so please keep reading and watching. And if you have fond memories or nice things to say about the work @LauncherWP produced, please share. We could all use those vibes right now.
Gene Park / @genepark: to be clear: i am not laid off. i will continue to cover video games under the Washington Post Style section. i appreciate truly everyone reaching out. sometimes i can't believe how kind many of you are to me. it means so much.
Tae Kim / @firstadopter: Very sad. @washingtonpost Launcher and @GenePark were crushing it with their gaming coverage. I was an avid reader. They were at the top of SEO searches for this month's massive The Last of Us phenomenon. I'm sure getting monster traffic with stellar substantive coverage too
@ethangach: Washington Post is shutting down it's gaming section a year after gaming culture and business dominated the news cycle and at a time when the paper is desperately in need of finding new, younger readers.
Matthew Gertz / @mattgertz: It seems kind of weird that the Washington Post's strategy is to eliminate content that differentiates it from its competitors?
Chris Bratt / @chrisbratt: Oh god, not more. Launcher was absolutely brilliant. This is so cruel.
@postguild: We'll continue to hold the company accountable and fight these seemingly arbitrary terminations in every way we can — including helping our colleagues find other jobs within the newsroom and securing the severance packages they deserve.
Nathan Grayson / @vahn16: It (Finally) Happened To Me: I Got Laid Off
@niemanlab: “These positions included roles across multiple departments and the termination of Launch, WaPo's online gaming vertical, and KidsPost, a section of the paper written for juniors, per a source familiar.”
Margaret Sullivan / @sulliview: Awful to have to report on your colleagues being laid off. @sarahellison and @ElaheIzadi handle it here with their usual professionalism and grace ...
Mike Hume / @mikehumepost: What makes this news so hard is that Launcher was doing well! In '22, Launcher's traffic was up year over year, even as @genepark recovered from cancer. We were succeeding in our mission. I'm stunned. But mostly just sad to lose such wonderful, dedicated, caring colleagues.
Swapna Krishna / @skrishna: This is a bummer. I really love the work the @LauncherWP team did and is doing.
Zach Bussey / @zachbussey: Layoffs at WaPo... The @LauncherWP (which covered gaming and the streaming space) being shut down is especially disappointing. #StreamerNews
@mikeisaac: comes as HBO announces The Last Of Us show raking in some of its largest viewership numbers in its history there IS an audience in mainstream gaming journalism, so this is a bummer
@tylrfishr: the washington post wants to reach younger audiences so today it cut video games and kids-focused coverage
Samit Sarkar / @samitsarkar: this sucks — it was great to see a mainstream pub take gaming seriously, and @LauncherWP has been doing terrific work anyway, I'm just going to remind everyone that the Washington Post is owned by a man whose current net worth is more than ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY BILLION DOLLARS
Dell Cameron / @dellcam: assuming none of the people involved in this decision care about or even play video games — those silly little amusements americans shell out $60bn a year for. enjoy your not-traffic.
Cecilia D'Anastasio / @cecianasta: WaPo is sunsetting its games vertical the same day NYT publishes another classically 🙄 line on gaming: “Until fairly recently, games were considered a niche hobby, typically associated with children.” Infuriating that games coverage remains low priority at these prestige outlets
Alan Henry / @halophoenix: I was about to tweet my sadness at losing @LauncherWP, but then I learned they laid off the people who made it possible, and that's *infuriating.* The one good example of video game coverage at a mainstream legacy pub, and the pub couldn't get over itself to keep it going.
Brandon Wall / @walldo: SO frustrating to hear about @LauncherWP. I inhaled as much of their coverage as I could, even about games/companies I didn't care about, because the writing was THAT good love and solidarity to everyone affected at WaPo today (and elsewhere w/ recent cuts around the industry)
Gene Park / @genepark: i know i just beat cancer but boy do i need a cigarette (i won't have a cigarette i promise also i'll have more to say on my status very soon. just need to process)
Erik ‘daibo’ Kain / @erikkain: Wow this sucks. The WaPo had a great gaming section, with top-notch writers like @GenePark doing great work. What the hell?
Brendan Sinclair / Washington Post reportedly shutting down gaming section

About 75% of The Washington Post newsroom's eligible employees are now union members, the highest percentage in decades, after a signup surge in recent months — Amid a wave of job cuts in the tech and media sectors, The Post's long-expected reductions punctuate a period of uncertainty
@byheatherlong, @perreaux, The Wrap, New York Post, The Hill, Deadline, @abeaujon, Fortune and Talking Biz News
Heather Long / @byheatherlong: This is a tough day for WaPo as the company lays off 20 staff and plans to leave dozens of vacancies unfilled. While the layoffs are less extensive than initially feared, it is incredibly tough for each family and team impacted. ...
Les Perreaux / @perreaux: Journalism cuts always bum me out, but it's worse when it's a company where they *seemed* to figure a few things out. ...
Loree Seitz / The Wrap: Washington Post Lays Off 20 Staffers, a Week After Jeff Bezos Visited Office
Dominick Mastrangelo / The Hill: Washington Post eliminates nearly two dozen newsroom positions citing ‘economic climate’
Andrew Beaujon / @abeaujon: KidsPost is gone, too, per the Post's own reporting on its layoffs ...

Local journalism groups representing 3,000+ newsrooms form Rebuild Local News, a new nonprofit dedicated to public policy initiatives aiming to save local news — It's understandable that the idea that government should help save local media makes many journalists' skin crawl.
Axios, @rebuild_news, Rebuild Local News, @stevenwaldman, @stevenwaldman, @dicktofel, @jimfriedlich, @dicktofel, @stevenwaldman, @sulliview, @sarabethberman, @davidclinchnews, @froomkin, The Rural Blog, @jayrosen_nyu, @jeffjarvis, @rebuild_news, @sammy_roth, @jenniferpreston, @gbadanes,, @mollybeck, @jayrosen_nyu, @jayrosen_nyu and @toomuchme
Sara Fischer / Axios: Dozens of journalism groups join coalition to save local news
@rebuild_news: Rebuild Local News is launching as an independent nonprofit organization with more members and supporters, to turbocharge the campaign to strengthen democracy with public policies to support the local press.
Steven Waldman / Rebuild Local News: Rebuild Local News Launches Ambitious New Drive for Public Policies to Help Save Local News
Steven Waldman / @stevenwaldman: Lenfest has been a key partner throughout. Thank you. And I agree with your emphasis on “non-partisan”
Steven Waldman / @stevenwaldman: I actually agree with this, mostly. Need dramatically improved biz models for commercial media; expanded role for nonprofits (including biz strategies) AND smart public policy. Wont get there — there being, a better-than-before local news system — without all 3.
Richard Tofel / @dicktofel: @jayrosen_nyu ... “philanthropy can't do it alone” is quite different, I think, from “philanthropy can't do it.” The question then becomes whether the risk to journalistic independence from becoming dependent on Congress is worth the additional support.
Jim Friedlich / @jimfriedlich: “A non-partisan, non-profit that will help develop policies to save local news” & the democracy it enables. @lenfestinst is delighted to join this powerful coalition as a co-funder and highly enthusiastic supporter. @stevenwaldman @rebuildlocalnews @JulieSandorf @
Richard Tofel / @dicktofel: @jayrosen_nyu @stevenwaldman In a nation where philanthropy is the primary support for many, many varied cultural organizations, where is the evidence, Jay, that “philanthropy can't do it,” and that journalism is better off submitting permanently to the mercy of the Congress?
Steven Waldman / @stevenwaldman: Terrific piece about the new @Rebuild_News by @sarafischer at @axios, who has covered these issues really well
Margaret Sullivan / @sulliview: Great to see. No better leader on this than @stevenwaldman. It gives one hope
Sarabeth Berman / @sarabethberman: We are excited to support and be a part of this important initiative to develop smart policy to rebuild local news and sustain our democracy. Congrats to @Rebuild_News on the launch and to the great @stevenwaldman for his leadership!
David Clinch / @davidclinchnews: @GBadanes Excellent!
@froomkin: Must read: A formidable and compelling vision from @stevenwaldman of how public policy can help save local news. Also the kickoff of @Rebuild_New.
Al Cross / The Rural Blog: Rebuild Local News Coalition is now a nonprofit that will push for policies that will lead to hiring of more reporters
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: The market has failed. Philanthropy can't do it. The public good that is local news needs another support system. Now there's an alliance calling for public policy solutions. Rebuild Local News it is called. @stevenwaldman explains...
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: OK, but nothing beats an actual business strategy.
@rebuild_news: “Rebuild Local News' policy proposals aim to deliver $3-5 billion in relief ... If even a fraction of that money was used to hire and retain journalists, the number of local reporters in America ‘would likely double.’”
@jenniferpreston: Wonderful news for the future of local journalism! Congrats @StevenWaldman and team on official 2023 launch of @Rebuild_News Update here
Ginny Badanes / @gbadanes: Today, Microsoft renewed our ongoing commitment to bolster local journalism. Our support for the Rebuild Local News Coalition will help fuel research for local, state, and national policies. Learn more: ...
Judd Legum / I'm rooting for them, but I don't think government funding is the way to save local news or any news. Journalism should be about holding government officials accountable, not lobbying them for cash.
Molly Beck / @mollybeck: “Newspaper employment has fallen by around 70% since 2006. Newspaper revenues have fallen around 60% to $20 billion since 2005.”
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: “Pressure is mounting on the government to address the country's local news crisis through policy changes, as commercial efforts prove mostly moot.”

In his new book, Mike Pompeo calls Jamal Khashoggi an activist, not a journalist, which The Washington Post's Fred Ryan says is a shameful “ploy to sell books” — In a new book, former secretary of state Mike Pompeo derides the idea that Jamal Khashoggi, a Washington Post contributing columnist …
NBC News, @washpostpr, The Guardian, Fox News, @wutangkids, @atrupar, The Guardian, @rlheinrichs, @mikepompeo, @joshnbcnews, @jbouie, @amandacarpenter, @earlofenough, @mariskreizman, @eliclifton, @wajahatali, @amandacarpenter, @muellershewrote, Insider, @aalodah, @ruthbenghiat, @bradmossesq, @benpauker, @_toddstone, @american_bridge, Mediaite, @mercan_resifi, @guygavrielkay, @seungminkim, @aarondmiller2, @postopinions, The Hill, @thor_benson, @freedomofpress, @middleeasteye, @mehdirhasan, @baddcompani, @rulajebreal, @eugene_scott, Newser, New Republic and FOX News Radio
NBC News: Mike Pompeo criticizes journalist Jamal Khashoggi as an ‘activist’ who received too much media sympathy
Martin Pengelly / The Guardian: Washington Post condemns Pompeo for ‘vile’ Khashoggi ‘falsehoods’
@wutangkids: This is some insane shit and Pompeo was part of releasing 5,000 Taliban terrorists
Aaron Rupar / @atrupar: unspeakably vile for a former secretary of state to downplay the brutal murder of an American resident by an authoritarian regime
Martin Pengelly / The Guardian: Mike Pompeo dismisses ‘faux outrage’ over murder of Jamal Khashoggi
Rebeccah Heinrichs / @rlheinrichs: The Post is mad that the entire US approach to the Middle East didn't change when they demanded it
Mike Pompeo / @mikepompeo: Americans are safer because we didn't label Saudi Arabia a pariah state. I never let the media bully me. Just b/c someone is a part-time stringer for WaPo doesn't make their life more important than our military serving in dangerous places protecting us all. I never forgot that.
Josh Lederman / @joshnbcnews: Pompeo doubles down on denigrating Jamal Kashoggi, calling him a “part-time stringer” whose life he suggests was less important than keeping US troops in Saudi Arabia —>
Amanda Carpenter / @amandacarpenter: Pompeo, a potential 2024 presidential candidate, mocked the media's portrayal of Khashoggi as “a Saudi Arabian Bob Woodward who was martyred for bravely criticizing the Saudi royal family through his opinion articles in the Washington Post.”
D. Earl Stephens / @earlofenough: 📌I am a vet and the former Managing Editor of Stars & Stripes. This is one of THE most vile, inhumane things I have ever read from ANYBODY. You need to pull this down, @mikepompeo, apologize, and think very deeply about what kind of good you think you are doing in public life.
Maris Kreizman / @mariskreizman: Congrats to HarperCollins author Mike Pompeo for getting a special shout out from the Washington Post.
Eli Clifton / @eliclifton: Interesting. How were US military personnel potentially in danger if the US punished Saudi Arabia for Khashoggi's murder? Who would endanger US troops if MBS was shunned? Hope Pompeo explains this potential threat to our military.
Wajahat Ali / @wajahatali: What a disgrace to West Point. A shameful man. Mike Pompeo criticizes journalist Jamal Khashoggi as an ‘activist’ who received too much media sympathy via @nbcnews
Amanda Carpenter / @amandacarpenter: WaPo Publisher says Pompeo's description of the life and death of Jamal Kashoggi is “shameful, “vile,” and “dishonors” the murdered writer.
Insider: Washington Post publisher slams Pompeo calling Jamal Khashoggi an ‘activist’ in new book, fires back that CIA ‘concluded Jamal was brutally murdered’
@aalodah: After no one wanted to write a foreword for his book, Pompeo is pathetically trying to sell his book on the back of Jamal's blood. The simple story is that your friend MbS (Mr. bone-saw) killed and dismembered my friend Jamal Khashoggi and you rushed to the butcher's defense.
Ruth Ben-Ghiat / @ruthbenghiat: “Too much sympathy” for being brutally hacked to death. Says everything about Pompeo's character.
Bradley P. Moss / @bradmossesq: “Pro-life” politician
Ben Pauker / @benpauker: Pompeo seems to indicate that smoothing things over with Saudi Arabia's leaders — after the Khashoggi murder — saved American servicemembers' lives. I'd like to see the reporting on that.
Todd Stone / @_toddstone: Not sure how diminishing the life and career of a journalist who was brutally murdered will help Mike Pompeo sell more books. Strong statement by the @washingtonpost's CEO, challenging Pompeo's description of Jamal Khashoggi.
@american_bridge: .@MikePompeo's lies are shocking and un-American. He has no business running for president.
Ken Meyer / Mediaite: Washington Post Slams Mike Pompeo For ‘Shameful’ Attacks on Jamal Khashoggi: Dishonored a ‘Courageous Man’
Guy Gavriel Kay / @guygavrielkay: I've often made wry jokes and needles about Pompeo (Pompeous, etc)... But this is straight up vile. Any joke turns too bitter in the mouth.
Seung Min Kim / @seungminkim: Important point: “As the CIA - which Pompeo once directed - concluded, Jamal was brutally murdered on the orders of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman.”
Aaron David Miller / @aarondmiller2: Pompeo blames progressive left and media for blowing Saudi murder of Khashoggi out of proportion and hails MBS as historic leader. It's not for nothing that he'll go down as one of the worst —if not the worst — SecState in modern history of US. ...
@postopinions: Pompeo reveals that, in private, he and Trump felt they rescued the crown prince from disrepute. He recalls that the then-president asked him to go to Saudi Arabia, and that he was the first western official to see MBS since Khashoggi's murder. ...
Dominick Mastrangelo / The Hill: Washington Post publisher: ‘Shameful’ of Pompeo to spread ‘vile falsehoods’ about Khashoggi
Thor Benson / @thor_benson: Mike Pompeo makes sure no one forgets he's a terrible person
@freedomofpress: One of the last people on earth who should get to decide who is and who isn't a journalist is the former director of the CIA. ...
@middleeasteye: In an explosive new memoir, the former official in Donald Trump's administration blamed the “progressive left” for trying to damage the United States' relationship with Saudi Arabia following Khashoggi's murder in Istanbul ...
Mehdi Hasan / @mehdirhasan: I've said it before and I'll say it again: the biggest divide in our politics is not between right and left but between awful people and not-awful people. This is particularly awful from the already awful Pompeo.
@baddcompani: Remember what I said about Pompeo's comments yesterday, and I have talked about Pompeo's many lies. This is a good response! The man who surrendered to the Taliban!
Rula Jebreal / @rulajebreal: Pompeo blames slain Journalist Khashoggi for his own murder. For the crime of living America's free speech ideal, Jamal was killed by dismemberment, a barbarity that exposed MBS enablers: Trumpers willing to dismantle US Democracy in favor of rich despots.
Eugene Scott / @eugene_scott: Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on murdered Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi: “He didn't deserve to die, but ...” WOW
Jenn Gidman / Newser: Pompeo Slams ‘Faux Outrage’ Over Khashoggi Murder
Tori Otten / New Republic: Mike Pompeo Blasted for Calling Jamal Khashoggi an “Activist” Whose Murder Got Too Much Attention
Devon Kelly / FOX News Radio: One On One With Secretary Mike Pompeo

Victor Navasky, a witty and contrarian journalist who for 27 years was either editor or publisher of the left-leaning magazine The Nation, dies at 90 — Witty and contrarian, he was the longtime editor and later publisher of The Nation and wrote an acclaimed book about the Hollywood blacklisting era.
@thenation, @davidcorndc, @gypsystrategy, CBS News, @jonathanshainin, @columbiajourn, @cathyarnst, @heerjeet, @elienyc, @zephyrteachout, The Forward, @penamerica, @davidcorndc, @jeffjarvis, @kleinmatic, @bernstein, @michaelscherer, @dalemaharidge, @hofrench, @stevenlevy, @katrinanation, @emilybell, @clydehaberman, @edgeofsports, NPR, @rossbarkan, @attackerman, @timothynoah1, @pressfreedom, @marthajadams, @eyalpress and @eric_alterman
David Corn / @davidcorndc: I was just told Victor Navasky, the former publisher/editor of The Nation, died. He plucked me out of the intern program & was my boss for many years. I learned much from him, as did many others. He was a champion of progressive journalism & had an impish wit. Thank you, Victor.
@gypsystrategy: A giant of journalism and #PressFreedom champion, Victor Navasky, has passed. How fortunate we at @pressfreedom have been to have had him at the founding stage of our organization and passionately engaged even decades after. RIP. 🙏
Jonathan Shainin / @jonathanshainin: One of the last true giants of American liberalism (and history's greatest Swarthmore graduate). Victor taught me and thousands of other interns how to think about magazines and what they could do.
@columbiajourn: The @Columbia community mourns the loss of Victor Navasky, the George T. Delacorte Professor Emeritus of Professional Practice in Magazine Journalism. Read his obituary in the @Nytimes
Catherine Arnst / @cathyarnst: Journalism loses a giant. “I think it was Walter Cronkite who used to end his nightly newscasts by saying, 'That's the way it is.' Well, I wanted to put out a magazine which would say: 'That's not the way it is at all. Let's take another look.'"@thenation
Jeet Heer / @heerjeet: Victor Navasky's big public legacies are 1) editorship of Nation (giving magazine a far wider audience & more financial stability than ever before) 2) Kennedy Justice: a pioneering critique of imperial presidency 3) Naming Names, a crucial account of McCarthyism. RIP
Elie Mystal / @elienyc: Sad day here at @thenation
Zephyr Teachout / @zephyrteachout: What a wonderful, mischievous, voluminous, brave man. A testament, among other things, to the power of combining fierce progressivism and a sense of humor and delight. RIP.
Benjamin Ivry / The Forward: How the consummate Jewish intellectual remained ‘one of the most cheerful Jewish men in the word’
@penamerica: PEN America mourns the loss of Victor Navasky—a stalwart defender of the freedom to write—who led @thenation for many years, wrote “Naming Names,” a breakthrough chronicle of the Hollywood blacklisting era, and was a longtime PEN America board member. #RIP
David Corn / @davidcorndc: It continues to be a sad day for me. But I am buoyed by reading the comments of so many excellent journalists who Victor encouraged and aided. Even more than all the words he wrote and edited, this is his legacy.
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: Farewell to a grand liberal. Victor S. Navasky, a Leading Liberal Voice in Journalism, Dies at 90
Scott Klein / @kleinmatic: RIP my old colleague Victor Navasky, who outlived one of his obit writers.
Joe Bernstein / @bernstein: I wrote possibly the stupidest thesis in the history of journalism school (a high bar). Victor Navasky (not my advisor) was kind and patient enough to humor my many idiotic questions about it without laughing. A total mensch.
Michael Scherer / @michaelscherer: What I remember is how interested he was in what everyone had to say, how much he enjoyed engaging ideas, even with a J-School student like me. A great mentor, a massive career.
Dale Maharidge / @dalemaharidge: RIP Victor Navasky. He published me @thenation in the 1980s and later was a colleague at @columbiajourn. The word “mensch” was invented to describe him. Victor S. Navasky, a Leading Liberal Voice in Journalism, Dies at 90
Howard French / @hofrench: RIP to my esteemed former colleague, Victor Navasky, who had a tremendous career in magazines and remained deeply generous throughout. via @NYTimes
Steven Levy / @stevenlevy: Saddened to hear we lost Victor Navasky, a real giant of the word and a sweet, wise fellow as well.
@katrinanation: Victor Navasky changed my life, and 1000s of others who embarked on their informal journalistic education at @thenation as interns.Victor was a true believer in the power of independent media—quietly fierce in his convictions,kind and generous to so very many. I will miss him.
Emily Bell / @emilybell: RIP the great Victor Navasky, an icon of progressive journalism, incredibly kind colleague at @columbiajourn champion of @CJR and founder of @thenation
Clyde Haberman / @clydehaberman: Victor Navasky has died, a major loss, especially for those of us who were his friends.
Dave Zirin / @edgeofsports: Rest in Peace to Victor Navasky, former editor in chief @thenation and someone who believed in me before I believed in myself. I'll add that Victor's book “Naming Names” is timeless, as he was, is, and always will be.
Ross Barkan / @rossbarkan: RIP to Victor Navasky, who understood that liberalism meant welcoming a diversity of viewpoints and cherished idiosyncraticity. The Nation published Hitchens, Cockburn, Vidal, and many others who never fit neatly anywhere. Great writers shouldn't.
Spencer Ackerman / @attackerman: RIP Victor Navasky. Every working journalist, no matter their politics, no matter if like me they never worked on the opinion side of the newsroom, ought to read his memoir. I never got to work with him, but I felt his influence through that book.
Timothy Noah / @timothynoah1: Victor Navasky, RIP. A first-rate editor and writer and an even better human being. He and @Kaibird123 and @hamfish were my very patient first bosses in political journalism when I was a (totally clueless) Nation summer intern in 1979.
@pressfreedom: We mourn the loss of Victor S. Navasky, longtime editor and later publisher of @thenation, who died Monday in New York at the age of 90. Navasky was one of the Committee to Protect Journalists' founding board members. Read more in the @nytimes' obituary:
Martha Jane Adams / @marthajadams: 1.24 | #RIP: #VictorNavasky, 90, a witty, liberal journalist who was either editor or publisher of The Nation for 27 years, has died of pneumonia. He also wrote the acclaimed book “Naming Names,” a breakthrough chronicle of Hollywood's blacklisting era.~~
Eyal Press / @eyalpress: Very sad to see this news. The world of arts and letters has lost one of its great iconoclastic figures. May his irreverent spirit live on.
Eric Alterman / @eric_alterman: The world of journalism and liberal politics will soon have a great deal to say about unique and wonderful character of my beloved friend, and mentor, Victor Navasky, 1932/2023. Here we are on my 60th birthday 1/14/20. His memory will long be a blessing to me and to this planet.

The DOJ sues Google, joined by California and seven other US states, calling for the breakup of its ad tech business that allegedly monopolizes the US ad market — The US Justice Department and eight states sued Alphabet Inc.'s Google, calling for the break up of the search giant's ad-technology business …
New York Times, CNN, CNET, TechCrunch, AdExchanger, The Keyword, Department of Justice, Wall Street Journal, The Hollywood Reporter, Reuters, Platformer, NPR, @adamkovac, CNBC, @dkthomp, The Information, Inside Radio, WWD, @matthewstoller, @jason, The Register, Roll Call, Next TV, @jason_kint, @jason_kint, UPI, Sputnik News, The Wrap, Variety, The Guardian, ZDNet, The Hill, Quartz, Engadget, Financial Times, @swodinsky, Axios, Al Jazeera, MediaPost, Fast Company, @swiftstories, @birnbaum_e, Albuquerque Journal, @swodinsky, @digiphile, Gizmodo, The Verge, Florida Politics, Times of San Diego, Billboard, Associated Press, MarTech, New York Post, @loudmouthjulia, @fosspatents, Politico, Washington Post, @loudmouthjulia, Vox, @jason_kint, FOX31 Denver, AppleInsider, CBS News, Deadline and Radio & Television …, more at Techmeme »
Allison Schiff / AdExchanger: It's Happening: The DOJ Is Suing Google For Alleged Monopolistic Ad Tech Practices
Department of Justice: Justice Department Sues Google for Monopolizing Digital Advertising Technologies
Winston Cho / The Hollywood Reporter: Google's Digital Advertising Dominance Under Fire As Justice Dept. Brings Antitrust Suit
Casey Newton / Platformer: Google's most serious antitrust challenge to date
Bobby Allyn / NPR: U.S. files second antitrust suit against Google's ad empire, seeks to break it up
Adam Kovacevich / @adamkovac: Some thoughts on @leah_nylen's scoop of DOJ v Google antitrust ads case being imminent... 🧵: 1/
Lauren Feiner / CNBC: DOJ files second antitrust lawsuit against Google
Derek Thompson / @dkthomp: The timing of the DOJ suit to break up Google is interesting. If the govt has the goods on anti-competitive practices, they should absolutely bring a case. But Google as runaway monopolist? Its share of online advertising has declined by 1/3rd in the last 5 years.
Jessica E. Lessin / The Information: DOJ's Latest Case Against Google Is Intricate But Important
Adriana Lee / WWD: U.S. Slaps Google With Lawsuit Over Ad Tech Monopoly
Matt Stoller / @matthewstoller: The Antitrust Division just demanded a break-up of Google and the very first hearing of this new Congress is 4 hours of Senators screaming at Live Nation-Ticketmaster. Reports of the demise of antitrust have been greatly exaggerated...
@jason: Whoa... didn't see that coming. What would a broken up google even look like?! Could actually increase shareholder value, especially if YouTube, Android, or Ad Platform were spun out.
Thomas Claburn / The Register: Break up Google now, says US govt in ad monopoly lawsuit
Jason Kint / @jason_kint: ok, let's do this. I've now read all 153 pages of United States vs Google filed earlier today. As I've said earlier, Google is royally screwed. The suit is super well-written building on prior work investigating Google's market power abuse leveraging advertising technologies. /1
Jason Kint / @jason_kint: Statement from DCN on today's landmark lawsuit, United States of America vs Google.
Patrick Hilsman / UPI: Department of Justice sues Google in antitrust action
Slav Kandyba / The Wrap: Google Sued Over Digital Ad Monopoly by DOJ, 8 States
Todd Spangler / Variety: DOJ and Eight States Sue Google, Alleging It Holds a ‘Monopolistic Grip’ on Digital Ad Market
Stephanie Condon / ZDNet: The Justice Department wants to break up Google's ad business
Scott Nover / Quartz: The US just filed another antitrust lawsuit against Google
Igor Bonifacic / Engadget: The Justice Department is suing Google to break up its ad business
Stefania Palma / Financial Times: US sues Google over its digital ad ‘dominance’
@swodinsky: i remember *three goddamn years ago* how i felt like an utter lunatic writing explainers on things like “header bidding” and “ad servers” for a lay audience because—let's be honest—why would they care about any of that? i guess this is why. ngl i got a bit misty watching this
Laurie Sullivan / MediaPost: If The DOJ Sues Google, Again, What Are Its Options?
Mike Swift / @swiftstories: Here's the meat of @JusticeATR #adtech #antitrust claims against Google: GOOG “has corrupted legitimate competition in the ad tech industry by engaging in a systematic campaign to seize control of the wide swath of high-tech tools used by publishers, advertisers, and brokers.”
Emily Birnbaum / @birnbaum_e: Come to this article to read the top-notch analysis by @leah_nylen, stay for the excellent graphics!
@swodinsky: if tearing up while watching DOJ announcements is wrong* then i don't want to be right** * i'm pretty sure it is ** i might be taking a goddamn federal announcement too personally
Alex Howard / @digiphile: Today, Today, @theJusticeDept & the Attorneys General of CA, CO, CT, NJ, NY, RI, TN, & VI filed a civil antitrust suit against @Google “for monopolizing multiple digital advertising technology products in violation of Sections 1 and 2 of the Sherman Act.”
Thomas Germain / Gizmodo: Feds Accuse Google of Digital Ad Monopoly in New Lawsuit
Emma Roth / The Verge: Google is being sued by the US government and eight states over online advertising
Chris Jennewein / Times of San Diego: Antitrust Suit Against Google Ad Business Undermines a Growing Free Press Online
Chris Eggertsen / Billboard: Google Sued By Justice Dept., Eight States for Antitrust Violations in Digital Ad Market
Associated Press: Feds sue Google for trying to ‘neutralize or eliminate’ digital ad rivals as part of a growing crackdown on Big Tech
Constantine von Hoffman / MarTech: Feds finally file anti-monopoly suit over Google's adtech
Ariel Zilber / New York Post: Justice Department sues Google for antitrust violations
Julia Alexander / @loudmouthjulia: Not exact 1:1, but the number of media layoffs that have existed almost annually since mid-'10s, including today's layoffs at Washington Post, coinciding with DOJ suing Google for advertising dominance that has harmed publishers over the last many years is such a bleak reality.
Florian Mueller / @fosspatents: The DOJ may be able to prove harm to the competitive process in this context, but the mich bigger issue facing the advertising industry is App Tracking Transparency. Why is the DOJ bringing a second Google case before a first Apple case?
Julia Alexander / @loudmouthjulia: Google isn't alone in owning a large percentage of digital advertising — something I'm sure the company will argue by pointing to Meta and emerging competitors, while the DOJ focuses on brute strength and anti-competitive moves (acquisitions) — but it's just...bleak.
Sara Morrison / Vox: The US is suing Google (again) to rein in its online ad dominance
Jason Kint / @jason_kint: Oomph. Depending on timing of Justice Department, THIS could be SUPER awkward. Google's President of Americas & Global “Partners” is speaking tomorrow at the annual event of its own trade org (IAB) and ad/adtech industry. Google is also a platinum sponsor.
Rebecca Klar / FOX31 Denver: Colorado, DOJ sue Google in latest antitrust case
Malcolm Owen / AppleInsider: US sues Google over digital ad market monopoly
Irina Ivanova / CBS News: Department of Justice accuses Google of monopolizing advertising technology
Ted Johnson / Deadline: Justice Department Sues Google, Seeks Breakup Of Company's Digital Advertising Technology

Adult Swim cuts ties with Rick and Morty co-creator Justin Roiland after felony domestic violence charges surface; his voice role will be recast — Justin Roiland, co-creator, executive producer and star of Adult Swim's flagship animated series Rick and Morty, is no longer in business …
The Hollywood Reporter, Screen Rant, Bloomberg, CNET, CBS News, The Verge, New York Post, The Guardian, SlashFilm, Insider, NME, TVLine, @deadline, The A.V. Club, Variety, @jtlol, Kotaku, Gizmodo, IndieWire, CBR, Rolling Stone, Los Angeles Times and GameSpot
Katie Kilkenny / The Hollywood Reporter: Adult Swim Cuts Ties With Justin Roiland Following Domestic Abuse Charges
Daniel Solomon / Screen Rant: Internet Fan Casts New Rick & Morty Voices Following Roiland Dismissal
Jennifer Bisset / CNET: ‘Rick and Morty’ Drops Main Voice Actor Justin Roiland
CBS News: Justin Roiland dropped from “Rick and Morty” by Adult Swim following domestic violence charges
Charles Pulliam-Moore / The Verge: Rick and Morty will continue, but without Justin Roiland
Valerie Ettenhofer / SlashFilm: Rick And Morty Will Continue On Adult Swim Without Justin Roiland
Insider: Adult Swim severs ties with ‘Rick and Morty’ co-creator Justin Roiland after domestic abuse charges surface
Alex Gallagher / NME: Adult Swim cut ties with ‘Rick and Morty’ co-creator and star Justin Roiland following domestic violence charges
Andy Swift / TVLine: Rick and Morty's Justin Roiland Fired by Adult Swim Over Domestic Abuse Charges; Voices Expected to Be Recast
@deadline: There has been no reaction yet from Hulu, where Roiland is co-creator/executive producer and voice cast member of animated series ‘Solar Opposites.’ He also is a performer on the streamer's animated comedy ‘Koala Man’
Joe Otterson / Variety: ‘Rick and Morty’ Co-Creator Justin Roiland Dropped by Adult Swim Following Domestic Violence Charges
@jtlol: If you're an old person, imagine if they had recast Robin Williams on Mork & Mindy. That's how devastating this is to the show. ...
Ethan Gach / Kotaku: Rick And Morty Ditches Roiland, Recasting Voices Following Domestic Abuse Allegations
Cheryl Eddy / Gizmodo: Adult Swim Is Done With Rick and Morty's Justin Roiland
Alison Foreman / IndieWire: Adult Swim Severs Ties with Justin Roiland: ‘Rick and Morty Will Continue’
Brian Cronin / CBR: Rick and Morty Co-Creator Justin Roiland Fired from Adult Swim Amid Domestic Violence Charges
Charisma Madarang / Rolling Stone: Adult Swim Drops ‘Rick and Morty’ Co-Creator Justin Roiland After Domestic Abuse Charges
Alexandra Del Rosario / Los Angeles Times: ‘Rick and Morty’ cuts ties with Justin Roiland after domestic violence charges
Eric Frederiksen / GameSpot: Adult Swim Cuts Ties With Justin Roiland, Rick and Morty Will Continue

Netflix, Apple, and Amazon accounted for 19 Oscars nominations, down from 37 in 2022, and only one streaming title got more than one nomination — Despite all of the uncertainty about the future of theatrical distribution, streaming services collectively took a step back in this year's Oscar race …
GeekWire, Variety, @deadline, Quartz, GoldDerby, New York Times, TechCrunch, New York Post, Decider and The Verge, more at Techmeme »
Kurt Schlosser / GeekWire: Amazon scores one Oscar nomination; Netflix war drama is streaming leader with nine nods
Clayton Davis / Variety: Oscars Love ‘Everything Everywhere,’ but Best Picture Race Is Far From Over
@deadline: Despite all of the uncertainty about the future of theatrical distribution, streaming services collectively took a step back in the #Oscars2023 race, earning about half of the nominations they did a year ago
Ananya Bhattacharya / Quartz: “Everything Everywhere All At Once” star Michelle Yeoh's Oscar nomination has made history
Dalene Rovenstine / GoldDerby: How to watch ‘The Whale’ — Despite “The Whale” receiving mixed reviews from critics …
Brooks Barnes / New York Times: 2023 Oscar Nominations ‘Everything Everywhere All at Once’ Leads With 11 Oscar Nominations
Lauren Forristal / TechCrunch: Netflix's ‘All Quiet on the Western Front’ is among the most-nominated Oscar films
P.J. McCormick / New York Post: Here's how to stream Oscar nominated movies now
Angela Tricarico / Decider: Where to Watch 2023 Oscar-Nominated Movies: Best Picture
Andrew Webster / The Verge: Oscars 2023 nominations: everything, everywhere, all the noms

Sources: Vox Media is looking to raise ~$200M to acquire new assets and possibly spin off others; a source says Vox is discussing a CVC Capital cash infusion — - Private equity giant CVC Capital is discussing a $200 million investment into Vox Media. — Vox Media, which owns New York magazine …
Luke Winkie / @luke_winkie: Media companies should make you sign a waiver like “I acknowledge that this period of expansion is totally counterfeit and will lead to an eventual soul-crushing contraction down the road as it becomes clear that all of our stated ambitions were complete fucking lies.”
Aidan Moher / @adribbleofink: What if they spent that money on employing people, instead?
Christian Rivas / @radrivas: I am begging someone that cares about SB Nation to buy SB Nation.
Samit Sarkar / @samitsarkar: it would be nice to believe that the ongoing layoffs of ~130 people here wouldn't make the company *more* attractive for such an investment, but I've been in this business too long for that
Jaya Saxena / @jayasax: HAHA AHAHAHAHAHA
@saramorrison: $200 million wow cool anyway please donate to @vox_union @thrillistunion and @thedodounion's layoff fund
Ashley Feinberg / @ashleyfeinberg: you know what, this time it'll definitely work
Susie Rantz / @susierants: I've got some ideas for how they might use that $200 million.
Andrew Beaujon / @abeaujon: Attn media leaders here's some more inspiration for you
Amy McCarthy / @aemccarthy: meanwhile @vox_union is over here trying to raise a tiny fraction of that so the people who got laid off to make this investment more attractive can eat food and pay rent
Paul Blest / @pblest: Media leaders and CEOs, take note. You too can lay off a bunch of people on paternity leave because of vague “economy bad” reasons days before it's reported that you're trying to acquire even more shit
Ben Dreyfuss / @bendreyfuss: Vox bought Group 9 one year ago and is already apparently thinking of selling it ...

Hipgnosis confirms buying the music rights to Justin Bieber's catalog up to 2022, a source says for just over $200M, a record for an artist from his generation — The deal is the biggest yet for any artist of his generation. — Hipgnosis Songs Capital has closed its deal to buy 100% …
CNN, Variety, CBS News, Rolling Stone,, Fortune, The Guardian, @jlmafi, UPROXX, Forbes, UPI, The A.V. Club, The Wrap, @billboard, The Hollywood Reporter, Music Business Worldwide, New York Daily News and Digital Music News
Oliver Darcy / CNN: Justin Bieber just sold his entire music catalog. Here's why companies are eager to strike these massive deals
Simrin Singh / CBS News: Justin Bieber sells entire back catalog to Hipgnosis Song Management in “historic” deal
Ethan Millman / Rolling Stone: Justin Bieber Sells Publishing and Recorded Catalog for Reported $200 Million
Kelly Gilblom / Fortune: Justin Bieber sells his music catalogue in one of the biggest deals ever for an artist under retirement age
Jordan Mafi / @jlmafi: $200M for Justin Bieber's whole catalog seems pretty low... only 28 years old and he's sold ALL his rights to his catalog? Interested to see what he does next
Lexi Lane / UPROXX: Justin Bieber Says Bye Bye To ‘Baby’ And His Entire Catalog After Selling The Rights For $200 Million
Marisa Dellatto / Forbes: Justin Bieber Sells Music Rights For Over $200 Million To Hipgnosis Songs Capital
Annie Martin / UPI: Justin Bieber sells music rights to Hipgnosis Songs in $200M deal
Mary Kate Carr / The A.V. Club: Justin Bieber sells his entire music catalog for $200 million
Eileen AJ Connelly / The Wrap: Justin Bieber Sells Song Catalog for $200 Million to Hipgnosis
@billboard: Hipgnosis buys Justin Bieber's entire catalog for $200 million — the biggest yet for any artist of his generation.
Etan Vlessing / The Hollywood Reporter: Justin Bieber's Song Catalog Sells to Hipgnosis
Murray Stassen / Music Business Worldwide: Done deal: Justin Bieber sells catalog to Hipgnosis' Blackstone fund

Reddit promotes Harold Klaje to be its first chief revenue officer; Klaje joined in 2020 and expanded advertising to markets like the UK, Germany, and Australia — Social media company Reddit Inc. has made several changes to its executive ranks about a year after filing for an initial public offering.
Insider: Reddit is letting go of employees in community management and other teams as it evaluates staff performance
Ryan Joe / Insider: Reddit just appointed its first-ever CRO. He tells Insider how Reddit's ad sales team quintupled since 2020, and why a bad economy won't keep it from hiring more this year.
Isabelle Sarraf / The Information: Reddit Promotes Harold Klaje to Chief Revenue Officer