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A US federal judge rules in favor of four publishers in their copyright infringement case against the Internet Archive and its Controlled Digital Lending system — This coverage is free for all visitors. Your support makes this possible. — This coverage is free for all visitors.
@internetarchive, Internet Archive Blogs, @internetarchive, The Verge, Publishers Weekly, @publisherswkly, @maxkennerly, Publishing Perspectives, MediaPost, @doctorow, NPR, @libraryjournal, @pewilliams_, @technollama, @luckstreetboy, AAP, @tonyocruz, @shortformernie, Media Nation,, Rolling Stone, @copyrightlibn, @copyrightlibn, @copyrightlibn, @copyrightlibn, @copyrightlibn, @danielwinlander, @devlinhartline, @eriqgardner, @eriqgardner, Boing Boing,,,,,, Bloomberg Law, and
@internetarchive: We will appeal. #DigitalRightsForLibraries #EmpoweringLibraries
Chrisfreeland / Internet Archive Blogs: The Fight Continues — Today's lower court decision in Hachette v. Internet Archive is a blow …
@internetarchive: Today's lower court decision in Hachette v. Internet Archive is a blow to all libraries & the communities we serve. But it's not over—we will keep fighting for the traditional right of libraries to own, lend, and preserve books. Learn more & take action👇
Andrew Albanese / Publishers Weekly: Is Controlled Digital Lending on Borrowed Time?
@publisherswkly: BREAKING: A federal judge has decided in favor of four publishers in the long-awaited copyright case Hachette v. Internet Archive. “There is nothing transformative about IA's copying and unauthorized lending of the works in the suit,” the judge writes. This story is developing.
Max Kennerly / @maxkennerly: The central holding is, if you own a physical book and scan it, you infringed the author's copyright by creating an unauthorized copy—even if you never use both at the same time. (This also implies that printing an ebook = infringement.) That's quite bad. ...
Porter Anderson / Publishing Perspectives: Copyright: US Court Rules Against Internet Archive
Cory Doctorow / @doctorow: The court bases this on the existence of a “licensed” ebooks from publishers - ebooks that cost many multiples of the print editions and self-destruct after just a few lend-outs: 47/
Joe Hernandez / NPR: A judge sided with publishers in a lawsuit over the Internet Archive's online library
@libraryjournal: We Continue to Update Our Roundup of Media Coverage, Statements re: Hachette v. Internet Archive Ruling; Recent Additions Include: Statements From @publicknowledge @fightfortheftr + Reports From @PublishersWkly @RollingStone @nprnews & Others
Paul E Williams / @pewilliams_: It'll be a shame if Internet Archive has to end their digital lending service. Has helped me access dozens of hard to find, out of print books over the years. Feels like publishers thrashing around—taking good services down with them—because they can't adapt to a changing world.
Andres Guadamuz / @technollama: This is a worrying development in the US courts. The erosion of exceptions and limitations that protect libraries and archives must be stopped. Copyright maximalism won't rest until there are no libraries left.
Neb / @luckstreetboy: losing the internet archive would be the modern equivalent of the burning of the library of alexandria
Tonyo Cruz / @tonyocruz: The Internet Archive has lost its first fight to scan and lend e-books like a library A federal judge has ruled against the Internet Archive in a lawsuit brought by four book publishers.
@shortformernie: The publishers won the first round. If they win the other rounds, they might as well just shut down libraries because that's honestly what they're trying to do.
Dan Kennedy / Media Nation: A federal judge delivers an easily predicted rebuke to the Internet Archive So @internetarchive scanning books for their digital library is copyright infringement: — But OpenAI slurping all of that to train a model that then can generate text and put actual authors out of business (already happening with copywriters), is not. …
Daniel Kreps / Rolling Stone: Internet Archive Loses First Battle in Publishers' Copyright Infringement Lawsuit
Nancy Sims / @copyrightlibn: The Internet Archive's position was dealt a heavy blow in today's opinion - but it may still be early days. Opinion access: ...
Nancy Sims / @copyrightlibn: The arguments on Monday were about “cross-motions for summary judgment” - i.e., both parties said “everything is so clearly in my favor that we don't need a trial.” The opinion sides entirely with publishers, and loss on MSJ is not great in terms of legal procedure. But...
Nancy Sims / @copyrightlibn: This is the kind of case where most district court opinions get appealed. I would be a bit surprised, given the effort IA has put into this so far, if they don't appeal this decision - and decisions from a higher court might change the game a lot.
Nancy Sims / @copyrightlibn: Hachette v Internet Archive is abt IA lending digital copies of print books it keeps in storage - both in the form of controlled digital lending (CDL) and the National Emergency Library (NEL) during the early days of COVID. Oral arguments were Monday, an opinion today is -wild-.
Nancy Sims / @copyrightlibn: Because of the likelihood of appeal, I'm -not- going to fully analyse the opinion here. Also because it is Friday afternoon, and I need to go do some real-people stuff. But here are a couple thoughts on things that stand out to me...
Daniel Walters / @danielwinlander: Hachette doing their best to take an axe to the single most important tool that an investigative journalist has.
Devlin Hartline / @devlinhartline: Yahtzee! District court rejects the ridiculous controlled digital lending (CDL) theory in Hachette Book Group v. Internet Archive! All four fair use factors strongly favor the plaintiffs. #copyright ...
Eriq Gardner / @eriqgardner: Not transformative, rules judge
Eriq Gardner / @eriqgardner: BIG breaking news: Book publishers win lawsuit against Internet Archive over e-book lending at start of pandemic. ...
Jason Weisberger / Boing Boing: Internet Archive loses book lending lawsuit
Cathy Gellis / We're banning books, we're banning Internet sites, and now we're banning Internet sites that lend books. — And that's just this week alone. — Good job, America.
Max Kennerly / The central holding of the #InternetArchive court opinion is, if you own a physical book and scan it, you infringed the author's copyright by creating an unauthorized copy—even if you never use both at the same time. …
Evan Prodromou / I'm an active Open Library user and I hope to see the unfair ruling against Internet Archive overturned in a higher court.
Evan Prodromou / One particular thing I use it for is for out-of-print, small-run books. I would 100% be unable to read these books otherwise.
Ernie Smith / This is so infuriating. We have let the law break things in the digital world that just worked in the physical world. @internetarchive matters so much in this world:
The California Journalism Preservation Act, a state bill unveiled this week, would force Google and Meta to pay a “journalism usage fee” to fund newsroom jobs — In the latest attempt by legislators to rein in Silicon Valley, a measure has been introduced in California …
Editor and Publisher, Press Gazette, @matthewkeyslive, @rachaelmyrow, California Globe and The Seattle Times
Editor and Publisher: News/Media Alliance applauds California State Assembly for introducing California Journalism Preservation Act
William Turvill / Press Gazette: Fleet Street's big tech showdown looms
Matthew Keys / @matthewkeyslive: This is not a good idea.
Rachael Myrow / @rachaelmyrow: The California Journalism Competition & Preservation Act (@BuffyWicks) would require digital ad giants pay a “journalism usage fee” for selling ads next to news. Industry rep: “It's unsurprising to see CA copying failed [federal] proposals.” via @latimes
Alberto Ibargüen, president and CEO of the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, is retiring, describing the change as “stepping down” after 18 years — Alberto Ibargüen, president and CEO of the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, the Miami-based philanthropy …
New York Times, The Chronicle of Philanthropy, @alondra, @rsjaitly, @charlie_savage, @andysherry, @coralmorph, @richardhaass, @crainsdetroit, Knight Foundation, @emiliotgonzalez, @lillyweinberg, @philanthropy, @philanthropy, @kbmiami, @michaelbolden, @judywoodruff, @gmochkofsky, @pcheung630, @sarabethberman, @omiamifestival, @jimbrady, @albertocairo, @raju, @amandionair, @nytimesarts, @matthaggman, @froomkin, @froomkin and
Alex Daniels / The Chronicle of Philanthropy: Knight Foundation Leader to Retire, Leaving a Powerful Legacy
Alondra Nelson / @alondra: A wonderful interview that captures the spirit, ingenuity, dedication, and joyfulness of the great @Ibarguen as he winds down his transformative tenure as president of the @KnightFdn
Rishi Jaitly / @rsjaitly: Working w/ @ibarguen @knightfdn changed my life: in a cluttered world in which breaking through often involves tethering to single issues of the day, Alberto taught us that a community's soul and sense of belonging needs attention, too. A monumental legacy! ...
Charlie Savage / @charlie_savage: As Alberto @Ibarguen — the head of the Knight Foundation @knightfdn and former publisher of The @MiamiHerald — retires, I would like to add a public note of personal appreciation to the encomiums. /1 ...
Andrew Sherry / @andysherry: It was an honor to work with @ibarguen for almost a decade @knightfdn. His disruptive sense of fun invigorated the arts in #Miami and Detroit; meanwhile his strategic vision helped revive #journalism nationwide
Coral Morphologic / @coralmorph: It's hard to put into words the positive effect @ibarguen has had on so many people's lives. He and the @knightfdn took a chance on Miami and this city is what it is right now in large part because of his vision to make “Art general in Miami” - Thank You.
Richard N. Haass / @richardhaass: A day to salute @ibarguen, who is stepping down from his perch atop the @knightfdn. Alberto has done much over the years to bolster democracy & journalism & the arts, & knowing him as I do, I would bet there is a lot more than pickle ball in his future. ...
@crainsdetroit: Alberto Ibargüen, who helped Detroit come out of bankruptcy with the DIA's assets intact, is retiring from the Knight Foundation.
Emilio T. Gonzalez / @emiliotgonzalez: Sad to learn that South Florida & @knightfdn will lose a great visionary and leader. @ibarguen is the personification of class, professionalism and integrity. Enjoy your richly deserved retirement my friend.
Lilly Weinberg / @lillyweinberg: Alberto @ibarguen brought #vision + #tenacity to philanthropy—inspiring innovation in community, the arts and journalism. Filled with #gratitude to have worked by his side in 26 @knightfdn cities—tough, fair, kind + openminded. #oneofakind
@philanthropy: Former colleagues, board members, grantees, and foundation peers say what stands out about Ibargüen's leadership has been his willingness to veer off-script or scuttle an approach to a problem if it wasn't paying off. ...
@philanthropy: Ibargüen will depart when Knight finds a replacement. In the meantime, he is still busy trying to put together what he hopes is a mammoth fund to support journalism. ...
Karen Rundlet / @kbmiami: Have learned so much from @ibarguen @knightfdn abt changing communities, technologies, industries & the way we engage & inform each other. He reminded our teams to be tenacious going forward. What a legacy he leaves. ...
Michael Bolden / @michaelbolden: I worked for @ibarguen at @MiamiHerald and @knightfdn, and learned much both times. He leaves indelible marks in journalism, community engagement and art. There are cities that have been transformed by his vision and commitment. ...
Judy Woodruff / @judywoodruff: a giant in the world of philanthropy is stepping aside after making huge waves in journalism & the arts; with everlasting thanks from @NewsHour & #Canvas, we can't wait to see what you do next
Graciela Mochkofsky / @gmochkofsky: A champion of journalism & journalism education, and a phenomenal friend and supporter of the @newmarkjschool is retiring. Buena suerte en lo que viene, @ibarguen. Te vamos a extrañar.
Paul Cheung / @pcheung630: Truly an End of an Era. I had the privilege of working for @ibarguen twice in my career. First time @MiamiHerald & 2nd time @knightfdn.
Sarabeth Berman / @sarabethberman: In his 18 years at @knightfdn, @ibarguen helped catalyze a national movement to revive local news. We are grateful for your work, leadership, and commitment to an informed and engaged public. Huge congrats to a legend!
@omiamifestival: We're over the moon to see our beloved President of the @knightfdn Alberto Ibargüen (@ibarguen), profiled in the @nytimes. Incredibly grateful to him and everything he has done for O, Miami.
Jim Brady / @jimbrady: It has been a great honor to work for @ibarguen and I'm glad I will still get to do it for a while longer before he retires from @knightfdn . Still a lot for me to learn.
Raju Narisetti / @raju: Through @knightfdn, Alberto @ibarguen has been a seminal figure in American journalism, among other philanthropic projects. via @nytimes
Fernand R. Amandi / @amandionair: Alberto @ibarguen's decision to retire after an extraordinary run @knightfdn leaves Grand Canyon-sized shoes to fill for his successor. A true visionary. A giant amongst giants. The best of the best. A job extraordinarily well done, Alberto.👏🏼👏 🏼
@nytimesarts: In its 18 years under Alberto Ibargüen, the Knight Foundation funded punk shows in Detroit and poetry dropped from helicopters in Miami. As Ibargüen prepares to retire, he talks about what might be next.
Matt Haggman / @matthaggman: A salute to the one and only Alberto Ibargüen, who has led transformative change across Miami and profoundly impacted so many lives, including my own. Alberto Ibargüen to retire as president of Knight Foundation | Miami Herald ...
@froomkin: It was a tragedy when @knightfdn passed on the chance to buy McClatchy, which then got sold to a vulture fund.
A TikTok ban would have to satisfy the most stringent form of First Amendment review as the ban would operate as a prior restraint on speech of would-be users — The First Amendment has so far played only a bit part in the debate about banning TikTok. This may change.
Washington Post, @kenroth, @jeffjarvis, @ivanthek, @thedragonfeeder, @andymok, @drewharwell, @davidafrench, @rdrv3, @shiraovide, @aclu, @aaronparnas, @trevortimm, @rasmus_kleis, @knightcolumbia, @cwarzel, @ingrahamangle, @evan_greer, @shiraovide, @cendemtech, @cendemtech, @cendemtech, @penamerica, @drewharwell, @jeffjarvis, @jameeljaffer, @scottgreenfield, Gizmodo, Just Security,, Techdirt, and Music Ally
Kenneth Roth / @kenroth: There is a way to protect Americans' privacy without implicating the First Amendment — by enacting comprehensive privacy regulation. Otherwise, even if TikTok is banned, the Chinese government can just buy Americans' data.
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: Thank you, @ShiraOvide.' “Maybe not since Prohibition has there been a possible national ban involving a product used by so many Americans.” Americans deserve a better message than ‘Trust us, TikTok is bad.’ ...
@ivanthek: Banning TikTok would be banning a brand, not an entire product line.
Chris Fenton / @thedragonfeeder: Why? I believe you say it best here... “The app helps shape what a billion people see and believe, and it collects intimate data about what we do.” @ShiraOvide The government needs to prove why a TikTok ban is best - The Washington Post ...?
@andymok: Why a #tiktokban would violate First Amendment: “But the legitimacy of [American] democracy depends on the free trade of information and ideas, including across international borders.”
Drew Harwell / @drewharwell: New: This dissident uses the Chinese-owned app TikTok to criticize China's government. A nationwide ban would suppress not just him but the First Amendment rights of 150 million U.S. accounts: ... @megatobin1
David French / @davidafrench: This is a wise statement from FIRE. Banning TikTok because of its content would raise significant First Amendment concerns. Banning it because it hoards sensitive information about Americans and is under the thumb of the CCP is a different matter.
David Ruddock / @rdrv3: This is the only good article I've read about banning TikTok and honestly, makes me wonder why we are even having this discussion.
Shira Ovide / @shiraovide: I don't downplay the risks of TikTok. But we need to be honest about the enormity of an attempted ban. Maybe not since Prohibition has there been a ban involving a product so widely used. Plus: the First Amendment Plus: Where else might a ban hammer fall?
@aclu: The government has no right to ban entire platforms and censor the free flow of information. This is a clear violation of our First Amendment rights.
Aaron Parnas / @aaronparnas: I understand the First Amendment concerns with a potential TikTok ban, and as a member of Gen Z, I understand the impact this app has had on my generation. But, I have serious concerns with TikTok's content moderation (or lack thereof).
Trevor Timm / @trevortimm: Every news article that discusses banning TikTok needs to start directly grappling with the fact that the First Amendment almost certainly would prevent such an act. Pretending otherwise is willfully ignoring the obvious.
Rasmus Kleis Nielsen / @rasmus_kleis: “If the U.S. government actually tries to shut down [TikTok], the First Amendment will certainly have something to say about it” @JameelJaffer writes. “Users are indisputably exercising First Amendment rights when they post and consume content” on TikTok
@knightcolumbia: “If the U.S. government actually tries to shut down this major communications platform, the First Amendment will certainly have something to say about it,” @JameelJaffer. Read more in today's @nytopinion.
Charlie Warzel / @cwarzel: I appreciate this @ShiraOvide piece because it gestures toward the way that this ban would be very confusing/frustrating for ppl ...
Laura Ingraham / @ingrahamangle: The CCP's hacks try to hide behind the First Amendment. Opinion | There's a Problem With Banning TikTok. It's Called the First Amendment. - The New York Times
@evan_greer: The First Amendment doesn't care about your feelings, Congress
Shira Ovide / @shiraovide: If the government is serious abut banning TikTok, it's time for an honest pitch to the American public. “If you're going to take something from the American public, we need to tell them why,” Tim Wu told me. ...
@cendemtech: @JameelJaffer .@JameelJaffer: “A broad coalition of free speech orgs — including @PENamerica, @CenDemTech & the @knightcolumbia First Amendment Institute, which I direct — made essentially this observation in a letter sent to Congress in advance of Thursday's hearing.”
@cendemtech: .@JameelJaffer: “As to fears relating to #disinformation, the U.S. government has not pointed to evidence that the Chinese government has forced TikTok to align its algorithm with the imperatives of the country's disinformation efforts.”
@cendemtech: “ many digital rights advocates have pointed out, the federal gov't could protect Americans' privacy much more effectively — & without [] a categorical ban [of a] platform used by millions of Americans — by enacting comprehensive privacy regulation.”
@penamerica: “The legitimacy of our democracy depends on the free trade in information and ideas, including across international borders. Except in... extreme circumstances, citizens should be able to engage freely with the... platforms of their choice”—@JameelJaffer
Drew Harwell / @drewharwell: “The First Amendment would require the government to carry a heavy burden of justification. This is an important feature of our system, and not a bug” @JameelJaffer
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: Thank you, @JameelJaffer, for finally raising the crucial issue of First Amendment rights in connection with the xenophobic fever to ban TikTok and with it the voices of millions of Americans.
Jameel Jaffer / @jameeljaffer: Wrote about the proposed TikTok ban and the First Amendment. Tl;dr If the U.S. government wants to shut down a major communications platform, it's going to have to come up with better reasons.
Scott Greenfield / @scottgreenfield: Jameel Jaffer argues that the First Amendment precludes the govt from shutting down TikTok as a prior restraint on speech. Is the mechanism by which speech occurs protected? It's a complicated question.
Mack DeGeurin / Gizmodo: Why TikTok Needed to Pay for Influencers to Attend Anti-Ban Rally
Jameel Jaffer / Just Security: TikTok and the First Amendment — It's unfortunately commonplace around the world for governments …
Karl Bode / Techdirt: The US Government Has Not Justified A TikTok Ban
Jeff Jarvis / Thank you, @jameeljaffer, for finally raising the crucial issue of First Amendment rights in connection with the xenophobic fever to ban TikTok and with it the voices of millions of Americans. — There's a Problem With Banning TikTok. …
Stuart Dredge / Music Ally: Will TikTok CEO's congressional testimony stave off a US ban?
Objectivity is a journalistic principle and is neither a false balance, a false equivalence, both-sidesism, nor neutrality, but a call for open-minded reporting — Martin Baron was executive editor of The Post from January 2013 through February 2021 and, before that, editor of the Boston Globe for more than 11 years.
@waltmossberg, @johndelaney, @juliedicaro, @howardfineman, @seungminkim, @dvnjr, @saletan, @anupkaphle, @lyman_brian, @dcwoodruff, @delwilber, @lfung, @lollardfish, @kendrawrites, @jeffjarvis, @joshkraushaar, @nickkristof, @mike_hixenbaugh, @ebboyd, @jonathanchait, @ryanjthomas83, @froomkin, @brizzyc, @sewellchan, @carlosnyt, @abgutman, @kaitlynjakola, @rjcc, @mariaramirezny, @ijbailey, @ijbailey, @ijbailey, @ijbailey, @ijbailey, @tatecurtis, @ijbailey, @ktumulty, @ktumulty, @ijbailey, @jayrosen_nyu and @bylenasun
Walt Mossberg / @waltmossberg: A great editor, Martin Baron, defends journalistic objectivity from its many current critics. “It is not false balance or both-sidesism,” he writes. I agree. ...
John Delaney / @johndelaney: Marty Baron is the greatest media editor of our generation. His argument for objectivity in journalism is exactly what a troubled profession needs, including a “genuine understanding of all people, perspectives & a receptivity to learning unfamiliar facts” ...
Julie DiCaro / @juliedicaro: MY main problem with this Op-Ed is that this standard only gets applied to things journalists that belong to marginalized groups care about. We almost never talk about bias when it comes to rich, white guys.
@howardfineman: READ THIS! Marty Baron, who edited the Boston Globe and Washington Post, presents an eloquent, convincing case for the idea that, yes, journalists have biases, but they should rise above them as they fairly, honestly, rigorously strive to find the truth. ...
Seung Min Kim / @seungminkim: “Most in the public, in my experience, expect my profession to be objective, too. Dismissing their expectations — outright defying them — is an act of arrogance. It excuses our biases. It enshrines them. And, most importantly, it fails the cause of truth.” ...
Don Van Natta Jr / @dvnjr: Every journalist, ex-journalist and non-journalist should read this spirited, important defense of objectivity by @PostBaron. ...
Will Saletan / @saletan: “Objectivity is not neutrality,” @PostBaron explains. “It is not giving equal weight to opposing arguments when the evidence points overwhelmingly in one direction.” It's a “method of testing information — a transparent approach to evidence.” Exactly. ...
Anup Kaphle / @anupkaphle: “Increasingly now, journalists — particularly a rising generation — are repudiating the standard to which we routinely, and resolutely, hold others.” @PostBaron on objectivity in journalism: ...
Brian Lyman / @lyman_brian: Baron is correct that Walter Lippmann's idea of journalistic objectivity was A) not neutrality and B) a reaction to the failure of the older neutrality model to fight the propaganda of World War I. The problem is that Lippmann never clearly defined that. ...
Chase Woodruff / @dcwoodruff: Number one sign of an insular and poorly reasoned piece is the total inability to name, quote and engage directly with the arguments your (supposedly numerous!) interlocutors are making ...
Del Quentin Wilber / @delwilber: Great essay on importance of objectivity. @PostBaron is wise: ...
Lisa Fung / @lfung: ‘Our profession would benefit from listening more to the public and from talking less at the public, as if we knew it all... In journalism, we could use more humility — and less hubris.’ Great op-ed from @PostBaron ...
David M. Perry / @lollardfish: Let's just take the headline. We do want objective judges and doctors. Decades of work has shown that we don't have them because objectivity isn't really possible. No human lives in a void where their decisions are simply abstract.
@kendrawrites: There are many things wrong with this opinion piece but something he doesn't consider is there's no such thing as perfect information. Doctors rely on hunches because it's rare to turn up with symptoms so specific they can only be caused by one thing ...
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: As you read Marty Baron on objectivity, you'll want to reread @wesleylowery. They are in dialog in print over the idea and execution of this journalistic McGuffin: We want objective judges and doctors. Why not journalists too? 1/ ...
Josh Kraushaar / @joshkraushaar: Marty Baron: “Failure to achieve standards does not obviate the need for them. It does not render them outmoded. It makes them more necessary. And it requires that we apply them more consistently and enforce them more firmly.” ...
Nicholas Kristof / @nickkristof: .@PostBaron weighs in on the debate about objectivity in journalism. He emphasizes the importance of reporting, of starting with questions rather than answers. Good piece: ...
Mike Hixenbaugh / @mike_hixenbaugh: This line actually summarizes the exact view held by many in the “rising generation” of journalists who are being criticized in this piece: “The method is objective, not the journalist.” Who's arguing otherwise? ...
E.B. Boyd / @ebboyd: This argument is based on a false—or naive—premise: That judges and doctors don't approach their work with a framework for understanding the world. Everyone has a framework. That's not the same thing as *having an agenda.* But no one is a blank slate of “objectivity.” 1/
Jonathan Chait / @jonathanchait: Marty Baron engages with, and persuasively refutes, the popular criticisms of objectivity in journalism ...
Ryan Thomas / @ryanjthomas83: This is thoughtful, as is the piece criticizing objectivity. But it strikes me that this list of traits - fairness, honesty, rigor - are things that both advocates and critics of objectivity would broadly agree on, which suggests that we need to stop using the term “objectivity”
@froomkin: Much of what @postbaron writes here is inarguably true. But for all his fancy talk, objectivity as practiced in our elite newsrooms is a construct of comfortable white cis men. It is full of false equivalence and cowardice and complacency. 1/x ...
Carrie Brown / @brizzyc: Sigh. I swear, there is something about the word “objectivity” that causes people to lose even the slightest grasp of nuance or complexity. I just...serenity now! ...
Sewell Chan / @sewellchan: Must-read essay by @PostBaron on objectivity in journalism: ...
Carlos Lozada / @carlosnyt: “Failure to achieve standards does not obviate the need for them. It does not render them outmoded. It makes them more necessary. And it requires that we apply them more consistently.” The great @PostBaron renews the case for journalistic objectivity: ...
Abraham Gutman / @abgutman: We want doctors to be objective. We don't want doctors who say: here is the evidence, I can't recommend treatment. We want to know their opinion. Same with judges, they don't only repeat the law. If that's objectivity, sign journalists up too! ...
Kaitlyn Jakola / @kaitlynjakola: “Critiquing objectivity” vs. “showing humility” is a false dichotomy: Journalists who call out inherent bias *necessarily* display humility, acknowledging what we perceive as humans is filtered through lived experiences; thus, “objective truth” is a concept of limited usefulness
Richard Lawler / @rjcc: @mediagazer @PostBaron Open minded
@mariaramirezny: “There is an immense universe beyond the lives we ourselves have lived. And if there are constraints on our ability to understand a world beyond our own, we as journalists should strive to overcome them,” writes @PostBaron. Every word of this👏👏👏 ...
@ijbailey: But what grates at me the most is this idea that Baron and those of like mind want to adhere to standards and those of us who challenge their view of “objectivity” don't. Heck, I'm surprised he didn't just slur us as “woke.” Guess I should give him a point for that. 12/
@ijbailey: The cute distinction is that the reporter is biased, because we all have biases, but that the process is objective - as though you can really separate the two. We need to acknowledge the complexity of what we do, and the flaws inherent in our processes - because we are human. 8/
@ijbailey: He also got upset when top-notch black reporters challenged him. If you read his piece and the detailed definition of “objectivity” he lays out, I would have to agree with it - in a vacuum. But I know how “objectivity” has played itself out in the real world time and again. 3/
@ijbailey: He calls for more humility. But he and others of like mind express little of that humility inside newsrooms or in discussions about “objectivity.” Not only that, they falsely assert that those of us who dare disagree with them don't really want standards. And that's hogwash. 4/
Curtis L. Tate / @tatecurtis: @ijbailey It's a strange hill to die on.
@ijbailey: If your “objectivity” leads you to suspend a reporter who survived a sexual assault from covering sexual assault stories because she demands high journalistic standards, it's an objectivity I want no part of, for instance. 9/
Karen Tumulty / @ktumulty: This follows an earlier @postopinions column by @lendownie — ...
Karen Tumulty / @ktumulty: Two former editors of the @washingtonpost find themselves on different sides of a central debate in journalism today. From @postbaron: We want objective judges and doctors. Why not journalists too? ...
@ijbailey: While reading this, you should understand that Baron's definition of “objectivity” included him being upset at folks like me for calling out The Post for its handling of a reporter on the issue of sexual assault. 1/ ...
An interview with Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg on the US classified material system, why there aren't more whistleblowers, and what scares him — Daniel Ellsberg, famous for leaking the Pentagon Papers and his activism against nuclear weapons, announced recently that he has been diagnosed with terminal cancer.
@danielellsberg, @nytopinion, @melmitchell1, @elfjcgc, @rachelsklar, @peterbakernyt, @lbassets, @froomkin, @froomkin and CNN
Daniel Ellsberg / @danielellsberg: “It has been said that it's good to live each day as though it were your last, but that's not really practical. Living this *month* as though it is my last, however, is working out well for me, and I can recommend it.”
@nytopinion: Now 91, @DanielEllsberg, famous for leaking the Pentagon Papers and his activism against nuclear weapons, announced recently that he has been diagnosed with terminal cancer. He spoke with Times Opinion about the lessons he's learned.
Melanie Mitchell / @melmitchell1: Daniel Ellsberg is a national hero.
Rachel Sklar / @rachelsklar: “My work of the past 40 years to avert the prospects of nuclear war has little to show for it. But I wanted to say that I could think of no better way to use my time and that as I face the end of my life, I feel joy and gratitude.”
Peter Baker / @peterbakernyt: As Daniel Ellsberg faces his final chapter, he bemoans the state of the world. “I'm leaving a world in terrible shape and terrible in all ways that I've tried to help make better during my years,” he tells @AKingsburyNYT
@lbassets: Daniel Ellsberg: “We have seen nuclear weapons used many times. And they're being used right now by both sides in Ukraine. They're being used as threats, just as a bank robber uses a gun, even if he doesn't pull the trigger.
Twitter plans to wind down its legacy verified program, first introduced in June 2009, and remove legacy verified checkmarks starting on April 1, 2023 — Musk-owned social network also will start charging businesses and organizations $1,000/month for verified status
@verified, @mattnavarra, Insider, @uche_blackstock, @authorkimberley, @terrymoran, The Atlantic, Boing Boing, @reditlhabi, @oneunderscore__, @mikedrucker, @taylorlewan77, @esperacchi, Ars Technica, @nkjemisin, @laurakbuzz, @mattbinder, @perlmutations, @evacide, @aoc,, The Verge, @danprimack, @vinn_ayy, Techdirt, @benedictevans, @datruthdt,, @andyboxall, @shanselman, @cricketaakash, @neeleshmisra, @basicallyidowrk, One Man & His Blog, @wolfiesmom, @katearonoff, @froomkin, @allbrightnfl, @petergleick, @xiranjayzhao, @mike_petriello, @jamesfallows, @goldengateblond, @richsignorelli, @scalzi, @charles_gaba, @georgehahn, The A.V. Club, @wajahatali, @mattdpearce, @edzitron, CBS News, @marshall89hd, @fordfischer, @ordinarygamers, @binchcity, @drewisgooden, @christaylor_nyc, @scottmonty, @blackamazon, @ynb, @adamweinstein, @cowboysnation, @muellershewrote, @variety, @slooterman, @rotopat, @karnythia, @lindseyyok, @ashtonpittman, @dloesch, @davidclinchnews, @gaufre, @maxwelltani, @kevinmkruse, @eve6, PCMag UK, AppleInsider and Quartz
@verified: On April 1st, we will begin winding down our legacy verified program and removing legacy verified checkmarks. To keep your blue checkmark on Twitter, individuals can sign up for Twitter Blue here: Organizations can sign up for
Matt Navarra / @mattnavarra: Twitter Blue subscribers will be able to hide their blue checkmarks to avoid the shame
Kate Duffy / Insider: Companies say Elon Musk's plan to charge $1,000 for month for Twitter checkmarks is ‘outlandish’ and makes them ‘meaningless’
@uche_blackstock: Been thinking about what losing verified status means. I got my blue check at the start of the pandemic bc of of articles I wrote calling attention to racial health inequities. A nurse once tweeted that her patient decided to get vaxxed bc he trusted me. Misinfo will flourish.
Kimberley Johnson / @authorkimberley: Yeah, Russians paid Elon and bought blue checks so their disinformation would spread more easily. Pay to boost disinformation. We can leave. Spoutible...c'mon.
Terry Moran / @terrymoran: Glad to see the original blue checkmark go away. It served no real purpose, except as a focus of preening vanity on one side, sneering resentment on the other. To be fair, though, @Twitter should change the designation from “Twitter Verified” to “Twitter Paid.”
Ian Bogost / The Atlantic: Blue Check Marks Were Always Shameless
Jason Weisberger / Boing Boing: Having devalued Twitter's blue checkmark, Elon sells Gold Badges
Redi Tlhabi / @reditlhabi: Take your blue tick! You have already messed up the platform! We don't see tweets from our people & they don't see ours. But YOUR suggestions and ads somehow sneak through despite “turn off.” Let's not forget the “I'm so grateful to Luciano. I invested $1 & made $100 000!” Tsek!
Ben Collins / @oneunderscore__: Alternate idea: pay me to put the checkmark back on my profile after April 1. Pay me many American dollars.
Mike Drucker / @mikedrucker: lol imagine your website's paid service being such embarrassing dog shit used by awful people that you have to make a way to hide it
Taylor Lewan / @taylorlewan77: I remember training for the combine and getting verified. I truly thought I made it. Sad day for Twitter Taylor
@esperacchi: It's incredibly funny that Twitter is aware that blue subscriptions are sort of inherently humiliating
Jon Brodkin / Ars Technica: Twitter to un-verify people who don't pay $8/month starting on April Fools' Day
N. K. Jemisin / @nkjemisin: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahaha ::wheeze, slaps table:: hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! It's like he wants us all to leave.
Laura Kate Dale / @laurakbuzz: Okay, so the “dismantling of lords and peasants” system of paid verification actually boils down to “You can pay to get boosted in the algorythm, but also hide that you paid for that boost and keep that secret, appearing to simply be naturally popular on the platform”
Matt Binder / @mattbinder: lol but don't worry you'll still be able to find the people paying yet hiding their checkmark via the Blue Verified filter in Twitter search so you can block them
Ron Perlman / @perlmutations: Yes folks for only $450 you too can appear famous and important. Just think, only $450!! Plus your fingerprints. Plus a DNA sample. Plus your pin numbers. ACT NOWWWW!!!
Eva / @evacide: This is the natural end-game in the process of turning the blue check from a verification of identity to a source of ridicule and shame.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez / @aoc: Last time they tried this someone pretended to be Eli Lilly and tanked their stock price by pretending insulin was free
Dan Gillmor / The Musk site will remove my blue checkmark soon, which is fine with me. I'm keeping the account open, but posting only an occasional reminder that I've moved here. — Why keep an account? …
Mitchell Clark / The Verge: Twitter Blue subscribers may be able to hide their blue checks
Dan Primack / @danprimack: The organization verification cost is $1k per month, which will difficult and/or prohibitive for certain small businesses, nonprofits and local government groups.
Vinny Thomas / @vinn_ayy: imagine paying for a secret shape
Mike Masnick / Techdirt: Which Sucker Companies Are Going To Pay Elon Musk $1,000/Month To Get An Ugly Gold Badge?
@datruthdt: The purpose of verification was completely lost in all this. The point is to protect people from impersonators. Random Joe with 100 followers doesn't need to be verified because he doesn't have people being stupid pretending to be him or role playing as him.
Andy Boxall / @andyboxall: If this actually happens, the blue check will become the official logo of that man's fan club, or an alert you're about to get scammed.
Scott Hanselman / @shanselman: Maybe the real blue checks were the friends we made along the way
Aakash Chopra / @cricketaakash: What if most of the accounts that were verified by @Twitter (to protect their identity and prevent impersonation) decided not to sign up for Twitter Blue?? Create a legacy and then kill the legacy yourself the Twitter way. 😍
Neelesh Misra / @neeleshmisra: Verification is a way to prevent impersonation. Preventing my impersonation is the responsibility of Twitter. I am not going to pay you to do your job. I will not pay to remain verified. You want to take my blue check mark today, please do. @elonmusk @verified
Marcel / @basicallyidowrk: Social media is dying. It's pay to play on every app.
Adam Tinworth / One Man & His Blog: The Tickpocalypse is upon us
Valerie Bertinelli / @wolfiesmom: He must be trying to make twitter obsolete. It's the only explanation. Every single decision he has made has put this app deeper in it's grave.
Kate Aronoff / @katearonoff: While there is an unverified class, I am in it, while there is a shitposting element, I am of it, and while there is a suspended account, I am not free
@froomkin: I wonder if every organization is going to start paying a grand to @elonmusk — or none.
Benjamin Allbright / @allbrightnfl: This will end whatever the blue check mark thing is for me. I never asked for it, I don't understand why people care enough to pay for it. Only thing it evenr meant to me was that you knew I was actually me and not an imitator or parody account.
Peter Gleick / @petergleick: On April 1st, having a blue check mark will simply mean you're a sucker. I won't miss it.
Mike Petriello / @mike_petriello: Cool! Surely if I click on this for more information, the app will .. uh .. hmm.
James Fallows / @jamesfallows: Back last fall, the prevailing opinion was: Virtually no one with a “verified” account will care if Twitter takes it away. Still think that's true. And as it becomes purely a paying proposition, *why* would it be worth paying to keep??
Shauna / @goldengateblond: all it means now is “I'm dumb enough to pay a billionaire's bills” so ok
Richard Signorelli / @richsignorelli: This will actually devalue the check-mark and will end up being another costly failure. Twitter to Revoke Legacy Verification Blue Check-Mark Badges in April - Variety
John Scalzi / @scalzi: Oh, well. Twitter Blue isn't worth $8 a month to me, and I've already put alternate verification of my identity in my Twitter bio.
Charles Gaba / @charles_gaba: Having a blue check is about to go from telling others you are who you say you are to telling others you're an idiot who willingly gives $96/year to a billionaire for no reason.
George Hahn / @georgehahn: Bye, Twitter. I'm out.
Ed Zitron / @edzitron: So if they take away all the blue checks and just leave the paid for blue checks does musk not realise that removes almost the entire reason anyone bought them in the first place
Caitlin O'Kane / CBS News: Twitter is officially ending its old verification process on April 1. To get a blue check mark, you'll have to pay.
@marshall89hd: Part of the whole reason for verification was to stop a name/likeness from being impersonated to scam others for example.. was delighted I got my account to a good enough standing to get verified. But.. that was for nothing and deemed as corrupt. Cheers Elon pal 👍
Ford Fischer / @fordfischer: I pay for Twitter Blue, and I actually did so well before the Elon takeover as well. I agree that legacy checkmarks need to be vastly more accessible, and were inequitably granted. But this website will be unusable if imposter accounts are indistinguishable.
Julia Hava / @binchcity: this whole situation is so sneetch-coded
Drew Gooden / @drewisgooden: the only value of a twitter blue checkmark now is that people might mistake you for someone who is actually notable. if you get rid of every other checkmark, then the twitter blue checkmark literally means nothing. they're actually devaluing their own product by doing this.
Chris Taylor / @christaylor_nyc: lol
@blackamazon: the next election will be hell. I'm about to go to another meeting announcing the abandonment of supporting DEI and epistemology and there's no actual methodology or support for the vacuum about to come and it will be used to get rid of POC
Yvette Nicole Brown / @ynb: Take it. Take it TODAY. You won't get a thin dime from me for this white-supremacist-run piece of bird crap. Quote me. #FreeSpeech
Adam Weinstein / @adamweinstein: Such an auspicious start date!
@muellershewrote: So to keep my blue check, I have to pay a sad billionaire $11 a month? Welp, it's been a good run, blue check. It's not me. It's you. Don't let the door hitcha.
@variety: Elon Musk's Twitter also will start charging organizations $1,000/month for verified status
Sara Luterman / @slooterman: I'm really looking forward to it being easier for weirdos to impersonate me. This is a great decision with no possible downsides.
Patrick Daugherty / @rotopat: At New Twitter, no one can question our commitment to making useful, necessary features absolutely worthless
Mikki Kendall / @karnythia: You're going to make it cool to not be verified. This is going to be hilarious
Lindsey Ok / @lindseyyok: Goodbye blue check mark that I earned after years of hard work and now apparently have to pay for. Not happening
Ashton Pittman / @ashtonpittman: Nah, y'all can have your silly little meaningless check marks back. They will soon have no meaning except “I paid $8 for Twitter.”
Dana Loesch / @dloesch: Maybe you guys could fix the suppression and shadow banning first before asking for money.
Max Tani / @maxwelltani: Please talk about and impersonate Max Tani. It is important that people pretend to be Max Tani, a very important person who deserves to be talked about and impersonated.
Kevin M. Kruse / @kevinmkruse: As of April 1st, only the fools will have checkmarks.
@eve6: Humbly requesting that you remove ours immediately so people don't think we're a white nationalist with 30 followers
Stephanie Mlot / PCMag UK: Twitter Plans to Kill ‘Legacy Verified’ Checkmarks on April 1
William Gallagher / AppleInsider: Starting April 1, all a Twitter blue checkmark will mean is the user is paid
Ananya Bhattacharya / Quartz: Twitter is about to start purging unpaid blue ticks
Fox News fires Tucker Carlson producer Abby Grossberg after she alleged in court filings of being coerced into giving misleading testimony in the Dominion case — Fox News cut ties with Abby Grossberg Friday, Variety has learned, after the booker and producer for such hosts as Tucker Carlson …
Nina Burleigh / @ninaburleigh: Ex producer defies Fox attorneys' efforts to manipulate her testimony, alleges (surprise!) “rough culture within Fox News' corridors, with women treated badly and Carlson staffers making crude remarks about women and Jews.”
Sharon Knolle / The Wrap: Fox News Fires Producer Who Sued the Network Over Dominion Case
Kim Insley / @kiminsley: 1. If she was fired for telling the truth in court, I hope she is covered under some form of whistleblower legislation. 2. Better to be fired than risk perjury charges 3. Can we please stop calling it Fox “News”? Their own staff don't believe what they put out there.
@adriennelaw: Fox News Fired the producer who sued them over the hostile work environment and claimed she was bullied into her Dominion Voting deposition testimony. If this isn't text-book retaliation, I don't know what is.
A profile of Marina Ovsyannikova, the Russian journalist who was once a cog in Russia's propaganda machine but protested the war in Ukraine on live state-run TV — For 20 years, Marina Ovsyannikova worked for Russian state TV. What compelled her, shortly after Ukraine was invaded …
@john_sipher, @hgoldman77, @danbeucke, @dabeard, @larrycharlesism, @constantmeheut and @sbengali
John Sipher / @john_sipher: “In the minds of Russians, there had to be an image that all Americans were L.G.B.T. supporters who killed Black people and abused adopted children from Russia...”
Henry Goldman / @hgoldman77: The first principle of journalism: Tell The Truth Famed Antiwar Protester Was Once Cog in Russia's Propaganda Machine
Dan Beucke / @danbeucke: “Sitting in the newsroom, Ovsyannikova anxiously watched for opportunities to burst past the guards blocking the entrance to the set of ‘Vremya,’ Russia's most-watched news show. 'A guard was looking at her phone. I realized that was my chance.'" ...
David Beard / @dabeard: She knew Putin was a fascist, had started the war in #Ukraine, and ordered Russian media to lie to the people. “Staying and working for a criminal regime amounted to signing a pact with the devil. Your hands would be covered with Ukrainian blood.”
Larry Charles / @larrycharlesism: Imagine if our American news propagandists came out and told the truth.
A look at the impact on TV writers when streaming services cancel their shows and erase entire projects, some after filming was done, treated as tax write-offs — Ahead of ongoing WGA negotiations, several TV writers tell Rolling Stone the burst of the streaming bubble has them nervous …
@tvgrimreaper, @menendezrand, Deadline, @brigliebs, @wgawest, @missvimendes, @zoectjones, @ameksin, @wgawest and @rollingstone
@tvgrimreaper: The answers to all your questions is money. - Don Ohlmeyer
@menendezrand: “Since 2022, at least 35 projects have been canceled and removed from streaming service HBO Max. This includes shows that had already been given a renewal and some that were close to or completely done filming.” ...
Armando Tinoco / Deadline: HBO Max's ‘Gordita Chronicles’ Showrunner Says Show's Cancellation Is Part Of A “Diversity Problem” In Hollywood
Brig Muñoz-Liebowitz / @brigliebs: @RollingStone Thank you @RollingStone and @zoectjones for covering what's happening to the TV writing community!
@wgawest: “It is a crisis point for writers in terms of the viability and sustainability of writing as a career. The goal is to get a contract for our members that addresses their concerns, puts money back in writers' pockets and fairly compensates them for the value that they create.” #1u
Virgínia Mendes / @missvimendes: @zoectjones this is such a great article. I had the chance to interview a couple of tv writers and the truth is that's a constant fear on the back of their heads! Congrats 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
@zoectjones: For TV writers, getting cancelled has long been apart of the gig. But ahead of the ongoing WGA contract negotiations, several writers and creators of canceled HBO Max shows told me they're worried about what could happen if shows disappear altogether ...
Anya Meksin / @ameksin: The brilliant @brigliebs points out that if our shows are removed from streamers, we don't even have any archival records of our work. No files, no dvds. Nothing to show our kids when we're old. No chance for a show to become a sleeper classic over time.
Filing: Vince McMahon reimburses the WWE $17.4M for costs the company incurred in its probe of misconduct claims against him and agrees to pay any future costs — McMahon, WWE's executive chairman and controlling shareholder, returned to the company in January after he “retired” from the company last year.
Kieran Fisher / Wrestling Inc.: Vince McMahon Reimburses WWE For Costs Relating To Hush Money Payments
@rockford_guy: Paying off your shareholders so you can have your job back that proves he didn't do it
Scott Fishman / @smfishman: Yet with a sale he'll make it all back and then some and then some...
Matthew Aguilar / Comic Book: WWE and Vince McMahon Come to Terms on Special Investigation Reimbursement
Mike Chiari / Bleacher Report: Vince McMahon Pays WWE $17.4M for Costs Related to Sexual Misconduct Investigation
Joshua Vinson / The Wrap: Vince McMahon Pays WWE $17.4 Million to Cover Sexual Misconduct Investigation Costs
Sabela Ojea / Wall Street Journal: Vince McMahon Reimburses WWE for Costs Tied to Sexual-Misconduct Probe
Jessica Schladebeck / New York Daily News: Vince McMahon reimburses WWE $17.4 million for investigation into misconduct allegations
A profile of Audie Cornish, the host of CNN podcast The Assignment, on her roots, her career as a journalist, NPR's culture, why she left the outlet, and more — Cornish has watched the media evolve, experiment, and experience dramatic layoffs. In “The Assignment,” her CNN podcast, she's trying to find a new way forward.
@marinafang, @sarahscire, @sbs_umass, @1eaguilera, @poppyharlowcnn, @asarahlarson, @mimapamundi, @abbydphillip and @audiecornish
Marina Fang / @marinafang: This line from @AudieCornish on her immigrant parents. I think about this a lot re: my own parents and other people I know, but rarely see it spelled out so plainly.
Sarah Scire / @sarahscire: “Her dad wanted to be an architect, but ended up working as a defense contractor. ('That's the American story.')”
@sbs_umass: In a @NewYorker profile, @UMassJournalism alum @AudieCornish discusses The Assignment, her insightful and captivating new @CNNAudio podcast, and talks about finding her path in journalism while attending @UMassAmherst:
Elizabeth Aguilera / @1eaguilera: This is a perfect description of almost all media outlets, even the newer ones...bc run by traditional white media men. A little lipstick only. I said almost all.
Poppy Harlow / @poppyharlowcnn: “Who are the people we don't hear from?” she said. “That's the bar. Let's get into it together.” ❤️ @AudieCornish
Sarah Larson / @asarahlarson: I wrote about the great @AudieCornish and her humane, incisive approach to journalism.
@mimapamundi: Audie Cornish, about working at a big, mainstream media outlet like NPR: “It was like being in a historic home. You can paint, you can change the landscaping, but you can't knock down any walls, and you can't fuck with the historic house”