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Top editors at 38 outlets globally sign a letter condemning the detention of The Wall Street Journal's Evan Gershkovich and calling for his immediate release — The editors condemned Mr. Gershkovich's detention in a letter to the Russian ambassador to the U.S.
Committee to Protect …, The New York Times Company, Talking Biz News, @davecbenoit, @mjluxmoore, @pressfreedom, @sgurman, @benfritz, @larryryckman, @hamiltonnolan, @mvhaydencenter, @kenroth, @khadeeja_safdar, @williams_paige, @wsj, @berber_jin1, @maxseddon, @nickkristof, @leisel_leisel, @lrozen, @maggienyt, @spiegelpeter, @jimmyvielkind, @asharma, @trippmickle, @jbflint, @dollydeighton, @ebu_hq, @eliotwb, @bbcwillvernon, @edmundlee, @wendyfry_, @mschwirtz, CNN, Newser and New York Times
Erik Crouch / Committee to Protect Journalists: CPJ, media organizations, and partners call for release of US journalist Evan Gershkovich
Maria Case / The New York Times Company: Statement from a coalition of news organizations regarding the detention of WSJ's Evan Gershkovich in Russia.
Dave Benoit / @davecbenoit: The story Evan Gershkovich wrote before he was arrested is the most read thing on WSJ today. Because his work deeply matters to people. And is that good. #IStandWithEvan
Matthew Luxmoore / @mjluxmoore: @evangershkovich and I started at @WSJ's Moscow bureau on the same morning last January. He has been committed to covering Russia diligently & fairly ever since I first met him when he arrived in Moscow in 2017. He was arrested for doing his job, and should immediately be freed.
@pressfreedom: Joint letter by leaders of top global news organizations states: “Russia is sending the message that journalism within your borders is criminalized and that foreign correspondents seeking to report from Russia do not enjoy the benefits of the rule of law.”
Sadie Gurman / @sgurman: “Russia is sending the message that journalism within your borders is criminalized and that foreign correspondents seeking to report from Russia do not enjoy the benefits of the rule of law.” #istandwithevan
Ben Fritz / @benfritz: Like many who value press freedom, I support this letter from more than three dozen top editors of news organizations around the world calling for the immediate release of my colleague, reporter Evan Gershkovich. #IStandwithEvan
@larryryckman: @davidfolkenflik As a Moscow correspondent for @AP in the 1990s, I always assumed the Russians would monitor my phone calls, discussions and movements whenever they wished, or could even expel me. The job was hard and dangerous enough without having to worry about being jailed, too.
Hamilton Nolan / @hamiltonnolan: “We do not welcome, and will not tolerate, participation by Times journalists in protests organized by advocacy groups.” - NYT editor Joe Kahn, Feb. 16, 2023.
Kenneth Roth / @kenroth: More than 30 global organizations and media outlets press the Russian government to release Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich. He was just doing his job as a journalist. The Kremlin seems to want him as a hostage.
Khadeeja Safdar / @khadeeja_safdar: #IStandWithEvan Gershkovich, the American @WSJ journalist currently detained by Russian authorities. He's not allowed contact with his family or access to an attorney provided by his outlet. @pressfreedom & the int'l press call for his immediate release:
Paige Williams / @williams_paige: “This is not, in other words, the kind of thing that happens all the time, even in a climate of worsening relations between Washington and Moscow. And it could not have occurred without Putin's personal approval.”
@wsj: News organizations from around the world joined President Biden's call to release WSJ reporter Evan Gershkovich
Berber Jin / @berber_jin1: i've long dreamed of becoming a foreign correspondent, and @evangershkovich's work has always inspired me from afar. i am devastated by his detention in russia. he should be released immediately. #istandwithevan
Max Seddon / @maxseddon: “Evan, I said out loud in my hotel room. In that moment, this news story moved out of the realm of professional dismay and into the intensely personal.” important piece from @Sulliview on @evangershkovich. “Now he has become, essentially, a hostage.” ...
Nicholas Kristof / @nickkristof: Evan Gershkovich is a great correspondent who has been imprisoned in Russia for committing journalism. Putin is taking hostages because he thinks he can benefit, so we should ensure he doesn't. There should be a push to expel Russian ambassadors and FSB officers. #istandwithevan
Lizeth Beltran / @leisel_leisel: I worked with @evangershkovich last year during a stint overseas. Immediately I was impressed by his talent and diligence, but most of all by how much he cared. #IStandWithEvan
Laura Rozen / @lrozen: Russia arrested Sullivan's former editorial assistant at the NYT
Maggie Haberman / @maggienyt: Don't lose sight of this amid legal developments in the US >
Peter Spiegel / @spiegelpeter: The @FT's @khalafroula is one of more than 3 dozen editors of major news orgs calling for #Russia to release @WSJ correspondent @evangershkovich in letter to Moscow's ambassador to Washington.
Jimmy Vielkind / @jimmyvielkind: More than three dozen top editors of news organizations around the world signed a letter to the Russian ambassador to the U.S. condemning the detention of Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich and calling for his immediate release. #IStandWithEvan
Amol Sharma / @asharma: I STAND WITH EVAN. Editors of more than three dozen news organizations signed a letter calling for the release of Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich #istandwithevan via @WSJ
Tripp Mickle / @trippmickle: #istandwithevan, the @WSJ and journalists around the world calling for Evan's immediate release.
Joe Flint / @jbflint: Please media and non-media peeps, retweet this article with hashtag #istandwithevan
Katie Deighton / @dollydeighton: An uplifting sense of solidarity from the @WSJ's newsroom peers this morning: “Gershkovich is a journalist, not a spy, and should be released immediately and without conditions.”
@ebu_hq: We are deeply concerned by the detention of @wsj journalist Evan Gershkovich in #Russia We have joined with CPJ @pressfreedom and media outlets from around the world to call for his immediate release 👇 #JournalismIsNotACrime #PressFreedom
Eliot Brown / @eliotwb: My friend @evangershkovich is a brave, honest, ethical, vivacious, strong and exceptionally talented journalist — one cleareyed about risks of war reporting. I'm honored to know him. I stand with Evan. Free Evan.
Will Vernon / @bbcwillvernon: Heads of major news organisations, including the @WSJ and the BBC, condemn the arrest of @evangershkovich and call for his release....
Edmund Lee / @edmundlee: Detaining any reporter for doing their job is an attack on every reporter regardless of affiliation
WendyFry / @wendyfry_: Not only does Evan's detention have a chilling effect on independent journalism and deprive the public of essential news from Russia, it's also a dangerous precedent for foreign correspondents in any country. He should be released immediately.
Michael Schwirtz / @mschwirtz: Together @nytimes, @washingtonpost, @Bloomberg, and @politico call on Russia to immediately release @WSJ's Evan Gershkovich. “Evan's detention is intended to have a chilling effect on independent journalism and deprive the public of essential news.”
Jenn Gidman / Newser: Arrest of Reporter Is ‘Personally Painful’ for Another

A profile of Evan Gershkovich, the 31-year-old WSJ reporter detained by Russia whose parents fled the USSR for the US and who later made Moscow his second home — The Wall Street Journal correspondent, whose parents fled the Soviet Union, made Moscow a second home.
The Guardian, Washington Post, Associated Press, @reevellp, @jmalsin, Reporters Without Borders, @aosipovich, @sgurman, @_silversmith, USA Today, @benpershing, @alanmillernlp, @gtcost, @bychunhan, @dinasrinivasan, @laobserved, @mikevorkunov, @joelsimonsays, @pjotrsauer, NBC News, @dabeard, @joshkraushaar, @maxseddon, @wsj, @johnwest, New York Times, @austinramzy, @joewsj, @elizacollins1, @daiwaka, Wall Street Journal, @nickkristof, @shalini, @georgikantchev, @mjluxmoore, Reuters, New Yorker, New York Post and Financial Times
Margaret Sullivan / The Guardian: The arrest of an American journalist in Russia is awful. For me, it's also painfully personal
Patrick Reevell / @reevellp: Beautiful article on the WSJ front page today that captures their reporter @evangershkovich who Russia seized this week. Gives a picture of the brilliant, funny and exceptionally dedicated reporter he is and how deeply he cared about covering Russia.
Jared Malsin / @jmalsin: My wonderful colleague Evan Gershkovich, who is being detained on false charges by Russian authorities, is a talented reporter who deeply loved Russia and its people. He was passionate about understanding all things Russian. #IStandWithEvan
Alexander Osipovich / @aosipovich: Beautiful piece on my colleague @evangershkovich who has been unjustly arrested in Russia. I am still in disbelief that this is happening to him. #IStandWithEvan
Sadie Gurman / @sgurman: On Friday,@WSJ withdrew its Moscow bureau chief, who has covered the country since the final years of the Cold War. Many Western news agencies that posted reporters to Moscow under Stalin have determined Putin's Russia is too dangerous for journalism.
Shawn Peirce / @_silversmith: @Sulliview Did not remember Evan had worked for you until I read this. Damn. No journalist should be a political pawn, especially not one abused by Putin. But this is exponentially worse. May he come back to the U.S. sooner, rather than later.
Wyatte Grantham-Philips / USA Today: Who is Evan Gershkovich? What we know about WSJ reporter arrested by Russia for espionage
Ben Pershing / @benpershing: Before Evan Gershkovich headed on a reporting trip to Yekaterinburg, a colleague wrote him a text: “Hey buddy, good luck today.” #IStandWithEvan
Alan C. Miller / @alanmillernlp: “It's not like he was in Russia because no one bothered to tell him it was dangerous,” @yaffaesque tweeted. “He is a brave, committed, professional journalist who traveled to Russia to report on stories of import and interest.”
Constantin Gurdgiev / @gtcost: Disgusting. Using journalists as bargaining pawns.
Chun Han Wong / @bychunhan: Evan Gershkovich, the son of Soviet-born exiles and a @WSJ reporter now detained in Russia, loved the country, its language, the people he chatted with for hours in regional capitals, and the punk bands he hung out with at Moscow dive bars. #IStandwithEvan
Dina Srinivasan / @dinasrinivasan: “Many Western news agencies that posted reporters to Moscow under Stalin have determined that President Vladimir Putin's Russia is too dangerous for journalism.”
Kevin Roderick / @laobserved: “They've chosen a well-known journalist from an authoritative media outlet...The idea is to have an ace up their sleeve for negotiations.” ...
Mike Vorkunov / @mikevorkunov: So hard to read this profile of @evangershkovich, who seems like such a good-natured person and reporter, and know the kind of situation he is stuck in
Joel Simon / @joelsimonsays: There has been an outpouring of outrage in response to Russia's arrest of @WSJ reporter @evangershkovich on espionage charges but here's an account from @Sulliview that humanizes this wonderful journalist and human being. Via @guardian ...
Pjotr Sauer / @pjotrsauer: What a heartbreaking profile of our friend Evan by @JoeWSJ and @drewhinshaw. I remember the bike day like it was yesterday. Can't wait for the next one
NBC News: Reporter detained in Russia on spying allegations known as dedicated journalist who ‘cares a lot ... about the Russian people’
David Beard / @dabeard: Putin, the child-kidnapping invader of #Ukraine, has taken another hostage. This time, it's an American. The hostage, says @Sulliview, is an upstanding former colleague, “often wearing a pine-green pullover sweater and with his hair in slight disarray.” ...
Josh Kraushaar / @joshkraushaar: “Gershkovich's biography traces Mr. Putin's efforts to rebuild an empire atop the former Soviet Union, a homeland his parents had fled only for their American son to return and wind up in the type of prison they had been taught to fear.”
Max Seddon / @maxseddon: “Reporting on Russia is now also a regular practice of watching people you know get locked away for years.” A heartbreaking piece about how @evangershkovich chronicled Russia's descent into madness until the FSB arrested him, by @JoeWSJ and @drewhinshaw
@wsj: Before Evan Gershkovich headed on a reporting trip to Yekaterinburg, a colleague wrote him a text: “Hey buddy, good luck today.”
John West / @johnwest: Free Evan now.
Austin Ramzy / @austinramzy: My colleague Evan Gershkovich pursued journalism in Russia out of love for the country, its language and its people. I hope he is safe and is freed soon #istandwithevan
Joe Parkinson / @joewsj: I stand with Evan. And this is the hardest story I've ever had to write. About our colleague and friend, who woke up today for the third morning in a Russian prison. Keep him in your thoughts and let's keep his case at the top of everyone's mind.
Eliza Collins / @elizacollins1: This is so upsetting. Evan is an excellent reporter who covered a country he cared deeply about. #istandwithevan
Daisuke Wakabayashi / @daiwaka: Absolutely terrifying.
Wall Street Journal: On the Ground in Putin's Russia: Evan Gershkovich's Coverage of a Country at War
Nicholas Kristof / @nickkristof: A profile of Evan Gershkovich, the @WSJ correspondent who has been imprisoned in Russia, apparently for committing journalism. Putin is taking hostages.
Shalini Ramachandran / @shalini: Read this moving account of Evan's impactful journalism and love for Russia, the country that turned on him. #istandwithevan
Georgi Kantchev / @georgikantchev: Evan fell in love with Russia—its language, the people he chatted with for hours in regional capitals, the punk bands he hung out with at Moscow dive bars. Now, espionage charges leave him facing a possible prison sentence of up to 20 years #IStandwithEvan
Matthew Luxmoore / @mjluxmoore: When I first met Evan over a beer in Moscow in 2017 he talked about all the books he was reading to better understand Russia, a country he deeply cared about. That mission, which shaped his life, has cost him his freedom. Hopefully not for long #FreeEvan
Joshua Yaffa / New Yorker: The Unimaginable Horror of a Friend's Arrest in Moscow

The judge in the $1.6B Fox-Dominion case denies Fox's summary judgment motions and partially grants Dominion's motions ahead of the trial scheduled for April 17 — A jury will decide whether Fox Corp (FOXA.O) defamed Dominion Voting Systems with false vote-rigging claims aired by Fox News …
@goangelo, New York Times, @goangelo, CNN, @sarahellison, @elizlanders, Associated Press, NPR, TVNewser, The Hill, CNBC, Washington Post, Financial Times, @edmundlee, @mariashriver, @existentialfish, @jamesrbuk, @jeremymbarr, @themaxburns, @tristansnell, @karaswisher, @gtconway3d, @katrinanation, @jswatz, @nycsouthpaw, @chancery_daily, Wall Street Journal, @reuterslegal, Politico, @demfromct, @awzurcher, Newser, @klasfeldreports, @farhip, @jaketapper, @therickwilson, @pamkeithfl, @tempdiaries, New York Daily News, @keitholbermann, @nytimesbusiness, @jefftimmer, @crookedknight, @rl_miller, @goangelo, @oliverdarcy, @bendreyfuss, @badfoxgraphics, @reddit_ama, @peterjukes, @mattgertz, @kiminsley, Law & Crime,, Mediaite, Los Angeles Times, Gizmodo, The Wrap, The Guardian, CBS News, Media Matters for America and Variety
Angelo Carusone / @goangelo: 2/ In its partial ruling in favor of Dominion, the court did determine statements made by Fox were statements of fact and were not statements of opinion.
Angelo Carusone / @goangelo: 1/ Judge issued ruling on the summary judgment motions in the Dominion v Fox News case. Fox Corp and Fox News' motions for summary judgment to dismiss the case have been denied. Domion's motion for summary judgment is granted in part and denied in part. Details to follow...
CNN: Judge won't declare early winner in Dominion defamation case against Fox News, paving way for trial over 2020 election lies
Sarah Ellison / @sarahellison: To get Trump to stop talking election fraud, Rupert asks then-NYPost editor Col Allan, “should we say something Donald might see?” Next slide shows the NYPost piece telling Trump to stop “stolen election” talk. And Lachlan Murdoch admits he read the editorial before it ran.
Elizabeth Landers / @elizlanders: NEW: Dominion spokesperson reax “We are gratified by the Court's thorough ruling soundly rejecting all of Fox's arguments and defenses, and finding as a matter of law that their statements about Dominion are false. We look forward to going to trial.”
David Folkenflik / NPR: Judge rules Fox hosts' claims about Dominion were false, says trial can proceed
Lillian Rizzo / CNBC: Judge rejects Fox motions, allows Dominion's $1.6 billion defamation suit to go to trial
Edmund Lee / @edmundlee: “The evidence developed in this civil proceeding,” Judge Eric M. Davis wrote, demonstrates that it “is CRYSTAL clear that none of the statements relating to Dominion about the 2020 election are true.” @rupertmurdoch's Fox will go to trial
Maria Shriver / @mariashriver: News hosts and guests made false claims. Fox is the home of fake news
@existentialfish: @chrislhayes @nycsouthpaw it was a huge defeat for fox — partial summary judgment granted, including that the claims were false and that fox news published them
James Ball / @jamesrbuk: It's going to trial, which is exactly what Fox doesn't want. The rest is largely noise.
Jeremy Barr / @jeremymbarr: Dominion released the slides they DIDN'T show in court last week, and one includes a new email from Rupert Murdoch in which he weighs in on when Fox should call the election for Biden. Murdoch: “Whenever we do it, it will all be over.”
Max Burns / @themaxburns: After multiple failed attempts to have the case thrown out, a judge now says Fox will need to face a jury in its defamation suit.
Tristan Snell / @tristansnell: BREAKING: Fox News LOSES summary judgment motion in Dominion defamation case, and Dominion wins on some elements of defamation. Judge rules that whether Fox acted with “actual malice” — the crux of any defamation claim — must be determined at trial. Trial begins April 17.
Kara Swisher / @karaswisher: I am shocked ... shocked, I say! Fox News Suffers Major Setback in Dominion Case
George Conway / @gtconway3d: Fox's statements about Dominion: false as a matter of law, no triable issue of fact, holds the trial judge.
@katrinanation: Have to believe FOX will try to settle-/ Fox News Suffers Major Setback in Defamation Case
John Schwartz / @jswatz: I just keep thinking about how Tucker Carlson was so upset that telling the truth was hurting Fox's stock price.
@nycsouthpaw: @bendreyfuss The former; Dominion will still have to prove actual malice to win its claims. But that's all the trial should be about, if it's properly managed. Fox wont be able to argue they got everything right, for instance.
@chancery_daily: fox's motions for summary judgment denied in the dominion case, dominion's motion granted in part, denied in part opinion available here: ...
Erin Mulvaney / Wall Street Journal: Fox News Defamation Case Cleared for Trial
@reuterslegal: A jury will decide whether Fox defamed Dominion Voting Systems with false vote-rigging claims aired by Fox News after the 2020 US election, a Delaware judge ruled
Greg Dworkin / @demfromct: reporters really, really, really have to stop treating Fox News as a legit outlet They deliberately lie.
Anthony Zurcher / @awzurcher: Fox is one step closer to owing Dominion Voting a *lot* of money.
Bob Cronin / Newser: Judge Orders a Trial for Dominion-Fox Case
Adam Klasfeld / @klasfeldreports: Essentially, the court is granting Dominion summary judgment on everything but actual malice, which will go to trial.
Paul Farhi / @farhip: “This is a disastrous decision for Fox:” Judge rules Dominion lawsuit can go to trial, says @FoxNews aired false statements. Story by @sarahellison, @jeremymbarr and me. ...
Jake Tapper / @jaketapper: “The evidence developed in this civil proceeding demonstrates that is CRYSTAL clear that none of the Statements relating to Dominion about the 2020 election are true. Therefore, the Court will grant summary judgment in favor of Dominion on the element of falsity. ”
@tempdiaries: Looking forward to Fox settling for an undisclosed amount without admitting guilt on the Friday before Memorial Day.
Brian Niemietz / New York Daily News: Fox News and Dominion Voting Systems are going to court in $1.6 billion lawsuit
Keith Olbermann / @keitholbermann: BREAKING: huge pre-trial win for Dominion in $1.6B defamation case over Fox “News.” Judge rules Fox's statements about Dominion are FALSE - a jury will decide if there are monetary damages. Rupert is F'd 🇺🇸🇺🇸 🇺🇸🇺🇸 🇺🇸https://courts.delawa ...
@nytimesbusiness: “The evidence developed in this civil proceeding,” Judge Eric M. Davis wrote, demonstrates that it “is CRYSTAL clear that none of the statements relating to Dominion about the 2020 election are true.”
Jeff Timmer / @jefftimmer: This seems to signal the trial is likely to be ginormouslydamagingandstaggeringlyfucki ngexpensive (that's a word, right?) for Fox.
David / @crookedknight: @bendreyfuss @nycsouthpaw Limits defenses. Dominion must still prove that Fox either knew it was broadcasting false material or proceeded with reckless disregard for whether it was true — the “actual malice” standard.
RL Miller / @rl_miller: WOW. This is a very strong pro-Dominion ruling. Very little left for Fox to try beyond “how much money does Fox owe, and which Fox entity owes it.” short legal thread starting
Angelo Carusone / @goangelo: this whole ruling. I can't read it fast enough. my goodness gracious. really something.
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: The judge's decision represents a major legal setback for Fox News and sets the stage for an agonizing weeks long trial in which some of their highest ranking execs and most prominent hosts could be called to the stand to testify about 2020 election lies..
Ben Dreyfuss / @bendreyfuss: @nycsouthpaw so what does it mean that they granted the summary judgment on falsity? It just curtails possible defenses? Or does it mean that Dominion has actually won one of its claims entirely and the trial for it will just be about damages?
Bad Fox Graphics / @badfoxgraphics: 2/ “The judge's decision represents a major legal setback for @FoxNews and sets the stage for an agonizing weeks long trial in which some of the right-wing channel's highest ranking executives and most prominent hosts could be called to the stand to testify”
Peter Jukes / @peterjukes: Murdoch's Fox News losing the key defence against the Dominion suit. They were making statements of fact about a rigged vote, not just opinion Wish @Ofcom could check out GBNews in this regard. It claims to be a ‘news’ not just a ‘talk’ channel
Matthew Gertz / @mattgertz: Demolishing the argument Bill Barr offered in the WSJ last week.
Kim Insley / @kiminsley: One of my favorite journalism classes at @UTAustin was libel law. This trial will be studied for decades to come.
Adam Klasfeld / Law & Crime: Dominion wins rare judgment against Fox News on every legal issue but actual malice before blockbuster trial Judge grants summary judgement to Dominion on the issue of the falsity of Fox's reporting and sends question of malice of Fox to trial. I predict evidence wil support Dominion in its $1.6 billion lawsuit against Fox. …
Sarah Rumpf / Mediaite: Judge Scorches Fox News' Claim Their Dominion Coverage Was Protected Opinion, Sending Media Case of the Century to Trial
Stephen Battaglio / Los Angeles Times: Fox News defamation case headed to trial after judge rejects motion to dismiss
Kyle Barr / Gizmodo: Dominion Will See Fox News In Court After Judge Rules the Election Lies Were ‘Crystal Clear’
Drew Taylor / The Wrap: Judge Orders Fox News-Dominion Defamation Case to Trial

Email: The White House will not pay for Twitter Blue for its staff; the White House and top officials' accounts like POTUS will likely maintain gray checkmarks — The White House will not pay to have its staff's official Twitter profiles continue to be verified, according to guidance issued to staffers via an email obtained by Axios.
@kingjames, @nathanchubbard, Fox Business, @jemelehill, The Hollywood Reporter, @kyleynfl, The Hill, @realrclark25, @mikeisaac, New York Post, Telangana Today, @bendreyfuss, @lawrencehurley, @digiphile, @clarajeffery, @itsborys, @nathanchubbard, @mattdizwhitlock, @mollyjongfast, @noclador, @keithedwards, @derushaj, @jayzawaski, @bobcesca_go, @keithedwards, @danpfeiffer, @elienyc, @nathanchubbard, @estellecostanza, @ashleygjovik, @doctoryasmin, @taylorrooks, @wutangkids, @nathanchubbard, @bmkibler, @niubi, @delpercios, @edzitron, The Wrap, Mashable, @mariedenee, @iamsophianelson, @nathanchubbard, @reichlinmelnick, @nathanchubbard, @fordm, @dan_bernstein, @glen_mcgregor, @broderick, @sahilkapur, @robl_l, @rory_johnston, @evanmcmurry, @toluogunlesi, @saskiapopescu, @rob_sheridan, Deadline, The Information, The Verge, ClutchPoints, Los Angeles Times, Semafor, Bloomberg, The Comeback, Vanity Fair and New York Daily News, more at Techmeme »
LeBron James / @kingjames: Welp guess my blue ✔️ will be gone soon cause if you know me I ain't paying the 5. 🤷🏾♂️
Nathan Hubbard / @nathanchubbard: 1) As someone who was (briefly) in charge of the Twitter Media team - the group tasked with getting high profile people onto Twitter, and verification - AND as one of the few ever to voluntarily give up the blue check, I want to try to articulate how risky this policy change is.
Jemele Hill / @jemelehill: LeBron may have check-mated Elon Musk, because if celebs with his following say paying for a check isn't worth it, that will be disastrous. I'm with LeBron, the moment this blue check is gone, oh well.
J. Clara Chan / The Hollywood Reporter: Twitter's Verification Purge Set to Begin
Kyle Yates / @kyleynfl: I've enjoyed my checkmark that I was given through the application process, but in no world will I be paying for it. Twitter's about to become an absolute mess, so - legitimately - what other platform are we needing to move to?
Alex Gangitano / The Hill: White House won't be paying for staffers' Twitter verification
Ryan Clark / @realrclark25: Yea man!! It's just a check I can't cash. I for sure ain't paying
Rat King / @mikeisaac: good thread from fmr twtr exec on how checkpocalypse is quite a gamble (and for what i might add is a relatively small payoff if recent subscriber numbers are to be believed...)
Ben Dreyfuss / @bendreyfuss: This is far and away the most compelling argument I have encountered for why the verification fuckery actually matters and could lead to an actual crisis for twitter
Lawrence Hurley / @lawrencehurley: Again, the old twitter verification system always mattered more to twitter than it did to any individual user, and we are about to find out why
Alex Howard / @digiphile: Charging people to be @verified was always a bad idea: A Premium version with more features makes sense when there is a clear return of value (no ads?) for $. Charging global celebrities who create value every time they tweet & engage with people is...🤷♂️
Clara Jeffery / @clarajeffery: Here's a good thread on what verification used to be about and the economic insanity of Elon's extortion scheme
Christian Borys / @itsborys: Elon didn't understand that verification was like a badge telling people that whatever you were doing in life was noteworthy, so it was kind of cool. Now that people can pay for that notoriety instead of earning it, it becomes EXTREMELY uncool. It smells of being a try hard.
Nathan Hubbard / @nathanchubbard: 2)The reason the Twitter Media team existed was because *almost all* of the engagement on Twitter happens with tweets from high profile people/organizations across government, sports, music, business, news, whatever the Kardashians are, etc. They're the lifeblood of the platform.
Matt Whitlock / @mattdizwhitlock: I agree with this - I don't want my tax dollars paying for twitter subscriptions for government offices - whether its the White House or a Congressional office. @Twitter should find other ways to verify government organizations.
Molly Jong-Fast / @mollyjongfast: Bye bye “may or may not be notable”
Thomas C. Theiner / @noclador: White House knows it is not “verification”, but a brazen extortion attempt. Twitter's whole value was its verified users and content creators. The former will lose their verification tonight - the latter will be hidden from now on unless they pay. Elon has ZERO business sense.
Keith Edwards / @keithedwards: We don't negotiate with terrorists
Jason DeRusha / @derushaj: Great thread that explains why the blue checkmark crowd (incl me) cares about the ☑️. We generate content that generates engagement - and why keep doing that for a company that holds you in contempt?
Jay Zawaski / @jayzawaski: As Twitter verifications go away tomorrow, here's why it matters to people in the media industry and beyond. Do I care about a blue check? Not really. Does it make it harder to do my job and give YOU accurate info? Yes.
Bob Cesca / @bobcesca_go: No one should. Elon screwed up and overpaid — no one should help him pay for his crashed car.
Keith Edwards / @keithedwards: Excellent thread.
Dan Pfeiffer / @danpfeiffer: Not having a blue checkmark is the new status symbol
Elie Mystal / @elienyc: King James has the right idea
Nathan Hubbard / @nathanchubbard: 4) There were a bunch of important safety and security reasons for doing this as well. Hero tweeps like @KatieS and @Larakate have all the scars/stories to prove it. It was also possible to organically build a verifiable account by gaining followers and impact on the platform.
@ashleygjovik: It didn't really hit me until I saw this update But many institutions (including actual govs), are undertaking tactics with Twitter/Elmo often used in public international law conflicts Naming/shaming, sanctions, ending/pausing diplomatic relations, banning or burdening trade
@doctoryasmin: He'll just make a different coloured check mark for celebs and/or do something similar to what he did with businesses and say ‘oops, forgot to mention, people with x amount of followers can keep their check mark’
Taylor Rooks / @taylorrooks: Players always say Lebron doesn't even pay for data roaming and will wait forever to get to a place with wifi because he refuses to do that extra this definitely tracks 😂
Nathan Hubbard / @nathanchubbard: 13) The likely sequencing will be like LeBron: first, give up the check and not pay. But as the experience degrades and impersonation abounds, creators will start to wonder why they'd contribute content to a platform and company that holds them in such contempt.
Brian Kibler / @bmkibler: The funny thing is that the *reason* people care about blue check marks is *because* famous people like LeBron have them. Removing them from existing verified accounts just turns them into “this MF paid for Twitter” fodder and nothing else.
Susan Del Percio / @delpercios: Who's paying for twitter verification? I am not.
Ross A. Lincoln / The Wrap: Joe Biden Won't Pay Elon Musk $8 for a Twitter Blue Check Either
Sophia A. Nelson / @iamsophianelson: None of us will
Nathan Hubbard / @nathanchubbard: 9) But what Twitter is going to start doing tonight flips the equation - it is going to ask its most important creators to *pay Twitter* instead of the other way around. Every other social media platform has found a way to pay its creators, not charge them. Will it work?
Aaron Reichlin-Melnick / @reichlinmelnick: As a person who thinks a lot about the budget, I've been expecting this. $12,000/year for a gold checkmark on Twitter is just not a justifiable expense for most governments, big or little, so I expect few will pay. Imagine asking a small town with a tight budget to pay that.
Nathan Hubbard / @nathanchubbard: 14) That will be the point at which we might expect a wave of silence to ensue. The first real staring contest of the creator economy is upon us. Will creators seize the moment? Can Twitter sustain it? 🍿
Matt Ford / @fordm: I don't really care whether I'm verified, but if *no one* is verified—truly verified, not just paying for a cosmetic blue check—then this website's utility and everyday value drops a lot.
Dan Bernstein / @dan_bernstein: I'm also team #ohwell.
Glen McGregor / @glen_mcgregor: Excellent 🧵on blue check issue. I don't care much about mine — I was a Twitter evangelist long before I had one — but stripping verification will make the platform a lot less useful, for journalism and public discourse.
Ryan Broderick / @broderick: There have been all kinds of moments since Musk bought Twitter that you could point to as the exact moment it was officially “over,” but I actually think this is it. The US gov having a meaningful presence here was what elevated Twitter over, say, Reddit. Site's cooked.
Sahil Kapur / @sahilkapur: Twitter's biggest asset has been to get some of the most interesting or powerful or popular people on the planet to post daily content on this site for free; all in return for merely verifying that they are who they say. Now they want those creators to pay? Good 🧵 here 👇
Rob / @robl_l: @MollyJongFast It's a good job no one is lining up to cause mischief
Rory Johnston / @rory_johnston: Going great. Don't worry, I'm sure we'll have a Blue-verified White House account hosted in a hostile power in no time.
Evan McMurry / @evanmcmurry: “It is our understanding that Twitter Blue does not provide person-level verification as a service. Thus, a blue check mark will now simply serve as a verification that the account is a paid user.”
Tolu Ogunlesi / @toluogunlesi: Wawu. If @elonmusk capitulates and exempts the White House, he will have to extend the exemption to @NGRPresident and @NigeriaGov, no?
Dr. Saskia Popescu / @saskiapopescu: This whole thread 👇🏻
Rob Sheridan / @rob_sheridan: Say what you will about Elon, but it is truly impressive to be so uncool to your very core that despite every potential resource on the planet at your disposal you still make a service so spectacularly lame that guys who make 50 mil a year will make a point not to give you $8
Ted Johnson / Deadline: White House Won't Pay For Staffers Blue Checkmarks Under Twitter's New Verification Plan
Mitchell Clark / The Verge: Twitter's $1,000 checkmark will be free for the 10,000 most-followed companies
Angelo Guinhawa / ClutchPoints: Hilarious LeBron James cheapskate story unearthed amid Lakers star's Twitter blue check mark fiasco
Jaimie Ding / Los Angeles Times: Will celebrities pay for Twitter Blue? Many are ready to lose the check
Sean Keeley / The Comeback: LeBron James send harsh message to Elon Musk
Delia Cai / Vanity Fair: Requiem for the Twitter Blue Check
Brian Niemietz / New York Daily News: White House won't pay for Twitter verification

The NYT, LAT, and WaPo won't buy Twitter Blue; NYT, LAT, BuzzFeed, and Politico won't reimburse reporters for Blue, but Semafor and other small outlets plan to — BuzzFeed isn't ponying up, but for other outlets, paying might make sense. — Pranav Dixit
@sarafischer, @oliverdarcy, @brooklynmarie, @oalexanderdk, @alex_panetta, @hansmahncke, @pkafka, @oliverdarcy, @spj_tweets, @jbenton, New York Post, Techdirt, @maxwelltani, @oliverdarcy, @bdherzinger, @mattnavarra, @scalzi, @scottnover, @jessespector, @rmac18, @roslyntalusan, @thekidskoob, @ryangrim, @claire_goforth, @thomaschattwill, @timfullerton, @skooks, @paleofuture, @boydhilton, @davidclinchnews, @williamshatner, @stevelackmeyer, @ndrew_lawrence, @stevanzetti, @dancow, @moorehn, @andrewmarchand, @roslyntalusan, @katebevan, @studentactivism, @bobmoorenews, @johniadarola, @mikeisaac, @tinu, @helenkennedy, @kt_so_it_goes, @cfidd, @pkafka, @charles_gaba, @dellcam, @scottnover, @benjysarlin, @wfkars, @chrismessina, @kimmasters, @bruce_arthur, @ewong, @jacobrubashkin, @nicosgonzalez, @andybcampbell, @joshtpm, @themaxburns, @moorehn, @adrianweckler, @wtfis2bdone, @ryanhanrahan, @lxeagle17, Vox, Boing Boing, The Wrap,, Awful Announcing and New York Times, more at Techmeme »
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: Scoop: @WhiteHouse won't pay for @Twitter verification — It will not enroll in Twitter's “Verification for Organization” program either — It also won't reimburse staff who chose to pay for Twitter Blue either Story on @axios:
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: The Los Angeles Times also says it will not pay for Twitter Blue, noting “verification no longer establishes authority or credibility.” Here's an internal note from managing editor Sara Yasin that went out to staff.
Brooke Binkowski / @brooklynmarie: Is it really a verification any more or is it just a subscription
Oliver Alexander / @oalexanderdk: Officially time to stop calling it “Verification” which it no longer is and just call it a premium subscription.
Alexander Panetta / @alex_panetta: After media companies, this one is gonna test the system.
Hans Mahncke / @hansmahncke: “verification no longer establishes authority or credibility” Never did.
Peter Kafka / @pkafka: I won't believe it until @JoeBiden writes a self-pitying post here complaining about the loss of his blue check.
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: CNN: “As of right now, we do not plan to pay for Twitter Blue subscriptions for either our brand or individual accounts, except for a small number of select teams who need this verification as an essential part of newsgathering and reporting.”
@spj_tweets: “In the future, a checkmark will no longer mean you are a verified journalist. Instead, it will simply mean you are paying for benefits such as longer tweets and fewer ads.” ...
Joshua Benton / @jbenton: Wouldn't this mean that all these big publishers will just get the gold check for free? ...
Mike Masnick / Techdirt: Media Has No Interest In Paying For Twitter Blue
Max Tani / @maxwelltani: LAT also won't reimburse: “Verification no longer establishes authority or credibility, instead it will only mean that someone has paid for a Twitter Blue subscription,” @sarayasin told staff.
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: POLITICO also tells staff: “In the future, a checkmark will no longer mean you are a verified journalist. Instead, it will simply mean you are paying for benefits such as longer tweets and fewer ads. POLITICO will not pay for you to subscribe to Twitter Blue.”
Blake Herzinger / @bdherzinger: I am told this is what business acumen looks like - trying to charge people to produce the content and data your model requires, then having everyone but neckbeards refuse to pay you. Incredible stuff.
Matt Navarra / @mattnavarra: The Newsrooms Who Say They'll Pay For Twitter Blue Checkmarks For Their Journalists The New York Times: ❌ Washington Post: Undecided CNN: Undecided The Los Angeles Times: ❌ Semafor: ✅ The Daily Caller: Undecided Insider: ❌ BuzzFeed: ❌ HuffPost: ❌ ...
John Scalzi / @scalzi: The Twitter blue check no longer verifies identity, it just confirms you're spending money, so from a journalistic point of view it makes no sense to pay. Have the outlet post a list on its site of its reporter's accounts and have the accounts link to it. ...
Scott Nover / @scottnover: It's very funny that newsrooms have to put out statements about whether they plan to get extorted by Elon Musk or not.
Jesse Spector / @jessespector: I was once told that my articles did exceptionally well on Twitter, and that meant maybe 10% of my traffic was from here. It's a useless cesspool and I will miss it dearly.
Ryan Mac / @rmac18: @dmccabe @kateconger Some other news in this story as the company gets ready to rid legacy verified checkmarks this weekend: Twitter's top 500 advertisers and 10,000 most-followed organizations will not be expected to pay for verification, according to an internal doc.
Roslyn / @roslyntalusan: like i'm sorry but being verified will officially lose its meaning and you'll be lumped in with the likes of MikeHunt06942069 shilling crypto schemes in your mentions. wake up
@thekidskoob: This is exactly what I was saying the other day. The new “policy” around verification has completely ruined the authenticity and credibility of its core purpose.
Ryan Grim / @ryangrim: Times is not paying for verification, they say, because “verification no longer establishes authority or credibility.” It does seem odd that Musk won't just commit to making verification actually mean real verification, even if he charges. Would it cost too much to do that?
Claire Goforth / @claire_goforth: @oliverdarcy All verification establishes at this point is that you have $8 you're willing to spend on Twitter
Thomas Chatterton Williams / @thomaschattwill: The NYT and I see eye-to-eye on this
Tim Fullerton / @timfullerton: This is the correct answer and I hope all organizations (and individuals) follow the Times lead.
@skooks: Thinking about Twitter's brilliant strategy to deliberately deligitimize itself as a breaking news conduit
Matt Novak / @paleofuture: The Times just sent me an identical statement except for one change: Instead of “verification” they won't pay for “check mark status,” an important distinction because Twitter doesn't verify the identity of Twitter Blue subscribers.
@boydhilton: No one in their right mind is planning to pay for Twitter verification...
David Clinch / @davidclinchnews: I hope many other news orgs follow suit on this.
William Shatner / @williamshatner: Well it looks like this is becoming a #blueless thing.😉 What is CNN going to do Oliver?🤔🤷🏼
@stevelackmeyer: I wonder at what point do the NYT, Washington Post, CNN, ABC News, NBC News, CBS News, Gannett and other news organizations agree to pick a replacement social media platform...
Andrew Lawrence / @ndrew_lawrence: im beginning to think the business model of “give the richest man on the planet $96/yr for nothing in return” isnt especially well thought out
Steven Monacelli / @stevanzetti: Twitter may not generate a ton of traffic but it sure does allow me to bully politicians in public so who is to say what the trade off really is
Dan Nguyen / @dancow: The NYT gets a W here
Heidi N. Moore / @moorehn: @JoeBelBruno @paulvigna The mass verification of newsrooms is often mocked but I actually think it was helpful in spreading accurate information for years. (I got mine artisanally back in 2011 however). It's basically unwieldy and nothing will fix it.
Andrew Marchand / @andrewmarchand: One down ...
Roslyn / @roslyntalusan: for those of you who feel pressured into buying twitter blue for business purposes*, please bear in mind that corporations are resisting this site owner's extortion scheme. *paying ~$8 to the man screwing your business over is not a good business decision.
Kate Bevan / @katebevan: Big news orgs saying nope to paying for their reporters to have Elon's blue checks - good.
Angus Johnston / @studentactivism: Honestly this is a no-brainer on multiple levels. The blue check is about to become a tool for impersonation, so it makes sense to stay away completely.
Bob Moore / @bobmoorenews: Same with @elpasomatters. Sticking it to The Man.
John Iadarola / @johniadarola: We need to see more major outlets signing on to this.
Rat King / @mikeisaac: this is a no-brainer imo forget any feelings one might have about mgmt or the company — the way they are handling bluechecks now is punitive rather than value-adding and there's no actual safeguard against impersonation whether you buy it or not, which is the major concern
@tinu: I do t even LIKE the nyt but it's not to be denied. Twitter is destroying itself with this pay for verification shit. It's not gonna die, it's just gonna become Digg or Friendster. Google Plus.
Helen Kennedy / @helenkennedy: Same, she declared airily.
@kt_so_it_goes: this is that scene in every burglar comedy where they've kidnapped a hostage nobody likes enough to pay the ransom
Peter Kafka / @pkafka: I would pay $96 to watch this meeting, or at least $8 to read Elon's mash notes to Lina.
Charles Gaba / @charles_gaba: This whole thread is giving me serious Star-Bellied Sneeches vibes. Going forward, any account claiming to be a legitimate news source which *has* a “verified” checkmark will by definition be deemed illegitimate.
Dell Cameron / @dellcam: Twitter does not generate traffic. I've been in countless meetings at multiple outlets where this fact has been repeated to me over and over.
Scott Nover / @scottnover: Twitter needs the New York Times WAY more than the New York Times needs Twitter. And it's not particularly close.
Benjy Sarlin / @benjysarlin: Would be tens of thousands per month for “real” branded verification ($1k per brand, $50 per affiliated account). If brands don't pay, this whole model falls apart pretty quickly revenue-wise.
Daniel Summers / @wfkars: It would be inane for anyone who got “legacy” verification for the sake of, y'know, actually being verified as who they said they were, to pay for the same symbol when it lacks all value whatsoever.
Chris Messina / @chrismessina: Ah, well, that's fair! The rich get richer under Elon's watch. #DeadTwitter #LegacyVerified #ToadiesBackslider
Kim Masters / @kimmasters: Forge ahead, Elon.
Bruce Arthur / @bruce_arthur: That's the key: it's now worthless to anyone with credibility
Jacob Rubashkin / @jacobrubashkin: What's the over/under on how many organizations actually pay $1,000/month for institutional verification? 10? 50?
Nicolas Gonzalez / @nicosgonzalez: Comms guy here. Yes—no one really clicks links here compared to other platforms that drive way more traffic. This place is/was great in order to be part of a specific “discourse” and to elevate and/or engage with specific subject-matter experts. Also breaking news. Alas...
Andy Campbell / @andybcampbell: Even if this was a good deal for companies, and even if newsrooms got high traffic from twitter (we don't), there's zero incentive to pay for any feature announced by a CEO who rips up his own rule book each week.
Josh Marshall / @joshtpm: Seriously why would any outlet pay for it. It now just identifies the account as a troll account with fewer than 200 followers.
Max Burns / @themaxburns: Can't wait to introduce my new Twitter account, @NYTlMES
Heidi N. Moore / @moorehn: My hot take (possible wish fulfillment fantasy) is Elno is just running a huge troll with these threats to delete checkmarks, and he'll back down at the 11th hour.
Adrian Weckler / @adrianweckler: Why on earth would it? Market will decide whether NYT or paid-for blue ticks are more credible sources of info on Twitter. (Don't think it'll be the $8 ticks)
@wtfis2bdone: Lmao. NYT, WAPO, POLITICO, LA Times, Vox, BuzzFeed won't pay for Twitter Blue.
Ryan Hanrahan / @ryanhanrahan: Making a blue checkmark meaningless makes absolutely no sense to me. Will make vetting information that much harder and make this platform even less useful than it already is.
Lakshya Jain / @lxeagle17: Twitter really doesn't drive a lot of traffic. Not sure how many news organizations are going to pay the astronomical fees for verification ($1K/mo per brand, and then $50/mo for each affiliate). Imagine a bill of >$10K a month for the minimal traffic you get from Twitter.
Shirin Ghaffary / Vox: Elon Musk wants to fill your Twitter feed with paid accounts
Mark Frauenfelder / Boing Boing: New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and Buzzfeed say they won't pay for Twitter verification
Ross A. Lincoln / The Wrap: Sorry, Elon! NY Times, WaPo, LA Times and Other Major Outlets Won't Pay for a Twitter Blue Check @Mediagazer lol MM+ a year for a 1700 member org, those prices are derived from meth
Michael Dixon / Awful Announcing: ESPN will not reimburse talent for new Twitter Blue verification system
Twitter launches its Verified Organizations program, which lets companies get a verified checkmark for $1,000/month and their affiliate accounts for $50/month
Twitter launches its Verified Organizations program, which lets companies get a verified checkmark for $1,000/month and their affiliate accounts for $50/month
Todd Spangler / Variety: Twitter Will Exempt 10,000 Most-Followed Companies and Organizations From $1,000 Monthly Verified-Status Charge: Report
Elon Musk / @elonmusk: Important to establish whether someone actually belongs to an organization or not so as to avoid impersonation

CBS' 60 Minutes faces backlash after it promoted an interview by Lesley Stahl of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, scheduled to be broadcast this Sunday — The CBS news magazine profiles the congresswoman who questioned whether 9/11 happened and defended the events of Jan. 6 in an upcoming interview
@60minutes, @marston4ca42, @neontaster, @david_hemond, @bryanbehar, @anandwrites, @andrewkimmel, @elienyc, @7veritas4, @petestrzok, @gloriacampos, @adamkinzinger, @vabvox, @sawyerhackett, @jemelehill, @mehdirhasan, @blackamazon, @victorshi2020, @markjacob16, @realdeancain, @professajay, @kaivanshroff, @sifill_, @davidcorndc, @lindyli, @thewrap, @repriggleman, @meidastouch, @katiehill4ca and Decider
@60minutes: Georgia Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, nicknamed MTG, isn't afraid to share her opinions, no matter how intense and in-your-face they are. She sits down with Lesley Stahl this Sunday on 60 Minutes.
Regina M / @marston4ca42: It's not insane. It's a planned effort to normalize fascism. #Boycott60Minutes
Noam Blum / @neontaster: Nobody calls her MTG. They just use it to save characters in tweets.
David Hemond / @david_hemond: Ed Murrow established CBS as a world leader in news, famously confronted Joe McCarthy before a national audience with the shame of McCarthy's lies. Today's CBS takes one of McCarthy's heirs, gives her a national platform to disseminate lies. We can draw appropriate conclusions.
Bryan Behar / @bryanbehar: Sorry @60Minutes. Being a “virulent anti-semite who wants to violently destroy our Union” isn't the same thing as being “opinionated.”
@anandwrites: So many of us in the media were trained to find these seemingly neutral ways of framing extreme ideas. “Intense,” “in-your-face.” But this training doesn't work for the moment we're in. These aren't intense opinions. They're a recipe for the end of liberal democracy.
Andrew Kimmel / @andrewkimmel: Giving a larger platform to this antisemitic troll - what the fuck are you thinking @60Minutes @LesleyRStahl
Elie Mystal / @elienyc: Legacy media really looks at these white supremacists and fascists and thinks “how can we help them?”
Pete Strzok / @petestrzok: Haven't had domestic divisions like this in 50 years. Maybe 150. Imagine Morley Safer and Mike Wallace watching. Wonder what they'd think.
Gloria Campos / @gloriacampos: I doubt Stahl will go easy on her; let's wait & see.
Victoria Brownworth / @vabvox: Why are you giving the respected platform of @60Minutes to a seditionist white supremacist antiSemitic racist homophobic transphobic hater who has literally called for civil war, accused Jews of manipulating the criminal justice system and attacked children? WHY?
Sawyer Hackett / @sawyerhackett: She isn't afraid to share in-your-face opinions, like believing the murder of 17 children was a false flag operation. This is garbage.
Jemele Hill / @jemelehill: There's nothing wrong with interviewing and profiling controversial, even despicable people, but this framing is shit. There's also a fine line between engaging provocative people and platforming stupid. This is platforming stupid.
Mehdi Hasan / @mehdirhasan: So brazen anti-Muslim, antisemitic, anti-trans bigotry, and insane conspiracies about Hillary Clinton torturing kids and murdering her opponents, are reduced by a storied American news brand merely to ‘intense and in-your-face’. This is equal parts embarrassing and reckless.
@blackamazon: CBS has all white panels on anti fascism and MTG but yeah Twitter being gone is a “joke”
Victor Shi / @victorshi2020: & for those who don't believe it's real, here. Even just the language in this Tweet is revolting. Words like “isn't afraid” make her seem like she's courageous and brave when she isn't. They make her actions sound justified when they aren't. This is terrible. Shame on CBS.
Mark Jacob / @markjacob16: The decision by “60 Minutes” to profile Marjorie Taylor Greene shows that CBS is as desperate for attention and as eager to mainstream insanity as she is.
Dean Cain / @realdeancain: Do what? Interview someone with whom you disagree?
Jason Coupet / @professajay: I think some folk can look at white supremacists white this 30,000 foot view of curiosity, objectivity, and wonder, the kind one has at a panda at a zoo, without pause because they don't face any of the consequences. Your suffering is immaterial to their bemusement.
Kaivan Shroff / @kaivanshroff: It's not that the media didn't learn anything from 2016. It's that they learned exactly how dangerous repackaging extremists like this is — and they've decided to go all in. Shame on 60 Minutes. This will permanently tarnish the brand and it should.
Sherrilyn Ifill / @sifill_: “Intense and in-your-face.” How about unhinged and toxic?
David Corn / @davidcorndc: Yep. A friendly chat with a cutely nicknamed antisemitic QAnoner who enthusiastically appeared at a white nationalist conference with a Hitler fanboy. Oh yeah, she also amplified calls for murdering Obama and Pelosi. And she sure ain't afraid to share opinions.
Lindy Li / @lindyli: 60 Minutes just torched its legacy, which took decades to painstakingly build This is what happens when you elevate a raging bigot and antisemitic conspiracy theorist who incited terrorism against the United States No forgiveness. No clemency
Denver Riggleman / @repriggleman: I was the first to see Greene's texts to Mark Meadows...pure batshittery Platforming a woman who called for “Marshall” law, believes in Q, a 9/11 Truther, thought space lasers started a fire, believes in broken algorithms, is a FBI and Antifa false-flagger and said Pelosi was...

After months of keeping some distance, Fox News hosts back Donald Trump, denouncing his indictment as “politically motivated persecution” and a cause for unrest — Despite recent criticism, the network's star personalities joined other leading conservatives in denouncing …
Wall Street Journal, New York Times, @fawfulfan, @mikesington, @huffpostpol, @sifill_, @originalspin, @agoldmund, @postpolitics, @johnjharwood, @everydaywarren, @kaivanshroff, @jason1749, @carterforva, @kenklippenstein, @pbump, @mmfa, @highbrow_nobrow, @jimstewartson, @maxkennerly, @cfidd, @newrepublic, @rollingstone, Slate, @owillis, New York Post, Vanity Fair, @arifleischer, The Daily Beast, HuffPost, @brianstelter, The Wrap and Mediaite
Michael M. Grynbaum / New York Times: Welcome Back to The Trump Show
Matthew Chapman / @fawfulfan: Do this people just... not remember John Edwards?
Mike Sington / @mikesington: Tucker Carlson calls the indictment of Donald Trump worse than the Jan 6 insurrection. (Video: Fox News)
@huffpostpol: “It almost feels like they're pushing the population to react,” Tucker Carlson said.
Sherrilyn Ifill / @sifill_: The silence of our profession - @ndaajustice @ABAesq - in the face of attacks on D.A.'s who are being targeted for partisan reasons allows this narrative. Everything is sifted through the calculation of politics as though the rule of law has no currency in our democracy.
Jeff Yang / @originalspin: Wild how WSJ and other conservatives forget how the Republican base howled for state-level criminal indictments of Clinton and Obama throughout their terms and after, and how Trump was literally elected to shouts of “lock her up” aimed at his rival, the former First Lady
@postpolitics: On a melodramatic night, Fox News makes room for melodrama king Glenn Beck ...
John Harwood / @johnjharwood: Identity politics in its purest form that regards the defendant's actual culpability as irrelevant Tit for tat vengeance just because
Warren Rhea / @everydaywarren: Such indictments happen in other levels of government and other free societies. Acknowledging the gravity, it doesn't make sense for former presidents to have what amounts to presumed immunity after their term is up. If that means someone I like is indicted, that's what it means.
Kaivan Shroff / @kaivanshroff: Needs to be said, the Wall Street Journal is just Fox News for people who think they're classy.
@jason1749: buddy I lived through the 90's and watched them go after the Clintons for everything from real estate to murder, this is not new
@carterforva: Oh no, it would be terrible if powerful people were routinely held accountable for their crimes oh nooooooo
Ken Klippenstein / @kenklippenstein: Fine by me!
Philip Bump / @pbump: It is absolutely fitting that on a night where Fox News was losing its mind over the Trump indictment, Tucker Carlson hosted the granddaddy of bizarro Fox conspiracy theories. ...
@mmfa: Tucker Carlson threatens “retaliation from red states” over indictment of Donald Trump ...
@highbrow_nobrow: 🚨NEW: Fox News host Tucker Carlson said the indictment of former president Trump by a New York grand jury on Thursday was a bigger assault on the American system of government than the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol by the former ......
@jimstewartson: You may be shocked to learn that what was once a respected newspaper is a barely concealed Kremlin influence operation owned by Australian Reagan pal Rupert Murdoch. The @WSJ should go ahead and merge with the @nypost. Then we should shut it all down.
Max Kennerly / @maxkennerly: While sitting as Vice President, Aaron Burr was indicted for murder by both New York and New Jersey. Two years after leaving office, he was federally indicted for treason. The Framers had ample opportunity to create all-purpose legal immunity for politicians. They declined.
@cfidd: I mean, if that Democrat did crimes, yes, “some prosecutor” — Republican “looking to make a name for” themselves or otherwise — should absolutely indict them
@newrepublic: Fox News host Tucker Carlson, who privately has said that he hates Donald Trump “passionately,” called for people to stockpile AR-15s after the former president was indicted.
@rollingstone: G.O.P. kingmaker Tucker Carlson told Fox viewers that the charges against Trump were not just directed at one man, but are a targeted “political purge” against Republicans. ...
Justin Peters / Slate: Fox News Got Raw and Weird Before It Figured Out What to Say About the Trump Indictment
Oliver Willis / @owillis: if a democrat commits a crime he or she should be indicted and go to jail
Zach Williams / New York Post: Hochul says state police, National Guard ready for possible Trump indictment unrest
Ari Fleischer / @arifleischer: “some local R prosecutor will look to make a name for himself by doing the same to a D. U.S. democracy will be further abused and battered. Mr. Bragg, the provincial progressive, is unleashing forces that all of us may come to regret.”
Justin Baragona / The Daily Beast: Trump Indictment Proves Fox News Simply Cannot Quit Its MAGA Daddy
Ben Blanchet / HuffPost: Chris Hayes Tears Apart Tucker Carlson's AR-15 Advice Following Trump Indictment
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: As you hear this type of rhetoric from Fox in the coming days, remember that Rupert and Lachlan Murdoch could put a stop to it at any time. They have the control room #.

Gal-Dem, an outlet for women and non-binary POC, shuts down after eight years, citing the difficulty of sustaining growth via brand partnerships and memberships — After eight years of operation, staff statement blames financial challenge of running independent media outlet
@galdemzine, gal-dem, @suyinsays, @kemioliviax, @tara_dwmd, @renireni, @labaatanzine, @beardedgenius, @brandonjinx, @runnymedetrust, @peymasad, @nafisabakkar, @iwriteallday_, @stephenkb, @msibegbuna, @kidsofcolourhq, @micheletheil, @vanessa_kisuule, @bellribeiroaddy, @emmaggarland, @hishelli, @ashnagesh, @taniabranigan, @rhiannonlucyc, @becbecliuliu, @holly, @hackneyabbott, @hansmollman, @beebabs, @thediyora, @tiernandouieb, @arjunsinghl, @aniefiokekp, @shattenstone, @charliebcuff and @johnnys_panic
Gal-Dem / @galdemzine: We are incredibly sad to announce that gal-dem is closing. Several factors that have contributed to this difficult decision, including numerous challenges with running a small, mission-driven, independent media company. We've shared more here
gal-dem: Goodbye from gal-dem — We are incredibly sad to announce that after eight years, gal-dem is closing.
Suyin Haynes / @suyinsays: I'm so deeply saddened to share that after eight years, @galdemzine is closing. I will always be incredibly proud of what our team has achieved and the stories we were able to tell
Kemi Alemoru / @kemioliviax: It's kind of hard to put into words how much of an incalculable loss this is. The path it created for creatives like me, the friendships made, the laughs, the clapbacks, the parties, exhibits, films, podcasts, the conversations we led. I learned so much.
Tara Joshi / @tara_dwmd: so much to say, so much grief + frustration to process it all. for now i'll just share my love + gratitude for a space which helped so many of us find a voice. i'm so proud to have played a lil part, proud of what was achieved even when things were hard (internally + externally)
Reni Eddo-Lodge / @renireni: The UK's media landscape felt hostile towards young people of colour before Gal-dem came along. The magazine was so necessary, such a balm to many of our souls, so assertive in centering marginalised voices. We cannot take quality independent media for granted.
@labaatanzine: We here at labaatan wouldn't exist without gal-dem, they are a pivotal space in British media and it is absolutely shameful they can't continue to operate. Thank you for all the work you've done!
@beardedgenius: Really sad news. So many brilliant people were part of the gal-dem story. I hope something just as exciting, vital and inspiring grows in its place
@brandonjinx: Damn. I still have the first print issue. Y'all held it down 🙏🏿
@runnymedetrust: An incredibly sad day for UK journalism. @galdemzine provided a rare and vital platform for women and non-binary people of colour to share their experiences and speak truth to power. A huge loss for our media landscape. Solidarity with gal-dem staff and freelancers ❤️
Peymana Assad / @peymasad: This is a loss! I thought @galdemzine really pushed the debate forward on certain topics - especially about race, inclusiveness, and challenging the status quo. It was always interesting to read these diverse perspectives.
Nafisa Bakkar / @nafisabakkar: Incredibly sad and a devistating loss to the media landscape. The gal-dem team have always been so incredibly generous in knowledge sharing and I really cherish them as colleagues in this industry where there isn't many of us. Their spirit will live on 🧡
Clarkisha Kent / @iwriteallday_: I just fell to my knees
Stephen Bush / @stephenkb: Dreadful news:
Ruth Ibegbuna / @msibegbuna: Really gutted to read this news. Knowing gal-dem was out there in the media was such a motivating and comforting fact. Sending strength and solidarity to their team. They made a real difference ❤️💪🏾
@kidsofcolourhq: Heartbroken for the incredible @galdemzine. Solidarity to everyone who is part of the team, whether now or previously, who must be hurting today. Personally, we are so thankful for gal-dem's support of the No Police in Schools campaign 💛.
Michele Theil / @micheletheil: This is so upsetting. Gal-dem was my first commission as a journalist and the first time I believed that I could do this as a job. I am so sorry to all the staff and the future POC writers that won't experience what a groundbreaking publication it was. ✊😢
Vanessa Kisuule / @vanessa_kisuule: Oh, gal dem. I am, ofc, bereft. But I also just have to say thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. gal-dem emerged when I & so many women of colour were desperate for our own space. Its positive impact is incalculable. Forever grateful to have come of age with this magazine
Bell Ribeiro-Addy MP / @bellribeiroaddy: Over the last 8 years, @galdemzine has consistently published groundbreaking stories about women of colour, by women of colour, for women of colour. Its closure is a really sad day for UK journalism and anyone who cares about amplifying marginalised voices.
@emmaggarland: a sick publication that has given every traditional outlet a run for its money with vital and deeply felt journalism. a loss under any circumstances but especially now, when british media is so hostile & the barrier to access higher than it's been in years
@hishelli: Fucking SHATTERED to hear this. My inbox is def open to all the queer writers at @galdemzine who are looking for some work 🤎
Ashitha Nagesh / @ashnagesh: Incredibly disheartening news today and a real loss for British media. Many great women and non-binary journalists of colour's careers were made by @galdemzine when other outlets wouldn't give them the same chances. Very sad to see it go.
Tania Branigan / @taniabranigan: Extremely sad - but what a legacy.
Rhiannon L Cosslett / @rhiannonlucyc: This is sad. They changed the digital media landscape and produced some brilliant writers - many of whom are thriving and who will go on to thrive I hope!
Rebecca Liu / @becbecliuliu: This is a hugely sad loss. thank you to the editorial staff over the years for teaching me so much about journalism, the care and joy you put into the edits, and giving so many of us those rare and precious chances
Holly Brockwell / @holly: Like the brilliant women's media brands that have gone before, what we should take from this is the amazing amount achieved in those 8 years and the difference it made to readers, writers & society - especially in such hard times for digital journalism. Rest in power @galdemzine
Diane Abbott MP / @hackneyabbott: Very sorry to hear gal-dem is closing. It's journalism is needed now more than ever.
Mollie Goodfellow / @hansmollman: This is such a loss. Can't help but feel as though media is going backwards in terms of accessibility.
@beebabs: This is very very sad. Gal-dem really did so much for the media landscape, they saw Black women, heard them, heralded them. They were one of my first profiles I had as an author! Definitely the first photoshoot I had for a magazine. It meant so much to me. Such a loss
Diyora Shadijanova / @thediyora: A dire time for left-wing media, I stand in solidarity with all of gal-dem's staff, past and present. Many learning curves. Much to say, but not right now. Feeling proud of all the work we did but heartbroken about the work we didn't get to do.
Tiernan Douieb / @tiernandouieb: This is a real shame. It was such an important and brilliant outlet.
Arjun Singh / @arjunsinghl: Incredibly gutted to hear about the closure of gal-dem, an great platform for women/nb-led investigative and opinion journalism Here's a thread of great articles written by Punjabi and/or Sikh women they've platformed over the years:
@aniefiokekp: gal-dem were real pioneers in British journalism. The level of rigour & quality they operated at while being independent was truly incredible There's a real legacy in the writers who've passed through their doors. Some incredible journos/writers whose work will be read for years
Simon Hattenstone / @shattenstone: This is such sad news. gal-dem produced so many great young journalists we had the pleasure of working with & getting to know when they did a guest takeover of the Guardian's Weekend mag. It's a real loss. ...
Charlie Brinkhurst-Cuff / @charliebcuff: Don't have many words, but needless to say I'm a little heartbroken today. My thoughts are with the team navigating the closure and loss of jobs. Thankful to have been part of this, and to have worked with so many people on their first steps into the creative industries ♥️

Sources: NPR has held multiple, tense all-hands meetings in which impacted employees grilled executives about layoffs and cancellation of four seasonal podcasts — Welcome back to Thursday and to Soundbite. This week we're looking at the scene inside NPR since the organization's layoffs last week.
Brent Monday / @global_occupant: Who knew NPR was racist, sexist, and a transphobic hellhole? Apparently, trans people were hit hardest. Just 0.45% of working-age adults identify as transgender, which means that even after the layoffs the group will be overrepresented by nearly 300%.
Noah Rothman / @noahcrothman: The revolution comes for NPR.
Andrew T. Walker / @andrewtwalk: What an amazing piece of journalism that shows the revolution destroying itself from consuming late stage critical theory madness. You all lost your jobs but at least you had an appropriate quota of trans employees.
Brad Hill / RAIN News: RAIN Notes: Friday, March 31

A 2023 bipartisan Senate bill almost identical to a 2022 bill would force companies with $20B+ in annual digital ad revenue to sell part of their business — Say hello to the US government's latest attempt to force antitrust regulations on the digital advertising industry. — It might sound familiar.
Engadget, AdExchanger, @senmikelee, @swodinsky, Mike Lee US Senator for Utah, @jason_kint, Marketing Brew, @digiphile, @berinszoka, @jason_kint, @jason_kint, @dcnorg and Digiday
AdExchanger: The AMERICA Act May Finally Bring Much-Needed Common Sense Rules To Digital Advertising
Mike Lee / @senmikelee: Today, I introduced the AMERICA Act to restore and protect competition in digital advertising. The lack of competition in digital advertising means that monopoly rents are being extracted from across the economy.
@swodinsky: i'm floored (in a good way) that this bill was invented but floored (in the other way) over this name
Mike Lee US Senator for Utah: The AMERICA Act: Lee Introduces Bill to Protect Digital Advertising Competition
Jason Kint / @jason_kint: And to state the obvious, it would break up Google's ad business.
Ryan Barwick / Marketing Brew: Senators introduce a new bill aimed at big ad tech
Alex Howard / @digiphile: @BerinSzoka Not on @congressdotgov but full bill text is linked at the bottom of that PR:
@berinszoka: Lots of discussion of the AMERICA Act for and against. But I cannot find a link to the actual text. You know, the thing that would become law? Is it up? If we're not exactly sure what's in it, and haven't had time to think abou tit, how can anyone be for it?
Jason Kint / @jason_kint: Tip of the hat to @SenMikeLee @SenAmyKlobuchar @SenTedCruz @SenBlumenthal @SenMarcoRubio @SenWarren @SenEricSchmitt @HawleyMO @SenJohnKennedy @LindseyGrahamSC @JDVance1 for all signing on to commonsense rules. Here is a 2-min explainer why it matters.
Jason Kint / @jason_kint: Smart bipartisan bill. High-speed trades, exchanges, brokers, auctions, floors, ceilings...language of Wall Street, but also adtech. Seems obvious that dominant companies shouldn't be able to broker for the buying and selling at the same time.

Sens. Klobuchar and Kennedy reintroduce The Journalism Competition and Preservation Act to let news orgs negotiate pay with tech firms like Facebook and Google — What do you think? Add your comment below. — Sens. AMY KLOBUCHAR (D-MN) and JOHN KENNEDY (R-LA) have reintroduced …
RADIO ONLINE,, Inside Radio, Techdirt, Public Knowledge, MediaPost and News/Media Alliance
Ben Werdmuller / “Such simple devices as robots.txt, “noindex,” and password protection could wall off any news media web page from search engines. But no media companies were doing that, because they WANT the traffic delivered by search engines. …
Mike Masnick / Techdirt: News Publishers Admit They Get Value From Search Traffic, Even As They Demand Extra Compensation For It

UCLA's Hollywood Diversity Report finds that among 2022's top 100 original streaming films, 64% had casts with at least 30% POC vs. 57% for theatrical films — The share of women and people of color in key positions on theatrical releases slide back to 2019 levels in latest annual report
@joaquincastrotx, @jamesthetang, @indiewire, @dranachristina, @beingjanine and @thewrap
Joaquin Castro / @joaquincastrotx: Americans want to see their communities on-screen, and Hollywood should listen. Last year, theatrical films with 31 to 40 percent diverse casts were some of the highest performers at the box office. Thank you, @DrAnaChristina for your work on this important diversity report.
James Tang / @jamesthetang: Findings include the odds of achieving my dreams aren't exactly high 😀
@indiewire: For the first time in its 10-year history, the annual UCLA Hollywood Diversity Report separated streaming from theatrical releases for analysis.
@dranachristina: To learn more about our findings regarding the top theatrical and top streaming releases in 2022, DOWNLOAD the full UCLA Hollywood Diversity Report 2023, Part 1: Film HERE. ... End of thread/
Janine Granda / @beingjanine: Read through this and some of my biggest takeaways are... 1) We've got a long way to go. 2) Latins are the biggest minority yet we continue to be underrepresented. 3) White audiences, you need to be more supportive of diverse stories. I mean, yikes. How embarrassing for y'all.