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Tucker Carlson's ouster, like Glenn Beck's and Bill O'Reilly's before him, shows that no one at Fox News is irreplaceable since Fox itself is the star — No one is irreplaceable at the network. It was designed that way. — If you're wondering did Tucker Carlson jump …
Gabriel Sherman / Vanity Fair: Tucker Carlson's Prayer Talk May Have Led to Fox News Ouster: “That Stuff Freaks Rupert Out”
Josh Marshall / Talking Points Memo: All These Carlson Canning Explanations Look Like BS
Zachary B. Wolf / CNN: Fox News' conservative politics are much larger than Tucker Carlson
Erik Wemple / @erikwemple: In VF, @gabrielsherman floats a “new theory” that the “extreme” “religious overtones” in a recemt Tucker Carlson speech may have sealed his fate with Rupert Murdoch. If so, Ainsley Earhardt and some colleagues should update their resumes.
Peter Weber / The Week: Why Tucker Carlson was fired from Fox News
Matthew Garrahan / Financial Times: Tucker Carlson has learnt that no star is bigger than Fox News
David A. Graham / The Atlantic: Tucker's Successor Will Be Worse
Neil Chenoweth / @neilchenoweth: Rupert Murdoch's old rival Kerry Packer said his favorite employee was Humphrey B Bear, cos Kerry owned the suit and he could always hire someone else to be inside it @jackshafer
Mark Ellis / Tucker Carlson and Me — It required acceptance for me when Fox News let Bill O'Reilly go and replaced him with Tucker Carlson.
Eugene Scott / @eugene_scott: “To remain on top at Fox, hosts have to be ready to continually ratchet up their rhetoric bc the network's business model depends on continual audience outrage ... Providing that is a challenging & soul-leaching job—& someone will be delighted to have it.” ...
Gregg Carlstrom / @glcarlstrom: “Fox will probably be fine without Carlson, and anyone who hopes that his disappearance will improve the political discourse in this country is too optimistic... there will be a new Tucker Carlson, and it's a good bet he or she will be even worse.” ...
Michael Kruse / @michaelkruse: Says @jackshafer: Finding a Carlson substitute will be as easy for Fox as it was finding an O'Reilly substitute. There's always an understudy or two at Fox who has learned the art of demagoguery ...

Tucker Carlson and Don Lemon were products of the Trump era with their indignation and outrage, and their ousters indicate a pulling back from coverage excesses — The two hosts took very different approaches, but the decisions by Fox News and CNN to shed the stars marks at least a temporary shift …
Mediaite, Mashable, @msignorile, The Wrap, CNN, @jeffjarvis, @oliverdarcy, @sherylnyt and New York Post
Alex Griffing / Mediaite: Just How Bad Was the Work Environment on Tucker Carlson's Show? Here Are All The Allegations
Chris Taylor / Mashable: Elon Musk should be nervous about Tucker Carlson's firing
Michelangelo Signorile / @msignorile: Whatever you think of Don Lemon, it is simply wrong and offensive (not to mention contrived), to do these clicky trend stories putting them in some kind of the same camp — all the qualifications notwithstanding.
Andi Ortiz / The Wrap: ‘The View’ Host Sunny Hostin ‘Hates’ People Comparing Don Lemon's Firing to Tucker Carlson's: 'That's a False Equivalency'
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: There is no evidence whatsoever that Fox will change for anything that could be called better. And two is not a trend..... As Carlson and Lemon Exit, a Chapter Closes on Cable's Trump War
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: “They were on very different networks and did very different things ... But the synchronous exits of Tucker Carlson and Don Lemon from the cable news landscape on Monday represented the end of an era for their industry,” writes @jimrutenberg.
Sheryl Gay Stolberg / @sherylnyt: Smart @jimrutenberg on Lemon and Carlson — products of “the excesses of the media coverage” spawned by Trump, each “giving their audiences generous helpings of indignation and outrage.” As Carlson and Lemon Exit, a Chapter Closes on Cable's Trump War

Sources: the decision to fire Tucker Carlson came straight from Rupert Murdoch and is related to former Carlson producer Abby Grossberg's discrimination lawsuit
@davidfolkenflik, New York Times, Puck, Mediaite, Semafor, The Guardian, Billboard,, Insider, New York Magazine, Poynter, Slate, CBS News, Forbes, The Nation, Washington Post, The Wrap, National Review, New Statesman, The Hill, Adweek, @brianstelter, @rgoodlaw, @saracarterdc, @sarahellison, @heerjeet, @kylenabecker, @four4thefire, @miafarrow, @amonck, @deggans, Bloomberg, @kylegriffin1, @bgrueskin, The Daily Beast and @oliver_drk
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: Update: I have spoken with three people with knowledge of Fox's ouster of Tucker Carlson They say Carlson's digital exchanges captured by the Dominion legal team echo the suite of concerns alleged by his ex producer - that his show's workplace was defined by sexism and bigotry.
Bret Stephens / New York Times: The Tragedy of Fox News
Dylan Byers / Puck: Black Monday: Inside the Carlson-Lemon Double Shocker
Alex Griffing / Mediaite: Tucker Carlson's Ex-Booker Says He Was ‘Set’ On Finding An ‘FBI Person’ to Blame For January 6th
Ben Smith / Semafor: Tucker is gone. It's the Murdoch show now.
Gil Kaufman / Billboard: Maren Morris Reacts to Tucker Carlson's Firing From Fox News: ‘Happy Monday, MotherTrucker’
Brian Niemietz / Abby Grossberg's lawyer: Tucker Carlson ousted for ‘lying, bullying and conspiracy mongering’
Jacob Shamsian / Insider: Lawyers plan to depose Tucker Carlson about ‘sexist’ workplace later this year amid reports he was ousted from Fox News over misogynistic messages
Shawn McCreesh / New York Magazine: Tucker Carlson and Don Lemon's Same-Day Demise
Angela Fu / Poynter: Tucker Carlson's net worth, average nightly viewers and other numbers that define his rise and fall
Justin Peters / Slate: What It Took to Topple Tucker
Alison Durkee / Forbes: Here's What Tucker Carlson Said In Lawsuits That Reportedly Led To His Firing
Ross A. Lincoln / The Wrap: Kimmel Says Tucker Carlson's Firing Was a ‘Shock’ - ‘an Absolutely Delightful Shock’ (Video)
Caroline Downey / National Review: ‘Deplatforming Works’: AOC Fundraises Off of Tucker Carlson's Ouster from Fox News
James Ball / New Statesman: What's next for Fox News - and Tucker Carlson?
A.J. Katz / Adweek: Fox News, Tucker Carlson Part Ways
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: Puck: The redacted filings “contained far more damaging exchanges, utterances hidden far from public view but visible to the Murdochs & their lawyers... in which Carlson further disparaged his colleagues and his bosses and said presumably unseemly things.”
Ryan Goodman / @rgoodlaw: 2. From @60Minutes: “Carlson has focused on Epps more than 20 times on his top-rated show ... a half-dozen times so far this year.” Masterful 60 Minutes piece letting the facts speak for themselves. @BillWhitakerCBS @grahammessick Full transcript:
Sara A. Carter / @saracarterdc: Ray Epps tells people to go into the Capital on Jan 6, he brags about it - doesn't get arrested like everyone else - isn't taken by the FBI for “orchestrating” but the bureau uses Jan 6 to collect data on any American they can that attended the protest or spent time in the area...
Sarah Ellison / @sarahellison: 👇👇👇 for comments from former Fox host Bill O'Reilly, whose departure from Fox (amid sexual harassment allegations) paved the way for Tucker's rise at the network.
Jeet Heer / @heerjeet: Already an improvement over Tucker Carlson's white nationalism show!
Kyle Becker / @kylenabecker: Dan Bongino & Tucker Carlson are out at Fox News. Fox News just got rid of two of its most-watched conservative commentators. It is hard to believe this is about business and not about politics. This strikes me as the beginning of a purge of conservatives on cable news.
Andrew Donaldson / @four4thefire: Turns out legal liability is the one thing that will trump ratings
Mia Farrow / @miafarrow: Tucker Carlson was ousted by Rupert Murdoch. Producer Abby Grossberg “alleged she was bullied & subjected to antisemitic comments” She said she was coerced by Fox lawyers to give misleading answers in Dominion defamation case.
@deggans: LATimes reporting Tucker Carlson was fired on orders of News Corp. owner Rupert Murdoch, inspired by the lawsuit filed by former producer Abby Grossberg, who accused Carlson's show of sexism and harassment.
Bailey Lipschultz / Bloomberg: Tucker Carlson's Fox News Exit Wipes Out $690 Million in Value
Kyle Griffin / @kylegriffin1: LA Times: Tucker Carlson's exit is related to the discrimination lawsuit filed by Abby Grossberg, the producer Fox fired last month. Carlson's senior executive producer Justin Wells has also been terminated, according to people familiar with the matter.
Bill Grueskin / @bgrueskin: Abby Grossberg's lawyer had “no comment on reports” that her lawsuit was related to Carlson's ouster, “other than to say that timing is a matter of physics, and as such is undeniable.”
Aidan McLaughlin / Mediaite:
Fox News says the network and Tucker Carlson “have agreed to part ways”, and that Carlson's last program was on Friday, April 21
Fox News says the network and Tucker Carlson “have agreed to part ways”, and that Carlson's last program was on Friday, April 21
@sarafischer, Washington Post, @oliverdarcy, @therecount, Vanity Fair, @brianstelter, Wall Street Journal, @rt_com, @brianstelter, New York Times, Semafor, @bonchieredstate, @dylanbyers, @goangelo, @atrupar, Fox News, @brianstelter, New York Times, @mimms, @andrewfeinberg, @megynkelly, @harrymccracken, @mattyglesias, @brianstelter, Newsweek, @henryrodgersdc, @pkafka, Vox, @bgrueskin, @keitholbermann, @claireatki, Media Matters for America, Axios, The Wrap, @erikwemple, @projectlincoln, @morganisawizard, CBS News, @nikkimcr, @oneunderscore__, New York Times, The Atlantic, @brianstelter, Culture News, New York Magazine, NPR, CNN, Newser, @nidhi, @business, The Hollywood Reporter, @latimes, @rvawonk, @erikwemple, @bad_takes, @srl, @maddowblog, @rashidatlaib, @catturd2, @brianstelter, @brianstelter, @mollyjongfast, @mehdirhasan, @cwarzel, @yashar, @davidfolkenflik, @brianstelter, Politico, CNN, @jbflint, Mother Jones, Media Voices, @daveweigel, Forbes, @michaelehayden, Insider, @mlcalderone, @ndrew_lawrence, @owillis, @ggreenwald, @ggreenwald, @garbageape, @charliekirk11, @oneunderscore__, @jordanbpeterson, @mehdirhasan, @alfranken, @justinbaragona, @oneunderscore__, @brianstelter, @therickwilson, @jason_pontin, @rottenindenmark, @andylevy, @jeremymbarr, @jeremymbarr, @bgrueskin, @rvawonk, @taylorlorenz, @profjeffjarviss, @junlper, @mattgertz, @semaforben, @edmundlee, @murderxbryan, @tedlieu, @darth, @carlbeijer, @kbandersen, @mikedrucker, @kasparov63, @mediaite, @ktbenner, @nemanjayvr, @thefootballnick, @aidnmclaughlin, New Republic, @semaforben, @kendallybrown, @sethmoulton, @tomaxwell, @scottnover, @themaxburns, @muldowney, @jeffjarvis, @timinhonolulu, @danprimack, @businessinsider, @jeremymbarr, @davidhogg111, @oliverdarcy, @brendonleslie, @catturd2, @teroterotero, @cwarzel, @ajs, @colinyovng, @jeremymbarr, @decodingfoxnews, @decodingfoxnews, @mariashriver, @dougjballoon, @jeffjarvis, @deggans, @fmanjoo, @cmclymer, @colbyhall, @askdrruth, @johnjharwood, @petersterne, @matthewkeyslive, @mgsiegler, @fmanjoo, @carnage4life, @tomcoates, @fmanjoo, @davewiner, @danprimack, @tomcoates, @normative, @lucas_shaw, @arusbridger, @ninaburleigh, @lucas_shaw, @brianstelter, @danprimack, @brianstelter, @hamiltonnolan, @mk7j21, @petersterne, @sherman4949, @lanceulanoff, @eriqgardner, @sherman4949, @robbystarbuck, @brianstelter, @gaberivera, NBC News, Variety, The Guardian,,, Mediaite, Forbes, Forbes, Press Gazette, The Desk, New York Magazine, Associated Press, IndieWire,, Bloomberg, The Wrap and
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: 🚨#BREAKING: @FoxNews said it and @TuckerCarlson “have agreed to part ways.” —"We thank him for his service to the network as a host and prior to that as a contributor."
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: Shocking news from Fox: Tucker Carlson is out at the network.
@therecount: “We want to thank Tucker Carlson for his service to the network.” — Fox News' Harris Faulkner announces on air that Fox and Tucker Carlson have parted ways, effective immediately.
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: It's sort of amazing that @chrislhayes outlasted both Bill O'Reilly and Tucker Carlson in the 8pm time slot
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: Tucker Carlson is out at Fox News, effective immediately. This is an earth-shaking moment in cable news.
Max Tani / Semafor: Rupert Murdoch's management grows erratic
@bonchieredstate: Carlson is not going to The Blaze or any other conservative outlet. He's going to do what Megyn Kelly did, rule his own life, and become more popular than ever. He has Joe Rogan potential as a podcaster.
Dylan Byers / @dylanbyers: #BREAK: Fox News: “ FOX News Media and Tucker Carlson have agreed to part ways” 🚨
Angelo Carusone / @goangelo: Note: Tucker was supposed to do a show tonight. He was set to interview Vivek Ramaswamy. Fox had been promoting it this AM. So whatever happened, it was abrupt. My gut is Tucker didn't want to play ball in this delicate moment for Fox News and it unravelled fast.
Aaron Rupar / @atrupar: Here was the end of what turned out to be Tucker Carlson's final Fox News show last Friday. Certainly no indication that he didn't expect to be on the air tonight. In fact Tucker's final words are, “we'll be back on Monday.”
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: I'm told that both Tucker Carlson AND Don Lemon have retained the famously aggressive entertainment lawyer Bryan Freedman. I have reached out to Freedman; no response yet.
Nicholas Confessore / New York Times: What Tucker Carlson's Dismissal From Fox News Means for the Network
Sarah Mimms / @mimms: There he is. That's dad.
Andrew Feinberg / @andrewfeinberg: As of today, @TuckerCarlson has now been fired from all three major cable news channels, @CNN, @MSNBC and now @FoxNews
@harrymccracken: It's like Cronkite and Huntley/Brinkley abruptly departing on the same day, except it's nothing whatsoever like that.
Matthew Yglesias / @mattyglesias: Crossfire with Tucker Carlson and Don Lemon.
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: Newsmax CEO Chris Ruddy: “For a while Fox News has been moving to become establishment media and Tucker Carlson's removal is a big milestone in that effort. Millions of viewers who liked the old Fox News have made the switch to Newsmax and Tucker's departure will only fuel that.”
Katherine Fung / Newsweek: Newsmax Celebrates Tucker Carlson Leaving Fox News
Henry Rodgers / @henryrodgersdc: Appears Fox stock is crashing after announcing Tucker Carlson's show is over:
Peter Kafka / @pkafka: Whatever the backstory is re: Tucker and Fox, recall that he only became Tucker on Fox once Fox had to jettison Bill O'Reilly - then its dominant star - in 2017. Tucker became the new O'Reilly and O'Reilly became a... podcaster.
Peter Kafka / Vox: No, seriously, why did Fox News fire Tucker Carlson?
Bill Grueskin / @bgrueskin: Maybe the Tucker news is Dominion fallout — but he was far less engaged in election conspiracy mongering than Bartiromo or Pirro, who still have their Fox jobs
Matt Gertz / Media Matters for America: Tucker Carlson's departure is great news for America (and terrible news for Fox)
Sara Fischer / Axios: Tucker Carlson out at Fox News
Dessi Gomez / The Wrap: Corden Says Tucker Carlson Is ‘Running Out of Options’ After Working for — and Leaving — MSNBC, CNN and Fox (Video)
@erikwemple: Fox News and Tucker Carlson have agreed to “part ways,” according to a Fox News release. This step comes less than a week after a momentous settlement in the Dominion v. Fox News case. 1/
@projectlincoln: So many lies, so little time. In memoriam of Tucker Carlson & Fox News, 2009-2023.
@morganisawizard: cnn covering tucker but ignoring lemon while fox news covers lemon and ignores tucker is just 🤌chef's kiss 🤌
Christopher Brito / CBS News: What's next for Tucker Carlson after leaving Fox? Some conservative organizations extend offers
Nikki Mccann Ramírez / @nikkimcr: LA Times really burying the lede with this whole thread
Ben Collins / @oneunderscore__: Recently, Tucker's A-block was often more extreme than the front page of InfoWars, and I'm not exaggerating. The path forward here is awfully grim. But at least his Great Replacement lies won't be aired in America's waiting rooms or included in basic cable packages anymore.
Charlie Warzel / The Atlantic: Will Tucker Carlson Become Alex Jones?
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: I have tried calling and texting Tucker Carlson for comment on his stunning departure from Fox. No response yet.
David Mouriquand / Culture News: Fox News' Tucker Carlson: The most controversial moments - and a presidential bid on the way?
Ed Kilgore / New York Magazine: Tucker Carlson for President? Not in 2024.
David Folkenflik / NPR: Tucker Carlson ousted at Fox News following network's $787 million settlement
Oliver Darcy / CNN: Tucker Carlson out at Fox News
Jenn Gidman / Newser: Fired by Fox, Carlson Gets Skewered on Late Night
Nidhi Razdan / @nidhi: “The network made the announcement less than a week after it agreed to pay $787.5 million in a defamation lawsuit in which Mr. Carlson's show, one of the highest rated on Fox, figured prominently for its role in spreading misinformation after the 2020 election. ”
@business: Fox lost more than $690 million in market value after announcing it was parting with Tucker Carlson
@latimes: Murdoch was also supposedly worried over Carlson's coverage of the Jan. 6 insurrection, in which Carlson promoted the conspiracy that it was provoked by the government. If that's really the problem, Fox has a lot more housecleaning to do.
Caroline Orr Bueno, Ph.D / @rvawonk: I'm very curious about how Tucker Carlson's private messages — which were redacted in court filings “became known” to executives at Fox News. Private messages don't just “become known” — someone leaked them. Question is, who? And more importantly, why?
@erikwemple: The departure comes about a month after Abby Grossberg, a former top booker on Carlson's program, sued the network and cited “vile sexist stereotypes” working for “Tucker Carlson Tonight.” 3/
Brendan Karet / @bad_takes: i'm sure whoever gets his timeslot will be a Great Replacement
Sam Levine / @srl: Per @samwolfson, Fox was still previewing Tucker Carlson's show this morning, teasing an interview with Vivek Ramasaway
@maddowblog: “What does seem to have changed was the rate at which Rupert Murdoch is making aggressive moves on the fly.”
Rashida Tlaib / @rashidatlaib: Racism....*crickets* Misogyny....*crickets* Fascism....*crickets* Costing the company $800 million....*fired* Fox News priorities are loud and clear.
@catturd2: Listen very carefully ... Tucker Carlson leaving Fox News is wonderful news. He can now say what he wants, when he wants, and how he wants. It's going to be glorious to watch.
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: Wash Post: “Dozens of communications from Carlson and other Fox personnel remain out of public view, redacted at the request of Fox attorneys, but they have been seen by top Fox executives...” ...
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: This is the craziest day in cable news history.
Molly Jong-Fast / @mollyjongfast: “There is other ugliness. A lower-profile lawsuit, filed in March by Abby Grossberg, a former Fox News employee who worked on “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” alleged violations of pay-equity laws, gender discrimination and retaliation, among other issues.” ...
Mehdi Hasan / @mehdirhasan: White supremacists across America are in mourning
Charlie Warzel / @cwarzel: it rules that this is the last frame from his last fox broadcast
Yashar Ali / @yashar: Megyn is right... Tucker Carlson will make way more money outside Fox News and while he was given a lot of freedom with his programming, he still had some limits (I know, hard to believe). Tucker will setup his own thing and never work for anyone again.
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: Re; Tucker - It is likely that this has more to do with pending litigation - Abby Grossberg's lawsuit alleging sexism and harassment at Carlson's show - than the defamation lawsuit that just settled for $778M. Yet the suits are linked... / MORE
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: I hear that Brian Kilmeade will host the 8 p.m. hour on Fox News this week. Kilmeade was a reliable fill-in host for Carlson. I have asked Fox to comment/confirm and haven't heard back. If this tweet is wrong, I'm sure they will let everyone know! 😉
Oliver Darcy / CNN: Fox News' sudden firing of Tucker Carlson may have come down to one simple calculation
Joe Flint / @jbflint: Carlson will be paid out for the remainder of his contract. His annual salary is about $20 million, a person familiar with pact said. Carlson has retained Hollywood legal eagle Bryan Freedman.
David Weigel / @daveweigel: Politico, eight years ago this month: “'All In with Chris Hayes,' a ratings suck that currently occupies the 8 p.m. time slot, will almost certainly be replaced.”
Nicholas Reimann / Forbes: Don Lemon Fired By CNN—Minutes After Tucker Carlson Out At Fox News
Michael Edison Hayden / @michaelehayden: Tucker Carlson guests like Glenn Greenwald, Gays Against Groomers, and Andy Ngo are melting down about his exit because it threatens to push them further into the margins. Carlson and his producers gave a lot of airtime to cranks and they lost today too.
Michael Calderone / @mlcalderone: And @besslevin on the celebrations
Andrew Lawrence / @ndrew_lawrence: i have said many times that tucker carlson doesnt have influence, the 8pm time slot at fox news has influence. think of how powerful bill oreilly was and whens the last time you even thought about him?
Oliver Willis / @owillis: haha so they didnt even let him do a goodbye show. like with oreilly this is gonna be something bad, i guess. hahahahahahahaha
Glenn Greenwald / @ggreenwald: Left-liberals don't mind Hannity because he's a standard-issue Republican: they're comfortable with those who stay in their partisan lane. Tucker was uniquely threatening because he vocally opposed US militarism while left-liberal heroes voted to fund Biden's proxy wars. And:
Glenn Greenwald / @ggreenwald: That - along with unprecedented popularity - is the real reason for the particular hated for Tucker by left-liberals. Over and over, he was a mirror showing the failures of their leaders, like condemning FBI's prosecution of black left radicals while AOC & co wouldn't touch it.
@garbageape: Fox News has sadly gone woke. The only trustworthy conservative news source remaining is powerpoints consisting of nothing but John McNaughton art prints.
Charlie Kirk / @charliekirk11: The left is celebrating because they think that Tucker Carlson leaving Fox News eliminates his voice. Wrong.
Ben Collins / @oneunderscore__: Tucker's show was uniquely toxic — a composite 4chan in a tie with the occasional $5 word. He targeted low-level pariahs he knew couldn't fight back so people who looked like them were afraid to speak out. He sat atop a pipeline of lies. Its absence will be very noticeable.
Dr Jordan B Peterson / @jordanbpeterson: The climate doom-saying faux-apocalypse wielding communism-denying elitist-intellectual working-class-hating pot calling the kettle black @nytimes @TuckerCarlson
Mehdi Hasan / @mehdirhasan: Dear media reporters: please don't do with Tucker stories today what a lot of political reporters did with Trump stories in the past. Don't call his statements ‘provocative’ etc. Call them racist. Call them bigoted. Call them what they *actually* were. Don't sanitize them please.
Al Franken / @alfranken: They probably got rid of him because he was too biased.
Justin Baragona / @justinbaragona: As of now, the only time that Fox has mentioned Tucker's departure on air was during Harris Faulkner's 11 am show. Here's her on-air announcement:
Ben Collins / @oneunderscore__: This should be fun.
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: The studio audience at @TheView broke out in applause when Tucker Carlson's ouster was announced. Then the co-hosts did a wave and led the crowd in singing “GOODBYE.”
Jason Pontin / @jason_pontin: To give the devil his due, Tucker Carlson was an excellent print journalist: funny, sharp, stylish. But all the money and cultural cachet fled that kind of journalism.
Michael Hobbes / @rottenindenmark: has anyone checked on glenn
Jeremy Barr / @jeremymbarr: Whether Fox loses viewers after the sudden exit of Tucker Carlson, the most popular figure in conservative media, may finally answer the question of whether it's Fox or the hosts who have the hold on the audience. Recent departures suggest the former, but this is Tucker...
Jeremy Barr / @jeremymbarr: Epps' lawyer hailed Fox for parting ways with Tucker, but said: “Fox's decision may shield them from responsibility for Carlson's future lies, but FOX remains liable for Carlson's past lies.” The lawyer told me he took note of the Dominion settlement. ...
Bill Grueskin / @bgrueskin: If you had “Rupert is a stickler for facts and won't tolerate hosts touting ridiculous conspiracy theories, no matter how big their audience is” on your bingo card, congrats. That's like filling in all 25 squares of your card with just one tile.
Caroline Orr Bueno, Ph.D / @rvawonk: Sources say Tucker Carlson was fired for his comments about top management, which included comments like: “Do the executives understand how much credibility and trust we've lost with our audience?” ...
Pope Francis / @profjeffjarviss: Fox needs to broaden its appeal. In a host like Santos, it has not only white nationalism, but also Hispanic and Black nationalism.
Matthew Gertz / @mattgertz: Is the implication here that Murdoch missed the previous two years of Carlson doing this and suddenly noticed?
Ben Smith / @semaforben: Per our Tucker reporting: -He found out this morning -EP Justin Wells also out -Thought inside to be connected to Grossberg suit -Her lawyer says Carlson and Wells are “squarely in the center of her SDNY complaints for sex discrimination” etc
@edmundlee: Within a span of a week, @rupertmurdoch: • paid $787 million to settle a defamation case • fired his top-rated @FoxNews anchor, who generates over $100mm a year in ad revenue What costs more than $1 billion that he had to fire Tucker?
@murderxbryan: Glenn Greenwald plans to get to the bottom of this Tucker Carlson thing, it's an important free speech issue for him because nobody else will have him on their tv show
Ted Lieu / @tedlieu: Maybe it was the incessant lies and the racist stuff that Tucker Carlson kept spewing. Or maybe Fox News no longer wanted to subsidize a host who was so toxic to most Americans that the only major advertiser for the show was a maker of mediocre pillows.
Carl Beijer / @carlbeijer: TUCKER: haha I am blatantly lying to these suckers and they're eating it up. I hope no one ever finds this text message lol GREENWALD: Tucker was fired because he dared to speak heterodoxly to the powerful (DSA)
Kurt Andersen / @kbandersen: The spot-on Succession simulation continues. “It was Carlson's comments about Fox management, as revealed in the Dominion case, that played a role in his departure from Fox, a person familiar with the company's thinking told The Post.” ...
Mike Drucker / @mikedrucker: Lighting a candle for Glenn Greenwald today. Keeping him in my thoughts during this difficult time of losing the one place he could get on TV.
@mediaite: Megyn Kelly Slams Fox News for ‘Terrible Move’ Parting Ways With Tucker Carlson: ‘Why is Suzanne Scott Still There?’
Katie Benner / @ktbenner: How important was Tucker Carlson to Fox's business? This is what the stock did when the news hit
Nemanja / @nemanjayvr: These days you can't even cost your employer $787 million without being canceled , due to wokeness
Nick Barrett / @thefootballnick: @ggreenwald Joe Rogan is about to get some competition as the number 1 podcaster on Spotify
Aidan McLaughlin / @aidnmclaughlin: News: Justin Wells, Tucker Carlson's executive producer, is also leaving Fox News
Ben Smith / @semaforben: Tucker's EP, Jason Wells, was also out @maxwelltani @jdcapelouto
Kendall Brown / @kendallybrown: The impact of Tucker Carlson no longer having a direct line into every US military base in the nation cannot be overstated. Every. Single. Military DFAC and commissary plays Fox News 24/7. Tucker not being a part of that lineup is **huge**.
Seth Moulton / @sethmoulton: Crazy thought, but maybe it's time to face some consequences after blatantly lying to millions of Americans and actively eroding democracy for years.
Thomas Maxwell / @tomaxwell: back to daily caller
Scott Nover / @scottnover: As big as Tucker Carlson has become, it would be hard for him to maintain his star power outside of Fox. Think of how the careers of Bill O'Reilly, Megyn Kelly Fox, Glenn Beck, etc. went after they left. The real power is in Fox's platform.
Max Burns / @themaxburns: It appears tonight's guest was slated to be Vivek Ramaswamy.
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: Of fucking course, he eats sausage and pineapple on his pizza. Tasteless and uncouth in every way....
Tim Hogan / @timinhonolulu: My take: Two possible reasons: He's a special counsel target or the insurers who have to shell out for Fox in suits refused to cover future claims related to his lies. Watch if he goes quiet. Fox News Parts Ways With Tucker Carlson
Dan Primack / @danprimack: @TuckerCarlson Per @sarafischer: Firing was NOT part of Dominion settlement. “Instead related to material uncovered during pre-trial discovery and the company is concerned that more information exists that could be legally damaging...”
@businessinsider: Fox Corporation sheds $930 million in market value after announcing Tucker Carlson is leaving the news network ...
Jeremy Barr / @jeremymbarr: While there's no official explanation for Tucker's departure, he was very critical of Fox leaders in the Dominion documents. “A combination of incompetent liberals and top leadership with too much pride to back down is what's happening,” he said in one. ...
@davidhogg111: Sending my deepest thoughts and prayers to Tucker Carlson now that he and Fox News have agreed to part ways.
Brendon Leslie / @brendonleslie: THE WORLD IS UPSIDE DOWN: first Tucker Carlson leaves Fox News and now Don Lemon is FIRED by CNN What a freaking Monday this is!
Tero Kuittinen / @teroterotero: They didn't give ole Tucker even the chance to say goodbye... they just jettisoned him on a Sunday without warning. A real shocker.
Charlie Warzel / @cwarzel: Jon Stewart vs Tucker Carlson 2024 is a fitting way to end the american experiment imo
Alyson Shontell / @ajs: You can not knowingly lie or push lies and still be a journalist in the US media. This is an important moment indeed.
Colin Young / @colinyovng: this is 9/11 for old grandpas that forgot about 9/11 (dementia)
Jeremy Barr / @jeremymbarr: An on-air personality at Fox tells me: “This is major. It sends a message that even the guy with the highest ratings of all, by a long shot, doesn't get to survive this disaster.” ...
@decodingfoxnews: What a time to cover Fox News. Now if this whole thing collapses in the next few months I might have to rename this project. Who knows. I am honestly stunned.
@decodingfoxnews: The sad thing is he won't go away. He'll still be a problem. He might just go full white supremacist now that there's no one to rein him in. He could just start his on streaming channel or move to another far right network.
Maria Shriver / @mariashriver: Make no mistake, this is huge news. Lawyers last week in the Dominion case said lies have implications and lies have consequences. Now here we are.
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: Fox and the Murdochs would not apologize for lying to their public and trying to bring down democracy on their air but they do thank Tucker for his service there.
@deggans: Who knows? Why him and not Maria Bartiromo, who seemed to traffic in that stuff much more often?
Farhad Manjoo / @fmanjoo: the tone here is funereal
@cmclymer: Tucker Carlson has now had shows cancelled by CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News. The mediocre cable host triple crown.
Dr. Ruth Westheimer / @askdrruth: If Fox News can break up with Tucker Carlson, maybe today is the day you break up that toxic relationship you're in.
John Harwood / @johnjharwood: in one sense, yes, stunning but there's an important difference saying goodbye was meaningful to @brianstelter because he respected his audience and gave them his honest judgment on-air as we learned from Dominion case, Tucker didn't
Peter Sterne / @petersterne: This strongly suggests it wasn't directly related to the Dominion settlement. Fox wasn't planning to fire Tucker Carlson today. Something happened.
Matthew Keys / @matthewkeyslive: “Tucker Carlson Tonight” kept Fox News Channel as the top-rated cable news channel in America, even while Fox Corp was battling Dominion in depositions that exposed unsavory e-mails and text messages of Carlson and other Fox News personalities. $FOX
M.G. Siegler / @mgsiegler: This is how it ends. Now with a bang, but with a pizza.
Farhad Manjoo / @fmanjoo: wambsgans will figure this out.
@carnage4life: Tucker Carlson is another victim of confessing to a grift on company internal channels only for the truth to come out during discovery for a lawsuit. He was Dominion Systems star witness and a key reason Fox News got a $787M judgement against them.
Tom Coates / @tomcoates: Tucker Carlson out at Fox. Looks like he was let go rather than resigned. Still, there's always the risk that he'll end up running for President.
Farhad Manjoo / @fmanjoo: uh oh indeed
Dave Winer / @davewiner: This why Twitter is still strong. I expected to find the announcement of Tucker Carlson leaving Fox on Twitter, and there it was. Once there's a default way to do something that's deeply ingrained, it doesn't get displaced quickly or easily.
Dan Primack / @danprimack: Remember all of that “Nothing will change at Fox News” narrative after the Dominion settlement...
Tom Coates / @tomcoates: Worth adding that this is legitimately quite a big deal for Fox. As I understand it he had the second most popular show on the platform. Maybe they finally realized that he was a liability and would turn on them in a moment if they asked him to rein it in.
@normative: Every tweet about this has like 20 responses going “is this real”? If only Twitter could design some sort of system for identifying reputable journalists.
Lucas Shaw / @lucas_shaw: So when is Trump hiring Tucker for Truth Social?
Alan Rusbridger / @arusbridger: So Murdoch and Tucker Carlson have finally parted company. The full background to the shocking Fox News debacle is grippingly told by @MatthewdAncona here ...
Nina Burleigh / @ninaburleigh: The American Political Freakshow loses its chief barker. What will the J6 conspiracy theorists do withouyt @TuckerCarlson ...
Lucas Shaw / @lucas_shaw: In the last 24 hours: > CEO of NBCU resigns because of an “inappropriate relationship” with an employee. > Disney fires thousands of people. > Fox News breaks up with Tucker Carlson.
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: When CNN ended “Reliable Sources,” I was offered a final episode, a chance to sign off on my own terms. I really appreciated that. I think viewers did too. Tucker leaving Fox WITHOUT even saying goodbye? Stunning.
Dan Primack / @danprimack: Tucker Carlson lost his job, but at least he's still got his blue checkmark.
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: This replacement for Tucker will not rate as well as he did: “Fox News Tonight will air live at 8 PM/ET starting this evening as an interim show helmed by rotating FOX News personalities until a new host is named.”
Hamilton Nolan / @hamiltonnolan: Damn this is terrible news for brave independent journalists who are unafraid to use their long-dead left wing bona fides to provide intellectual cover for white nationalism
Peter Sterne / @petersterne: It also could have been less directly related to the Dominion settlement. As @ErikWemple notes, Tucker's broadcasts were only a small part of the allegedly defamatory content but led a former Tucker producer to come forward with harassment allegations.
Alex Sherman / @sherman4949: Monday morning media news: NBCU: Jeff Shell surprise exit Disney: Thousands of layoffs happening today Fox: Tucker Carlson surprise exit
Lance Ulanoff / @lanceulanoff: Well, this is surprising.
Eriq Gardner / @eriqgardner: Alexander Skarsgård moves fast.
Alex Sherman / @sherman4949: Come on, every major media company, all we want to do is talk about Succession on Monday mornings.
Robby Starbuck / @robbystarbuck: BREAKING: Tucker Carlson is out at Fox News. This is the biggest mistake Fox has ever made. I don't know the reason for the exit but the timing couldn't be worse for Fox.
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: The biggest “tell” in Fox's press release about Tucker Carlson's exit is that he is not getting a final show. No chance to say goodbye on his own terms or point people to his next home. Fox says “Carlson's last program was Friday April 21st.”
Ellise Shafer / Variety: Brian Kilmeade Fills Tucker Carlson's Fox News Slot in First Show After Shocking Exit: ‘I Wish Tucker the Best’
Dell Cameron / The suit brought by Grossberg is primary aimed at people who worked on Carlson's show. It accuses him personally of creating and condoning a misogynistic workplace environment …
Candice Ortiz / Mediaite: Megyn Kelly Slams Fox News for ‘Terrible Move’ Parting Ways With Tucker Carlson: ‘Why is Suzanne Scott Still There?’
Mark Joyella / Forbes: Tucker Carlson Is Out At Fox News
Ana Faguy / Forbes: Tucker Carlson Suddenly Out At Fox News
Matthew Keys / The Desk: Tucker Carlson leaves Fox News Channel, network says
Matt Stieb / New York Magazine: Tucker Carlson Has Left Fox News
David Bauder / Associated Press: Tucker Carlson out at Fox News, network confirms
Samantha Bergeson / IndieWire: Tucker Carlson and Fox News Part Ways — Host's Last Show Already Aired
Barry Kahn / @Mediagazer RIP Tucker Carlson you horrible POS. Remember when the next pandemic starts, do not get vaccinated.
Benjamin Lindsay / The Wrap: Tucker Carlson Is Out at Fox News, Effective Immediately
Gabriel Sherman / Vanity Fair:
Source: Tucker Carlson was in the midst of negotiating the renewal of his Fox News contract through 2029 and told people last week he expected it to be renewed
Source: Tucker Carlson was in the midst of negotiating the renewal of his Fox News contract through 2029 and told people last week he expected it to be renewed
Inae Oh / Mother Jones: Why Was Tucker Carlson Fired?
Justin Klawans / The Week: Tucker Carlson was offered a new job — on Russian state TV
Aidan McLaughlin / Mediaite: Tucker Carlson's 7 Biggest Scandals From His Time at the Top of Fox News
Bernard Goldberg / The Hill: Has the media's ‘big purge’ begun?
Lucas Manfredi / The Wrap: Rachel Maddow Says Tucker Carlson Firing Puts Fox News — and GOP — at Crossroads: 'There Will Be Someone After Him (Video)
@palmerreport: Fox News lost more than half a billion dollars in stock market value today as a result of firing Tucker Carlson. He was that good for ratings and revenue. Fox knew it would take this kind of market hit by firing him. Just how ugly must his scandals be, that they fired him anyway?
Bonnie Kristian / The Daily Beast: Is This How Tucker Carlson Runs for President?
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: “Carlson has told people he doesn't know why he was terminated,” @gabrielsherman reports. And “Carlson has told people he believes his controversial show is being taken off the air because the Murdoch children intend to sell Fox News at some point.”
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: Tucker Carlson learned of his ouster from Fox News on Monday morning, I'm told. Inside the right-wing network, some of Carlson's critics rejoiced upon learning of it. More in our story here:
David Jolly / @davidjollyfl: “Carlson has told people he believes his controversial show is being taken off the air because the Murdoch children intend to sell Fox News at some point.”
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene / @repmtg: Cable news is about to be taught a powerful lesson after Fox News caved to the woke mob and fired Tucker Carlson. Americans no longer blindly watch the news like they did decades ago, they only watch the ones who have courage to tell the truth. Americans are about to quit...
@calltoactivism: FUN FACT: Tucker Carlson has been FIRED from ALL three of the biggest networks: CNN cut ties with Carlson in 2005. MSNBC canceled his show in 2008. Fox News pushed him out in 2023. “Congrats to Tucker Carlson upon becoming the first tv host in history to be fired by CNN,...
Sarah Rumpf / Mediaite:
Source: Tucker Carlson's Fox News exit was “a firing” and he's “totally surprised”; sources: the newsroom is in “shock” and found out when the news broke online
Source: Tucker Carlson's Fox News exit was “a firing” and he's “totally surprised”; sources: the newsroom is in “shock” and found out when the news broke online
@phil_lewis_, Semafor, The Wrap, @jimrosicafl, @chrislhayes, @ishaantharoor, @annmlipton, @hillibusterr, @nickreeves9876, @francis_scarr, @mjfree, @thor_benson, Newser, Insider, Mediaite, Forbes, @nycsouthpaw, @tedlieu and @semafor
Philip Lewis / @phil_lewis_: Tucker Carlson ‘found out he was being let go about 10 minutes before Fox News announced his departure,’ WSJ reports
Kayla Cobb / The Wrap: Fallon Jokes Tucker Carlson Fox News Firing Leaves Vladimir Putin Needing ‘A New PR Guy’ (Video)
Jim Rosica / @jimrosicafl: .@TuckerCarlson's departure from @FoxNews was not voluntary, multiple sources told Mediaite. by @rumpfshaker via @Mediaite
Ishaan Tharoor / @ishaantharoor: Impossible to read @gabrielsherman's reporting without immediately thinking of Succession characters. Which anonymous source is Carl, here? Frank? Hugo?
@annmlipton: “lawyers told Fox execs that Murdoch would be ‘disgraced on the stand, run out of the boardroom, and his testimony will expose him as a lunatic sliding into senility.’” That is intriguing. And will make the shareholder lawsuits even more interesting. Very Sumner Redstone.
Hillary Busis / @hillibusterr: Kendall really did go with the “shit on Dad” approach
@nickreeves9876: Murdoch wasn't just using Tucker to win an audience by parroting MAGA memes. He was quite deliberately using Tucker to parrot Russian propaganda. There are serious questions to be asked about Murdoch's loyalty.
Francis Scarr / @francis_scarr: Russian state TV's Olga Skabeyeva tells her viewers the “sad news” that Tucker Carlson is leaving Fox News She hails him for “criticising Biden and his LGBT administration” as well as for his attacks on Ukraine
Morgan J. Freeman / @mjfree: He lost a YUGE platform!!!
Thor Benson / @thor_benson: Lots of angry Tucker supporters in the replies, but this framing is correct and an improvement for the New York Times
Evann Gastaldo / Newser: Trump, Trump Jr. Weigh In on Carlson's Fox Exit
Cheryl Teh / Insider: Trump expresses shock over Tucker Carlson's ouster: 'Especially over the last year or so, he's been terrific to me'
Colby Hall / Mediaite: Lachlan Murdoch and Suzanne Scott Decided to Fire Tucker Carlson on Friday Night
Siladitya Ray / Forbes: Trump ‘Shocked’ And ‘Surprised’ By Tucker Carlson's Exit From Fox
@nycsouthpaw: Just speaking for myself, I'd love to find out that the federal investigation of Fox News that ‘expanded’ in 2017 and then instantly vanished without a trace has reappeared in the land of the living.

Nate Silver tells FiveThirtyEight employees that he expects to leave Disney when his contract is up “soon” as layoffs hit the data journalism outlet — ABC News is expected to retain the FiveThirtyEight brand, with plans to streamline the data-driven site.
@natesilver538, Nieman Lab, Variety, @natesilver538, New York Times, Awful Announcing, The Desk, Mediaite, New York Post, @alexweprin, Talking Points Memo, The Wrap, Front Office Sports, The Hill, @redsteeze, @claremalone, @claremalone, Semafor, @richardmskinner, @heerjeet, @rtodkelly, @rachelbitecofer, @motomatters, @mattliptoncomic, @cahnemily, @baseballot, @albertocairo, @decisiondeskhq, @davidyankovich, @leavittalone, @tvgrimreaper, @chknpuppetmk5, @emtothea, @neontaster, @dilanesper, @dgreenbaum, @elienyc, @claremalone, @ejmiller25, @greenfield64, @jennifernvictor, @ggreeneva, @ericgreniertw, @emilybell and Deadline
Nate Silver / @natesilver538: Disney layoffs have substantially impacted FiveThirtyEight. I am sad and disappointed to a degree that's kind of hard to express right now. We've been at Disney almost 10 years. My contract is up soon and I expect that I'll be leaving at the end of it.
Ethan Shanfeld / Variety: FiveThirtyEight Founder Nate Silver Leaving ABC News as Disney Layoffs Continue
Nate Silver / @natesilver538: I had been worried about an outcome like this and so have had some great initial conversations about opportunities elsewhere. Don't hesitate to get in touch. I am so proud of the work of FiveThirtyEight staff. It has never been easy. I'm so sorry to the people impacted by this.
Livia Albeck-Ripka / New York Times: Nate Silver, FiveThirtyEight Founder, Expects to Depart ABC News Amid Layoffs
Andrew Bucholtz / Awful Announcing: Nate Silver says Disney layoffs have ‘substantially impacted’ FiveThirtyEight, and he expects he'll be leaving
Matthew Keys / The Desk: Nate Silver swept up in layoffs at Walt Disney Company
Ken Meyer / Mediaite: Nate Silver Reveals FiveThirtyEight Has Been Gutted By Disney Layoffs: 'My Contract is Up Soon and I Expect That I'll Be Leaving'
Ariel Zilber / New York Post: ABC News to part ways with FiveThirtyEight founder Nate Silver amid Disney layoffs
Alex Weprin / @alexweprin: New: Disney layoffs hit ABC News again, with Nate Silver telling FiveThirtyEight employees that he expects to leave when his contract is up “soon.” ...
Josh Marshall / Talking Points Memo: The (Almost) End of 538 — THE BACKCHANNEL — NEW! — An email newsletter from Josh Marshall
Lucas Manfredi / The Wrap: Nate Silver to Leave ABC News as Disney Layoffs Continue
Michael McCarthy / Front Office Sports: Nate Silver Leads List Of Execs Laid Off By Disney and ESPN
Dominick Mastrangelo / The Hill: Data guru Nate Silver to leave ABC
Stephen L. Miller / @redsteeze: Nate Silver to Daily Wire.
Clare Malone / @claremalone: More on the @FiveThirtyEight news: Nate Silver is out when his contact expires (soon), & the models (election/sports) that are licensed to Disney will see the expiration of their license term when Nate's contract expires. So...that's basically the data that drives the site.👀
Clare Malone / @claremalone: There are going to be a lot of really talented people who are going to be on the market. The @nytimes has basically poached most of the OG @FiveThirtyEight team, if that tells you anything about the rigor of the place.
Diego Mendoza / Semafor: FiveThirtyEight's Nate Silver says he's leaving ABC News amid Disney layoffs
Richard Skinner / @richardmskinner: Many things I'll miss about @FiveThirtyEight, but none more than their polling averages. So superior to the dreck RCP puts out. Hope someone picks up the torch.
Jeet Heer / @heerjeet: This is sad. FiveThirtyEight is a great website, filled with sharp writing and thinking about politics. I use it all the time.
@rtodkelly: Sadly, I suspect this will simply hasten the guy's recent descent into conspiracy wingnuttery. ...
Rachel Bitecofer / @rachelbitecofer: We get to keep 538 but lose Nate?! This is the best week EVER. ...
David Emmett / @motomatters: Random media rant incoming: Very sad to hear of the demise of @FiveThirtyEight. They way the site thought about numbers helped clarify my thinking about motorcycle racing enormously (see also the BBC show @BBCMoreOrLess). They had a useful and unique approach to everything /1
Matt Lipton / @mattliptoncomic: For those unaware, Nate Silver is a “predictive model data guru” that has been so comically wrong - and indignant about it - more times than a sitcom character named Mr. Roper
Emily C. Singer / @cahnemily: It's a grim time for the media industry. Hard to watch
Nathaniel Rakich / @baseballot: Not sure yet what's happening to me, but I'm heartbroken regardless. You guys see how smart the 538 staff is on a daily basis, but what you don't see is what incredibly good & kind people they are. It's been the pleasure of a lifetime to work with them.
@albertocairo: @NateSilver538 All the best wishes to you and the team, Nate. I'm so sorry to read this
David Yankovich / @davidyankovich: You can only be wrong so many times, unless you're a weather man.
John Leavitt / @leavittalone: Say it again, the long 2010s (which began in 08) are finally ending
@tvgrimreaper: Nate found his greater fools (NYT/Disney) long ago. His time on a beach sipping cocktails is long overdue.
Emily Andras / @emtothea: this week really is the end of Loud and Wrong White Men
@neontaster: I like FiveThirtyEight. One of my favorite pieces they've ever done and is still really important is the one about P Hacking called “Science isn't Broken.” ...
Dilan Esper / @dilanesper: Obviously the human side of these things is terrible and I feel for anyone who is laid off, but FiveThirtyEight is a malign force (dressing up punditry with invalid statistical conclusions and proclaiming its superiority to more honest approaches), and should have less influence.
Daniella Greenbaum Davis / @dgreenbaum: I'll say it again: Legacy media companies are hemorrhaging money. Firings and layoffs will only continue.
Elie Mystal / @elienyc: I'm feeling very good about my decision to work for an independent media organization. Uhh, right @KatrinaNation? Right!!?? :) ...
Clare Malone / @claremalone: I should state this obvious: it's weird to be reporting on the end of the site where a lot of my very, very good friends work and which in a lot of ways, gave me the career I have. I am sad for these people I love and respect.
@ejmiller25: 538 does a lot of really cool stuff on their site besides politics. Hope Disney lets Nate buy the site for a nominal fee and run it by himself, if possible?
Jeff Greenfield / @greenfield64: Hope you will soon find a new home.. 538 has been a valuable venue . Sorry to see this news.
Jennifer N. Victor / @jennifernvictor: Maybe there's more to this, but it seems very short-sighted on ABC's part. And why would they want to keep the brand without the creator? I'm willing to bet not a single exec at ABC knows what 538 is a reference to. ...
Greg Greene / @ggreeneva: I feel bad for the staff, who deserve support and new opportunities in journalism. As for the founding editor ... ehhh.
@ericgreniertw: Sad to see this. @NateSilver538's work back in the 2008 presidential campaign (gather round, kids) was what inspired me to start ThreeHundredEight and get started in this biz. Curious to see what happens next.
Emily Bell / @emilybell: Yikes. And just before an election. This week has the feeling that 3rd and 4th q revenue forecasts are about as firm as quicksand
Ted Johnson / Deadline: Nate Silver To Depart ABC News As Layoffs Continue

YouTube's advertising revenue declined for the third consecutive quarter, by 2.6% YoY to $6.69B in Q1 2023, slightly beating analyst estimates of $6.6B — Ad sales at YouTube declined 2.6% year over year in the first quarter of 2023, to $6.69 billion. Analysts expected it to come in at $6.6 billion, per FactSet.
Alphabet Inc., The Hollywood Reporter, New York Times and TechCrunch, more at Techmeme »
Ron Miller / TechCrunch: Google Cloud turns profit for the first time

In court documents, Prince Harry's legal team alleges Prince William settled phone hacking claims with News Group Newspapers for a “very large sum” — Buckingham Palace and Rupert Murdoch's News Group Newspapers reached a secret agreement over historical phone hacking claims …
Karla Adam / Washington Post: Prince Harry suit against Murdoch reveals secret Prince William payoff
Insider: Prince William quietly got a ‘very large sum of money’ from the Rupert Murdoch phone hacking settlement
@binvestigates: And if Prince William's financial settlement has finally become public now, three years on, Murdoch has only his own subordinates to blame. For it was lawyers acting for the Sun who put Prince Harry in a position where, the Prince's lawyers say, he had no choice but to reveal it

Prince Harry's lawyers say the royal family had an agreement not to pursue claims against News Group Newspapers until the conclusion of phone hacking litigation — Prince Harry is newly pursuing News Group Newspapers over claims of unlawful information gathering.
Vanity Fair, Financial Times, The Daily Beast, Associated Press, Robb Report, Hacked Off, @independent, Reuters, @janinegibson, Semafor, @msmwatchdog2013, The Guardian and Deadline
Erin Vanderhoof / Vanity Fair: Prince Harry Alleges That Prince William Settled a Phone-Hacking Claim in 2020
Financial Times: Murdoch group settled Prince William phone-hacking claim for ‘very large’ sum, UK court told
Tom Sykes / The Daily Beast: Harry: Queen Vowed to Go After Murdoch Press—But Charles Called Her Off
Tori Latham / Robb Report: Prince William Received a Secret Payment From Rupert Murdoch's Company to Settle Phone-Hacking Claims, Court Docs Say
Nathan Sparkes / Hacked Off: Sun publisher NGN allegedly ‘tapped landlines’, published intrusive stories about Prince Harry as a child and Princess Diana, and settled secret claim with Prince William
@independent: Prince William received phone-hacking settlement from Sun publisher, court hears in Harry case ...
Janine Gibson / @janinegibson: Not for the first time I wonder quite how much money Murdoch-owned companies across media and continents have paid out in restitution just for the journalistic sins committed over the last 20 years
Jenna Moon / Semafor: Prince William settled with Murdoch papers over phone-hacking, court documents show

Netflix plans to invest $2.5B in South Korea for Korean TV series, movies, and scripted shows over the next four years — Netflix said Monday it will invest US$2.5 billion in South Korea over the next four years to produce Korean TV series, movies and scripted shows.
The Hollywood Reporter, Axios, Variety, The Verge, The Streamable, Observer, The Wrap, Gizmodo, Semafor, The A.V. Club, @richardlnewby, TechCrunch, Broadband TV News, Fortune, Insider, Financial Times, CNN, Al Jazeera, Reuters and Reuters
Patrick Brzeski / The Hollywood Reporter: Netflix to Spend $2.5B on Korean Content Over Next Four Years
Patrick Frater / Variety: Netflix Commits to $2.5 Billion Production Spend on Korean Content
Victoria Song / The Verge: Netflix doubles down on K-dramas with a $2.5 billion investment
Ross A. Lincoln / The Wrap: Netflix Plans to Spend $2.5 Billion on Korean Content Through 2027
Nikki Main / Gizmodo: Netflix Invests Big in South Korean Content
Jenna Moon / Semafor: Netflix to invest $2.5B in South Korean entertainment
Mary Kate Carr / The A.V. Club: Netflix announces plans to spend billions on South Korean television ahead of potential WGA strike
Richard Newby / @richardlnewby: “We're gonna do American remakes of all of it too. Just dare us that we won't.”
Nicholas Gordon / Fortune: Netflix to invest $2.5 billion in Korea content after Yoon meeting
Reena Koh / Insider: Netflix plans to invest an additional $2.5 billion in Korean entertainment following the success of ‘Squid Game,’ ‘The Glory,’ and ‘Physical: 100’

After President Biden's reelection campaign announcement, the Republican National Committee posts an attack ad featuring AI-generated images, including of Biden — - The video features AI-created images appearing to show Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris celebrating at an Election Day party …
MediaPost, The Hill, The Verge, Gizmodo, Mother Jones, Ars Technica, Forbes, @yoda, Engadget, New York Post and Semafor, more at Techmeme »
Karlene Lukovitz / MediaPost: RNC Uses AI To Attack Biden With Fake Dystopian Ad
Brett Samuels / The Hill: RNC's AI-generated Biden attack ad puzzles pundits, Democrats
James Vincent / The Verge: Republicans respond to Biden reelection announcement with AI-generated attack ad
Kevin Hurler / Gizmodo: GOP Launches the Age of AI-Generated Attack Ads
James West / Mother Jones: The GOP's AI-Generated Biden Attack Ad Really Is a Warning About the Future
Ashley Belanger / Ars Technica: GOP releases 100% AI-generated ad to fearmonger over Biden's reelection bid

Crooked Media is set to launch Pod Save the UK, its first international production, on May 4, with hosts Coco Khan, a journalist, and Nish Kumar, a comedian — The company behind “Pod Save America” is starting a British version of the popular liberal show. — Reporting from London
@bartleby_era, @lukeisamazing, @francesweetman, @metricalfoot, @imbadatlife and @reducedlisten
@bartleby_era: i wish a lot of cruel and horrible things on the british but crooked media colonialism is too far even for me
Frances Weetman / @francesweetman: Own up, who asked for this?
@metricalfoot: This has always infuriated me... “Pod Save America” is an awful pun with your relevance to American politics, it should be Pod Bless America if anything. So there's absolutely no excuse for not using Pod Save the King in a context where the pun actually makes sense!

A look at AI Hub, a Discord community dedicated to AI music that released an entire album featuring original songs using AI-generated vocals from famous artists — On Saturday, they released an entire album using an AI-generated copy of Travis Scott's voice, and labels are trying to kill it.
Peter Csathy / The Wrap: From Fake Drake to a Fan Frenzy: AI Can Help - Not Hurt - the Music Business | PRO Insight
@dadabots: “What I like about AI music is the freedom it gives” “The creators of AI music see their work as less of a way to make money or to steal artists' fame, but to instead simply take their fan appreciation to the next level.”
Stuart Dredge / Music Ally: Beatly Music wants to build a takedown-proof home for AI music
Martine Paris / Forbes:
Pop star Grimes tells fans to create AI-generated music using her voice, saying she will split 50% royalties, the same deal as “with any artist I collab with”
Pop star Grimes tells fans to create AI-generated music using her voice, saying she will split 50% royalties, the same deal as “with any artist I collab with”
@grimezsz, TechCrunch, @nic__carter, @grady_booch, @lucalush, @kelly_mckernan, Music Ally, @thechosenberg, @philthatremains, @frantzfries, @reocragun, @nickfloats and The Verge
@grimezsz: I'll split 50% royalties on any successful AI generated song that uses my voice. Same deal as I would with any artist i collab with. Feel free to use my voice without penalty. I have no label and no legal bindings.
Sarah Perez / TechCrunch: Spotify CEO says AI progress is both “really cool and scary,” may pose risk to creative industry
@nic__carter: This is the coolest. The artist gets upside in the entire world of creatives that might want to use their vocal style/timbre. Insanely high leverage
Grady Booch / @grady_booch: “I do worry though that AI will outpace us and make musicians obsolete. It's inevitable.” — Grimes Respectfully, AI will make musicians obsolete in the same way that the invention of 3D printers destroyed the livelihood of sculptors.
Luca Lush / @lucalush: Grimes splitting royalties on AI generated songs sets such a good precedent for the future & I really hope more artists follow suit imagine the music industry applied same 50/50 royalty split to remixes instead of tryna wack-a-mole takedown everything? Creativity would flourish
Kelly McKernan / @kelly_mckernan: Does Grimes really think she'll see 50% royalties on songs using her voice, or is she a bot too?
Phil Labonte / @philthatremains: This sounds totally reasonable and I would do the same at least as an experiment to see if it worked out. 🤷♂️
Chris Frantz / @frantzfries: Smart, someone could make a product out of this. Create the licensing model for this type of contract, have a database of artists that agree to it and host the models for remix. Big potential to be the next SoundCloud
Reo Cragun / @reocragun: I'm in favor of Grime's take, feel free to train a model of my voice. Completely independent as well 🧪
Nick St. Pierre / @nickfloats: grimes is a legend and an innovator

Overwhelmed by streaming services and their content, some US viewers are turning to Pluto TV, Tubi, and other free offerings that show classic TV shows with ads — Free streaming services Pluto TV, Tubi, Xumo Play and others show classic TV shows with ads, easing decisions for those overwhelmed with options
Sarah Krouse / @bysarahkrouse: Overwhelmed with TV options, some viewers are simply flipping on new free streaming channels to watch old shows like “Three's Company.” “There's something about that that's comforting to me.”
Jason Colavito / @jasoncolavito: Every show in this graphic was a broadcast TV show, not a cable TV show. The “experience” of watching old sitcoms is still available over the air on MeTV, Antenna TV, Decades, COZI, and many others. You don't need Pluto or Tubi for that.
Jessica Toonkel / @jtoonkel: Millennials, sick of the choice paralysis involved with finding a show on subscription streaming services are turning to FAST channels for nostalgia Tv like ‘Baywatch,’ and 'Three's Company' on a loop. W/@bysarahkrouse
Ted Nesi / @tednesi: “With streaming, I can watch anything, but I often don't know what to watch.”

Thierry Breton says EU Digital Services Act content rules will apply to Apple, Meta, Google, TikTok, Twitter, Wikipedia, YouTube, and 12 others from August 2023 — Five Alphabet (GOOGL.O) subsidiaries, two Meta Platforms (META.O) units, two Microsoft (MSFT.O) businesses, Twitter and Alibaba's …
Stephanie Bodoni / Bloomberg: Meta Gets Warning Shot as EU Reveals Tech Law's Targets

An interview with Danny Groom, the editor of Mail Online in the UK, on expanding royal coverage to royal families around the world, including Monaco and Morocco — Mail Online boss Danny Groom said the royal growth has “huge editorial and commercial possibilities”.
@pressgazette: “..I think more than ever we are now very much a global publisher and everything that we do whether it's this kind of thing or any kind of collaboration on big stories or big projects the first question is how do we make it work on an international level?”