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WaPo CEO Will Lewis says “I do not believe in presidential endorsements” and Bezos “was not sent, did not read and did not opine on any draft” of an endorsement — Let's get this part out of the way first: Newspaper endorsements normally don't matter much.
New York Times, Washington Post, @michele_norris, The Philadelphia Inquirer, @michele_norris, @brianstelter, Salon, The Guardian, The Boston Globe, The Wrap, OutsideTheBeltway, @anntelnaes, @postopinions, @bgrueskin, @patchappatte,, Open Windows, Power Line, @michele_norris,,, @peterjukes, @hadas_gold, @davidfolkenflik, @lindseyboylan, @davelevinthal, @jennirsl, @julieroginsky, @justinbaragona, @brendan_duke, @benmullin, @musa_algharbi, @semaforben, @deggans, @kenklippenstein, @kenklippenstein, @carolleonnig, @brianstelter, @carolleonnig, Daring Fireball, @jimwaterson, @brianstelter, @nycsouthpaw, @franklinleonard, @fvogelstein, @bartongellman, @davidfolkenflik, @carlbernstein, @eriqgardner, @maxwelltani, @froomkin, @deggans, @peteryared, @semaforben, @jayrosen_nyu, @benmullin, @brianstelter, @brianstelter, @davidfolkenflik, @maxwelltani, Mediaite, @carolleonnig, DNyuz, The Bulwark,,,, Puck, CNBC, The Verge, Las Vegas Review-Journal, RedState, TalkLeft, Fox News, Financial Times, Breitbart, Althouse, MediaPost, Politico, New York Magazine, The Hill, New York Post, Rolling Stone, The National Pulse and Deadline
Ann Telnaes / Washington Post: Democracy Dies in Darkness
Michele Norris / @michele_norris: As of yesterday, I have decided to resign from my role as a columnist for The Washington Post — a newspaper that I love. In a moment like this, everyone needs to make their own decisions. This is the reasonfor mine. 🧵
Will Bunch / The Philadelphia Inquirer: Billionaire cowards at Washington Post, L.A. Times show what life under a dictator is really like
Michele Norris / @michele_norris: The Washington Post's decision to withhold an endorsement that had been written & approved in an election where core democratic principles are at stake was a terrible mistake & an insult to the paper's own longstanding standard of regularly endorsing candidates since 1976.
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: New statement from Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein: “We respect the traditional independence of the editorial page, but this decision 11 days out from the 2024 presidential election ignores the Washington Post's own overwhelming reportorial evidence on the threat Donald Trump
Dan Froomkin / Salon: Billionaires have broken media: Washington Post's non-endorsement is a sickening moral collapse
Lois Beckett / The Guardian: ‘Anticipatory obedience’: newspapers' refusal to endorse shines light on billionaire owners' motives
Brian McGrory / The Boston Globe: Washington Post's pathetic lack of endorsement shows Bezos willing to bow to Trump
Adam Chitwood / The Wrap: Washington Post Columnist Michele Norris Resigns Over Bezos Scrapping Harris Endorsement: ‘A Terrible Mistake’
James Joyner / OutsideTheBeltway: Punishing Bezos — In the wake of the Jeff Bezos-owned Washington Post announcing …
Ann Telnaes / @anntelnaes: ... [image]
@postopinions: “Democracy Dies in Darkness,” as drawn by @AnnTelnaes🎨: ...
Bill Grueskin / @bgrueskin: If you read this statement from the Washpost CEO carefully, you'll see plenty of wiggle room for Bezos to have interfered. EG, perhaps Bezos never *read* the endorsement—but made clear to Lewis what was expected of him. (Also, Lewis's record on being candid is um ... meh) [image]
@patchappatte: My friend @AnnTelnaes once again proves herself to be a beacon of U.S. editorial cartooning. Here's her reaction to The Washington Post's decision not to endorse a presidential candidate —a directive from its owner, tech billionaire Jeff Bezos. 👇 [image]
Jay Rosen / If your take on endorsements is something like, “Get rid of them. Readers are smart. They can make up their own minds...” then riddle me this: Wouldn't those same readers continue to make up their own minds as they take in with a critical eye what the endorsements have to say?
Ann Telnaes / Open Windows: Democracy dies in darkness
Scott Johnson / Power Line: Endorse this — The Washington Post has announced it will not endorse a presidential candidate this year.
Michele Norris / @michele_norris: The reason given in no way justifies why the newspaper would abdicate its role in informing and guiding voters as it has done in making endorsements in other key races this year, and as it has done in endorsing the candidates who were running against Trump in both 2016 and 2020.
Brian Fung / Post publisher Will Lewis, it turns out, had argued to Bezos the paper shouldn't announce a change to its endorsements policy so close to the election, @benjaminmullin reports:
Benedict Evans / There is an interesting contrast between the outrage over newspaper endorsements and the two candidates' focus on podcasts. The NYT has endorsed the democratic candidate every year since 1960. This was journalism as priesthood, and I wonder how much the outrage comes from a realisation that that centralised, elite control of the narrative is gone.
Peter Jukes / @peterjukes: The @washingtonpost problem is a Murdoch problem is a British export We've successful exported oligarch compliance to the paper which broke Watergate
Hadas Gold / @hadas_gold: Former Post editor @postbaron tells @smerconish Will Lewis reasoning for the non-endorsement “laughable” [video]
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: That said, I'm getting pushback from sources from inside the paper who say they were previously told the editorial was shared with Bezos. As I noted, this stuff is tough.
Lindsey Boylan / @lindseyboylan: As if he needed to read the fine print to give a no to endorsing. This feels like gaslighting and wordsmithing.
Dave Levinthal / @davelevinthal: Presidential non-endorsement from @washingtonpost is front-page news today in ... the Washington Post. [image]
Jenni Russell / @jennirsl: Weasel words. No one will be fooled. If Bezos was determined not to endorse Kamala then of course he wouldn't have read the editorial. It wasn't the quality of the argument he was objecting to. It was the fear of offending Trump.
Julie Roginsky / @julieroginsky: Just stop. How stupid does Will Lewis think people are? Bezos didn't need to read a draft on an endorsement to kill it.
Justin Baragona / @justinbaragona: As we all know by now, Will Lewis is a man of integrity and would never do or say anything unethical to protect his boss.
Brendan Duke / @brendan_duke: WaPo readers are the world experts at detecting BS, given the share that work in politics and media. Making this announcement less than 2 weeks before the election and after making U.S. Senate endorsements reflects either owner interference or comically bad management from Lewis
Ben Mullin / @benmullin: We don't know where this background quote comes from. Is it the reporter who covers Amazon? Blue Origin? The Post? What is their basis for this “feeling?” I think this is pretty thin gruel.
Musa al-Gharbi / @musa_algharbi: As I highlight in my book (, WaPo and NY Times share many of the same readers, with nearly identical “resistance” politics. They tend to be highly educated, and follow horseraces and gossip closely, but to have a pretty shallow understanding of how
Ben Smith / @semaforben: The way we live now
@deggans: I'm not sure it is confusion. I think there are a lot of people out there who have grown impatient with mainstream media's coverage, and this endorsement scandal is just the tipping point to throw in the towel, unfortunately.
Ken Klippenstein / @kenklippenstein: Thinking about how the Washington Post laid off almost 10% of its staff after posting a $100 million loss — then Jeff Bezos gave a $100 million grant to celebrity Admiral William McRaven and actress Eva Longoria. ...
Ken Klippenstein / @kenklippenstein: The Washington Post lost $100 million last year alone. Billionaires don't buy these properties to make money. They buy them to expand their influence
Carol Leonnig / @carolleonnig: Dear readers, sources, leaders and friends who have reached out in droves today asking me to quit the @washingtonpost : 1/ I too worry about the timing and odd explanation for The Post's change in endorsement policy. 2/ My fear is that this signals a tip-toeing deference to a
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: Inside @washingtonpost's newsroom, which operates separately from the opinion department, “people who are thinking about the prospect of covering a second Trump presidency are concerned that the owner won't have our backs,” a staffer tells me
Carol Leonnig / @carolleonnig: Big credibility hit. Fist bump to @washingtonpost reporters who are fearlessly writing about @JeffBezos' 11th hour endorsement change, as w/ any powerful institution that needs to be held to account. @RoigFranzia Laura Wagner @MerylKornfield Thank you for letting me share my [image]
John Gruber / Daring Fireball: ★ Profiles in Cowardice: Owner Jeff Bezos and Publisher William Lewis of The Washington Post
Jim Waterson / @jimwaterson: About 40% of the complaints I got while working at BuzzFeed related to stories published by HuffPost, always healthy to remember how little the general public (totally understandably) gives a shit about your individual outlet.
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: So many of the fears, anxieties and hopes about the presidential election are encapsulated in this Washington Post non-endorsement imbroglio. Fears of capitulation to Trump, his base's desires for revenge... ...
Franklin Leonard / @franklinleonard: If it was true that he doesn't believe in presidential endorsements, he likely would have announced this policy at some point soon after becoming CEO almost a year ago.
Fred Vogelstein / @fvogelstein: Said this last night. Will say it again. This looks like a Will Lewis thing not a Jeff Bezos thing. Sure it's on Bezos for hiring him. But I also don't think Lewis issued this statement voluntarily. And I've begun to wonder if Bezos isn't gearing up to hang Lewis with this mess.
Barton Gellman / @bartongellman: Maybe you didn't fully understand, @JeffBezos, the message that non-endorsement would send. Like it or not, this is about the newsroom. Is the WP still fearlessly holding power to account? Change your mind. It's not too late to show that you are not bending the knee.
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: WashPost publisher Will Lewis appears to be knocking down reporting, including in WaPo, that Bezos had reviewed a tangible draft of endorsement. The decision was still Bezos'. Reporting on this stuff in real time is hard. Doubly so when it's your own institution. Respect.
Carl Bernstein / @carlbernstein: Statement on Washington Post's refusal to endorse presidential candidate. [image]
Eriq Gardner / @eriqgardner: I don't think endorsements matter except Taylor Swift going on the Kelce podcast “New Heights” to discuss love, football, and the election.
Max Tani / @maxwelltani: One result of the WaPo non-endorsement: I'm told the NYT has been experiencing a small but noticeable wave of cancelations since yesterday, as well as emails to the effect of “fuck Bezos.” There's been some internal discussion about what (if anything) to do about the confusion.
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: I wrote this 2 years ago, calling for Bezos to divest himself of the Post: “The Washington Post has a Bezos problem” via @cjr
@deggans: Brian Stelter outlines stakes of newspaper endorsement scandal in his Reliable Sources newsletter for CNN: “The appearance of caving to Trump does real and lasting damage to any enterprise that isn't identified as pro-Trump.” ...
Peter Yared / @peteryared: Bezos forcing WaPo to not endorse is an employee filter like his Amazon 5 day back to the office policy
Ben Smith / @semaforben: Bezos ... more or less disowning the decision? A confusing way to operate. [image]
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: “After democracy dies in darkness, they'll be the ones who will be moving happily about in the shadows.” Timothy Snyder on what the media oligarchs have revealed about themselves. ... [image]
Ben Mullin / @benmullin: NEW: Will Lewis, the C.E.O. of The Washington Post, issues a statement saying Jeff Bezos “was not sent, did not read and did not opine on any draft” of an endorsement for president. “We are an independent newspaper and should support our readers' ability to make up their own
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: “I do not believe in presidential endorsements,” Post publisher William Lewis says in a new statement to CNN 👇🏼 [image]
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: Surprise — a special Saturday edition of the @ReliableSources newsletter just landed: ...
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: Read to WaPo/LAT non endorsements from the Independence Caucus, “a group within the national NewsGuild formed to advance journalistic independence within Guild newsrooms and union affairs” They raise “serious Qs” about owners' “commitment to journalistic independence” 👇🏼 [image]
Max Tani / @maxwelltani: New Yorker EIC David Remnick, who started his career at the Washington Post and worked there for a decade, emails me his thoughts on today's non-endorsement decision [image]
Caleb Howe / Mediaite: ‘Known By Some Scholars As Anticipatory Obedience’: CNN's Stelter Says Concern On WaPo Not Endorsing Harris Is Authoritarian Appeasement
Carol Leonnig / @carolleonnig: One last note: Please don't cancel your subscriptions. It will only hurt the independent newsgathering my colleagues and I strive to do for you every day. Thank you to many who reached out about this news and agreed to keep subscribing.
DNyuz: 'It's Fear': Liz Cheney Criticizes Washington Post Owner Jeff Bezos After His Paper Snubs Kamala Harris
Jonathan V. Last / The Bulwark: The Guardrails Are Already Crumpling
Francois Heinderyckx / “Whatever a media owner's motivations might be, the appearance of caving to Trump does real and lasting damage to any enterprise that isn't identified as pro-Trump.” writes @brianstelter in a special edition of Reliable Sources. WaPo journalists are afraid that if Trump wins, Bezos won't have their back. …
Quinta Jurecic / This is so insulting from Lewis. “Did not see the draft I wrote” =/= “did not tell me what to do” [image] “Trust me, says notorious liar” — [embedded post]
Dylan Byers / Puck: Washington on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown
Elizabeth Lopatto / The Verge: Jeff Bezos reportedly killed the Washington Post's Kamala Harris endorsement
Debra J. Saunders / Las Vegas Review-Journal: Two liberal newspaper giants refuse to endorse Kamala Harris
Fox News: Washington Post union, staffers revolt over decision not to endorse a presidential candidate, blame Bezos
Financial Times: Jeff Bezos faces backlash at Washington Post over refusal to run endorsement of Kamala Harris
Alana Mastrangelo / Breitbart: ‘Star Trek’ Star George Takei Calls for Amazon Boycott After WaPo Owner Jeff Bezos Blocks the Paper's Harris Endorsement
Ann Althouse / Althouse: “The Washington Post will not be making an endorsement of a presidential candidate in this election. Nor in any future presidential election.”
Ray Schultz / MediaPost: ‘The Washington Post’ Blocks Kamala Harris Endorsement
Michael Schaffer / Politico: The Post's Non-Endorsement: Poor Timing, Worse Message
Jonathan Chait / New York Magazine: Trump Has Already Punished Jeff Bezos Over the Washington Post's Independence
Dominick Mastrangelo / The Hill: Washington Post reels from Bezos decision to not endorse
Alexandra Steigrad / New York Post: Jeff Bezos reportedly killed Washington Post's Kamala Harris endorsement: ‘This is cowardice’
Nikki McCann Ramirez / Rolling Stone: Washington Post Staff Is Furious That Bezos Nixed Presidential Endorsement

Some current WaPo journalists say they have no problem with the editorial board not endorsing in any situation, but the timing of the announcement is troubling — New York CNN — — One day after The Washington Post announced it would not endorse a presidential candidate in this year's election …
Mediaite, Columbia Journalism Review, The Bulwark, Cele|bitchy, The Guardian, HuffPost, Tortoise, The Good in Us, Breitbart, New York Post, Australian Financial Review, Filosofa's Word, Daily Mail,, RedState, JONATHAN TURLEY, The Hill, Sydney Morning Herald, UPI, Agence France-Presse and Vanity Fair
Kipp Jones / Mediaite: Liz Cheney Rips Jeff Bezos for Being ‘Afraid to Issue an Endorsement’ of Harris in WaPo: ‘I Canceled My Subscription’
Sewell Chan / Columbia Journalism Review: The Washington Post opinion editor approved a Harris endorsement. A week later, Jeff Bezos killed it.
Jonathan V. Last / The Bulwark: Bezos, Trump, and the Failure of Democracy
Kaiser / Cele|bitchy: Jeff Bezos & Will Lewis ordered WaPo's editors to dump a Kamala Harris endorsement
Michael Sainato / The Guardian: Bezos faces criticism after executives met with Trump on day of Post's non-endorsement
Ben Blanchet / HuffPost: Liz Cheney Calls Out Washington Post Owner Jeff Bezos After Paper's Decision To Not Endorse
Mary L. Trump / The Good in Us: The Lights Are Dimming — I'm still thinking about Jeff Bezos' egregious decision to force his paper …
Anna Young / New York Post: Washington Post publisher says he killed Kamala Harris endorsement, not Jeff Bezos: report
Jilldennison / Filosofa's Word: Goodbye WaPo — Two of the nations major news outlets, The Washington Post and the Los Angeles Times …
Bethan Sexton / Daily Mail: Washington Post boss says it wasn't Jeff Bezos who squashed Kamala Harris endorsement
Jon Passantino / More than 24 hours after The Post announced it won't endorse in the presidential race, setting off widespread criticism inside and out of the paper, Jeff Bezos is silent via @_hadasgold
Joe Cunningham / RedState: Why the Washington Post Won't Endorse Kamala Harris, and Why the Left Is Big Mad About It
Ashleigh Fields / The Hill: Marty Baron on Post endorsement choice: ‘This is cowardice’
Michael Koziol / Sydney Morning Herald: Washington Post refuses to endorse a candidate in US election
Sebastian Smith / Agence France-Presse: Washington Post announces it will not endorse Harris or Trump in US election
Natalie Korach / Vanity Fair: “Cowardice”: Washington Post Blasted for Not Endorsing in 2024
Marty Baron / @postbaron:
Ex-WaPo editor Martin Baron calls the paper's lack of an endorsement “cowardice” and says Trump will see it as “an invitation to further intimidate” Jeff Bezos — On political endorsement ... This is cowardice, with democracy as its casualty. @realdonaldtrump will see this as an invitation to further intimidate owner @jeffbezos (and others). Disturbing spinelessness at an institution famed for courage.
Washington Post, New York Times, New Yorker, The Guardian, The Bulwark, Lawyers, Guns & Money, @maranissdavid, Digby's Hullabaloo, The Hill, American Thinker, Twitchy, Press Watch, @davidfolkenflik, @brianklaas, @brianstelter, Le, @mollyjongfast, @davidfolkenflik, @annabower, @donwinslow, @markjacob16, @bgrueskin, @jeffjarvis, @piersmorgan, @ggreenwald, @ggreenwald, Slate, @wajahatali, @ecgreaves, Salon, Washington Times,,,,,,, Breitbart, Ned Hamson's Second Line View …, Raw Story, Robert Reich, CBS News,, John Robinson on LinkedIn, Associated Press, Gizmodo,,,,,, The Daily Beast, Status, Newser, Business Insider, Blaze Media, KDFX-TV,, Mediaite, The Wrap, Washington Examiner and NPR
William Lewis / Washington Post: On political endorsement — A note from the publisher: — William Lewis is publisher …
Nancy Gibbs / New York Times: The Washington Post and Los Angeles Times Endorsement Calls Are Self-Sabotage
Alexandra Topping / The Guardian: ‘Fundamentally saddened’: Washington Post readers on failure to endorse Harris
Benjamin Wittes / The Bulwark: The Washington Post Bends the Knee to Trump
Scott Lemieux / Lawyers, Guns & Money: NY Times tries to sanewash Patrick Soon-Shiong's capitulation to Trump
Digby / Digby's Hullabaloo: This Is A Big Deal — Amazon owner Jeff Bezos killed the Washington Post editorial board's …
Ashleigh Fields / The Hill: Woodward, Bernstein rip Washington Post for withholding endorsement: ‘Disappointing’
Doug P. / Twitchy: Ex WaPo Editor Concerned Because Not Endorsing Harris Harms the Mission of Independent Journalism
Dan Froomkin / Press Watch: A sickening moral collapse at the Washington Post
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: In his memoir, “Collision of Power,” Marty Baron wrote that then publisher Fred Ryan did not want to make an endorsement in the 2016 Clinton v Trump race. Editorial page editor Fred Hiatt considered resigning. Bezos's reply at the time: “Why wouldn't we make an endorsement?”
Brian Klaas / @brianklaas: I used to write for the Washington Post. I now write for The Atlantic. The Post just made an absurdly pathetic, cowardly decision not to endorse. Meanwhile, the Atlantic endorsed for only the 5th time in 167 years of publishing because the stakes are so high.
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: A member of the Wash Post editorial department tells me: Bezos's decision not to endorse is “an outrageous abdication of responsibility. Democracy doesn't die in darkness, it dies when people anticipatorily consent to a fascist's whims.”
Piotr Smolar / Le Harris or Trump? The Washington Post and LA Times, under the influence of their owners, withdraw endorsements
Molly Jong-Fast / @mollyjongfast: This is what @TimothyDSnyder calls “obeying in advance.”
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: From the Post's former media reporter
Anna Bower / @annabower: Lawfare editor-in-chief Benjamin Wittes, who wrote for the Washington Post's editorial page for nearly a decade, on the decision by the paper's ownership not to endorse a presidential candidate: “The Washington Post Bends the Knee to Trump.”
Don Winslow / @donwinslow: Dear @washingtonpost You have done more damage with this failure than you can possibly imagine and you have managed at one of the most critical moments in our history to fail not only your readers but also this country. It's pathetic and nothing can explain or justify it away.
Mark Jacob / @markjacob16: When I was an editor at the Chicago Tribune, I'd tell colleagues that our product wasn't ink on paper or words on an iPhone. It was credibility. That's what we were selling. Credibility. To see the Washington Post flush away its credibility by kowtowing to Trumpism is crushing.
Bill Grueskin / @bgrueskin: Gotta love how the Washpost started endorsing candidates in 1952 LEST ADLAI STEVENSON BECOME PRESIDENT. [image]
@jeffjarvis: Sometime ago, I asked someone who had been at the Post—not who you think—whether the Post could be saved. The answer was immediately and unequivocal No. #BrokenPost
Piers Morgan / @piersmorgan: Journalists enraged because their newspaper wishes to remain impartial are revealing their true colours.. and confirming the shockingly partisan liberal bias in US mainstream media.
Glenn Greenwald / @ggreenwald: After Jeff Bezos bought the WashPost in 2013, the Post twice endorsed Trump's opponents: they endorsed Hillary in 2016 and Biden in 2020. Both times, Bezos ended up OK. Believing he fears Trump's wrath is an expression of liberal elite insanity from discouraging polls.
Glenn Greenwald / @ggreenwald: This is collective paranoia and group think mania. Liberal elites have really convinced themselves that - for the first time ever - they're engaged in an act of courage, taking risks, by opposing Trump. Because if he wins, he'll put them into camps. Look at their madness:👇
Wajahat Ali / @wajahatali: “Don't obey in advance” was the first warning by Timothy Snyder, an authoritarianist expert, on how to fight tyranny. Washington Post bent both knees.
Dr. Ellen Greaves / @ecgreaves: @WajahatAli @IAmPoliticsGirl Ignoring its vaunted history of publishing the Pentagon Papers despite a court's temporary restraining order after Nixon went after the NY Times. Ben Bradlee & Kathryn Graham knew that if they caved to Nixon the reputation of the Post would be irreparably harmed.
Charles R. Davis / Salon: “This is cowardice”: Ex-editor blasts Washington Post after Jeff Bezos blocks Harris endorsement
Jeff Mordock / Washington Times: Washington Post won't endorse presidential candidate for first time in decades
Brendan Nyhan / Endorsements don't matter. A Harris endorsement by the WP would surprise or persuade virtually no one. But people failing to stand up to Trump due to fear of backlash or worse, especially if he wins and tries to punish his enemies, is corrosive. Resistance to authoritarianism is a coordination game.
Rebekah Gleaves Sanderlin / No one becomes a journalist to get rich. Because comforting the afflicted and afflicting the comfortable is incompatible with a life spent pursuing wealth. If you're worried about what telling the truth will do to your profits, you have no business going anywhere near a newsroom.
Yonette Joseph / Susan Rice, former national security adviser to a president, said “chicken shit” and Im not even shocked
Patrick LaForge / It actually would have shown more moral courage for Bezos to write a Trump endorsement himself. Lay it out there, man.
Dan Kennedy / Ironically, I canceled my @washingtonpost subscription months ago when our university began offering it. I doubt I would cancel, especially since the opinion operation was already a dumpster fire. It's the gutlessness of this decision that should worry us all. JournalismThreads
John Schwartz / Folks, it's not that a Washington post endorsement would have changed a lot of votes. It's that the newspaper, by taking a stand, shows what it's made of. And not taking a stand, they also showed what they're made of. It's a really sad day.
Elizabeth Weibel / Breitbart: Washington Post Editor Robert Kagan Resigns After Newspaper's Non-Endorsement of Harris
Nedhamson / Ned Hamson's Second Line View of the News: Washington Post: 17 Opinion Writers Disagree with Bezos' Fiat to Stop Endorsing For President
Erik De La Garza / Raw Story: Jeff Bezos just taught American businessmen a ‘lesson’: Bulwark editor
Aimee Picchi / CBS News: Washington Post declines to endorse a presidential candidate, angering staffers and subscribers
Don Moynihan / The richest man in the world is bribing voters for Trump and turning his social media empire into a Trump website; the second richest man in the world is censoring his paper from explaining in plain terms why people should not support Trump. [embedded post]
John Robinson / John Robinson on LinkedIn: It never occurred to me that the Washington “Democracy Dies in Darkness” Post would be afraid to endorse a presidential candidate.
Ted Anthony / Associated Press: Washington Post becomes second major US newspaper this week to not endorse a presidential candidate
Elizabeth Spiers / And i don't know what Shipley's situation is but I'm surprised he's not walking over this.
Elizabeth Spiers / If I had Will Lewis's financial security I'd have said yes boss, published the endorsement anyway, and waited to be fired. There are good reasons to get fired—especially when democracy is at stake and the buck stops with you.
Deb HolleyNC / My final reader comment ever at @washingtonpost below. It was posted in response to the ridiculous statement by the owner. My subscription expires at the end of November and will not be renewed. I've now deleted the app from my phone and my iPad.
John Burns / Democracy Dies in Darkness, indeed. The @washingtonpost just burned its own reputation to the ground. Utter cowardice.
Jacob Heilbrunn / The Capitulation of The Washington Post
Harry Lambert / The Daily Beast: Top Editors Eviscerate Jeff Bezos' Decision to Kill WaPo Endorsement
Oliver Darcy / Status: Democracy Dies in Darkness
Jenn Gidman / Newser: In Surprise, Washington Post Won't Endorse
Peter Kafka / Business Insider: The Washington Post and LA Times just stepped into a bigger political mess than the one they tried to avoid
Blaze Media: Nuclear meltdown ensues after Washington Post refuses to endorse in presidential election: ‘You feckless cowards’
Derek Powazek / Refusing to pick a side when one of the sides is fascism is picking the fascist side. — It's not brave. It's not moral. It's just surrendering in advance.
Diana Falzone / Mediaite: ‘This is Cowardice’: Ex-Washington Post Editor Marty Baron Slams Paper For Declining Presidential Endorsement
Sean Burch / The Wrap: Washington Post Readers Revolt Over ‘Shameful’ Decision to Not Endorse Kamala Harris
Washington Post:
A group of 19 WaPo columnists says it's the wrong time to not endorse for president, as one candidate advocates for positions that threaten freedom of the press — The newspaper's refusal to endorse a presidential candidate is a mistake. — By 18 Post Opinions columnists
Washington Post, Fox News, Washington Post, Politico, The Hill,, Daily Mail, Semafor, Contemplating Life …, Newser, RedState, The Guardian, @roigfranzia, Townhall, NPR, The Federalist, @byheatherlong, Axios, How Things Work, @milbank, @postopinions, @benmullin, @kasparov63, @mccartneywp, NBC News,, Salon,,, Raw Story, Australian Financial Review,,,,,,,,, and The Wrap
Alexandra Petri / Washington Post: It has fallen to me, the humor columnist, to endorse Harris for president
Fox News: Before non-endorsement decision, Washington Post called Trump ‘dreadful’ and ‘worst president of modern times’
Karen Tumulty / Washington Post: Refusing to endorse a candidate, The Post wounds itself
Caitlyn Becker / The Hill: These are the major newspapers that have and haven't endorsed Trump and Harris This is one hell of a burn. Bezos must be going up in flames right now. — ...
James Gordon / Daily Mail: The Washington Post's humor columnist sneaks in presidential endorsement after iconic paper refused to back Kamala Harris
Contemplatingoutlander / Contemplating Life …: It has fallen to me, the humor columnist, to endorse Harris for president Isn't this what a newspaper is supposed to do? …
John Johnson / Newser: Washington Post Cartoonist Skewers Her Own Newspaper
Jeff Charles / RedState: Washington Post Columnists in a Fury Because Newspaper Didn't Endorse Kamala Harris
Edward Helmore / The Guardian: Washington Post cartoon team skewers paper's decision not to make endorsement
Manuel Roig-Franzia / @roigfranzia: Highly respected, longtime political writer & @washingtonpost columnist @ktumulty on decision not to issue president endorsement: “The rationale cited in our leaders' statement was an insult to our colleagues throughout this newspaper and to our readers.” ...
Derek Hunter / Townhall: Now We'll Never Know Who The Washington Post Supports
Tristan Justice / The Federalist: Leftists Melt Down After Washington Post Editorial Board Declines To Endorse Harris
Heather Long / @byheatherlong: As a former member of the WaPo editorial board (Dec 2021 to Sept 2024), I was stunned by the news today not to endorse. I am one of 10 Post columnists (so far) who signed this joint statement tonight: “The Washington Post's decision not to make an endorsement in the [image]
Hamilton Nolan / How Things Work: Your Opinions Can Be Bad But You Still Have to Tell the Truth
Dana Milbank / @milbank: The Washington Post's decision not to endorse in the presidential race is “an abandonment of the fundamental editorial convictions of the newspaper that we love.” A statement from me and other longtime Post columnists: ...
@postopinions: “The Washington Post's decision not to make an endorsement in the presidential campaign is a terrible mistake,” @EJDionne, @IgnatiusPost, Ruth Marcus, Dana @Milbank, @Eugene_Robinson, @JRubinBlogger, @perrybaconjr and @ktumulty write. ...
Ben Mullin / @benmullin: The dissenting Post opinion columnists: ... [image]
Garry Kasparov / @kasparov63: Preemptive and self-censorship is the greatest victory of authoritarians, without a shot being fired. As Havel and others wrote, when the press and regular citizens cower and cringe to toe the line without coercion, freedom is dying.
Robert McCartney / @mccartneywp: Top Post columnists denounce non-endorsement, including @ktumulty @IgnatiusPost @RuthMarcus Gene Robinson. ...
Daniel Arkin / NBC News: The Washington Post ends backing presidential candidates as paper says Bezos axed Harris endorsement WaPo's left hand would like a word with the WaPo's right hand: “The Washington Post's decision not to make an endorsement in the presidential campaign is a terrible mistake. It represents an abandonment of the fundamental editorial convictions of the newspaper” …
Alex Galbraith / Salon: “Surprising and disappointing”: Woodward and Bernstein respond to Bezos blocking WaPo endorsement
Oliver Darcy / Woodward and Bernstein release joint statement: “We respect the traditional independence of the editorial page, but this decision 11 days out from the 2024 presidential election ignores the Washington Post's own overwhelming reportorial evidence on the threat Donald Trump poses to democracy.” (1/2) 16 Post columnists respond: The newspaper's refusal to endorse a presidential candidate is a mistake. — “The Washington Post's decision not to make an endorsement in the presidential campaign is a terrible mistake. It represents an abandonment of the fundamental editorial convictions of the newspaper that we love. …
Daniel Hampton / Raw Story: ‘Terrible mistake’: WaPo columnists fire back at paper's leadership over nixed endorsement
Marcus Brauchli / What courage and independence look like on the Washington Post editorial side, something the bosses there might want to learn from.
Dan Kennedy / If Trump wins and he pardons himself, will the @washingtonpost and @latimes run outraged editorials? How about when he sets up detention camps? This goes way beyond a non-endorsement.
Stefan Edward Jones / The Washington Post editorial staff reacts to the management's decision not to issue an endorsement for president. — They are not happy. — ...
Simon Owens / I think what's especially chilling about this WashPo news is that it comes as Trump is getting increasingly explicit about his intentions to punish media outlets he doesn't like. If there were ever a time to not back down, this would be it.
Oliver Darcy / “Under Jeff Bezos's ownership, the Washington Post's news operation has used its abundant resources to rigorously investigate the danger and damage a second Trump presidency could cause to the future of American democracy and that makes this decision even more surprising and disappointing, especially this late in the electoral profess.” …
Drew Harwell / Nine @postopinions columnists: “a terrible mistake ... an abandonment of the fundamental editorial convictions of the newspaper that we love, and for which we have worked a combined 218 years” ...
Tim Onion / “It doesn't work like this.” It sure as shit does! Just do it! Extraordinary times, extraordinary measures, etc. They took the radical step, you're just preserving your integrity.
Tim Onion / Posties can (and should!) get a critical mass and revolt against the weird British guy who runs your paper. It's not like he knows how to use the CMS. All he knows how to do is tap your phone. The tech people will help you. Just publish the thing and stand together. Make him take it down.

WaPo editor-at-large Robert Kagan quits after the late move to not endorse in the presidential race; source: subscription cancellations are unusually high — The Scoop — The Washington Post's leadership recently sought meetings with the Democratic and Republican nominees for president …
The Daily Beast, The Atlantic, NPR, Washington Post, The Boston Globe, Business Insider, @maxwelltani, @elonmusk, @amasad, @stephenwalt, New York Post,, @joshtpm, Townhall,, The Independent, @davidfolkenflik, Media Nation, Benzinga, Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion, BizPac Review, @farhip, @tvmojoe, @kateaurthur, @kateaurthur, @davidfolkenflik, @bradfordpearson, @postguild, @elienyc,, Mediaite,,, Fox News,,, Ned Hamson's Second Line View …,, The National Pulse, The Guardian,, The Daily Caller,, The Hill, Variety, Post-Texas Stress Disorder, The Wrap, Washington Post and r/Journalism
Lily Mae Lazarus / The Daily Beast: Ex-WaPo Editor: This Is a Straight Bezos-Trump ‘Quid Pro Quo’
Ellen Cushing / The Atlantic: Don't Cancel The Washington Post. Cancel Amazon Prime.
David Folkenflik / NPR: ‘Washington Post’ won't endorse in White House race for first time since 1980s
Karen Attiah / Washington Post: The true roots of The Post's endorsement policy
Aidan Ryan / The Boston Globe: 'Stand up for what's right': In Globe interview, Marty Baron blasts Washington Post decision not to endorse presidential candidate
Lauren Edmonds / Business Insider: Washington Post columnist quits, calling the decision to ‘withhold’ endorsement a ‘terrible mistake’
Max Tani / @maxwelltani: Scoop: Washington Post editor at large Robert Kagan confirms to me that he resigned from the Post following today's decision not to endorse in the presidential race.
Amjad Masad / @amasad: If you canceled your newspaper subscription because they're striving to be more objective you are basically saying “I only read news that reinforce my biases.”
Stephen Walt / @stephenwalt: Cancelling my @washingtonpost subscription was one of the easiest decisions I've ever made.
Anna Young / New York Post: Ex-WaPo editor claims Jeff Bezos colluded with Trump to kill Harris endorsement: ‘Quid-pro-quo’
Maya Boddie / Former WaPo editor reveals ‘proof’ of Trump's ‘backroom deal’ with Amazon founder: report
Josh Marshall / @joshtpm: I think a lot of people are actually canceling their wapo subs. It's not like the usual round of claims. But I think the brand damage to the Post may be greater than people realize and go beyond the near term hit on subs. A big slice of America is living in a climate of ....
Sarah Arnold / Townhall: Susan Rice Was Not Happy When WaPo Refused to Endorse Kamala
Tony Arcieri / I went to cancel my WaPo subscription only to discover I had already cancelled my subscription over some other thing they'd done. Talk about jumping the shark. Thanks, Bezos! — Seems like a sad ending for an outlet whose Pulitzer prize-winning reporting broke the Watergate scandal and whose motto is “Democracy dies in darkness”. …
Graig Graziosi / The Independent: Legendary Watergate reporters Woodward and Bernstein slam Washington Post for shying away from endorsement
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: Mini update: The furor at the WaPo is such that its chief tech officer is getting engineers to block Qs about its decision to not make an endorsement pm the Post's own AI site search, This according to internal WP correspondence I've reviewed
Dan Kennedy / Media Nation: The fallout from the Post's gutless decision; plus, my 2018 book portrayed a very different Bezos
Bibhu Pattnaik / Benzinga: Bezos Faces Newsroom Rebellion Over Decision To Kill Washington Post Harris Endorsement
Stacey Matthews / Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion: ‘October Surprise’: WaPo Newsroom, Leftists Erupt Over Decision Not To Endorse Kamala
Paul Farhi / @farhip: Fallout from Jeff Bezos' decision not to have the @washingtonpost endorse a presidential candidate: —Widespread (negative) news coverage; —Internal staff protest; —Guild complaint; —Published protest letter from eight columnists; —~2,000(?) subscription cancellations...More...
@tvmojoe: @KateAurthur I have annual subscriptions that don't expire until late December/April 2025. I canceled to send a message and will likely re-up at some point. Totally respect the other POV, but what other tool do readers have?
Kate Aurthur / @kateaurthur: @TVMoJoe Nothing will stop the billionaires, which is the problem. Reaching out to them directly, and then making that public, would be what I'd do. But cancellations will just cause further layoffs. There's no real answer here! Like Jeff Bezos gives a fuck? And with this rotten family,
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: As I reported on the air tonight, the Washington Post registered 1600+ cancelations of digital subscriptions in the first three hours after my story broke, according to internal WP correspondence I've reviewed. That's bananas.
Bradford Pearson / @bradfordpearson: It's so disheartening to see people cancelling their LA Times and Washington Post subscriptions due to decisions made by billionaires. These cancellations hurt the reporters, editors, photographers, and designers doing the real work, not the owners.
@postguild: Are you a Washington Post reader concerned with today's decision for the Editorial Board to not endorse a candidate this election cycle? Send a letter to CEO and Publisher Will Lewis and Editorial Page Editor David Shipley: [image]
Elie Mystal / @elienyc: I'm getting sick of people saying “cancelling subscriptions hurts the writers not the owners.” It's an objectively true statement that lacks the context of: A. Well if we're being real about NOTHING *hurts* billionaires. Being a billionaire literally buys you out of consequences @Mediagazer kudos to him. Way back in May 2016, months before Trump was even elected, Kagan wrote this prescient piece ...
Kipp Jones / Mediaite: Legendary Washington Post Watergate Reporters Blast Paper's Decision Not to Endorse a Candidate
Radley Balko / Just a reminder: Sen. JD Vance sent a letter to DOJ demanding that Kagan be criminally investigated for writing the column below. — He wanted a journalist criminally investigated. For writing a column. Fascist Teddy Ruxpin then had the gall to wax about censorship at the VP debate. [image]
Connie Wilson / @Mediagazer. I just cancelled my WaPo subscription. Now I'm making plans to extricate myself from Amazon. I've wanted to do this for a long time. The straw that broke was unusually large and loud. My apologies to the Camel.
Fox News: Washington Post editor at large quits after paper declines to endorse presidential candidate
Alan Sill / @Mediagazer Reminder to support news outlets that are doing the right thing. If you cancel your subscription over an issue like this, take action to find and subscribe to or send support to at least as many as you canceled! #WaPo's editor-at-large Robert Kagan resigned, saying that “if [Bezos] does not have the balls to own a newspaper, then don't” — This is such a stupid take. — It is not a matter of Bezos having the balls to stand up for democracy: it is that Bezos is all balls in for fascism. …
Nedhamson / Ned Hamson's Second Line View of the News: Why I Did Not Cancel My Subscription to the Washington Post
John Patrick Pullen / It's kind of wild that The Washington Post had the courage to publish the Pentagon Papers (after NYT, but still) in 1971, exposing Vietnam decisions and military operations — but now in 2024, it's former military generals with the courage to speak out about what they saw in the Trump administration, and the Post is silent on its editorial page.
William Upton / The National Pulse: WaPo Columnist Resigns After Paper Refuses to Endorse Kamala. Guess Who He's Married To!
Anna Betts / The Guardian: Furor over Washington Post's decision to not endorse presidential candidate: ‘stab in the back’, ‘dying in darkness’ One has to speculate if these billionaires even care that they are stomping Democracy and destroying the careers of good journalists... Editor resigns, subscribers cancel as Washington Post non-endorsement prompts crisis at Bezos paper — [image]
Robert McGreevy / The Daily Caller: Pro-Harris Journos Resign En Masse After Major Papers Refuse To Endorse Kamala Harris
Dominick Mastrangelo / The Hill: Bezos made decision to kill Harris endorsement, reports Washington Post
Daniel D'Addario / Variety: As L.A. Times and Washington Post Kill Presidential Endorsements, Do Editorial Pages Still Matter?
Post-Texas Stress Disorder: Washington Post Says Jeff Bezos Banned it From Endorsing Kamala Harris DIES IN DARKNESS... …
JD Knapp / The Wrap: Washington Post Resignations and Cancellations Begin, Guild Says Bezos Axed Endorsement: ‘Management Interfered’

Patrick Soon-Shiong says his daughter did not speak for LA Times after she said the decision not to endorse a candidate was due to Harris' stance on Gaza war — The decision by the owner, Patrick Soon-Shiong, to cancel the paper's planned endorsement of Kamala Harris sent shock waves through the organization.
@nikasoonshiong, Deadline, Los Angeles Times, Fox News, Vanity Fair, The Hollywood Reporter, Mumbrella, The Times of Israel, @yashar, @katecagle, @newsjennifer, @laura_nelson, @_hamilton_matt, @lisaletostak, @newsjennifer, @baseballcrank, @david_darmofal, @jerrydunleavy, @hummingbird57, @thecitymaven, @andrewdlewis, @stevepadilla2, @maxwelltani, @katie_robertson, @kenklippenstein, @deanobeidallah, @ldeffinbaugh, @katie_robertson, @davidfolkenflik, Daily Mail, Breitbart, KDFX-TV, RedState, New York Post,, L.A. Times Guild,, The Wrap, Instapundit and Spectrum News 1
Nika Soon-Shiong / @nikasoonshiong: There is a lot of controversy and confusion over the LAT's decision not to endorse a presidential candidate. I trust the Editorial Board's judgment. For me, genocide is the line in the sand.
Glenn Garner / Deadline: Los Angeles Times Owner's Daughter Defends Not Making Presidential Endorsement: “Genocide Is The Line In The Sand”
James Rainey / Los Angeles Times: L.A. Times owner's decision not to endorse in presidential race sparks resignations, questions
Fox News: LA Times owner's daughter on why paper refused to endorse 2024 candidate: ‘Genocide is the line in the sand’
Karin Klein / The Hollywood Reporter: Los Angeles Times Editorial Writer: Why I Resigned Over the Endorsement Call (Guest Column)
Nathan Jolly / Mumbrella: ‘A lot of sensitivity around adjacency’: Why media is afraid of Trump-Harris fallout
The Times of Israel: LA Times owner's daughter says Harris's Israel support is why paper hasn't endorsed her
Yashar Ali / @yashar: You can disagree with Nika all you want, but this isn't just some last-minute issue for her. She has spent years advocating for the Palestinian cause. And she has done so publicly.
Kate Cagle / @katecagle: I asked Dr. Soon-Shiong three different ways whether Vice President Harris' stance on Israel and funding for the war in Gaza was a factor and he side-stepped the questions. He said “there are pros and there are cons and everybody has a pro and a con.”
Jennifer Schulze / @newsjennifer: Good grief this is a hot mess. Shortly after the @nytimes blasts out this story, her dad refutes it in the pages of the @latimes. Daughter: It was Gaza Dad: Gaza was not a factor [image]
Laura J. Nelson / @laura_nelson: After a campaign event in Las Vegas, California Senate candidate and Rep. @AdamSchiff had this to say about the @latimes' decision not to endorse in the presidential election: [image]
Matt Hamilton / @_hamilton_matt: Dr. Soon-Shiong said the decision not to endorse a presidential candidate was not tied to the war in Gaza and said his daughter's views were “her opinion.”
Lisa Letostak / @lisaletostak: This article goes into background on years of tension about the LA Times owner's interference in the newsroom & is well worth reading, especially for journalists. Sounds similar to what happened at The Messenger, where the owner called & emailed staff journalists 1/ [image]
Jennifer Schulze / @newsjennifer: This marks the 3rd or 4th explanation for pulling the Harris endorsement. “Daughter of L.A. Times Owner Says Endorsement Decision Stemmed From Harris Stance on Gaza War.” Just yesterday, her dad said there was there was no single issue. 1/ [image]
Dan McLaughlin / @baseballcrank: So, the LAT non-endorsement was for the worst reason possible? Daughter of L.A. Times Owner Says Endorsement Decision Stemmed From Harris Stance on Gaza War
David Darmofal / @david_darmofal: The owner of the LA Times seems to have a really screwed-up family. A leftist performative daughter whom he's saying basically is lying as to why he didn't allow an endorsement. What a messed-up family.
Jerry Dunleavy IV / @jerrydunleavy: LA Times owners say it didn't endorse Kamala b/c she isn't anti-Israel enough: “As a citizen of a country openly financing genocide...endorsement was an opportunity to repudiate justifications for widespread targeting of journalists & ongoing war on kids.” [image]
@hummingbird57: Wow @latimes - it's only our entire country and democracy at stake - way to opt out when you know TFG would is complicit with Netanyahu and would worsen the cause about which you purport to be concerned.
Alice M. Walton / @thecitymaven: Wow. Thoughts are with the @latimes reporters, writers, editors, photographers and staff who work tirelessly to bring smart, insightful coverage to millions ... and who do not deserve this kind of meddling from Logan and Shiv Roy.
Andrew D. Lewis / @andrewdlewis: Patrick needs to sell the Paper. “The decision by the owner, Patrick Soon-Shiong, to cancel the paper's planned endorsement of Kamala Harris sent shock waves through the organization. It was not the first time he had gotten involved in newsroom affairs.”
Steve Padilla / @stevepadilla2: Thank you to all who continue to subscribe to the LA Times, where I have toiled 37 years, despite the recent unpleasantness. Thank you for believing in our mission to report the news and to promote storytelling in Column One. To those who've left, I hope we can regain your trust.
Max Tani / @maxwelltani: Now Patrick Soon-Shiong is saying the decision not to endorse in the 2024 race was NOT tied to the war in Gaza and his daughter's views were “her opinion.”
Katie Robertson / @katie_robertson: LAT owner Patrick Soon-Shiong smacks down his daughter's statement on the non-endorsement decision [image]
Ken Klippenstein / @kenklippenstein: LA Times owner's daughter says decision not to endorse Kamala Harris was made due to her position on the war in Gaza. “Our family made the joint decision not to endorse a Presidential candidate. This was the first and only time I have been involved in the process. As a citizen
@deanobeidallah: WOW: Daughter of LA Times owner on why no endorsement for VP Harris. It was in opposition to Biden admin Gaza policy which the daughter said was “financing genocide.”
Len Deffinbaugh / @ldeffinbaugh: The L.A. Times faces internal upheaval after owner Patrick Soon-Shiong cancels the endorsement of Kamala Harris, linked to her stance on the Gaza war. This controversy highlights his ongoing influence in newsroom decisions. Explore the full story here:
Katie Robertson / @katie_robertson: Nika Soon-Shiong, daughter of LA Times owner Patrick Soon-Shiong, says non-endorsement decision was over Kamala Harris's support for Israel in its war in Gaza Story by @skarlamangla + @ShawnHubler [image]
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: I'm sure this is true for Nika Soon-Shiong, daughter of LAT owner. She's a progressive activist whose actions have sparked concerns internally. Patrick Soon-Shoing has major biz interests before fed regulators & sought big job in Trump WH. Seems unlikely
Elizabeth Weibel / Breitbart: LA Times Non-Endorsement of Kamala Harris Is Due to Biden-Harris Admin's Stance on Gaza War
Liam Reilly / KDFX-TV: Daughter of Los Angeles Times owner says Harris endorsement was blocked over Gaza war support
Bob Hoge / RedState: Cry Me a River: WaPo Abortion Columnist Sheds Triggered Tears After Mom Cancels Subscription
Jon Levine / New York Post: LA Times owner blocked Kamala endorsement to protest Gaza war, daughter reveals
Ted Cannon / @Mediagazer it absolutely is not, AND if that was the decision the editorial board had come to, they would have published it. The owner should not be staying the hand of the board. Period.
Kristina Bui / L.A. Times Guild: Open letter from L.A. Times staff Huh, I wonder if Trump has said anything about what he would do about Israel and Gaza if he becomes president, well, no time to look it up I guess we just can't endorse anyone
The Wrap: Patrick Soon-Shiong's Daughter Says Harris Endorsement Axed Over Gaza, LA Times Owner Says That's Not True
Ed Driscoll / Instapundit: KEEP ROCKIN'! NYT: Daughter of LA Times Owner Nixed Paper's Endorsement of Kamala Because She Wasn't Sufficiently Anti-Zionist. …
Ross A. Lincoln / The Wrap:
Sources and memos: the LA Times editorial board had planned a series, The Case Against Trump, to run this week, until Patrick Soon-Shiong quashed the project
Sources and memos: the LA Times editorial board had planned a series, The Case Against Trump, to run this week, until Patrick Soon-Shiong quashed the project
Politico, Jeff Jarvis on LinkedIn, Times of San Diego,,, American Thinker, The Guardian,,, Techdirt,,, @bruno_j_navarro …,,, SFist, Instapundit,, ZeroHedge News and Semafor
Jeff Jarvis / Jeff Jarvis on LinkedIn: Karen Tumulty: “Our current owner has emblazoned Democracy Dies in Darkness on ... The Post. With this decision, those words now stand as an indictment of ourselves.” …
StevenSavage / Just saying folks at the LA Times, you can leak “why Trump is unfit” series and become famous and get even MORE attention.
Jamelle / this was 100% a decision made to curry favor with trump
Rajan Laad / American Thinker: Outrage among L.A. Times editorial board members and subscribers after owner blocks Kamala Harris endorsement
King Kaufman / You cannot in good conscience work for the LA Times after this. — The greed of the billionaire class is going to destroy us. — LA Times Planned ‘Case Against Trump’ Series Alongside Kamala Harris Endorsement Before Owner Quashed It | Exclusive — : LA Times Planned ‘Case Against Trump’ Series Alongside Kamala Harris Endorsement Before Owner Quashed It - TheWrap — #SoonShiongOligarch #TaxTheRich #NoBillionaires #WealthTax #SaveDemocracyVoteBlue #StopFascism #StopProject2025 — [image]
Saeed Jones / Wait, waaaaaait, the owner of the LA Times is also from South Africa???? — *looks directly at camera*
Bruno J. Navarro / Alongside its endorsement of Kamala Harris, the Los Angeles Times editorial board had also planned a multi-part series against Donald Trump before the whole thing was quashed by owner Patrick Soon-Shiong, TheWrap has learned. — When the LA Times' owner, Patrick Soon-Shiong, killed its endorsement of Kamala Harris, he also quashed a multi-part series, tentatively called “The Case Against Trump,” @TheWrap says. So far, three staffers — editorial writer Karin Klein, Pulitzer Prize-winner Robert Green and editorials editor Mariel Garza have quit over the lack of endorsement, with Klein calling Soon-Shiong a “chickensh**.” …
Greg Saunders / Holy shit. The LA Times didn't just squash a Kamala Harris endorsement. They buried an entire series of articles about Donald Trump. — “According to internal memos viewed by TheWrap, the series, tentatively called ‘The Case Against Trump,’ would have ran throughout this week. …
Jay Barmann / SFist: What Happens When Billionaires Own the Media: Two Major US Newspapers Decline to Endorse Harris Over a Fascist
Ed Driscoll / Instapundit: COCKBURN: Jennifer Rubin's resignation from the Washington Post is surely imminent. …
Andrew Stiles / Barred From Endorsing Kamala Harris, Journalists Freak Out and Quit Their Jobs

Amazon Prime Video says the final season of Good Omens will be one 90-minute episode, after allegations against co-writer Neil Gaiman covering 1986 to 2022 — The series is the third production linked to the author to face turmoil after allegations made by five women surfaced this summer.

Online influencers are earning thousands for a single post on behalf of groups backing Harris or Trump, with scant regulatory oversight or public transparency — On TikTok, Instagram and X, freelance creators profit from the murky practice of persuading their large followings to back Trump or Harris.
Sean Cooksey / @seanjcooksey: “I 100% reject the characterization that keeping pace with technology means regulating technology more.” Glad to provide a counterweight to the unceasing calls to have government regulate political speech and campaigns. Fortunately, the @FEC has consistently declined to do so.

Sources: even though Warner Bros. outbid Amazon for Wuthering Heights, Amazon's proposal had a one month theater-only window and a streaming pay per view offer — Skeptics outline the case against the world's most popular paid streaming service. — Non-baseball fans are likely tired of hearing me talk about the game.

A profile of CNN's Dana Bash, who has cultivated her centrist image carefully to become one of the highest-profile TV anchors in the 2024 US presidential race — She won kudos from Trump and landed a major Harris interview, but says it has been a slow climb to the top

A look at the revival of print magazines as luxury products, albeit not standalone businesses, that are effective for targeting richer, younger audiences — More publishers are discovering that magazines are now a luxury good. — I'd love to tell you that reports of print media's death …
Kevin Huang / Kevin Huang on LinkedIn: Print is dead, Print is back, The death of print has been greatly exaggerated, and print is sexy again in 2024? …
Stephanie Davis Smith / Stephanie Davis Smith on LinkedIn: We are so thrilled to be seeing this big resurgence of print in 2024. At The N2 Company we've been in the print biz for 20 years …
Aidan McLaughlin / @aidnmclaughlin: Tyler Brule launched Monocle in 2007, when everyone declared print dead. He realized that people would pay for a high quality, good looking, info-packed magazine the same way they'd pay for a coffee table book or a candle. He was prescient!
Conor Sen / @conorsen: We're going to get to the point where words-based media (as opposed to pictures, video, maybe audio) is going to mostly be for rich and college-educated people.
Simon Owens / Print isn't necessarily making a comeback, but it's clear that the industry is starting to reinvest in the medium as a way to strengthen their subscription offerings and brand penetration. They also provide a great opportunity to upsell advertisers who still value full-page, glossy ads. …

Reuters restored to its website an investigation into India-based hack-for-hire company Appin, after a New Delhi court lifted a takedown order it issued in 2023 — Reuters News has restored to its website an investigation into mercenary hacking after a New Delhi court lifted a takedown order it issued last year.
Aditya Kalra / @adityakalra: Reuters exposé of hack-for-hire world is back online after Indian court ruling On Oct. 3, the court vacated the injunction, saying “the plaintiff has not been able to show any prima facie case to make interference in the process of journalism.”