Top News:

Time Inc.'s Tablet Push Starts With Time Mag App At $4.99 An Issue — Sports Illustrated has been the Time Inc. (NYSE: TWX) tablet poster child for months but Time is first to market with an app. Time for iPhone is free but iPad Time runs $4.99 an issue, same as the newsstand price and available on Fridays.
The Wire, NPR Topics, Publishers Weekly, eMedia Vitals, Time, Online, TechCrunch and Nieman Journalism Lab

Disney Aims Premium iPhone Apps At Kids, Sports Fans — In addition to the ABC (NYSE: DIS) Player hitting the iPad App Store, its parent Disney has a number of special items for the iPad's release on Saturday. Aimed at affluent, first-adopters with kids, Disney Publishing Worldwide has built …

CBS, ABC to Stream Free TV Content to iPad; Print Media Prepares, Too
Online Video News, Media Decoder, MediaPost, Newsonomics, NewTeeVee, paidContent, MediaMemo, Engadget, Mashable!, Ars Technica, Variety, MarketingVOX, Gizmodo, Fast Company, Online, 9 to 5 Mac and MacRumors

The why and how of a real names policy on comments — If you run a online news site, you should allow users to comment on posts. And if you allow comments, you should require users to register with their real names. — Why? — It starts with basic news ethics: Readers have a right to know who is saying what.

Pseudonymity can battle the scourge of comment anonymity — Columnist Leonard Pitts writes: … This topic comes up here with some regularity, in part because of my own mixed feelings about it, and it's my sense that Pitts is only partly right; that anonymity — or psudonymity …

For Amazon, Arrival of the iPad Opens Door to More e-Book Sales — Electronic books are expected to be a major selling point for Apple Inc.'s iPad, which goes on sale Saturday. But competitors, particularly Inc., could end up as major e-book providers for the new device.

One of the problems with pageview billing is that it incentivizes publishers to distract you while reading. — Every time they distract you and get you to click on something else, they make money. — But if you're simply reading their content, they make less.

iPad Lacks Flash; iPad Reviews Lack Disclosure — Try going to with an iPhone. Instead of the video you're after, a big black box tells you that “Hulu requires Flash Player.” — Now try Viacom's nickJr site. When I go there with my iPhone I get a big empty white box at the top …

The Collapse of Complex Business Models — I gave a talk in Edinburgh last year to a group of TV executives gathered for an annual conference. From the Q&A after, it was clear that for them, the question wasn't whether the internet was going to alter their business, but about the mode and tempo of that alteration.

Where Have the Network Morning Show Viewers Gone? — The first quarter of 2010 has not been good to ABC's “Good Morning America” and CBS' “The Early Show,” while NBC's leading “Today” show is essentially flat from the first quarter of 2009. — “Good Morning America” with its new anchor team …

A Critic's Place, Thumb and All — TWO weeks ago I went to Atlanta to give a talk at a conference devoted, in part, to “The Future of Criticism.” The gist of my remarks was that there is one. This was a contrarian, and perhaps also somewhat self-serving, position to take.
The New Yorker Blog

Sites Reinvent Classified Ads with Social Media, New Features — As newspapers struggle with shrinking revenue from classified ads, new Web sites are reinventing classifieds by extending their reach with social networks, mobile presence and partnerships with other sites.
The Praized Blog

Marvel Comics Arrive on the iPad — When people talk about content on the iPad, they mostly mention books, video, TV and games. But there are many other niche content types that fit the iPad's 9.7" screen perfectly, and one of the more important ones is comics.

Media Moves: Former Gawker Writer Sheila McClear to New York Post — Speaking of Gawker moves, looks like another one's being made. — Onetime jailbird Sheila McClear - who was let go at the end of 2008's network-wide bloodbath - has been named as a staff features writer at the New York Post.

John Cook Leaving Gawker for Yahoo News
New York Observer

The Best-Covered News Story, Ever — This week's On the Media laments the low quality of press coverage in health care reform. It's certainly easy to find examples of shoddy journalism and public ignorance to bolster this charge. Every night, one could watch cable TV screamers trafficking …

Exclusive : It's Official - Netflix Streaming on the iPad — Netflix is a free app for the iPad that will be available on launch April 3rd. If you're a netflix subscriber you can watch instantly anything in Netflix's online collection directly on your iPad. You can stream TV shows and movies just like you would on your computer.
TechCrunch, ReadWriteWeb, 9 to 5 Mac, The Business Insider, Engadget, VentureBeat, Techland, Internet2Go,, TUAW, Gizmodo, Zatz Not Funny!, Fast Company, Chicago Sun Times and MacRumors

A Plan for Spot.Us to Use Community-Centered Ads — Perhaps it's ironic for me to write about advertising. Fellow Knight News Challenge winner Dan Pacheco can quote me as once saying “f*&# advertising” and one of the initial inspirations for me to get into journalism was Adbusters Magazine.

The hunt for the elusive influencer — Maybe there is no such thing as an influencer. — We keep hunting the elusive influencer because marketing people, especially, but also politicians (marketers in bad suits) and media people (marketers in denial) think that if they can find and convince …
George Dearing

Study: 52 Percent Of Bloggers Consider Themselves Journalists — According to a new study released by PR Week and PR Newswire, 52% percent of bloggers surveyed consider themselves journalists. This is an increase from 2009's study, when just one in three had the same opinion.

The future of no future — There's a semi-viral video that's been kicking around for a couple of weeks titled “The Future of Publishing.” The schtick is that the same column of text, about preferences of younger readers gets read two ways — descend and you get a sharply pessimistic …

Science writer Simon Singh wins libel appeal — A science writer has won the right to rely on the defence of fair comment in a libel action, in a landmark ruling at the Court of Appeal. — Simon Singh was accused of libel by the British Chiropractic Association over an article in the Guardian in 2008.

Vidyo Scores Monster $25M Funding Round — Just so you know, this is not an April Fool's joke: video conferencing startup Vidyo — the same company that powers the ultra-popular Google Talk video chat client — has raised a $25 million Series C round of financing, it announced today.