Top News:
Peter Kafka / D8 Conference:
Steve Jobs: I Can Help Save the Media Business, If It'll Wise Up and Cut Its Prices — Here's the pitch Steve Jobs is making to media companies: Cut your prices, and I'll help you move a lot of product. — Speaking at the D8 conference, the Apple CEO said he wants to help save journalism because …
GigaOM, Wall Street Journal, VentureBeat, The Next Web, ReadWriteWeb, Guardian, Engadget, New York Observer, AppleInsider, NewTeeVee and Silicon Alley Insider

Steve Jobs on Letting Gizmodo's Leak Slide: 'I'd Rather Quit' — Apple CEO Steve Jobs gave a ringing defense of journalism, while explaining that he couldn't let Gizmodo's leak of the company's new iPhone go, in a rare interview on Tuesday. — “I'd rather quit,” he said he told colleagues …
Staci D. Kramer / paidContent:
@ D8: Jobs: 'We Didn't Start Out To Have A War With Adobe'
@ D8: Jobs: 'We Didn't Start Out To Have A War With Adobe'

Exclusive: Google Buys Invite Media — Google has indeed bought ad technology start-up Invite Media, I've confirmed with multiple sources. — As I wrote last month, Invite is a three-year-old “demand-side platform” designed to help buyers navigate high-volume display-advertising exchanges-like the one Google launched last year.
paidContent, Fortune, The Next Web, TechCrunch, Search Engine Land and Silicon Alley Insider

NBC boss eyes $30M+ exit deal from Comcast — General Electric has finalized details of Jeff Zucker's exit deal from NBC Universal, according to sources familiar with the situation. — Zucker will leave “a couple of months” after Comcast Corp. closes its agreement to acquire a 51 percent stake …

David ‘Mr. Paywall’ Remnick Defends His Turf — If you're an editor these days, grab a soapbox and talk about a paywall. — Last month, Guardian editor Alan Rusbridger hit New York and went on Charlie Rose to talk about what a tragedy it would be for editors to charge readers for content.

AP Stylebook Adds 42 New Guidelines for Social Media — The AP Stylebook has released its new social media guidelines, including the official change from “Web site” to “website” (a move first reported back in April) and 41 other definitions, use cases and rules that journalists should follow.

More on M.I.A., The Times and Truffle-Gate — It's been nearly a week since Lynn Hirschberg's M.I.A. profile was posted to The Times' Web site, and the Truffle Kerfuffle continues. — Over Memorial Day Weekend, M.I.A. posted two audio recordings from her interview with The Times that she—eep!—secretly taped.
Gawker, The Wire, Sound of the City, Jezebel, Yahoo! News, The Daily Dish, The Feed, Speakeasy, and dBTechno

iPad News Figs: UK's Times Sold 5,000, FT Shifted 130,000, WSJ 10,000 Subs — The Times' iPad edition, which went on sale along with the tablet's UK debut Friday morning, sold 5,000 copies in three days, News Corp.'s CEO Rupert Murdoch told AllThingsD's D8 conference Tuesday …
Staci D. Kramer / paidContent:
@ D8: Murdoch: 'What's An iPod Without Music?'

Hulu's Growth Curve Flattens Out — ComScore's newest video data are out. The takeaway: In April, Google's (GOOG) YouTube dwarfed every other site. And Hulu came in second, with about 960 million views. — Does that sound familiar? It should: YouTube has always been at the top of comScore's (SCOR) tallies.
Ryan Lawler / NewTeeVee:
ABC's Potential Online Subscription Service — Who Wins and Who Loses — ABC may be considering rolling out an online subscription service soon, based on a consumer survey that was unearthed by Engadget. The survey, which details the possible terms of the subscription service …
NetNewsCheck Latest
Richard Sandomir / New York Times:
Big Lead, Blog That Found Sports News and Gossip Sells, Is Bought — The Big Lead, an independent blog that Jason McIntyre began as a hobby, is fixated on sports media, news and gossip. Along the way, it has built a devoted, if not huge, social media following.
Jon Friedman / MarketWatch:
Brian Williams: a Cronkite for the 21st century — Commentary: He is now the gold-standard for anchors — NEW YORK (MarketWatch) - With the speculation heating up about a CNN and CBS News combination, the individual most threatened would seem to be Brian Williams, the top-rated news anchor at 6:30 p.m.

Sonic Solutions To Acquire DivX In $323 Million Deal — Sonic Solutions and DivX, both listed on Nasdaq, this morning announced that they are to become one. Under the terms of the agreement, Sonic would acquire all the outstanding shares of DivX and merge DivX operations into those of Sonic.
Peter Kirwan / Media Money:
Best case scenario: editors to start hiring by Christmas — If anything stops the cuts, and prompts new hiring, it's going to be advertising (not slowly declining circulation revenues). Or as Peter Williams, the finance director at DMGT, put it last week: “Advertising is probably the thing …

Pittman Invests In Another Newsletter: GeekChicDaily — Robert Pittman is investing an undisclosed amount in pop culture e-mail newsletter and blog GeekChicDaily, Pittman already has a track record with newsletter investments, scoring when DailyCandy sold to Comast last year for a $120 million.

Times editor quits NUJ after job cuts complaint — James Harding, editor of The Times, has resigned from the NUJ after being subject to a union complaint over the way job cuts were handled at the paper, the union revealed today. — The NUJ said Harding, who had been a member of the NUJ for 16 years …
Liz Shannon Miller / NewTeeVee:
Team YouTube Gets More Support: Creators File Amicus Brief — UPDATED: A group of YouTube creators filed an amicus brief in the ongoing legal battle between Google and Viacom last week, voicing their support for the site's value as it currently operates and arguing that to make YouTube responsible …
C.W. Anderson / Nieman Journalism Lab:
Aggregators, curators, and indexers: There's a difference, and it matters — Aggregation. Curation. Indexing. They're all the same, aren't they? Ask any serious online journalist or new media entrepreneur, and the answer will be quick and obvious: of course not!
The Atlantic Online
Michael Malone / Broadcasting & Cable:
Your Ad Here... And Here — As stations search for a sustainable business model, product placements keep seeping into local TV. — When McDonald's contracted to have its branded iced coffee cups on the set of KVVU Las Vegas' morning newscast in 2008, the fast-food behemoth got way more bang for its buck than it had bargained for.
Keith J. Kelly / New York Post:
Handicapping the Newsweek mag sweepstakes — The field looks fairly light as the deadline for first-round “letters of interest” comes due today for Newsweek. — The weekly magazine lost $28.3 million last year, but cut red ink down to $2.3 million in the first quarter …
Jeff Bercovici / DailyFinance:
Why Magazine Editors Should Stick to Editing — Newsweek is for sale, and, while several parties have indicated plans to submit first-round bids before this Wednesday's deadline, chances are this “sale” will be more like a giveaway once the numbers all net out.

Single Magazine Seeks Well-Heeled Partners — The courtship was smooth. Glamour magazine approached dating site and within weeks they were readying the launch of Glamour Matchmaker, a dating service featuring men selected by the magazine's staff from the sea of singles on

Forget newspapers, can the iPad save RSS? — As I wrote yesterday, the iPad is dominating, it's a changing the way people consume online content and as everyone by now has heard, Old Media has been latching onto the iPad with the hope that it will be a lifeboat.
Danny Sullivan / Daggle:
How The Mainstream Media Stole Our News Story Without Credit — On Friday, I broke a tasty story about a woman suing Google, claiming bad directions caused her to get hit by a vehicle. Today, I discover our story is everywhere, often with no attribution. Come along and watch …
Techdirt, NY Daily News, PC World, Telegraph, Guardian, Daily Mail, Financial Post,, Google Watch,,, ChannelWeb, Walking, Technically Incorrect, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim, The Register, dBTechno, WebNewser, KCBS-TV, ninemsn, Salt Lake Tribune, KSL-TV, bizjournals, The Atlantic Wire and CJR

Are Flashy iPad Apps What Publishers Really Need? — Adobe may have been stymied at every turn by Apple and its very public hatred of all things Flash, but that hasn't stopped the company from pushing its vision of interactive publishing for mobile devices like the iPad.