Top News:

Arthur Brisbane Is Times's New Public Editor — The New York Times announced today that Arthur Brisbane, a longtime journalist, will become its new public editor. Here's an edited draft of the memo sent out by the company:

The New Public Editor at ‘The New York Times’: Another White Dude — The public editor of The New York Times is meant to be the so-called reader's representative — the official at the paper whose sole job is “to serve as an advocate for the interests of readers,” in the words of executive editor Bill Keller.

It's Official: CNN Drops AP Subscription — As TVNewser first reported earlier this month, CNN is dropping its subscription to the Associated Press, effective immediately. — CNN's own newsgathering operation will be the primary source of content on CNN, and CNN Radio.

Google, Twitter go to bat for Theflyonthewall — posted headlines from research reports and press releases on its website, often before banks could share their recommendations with their clients. — In March, U.S. District Judge Denise Cote said engaged in …

The Internet's Best Media Provocateur — Michael Wolff continues to draw scorn from the High Ambassadors of journalism. Why? He doesn't care what anyone thinks about him. — By now it's an unremarkable fact that men and women in the media—print, online, broadcast …

Tony Judt: Did He Make It Up? — Tony Judt has become perhaps …
Runnin' Scared

Comcast concessions smooth way for NBC Universal deal — NEW YORK — Supporters and opponents of Comcast's bid to control NBC Universal each had something to crow about Monday before the midnight deadline for advocates to formally register their views at the Federal Communications Commission.

Fake Press Releases Continue to Cause Problems for News Wires — Just last week, General Mills was affected by a fake press release issued on PRNewswire that said, “Obama Orders Full Investigation of General Mills Supply Chain Following Food Recalls.” — This past Friday …

Interview: Gannett Holds Off On Charging for USAT iPad App—For Now — During Gannett's last earnings call, CEO Craig Dubow said the company would introduce a subscription model for its USA Today iPad app just after July 4. Of course, Dubow made that statement about two weeks after the iPad's release …

The New Yorker Sings ‘O Canada’ — The new issue of The New Yorker magazine might as well be called The Canadian. Yes, The Canadian. — The issue, which is coming out on Monday, has a cover date of June 28. Inside, every ad page other than a house ad has been sold to Canadians …

Knight News Challenge: How will Marines use new social media rules to tell the story of Afghanistan? — The U.S. Marine Corps lifted its ban on social media tools like Twitter and Facebook earlier this year. One Knight News Challenge Winner, Teru Kuwayama, wants to chronicle what that new policy means …

Sources: Conde Nast to Revive Gourmet Brand — Earlier this year, we told you how Conde Nast was considering licensing some of its brands. This is an idea that had been on the table for years, but Si Newhouse always frowned upon it (why cheapen your brand and take focus off the printed magazine?).

Why Amazon's Kindle Will Eventually Win the e-Book Wars — To paraphrase Yoda: Begun, the e-book wars have. — Barnes & Noble started the week off by cutting prices on its Nook e-book reader to $199 from $259, while also introducing a new, $149 Wi-Fi model.
TechCrunch,, Kindle Review, Wall Street Journal, Business Wire and GalleyCat, more at Techmeme »

Memo Pad: Time Taps Frederick... Polyvore Gets Linked... PRELUDE TO A REBOOT: Time magazine on Friday tapped longtime reporter and editor Jim Frederick to oversee its Web site, and immediately supplied him with marching orders. “We're already talking about a comprehensive redesign and rethink of the site …

Fashion's Tastemaker Journo Will Come To Your Party For A Mere $2500 — Derek Blasberg, the ubiquitous man-about-town social arbiter, covers parties for Condé Nast's Last Friday, he wrote about a fun little shindig Yves Saint Laurent threw. Thing is, a credible source tells us he asked for $2500 from the brand.

How the Press Covered Health Care Reform — Overview — It was a wild political donnybrook and the defining policy initiative of the Obama presidency to date. A Democratic chief executive was staking the crucial first year of his presidency on health care reform …

Lance Armstrong's tiff with Outside magazine — The editors of Outside magazine have posted a reply on-line to Lance Armstrong's Twitter critique, last week, of the July cover image — an image that he referred to as “lame bulls**t” — depicting him wearing a blue t-shirt emblazoned with the words “38.

Increased Advertiser Interest Signals Resurgence of Big TV — NEW YORK ( — After spending years complaining about TV, have advertisers embarked on a new love affair with the medium? Marketers have expressed frustration over pricing, effectiveness and nearly everything …

New York Times Designer Argues for Launching iPad App with Limited Features — Apple promotes the iPad as practically unlimited in its potential to reshape how we consume media. No wonder many responded tepidly to some media apps, with complaints about how little they do or how much they resemble their print ancestors.

Hacks/Hackers, Mozilla team up for Peer-to-Peer course — One of the standing features of Knight's Future of News and Civic Media conference is an award for collaborations that arise during the conference. And one winner this year was Hacks/Hackers — the journalists-and-programmers Meetup …

Who's the Best Brick Seller? — A winner has been selected in a contest sponsored by OgilvyOne Worldwide to find “the world's greatest salesperson” — a person proficient enough in pitching to be able to sell a common brick. — The contest is also serving as the inspiration for a new online reality series.

The Wrap Redesigns Its Website, Has A New ‘Major’ Hire; Nikki Finke Still Isn't Buying It — Back in April, when Hollywood news website announced it had secured $2 million in a second funding round, founder and editor-in-chief Sharon Waxman told paidContent's Rafat Ali that the money …
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