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YouTube wins case against Viacom — Today, the court granted our motion for summary judgment in Viacom's lawsuit with YouTube. This means that the court has decided that YouTube is protected by the safe harbor of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) against claims of copyright infringement.
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Spitzer, Parker to host primetime CNN show — Washington (CNN) - Former New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer and 2010 Pulitzer Prize winning columnist Kathleen Parker will co-host a new hour long CNN primetime news program starting in the fall as the nation prepares for the 2010 midterm election, the network announced Wednesday morning.
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A ‘Thankful’ Spitzer Anticipates Some Criticism — Eliot Spitzer described himself as “extremely thankful” to be getting an opportunity to revive his reputation as a television news host after the tawdry circumstances of his forced resignation as governor of New York.

A Politico Graf Goes Missing — Yesterday in one of Politico's write-ups of the furor that ensued as it became known that damaging quotes from General Stanley McChrystal and his staff would appear in an article by Michael Hastings in Rolling Stone, the following paragraphs appeared:

Diesel Wins Outdoor Grand Prix for ‘Be Stupid’ — Jury Also Awards Andes Beer Grand Prix for ‘Teletransporter’ for Its ‘Ambient’ Execution — CANNES, France ( — The trophies for outdoor at the 57th annual Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival today went to two different executions …

Ben Stiller to create Yahoo web show — ‘Webisodes’ to feature star's parents commenting on news items - but brand's David Beckham sponsorship likely to be dropped — Yahoo has signed up Ben Stiller, star of films including Zoolander and Dodgeball, to create an online current affairs show starring his parents.
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Clear Channel Chief Executive Stepping Down — Clear Channel Communications said on Wednesday that Mark P. Mays, its chief executive since 2004, would leave that post as soon as a replacement was found. — Mr. Mays's decision comes two years after two private equity firms …
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Rupert Murdoch Talks Media Predictions and the iPad — The topic of the opening night panel at this week's New York Forum on Tuesday was ostensibly corporate reinvention, and for a few moments the hour-plus discussion stuck to script. — Hearst Magazines president Cathie Black explained …

More turnover in the NYT bureau here — Randal C. Archibold, a reporter in the New York Times bureau in Los Angeles, is moving to Mexico City as bureau chief this summer. He will be joined by Damien Cave, currently the bureau chief in Miami. It represents a return to two reporters in Mexico City for the NYT.

RGB acquires RipCode with an eye on TV Everywhere and three-screen delivery — Network video processing company RGB Networks has acquired privately held mobile video transcoding specialist RipCode in an all-stock deal that helps RGB position itself as a leader—and an intriguing target itself …

Poll shows Americans trust Facebook and Twitter more than traditional media — A recent poll has revealed the news sources that Americans most trust, reports Reuters. And surprisingly, traditional media ended up on the bottom of the list, under social media sites like Facebook and Twitter.

Break Media Gets in Touch With Its Feminine Side — Break Media isn't just about marketing to dudes anymore, now that the ad network has added verticals for advertisers looking to reel in women viewers. The Los Angeles-based company said it has added 23 new categories …

A Site for the Videos You Don't Want Everyone to See — Some people post videos to YouTube and Facebook with the hope that they will go viral. But for many others, the idea of the whole world viewing a personal video is a nightmare. — VidMe, a new video site going live on Wednesday, is for the latter group.

In war of words, blogging platform Posterous takes preposterous swipe at Tumblr — Direct attacks and unprovoked hostility are usually reserved for gossip blogs, not the people who make the platforms that power them. — But Posterous, the blog service that lets users post using e-mail …

All the clichés fit to print — BP CEO Tony Hayward is embattled. If you haven't heard his name and that adjective together, you have managed somehow to avoid more than 200 newspapers and numerous radio and TV reports. By now, Hayward's parents might wonder whether their son has legally changed his first name to “Embattled.”

‘Time’ Magazine: The Last Of The Big Newsweeklies — The decision by the corporate owner of Newsweek to put the magazine up for sale has once more raised the question in journalism circles as to whether there's a role — or any future at all — for newsweekly magazines.

Brazilian Brands Love the Web — What if you could design your own pizza, tweet the recipe, and then order it in from your local Pizza Hut? Or close the deal on a new condo through an iPhone application? These are just two clever ways that brands in Brazil are using social media to engage customers …

MSNBC Readies a Cautious Move Onto the iPad — MSNBC is preparing its own entry into the iPad app derby. But the cable network is moving cautiously into the race: Its upcoming free app will feature programming from just one of its shows. — Mark Marvel, who runs video sales for …

When the SEC subpoenas journalists' sources — Henry Blodget, like all other right-thinking individuals, is appalled at the SEC recapitulating its David Einhorn let's-shoot-the-messenger errors with its subpoena of 37,000 documents from Sam Antar. But at the same time …

The Pitchfork Frankenstein Effect: Indie Powerhouse Now Spawns Bands in its Own Image — Ryan Schreiber, the founder of Pitchfork, thinks indie rock is getting younger. The 34-year-old, who launched his highly influential Web site from his parents' basement 15 years ago …