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San Mateo D.A. Withdraws Controversial Gizmodo iPhone Warrant — Today, San Mateo Superior Court Judge Clifford Cretan granted an application by the San Mateo County D.A.'s office to withdraw the controversial warrant it obtained to search the house of journalist Jason Chen.
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Gawker Media Deals Its Way Out Of iPhone Search Warrant — A California court has granted the request of local prosecutors to withdraw a controversial search warrant against an editor for the tech site Gizmodo over its scoop about the iPhone 4G. — Prosecutors have reached an agreement with Thomas Nolan …

Ex-Google News, Bing Engineers Set Out To Build ‘Newspaper Of The Future’ — Delivering news digitally in a personalized manner is a nut many a startup - as well as many established Internet companies and publishers - are desperately trying to crack. — A newly-founded Palo Alto startup called Hawthorne Labs is one of them.

Gene Weingarten column mentions Lady Gaga. — Not very long ago, the typical American newsroom had three types of jobs: reporter, editor and photographer. But lately, as newspapers have been frantically converting themselves into high-tech, 24-hour online operations, things are more complicated.

Gannett and Yahoo! Announce Local Advertising Partnership — Related Quotes — MCLEAN, Va. & SUNNYVALE, Calif.—(BUSINESS WIRE)—Gannett (NYSE: GCI - News) and Yahoo! (Nasdaq: YHOO - News) today announced a local advertising partnership that brings together Gannett's strong local media …

Gannett says second-quarter profit more than doubled — Gannett reports it earned $195.5 million, or 81 cents per share, for the three months ended June 27 — up from $70.5 million, or 30 cents per share, a year earlier. Excluding one-time items, it says it earned 61 cents per share, beating analysts' forecast of 53 cents per share.
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No, seriously: What the Old Spice ads can teach us about news' future — BrandFlakesforBreakfast might have put it best: “...If you live in a cave, you need to be aware of the fact that Old Spice owned the internet yesterday.” — Indeed. How the brand did that owning is fascinating …
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WP taps Sullivan to oversee features sections and Sunday paper — To the Staff: — We are pleased to announce several leadership changes in the newsroom that will put a stronger emphasis on our Sunday editions and strengthen the leadership of our features sections.

comScore Launches Video Metrix 2.0 to Measure Evolving Web Video Landscape — Next Generation Online Video Measurement Service Features Video Ad Reporting — New Metrics Enable Cross-Media Comparability and Help Improve Monetization of the Online Video Medium

NBCU Profits, Revenues Gain; Good Enough For Parent GE — NBC Universal's earnings performance in Q2 was described as “good” by parent General Electric (NYSE: GE) this morning, as the expected sale to Comcast (NSDQ: CMCSA) inches closer. The broadcaster's profit's were up 13 percent …

An open letter on the value of Design — Like many of our colleagues, we read with concern this week's announcement of Gannett's plans for regional hubs to build pages for many of their newspapers. This plan is similar to others that have sought to template publications and centralize parts …
Gannett Blog

Google News changes reflect your feedback — Two weeks ago we gave the Google News homepage a new look and feel with enhanced customization, discovery and sharing. This redesign was our biggest since Google News launched in beta in 2002. — Some of you told us that you really liked it …

Gannett CEO Dubow: iPad App Will Remain Free, Ad Supported Through Q3 — With advertiser interest in Gannett's USA Today iPad app still running high, CEO Craig Dubow said that the app will remain free and ad supported at least through Q3. USAT has a set of free news and travel apps available …
Mobile Media

“Experts” misunderestimate our traffic, and we don't know why — In today's installment of “reddit needs moar money”, we visit the topic of our traffic numbers. Here's a screenshot of our Google Analytics page: (Note to the Photoshop Gimp Police: The screenshots in this blog post …

Are Newspapers Sticking to a Premium Strategy Amid Digital Disruption? — Six months into 2010, this is shaping up to be a better year for newspapers. One might be cheered simply by the pace and scope of experimentation in 2010: digital futurism headlining the Newspaper Association …

“What the audience wants” isn't always junk journalism — Should news organizations give the audience what it wants? — Swap out “news organization” for “company” and “audience” for “customers” and the question seems absurd. But journalists have traditionally considered it a core principle …

Media groups side with Westboro Baptist Church — It is a journalism cliché that media are supposed to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable, so it may come as a surprise that 22 media groups have sided with a hate group against the father of a fallen Marine.

Internal Memo: Intelligence Community Frets About Washington Post Series — Below, a memorandum sent two weeks ago by Art House, director of communications for the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, to public affairs officers in the intelligence community about the Washington Post's upcoming series on contractors.

Ushahidi in 3G: How media outlets could extend the mapping platform beyond crisis communications — Since its launch in early 2008, the crowdsourced mapping platform Ushahidi has been used to monitor elections in Burundi, to track violence in Pakistan, to coordinate aid in Haiti.

Why Didn't Patrick Keane Go To Yahoo? — After former Associated Content CEO Patrick Keane sold the company to Yahoo for about $100 million two months ago, most of us figured he'd join Big Purple post-haste. — He hasn't and he won't. How come? — One former Yahoo exec says he warned Patrick …