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Literary Agent Plans E-Book Editions — The literary agent Andrew Wylie said on Wednesday that he would begin his own publishing venture, called Odyssey Editions, which will produce e-book editions of titles by some of his clients, including Saul Bellow, John Updike and Philip Roth.

Amazon strikes sweet exclusive deal - good for them, bad for consumers — Amazon announced today that it had reached an agreement with Andrew Wylie, head of the successful New York agency whose clients include such authors as Oliver Sacks, Salman Rushdie, and Philip Roth …
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After Second Quarter, New York Times Co. is ‘Well Positioned’ But Also Staring at Increasing Costs — The New York Times Company is “well-positioned to thrive,” according to CEO Janet Robinson, who announced the company's second-quarter earnings this morning. The best news is that there were no major catastrophes this quarter.
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Hulu Tops Video Ad Views, Grosses $19 Million in June — Everyone knows YouTube and its affiliated Google sites are top of the pops in terms of video views. comScore indicates in June 2010 Google captured 144.5 million unique viewers. Hulu's view counts tick in at roughly 16% of those numbers for a total of 24 million.
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Survey: Half of Journalists Think Their Offline Publications Will Eventually Fold — Journalists appear to be reaching an equilibrium of sorts between print and digital media - an “equilibrium of sorts” because it appears the scales are tipped heavily in favor of going digital.

ABC News iPad App Debuts, Meant To Redefine News As Leisure Activity — ABC News became the first broadcast news division to release an application for the iPad Wednesday. — The network's app is more than just a website converted for the iPad: it centers around a simulated 3-D “news globe …

Hollywood: Google TV would put us on board big pirate ship — The comments are streaming in from video and content providers on the Federal Communications Commission's AllVid proposal. Quite a few are critical of the scheme, especially those of the trade association representing Hollywood's biggest studios. more music on YouTube — If you want easier ways to discover music on YouTube, just start here. Our revamped music page - part of a redesign that started with our shows and movies pages - showcases the most viewed music videos, special promotions, curated playlists …
ReadWriteWeb, The Next Web, NewTeeVee, Fortune, CNET News, The Wrap, MediaMemo, Silicon Alley Insider and WatchingTV Online, more at Techmeme »

Does Fox News Fuel the Tea Party? — Fox News correspondent Carl Cameron, in conversation at the Netroots Nation convention, said his network blew up the Shirley Sherrod story, that Senate candidate Sharron Angle is “always seems confused,” and agreed that his network boosts the Tea Party.
Media Matters for America

Arianna Huffington Is Moving to New York — Web empress Arianna Huffington is moving from Los Angeles to New York, multiple sources tell us, which means the globetrotting boss will finally be living in the same city as the editorial headquarters of her Huffington Post. Brace yourselves, underlings.

How Content Farms Train Their Writers to Write for the Web — Education content on MediaShift is sponsored by Carnegie-Knight News21, an alliance of 12 journalism schools in which top students tell complex stories in inventive ways. See tips for spurring innovation and digital learning at
Silicon Alley Insider, The Atlantic Wire, The Independent Journalist, Gannett Blog, Romenesko and WebNewser

The Rise of Private News — A niche model can make a lot of money. What are the costs? — Anyone who has spent time in a newsroom lately is familiar with the conversation—generally conducted in the “hushed tone you use for someone who's just been through rehab or divorce,” …

Fareed Zakaria is Newsweek's MVP — Commentary: A favorite of Jon Stewart and a CNN star, to boot — NEW YORK (MarketWatch) — Fareed Zakaria is a star. — He has flourished as the editor of Newsweek International and as one of the most admired global pundits.

You Report: What's happening now in the Bay Area? — Though YouTube is a global site, it's often local videos that are most relevant to your life. When people use camcorders and mobile phones to capture newsworthy events in their neighborhoods and upload them to YouTube, they're broadening the window into our own communities.

Getting the message on Journolist's controversial postings — To conservatives, it is a pulling back of the curtain to expose the media's mendacity. — To liberals, it is a selective sliming based on e-mails that were supposed to remain private. — But there is no getting around the fact …

BBC Launches U.S. News Site with Video Lifestyle Shows Rolling Out Shortly — In an effort to maximize advertising dollars around the big U.S. market for online news, the BBC has launched a U.S. destination. — The site will be more U.S.-centric, surfacing up more U.S. based coverage.

AOL Mobile Goes HTML5, Picks Android Over iPhone for New App — Longtime Internet pioneer, AOL today matured its mobile platform with two new applications for Android handsets and an HTML5 version of the AOL Mobile website for smartphones. The new site — still found at …

‘The Best Camera is the One You Have With You’ . . . introducing the iOScars — Author: Seth Weisfeld, Digital Creative Director, BBH New York (@seth_weisfeld) — “The best camera is the one you have with you.” — Powerful technologies and tools for creativity and filmmaking used to be exclusively in the hands of professionals.

Digitisation and its discontents — Why some media outfits still refuse to go online — WHAT do the Beatles, Harry Potter, Bella magazine and the grizzled crew of the Northwestern, an Alaskan crab-fishing boat, have in common? They are scarcely available digitally.