Top News:

As Combat Troops Leave Iraq, News Media Ride Along — The combat mission in Iraq doesn't officially end until Aug. 31 but viewers and readers could be forgiven for thinking it ended tonight. — In a broadcast that Brian Williams said constituted an “official Pentagon announcement,” …
The Huffington Post, Mediaite, CNN, Washington Post, B&C, The Wire, Inside Cable News, Romenesko, Online NewsHour, On Media's Blog, Hot Air, Aljazeera, Los Angeles Times, Wonkette, Gawker and New York Magazine

NBC/MSNBC All-Stars Exclusively Report On Last US Combat Troops Leaving Iraq — Now we know where Rachel Maddow has been hiding these past few days: Baghdad. The MSNBC primetime star traveled to Iraq, along with embedded NBC reporter Richard Engel, to deliver an exclusive report …
TVNewser, Media Decoder, Chickaboomer, Florida News Center and Inside Cable News

We Need To Change Copyright Laws To Save Newspapers — Copyright and patent laws were introduced to benefit society by providing authors and inventors incentives to create; by giving authors and inventors an opportunity for personal gain from their own creativity intellectual property protections create …
Zombie Journalism, NetNewsCheck Latest, TeleRead and

iVillage to Launch New User-Gen Content Section — iVillage has always maintained a close relationship with its community—particularly its more vocal and active members. — Now the NBC Universal-owned site is looking to channel the energies of several of its vociferous users …
eMedia Vitals

Gawker's No Longer a Blog — Gawker is no longer a blog. And Nick Denton no longer runs a blog network. — Gawker Media - which, for better or worse, defined and largely influenced the modern blogosphere as we all know it — is undergoing a massive redesign that will render its collection …

Print Culture 101: A Cheat Sheet and Syllabus — Editor's Note: So, people no longer just read ink printed on paper. Now that the electronic word has become embedded in our lives, we have a new perspective on what might have been special and specific about the last few hundred years of information dissemination.

Skype's Chief Development Officer Leaves Amid TechCrunch Comment Fiasco — Madhu Yarlagadda, who joined Skype as Chief Development Officer last month, has left the company. Generally speaking executives don't leave a startup as it jumps into the IPO process, and they certainly don't leave after just a month on the job.
Bits, AdScam/The Horror!, VentureBeat and paidContent, more at Techmeme »

Zakaria Jumping to Time From Newsweek — Time magazine will announce Thursday that Fareed Zakaria, a columnist for The Washington Post and Newsweek and editor of Newsweek's international editon, has been named a contributing editor for Time and will write a column for the magazine every other week.

Where Do Media Companies Give Their PAC Money? — News Corp. the parent company of Fox News Channel, gave a $1 million donation to the Republican Governors Association in June through its News America PAC. The news was buried in a story in Bloomberg Businessweek.
Mediaite, Slate, Guardian, On Media's Blog and Most Recent Home Page Posts …

As Web Surfers Share, Marketers Track — Add this to the list of consumer-data collection tactics that can raise eyebrows: Clearspring Technologies' “AddThis” button. — The button allows users to alert friends and contacts to interesting or useful material on the Web.

Gannett Debuts School Sports Microsites — 38 media markets get local sites this month — Gannett is launching more than 100 co-branded local sports sites out of its division. Gannett says the “microsites,” a joint operation between Gannett's TV …
paidContent, eMedia Vitals and NetNewsCheck Latest

Ofcom report highlights ‘multi-tasking media users’ — Multi-tasking allows people to consume even more — The average Briton spends almost half of their waking life using media and communications, data suggests. — The statistics from regulator Ofcom suggest people in the UK spend seven hours …

Financial Times launches new audience measurement — The Financial Times has launched a print and digital circulation measure that calculates the total number of people who access paid-for FT content each day. — The paper believes the measure is the first of its kind produced by a media owner.

YouTube Launches Charts to Rank Top Web Videos — YouTube has just announced it will be featuring its top videos in a new section called YouTube Charts. — This page will keep you updated on which videos are trending right now, which are all-time classics, how various vids stack up against one another and more.
eMedia Vitals and The Next Web

The Newsonomics of the FT as an Internet retailer — [Each week, our friend Ken Doctor — author of Newsonomics and longtime watcher of the business side of digital news — writes about the economics of the news business for the Lab.] — Back in 2002, the Financial Times took …

How Training Citizen Journalists Made a Difference — I recently attended the Walkley Media Conference in Sydney, Australia. It is run by the Walkley Foundation, a very interesting outfit that I'm learning more and more about. The Foundation aims to encourage professional and ethical journalism …

The kids are alright: How news organizations can tap the vast potential of younger consumers — [Christopher Sopher is a senior at the University of North Carolina, where he is a Morehead-Cain Scholar and a Truman Scholar. He has been a multimedia editor of the Daily Tar Heel and has worked for the Knight Foundation.

The Tech News Pyramid Scheme — It is a rare time of year: The Tech Conference Latitudes. Behind us are News Corp's AllThingsD, AlwaysOn's AlwaysOn at Stanford, TimeWarner's Fortune Brainstorm, and the eponymous Techonomy. In a few weeks we will have TechCrunch, GigaOm, and Web 2.0.

Global Pay TV Expect To Hit $312M in 2010 — TV advertising revenues continues to show strength post-recession — as do pay TV revenues. Revenues from global pay TV services — cable, satellite, IPTV — have climbed 9% in the second quarter to $58 billion, versus the same period in 2009 …

The Changing Face of Publishing — Things seem to be happening quickly in the publishing world. Quickly and, unfortunately, not optimistically. — I'm currently in Florida, having just spoken at a mystery writer convention. They flew me here to talk about ebooks.