Top News:

Long-Form Journalism Finds an Online Friend — Anyone who's spent time writing for the Web knows the basic rule: Keep it short. Attention spans, we are told, are collapsing faster than pig houses on Angry Birds. At this rate, municipalities won't just fluoridate their city water supply, they'll have to Ritalinize it as well.

New Surveys Say Publishers Expect Mobile To Pay Off Big Within Two Years — ABC: Just 19 percent of publishers are satisfied with Apple's model. — Two new publishing surveys predict rapid revenue growth for mobile apps in the next few years, although one shows most publishers rejecting the switch to an all-digital format.

ABCi: Publishers say paid content, ads part of mobile revenue strategy
Discussion:, and paidContent

Group Plans New Venture to Challenge WikiLeaks — Former Staffers to Take Roles in Rival Document-Sharing Initiative — WikiLeaks, the document-leaking website that has come under intense pressure after publishing classified U.S. military documents, is facing a new challenge: competition.
News Desk, and SAI

BBC facing news blackout as journalists strike over pensions — Programmes including evening bulletins, Newsnight and Radio 4's Today will be affected during tomorrow's 48-hour walkout — The BBC faces a news blackout tomorrow across its main TV and radio news programmes, including Radio 4's Today …
BBC Press Office, CJR, About the BBC blog feed, BBC, NPR Topics, Editors Weblog, Virtual Economics and Jon Slattery

The top 10 key lessons for hyperlocal journalism startups from ONA10 — By Pekka Pekkala: If you are dreaming about your own news site, you are not alone: hyperlocal sites are popping up everywhere. At ONA10 last week in Washington, D.C., veterans of the hyperlocal scene shared they experiences, both successes and failures.

Hulu Plus Opens to All, No Invite Needed — Hulu Plus, the premium version of online video hub Hulu, has now opened its doors to all interested users, according to a post this morning on the company's corporate blog. — Says Rob Wong, Director of Product for Hulu, users no longer need an invitation to sign up for Hulu Plus.

More Content, More Devices — Since we kicked off our preview …
Faster Forward, Business Wire, MediaPost,, VentureBeat, paidContent, Gadget Lab and CrunchGear

How Facebook and Twitter Are Replacing Blogging — It's hard to recall these days, now that most bloggers are corporate drones (*cough*), but blogging was originally the pursuit of hobbyists. And now a lot of those hobbyists appear to be giving it up, or at least cutting back …

Sans Newsweek, WaPo Publishing Revs Gain Modestly; Online Surges — The Washington Post (NYSE: WPO) Company's publishing division looked pretty good without Newsweek in Q3. The magazine, which counted as an $11.5 million loss in the discontinued operations column, was sold …

New York Post's Weiss Defects to — The New York Post will have to do without the reporter famed for breaking stories on a planned mafia hit on Rudy Giuliani and Attorney General Eliot Spitzer's hitting on hookers at the Emperor's Club. Investigative reporter Murray Weiss …
Runnin' Scared

How one company games Google News — Note the second cluster of stories produced by a Google News search for “iTunes” yesterday afternoon. All of those Red Label News stories were basically the same: spammy SEO-keywords alongside Web ads. — (Credit: Screenshot by Tom Krazit/CNET)

Nielsen Admits Undercounting Web Traffic — Computer Glitch Caused System to Under Count Time Spent By 22% — NEW YORK ( — The Nielsen Co. disclosed today it has been undercounting traffic to websites — for at least the last three months — due to a flaw in its system that failed …
paidContent, FM Blog and MediaPost

Nets Owner Mikhail Prokhorov Doesn't Need You To Read His Magazine — On Oct. 28, Mikhail Prokhorov, the billionaire owner of the New Jersey Nets, threw a lavish launch party in Chelsea to celebrate the arrival of Snob magazine in New York. The event was complete with foie gras and a performance by jazz songstress Cassandra Wilson.

Exclusive: Bloglines Will Be Resurrected By IAC-Funded MerchantCircle — The saga continues. After informing us in September that the IAC-owned Bloglines was to be shut down permanently, (the IAC property that operates Bloglines) has resurrected the troubled RSS feeder, the company tells TechCrunch exclusively.

Analyst: Howard Stern's Decision Doesn't Impact Sirius … With apologies to the Clash — a band heard frequently on Sirius XM's '80s channels — should he stay or should he go? — We're talking about Howard Stern, and Sirius XM may or may not update Wall Street during its earnings call Thursday …

Associated Press Television News to undergo complete digital transformation — The digital upgrade allows the AP to enhance the compelling coverage delivered every day from around the world — NEW YORK - Associated Press Television News, the world's leading video news agency …

Copyright Infringement and Me — The tl;dr version of this post: My 2005 Ice Dragon entry, called “A Tale of Two Tarts” was apparently printed without my knowledge or permission in a magazine and I am apparently the victim of copyright infringement. — The story:
Romenesko, Online Journalism Blog, Edward Champion's …, Common Sense Journalism, Media Decoder, Daily Dish, Globe and Mail, Guardian, BlogHer, the Econsultancy blog, The Consumerist, MediaPost, CNET News, Techland, Faster Forward, All Facebook, Mixed Media,, Techdirt, SAI, BlogPost,, Geekosystem, Gizmodo, Gothamist, CJR, Daring Fireball and Boing Boing

Magazine Editor Steals Article, Tells Writer ‘You Should Compensate Me!’

In Demand — I spent eight years at The Miami Herald, mainly writing features, and when the paper laid me off in 2009, I was humiliated and sad. But people told me getting laid off could be a good thing and I listened to them. “Invent” and “take charge” and “define” …

My Summer on the Content Farm
CJR, Romenesko, New York Observer and New York Magazine