Top News:

A News Corp. Newspaper, but Not in Print — People who own an iPad will tell you it makes everything look sexier. Maybe even a newspaper. — Rupert Murdoch, an old-timey newspaper romantic, has nonetheless deputized himself as the digital savior of paid content.

What Should An iPad Newspaper Look Like? — News Corp is taking the iPad very seriously as a new way to distribute the news. The media giant is taking it so seriously that it is developing a new publication called the Daily which will only be available on the iPad (no print edition, no Website).
Media News, more at Techmeme »

The integrated iPad news daily: Read all about it! — When I wrote my opinion on the future of publishing (Citizen Publisher), I focused my lens on books and magazines. Published works that have relatively low time-sensitivity and hence relatively long shelf life are quite different …

Steve Jobs and Rupert Murdoch, BFF?
Mashable!, and Guardian

Old Media Decides Digital Still Needs a ‘Chief’ — Time Inc., Gannett, Clear Channel and Wenner All Seek a New ‘CDO’ — NEW YORK ( — It's a good time to be a “chief digital officer,” or at least play one inside a media organization. After a brief heyday mid-decade …

For NBC Sale, Tensions Rise in Washington — Comcast is still in negotiations with the government over its proposed takeover of NBC Universal, but that did not stop the cable company from announcing a new management slate for the entertainment giant last week.
Online Video News, Hillicon Valley and Gizmodo

UK papers ‘too dependent on ads’ — Book edited by Oxford University academics also claims there is no correlation between internet use and newspaper profitability — British newspapers are too dependent on advertising according to a new book edited by academics at Oxford University.
Editor's Blog

Oxford Academics: Web Not To Blame For Newspapers' Slide — British newspapers are too dependent on advertising according to a new book edited by academics at Oxford University. — This imbalance is the main reason for a spate of closures and mass redundancies at publishing groups in recent years, they argue.

Netflix's secret sauce for acquiring content — If you're a Netflix subscriber, you should be happy with the sounds coming out of Hollywood. — One entertainment executive told me last week that other Web video companies looking for content should use Netflix as a model for how to work with the major studios.
New York Post

Fighting Unlicensed Content With Algorithms — It's high time to fight the theft of news-related contents, really. A couple of weeks ago, Attributor, a US company, released the conclusions of a five-month study covering the use of unauthorized contents on the internet.

Online TV Streams Come Under Fire — In the latest cat-and-mouse game between media companies and technology start-ups threatening to undermine their businesses, the big networks are intensifying their fight to stop Internet services that stream TV stations online.
Company Town

Resentment News (and More Blondes Per Square Foot): Explaining What Fox News Channel Is — Not sure whether I will continue to do these things, but I recorded my second Late Night with PressThink video. It tries to explain “what Fox News actually is, which really means explaining it to myself...”
Balloon Juice, Terry Heaton's PoMo Blog and NPR

A Movie Critic Loses Her Screening Privileges (But Gets 'Em Back) — LOS ANGELES — Was it something I said? — Debbie Schlussel, the Michigan-based blogger and movie critic, was left to wonder whether she had offended the powers at Paramount Pictures when she learned last month …
Romenesko and Debbie Schlussel

Memo Pad: Kate Middleton, Cover Girl... Jones Empowerment — KATE MIDDLETON, COVER GIRL: Move over, teen moms from middle America, it looks like Kate Middleton will be the new queen of celebrity weeklies for a while. After an eight-year courtship, it was announced last week that Middleton …
New York Observer

Glenn Beck's George Soros shows. — It's hardly news when Fox News airs something nasty. This time, though, it's personal—or, at least, institutional. Recently, the nation's highest-rated cable-news network's biggest star devoted three hour-long episodes of his program to an attack on a single prominent citizen.