Top News:

Exclusive: ‘Gnosis’ Explains The Method And Reasoning Behind Gawker Media Hack — Over the last 24 hours Gawker Media's network of sites have been under attack from a group who have identified themselves “Gnosis,” a seemingly mysterious collective of hackers who has been falsely considered part …
Felix Salmon, Urlesque, The Not-So Private Parts, Runnin' Scared, The Next Web and Associated Press

Commenting Accounts Compromised — Change Your Passwords — Our user databases appear to have been compromised. The passwords were encrypted. But simple ones may be vulnerable to a brute-force attack. You should change your Gawker password and on any other sites on which you've used the same passwords.

Far Worse Than Previously Thought: Gawker Content Management System Hacked
Gawker, Runnin' Scared and The Wire

No More Paywall for E&P Online — ‘E&P, tear down this wall!’ — When former President Reagan told the head of the Communist Party Mikhail Gorbachev to tear down The Berlin Wall in 1987, he was asking for change and openness across the Eastern Bloc. — Editor & Publisher magazine wants …

Web Focus Helps Revitalize The Atlantic — WASHINGTON — How did a 153-year-old magazine — one that first published the “Battle Hymn of the Republic” and gave voice to the abolitionist and transcendentalist movements — reinvent itself for the 21st century?
The Daily Dish

E-Books Entice as New Frontier for Ads — The marketing world is drawing up plans to invade one of the last bastions of media that is largely advertising-free: books. — As e-books proliferate, advertisers are experimenting with ways to pitch to consumers while they read …

Forbes unveils plans to launch a European title — Steve Forbes, the billionaire magazine owner and a former Republican presidential candidate, has revealed plans to launch a Forbes Europe title next year. — Forbes Media, in which Elevation Partners - the private equity firm of U2's Bono …
Talking Biz News

Citizen journalists can fill the gaps — Next month, more than 40 freshman legislators will take their oaths at the General Assembly. As they begin to tackle the issues of the day, including a looming $3.5 billion budget hole, where will these representatives turn for information?
Global Vue

Readers With Plenty to Say — LATE at night, at home in the Eastern time zone, Karen Garcia awaits the electronic publication of The Times's daily dose of two Op-Ed columnists. Her goal: read fast, formulate a hurried response and fire back with her “comment.”
The Public Editor's Journal

Microsoft Introduces Montage, a Magazine-Like, Topic-Based Web App — At LeWeb yesterday, Microsoft demonstrated a pretty, new way to curate the web's information: Montage. — Montage looks and feels a lot like a glossy magazine web or tablet app. It works by allowing the user to pick …

Jay Rosen and the Watchdog Web — I have to say what nearly fifty thousand Twitter followers already know: nobody does a better job of following and writing about what's going on in journalism than Jay Rosen. The dude just nails it, over and over and over again.

Way off the Rails — CNN's prime-time lineup reflects a network in disarray. — Deborah Potter ( is executive director of NewsLab, a broadcast training and research center, and a former network correspondent. — A disgraced ex-governor, a talent show host and an Oprah wannabe.
The Wire and Chickaboomer

Judiciary panel to take up Espionage Act, legal options against WikiLeaks — Lawmakers may be getting anxious to wrap up business before the holiday recess, but the House Judiciary panel is pulling the full committee together Thursday to delve into options to tackle the WikiLeaks scandal.
New York Times, The Huffington Post and Beyond Search, Thanks:gnagesh